NCADP Helps New Mexico Become Third State in Three Years to Just Say No to Capital Punishment

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NCADP Helps New Mexico Become Third State in Three Years to Just Say No to Capital Punishment Lifelines May. 5/18/09 2:55 PM Page 1 Lifelines N EWS FROM THE N ATIONAL COALITION TO A B OLISH THE D EATH P ENALTY • NUMBER 99 • SPRING 2009 NCADP Helps New Mexico Become Third State In Three Years to Just Say No to Capital Punishment ew Mexico is a prime tourist destination, offering magnificent scenery and Native American culture. Today it has another distinction. The Land of Enchantment is one of 15 states free of the death penalty, a milestone of profound importance to the Nanti-death penalty movement as we accelerate the momentum toward abolition in the United States. Governor Bill Richardson signed the death penalty repeal bill on March 18 in the state capital at Santa Fe, replacing lethal injection with life without the possibility of parole. New Mexico joined New Jersey and New York as states that were freed of capital punishment over the past three years. Following the repeal legislation in the state, some of the principals in the effort convened in Rome where Pope Benedict XVI welcomed overturning The successful campaign was an extraordinary team effort with Viki the death penalty. The Coliseum was lighted to honor the hard work. Elkey as the Executive Director of the New Mexico Coalition to Addressing the gathering is Gail Chasey, New Mexico state representative who sponsored the legislation. Behind her, from the left: Allen Sanchez, New Repeal the Death Penalty (NM Repeal) and numerous past and Mexico Catholic Bishops representative, Viki Elkey, New Mexico Coalition to present members of a Steering Committee, including Ruth Repeal the Death Penalty, Matteo Bruni, translator, Mario Marazzatti, Hoffman, Director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry, Diane Wood of Community of Sant’Egidio, Mauro Cutrufo, deputy mayor of Rome, and Santa Fe Diocese Archbishop Michael Sheehan. the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico, and Holly Beaumont of the New Mexico Conference of Churches. The New Mexico Conference of Churches also serves as NM Repeal’s fiscal legislators.But the movement faced an almost insurmountable task sponsor. The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty in changing the mind of its state's chief executive. provided substantial technical assistance and support. NM Repeal is a statewide, grassroots organization formed in 1997 that has grown In 2002 Governor Richardson said: “I am in favor of New Mexico's to over 3,600 individual members and more than 100 supporting death penalty law. It sends a strong message of zero tolerance for organizations. heinous crimes, and it provides certain justice for the victim's fami- lies.” The struggle to eliminate the death penalty was a twelve-year effort. Abolitionists came close in 2005 but a repeal bill was stopped Over time, however, NM Repeal gathered strength and in 2008 the in the state Senate’s Judiciary Committee. The belief was that even New Mexico Coalition intensified its campaign. The Coalition if the bill did pass, Governor Richardson would not have signed it received help from NCADP through its Executive Director Diann into law. Gradually, as public opinion nationally was moved by exon- Rust-Tierney and Director of Affiliate Support, Abe Bonowitz. In erations, the Illinois death row commutations, the repeal in New August Celeste Fitzgerald, former director of New Jerseysans for Jersey, and the ending of capital punishment in New York, NM Alternatives to the Death Penalty, traveled to New Mexico with Abe Repeal continued to build capacity through public education, to help NM Repeal benefit from the lessons learned in the membership development, and by building relationships with state successful New Jersey campaign. Continued on Page 4 1705 DeSALES STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 202-331-4090 WWW.NCADP.ORG Lifelines May. 5/18/09 2:55 PM Page 2 NCADP Lifelines A Message from NCADP Lifelines is published quarterly by the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, the nation’s oldest organization devoted exclusively to abolishing capital punishment. Founded Diann Rust-Tierney in 1976, NCADP unifies a network of more than 100 Affiliate organizations, dedicated advocates and volunteers, and promi- Welcome to this issue of Lifelines. As I write today we nent national human and civil rights organizations in the fight to are making so much progress on the death penalty. end the death penalty in the United States. We continue to celebrate the victories in New Mexico, Subscription Information: NCADP Lifelines is distributed without New Jersey and New York. Virtually every state that charge to NCADP members and Affiliate organizations. To find has the death penalty is engaged in a serious debate out more about the organization, visit our website at about the death penalty at some level. Recently, I attended a bill signing and celebration in Annapolis, Maryland of Editor: Paul O’Shea