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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-30-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 06-30-1906 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 06-30-1906." (1906).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 19C8 N'tlMSait 10 VOLUME 16 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY. JUNE 30. n enurca CITY COUNCIL TRANSACTS MUCH fALL STREET of tba abtttoee oi the pastor, Oeorse W. Dan lap. kiiu i on a visit to am PARIS THE CENTER OF stek see in t'eorta. III. Thai m.i' threw candidates la tba ROUTINE AND IMPORTANT BUSINESS IS NOT FOR (laid for local pooiofSee. Tbay arc Allan j Pa pan, 'be present post-mflata- r. DARK NIHILISTIC PLOTS i i.tmiaa rirsnnlgan and Haary W. J. BRYAN t Carter. At Special Meeting Yesterday Afternoon-T- ax Levy rroi .la Carefully Watched at Geneva ITk... tJWSErxr.a at Mai Ia ear VaMMallffl ! I.. .an...1 til to Be Fifteen Mills-Ot- her Interesting loney interests Distrust &T&ZttE&m. Revolutionists Move to Much Ever Vara. Crux. Mexico, io Join, the doctor, Matters Received Attention. film as where be i practicing. Capital-Russ- ian French 'A snanaBaBBnmaBsBMnBWj --3cHPjHb5bWT" They Did IMPROVEMENTS PATBNTED tBrBB'' ON TORPEDO BOATS. Students Plot Ai a special meeting or the etty baa beoa fort tK-o- tag ragordlM t. Maw York. June 17, It baa Just rouiull hld yeoterday ofternooa at, Eath Will Pay Half, imm autaerttntlvelr announced tbat t Tiork in City clam Horry r. Ut'i! Aldwmaa Itanlay atoud toot bokad TWENTY LEADERS ARE SEEN th Internathmal Power company baa Against Czar. m m th Armljo hwlKHn. tbert "wl isfOk tba vwtar aoajgaoy -- wb noiohneod tba Hereenorr tMtmai on r.- .rsent Mayor MoKee. Cbtofc. J1 sosortllg Ms romol to a tornado boata. Charles P. Horrwboff, MrMlllfn, city Clark and IP0' nr too Stdowstk, bat tasu lbu-rlao- I? compoar to wham tbeeo patents ware a. ranted Jan 17. Tbo do lb of the uiii riuen Wii..oraoa. Han lh bad rototot to Mood lb Ml ennrge man- - Pari. ' I lay den Mpeoao if jamviaM. Show the itrcet Favoring will MM oomptete of too Vln- - and Nosaladt aad umj NMttttet. In 4ba '- ttk KoaotaH tirma. ! ufnctare of torpedo boats Rr tne novo -tt at Sevtnth and Silver. strost OOtftlftbttta bo xtnwt Neither Roosevelt nan. a vYOoda. r tbo aoaMoMtai ex-o- AHt the readlna of the niauia .if Power to bar moearf ml thm div'. Mr. Iletoeeoff baa recently Utban of boMo. )a drawn the at- - be provr us meeting, a BMlttaa waa "ase. TlUs WW ho mLi lb aliooid mmt umm Nor Bryan out patents for siaahol motors to b MMtttoN yoNoo Ku-ta- a f""! asMimi for a Habt ai Im mm.r mt oitr aaaaui of tba of itorta to of Hiiver wiiiab Imtta Had In tertwdo boats. WRk Uiom avenua and Hevanih 'ba woaoai). aitar wwvs ikaSsarsa wum.SVSmSajSSSB atudatMa tbat eftr. many of .iM aaaOaaaaa motor wood hsotend ot meam boUora, la ni"n waa rotated - Uith. June 37. Wall street It it i. u u wtii hm Mnaaltrta io torn Mrhooi are known a ntailtau. Tba Swer iMBMtOr'ft Satan Ofdloanoa Ooverfrta Tax Levy. ior wililatn Jennings Bryan for ont torpedo boata of tba name tomtth grvat InAos of yoana MaaatnM rr All rman Harrison ot the rommtttee, .. T.ortaMW toeoetllg too but moy iy Jvut. Wh.Je the strange chaagee and toonaoa aa toe noma now in aaav cantly la tftben by the pollrx to mean rervMnnendnd thai iw city purposes waa taeg 'kT poiiiK-- Induced a faci of only one-ba- it tba preamt rect and Inspertor'n ynlarvba aaed, tides have hot that a new plot la being framed rtoder aeaeswion uf tbTmtea hi tba Unsocial dtat Hot that watch and draft. With smaller draft, ncroaaed ierlit) ner month vrhirk It provides for a Sfteon al tbey cauae was muaj bm la nut M "dnegsrooe'' he M la pointed out, tba effact Irenes of analnet Ike rsar. aad bare carried sod will be foHod in foil eleowTwro . In- - Will in in. seemed to be. IWHr Intereats toraeto boata will ba iraatly to ui'-c- i tbat the baadquartars ot Mevt First Street Swltah. this Issue of Tbe Bveaiac Cltlmm. i mi distrust him. oroaaed. aa wilt be able to make organ Heretofore In Aldsrtmui Haalav m the ai am... ReeOiuttOM bw tbr praaem ui huuloa 8TI DIMfTa IS HIK t NTilS UATfN QITAHTKK. lakal tl.1 liies matemeuta are baavd tan a tbotr war 'id rivers at not ' RUMIAN road a letter to tba council Tbe (MtowiMK sMtweikeeinosrl of lot, - Ocnava. Is now beta moted beoaaaa rough oenvuaa of toe atreet and uaviable br them beoauae of shallow itom Colonel II. a. Jataro. of Tree, i padoed by tbo - aw-ia- prod u the r!'Wo aoftiiar ti.M with a acorn ot tia moat In- With tbo wewnt of too wmta or the ainot waicn aepi T me llnlv4ed when 8tri Aa killed ft" ' "f RtiHt ran be red aalnst ion eompoNy. relative to tha remtlve to toe lew rtw owe swlwaWf. tln ni Kutial loaders. derreaaad, U will ba possible for Rovernment, and bla ootMtnlott, wait car switch on First strew, vrbfck po1 wso tboti read oo (kmvod mt can-to- t n I are ukiiiiK aalde all portlaae feeling or more of tbam to be on tba Some Sfty KoaatoH. arreotetl durlnif, ptehetl tip badly woundad, do him it e( mated that ai mwi jastro aaned until com. "o: i. In tba VI. mi i.jhinK ur opinion uatirely upon OOCK Ot a nsninais. i lk ttianHtim. baiml ui a iiiim nmii wno wwa to run !Mi i.uoo Itnaalao atudentnlr pietlon of the Sootrnd 'root exteoeiOH "?" HOrque. M.,Jaa Si. mtercoi, an you u, win waa connactod wk qnarter of I'nrta. Aa a rula. to oove im fun. tinanoai m more agitation aw., jtm the Plrst mrt awlteb. i "H1. Amoqueriioe. mii. r ibat w. J. Jryn yvoom m ai REUNION OF HO0DU ba HaaMostbto for than whan a wyatarloua atraaetr waa ihoy lead unlet, sober nvas ana log that at toot Um. ik .JTJ. "2 Mextoti. - I fnpt Hi miii candidate for the demo- TEXAS OMlOADE. rirlkiM iImuhIvm and tk .imiiI wltii a rorelrar baatda wars auoanr wall dresaed. altbouah would be. in ""soti-Jrii- bi bj native an-- il. . a baiter pocttloH to tell ui Miviae rm i sViuenrllkj. T i.. JttHa IT. Tba ... .. noar It atMpseted that tbsy ..w..", ai' nomination In 1PM7" llrbjaaal1"" win www . him and a iMllet In hi brfln, many raaes la whore tbe awtuiti m.m ... that the boaid r wJitaaiiaa. .v.- i- I hl was twenty noal mnlon of Hoods T. trafody. funds aopfritsd I question Hat lo -- the aeotio of tbo ordinal subsist antlrely from lth too leaat IsotHiveatence to C:J' H tbo romHar wwUu Z opanad bare today nhd m symnathisora i n7 i..i several republicans, mV rot ff? fnund iti d wbera br roromtlomiry ai sny owners - ! fBNowfbg .ni vawfeOH I sal ara mwtst WMmwwm l m, i ff uintnimHivy .n - and oomiMHy alike. M- r,""0 reeoiK iiii A. Vaudvrellp, ureal- - ainJ Mlallneu ai unsairv vianw .T ob-- ho the Httdents aro do- Krak rice any W rowNIni; sutkr.intr liad lived and bavo'lsaw toe. Jirt of .f tbo Standard Oil cnmaunye nre here to tare part In tba ioohIoh. fom !u. Inter-- from orwthlsaitoti. led the iwlleo to w w lanwer aetam In a tax ery sovei Su tun I City tank, refused to reply to wblcti will but two days. An AH Hd imlltloal BB" oomploUon ia To prone mr a - ever nuiWn In I'arts. aWted of tboZ. '"".L--f mm tdaooi rover (iii'H n. retina profrram baa boon prepared tor ... 4t, Um tdat wlak to aoolir to tbotr nihilist .lf which 1 ,v. r..;... hmr wtlt I (xiunt for tbelr awaaotiee In such 'I It was Mated would be MMmeos for aehool pHr i l- l- opinion of thar wee Summed .u.i .! ..uii to plea; others are atodylnK modlctoa or Uy vo - MtMRmsra amtnat tho caar will ba OKted rcmineiea August j. Tbe moOoo nm on rhalf mille to I hrtna nl Mnrnrtaea and aft- i r"" i In ho statement Of LOWI8 tt. iihiw nut frontier, thtHiah no Urn slewcea. "tied. cover tbe on boaaa Within forty boora tba story the evt -- Mnt h, 1 ikiiiK of t tMNRIHK mm oroaerana tortalnlna; faAturas ett Krh Te Fix Up sssend Slrset. foulmj year. Very truly jwure A U. Hrtrwn Co.. who (ta ii in of OBNTENNIAL OPENS IN In HMtNlMC bla n4ri Al.l C. I. WW -.- il 1 ONEIDA, NEW YORK. tanoM WHwa etalma could be wmw Hauler ot tbe atres mJtitZ . Clerk of Board ot gMocatloai. cannot chenn bla asou. of tba loan by conSoooUok ot aolmftW d mueh 8vyw Oneida. N. Y.. June 17. The that iMioroitlooo was bo--' V "",7 'V iMpeeter. it.. ha mate corkine mistakes. Coonty Can- - botMgwg to Oonfodornu avirymM oy Aiuermao llarrhMM tmu an... .-- .i property evont of tb Madiaott FIEI eaowneoood toe nre depart iiiiti:i) mtainat ngai. nut i will tbo First I THE P OUTICAL under tbo clrcomaiancee deaenoso, to fact utttd to Um ooNHoil on advtoe b is sincere and Iwaaat in tanntal take tlae at aa irtdetal v.m the torn the of tbo tbi i''im Baotut church thla evening, when a but one War Deoartment - --e Traction oompany oe city ftttorHOy il UtOCMbl It beet it- - intentions, wall street roaiuea with tbe altmUlon, dasertboi to preaeat TeSJJffiKtlWeowg larice mintlna will be bold, with music, familiar sosd street, aoooa t0 nkm0 the tiu tiiuin havu changed and (feat It. there anoeara to bare born tbe street level, the street owl sever (jjjifoctor's noy . alncbui of oatrlotlc aotufa and Mvaral aid in any K ..-- . It dying event were actions have MM tttfm among tbom an addrosa of CT1VITY larger amount of cavalry In .ba so mueh bJftkor ibae. tm m per moACb, in iim mSfrot an or in coneer rnaa of addreaaea. MUCH Confederacy tbfttt had hmu ik.i nunc votive aad welcome by wln 4. Brown, proai- - days of tbo the Sea wium akiai. i uinmce, wewa was dame, tbo unci', nut Bryan will not ha Wall HammI I drt Mod of in u aurriTiog a, .. h. U..lluu. - u HIMtMaJ boos mtBtrtoncexl la ! rd" ttml boroofUr bm Mil..,.! h ml." " iThoaa horso claims bare to- -., and Aidiromo" 'mtrod ! "a '" MflMiiai Honaovolt l SZ Iltv many. quartt-r- MZ',., ?HLTlJll tii i... lii msn!i ot tne I porary Rtobardaon, ex Postmaator mSi St. Louis Dem-- REPUBLICANS use. no ollowed ta. hi.uimiw li.irUi The head of the bouso ol ' Hnn Party Assembles in MEET ao May IN THE PINE TREE STATE. committee that tbe street could P Hspalre eo KoJnNm. b fllled as rapidly aa poaelble. A rosoluUon was then laimducNd by 7- .- re After ocrats in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Portland. Me.. June The amending one motion Alderman WUhersoa. after mot ,.l.l 4h leaatr. Rihnh-v- It bal'",n " ' of this state to read toot rbi tbe i. lOgtOU V publican atata oonvoutkm street committee - otmn ...... I.n ikiwiah Ihu rlmli ot """. city ball be allowed tbe ex- dieeuaaed sasnewbat. to H Knlri.hllil and was colled lo order at the tra teama for two weeka, sveet tbat tbe building inaneator hi IU hoped for the T""" ('""', Repdblicans in Maine. rorenoon the motion nl mi. ri su." shortly before 11 o'clock this carried ooora 00 lamroeied to laveotlgote . the political borlon or a "real nm .ui TOO prtncinei Mucinous eeiarw tne Report en Plre Rsoaoaa. tbo amour.! of damage dose me iMIITIMO oir eauuiRQiAL vaotloa la the selection ot a eandl - Aldeimee Hoyden of Sr com- French bakery. 00 West Railroad are s. d. fruit, txlltor of tin- woll hi- national, tbe roamwr domoorotic convention. I governor, croveutton the AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS. St. June date for but the mittee, then mttde a report covering aoe. recently dawtagod try Are, ami a rtt r . t Journal, and one of the boat ( Ala Juna IT. TH an. met while tbo reform element favored too will bo of oven stouter importance in ...... oommltte of tbo psopki'a party tbe much needed fire eaeape wblch is now undergoing nostra, and in,, i ui. u n,nu ik...... --lniu...l.l. Jlxvlni or mel endoraowHMt ot tbo Lincoln party a national way. by the fact tbat '.111101 meet ins Aiaoama today, del After reporting. Mr. hay-dn- that be aboubj be empowered to In i an,i AaaociilonlUl nual ooafaraoce here candidate for governor. H aaoma. how- Cannon, ot the National mi im.rriaii industrial Sneaker offered an orainence covering tbe stltirte injunotlon proveodiafa aoniuat i t the nomination or myan )nened nprt, ,lH,,y remotH In I ogaiea ueing .prrowiii ever, tfmt a eenaMorablo part ot tbo RoproaeaUttvea. will ap iimiu ad will inraniawi Housu of wsw, out upon its he g It wno tbo tnraors In case it woo found that in mere no owwui I iow The gathering dawoaraUc party does not favor fus- read i.Mi, mia is nHaaion two days. The stteudnoce is err stwio in uma pear before tbe convention this after discovered tbat Imeorteatt the building wno donwosil to per cow I .. fiilii'h SPdMbnTar nsfftsT nnbouispr DISUI tno purpoee m ion any otber party, i.ut lnouta noon, It several unusually large and ovary port cf tbo is for with and will deliver an address. mm ro- - - points neon !ett out. auoh noro. to prevent them trow tisn in- waa In rree surer is auoauun. v upon tbo HomltmUon of u atralgm keynote for aoior m siau. is well ropraseMted. Tbe lotmi pomioai wbteh lie will sound the 1 pairing It. gao warn new enaoree a mmu Col. fluffy, tbe year renolir or violation, etc.. and It waa and to fovea owner or iiinaifil, mercbaots and manufooturora hove otuiy tb win dawocmtle tlokot. the reoubllcnn earanauro tbla I 10 ii I referred hack to .ue committee for owners tear dowst oho damaged l rad-- a i'iu touutry baa grown tnoru arrange In-- 1 for proaMOBttoi nomimuimi loader ot tbe party In this state, mode of delegates to this -- aiade every .ffort to on tbo The number report st be nest regular mooting. remnants The resolirttou onrrleil while Bryau baa grown mort lerstlng and attractive program wr no w many efforts to restore peace and har- convention la 1.108. and It will require . a question wittt wmw of Jollet 111., na-- mony among various factions, of Plre Plug In Xht Strest. unaalmouely. aa It woo fooad that ao it is this meeting and It la etpected lie by James II. forrls the 70S votes to Insuio tbe nomination A - t report waa then made relative to ordinance eJ reedy eamted tbat rov- l w tier anyone wno ropivn anion, tlmwl eholrmk of tbo people's party. with a view of Inducing tbem j agree gOToraor. ' ni. tin a roitKlotf suecoas. a candidate for lire plug at to Interoectton of NaU "fed tbe point In qoeotkm. lor .iiipi'arra to ramwvaoM. awe iikmkim in bis address ho aaiti mat u pany upon a candidate Lu bond the straight I cam- SBEO road aad topper aveaooa, at low Ordmanee Ne. See Is Paeeed, tin i tl. bitb tajmr sod tbo groat PHARMACISTS OF YORK at poaoo within itself. "Tbo rota doRioeratie tlokot at tbo coming CANADA GROWERS te h - er end of the oily par.., which at prea-- i Ordlaamee Mo. SM, taking ovutiur IciiiiMiraiious, would bo ablo to dofoai STATE IN SESSION. I hill." lie amid, "doaa not meat tbe poo- - paign. Ills efforts were futile, bow- IN SESSION IN OTTAWA. V.. or- - It showing waa ent steads some ten feat or more trnnad mooter author? from UVo im? Mi ittandlng ou a platform m Niagsra N. June t7. but Is a step ever, am! when tbe eonvcntioM Ont.. 11. Several I tan rails. mmt ttotnoads Ottawa. Jose away from In mane oNtect, so and tariff reform. It Is nos-- ral hundred nkrmaists from Oil I t leaat that the aUteamen destrv to railed to order this forenoon, tbe ait hnnrood seed growers, from all ports the sidewalk tbe street. and reotortnc tt at and much ompiaint from owners of old, to the ohlet poilee, OMffM uB -- ii. I.- - that Hooeeveit U tbu only man ports of tbe atote are nere to miojm go aoMothlng for too eouotry. nation won imioUoally unchanged ana ot tbe!ett. are In atfodaaee at if - vehicles and peoootrmao. who have for Its third reading, and was earned. in liU party WHO mignt met awyaa tbe annual ronvontkn of tbe new Tbe noBultata will mwb on for gov- the nartr oossurontly as fr from n the annual ooovomloa c. tbe aon- - 1 ridden or stumbled over H In the dark.! The council then adjnorned. ion tils owit grouoa ana ne popnww York Btote IHwrmecutieai Assoeta-- arnnB.t of those lnaurtnes oownromlae as avor. adlan Seed mowers' A asocialIon, liimiiKh io dofeat blm." Hon. In connect ion w.ih tbe convvH I uMaeoalng goverament maotioo Former Mayor Vauce MrCornilck or which opened bore today for a two Hiituiii'i Dntormyei, one ot tba mm turn an Interesting exhibition of dranHnuMateNi Hooeeveit. Ronsiur La F0i Harrtslrarg Is stroagiy pushed for the days' session, Tbo boslnees aeaotona hnown corporation lawyers .a tbo and uharuuieeotleal noilsnoes has door i iu-- an.i Tbotooa Ljiwsoo. Wtmani j. uMbernaiorial HomlnaUon and la con- - are held iu the Canadian building. FROM LUMBER JACK ! CUPID WINS IN AN- - iiuiitr. the man woo proveo u. arranged, which Is attracting conidd-- 1 Oorernor and W. X. aMered one of tbe strongest candl- - This evening, however, aa open meet- ooan ' will i ouM tt nhtptiuildlng scandal, wno naa urablo attention. he convention uaorot. ulcknamed uopullsta by their gataa whom the domoerats place ing will bo bold at wbMb addreaoes TO MINING MAGNATE i OTHER CONQUEST in the naht for Insurance reform, and last taree days and mere win ne a i .raet doopmera. are too grow at tbe bead or tbotr ueaet, out n re will bo delivered by tbe Hon. aTydnoy interRSUbwal banqudt social features in Is soon con- We. Anne ha Jum organised the and otber men or their parties, and It tbotr malna to bo whether tbe Fisher, Prof. Robertson of Tbe arrival of the CoJMorata ilmltof Coiuy Hoidora' Protective Agoooia- - honor of tbe visit lag members. oauiiat tendencies alone that bare vention wlQ see sH to bury the hatchet de Bellovuc, and tbe Hon. W. R. M l. Riordaa. a brother at Timotbv on mmm mmcu vw I tort mmtc the following atatomosi: haaa more h'.irblr ameemod tbaa and aos ant MoOormlok as a compro- Motberwtll. minister of agrloullure for and Mike Blordaa. ot Ariaooa loay eeesvawin awe aata y MEETING OP JEWELERS prnr-Heall- FUic--1 corp. I uo not iieliuve that there la any ihair nrrftr.arv feiK nartumna. ThM mise eaodldaie. H is oonsi.lred Haskotebowan. Timber A Lumber oompaay, of d In osatothsg CoaW Hi another ttryan OF WISCONSIN either Aril., la anient tbe Alva-- 1 luii.uim. aentlmrnt for sir in mi Mial now ranBBjniBwa or ont of the onoatlon that suf. a at Ma Milwaukee. Wis . June CHANGES ARE MADE IN by Wall There never waa nor wi.ij for Bryan. Hearst or folk will Berry or aboory will be endoraed. rad today, accomnantod bis ..j w0mW llkm m marrtog Hcee I Mrs. 1 I" He is too progressive, too puWic Retail xWl. be takan to defeat a HeatibHoan for Should tne domoerats nominate PRISON DISCIPLINE daughter Mrs. jamea . Kenneuy r.Tgr-- air." aakt a yoon to Jors " 27 vcetlge inn-- . Miss nui eitritt to ungaggabie. for tne aeijuon. mumsn ,rT""T' T .a- the iirealdeuoy. Wkswlse ReoUDiicsns ttaco Treasurer Herry will t'hlcaeo, June The last and niiurvn. and xxisanetu rnerk UMalkar tbla seeaaiaa nan rwan - Demo- - will Hloroan i.,. special intereate tbat are standing oi - they can defeat the wNndraw from tbo raoe and not of the old order of Iron heel discipline prhare to girl?" t . . I - erstanl the queried . gSBaBl . I kaJ Ji rnannr- I SaShaa peni-ii'nila- rt 1 r aa BSPI I 1(1 gaunt r". oa.aaea - Maa t(klltt fUlflMla prohibi- yeara ago old lii i hi- Ar 1UB1I '- -. .,.L permit bla name to head th was wlHd of? the slate In Jollet leven Mr. Rlordan ,.u,h - . . na. Ilaasaalk."li roflllk tltatll w"" n.. , , Mill otber similar J na i I. k BiPas I rviflST ill UBf LI.didi IVI ' ' j tion yesterday when Warden Mur-- bis lB tbe Atisona Timber A Thau mZ 1 reJt tlokot. interest. why eke la on the Basiled. . . . a Ull d asu i ILf""u'aVamJl 1 at 1 lsaM Itl rVlllfll FV Today It - ' ' ' thf ;nli tne illxcontlnuanr)' of the uuraoer compsMW, ui wuii-i- i 01- waa ypgng I , " lne BU, flmt aanual ADO TO cop-- 1 .i.oei iu tvtottoB DiuseRATi THE WISOOHBiN DBMMRATS Im k atep" In marching Inaiatea from roonoer, aaq umn up toe queei 01 you IMI'im Wliea : 7 br'ud' - ll I small TM- I well, will bare to have m Juk m eeewweeww- I la? a ...aLtao DdBBI aVITV J- - , favor blm, W II. U taVHEi tl USIMI.W wi BNN rakfiriisMil ARC FOR W. BRYAN. h.-i- cells 10 the shops and training per. nr. one miaing itatina ii anixiar thai ther Io-- L.Vnin tuoraaa ir-- :(.ra t0 tmAatm the nrntm in 17 dem. ve Bryan agaiast ami remarkable enthuslaam. Tbe Hurtaoura. Pa.. June Tbe 27 Mxi-asi- say . i u.i Harat. by using Milwaukee. Wis . Jan. - The i.m Modulations which have beea esis now tnat are 10 urusanoe. Of eou rea." csbatlaued tin - have made eitew nominate him The gam- is too transparent cal reien Jewelers ucraJtlc state conveatloo to 1enoeratle state convent ior. tor the Koing 011 the past ten years were made least. He baa just arrived rrom,Km1 hearted clerk. the train Ii slv for thla event and I -- for ..jvernor, lieutenant 'It - andldaien purpose of adopt! no a platform to w iHllile. it la said, through the urant cunty, waore ae laanomeo to I will oome over to tonm sag sn interesting ana ea- ana eecre-Joyahl- e have arranged governor, auditoi gonrai eamiidaies whnience of Maud llalllnglon Hooth, who worklug of the Homoaa Mining M WjTaaell SUNDAY CLOSING aaeemblod to the my stoaK ,f program for the two days oil ur). ,ti mternol affairs, will at the primary !. Un led convicts lo look upon their , 01 be nomlaated th convention Wisconsin naa net am-.- loduv. Michael v. Kyan. tx-r- e t of , . AT LAS CRUCES twos in tbe fall, met today. incan-eru- Ion u expiation and to We hove done UfiM lineal tet w Wl wwa , mgrrled this is eguected - lewelera and it "J0"! Pbtladclphu There were aboot 700 ill.xatc .res- nhtatii It heroically and In a spirit work the fSMt, fourteen montbni oa the ttmrnatm. aad If tha train to on time one-ha- lf of tbem Willi-- ... lona more than aot. That the Bryan supporters would! oi hunilllt) and Christian oiitlace. Heriaoaa. aald Mr. Rlordan. ' and we w, , ,f . Hgkt." with this belong to the slate aseociatton., The probably never before in the bis a by show-- . ICE CREAM PARU0R8 CLOSED . I . - , n W A. " role too eoaTaataon aeoowd foregone are highly eoeouraged the the of1. Aa hoar later he purposes or ne asaorwion rv m tcry of tbe atate of Penasyivania H EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS Modern rounf m OTHER ITEMS OF GENERAL In w soneluakm. The state chairman. lag the property M.snmftgrJ rlttrBM w1tB a ktusblng young lady ter tbe conditions of tbe trade ne the oolUloai attuation bee Ma axon. Introduced Daniel H. IN SOUTH WALES day mining refutes too es- - orotect Its members II. ,n ' erai and to more complicated and uncertain tbaa Urady of Portagvi, aa tem:orary chair Cardiff. Wales. June 27 Violent tnblUbod by tbo pioneer mmers of .. yM prvttT j aealnst Inetttrlent artlsoos wno at I wnexner toe M u mr CormpondoKoo. jest now. It doootiai Htao earthquake shocks were experienced New Mexico, though couranir tbey urW tium4 w too." added the rtciKl tra. i traxU by cuitlnx wrlesa. but do war i M.r CrltOOSI, at., jwirwww. deeaooratie ataif eoarootHm. ft Is aanounood on authority throughout tiouth vtatea at iu taia were, that ores aad ore veins la New W. not flrot cuss forenoon, will simawy i..l many etrjc la business nortkMt ot tbo furnish mot bore thla that the dmnssratlc atate convention inrirulng Houe rocked and Mexico do not ranch deep down. II Klaa cfaadwlek and Fred B. ultra nlnarneaa HI - Cttri0 up tight Is pursuance j ula uahi ot "Wlsoagsln, whloh opened hare tbts cheaper kere damaged llun- inma new jaeai Brawi town was closed TAFT AS DBPEW'S .a.wUitiaal mttmuln ThK SUUS oei """'w Vsltoeoa, titty wrote tbekf of tfovornor Ifagortoto. IT wag. will dswdnre useir tor Bryan diud of ch.mtic) fell and pi' lures nvi, mfiiikiiy ae a WKL a YOUXlJ .it an order SUOOESSOn AT rCiJiT l walls. ' who lutonds w sue (bat tbe tjuadsj M.a. Maven June tf.- -It Is under-rut- the sent dearocrstk proaldentlal were thiown from the iwrteaes mrvw umm mmmw tm Tbia aflerroon at I rolosk, a: the '- -; or ;o developed . losmg law la not violated. Tbia Secretary WUIIam II. Taft I ."."'JlT.Sl dOOtS osasadate. dwellings wore thrown tbe Tnat Mr. Hordon has persona 1 of the Flrot Bnattot church stood th., - 'SATwEl imnpltt bousea, I to nme In tbe Mstory ot Las 01 ram door imil Sod from tbe from a very ordinary embar jack the aupttol knot that anado Mies th. Aral been chosen a member tae own, ns baa - .aaataote tlokot of IU OLD OLAIMS shrieking In panic. cosonltles ri of extraordinary Ii. i'S in tne usw trmmu - euooeed Cbsuocey M ' .r. MANY WAR lo a mining man Chadwick Mrs. Mattoeog was tied by laws corporation to hTfor Md cenrastoa 'l as far as Is known. The shocks by tbe that Niinduy. Kveo he ice cream per nepew. wkooe term naa . g, STILL UNSETTLED. la evidenced fan Rev J W. MeMwit, who nnrtOrmed tha principal parties - by rumbling. Min- il' , wrre shut, no ice was Washington n. C. June 27. The wer- Hcoompanied loud he le president of the Bully Hill the ever pretty ring Thoae us-ii- ul to bargain. , re aoff. the . . ing oompogy, owning operating w-- I. tin w ulting cuatomera, aaa tne FIRE STARTS IN PACIFIC War Hepartment eontluea to roreiv and present Cbartea 004 IMu Chad dls-iii-n- a AUTOMOBILIST A V ERASES was si The orohlbltiootsts named tieaei property in bhaata county. Ink aawatna BflWIBltl uan.l Miooert In tbe plana STEAMSHIP otobxw from soutberners who lost HOUR. tha fluid Tu.e ro to Um IM KILOMETERS FEB Cal.. that produce lK.OOO.OlM pounds ai,,B who .1 with. Ban Francisco. tbatfjjam their boraes in Civil War on tbelr ST. hagg Mt ..aliara ara hseShee. of tbe Lemon the Parts. June two days' eopper annually, Is atoo treas- - of Miss Kate - ot and hrtde Tonsght Mr. Kra. MaMeeon Tiic regains . . aa m . vanBBaBBan arsBBB" BwaBanaKaHni jrm bbbwjsi w retam to tbelr homes from aerrlce aad Aa a i racing, six hours per day, severed tbe 1 Mining vim- - seen-pon- In oeme-t.i- ) truos-paern- c aev-ora- i nior ot the Orange wtt, (or x to be were interred the Catholic imer with tbe v'onfoderate Army. For In hours, minutes honeymoon died m oourae twelve three one of tbe largest hydraulic m yesterday. Miss 1000 Pacine au ooc u iTi,.h- -j, Qmmmm of years this son have oae-ha- lf aoeoo..a, ,0,4 aem callforola ?mm wte too rtalma of Sfty seven and ( . Tex- - 'zri7ZT.w I sad mining companies operating In all A Man Antonio. coHil uhiiot. ia cause. i '" rUn 1 Mrs dosMfhter of .toys ago la su.oua the - been paid by tbe quartermaster gen- Maltceoa is the - t.Vi Including stops for repairs, averaging j S5 years of age. She was a nit r s- - t Lave sailed next nai- wan. rr"w." ItZ ' tAi apocial provision of taw. forato Cbadwtek. a wealthy real notate dealer II. at .mi Kiaory, a luvwun wpr7X --wM J eral under a over 101 kilometers per hour my way a of John lamon, dOpoty fliainc. lird jr., to unet which three appropriations "I am now on to witness Kaaoas CMy. Mr MfBtsgon has tter Ken 11. Ola Heard nil aamasar. tub ma Today's Oram! Winner. periodical up of the I Orange , years Mrs. Collu a, - )! clean K.w Mexlo a coiflo of court clurk. aad of TREATY NOT ul madbine, republlr-aa- him- made oa each occasion, Ia-- Maun, France. June 17 to- of Depot y bor HAN DOMINOO sr. er soanod r.- - company. coat In md Mr Rlordan (nri L Jvnlds a rejannnthle po- - nedy, and a bait slater Penrose to the with thelnexuoctatkoa that tb would day won grand prtoe Iu the auto- -, .aat of W ACTED ON THIS SRStlON of whom Senator the "The imonortr hj innir woarerviii- itM) nkgoh Bnonlr oompaay IK William Hrorsoa rfj,.M 17. InneS nombtetod a tlohet bead-a- d be no furtboy demand for funds for tbat mobile eonteat over the Sonne cir- Mlan .HH and Washington. June The toader. have audit oaleUtls say twemylve miles trogs the celebrated UimMmm where ho will take bla Mrs. Haaaab Burke UI . Btoart, former mayor parpoee. The lac cuit, ljjed kilometers. ,t for " Domingu treaty a not be anted 000 ke Rdwta no to Shasta spring- - bride to reside-- wilt leave rory shortly The 00 gf TinBadiisltlii. that there will PboM,v be end ' ibelr home. Mrs. by tbe senate thU seesloo. and they do not Will Cbodwlek. tbe Mr. Mofdga and his daughters andJ City. Koo.. to make toot tow weeks vartoNS tbo ebdsaa at tbia sort Ckartoe and to- 1SS which on foreign rolntlons 4onrnod niirbar W bro-aera- . gran doeaumere ex poet to leave Mrs. Jneaot Toon at John's rived on the orchard 1 - faeor any Mttnwatoa of tba period of Mold xveooe sheep easmauosbM Burke baa next session or ooogreaa aaaj laaie. laans u atari a nwore- night wont on midnight street, lest Una merging on a vtott gold for over until nro- - or addltloaal Bprooprto are eaioyiag visit from their for the the abo reoeotly waa lefl wtthOUt SOtlOH. to a jmalon. Tbe aBowsnee a 10 rehMleeo oM 0-- r died several Iraalv hmrlt bills. It Miater. Mtoa Cb ad wick, who ar- train. Mr Mtordon mokes bis borne at her home at yonro. Tier husuuml treaty to) havw UHiUOl W tloos to meet those I"" Carrie M Y noneiita ot the claim irraaoa iae re .re few In for ia In Ne York eoo. monUM ttfo. WlSg7S roMlgWirtatit of Berry by was expected tbe rived today oa tbe Call a lnlti4. In ( iuiiikI. tote to tlefeat It. fho There W0 SO i rcuhlng 'he known as tan orlvntr cross lug run- - OFFICER fifth ii fare the great mln-ia- g TO ARRANOE FOR A NEWSY NOTES COUNTY COMMISSION nli westerly acrnw me vanta n HEALTH AILR0AD NOTES comp of Bieliee, and Douglaa, UNION EXPOSITION IHUk) Hallway com pear's yards; wlore the Phelps-Dodg- e smeller, one Chicago, Jnne II. PrMldrat Oom-pe- ra ERV PROCEEDINGS said rallrMd nroesiag mterlag Into WANTS CLEAN CITY of tbo tergeot ta the worM la kmaUo, of tbe American Federation of FROM SOCORR wewt Tramiraii evonoe, m um ewoi-t- travel botwom W Pmo and Umm Labor Mat reprasmtatives io Chtoago of Bernalillo, the aald veeHe high- Vto ( hlmge tatlppais MMalatMo cttMt wti bo rMterlal.y mcrmsed and yeotarday to ftrrM for a unten "x-ptmltk- M way prayed for In Mid Mtiuo to ter- b) reoariag a Mofnogk oar dlreetory taw imoe of too tbmo ckiee will be-ot- e for tbo parVme of eetebrat-ta- g Appoints Commission ra ttuuc m aforaMld at Mid private Swears Out Warrants For lar he )eaott of Ho iMwmeri. One more CMarty rotated. Um amtevomagm of orgnalaad la- Proceedings Against Embc Start erow-in- g Tbe rhSAgw In tbo will become will eroaslnf, at a point wtwre Mid olMnlnr siready hM boon rate bor. Tko eaooiUoa prmably be J View New South Albu- la laid eat and ootMlgnon to Um Not Observing Health jsMrlM the oar mm oon tad otttot effaflilva Jaty let, and other voaos heM ta MHttMApaiui I eoonaotma. wtb zlliig Treasurer Dropped. to land of MM arexwrM and MarttA fJawagi into Um MWthMslem torrt-tee- will tm adrieed to obaag their tobma tbo neat ooovmttMt of the aaiMMl Of UTrfwtTirliigtj ISbvwmboy. Roid, Apeeos,( and when aaM ternttnu Ordinance. and another ebowtug tbo move labor body tti -- Court Concluded. querque MM jpronoMd pablto rand ta ta UM molt to the aMtbweet is betag pro-piM- Tbo Oeffitaf and Tombstone oonatr of Vernaimo, tatpltory ot Nw h w the skhsMt intemTM ot are the owly oom o. ts SmtbwoM-er- e LKttAL NOTIOE. aro aKeeled by fho MfKtoo (aU Of MM praMBM tbo ai laUoa to make (ho dfreeiory wi.4 not "court FOH ROAD WORK beinjc preeiset No. 1, of aaM OTHER NEWS F80M POLICE COURT cora gat Olttongn. change Md the pmeeat rare o. S oeabt ta The Dtatrict or tbe County JOINT iNSTlTwTeMEXICANS KNOtf mums wlthht ewer sii am of Bernalillo, Territory New ooHoty) aa tae Mara af ooaaty wlH coot Inns to be opomtlve on of of nMeralgaad, here toad The ruiHiaake-Mots- e toot railroad bmnebOav - ' I , MtH tUv lMtt, toWlWNMff MfooMti- ear. wbleb ae here m Oen cm raaaeniter Agent, gille. BootM-ro- M It I Adftwrned Beetle. the of Jane. That Health Officer Mains Intends Montoya, N. . June The coil at 10 o'oloeh la the (oreaeoii aar tae governing rnoada and Mil for the west algbt stoted tbts morntog atao mat tbe rafe Vincents PtetaUt. vs. the ty or nooorro M.. jag , to om that the ordinance : anosjown Mont en commsreionert conni Atbmmnm. im vmw of mM pitmMtd m hare-labefo- re up of premises, do boMp roiumod rloaow 'wMhont on Mtttousjo books would Hkowwa un- helre of Frnnoeco have agreed no OrnttefoM. cbalr" tad too eteeMac the Mbap i' Vigil, deems sd; unknown heirs t take further stel JVnmit: Alfred daaerlhed by M hoerd of lug away with nulmueee of every de- Tbe nut to WlmUow wm dergo no ebaaoe, and books of 1.000 tbo in the prosecution of Abron Abeyi es-er- m Alba-oeerqu- n twenty paatmgo will of Oon sales, deemeed. and all wmii K. X. Shrtnmr d ooaatr oamntieetotMre of the freehold-a- scription, the making of a mods s1 averaM speed of Milm eontlime to be sold JtM rormer county tree mi rer r and mrtes honr. unknown owner of