
Gulf of Science Volume 33 Article 9 Number 1 Number 1

2016 An Overview of the Northern Robert B. Spies Applied Marine Sciences

Stanley Senner Conservancy

Christopher S. Robbins Ocean Conservancy

DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Follow this and additional works at: https://aquila.usm.edu/goms

Recommended Citation Spies, R. B., S. Senner and C. S. Robbins. 2016. An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem. Gulf of Mexico Science 33 (1). Retrieved from https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9

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Gulf of Mexico Science, 2016(1), pp. 98–121

An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem


The Gulf of Mexico is a large (LME) bordered by the southern , Mexico, and Cuba. This general overview of its northern portion covers physiography, significant oceanographic features, the influence of major rivers and freshwater, biological , and characteristics. It then describes the pelagic and benthic components of the major : oceanic (continental slope and abyssal plain), and bays, , and marshes, with descriptions of prominent processes and some dominant organisms. For each several from a variety of trophic levels are introduced and their general role in the ecosystem discussed. In 2010 the northern portion of the Gulf was the site of the largest U.S. marine in history and is now the focus of an unprecedented restoration effort. Successful restoration of the northern Gulf will depend on an integrated view of this LME and the forces that maintain and change it. This introduction to the northern Gulf marine ecosystem should be useful for policy makers, informing decisions on proposed restoration actions.

INTRODUCTION emphasizing the northern Gulf, the site of the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon MC 252 oil spill he Gulf of Mexico (Gulf), a produc- [hereafter referred to as the Deepwater Horizon T tive, warm-water, oil spill (see papers in Proceedings of the National (Heileman and Rabalais, 2005), accounts for Academy of Sciences 90(8), 2012)]. The review about 20% of the commercial landings in begins with the physiography, climate, and the United States (NOAA, 2010), supports a very oceanography, productivity and , and large recreational , and produces 23% of climatic forces and oceanography. Then the the U.S. domestic oil supply and 7% of the habitats of the Gulf are described: the pelagic and domestic dry supply (USEIA, 2014). benthic habitats of the oceanic, continental shelf It is the ninth largest in the world (near and offshore), and bays, estuaries, and and supports a great variety of warm temperate marshes. For each habitat, the general biological and tropical marine species (Felder and Camp, features, processes, and a few of the prominent 2009). The northern Gulf ecosystem has been organisms and their roles are described. greatly altered by human activities, including There was—and still is—an enormous amount nutrient and pesticide loading, altered patterns of attention directed at the northern Gulf fol- of sediment transport and deposition from the lowing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers, rapid destruc- subsequent restoration programs are liable to be tion of coastal , introduction of invasive substantial, given the expected billions of dollars species, heavy pressure, and development in restoration expenditures. Those restoration associated with intense oil and gas activities, programs and any associated monitoring efforts including spills (Odum, 1970; Turner and Raba- will be most effective if they are grounded in an lais, 1991; Boesch et al., 1994; Turner, 1997; understanding of how the ecosystem is structured Chambers et al., 1999; Clark et al., 1999; Rabalais and functions and how ocean conditions affect et al., 2002; Nilsson et al., 2005; Priest, 2005, 2007; the , distribution, and resilience of NRC, 2006; Howarth, 2008; Hupp et al., 2009; species and habitats. Hence, an underlying NOAA, 2014). Global , ocean purpose of this article is to provide an introduc- acidification, and level rise will likely cause tion to the northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, further widespread changes in this ecosystem particularly for the benefit of decision makers and (e.g., Justic et al, 1996; Foodrie et al., 2009; Biasutti managers. We do not discuss the impacts et al., 2012; Lowe et al., 2012). of the Deepwater Horizon spill or other man- This condensed overview of the northern made or natural disasters, as they are beyond the Gulf ecosystem updates earlier, longer reviews scope of this brief overview, and the available (USFWS, 1954; Darnell and Defenbach, 1990; information in spill effects is still very incomplete. Gore, 1992) and describes the main features, Likewise, we do not discuss the fisheries of the processes, and structure of this ecosystem, Gulf, which would be a subject unto itself.

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Fig. 1. Gulf of Mexico bottom topography, major rivers, and currents.

OVERVIEW OF THE NORTHERN GULF OF Garden Banks off and Louisiana and the MEXICO ECOSYSTEM pinnacles off Mississippi and Alabama being prime examples. They affect local to meso-scale Physiography.—The Gulf of Mexico is a semi- oceanography, as deep-water currents tend to enclosed, warm temperate to tropical sea that is be guided by bottom topography. Much of the 2 approximately 1.5 million km in area, commu- sediment outflow of the Mississippi River con- nicating with the Sea north and south tinues downslope through the Mississippi Trough of the Island of Cuba and bounded by the and Canyon, which bisects the continental slope United States to the north and by Mexico to the close to its narrowest point. west and south (Fig. 1). The continental shelf off The Gulf’s abyssal plain (below 3,000 m), the the west coast of Florida, most of Texas and long axis of which has a southwest to northeast Louisiana, and the Yucatan Peninsula is broad, orientation, has a maximum depth of approxi- but the shelf narrows near the outlet of the mately 4,000 m within the Sigsbe Deep in the Mississippi River. The northern Gulf shelf is central western sector and accounts for about incised by river-derived canyons, notably the 20% of the area of the Gulf [Harte Research Mississippi and DeSoto Canyons. Institute, 2014 (and references therein)]. The The most extensive slope environments are most biologically productive habitats occur in located off northeastern Mexico, Bay of Cam- water depths of less than 20 m and account for peche, Texas, and Louisiana and consist mainly 38% of the Gulf area. The seafloor is pre- of muddy sediments derived from continental dominately muds in the north central Gulf erosion (Uchupi, 1968). Underlying salt diapirs (Balsam and Beeson, 2003), with some terrige- provide some topographic complexity, the nous along barrier islands. Continental https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 2 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 100 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

