BRYMPTON PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Office, Abbey Community Centre, The Forum, , BA21 3TL


PRESENT: Mr G Pritchard (Vice-Chairman) Mr S Attrill Mr P Seib Mrs J Snell Mr Williams Mrs D Wood Mr R Wood Mrs E-J Hopkins (following co-option) Mr D Staddon (following co-option)

Mrs B Appleby (Locum Clerk) 1 member of the public

In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Pritchard took the chair.


REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Reports from County Councillor Williams and District Councillor Seib were received.

61/20 CO-OPTION OF TWO COUNCILLORS TO THE BRYMPTON WARD OF THE PARISH COUNCIL It was NOTED that two candidates had withdrawn their nomination. Following presentations from the three remaining candidates Mrs Hopkins and Mr Staddon were co-opted to the Brympton Ward.

62/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Personal apologies were received from Mr Burt, Miss Darling-Finan and Mr Weston.

63/20 TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Mr Williams, Mr Seib and Mrs Snell and declared that their interests were as written in their Register of Interests.

64/20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 22nd JULY 2020 It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd July 2020,

65/20 APPOINTMENTS TO WORKING PARTIES It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillors to Working Parties, as listed below: Open Spaces & Play Area Working Party – Mr Staddon Christmas Lights Competition – Mrs Hopkins Policies and Procedures – Mr Weston Communications WP –Mrs Hopkins & Mrs Seib Grievance Working Party - Mr Williams Parish Path Liaison Officer – Mrs Snell, but this will also be advertised in the next Newslink. It was AGREED not to appoint a further member to the Environment Working Party.


66/20 CRIME, DISORDER and COMMUNITY SAFETY It was NOTED that there had been an encampment at the Football Club grounds. Concerns were raised over late night vehicular speeding in the parish and the speed of traffic in Bluebell Road remains a concern.

67/20 REPORTS FROM PARISH COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES APPOINTED TO COMMITTEES, WORKING PARTIES AND OUTSIDE BODIES Mr Seib provided an update on the Abbey Community Centre, with the hall back in use. The Parish Room was a concern as there was no fresh ventilation available. Risk assessments had been carried out and the wearing of face masks was now compulsory. Some refurbishment had been completed. Mr Attrill provided an update on the environmental working party, which was waiting on further information from the District Council. A question was raised regarding the removal of saplings along Lawrence Way and it was agreed that Mr Seib would raise this with the District Council.



(b) PLANNING UPDATES (i) Consultation on changes to the current Planning System – it was NOTED that members could respond personally. However, a corporate response would be prepared if comments were sent to the Clerk by 10th September. (ii) Consultation on Planning for the Future - the consultation seeks any views on each part of a package of proposals for reform of the planning system in to streamline and modernise the planning process, etc. It was NOTED that members could respond personally. However, a corporate response would be prepared if comments were sent to the Clerk by 16th September. (iii) Transparency and Competition: Data and land control - It was NOTED that members could respond personally. However, a corporate response would be prepared if comments were sent to the Clerk by 16th September.

(c) NOMINATIONS FOR THE PLANNING WORKING GROUP TO CONSIDER FORTHCOMING PLANNING APPLICATIONS It was AGREED that Mr Pritchard and Mr Staddon would be members of the Planning working party for the forthcoming month.

70/20 HIGHWAYS (a) SID data –latest SID readings – NOTED. (b) Grit bins – in accordance with a request from County Highways, it was NOTED that all grit bins had been inspected by the Parish Ranger. County Highways had been advised of the amount of grit required. (c) Speeding – it was NOTED that concerns had been raised over speeding traffic on Thorne Lane and that the SpeedWatch Team had been informed. Mr Williams advised that the team had pulled back from Thorne Lane as there were more severe problems in other areas. However, the location on Thorne Lane could be re- visited when SpeedWatch restarts in the autumn.


(d) Road – it was NOTED that concerns had been raised over vehicles being parked close to the entrance to Lufton Lane. It was AGREED to request an update on the Lufton key site. (e) Thorne Lane roundabout with Western Avenue – it was AGREED to ask SCC whether some planting could be carried out on this roundabout. If permitted it was AGREED to write to Parish Council to ascertain whether they would join in such a project.