tbe rem eotate this oounl A Wolk shove nawad. will Meet oa mM rigidly d. an Too oar is one tt at the rate of cents per mile. wno now MA. a sanitary city, ore berelaofter deeeviued. Defendanta is 'irwter indKemmt for mi 11th day of 3m 1M, at 10 eetoeh Hgalaat all alike, ao matter tnaenfac' irera re rMomwiMdlng to Thraogtuut the terrttoeies of An approprlaiion of ouoty funds md oM-ctal- No. JTOw VWMMt JMM aaaaaij Is the forwa of aaM day, at the who taar nmr be. wm made amatnet mlhund se m raopectMn oar r mna and Nw Mmmd tbe pmswign 7I.. the sequestering of county record wrtAlljr white tbo car in city rw the mam Hnee of rail- - wWWi aMI twos to the petal dsstdmiM la the muuon ad In police court, this morning, when vu tbo the You. the above name.) detvadaats. Wlren Abeytt wns retired from iWBMl hMN OMA M IM hereta partwalarly deeerlbed m the r as M Toe ley. Agout tardy aad Chief roade will after July . ue cent per position f on wufcn - ihre warrants were issued t and each of you. are hereby notlted treasurer, Janus aSMao eoMdl- to-w- it Clerk lint dt took a spin oat to mile, Instead of 1 m heretofore; Ia It hi i Mil startuue Mtat af aneh road, nMay property owner, charging them tbe that above nested plaintiff hM lent Jtl aeeounte were found fcff lMbM to mw mi n H, md aJM took a abort ltd ' A tfHTrt OM r m heglnowg d ruaalag fraw a point with maimolnHMt a aulstare. eommeneed her act km amtnet you In short suiie $15,008. ud he adnn o rarOMT w um M the north boeadar? of the land of run to rds Burr station. On thee CONDUCTOR MeOULLUM the h"ragr Tho w - tbe above named court being obVlalt md aa- M th- tt .HhdkiMk county raM tnacbino abowed apeed of HAS NARROW ESCAPE. invt-sMoa- nafael fJonia In the aald aad A. Vtviana waa the first victim to k No. 71N, on docket of Mid court:too wontie. upon em ferMejB bod anitotwatoHiy ceen-- praetnot to duties i j of about nrun mIIm an boar. The the Mm to sttend their a bearing on the charge Frae-ture- d the conclusion that Abeya, who ii - be glnm e at Be tao tbo general of Mid aetkm MMOrrtiHK US OflUMl And iw- apaomtad so HMufa 'urere oialm a apeed of forty-iv- Whet First Appeared to a cJeet PMtOd such revtewera heretofore mamtatnttuE a awMnce. Vlviaos. to seeure partition rmt ueen one tn me moei powcrritl i RW WOTH mile an for It, vetaren SkuH, Deveiepe te Be Only to tbe of the IttBimdOd that WO bMI MM tor Um pneinwe aforoMM: and all the complaint stated, owns some prop boar but Helens f 1- 0- coon.y. nm - Two Bad Soalp WouajM, eatAte herotnofter decr..ed aoeordtng wm short Jba, yul KawmI bs- Mr. IwhiMf. persoa are airen moum that mm erty tae oormr of Fourth strct raHroad mm my that H Is too light than ilx.noti. as Abeytn, - at for such high of apeed. to tbe rtghta of tbo several owners before meeting by aaM board of eomntlssloii- Md OoeMr areeme. on which la a rate The Injuries of Conductor J, A. thereof, ami require you and each of lac out of iifnce. bid either burned eve oi irweiMiaMV io ww bene. Ciena SU aad pw tsws must tkat bM aai Aftrr TOkmi: ootabtecpanding McCullum, of the Hie Ommie dlvlsloa, you to cent, la and set uo or prove ilsetrayed all hooks and records JHe C. VPMtWMMl W MHO WW, view wilt be hoM on Um date, at Um proerV remorod for aomo umu. The td who wm braogbt to tbo kxml hm-pit- tbo ofice K wm Impoeelbl to pJmo adDreaaM. at m n ouaurr ordat rortrKia their impact vi, tnteruat ta and be and Una Dated anana ojooar, aox iwowmo saw mw loot evening, are not of a serious sold pt so barred, tbo exact Amount o bis ebortss AMueuerq, thle att day of Jnao. Mb t. ith rwaom to iMH at tbo emit or bd lorever ot peiloe. Mtflw) Vlvmao oofonl amof n mMM Mow dt nature. Wwh at Jin appafttod to bo aod la twee Mftlrwn of mid pimultte Hla bondsmen, shortly after Abet M. MtNNtaU, ItWUMIW Of M. C. Wm vm. Mfeee, bo m tb Mmrna ogtco, - UM to Met awojr the et Mon, atmity ladt a fractured skull, devekiew m axanr mamH be bad wtthoui saowrMl tajury nave ip im offered seal of brMgc em- battut" 1 bm, Mfui ItMu nenlected to eomply wkb flMte r MtewH nation o be only two toaU wound, impmUvo own-em- , with tbe county commtosloner fi Mnt, pm IstiMi what m uMbJbt to be a to tbo Intonate of tbe mk nuiroaseftu, omo warrant. Innl order, by tbo order Uehota and this roornfMK tm fmyotcten In Umm for a sole ot ttaj promloiw Abeytn tbortage by a payment In aoHM aourt tiiia merntM It e wlU oM ftKMUHo,w' Oorrltma. barge of the cam propbBMd that and ditrtoMH of Uie iproeeom thereof $lS,00n, vhleh the eomnrtostonent peUtkm of r bo to Is tb MMW of Um 0. Totopcd that Vlvfctaa bad rebj omH potntt hto patient would be able to be moved aeeordlAg to copied, but oa Mjrment in full f5 Oonoty OarowlMloaan of MemalUlo 04 otb r aANol Mraa of tbe oetween Jm oarilM laotr nit end orer tbo wm, ihmm w aw ofty. Ycstoroajr one omM buy a within n woek. respeeUve rhjbU, ami for all propor all cbilms against tho former trerl 4 ffttUK) all, to M evi and own f?ottaal Moced tbla, s.ih log K leW. WbM witti tbXWt to IWWMirniO, owing en or MoTuttow) wae rMIng on top of a relief in oanlty. a ftiftlw the Hty A. M. rttUM&lCterk. in 1: .. vim rod wti.s ta vogm) oUlwtle: tra'n No. f tail furniture car, when Is bmd col- SaM real Mtelf to attuato in tbe Berne after the seltlemvnt. f IfaMMttnA. Wmmu. a MtWon rmTaf i I atwolhi dr over-noa- d no lint dore; no - lided with the frame work of an tlleMMttta were secured again Mm with Um board of The apaMi bHd of T. t. ltHbfcttl, trow atopptog Ml. Tko trrasble be- counties of MernaUlto and "endovnl. wh hrWe by da attRk; I ho aM da slinic, mmum ff No. ttrteno. Though Um blow wm Territory of Nww Mealoo, and de- Aweyia cmrgrag ami wiui mi 1st pit . hi the mm of tIM, wm aeoepied ft with tbo mbtHK ot ifMn flOUAty MRIMIlMHMMHV. MM JWUUSfl f asbkAs Jtml hiiUlBlLa vm-eohwn- . pnauon 1 ! mrmksjvH . noMclem to render McCullum foltowa, to-wt-t: or pootio and desrm by o Mtweke, lo-- the aad tnwovad Wy the elerk. 'VT It wm tbo toneral Hnprteekm scribed m timm t Uni Ifowerar, seem to - did hem from (Im or Of r- - km - Mowed the u4e dwat No. rtooM tbo- It not bwl A tract of kind known m "The Ala- tloa concenlHMHt", ubllc HhmMMOv VtaolRte So- Mr. fJrwuioM, oooBtUd that train I do work iwtH a4 bf think that Um noofha." for train. Ho won taONd by a brother ' nrde. the cam hM never Im dNio and Other, therefore more hy Mr. tffiHwr, that Um otortc V taw No io bad bow , bat owing meda Land Orant bmnoM on tbe in no good Vtvwh flO. waraing hbn io to In lytng M top of tbe cur. ap- north by the rutae ot an old pueblo, uruagni 10 insi. ooeiag Men dciev .remsJMero. whom mum ar to draw vmMt oh the Imp - bolatf wtomf im tiev m ag MMtely eompty wiui tao reiire- Ogles. parently itfelef. bot soon revive. on nlil wnloh wm time to time, on Srut one to Um pttfthM. MM petto twtaenror in the Mamt of tha no dotMir'nMm It wm eewral the eouth a small 'tm ii or Man aromaac. tm etrr-tht-tae- Had bum anoebod top text then Another, aeoMRta. Motion l oat meats toe days before the matter wm d ho from the tbe eoondary oi Luis Oarcla. on tbe and antll th hhatrurtaer that tbe board of Will the pain of honied toto court again. oar, tbo aeoMeat would doirbt- - board, ai recent meet lag. toy on, open mM rted: herns out at the eaot the Rio dwl Norte ae It mo In tbe dvld lajiimlmtmirs aad Vinaao pMasJeed to clean up. lea have resulted in bis death. year 1710 hills, that the numerous delays and pontic highway m reaniiwi u AnreMo Heel, u days work on near the eastern foot A went prairie and hills, quant expense, with um outioi, roads durlaa the ttOf In precinct Wortn-Ingto- o ILLNESS RBVKAL1 md on the a M M eotiima en vmt A warrant charging Mrs. A. v "The Santa Soutbwmt." more delays Md additional exn n n Ugh ways, clamtor No, 10. Ill, SMMKT ARRIAOB. fe aad containing according to the ontota! relating to awhile wMh malatalnlag a nuleaacc. The name of a finely niust rated survey (hereof aoree of land. bum it unprodtablo to amtinuu tli Of ,ne cu vairvj- - NoeojM Ortega, seven day work oh tfJM UH Of IN H Pw contrary to the IimI.u ordinance, oo OHte- - Al- iblrty-lv- e prosecution, and therefore votmi iegtsUUv emombl). i be road In the yMr IPOS In precinct Santa f Par's Wedded booklet of pages Just is- m will more fully appear from Um attth w)WWl kai an Marth OaooBd street. most Two vVs'.ke Age, te mrvey on in drop all proceeding agaiuei the public hlgn-wa- y No. I. kiumi sued by the paaetnger department ot record of mid Ste the .aweh 16, 1!V MUd ttl wm sworn jui by Halth Odtcer Mains Mies Peelnk. surveyor Now ring treasorer. in 1 Um Adjourned to nee et rail of Hek.e the Aaata Fo company leads the man ofow of the General of being In protract No. of th' tnbt morning, and later mtvm. ew, "which Is Oeuntv CMri EtKto DNkit. d the who runs to expect a work of more Mealeo, reference to made MM cMMy of BoroAlfllo, MM deecrtb-- ehafman will given bMrtn et o'clock It ha iust eome to light that Wm. After a night scottou iJ ww be a usual Interest and merit. Ira for more particular description. last nt..i m loilowBt dflMIVf morning. I.. JeH- - the Santa Fe special owner ttan oeorro county AUFItBD ORUftFKlI1, tomorrow will not be at Alt disappointed when are hereby not Sou that the dietriot court was Moaning frost a Mint m the north st 1.M Vema, who hi now wfPerwic piAMtiffoio McMIImh itdy adjourned iy Judge Parker, bos-pMu- he ofMna and begine to peruse "The attenwy are and ef boundary of RlMl OwrWA's land In Ohalrman. MeCiellan was serred wUh froaa psralyobi at rnUroad i, A. WAUCleR, Clerk. rf. W. the Santa Fa Southweet." Kay nobis, whose poetefm addreM to om of the busiest court terms hell county of BenmMllo. Now Moxmo, R claiideattMely a : the a worrant today charging hint with nterrlod lomottavM the name auggmts the ARMquornoe, New eteKtoo, and that recently The ooort will bo rH-..- ami rttHNlw ta . aortitorty ci.Miiw on hie prmv weak ago Monday, says Op- maintaining a nutsaeoe laat the Mora la raMsa ek- you and eaeb of you enter your vonod again at the next regular ternl tUttma tho Ihbob of AND THE CAT GAME UHHh eOMtfUrV IO talc ottra the tale unless turn MM coiat tau ui Martk stlMt. tic. Hl hrido la Mbw Nellie l'eoinh. to on or bnforo two term, from Um atandtwint It. Anwnlo BAOK TO HAWKINS' HOME, entpbMod ho ed for a suitable name. It likely appmrnRop in nM cause i'oilra AfKraaea. F. Krat. the heaJth Ittwa of the city, and will who $M In the Flam Um dhy t AHgwet. J4(e the county. Um oean very eucccstfu iitsiiHR. WltUMt aamt. Lo-- llefore Mrs. II. H. Hawhlae left test They camo frout ettohimn. They that m tbe prcraat Inttinco tbo m Ith 166. Stomu. be given a Hearing before roiiee juuge tel. bowe..-.- . may wilt unainet yon nnmeroue ream that hud lung iu Urathoni. a. agntt; M. week for Ootorado, site arranged with uuinilns; 9 bareolhe JHarrtaee repi ion held. Hot. tbot meat be rendored llrl. rurfnr.l mmmm nt bad Mtrnoed tholr be, mom nor easily and each of you by deJault. dmod tbo docket, having been c lea re MOIiDHS t on IbUlelii, J. V. Moaro, Mrs. P. D. CarpMter to take Mre of A muprt ttn to nokber tale could o odeok. ffpeemt Health omor Mates for some oame, but bit W. K. DAMN. Hit, and a clear docket toft fur iti agontt of . .aoHl Aaodaoo. her cat a grwt pet and took " Bay-t- gawm bettered. taifito ntaiM he is aetrminM w Mejmt tbe mraiytie avwto wbiM we I torm. Qaroia, I'srAHo the Carpenter raaah,- - that "The Santa Fea Southwest" u work (Seal) Oterk of the District Court. Htt faring Aatoalo about elsht the ordlnamm governing the almnlng mmoJhi kwt wuok oMwed h i tmk The recently appointed dlatrlet u mllM aouthwMt of town, m-tane- of art. and It unfoliU a rMMtaaUmc ..i&VM tarmlRMtag m ih taaa Mya tbe Af la-- uriaiMd. - emdiially Slkca ho w ottlemwi nod W uMiuioAam .IKia ' nd' - that out NOTICE. tornoy, Hon. H. A. Wolford, yrhti b News. K till story of the condition that exist, of - ef QraneTio ana fttartaiM .vwMm at aceiM Utat "Boy" ho will not warn offondera bat ones hM eM MB VNH ft HM tiOGSIM To Simon SmdeM. hto heirs, admin- hm not secured any grunt, number thought vfcut waa ton aa-at- tlM grant farma, the happy Iwiaom, vrbai it tWOWR m prlT8if croaj'qg a week's before having .new before urn tri- dally, and bMnun ttfa vafite to 1stretort and aewtotia: emrieUoM. has made an exceile enough, not artflg to tbe apwodM devetopmMt, the img-nISce- nt ruHRlRK WOilerly aeroM kw Santii T rid mar out bunal of justice. ta nursing him, Mb gajMMwMdgod You are hereby notified that I bavo iRtpreMkm here. I urn h hi bin weloMM, scenery, '.'ie wonderful posel-bilitle- s, rami at VteiHc ntltway company' yarn. mM he retuntetl heoM. When Tnls ord.tiance, mya Offlmr Mains, nor irne remtMn w mm. expended In tabor ami Improvements aueroeded in drariag the dockit Mr. Saturday tbo , goMm days this MlKtiHi; lato Vat Trumlwu IlawKMs came borne on no one wltl be Mr. Purls la reoaveriafc amwly, Nan. of in. (he I crMlaf apply to all alike, and Fe. upon tbo Agnes lode, eitrnted vera esses ibat in all probnb: avmHO ta Honallllio omiuty. mM evening be wa surorteed to Ami the emmpted. Ae all famtMar with tUanhs to tbe unremNllMK ami toader empire reached lv tbe Santa Mining district, county nave eome - - ire New Placers wooM never to 'rial there, the- to Mt- oobar-ewtt- r Thto empire aa a whole, and U bfahway to tormlaa t Mid priwata eat bat cat not at alt iwIIimiuw thaw dill Id tmt wait care, lie is not abM to taw Now Max-Ic- t h- .1 parts, Kbnaaa, Coiorniw, of Santa Fe, Territory of which were eacles left to raHway oroaalay. waoro aala croialBg leaed. lie rooms from oae room to to cbma up, and if they yet. but appears to be invok and ymr hundred attorney oflrce by forin taoMng IfcfrwkiM, to be Mked PaebAHdle. Now Memco,Te,Ariaoau for tbe lMi, oaa trict i laM out a wtlKHotM to th laml the other for rs. they wi no torn om owe, or brighter . tbe will appear by regtmes nd mdlHg her, wait, and CaHfornla. are all t hy a dotlaro ($100.00), at of mM OrMorto tun iarfeiM A4dMa not tretches hlnv i kuL nnlMs thar imtstadlatelv rested filed Jam 17th, ISO I, In About Semrre County Mlf out la rest urns sleeo. on'y to IT IS HUSTLE AT THE master band. The many Illustrations eertlnmto Teathtrs. and wMak mM wwoetad tmiwi of oom ply with tbe ordinance, they will the oMce ot the Roeordor of said County School Snperfntendent 1' Ui waaty awnhM to again roam. The Mm ot LOCAL DEPOT OOOASIONALLY are apposite attractive. The MM auMto highway tc a m arremea. md county, and for the year ltfC one ree. tif jocorr and Conn-Schoo- MsjeUw, um BMklng eight i will r RatNatoiM, Xaw aad mm set tbe trip of mitt He rvrr oocurred to ym tfmt booklet bavo a wide circulation. hundred dollar (1100.00). m will ap- Superintendent luna. of Mien bM com MMt among the netgh- - Is of just right to tttUotMra hat lag aaawM to mM i caused Ed. .ohneon a bnlghi of tbe road, the an Fe station In this city to a It the sort catch pear by certificate Sled July Sttb. oounly. were In ben- - '' bora, - pa-se- hold (Hion aad atado a wrt thantof, a oar appeared in police court tbt- morn mighty imsy place when the n- and the Interest of those into IPOS, In the oMce of tbe Recorder oi dsry, eompletlnf arrangement n for whoM It may fall, Hint it tain imp or drawing oa walete la lag to mswer to tbe chart" of being ger iraiim begin to roil in. neoeciatiy hands and said county, In order to hold tbe Mid JolsH teecners' instltUie, to tie uu eu-tln- g gituatlo : en- Mlalaly IndkMad tho polnt of An Alarmlna disorderly. s i his w ime of affair will do much good In the way of pronto Of Section week July th. Frequeatly msults of drunk and premises under lout here the last la and Mid proponed public aigfeway aiM taa from RMleet Bdward tried to. explain tu tbe chief should i bore happen to he a delayed couraging colonltutkm and travel Kevtoad of Um United Bret Week in August. President t changed bowels torpid Mver, antll be desdbt. tStt. Statutes tarmteua tborMf aad taa MM wty and bow he hrd bom working. train or two arriving at about the there ma no Slates, being amount mot to boM M. Mgkt, of tbe btlver City Norma MMUaauon eeeomen ehreole. This 1 MOMatlitMaivi of Um oMNty of "Ym," replied Chief McMlllln. same time the regulars are scheduled same years ending Decem- college, ail! conduct tne institute. an. condition ta ankHown to Umm who THREE RATE ON the for tbe MtUo at UMa tkatr drat mMting. 4tar aoUeed yon Bntnrday. Tm were put in m epoennuwe. It In bustle CENT ber ,11st, 1P04, Md December Slat, will be Mslsteu Hy another ptonil ptt-Uono- ra uso Dr Xtnrs Now Life tko COLORADO ROADS. roMlvfn mM petition of aald Mia. working everybody yon oonld." and hurry for tbe employee and aa IPOS, respectively. nmt educator of tbe territory, yet i Uo-Oan- best geaUoat regulators I do aoroby appolat P. F. and of Stout BeMle. "I am d tbe pesepjfora who aHobt In oaeet of aN Tor louor, mM New Schedule ef Qees Into And If within ninety dnyt after thto be Mnmd. A B StaatM and .t o 'ixir-Ha-a. aeh aad aowohu Guaranteed ijy I get Bometblng to eat or drbtk, M mm Fires araggt In eduMttoml wursults. the BffMt m Julv 1, Aaadrdlng te a nottoe by pubikcation you fall or refuse Tho object of the Institute is to gi t I I'nee ae. untvoroHy weeds." y are always amrmM mm tawy very possible fin i. a )ob at tbe aottwc i, Stmi-Otfto- Annsuoptmsnt to omlribnto your proportion ot such tho best instruction kU poraoM Ixtlng fraoaeldara However, as tbb did not otmdowe get left they are over anxious and expenditure m oc owner, your Intarest the toachers of the two counties, an MEMBERS MUST ATTEND g y ) wMMr tko ononty of Broallllo aad of besoming hnbibed wRh rush siiOMt hither and thither, bomp-In- ItogtaAing Um prop-art- wm deeMed thto could STRICTLY TO th. time July 1st fare on all In aaM alBlM will btmiut tbe H that raaMlttg tMrata, aa a board of ooanty ' BUSINESS "fluM that cbmra. Jotinson wm Into men other In their undue Colorado ot Mid Sm-Uo-a nooootpltobod by the homing of WnaklagtM. the railroad between Colorado the subscriber under I' efitKlMlMet to viw and mark out Juno Sued fS. haste Mints wilt bo (tassosml m the general Sett JolHt Inetitute. (be wad prayed for In aM aatUton Cannon delivered a mild leottrra to the a a rate of three cents a mile. The heads WtLUAM I4OPINCIC. Deed Men Are Identified. ce RAILROAD aail aaM oomtilwloaera LaroVy members of the house today, by stat Marguerlto Sola was dned t IM He-li- MEN of lb paagor deparlniMtB of the First publlraUon Aprtl tl, llhU. The two MMlmas wo were mi) aro to flu a time for the viow ing tnai in ihom ciMing days or the court thai wmrng for m MEET AT PHOENIX. Coioredo roam are mw RKtuiHK. on over and berribb maHgleil near her. of Mid rvada, aad aro to oaum ttotlcM tireeent sewioa more twslneM of rttfl drunk and trbHKderly. lie waa ston- . I'hoontx tm ion MHM vnsway the new MhoiolM, ytltkUt were de- LEGAL NOTIOE. kv Bant Fs iratu Nj. 10. hut Fri e Ih tKNHed tkrao of pub-li- irapertanM to tbe nation will be tran- - gang, m lor xeveral trarellitg op-n- ie la tba wt ed for me rbaln bat a itfffld ralirmu hmh. cided at tbo HMMiur of the OmtCot Ckmnty day, have been Identified as Juvuf aloaK fHropoNed road, Moted than in nny previous turae pnM flno, who aouUMiMt a tMit WMtm-- In tbe Dtotrlet the of N. M.. tlaow tha need Hp and his af bavo the a. ui FammMr AseocktlOfl in Moxr UHetM. of SM Aktonto. Imot Kra aravtom to th day Bionthe, aad It Is absolutely neeosiary which their tvrrlMty. They Hrrlml i that ChlMgo nereuiiino. Territory of New a or m.r( t dan tor be wrh released. btat week, and the ttw rntea 100: no, Umm Banchec. native aid k flxwi tor tka tIw of mid pmeoMd that close attrition shall Im given or city ft m the north and npent that wlH bo aHAOMtiafd within a few daya. net. too, end were employed on tra : alajtway, aid nottM to gtve the part of members to the buslneee day in IwterMta of roadu they Dmiotano Ou role, Juee tie In Ihx uetow prim ftvhm tbt the This axtOH wa determined often, aa (Itirulo, Antonio work San Amonlo. jutt partfaa la latrot sotiM tbat at the In hand, to which Itwtlw oannot be iARGE AUDIENCES ur te tierty wore r. at. the reeuk of on anttmneeHMuft made SflRcbm. Jmo to their Iragto death. - Ourule, Jtmti Ourule, tmifl fixed In mM boUm Uist Mid done unless it It closely otMorred. Myron, of Lm Antelwi. southern Cell- the Uarriman Hnee also the Sflnte Fo and It baa been ascertained that the AT THE CASINO Oen-trnl- , PlatRUIfB, itartiea m tntvretteil aUHded before Ily unnRlRHHia eonMnt It was de ftomhi aamt for ttte Now York uyetom that lis throe omt a mtlo rate mm were drinking freiy the nlghd mM couaty eoMtniMtoa-er- a ckled that the houM shall alt r 8 ii C. ABCar, y agmt of v. lbs taerd of f ta moral wrmM bo ever thorn thtomhowt Mom-'toy- the acenJent and went toslee The unknown hotrt of Dtem eofort m rtewwrc aad Uie fcoartl of coun- to 11 tonight In oommlltoe ot tbo WITNESS WHOLESALE we Mettopi OMHrbl, hMwliMr-to- r tbe west Mid ifi Ookwado, Now Magr m tbo 1 ram. The MRinmr or No. 10 deomaml. the aaknoww y ty ooMjatMloRera of tae omiaty of whole to frame a bill to simplify the IN "JESSE JAMBS" A NEW t jm AnuolM, pinw tha Are at co, Artoona and Nevada points, ft mw the men oa the trrok and mad-ever- dl-re- rer-mu- m hotrt of Ml am Oaliegcs. mrMllll hereby glTo aotlee aad law in rekittoa to colleeUmt tbo BILL T0NI0HT "CAMILLE" ON OM KriSjOMAO, 0JM Ii. P. ' It UOrtt, evident that to coMpetitrve poiuts tbo effort to atop hto train, bu. ?11'iiS . Ooorge Kftward. commtaewaera ot It hM bMn decided perailt THURSDAY. distil. pgMtagm of tbo rena-ylv-ni.- i mi: ' In txni the board of to nftnt reduetkm would have Ut bo met. tmt claimant of could n do time. Their Uel frMholdatv herelAbefore Apnolnted so nalttlMl epeocbos to Im delivered Hnee, wk hMothHtrters at it wm not known whether the Colo- and all unknown let were literally ground to pleees. Baturday Sunday algbt the intoraotB adrorm to tha pMln-tfrf- t tkat hM hoard mMt on thr day oa this Mil. and o AneMC, and A. m. nwiof. or tbe rado roads would grant Die thim eottt For A while eome excitement and rmi af Jeite, point deelgiuuiM Immlgratien Bill Taken Up. iiook Mmpany In ''Jmrn truth.- - tbe Santo Fe, potuta. In and to 0)0 real estate by ItH, at tM lemrtmmi of rate to all doaeribod, mystery wm rrested here the r 1b iNRttfM, tavwtt: Oa aorth Dalwll of PmMylvaola frjM tbe jamea,'' drew eacaptloually largo koi i pbomlx Hum, at Prcs hereinafter the the ft Even this has now been decided Defendants. port that on the seam of the aeeMeut hoaadary ot te laadi of mM Nalaei oontmlttM on rules today re(toned tbo houaea, the proomMwoua ehootliig that eott. ovoo, it la anM, and will Include not three bats and Ave toga had been dett-loa- un pkMo at um end of every not Oarata, m NerMlUw county, aad rule tnklwr tbe Imsaikmtlon bill. took only the faro to Colorado Spring 1 found, whk-- led lo life supposition (hot-th- e You, h above mmed defendanta, In atM petition m the eMrUaf The rule provides for thrM hmra oft seemingly behtg tbe thing SANTA PE FLANS aad Pueblo, oa tbo --leaver and Um that more two men had been pstrons wanted to aod Mar. aod each of you, ore hereby notified ihu tMtHt of mm road; aad mM beard debate under tbe nw.minute rule. Me NEW STYLE TICKET. Grande, the Colorado A swwibom and Above named pintnUffa hove killed, but Ml was afterwards proven This wm adopted lor 111 eft. When tbe curtain oajne down at tbe thai the af Mwnleatoaart m Ttewwra attmd to rule to to watrn poteM on tbo Denver ft mminenced tfeetr action am last you a cmard their dutM m loeh give doe and the house at oom west Into oow-itte- o end f Act 1. only a few of tbe Bfteen Perforated SUibAUebd WRT Ber Hk new from Den- Jury aad , Grande. Tbe rate ta the Awove named court being muse The rorcaer'e returned a vei nMc at toaet Ave daya prctlOM to of the whole for coaslderatkm actor, who started on the piece, were Complete Rtesrd of Traoeperta-tie- ver u Cotarado Springs will bo, court; met of accidental denfh, and the Ihki ten ao on in Art Tbe reel bod Saving Mueh No. TOM. m Um docket of aaM wU day for the v'ew to all miUm of tbe immigration bill. in Labor and to Pueblo, M.M, instead of tl.K that the general object of aald notion lea were nicked un in .sukett and he tatereated. and that they will meet APPROPRIATION BILLS met death at tbe hands of Jeme and and Worry. sad T6 respeellvely. Other Colo- uurlsd 00 the teem of tbo tragic sr s liot ae of Act 2 It Is to secure tbo partition or tM rmi at the poaut digMtd la the Mtitioo TAKE MUCH TIME Freak James. end rado farm will be in proportion. accord- cldent VYMblagt - the whoteMle slaughter of Ai received at tbe local ticket estate hereinafter deoertbed m the atanlng point of eaoh Mad aad i. June Sa. The oonfer- - own-er- S om- : A' new style -- is ing to tbe rights of the several will prooMd to lay out tald highway eniw report on the nava' approorttlm bout doten more. Ditto, Acts sh of ticket LOST HIS TEETH ANB JUMPED PROM WAoON to i In ue on Atchison, thereof, md lo require you and Mis aad to dwlBMte IU MNme and ter-wtni- Din wm aaoptud by tbe Uous today. 4. so that when the Ami curtain :ut tbo BELAYS TRAIN AND BROKE LEO ud T p. i THE each you to come In Md est up lief dlerharge raeh la Ptmlle BuiMinoo Bill. was rung down tbe singe st th Ca Santa Fe. which It Is of ... and duties iliouKh "Kite minutes late" wm the answer or prove your respective tntoreota In Newt Kemp had the misfortune hi ttehalf ! ) tat The public building aa sino resembled one of Armour's will be a great improvement tttl mooted la tn omnibus bill Btat Ion Agent Vaugha gave to inquir MM MM prom lees, or be forever get a leg broken but Saturday . ssylieti - reported slaugoter houses. ou r i. obt otyle. They are tickets to Nta la Mid made aad provided to tbe bouM todar carried mM Capftan He l 1 breff gave a preeeutaO n the onu viist ejajtmr Io the Mr tickets ers about tbe west bound pnseMger barred, and in omo partrtloA of tbe New. had a el' ia bMrd of oooaty eoaiulaatoa tbo following. aspMprtntlOM' fair of g M4 im Ber-ge- of thto is Internet-la- without, m mule hitched to a wagon, and In aome uo tedoubtable Jeam, while C. Ron r, no tar Iomi stations ami to yesterday Rack an premtom cnanot be bad era of BerMiiuo county mrthar COMTMO BWUMB, 1 100,00 On mat 'bound to of tbe way iho bronco got tho od vantage 01 In )ace SIUmST aa Bob Ford, wm fairly good, M tmin whe tbo travel la honey, with little incident. the terial Injury the lateraota rder that of the deposit with iMbver. er wagon . run the day previous Brakeman reopootlve owners, tor a sale of bbn md wm about to tip tbo MM of oouaty Bonldor. HOMM. were tbe rest of tbe mot. Hill, tbe thH that there will bo a t.en aaahain ierk the of to became quite sick and raised aaM premises and division of tbe over, and to binwort Mr. Kemp HwtwdWIe or a of manor as pro Trinidad. fM.ooe V4udevllle artist, cenio Into bit own. tttl tbo now onee. TMa atob a tare Mat . a window to Indulge in the act of In proeaede thereof between Um parties Jamped from the wagon. His foot vMtft hi section ft of the atoreMld What Seems Kx Pest Psete. however, in tbe ittrt of Line He perfoia d god will bo torn otf and i.v Mparatlng from some of reopoctlvs rtghta. struck a rock, turning hto ankle and a - should cast ils tramp and I risk kept the agwnt for bin record ot voluntarily aeoordtac to their tm mat Mid uetltlMera astar lh with At fall meeting cf th houc raut- Mldc e or luake-tMi- e no the wbtob are mM. tbe viands which refused to and for oil propor and enultable relief. brmklug tbe email bone the lcwer the fjayb; a good aad ttiaVieat boad mlltoe m appropriatkmi sn important hereafter, aad con a ninv tier of tickets teg. surgem Mlf playing blackfacv parts. He on. n bomsa that tbo rouord is In doing thlf he accidentally loel hto SaM real eotate Is altnaU la the A wm nt once called. eeoiisjagejnn for tko aajraiMt of tM amendment to 0'" getcrsl doSeteney to a pot Uemallllo, Territory of Now tbe limb anj tbo wounded r ktpt ib uitdleae" la an uproar of lost mixed up. and mmMoynMe false teeth Mae marked tan oouaty of dressed viiwim mm road enoaia Mil a adopteo, which ligallM and whore ne upheaval occurred by tbe Mmleo. aad deaeribed m follows, to- - cmh left to Ite still and allow nature tho of tbe petUlonvre lie ratines too urUf only boUf import tsughtor all the time he wm on tbe dimciiiu roMKs. ah that wm be Myar nect-H-.m- pole, to heoi the Injured parts. eaaort, PblUp- - stage. fga moord iu tbo now style number oh the tetogrnph and wit: and impod la the' day the englnMr A commonly called the &. tonight aod card ii. kete will be tbo stub. posting back tbe neat tract of land Cfff af Nlle. mn isianiis nnor to xanii iml The bill at the Casino grant, also amne- - COLONY ROT FOR either by Tuesday and Wtdtmadity ulghts will stopped tbe train at the proper plam MenA Ooaecm aad PaW To Wtwai It May Qatawa: the antborlttM of tbo Unit get get hla KAoonoe 00 Ainu-- VESA LAND BRANT ed Htatee or provtaloaal military be "An Bammd Convict." aad SOUTHWESTERN MAKES OUT IN and allowed Mac to off and mliod tae Notice I oerrny taat the un the 11 QrAHt, bounded on north fivw government tbo on neat Thursday nlalit and FARES ON ITS ARIZONA LINES teeth, And this to how came that auorsjoo the The tend project Inaugurated by a. deralgaed, the board of ooaaty cow rf islands. Tbla v bv Poebta of Saudi, on Um oaat r dMl-slw- "Onm-llle.- " u Sttwe. central pasimner tbe train was reported "vo minute the W. Thompson, formerly receiver mlMKNMtra f the ooaaty f Bernali. o, amendment is .nade to most n the remainder of the wnk. " Dispatch by the luiumlt of the Sandla Moun f the States supreme wiui Mbw l.ylllsii ligbtm agent ui tbo M Paw A Bouthweetem, Inte Dearer tKaa.l the United States land osnce at Cla nave aMiwid f. r. MCwaajuv A. m fblted a tains, on tne rantn by tne nonn now of Vegas Is oour In i he "'erner-Barn- mm, their new itadlng lady In tbe title made iiH Important announoemMt ton and Li startiu ktaaton Md j o. .orltMa. all of mM - Rock Is role, will ue yesi.i i.n vi g reduction In the pbo- Tbe Island manmemenl boundary of fbo Amuouerane want oat well. It will be remembered thai neraMs fmeboMaw vital the which ws amltitt tbe government, fHreeentcd. busy lu premretlons lor Hxteoalonn, extending eMtorly there-- n end would omupal Um snic atM from fi omta to oeats and a line Mr. Thompson purcnased 00.000 acn ooaaty of aad Meld rtnundine of r In of the Mil MORE PBNSI0N LABORS pt-- in division of order to handle the ouelness Irom to in summit of tne mnaia of me UMd from tbe board or 11 v duti Mlleoted amouatiag to more aa tM westwa I'ue thereof to lw a proaoMd new MhHc BY DCLBBATE ANDREWS m.. Idg par' "re country on Kd river, Mountains and m the wont by Um tees or Vegas g highway watch Um Keen petfUoaad uwn ,..' Tbo aotkw of the oowth the la land HMim. (a wkti following Its opening to eettlemont Rio Grande as tbe mum rm In Um Thto land l wl! ittuated and Is rM.i aar m 4 gpeclai to Hvening Clttom. i. aoMunmce that IF renieti. ta aeoiloa of the Miss Homo Waldo, of Hi.