erosion is the main sediment source in the dominate the central and western Gulf of northern and western and southwestern Gulf of Mexico (Sturges and Lugo-Fernandez, 2005); Mexico; biogenic carbonate sands derived from and (3) wind-driven coastal currents. The eddies , mollusks, and dominate the seafloor are shed from the Loop Current in the eastern off western Florida and the Yucatan Peninsula Gulf and move to the west along the continental (Ewing et al., 1958; USGS, 2006a). Fringing shelf edge, eventually shoaling and degrading barrier islands front much of the U.S. Gulf Coast, in the northwest Gulf (Sturges and Leben, and warm-water reefs occur in southern 2000). Eddies are shed from the Loop Current Florida and off Texas and the Yucatan Peninsula as clockwise-circulating (anticyclonic) warm-core (Aronson et al., 2005; Tunnell et al., 2007; eddies. Eddies tend to be found in cyclonic Cancelmo, 2008). The varying climate, geology, (cold-core) and anticyclonic pairs. The prevail- and freshwater inputs interact to create habitats ing southeasterly winds also contribute to eddy for sea life that range from beaches, marshes, formation in the northern Gulf. Interactions shallow estuaries and , reefs, bays, of eddies with each other and with the shelf edge and continental shelf to rocky reefs, coral reefs, as they move westward have important conse- banks, deep-water cold seeps, extensive deep- quences for local biological production due to water soft bottoms, and oceanic pelagic areas. associated (in cold-core eddies) and The northern outer continental shelf has nu- downwelling (in warm-core eddies) and their merous drowned reefs and banks, including the role in onshore and offshore transport of nutri- salt diapirs, with hard substrate and epibiota ents and organisms. It seems likely that global that may help maintain reef warming will weaken the Loop Current and (NOAA, 2014a). associated eddies during this century (Liu et al., 2012), which could substantially alter pelagic Climate and oceanography.—The northern Gulf of ecology. There appears to be a slow anticlockwise Mexico is greatly influenced by semipermanent circulation in the Gulf below 2,000 m (DeHaan weather patterns in the western , and Sturges, 2005). namely the Bermuda High for much of the year, Surface water circulation on the continental but also by the dry, cooler, continental air flow shelf is quite variable and is controlled mainly in winter from the north (Wang et al., 1998). by local wind fields, but also by the outflow of Summer winds are generally from a southerly major rivers, influences from deep-water circula- direction. The Bermuda High results in a pre- tion, and, to a small extent, . The aver- dominant southeasterly flow of air into the Gulf age surface water current speeds range up to of Mexico. These winds and the annual in- 0.7 m/sec (Johnson, 2008). Currents on the solation cycle produce marked seasonality in the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf can northern Gulf: rapid warming with heavy runoff be divided between summer and the rest of from land in the spring; quiescent hot summers the year. Average summer surface currents are with occasional wind events; rapid cooling in the generally weak and variable over most of the fall, with the potential for major tropical storms; Gulf, but there are strong easterly flowing off- and moderate winters, with occasional cold-air shore currents on the outer shelf from the outbreaks from the north. Water temperatures Mississippi through central Florida. are about 13–15uC in the coldest months and This pattern reverses in late summer, and the about 29–31uC in the warmest months, varying strongest currents are to the west on the inner with year and location. Annual mean sea surface shelf of western Louisiana and Texas until the temperature fluctuates between 26uC and 27uC following summer (Johnson, 2008). (Heileman and Rabalais, 2005). As is the case Shelf fronts, where water masses with differ- elsewhere, long-term climate change is affecting ential temperature, , or suspended solid the Gulf. For example, in Mobile Bay, the onset properties meet, occur along the northern Gulf, of the spring bloom is now about from through Florida as well as 2 wk earlier than it was in 1947 (M. Graham, along the northern portions of the Yucatan Southern Mississippi University, pers. comm.), Peninsula. Shelf fronts can be important aggre- consistent with a warming climate. gation areas for , , and marine The main water circulation features in the pelagic predators (from Cowan et al., 2008). Gulf of Mexico are (1) a large, elongated More than 150 rivers supply to the clockwise circulation, the Loop Current, the Gulf. The Mississippi River is the largest source dominant feature of the eastern Gulf, that enters and supplies well over half of the annual total through the Yucatan Straits and extends north volume of more than 10 3 1011 m3 of the fresh before exiting between the southern tip of water entering the Gulf. The Mississippi, the fifth Florida and Cuba; (2) large-scale eddies that largest river in the world, carries large quantities

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that is highest in shallow water close to land, where nutrients and light are plentiful, and offshore in well-lit surface waters above the compensation depth, where is greater than respiration. As might be expected from this pattern of productivity, abundance and of living organisms decreases rapidly with depth (Pequegnat et al., 1990; Rabalais, 1990; Powell et al., 2003). In the northern Gulf of Mexico primary productivity occurs year round, but it is generally higher in the spring and early summer (Fig. 2), coinciding with peak river flows into coastal waters (Lehrter et al., 2009). The spring phyto- plankton bloom is followed by a peak in abundance. Primary and secondary production of the northern continental shelf is greatly influenced by the Mississippi River because of the nutrients in the river discharge (Darnell, 1990; Lohrenz Fig. 2. Satellite photo of Louisiana’s Mississippi et al., 1997), but perhaps also because of the River birdfoot delta and surrounding area, spring 2007, plume buoyancy that keeps phytoplankton near with plankton bloom evident (Photo by NASA). the surface. The nearshore marshes, estuaries, and the areas influenced by the Mississippi River and other rivers have greater-than-average pro- of nutrient, sediments, and pollutants garnered ductivity compared to other areas of the Gulf from draining about 40% of the area of the (Lehrter et al., 2009). In addition, the riverine continental United States, including the farm organic matter that enters the Gulf is a very belt (Turner and Rabalais, 1991; Goolsby et al., important source of nutrition for 2000). The plume of the Mississippi River, throughout the shelf and down the continental entering either from the Atchafalaya River slope (Murrell et al., 2013) and accounts for or from the so-called bird-foot delta of the a major part of total respiration. Outflow of Mississippi River, is a major influence on the nutrients and carbon from local bays comprises oceanography of the central Gulf and the pro- apparently only a fraction of that delivered by ductivity of its shelf (Wawrik and Paul, 2004). Its the Mississippi River (Gordon and Goni, 2003; freshwater plume flows westerly as less dense Das et al., 2011). Unfortunately, increased inputs water overriding saltier, deeper offshore water. of anthropogenic nutrients, mainly from the Freshwater runoff from the combined rivers of Mississippi River, have resulted in very large the northern Gulf contributes to a low-salinity, phytoplankton blooms and more labile organic highly turbid, nearshore water mass or plume matter sinking toward the bottom, followed within a westward-flowing coastal current, which by seasonal over a broad area of the is constrained within a steep, horizontal salinity northern Gulf shelf west of the Mississippi River front on the midshelf about 20–50 km offshore (e.g., see review of Rabalais et al., 2002; Dagg and (Crout, 1983; Cochrane and Kelly, 1986). Breed, 2003). The nutrient contributions from deepwater upwelling in cold-core eddies appear Productivity.—The Gulf is a moderately high– to not yet have been quantitatively compared 2 primary-productivity basin (250–300 gC/m /yr) to those from river inputs as catalysts for shelf in comparison to other portions of the world’s and slope production. , although within- annual rates vary Gulf fisheries are supported by the high shelf 2 from 100 to 500 gC/m /yr (Biggs and Sanchez, productivity and large inputs of terrestrial 1997; Chen et al., 2000), and daily rates can be nutrients. Major fisheries include three species highly variable (e.g., Quigg et al., 2011). There of shrimp (brown, Farfantepenaeus aztecus; white, are two major gradients of biological mass and Litopenaeus setiferus: and pink, Farfantepenaeus activity in the Gulf: (1) productivity is highest on duorarum), (Crassostrea virginica), blue the continental shelf, decreasing generally off- crab (), menhaden (Brevootria shore; and (2) productivity and biomass decrease patronus), red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), with depth. These gradients reflect the support- swordfish (Xiphias gladius), tuna (Thunnus spp.), ing primary productivity from photosynthesis amberjack (Seriola spp.), and tilefish (Lopholatilus https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 4 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 102 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

