The Newsletter of the Northern California Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 38 TheThe ACronauACronautt Volume 6 - Number 6 Prez’ Post Howard Kirker Wins Gold Darren Pleasance It's that time of the year again. iscipline and hard work does pay off! Howard D took Sportsman Gold in his Great Lakes at the ♦CHAPTER OFFICERS Our Paso Robles contest is just days away and recently held LA Gold Cup in Apple Valley. The Darren Pleasance, everything looks in place to have another terri- category was very competitive with lots of Pitts’es President fic event. Thanks to our many volunteers, we and high performance monoplanes. Congrats How- 650.212.1806 H 415.318.5145 W have a great program, substantial sponsorships, ard!
[email protected] great t-shirts and what looks to be terrific Ben Freelove, weather shaping up for this year's contest. Vice-President Whether you plan to compete or not, I hope
[email protected] you're able to make it down to simply watch, or Anil Kumar, Secretary even volunteer for one of the many activities
[email protected] going on over the course of the two days. Howard Kirker, Treasurer 510.651.6514 H This year we have several notable "firsts" to
[email protected] highlight including our CD, registrar, and scorer ♦DIRECTORS all being from the same family (thanks Dave Cecilia Aragon Watson, Lori, and Ryan), and we're anticipating 510.527.4466 H
[email protected] contestants from as far away as New England, with Jim Ward of Chapter 35 trekking all the Marilyn Dash
[email protected] way across the country to help judge and, if he can find a plane, to compete as well.