71/20 SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE A request from Odcombe Parish Council for this Parish Council to consider loaning or hiring the speed indicator device was discussed. It was RESOLVED that a sign could be loaned to Odcombe Parish Council subject to it being insured and all expenses for siting and removing it to be at their expense.

72/20 CORRESPONDENCE Waste Partnership (SWP) Update: Recycle More phased roll-out timetable agreed – it was NOTED that the scheme will commence within area in summer 2021.

73/20 CLERK’S REPORT The Clerk advised that two young boys had been thanked for their efforts in keeping Higher Ream clear of litter throughout lockdown and had assisted the Clerk in preparations for re-opening the play area.

74/20 GRANT APPLICATION( It was NOTED that the sum available for grants reported at the last meeting had been incorrect, and that the sum of £3070.87 remained within the budget. In accordance with the Power of General Competence, it was RESOLVED to award the following grants:

Yeovil Starlettes – £90 1st Preston Plucknett Brownies - £300 Community Transport South West Ltd – £200 Somerset Wildlife Trust – £75

75/20 PROTOCOL FOR VIRTUAL MEETINGS At the meeting held on 27th May 2020 (min. No. 2/20) a protocol for virtual meeting had been adopted in accordance with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (“the 2020 Regulations”). However, it was NOTED that the Regulations had been amended from 1st August 2020. In accordance with the Regulations it was RESOLVED to delete section 4.0 Public Participation from the protocol with immediate effect.

76/20 HIGHER REAM (a) RE-OPENING OF PLAY AREA – In accordance with min. no. 54/20(b) it was NOTED that the Play Area had been successfully re-opened on 25th July 2020, and that signs were in position with safety advice.

(b) ANNUAL PLAY INSPECTION REPORT It was NOTED that the annual play inspection had been carried out on 15th July 2020.


All items were found to be either Very Low Risk or Low Risk.

Members were reminded that the play equipment is inspected weekly by a trained Locality Officer of SSDC, who was monitoring the wear to the cradle swings and roundabout bearing. The Parish Ranger had cleaned the wet pour surfaces where necessary and also rectified the rough and splintered wood on the rocking horse.

(c) ANNUAL PLAY INSPECTION 2021 In accordance with min. no. 247/19(a) of 22nd January 2020, it was NOTED that the annual play inspection would take place in July 2021 at a cost of £55.00 + VAT.

(d) DOG BIN SITED AT HIGHER REAM NEXT TO NOTICEBOARD Discussion took place on a complaint received regarding the dog bin which had been re-sited during the cycle path creation at Higher Ream. Provided SSDC approved the new location, it was AGREED to site a dog bin elsewhere to remedy the complaints. Due to the condition of the bin it was RESOLVED to replace it with a Glasdon Fido 25. As a discount was available for the purchase of 5 bins, with no carriage costs, it was RESOLVED to approve expenditure of £665.10 plus VAT (reclaimable) for five bins, with the remaining bins going into store until needed.

77/20 LUFTON COMMUNITY CENTRE It was NOTED that the lease and user agreement had been assessed by the Council’s appointed Solicitor and the report would be discussed by the Working Party. It was further NOTED that both the Chairman and Clerk had attended virtual training sessions with the Rural Council on various aspects of running the centre.

78/20 LOCAL GOVERNMENT RE-ORGANISATION (a) It was NOTED that the Business Case for One Somerset received from the County Council had been circulated electronically. (b) The Joint statement from the Leaders of Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West & Taunton and South Somerset District Council regarding the possible creation of two new councils was NOTED. (c) At the meeting held on 24th June 2020, the item below was listed on the agenda:

“ A report, commissioned by the Somerset Association of Local Councils and Society of Local Council Clerks on recommendations on the role of the Parish Council, in event of local government re-organisation, was circulated to members on 10th June. No comments to date have been received. Members are asked if they wish to comment on this report.