Fig. 3. Diagrammatic representation of a cross section of the northern Gulf of Mexico, showing some major habitats and the geological and biological features involved in primary and secondary production and some representative species in the food web (diagram by J. R. Allen).

chamaelonticeps). The top five fisheries in terms of waters to the north, but the Gulf’s diversity is not economic value are shellfish (brown shrimp, as great as that associated with the tropics. white shrimp, eastern oyster, and blue carb). The Recently, the Harte Research Institute for Gulf menhaden fishery is the fifth most economically of Mexico Studies in Corpus Christi, TX, un- valuable in the Gulf but the second largest dertook a survey of marine biodiversity in the commercial fishery in the United States by Gulf (Felder and Camp, 2009). It was estimated landings (weight). that out of a total of 224,787 described marine species in the world, 15,419 of those species are Biodiversity.—Biodiversity, or the variety of life, is found in the Gulf. This compares to the 26,927 another important ecosystem attribute. It is often found in , 6,150 found in Hawaii, and defined as the variety of genuses, species, and 10,836 found in South . The variety of in a region (e.g., Larsson, 2001). habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico con- Biodiversity includes the different things that tributes greatly to its biodiversity, and with organisms do in the ecosystem and how many potentially more exploration of the deep Gulf different species there are to do them. Ecosys- and the application of molecular techniques we tems are optimized through natural selection on can expect significant increases in the numbers the species level to use energy wherever and of described species. whenever it is available. Different organisms fill different roles in ecosystem dynamics through HABITATS production, consumption, and recycling of materials, as well as through habitat modifica- In this section the main habitats of the tion, under a host of different circumstances. northern Gulf are described based on their The warm, temperate, and subtropical waters of physical characteristics and biological activity, the northern Gulf harbor a larger diversity of and representative species from various trophic organisms than are found in colder, temperate levels are highlighted (Fig. 3). The main habitat

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definitions used here follow closely the guidance surface predators, and rise close to the surface at from the Federal Geographic Data Committee night to feed on the more abundant plankton (2012). The species discussed under each habitat (Hopkins et al., 1994; Kaltenberg et al., 2007). comprise a fraction of the thousands that live in Prominent organisms in the deep-scattering the Gulf; they were chosen because of their layers include , decapods, mysids, cte- importance ecologically or to humans. In this nophores, salps, , polychaete worms, section the main habitats are discussed, starting shrimp, squid, and myctophid (lantern ). offshore and moving shoreward and from the These vertically migrating layers support a variety deepest to the shallowest. The pelagic or neritic of predatory fish, squids, night- , habitats are discussed first, and then the benthic and marine mammals (Fig. 4). habitats within each major province (i.e., ocean- The bathypelagic fauna is not well character- ic; continental shelf; bays, estuaries, and bea- ized. Large bathypelagic organisms collected ches) are discussed. in trawls and seen from submersibles include bristlemouth fish, decapod shrimps, squid, dra- Oceanic.—The deep-water habitats in the central gonfish, and gulpers (e.g., Burghart et al., 2010). Gulf of Mexico are not well studied, and eco- The bathypelagic micronekton include a high logical data are sparse. There are some notable proportion of species that brood their eggs, exceptions, including the extensive geological while the shallower mesopelagic zone has many and geochemical data gathered for fewer brooders (Burghart et al., 2007). Appar- exploration and the unique chemosynthetic com- ently brooding and direct development are munities of deep-water petroleum seeps, meth- adaptations to an environment in which pelagic ane hydrates, and brine seeps. Most of these data larvae are less likely to survive. are for the continental slope rather than the The very deep sea (meso- and bathypelagic abyssal plain. zones) contains a rich variety of single-celled The deep ocean basin accounts for about 20% organisms (Protista) that are even less well of the area of the Gulf (Harte Research Institute, known than the multicellular fauna. The 2014). The oceanic area (seaward of the shelf and are single-celled that break) is treated here in two habitat categories: along with the eukaryotes comprise the two great pelagic and benthic. divisions of cellular organisms. Some prokaryotes fix dissolved inorganic carbon and others me- Pelagic: The narrow continental shelf off tabolize it. Dissolved organic matter is a huge the Mississippi River brings oceanic epipelagic reservoir of carbon, as much as 200 times greater (0–200 m deep) habitats relatively close to land. than living biomass in the ocean. The dissolved Eddies migrating along the shelf break entrain organic matter exists in a reversible equilibrium the plume of the Mississippi River and transport with microscopic gels that provide habitat for it offshore, producing a nutrient-rich, oceanic bathypelagic protists (Verdugo and Santschi, pelagic habitat, supporting nektonic fishes and 2010). In addition, dissolved inorganic carbon squids as well as top-level predators, such as fixation rates (supported by chemoautotrophy) (Physeter macrocephalus), relatively that rival those of heterotrophic microbes have close to shore (Davis, 2000). Cyclonic, cold-core recently been shown in the bathypelagic zone eddies, producing slight elevations of the sea of the deep Atlantic (Reinthaller et al., 2010) surface, generally have higher concentrations of and are also likely to play the same role in nutrients and chlorophyll associated with them the deep Gulf. Among the archea the methane- and a shallower deep chlorophyll maximum. oxidizing species are abundant near sources of Cyclonic eddies also have a higher biomass of this gas, such as natural petroleum seeps. This zooplankton (Davis, 2002) than do anticyclonic genetically diverse community of prokaryotes is eddies (Biggs, 1992). a food source for heterotrophic nanoflagellates Like other oceans and , the oceanic habitat and ciliates, forming complex interactions at in the northern Gulf of Mexico has progressively the base of the meso- and bathypelagic food deeper zones: the epipelagic (0–200 m); mesope- webs, comprising the well-known lagic (200–1,000 m); bathypelagic (1,000–4,000 (Nagata et al., 2010). m), where no sunlight penetrates; and abyssal On the surface of the Gulf, two species of the pelagic (.4,000 m). Ecosystem biomass decreases brown macroalgae Sargassum form large floating rapidly below 200 m, the lower boundary of the rafts in the late spring and summer and con- mixed layer. In the Gulf, the mesopelagic stitute an important surface habitat for a variety comprising the deep-scattering layer (named of creatures (Rooker et al., 2006), some of which for its acoustic reflectivity) are located between are found only in these rafts (Fig. 5). Common 450 and 550 m during the day, avoiding day-time fishes found here include sargassumfish (Histrio https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 6 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 104 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

Fig. 4. Bathypelagic and mesopelagic species in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. (a) The squid Stigmatoteuthus arcturi. (b) Mesopelagic amphipod. (c) The heteropod mollusk Caranaria lamarki. (d) The globe-eye hatchetfish Argyropelecus aculeatus. (e) The anglerfish Cryptosaurus cf. couelsii. (f) The prawn Acanthephyra purpea (all photos, copyright Dante Fenolio, used by permission).

histrio), sargassum pipefish (Sygnathus pelagicus), including mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), co- planehead filefish (Stephanolepus hispidus), and bia (Rachycentron canadum), and wahoo (Acantho- sargassum triggerfish (Xanthicthys ringens). cybium solandri), as well as for sea turtles (Wells Common include , nu- and Rooker, 2009; Witherington et al., 2012), dibranchs, hydrozoans, and bryzoans. Sargassum providing food and protection from pelagic is also a good habitat for juvenile fishes, predators.

