SZC Bk6 ES V2 Ch10 Transp

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SZC Bk6 ES V2 Ch10 Transp The Sizewell C Project 6.3 Volume 2 Main Development Site Chapter 10 Transport Revision: 1.0 Applicable Regulation: Regulation 5(2)(a) PINS Reference Number: EN010012 May 2020 Planning Act 2008 Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 SIZEWELL C PROJECT – ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Contents 10. Transport ....................................................................................................................... 1 10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 10.2 Legislation, policy and guidance .................................................................................. 2 10.3 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 4 10.4 Baseline environment .................................................................................................11 10.5 Environmental design and mitigation .........................................................................29 10.6 Assessment ................................................................................................................32 10.7 Mitigation and monitoring ...........................................................................................93 10.8 Residual effects ..........................................................................................................96 References .............................................................................................................................119 Tables Table 10.1: Assessment of the value or sensitivity of receptors for transport .......................... 9 Table 10.2: Assessment of magnitude of impact for transport ...............................................10 Table 10.3: Classification of effects .........................................................................................11 Table 10.4: Sizewell C early years summary trips – car ........................................................22 Table 10.5: Sizewell C early years summary trips – LGV .....................................................23 Table 10.6: Sizewell C early years summary trips – HGV ......................................................24 Table 10.7: Sizewell C early years summary trips – bus ........................................................25 Table 10.8: Sizewell C peak construction summary trips – car ..............................................26 Table 10.9: Sizewell C peak construction summary trips – LGV............................................27 Table 10.10: Sizewell C peak construction summary trips – HGV .........................................27 Table 10.11: Sizewell C peak construction summary trips – bus ...........................................28 Table 10.12: Sizewell C peak construction summary trips – coach (for visitor centre) ........29 Table 10.13: Sizewell C operation traffic summary trips ........................................................29 Table 10.14: Severance 2023 Representative Hour (07:00-08:00) Total Traffic ...................35 Table 10.15: Amenity 2023 24hr AAWT HDVs .......................................................................41 Table 10.16: Amenity 2023 Representative Hour (07:00-08:00) HDVs .................................42 Table 10.17: 2023 Fear and Intimidation 18 hour Average HDVs ..........................................45 Table 10.18: Severance 2028 24hr AAWT Total Traffic .........................................................49 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Volume 2 Chapter 10 Transport | i SIZEWELL C PROJECT – ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Table 10.19: Severance 2028 Representative Hour (07:00-08:00) Total Traffic ...................50 Table 10.20: Pedestrian Delay 2028 Representative Hour (7:00-08:00) Effect Significance55 Table 10.21: Amenity 2028 24hr AAWT Total Traffic .............................................................60 Table 10.22: Amenity 2028 Representative Hour (07:00-08:00) Total Traffic........................61 Table 10.23: Amenity 2028 24hr AAWT HDVs .......................................................................62 Table 10.24: Amenity 2028 Representative Hour HDVs (07:00-08:00) .................................64 Table 10.25: Summary of 2028 Peak Construction Amenity Effects ......................................65 Table 10.26: Fear and Intimidation 2028 18hr AAWT.............................................................70 Table 10.27: Fear and Intimidation 2028 18hr HDVs ..............................................................71 Table 10.28: Severance 2034 24hr AAWT Total Traffic .........................................................75 Table 10.29: Severance 2034 Representative Hour (16:00-17:00) Total Traffic ................... 76 Table 10.30: Pedestrian Delay 2034 Representative Hour (16:00-17:00) Effect Significance .............................................................................................................................. 79 Table 10.31: Amenity 2034 24hr AAWT .................................................................................. 82 Table 10.32: Amenity 2034 Representative Hour (16:00-17:00) ............................................ 83 Table 10.33: Amenity 2034 24hr AAWT HDVs ....................................................................... 84 Table 10.34: Amenity 2034 Representative Hour HDVs (16:00-17:00) ................................. 85 Table 10.35: Summary of 2034 Amenity Effects ..................................................................... 86 Table 10.36: Fear and Intimidation 2034 18hr AAWT ............................................................ 89 Table 10.37: Fear and Intimidation 2034 18hr HDVs ............................................................. 90 Table 10.38: Summary of Residual Transport Effects ............................................................ 97 Plates None Provided. Figures Figure 10.1: Study Area and Sub-Areas Figure 10.2: Transport Links – Sub-Area A Figure 10.3: Transport Links – Sub-Area B Figure 10.4: Transport Links – Sub-Area C Figure 10.5: Transport Links – Sub-Area D NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Volume 2 Chapter 10 Transport | ii SIZEWELL C PROJECT – ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Figure 10.6: Sensitivity of Links – Sub-Area A Figure 10.7: Sensitivity of Links – Sub-Area B Figure 10.8: Sensitivity of Links – Sub-Area C Figure 10.9: Sensitivity of Links – Sub-Area D Figure 10.10: HGV Routes Figure 10.11: Sizewell C Bus Routes Figure 10.12: Screening Early Years – Sub-Area A Figure 10.13: Screening Early Years – Sub-Area B NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Volume 2 Chapter 10 Transport | iii SIZEWELL C PROJECT – ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Figure 10.14: Screening Early Years – Sub-Area C Figure 10.15: Screening Early Years – Sub-Area D Figure 10.16: Screening Peak Construction – Sub-Area A Figure 10.17: Screening Peak Construction – Sub-Area B Figure 10.18: Screening Peak Construction – Sub-Area C Figure 10.19: Screening Peak Construction – Sub-Area D Figure 10.20: Screening Operational Phase – Sub-Area A Figure 10.21: Screening Operational Phase – Sub-Area B Figure 10.22: Screening Operational Phase – Sub-Area C Figure 10.23: Screening Operational Phase – Sub-Area D Appendices Appendix 10A: Sensitivity of Links Appendix 10B: Screening of Links Appendix 10C: Assessment Tables NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Volume 2 Chapter 10 Transport | iv SIZEWELL C PROJECT – ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 10. Transport 10.1 Introduction 10.1.1 This chapter of Volume 2 of the Environmental Statement (ES) presents an assessment of the transport effects arising from the construction and operation of the main development site and the construction, operation and removal and reinstatement of the associated development sites (referred to throughout this volume as the Sizewell C Project). This includes an assessment of potential effects, the significance of effects, the requirements for mitigation, and the residual effects. 10.1.2 The assessment considers the potential effects of severance, pedestrian delay, amenity, fear and intimidation, driver delay, accidents and safety and hazardous loads. 10.1.3 A description of the existing site and details of the proposals for the main development site are provided in Chapters 1-4 of this volume of the ES. Descriptions of the sites and details of the proposals for the associated development sites are provided in Chapters 1-2 of Volumes 3-9. A description of the anticipated activities for the decommissioning phase, including a summary of the types of environmental effects likely to occur is provided in Chapter 5 of this volume. A glossary of terms and list of abbreviations used in this chapter is provided in Volume 1, Appendix 1A of the ES. 10.1.4 This assessment has been informed by data presented in the Transport Assessment (Doc Ref. 8.5) and the Transport Chapter Methodology provided in Volume 1, Appendix 6F. 10.1.5 A standalone ES was prepared for the Sizewell B relocated facilities works for submission with the hybrid planning application under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (East Suffolk Council application ref. DC/19/1637/FUL). Chapter 10 of the Sizewell B relocated facilities ES (refer to Volume 1, Appendix 2A) included an assessment of likely significant effects associated with transport and identified mitigation specific to Sizewell B relocated facilities
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