MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 28th NOVEMBER 2018 AT THE PARISH ROOM, ABBEY COMMUNITY CENTRE (7.30 p.m. – 9.55 p.m.) PRESENT: Mr R Brookes (Vice-Chairman) Mr R Meecham Mr A Power Mr G Pritchard Mr P Seib Mr K Weston Mr J Williams (7.30 p.m. – 7.50 p.m.)

Mrs E James (Clerk) 1 member of the public


In the absence of Mrs Appleby, Mr Brookes (Vice-Chair) chaired the meeting.

141/18 TO RECEIVE ANY APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Personal apologies were received from Mrs Appleby, Mr Attrill, Mrs Snell and Mr Wood.

142/18 TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Mr Seib and Mr Williams declared that their interests were as stated in their Register of Interests. Mr Seib also declared an interest in agenda item 12 ( Association of Local Councils) as a member of the County Council. Mr Meecham declared an interest in agenda item 16 (grants) as a family member was the leader of the 1st Preston Plucknett Brownies.

143/18 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24th OCTOBER 2018 It was RESOLVED to confirm he minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th October 2018 as a correct record and were then signed by the Chairman.

144/18 REPORTS FROM: (a) SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCILLOR, A written report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mr Williams advised he would be walking around the Western Corridor works with the contractor. Concerns were raised that the works to The Toose had been changed. It was AGREED that the Clerk would circulate the approved plans for comparison purposes. In view of the change to the County Council grit bin policy for the year, Mr Williams was asked whether the County Council would reimburse the cost of the grit bins. It was AGREED that the Clerk would write to the County Council about this. Mr Williams also advised that, in view of the road works, he had requested that Thorne Lane and Western Avenue be replaced on the gritting schedule.

Mr Williams left the meeting

(b) DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Mr Seib gave an update on the work of the District Council He advised that there had been a soft launch of the Transformation system and he gave an explanation on how the planning system will now work.

(c) PARISH REPRESENTATIVES (i) Rivers Community Trust – a report was given by Mr Meecham, who advised that Trust is now a registered charity. A programme of community activities had been


arranged. (ii) Preston Primary School Remembrance Tea party – a written report from Mr Pritchard was NOTED. (iii) Mr Seib advised that Christmas lights will be put up. Mr Seib advised that the ACA were considering installing a large tv for the Parish Room, which could be used for showing plans, agenda, etc. It was AGREED that the Parish Council support this scheme.

145/18 CRIME, DISORDER and COMMUNITY SAFETY (a) Report from PCSO – the PCSO had advised that she had nothing to report. (b) Crime statistics in the parish for August & September 2018 were NOTED. (c) A report on a complaint made to the police, regarding the cancellation of the car meet at Houndstone, was NOTED. (d) No specific items were raised.



(a) DECISIONS ON APPLICATIONS SSDC Decision Brympton Parish Application (unless Address Proposal Council No. otherwise Recommendation stated) 53 Arlington PERMITTED 18/02998/FUL The erection of a porch APPROVAL Close, BA21 3TB With conditions 34 Woodhenge, Erection of a single storey PERMITTED 18/03164/HOU APPROVAL BA22 8TT extension With conditions Land OS 8946 & Application to carry out tree PERMITTED 18/03211/TPO No comments 0031 at Lufton works With conditions

(b) APPLICATIONS CONSIDERED (UNDER STANDING ORDER 15(b)(xvi))BEFORE THIS MEETING In accordance with Standing Order no. 15(b)(xvi), the recommendation on the application below was APPROVED. Application Brympton Parish Council Address Proposal No. Recommendation Homebase Unit 1 Application to vary condition 2 18/02901/S73 Western Avenue (range of goods to be sold) of APPROVAL BA22 8YQ approval 952072

(c) APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION The application below was considered, and a recommendation made for APPROVAL. Application Address Proposal No. Replacement of existing front 20 Roe Avenue, BA22 18/03478/HOU elevation Velux roof window with 8SD dormer window

(d) HELAA (Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment) Housing & Employment Land Availability Assessment completed by SSDC - NOTED.

(e) PLANNING/DEVELOPMENT UPDATES (i) It was NOTED that application no. 18/01265/FUL, Resolution Interiors Ltd at George Smith Way would go to Area South December meeting with a recommendation for approval. (ii) It was NOTED that the Local Plan Review would now take place following the elections in May 2019.


(f) NOMINATIONS FOR THE PLANNING WORKING GROUP TO CONSIDER FORTHCOMING PLANNING APPLICATIONS It was AGREED that Mr Pritchard & Mr Weston would be members of the Planning Working Group for the following month.

