State Geologist Biennial Report

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State Geologist Biennial Report - Library NoHH Caroline 1 ' l ^,: Roieigh NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, STATE GEOLOGIST HSii BIENNIAL REPORT STATE GEOLOGIST 1915-1916 RALEIGH Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. State Printers 1917 North Carolina State Library Gift of NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, STATE GEOLOGIST BIENNIAL REPORT STATE GEOLOGIST 1915-1916 RALEIGH Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. State Printers 1917 GEOLOGICAL BOARD Governor Locke Craig, ex officio Chairman Raleigh Frank R. Hewitt Asheville Hugh MacRae Wilmington Henry E. Fries Winston-Salem John Sprunt Hill Durham Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist Chapel Hill — LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Chapel Hill, 1ST. C., January 3, 1917. To His Excellency, Hon. Locke Craig, Governor of North Carolina: Sir : I herewith submit my Biennial Report on the operations of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey for the years 1915 and 1916. I have included in this report several papers giving the re- sults of investigations upon special subjects that have not been pub- lished, and yet, it is thought, should he printed and put in permanent form for reference. A financial statement covering the expenditures of the Survey for the past two fiscal years is also made a part of this report. Yours respectfully, Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist. 51065 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 9 Mineralogical and Geological Investigations 12 Mineralogical Investigations 14 Geological Investigations 14 Kaolin 14 Gold and Copper 14 Monazite 15 Coastal Plain Geology 15 Mapping of the State 16 Soil Survey Maps 19 List of Soil Survey Maps 19 Forestry 20 Forest Policy for North Carolina 20 The Forest Fire Law 22 Protection of City Watersheds from Fire 24 State Experiment and Demonstration Forests 25 Mount Mitchell State Park 25 Appalachian National Forests 27 Protection of Game and National Forests 28 Arbor Day 29 Agreement with the U. S. Department of Agriculture for the Pro- tection from Fire of the Forested Watersheds of Navigable Streams 29 Forest Fire Protection Districts 33 Agreement with the U. S. Department of Agriculture for the pro- tection from Fire of the Forested Watersheds of Navigable Streams 34 Qualifications for Federal Men Employed under the Weeks Law. 37 National Forest Reservations 38 Information as to Purchase Areas and Land Being Acquired in North Carolina under the Act of March 1, 1911 39 Unaka 40 Smoky Mountains 40 Boone 41 Mount Mitchell 41 Pisgah 43 Nantahala 43 Cherokee 44 Preparing the North Carolina Forests for Production and Use 45 Forest Fires 48 National Forest Fires 50 Timber Supply of North Carolina 58 Report on Lake Latham Farm near Mebane, N. C 59 Object of the Owner 59 Pasture Woods 59 Brush Woods : 60 — : 6 CONTENTS Report on Lake Latham Continued page Lake Latham 60 Creek Bottoms 61 Washed Hillsides 61 Conclusion 61 Report on the Forest Tract Owned by the Cranberry Iron and Coal Com- pany, Cranberry, N. C 62 Examination of Dying Pines on the Property of the Fleet School, Flat Rock, Henderson County, N. C 63 Experiments in Practical Forestry 64 Agreement between the Survey and the State Board of Health. .... 65 Chestnut Blight 67 Arbor Day 68 North Carolina Forestry Association 68 Resolutions adopted by the North Carolina Forestry Association in their Annual Convention at Raleigh, January 13, 1915 68 Mount Mitchell for a State Park 68 Fire Prevention Legislation 69 Federal Cooperation 69 Local Forestry Clubs 69 Forestry in the Schools 69 Stock Law 70 Resolutions adopted by the North Carolina Forestry Association at New Bern, January 25, 1916 70 Weeks Law 70 Federal Assistance in Fire Protection 71 White Pine Blister Rust 71 Game Refuges 71 Arbor Day Manual 71 Stock Law 72 Death of Mr. B. E. Rice 72 Officers 72 The Forester 73 Entertainment 73 Report of Special Committee Appointed to Draft Resolutions regard- ing Death of Dr. J. A. Holmes 73 Southern Forestry Congress 74 Program 75 General Resolutions of Forestry Congress 80 White Pine Blister Rust 80 Game Refuges . 80 Separate State Forestry and Game Organizations 81 Federal Aid in Fire Protection 81 Forest Protective Association 81 Adequate Appropriations for Forestry 81 Recent Louisiana Law Approved 82 Urge Forestry Laws and Fund 82 Biltmore Estate 82 Women’s Clubs 82 Appreciation and thanks.. 82 CONTENTS 7 PAGE. Forestry Lectures 83 Forestry Addresses by the State Geologist 83 Addresses by the Forester at Farmers’ Institutes 83 Special Addresses by the Forester 84 Flood Conditions . ; 85 Study of the Mountain Floods 85 Forestry Exhibits 87 State Fair of 1915 87 State Fair of 1916 87 Local Exhibits 88 Advice to Land Owners 88 Road Work 88 Educational Work 90 Addresses of State Geologist and Assistants 90 Road Institute 92 Engineering Assistance 97 Special Highways : 101 Central Highway 101 Wilmington-Fayetteville Highway 102 Wilmington-Goldsboro Highway 102 Charlotte-Pinehurst Highway .102 North Carolina Good Roads Association 103 Road Exhibits 104 Road Statistics 105 Hydrography 105 Waterpowers 105 Control 106 Protection . 