© 2021 The Alliance for Securing Democracy Please direct inquiries to The Alliance for Securing Democracy at The German Marshall Fund of the United States 1700 18th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 T 1 202 683 2650 E
[email protected] This publication can be downloaded for free at https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/defending-2020/. The views expressed in GMF publications and commentary are the views of the authors alone. Cover design by Katya Sankow Alliance for Securing Democracy The Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), a nonpartisan initiative housed at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, develops comprehensive strategies to deter, defend against, and raise the costs on autocratic efforts to undermine and interfere in democratic institutions. ASD has staff in Washington, D.C., and Brussels, bringing together experts on disinformation, malign finance, emerging technologies, elections integrity, economic coer- cion, and cybersecurity, as well as Russia, China, and the Middle East, to collaborate across traditional stovepipes and develop cross-cutting frameworks. About the Authors Jessica Brandt is head of policy and research for the Alliance for Securing Democracy and a fellow at the Ger- man Marshall Fund of the United States. She was previously a fellow in the Foreign Policy program at the Brook- ings Institution, where her research focused on multilateral institutions and geopolitics, and where she led a cross-program initiative on Democracy at Risk. Jessica previously served as special adviser to the president of the Brookings Institution, as an International and Global Affairs fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and Inter- national Affairs at Harvard University, and as the director of Foreign Relations for the Geneva Accord.