2007-2008 Graduate Catalog
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•Directory• Master of Science in Applied Exercise and Health Science Kennesaw State University (770) 423-6216 1000 Chastain Road http://www.kennesaw.edu/hps Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-5591 Master of Science in Information www.kennesaw.edu Systems Graduate Dean (678) 797-2025 http://science.kennesaw.edu/csis/msis (770) 423-6738 http://www.kennesaw.edu/graduate/ Master of Science in Nursing administration.html (770) 499-3230 Graduate Admissions http://www.kennesaw.edu/chhs/ schoolofnursing/MastersPrograms.htm (770) 420-4377 http://www.kennesaw.edu/graduate/admissions Master of Arts in Professional Writing (770) 423-6297 Doctorate of Education in Leadership http://mapw.kennesaw.edu for Learning (Ed.D.) Master of Public Administration http://www.kennesaw.edu/education/ (770) 423-6631 grad/edd/ http://www.kennesaw.edu/pols/mpa Master of Accounting Master of Social Work (770) 423-6087 (770) 423-6630 http://coles.kennesaw.edu/KSUColes/ http://www.kennesaw.edu/humanservices ProspectiveStudents/GraduateProgram/ Master of Science in Applied Statistics Master of Business Administration (770) 423-6551 •Career Growth MBA http://math.kennesaw.edu/appstat/ (770) 423-6087 •Georgia WebMBA Graduate Student Services (770) 423-6087 Bookstore •MBA for Experienced Professionals (770) 423-6261 (770) 420-4622 http://bookstore.kennesaw.edu Website for all MBA programs: http://coles.kennesaw.edu/KSUColes/ Student Financial Aid ProspectiveStudents/GraduateProgram/ (770) 423-6074 http://www.kennesaw.edu/financial_aid Master of Science in Applied Library Computer Science (770) 423-6202 (678) 797-2025 http://www.kennesaw.edu/library http://msacs.kennesaw.edu Registrar Master of Science in Conflict (770) 423-6200 Management http://www.kennesaw.edu/registrar (770) 423-6299 http://www.kennesaw.edu/pols/mscm For application and registration deadlines, view the Master of Education academic calendar at www.kennesaw.edu/registrar (770) 423-6043 Additional directory information appears on http://www.kennesaw.edu/education/grad inside back cover or visit www.kennesaw.edu and select directories. A KSU Campus Map is located in the back of this catalog or visit www.kennesaw.edu/maps Campus Directory-General Information 770.423.6000 678.797.2xxx (extensions)– 770.499.3xxx (extensions) 770.420.4xxx (extensions)– 770.423.6xxx (extensions) What You Need Office to Contact Ext. Location Academic Advisor (if major decided) Office of your major area of study Academic Advisor (if uncertain of major) CAPS Center Kennesaw Hall 2401 Address Change www.kennesaw.edu/registrar 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Adult Learner Assistance Student Development Center 6701 Student Center 213 Alumni Information Alumni Affairs Appeal of grade Instructor first, then Department Chair Career counseling CAPS Center 6600 Kennesaw Hall 2401 Change of major Department of New Major Continuing Education information Continuing Education 6765 KSU Executive Center Cooperative Education/Internship Career Services 6555 Kennesaw Hall 2617 Copy of transcript Registrar-www.kennesaw.edu/ 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 registrar Counselor CAPS Center 6600 Kennesaw Hall 2401 Declaration of major Department of Major Donations to KSU or Foundation Development Office 6027 Advancement Bldg. 160 External Affairs University Relations 6203 Advnacement Bldg. 107 Fee information and refunds Bursar’s Office 6419 Student Center 233 Financial Aid Student Financial Aid 6074 Kennesaw Hall 1311 Gifts/Grants Development Office 6027 Advancement Bldg. 160 Graduate Program Information Graduate Admissions 4377 Kennesaw Hall 3401 GSL checks, Pell checks, Refunds, & Bursar’s Office 6419 Student Center 233 Scholarship Checks Health & Fitness Information Center for Health Promotion & Wellness 6394 Student Center Health Information Health Center 6644 Nursing Help for disabled persons Student Development Center 6443 Student Center 268A Housing information Residence Life 4388 Student Center 156 ID Card Universal Card Services Center 3436 Student Center 219 Intercollegiate Athletics Intercollegiate Athletics 6284 Gym 110, 112, 113 International Student Services Student Development Center 6512 Student Center 258 Intramural activities Student Life Center 3207 Student Center 171 Job after graduation Career Services 6555 Kennesaw Hall 2617 Job on/off campus Career Services 6555 Kennesaw Hall 2617 Job on campus (work study) Student Financial Aid 6074 Kennesaw Hall 1311 Judiciary/Traffic Court Information Judiciary Office 3403 Student Center 286-287 KSU Foundation information Development Office 6207 Advancement Bldg. 160 Learning Support information Department of University Studies 6207 Sturgis Library 411 Minority Student Assistance Student Development Center 3546 Student Center 263 Non-Traditional Student Assistance Student Development Center 6701 Student Center 261 Payment of parking