Fig. 5. The Sargassum community. (a) A bed of floating Sargassum with a juvenile loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta. (b) The sargassum angler fish Histrio histrio. (c) The sargassum shrimp Latreutes fucorum. (d) The sargassum filefish Stenolepis hispidus. (e) juvenile sailfish (all photos, copyright Dante Fenolio, used by permission).

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Fig. 6. Some pelagic marine vertebrates of the Gulf of Mexico. (a) Sperm , Physeter macrocephalus (photo by Tim Cole, NMFS). (b) Bottlenose and calf, Tursiops truncatus (photo by NMFS). (c) Masked booby, Sula dactylatra (photo by W. Montevicchi). (d) Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) (photo by Richard Hermann).

Floating rafts of Sargassum are particularly world; it once supported an extremely lucrative common in the northwest Gulf in spring and fishery but is now greatly depleted by then move eastward and are injected into the (Safina, 1997). Bluefin tuna have adaptations to Atlantic Ocean starting in July, and the Gulf may an energetically demanding, highly mobile life be the main source of Atlantic Ocean Sargassum in the open ocean. A high rate of metabolism, (Gower and King, 2008). Total Sargassum bio- endothermy, and unique molecular adaptations mass may reach 6 million tons in the Gulf in underlie a remarkable physiology for sustained some years. In the open waters of the Gulf high-speed swimming (Block and Stevens, 2001). Sargassum may contribute as much as 60% of the Satellite tagging data indicate mixing of the in the upper meter of water eastern and western stocks on either side of (Carpenter and Cox, 1974; Pe´re`s, 1982). Sargassum the central North Atlantic Ocean (Block et al., is also often washed ashore in the Gulf, adding 2001). nutrients to coastal habitats and providing feeding The oceanic pelagic portion of the Gulf opportunities for shorebirds and other wildlife as contains one of the two known spawning itdecaysandisconsumedbyinvertebrates. grounds for this species (Rooker et al., 2007). Prominent megafauna of the oceanic epipe- Based on tagging and genetic data it has been lagic zone include swordfish (Xiphias gladius), suggested that the spawning stocks in the Gulf white (Tetrapurus albidus) and blue (Makaira and the are different, but nigricans) marlin, blue runners (Caranx crysos), there is no consensus on this view. Based on yellowfin (Thunnus albacorus) and bluefin tuna larval distribution, the greatest spawning activi- (Thunnus thynnus), and whale sharks (Rhincodon ties of bluefin tuna occur in association with the typus) (Fig. 6). There are also many species of shelf break in the northern Gulf. Spawning is seabirds, , and whales. Some of the thought to be associated with cyclonic eddies prominent species of this habitat are seen in (TAG, 2012). The frontal systems on the shelf Figure 6. have the greatest concentrations of larvae. Blue- Atlantic Bluefin tuna, an iconic top predator, fin tuna in the Gulf mature at 8 yr, and the is one of the largest and fastest fishes in the average age of females in the spawning grounds https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 8 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 106 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

is 11 yr. Peak spawning occurs from mid- to late over the continental slope, where convergences May (Brothers et al., 1983). Tuna are batch occur between eddies and, presumably, where spawners, each female spawning more than once their food (small fishes, plankton, and micro- per season. Large tunas can 30–60 million nekton) is concentrated (Baumgartner et al., eggs annually (Baglin, 1982). The eggs hatch in 2001). The offshelf transport of nutrient-rich just a few days in the warm water of the Gulf, and water by shelf-edge eddies is a key process in peak egg and larval abundances are found in supplying a productive trophic base and in April, May, and June. determining high-quality cetacean habitat. Other Bluefin tuna in the western Atlantic forage dolphins and whales tend to be found all along mainly in the upper mixed layer of the ocean, the shelf break, not preferentially associated with feeding on forge fishes, such as sandlance cyclonic eddies and confluences. (Ammodytes spp.) and Atlantic (Clupea A resident of Gulf sperm whales harengus), and cephalopods. While mainly pelag- congregates within 100 km of the mouth of the ic foragers, a significant portion of their diet Mississippi River (Davis et al., 2002), mainly in shallow areas comprises benthic organisms because of the elevated chlorophyll concentra- (Chase, 2002). Nevertheless, bluefin tuna prey tions in the surface waters (O’Hern and Biggs, are primarily from trophic levels higher than that 2009). Sperm whales feed mainly on mesopelagic fed upon by other tunas. and bathypelagic squids, which may by inference Prominent oceanic seabirds of the Gulf include be linked to higher production areas of the parasitic jaegers (Stercorarius parasiticus), Audubon’s epipelagic zone. The average diving depth of shearwaters (Puffinus Ihermineiri), band-rump storm sperm whales in the Gulf is 644 m. Acoustic petrels (Oceanodromo castro), sooty (Onycho- recordings made during the dives had signals prion fuscatus), and black terns (Clidonias niger) consistent with the use of long-range biosonar to (Davis et al., 2000). There is much seasonal locate patches of prey (Watwood et al., 2006). variability in many Gulf populations due Recent genetic evidence suggests that females to the migration patterns of these species. Many in the Gulf population breed exclusively there seabirds are associated with areas of higher and that males move among Gulf populations phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass within and those in the Mediterranean Sea, western cyclonic eddies and in sheer zones between North Atlantic, and (Englehaupt eddies (Ribic et al., 1997; Hess, 1999). et al., 2009). The masked booby (Sula dactylatra)isan oceanic seabird in the gannet family. It is the Continental slope and bathyl : Salt largest of the boobies, with a wingspan up to domes, or salt diapirs, are common features on 150 cm and weighing up to 1.5 kg. It breeds on the outer continental shelf and slope (and some tropical islands in the southern Gulf of Mexico coastal areas) of the northwestern (Murray, 1961; and Caribbean (Tunnell and Chapman, 2000); Halbouty, 1967) and southwestern (Worzel et al., otherwise it spends its entire life at sea. Masked 1968) Gulf, including the Flower Gardens and boobies feed on and squid, particu- many of the other offshore banks. Salt domes larly on flying fish. They plunge dive, from as are the result of hypersaline deposits from late high as 30 m, to catch their prey. Aggregations Mesozoic seas that formed buoyant pillars after of masked boobies are often found near schools burial that then penetrated overlying sediments of dolphin or tuna, both top-level predators and are important areas for oil and gas produc- also attracted to schools of pelagic fish. In the tion (Halbouty, 1979; Henderson and Varner, western North Atlantic Ocean these boobies 2011). Drowned ancient coral reefs are also forage over Sargassum (Moser and Lee, 2012), important features in some areas. so this behavior may also occur in the Gulf. As much as 140,000 tons of oil seep naturally There are 28 species of cetaceans (whales and into the Gulf of Mexico every year (NRC, 2002), dolphins) reported in the Gulf (Davis et al., and much of this seepage occurs on the con- 2002). Several species of dolphins are commonly tinental slope. Areas of oil and gas seepage and sighted during shipboard and aerial surveys, brine seepage have unusual biological activity on including bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus), spin- the otherwise mostly homogeneous deep-sea ner (Stenella longirostris), Atlantic spotted (Stenella muddy bottoms of the continental slope, occur- frontalis), pantropical spotted (Stenella attenuata), ring between depths of 250 and 2,200 m risso (Grampus griseus), striped (Stenella coeruoe- (MacDonald et al., 1990a). Brine seeps occur lalba), and clymene (Stenella clymene) dolphins, as over salt-core diapers and are scattered over the well as melon-headed (Peponocephala electra) and shelf break and continental slope of the northern short-finned pilot (Globicephala macrorhynchus) Gulf. They support cold-seep chemosynthetic whales. Many whales and dolphins concentrate communities that are mainly decoupled in their