148/18 HIGHWAYS (a) Small Improvement Scheme – it was NOTED that the final works to The Toose could not be completed until there was a period of suitable weather. (b) SID – (i) the latest SID readings were NOTED. (ii) Members NOTED that the SID data is circulated to five officers, including the Road Safety Manager for the Police Enforcement Team, the Community Speedwatch Chairman and Road Safety at County Hall. (iii) Members NOTED that the County Council now permit signs displaying the actual vehicle speed; up to no more than 10 miles per hour above the actual speed limit. The existing Brympton PC SID is therefore acceptable, and no further action will be taken by SCC. (iv) It was NOTED that the existing SID scheme run by the County Council had been closed. (v) It was NOTED that SCC would permit the SID to be used on Western Avenue, subject to a suitable site being agreed. It was AGREED that proposed locations would be sent to SCC with a request for a quotation to install suitable posts. (c) County Wide Parking Review – NOTED (d) Western Corridor scheme – covered under the report from County Councillor Williams. (e) Somerset County Council Rights of Way Team - Parish Paths Consultation – NOTED, to be carried out by the Clerk and Mr French, Parish Path Liaison Officer be invited to assist. (f) ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984, TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE, VAGG HILL- NOTED. (g) Road – It was NOTED that a concern raised regarding vehicle parking close the Kingfisher Primary School were being dealt with by County Highways.

149/18 CORRESPONDENCE (a) Somerset County Council - Somerset Libraries Service Redesign – NOTED. (b) Somerset County Council - NHS Fit for my Future – NOTED. (c) Somerset County Council - Proposed changes to the County Council’s support and services for children and their families – NOTED. (d) SALC – the AGM will be held on 18th December - NOTED. (e) Keep Britain Tidy posters – NOTED.

150/18 CLERK’S REPORT (a) It was NOTED that the Clerk attended a 2019/20 Council Tax Setting Town and Parish Workshop, held by the District Council, on 19th November. (b) It was NOTED that the Radio Ninesprings website now showed the Council as a sponsor. (c) Further to min. no. 129/18, the penguin bin had been returned to Amberol at a cost of £50.94 plus VAT. However, as the bin had proved to be unrepairable Amberol had reduced the cost of the new bin from £337.50 to £310. (d) WW1 Remembrance – Members NOTED that , due to unforeseen circumstances, there was no commemoration at The Forum. (e) Concerns were raised by a hall user that two street lights were not working close to the Parish Room. It was NOTED that an order for repair had been made. (f) It was NOTED that SALC had advised that the Council finance training session, based on the Annual Return for 2018-2019, which had been cancelled in October, should be held no later than March 2019.


(g) Boundary Review – it was NOTED that Mr Fysh had not personally been advised that the draft Order had been set before the House. As the 40 day period ended on 30th November it was AGREED not to take any further action. (h) Christmas tree recycling compound – it was NOTED that this will be erected between Christmas and the New Year and will be collected after 6th January.

151/18 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 2019 It was AGREED to defer consideration of this item to the next meeting.

Mr Seib left the meeting.

152/18 SOMERSET ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS It was RESOLVED that, should the move by SALC to become a not for profit company limited by guarantee be agreed, Brympton Parish Council AGREED to be one of the five founder Councils. It was further RESOLVED that the Council also AGREED the signing the Memorandum of Association by Mr Seib. It was NOTED that there were no financial implications for the Council.

Mr Seib returned to the meeting.

153/18 HIGHER REAM Roundabout surfacing – it was NOTED that the Building Consultant had advised that this was not a matter for an insurance claim. It was AGREED that quotations for replacement would be obtained by the Clerk.

154/18 KINGFISHER COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION It was NOTED that the induction cooker had been installed in the kitchen. Tables and chairs had been delivered. Further items were being ordered and a cheque for items from Nesbit Ltd would be sent following the meeting.

155/18 GRIT BINS (a) Further to the last meeting (min. no. 132/18) it was NOTED that a request had been received for a grit bin for Thorne. SCC Highways had approved a location in Church Road and an additional bin added to the purchase order. The cost of 7 grit bins and sufficient rock salt to fill the bins had amounted to £977. (b) It was NOTED that all but one of the grit bins had been sited and filled. Concerns had been raised that the grit bin, due to be sited at Biddlesden Road, would have been on private property. The spare bin had been put in storage, together with unused bags of grit. It was NOTED that grit bins are now sited at Elmleigh, junction of Shrewsbury with Stourton Way, Stourton Way zebra crossing by the Forum, West Brook, Lufton and Thorne. Coffin.

Mr Meecham left the room.

156/18 GRANT APPLICATIONS Although the Parish Council grant awarding policy stated that applications will be considered in March and October, two applications had been received from organisations which benefit parishioner, needing an urgent response.