- this sumrner early pari of Uie Seventeenth eenttttir, for bjoaoesefkers. ArnwgomeaM hsv act entitled m act remllag to avhUe :.Urtlu daughter WMhlngton, Jum twlegat" souther FnctSc md Beau Fe oi juom m. waioo, the New Met t. io iu,,. fnrM In New Mmleo and Md otmtoinmg aceomiAg to tne om bom made with toe Suato Fe rallwa Mghwgn bwInK chapter 1X4 of UM u Andrews inlrodued a bill to pvnaion survey aoros. too connMior for the Santa Ft, and Manuel Montlnlo, company New Arlxon.1. io sjagelastns to wake tbe WTIaSLi' ctal thereof, SfMS.TS yatem, to run homeseekwrs' ncm Mta tnlnv-slst- h aa P. af the leaialaUve A. T. Rogers, a Vegas at ty im COUCH J m will more fully appear fMPta tbo alma Las Vegm for the purp-vs-e or aparovr.) March Ui attorney, Mealoo mounted infantry. Tbe dele- i'odueiin bjpyu beea arrived to 1. IWI. the will le united In marriage Kaoou gate praekm the .m lab) Of tbme ayatoms at a thk LUHC1 record of said survey on tie n tbo examlatag thto toad twice a month, atatioiMd ruaaine from a Mint it also secured tbroogb tbe m 013M eJB of Survey- -- of Mow City, Mo.,t the WbMo hoate. No. division tor Jos. Wl May. Caption,' meetiiu heM Bot Vmc new. th Gmornl amtely, on the second and fourth on the north boundary of the land at Uaweod avmue. Wfidaeoday. lill Tn madw by Houih Mexico, and which Is hmroby referree Tuesday of each mMth. A rer, low KUael Qarcta, In the ooaaty Tbe 10; Jose MootlM, Socorro. Ill: Mrs. tuctkm tbe WITH of wedoiag will be very weoti , on EI to. rate has been tstebiUbed by we road mHIIo. New Mraloo. qumt, none but Ustra fl. Deatiater, Cbaperito. lt; u tbe main lino from Dr.Kinc. aad runala la tbe Immediate relatives of ram Benson, a uistaaee of tM You are hereby HiMlBed tbet tbt for that purpose, The Brat excursion a awthi'rty direction from said eoint the Wm il William. Artec, ft.. attorneys McMlllea Md partlos being prseent. mil- - i Bisbee branch, iilslnilffs are from chbMiao ta m pee ted to arrive rough the lauds Pedro Apodooa, Tbe Ineiud. tbo Is of newly married will M w. Fkiunwy this afternoon load Tli. in nom b9 no Disooviry RayaoMs, whom pmtofnee address in the Meooow CHy on the Nth In- H. Kent W1I- - Mir make their Ham to iteaem, Ntw r. AntMio Iratina. home In Vegat, 'd bis honk-bon- k car Into a box $1111 by AibMuoraue, iew Mexico, sun umu stant. Bomb of treat of tM property Ua Im wbvre Mr. Rogers vill bo redaOM to your Stewart. scMt; UifM Brothers, Is established in praetice of law tar, preparatory to shipping tb auto thefl'. iiNngav to jptobea. now natom ym and eaoh of jutt enter by Mr Thorn peon will like Barela. neent: M. Motltor. th rm rrcbaaed 0. of omi io Lm An galea, Oat., to which pine Its.', u oofitto tu. Tbo fare to fob - lapmrance la said mmo o or bedore . July 1. Hatfield. J. M. Moom MMt; eatata af Mrs. WUom is rsr- ,'ja Um day of July, mm, Judgmeot cmmed to her home he will shortly lafktw. Mr. Floumoy Doutla, SOW will be tlt-T- liu Apoaaca, Vtc gedUto, AM-Ina-lo m.M. LnvVll. soperibtebdmi Maaei to by IIIsom but the abww at 111 Intends maktag M ovormad trip in i ni one or will im rendered emmet ym Md nam Arthur of Oaiwla. Wt iMdsubum ia tm pas FerCtttv Omvm tm OoM la epm Any Mimooge given to bla antomoblW) to Ontvllle. on the .'in ia railroad of you by default. motive powr on the smatA Fe, oa Gregerto mioi liilgu raM W. H. DA MB, ed through t it UkNaiMtlac the tend of tbOM It attendance will be arcaily coaat, where Mrs F1ouin) Is now . the eettptm. bmnl tha imB mode ta tbe mnlbweot - - Mariano Aimilaer. at what la sp - CI- of said Court for l.o Antelt imf precis tod visiting friends. 'for i . ymre. By declaring one- m U. S. BUILDS THE PUPILS HOLD CLOS- mi ING EXERCISES :NEW YORK FASHION LETTER' LONGEST ROAD be At Immaculate Conceptta New York, SI There are ao prett) for evening Wr, boa Io m aed aUnnjHi, on the revere ere alio IN PHILIPPINES Lrimments Jm - all uuper be- Ave aaure for (no postal In of tf. auy pleasures sports the wo ptec aklrt, the portion letter. School n4 - you Gntduates and buuir- - nommer resorts, to many ing tncued in troop ot mre, leugrn- be flmt addree k.pre writ the irstona, picnic, drives, panic duo wiip over the nine; MM i in an name and add re of a friend and lc fh first letter apees a un- Br Hamilton Wright. the Program. i in th! Mtter we mn ingtneaea y wcona iisi section .sentiment that der direction wufck to printed fJoftaapondence. waterr ft very ontst If our id on y tiny up mm oown tucn thr at Sfeetal In WN - Use For Over 60 Years Irt In to go won prepared for ner suirneo: eotr . nmr inces mm men the iop. Writ it tine and roar slrn- Mmtlla. P. I.. June to.tfrn tonieet OVf nllUBK. U ,Mir, nuwrr ture In the flrat anno, together with ! XEROSES HCLD IN TNG CtlUXCN itinmor Wit anna iree irwm ifwn v iwwr cam railway la the Phlllppln) wji tha oubt. con o too of Mc own noon sp Ing of whtt inaarthM, wW'a abora , Tour addrraa tmi mll the lo governmattt th twan nt thraa row of tha am. frtand. Whan row man mwlrea line leading ffertttah the roil traveling costume Tha wajat clonal ra tna baak. la wa4a tha onrd aba.wfUa hor lggur lo wonderfally fertile intarMV of i.uton IT m A QtriCK 71ALBR Jl bm!v gflM V from Manila, thai UK Botod day In Oread Con with abort alaovaa, mm with no MnlHg. th aaooM npaaa to Aoarrl. northern the other th tmii port lahMtd. will tie, a MEXICAN tmM ArpusD to curt It at 'on. linen Tnoha on tha ghoaMatt gtt tna nar-- eN to a aaoono frland and ao on moat of the It 11 at WMw check rm-tlaaat- AHD ALL OfBN WOUWM. oaonry fulttaaa ") h waiM whMh U Ml" racamr ramalla tna it war, um graaiaal tran i i gray wnien in, w nmamia wn r back ltto yon. ,4 taoabara ayatawi in tha lHWHt. ar IB! uningnams was ta ""Y"; tnrthor ornamanlad vlth potatai for MUSTANG For DBXPnUTlX) FAfltl L Bjjnt- - or woo en-- Tha anrvay aaiia Mr g gig miiea MaMMiJtr Mt SRuMmmSL ml Ha Hr was n Mai gored Modal a party aava irwraioo or 'M AFPLV TRM LOttMWn i" 1 aoana ataaaura or la laagth. With the axeefltwn t one I an inverted ptatt, eao irout. toaotMr. a MsbB.jwMaOnranesn, V lib A FKBBLY AND XUU. la. war row GIRL'S DRESS ctaaa or eta now aaaaratad 1i dlftaait grade, the read be rom tPl i Lnmsnss D. ReMher. nd ground the hm tour panulvaly level, houm i I pony 3i tha tniHg. and trMa fc4FnPV af f atltchlns. Tha coat was a ta Ofcnl y null, Of make the trip In tan hoar. Aecpatly Unrhs, fca f atllllarr th hue MpCATOB "Ar Star of Ufa's S 'ooaety from tha notched VISITING TOILETTE' tba writer traveled over Um line of C17M88 QUICK g ." bung. thla surray on aU tba sad over rovar. ana asnonoeu horaebaok. Ii MEXICAN it tnmsTMATsm quick f Star. a" on curvsu uwwrw-- trip there waa only en aajg hill aide White and Bin. 9 IB Stung tn of about three aere wbMfc waa bar- NO FAfN SO DEW THAT t Beams. The mow oouo orw e v Hewer. nnuunaaMad with bio pockets ana ren land, and here K waa bajMg work-a- d MUSTANG IT CANNOT BB NBACHBD a WMte ChTMUhM for (aro row a throe doll aMvor notion. a Hmo aarrr. and SOUTBO BT TttttOLD of Prom Manila the road will ran fh.. iicovru war long and Moaa ana TIMB-TftiC- KBMBDY. Mary I. Mnlght. lull alMHtMar. and Uk the raat northeau IIS mltoa tkronglt tha ral LINIMENT t lasa at . at th key or Famaanga if tb ault MMebed wr snacntn the to t OarabalM Itltrhing. The hat wna a "Peter Fan GOOD Ffi rriFF joints id grey np trwmaa wna a inr WOUHM, AND ALL OUT mm undvr-an- men Ihilfon acarf, an MEXICAN WARD am. wbil two end blue wing AILMSNTtefDOn. Imsaaculate CrmteaSion paaisa wna fttar hnht inet ntgnt, St. Hary'a haU. h (oaa from the taA Ma. .Vllb It wna JUST WHAT VOV HVHfl in cfcMfcn vail brought i targa ana himieomtivs liwra a long thin MUSTANG for CUAFntt. lound under tba chin. Tha giovac BLrtTIWII Th lajtlnl rerof gray ailfc ao tha ivory band 80e.. 80. and $1 n BOTTLB. phrnaoi wm coraraa wun tna LINIMENT waa the jfratanry sddrsoa hy Law itKama titatarlal an tha gran renro D. HMSVysjL w5"3l' Thr ahlrt wakat worn with thl coa-- HBALB OLD tOKM AND um waa t dainty ffnir taataootl In PBRMANBMTLY ssrSwsl (sCw Ulk ombroidarad In Mua nohlla tna n.CRJtS ifjsH nPwBifiottWsSn ttl WMRK ALL BLUB PAILB. ssnauaiaa tn lire an M Mm fitfpM ISilii ueHitMfanl Tna aasuiaaa wna SUMMER COAT CtTKBt BPAYTN, AND IB to the yosajg rMtM-- RQUALLY OOOD Mr NINO. ItONB nANNBBB BOR1W. The ebevm,BTrrn bv the itth LINIMENT jorcbTuswwtMwaoro and H- - ' An on HTn Self-Ma- d Man, AOA KB INTO THB FLBSU aay ay John MeOurnneas, wna a very MEXICAN CURBS SHARP ACHBA, but brief eipositlos of the IK?LL ACIIBB. AB ACH'iit subject, esaaanittylng th lives ot MUSTANG PAINS OR BRVIftfin OF Ovorge wfeantngton and Abraham Lhs-poI- MAN OR BBABT. Mr. MaOuinnet then rendered a TAK UBSTITtTB. solo, s sectton of Tennyson's well Ijtatroua black IHrfrty. with naaUt LINIMENT known "b ak. Break. Srunk,'' with blue radium. I a oomblBatlon whwh piano aesotnpanlMnnt by nil ward-wal- l. wakea a atunnlog rial tinr dot Mile. ORBAT BUT RMBROBNCY. l TIBJI RAILWAY HOifTK. Tha blue added In point daatlMaa LINIMBNT KNOWN. Au oaaar on Um "Dtgnfty of Labor." lace, which dyad to the aamNMft Mountain, whMh run north gird anula by Mssa JRnipMwt Mahsf, wns an nt tone aa tha radium allk. from 10 to 10 mile from the west NOOT1IBK1BA8 0OOD. offnrL nkowlni Um lunar gown I Thl Milken mad after a coast if Uisofl. It will mm these QUICKLY IIBALB NUNJIS dfgnMy and hisaiiiilnnni of true labor. model havitte; a aloe-gore- d aklrf. ThM MUSTANG mountains over the south pirabaUo AND SCALDS. ttnti napMMiiy ihu ft iwunation nnH Hi rioae-mtht- to the kseaa, from etemion i.7M) rent. The sum aneourauninont am that state hr whtcb It brsadty Dare away to tha mits are ouverwl with Immense bard The POOR MAN S DOCTOR Um Ontbnth) HHrak. xmund. The blue la aoacralon nUnad 'We Hook Awnjr on Um Blimwa For a yoanr girl nnproaohtax har RMd fatla from the attapandar tike In tha Mountain, 0Ay," a atterM By Um senior stars, 'taana a oMarMing frock t maaa of brat .ilea over Uw vilaeve. Than are The railroad will eltmk inr at or FOR ALL IXS8CT MITBS. followed by n nsta. "llnsnat Troh." Japanea aINt. .Ho tt Um ootor Ot of '.he lace, dotthia ngffad, and nee forty mllea through lit see Mountain. by Mrs, U OnMHMa. resolved IT ISNKB00D POX imiif thia pratt draaa, wMoh la held in fdace wHh onnde of the allk. Tbo oountry reminds- one at the Cum-- - CUTS. Ooieman's trimmM . . 1 . Bsortiod mwu. Mr. with InsarUona of raeonaa. TMaHa The unoer bogwa of Mo of the roint oennnui: monnufm cm iwoneasee. PRoxitN vrnm, CHIL- rnnguiR wu aciMewiiy commeauael. at In ilonbia rowa un tha full uklrt, There are oesaaalonal iRUe aettle-men- u BLAINS, OX ACC1DBMTR The Tn!eyify address of Ue am-oko- it In- - and coma rrost tha wMt FOR WEAR AT THE RESORTS in Um valtay what the Of ANY KIND. trenlng wna given by Miss Mary Hoe- to tba mkMlo of ha bodiea. dhtM Igorrotna Irow Men nun iirovi Maluk- t- towelling review of pnat where It la mat by tha frill whtcfc nan grow eoffoa. vory tittle farm lYWmVBLf Cums PILRB ekoifttttle efwrMi. the trials and edgva tba antoekd yoke. la nrotoctad with a bamboo feme to LINIMENT oonrpareii to w l.mgna beta m pmh iw m m- - mm out um deer am wmu toar. nerila of Um ana, a trustful eoiMlag aa they Are atyltah for yawn Thar are no native Taguwra rtwell- - HAS BBBN THB STAKD-AR- ation of Um future, and a rendition of glrla. Tba Sopoina; brtv of tbla oac InK in the KMuntalna. Those Indians LINthlBNT for OVBK thanks ta Um Masher la ahirred, hna donate are at ranger more Induct rlotis oroeeeto Tha rita a and SIXTY VBARS. Pulber Mandalnri then A at for wear ovar dalleata aum- - flounor, add gliont tha crown n roae-oolora- d than the rlllptno of tho plalsa. the diptasnna of Um eoMUMrelal oouraa I lltiwly thirty-fiv- e Hay pre- - ruc r irorkH la raaoa ot nna imad. ciao-- ribbon la drawn, ana About mile abox MUSTANG OOBR TO THB YBRY CIT-ADB- to the Ren graduates. He then limpad Into droufttag oa, Vlanaya provlix c onto wltb Madarla aajubroMary. a large bow at in Neura tb OF PAIN AND PUTS eanted eaan or tn grannnu wnn a Th long to 1 be nam tba loft aide. survey strike a tributary of the ctasa medal coat ronehaa ALL ACIIBS TO PLIGHT. t tii- - areaa and I nodled a ffaxinc Meant river nt an aUHude of a little T. ft. Onrsjaa, Grand Knight ot th Tbo alaova ar abort, and 00a yoke, t.acK and front, and a high collar more than S.aoO fort. From thl point local counatiorth XslgaU of Colusa Hue. - - alNMiiiler iloava an- - h partu-uta-r fog- - of wiiiti- alenolenne laee. Tlx- until near Aparrl, there U an nlmoat bu .after ft very appropriate addront, tun- - ir tba garni, ii' riain lloan u aieevea aro flnlahed with tare cuffa Imperceptible decline In utu grade NOTHINO has BY BR BEEN then coo(erred the two K. C. gold hiKt'ii fur the narrow and Uj and riiffli, while a white aitk belt Ham banc ia the prettiest lltn FOUND SO OOOD Ff JK modala upon th two victors in the pU-rw- ra hold th alight bluablng In place In .HiUi town Phtltnpine Thi Doetrlao contest, r ihouldar with ihe the Islaada. FROST-BITB- IT GIVES recent Christina J. -- oont la one maaa of love I'nderallpa. with belt aod long end people are "paeincoo and took no H. MoOuianeae nnd Miss natrM o. itkna tha SURB AND PERMANENT i Hand wont. In color would give that costume paft lu the Inaurrectlon. Only one Mr. McOuInn, on bohaif ot A huan oat of black am! wblte la aa noma pleating change. Tmf aame company of American troop haa ever RBI.IBF. WOBTH TUYI", hi fellow student, thanked the Sin- model waa with rtuart aa It la big. nad for a grey ajk been In Bambnng- - Kifr year ago ters, the Knights of Coiu bu and fine Irlah croehet awbatltwted for tba the Spanish built great cathodraia and KBSr r WITHIN REACH. Father Mandalarl for their effort and the back. Tha mataria I waa while VaieuclMne. and Ioatend of tho yoke brldgee and improved the roans. The beneflcaaoa. ynki, collar umi long 011 (fa war of h neck waa out out and a fine cheml-eatt- e country I open and the valley la open. Father Mandalarl thn read Um tiavy whlia lane Inaartloh fagattad worn, while the wide turned The long, low. slautins foothill are POR NKKl'MATIC I AI.. name of Um distereni student who together with Uw allk. Tha walat bank pointed auffa ware of the tucked densely eovarad with Umber. The INFLAMMATION. STIFI mri ed Ssnnrabl meutkm daring Um hlouaad aUghuy at w belt Una and ehlNoN and tha belt waa formed of country la capable of supporting an JOINTS. Ll'MBAOO. i:u school year, gad gav-- i a short sodrow an a itilnaaa waa arranged to? on rowa of the ltrtMn. A aitk belt immense pwhumUoh. to the parmw, the vhouUlora Iw three tueha Mtwwan might nlao be tiead with thla coatame. Krom nMhng tb railrand will MUSTANG A PBW DROPS, Fntber Atbnrt, of Puna Blanc. Uwn yoke ami tha puff that forntgd tha I hia gown wna ttaad for a awall gar-da- g run almost directly down the A P8W RUBS gava an adslrnu of eswrageMMM watot party given In honor of the bride at whtilsssujM ftt t.. jart of Uta aloev. Thin Magat valley lo two Cagayan valley, AND THE PAIN IK GON15 nnd ndvios to th senior - who wiauieA-an- r i would Im- pretty akto If wad of hraa wore the eoatnm daaarroad. The U miles by the rail, then ikewu the LINIMENT students. Pnsner Albert Is a llnon mbroMarad In cream allk with aat turned up In tha back In deep Ongayan valley alaMSt duo north to among en Indinna. the yoke and cufta In Maa. um anta, waa broad over the faee and Aparrl. The senior alnaa then sgng a chorus, a bluo girtH to oomttraitha ooatnHM. trimmed with Ntallae and plrA roae. In all tbla tmyaUHs; one la YOU COULD'Nt BUY A which closed Um progTSM tn the lll. deaorlb-- M1MHtt enrraalt de aol, In real- by Phi: HRTTBR scnatantM year wna Utoae baald thto draaa jnet A haadaom afternoon d the fact that the MEXICAN UNmBNT IF The iha ity a cotton, wna for pieme dm ior grotty Ibano-dkrtl- es ed waa an Mton oaatumo of ornaa lin tu hi sad still nosaaisau vast Mnmm of YOU TSIfiV-ir-n THE brought ta n close, wna arena co net at tag of a nuirt and Du war at the reaorta nubien4 from ajgamtry. ot Moat wlsneeil Snera- - en trlnimd with MedaiHia and edf white organdy and olack taoa. The faring but tratt:U BBST. AND NSVBB FAILS the Is Made by a HftaMtSAf sunesT" HMnVrAfts9ataser lag in imivy cream awbroldarr Harry wnwt. Tb aklrt MUSTANG noW SueCRJJJnsaB wfn who) i upon nvo-pore- d wMm made foundation of oyer m iilooae of emofotdarett eroaw Model an laverted IN OIL OOOD FOR MAN, BEAST ahureh, to whlcn th audience with plaH In front, stttoacd to knee dopftt, organdy. The aktrt ha a drop Span EXPERIMENTS bat late. The ahlrt had Bra sore leu flounce, while tha roke la carefully AND POULTRY. from th hall lnvortctl alatta lu the frHit, aide and and an aneUad oaoialt in the baea, ON PHffiNIX whlia row of arMohhig Aalah haned about the hip. STREETS PaKevylnej ib Play. ..ack ndtvhed down for about five three The bodice square On of Um the bottoMi, whMh ahould be Ave and la cat with a When ojf trtfftr want to Cuba Inohv tiekiw the bait. eaah neck, and the aleovsu are drawn Into CURBS SORB THROAT. inroad uanela by tba gora threw quarter parts round. The walat THT RAILROAD COMPANIM ARB and toe Wntlnpliii. haaJtb wna the ror4 deep cur's of sheer organdy. Tha A Iwssjrtgut WKMa and nlalt were thre tneet of Um I decorated with three tuck on each tb VRNTURIN8 IN A MODEST WAY, PUT TBASJOOKFUL HI moat eonaldarnttoa. girdle la formed by bin bands T. Snr-gos- lace mednllloaa, two balow and on kid of Um front ami center back, tree A HALF OLASSPI L OP Mmwul rsttrod CrwgniMsary and front oaeu ovar a rent and of whlta uifeta and la held In plan V, W, A- - of Mnrnl Bouts No. 1, txxire The Mtoa la cot aonara at uia the by large enamel bnaMe, which The tribulation in Um an of dnat WATBR OAROLU Ofom. t high eouar aiwbroi4ry ftb- - a white Ooorard. N. lfv Pays: ! wna two nock ahow the b.ooao beneath, has of whlta whMh tho novwrty of i a city has MUSTANG lehad on aaeJt aid la Itself enameled with pink. into ALSO KUN OUTSinK years in Onus nnd two years in tho curved ironu that altnoet tovoa and wita whit etra forced th pooni ot lhoealjc MMy af- :m front In point and snMller atrass acroa the vt raiitsoMam. ann Msg anajett m ere extended down the ter all be a Moaning, lending to tha WITH Tail LIMMRKT - below the walat Una. Tha under wbtoh ia worn a black tie. SUMMER CAPE LINIMENT colds, I tan Br. King's Mow Dteoa- that reach Te subduing of duat by otlluK tha street. ery um edgea were flulabed with lace, and aleovea ere mum of the aacn Mater- says Ktsawnmoou for Ounaajngtton, wntah kept eJoow, the lepsmaeaa. in perfect henlUi. And now to Now tarw medallion Inaeta give a furtnar ial to tne hut the long cutfa have bona In BMsvea m saMll sec- - TBY IT ON A SPRAINED In maa- - are nrnde of the embroidery, and Um Honapeblra, Sad It Um boat meal ha decoration arranged too ame tlons of th city parks t how the I. BO IN YOURSELF Olt IN oongas, an ilHwe on the aklrt. Wig aieevea bete is et ulack allk fastened with a MEXICAN cine ta tn world for colna. ,.t oil would work sad also to anoonain ANY YOUR hTOCK broncfcinl nnd aM lung ato- - 'very ahouldera nave a green nnmeitod bookie. WlUt thlt. Hi. ex- - OF taonhtes full at the he ioat of the proeeas. far tha aB dgfasMinu. turned-bac- eolf adaad wlttt lae . Tae la worn a rather large bairbraM agiior on wry - at lh run l have bean sntlsfac- PBNBTRATBS tlw FLBSH. Pric MM Trial 1 lU)uu l eatraoaely aimple in cut and, trimmed with roaatiaa and auiiimga tory. was Tnaanay MUSTANG and battle fro. ' glove Another !'kb OIVBS QUICK R8LISF alah. iui.e wMh a high collar tucked uf black raaunette. Mark and a rnlng by the 8. K I' P., tb It. tjESfijL a btacit parasol are worn with that AND A POSITfVP. Ct'RR STROMA ftOSWf be euffa. The hat waa a cream tinted nouthera Hgoiflc and B. K Powoil A PHkM MSSOLVIO hair braid twiated Into a turban-ua- a costume. avenue to olMd LINIMENT section of First ha TP- - Uw partnership which hs n- - ahaH trtmned with hlaeh velvet One or two linen dress would be a for n half a block on ea h sld of the I para-ao- l aaUsfactory to MRCHANICS NBBD IT ON latod hot ween RictaraVen. Rt.t oou and xUcfc qntll. A black addition tha flommer . K. the P. I. track, au.i railroad Harvey sinee April I, baa been atifi bktok glovaa comploiev i.i oaiflt, nnd ho faanfonabl hna tbo m Um of THEIR WORK BENCH ltN, will also all the block rear MEXICAN dtosoived, any Roswell 1 baooas anat no wardrobe th coatume, linen draaa the denot. aa the ti. It I has none in Rord. n caae a wool droaa la dealrod for is quite complete without earoral of vicinity of Its depot FOR PAINS ACHBS AND th sMntnera of th Arm have nut the nnnmuMnd Ubsir piaa for the fu- traveling, boOi of theee modefa are then. One, the beavMr. would better Th oil naed waa nut outd and H SORB MUSCLn. full iaehet-euK- , nosweu. wall adapted to tha heavier good. no made In n whwn has was learn oi ihnt thai is MUSTANG tarn, ant tnor wui remain in afTerwaros THERE IS NOTHING SO ti attorney general Any one of the popular obeek would rather novel owact in tho yoke, sort not (a hatter way, so ; nnraafter Mr. ld aa up in pleaalag wanner alter piaatroa 1 rout ouUlaed wit a heavy OOOD. RUB IT IK WXLL uriSJ ueotijMnrtly spend much of bia maki the oil will be heated not aa pos t LINIMENT ftajms the flrat atyle, whMe votiaa. cbiaon Irlah edging whlok siso trims tho In n loooMwtive. nt For the iweaeat sible f. of-Sa- turn-bac- I separate mohalra, ef., would ha voat aultabla k ouna and thaw collar Tha It is the theory of tb...- seawgajd in tdMKTt340 they wtU MalaUla tkelr for tne aeooad Mod). Mut tor the jacket elnsea luvlaiuiv iy moan of thf mahlag those eMrlnMnja that at tha oM stand la tn Toaao droaan hook and eye nt the front; and tl y Maak. where they have Um taest sntte warm weather the oooler are they will be exlrsded t otanr nrop-ert- mtMh mora liked for irnrallnK ta sleeve am authored full nt the onnors until nt least tns) vboie of adSaas and on of the hunt naanraw lioeta. A oratty mtt Intoadad tor a aeon hiera and Aniseed at the elbow a in th Aoattiwaat. In UM aaparntloa 1 business aoetloa of the town wui - wag with a enu. In three n of this arm tho sttongsat oomUna- young woman golits to Soattla Tha akrt oiled. It It further bell ol UNU whan The LINIMENT of our two soar noon devlopod fron Ma ohallhi oovr4 alsnsa bavin broad front and city gate on Ita t fast tioa of lawyers that haa as modal, Um ekMtnc a Um the iitsehl wiib pin dot, by tb aaaond with ana K may Kad It ch. apee tc oil the la dyad blue, war and tha laee Inaeta streets. If it enrea to itume the duet- - - atrk, a, turban of blue, Da not fomnt that nothing is ao K rou knew tha rahM af Oasssber- lined with red ghtlng srobleoi. tbaa It is to aaslnkwi ysw swasy to taMack and red atraw, aU truumod, aerTtoaahla In n lone ooat aa one made oonatantly. tnin'b Snlvw, waM wnth them with water Forefathers. b wNaosjt M. JWr aaa pntn tn used, to which waa added a or siaox sin. it wt.i be round Anyway, It are af Tu wrap, driv- all who hate tried wjggn tt aafMataDy val- - Mack umbrella and glovaa and a tna aa nit esamlnc a advertising thla methoit of eombaUag Pr k ing ooat or any other occasion. All gasmanmsnsnsnju gaavaWVPt raincoat. duat as the Qbeaper tnnJpSt alSSsnv A dainty morning area could be th unaraWrta worn withflleM drasa-- SIM ON BATTLpSHtPf every ehnnao that Um antri for burna. developed irow bine gad whit atrip! ea mnat be ntted with grant car ao If your stomaen iroubMg yon d OPENED. BUT UNAWAR9RA kha thins wilt ha divided hatwasa th Ina. aatt rheum ar boa lawn. To amir Im a HP-p- there la not srnaa nhout the hip. The beauty of nwtMner mssus and not conclod tant there is nn enre, lor Tt. M-- Tber la ar 9vord Wnahlngton. 0 3m MttP9&.?m.?? .ZrJTVJ!1 win hy all Orujgjatu. portion raaohwe to tha kneee, the Us white onnns and atockinc witk iuen rtooar ia onlsMMad by the nd y great many hare bora mrrmaiMntly epeenMlon In the of wnleh la dlapoaad of by th wbM dnpssag or thoa kfteing a oil Km of a small nnn, wbieh way bv OimnrbnrMin a Htofean ssm eretln fulneaa .urd Nktvy ragnriwa; Um re- - Zg&Jy Bowtaa, SILVBN OtTV HAVC tiKka about the hi; tb akfrt la large proportion of whMn ia tlMSn. be worn or. discarded nt pltanura. Liver iablota. a free Muayls nt Departmeat Klb hand la Fran T. Tp lengthened by a gathered ftounc. Those worn with eoiorod. It I formed of tounoaa of ettbroid-er- y any drug store and0t give tncsn a aaJt of tna bids for Um sanat rust Ion totSinr naiof ann at mat rr of the HelSt FwUrtTH O? JULY. trm nnd - headed and nalahed at the uottoia t euch as tan or gray. ahonM nav top Aaglalse. In Mnarh H pnrUaily They also cure onnetipatlnn nnd bil- of the hattloahli. South OaroliM avy. tatroduood an uabno- a shnsent Bear Ofjr W w hays a gtawiaus Th t is of Muo and black. oaoaals the slsaena of tho uneUr ious -- MMnsWfor which th lato tho aHuaMau. espaoksiiy aa Mr. FwuasS. eufy ososbrnjtMn. A nam-as'.Blo- a akouldor and aatandad to the belt whk. as. "ffJ"" - af la nradiiatad toekuu The unllnedau.H- - at least, to mrtch tne gown, while fraek and fnlh) to Um bsmom of the eeanod on Saturdnr. Tna MnnlSst ssl Bom, u nndnrat isat to hnv a oum- of aaainsns laaa av Vaoa - to nix ngagant walat threo laid at the with a has- drum pntont Mather Ox- ooraag In th front and btefc. CURtO TORE la tenawn. was cnaSned w of MoansMiant I to Um raising fwgSB sr Um aawghia dartnr haa vlaJu IN tm Wwrk iMWh and front. The low roilhag ford or Ottnoa ties should be worn. Th two long front petata nr fANTA Pit Bfta. Me. Iran Wort; HiWNi aonnrunVnt the Unknt fern um pest row aeys, ana nar sue ralwr. caft and front piece at the Wftila tnl l net really a part of ad of white anna, whwn la Th curio store war. OtWMO. an. . Jrnf, Um Fore Nlvar San Pranctseo la sronubly oat of oedd In Menrfcsg snow JMA. Tnaw I know, every to side aiasa. tna Qssvgan tow pa ay tn row on aaeeaat um aatMit an cloatag. Mhd with peart button and the taebtoa denartment, ed. Ora and white Um nrtoHng uatwd oa tho want of tn srKttaa- ran, of nnastthw esaeet to rulaa tl, lAai. eye ea summer gtrl will be gtad to hear of of the jaunty little hot-- Th Nec-pollta- n naau Fe, wna cloned last fsssawlay by Bala toadjag oowanny. and um cent- of this m umk sr. m w eaah pwaat as hotto kwes, la of www iaas tat Baa, nany new, m BflBMMgSf.IHkJUlA tasaU. Bmg aw WsJWnJsWj MMs? nwWs4raPRaV lilullnTj The aMaeae are elbow pn um Mtoat n in untbM atom. wnMn straw Is of wuato. S are tb Dawtty WkwriK K. I. mi A. nt isawpon u InSSSfMP M auad and belt are of blu allk baa only HNsViP m th ruosMi of uailt unan It. the on under- - Renohan has been appointed anrsri mwn, l t the lie Jul uh woj ' Mr re-ai- V Ha, eeweral Ilea and belt abould be marhot this wMak. E Ml aanth bavins a loni buckia sot with nr h Is uaderstood that a nMrigbgn suMnetnion m netwnen rev Sffttfft dBliii'Nl M Mr. and RMMkJ. nUMorii Antoejranh or Trirttf Onrd. (pa oael sfnralds t,rcn sHrrotte eoav on th stork la hel by Mr. Um eojnnauy, the rrM(T cumpdjyiwj mtimW&'ik Uisrn1 tesneal ia (n IneTisMht ftma a spssas v I pistes It. Haw and the Now pert New omapany. wih Ttsw, pa K A whit allk embroidered organdy, aid are liv tor tMrswM j. 'Oow of York. rmm twK srM, falvi 4 ion of aatnre ovartpread wMk MAN; ORGANIZE AND verdure aad baatiiY. Tke PROSPEROUS NEWr oMPANIES eraaa aprfajie ap, rarpetlag the aofl ROMANCE OF QUEEN KRUPP, with t drapery of troaa are deeked Hk gnrtenda,lt,of greoa, aa4 FILE PAPtRS FOR BUSINESS from tko low, gnarled both karate tike MEXICO FORG antolling bad wtono goorgeeva color It no art tat'a bgM ea rival. Tko Mer- RICHEST GIRL IN THE WORLD ry aotea of tint bird) and tbefr apor 1NG AHEAD Every live play aad )opoaa ajovataaMta at-to- lncorpoiftttons Represent Almost Section of tko abara of even tbe anawal tribe In the gladnoaa ot tbo aeaaoa. SHR lLL IN LOVE WITH A POOR ng, HIM. Never hafore la the hietoiy of v Territory-Mini- Tb Mirrume mden btelllii waft their MAN AND WIUU MARRV 1 ft...... the Great Stock and eeeameLI ama exfftift odora on oar Minn. reoriaeV OMR FACT ABOUT HRR feWeei taere been to morn im.ij boe.atl-lu- T piovement had vrueree ta ie no" lag ut tbat Jaaa ia bare Tk INOOMR. Mercantile Companies. aeeaarr, the aott, dalteloaa breMOa, t A YRAR Ocewhle thto year, aaya the farming fraaa tlove to Unto toncbee the ton htoterprto. It reaehet t evn. tat air-"-'- eareee, pad perkapa, ot the territory and ckeak like a Tpey caii her Xrapp and ake every ti ' I noaaaally kappy frees ceanmaalty. 1 l.tKWJXnj ot per valmi of mora than all, tke to foUowiaf artlelee ot laoorporn-- aharea the everyoae oa the rirbeet giH In tbe world gad uaiOB eeaatr baa a new railron t9 l toga: toe ran ot . been uapiuanua of laoet, to going to be .... . wm Territorial lea da tbo he married. and many new eeUlera. much tmlldirX' paid into treasury. Id principal obaerver aeaowledae H a lonMMee. All the power bt upon 4 W. im tkat tble le tka boat aeaaoa ot tka and imprevemeat of raachee SMTMwf taimWi: lOTSee axed at Hoawel Md W. a. the Ijeo , iipiaea and the seo ptaapt Quay, BjDooeeott n The PMRtfffi A Bevelee-- it whole year. Wellinaioa (O.- - Bnter-arla- aad Oaadein. wreetfaaee 8MHKI m agaei WTO hapjajora - t'rT It Tu hat ma be tbe wef4'a have a torge piece of the ftaou K- 0MMiy at enetence la fifty yeara and la trur-pue- e greateet ht the Krgpp wertas at Ipeurpure.uiamt are W. H. cunt new cuvefl. which le to he the matr ot the company ia 10 carry a u aonMnT Keep uua line, many - ' M. U Other, T UuCuiFiliAl CWi- - riuay, hundred of new tiei'irr- Tofeht, km.; raining and reel eetwte buetee Bad IWfiS a (tin, who, Mi tell trwtfc, to new J. Motel. J. L. Taglor, tbe towna aad increaaed acreaae m Ae, r u operate ameltere aad refiaeriee. ae me roty-no- ty order at tier U. W. AUMMtt, A. C. Brown, lAlNlNUlKbibHVATIVhS uittvation. 1 be 8t Ham Mtrttmj Oamaany. feJHae; 1 o. J. Nn-- a from at brre, aad Colfax eouaty haa over 00 mil fvU A.emoe. Iacerporatora are N. B. Boy (ton, F. . pea ITitiu K;W. Bpoetor. MAPS VITH PIN- - nr he cbnee, wbieberef of new rail rued, two aew ittonat I Hewiaa, Km.; ft H. IHrary, C a. M. Oalb. IXPmnfftNT BbM-Malbae- U Greeebeek. gTRIN-UIN- T plegej. H rr von k to oampa OMtM. UIUH. TIMI OtpiUU UMk Of UM ZOATK WIUU OAUfiK nank. mal opening up work rla, P. J. MaOvtra and U J. Wktte. be the hei,er ot a heart and fnrtnwe. on a Mr thro-m- nH" l dirt Into MV LAW IN KANfiAfc. railroad tunnel WWm, (WW, of Chicago, aad C. S. MBaUi of Or- He to a iipomat bp trade, and R to Haton mouatalna atprting, mint" 9 of the par vale of com- pii Pharee tl gan. The enpital atoek of the A dlapatcb froM Topohi, Kaa., reeky that Aateiaotte Bertha Krapp lag reviving, terrWoj-le- l mlnerx ebi J1M.9M haa beea pany la lOO,eoo, im ioo,ouu .ii prtaot-m- divide dated Jane at, aaya: Tnc effect of had aa aeured tnaoina, for dtplMeaer ptial compfeted aa! axtraordinn, . a raM latodimKttM troeaery The I I par eeea; Oragraade wat hare of be value of ft keatoata and fcon. two enemicato itoeaat pay very wen ia tbeae daem, Btawtb at Raton. office li ed at Urn - a, v. aaia of $1,000 haa baaa paid lato meet aa meat preaorv-ativa- aaaj a arm eiaaa obn end Saa Miguel couniio-hi- M. Hnbjr atmed m ageat. The garatr- aead uuier nimam Man T. it tbe traaiury of U' eewpMty. Tka on Um MM dlapoaltloH mare lead olethet Ma little pettlera In, term w any kaaltk and far tmtq eomlbg exienlt' at exlateeee rwii ariaolMl once la fixed at Organ aad ot eaojHHoer waa rated ba- - wifjt caa the jtvuraae tnaa ht the hnprovemea .lives pereeee ti W Berry on daaaoatt jhyt rsaeh exten.ive tbe C. ft. MaMaah la seared m agenL Tbe fare tka ataie oeavewitloit tt eouaty SSjtlW atrtaVelb fatwliai Mcperimenta In the virin j term of anatasce ia any reart aad maw Veeaw :t BHUh A IrrfwilWrt aad eMy hdHnh ertleata toiay. or. xaar the oat who caret aboat t Laa otttaamr' a. tb purpoae of the oompane l to oar OrawMpa. Otmvee eeuMty aV J. I. aaoretary ot tbo state haa aa laereaee il tacwTi-i'MMor- aia O. 17 or a antral mining built tea, eon-ttre- ot ta- - LajPh a,.i aeme Miaa papaiauoa to xo.ooti in: o eaant pf bealtk, eondwotef biguly at faeto aeeat from WaMaoa A. lawataau. Aatae aad operate aaKJtora aad deal MnMttva awpaniiMMn ace tnrea ooga the peat two yerra. Tbe Hondo gov b PHtf W. Tawrtwaad. ta 'leada r A. MaOara, raaj aataw. dariNg Mays, aad Jwt. Be toamt tkat P tke atmple Ute. em meet reaervotr pM oompieto I a: II TlranMHt rWMtoa, PHI OiCraotto The Tyrone Development Catnpany. U) dog red aK meat aeoUtniag ben- - Wtd reamt, akalae, petto. dto TCfleo aerea, new manufacturi.'.pi A. Cog-do- a, Mmm. WoaaW. faeerperaeara are Cheater Mato beeaHM tiwly and flwalty retaeed Paw orettea Mm aad an ret litue at RoeweH end maay new arti-ett- mo Farm-a- r air M lav aaraaaay la $Mot, dmiad Jamea WhJUeae ami L, W. te eat. The eae fed mt treat aoauin- - for JWelety. Welht put down. Retried of govern li Em aaaias of W Ut am of of Daluth. Mian. Tka genital tux mwtty. meat .iiniij fljVC as trmt-- lag tbe eHatoHMnr amoant of borax Wib la fair, rather of me bind have inereaaed over faM baa PM Jato to ot taa roMpaay la MMN, dWldad declined la ken it, loet walgbt and Uam kelBbt. pert eat hi the flvo eaatern count i- .