NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL California Energy Commssion May 9, 2013 DOCKETED 12-AAER-2A California Energy Commission Dockets Office, MS‐4 TN 70852 Re: Docket No. 12-AAER-2A MAY 09 2013 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814-5512 Enclosed are the Natural Resources Defense Council’s (NRDC) Responses to CEC’s Invitation to Participate in the Development of Appliance Energy Efficiency Measures 2013 Appliance Efficiency Pre-Rulemaking on Appliance Efficiency Regulations: Docket Number 12‐AAER‐2A on Consumer Electronics. The enclosed DVD includes responses on these 4 categories in one pdf: Computers with CLASP-NRDC report listed in the response as attachment 7; Displays; Game Consoles; and Set-Top Boxes and Small Network Equipment with attachments. The DVD also includes excel spreadsheets that accompany the response on computers and includes: NRDC Computers Attachment 1. ENERGY STAR v5.2 Qualified Product List May 1, 2013 NRDC Computers Attachment 2. ENERGY STAR v6.0 Dataset v2 NRDC Computers Attachment 3. NRDC Dataset – Desktops NRDC Computers Attachment 4. NRDC Dataset – Notebooks NRDC Computers Attachment 5. NRDC Power Supply Data and Analysis NRDC Computers Attachment 6. NRDC Active Load Test Data NRDC Computers Attachment 8. NRDC Stock and Energy Use Estimate Thank you for the opportunity to respond. Sincerely, Noah D. Horowitz Natural Resources Defense Council
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