Assumption Greek Orthodox Church 111 Island Pond Road Manchester NH 03109

Phone: (603) 623-2045 Fax: (603) 232-6347 [email protected]


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GreekΚ OrthodoxΙΒΩΤΟΣ Archdiocese of America

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese

of Boston

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople March 25th - Annunciation of Virgin Mary (Evangelismos)


Parish Priest March is the month of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. At the same time, the entire month of March is part of Great Lent. This is no coincidence. Our Church Fathers intentionally placed the Feast of Annunciation 4 days after the Spring Equinox and Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon of Spring. This is because both Annunciation and Easter are related to the rebirth of nature. Rebirth, not necessarily only of the nature around us, but more importantly, rebirth of our own nature. Yet, this rebirth inside of us does not happen without effort. It requires imitating Christ in fasting for 40 days. It requires giving to charity the money we save by eating less. It requires praying more often by attending the Lenten services we have Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 PM during March. It requires confessing our sins, not “directly” to God, but to a priest, as our Lord urges us to do in John 20:23 and Matthew 16:19, and James does in 5:16!

On the day of Annunciation, the Virgin Mary agrees to give flesh to the Word of God in the person of the historical Christ . On the day of Easter, Jesus Christ becomes the first man who escapes from the snare of death - He becomes the first-born of Hades! But, was Jesus the first one resurrected according to the Holy Bible? He was not! There are six resurrections recorded in Scripture prior to that of Jesus’ – not counting the Holy Men resurrected in Jerusalem at the time He gave up His Spirit on Holy Friday. What is different with His Holy Resurrection though, is that all previous resurrections were temporary. That is, those resurrected received their old bodies and that meant they had to die again later. Jesus, however, did not and will not taste death again. His body at the Resurrection is not the same body he had while He was teaching. His Holy Body remains physical but yet exalted. This means it is forever liberated from death. “Death no longer has dominion over Him” (Rom. 6:9). Something He promised will happen to our own bodies at the General


With the Annunciation, our Panagia, the Most Holy Mother of God, becomes a bridge connecting heaven and earth. She is helping God descent on earth, so all men can ascent to heaven. On Easter, the Son of God, who became Son of Man, breaks the bondage of man to eternal death. After Easter, death is temporary. After Easter, death is only a sleep - a sleep which will be interrupted by the Archangel’s voice and the trumpet of God announcing the Lord’s glorious return.

Annunciation and Easter! Two gateways to eternal life with a spring aroma. Two invitations to change our own nature. Two opportunities to use the time of Great Lent for bodily and spiritual transformation through fasting, almsgiving, prayer and repentance. Two occasions to attend more church services, to receive Holy Communion more often and to confess our sins. Blessed remaining of Great Lent to all!

Parish News During the past few months, our Board completed three major and expensive projects. Lately, it replaced the roof and the heating system of our School Building. Prior to that, the lighting of our entire parking lot was upgraded with low-energy, yet much brighter fixtures. Kudos to our 2017 president, Jim Folopoulos and the 2017 Board for a job well done for our church! The challenge our 2018 Board will be taking right after Easter is perhaps bigger that the last three put together. This next project will require pulling the talent and resources of not only our Board, but also of our entire parish. We will be announcing it soon.

Our next Board meeting will be on March 12th at 7:00 PM.

Philoptochos News The Philoptochos Society will be very busy in the coming weeks. We are collecting money for flowers for Great Lent and Easter and taking orders for Easter (tsourekia). We will also hold a Bake Sale on Saturday, March 31st (See enclosed flyers for details). On Sunday, March 25th we will be baking tsourekia and on Monday, March 26th we will be bagging the tsourekia and baking Peta and for the upcoming Bake Sale. If you can help, please contact Lucie Skouteris or Andrea Moutsioulis for details.


