Goji Fujishiro Head of Asset Management Company

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Goji Fujishiro Head of Asset Management Company Our strategies for creating value Asset Management Company Investors In an era of lengthening lifespans, we will support customers’ medium- to long-term asset formation to contribute to growth in financial assets in Japan as part of a unified group. Goji Fujishiro Head of Asset Management Company Basic policy Our basic policy is to raise the added value of our asset centered on business process and IT system integration, and management business to meet the changing needs of our the implementation of operational process reforms utilizing customers by strengthening our investment capabilities and digital innovation. We will contribute to growth in financial ability to provide solutions, and by developing products and assets in Japan by shifting to a high capital efficiency structure providing services in line with our customers’ medium- to for our asset management business and working together with long-term asset formation needs as we enter an age of Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust & Banking, Mizuho Securities, and longevity. In addition, we will enhance cost control by Asset Management One, to support customers’ medium- to establishing an efficient and robust business base through the long-term asset formation. development of organizational integration management Business environment and challenges As the environment surrounding our asset management other clients who play an important role in people’s ability to business undergoes major changes, such as longer life spans, prepare for retirement. On the investment side, as we continue the continuing low interest rate environment, and the spread of to find ourselves in a difficult investment environment due to digital devices, customer needs are also changing. For retail negative interest rates, institutional investors are expecting us investors, we believe that asset management services for asset to provide high added value. In light of this, we will need to formation for the future are still in the developmental stage further improve our investment capabilities by offering amidst this age of longevity. High-level consulting capabilities alternative investment strategies and utilizing technologies, are needed to respond to the increasing diversification of such as AI and big data. pension plans and investment solutions for pension funds and Trends in performance In fiscal 2018, we generated a net inflow in publicly traded In the future, we will aim to achieve our targets under the 5-Year investment trusts designed for long-term investment. However, Business Plan by strengthening our operational capabilities Net Business Profits fell short of our targets as a result of a through a process of selection and focus, placing greater decline in market value due to worsening market conditions emphasis on our consulting and solutions businesses, and and outflows from products designed for institutional investors. shifting to a more efficient business structure. (Group aggregate, rounded figures, ¥ billion) FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2021 FY2023 Items Performance Performance Year-on-year Targets Targets Targets Gross Profits 50.0 50.0 +0.0 49.0 54.0 60.0 Net Business Profits 17.0 16.0 (1.0) 13.0 18.0 23.0 Results are based on FY2018 management accounting rules (including Net Gains Related to ETFs), targets are estimates based on FY2019 management accounting rules. 57 Mizuho Financial Group PDF014_7080585841909.indd 57 2019/09/09 13:19:42 Our strategies for creating value Asset Management Company Key strategies Focusing on asset management services for an age of longevity Related SDGs In order to support our customers’ life plans and goals in terms and individual-type defined contribution pension plan (iDeCo) of asset management, we will focus on product development, services, as well as disseminating educational materials on including those for customers with little prior experience of investing. We will also actively support distributors, by investing, and providing solutions such as fund wraps. In providing online content and other support in order to help addition, we will raise awareness of the importance of asset drive the financial asset market. formation by offering defined contribution corporate pensions Selection of and focus on solution services with high customer demand Related SDGs As customers’ needs shift to investment strategies that offset institutional investors whose needs are diversifying, we have lower interest rates and minimize the impact of market established specialized departments in Mizuho Trust & Banking conditions, we will focus our corporate resources on alternative and Asset Management One that focus on providing investments, such as real estate and loans, and on absolute comprehensive consulting and solution services. return strategies. For clients such as pension funds and Shifting to a more efficient business structure Related SDGs We will optimize operations by completing the integration of revise our current operations in each department of the Asset business processes and IT systems in order to maximize the Management Company by introducing automated processes profitability of Asset Management One, where corporate that utilize technologies, such as RPA, in order to improve resources related to the group’s asset management functions operational efficiency and raise productivity and added value. have been consolidated. In addition, we will fundamentally Publicly traded investment trust assets Defined contribution corporate pension Number of individuals enrolled in under management balance (¥ trillion) assets under management balance (¥ trillion) individual-type defined contribution pension plans (iDeCo) (thousand) 1.74 1.85 7. 3 1.60 163 6.9 120 6.6 79 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 results results targets results results targets results results targets Highlights Launch of long-term asset formation fund targeting individuals In July 2018, Asset Management One introduced a JPY-denominated principal-protected investment trust, the first of its kind in Japan,* for which net assets exceed ¥200 billion. We are confident that this fund will contribute to more active investment in Japan as many of the investors in the fund are first-time investors. Mizuho will continue to provide asset management services that support the asset formation of individual investors. *Based on analysis by Asset Management One, this is the first publicly traded principal protected investment trust in Japan with a guarantee period of 10 years. Highlights Launch of global infrastructure debt fund Asset Management One Alternative Investments, a subsidiary of Asset Management One specializing in alternative investments, has launched an infrastructure debt fund. The fund provides investors with attractive investment opportunities and invests in infrastructure projects that are essential for the sustainable development of the countries and local communities they are located in. We will continue to provide excellent investment opportunities by leveraging the strengths of the group. 2019 Integrated Report 58 PDF014_7080585841909.indd 58 2019/09/09 13:19:43.
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