Using the General Power of Competence, it was RESOLVED to grant £150 to 1st Preston Plucknett Brownies to assist with their Christmas Craft Day. It was also RESOLVED to grant £150 to the Preston Primary PTA for assistance with additional equipment, trips and activities. 38

157/18 DEFIBRILLATOR Members considered the provision of a defibrillator but decided not to pursue this further due to the proximity of the hospital and ambulance station. However, it was AGREED to investigate the viability of running a CPR training session.

158/18 BUDGET 2019-2020 (a) Members discuss items of expenditure for the budget for 2019-2020. Suggestions items were: (i) A larger sum for street scene furniture as there are a number of dog bins in a very poor state of repair. Should additional bins be purchased for the Lufton area it is possible that a charge will be incurred for emptying them. (ii) The Youth Club being held at Kingfisher may well require financial support. (iii) In view of the number of locations being used, members may wish to consider the purchase of a second SID. (iv) The training budget be increased as elections are being held in May. (v) The Councillors Allowance will need to be increased to £1200 to allow for all elected Councillors to claim should they wish. (vi) Corporate finger posts – possibly involving an SSDC Locality Team (v) Awards for pupils at Preston & Kingfisher Primary Schools.

(b) It was AGREED that a working party would be set up to discuss the budget further. It was NOTED that details of the tax base should be received from SSDC mid-December and that the precept request should be made no later than 31st January 2019.

159/18 FINANCE (a) Interest - Members NOTED receipt of interest on 31st October 2018 of £4.81 from NatWest and £30.36 from Nationwide Building Society. (b) Bank Reconciliation Statements - The bank reconciliation statements as at 31st October 2018 were NOTED and APPROVED. (c) Information Commissioner's Office - Data protection fee It was NOTED that Council’s registration as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA98) would be renewed automatically on or around 30 November 2018. expire on 01/12/2018 – this expenditure had been approved at the Council meeting held on 23rd May 2018, min. no. 22/18. (d) VAT (i) Members NOTED the repayment of £3849.43 from HMRevenue & Customs for VAT incurred from 1st March – 30th September 2018. (ii) Refund on VAT for Clerk’s Mileage – It was RESOLVED that the VAT element of the Clerk’s mileage (1.567 pence per mile) would no longer be claimed, due to the time taken to complete the on-line VAT form and the very small amount claimed. (e) Cheques signed before this meeting – all expenditure having previously been authorised: (i) Payment to Play UK Playgrounds Ltd for work carried out under min. no. 110/18 - At the last meeting a cheque for Play UK Playgrounds Ltd did not include the VAT. The original cheque was destroyed and a cheque in the correct sum of £246 sent. (ii) Clerk - the courier delivery charge for the penguin bin (min. no. 129/18), in the sum of £64.95 (inc. VAT) and the purchase of rock salt (min. no. 132/18), in the sum of £387.33 (inc. VAT), required payment before this meeting. A cheque for £452.78 was paid to the Clerk. (iii) Apogee – a cheque for £552 was sent for payment of the new printer and toners (mins. no. 103/18(a) and 135/18). (g) Date of December salary payment – Due to the two Bank Holidays, it was AGREED asked to bring forward the date of payment of Clerk’s salary from 25th December to 24th December. 39

(h) Schedule of Payments - It was RESOLVED to approve the following schedule of payments: Democratic services, £1301.18 ACA, £108.33, Office rent ACA, £40.50, meeting room hire Plusnet, £53.05, telephone & broadband Firecheck, £12, fire extinguisher check SSDC, £54.96, remaining expenditure of grant for Yeovil Rivers Community Trust Amberol Ltd, £426.00, penguin bin Royal British Legion, £75.00, Chairman’s fund Broxap Ltd, £784.80, grit bins Mrs E James, £35.57, Clerk’s expenses & mileage Nisbet Ltd, £539.92, Items for Kingfisher Community Centre 1st Preston Plucknett Brownies, £150, grant Preston Primary PTA, £150, grant

160/18 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION Clerk’s & Councils Direct – Nov 2018

161/18 QUESTIONS AND ITEMS ARISING AFTER THE PREPARATION OF THIS AGENDA, SUCH MATTERS ARE FOR NOTING OR DEFERRAL TO A FUTURE MEETING Members were advised that a consultation on the amended plans for Brimsmore (adjacent to parish) would take place on 5th December. It was AGREED to ask whether Forum Management would consider painting white lines in the car park off The Toose, adjacent to The Arrow.

162/18 ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING CPR training for parishioners

163/18 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 19th December 2018 at 7.30 p.m. at the Parish Room.