If you wish to donate a baked good for our upcoming Bake Sale, please contact Lucie Skouteris. Proceeds of this Bake Sale will go towards the purchase of a new Loukoumathes machine. Your help will be greatly appreciated. If you haven’t paid your 2018 dues yet, please do. Remember that we are always looking for new members to join Philoptochos. Dues are only $25.00, so please consider joining our organization and supporting our charitable efforts. If you would like to donate money for the flowers for Great Lent and Easter, please complete the form below and either give your donation to any Philoptochos Board member, or mail it in the enclosed envelope. We sincerely appreciate your support. God bless you. Lucie Skouteris, President

Please cut here and include the bottom portion with your donation in the enclosed envelope. ------


NAME: ______AMOUNT: ______

New Horizons Soup Kitchen The New Horizons Soup Kitchen visit is Sunday, March 25th, 4-6 PM this month. We are looking for new volunteers to join our group. This is such a rewarding experience; please join us for less than two hours of fellowship with the group from the Assumption Church. If you have any questions, please call the church office. Thank you!

Choir We are about to hire our new organist and choir director. Also, we are looking for volunteers to join our talented choir. All ages are welcome! Don’t be shy if you don’t have experience. All that is required is your passion and love for our church! During the summer the choir is not singing or practicing.

Youth Ministry News

GREEK SCHOOL & YOUTH MINISTRY MARCH 25th CELEBRATION On Thursday, March 29th, our Greek School students will be reciting poems, Greek dancing and singing songs in celebration of Greek Independence Day - "Tou Evangelismou.” Please join us for this joyous program and show your pride in all our children and in our heritage. Doors will open at 5:00 PM. The program will start at 5:30 PM in the Assumption Church Hall. Immediately following the presentations, we will have and refreshments. Everyone is welcome! REHEARSAL for the Greek Independence Day Celebration will be held on Thursday, March 22nd from 4:00 - 6:00 PM in the Assumption Church hall. All Greek School classes together will participate in the rehearsal during that time. G.O.Y.A. FRAPPE’ FUNDRAISER - On Thursday, March 29th, our GOYAns will hold a Frappe` fundraiser. Delicious traditional Greek frappes` will be sold during the Greek School Greek Independence Day Celebration which will take place in the Assumption Church hall. We appreciate your participation and support of our Youth Ministries.


DECORATED EASTER CANDLES Our Youth ministry will be selling decorated Easter candles from March 25th through Easter Sunday. The cost will be $15 per candle and they will be available in the narthex. All proceeds will benefit our Youth Ministries. Your support will be greatly appreciated!

IMPORTANT MARCH YOUTH MINISTRY EVENT DATES TO REMEMBER : Thursday, March 1st – NO Greek School Classes. Greek School classes resume Thurs. March 8th. Sunday, March 4th – Family Sunday: Families are encouraging to attend church to celebrate the Divine Liturgy together. Sunday School classes resume Sunday, March 11th. Thursday, March 22nd – 4:00-6:00 PM - Greek School for all classes will be held in the Church Hall to rehearse for the March 25th Greek Independence Day Celebration. Sunday, March 25th – The Annunciation (Tou Evagelismou). Please see liturgical schedule enclosed. Our Youth Ministry children will offer flowers and a few special presentations in church in observance of March 25th. Thursday, March 29th – 5:00-7:00 PM - The Greek School will present its March 25th Greek Independence Day Celebration in the Assumption Church Hall. Coffee, hot chocolate and light snacks will be offered during the presentation followed by pizza & refreshments immediately after. Everyone is welcome! Saturday, March 31st – Lazarus Saturday: The Divine Liturgy followed by a Community Breakfast. Children will be baking LAZARAKIA in the church hall. After that, we will all fold crosses with palm leaves. Everyone is welcome! Palm Sunday, April 1st – Sunday School students should proceed directly to the school building at 10:15 AM.

