PSYCHICAL RESEARCH for the Scientific Investigation of Alleged Abnormal Phenomena
w m NATIONAL LABORATORY o f PSYCHICAL RESEARCH For the scientific investigation of alleged abnormal phenomena. (European Headquarters of the American Society for Psychical Research)« 16, Queensberry Place, South Kensington, S.W.7. (Two minute, from South Kensington Station). HONORARY PRESIDENT: T he Lord Sands, K.C., LL.D., etc. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS : The Rt. Hon. Viscountess Grey of Fallodon. Dr. A. Baron von Schrenck-N othing, Munich. Dr. E ugene O sty, Director of the Institut Métapsychique International, Paris. J. R. Gordon, Esq., Vice-President, American Society for Psychical Research, New York. Dr. Chr. W inthkr, Professor v. polyteknisk, Copenhagen; President of the Danish Society for Psychical Research. Professor Hans T hirring, Ph.D., Vienna University. D r. R. J. T illyard, F.R.S., Cawthron Institute, Nelson, New Zealand. HONORARY CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: Miss May C. W alker, General European Correspondent M..RENE Sudre, Paris. J. S. JENSEN, Esq., President, Copenhagen Society for the Promotion of Psychic Knowledge. Colonel R. G. Berry, President, Belfast Society for Psychical Research. H err W ilhelm W rchovszky, Vienna. H err Ubald Tartaruga, Director, Wiener Parapsychisches Instituí. Dr. Paul SUNNER, Editor, Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie, Berlin. Kapitan F. Kogelm k, Braünaü-am-Inn, Austria. Heer W. H. C. T enhaeff, Utrecht, Holland. COUNCIL: Robert F ielding-Ould, M.D., M.R.C.P., M.A. J. Arthur F indlay, J.P., O.B. E., Vice-President, Glasgow Society for Psychical Research, Honorary Editor. E. W. J anson, M.A. Lt.-Col. W. W. H ardwick, Honorary Secretary. H arry P rice, F.R.N.S., Foreign Research Officer, American Society foi Psychical Research, Honorary Director.
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