The Court for Relief of Insol- Vent Debtors
2352 Pursuant to the Act for the Relief of Insolvent Elizabeth Edwards, late of Stoke, Cheshire, Farmer, then Debtors in England. of Sanghall, out of business, then of Castle-side, Beeston, Farmer's Servant, then of Birkenhead, out of business, THE COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOL- and late of Sanghall, Farmer's Servant, out of employ, VENT DEBTORS. Widow of John Edwards, of Stoke aforesaid. John Pinnington, late of Wittenhall over Cheshire, out of N.B.—See the Notice at the end of these Adver- business, before then of same place, Publican and Shoe tisements. Maker. George Whittaker, late of High-street, Monks Coppenhall, Cheshire, Retail Dealer in Ale and Porter, and late of The following PRISONERS, whose Estates and Church Coppenhall, Excavator, in Lodgings. Effects have been vested in the Provisional William Wild, late of No. 107, Lower Hillgate, Stockport, Assignee by Order of the Court, having filed Cheshire, Dealer in Fruit, Poultry, and Game, then of their Schedules, are ordered to be brought up No. 8, Lower Hillgate, holding a Stall in the Market- before a Commissioner on Circuit, to be dealt place, Stockport, for the Sale of Fish, Dealer in Fish, with according to the Statute, as follows: Fruit, Poultry, and Game, and late of Rawstraw-brow, Lower Hillgate, Stockport aforesaid, Assistant to a Fish- monger and Fruiterer, in Lodgings. At the Court-House, at Lincoln, in the County James Kirkham, late of Oldham-street, Liverpool.Veterinary of Lincoln, on Friday the 26th day of July Surgeon, and of West-street, Derby, near Liverpool, 1844, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon pre- Shoeing Smith, afterwards of Digburth, near Liverpool, Veterinary Surgeon and Shoeing Smith, then of Aigburth, cisely.
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