- H THm tutmmtmai oMaa la Hired at ' lato 10.000 aharaa of CM Mr valaa of oaatly rernaed mr ftm. The third Ram ewna um town of Beeea, with lMdy county baa new banka, n- Attaa aad Chariot 11 Matb to aamad S10 aaea: th wn of newBaapera, new towna, U.ut oattteat at dog, fed tm Meat aontainlnc no tvim, tahabMaaaB. populmi m aMrt. The una of bald iaio tka traamrr. Taa artHalMl fMied gnd bnproved la aba baa over tajaa ewwleyaa. mere than doe bled Ht two year Hi W of the Mea la OUr aaaaSaaaV ahaWet at euaAmejftmtaui abajaiAjfaajejdi t aad tko imraaat awj. txad at tllrar and Jbta toaeeRtati activity. aavvsw awrv earn eTrvaap feewa?tnrTeaBPV government rater voir et OarUbad ran rjoMMruot. aad and tarwi m b m oMfatw kaa ft. enrrta la aamad as aaam Tka The aetata Una awtoed ahowed tba piaagg aad atT irau mwt. aer eonatruotloa aad uMrdrfde tr as oaanu 01 w rOf air a m axwimiev unny yaart aa tbe beaeoate dog beoame crabbed and aw ewnt Murertet, giaaghtor r-e- aew arteemn irella In tbe north, n it olactrtaal uaraoaaa. purpoaa eoropaay carry lI ! doeaealle aad tko of tlu la to lean and tke borax dog became lltt-lea- a. part of tke oewniy. There i Riwri Oomaany.'"' on a ta . TtM LwiJW mlnlax. tmalUaii aad ruflnlna Oa atrength of oxper-imea- owne oottagea of . maad for a aew eottatr from nan A. Ruin the theto he the that meat lacorBoratora ar Jotlab huaineae. tbe atate will aek a law for- her emptnya lire hi. aad art gallertee nad humble MaehaanHb, Chavet aad RMdy, with Artec tii aad The prlaHpal oft ' The McDonald Company, - county 1! other. bidding the eee of pretervatlvea be haa a watek briamde of POO mop , Bhe baa a net laeaaaa of abaat H,- Aad the really take a great Inter teat. jrait Ratoa. The capital atork of, inroraoratora arv Joka A. McDon-tk- a the at In any bat for loop to gnerd town private , ooe.eeo year. people Otero county haa a aew bank IIO.00O, dtvldod M. it tt deelgnatd the aad her a eat ut her aad the work of her oomaaay It law aid. Kully; P. J. 8avao aad H. ebipmenta. Mm Atomogordo, new Vow mi. Incr par of reetdenee. baa a reaarve fund of about vaet faotonea. 1W aharea of ibo valua tlM Dauhrtjr, Doeorro. Tko oajdtal stock Pkratetoea any the tamo affect Bhe her private bodrguard te ' flW.ooii.aeo. Mow yea aee reoaoa farming aad aew Irrigation project- - baa keen paid company 9S0.000, hat what tort of oaab; tko fall amount of the It dhlded lato would be abowa in cxperlmenta on- - boo awav aarehleU. kaa onlr to ao baek to her baa fallen Kerr voa Boh Unooln eoety baa a revival at r Jaalak A. Ruak It gfty akaraa of tko par value of SlOO the to Into tko troi.ry. deeted wHfc bamaaa aa the aubjeett. She owuh chterehag, keepttalt. boteto j to sad )enl eh. mlalaa; aad eatenalve improvemeu Maatd acaat. Tka term of atlat- - Mch. The principal la txad ' government at purpoaa oMt Borax Mt ilk, at firat readily lapped by at the naval and mlliis: awa it fifty aad tke toeorro and H. M. Danskerty It betag MoepNai i "r - r, two dona fed preacrved feed. of (ko otNapaav u to bay and aell Iuhi- naMOi? at apaai. Tka tarn of estet-ba- rerrnnee coanty una mora building . waa rejected after a aeoond week, aad nuir.m timber and all Made of eare la nfty yaam and tka parpota ooniainintr tnatoleaa boraelo more towna, Increated aoreago umi a ton company do a arid MMortal; to dai mj, of It to waa refmed after the third weag, al- MAN ouhlvatloa and inereaaed oerf itk' to - THE STRONG DUTY 11 of marekandtee and wboloaale Imaj- WHOSE and all kind aad retail mercantile though the dog waa almoet tn a atarr-la- g w.eel otilpau. et aao oprraie wnn mm" condition. fioeorro ooaaty'a mlnea are opening tnliU. . The Otero County Mining Company, up, farm ImprovefHenU being mat , riWalge 4V Live Stoak oa. laeorporatura are Kit Careen ot MANY SAVED BV aad the wn ef Seeorro botiata t a naif Liare W. C. Lawreaoo, Oronvead and A. M. Wallnall aad BNOINBEffg BRAVRRY. IT IS TO SAVE THE CZAR'S LIFE much growth aad away new enti r t. i r u naiuiAn atui w. w uniawooa. linrru wiiba.n n A dtopateb from Trratdad, prtoee. eapltal atoak of tka iiu tbhi dated Tka Tko anHltai atoek of tka eompanr June ti. nave r atlrklne lmveiv at bla Valeneta baa great growl b lu ii" otpiwy,teal. la 14MM. MWdl tato m ?tM.Qe, dlvidod into mm aharaa pnet, aMbopgh kaowlng tkat a wreck eaatent pan of the etwnty, where aaab; jiHh-ab- ov rr tbe eaar, wblelt to baaed olilefly ftt tk par vnltw of fioa of tko par value of U oaah. The a waa naigiaeer M. Mil- WILL fJZAR NI0H0LAS SUFFER- Fe eat-of- t etrlkee the old Itn. hrd paid into inevitable, Joaa on ht atroHg, almpw eharaeter. ! aum ot tS.100 bac bom eiiMl olftoe la fixed at Oroaratula and lar toot night tared the Uvea of lien THE FATE OF LOUIS XVI, THE. Beratn..m county baa s, continue principal ! hi naeaea bourn daily wRk Ute matter, at tka Iraatary. The Re Kit OtraoH anmod M aawrt Tbo of iintawiaera woett Bht train LOST1, aad aattmalva growth In Albetur fleaweU aud W. w. OaJe term of exlatenoc la fifty yaart aad KINO OF FRANCE, WHO IMerhof. and makea him a dally many new fixed at - coOhted head on with a Oemar A Kio with InetHntlona and apant. Tke tamt of exiet- the pHrpote of the company la to oar-aa- HIS HEAD ON THE GUILLO- on the bittwiloa throagbOHt tbe named at Of ode freight at Apaeke avatlen, ' duet lie. purpoaa empire. i It titty yoara aad tbo of ry oh a general mining tmaitteec. thiny-eatb- t mllee TINE! SautH Fe eeaatr baa a aew M goaenit nortk of Trinidad. Ho holdt that It la tbe firat dnly tb4 company ia to earry on a IB doing ao Miller received injanen a new jail under construction, a inr of a errvaat of the autocracy to pro-pega- te nearly on, SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE wblca will probaNy eaaae bis death lo remarkable to the parallel up to auppreaa blgu aohool iMilldMC Dwlau, eeeeped by troth and error. Hr Pleted aad the aVeaas road n. Hit fireman. John date between, the Maeeten revolution the firat !w T'lT'rrr: WHO SAVED CANANEA jnmptng. All thn paateag'm were moant vnquertloatag eaat a Fe u Vega pracu-i- con- otiedlem-- to authority, aad the pHe- li JZ!?ZJZ tLffi more or leea ebabea up. but none were and the Freneb revolution. that a (OPapleted. Tko capital atoek, tinuance of even' a to high tragedy In nna can tell what be muant by Taea county ha a new naiumji Wkitaer. Dwe. Apoclal CorraapondaaMo MHiouahr injured. at tko oowpuiy la taa.M, divided into A peculiar of accident In error. bank a new teiepbcmo ayatem. ani 110. Canon en, Soaora, Mea., June M. feature tbe tight. General Trepoff keep pretty well Ke akarea of the par vnloe ot le that the irataa were of two differ many improvement A NoMlcr fortaae, Any on of a half doaen draatlc palace. He I 6 feet 10 OMebutba am of fS,aM baa been paid of a nun with nt ayatenw. Tble to eeeourted far uy to the about Hto Arriba eouaty ha n Inn. i of- - aervoa II nilgb If Itghi into the traaawry Tka principal f oh led ateel and eoaaauuid tne ract t&at between Pueldo aad aeta atart the whirlwind inchet tall an haa brown hair, nd lumber and wool output, ani a mr on 11 Italdoeaa, fioa la fited at Koewetl ana w of of the moat daring and tin A the iloema it dlaaolved by royal de- with tendency to a short mortal refflriii achool nnd r iom ( Vfalaenbura tbe Colorado Sonthern of Oalenwood it named aa agent. Tbe.'qu .ratuimauone ot ngnwrt la and Denver ft Rto Orandu rtilroede cree, aa threatened, all Ruaaia m )eard and tnountaob". and feature tion at Bt MlUi. ycara , wj-- military kind, tern ot estttencai la Uty aau uu.e wurin, vinantA iroea run break- - lute a apaeat of rage. tbe rather bandaome abut Juan ojuniy ha much tuiii: compeay Mealoau rbdera who for jcr the aae track. heavy very firm. the mtraoae of tke It to a time Tbat ttrioua Iota of life did not re- It ba lieea common talk for a yar somewhat aad tag activity, a new railroad iat fan ; od great copper camp moat about i a penira1 lumber buainaea tbo of W mit from the aHMahttp te probably that the eaar, fearing tor the eafety What one remember eoal mtaee operating, hundred t to deal fit hardware, pauia, cub, i family, baa a yacht. QtMBRAI. TMMITRI him ia bla eyee large, rather prom-inon- t. of fruit tree belna and vjtTZIL ... due to the bravery of Mutineer Mil- ot hlmaelt aad TRRIfJKK teareely tbouwnda wngoaa, toelemcirtt, bay. gmlfi aid! m Kouterllttky, who hat to loaded with treaaarc and family be- - of deep elate gray, out, new Irrigation projecta nd many iar and the fact tbat the track amokee fbel and all kind of merckatdkte. jvf" aervlot. lu eowwtriee end atraigkt for nearly a mite at thai leaging. all ready within a few mllea long nt tbe bead of tbe political po- ever ebaagiag expreaalon. He eoaetrttcttoL. tluo.eou puvernm.m The Alte MlnhM A Miltwa Oemeany, wboae name la known In tka wildcat point. of hla palaae. Ilea ko make or hold frtmnde. Six at- - chrarettea all tke time. ageaey and achool building etory of laeoraaratort are J. C. Btcbtower. aad moat barren rea ea in tke groat Uotb englneert were enabled to eee But wilt the revulttttoHttti allow ,teMMta have been made to ateaaalnate Here ht a cbaracteriatic at Shwrotk or the Nnv - etate of Sonora. Tbo Trepoa: Reeeatly ha vlalted the - . tuna tower aad w. u. naven- romnad of the head but on the ether train and khn to eeaapeT Mm. When he la compelled to go )ea. aad million of feet of water et IPJWttaad, Teaaa. Tbe oaettal which Koatorlltaky la the bead to In Louto XVI tried to aad wat auleklr Utraaali the city utreete be rldea In prteoa where a tot of bomb tbrowera, be nppUtd and tboatAnda of acre l aurceeded alaoking apeed to time W k of the ooMpany la tl.OOft.oOO, dl- - itnown at the ntralea Ulerally extent, wua ieeaenina tuu ferae at eaagbt. a elefted Red Croat hoapttn van. kmtert aad revohtUoMry terror! lead oa to apply H. The count v word country - al-te- walk ha into l.WO.WO of the par tranalatod the moant tbe impact. Um maa wboee duty It le to pro- Trepoff to a maaterfiil man, et were herded. After a araaat wniita more tteople with brains. ji 1 mam teajMM nolttt. - ofileer In cbarge and willia n ft ha of Tbe wreck occurred about t:ge I ttat th roapi paraen la (iMieml VHm- - tlwugb be tayt no etalm to atateeman- turned tn tbe ergy and iiwuey. wkat rnngera .r bluntly: 8O0.-- (wm bpatt putt) Into t!U troaaury. Tke! tke meant to nlgbt. and It la said wat eauaeil oy tip! TMiuilTaAtflwuir 4tiA njlAAA at ktn fM ualll.Arv UvtlttuuM,. He ta tnld "More tbna and 4m come from Impure blood RfJpaJ effioe ia fixed at Alto andl "w ' oorder;WMea ia failure of the operator at Mmatgax iiaiA.w.1 irk tik iiittM nMvauft Ait. a tttotiau, u u.i Trimly annual uu. not a human fBoo areonic taem" Jinny ill -- pare Mead with faulty n u. (Mvonpon nameo oa to deliver iHttnictHWa to the fretittt, aoeWent." pm the eaar and hto tern- - teelor of the Xmji fftmHy. wbtoh . hf .J Can't have it iswi. ' ,,r geetkHt. buy liver and aluaxlth tow vm of tXMtagcw it pny yaart Aeeordlag to relrroad Aflktale Rare My took to him like efeildren for their raised bltn to a dJatlagnlftbeil poal- - lJ ,,,,aa",tJr tHf ' 'h. eomraay U nf hjal later, they ada. Burdock Stood llt-r- s fireniri1 the parpoM of ilia to' the Denver & Um Oraawte train ahegld safety. ,0fl' gad also took ato father twt " tanta ea a mming uutmeee. nave Apaehg Of Trepoff Is meet w l' eir wrk at the e atomaelt. bowela and liver, ai ttarry general taken the altletraek at court. the oirIly. purtflea blood. Oto Grande Lumber Company. given tne bated man ht Ruaaia. He waa tee, He remarkable ueeenUetw j bottom of the mlaaa of Siberia. the The , aad coioraiie t ftouuwrn baa a maorperatora are Thotiwa a. OrJ-m- the right of wa. I It atatetl tbe IH)mMfO, Oolo.; T. A. Kebomburg, waa ae FOUND GUILTY OF SELL-IN-G ;mYi oa tb former trala not evening wU a baneHet at the "Miitilati, PX I aped, and beaMea, a :ltweh or mere laat Oolo.; W. t'ertner, At advUed. LARGEST CANDLE aeau- - ay well known nrttota, are mere Keetor Honea. wblOt will be the vapat. Tke oaplUl eteek ot tke eom-Wi- Reta eaatnea were demotbabed nmi there LIQUOR TO INDIANS timu k aanee nt M.tiltaata wka. aiuetaea of the vtaHlnr tABeiMM llHr- - la tMO.000. divided Into 2,000 3 vera I rare badly dHmnaetl. 111 miaforiNHe. can Ute The envanUn of tke par valua of floO each: waa taken from the irveckajce MADE HERE tkrouMh keaRh or lift eoreiUow. abirea MlUr EVER tonger nrwrMe for IbemeeWea and, will but aeMl Thurtdny evfittt, and A JURY AT PRE8C0TT THE mm of 5.0oo baa been paid Into uaeoDiciove. vmm Ut- - be t9 rtvirrd b their famiHea. them win be meettnea. root tart, con VICTIM OF A IM traagnry. Tbe ptrmelpal ofnee I qarred for eafety of tbe pateefl- - tke oarta lostnrea every day- - They fixed at Laa Vegan and W. K. mtuy, and COUNTER JUMPER. Oortner aera and hla wife aad tne latter TO HOLD wtll be held la armory, nxeept-la- c M Hawed tm agent The term of uelng on on Wife for Husband's WINO FAMILY tbe the trala route to Den Vowed by REUNION IN YORK STATE. the organ reeitala. wblek will be )a fifty yaart awl tbe parpoae ver When an were MP? The firet cinvtotlMi obtained ataured tbat SS-r- Among the Oleaa Falk. . Y Jwae hla held In Trinity church. ogee f petty to oarry on a gen- aeepjed. Oil. ie many yeara in a of teUIng Hqu.r the eoai it he relic RecoveryWeighs 182 dtatiRgutoiMtt artlet wtll eoa-tribn- eral tpjpker bwalnett, Including tb Tbe operatof. Who, it la energee. atty, whtoh waa aettled by Abraham aaoeaaa eoneerta to Indiana wag returned Saturday 'it mm - to tbe et the at wHfn, 0; timber snd the by failure to deliver order waa re- Pounds. W4f and hw family, la 114. haa beep will be William It. Bear the Vetted Statea district eourt aad reekala ggalaet R. Mata aM4 operation of tnlUg, aponaiMe for tae ana ueen am talented aa the aeene of thla year'a wood of Chioego, Mlea Jeeaje Bbajr. Preecott, M. "ti, family, JftMmai-HiRe- r. Heme Oil Oamaany af Retwell. charged, It la undeeateod. aaaoai reoHkm of the Wing Mlaa Marguerite StlRwell. William Wlaalow. aaea the in aora are a. a. uaaoca, Incorporated, whtoh include a. great jury wat out oae aad oneself day k. f months C. Carl, the New York organtot, aad period CHANCES AND PROMOTIONb liiati, is ram burn, is away people in New Bedford and the many other. one men hanging It tor that i. Robert Reliable. 0. D. DU- - ON NCRDLKb DIVISION other New Raglaud ottlea aad towaa. A motion for a new trial waa oenien. A. Oratam and J. w. Foe. all Trtliintatter O. Moadowt of thto Tae Wlaga la ABMriea are an be Itching, torturing akin eruptine, and (be defendant aentenced to eerce J. go to ana Rgawell. Tke MDltal atoek ot the of the Baata Fe will Now Yoik, JtNM H. A tm candle, lieved to be deeeeadaatt or iMoorau. dtafigue, annoy, drive one wild. Doan'a ninety daya In the county mil - aa ot - 1 laat- 11 00. Pending an appeal to fMM,Me, dlrlded Into Veediet tralnmaeter tbat u- - i Rt height, wetgplag widow ot Rev. Joaa wing, a noteo Ointm nt Maaa oulck relit' and pay a fine of amjipeajir aaya Sua. fifteen any of the ' . valaa ahw. the laa Heraadlao a! m In of Hoi land Ing Fifty eentt nt drmc tbe eourt nxed the bond AMMoO akarea of the pat et ppaadt, 'i, ut aamraateed to bora later cure. W eme egefc; tkd earn of H.0M kaa Traveling John n. aallvan and Ihuannd. who came to (bt emin- - tore tendaot In tbe turn of MOO. roi, KOSTRRi.iTZRY, of tbla city will iMOome traktmatter roe OhXhteeea moatha. haa A Jure Olaguet. bate paid Into t treatary. The. try in jape, lezx, wttn ner tour " t to two po- - in- ii Tam A ME I NO iielieve taat aay briaelptl ottee to tied at Heawell and days, tbo mean to aiwceed Mr Meadowa. the juat - biased from bare to aad aetttod on Cape Cod. The family FRATERNITY IT don't toe iarly ruralea a - being! OPENS IN SYRACUSE. ana a right to aeep J. A. OrakatH to named aa agent. Tke I .ey are the beet attlont, to eortela teat. pa, na where Mra. Rwfaate Doua la now iBoorporated, witn nireetora counter jumper aoftora. araii combined. N. Y.. M. Tbe aa teaeible men locked up in a em of ealoMaee to fifty yeara and fighti.-- v In Me world. The repeating CToeo n ,n eeaee It la a church, and aad ontcera. and .malatalna an opjoial Svracuae. Juae eleven Tbe cbaagea will the II f Delta Jury room for a day aad a half.'' aatd .be parpoae ot the aompatiy la to proa- - which (hi--y carry are of tbo beat above iutlw Calogero, paper, called "The Owl." haa, li tlonal roaventhm the Delta rule ret I remen 1 tfiperiatendvnt John light li in Immmt of Saint to peaed yeaterday a well known mining man of tbl for ou, drill wellt. develop oti and moat type. Hack car of to catlmated, SO.OOO membera. QUmn Delta Fraternity rfttlv Deaair of Neefilee. which will come whow if i prayer the vowed Friday even county yeaterday afternoon, after be BMII and do a real aaUte bntlneaa. rk-- a a nraev of alxebjotert. Falla waa at oae time called Wlng'a end will continue until ttoaliber , y apoa, aa waa anticipated throueh i v ever by will held at ing dlaeaarged from tae jury wai Pannara' aavinpa Rank of Elide. Mmnitl ev-r- naddle wouhl the taraett oaadle Falle. It wat firat aettled In I7M lea Tbe meedwe be Ovr of tbeae eoiumna a few daya aao. were Memorial hall. The rendered verdict of guilty agalaat nteeraorator am wuiter u. old-- J. ther la thi. lailai. and ihc ruraloa made in Mnerlea. If her huabnad Abraham Winn, aoa of Rttward Wing, John Croute Aa hlm-ael- - R. bL Brock charge or - aUgerintendeat of the Needlea ' a terloua f. convened laat alter- maa on the Nwr an.) W. X. Uadtey. art- id 1 Kill roins tbrowera. pfrttiliti 10 reeover from of Mew Bedford. Abraham Wnla, errand council (llvieloh Mr. Deaair will probably be nrayer untwered. Mew In noon, the alliance or the alueM aelllng whtohey to iMdlaae. Pget . and R w Boody. R. V. Ttn Ut mIii and thr heart to rob of iltnea. Her wat waa born In Bedford nil, eueceeded by Jamea Klnnuonn, now iiiieband recovered. paternal bomeatead, In the meroWra ou Tueaday and (he twoKina "WW tae reaaoa, I oetieve, aetant. 3mW$b R. Wfeltc. Henry WoodraR. tav ruralea te Hmtlio Koetvrllttky. and her on the good ruatler a rnr I gM lUMkia, ralnmaater at Point Rlobmukd, who eandte waa rptiee oy part or city, abra nam of the grand chapter wtll occupy the tetot I waa net aa a W I. Taylor. B. K'. terliTky ia lieutenant colonel of The mantle northern the who i to bt of promotion for the place. i aotae of tbe other men trvi-- J. P. Wheeler. C. liall. W. On-- of Mexico. 1 hai wat line band an i eighteen n diam Iraaeferred the name of the town to rear of the time. Tbe laat aaiMaai rvguuir ami Klnnnean will probably eueceeded ioJt y Bt. Loala at with me on the wry, I wat oompenn mvbmaPelaWgP IMfi'l , A, a 1 PeWWaW VI whi-- nlact-r-i be eter at tin hate and twelve ineaea Mr. Glenn, at a tuppor given con vent ion waa held la It hla ililo lu nit lu con by ai Mftpoaltlon Bleep eight oa the floor ot com-- ; - aa tralnmaeter at Point Richmond top weight correepeaaa ex In of the oooatlon the tlm of the ftL Ulllk to laat The eapJtal atoek of tke iUji,i ot m turjlet. Daaaer he rec- tbe The the totter honor room, neaoaat of ahorugi - Tralnmaeter Tuttle, now located at who waa The number of dehMatee who are In oa a ia Sta,0M, divided lato ItVlocultoi ami lu- uothlna The actly i' that of the mm Maetf, Jteadto 1. f NEW BOCITY FAD to nnaanally large and ev of oott. Thto, la It not a ver aharea of the par valaa of $100 each. Yautii Imllant. 10,1k upon hlmatdeatii. cured Me IkblBB. attendance The full paid While no official announcement of STARTS AT NEWPORT. ery ebapter la repreeented. pleaeaat eapertenee. amount baa been Intoloti'laaa ii.l- - .tty to uvoid him. we breaktaet thla morn - tbeae ebnngea baa aa yet bceu made. HOME FOR ORtttlTUTE Newpert, R. ! June M Mitt Mil "After eot two treaaury. rne pnaeinai onice mi 4 man m iiw- nhyalaue of We tlaer waa pramatlr reached fixed H. l It It reaeunably euro tbat they will ARTISTS OF AMERICA. DESPERATELY RE8ISTS lae a verdict at Hilda end Charlee Hall tumlly. lean and litae. rather than dred Sherman, ttoaajhter of Mr. and being toeked up "'- - oxlat-ene- e come toon, though whether !ny will New ,,rk. jfaae St. hae yaat be ARREST BY OFFIOERd The matter of fr anaMd at agent. term of iiulkv llkii tbo arratty it one -- and ix.Ttnl Ue July or Auguat haa not Mra. WUltam Watte fthermait. end the night laaured ut an extra, day It fifty yeara pi I the parpoae of tt-a- r Iron aray. a .Ingutot, a man of made l come ui nnitely known that a waaaw Cntarlno Iobato put up a at IE fight - yet been aacevtalned. M vmk.-ru- tbe moot popular aoeiety glrla of pay, aad I believe that thto la all th Ike compear to w a peneral baak- 1 In-- room In at i arm tto.aao toward af when Policeman Manuel Oonaatea orll. a drawing type counter Jumper wealed, when he r- - ttyt ooaiaeac. ,iia ao tko fun.i f wklek nMmbere thto city, baa atartae a new fad In atarted towarda the oeanty Jail with iHt' ,.f tiioro tbaM year. RRV. HARW0OD FLOWER imm feaed to arrive nt a verdict timtuv HHyoMte Mlnitig Cempaay-lamtrporator- a Ko-ioi- - - ftealpture aoeiety are New New bavlag dta 4 Milling KniCi ' tuhy in an unique eher- PAY AT PENITENTIARY of the Natioaal the ewell aet of port and him after arreeted him far Jury r R. irtiuM ... rebm for the oreettee and new feaetote mainly orderly conduct, the New Meftt- ta ale aeaocwie membera of tbe f. Keller aad ai tcr Flower M laa lob Day ai the penlteh Tort. The tad tara "T'he lurr ayatem la ail right, but f Joke Kelly, River; ht. A. - il borne far eVaetlttttt oaa. m eted rnrrell. Man) have irfiea aprcad at ttory Buada waa rajoyed hy the pria- endcwni. of a le wearlnc a larea aad aeavr veil in Lotttto nad eutmned aimaatt to atmeara to mo that there ta only ft. DurMa, t acuiptorn afeJttteeta of worn by More aaa. aa Chariot ftamuel aauaaer, F. the iiriain aad aarur hletory f onere, nearly ion Mng in attendance. ,atater aad etnee ImttaMtoa ot the voilt front of Ftoeher't drua r O. una oa aoMral ptoeae to to ttory of Potto oae awn in arty who la caaaaiie Ubjikart. lira. Margaret Hektaa Koeieilltaky He le aatd to have been aye tne new Mexican. The latereat- option Tarkwh worfea. The veil fattened oordlna the ta eg aa a juror ta aa mtportan W. : M lm-v- . and r. Hoea ot Anion l Bab a Kuaaian. iii a Polieh Ing prob, eonabMlng ui ue Statea taland have oa oaeb aide of the need m anon a actuate, waa makinc laeeUlRt im of an addret A i. A treat inaJorttr of Jarora at Kamae, UUk Rook, Ark . aad W. L. au Italian nwlemau. Noab ot ibete uy nr. taeaoage been obtained reaetrUr. eoon ae maa&er. that It, opvera the, lovror part wwtka ta people aa they ueead. na FarreiL Oaacordla, Kat The capital Hamood ia Baamia. in,. hetMtiratoed. whleii, by only the et ea evtdeatly heea driaMas; hat aa toar their ayaHMMhjr to override their caa do uImoIuiuIv veriftefi, ttat K la readered'by Otta, liptt aad Mary WW ot the fee, aad toavet had good JtMftteeat. watte large number atoek ot oompaav la ti.OM.oao, di- i iineditlnaal ntntoet at- - maeb lamer than notteemaa he a the retarded aa vbal he eomee of Monte aad Mra. MeOord were greatly roaauii aad part of the foreaeaa expoaed to u the ot other do not pay eeouaft atteatkin vided oae million aharea ot Um I,1hkI i.-- . to eoafideaUyf expected ta aave him oae or the haraeat late aoMe He waa a M. itady tua view. The effect et the amusement ahU Auatrltu appreciatid Mr J Wood made paliee te the evidence la the eaae while the par value at It vaeh; the turn of tea., younger aou. wltti a taato for adven men camp by carrying the uea i tmre, gae of the old SUtea ia atrikhaa aad ptcniwr taa daring kit experienee oa the mad the at the wtll nthar (toe teatlauwy ia betag aubmltted to a bed baa been raid Into tbo treeaarr ture end afn-- r a rief aervke m t1 boquiHa aertoture cerda to thorn. uiand oa the market aaa ettMeutrf caaedderablv ntten roree He reaiated every taea ot ine company nrinelpal aat operailoaa way, waa finally behind tiet taem la amviag nt naruiag neat ot the The often army of bit uatiee tuatry be aeugbt Volunteer ure naked to go out to 'hla be purumaed. Rulliilng Several of Mlaa Sherman frteada but leaded totfjMttol In to M. A. to i.. once, the atoll a Jutt aad verdlet iaed at Ratoa aad Farrell giory aa a anidier of roriuae ia tae camp every ftetnday Afternoon ami old wtll h ua at and have alreadr Ukea UP the fad, aad the bare. with the butreeueeit of the nnmad at aaeat. The term of eslat-- army ,r eVemii'. Pate pat him into men there, of i hi- - laiuUi-an- ardoeor will be during tbe laat few day everal of epae IRy yeara purpoaa ervice with tke who arr groaada Tbe Paao A Southwestern, eaat eourt aad the law ta the oaae.'' ia aad the of Mealeo w time to aee the tail of Max Any who ana wtHUc te go will kindly aalled into ihty te make the them have appeared la pnbtto with Oontlaalng. said: bual - - era dlvtetoa. aaaoeaeea that three he "Tnto tpa company to earry oa a geaerai Imtlnaii a W. .1 attractiv.- vetto arranged In Turtrtab faah- it Then be eerved ia leport to Mra. i. Wood. Mr. their full erewa are pat oa betweea aeat of aelthig wbiekey to laavaaa It mluing boaiaeea. II. r reaimvnt of UpJted I.. A Meaawiiiie. puutr deetltnte artlata to be ia Wbod or Mr. Harvey Saala Rota and N. M. nothing eanrt of betag a aetorient The Lineetn Mining Qefnaany. a uon-rom- but .1 rifted baek to M are belna cappA for br the AftlaU' Ooroe. . have been per traeV, aad oue v.Jtofc thaaht aMmt lecorpo retort ar- - w. I. Pryer, K Ion. guperinteedeat O.oeun In m, . ,e Aid Artle'.a' fund eV MUSIC TEACHERS OP NEW alee tl. anal St. Sorlet M the SESSION, manentty bill run aa with (he ooademaathMt at peer ft Wood rug, H R. Morrew, W. O only who a curty. It i YORK IN aatBWRM thai rsd one baa rallroa.l muirl eaii. oa excellent author 1 .teileve UM Wel7jeW . Oenevj. M. V Theannual it ie known, and wtll ran exriuaivety cltuten. theft aaveraataat aad S. A. Cahoea. all of Theea nye dle Buperiuteadent Kr, nt the ity that i here are many aoulptora. in Juae .,r on id. Train men are au.korlttea abouid , aataj It. eay The moat eeaeon of ili Ri' Urnade illvlakm ha mi oiiimoi,i: tbla lt inllnemlabinl In their pro ih.. Ne York iMale hi north " ai li tuMhM'latiuH opeBud M their eMe. pot year nan e 'in Irwrla eer fueeton wait ago, who are la Uuaic.ii,Ti'.:( uake4 to eend asfvraTaW'rBs'JepfslaTBg jlflHH

riotUSe, SO lOUg M MO diSbOOSSt MM shlllmg for two mBsstfl Rut how on been la ai Paso si tu a yssr. comiag HIGH PRICES swap acted M. Hat hr asn August LONGWORTHS art om sit war MgEfngvr nr to the owHrwestsrn (mm the Oottoa HARDEST BALL FOR , Weber. wo rails Missy, on stae iuda dlaUlMgfT H.. ciare It. He has many friends ogMNMt in he most dangerous part of tarn foreigner! to hnow What s mi in hit milrosd men In .tat city, who wtft CUy of Church. H was full t ARE POPULAR They don aad are bgMlusti mara with regret of .e rurtgiatll THE FOR NEW YORK tumor Mil hi clothe were fall of M. A. thtvla. the pooahlr tMKtaal BATSMAN TO HIT atoney. bat nobody knew It until ha us any, who la a ecawurvsi'vo i.iocn-iw- d in the n city ticket oft, of wm v uliM In mart, ad it wa IN ENGLAND by nature, reajg the isxameter the aouthweaiera, h a hi onikiBl REAL ESTATE d ikt hi M with him a bank la th most stubbont way, in he to, d aad win succeed Mr. lrWft, Mr. of illMO. It transpired that Noaat, wrong, tmssasf one-- n faro, Dts came to m rag from DafhH WVbor had deserted nta sad wm reaaonabie, aad esaac tattft u wtah-ltsb-d. ghoat eight moatks ago, wher he waa living arouad aa a nam won hobo, Not thenmaada of Brl who used wftfc th icaas A Wo apaoint-ata- t London- - lH. put Hag his gKy la k uanks Many Americans in t arold a cab oa asjaoMt of tiu- fear kaa vci beea aaaae to mmni City Claims Sidewalk em distrusted thm. Aa hla wife of betag ovsrrktrgM MI at oae ..r. iMvls. U. M. Mrown wltl ha to proved to b destitute, the eoart road -Kipling Says We tax to it. Then, aa tUt aroti to be chief etork Ownership and Porches Wbr peel off Ave thousand dattars the eat la Pari, aa kt Lonrtoo. the the geacrat paaaaagar agwat of the tor Ma . Wwber eacmad to oot cabmea will roup all the) greater nm- - Port Worth A Dourer C'ly. aa did nt ey multiplicity arising t aider kla spree very costly, he Have No Gardens. the ex ftn Must Come Down not intend to tv kla wife a puaay. from the change. Hfmltk Htll LKie trttantf. rittah PrnV4krKt Ssaadal. marFetUtter SEVERE ON MEAT, PACKERS Th ayttlah .arras aft) iiruiica with ONE GOOD DRUNK RECORDED ,. eealdtag afthma oa lh- - America, Special Oirrve pond ears i ttJ?JZWSZgo right la ItftM, tlaaed meat seaadala an ho greed Kansas nty kto , Jsas U.-Ora- aa be ahead m -- i - whereby he reaches Ik public. To of the maHt millionaires thit pack- oattle have act begua to move from Cotg- - Some Rare Old Plays Before lag trad, aad mtmiaa! native territory In Ihe west or south- Much nrw policy of tba Standard Oft or Rockefeller Spends paoy. tba policy of pawietty. haa enabled to boast aMh' iipcrinrtty west yet. 'A few Oklahoma t tochers own C suvcm-mea- t. skaw wall with tha public, and haa at Shakespeare's Time of their method lorti which arrived last week brought fa 35 i system municrpal Money to Rid His Place I workag The f to M.Tl, and some Now Mexico Ifnot this In favor of too slaughter hgvn ia!s monopoly, tha paople are aow lad Are Pound. houses haa gncraily wtlgataa 117 pouada, at $4.M, d ' that adopted in the prov(ahhl of Snakes 1) Kpact an answer, no matter imt, nl the oaVriags from distant uw mmtaeaa is conductwd with psins- - naaawa. 15- - i whether It oaawera tha attach or not. The market avnced it out at least the facts that tha using cars. The aagjtn offir "fito iti I set week on both killing rat tires ta. tal Cable Dtaoatok Uvsraooi, where th f Amen New Yora, Jane St. A fo-- of Isad oootaatty wbrnea to coow before the Jxmdon, Mr. a ait bfk tie aad stockera aad feeders, because t June it. Mr. aa tiaaed meat la i the Wh rtJvt-- fir of beaeSMal rataa recently, and the la nmm grant deal. 2 Nteholaa lxmgworth, visit bar : - t mor UaitaA Klagdom, ert thai he itu- aaiac taaaeace la worutag the amrhei caMfal with their .istwiwats. nroverf una of tba vrr latere tag oc - laad .J; Dawh who M M.w-iai-. i-, Mm hit vrtth ports or kepi under ngtd nirveil- upward 10c to tfc today. Receipts barter.. - . ma. m soaaoa, loft - . ... . - - currences of tk aoatal laaea, aad the aablir alarm coaeiaarea nmmsriTws prwr gooa on his oceas ajejeMlBg as I Kiel nghsnf tha yacht that have diminished greatly In the last var. Tharrday for to enused by th aoaadahi ht esaggeratod. tae rrsaneneo a bargata, woow aare eoia witn nttmtin mink dm miowa, ana aa regatts. They are natui to-da- aiaoa raiaa have win sMisatea laers are alio fraait admissinns by aastures, aad buyers are making anx saeritces at ' aer acre, la torisjr w" univareully pronounced a good and oa tkv Itafiiipf; day wilt press by 'boa who cane la contact the taat there were sort tows Iniiirirlas am 'o tke pioepecttve wiling me that wm aad far l presented at ooort M Mklaghawj scan hi army ms -- fcloj. ' b da coasievted with victual tuapty of fat cattto for tha future, larlf. Iloro la a Imm whtoh alls with Aad kaa Palace. nag mnng war, " bs whtoh cwwot fall to From ihtr of arrival taa Boar and that watch looks to be abort The ran to- far tka of ftt.fei oar kjwn tha verr thlr vigilance aaa never h gafsly rsbumt day la MdO Including MO quar- which covers ,B PwH- - he yoang war decidedly head. root not tor a space "npre wwwrlr hero the I lefts um rasmMtioa of aawte aoooltos. aa are In IMS o poawiar nan antines. Woaketa feeders only sonar two Sour. oat ereijwai who ms PMd amaetltloa. K ht aareed. la th eluded la this advaaoa, bat ihe sup- ft kx-sle- d ffH l wsrselna; with uarrtenUHg Mrs. ljoagrwoHh haa wpaased great Thu valuable awtce la .a ta antiseptic of trade, yet fjfm th most ply of that etoas to sumII lately. Sam l"J wad parpoao kam - (ItenHy . ddly tor bar- tnwr building tkor golag iwa sJmHrathM Her MMntHl British Iwutmfiht is passed, fed from . eurom-- Non stroHglr BngHafi tha lIVdttOHttd Colorado aers, ract o ike of llroMwair M ""''? fj1"., J"? to tha and remslns true that JEmwricau traua Colo., today, ! 