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Fig. 7. Diagram of geological and biological features and dominant species of a community on the continental slope (diagram by J. R. Allen).

energy supply from overlying photosynthetic Hard-bottom habitat consisting of authigenic communities near the ocean surface and that carbonate deposits is also scattered along the depend on high-energy chemically reduced com- continental slope. These deposits form from the pounds in the seepage (H2S and methane) for combined activity of sulfate-reducing and meth- their metabolic energy and carbon (Childress ane-oxidizing bacteria, their metabolism result- et al., 1986; Fisher et al., 1987) (Fig. 7). ing in the deposition of carbonates in areas of The dominant organisms in these slope natural gas seepage (Boetius et al., 2000; Birgel seep communities are either or vestimi- et al., 2011; Chevalier et al., 2011). These elevated niferan worms, although epibenthic and infaunal carbonate-based substrates allow large fixed bivalves can also be prominent. In one case, animals to settle and grow, including ahermaty- chemosynthetic-dependent mussels live at the pic (cold-water) corals, gorgonians, , edge of hypersaline methane-rich pools at a depth hydroids, and anemones. These hard-bottom of 650 m on the continental slope (MacDonald communities developing on petroleum seepages et al., 1990b). Cold seeps and brine seeps support appear to be the endpoint of a succession of a diverse epibenthic fauna dependent on mussels colonizing animals, such as corals, gorgonians, and vestimentiferan worms for structure and and anemones, that, unlike the original coloni- habitat in an environment otherwise lacking zers (tube worms and mussels, etc.), are not much habitat diversity (Berquist et al., 2003). dependent on the chemosynthetic processes Similar biocenoses involving chemosynthetic bac- in the seeps for nutrition (CSA, 2007). terial mats in petroleum seeps are apparently The patterns of occurrence of benthic species common on the upper continental shelf of the biomass on the continental slope correlate Gulf (Sassen et al., 1993) as well as elsewhere, negatively with depth and positively with export such as in the Santa Barbara Channel in rate of particulate organic carbon from overlying California (Spies et al., 1980). waters (Baguley et al., 2008; Wei et al., 2010). https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 10 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 108 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

Away from areas of seepage, the majority of the species, such as rattails and eels, derive most of continental slope consists of soft sediments and their nutrition from chemosynthetic communi- has a diverse benthic and benthopelagic fauna. ties, while others use production from such brine Animals living here rely mainly on the rain of and methane seeps as well as from surface water organic matter from the waters above or on photosynthesis (McAvoy et al., 2002). the organic material coming downslope from The continental slope environment of the the continental shelf, in particular from the northern Gulf is perhaps more heavily polluted Mississippi River. At depths greater than 700 m than are comparable areas in other parts of the sedimentation rates are apparently ,0.44 cm/yr United States, likely as a result of the disposal of (Yaeger et al., 2004). The numbers and biomass wastes from the thousands of wells drilled in the of bacteria, meiofauna, and the infauna sampled northern Gulf, including leaking and uncapped by grabs and cores, as well as the macrofauna boreholes, and the deposition of contaminated sampled by dredge, all decrease with depth as sediments from the Mississippi River. A wide- material from the sinks and is ranging survey was recently conducted in the metabolized. For example, the density of macro- northern Gulf from west Florida to mid-Texas. fauna is correlated with the amount of particu- Enrichment of polynuclear aromatic hydrocar- late organic matter in sediments below 700 m bons in concentrations up to ,1 ppm was found (Yaeger et al., 2004); benthic bacterial biomass at several sites. The elements Ba, Ni, Pb, Cd, As, decreases with depth and with the amount of Cu, and Mn were variously enriched from two- particulate organic carbon from the overlying fold to 10-fold measures over background (Wade water (Deming and Carpenter, 2008). Benthic et al., 2008). community oxygen consumption decreases from 2 values of 30 mM O2/m /d at the top of the Continental shelf.—The broad shelf extending 2 slope near the shelf break to 1 mM O2/m /d through most of the northern Gulf is rich in at 3,000 m depth (Rowe and Kennicut, 2002; marine life, supported by plentiful nutrients, Rowe et al., 2008). The biomass and abundance warm temperatures, and high primary produc- of benthic macrofauna and meiofauna also tivity from plankton and submerged aquatic decrease with depth on the continental slope vegetation. In addition, imported terrestrially in the northern Gulf (Pequegnat et al., 1990). produced material supplements the diets An unusual feature of the northern Gulf con- of the large number of detrital feeders. tinental slope communities is that the meiofauna (0.063–0.5 mm) have a higher biomass than do Neretic: Most of the biological production in the the macrofauna (.0.5 mm). An extensive trawl central northern Gulf occurs over survey of the macrofauna on the continental the shelf, with higher rates on the inner shelf slope east and west of the Mississippi Canyon (Chen et al., 2000; Murrell et al., 2013). The found 126 species of deepwater fish and 432 peak spring flows of the Mississippi River species of invertebrates in 46 bottom trawls carrying an influx of nutrients and organic conducted between depths of 200 and 3,000 m. matter are followed by water stratification and Shrimps, crabs, sea pens, and sea cucumbers the annual phytoplankton bloom as the days were some of the prominent invertebrates com- lengthen in April and May (Dagg and Breed, prising the trawl catches and appearing in deep- 2003). The spring phytoplankton bloom is sea photographs. Skates, rays, batfish, rattail fish, followed by a zooplankton bloom, mainly in hakes, -like fish, and gapers were some of the June; copepods are a particularly important more common fish encountered (Galloway et al., component of the zooplankton for passing 2001). energy and biomass to higher trophic levels In the abyssal plain there is a low density of (Dagg et al., 1991; Dagg, 1995). Other common organisms, as is seen elsewhere in the world’s zooplankters include protozoans, chaetognaths, oceans. In the Sigsbee Deep the size of organ- polychaete worms, decapods, and euphausid isms was inversely related to the biomass of the crustaceans (Ortner et al., 1989). Most of these populations, with meiofauna and bacteria popu- species spend their whole lives as plankton, but lations constituting the greatest share of biomass there are also the temporary zooplankters, (Rowe et al., 2003). mostly larval forms of larger animals, such as Large predators are apparently quite abun- fish, corals, gastropods, bivalves, polychaetes, dant on at least the continental slopes and echinoderms, and crabs. perhaps throughout the bathyl region (Pequeg- Fish communities associated with parts of the nat et al., 1990; Carney, 1994; P. Montagna, pers. shelf dominated by muddy bottoms have rela- comm.). Benthic feeding fishes appear to be very tively low diversities, and seasonal migrations are active in the Gulf, and some highly mobile common. In the eastern Gulf, however, rock- and