Photography: Abe Bonowitz and Tom Elkey legislation that will severely restrict the scope and reach of the death Design: Linda Silk, Brecher Design Group penalty in that state. Colorado’s Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons and Coloradans Against the Death Penalty came within one vote of National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty final passage of legislation that would have increased funding for the 1705 DeSales Street, NW, Fifth Floor Colorado Bureau of Investigation to solve cold cases with the money now Washington, DC 20036 202-331-4090 wasted on the death penalty. Fax: 202-331-4099 These are wonderful times. In addition to the breakthroughs in statehouses © 2009 NCADP.All rights reserved. Affiliates may reprint editorial we are breaking down barriers and finding common ground. Key to the material without charge provided credit is given to the National successes in New York, New Jersey, New Mexico and soon in Colorado is the Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. strong bond of common purpose being formed between surviving family members of murder victims and advocates for ending capital punishment. And it makes sense. We all know the death penalty doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for anyone and it causes real harm to everyone it touches, whether it is the prison guards and chaplains who must participate in the killing of a person they have come to know—perhaps even believe to be innocent or the lawyers—prosecutors and defense attorneys—who must carry the stress of a life hanging in the balance at their hands, the families of murder Board of Directors Staff victims and death row prisoners—we are all harmed by the process. Executive Committee Executive Director We are building a broad-based coalition of law enforcement, lawyers, and Rich Curtner, Chair, Alaska Diann Rust-Tierney families and communities touched by violent crime and homicide. NCADP Jane Bohman, Vice Chair, Ohio Renny Cushing, Vice Chair, Director of Affiliate Support continues to work with our Affiliates around the country on the basics of New Hampshire Abraham J. Bonowitz changing public policy.We are designing new programs such as Rachel’s Fund Wendy Trafton, Treasurer, which will provide concrete support for efforts to provide tangible assistance Massachusetts Director of Development to organizations helping family members of victims of homicide and a Claudia Whitman, Secretary, Chris Rutledge stronger voice for abolition. Colorado Director of Communications Juan Roberto Melendez-Colon, Margaret Summers But even as I report these successes, NCADP is on alert to get the word out New Mexico about Troy Anthony Davis, the man on Georgia’s death row with a strong case Curt Crum, Texas Office Manager of innocence. We struggle here not only to prevent the unthinkable from Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins, Illinois Alicia Simmons taking place—the execution of an innocent man—but to educate the public Rick Johnson, Virginia Paul O'Shea, Virginia Interns at large as to just how broken the system is that we are required to wage a Jack Payden-Travers, North Shawna Foster public struggle that should well have been remedied by the courts. Here again Carolina Binny Seth we are garnering a broad base of support from across the country and around Bill Pelke, Alaska the world; across party lines and belief systems about the death penalty. H. Alexander Robinson, Maryland Bud Welch, Oklahoma We can do this together. If you have not already done so—go to our website and sign-up to receive our action alerts. Send five friends to do the same. Begin talking to your representatives in the state house and Congress about why we need to make a change. 2 NCADP Lifelines Lifelines May. 5/18/09 2:55 PM Page 3 The Death Penalty Information Center: An Invaluable Resource on Capital Punishment ears from now, when someone writes the history of capital Dieter is a well-known expert voice in the punishment and tells how it came to be abolished in the media. Over the years he has been United States, one of the principals in the story will be a quoted and cited as a source in literally Y thousands of news stories, columns and small organization with David-like impact, the Death Penalty Information Center. For nearly twenty years the Center has blogs and appeared on most of the major provided news and information to the media and the American network news and discussion shows public, letting facts and statistics speak for themselves, demon- including The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, strating that our current system of capital punishment is the Today Show and Frontline. He has Dick Dieter, DPIC Executive Director irreparably flawed. spoken at international events in Taiwan. Tokyo, Paris and London, and recently DPIC is widely respected as the go-to source,providing unvarnished testified before the European Parliament in Brussels and testified information. about the death penalty before numerous state legislatures and prepared reports for the U.S.
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