'fi' Umar, sld at Wall atraat. ami rua ap U tha fMtebt r.tng to linr to hatra font charmed has been lalargg by Ur Dwohoator Uoase ha Sratiy the hart fad steers from below the auar uf alkla atorka, or Ml foattyrk 5J ,SfTS.",SfB with her. At of which hair-msjia- y Ita sold tftthod Home Isskfth, speak- th ttatine at flM to li.sO. room la so prorioaa tkat tha rtavtoa f'eB. ' f,!riW' with her at kola makes lama awe. and that grass . to $115; cowi., ir are ope rhiht taut tha fltaaa. It M. Tarhell to th contrary aatwMf ing of her father, Piaalgagt Kouaerttt, kras sieers. t f: stoadtag. Mr. tha Obleago packers tai monopothat veal calves, fl to IS 75 ma (hi tkat aaoovN oualniwu oaH be JtociMfUr aaa nad of somUUom Mi Assart ta. Ha a, msmno,-7s-a toll; coats g head lor nay snake killed m no ar to Mesne gr the heavy The sheep aad tarn marhet l what dona la aa offlea wtdt mmm k llMttaNI pressad awrwrlM at her wall hmwa by - Ua grounds, gad toat ta more tasa on parety ARt topioa. naaaed thrir awn recklmw ta described by salesmen as skat nra; bat It oaMfM. If H can lafonaad comaterstal whwaanagement ljuni-n- c - ' wwi St. Patrtrk paid for them. Small Kiel re- of aa bust- lag." Pries are s quarter Ih varaaa NMTWkora la Mav York It After the visit to and the !hri Uoag-wort-h than Vast Moaday. The marl i w i be apot a wkMi tbM. valMtoc hoys are mahtag heir fortunes, aad turn tu this city, Mr. aad Mrs. meo, laborers, stroag today, the record pri- - . ins Mil b raarv. aa tko coraar of Wall all klaus of mechanics. will probably gq to Wrest Park, SrrUsh Markameh Oamlna Over, gnus (root atmat say snd alt. are addiag to 'heir money country place, for Dald for Ariaaat wethin nmi atMl Druadwajr la tha Ambassador Raid's The Duke of Norfolk and General yaarilaga mixed, In Tko hoard a unake fund, which will ooeae a few days' rest. They will then leave at iulaat plara oa tkv coatlaoat. Lord Chaylenmore are ccMectina from th aaae shipment brought t"i ' Art t'nttaa tMatea Clear Mora ConpMf handy In esse of need. Meanwhile for Paris. It Is not their lateutkm to taa cltlaaaa of Wewtrntofater suhscrlP- - the woods ou Buttermilk hill are long aa the aoaa priag Isjbm. weighing 71 ninds will occupy rkia dlaiWutlr ofAco. Tha remain on the Jontlnoat tloaa to the amount of pt.two to hroagbt ff.M. Recehits week rompaay la laaatajr all daalr-n)- i safer for travelers, for there are fewer time they have allowed themaelves Queen's lat tha enable the Westmialstar war MMMti head not near nougn coraars f mn And. aad airaadr rattle snakes, copperheads and other will perml of bet short toars in Volaateera to accept the challenge of too potaonouw anahee around rtoche-retle- r Prance Oarnaay. for the packers, and th fifteen cars haa ovar four haadrod atonw la and 'be Seventh Keaimeat of New York. of Ariaaalaaa, together a ship- - city, It will groat maay eirpecta to br rid of the reptiles wtth nut takv Amsffesns'ln to shoot a return match al Creed mora, meal of medium class Texan, sold at in my Bluing aagg pufT rant, Mi Um e.ort. ran, so'l uavo his eatat as Many Lenoen. l,. "The hardest 411 to hit. ai.y hall until ha u uun to par tkat i., w awBtemtmr, MOM, lor Out aulckly today. M al- clear of them as his briber William's NcAwttUttattAUg th dmarttirv UM. tveru sua ootid ua opinion." ssy Charles of "Ml toward him. aad to lamreaem aoM Lkara will hare to ha trophy given by Illrkman. a a. a. a a... m a gi UI.a s. . . rlnaw Is. Ptorpogt Mommh Colonel sir Howard Oood Taaag multoaa sohl at laat ia u.aii --sh ' most aa oslly aa Mr. Morcaa's. wha Hit nun Itler. J. vjHsewt. Nsgimant iM - to ,he come- - and maitr other prwttltwut meH. tha Tn sevanlh worn, aaawar now record tr litem, khjgtoa. onejhat - hZ rSNHi to oajr f so itptfiec for klc team shot a match wMh fa low Dsetera Predicted Death. hotels are at IT crowded with the lead the Wt rwoslma will helaw nmalreenaats tha piste, when It Kt tbrsehau Two aa a richer mroNK otgara. Jiowarar, Ma ooaa oat at 1 A Mtt Hfe mlatotur Volunteers la Hagtaad last tor a month or twa yet, aad the mar-h- at the fast, inside lis hriaga advantage to iwMti tfew-dwa- How It is toll from alt rs of wart .n nabllc sochtl alah tba tha tatter, but imy ihtHH la atoras oa bat hard to th - r, and the America Ha wore d Kg sn awnutttoM of American to tfkaly to At most healthy la the ladle of truubM, to the imitera. loo, far me, 1 had rather have the iniKrt thtm diroet frcm vha. dlagwaasa that pbyalclans eaa jsMh, the rt- fsated by a few points. rati what Is th matter. There room sodal life hi oaetsthiMlly Isrse meantime. omrttme th batsman is fooled hy Hvo sod two. PKahara are gettlag is Plfteen memuerajof the Nattonul hltHMlf. lastand of y the piuthsr. loxy. They at not patting them; be no ccrtalH way to deiermln what ' Oan't Saare the Llntra. atatoa, NEWSY PARAGRAPHS i hla batmen when the batsman suusrHy over, Nw York City ka fouml that tha a man's health rlly Is. aen. Itslph Civic Kederatloa oTth United STOCK SALES theae days, wllhout nratuteth, the wealtliy clubman itfitl wha are maklNg a uravlaelal txjar ami HMhes up hla mind to hit the next tryiag to ami jrm by tahing tha cor poHry of rMrciM tha arcat oaann FROM MANUELSTA ball pitched. That place sees, MiwaiiMhln romitaMHM hi ah mstaess man, waged a light analiffi are, iBvaotlsjtllng til oteatiical work Kaaana City, Me.. June Uksa ohm aad thar ara a number of tha soak varr tt. In a wnlle heat of pitchers vtko will try for tha pier It lata kava death four years a. er the dootora biul nnu almllar indoeUiea UHttsr tmmta were some aalM af Texas and wkk tb them. to curve th hall ratitala lhn wlU go Wfceu th batter gets th that' aver evan wMh count to om not pay and that It miMHt 1 saM that he could not live before an 1l ownarahlK to Iteetr, pacta! Corrmos)dn. Seep and ienta here this lda tha three Ami -- e will bit h ball. It to 'tmwHR ; two. Impending auoplarttr atroke wktoh lllrmlnaliam and Uveraefll. and thou Mnnwtllio. N. M M.-- Vr. HSt Tha percentage or arohahlMtr killing of th goaaa that was fortius Jaaa ImposstMe gat out hta mind, vary Ann lty. i hoy urn In his eyes when examined retain to Manchester to complet Slshoo I now oaerator Houck. Martrfsy. June 11. ta it of of making a hit la greater whan there mm star for tha at due aad tae reeuk to h drives away are mm m whan uf aotMfMWfaa bagan to Mtike for life Insurance, uld msl v an sad Ihetr work before OOHUSR to London mg tne anaeaee or in regular oeers. W. X. Mwothe. Shti Aawh Tesaa. taat bases 'ban there Hima the Ameri- at she next ball whether It Is high not. At rrv act (to and vtKoroaa efforts to of him Me was apparently la per- nch vorsaUla asd htAaeattal lor, Mr. MeAIHatar. 418 aaeea, Ml peumto, la.4. are such a time tha tORcher alhrwed to ea-ca- or low. la or out, aad the chaacee at in mnr, careful aad th flakier plors It was Hot fect snd ragsed when the doc can delegatca are not Hen Bvaas, well brnk-a- n Kunth ft Bro . oat Hta, Texas, at alaowhara. and haij - a kaowa im u will out, or Inm ar that tor used an opthalihoscope. and de- British hoeofUlKy. civic lunch- oa this division, rwtumed fraes aoats, m ooaaas, g.fu. cirlhc at boat fall lo alert. such a sltaatloa nerve va- a' all lonwohaolr mtladalala, dhMra, kil safe. Wings HiMton, Nswport Sows, HalitHtor clared that they discover u In his eye eons and public which avoid Kansas a few days aaxx aocomnaalad Tuttdey. Juns 11. ihe batacsaa and out ta haat Ike rasouMtMMUty oratory when "A batamsn should never figure m there Is tn htm." ml Now t)r!oana mi. th -- ttgh unmlstakoablr ladlcaiiona r h mii of by hla wife aad oae nsaath U son. M I,. Witt A Soa. Monlell. Texas. v aala. ltat a rhaag baaitroot otar lytic of apoplectic stroke, which would they are snxlons to avoid coaimlttlnc or which woth parants ar very oroad IM goats. IS pouada, t.T (tin droama of tb city authorttlas. doubtless he fatal, lien Hramlt-t- en tnemaeivea on qoaaucas 01 puonc ana Mrs. Aaderson, for eOHaft time past Wsdnssday. June M, kb t tnstaad of ooasidartag tua Ing tered Bloomlngdale Asylum, pructi urivsto nwaerahln. opetrior at uauup, nas asam with r A. Wllklna. (kjauRoeft. Tcxaa, anora aa good sabjaett from which to rsily ss s dead man, and allowed the Melvltlu A Ingalts. Mlto M. Maltble husband to Saa IMrgo, Cal.. whore III gsaia. N pounds, fg.Tft. collage proteoaara who have (- nqueasa moaay. thy have hagua to dorr rs tu conduct him ihrcuah the aad tha they laiead to make their home. - P. Sckretner, Karrvtll Texas, rvla tkatr rataa and hara gtvan th its r row marglu f yonrs thai ttw other raaes aDCMhoa have ant aparei com oae of tha Oat nolle nihra from 4h goats, W oavada. ft.M; III xtcauishlp Haaa tu nairstand that doctors had left him. and died a short pihneasv or lachwd waeretlMn. Th Ht. Michaels peSt several hours here T pouada, HM. TERRITORIAL TOPICS ihpy wish to be onsldarad tholr time ago as 'he doctors snld he would, mission of tba dtaOBttt conttnun to last weak. Harris Bros., Rock Rpriaga. Texas, curiosity not with sus f i lends, and will mak" them at 'wm. haslng "heir predictions on the un rsrlto unmlaed Many uf the indtsn (hltftraa. whose 451 gnats, IT pounds, viih llghtar ranu. and additional failing evidence afforded li the pic Ion. but the man tliewaelva are parents live near here, hove returned Thursday, Juns 21. . RBPAIRINS QAM JaV itrtvllrgaa. are soase Blnssi opthalmoscop-- recognised aa practical cipsrta In the from the ladtoa school at St. Mtehaeki L. D. Yeager. Winsiow. Arto.. Hid 'haaca at Mope to Cim truster 0. Tharo ON THE PBLIX RIVER. Koweaboven nt AH Tha hugnisssi Mg rtty do, aoy nxwe srt of local government. during wi-ek- aheao aad yaarMnga. poaada, fg.j, eels that a cannot iw tha neat two ft Put Her Oeg in Chap per. a. ewes, The Muraetl A Marrow InigaUoti will be two slorlea hloh. will ha lussS a komII ci.y, or aa Indtrtduat. I k. AMrica spent Tueaday la thto It? tl mmads, HM. hn - Kipling A asm Cemeialnlng. cumvany haa completed re-- will adjust nwitara, no A lady was Just atiout t.- drop her CUT. work of uf artlldal stow aad wilt onat he Trad thaaa Kudi-ar- XtpHag, who haa hesst pairing Ha dam oa tk river, tuattfr wfta Taw many says, and so iet dog in the chopper, amt the sub- Ray Alarlch and Brv Crumb hava STOPS ANY ITCHING, Polls tweea tl.nao aad It .000 way man waa chop htm rather owlet of late, baa lust found a north uf Hagermau, at a oot of It Tammaay Is obltgix) to crawl down, Just about to complaint against twtarasd from Gallup, when K la sup nut PAINFULLY up, when she gave scream, ap- now cause for posed Icing part Dean'a Ointment Oursa Boaema and and the Isteacre orvhard far BURNED and try to haaa tba trad It waa a and A on tay are nrart ta taa year BY CIAS pealed to the tlchetagmtt for halt), merles as. Wrltmjr to a ms4pwft feseMlkg. ttshlng Piles Albuquerque Peeale old hetoaging to tae camgasur. EXPLOIION. tvcklfwaly trifling with subject Kngitsh oarnen ht th Pwurth f July Is now belag well aa Hie ame bad been frightened by aa e the of "An MM. W. A. 1.. wtot Recommend It. Irriaauid aa Mlas Sttla Pitch of Ptmsatx waa Im any a: Tarr. U Ami other crop. very witniaily, though serioaaly, Parsh and Pillars Must (to, dropping something, aad Tnrr, of thto olty, with Mr. ITmidsr-- aat la America, aa I HOtwad waan i One applloathm of Dean's OinUaeat burned hy aa exiHosmu in a gas stove firth avenue bills fair to hue some of putting he ticket la th box, sou, har dABgBter, spent laat Thurs REV. LUKtiNa, OP R08WELL, drooped tMvalou round that great etwrnry mat stops any Itching. Sburt Usatmaat Kt her name, shortly Altar n o'elosk, of Its beauty, if the mM w hlHg hr doc Into It. Tim Uhst year, aance urn day la Oallap, where thay tttldmlad cures accanm. Itching mm. Mil rlieum IIEBIuNa PASTUHATE. encroachmg gaoa on. cimpper souatdered it his bHstHuas to gardens in our of ptoy tb other night, savs tha Oaaatta. made on fratiUi word, m fertile sUios, the "Jue James" that svaninx. any akin eruption or skin Making. It Dr t; M. Litbaas, wusior 4. Wm, haw rbtt whatarar drsyped la, aa matter ttvea tha Mr. Ororsr, ha it Pitch baa but raeaaily pat ta Vow that the oaurts daeMMl that axMMtdeuetMi by ahaenea. with entire outfli, la the cheapest remedy ta use, be- Mr si PmauyteTiSH church of Ha wiMOher it waa mh sisphnat or arc tholr atot the rang aad waa doiag soihs bahlag 'he city la eatttbwl to tha land tahan Joan Oensmlly houaekoblcre hw-- ramped tu hu aprlnss, milsa cause so little of It to raaalrad to weii, ima rasiaaed his Dosotrate. to t.y pllitira D. nockefwter or a almple tittle dog. thar. jorth wamh au:pty in the uvea far the first ume. Shu ' the imreh sua of the rloM. aeamed to wun af bar, tnauiito br!ag relief and sure. Hare to Alba take effect not mtar uwn ortoaer i I bulhl-in- ageat rwsked to the hvsi' be aatwned y nas a had opeaed th oven daar severs Trust Company The tlchat rosette pftteh graaa with water a gravit) ima, lie auaruue testimony to it: He flHiehly relieved anxiety of a little of unfMced now scow ih! . Umm- - lo h program of the the corporation counsal haa Ills aad tke dwellings, In comatatod 4vlopiuK the spring Mrs. Whit, rooming hesse, ru iv,JiTl..JL m similarly may by namiiHg her itog around thalr whlk ttap two ha heea em it It S ' im hwt1a K lb laat tlm eye nil the property toe nr grow an aloe, or a tree or two, and and for a or 3d! North a1 soamj atraat, amjw: "Thar charge of t!T JL fmah sltuntm.. ami has deckled Hmt hearty ploy d ou tho lne line. mtr Magfao .rt' that waa a hundine of Itomc peruana a raw eraepara or wun. earn to my aettce om Urn aaa n hew aad Arnaaa. In- - 0U1) TIMHlt. ins IQ fta da load report that vrss heard ait tho bht PtfU creMH hotels, la aeooutUed tor stael tank w spring. casa or some dltmase ol fi Vhilorf-Atorl- a "Mnrkau this to be of easBM of a dJetaaa of twa or three hhwhs. ludlag the and tha .Mr. Jdmwoft, of winsiow. wko is the shin, watch THE BRIOK YARDS OF LAS Kvrrrbouy s frtead I)r Thoiwia' by tha deartisas of tha html anil aareHMR nth, water had resisted all the Mr. PHah was badly totrnud atiout Khcrs ...s It. have o cat off ...r expense unrmwam qwu how of the Is fa sff of party to step. Xtoaa's VEOAS WILL SE REBUILT aKeetrtc Oil. Curaa toothaah. M scarcity, aau her- - weak in- oris th Vagaa tha naah aad arms, har efwfcrwws troutu m tha ahaeo of porohaa ami Hy works, spent a day laat QlntMMmt drug The Laa brtok yards, which ache, sore throat. Meals otrto. bnteMC, of labor. specting worfca, whlck waa procured at a raaoHtly iiarttally hy hhrned off aad h rhahr slngwd. hut noops ana come within tss legal Mngland, wo know, It la dif Mr. Orover's enwrap treatmeat were destroyed scalds. Meo nay pain. "In aa saUnfm-tory-. stare aad a of tha Are, wltl rUbulK aoaa, acoordlag to her eyas ar aat thought to he ta line the oorpuratlou counsel means ferent; every bouse, and indeed, icamcd aaiW gaw jiuei be wag to to the line, aad will shave off P. c. igBsjaa, rorarr! saction tors omaeiesB, fl jtv leiest. a statement of J. M trstaad. tb pro Jure, ft. iMHMrau oatbwt aad hw 8HEBP GROWERS OF every cottage, soma gtMmtpt at g aa atmlicatkM or two, upon wRlWjatl lO STfM t n sharp legal haa thto ha retymad, altar aad prietor of tha praacrty have asf eacumhranaea with a ARIZONA TO MEET kt. mh at juaer, It tor name Uma, Phuu Ua gartlea; that outehta of th Mr. Kays, wh has raturneu oaaUauatloa af tha waa The aggtaglaa- to ssusuoiad to have ase, and hrlng the olty into own or tw.mues awnayamee information been seat lor. Th ksm H,0t, I t one more, seams ulty Tha annual meatlag of the Arhwau while even in te stums th to Winsiow. ceased. This with n InmMUa U waa Mma CUHSSIl ay a devsoftve atav ar a it a that m one mey see phtow atruaMMng hi th should be of untold value to rs ski eats such handsome bHlMlaas ahwthl be Sheep Orowers' aaeociatkm to be Croquet parties arc ittlie ipopular ta the eaat whaa tha II.Jocctrrred teen in tne " . anH or JJbuousrnH who ara ta quest of aa Irs tiahgurad, but aossfhiy tag hamj la bald at nagatah1 oa JuW Th bank yards adjoint the wwiww lust at nresont. and ar. aa attraction af by M. - artiai uaaa whtoh they can depend OUPID RAiM RANKS OP front may be an Improvement after baa baa mad I. Casanr, pra second only to the swe aaa hda, for BURRO MOUNTAIN MINES SOLD. hi ot ta ear nay nearness the sain or BBver ORg DOUSLA BANK OPPICIALS all. At day rat the jmiMm la bagtn-nin- g sat of th naauelatkm. at th Whwh Manuelito l r"aasia; aiie of Theodora W. Carter of of the majority of ihe directors. Rare Old Plays Pliaeverad. . baa aald his nve mines, coast it utlag A lloagtaa, Arts., speetal, dated Jaaa to nott with mack ptoasure that eon earty Mngllah sated all along the ant by ny a "Many aasetloaa of vital a veal of tie Cage, the San u Pa llaemaa, Par ail dealers. Pries M tka Monarch group, near White Slgaal. ti, saye: thrr Is on foot in operation plays war recent Poster-Kllbar- a Co., bttffnJo, M. to western stockmen moat be de paid us a lew hoars' today. ceato. lo Harry 1ee Martin of Los Angetea, That wonderful sou of Veaaa has movement to atop sd eneroachsaeats gaa in Y . aato cided shortly." aald Mr. Coscny. ly discovered la the library of a i gardeners aawata tor the I'nttad mates Cal. This aurtaa tha eatraaoe of an- just about the arrows hla upon the public. The rigmts of the if was It has heea found 'be rtnenV uasd ail la we ta decision tlemaa la Irelaad. who aoJt an th,- - i Wamambar 'tne aad big compear t iot passenger arc now being well are to have a voice tba of Maaaallto that laad variety mi other Into the Burro fatter la takiag ar of bask ofawtato of these matters we must keep up aa awarv of their value aad might have of poopy may be gro aaoeeaefuily M mountains. Thto to tb seeoad deal ' to this city reoaaUy Dssighvs protected, and tin reasonable truck sold them for a few aowaJt. Th y '.rivers, aad merchants holding too active aad association hat tats pgajt. that Mr. Carter haa put through tu lot of eligible bachelor aad tha torg Wa have never had more Important voluuiva wsrs, however, taken I those Mr. Martin to porceatag waa much of the pillule space, arc U lug Hodge HERE IS A mountains. s'eet of that ta the ex- Sotbehy. Wilkinson A and gaaaator . brought to th sense that pedestrian problems to fae than aow. Wa WILL WITNESS THE prwalaawt CnlMorata aad will local baaks, bat the yaat weak ban pect thto will be oa of th most Inter- shown to Mr. Hodge, who at aaa hv mataU th haat modern maebluery fwr mtm s remarks hl cksag in thta usve the right of way. aad drivers Atftaed vwaer of Importaaa "second scomr thTah right esting meetings wa have ever hold." the the new ptoat. saaaL Liuat. not they have a to his flad. i, HISTORIC EVENT of I of ha Matlonal run over men and women whom they CIMARRON 14 NOW Pawn historic point of view VraMbartaa. Xaa., Jaaa SAMPLERS Woa. Plrat way, while are the jJTTEMimNgi surtad ta break frost the rank. ,,r had la their merohaata ON A RAILROAD these play art) more valaabhj MAMY PJ4ORNI0IANg WILL SBB a aasalal traia, quick; i waai to go to TO betag compelled to give the travelling va y when r.batM st Mek, whaa he waa mr grot Into thau t boa of Shakespeare, as thaw START OP THE RS06BVSLT Alva." as'i a man the other d li la gamblers public as much of the sidewalks as u The locomsUvu to whtstte up Pe understood that th Had to a popular yooag tody of U Clawrron. former county aoat of give a clearer idea of the literary be nmted tn the Santa tichet of Kuawtrfl have tbreataaad to boy needed. In the ease against the the ofna here. Agent Marl Taggnrt gaped Aagstos, aad hla example was followed Colfax county, waa that of the coa growth of Hnglaad from Its rise t out cortala meresent who declined Wedaaeday by W. S. Modges of the Kulcarboekcr Trust Ooamtay the eonu-acio- r aad stared at sneaker, who. loan i ruction train of the aX. IjouIb. tha time of tb. bard. The plays, a Tho on Hie Roosevell the to sign the petition asklag tk att aam laatkutlua, who oa that date .orpjratlon counsel ounleodeU that lag over the 'tadow of the ofgoe g iUHiky Mouatala Paclht; railway, a of which are of exceeding rarity, will Am la Artoaaa ha ieaa dtayd council to repeal tjss or-- was atarried tn Mls loss B, Brott of the city Is eatltlad lo a thirty foot "-- d laok'-- st him with a look nf deter few day ago, tha teytag of at le sold at Sotheby's rooms oa June kmawr thaa waa ext- - la getting alaaace, wHtoh take effect th " rmaaaaa. N. M., tim brides home sidewalk, uad tkc court aejatalneu th of mlnatinn "What?" gasped Tsggart at rails Itetag comgdetad from Otero, or W. when keen competition between ataMad at taa foundation lb struc of neat month Maar of tba bealaeaai rjawtato O. Tbotaas. asaiataat caah-aw- a contention. It haa devkend that U pre-iicns-j weakly. Pmmjh drm't order a noase, Musi km and American buysrs la mil ture, bat to row that ihe ar aald ba of t ha that wed-soo- h Mayor MoClellan had a phw to widen tko old Clifton a well ordinarily aa saag to " of tka Bank of Imuatoa, waa in thu daga of th old claatod. work f twsMvhtg ttx llt from the train with muck a boycott would heap tkatr irgad Mtoa MeCnxthy the roadway on Pftn aveaae, aad In ataue sution If caHntg for a ticket lo to Orace of Kaa thu Pe ayatnm. The rat Is "The Trial of Treasure river bed down to tiei loeh between froid ss business dscuhidly, of tojar-- axvtrop-ta- g as wanta more space from Santa P trail oh Saaia I special to aaa CHy at la Missouri rivar tha' be to Cimarron by way of KoeWer. imw UTt of whtoh only four other ools th coffer dams will caauaieated Milan. "I waat a take ate it, as tb batter lstdclass rf vrtlaMM.esto. the butkHnga for the sidewalks. to Alvd. aulck. right away," reiterated vrhlto ysiMsy tha tqejnirqrir sou and the Chaarron canyon. In a ar raoagalisd. The second Is a istt between next Wiednesl aad Satur- would rauy to taatr saaaort M. o. Wtaegar. ss.iataat ratbier of few day wilt Us mm dHhw of "King Daryaa," uareeordAd day, says Pkoeulx ihMMsae. the man la a hurry. :? Bs ehsuffsurs, the raits laid the ear-pris- e, Ptoat Najtaaal. to MhM Oeaahftun Lssrnlns ta la edl the Tsggart recovered from hla th OwachntM cabmen are begin- Haton, while work on the grade east la Iwa4rades. The third a rare The work af removins material NEW SCHOOL HcHJtft Bttowa, aa of the moat glria aad Col- morality play possibly rushed upstairs with hla order ttffir ning to think thai. whHe the horse of there to Ua Molnos. on the thm f Jaha Bals'" will take up about a ek, POR RATON ANB HOPE rjasuaa--, waa 4 Tharaday. Southern, Is pushed. "John the Rvangel 1st." printed by leas, aad than the woi m th luund-atk- m and in a ftw minutes an engine aad may not rnairely dteavoear In thalr orado ft sing uepot, Oaly oaa rata wag eaat ajpuaat taa tk data at tha havhag beec The compaay wlU build eatenalvc John Walcy. The fourth Is "UMtr Keen will be coi.nnwgsul car atood la front ot the oist asmoa Uses. yt, that the chances of their lag with steam, mady for a Ughtglas ascutsssti isssm af siaawa m lo sat Bar a shopa at iPlmarroa JavotNOs;" the atth !s "Ootavla," Ta work of rsmmlns taa altt will wav I fchsf earning a livelihood in the present to Alva tka Paahsuall ex- tot tha bulhttas: of a saw seaooi OaofS aiOfk of the The annual meeting of atochholdera rare first (nllthm. be uaite asswtaculsr. iwdgjf dam by rua aftar haaaa at Raton at a speetal aeetloa ugsat Ariaoaa oamr. waa ais - - aum-ha- press of the St. Urn is, Kooky contain at Othava ar "Jac- and Wm: great bfttraulto pamos QAgaa a r katd th ether day. married laat was ta ftitox Marina ,.jr:X,Mwith,?s oNtoee Mler WtoaUm." of which Ml are plosStttg to go The i in umat,.area that led up to T harWs successor, the aatomoblle, aw Psclftc railway waa held at the IMt: "A af Ptasmtehtas gutta Tka hoard of directors qf the school OrifSth of Peaglav. aad K Ig wnaered or oomcswy the otaer two copies are known; "Waeith aa ta sjeemtrsK when th wash a the tne oni rioK tf the amwtal ware - they aow are stadytng ta ha ehaaf the at Raioa easigru-,H.- u dtotriat of lioo, Mady coauty, a fsw that there or at maat eagag- day. aad rusaltad a follows: Health' aad "Imaatteat Pnverty dam prosier to bssma It win be x ordinar ciuugb. Aa eastern ta Over fortv sniakinsa have hoawaoek-r- s days ago awarded law eoatract car maals t ha aaarard bssore Jua Iim of Director Henry Jr. pres- Tho same sum will also Include grant day fur ibis eit snd the valiry pi.oilag Sftaaa paaaea tieen seat to the Mew York tahotil M mag tha banding of a modern steos seaooi iato history. ident, St. Louis, Mo ; au Houtea, maay other rare 1tarns, notably a No geaarally. t N sico. tarried um at Automobile bg w i i caaor vtue praaldaat aad geaersl maaagar. wpy of the Slat to edHtoa of Tha Toato Maafca project is aot naiy Wit '.I'o missed Ml oa Ihe Saata sad own i A- Loato, pe Ah forlorn aoaa a took ta that et ta hast tor ftaton. Hunt - Xoobktr, St. gmakriasaiVs oUyis Joka XaMn tha irat hat to tka grrsiaat Irrlgattsa A SCHOOL sttsted Vegaa; Mm fkNBjaan fas govera-maa- L Rock No II to Wrftiagtwa, profeealoa uf a . o. . Praah Igaiagar. Uu "Baok of Order." doti prajaat undertaken ka to Mar the iK-oi- ijrdahtcg ous POR BOYS rs.a W. Judd, Maw York. John IMT, o avkhth oaly two or throe aad th day thst'' saaa th ad gsadc trip la a Manzanita Hall ehMghmr, and so he prepared townt Ki- - got Mww York; C. K Seek-man- . oaptes are kaewo; laterostin the prJimlaarlv and tha tastaniag to the Hsnti. oiation and there iketr Itvtag by sirtlfally coadoetlai svral f . PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA. Hy at New York. mnbu aad lettsrs In sutograph of ta real work ahoui i mark a time hta iut-'sl- years beea sealing boys tato gtsaford usuvarsHy so ' thalr easafavers around th Molson be For thirteen baa security Ogactrs Henry Koebler. Jr.. preai Robert Burns, together with in the hiaiorv of loag to fecbalcal srhoato and klghsr InsuJtwkma of th t Oaa loaahsr to thalr pleasure In safety and prcswont by Aria OCudoetor Mct'ullum. of the Rio the deal; J. Van Hoeten. vice documents and Hyrouiaoa remembered her n who the mlsfor every Ive atoaas ttwraaali aad saseessfui work. The InsattBa af the manager: Hugo A. Koaa a (Iraadc dl il had iya sjssr 0 Brvmk. snd gensrni lesl week col lid) with aa ackaal. asar a gratt ualvaraMf, aad la tha aanat Beautiful vaJhhy to Cait ; jkaHagajr-treaeuror- TanaBisters Aasatsd far dabs. CHANOE IN EL PASO tunv Ua have a good Urn ta thto kr. rit president Charms : brMi;. sad was tab ta Uh tarato, has faratohsd lasidrattaa aad every faeirMy for tk itovalopiasat af out H. A H OMoar, ascretary, Th aetoct ooraasHtee of pnriiameat & MKJTi rW glTEBH LIT. ovsrasad city any more jaat as oa waal I have a coast of asmd and body. Home care uadar Maal dormitory ytsaa. vlatslaai could II W H. aaaolntad to isk evhieaoa caaaaralag U B drosya, chief ist itot is the la Time haa lama whs a man Ratoa: trtriae. f Ik gly scalp wound sewed up. has saaV ssisajHSc eoarses. Modem laiigaagee uader foratg taa t ara. Three steps la front tary. Mew H. P lUmsoerry the omaibas aad cab tiafj of the Doaseager leuanateni p Paso ad dowu on sloops or the Yrki mwropolto, ggraatL agsta Ms re neauy rsjsmr red iri.B uu. arymeai ithttos with wall equtasssd IsaoratoruM. auod aam ass, wall say hathttag t treasurer, Woo kaa at tSwrthwostsro, has wktoh .tf almost slsiaat vMtoat aad Mubbara effect ua 1, aad e to be sxa to go to hi horn at ikbnaa. Amah avuuaas for athletics ara atH, nailer raaamaMhe 3tr Ban . ex peels laatTjrhM htow cJaaer "rack for tha eomla year. Ckgnlggae tOaatimimt tkMl Oaa-- Addichl till oaye be ll go part of the iq wilt leave for Port Wurth, Tcxsm o Marafa McCultum -- csbrn. H3pSjp baajya. coupt from tMga9aafato views seat oa lesjuast. 14th year ksnjtaa Aag, iwit r",r.,'r"ler the tinlled States senate Oaa" to Ike laiuimet. upon aiilaTaam. saur th survloe of I'm Port Worth to aatvk la a 9. , d It dU aot malts lo i Cat. .a ! A Denver t"1t s Mr brown J. LeWWY BiKON. Priashsal, Pal Aft. ovVrh mony he had la hi the only opilniUt 1a M ' At Lit! ta cab traTte to aac hss ---1 x x z rx STATEHOOD, TATEMENT MADE BY i TBRR1T0WAL TOPICS f REV. BILLY" SUNDAY LOVES OLD GAME RATE P--X X X X 3E X BILL, wr ef Aaiaa-- a oM whHajOLD UNO ER AUUUP OOMMKROIAL STAR BASS BALL PLAYER WHO AGGIE MYERS CLUB BUKOTS oapiOERS INSPECTION Wlday night met Um Cammara PleMer ef Setit, WHtaa Abt the' iviiruio viuorcL dadii entb of Oallap hold a apaatal wmeuag OM Dra imd af tlta deatlftaed mid purpoae ' for toe of eieettag afioata aad Haneaty f Bat Halt serry Abent Oae of few too notch to dhwaaa mattara of to Issues Which Threatened the SENTENCE OF DEATH aar IvMtaat gatists la the Hatted ihaart today I Um wet hire af Oallup, aaya tba Kaaob-Uca- ofacera who war Were the Rev. Wm. A. hadar. who was The tame Party Harmony By Rev. VrbB. a. leaday. elected at the befiaolag of the dab flaectal Pjir. jiiliiiiI mi rwminies; muj wmmmj. were re alaetad with Um eteaptloa of My tor for great aatloaal aaaw r "r " aaoaa White W. r. Ruahaabaohar, who waa aa th Compromised. the Her far base bail haa aot diminished in tba "tochlna. of the day of Pfelfer For Aiding to Kill Husband Execution board of dlrwatoya aad who mjw at laaat. year rolled nana, the elect loa at ofacera chaean viae m'hoajrh hara by; WtUlamsoa aad flint. Set For Next Friday, Unless Governor prealdeaL The aaw board of direct -- NOW 0NH1E HOME STRETCH ore are B. f. Keaaey, John Bawle, Ai1tBsa ago whaa ha waaat anymore B. saeh-a-mn- Jotm Reaaody, T Kahn. j X. whea I a name, eb ball player He board a awtta sit aad watch because Folk Grants a Respite Winders aad Harr. I mam tb old . ot Mike t. Militia of States Regarded as tha face street preacher talk Jeaua Chrtat. aad HBHaBRqi jiHEBBBSaBwae . ' S A YAQUI IHOIAN SfmrUaSf JHiuU iiHt there aad taaa Wily Sunday gave u, BBBaJsrMlmoBCBBBxBBwAr ' iBl OH BAT SNBUKANOK Amer- Part of Regular SrorTWmaon and no, of " Ben eon. Aria., ha a Taqul Indian p ball playing aad became a rc-- lnS8HS!jaaMM PICTURE OF HER AND OF who mat other. worked for the aovarameat ican Army. I resjard ball as moat , fall. Leartng baa the vtvalMt himself, For tfaaabaea la the asaaly. hotaeM. uprtgbt aame In tha erealag. be weaM wan hare, aaya a la noUttmc bow for Um Rev. THE MAN WHOM SHE AIDED atamlutaly free from , day. of tha feabyterhui fakh, to away the Cochlea County Praea, vialt bla CtarreapimdsiMa. -- 1. Byeomi dmhoaaaty or trickery clean aa a M amHeae of wkh amael J. family, aad oa dtrtr at i o'clock By boaad'a aJ9 tae neat moraiag at aoat. Total thaidaa i. Clin. tooth truth atrabjht from tha bat. Aad M.-g- lae 'be V.Wbtaiawi. sta A very gam la won on Ja5flrsaj) Liberty, Mo June my mr husband halt lyiaa there on lb almty-alg- r. c. Jua or lost ita sta8 aarsaa 0aapH Of HO (iiataae oowad. abwot good maay mtllloas of time the mwrtu. arrest gay u. i"4. th day attar floor. 1 crawled to Um door mad mi lea. Yuan ago be waa a courier coavwraioni la a xeek. death, ererybody ha bam oauM to um aaighanra for Mi, qaaatiaM haw been ahad: "HVvMa aa Moth lack aad skill combine ta win Bat ha hasn't forgotten the R.wat for the aovevawaat waea hletory vu 1 tfifwl 11 irreatattbl aa tha same. Oaa waa with dowa m mm. I put in Jail towm Thar m groat urnay mwtekM warm ia tba MMtg. force stitwaa hnmova time whaa Aaaarleaa awaw as the acoompaayiaie Hr netta oouldtulad uofcod else to mad. Th WOtti tfWHMo wm oauasd bie ohleat, what m gatac to kapaear' ntVabarg we war triartac tb famous atory showa. blam for tit crime, i liberated by Um Milskhen, who trt to MANY SMALLPOX QASSS At mat tk auery aaa mnmi aaawarad. Detroit taaja. W had them eight I m laa well by Chief tiafe, th hM tUae r aa Um awn before Um potto MM a. IN O0OHI8E COUNTY. ARIZONA. Thar net toUir. aatea ap thatr aatanMC la Um l"tt halt ot Um aiHih biWMi I told blm all I They NMORt all right, but K mad differiawa, and all will be lovely maiag mad Charier Bennett waa at ball whara tbey could not soak K. aadiahom base ball, ami that the, ha! t kan, Thar are a number of amalramc um bWjh. knew about the on, and h w that ibtasa look bad for . eaaav among aRh aoeee baam aat. Ho had three bail aad two marV that aaaajt eonld not bat. 