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Fig. 8. Some species on the continental shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico. (a) Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus (photo by NMFS). (b) Red snapper Lutjanus campechanus (photo by Ned Deloach). (c) Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii (photo by National Park Service). (d) Northern gannett, Morus bassanus (photo by W. Montevicchi).

reef-related species are more important, diversity into the mouths of Florida estuaries (Criales is greater, and there are more species endemic to et al., 2007). Blue crabs spend much of their life this portion of the Gulf (Darnell, 1990) (Fig. 8). cycle in bays and estuaries, with males often Many species on the shelf are estuarine for at going extensively into freshwater areas for least part of their life cycle. As in other temperate overwintering and then moving seaward in late and subtropical marine environments, the sexu- winter and spring to encounter females and ally mature adults of many commercially impor- mate. tant marine species move out of estuaries and Common shelf forage fish include Gulf men- spawn on the shelf. The life cycle of brown shrimp haden, sardines, and anchovies (Gelwick et al., (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) illustrates the linkage 1996; Lewis et al., 2007). Gulf menhaden are the between offshore spawning areas and inshore most abundant forage fish in the Gulf of Mexico estuarine rearing habitat (Fig. 9). After spawning and support the second largest fishery by weight has occurred, the newly hatched postlarval brown in the United States—mainly a reduction fishery shrimp descend and ride the northward-flowing for fish oil and feed (Vaughan et al., bottom currents, generated from the passage of 2007)—of about 480,000 metric tons per year. cold fronts in the spring, into the mouths of the Fluctuations in the Gulf menhaden population estuaries (Rogers et al., 1993). appear to be inversely related to Mississippi River Similar processes bring postlarval blue crabs discharge volume (Vaughan et al., 2011). Adults from the shelf environment to the mouths spawn offshore and in bays in winter, and the of estuaries, depending on favorable winds, but young menhaden are transported shoreward, sometimes tidal regimes, particularly nocturnal, arriving later in the year in coastal estuaries, summertime tides with minimal amplitude, where they mature (Vaughan et al., 2011). Adult play a larger part (Morgan et al., 1996). Pink Gulf menhaden are filter-feeding shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum) that spawn in and detritovores and live up to 6 yr (Ahrenholz, the Dry Tortugas also have larvae with behavioral 1991). Juveniles appear to sight-select microzoo- adaptations that place them in cross-shelf tidal plankton and dinoflagellates as prey and also currents and apparently transport them 100 km consume macrodetritus (Gavoni et al., 1983; https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 12 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 110 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

Fig. 9. Life cycle of shrimp (brown and white) in the Gulf of Mexico (diagram by J. R. Allen).

Stoeker and Gavoni, 1984). In addition to sup- leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) Kemp’s ridley porting a large commercial fishery, menhaden (Lepidochelys kempi), loggerhead (Caretta caretta), form an important trophic step from plankton to and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles. higher-level predators: large fish, seabirds, and All five species are endangered or threatened marine mammals (Scharf and Schlict, 2000; under Federal law. The most commonly encoun- Withers and Brooks, 2004; Vaughan et al., 2011). tered species are greens, followed by logger- Red snapper occupy a above heads, leatherbacks, and Kemp’s ridley. Kemp’s the forage fishes, with adults feeding on small ridley, an endangered species, is the smallest fishes, crustaceans, and other benthic inverte- of these five species of sea turtle, with adults brates. The species is a prominent but depleted weighing an average of 45 kg; there are about sport fish and supports active recreational and 7,000 individuals in the Gulf. This species commercial fisheries throughout the northern feeds mainly on the continental shelf across the Gulf shelf (Wells et al., 2008). Red snapper is northern Gulf; it is omnivorous, feeding mostly found in greatest abundance at depths of 15 on crabs, but also on jellyfish, other crustaceans, to 90 m; adults are often associated with hard- and mollusks (NOAA, 2014). Juvenile Kemp’s bottom or artificial platforms, but they also occur ridleys spend most of their time near the sea in shallower inshore waters, especially in cooler surface and in association with the Sargassum months. They become sexually mature before community (Witherington et al., 2012). They they reach 30 cm in length and have lifespans of mature in 11–13 yr (Zug et al., 1997). Adults up to 50 yr (Gallaway et al., 2009). Adult females mate offshore, and females come ashore during are batch spawners, spawning frequently be- daylight three times in spring and summer to lay tween late May and early Oct. (Collins et al., eggs. The only known spawning beaches for the 2001). Kemp’s ridley turtle are in the Gulf of Mexico, Sea turtles are prominent members of the Gulf mainly Playa de Rancho Nuevo, , shelf vertebrate fauna. There are five species Mexico. They are occasionally caught at public in the Gulf of Mexico: green (Chelonia mydas), fishing piers by recreational fisherman and are