HOLY WEEK: April 1st – April 8th (Please see insert) • April 1st – Palm Sunday evening - Brightgroom (Nymphios) Service and candlelight procession. • April 2nd – Great and Holy Monday - Brightgroom (Nymphios) Service. • April 3rd – Great and Holy Tuesday - Chant of Kassiani. • April 4th – Great and Holy Wednesday – Two Holy Unction Services, one is short, catering to children • April 5th – Great and Holy Thursday ~ Afternoon – Greek School & Youth Lenten Workshop, 4:00 - 6:00 PM in Church Hall. Dying red eggs! ~ Evening – Gospels of the Crucifixion of Christ. Procession of Holy Cross. • April 6th – Great and Holy Friday - This day qualifies as an excused absence from all schools. Notices will be provided for the children to submit to their schools. ~ Morning: Service of Great and Royal Hours. Decoration of Epitaphios (Holy Sepulcher) ~ Afternoon: Apokathelosis Service (Unnailing of the Lord) with children participating ~ Evening – Epitaphios Procession & Lamentations (Funeral & Burial of Christ - Myrrh Bearers) • April 7th – Great and Holy Saturday - All families are encouraged to attend this short Divine Liturgy. Children should bring pots and paddles to make joyous noise at a certain time of the Service (They should be there by 9:45 AM. Please see next month’s bulletin for more details). • April 8th – Easter Sunday - Agape Vespers. • Sunday, April 22nd, 1:00 PM – Greek Independence Day Parade and other festivities in Boston. • Monday, April 23rd to Friday, April 27th – School Vacation Week. • Thursday, April 26th – NO Greek School or Greek Dance. • Sunday, April 29th – Family Sunday – No Sunday School.




Fish Dinner Sponsored by The Assumption Greek Orthodox Church Sunday, April 1st, 2018 12:00 noon Assumption church hall ADULTS: $15.00 CHILDREN: $7.00 Tickets can be purchased through: Parish CounciL members, Philoptochos members or the church office @ 623-2045

During the Fish Dinner, we will also have the “LAMB RAFFLE”


SNHU Basketball Game Outing Clean Monday Lenten Gathering



GREEK SCHOOL TEACHER Our evening Greek School is actively seeking a language teacher. The hours are 3:00 – 7:00 PM every Thursday from September to June. If you are interested, please call our office at 603-623-2045 and/or email us at [email protected]


• Fluency in speaking, reading, and writing Greek • Some type of teaching experience • Experienced in using techniques for encouraging classroom interaction • Ability to handle children with knowledge at different levels within same classroom


1. Active in the liturgical life of the parish 2. Happy to spend time with youth and be their role model 3. Dependable, flexible, punctual, conscientious, honest, trustworthy and self-motivated 4. Cooperative and team player, willing to share knowledge and assistance, as well as be open to learning and applying new skills/knowledge 5. Cool under pressure and able to handle multiple tasks 6. Able to communicate effectively and diplomatically 7. Problem solver and decision maker


Sacraments & Services When planning a baptism or wedding, please check church availability BEFORE booking your reception hall. Thank you!

Funerals Baptism February 17 - Nancy Predaris

Memorial Services March 10th – Marcos, son of th Irene and Michael Kinson March 4 - Efthimios Stamoulis - 1 year March 11th - Stephanos & Ismini Michalapoulos March 18th - Artemios Dongas

Planning Memorials When planning for a memorial, please contact the church office at 603-623-2045. There is a particular altar wine and incense we use. Please call for details!

PLANNED GIVING is a gesture that comes from the heart! Leave a -legacy!623-2045 As you. There plan isy oura certain financial kind future, of altar please wine remember and certain your Parish.incense There we use.are severalPlease typescall for of planned donations to consider. Here are a few of themdetails! to consider. In all cases, please consult your financial advisor for more information.

Charitable Bequests: Once you secure the well-being of your family, you may choose to include in your will a significant donation to your church.