'drag the big lcaguea down u, the tba MhaMtaata of ib At people Irrs- - Briiiilhara. Tbamaana. HIirftnrftfttM ' Bnatieth I wm toaoeant. Ills mm arrested mm I ami think I win nm oat an rum. Uttla MaKHaa aatnamaflt aaar Bakr- - laaat. aaiiiwaad aa etna. ji hit taa ham. bail far a braakinr level That hua Vattlbh) immowabja ob- - tmatpar ; ! again oa . aad made la Um Mwt two Irhava not gfvan vtMe, fjboalae AHaoau, for and aa two aad aagat fbUawed aad did Howe, vrhlto, DtMiap, Haakm there alMaaud maar who were defender k .r Jsir tar bare Man county, aad wee pomt up Art-soa- iwt at the of ooatact whoa the aam Taay beat aa alne to was only oae pitabar feared. Ua tb gam. Um pemrf believe all aorta of lie bob, i am MBOtavn mumkrwi the dtaaaao la The tal.,' 0tv araaalac. . aHoat me. latraW to tU tale wtaata, I htww t Jeanwl acva Health OMaar 'laaldaat Itooeevtrtl at Ohalrmaa ateht. waa Jaaa Omrlisoa. I mtea poor Joha Mr bop aad wish la that the mme locked over Mew, aoma was sold baa Utraa bans two called . always be kept I bar been In Jail two year for a , b fra. SHadaaa baa oataMlthad a HaM oaar Vtdawarth kotm tba wild aar that aad strike mar ae free from um. ' war my tlay oa meat taam action Mil. TumM folks oat. Mrt a word of trata la auck a oa blm. bttna and diahoaost a It baa t.een crime I never committed. Hottman'i If this lat earth aatfae aad taken All fmmim ataga ' I dad, strong mm oaa raw. WW aim ply la oaly i Umt may ainiv la not true. 1 dout waat to aay would car from UM bottom of mr to ravajl tho infeotioa of owtatdora. held taetr aaabta't aat tba Thar caa thm i raarat aad Chicsan wis tt das ineart iron i am imtsnat- - dwaitiea rcaeh thatr bvwatha waJtlaK for aa exptaaoa, aad Ooaiaio dsnwBvata were datlght. AOOIK XY10HS. aetght la the aiawmar. aad too much la eretaaM at precaution pro it toamac aa ir taa tatmauaaa warty CUy. Mo.. (County Jail). oaaaaa be oaken to Kausae vide agaiait tbam. aright ha Mown to atasm, and there MORE ACRES OF INDIAN LANDS FOR HOMES .Mine S3 I have juat beard lbat gov- paatdo who tented the earth aad 2,000,000 ernor Folk waa going to great Aggie CHINA PAINTIrf KXHIBIT the universe might be blasted by the v.yrr and myself a atay of eaecutlnn. AT LA 0RUCR1. ehock your I You be. life lt' Rood new. The ork doa In the palatlag de The mine bad bosa laid, there laa'tl Special corres po de nee hav-- told ilit whole regarding that-- , truth partment of ixwetto aoademy at Laa any donbt of a mat.;h had beea Waablagton. I) C, Jua II. Aa- -' the kiriiiiR of Clarence My era, aad applied, th- - waa biasing mer Crooaa I raaaarkable. Tae China aad fuee other chance for be homsshr Is! f el lnKter U r It. wom- rily. Bat the powder wu wet with presented la opeataa wrow 1m-;r- palotiag aa doa by the young the of tb Aggie t were e ami aweetbearU oa eXMtrtOoa paat caution, it burned all right up to a ihdtn Indian raeervatkm to Clarence married aar. Alter en baa been for tba pom week, aad maajr ttaraoaa have vla-ite- d certain the pohu Jrhere there settlement i.iolr marriage I used to coma tn their room of the wn danger the republican party The Shoshone or Wind river reacr- - limine On Aggie HM tba oaaatuul at often told eon too Ua Dae work. The might got bun Then It west oat. vatioa 1 in Wwomlag, aad contain hi. waa Clarence,dr aad want--l real to Is oo- - tired of aaad-nalata- d It tree that than ia still in Rbmtt howieetcada of 1M aeras run away ma, aaM aha aiatare barat all of eir ena to witu bat Lnlaa, tatvlaa an oven for ill la pur grass a good deal of raaoatmewt at in aaoh: whll the Crow mmta ara la waa afraid Clarence would (allow m mpMrtdrars m- - poae, for w.. 4 titer pahi over MSo. attitude aa UM meat Moatana aad will acoommodat about aad kill bar, ao we planned to get Mm speetloa and other maamraa which Um tame aambar. 'jt ot the way. SUDDEN t. EATH OF bare baa ap for eoniwtaratten at in Tha mna caa be taken hp br houa MRS, AC8QIK MVKHB. Wnen all iletalla bad Iwen arranged. R08WELL LADV. nreaaat aaaaina, but an omm urea eh Ada sectMrs. who will b oalhtad ta I came to Assies house. In Kaaaaa Mra. W. Ueail. of Hon ell, died so far hM been Averted. Ih Ibe cloak aar war acre for aame of tha Madd anything about him. It Mae City, I bar at f. but looks from met auddenly of rhaHtnaUam of tk heart. raema and other pteemt aaaut tha aad par acre for elhera, la par-ta- tt lawyara u avenue, nlaa- - im for the elate had ma eoa- - hotel n Union and we awe waa tae wire ot Hv. a. w. aaattol. asttatora and fanraaaittatlraa jfHtrmaNta. aa stlpaJated bjr Ut ticted ua iik imL Lot of evidence Head, Baatktt trltlclae Mr. Hooevlt for what taojr aaotaa at) ii my waa never formerly taetor of tho laerwf awartmaat. ia favor brought oat. eaoreh at Uocwvll. Mr. Read sat-- aiieaa is mm isire to run both tae haada wm be uetarmmad br a mtorr. i tmw to ba tried in i ifly covnty farad aleo from rheumailatn for roar eaweatHo attn itmtlra bwaaha of Mat w. um maea are aoaaaa us a ixcana tba Mopl in Kansas City aad waa nelpleee a wag Uma. II the novrtiiacni. but ao Man a these rbjaUoa. aura amUttat We. When the cane Snallr went to the ftoldlera' hM loaa-rao- m critic tall their griev Tb Srat thraa far a mwmaauv hu uh httfe ItottHiau bad to tlek Oal., re- ances only k on another tbay are to Is gat raatlaietail Tha to near Iam Angele. raturnlas eettler do ta the aUHT an told wheu hu waa cently in eomtMirnUwIr good bealth, dotna neither tae firaaMant nor c legist ration tor the craw tract MajaR 1.ought from Wsutttngtoti atftr. a and Head weto afeaaiac repablkaaa party much barm. Aad tha Tiiursdar. 11, and will aawtthao I he aad Mr. e by on ti pen) war prJudieo thib to xeii bom ana obaneaa are that they are gotag to ui.tll the cvealagiN of Jaaa K. Hagte-tratl- Cvmld expect their at Hoeweu 1 not a fair trial. inov to California to lira. They pretty aaueraliv avoid public criti- ofBeaa are apen at Mires Oitr 1 up o somehow never have given have lived In Roawai. for many yeara cism, at laaat until after tb contrrce-lo- and Rllllaaa. Moataaa, and nt Sher- hope, 1 I aad Juat kaow I won't hang and Mm Head wa well known aad a election" man, Wyoming. tvay 1 worry If 1 Innu-coa- tr ahoald am lutvd i a large circle of aciualat If the denvicrata were na cautious Shoaaoae reeerratlon registration Ohayanae I am aure that my aeatvui f uiica and irteaoa. aa are repuil leans about airing dlf will be ftom July 1 until July be oaaiawtad, anl I won t ha v.. tu taj ferimree within the petty there Hare are the coadttkma for anl.ap in jau, aawer. NIF&RM ASHES8MENTS would not be mo many republican vie pllcaat. I feel badly to . my mother work- IN ARIZONA TERRITORY. torle There haa been aa much pri He must apply In parsoa. ed up oa my unount. hut i !im't Uomtu r J. II. Klbbty. through vate Indlgost lua at Mr. Roosevelt. I Old soldiers ma register by at-- MAP Of WirOMtNO AMD MOMTAMA BIK)W4NO IAK AT10NS UK THE worry. I am naturally calm, and I am Territorial Auditor John I'agr. haa proiatbly, aa there ever was in a dem- orney TWO JrMttaK VATtOtW t ot a aarvaan about being ia Jail. laaucil InvltatloBa to the member of ocratic ciint-rce- agalnat Mr. Cleve Applicants when regietered may ao.urow araw ma win appear jaw at saoaaoa drawer will at )t-te- r. ia Tba woman ought to me varl-ou- a land, ; ap- treat the lioarda of eupcrviaora of the but there haan't been aa muih n the reservation to look at the laud. BUtfadm to apply for entry. Tha - the land office at Loader, W o . a tin. Tbey are the worat of all agatnat count lea of the territory to at'end aid aboui It In the aoapel of the Bhoahone drawing at lender, Wya, pUcaat will be reqalrad ta araasat U. and go thraagb the same proon In City I great I m. Kaaaaa had a THANK HOTTMAN a conference la Phoenix oa June average republican atattesman It ia 'tg. 4 Crow drawlnK at Millings. proofs. One dollar aa acre will ba Tha cost of tha afttoahoee land i many, viaftora. people but hore the whV.b matter will oe much more Important to maintain the Mort . July 2. rnqaired at the time of taa per acre, ot which ftOc la paid at - at. aaaeaameni eatrr. aad Svn't boUM about m- A few wo- iir.i ui kill him that night. 1 .ocim:l (tlacuaaod. The meeting la porauaat republican iarty In power than It la Ut After the drawing eaco applicant other three dollars la foar equal aa- - the time ot eatrr and Sir nn acre men have called out of curtoeity, but a abort ;iere of a billiard cue. and to '.he plan of the governor to get the light out peraobal rtlffemnctta mil be notified of hia number, aad coal Inatailments. the ant Install- - each year afterward, erjr few have offered roe aay consul -- after ...Wing itevcral drlnka of whla- - eaaeaamenta on dlMerent elaaaea of lie day wbea he must make bis eatrr. moat to be paid at the end of the Actual settlement of these land ia ntloa. Ikaue of them have aaread key. ent to Clarence a bowae. Ag property the an in all count ie ao teeady Atfurnment Svre. hose having from l to 11B In the second year. neceaaarr. talaa rewma about me. I don't gie -i m. in at tae bark door. It that ther will l.v no dlMottltiea Now that tha meat laapeotlon bill w by thef act aq, 1 would never aay waa atiout midnight. Mh whlepered the board of eaiMllMWKm at has been disposed of without the uaytUNK U hurt a woman. If t ui mv to !c quiet. rierenee Ita Aumit meet In The aaaeaeoreof threatened raoUoa, there la aothlag to Ji-- mora stody than aay other man. ajotag lo had U out Juat coaMat Mr aaytbtng good 1 would ua 111 awake. the different counties were at Pboaaia prevent conaimaa carrying out Ita pro- But aVaator Morgan sever waa aa cotHrrea adjourns. Chairman SCHOOL FUNDS AP- heap null, I knot quiet, and he went oa back earlier in the year at a almltar gram of adjournment oa June Su. Advocate" of the Panaaaa roate. He of tb reptrbtieaa ooainasal I eaamt Imaaia why I eiioaM be to bd w..u Clarence When he got amatoeaa is betikg jmt through now U aaa dewaly and earrmetiy ooavinoed , oamoatau committee, and Ohaii auaiaataC of tmvlag aayihlag to do to aleeii I walked up to the bed aad rao nijournmat-rua- h style: speaaar bat through Mtcaraama waa tha prov- - Ortgga, of the democratic oowimK!, wtth my BMabaatt'a daata. Ha waa bit blm with tho bWtard cue Taw LAND COMPANY Caajwa and Um senate maaagora hara r place for canal digghig. aad choaga are both ready to ataach fJjMir tut-vaaee- s. PORTIONED TO alwaaa gaed to ma and gave mm all blow lanced aad be aaruna op ami DECLARES A DIVIDEND palled the lawattlo wide open, aad t'anam waa anally rbun. aad there la every HtdtaaUati Ula waaeW ha earned. II u trarpM vftb in I hit blm amtla At a meeting of UM dtraetora of tha tawa is nut umaiy to tie now bitch ia Moraaa a argaaaant wr miaasm that the ooatcat 1 gohag to b eama lovad borne aad workad hard. and again, aad waa gettlag the beat Bio araade Iand comaaar. held at the plan nevsr were suecaaaiMlly rwatvovartod. aad mwd-foagb- t. ' DISTRICTS 11a aaraad about io or lift a weak. of htm, whoa aa bollered oat: the I'al&oe hotel. Hanta re. aad at- - At the Mbon sesaiona of aongtssg waea n becama afmaraat tam ta Democrat ara vary eoaadaat tbnt a ana aamaumoa more, whan ba worked "Aajgtat WMCa the matter Halp teaded by Jadae Henrv U. WaMo aad thora are rreaaaatly fill busters at the caoice must be between tanaMw or aasmalhw aast Movoaaaar U going to we Uttle. wma-u- u ox aa- - ataea orertfme, aad aavad a We me, boaay, bain me." u oknil i n- VaaMta and to arsvuni tae imsanataa ho canal, the Ababa taa. them la control of tho homo ia n vm 111i . mi.". ,j M- m I asustaf Last Saturday afternoon School Mu never miarrelad. aad I had ao raaaoa aw raft to lb draaaer aad mat hia XaJar J. Palea, of BanU a dlv some meai..,a to wnlch soma BMSBbar .;uleod with what grace ho could aaat soagrsas, and they brlr oat blm. of aelaaora, thoa It P. or of members aartlcularlr oMart. thl roar will oraaaa saco s jMriMaadant stroup walled to Tho to rid of raaar ami a aalr aad idmtd of oaa-h- lf of oae per cent m set and haa givM the l aaamft arajeet Oa tae ataat Ciarewoe waa killed wall I Held htm aha alaabed him company waa Taeee moat fNouaaur occur la tae iayal enpfgft. It resolved that If la IMS. doubt maw be oast Mtmalag Olttten tb subjoined Hat ' taa oapitai ateak of the - at upon atMeorrtyatrr wa waat to bad about I o'clock. Ho thvyaar aad ataMmd aim wKb he daektred for the quarter ending Mar ta. whura um aalimitod debate- canal maat be dag l Jmaawav It taa of aoasa man who ahnwiag fha apotosaMat of ruuda bad aot been very wall, aad ba got aelaaora. "Wheti ha fell to the boot rule gives a powerful Sfioalu 4m dwa;'hoaatlr nad dag right- - sow are boaflr engaged in hoom-nt- g rut. oafffaetloBists net , to aba varlow school district na about i:iq to taxe tome m we diajaail him over to a corner aad waaoon. At um ioaa seaswas. now raw laumaco know mag or the awpjaat Mr. Brsaa for the IMC mmlaa-.o- t: damo-erat- a Certlncatn cm. We had goaa to aieep again propped hi e up- - Tnaa I took bia bat WILL DELIVER ADDRB8S . where there Is ao naaeaattr of to uajoorar taaar tamasf ther m no doubt that of apportionment t whoa Um bargiara earn. Tbw Mrat I aad want out, later going to Walla AT 88TAN0IA ON THE FOURTH adJsarnins m a MMciaa day, tha thlax that, mlajht have aMasal atteatioa. la aoagreaa. of all abode aad school funds for tba count ot twi I (captured boMaf, try- - kaaw I heard CHareoee oall "Ahm!' VIM! Waah., where waa Juda A. L. Morriaoa of Santa F eaaaot tw wwnied so well, mo cm and ha aaa bean a tbora la the aide coloring of are siacervty nallllo. New Mexico. I faU con- - la Phyaaaailr holdiag tu to aaa in ground upon oaeaad. mr area aad aaw two ae tar ddtactlvea, aad made a a John Noma, canablc of eartaiR aaRtiamaa whose intareet aad I. Andrew B. received letter from u - Stroup, aaperlntend-en- t groaa baaiaa the bed. cutanea Jump ireaton, repeating it oa tna wnaeae M. D aecrotary KatancU board the door indaaaiteir. aad whaa hot la Paaaaw did not run eaacuy war- which to aumL of the - If con of school of county, do here- ed at tae largar oaa aad bagaa to ataad. of Inviting-- him to b proeeat weather aetuaa awwa oa Waahiagtoa ailel the latereau of the Amert- democrat la coBgrea can la and Clod kaow trad. It (Hfacult gat peopi democratic party, the by certify I app.o-tione- atraggia. Tba amalier negro svabbed That the truth, aad deliver aa addraaa to tna ptpia woald a matter to eaa trol tho and that bare duly mo aad naHad ma over the mot of Um Ud gat' ly give Wj Ufa If by ao doing eouaty oa July aar auailMr of soaa tors to eater lata aamocratm pany is aoie to ptoa me the acbool fund of aald count v um. of Torrance at aaanela pa battle, presidential ou Ml I ayaamil. aad Ctareaee waa I could unaa ctareaoe oaca to i ny a cow ci to dijr adJourameBi. Tb Paderal Treasury Aid Militia. ineid of the aast thia tJd of Jaae, iut. The He bad been prevtoaaiy naked ! dr affair, aad in escape . campaign vill fought out the or ah amaaed tba whale the Baata Fa committo to deliver aa minority aa aaswas to Rvldeaee baa (mob produced ,t be on aniouat moar auoject to such m realty him. aa - portloameat The amro vho bad me dlda't atrlha waa the oaa who killed m city, but waa releaaed from the capitaljt aa ia the majority, present aeeakm of coaareea that effec- ajaesuon. Is fS,ldM. The total la him, addraaa that numoer pereona agr- t wa, bat laid me to keep aUU. Then I eh oat h rhroat aad ataobed Ha- - and things that would have caaaad aa tire redmrai sapport of um Mattooal r iub ...w w r of of aehool In order that he might accept the riusi faJnUkj d . waa sailing upon her to help Indlg I "Jorlty to readjust um 0.4M. Tha rat per If aad didn't kaow what kapa-a- wb.le taaela invitation. outburst of rtaMeoas minority guard of ta several atate bow a ,0J Ur scholar fifi aaUl I eane to at daylight and aaw aim. niANK hoi imwi. nation euriinr la the aaealoa bow go flxed policy ot the government For' aahadala. or to bold out any hop caats, which la apportioaed to the NEW OIL COMPANY unnoticed man eaarV tkla eaamarf llaa of de I that 10 Schedules will b ra41aata several ecoool diatrtota as below OMANIZED AT ROBWELL. in the iioaaa. during the last tan fense" waa almost wholly aslctd in vub near tuiurv, pranois neaWHe District. Baholar. Amount nart There will be three ciaeaa The Oaa la OH comaaar baa been days of a imaalnri mambara are more or cooaroaa. Whaa fedesal upoort racy it goida opportuaity. A groat t M $ 32i. THE SjENGERBDND aad dlalomaa aad valuable prtaea will oraaalsed aad will be lacorpo rated in complete i) at Um mercy of the Anally waa gtraa, it was gives grttdg- - seal will be beard about the tariff la s at 43.50 be awarded to the vlctonoua aoeletiea tha aam of i0,eso. The company la apeaker ami hia com mitt oa raws inglr aad miaerly, aad might almost the oougreaaloaad caaraaa thl year, t 104 5).0ti In each claae. compoasd of substantial bualneaa mea than at any cahar tim. ifothlaa caa aa waft got bar beea glvca at all. but a grant deal mora will be heard B BOB '.'51 5 Oa Wedaaaaay moroiag the local of noawell Active operat Iona in the awt tbronxh wHwsjt tb spanker's ap But ua war with Spain opened aliout it be i ore election day two years US BB.Stl HOLDS A FEST will l tb 7 and vialtlaa alaaTtira bold hair aeida east of Roawell will be started proval, ami waaMvar ha decree saaM eyas of the coaatry to tha poaalblll-ti- e hence. M bla aarade. It will coaalat of foar la the near future, aad already a well go throuKh, mrartably go, Tho thai U in the atate mfllUas. 1 as M 31.00 dlviaioaa and will be accompanied by tn Held, lines t discMlaa are tlaatir drawa. soldiers." aa tbey had beea New Presidential Paaalbtmy. 1T0 85 00 will drilling machine is the Tba "tia Troy, N. Y., June 6. The fourU Ave bandi. Robert A. Patarbkn wall will be drilled a mm am and the nmarker who woaM try to termed, tendered thebr ser- Considerable latcrost has bten lo la UM In after- Irat play 11 act aa grand marahal. the three-quart- er ot InsurKeat wtth adjournment day vices almost to a mac, and ao well aroused in democratic ctreulea by tho m (t.00 aaaaal aaamirfeat of the ceatral New northwest tho ex lt-- noon a popular festival will In hld perlment well that is being drilled la eight .,ud be brave to the point drilled aad disciplined were tbey that revived presidential boom for Jttdg ,I63 l.OIQ.tK) Toek aaamifliuod, which opcaed 1 here in Younga Drove. now. The oompany owns and ooa or roily in um eariy days of a It woald have been feasible, had It (Iray of Delaware. Oomment upon the 107 40S.5O today, mm attracted largo crowd of trola 11.000 acre In lb oil belt. Km, the power that be look with bom aaoaosary. to send thorn Imme- piaaiiitni) or Judge Oray ueousuiag li ol 20.0i vlaHara b hVJc attr. Taa batata are PLAN TO POUND NEW The director are Clifton Chlaholm, .ye aaoa a mombr who diately into action. ITrom that Ume presidential faotor at most lavaruu n us 71.00 I BANK IN HAVANA iacurre-uo- a IT crowded amj Um atraata bar narar J. P. Church. Hdaar u liedcil, Hdwla adages in umaa fruitless oa congress began to take aa Interest la contpllmentary to tb Ihslawavia tl 31.50 Now York, Jane tS latereeta Idea-tile- d a. Johnson and James J. Baaaa. wbieh mow aad braak oat ta the guard aad to apiwapriate for Jurist, but democrats as rata art ia Ut 60.00 praaaatad a livelier appear e than Tba tha M M with the Natioaal City Bank, oWoara are: Clifton Chlaholm, pral la the hoo, It Is pcaarbl umt lu anpaort. Last year high-wate- r no hurry to commit themselves. TJarr ..'. 60 now. Kaay of um rlaNMtg ataxara ar-Hv- with which are Important a to MrorttalaaT In hia home waa whaa oaa are awaiting Um return of Ur. nmn U 14 17.00 aetocuted daat; J. I. Church, viae preeideat neda mark reaehed tnlllma aa bar durlas the moral na. bat Loudon aad Parle Intereata. are James J. aWaan. aeeretarr. This com dtatrict, and U k get baak lata Mna dolutre wa amjiroarUtcd. This year and for development in taa east' M 40.50 moat of Uatm came ahamt aooa. Tbey a new flaanelnl lnatltutloa la pany la not aoaaactad la aay way with on some inoadtwa for which hi vt without a word of protawt tb rmount aawly acqatred Bryan aemimMt. The rt ii 10.50 ware raoalrad at tha atauoa br tha Havana, tn a known aa the Raneu um uy bj really nsatunrr. forsavsaeas m baa beea deabied. The .milcatioaa prawalMac.onlaloa seems to ba that if w tl 15.ISI reoeet aaranaM Maaars. owa M ualtad Blaaora of thl attr. aad a big dc la Havaaa. holm Badel! aaar to win. Bwt wo to aar man are that b apatofrlaUona will coo-tteu- the aaat Is sincere la Its Jtryaa pro-- tl 13.00 I and of oae claim far bra bead, and war eaoorted to the be V leas u 30.00 ' The bank, wblcb will chartered 10.000. These two men will operate rack enough to declare aid laae lo sjrow. and that the "attlsca taasioat. ao aaa.j but that of the u hcedaaartera, at Qermaato halt. uader tha mwa ot Cuba, I to have a oa peadeace n adJoarmviaBt are. "TraH-or- " soldiers" will take tha pia tbey de-- Nabraakaa will tie presented to 41 14 u 00 turn eiaua taaepeadentiy. the 4T whet light lunch waa aarvmt, follow-- 1 paid-u- p captml of $t.tV,0O0. It la oi-a- d would be aeaadad oa hi brow, lerve to occupy la the aatloa's mili- convention. Otherwise, tha raaa will 117 51.40 later by dinner at the varloua pected that It wlU bagia oaarattoua la NEW SUPERINTENDENT aad lotwver asow la would be regard tary establlshmant. h a vary oprn oa aad Judge Oray, 4 4T.00 botato. early fall. The Hat of director .a OF ALAMOdORDO ea aa an u no doubt, wilt have aerioua 4 M 11.00 ' the SCHOOLS Oaa of tb most tarneat workers la aoasldera la Um afternoon there wlU ba a practically made up. bat the names a anaooi neara tor Alaa I ago botmlt of the guard haa beea tlon. large laaaptlon in honor of the viatt- - i aaaaot be learned. The oflccra have aehool district has elected Dr. . K. Mran and the Canal Dick, ot Ohio. He baa beea Idasti Total B.4M ...fl.343.S0 tag aumjai at the armory. Karor not n deanttaiy aelocted, aaaaat iKaaaaa or noiivar. Mo., as iraoariH Dr. Oaler aar prof) tad large- Serpent BRa mtiht Had with tb Ohio guard since a Daaslr Tk Vary Remedy Wlaa P. tteaa will welcome the rlaft-- aaahler, J. C. Martlaa, now or our public r ly had he oceaaiad a aoat la young man, now - far Newel tba aaha leaaeai saaoaat. tba aad holds the raak Are aa oommoa la India as ara atom- BtTrouble ore aad Aadrvw Ruff, the faattffl aat maagwr of tha bond deaartmaat wvaaam i highly reoosMaeaddd as an at gallery oa Wadnaadav Joha T. of major wai oommaadiag. Ha - ah aad liver dlaordara wtth as. for Mr. M. r. byTTOagas, n old i roaMaat, will deliver an addrdaa, la ef UM Mathmal City Baak. Mr Mar- adacator a graduate of Vomlaa; Moraaa. aeaajar from Alabama, was waa Ikmtamat-oaioaa- i of aa tha letter, bowover, thar is a intra and he eveatac grand concert will a la native Ma or Pa-- , aifhty-tw- o Waffton. Ind.. tiaa, who a of Cab. seminary Kingscoa. of tha yaN of aaa oa WMa reaimeut whaa war waa declared wlbh reaneay; aaeourM Miters, um graut says: "I5"mumm rtuuiM.i- - . alvea at the armory, with Mme. Bcba- - aalled far HBaan to take tnWf of Pennsylvania Mmtary aoHego of oa. ad he aalahraiall the aaairer Spain, aad aaw aerrto lo Cuba la raatoraUv medicine, of walak " ,T: Naw-Hova- k i. X Cmoiera i and Bmll as aoh . Wri Plabr tb details of the organisation of tba Chaster. Pa and holds the decrees aary by deiirartag a hmg aad very that capacity. Returning rom tha Braara nf VmnaaMaellla a m., iau, or- - or -- ,m. dvk mr aowai ien,.ki They will be aaalated by aa new IneUtaUoa a. a a at., aad ih. D. n baa forceful i nob, the Panama war he wa alaaaat I mm ed lately elect mr rmur chaatea af thtrte-tr- e elaeea. the Trav - also had two year poatradaate boiag bis thea. d to ooesreea. aad la tha houae haaltb.'eV years "SufW"wvS ,i Voent Boetaty. aad a clmrua of TOO MORRIaOU A99flTt THE work in the uaiveralty of BMlabarg The buildtaa of an Isthmian canal Speaker ifaoderaoa aaaigaad him to Uy vote, composed of member of the STANDARP PRORCUT10H Beotlaad. He go to Ammoaordo ia at once i trtwmaa aad a defeat for meatbarahlp oa the military aaVMra LZ rarM Oormaa alagtag societies of Chicago. Jaaa M. Diatrtct Attor-a- v reoommeaded oy the auta aaoerlav Seaator MorgaA. II was oa ef tba eomnitte. He aat about at oaoa to 4 km ajir C. B. MarrUoa, who conducted teadeat of public ImMnwtloa of ut aamest advoaaati, ia tb peasant do something for tha aMiaatu guard, gwv- - 11 . a Tawnow morulnji the visitor will the trial af tba packer Mr tha tai of MbMotirl. At the same board mention, of a waterway across tba aad tb Dick bill, which roargaalsod oa uSLrlt al Ht'JS' prepared aaaiag. tag a- - omwsamcyT h, awta tkamaalvea to alNt ernmoat. annouaoM tocay taat a meet - the teacher for the maV lhaiui. and ha baa labored Is tea- tba militia, aad placed li oa a aatloaal U a for aeaoora drggglria.aa ir M&BT UMY ride bar baaa ar bad been anointed aaaelal couasei itu ers wacted. iMladiag aaa aad out Jt aaaanii to aeeure um KMUag, waa tha result i raaJP A aad the alagani will yim wear Um aoveramant to oomlaat Ua lavas- - Prof Baewa, aa bwiactnal of aasaaaarv isnMlaile by coaarvw. iU ajaia of laUvaet la aad aaar Ua uamtkm Into the maaaaemaat .af mm seaool No. 1, Mas. j. M, Blaaar. of baa spoken wrttiaa aiHrW m Fall fjamaatan. Prank - mMb and tMmrat taL Aiir-B- a arrived m m.- la tha alnraaaa tha adaa ! itaaaard Oil eompaay aad tha rarV principal of acfraal Mo. a. aad school oa ta aubmax of um aaaai, aftma' m mr. tba aaaainr haardly Nsaliaaa sraJ eaah. u ,fc.B n & S. (Ma m Vla- - aaalaat will ba haU ia taa Mimk mm rallruadi. and bad a.cep wl the No. (colored). Medea Bauaders aa Mr. than aur other aaaa IIviar orltbd tho roar of Sadaaw hU wife aad children at Jome hot cear. durtaV priiielpai. tub-- 1 U tbe next ImU. All t vial t lag societies will poaltloa dead, aad baa probably riven tba political campaign, but the coaatry springs ww weeaa.mK' CROWNING OF THE FIRST "Paul' Idea of the FAMILY OF LIFE SAVERS I Christian Religion" HOLD A WORLD'S RECORD ( attract of MaWM Delivered by Kov. Sotlle, of ike Highland at xeeivaMt murr-h- . Teteray Mortens.) EUROPEAN KING IN Mtn TWINTV.FfVC YSA THI QROUI 9 iOWlM AND 'Bratkoni. t count let myt to.timt keart eonhl wtah. tka beat that have appreheaded: bwt thl one this oould provide judging ym tka i Christian Fjord and alt the rfcran In i do. roreetttn- - tkaaa thtnns which ; al at tk pu ef redefnptteu, aad th southern Mn of imwu asooms are behind, and rsgoltfsg forth uawlke for(aata of Ml km Iktt tka solidly frosen during the wlatet? the tttoa tktngs wblok ard Before I pros Christian kaa her, Heaven la to a Mw Ntd rerelv frcssss over, sad tlM toward tka mark far tike lr'e of the Christian her whs a flewar garden MANY YEAR S CHOSEN beautiful Troodbjem Fjord never. aiwh eeJIme of Ood lu Obrlit .l.u "- -- rainni i io a omen Ma. ine oiura Is asternta man toaata ftowara. The oUmate like that of romipiaes a. is- - can't tka kcvitiaa Ilk h aaa. tkay Oermany In winter snd amah tint Subject' "Pnnl I of )w oan't bat ka knewa are chrt tiv faraafaaea. el tlM oomt of Omn ta mm tan Religion " aar tbalr Bo with tke Henor tlM luxurious vegetation .. .. fhrldtlaa, ka feeaaot toaata kaaraa, prosperity of tke peo-- at Paul would baa bee FOR THEM SELVES BY the resukant any Hf til do- - . lu depart meat of knomtl tkM Hja HMr 'lB n9mt termination to woman h "') 'on-taa- t HmDm a Christian. ' of Ita eyi. that are brought Kin Haakon the tteod. it alalia- - that he undertook, beaked tils un in ina heart tkreagk tka peraon of gutabed aa being tka Ant Oartettoa tiring snd energy, tssdi- h.m mat- tha Holy tplrH. Tkara eaaaaa to tka sovereign of But op. He waa mm ny ter of eccsatoua If be ha.l InhA b t'nriatlaa Joya that at uaeeeakabla POPULAR ELECT ION - ardfnn, hla vacctaktea iid havu kta father lo hmgland la hta child- enalit). and fall of giory With it. Jeka'a hood, there ba baeasM a convert bean ut the baat ami htva aad that of etkara of tka aad ih- - mar i to tka and waa baptlted. ipoo broaiibi iht htfkaat pHee on inaplrad wrHera, we may tefaty aay faith - would kla return to Norway and hi seces- - kft- a ro.iw.iiar, hla aanicen with Mr. Uuthrta. that tka valaaHal hav bwa in ilmaad wht rt v. r work pity u not oaa ballt with kaad, kaaea Full and Interesting Account of Attractive waa rmino a njarcaaat. ' . ,riart, (ha vaaM o'VXor, 2 - daalltMBt wlih. hi. cua WVVBt, Wl lWUt WWH asset iseeeo to. atd M,ar.- r(y whmM mbabltaatt ao rcnaat!,.haa fanatical adherents emon hi. eloaaat tomar. would hare gtyeu him a larga nnnit)vr.n p(ty tkrowak wkoae Ceremonies in Norway's Capital, to Meads, ao k temporised for some iraap- - n pnyaioma, mn man no tieaa of Malaeaa, no i.i- - nra. sixteen year or mom ualll ha had cation and ymaatby for iwilanta Bwlmg haarao rraaaa Hewlr with won aawk unbounded popularity would nave Inaured blai a lucrative Ita burden to tke tovalr city with AH Eyes Today. 111 - Which Turned kla taking praottce In any cHy- -a lawy. r. in- rivo, wfiboet Una or seemed to warrant r m toward the iwallsattoa of Ike wish tereat of hla nienta woaw n.-v- uaj-- MruKMW, wttboai btrtke or burial., nearest kla heartthe Curtolsaisutlo auffrred for a laek ct ttntloa , lm, ytmrriMmm M mmmIu.- - . of Ma people Ha base wall but be ability oa the part of Vmr "''fJJ--- cky wktok gtorTee In kaetag Jaana aa MANY AMERICANS GAVE did not peue tka ernetty of teal a aiMiiane. uni u"'Jr'. lie Bine, nngaw par iu anarae. aaiau sngered for food and TTTlkn-- Ita cttliena. wkoae walla are aal- - are tbree thoueute kl tke teat, tlUU rarton and wkoae gales are prates INTEREST OCCASION rg Paul's Ufa M TO no ha only ausoeodol la are chrsctrtetlc of tt A city tkat katk fonwdntlona, benutl- - : rftt a man. and ns a CnrnWWn in. wnre ti way Mr kla mora vigorou successor, ruiiy deem bed by tke piet la ' nkf Tn ninini wba llltnsdiiaail kis mark, bta prise. Marwiif, Jane Sl.-- Tka of ika ralara end gevam- - wHh Paul's work. Tbe kW work of UM "Moyond tke stormy bound Troadka, trft tlw lira and aword lata tka Afht tkaga dark and featlTlttaa. wMak haaaa Data wltk Hd kMi dbjAlMrfaa r tka a Rraat taaaaara of aaeceea. tat avea gretu aportle ta .MMsaiui Tknt guards oar dull hartsaa rounu tewt words: "But this on tttoa I ". X tofoHer tondsctpe hwotIs: arrtral of Kim Xaakaa VII I TbTa" ad ."'"tSh mkm treat JTl! It bed but one purpose View, and tknt ReeHlewdant aaat of tight aad imene. u.M.i oa THaW,r. raaeMU thatr mm ty r- gkannvl. S- - torehllnhtrTrrr ureauaalim aad 8W - Wm only after hie atMeaaaor, by kla ta tirnea Into a albafe tke in mea tne souaoa at eoafltc : crmn, eahamatloH la tka formaaaa loyal Tke tX' Ut den rmlnalioa bnlllaat todar at tka theater. V.& aad mere narttewUrly by bla ttvtttoa of kla life. And glorv ever dwslls. crownlac of tke km la tka aaeteat reel of Uw week will ka UVea ap rfealk kad atmealed te tke ready to carry this purpoee to trew m wblck kaa aeaa tke corona.- - whk vartoai faaUvlUee, ladmlme; utmHkMt of tke Noraemea, Skat espreaaed la theaa Jd "But I "Phr thee tke early patriarch ton of a loa Ilea of ralara of fwadea paradea of ekUdna. elvle ontaalta- - Ohdettaelty really beaame tke ea- - Keen under mv body, asm bring it into Th; dttnnt bonaty faint deer- - iMfd.tb. rv and Nrrwa. Troaaajem wa maaed "w. eereeea awe raaapgeoe takllaked raltffion of the eonatry. Tbla subjection: lest that by any meaaaJ And bailed tke blst abode; IV ia the tenth eewtarr. bat tt to not a of aatmtaUoaa""n fro mall part, ofttko gnu mlaaloaary waa Mat Har- - wken l knve preaeMd to utbera, 1 A stranger kere, ke .ought a n. vtry large city accoroing to AmerNae wry wy mo, u. nmav otdaon. who waa all rward, caauaiaaa myself akalt be n enntawa)." 