106 State Control of Waterpowers 106 Gauging Stations 106 Drainage 107 North Carolina Drainage Association 107 Report of Committee on Resolutions 109 Results of Drainage in North Carolina 112 Farm Drainage Investigations in North Carolina 112 Drainage Exhibits 113 North Carolina Drainage Law 114 A Bill to Amend the Drainage Law ’ 114 Fishing Industries 125 Work of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries in North Carolina during the Calendar Years 1915 and 1916 126 The Fisheries of North Carolina 128 List of Commercial Fishes 132 Oyster Industry 148 Fish Hatcheries in North Carolina 151 Edenton Hatchery 151 Output of Edenton Station for 1915-16 153 Output of Weldon Station for 1915-16.; 153 Shad Work on Cape Fear in 1916 153 Investigations at the Biological Laboratory at Beaufort, N. C 154 — 8 CONTENTS Fishing Industries Continued. page Progress of Diamond-Back Terrapin Culture 155 Surveys of Fishing Grounds 157 Magnetic Survey 158 Magnetic Observations made during 1915 and 1916 158 Concord, Cabarrus County 158 Salisbury, Rowan County 159 Morganton, Burke County 159 Chapel Hill, Orange County 160 Graham, Alamance County 160 Halifax, Halifax County 161 Results of Magnetic Observations made in North Carolina by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey between December 1, 1914, and No- vember 30, 1916 161 Stations in North "Carolina 161 Intensity of Gravity 162 Principal Facts for Gravity Stations in North Carolina... 164 Additional Work in North Carolina of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 165 Topographic Work 165 Natural History 165 Exhibits 166 Exhibits at State Fairs 166 State Fair of 1915 116 State Fair of 1916 167 Other Exhibits 168 Publications 168 Reports Prepared but not published 171 Additional Publications of the State Geologist 172 Addresses of State Geologist 174 Examination of Mineral Specimens 177 Administrative 177 Financial Statement 192 : BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST On the Operations of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey for the Two Years Ending November 30, 1916 By Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist. INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey is called upon to undertake, first, a very varied line of investigations relating to the occurrence, conservation, and development of the natural resources of % the State; and second, to carry out such measures as may he authorized by the General Assembly for developing and utilizing these resources. The act establishing the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey was passed by the Legislature of 1905, and outlines in detail the phases of work to be carried out by this Department, as follows (1) The examination of the mineral, forest, fishery, and other re- sources of the State. (2) The examination of the geological formations of the State with reference to their economic products. (3) The examination of the road-building materials and the best methods of utilizing same.* (4) The examination and classification of the soils and forests and other physical features of the State, with special reference to their bear- ing upon the occupations of the people. (5) The examination of the streams and water-powers of the State, with special reference to their development in manufacturing enterprises *This is supplemented by an act passed by the Legislature of 1909, which made a small appropriation of $5,000 annually to be used by the Highway Division of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, as follows: “The object and purpose of this appropriation shall be to enable the North Carolina Geological Board to advise with the township and county authorities in the building and improvement of the public roads by sending to the township or county a competent road engineer who will assist them in locating their im- proved roads, advising them as to the best road to build and how to build it, and also give advice relating to the best kind of bridge to be built in connection with the improvement of any road. The Geological Board, through the State Geologist, may make inquiries in regard to systems of road building and management throughout the United States, and make investigations and experiments in regard to the best methods of road making and the best kind of road material, and shall disseminate such knowledge by lectures to be given in the different counties, and by preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins and reports on the subject of road improvement, and shall also gather and tabulate information and statistics on road building in North Carolina and disseminate same throughout the State.'' 10 BIENNIAL REPORT OF STATE GEOLOGIST and the preservation of the sources of these streams through the pro- tection of the forests. (6) The examination of the water supplies of the State, with special reference to sinking deep artesian wells. (7) The preparation of reports regarding these investigations. As will be seen from the above outline, the work of this Department is varied and extensive, and touches the diverse interests of all sections of North Carolina, with their varied climatic and topographical con- ditions.
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