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also caught in the commercial trawl fisheries for The continental shelf benthic communities shrimp and in gill nets (Rudloe and Rudloe, reflect the substrates, depths, turbidity of over- 2005). As with other Gulf sea turtles, this species lying waters, minimum temperatures, and avail- is cold sensitive and can be stunned by unusually able dissolved oxygen. Much of the shelf west of cold winter temperatures and killed during the Mississippi River is under the influence prolonged cold spells in shallow waters (Foley of seasonal hypoxia from organic enrichment et al., 2007). With the implementation of turtle (Rabalais et al., 2002). However, sandy shoals exclusion devices in shrimp trawls and increased elevated off the otherwise-muddy bottoms in this enforcement, the population in the Gulf appears region and above the deep-water hypoxic zone in to be starting to recover, although direct or the summer have a diverse array of infauna. The sublethal impacts on the species resulting from predominant infaunal groups of the continental the BP oil spill could be influencing the species’ shelves are polychaete worms and amphipod recovery (Antonio et al., 2012; Barron, 2012). crustaceans (Brooks et al., 2008; Dubois et al., The Gulf of Mexico shelf seabird fauna 2009). Some of the most notable features of comprises a mixture of temperate and tropical the continental shelf are the more than 30 reefs species, with many more northerly forms winter- and banks below the 50-m isobath on the outer ing in the Gulf. Most of the seabirds in the Gulf continental shelf west of the Mississippi River feed on forage fish, but some have other prey; Delta (Rezak et al., 1990) and about 30 more to black skimmers (Rynchops niger), for example, the east of the Delta, notably the Pinnacles feed on zooplankton as well as fish (Gochfeld and the Florida Middle Grounds (T. Shirley, and Burger, 1994). The northern gannett (Morus unpubl.). The banks in east Texas and Louisiana bassanus) is a large prominent fish-eating seabird are salt diapirs, while those in south Texas, the in the Gulf of Mexico shelf environment. Pinnacles, and the Florida Middle Grounds are Gannets, like the closely related , are coral–algal carbonate reefs and shorelines. plunge-diving seabirds (Birdlife International, Biological and geological information on the 2012). This species nests on rocky headlands south Texas outer continental shelf banks is on the North Atlantic coast, and the young birds summarized by Nash et al. (2013), who showed migrate south, swimming at first and then later that some 943 species have been identified from flying during their first winter migration. Young these outer shelf banks. birds spend their first few years in the Gulf The Flower Garden Banks are a unique habitat foraging on small shoaling fish. Adults are very on the shelf directly south of the Texas– efficient flyers, often cruising up to 30 m above Louisiana border (Fig. 10). These banks have the ocean while searching for fish, or at other been well studied, as they occur in an area of times just above the wave tops, taking advantage active oil and gas production and are protected of the updrafts from the ocean (USFWS, 2010). because of their diverse fauna. The banks consist of structures that have grown up on Benthos: The continental shelf benthic habitat salt diapers. Coral reefs are found in other parts of the northwestern Gulf is characterized by of the Gulf, but nowhere else are they as diverse gradually accelerating depths in the offshore and as close to natural as in the Flower Gardens direction, with a variable depth gradient de- (Rezak et al., 1985, 1990). The banks have pendent usually on the shelf width. The area living corals from about 20 to 45 m in depth, offshore of Louisiana from about Terrabonne comprising mainly the genera Monastrea, Di- Bay west to about Corpus Christi, TX, is wide, ploria, and Porites. Two species of Gulf coral with the steepest depth gradients beyond 80 m, (the staghorn, Acropora cervicornis, and the elk- while the narrower shelf off the Mississippi River , A. palmata) are federally listed endangered has a steep depth gradient seaward from about species. The carbonate sediments of the banks 40 m (Rezak et al., 1990). East of the Mississippi are derived from corals and numerous calcare- River and its associated canyons, the shelf again ous algae that thrive in the warm, clear water. widens and grades into the very broad, gently There is greater than 50% cover of corals here sloping Florida Platform that drops off steeply (Aronson et al., 2005), which is the highest in on its outer edge as the Florida Escarpment. the . The coral provide The nearshore benthos in Texas, Louisiana, a habitat for 175 species of tropical reef fishes Mississippi, and western Alabama less than and numerous species of invertebrates, including 10 m deep experiences lower salinity, turbid seafans and whips, sponges, anemones, and water subject to rapid winter cooling to below crinoids. Like other banks and reefs in the Gulf 10uC (Rezak et al., 1985). A near-bottom of Mexico, biological zonation occurs with depth nephloid layer extends farther into the Gulf (Dennis and Bright, 1988; Rezak, 1990). Herma- than the 10-m isobath. typic corals at the Flower Garden Banks appear https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 14 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 112 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida coasts (Harte Research Institute, 2014). The particular habitats within these areas are defined by salinity, , geomorphology, sediments, and especially by the predominant vegetation types. There are bays, barrier islands, beaches, estuaries, marshlands, and . A good general account of the broad Louisiana coastal area, including the landscape, vegetation, wild- life, human activities, loss, and attempts at restoration, is provided by Gomez (2008). Britton and Morton (1989) provide another good general account of shoreline ecology, including terrestrial, estuarine, and marine waters from Fig. 10. Underwater photo of coral and associated the Mississippi Delta west to Brownsville, TX, fish fauna on Flower Garden Banks (NMFS). and then along the Gulf coast of Mexico to the Yucatan Peninsula. There are extensive lagoons in the western Gulf. Tunnell and Judd (2002) to be the source for coral populations located at offer an excellent treatment of the ecology of the the many oil and gas platforms in the northern Laguna Madre system, which stretches from Gulf (Sammarco et al., 2012). At the base of Corpus Christi, TX, to La Pesca, Mexico. the diaper-supported structures comprising the Many of the bays and lagoons in Florida Flower Garden Banks are high-density, gas- and south Texas have relatively clear water saturated brine seeps that discharge into brine and beds (Fig. 11), whereas bays and pools in the seafloor. estuaries of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama The Florida Platform and southwest Florida have more extensive marshes, but also have some continental shelf, dominated by carbonate sands seagrass habitats (GMP, 2004). The Big Bend with some rock outcrops, extend a great distance area of Florida and Florida Bay have very exten- from shore. Although rock outcrops are rare sive seagrass beds (Iverson and Bittaker, 1986), here, sessile epifauna such as corals, coralline covering many square kilometers of coastal algae, and sponges occupy more than 30% of waters. Seagrass beds (also called submerged the benthos (Phillips et al., 1990). The sandy aquatic vegetation, SAV, which includes other substrates on this platform are often a thin veneer types of as well) can include seven species over limestone rock and have a macroinfauna of vascular plants rooted in the sediments. dominated by crustaceans, polychaetes, and Three of the more common varieties of mollusks. Epibenthic life is dominated by crusta- are turtle grass (Thalassia testudum), ceans, mollusks, fishes, algae, and coelenterates. shoal grass (Halodule wrightii), and manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme). Seagrass beds are impor- Bays, estuaries, and beaches.—Numerous bays, tant as habitat for a variety of invertebrates and lagoons, and estuaries line the Gulf coast; 40 are fishes (including many commercially impor- listed in the Gulfbase Web site for Texas, tant species), sea turtles, and marine mammals.

Fig. 11. Some Gulf of Mexico seagrasses. (a) Manatee grass, Syringodium filiforme (photo by Nancy Diersing, NOAA, NMS). (b) Turtle grass, Thalassia testudum (photo by Heather Dinn, NOAA, NMS).

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Fig. 12. Coastal marsh habitat and some of its inhabitants. (a) Marsh edge reeds, (b) cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, at marsh edge with oil (photo by Mark Schrope), (c) blue crab, Callinectes sapidus (photo by University of South Carolina DNR), (d) black mangroves, Avecinnia germinans (photo by J. Rayney, University of Texas).