8t. Ptsed In a city yet ta com. atnadard; It kaa a pepalatloB of only kore will bo a brilliant oolree at tke M oiaf. aad over whore aaored ut Paul'a Idea c incoming the CnrUtUn Tbe clly of hla Ood. 4000 and It may be itaagmed palace. jmelna tka great, rathedral of frond- - retlgtoe may oe best understood by that the aaddea inflaa of the auayj Amerleant Prominent lDjem mnm. Thta eathedral It the hta manner of -- xereaateu. regarding It, Heath Prern Leaniew tkotteaada of vlaitore. attraeted by the Aaioag tka tboaaaade of ura preudeat kletorlaal wooumeat la wblok differs from otkor of the Never follows an injvry dressed wltk INORATtTURKtniiuiHintiintiiA HUMAN TRAIT, 4 - rttttitumti frun all parte of tke world who cante to Trondktem ta attend tke way and tke kneel church In all wrltera, to mytolnd la tke nckjen's Arnica Salve. Its aatiteo- S TTousJk sll ih years or r. ncus work the Whit takers kave grown a eererely taxed the ability of tke city eoraeatkm are many No"wejriRi wko boaadlnarla. St. Omf wee killed at potnt f eieveruesa. Hla plalnneaa ol tte and seat lag properties prevent V to learn that ingratitude i one of tke strongest traits of kamss to aceewiwtieie the vial tor. For came rrom tke United Matea for tke the rellgtoea battle of tlkleated la apeeck. will leave any student ot tke biood potoonmg. una. Oswald, mer g rrksmntoT V Ml to hi. posi- chnnt. of Mcusslaererllle. N. Y. ' never nearly a week ererv hotel and Uvera parpoaa of wltnaaalna the oetebratloe. lae, and hla ami end anrreaaor, Mag Mble without excuse, gen "Sock a thing a a tanglidp reward (or oar services hue w crowded 10 It. full eapaeMr and It )a axpeeted that tke king will re nua tke Oood. brought bla body to tion He cinlms tka Uto Christian to writes: "It cured Rniek. of beea received," set t one of tho Wksttaker gtrla, and aa for bare phtce, vgHeet kta hundreda of Brivaie cltttena fouud It eelve a illamtUo of tke Korweglan- - Trondhftmi. and plaeed It lu a le not Uls own. that ha ilea not betong tkla of tke sore oa taaaka well, Hie rescued petwowa knve left without ft word more ot word, aeek I aver saw." Core Cuts, Wseoes. I to open heir houeea tke AmerftmnR. IneladlnK Kenning, ninoaan aaraopkagtw on high hlmeeit In any aanen tbe . often has they kave atopped to Ubolr grntHaao. l to Odla tka altar to to-g- - eimro. vieltora wko were unable to And ac- - the nuthr of tke Coronatloti kymn. of 8t. Otamenfa cr. jrek, wkere It he- - hence ke says: "PW SW are bought tlams aad Mc, at all drug- tV "Oa one occaatoii wkea (toorgo wna koMlng a wntail lar n man V Itoetelrlea. I). Ood hi gwia. ' was swimming, (leorge commedaUene In the nubile the Iter. j. Hothne of Hlitenlal, came an nbjeet f devent pilgrimage with a price i tberafare jwrlfy o wflo la tke owner wna seised wHh a ejnw f lroniuijetn is aa 01a rity ana iwa Minn., who uaa wrtueu a poem of from all over eoaniry. MreatMany your body, and in spirit, wklch plunged la add reeeued kim. Vfrn be kad reeoverod. the man want- - the mr Ihera-for- e i preeerved a gteat deal of Ita natural greeting to ICtng Haakon, entitled the cwlltadral and tome Nftren or era ntMl's." Again. "TUier RAISING MONEY FOR ' ed him to pay for bis watck beeauae It bad kron caked wkk wa- - 1 d.-tn- ARTE6IAN WELL AT ESTAN0IA ' ma 11 17 and mediaeval nleoireequeaeea. "Norway' King" and Alfred Paulaen twenty other ekMrekea were bulk iiihw ye eat. or nr wnalaoevr d ter." larkVily entptoyed by ran- glory of Ood." Bt. Tbe artesian well meeting nt Mstaa- - The deeoraUoM. of Chleaao who aet the teem to - the trength of tke fnt.n ke kaii yn do, do all to the A A A . .t A A AJt Jf . A A 4 . ft the cltlxetia added greatly to the beau. ate. A Una hH fully ngraaaed eapy of created, and even In Protectant N'or-- Paul wna ittphaUmriT n believer In cla tke other day resulted In ratshtg t I t t t t re- Ipealat Corvessmtdettus. , A 4nrlK .aacue by a memeer of tke ty of old town and the genera) tke poem on will be - .way, today, kla memory la re.-era- a religion of works, ua wll n a tne amount 01 aau tuus rar paid in tke earabment Bre Milwaukee, sjg navs I HittHker family was one many j nenee. word: or tb sgJW June u. To of ins elfeet waa iudeeerttHiMr keanUfuI add aented to the king. above all otltera. In 1151 TroHtlbJeui ligion of faith, these wbseHoed to sboul I -- neved more lives mty ky D C. VmHlffr, wkn Tke new nag Nttrway poem - waa one thing I do." not "I thteK" 1.M0. mtys the Mem The commit kuman than Mirwwiied attractive. of The la enekMed In aa am , erected Into an arekblebonrte and This aeker family bt tke t'la-- plungad into tke raoida of upper waa everywhere In evtdeaee Plo- - boeeed ImnuWe waa given eeahM- - Mr. Meyer suggeata, for PauT tee was sent out na Tnenday morning la tke wond the and tentlier art nertfatw. ekowlna a new to as Unetfan rmrmed by tne rtver to rescue a small boy who ws queen were Itta-wa- aa Hfa'a work sec jre am muek wore (he wnittaaer turea of tint king and the tke arma of an the front, laellcal bulldlna enternrlae. At tkla thinking regard, kn to of amount MHwwHkeo.i Mreum Myatetn, careftiUy wrengkt oat, and, as posstbiu. it appears peo brothers and suiters, ot being rapidly carried down dlaplayed In tkonaanda of windows. titoee of tke linked Itatee mi the time the arent Arekbtaboti kad been thai the raahJIng appro of tka Snot At tnwe great petaomtl (bin.. baek. lha ihlr.l nf Tmnilbtatn auarreled waa Uaeeiv roolml mhU arounded In ple in general do not appreciate the at the eh soother at rl.k fln Nortlt atreet bridoe. In a period of he rairmisd three .hotsrs who had ExareUea te Minute. I wHh king a ltd fled to Rnglaad, soul. TkW one tWHg I do." not necessity of this money beiaa paid la At .uuriee thla morniHg an artillery ... the the ike twanty-Mv- e years, the aisisAwa ot this broken tkrougn ice. I doing wken promptly- - H Is accessary tke ailuto of ... anota uanerad Iniueilay Kln iHtamm and queen Maud .where be remained for tnree yeara that am tkluklng abewt to kave tke from atogllsb woman, in ma lo do so; not paid in laonrpomtlon can remsrkabbt family have rancwsil An out attired of the coronation. It waa tke atonal 1W orowaed kmg and quean Perlad of Church Bulldlna. it la convenient for ts.000 before the rtver .cures of persons of whom heavy ctotklng. waa renewed from th T 1 many are, but 1 entkualaatle ontburata of patrW Morway. Tke royal party left tke lie returned full of rvllaloua ia: and that am tdwrlng at a enecied, end ao eontrart can ke no maa cewm tax tar Mto Sylvia, lor putting Into tbla one lot Incorporation - record was kept. Is tout of to river lam la all parte of tke elly aa H an- - Wtoee at 11:08 a. ai.. and enierad tka amblUoua plana for hla own national I nw actually until the I. oerfeet- tbelr names were never learned. WhHtafcer after a daring dive and rot-wkto- k. yeara energy H my oemg. ed. For the prcawut all nouaeed tke bogtHnlag of tke day on ",,rl ml"",t The capital, and during the nest few work every v.ork will have Born and raised at water's strusjgle that threatened the live - u kegit immedlntely he built tb preeent iranaept of the 1M mn .ubslllute sentintrr.sllty for to wait until the fund are on hand is after a long period of depend- aUty. edge, end taalag to aquatic sports of both women, be brought her 'o lw(eHHideit f',T..Uw,r?w" Tkr crowning of cathedral, a central tower, religion, p.ufesslon for talk for to work further. It Is absolutely nee bepare nee tke llrat ruler of worked oat eaaary tear were note to walk, every the .bore Norway waa to be erowaad. 8oen rptoted at 11:15 p. m. the Chapter Houae, all 'it e atyle crvlce; but he literally thet sll of this sum he paid in may Milwaukee TH In klm, member of tbe Wu.itufter family At tho AJMeUc riub. tke Itaelf. Tke crowd. ooroiurttoa ef tke neen at of the late Homaneeque period. Ilia that whlck Ood kad worked at once Thla meaua for fvery delin awtmsnlng Ml WkjKtaker Hfo town beatlrred b,-- day. aa he welt take pride In their Btba aaved the of la tke etreeta Inereaeed wltk erew nd waa completed at U.I5. aucoeeaor nnlsbed thf magnlHi'eut th.juali lk Bplrlt. day quent subscriber to aet busy and look prowaaa. Tho girls, wMie not aa an Inexperienced young woman swim uuy-e-ti. nctagoual apa cov- - II abaolu.o ronosutratlon of for the committee watt tke minute; troopa began to warehl1 i.n ish ram choir and the that wit. The !m't for powerful as brother, ar a I mer Hearing hrioka of her i:".iaBd , In direction of you. tkeir the tkrouab tka annlnt atreeta of tbe lownl,,, arrived at ihn palam nve,ered tbe relica uf St. Olaf. ami from all his force tb commit tea tn look for Tbe bond moet a proBe ten l (nonunion. MIm Whit inker ran to th . n. oaa 01 glnne aocompantod by baada playlag etir mtnutea Jater. tka time tke building art-- through ail heaven, characterised Paul Trea.urer wt uccepted "I wns ymra age wken In see ibt-- I ' Ch lu roea, uy barely lo of edae of the lank 'hoe to nag march nutate. Per tha Oemmen Ma. aorta of esuUtrent Imagining., which among the greateat riallan ie aesoriMNm and ordered r cord made my reetme," gald Oeo. woman sink. Hie quickly dived ami Im ' The time of coronation kad been The coronation caromonlea. whicit''t upon it tracea of the aplendor of that had over lived tx fore Biro. eil In tbe pntbnte clerk's offlrt' "I was on a pier brought .hallow water, tke period, tne Whlitaker. siting her to net for 1 1 o'clock ta tka forenoon and were elnaorata, were con ducted by tke tke early Uuthlc mingled with Paul'a mark: cbrtot wbh when one n group of rescue It Ju MORE POR la the rl er of Tho aeasatlonal of Mis aa that time apnroaeked an enonnoue Mahop of rroedfcjem, aaattled by tke tka oleeetoal Romaeeeiiue in mwk a mark on which he had makad hi lite. SETTLERS boys In swimming went beyond kis me, keel, by Mis Whlttaker. manner u of - too. of ESTANL.IM VALLEY. Unas wave of humanity moved toward tke leading cabinet Mmletera and tke aa to areata menuinent with tbe fondeat ei- tatkm. depth. Mto companions look ,ght, 1 attU tne csuse of meek eanntnc center o( the city, .where the aneteel rblef juatloe. At tke termination ot abeolnte beauty. It kaa been repeat wlnnlna the prise. He sought for A party of ten homeseeker. Ir. tonviag fcws to I mail- - by was drown. When her brother aad itoter. Attlreo eatkedral to akueted. The atepa be- the proceeding' the president of ttta edly damaged by lire and tbe element, the ktokest mark obtainable. He cbarae of the J. C. Maxwell Immigra- sad ni dausjer I numkly Jwupsd tn In an immense picture knt, hvmey la now In devontedly nm tween the royal palace and tke cathe- Morlhing called out, "Oou nave the but the baHda of not wllllHK to rum sours eiernai tion company, arrived In Santa Pe, after klm, and after a atrwaspe gown and wklte koes. aha waa watch- - ware kept by which King Him Queen," tke whole die-- careful reetorera. Tka great central Interest on any thing .hort of the beat. about mldalgkl, Wsdneday, and reg- grouo dral clear troop, and - brought turn to the akora." lag a of young women at the formed nn Impregnable cordon, be- iHgtUhed eomnany heartily took up tower, wltk ita four corner turret., He was not In tke tminas uf aalva- istered at tbe Claire. Ye.iorday after- kle experience, swimmmie eebool wbog Mies Host fell complete.4 After Sret fJeors hind which the tkoueaad of spect- tke ery. After their return to tke waa nut until Itel, and It la tton aimicy for fun. nor waa be doing noon 'hey left via tke tenia P-- Cen- became a life eavsr so frequently HMU Into dawaest seetton of the great Nor-weeto- snya, tho ator formed a aolld toaaa ot human- palaee their majeallna appeared at the a matter ut greet regret to the trtHnneas w uaeenaiiMins: tie tral for tke Hettnela valley, where ka eegau to leok at It aa ...s ektaf bank. Vveten ahe bed sunk for the 1 1 am ity. Mvary window and balcony and window, atlll wearing their oorouation that the other reetorations For know whom Ixdleved. and they will Investigate eendklonn (trior eaiioa. mnirmg uetaiis or hm seetmti tima, aime wwpxauer, wnaour even aome of the roof were occupied robea, and tte vne throng outahla jhuve not been completed In time for persuaded tkri he ia able ta keep that to selecting homestead traata. if they many espertenoas would Nil n voi- - removing her hat. plungad la dad re by peepto who were atuloualy await-lu- g broke lute hearty okeera. today' eerentonlea. indeed, It will whlck I he a own muted unto Him are favorably impressed wltk the pub-li- e cueu kor. the arrtral of the royal proeeeelon. Mr. and Mr. Bryan Prttent. be deeadea before tke reaUNration la agnlust that day." The CMlat lit binds, they will, irnen returning to Royal Couple Appaar. In the early worn In it autaltera of completed, but the work goea atendlly was the material that be dally wove 8enta PV, make oHtnas at the local per Shortly before 10:30 the king and rain fell and it chill wind off the fjord oh, a fund of loo,oo kronera Into hla character. 8u h waa the wt United mates land omen. They will the irrigaUK and talNfng f oamtl. queen, attired In their magnificent made it neeeeeary to wear overeoata annum betpg provided by the state. porta noe that he attached to the pnte then go to their homes and make A and tke Imprttvlng land In tha Met the Too f ooroaatlon ooeturaes. and aeeowpa-tile- d ami winter clothing.. Tke eathedral Entirely Muh Salmon. tor wh en he ran. ttuu na eouid not Anal preparaUnna for owning to the Water vsitey, Th vqrAw for irrigation bv a brilliant train, utarted for tilled early. The crowd unooveretl There la mi royal papalee In Trotid afford a lower mark for Ms guide Met acta valley to besom permanent CATION PROJECT injrooesa will be reaured inm two the eathedral. The oorteaja laoluded whetuthe bialiope entered. Tlie tdah-u- p kjem, and during the eoronetlon fee than that of Christ, Himself. Tn reatilents. The hawlj of tke Intending rivet, the Kino Wttor and th Co tbe member of the royal koeee, inauy 'were followed by a number ef t!vHlee the rual family will uae the true watlmnte nut on anytktng may be settlers are: ft A. Tkammmn, Mto kM wood, whteh JntK Just , n- - forM rul-o- ra reatdeflee of tbe HUfteamlmnr-i- the ny SnaLsaWaab datVaa OaVaXaaJLaanat 1 foreign prtueea, reyreaenUag tke prieala. robed la white, who formed determined wrgeir ctiort. ra.ue 1II1I. Mies TlwthMoti. K. O. Mrova, Dr. SSfysWW wnweP IwffnSVflffH VrVUaTl fll B'W VJ, aentl-clrcl- governor prevlBee. ef varloua Hurorcan eouDtrlea, a e ahtHtt the altar, aad of the Tkla atanda to obtain It. The parent who prop c. O Adams. P. R. Troy, Joka a For the Blue Water Valley, wMeh at present coaatoU of ahoat the membara of tke cabinet, tke offl-ee- ra with bowed heada offered prayera for In the center of tke city, near tka erly apnraotatea aducatiim ia not will Pours. Wlekila. Kaa.; J. C. Killer. se.aeO acre. of ike royal koaeakold, rpre tke king and queen. great market p'aoe, wkere tke people laa that kla ohlid ahai. us taugbt uy South Haven. Ka.; W II. Incorporated Tbe oonepouy inteno to pwew un aentlvaa of tka aortkiug aad of tke AeenmunnylHg the apecial Anertean gather dally In a plctureeque tkrong, as laeomneteni taachcr Nor will one WalllngloB, ias. Company to der trrigntion the whole of these J. to buy and tbe produce of tbe con muaMpelKJeti ot ike ndaeipal cttlee embaaay were Mr. and Mr. William 1 tell . wko rwkllv values life, oto acrea, and to deveiap tka land. of Nerway. Bryan, the people watchea tkto oouatry nnd the fjord. The town, m tent to tke leadership of mortal man, A SALL'JP WOMAN Make Improvements. Improve and form it, and. If they so Tka aneJent eatkedral preaanted a part with great Internet orinary t me, ia hum more man a Dtll like J'aui. f : res a nigner SHOOTS AT MAN ace It, to later dlaptaw Of It latrecta magnlAeant spectatle, when the royal The eiainag ptimm and prtaeeaeea , JJT" mark, tbst of Cbil. Ho muck ab Friday morning some little eaatta-me- et suitable to tha puiebssst. roupie entered, while crowd, oa were okeeroo aa they drove along tke tain Hfito in habttania. oklef sorbed was St. I'sul 1,1 ie ntark be had wa caused on Ratiroad svenae AN IMMGNSB 3,(HX).ACRE FARM Tka projast of the saw eompany. tke Rak- tke eatkedral aqmu-- e ebeerad wltk lane, troopa lining the cathedral ap-- Induatry of tbe place to aalmen cboeen to nuMe klm i" tn prlie, that by t..e aound uf a pistol shot, sayath which to fatoksd by haawBttrs and 1 ar- - naboHMdetf caibualaem. Pagea in gr-geot- M proNehea. The kirt; nnd qwen rode ing, and aalmoa tbe principal he .aid' "Kor to m- m live Is Christ. Oallup Republican. On laveetigatiow capMollata of tke oast, bos rather a ticle of food in- - the province. A- i un) forma carried tke tralna ot to tbe eethri'a! !,i a cloeed atnte and to die is gain." bat is, for ma it wa found that Mr. John Qnlan bad Aitlele of for tbe largo seogo, aad to Intsadsd tomako lthough tke aalmoa la probably ibe live, la hot August with iaosimision tn tne royal rokea draped over tka eoach. Both won ermine robee. Tbe to to fsrUici "salt Christ ia taken a at Rtchter wbM,er farther pavahssmi of tond-- taw val B fat world, nartieu- - lx-- . Blue DeveKossent of tke king and tbe queen. king aalwted In reply to tne aetata- - neat tke tke leant tke eartk. tut to die. ihnre would opes s hooter Tbe .hooting 100k toy and turn whom mto one Im- - akouldera kw to tone ap-- ko Heralda opened the cortege when It Hone of the people traveler liable to Ma up to me a larger aii 01 njesseanesa place at about o'clock snd reeuRed were Sled with the territorial menae kta, unless, aa ataied above. atole to Haadherchlet. flaga were waved tor To Paul R waa a glorious thing to in s From what could be tary at Friday. Tha St It. tnareked tkrougk tbe center and ' q ". cl'u mis. Saau re they see to soli were fol-lo- b crowd waa only OO-- mncn. inner ana aeppwr, have aa an ex.mpta and Christ (x the sffsir, It ia that pany. wktok a cagdtal tke atom) of tke altar They tbe but there - Christ tosrned atnted has Stock of As the Blue Water raMey Is very I acd between menla,', If ke akould hap- aa never of, flftO.oet). XtflOt) paid no, ky tke meater of oereMoaiee. c una cheering, waien tbe royal kis mark, ka lost alabt Rlrhter waa driving out chicken and kM ns tta fertile, aad aa tkere la a asjtetaasy of carrying a long wklte ataa. Tkea party entered tke cathedral all' pree a to be baagry. The town, where Though behind prison walla, or driven other live vtock to th Incorporator S. VY. Wortky. of Chi- water tbHrahouts far trrtasxloa pur car-ryl- hug tke shore of fjord, ia moat came gorgeoualy attired oaHcere, ent roee. At the conelualon of tbe r tbe by storms at v. ni eye was evrr Qulnn from tbe bach of tbe Richter cago. Marry P. Im and Harry poasa. on I waiting to ha tamed in'o pIctuBjHMine- - It la entirely arowas other inalgala of crowning of tke king, ealntea were built almoat Sled on Jesus. To follow Christ nluou Mr gulou uw what wa go-la- g of this city, the tost two aasa-e- Irrigation dwebe ami there,, tka and wood, prevailing oolora are ransli the kingdom, tke royal eeeptre aad flred from tbe land bauertea aad nil of and the tbe one work of bl life, tke song of on and went into the houae and It In understood, acting nominally. no reason why tbe vwatore, tors s m upon ahlpa ta In red and nreen. The etreeta, however, soul. wa to every with pt.tol. was The principnl oahtie com pray to. prove one word, resting beautiful velvet tka harbor, and tbe bell. - kta Tknt ka dead returned a Riekter of tke should not a aeontable etaaktama, etabroldered with gold. all the cbnrokee were mag. are uabeautifully wide, but tkla dl- tklag tknt did not rotnekta with hla In the buck door of his plsee and Mrs will be malatslned fr tke present In 8nltant AHemMy. reals ef Nerae Nation, miaianea tao daoger 01 are, wniea wn Idea Is suaxMted )v toese word ttulnn Srod at him. The bullet went tkls city (Mlhedral waa wltk a Skjetn, tke ancient capital at periodically lireaka out amoag ike Yea. doubtless, jd I oant all fblai wild, hlmaelf erarce While gentlemen above DR. TIGHT SUPPERS Tke tiled ptnewood buildtoga. and Klcbter made the three Including tne tke king Norway, may be oai.ed Tke wide streeta for the iieney of the by A wnr-ra- appear . rirllltoat ggrperlng, of open but lost eir. golag through the door named the Incorporator, reoreaeotattvae of tka varloaa the cradle of the Noree nation. It to to view wonderful vlataa of tbe knowledae of Christ n I)rd: wa leaned by fudge Brown, snd it Is understood that those asoat hear, JFROM POISOff roek-ttoun- d goveramenta, aooordlng to mentioned ktotory, before fjord aad tbe beautiful for whom I hnva suff red tke loa f s hie laaue goes press. Friday. It ily latereated In the new company are foreign rat la city. to rank, kick dtgnltartaa of tka there waa a united Norway, In eeu-neoti- kills thai lie betd the Wkea all tklags. and do count tkem but is ripened tknt Mrs. Qui sa will kave Messrs. Worthy, of Chlossm; C. K. BIS EASE their la sally ' WAS CONTHAfTSB utate. high omcer rraaUtig tka with Harold, tke Pair Hauwd, tke areat fiord full of decked dross, that I mar win la Obrtet rt hearing In the afternoon, when the .natlaad. of imaver. aad W. P.Skel-Ion- , WHILE ROUCATOR AHSLtO and vnrkNW wko conuuered all the petty klnga or aklttv and pleasure yacbta. when tke was tkls type of Cbri.laalty that the detail of tbe eaae will bronwkt of Chicago, who together with armv and narr tka city ta by flying flags ana be PSR PkfH AMID SSBNiS OF branched of tke government, the Nome ommtrlea, and uaited tkem ekeded Master had reference to wke ke astd jout 0(1 ,ho reesoa for the attempted Muonei J. S. Van Down, of Oktoaga. OHILBHOOO. rtia aneanation orMonr wna high Into a Klnnle etate under kta own (Militant douoratlons, and when tke "Oreater love hath no man than tbl. skootlng learned. and Ooorgo J. Aoderaea, a well known waa performed by erewa, In tke part of tke nlatk people are all abroad in their quaint that . man toy down ato life for bl Denver Irrigation engineer, who were ly Impremdve. it latter and brigbtlr colored costume., moving Dr. W, 0. Tight, uf tha University antaouwop or 1 century, it not uitnin arm friends- - Ta are my 'rlenda. If you do to tha aMy last week foraulaUng the tne ruwwj, sut aid happily among uniformed Tbe health ottoar. tke Imard of of Now Mexico, returned tost night aa t & uamhar of nromhieat mlnla importance in tke klngitow untli akeat whatsoever I command you." police force are oranaltatton of the aomosny plena lu soIdler, and officials aad dts health and all the from an oat snood re trip the ten end dkuHUrkw of tke ckurett naaJton the Oood waa crowned tkatre SiiMse, Paul's prise: The prite for which keeping a ekma watch oa nil premtsee like conrpnny. which will opsrale in snet While asking; at kta oM kome cmum dtiraraMt of tka klngdeni in ambj tbe joyful aeetaniatlona visitors, tke seen is la bo ran waa kaavsa, and at so time In tne Snm WStter valley, la aarU sli, deed wortke tka long voyage that in tne cRy the owners or waiea aave in Ohio the doetar ksmiina ahoeted the exaet maaaant, when tke crown of tke people, wko kad aaecaai fully kta Christina career did he doubt for not compiled aeuKn omm- - oouanr. Is the tnatgrowth ot tke with a potooa, whtok hag awvored bis At Must be made an tkrougk the north-e- m Wttt the waa pUoed upon tke kaad of tke king rebelled agelnat tke cruel tyranny ot a moment hla aoiiit) to win through ance. a it ia latasded to make Albn- - Bros water irrisntlon and Land heads wtth soraa snd krlatars very -- sea to Trondojem. n royal aaiute waa area oy w ot Nrtek Moadge and kta deaaotle pkrlat. "I oaa do an Stage," said he. aueraue on of toe most perfectly PW. at one time latereated la irrtga much Khe thoaa uagaio caused b gtaee valley - lery atedtoned on tke Catkadral wife, tttoati Oanbild. than nil UnkneWn Ffltnd. "throtigk Chriet, whih strengtbentk aniiarr oMlea ta tne two term ones, two nnd toad projects la that aoison lvv. Th dlaaaaa ta not urn- The cheer, of tke people at- - tke kinga of Norway, of wkatever na- me." For me to undertake g descrip- of to one tdUnMtam Tao last earned romposy f01 sldered of a rortoms natnre. in muh. Tkere are aany inniwe who bavo sll which leads very While nuae drowned tke tkunder of tke tionality they mtgkt oe, kave to travel used OUmoariala'a Oolto. Obotora tion of beeves would be but mer Clean up or go to Jail. Tkla atoo kaa meet wtth great suacsss. owlag Chicago tha dootor perahaiad an in- Ma tnatMttatetv after tke to tkla far away oky for tke cere- nnd Dwrrkoea Remedy win .plead peculation on my pert, shout tke reference to these who violate the or-- lo certain ooadttwoa that prevnlled, strument with whkm to dotermlae tka okoJr evnwflaled by tke mony of iaveatlture. Tke King reaaHa, bat wko are unknown beeaas propriety of whtok I have aome doaht, by throw lag rubbish over tke and aoBMeasa, they tostog tbelr prln-eip- ggxt a ho came west made mna a anhenirn anna tb cat' Haakon of today owea kla name to tke they kave betnatad about giving a when I hear a minister announce that fnc into alloys. oaa veer esjo tool March, by toats aC tho value of it. Then tec oaatma kyjmn. wktok waa ostupoead Iret good knag ot an aaltad aad testimonial of their eseehence fa he will preach o. heaven, I always a paahcut. ware very satisfactory, the laatrumeat Norway, IktmfW 4!yi 'fHaSbaMk iSmataaVJaV fBouakbavasaffka whotfw 1. Uoodwia. Tho propsrty. oanala, etc., of that by Odin hennlng, a NorwefUyi aad tka little Iftitjasmeeanrf aryssj. e nPapoP nrPepmjnrs enassreagn, feel eurlpua to know he will r the oaMraator and ahsywhsK altitude nt given pnMes oaa Hftow In Mllwairitaa Tffja. 4f; eeown mince become tke namaaaka aa none tki lean friends of tku rn not kla iuforawrloa. i Mrroe that many carpenter, will leaf tonight Mr haul was sold under foreclosure, WlwwW Sioeely with aimndee given tar tke roaolualou of tka IWettuulM at tke flrat togttfbmtn anccaaeor of tka dr. They bare done areek toward have taken In band to tell ns where Rafael. Valemtto county, wkere be tiase agr. snd pnrehaaed hyl la thelanla time card. tka eiM aait aueen returned to tke areet omr TnyaaTvasnoa, wno asnkina h a kowsekotd word or thatr Lit Is, aiid bow It Is, l.'it I frankly con anaa in took over soma work la con T lamg. of lis Aogelee, Oal-- I royal palaae. greeted along tka entire crowned in tta. Up to tknt time penonal teeommeadatlona to frtosds test while many of those st temptation at the Catholic eburob lu who In turn, kns Just illspmuid of kle K B. Honing, city editor of the 1 ti ika mhoaiaatlc cbeera of Trondkjete waa toaa a aattonnl cap and neighbor, it k a good medieiae ints are beautifully worded, none tkat tocn. Atddings, tkrougk kl renrsaeatattva. hMranng Jiooraal I enjoying a visf tkeni.MaMttude IVraewa were tkrowa ital than tke nu re mroaunoM 01 to knee to tke kome and of tkem satmfv me Hosm toft us tkat BURLINOAMK & CO, Major . S. Yen ttoren. who haa boea from 4to motker Mr A C. Keed. ef I window, and kaJeotoa taanorteat. afoeinee. he to PM Olaf known cures dlai tkls cartk will be iraaanmmed and 0 3. In tho alty for severe! uaye past, tn Bt. luns. The !tler part of tke fro tka for lis of compear Worthy, age, bate antt aaaoaerwiiew uww Tnanrraaaon told Um foundation at all Cornea ot bowel viamsle. iror salt the good will eontlnue to Hve here, ASSAY OFnOE-O- Titty with Mr ef Ohl week Mm. Rood and son will lease ally waeod. tke present dty, wktok ka tken called ay an dragfjiats while others believe dtffessmtly. It otge. oomptetlsg the dstalls of tho a a inVmeure trip to th CStr of Mex- - amnd S4ate Dinner. Kkmroa. ft to tka nattkernmoet tewa to aaoagk tar um to hnaw rhat it is mCutarwSt.lSM. iwfnmr: i rrejBstir of ine vronerty to inn newiyime rsey wm mum M st atnar nataee of any importance la iwreee, aeang Saw. Thomas Harwoed was la amau the heap the redfam ad, wherever TOin'rrFiTTrTirT 1 MnM"""' Blu water Devetovavaatltiy boat to WvMsaS, TSinto, where 1 a med ateie ainner at tka at m by tkree at: anted la tke aan latttaie as tka Fe yaetaylay, where ha aU ended tk If toe greet smism an hmnor turn. io.nasvuy. itsaw wtn eosnajn an a winamiir far a raitowed. wblok waa aitanded all Tula MStW.rirtesd tet Par tta which tag per- - eonu. aoaat of leeland, eat u law a eedleattoa iieiasaaaitos of tke new St. ho disease it aoiawful ut gsaak of it, eanevmVrnM Tha :w roaxfauj' bee sVltasM wftt tkom around baadred aejaata. aaaang Uwaa the roaatpaonaa atroagar lenaaarata John's Methodist Kptseopal chuisb. ftfttjr hi goosral w.r U genet be ali Uewrte arver'teto jsets the of roasrvolre. Key West. toMl a WPiaanatiB bihi.-- lVtvt

1 Division WHlb Mxlco were at .ants Fa the aaat few daya. Weekly to cwy Mat OFFICIAL MATTERS Albuquerque Citizen Tba agreement between the United fltatea and the returned the alghv. Mr. Oartwell wrcte a few boIIcIm for tba rapubNc of Meslco, concerning the division of waters tubMriptHin Rato. the ( Mutual Itoaoflt Ufa Insurance om of tbe lUn Orande at HI Paao whkm waa eatared lato of which ha la lb general aawat ratably ORlMtt, per j Receip- mt Local Happenings Notaries Public-Reve- nue DSN? Ottawa, per yar by Ura repreaeaUtlvea oi the tw oovatriaa May II, but n, Mexico. Watch waa public only the other, day, la In fol- Oaataln C M. Trier, forurefly a made tbe in it auiiaiiia iiiiiiianiiiiiaiiijiiiimaninijiju a lowing words: member of the tocal solioa forea, tor ts-Commissions to fTeway,.JHna aa.) ture, bureau of plant ladaatry. and lag Marroa'a adMlniatratloa gg laatar, Why Interested ArlWe I. r t completion Adataft W!i' r Baton. In tba baa come to the territory to lavoatl- - ia la tbo city from bin home tetlaa Wool Growers' Con- ThB Phoealx Republleaa Mmi highly MIimii that After the of the proposed storage dam r,t the agricultural Beraardlno, Cel., ahaklng baada Bagtc. system ate poaalbllltica of aad nay piraca or wi of preont outside of Arltooa'e Bear New Meilro, and 'he distributing Mru. 3!"W. V lUdclla la In the city Naw Mealco, aa well aa the conditions renewing aeouatataarc with his many vention. auxiliary thereto, and aa anon as water abatl be available froat Nat aad ahopplng. of tbe crops that are being grown at old friends in ibis city. corporation and the paaora wbtoh do their will. 1 snored bt said system for ihr purpose, in lTnltd fltatea shall "Down gat the Farm" at the big Present The gentleman thl nora- - The 6c cream social given iy the obouM foal any Interest la Ariaoaa'e determination of deliver 10 Mexico a lotal of tiu.oon arru-fe- of water "rrw' "OKI hvoaaa tonight, lag aecurod tbo names of several farm- - Albaoaorque Sorialiet orgaalr ttoa la i OTHER tba eiaiehood queettoa. In marked coMraat with the twnually. In the bed of tbo Mo Orande at the point where Martaao otcro are ia era from tha tmstn irmMi or the Commercial dab hnW tg laat IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS the atby Ibaai 'he Jemei bd springa. Tbe Jtvaala Citlxen, In night waa a decided aaccea. Tba n tbe band works of the Aoeaula Mad re, known aa the Old and cones Paooait mornloff paper's churlish auritaosa It too Mkst ParoMiv (toHowav returned attendance waa large Mestoan canal, now etlat above the city of Junrec, taaacc asaat aeveral hours dtirlna the aad the cream bright, ahlirfut aad taeptrtag latereat ia the ycatartay frtm n visit to her mother aay at tba gardens of Herman Blncher waa excellent, uoaordlag to some The following nobwtoa public have Maaieu t OMN-Cnwtn- auvar oit aad Broa., of aboaa who partook 1L doototod by l. Maaa ta old town. of by Cmmnm Maawr- - attestkm tat ArMale II. H. MaOroai trave'.lag auditor for Tba old taaala caarta nn Wpat O Goadaeior aad Mra. rraak Murphy ld Oragatlu (ertoaa, jfawiaao, Thaw arc grant aaya for the eouthweat. Oklahona The delivery of the aald amount 1 water ahull be (he flat pay tem, Is la the rrty on yacterdty eelebmud the tflaaath arenua.. If th mmmi Mtmmm Taoa aad ImMm Territory aro HboM to wilt tat forty -- sixth aaaared iiy the United fltatea, aad shall be distributed oflcial baarar of their marriage Mr. aambar of taaala eatbuaieats do not wttism C. A repreaaattWK go aatray. may Taos county. oat-wa- rd through year In name ptwaortlona water baaatifn picture Marphy la a on be rsbaatlttatcd aad Mar a tko Batten! tag. Their aolchbors ui the . the the as the toaular trainman the ft"". awpnty proposed to be furnished rror. the aald Irrbjntloa the liOfd'a fuptwr waa preacatcd to Albaaenms-Mnalo- w dlvtaion of the tha asm revived here this summer Fatteffloa flttabrlsbsd. at lobaiy to pmee tka torty-sevea- th Ui boakto It' tbe ltbaran hurch by Mrs. Ooet-Mr- s. coast Mac of the Santa Fe. and with ag a aambar of taaala ptoyert arc or to lands tn the Halted fltatea la the totally of ganbtiaa: pnetofflaa baa acoH eaubllahed twvotr-oM- o atotea weat of tlM Mlaawariaax. Mra. Marphy haa aaay friends hare a club with tkmaa InlMtlmu Thare m ha rtem Teaaa. according to tbe fattowtag aoaodataf, aa 1,1 c. A iwhman went to Santa who will Jain thla paper la wlahtag nartoa F. Lummla, rbputad tba aaaery oaa, yntan couaty, to be aMNipwd twenty -- si which are eaat of aaarty aa may poaaible: (The sabednle give month- aa trim tbe It be Fe this groining to be tbe guest of ihefo many future aaniveraartea. treat cat writer ia tbe world of Amor- - earved from Watervate. Coto., eight heoa atowlr ly division of water, tbe total of which to to.too acre-fa- ot her stater, M- - a T. Toe aaaaSgttoa warts, which haa nwvhnj Oscar Watenn. for H. Tucker, cattle Inspector for Irate ,T. m- Mt milm 10 lM for Meitco per year, aad armfevt couple of w k tbe eighth district 'jfe! - la tba pat law years, I aow not a quicktr SB" lato J.etl.W.on of New Mexico, mto"hm? ohJTK" V to the United fltatea.) Attorney n. ral Held, aim waa waa brought to St. Josephs hoaplta. L?rJZZ2X from the "ty. aixMw mUa. to Bay Ho-we- aoata. TBoroee the sftttoa will mat oetitera aad capital beyond rl- - called ll on public pri- morn otobaoaa ine H. Mei km baa m la caie, however, of extraordinary drought or to and thla hut r John F. Futlerton, of tie auffarod a week ago aa been has beea aeon la rsoca imsea. The edvaat vate ruaMera to his e aVrorro, ta result en lag aaaoiNtad poatamatar. Mst oaa aecldent to tbe Irrigation ayetem la the Hatted has returned angering rroni some interaat of canned meat at Stor Bbtlahood at. ao groat that every territory eaaka at SBarta trouble which be waa unable latota. Sarvtoc bstoMiabed. at fltatea. tbe amount delivered to taa Nealeaa canal shall to deflne Star aarvtCD baa atoo, T. 3. 