Photos needed for our practical “How-to” guides We are looking for real garden photos to illustrate our leaflets on how to help wildlife in gardens – especially pictures showing projects in progress, and creatures making use of the finished work. They should be clear and in focus, but don’t need to be higher resolution than about 900 pixels square. By submitting pictures you are allowing us to use them on our web-pages and down-loadable pdf leaflets, and you will be fully credited as their author – so please send your name or nickname in the forms you would like to be credited with the pictures. Please send them by email to
[email protected] The lists below show the titles we are creating and some ideas of the photos we would like you to send to us. It would help if you gave the number or title of the leaflet(s) so we can easily sort them out ready for use. The first list is for publications we want to create urgently to help a community project with our partners Learning through Landscapes in Leicester. The second list is not so urgent, but the sooner we get pictures, the faster we can produce the leaflets 1. Photos needed as soon as possible for “How-to” leaflets and web pages Title Photo examples we would like 1 Improve your Photos of bees, hoverflies, butterflies and moths on flowers garden for bees & Photos of bees taking water, butterflies on fallen fruit, other pollinators Burrowing solitary bees in ground or on a bank, bumble bee emerging from underground nest, small bee hotel with holes bored in wood or bamboo stems 2 Improve your garden Garden beetles in natural habitat, especially larvae.