Gifts of Life Insurance: Using a life insurance policy makes it possible to make a major gift while protecting the inheritance of one’s heir(s). Gifts of Listed Securities: The gift of publicly listed securities, bonds, mutual fund units or other similar securities is one of the most fiscally advantageous ways to make a substantial donation to a charitable organization because the donor will avoid paying tax on capital gains. The gift of shares or other securities will give rise to a tax credit. It is more advantageous to transfer the securities directly rather than to donate the proceeds collected from selling the securities. This type of donation is advisable to those who wish to make a substantial donation without encroaching on their liquid assets, or to those who own shares or other securities which have significantly increased in value since their acquisition. Charitable Annuities: A charitable gift annuity consists of a donation of money or other assets to a charitable organization in exchange for guaranteed earnings for life or for a determined period of time. RECOGNITION It is with much love and appreciation we have received four considerable bequests made to our parish which we feel should be recognized. The benefactors are: DORIS SPRINGER (Alex Demos’ sister), PHYLLIS BROWN, ANASTASIA GALANIS and KELLY LOCKE. Their thoughtfulness is a tribute to their caring and desire for our parish to prosper and grow for generations to come. May their memories be eternal!


Please submit your 2018 Stewardship January Stewardship Stewardship is our God-given Paraskevas Arfanakis Frank Athanasiou OBLIGATION and the PRIMARY Barbara Brown source of income for our church! James Camberis Peter Camberis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dryer Theodore Faramakis Venice Farmakis Dimitra Gakopoulos “Seek first God’s Kingdom and His Mr. & Mrs. Costas Georgopoulos Righteousness and all other things shall be Evangelia Gregorious added to you.” (Matt 6:33) Mr. & Mrs. Stathis Kapellakis Sophia Koustas Georgia Kyriazis “And some seeds fell into good soil and Pauline Pappas grew and yielded a hundredfold.” Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Poplin (Luke 8:8) Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tsekrekas Jean Vlangas Eleni Younis “Give to Cesar what is Cesar’s and to God what is God’s.” (Mark 12:17)

Pledges Received in January for 2017 Reap bountifully. God loves a cheerful giver.” Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karagianis (St. Paul – 2nd Corinthians 9:6-8)

“Rich is not the one who has much, but the one who gives much. For what one gives away, he keeps for all eternity.”

(St. John Chrysostom)

Christmas Donations Fuel Fund Dimitrios Bakolas Voula Annas Peter Camberis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Matteo Paraskevi Grigorakakis

Mr. & Mrs.Ilias Kalampalikis Donations Arthur Kamberis Dick Anagnost (winning from raffle) Mr. & Mrs. Leon Lampes Venice Farmakis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Matteo The Tingos Family in loving memory Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Nakos Lucie Skouteris Donations in Memory of Mr. & Mrs. John Stergiou Demetra Bartlett Phyllis Brown