ticket Bursar’s Office 6016 Student Center 233 Personal help CAPS Center 6600 Kennesaw Hall 2401 Perkins checks Bursar’s Office 6475 Student Center 233 Petition to graduate Registrar 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Photocopying Library 6186 Sturgis Library Press Inquiries University Relations 6203 TP 4586C Readmission application Admissions 6300 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Regents’ Examination www.kennesaw.edu/registrar 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Registration information www.kennesaw.edu/registrar 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Residency status change VP/Business & Finance 3536 Kennesaw Hall 3441 ROTC information ROTC 6229 KSU House # 48 Student activities information Student Life Center 6280 Student Center 274 Student publications information Student Life Center 6280 Student Center 277 Transfer credit evaluations www.kennesaw.edu/registrar 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Tuition information Bursar’s Office 6419 Student Center 233 Veteran’s information Registrar 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Volunteerism Student Development Center 6700 Student Center 264 Withdraw from a class Registrar 6200 Kennesaw Hall 1501 Writing assistance Writing Center 6380 Humanities 237B i A Unit of the University System of Georgia 2007-2008 Graduate Catalog 1000 Chastain Road Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-5591 (770) 423-6000 www.kennesaw.edu ii i The 2007-2008 University In the event that an administrative hearing Graduate Catalog officer or a court of record determines that This catalog was prepared in the spring of “publications” issued by the university create 2007. The material presented is for infor- a contractual or quasi-contractual relation- mational purposes only and should not be ship with any person, the amount of damages construed as the basis of a contract between a recoverable by the parties shall be limited student and this institution. to the amount of consideration paid by the person for the privilege of admission, enroll- While the provisions of this catalog will ordi- ment, continued enrollment or other service narily be applied as stated, Kennesaw State rendered by the institution to such person. University reserves the right to change any provision listed in this catalog, including As used herein, the term “publications” but not limited to academic requirements for (without limiting the generality of the normal graduation, without actual notice to indi- meaning of the term) shall be deemed to vidual students. include any and all written forms or other documents issued by the institution concern- Every effort will be made to keep students ing applications for admission, enrollment advised of any new information and/or or continued enrollment, waivers of liability, changes in provisions listed in this catalog. consents to medical treatment and any and The Schedule of Credit Courses is considered an all other written forms, documents, letters or extension of this catalog. Both the online cata- other materials issued by the university in log and the Schedule of Credit Courses (http:// furtherance of its educational mission. www.kennesaw.edu/registrar) are always the most current, and printed copies are available Equal Opportunity/ in the Office of Admissions and the Registrar, Affirmative Action respectively. Kennesaw State University is an affirmative action/equal educational and employment It is incumbent on students to keep apprised opportunity institution and does not discrimi- of the graduation requirements for the degree nate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, they are pursuing. disability, national origin, or sexual orientation. Students have the responsibility to read this The Graduate College catalog, official announcements, notices Kennesaw State University posted on bulletin boards and otherwise to be 1000 Chastain Road informed completely in regard to the programs Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591 of studies, credits, degree requirements, qual- (770) 423-6738 ity points and other facts relating to life at this http://www.kennesaw.edu/graduate university. KSU has established a free student account email system and will periodically email students with important messages. The Cover Design by Christopher Ward university will use this email system exclu- sively to communicate with students. iii Welcome from the President Dear Students: Welcome to Kennesaw State University! You are attending a fine university, and during the course of this and upcoming years, it will become even better. KSU’s faculty, staff, and adminis- tration are committed to excellence in everything we do, and I am sure that you, as a graduate student, are also committed to excellence. Over the years, Kennesaw State has grown from a small two-year institution to what it is today—a comprehensive university with almost 20,000 students offering bachelors,