At that meeting (min. no. 33/20[a]) it was “. . . AGREED to advise the Somerset Association of Local Councils and Society of Local Council Clerks that, in view of the Covid 19 pandemic, it is not the right time to be considering a unitary authority for Somerset. . . “

In accordance with Standing Order 7, a motion had been signed by four members of the Council :

Following new information that has come to light regarding the future of local government in Somerset, the Councillors formally request that the item be revisited, and the original report is attached separately to the agenda.


It was RESOLVED to form a working party, comprising Mr Attrill, Mr Seib, Mr Staddon, Mr Pritchard, Mr Weston and Mr Williams, to discuss the subject and report back to Council. It was AGREED that the terms of reference for the Working Party would be approved at the next meeting.

79/20 SOMERSET PLAYING FIELDS ASSOCIATION It was RESOLVED to approve expenditure of £15 for the annual subscription to the Somerset Playing Fields Association.

80/20 BRYMPTON ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION Members NOTED that one year remained on the lease between the Parish Council and the landowner for the allotment site at Lufton. It was further noted that the allotment site is full and there are no vacant plots. It was RESOLVED to approve the legal expenditure incurred by the Landowner to enable the lease to be extended by a further 10 years.

81/20 ANNUAL GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN (AGAR) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2020 It was NOTED that PKF Littlejohn LLP had reviewed Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). In their opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR was in accordance with Proper Practices and no matters had come to their attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements had not been met. The relevant notice had been published on the Council website in accordance with legal requirements. A flat rate audit fee of £300 (exc. VAT) was due to be paid.

82/20 TRAINING FOR CLERK AND COUNCILLORS (a) Training for New Councillors – It was RESOLVED to approve expenditure of up to £120 to enable the new Councillors to attend training by the Somerset Association of Local Councils (SALC) on being a Councillor and planning matters. (b) Members resolved to approve expenditure of £20, being 2/3rds of the cost to enable the Clerk to attend the SLCC virtual National Conference from 12 – 16th October 2020.

83/20 FINANCE (a) Interest - Receipt of interest on 31st July of £0.38 from NatWest and £3.53 from Nationwide Building Society was NOTED. (b) Bank Reconciliation Statement – It was NOTED that the bank reconciliation statement as at 31st July 2020 had been presented to a Councillor for approval. (c) Payments – It was RESOLVED to approve the following schedule of payments: Payee Ref Amount Reason for expenditure Plusnet DD £ 69.60 Broadband and telephone ACA SO £ 108.33 Office rent Mrs E James SO £ 1,346.80 Democratic services PKF Littlejohn LLP 2396 £ 360.00 Audit fee SALC 2397 £ 1,213.34 Affiliation fee 2020-2021 The Play Insp. Co. Ltd 2398 £ 66.00 Annual inspection for Higher Ream Clerks expenses,Working from home Mrs E James 2399 £ 182.23 allowance, Chairman's Fund,


Payee Ref. Amount Reason for expenditure 1st Preston Plucknett Brownies 2400 £300.00 Grant Community Transport SW Ltd 2401 £200.00 Grant Somerset Wildlife Trust 2402 £75.00 Grant Somerset Playing Fields Assoc. 2403 £15 Annual subscription

(d) It was RESOLVED to approve a transfer to the Unity Bank, the balance to be £5,500.00 (e) Receipt of £2,000 from Yeovil Town Council for the unspent grant for the cancelled VE Day commemoration event was NOTED. (f) It was NOTED that the SALC subscription payment of £1213.34 for the affiliation fee for 20/21 had been approved on 22nd May, 2019.

84/20 QUESTIONS AND ITEMS ARISING AFTER THE PREPARATION OF THIS AGENDA, SUCH MATTERS ARE FOR NOTING OR DEFERRAL TO A FUTURE MEETING. Due to technical difficulties it was NOTED that Mrs Snell had been unable to complete the Unity Bank login. However, there were sufficient signatories to the account to enable the account to be used.

85/20 ITEMS FOR DISTRIBUTION Community Council for Somerset – Thatch magazine, circulated electronically

86/20 DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was NOTED that the next meeting will be held at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 23rd September 2020.