Lorraine Camberis Pauline Pappas Effie Janis Tsarouhas

12 Thank you for your love to the House of the Lord and Panagia!


Anastasia Ahern Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Garoufalis Mr. & Mrs. Elias Kourtis Sophia Annas Mr. & Mrs. George Gasis Mrs. Epokratis Koutsavlis Voula Annas John Gatsas Mrs. Demetrios Krideras Mr. & Mrs. Ilias Apostolos Philip George Thomas Krideras Penny Arfanakis Mrs. Christos Georgopoulos Georgia Kyriazis Mary Argeropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Costas Georgopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Kyriazis Frank Athanasiou Tena Giavroutas Mr. & Mrs. David Labore Virginia Athanasiou Michael Goudouros Mr. & Mrs. Pierre LaBrie Louise August Evangelia Gregorious Mr. & Mrs. Leon Lampes Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bakolas Michael Gregorious Gregory Laughlin Dimitrios Bakolas Paraskevi Grigorakakis Matthew Laughlin Amerisa Baryiames Joanna Grimanis Jane Lawson George Blatsis Mr. & Mrs. Harry Guidicelli Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lazos Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Boutwell Christina Hand Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lazos Mr. & Mrs. William Bruttaniti Louise Hart Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Lazos Raymond Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hasevlat Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Lekkas Angelo Camberis Nicholas Hatzibiros Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leuchs Diana Camberis Xanthippi Hatzibiros Mr. & Mrs. Costas Liolios James Camberis Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Healy Heidi Liolios Peter Camberis Jonathan Horton Mr. & Mrs. Scott MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Christos Chalogias Sotirios Iliopoulos Eleftheria Makris Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Chronas Nicole Kalantzis Mr. & Mrs. John Manelas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Comrie Mr. & Mrs. Aristidis Kalampalikis Mr. & Mrs. John Mantzoufas Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Condodemetraky Mr. & Mrs. Ilias Kalampalikis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mardanes Nicholas Costakis Lazaros Kalampalikis Elizabeth Marmarou Mr. & Mrs. John Costes Mr. & Mrs. George Kalantzis Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Matteo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cote Lindsay Kalatzis Brenda McMillan Fotios Dellas Nicole Kalatzis Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrois Meimetis Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Demos Arthur Kamberis Aspa Michalopoulos Mr. Michael & Dr Jennie DiBartolomeo Demetrios Kamberis Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Mulcahy Spyridoula Dongas George Kamberis Theodora Nakos Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dryer Mr. & Mrs. Stathis Kapellakis Adamandia Nardi Mr. & Mrs. David Dzenis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kapos Stavros Ouellette Daphne Emanuel Mr. & Mrs. John Karagianis Georgia Palaskas Theodore Farmakis Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karagianis Mr. & Mrs. Efthymios Papakostas Tiffany Farmakis Mr. & Mrs. John Karakostas Mr. & Mrs. Frank Papanicolau Mr. & Mrs. James Folopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Karatzoulidis Likourgos Papastathis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Folopoulos Esther Kereakoglow Panagiota Papastathis Evangeline Fusscas Sandra Kereakoglow Mr. & Mrs. James Papavlo Nicholas Gabardina Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kinson Mr. & Mrs. William Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Elias Gakis Mr. & Mrs. George Kitsis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Pashos Despina Gakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Kitsis Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Pervanas Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Galanis Matthew Kitsis Mrs. Elias Peters Martha Galanis Michael Kitsis Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Peters Dr. & Mrs. Vasilios Galanis Theodore Kitsis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Piet Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Gallos Mr. & Mrs. Jason Kolbensen Mr. & Mrs. Antonios Pliakos Mr. & Mrs. Soterios Gallos Mr. & Mrs. Steve Koromilas Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Pliakos Georgia Gancarz Maria Kostakis Maria Pliakos Mr. & Mrs. Kristian Garces Pantelis Kotromanos Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Poplin Stephanie Kotromanos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Predaris Mr. & Mrs. Elias Psiras


Helen Rainey Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Vailas Konstantinos Raptis Demetrios Tentas Dr. James Vailas Mihail Rokas Nicholas Tentas Nicholas Vailas Theodoros Rokas Artemis Tingas Jean Vlangas Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Rokas Patricia Tingos Betty Xintaras Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sakelarios Basilki Tsihlis Mr. & Mrs. John Xintaras Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Costas Tonas Nicholas Xintaras Mr. & Mrs. William Semos Fr. Gregory Trakas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Xintaras Lucie Skouteris Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Tsatsopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Xintaras Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Skouteris Michael Tsecaris Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Yogas Mr. & Mrs. Elias Soulios Mrs. Thomas Tsecaris Eleni Younis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Spirou Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tsekrekas Mr. &Mrs. Charles Zoulias Mr. & Mrs. Alki Stamoulis John Tsiamis Mr. & Mrs. John Stergiou Mr. & Mrs. Vaios Tzimas Mr. & Mrs. John Stergioulis Georgia Tzimopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Stroumbos Mary Tzimopoulos

Saturday of Souls Sunday of Orthodoxy


If you would like to advertise your business card in our monthly bulletin, please contact the Church Office.

A business card format, about 2 ½” x 1 ½” will run for a period of 12 months for one set fee of $150.00 a year. This will help us defray the ever-increasing costs of printing and mailing these bulletins to our homes and at the same time you will be advertising your business to our parishioners, and through word of mouth, to their friends.

This is a great opportunity for all!