Seagrass meadows are also valuable winter shoreline features and habitat (Fig. 12). At the feeding habitat for ducks. For example, 75% of water’s edge the predominant emergent aquatic the world population of redhead ducks (Aythya vegetation is smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterni- americana) overwinters in the vast meadows of flora), which thrives in of about 16 ppt seagrasses in the Laguna Madre of Texas and (Shiftlet, 1963). As cordgrass and other vegeta- Tamaulipas (Weller, 1964). Seagrasses dampen tion dies back or sheds its aboveground leaves, the effects of wave action and and the leaves break down into , an important thereby stabilize sediments. Blades shed from potential source of food for invertebrates and seagrasses break down into detritus, an impor- some small fishes (Marinucci, 1982). tant source of organic matter in shallow-water Algae also appear to be major sources of ecosystems. The macrobiota of seagrass beds primary production for macrofauna living in include algae, polychaetes, crustaceans, mollusks, marshes (Winemiller et al., 2007). Shrimp and other invertebrates, and fishes (Britton and blue crab are associated with marsh and wetland Morton, 1989). The fish fauna of the northern vegetation and are found in highest abundances Gulf seagrass beds has apparently been affected close to the edge of marsh vegetation. Juvenile by rising seawater temperatures in the last 40 yr, brown shrimp, white shrimp (Litopenaeus setifera), given the northern range extensions of many and blue crab are most abundant within 1 m of new tropical fishes (Fodrie et al., 2009). The the vegetative edge of marshes in the northwest seagrass beds of the northern Gulf of Mexico Gulf (Minello and Rozas, 2002), showing the have been in decline for the last 60 yr (USGS, importance of marsh vegetation not only for 2006). sediment stabilization but also as structured The Gulf of Mexico has a very small tidal habitat for commercially important estuarine range, about half a meter at the maximum. invertebrates and small fishes, which are prey This small range combined with the often very for sea trout (Cynoscion nebulosus) and red drum gradual increase in landward elevations exposes (Sciaenops ocellatus). Minello and Rozas (2002) large areas of some habitats (e.g., marsh) during estimated that degradation of marshes resulting low tide. Salt marshes are very extensive in the in greater than 70% open water is likely to lead north central Gulf, defining much of the to decreases in these crustaceans. https://aquila.usm.edu/goms/vol33/iss1/9 16 DOI: 10.18785/goms.3301.09 Spies et al.: An Overview of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem 114 GULF OF MEXICO SCIENCE, 2016, VOL. 33(1)

Fig. 13. Artificial oyster reef before deployment (photo by author). The northern Gulf is the northerly limit of black mangroves (Avecinnia spp.), which form another vegetative shoreline type. Climate warm- ing may well result in the expansion of their populations into areas where Spartina spp. are currently dominant, with accompanying changes in marsh geophysical and geochemical proper- ties (Comeaux et al., 2012). Biological uses of mangroves and marshes are unlikely to be Fig. 14. Some bay and estuarine fish, Gulf of identical, so changes in shrimp, crabs, and Mexico. (a) Stripped mullet, Mugil cephalus (photo by marsh-dependent finfishes may be expected. Keoki Stender), (b) gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis In slightly less saline and inland areas of (photo by B. Dubjanski, LSU), (c) red drum, Sciaenops estuaries are brackish marshes—the habitat for ocellatus (drawing courtesy of State of Louisiana). marsh hay cordgrass (Spartina patens) in higher and Summers, 2000). Crustaceans, bivalves, poly- elevations and widgeon grass (Ruppia martima)in chaetes, other invertebrates, and benthic fish are the lower elevations and partly submerged areas. dominant faunal groups of these communities Approximately 20 species of SAV were identified throughout the intertidal and subtidal areas of in a survey of the northern Gulf; widgeon grass the Gulf. was the most commonly encountered species Another major biogenic habitat is oyster reefs, (Merino et al., 2009). Here open water is less which harbor a variety of estuarine species and extensive, with and channels being pre- help protect estuaries from storm-caused ero- dominant. is a very important sion. Oysters are sensitive to changes in salinity, habitat for young stages of crabs, shrimps, and and long-term changes in freshwater supply and various fishes. Farther inland, brackish marshes saltwater incursion have had marked effects on grade into intermediate marsh areas, which have the location of oyster reefs in estuaries (Berquist even more restricted open water and a lower et al., 2006). Given the decline in oyster reefs, salinity, in the range of 3 ppt. Reeds and rushes increases in the appreciation of their ecosystem are important components of the vegetation, services provided by oysters and advances in and these areas also serve as important habitat oyster hatchery technology have increased em- for young stages of estuarine and marine phasis on oyster restoration throughout the organisms. northern Gulf (Fig. 13). In apparent contrast to the trophic structure In the bays of Texas alone there are 550 of estuaries elsewhere in the United States (e.g., species of fish (Murdy, 1983). We include here and ), the just a few comments on bay and estuarine fishes benthic communities of northern Gulf of Mexico that are commonly prey for higher trophic estuaries and bays are dominated by , level species, including some of the larger sport which may account for as much as 90% of the and commercial fish species (Fig. 14). As with biomass of these communities (Gaston et al., invertebrates, there is a great deal of overlap in 1997). Suspension feeders appear to be a rela- the schooling forage fishes found in bays and tively minor component of the benthic fauna, in estuaries and those found on the shelf. Gulf contrast to other estuaries. There are biogeo- menhaden (discussed in the section on the graphical differences in benthic shelf), stripped mullet (Mugil cephalus), and bay communities of estuaries around the Gulf of anchovy (Anchoa mitchelli) are abundant in bays. Mexico with two provinces: , TX The three species of Gulf mullets are schooling, to northern Florida and south Florida (Engle bottom-feeding detritovores, and their feeding

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activity suspends large amounts of sediments CONCLUSION (Britton and Morton, 1989). Among the many smaller species of fish that live in bays and The northern Gulf is a dynamic, large marine marshes, the Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) are ecosystem supporting a high diversity of species prominent permanent inhabitants. and is influenced by terrestrial and oceanographic Red drum is in the next trophic level higher features that define its unique ecology. The than forage fishes and is a prominent sport fish estuarine, nearshore, pelagic, and deep-sea envir- across the northern Gulf, feeding on small fishes, onments are interconnected, necessitating an crustaceans, and molluscs. They are a long-lived integrated, ecosystem-wide approach to restora- tion planning and natural resource management. species, living up to 37 yr, and can weigh up to There are at least three major ecosystem features 27 kg in the Gulf (Texas Parks and Wildlife, or processes that demonstrate the scale and 2014). They spawn inshore in the fall and winter. importance of connectivity in the Gulf that should At first, young fish live in very shallow water, be considered in restoration: (1) the Loop but they can spend more time offshore as Current and its associated eddies are mechanisms they mature. Adult red drum, however, are for chemical and biological dispersal within and often found in very shallow water and even in beyond the Gulf and contribute nutrients through freshwater many miles from the ocean. upwelling; (2) the Mississippi River is a significant The brown (Pellicanus occidentalis)is source of freshwater, sediments, food and nutri- ubiquitous in the shallow bays and estuaries of ents driving marine productivity and conditions in the northern Gulf of Mexico. It is one of the the northern Gulf; and (3) many Gulf species use largest birds on the Gulf coast: it weighs up to both estuarine and offshore habitats during their 5 kg and has a wingspan of up to 2.5 m. life cycle. 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