1lpnloa, gooda hlBMCIf. He Mr. Mrs. Romero, sccom-paaie- d bean established mm Mexico, whtoh taaa romprieed Ariaoaa de- the aportlng waa auirerlag Intoaaa and Johns be dlnsabmed la the same proportion aa tbe water mirahjtai, tori night on a baat- para, ty the between Bapan'i and Raachitaa, Mio Ita otatahood eatarts la 1IM, tbe year la which It laat but bla nerve enabled him to lattor'a mother, and ouwnty. livered to lands Irrlgatloa ayetem in taa aaaa several th northern aay that ahot "hi aloter, Mrs. Al. ColeMMa, Arrtha fowr Mitoo. Martin raatod htto a territory. A statehood movement la undersold trk to of he bad been a number have Vatoaeto been United fltatea New Mcfteo "wna. of times darlag his life, that ha from their Jaaat Ibroaflh Mex- baa awarded tba con- "rarrMary aad baaa astar way la am pbaan aad aad tract at a year. will lata Article III. Xra. V Atkins, of lion Went preferred bring ahot every be- ico, They spent a few woafct at tltt He make aaatary. waa ooareeiy 1. time lo tba the trip elx tlntce a weak. aaathor iar a taut at a Oklahoma The aald delivery shall be made without cost u, Mox ltollratfct'iiiie, la eujoylng a visit lay atok. Mama Rosalia hot spriago, aad taoa iraatad bate a tarfNaty la Ists hater, aaa began worhiat from Jmiiu E. Mayoock. an oM R. K Fergusaon. manager vlelted the City of Mexico other Inareassd Internal Revenue Reeetait. Ico, and tbe United States agrees to pay tbe whole oai MM district and Tbo in of for ataiahtat, aad Olawhuma of thoao day wan much fpam 'hicnau. for the Mut ial com- intereatlng rttles of th republic. Tbey record tbo See ot latornal tta of storing he aald quantity of water to ha delivered to fnead Life Insurance Revenue coltoewr W. P. saxaJtor ht arm Uma th territory of that mum today. abiwatf r the Territory Kay pany, with haadquartrra at Ri Paao. report bavlag had a tae time. Bard soar Meateo. of conveying the same to the International Una. -- obow there will It, wao poealatloa nolda, Hed his shetp ranges arrived from the Inst night Harry Onddinatoa, the abcriff of that be aa increase In aatlhid that walla the oaatry'a eaatar aald water, delivering It In the irta north and tba coltoctloaa made by of awaaurlng the aad Jf wtth Max. R nolda. has returned to la la tae city to u few uayn MeKinley county, waa in the last hlia of from moved weawrd oaly faartaaa mllea trata IHt to ltwt. la remain cllr to .,OM over laat year. Tni river bed above the head of the Mcxlcaa canal. It bla duttoa at ssnta Fe. walto ca home from u tvunlna for a abort time, on route to talon Mavaa; tHraa mitoa ta the eoath. Thla was dae to tka route businoat fact shows an lucreasa in popula- k aaderatood that the United fltatea aaanmss no obligation The i. roar-a- ct com- Ann QaJlup from Santa Fe. the Igoionoo Tessa, OWaboma hatatl' pastoral trip to tbe Jaan country Mr where ha had tion of territory la poaatetloa la aad ladlaa edy. ii baaa tha aad a larger con bayoafi the delivering of tbo water in tbe bad of the "Dfffla the Farm," at the nig rafguasmi aaya that the people of the to deliver Veaaaatodo Oallagoa, Hmptton Tarrttorr. la taa aaaoad ad third at thane oammaatttoH amy. aanteacod lo forty years peni- of goods aubieat to internal river above the head of the Meatean caanl. teat tatattt Uo aad aaa the Bonnwestern part or the territory arc la the revenue tax. Tba taa aaaaaaam la the west yaara win ha far sraatar Swain'a aii.iiy la all right prospermia, jabllant tentiary by judge Aabott Monday, la eoUootioaa of last ia Article IV. and are over the year amounted u tai.oao gad the vear It aaa boon la ivy aaaal tomjth of time hitherto. '. flMBrnwald, the district court bore, for taaa The delivery of water aa herein provided nm to Jobs couaty aovcBt into the country of two new murder la pravtoaa to ITt.000. aa wall aaemtly, wHI aloacr Bant 1 urtetor of the the second degree. Physical!, m taa eatlre ooathweat aa a recogaHlon by the United States of uay mursaMa. OemmlnleriB ef Mailed. Imml-gmn- to oaaatrucd Mloo Dcleaatac ha htatfiatad hy the Mew Btatahned laaaaatlna couaty idttoi mlla, Is la the city Assistant UaMed Statva Attoruay K Uillaa Pratt, representing tbe - Cbvlw on the part of Meslco to the aald waters; and It Is They were very bocy at tba exc-u- trow the eaat aad ataroae will eone to all tne gay as i aad atoaaai t. Mcdler. returned to the city thla Oatorado Springs Telegraph, who haa fra agreed lhai In consideration of each delivery of wtter, Mra. AMai - ourrylag " .wu the itataa la thai leaaHty la tawiraaalag aambera nn iiayward. wbo bat morning from Demlag. where ha sue- the cltv the out ! "T.!""." " Mealco waUee any nod all clanaa to the waters or tae aerloaaly Hi it bar home, tM cm-de- la having den.ned to Chins oaaato of day securing subscript ,M. V"" m1. of taa adverttoaeneui whleh the etarehood art will - 1"JLJ!?TZ7I1 Wo Orande for any purpose whatever Itetw en the head Oold lor tne past ten days. one Chinaman, and to Mexico, oae for tba Tetasraph'a yoaaa ladles- nrlaa .Nw . give aa, ad the auaaaalua of atreacth la bianch of - of the present Mexican canal aad Port quit man. Texns. In reported Ih on the road ti re- .alHreed Chinaman and Mexlcaa aaataat. toft this moralai for 1 Ve-- 1 " uuaaraaa will brlaa aa aaw ladaatrtal aad nnanrini ran-taaat- a. covery. TnlH i wn tag. d"J1 iVr. aud aleo declares fully settled aad dlapoeed of. and here, laiu case one of the IIret Tbe coateM In which Mlaa Pratt ..1, urn aurna i I or 4 lo Tttt the great MMthweat fort holds or exist itm The taan lends cf Miss rtua tne kind to come liefore tbe taking part la oae In which the Jf" by waive, all claims heretofore aaaerted Kawyer will orry pan 1h,,21f? rtt Lit hnlcv prtaea. agalnxt the I to learn that aaa went, and tne omciaia were at a Colorado Barings paper 1. offering .. JgJ that may hereafter arise, or be aaaerted. I -- - leaves Watt day nlgbt for Kort lose for sotii- ilnii' as to nbat trip to Salt Lake City, with all e,-- ! on of aay damages alleged to tinve ahoni t account half-oree- Untied fltatea Mmlth. Arh.. 'icre she will make her oe done with the mongrel The to the twelve young ladle. , H1B.?,!.I,!!"UtV " i.y mas ,oah TsT ,n. ZZ, Meaeloo been anatalaed by the ownera of taual In Mel 'lutiire boaat' had been caught In bad cow-- curing the torgeet number of subecrlp- - f"'. Nw Watkr of tnry'a oftce worked hard aad the Chaa. M. Liaaay, aaatlaw Mew Mexico on of the dlveraloa by cltlaeaa of the United aiatc Juuge ira and Attorney paay, aad. this was oni)lred aaaV naao. Tnare are over sixty contest- dlreator of taa it eommlaaiona ware all ev- (Irwnde. W. H. ' weat 1 1 cleat effeaae cause In Held. dis- mailed last aalaar bttraan. aaya la tuo weakly waatfear bulletin, waters of the Rio Chd. Santa is to his return to ants tba In tbe several ening tli the dlgerent delegates ArUete V. morning to end entire mc cour Mexico, so ae waa taken t the bor tricts, which Inclode the states aad datad raatarday: ng Arrays Hende Percst wiKn n the Capital CH to- - der aad hsadod south lorri lories bord-H- on of Fire Taa tataaeratura of the week Hvoraaad eunaidfraidy The UnlUd States. In CMorlRC Into this treai. iIohs the state Special Agent F. C. Dexendorf. of morrow ajai i mg. The bright little four ear -- old oaa Oatorano. Mlaa ... praetteal-l- y thereby con cede, eapreealy or by impllra'lon. any trails district mA M a ttaavw tka aarmal In the northern rouattaa. but not M. T. Mr. Mra. I. IS,,.' ' " any assert or wawu Parl.rty. of Morinnr atailoa of aad W. Swain la vir Xow Mexico There nr two ot her I. J.LJ ..LTTL ZT:ZL , 7." aarftHU m the aoHtaera. Ooaeral reHaf fraaa the aat al basis for claims Iteretofare el oa tba Huh.' "V who waa tually a prlaoner a In BfHilaotaaa , any CaatraL tbaae day taa la the territory, one ' auilJU iuUv ! hK..... lul. of taa ptarttRks week waa wjwrtintJ:, awxl may he hereafter asserted hy rcaaon of losses here ycatard - oa btaxtnoat. returned bla ahowmaa'a private aar at the todkl SaJMM and the otbor at Vegas. Will HJ aaraash - F. Ua iii h by the owners of land la Mexico dm- or ulleged north, On ,,f V under con- - mam wajaratnrea la eaoaea of t detraaa om erred at thto tinrnlnc aad will atop la depot. Several weeba ago, while tba July t the Fraternal IHWherhood damage tllreraMm tbe water of the Rbt g uy confla-uin- g compaay will om- - w baa aattty 6t Qte afmthera ralley atatloaa. Hlk wlada ware to he dae to tbe of Santd Fa or two bataro was napping at bld a puMlc laatatbitloa of done, Special Agent''i'!' fltatea; nor doe United to ato iiome Marairty. Keamouy met witn a very ratatM cers la tbatr lodge rooma In & Frank Orrx f miller ikanuvot oocnrraaee. The night roatlaae Orande within tbe Uaitad the at palatal. taa Klks' la waa dispatched by him to xrene gen- Mrs. I wtTa of immi-ne- r the jtaat. light froat aoHMn States la any way concede tan aatabllsltuient of aay LB the fact, serious accident. Ha waa abv aa a role, aad uotarrad at ! " flr" oon a he learned of of precedent hy concluding or Vzz VpIob dwpot liar lag around tbe depot aad IS raantng ZiarZ,Z.i0' of taa atatrVMe btgher northera uaaeetally eral principle the i Ito existence The commtooloaor of la tba dktrtrta. n y )i through up dapatt-me- at treaty undcraiaadlag of both panics la that tbe eatlac tic, iraaiad th aa incline to the might ItTV. on tba ab)Hi of the The entaftt mouataln. only city thla, at route to Is. be slipped and fell, with tba re- u;icer;.;Tmn..n:re. ?"c' 1 arrangement rontempinted by this treaty extends grannod roll Some aTatttilMaa arevalld on ib 1 at bad ltd aad luntH. wdlcr' he wilt te taa gueat of sult that the bone of the right lag. laa aad n and .r'.'t to pottlou nf Itlo Orande which forma the later poctetbook. 4 a few IbjM aad wMely Katterwt thundaratoraw ooearrod the the friends. Just above the ankle, wa broken. Tka A small banging v, from of the Mexican canal - ki--i. . bat no MNttortal relief ftoat tht urevalllog drynaaa ra-- national boundary, the head X. T. flan lur. agent for the Home intending phyalataa set th.- limb, atoc dmiiv to umi TZLL aaltad aad rata la gaaarally needed. Irrigation water down 10 Fort Qultaun. Teaaa, and In no other case Supply com puny, on the Albaquerque Ing It In a ptcater of uarla caat tic oaaMscter or bis eaawaae aceimat. ill vision, i way company waa picked up on TRAGEDY AT KELVIN MAX to Ntaattfal, '. rrama dreaa-ikK- . ArtWe VI. la in he city oa hit to fore the loaves Albuquerque Booth Second street yeigMBM bt bat aortbern an I The yaraeaUge of aaaahlaf xraa largv. The present convention shall m rnttflcd 'y hotb xiulavtlto. K Mr. Handafar aaa be an tne cast will be removed from tbe lit ibis morning aad left at thla office natltu-tloaa- l Klwn a toaw of abaenoa. wbtob he le fellow's tog. fcnd It Is hoped Tbe owner may recognise his nroo- - fcBhRT MURDLRED ' Tba faUawtag taaiparatarea raaorted Albu- - coniraottng parties In accordance with their the ate hanajed XHCtS to S nd among home folk. lreak will be found thoroughly united erty by me following words written lapaWhd Hbjliial, loweat. at. Ct Klgkeat, M; procedure, and the itlacatkms shall le cxi II; laao Me. A. O Harrison Isft thla morn laerein: "I don't care where I am Wiird waa bi ought n. Phoenix of u Vegaa-Hlg- be(, ; loweat. II at Wnablagtm as soon as posalads. going, I t'laaMI, N. Laa !' aaaia Ina for a f weekK ' vacation In (WasMeaday. June 7.) trtit am on my way." murder at Kelvin the other night In It: loweat I . hsntn Fa the 8an Juan district Regular meet Inn of ,.e kths tonight Word cornea from Jxn Beach, cal.. the ahootlag 4 Maximilian Kbert, day Tuerv will Ii no Ncrvicea nt St. John's i o'clock inai tbe Farr family is havlag a tae watobmaa at bbb mill of the Huy mine. - time, Hoary Clewi The future of oar atoek market, of Strosbrllr Futrdixat 'hurch durii hi abaenri , inn thi J A Woh thi- mining man, I' In miss Margaret Pocr. the pretty by M. H. OoaaAfley the nlgbt watch- - - ,wr , onaraa, depeada vrry largoly upim the croaa Thaa fat laa following strong arguments aflalaat Joint slat- siiihIh sch will mei i si the usual me lit from CKIdea. ue unuguier or and Mrs. WW maa, aaya tba RapubUean. There waa - llam Farr. cclei.raimi aavbwa have been aumewhat lonaiuilng. A ourfirlent hood are taken from Hie Uouglas. Aria., Daily Dlapatch limn Hon. sokimon I. una aad wife are In her 7tb birth ttroag Ulk of lynchlag Courne. and (at Th. ii id Argii-- i nays city from Um day on .aet Uniiirday. June 81. giving after tba waa '. odjajtt orog la araetleally aneurfd. bin no bumpi--r yield. They are tbe strongest which Tbu Lttlaaa haa thus Oisnd"i. iiBSaa. a Japanese laaaoat ha hurri.m to - , l Hen luach party to a aambar Pforee.ce la tote, aad It la atlli to early to form an optnlou seen In fact they art- m strong that they an-- like tiiah l'i: Br nluwe home Fried boM, at WhtbaiS Bros for aafsAaauxtog III AII.IW'. iue. yal'l a visit Satui " f' u No. today for CMaatu and ot little people of lng Beach Mlaa iB the eveniag ofThursla Huert abb) grain. There Im nothing dlaturb- - much of the canned atOsT, very far gone t Margaret at day nluli i Mgi'" nuper tin, V. II eaat Flonrnoy. daughter of Mr. weat to the mill with a wheelbarrow ap- - putridity. It may be in pcaefna that they Flo-iroo- y bowwvar, Juat now la (he grain outlook. Cotton la actual said A M xr kvi mra intention Attorney H. fl. Ferguaaoa weat to and Mrs. John t of thla to get a load of wood. Tbe hilling was to have been aomewhat uffeetad by unfavorable are In answer to some extracts selected from New Mex i, vleli ry chapii r of Royal Arcti Mnula Fi last nigh, on supreme conn city, wua one of Mlaa Fart's guesta. wltneaead by no one. but Courtney t Is i bat the aroapeet i for aa abundance of IbU too papers. Rut u the arguments: Masoii" i be t rritory before tb matters .in .ersio d he weather at lng said Kbert began lh utiarrel and at arofltable prlcea. If marioan fanaera have To the Optic: When Arlxona I Otlbyt it will ha meeting kv grand Masonic bodlc Ko.iert the expert Hint ooi and dellgntful. and the vanoed upon him M thaafabot. - cokmy doing bother fattly good year, an now eaaaui probable, wo may ArUoaa Indeed and In truth with no rbB4e mruss the In Oclol" Ha spoke in high prats. ant, has xn.- to Iaa Vi and 1'iue there n!o. llevlug hia own life to beln danger aaaaaaatty look forward to another aaaaon aatlafaotory divide attached. of Siao' ' iiaater. and compliment ! rtatoa on h inmlaeaa trip. Thto atory was not believed, for the if Carlaliaii ' ., A""')0' M,n, Mrs. N. I . abouiil crone prove dlaaapotM To the New Mexican Kven thla latest sufferer isons iivn having a place Mrs W McQuodc, of the liH1 reason that Khert was known not tu aottdmoat. the of meet In, imlldlng u- gone Armljo. is making quiet preparations be quarrelsoruu. No ! and accond I'oiitmiiui, ims to r to arms were found tba lajary will fall aevaraly upon the faraera from jointure rat) lea docs not pretend that Ariaoaa ban tu u-r l "- Ept mini entire Kouthwist, hayiba I visit m m-l- a tow ,om"rroT' hui - on hia body aad to further gee anything gain from slintgaat r'f make tbe haaaaae of thir rally eaeeiieat Snaarui to the ualoa hat e ie splendid Masonic Tem Mr. and Mis. C. fc. Miiciter if 122 oad blrthiiiy Juan Is one of tbe story of Courtney unbelievable When Irbtortbalom. a poor barvvet mtaat earlly To tbe Optic: Mark Smith tella aa K I ''"" r to be pie uerquc iii not equal it .smih .ntn !reet, have gone Chi wualthy native cltlsens of Albuqaor- - had bona abut foar times, Mu a tornlag point In biiainata. a territory forever than to pay the lama nf a poople who Mr. K eft for IiIh home dumto)' ,ixo for at. extended visit to nia que, and although unpretentious aad one thing that roak.,. ihc ragedy really have nothing to tax and to make Improvements for m ininn 'lvts of a very quiet disposition, bo never- - all the sadder la that Mr. ICUr.. ho t Uwloaa The attawaa cure ia naw paaerlbed for woaten In a people who haven't the nerve, spirit or the rash to Mr. .tun H. Wn-i- :fi this morn Judge yr&nk W Parker pesaed enjoys his bachelor life In a had for boom time t..u atopptna m ,i way entirely "atlsfacwry to hbaaolf. Loadoa afiay nervoManaaa aad pmerra MAHty. It make Improvements for themselves Ing on lait to tils old home in through rbe city thla morning, ea the homo of her parent. Mr. Mr ta Tomorrow n doubt, hia old-tlm- a city . ! Maine doctor has Just recovered route to Pants Fa to attend supreme Tom Briaaoe of Mesa, .iurinK her on anaaleai hi aattlag Apart oaa hour of the day la whleh To the New Mexican Office holding may the . from u nih of sickness that oonflued conn. frlaada will call on blm at bla room BnemMit hmA v.inn,i ,.. i...... aVe araat not word. A well-kao- aarva of tba native of the burro heath, Ari- Patient attar a acveatb heaven in him to in home for aeveral waaka. Regular meeting Aid on Silver avenue, and tbay will be t Kelvin only two i.f..r. n obtHat aaya can to we truckling puppets. men of the Ladies' royallv dsn .gf that If Harrow wowaa be faabmil aoaa have una aad not These He bono. fully recover bla baaJtb society of the First M. R. church oa received aad will be furnlabod murder. .bldd taelr taagaea aad allew not only tba bagf bat the would dig la a ditch la Ariaoaa aa a territory before they In the pin. vsooda of old New JsagHUM Jnac U at I o'ekuch at tba church nay, we be governor atatw. Tbo Knights of Oolnmbaa wiU alva to hia h ani to rent for aa bear a abatl hour laaa abaat would of a joint Tbe president raa'l Horn I Pmlaaaof anrf Mrs. Rh- - parlors ath si - aa toformal .ot lal musical eater- - aaralgla and aorvoaa breakdown. Thla aaaaaa vary at bully aad bluff them oae atep bach. Thla utterance of perl g - Iter. Father Moos, of Sabiaal. waa aad aad that urn klilfna waa an union in Ahpiiin i, daughter. Mra, A'- memttera apee-ajart- vr taianKnt to the aif. their abU twmfelde. Bui It tnaaeka of tba aaual woakneaa of taa the Now Mexican shows a cowardice that would make plund mi.i i CatUaashm, in the city todtr transacting naaiaoM :ie ahlld are la lady frleads tomorrow. Tharadar. bBmh u. . tbaoHat. To aay that oagbt ta Ariaooana aabamcd to have aaythiaa to do with New wnere tie nrofaoaor, who araa and vtsltMg wttk Ofber BMawbera of m. .h nervoui waiaaa h at etorsy. far a long wb afloat oaca la awhile It oaa tabic; bat ta to Mexico's pinion strewn lava flelde. ant engau' t la aasla i Ing at the Baraa the CatboHc f .m!?$. ! lived time at Mesa aud flat taaa Mra. R. J. Cady I'M to the ee. eiwver aama time ago entered a of land W The praaaripUoa, greftl To Uardaburg Uberai: Ataae the Mtwral I" '"io teu i.. ia' laatltata. sxpaota to rotaracd wsani tiort fla it ehe aaotbor. however the city from a vlatt to Mr. Cadi, who la priffmb toT tB h he McDowell raaervaiion He riHadt H Mbfbt Ware, In utterly uaeleae ao laaa aa there printad la nxtglleh wa fail to see wberaia that light of Join tin ui whoa the laatltute eta will bo awrrod ... ,.. ... Mr. government reurinardin at the la "! Biai .hi u. tru Anthony, who waa a partway - 4 ao waaaa of apnlytag It. New Mexico can aaatat In the campaign of evocation, unia aaoblo of darlag tbo eveniag aad a vary ptoaa- take a lob of night watchman. He with Chn.H iawio. deceased, about Lmubr Urns to anticipated. ledeed, the Influence of Now Mcgbara newspapers Is nil T. . IhKmell hat, laat alga, for Uae aat Tba Katobts waa about forty years of aire The lea yean Ifl Hhi Fuerco laad will to ag. ; hko tba Aasatoa, kg be ai their bam aad It mroft fUmtl emaial rtl .....l daiaaak Star Tba Pbooak NaaabMaaa la talking aa loag as they are printed in a toaflao whleh the big to wbare wit Jola Mra. Hub ik. - coloalsatloii scbami. again in m av -- owlaoualy on the outlook tor ataUhead. It lHeraa majority of Now Mexicans do not naaarataad. city ocll, who to tpoftdlng tne aammtr " nuuniar iae tba new bom bake and msy faabta here in the fu aa J"1"who are eeaocleilr Invited, will' will be aaawa laftaea frow taa oatataa of Ariaoaa To the N nga lea. Aria.. Oaaia: Aa far aa giving ua a ture. Sinn laaetag thto city Mr. An- ontha tar aaaat c. w. Ooab. travellnx kt to bear to mmmiw tba aaooeaa of atatobood Well, "run for our money" goes, we foal that aa Arlaona jack-- thony M..'tu about ubjfht ycara la frotabt tnrTaJffi EL PASO ENJOYS A aatnt for flaato Fe. rc-- Of laair Ariaoaa ia wart of the United Her rabbit ran outran a Now Mexican jackass any day in the oath America. the arc royal entertainers r flute. tot algbt ri'aT W. H. from a buafneac trip GENUINE CYCLONE alHaanahhji ta uiado ap of taa aaaa aad daacbtera of year. Weal, aaxmriator of tba Waat U Aagatqa gad saa Ulego. Conductor R. B. Pattoo. of the aeaay atato ta tba union Xaajr of people bean bowling alleys, as. OoM avoaaa, toft Aihuquerque-Wtnalo- dlvbuoa, bat tba oft nigh Bwajawla Wafltor baa given ap bla of flHb, futly ao hut for Nao, where he teaaa poalttoa oa been granted n sixty dors' leave of A dispatch from Kt Paao, dated aaatea want ta aaa their ehlMraa admitted lato tb Such a mas falsehood aad deearvee to put haujbt of the road aad haa self-respe- base nether allay for ate absence and haa gone oa vtolt to Juno aaya: A Uaata Wky aboald tbey not lake aa latereet. Cong rasa answer from any ct log New Mextt a. It may aaatatad a pcaHloa with the Flor a It, freak aaadatorin of growing busiexts bore. Mr. Went to a old frlenda lo Sidney. Ohio. almost cyclooii proportions vlalted RI waau to havo taa baataaaa iWapaaid of. Hraeo the In- - be aald, however, that If such "canned gooda" are capa- pleasant gentlaaga la atatai Mereaatlle compaay at ruton aad ooadaatlafl AUorney and Mm. F. Vf. Clancy are The Harrimaa llaaa have adopted a Paao today, blow down a cement block aoote of taa antmbare at that Imdy will take In the ble of Influencing tbe Ariaoaa voter, then It maat be that acre a most te bowl- - oew laaaatn. a flasta Fe o a few daya. standard rail, which dlffora ma- factory in the eastern part of the city tbe pan pictarea of tbe former dtotingulshed Arlaona mg t. u ramala alley Mr. Otoary will at lead aupreme court terially from tba standard In use oa aad injured aeveral Mexican workmen Kicker coatataod more truth thaa poetry. Soma of ttaf fjsaat watermehma la aad Mra. Clancy will visit relatives other rooda. It la thicker in the baas Oae of the men suatalued a broken Tka aaaa who enjoyed tba distinct Ion at roaaJai the tba local marfpt oaa be found at tha cad filaadit. and a trifle tbtaacr at the boat, arm, ua he was burled under tbe debris aaat aar operatad la taa Fraaotaeo be aabte ataee the taa Joev iiiafiflt. aad Manager liar-bo- lt Tba Aid aortoty the Proa thereby atrengthealaB the alrdle sec of tbo factory. Brook- - amajfanieoa bo tattoo' of tion waa greeted with many a shear aa taa aaaootti- - Not Iflj.inor&nt them to uytertan church will meat tomorrow The remarkable wind freak lay In iat Pridta.t toe cold an, i tka boat of coadlUon Q K. Baraoo boo recently entered tbe faot that the factory waa only reaw earned bla ear aloag deary atraot laat The Douglas International American, which ia be- is afternoon at I o'clock in the church the for the inn. ajas. The one enjoyed upon the ..taaaarga of hia dutlea as a ouuaing in town damaged A The reauatptlon of line la oae the five years old oomea parlor, corner of Silver avenue aad at all. thla of tween four and and as near to being tbe other .i .i by the force of this of dork for the Wolto, Fargu ampraat door was blown off it a hiagea In a res - earth-Tk- a Fifth atraot. WaaaatraUoaa of the amall damage done by printed outside of Arlxona us It could tie. to be printed la tea wa tiiM-aj- In every parllca-bt- r. company, at Laa Vegaa. vtoa H fl. ! Idenos twenty-llv- . Charlie Rhodes pitched a one-h-it yards awar. But rand raaa up hill aad down: over natural It, evidently thinks that the presldeul of the United game of baaa ball recently, for rarnc. who roobmad Baturdav. Mr. ia the eaatar of i hii nlltf I has mist tat waa Mows i Par Payae baa juaaia aad flBad kMd; tbroagb raaa aad through eand States la u fool compared to llaulf, when It comes to a ttat tba city ot the mar oaa, Kan., agalnat Fort Scott, In etcured a position wtth ao more seven than (he usual aum- - rtoge Mi - tha Tba aaadaM. mat abaolutely unharmed, aad tba oaly r- - knowledge of Arlaona. It says of atkal Francis, of Albu- kanaaa Tbo game waa taa i vegaa jaanway and Power, mar sandstorms and ao oae thought aaeraue, - state league. comptoy. NAtre aim wart bj irtacea waoro taa tatenae heat of "President Rooeevett la very alow In learning the to Mr. Arthur Milan, a baai- pteyad on tbe t4tb. that anything unuaual bad accurred. It iat cob. aaa man of la thought tba bad wnrpad tka atot. dltiona exiatlng In Ariaoaa New Mexico. If he knew Ttmrimaa, Texas. The Tbo remains of John C. flollivaa. that the eycloar funnel ire and wadding took alaaa at Tcxarhaaa oa New York Money Market. dipped Into tbe city the conditions he would never advise Arlaor to vote for the treman killed yesterday ia tha oaa nan of the Jane it. MiaglajwHtta was a realdont yards In New York. June aiotier on nail and then lifted, passing over all the Yuma floatbtai : Tbera la a very itroag rumor afloat Joint atatehood Roosevelt acta nke Idea of Arlaona anil Oallup a oolltatob between a of Albuuu" run tor maay yaara aad awtteh engine a freight train, will flrmer at par eaat: prime root or the town. In the downtown that (be Mouther Pajdjg eowaanr will aupport joint New Mexico from Beverldfla. Bevarlage retlen on II. many - aad tnrH the had aaa trtaaaa Kara waa coaarata- be hipped to M uncle. Int., on the ad- mercantile paper. . , per caat. bar action taa wind register showed no aawe position Ihmw H. " atatihauil prortaloa, aad tba has Rodey of New Mexico aad SMitor Kughea of Tucson. JJ the uuBg maa who won bar vice of ream vox. allvvr. bee. higher rate than thirty miles on hour. Ifllbwt by aeveral laadtag rfaatacrata as welt aa repubil- - It would im straaao ladced If the president of thla Joseph baaaahy left, toot night for w K. After a heavy meal, take a who are outspukea far jatat autehood The aaatl-eiia- country, eapectally wkaa be la Theodore Roosevelt-scho- lar, Wan, n, tyarallng freight and a tow weeke' vtott frtoaja couple Jta. naaaenger ugast with aad SHARE OUR PROFITS of Dona's rbagulets. aad give your la favor of grown ly aw the Faaa ralatlvcr jatat ttataaond baa apparently llteratlst. stataamnn aad traveler who la n .3 Cleveland. Ohio. He will SCWINS MACHINE stomaab, liver and bowels the help fbaanaer aad stroagor every day ataae turalag down loath weat. rn, wiUi baaquartere at W .return about August II. During hut FREE. the familiar with tbe southwest and with political boat-no- they will need. Reguleta easy, Paao, la in iha otty looking after aa - Our uew protit abarina nian attahiaa bring fat tka houee bill la the senate, aad If Yuma la aay erl-a- g rouditlona in all the eouatry should not know big Maw tailoring eatabllun- regular ipaaaage aa atach for u- - rasaV Mr. Warren bald a our uaab customers to secure sewing of the bowels. there is good reaaoa to battave the provision will of conditions In Ariaoaa as dons a little paper puMlahcd IstoSt Will Ve closed. Imllai ii. ik lug wttb the SanU Fa IN Xlna va Lagtmi. daughter of Mrs. wwiiBn larpwis, lace curtains, gig-he- r at the general sleettoe. on Mexican '.n faWr the border the extreme southeaatara part Kaaaoa ui until six mouths ago, but Oaora Lturton. of Coal avenue, left acta, washing machines and otbar engineeiT Rogers De- of Arlxona The president doe not need Sever! date. loft the An li laaa to go tn the South-weat- er thla moralag lor Dodge City. Kan., valuable art .cits without coat wa Aflafhsr asauiple of tba aleaa, ilssaat ftflbt tba aaUa Modu, Hughes, or evon tba mighty interaaibMaal Ameri- n u , ,iuaa tba totter road made uassorrow give a refunding clip wua every pur ceives SCALP WOUND waera aaa win become tba cbaoe. Of Avfaoaa are putting up agalnat atatabaod amy be found can to tell bin of tba conditions In New MaxIco aad It worth hu white to akaaaa. wife of Thomas F, Wktoh. son of Mr. land for promlmum ttot. W In Mrs chin i. a Baaflban & rbaperon- - Wabili, sell eheaaer than any other by tka Naw Naalaan the Pboeula Kepoblieaa's account Arlaona. and what will be the result of vatlag down and Mrs, T. H. of thla city. W- young bouse aad rou will save - T. Roger engiaeer at lm-ori- wt the praablaat's aaaloty tn have Ariaoaa accept joint atatehood at preaaat time peiM of iatas'a society The oaramoay will bo performed by naw 'k the the Win. aay buying dlrooi from us. laundry, bad a narrow escape Inter-foroao- 4TB' ling tae ia tne Rev. atatehood. Aftei deslgnatlna It as "administration i' ..eaaoaoai. Mr. Walsh will from IBB CKy, unit ve tmaigbt on a take hia Bucklla, Rao., FIFTY CENTS aerious If not fatal injury yes la tba atatehood campaign." th- - paper OOOp VACCINATINfl bride to whore FREE lerday S lhoaaU M.ACS. tear of tin ii oaaat reaorla from he is employed as a Tba evening alioui clack, ns he aaya: "It waa imployed by the prealdem when waa Hi.- - Tioy. Ka Chief story expense machinist write for our new Mammoatt HO waa dosecadlag In or he tells thla at the Ooroaado u laa Francisco, in marriage is tbe sequel of a childhood Mage Catalogue. the etovator the I FHrnB aad a taa bin aaw laundry buildlag tattf by Ueleaalx 'Bull' Andrews of Now Mexico ami the m of lis society younn mib. At s recent party hfl oladlag a .Klo sauita cataiina lore affair, which had Ita Wgl&alBg for Me. Tba cage wax ptaaaared MBterpfiaa haak of Allegbeoy pa." waa a viaHtng beiia Who wore oaa of those btaad. in tht Atbwquarcua, about eight feet dowr tbo shaft rrmu ealerlaaathS ia . BON. I. U09K top floor, sleeveless awwsa. ware Aalta ami i.u nr. hUaa Doris Jamee Duaonn, fhe whoa a steal crowbar Ta) tba ktvallaat anas be ever l. a wall haowa laa four feet long, If It la ao everbmtuattr aariaja thai Arlioaa will go aaw. he thoBflfct. Bat she a III at aaaa Anally Uoramu un,i Otta boko. TVer Vagaa baalaaaa man. tbrofgb Houae"Uu!r hllM ItTDak rarT aad wetgtiag about ten sawed and - resad Ootx pnuada. slid -- agswM to III from tae tcm- city on through thereof of the jbaat bo to lot per cant ajailaat joint statehood, la remarked with a grMasir, i waa vaccinated th oibar the laat evening mate ta Ca I wkf. dWrnjtat m aadhillBiltn II nl lt1loilalalBT AaK carriage aad struck a moiuh weeks aasrajsmaam, ootoFfrTewBawiBlmBflat aste ayw hfn Ui atuae of all ttat la watnlarfnl. are tbe inipafatlaaa aa. and it 'took' beautifully I eoaM alawat aaraam, it WfSWfffBBf' "TSSr tasfeitoe itogera waa stunned tor Hariuga. t Atri-Ioa- e of the coast raaorta, vmara aZJSJTL and tbatr Hatalliti vanaia fbttrdUy mad at tka ax Tbe youtu giant-e- at the towtost araw of the aLf atmtat susHeleully w aaiaa a. wile COlluHO Coto wUI apeod the wf aaMaVn IL!2?".I2Ei.0rr recovered to tovflrr tbo wide-eye- tttHsWal Coiiin.. tba t Ion's havlac been loft ta UW lltfliaa of Arltne at rota 4 tfltitlflita "Wb. waawo war you van-- rtlbaar asasadHtlraaUj ! w Mm tmt aor wttb atfaty. me cit. Jiarinaa' la an mrr. kf mni Tb on U votuvtblag raaVM V Wat thahwark aaaataaT' "Is lbto(hu. r.piuj tba - TLatat i I "Vlbatoatly large Tbtrt nmm tM. agoat or the uf agrloul- Mr. uad Mra. w, J. OnrtwoU, who iBvato ISLZi I ZTJE immm it aawy rsaaiio aavaral alllabaa