Commonwealto of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTO OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1994 SESSION OF 1994 178TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 51 SENATE The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Colonel Woods, who lUESDAY, November 22, 1994 is the guest today of Senator Robbins. The Senate met at 10 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. JOURNAL APPROVED The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Singel) in The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, the Chair. the Clerk will read the Journal from the preceding Session of November 21, 1994. PRAYER The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding Session, when on motion ofSenator LOEPER, further reading The Chaplain, Colonel JOHN O. WOODS, of Holy Trinity was dispensed with and the Journal was approved. Lutheran Church, Greenville, offered the following prayer: Before I give this prayer, I want you to know that I am HOUSE MESSAGES going to be thinking about all of you all through this building this morning, and especially those who are leaving office and HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE BILLS those who have gone to their heavenly home. The Clerk of the House of Representatives returned to the Let us pray. Senate SB 653, SB 849, SB 850 and SB 1046, with the Our gracious Heavenly Father, in this great building, in this information the House has passed the same without great institution ofleaders who lead our country and especially amendments. our great State of Pennsylvania, we thank You for the services of those who are leaving office: Lieutenant Governor Singel, HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE AMENDMENTS Senator Reibman, Senator Lewis, Senator Lincoln, Senator TO HOUSE BILL Pecora, Senator Fattah, Senator Bortner, and Senator Marks, The Clerk of the House of Representatives informed the who have given faithfully of their lives and their time for the Senate that the House has concurred in amendments made by good of this great nation and this State.
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