Page APPENDIX a East Suffolk Council's Relevant Representation
East Suffolk Council’s Relevant Representation Sept 2020 APPENDIX A East Suffolk Council’s Relevant Representation Relevant Representation of East Suffolk Council under section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 in respect of the Sizewell C new nuclear power station application. Summary 1. East Suffolk Council (ESC / the Council) has long supported the principle of a new nuclear power station at Sizewell, and the existing power stations on the east Suffolk coast – Sizewell A (decommissioning stage) and Sizewell B (operational). Since the publication of National Policy Statements EN-1 and EN-6 (2011), this Council has accepted the identification at Sizewell of a location for a third nuclear power station. Accepting that it is Government policy for new nuclear, ESC is keen to work with Government and with the new nuclear provider to ensure that any new nuclear development on the east Suffolk coast brings benefits to the district. 2. In addition, ESC recognizes that as well as being an important contributor to the national energy strategy, Sizewell C has the potential to bring additional benefits to east Suffolk regarding jobs, skills and potential legacy benefits in these areas and others by encouraging appropriate mitigation in relation to the project. 3. ESC has a number of concerns with regards the details of the Sizewell C proposal, and will use this submission to highlight the key areas of concerns where there are outstanding questions to be answered by SZC Co. during this process, and where there is a requirement for additional mitigation and compensation to be forthcoming in order to address or seek to address our concerns.
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