Lysosomal degradation products induce Coxiella burnetii virulence

Patrice Newtona, David R. Thomasa, Shawna C. O. Reedb,1, Nicole Laua, Bangyan Xuc, Sze Ying Ongd, Shivani Pasrichad, Piyush B. Madhamshettiware, Laura E. Edgington-Mitchellf,g, Kaylene J. Simpsone,h, Craig R. Royb, and Hayley J. Newtona,2

aDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia; bDepartment of Microbial Pathogenesis, Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven CT 06510; cDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia; dCentre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Clayton, VIC 3168 Australia; eVictorian Centre for Functional Genomics, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia; fDrug Discovery Biology, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia; gDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bluestone Center for Clinical Research, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY 10010; and hSir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia

Edited by Philippe J. Sansonetti, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, and approved February 13, 2020 (received for review December 9, 2019) Coxiella burnetii is an intracellular pathogen that replicates in a interactions mediated by C. burnetii (7–9). Multiple mutagenesis -like vacuole through activation of a Dot/Icm-type IVB se- studies have confirmed that intracellular replication of C. burnetii, cretion system and subsequent translocation of effectors that re- and therefore virulence, requires a functional Dot/Icm-type IVB model the host cell. Here a genome-wide small interfering RNA secretion system (10–14). This specialized secretion apparatus allows screen and reporter assay were used to identify host proteins re- the pathogen to introduce a large repertoire of effector proteins into quired for Dot/Icm effector translocation. Significant, and indepen- the host cytosol. Although the biochemical functions of individual dently validated, hits demonstrated the importance of multiple effectors are poorly understood, it is clear that these effectors work protein families required for endocytic trafficking of the C. burnetii- in concert to manipulate host cell processes and create the repli- containing vacuole to the lysosome. Further analysis demonstrated cative niche while still maintaining host cell homeostasis (5). that the degradative activity of the lysosome created by proteases, The C. burnetii Dot/Icm system is functionally analogous to the such as TPP1, which are transported to the lysosome by receptors, well-studied Dot/Icm system of Legionella species, which is essen- MICROBIOLOGY such as M6PR and LRP1, are critical for C. burnetii virulence. Indeed, tial for intracellular replication of Legionnaires’ disease-causing the C. burnetii PmrA/B regulon, responsible for transcriptional up- pathogens (15). Despite depending on the same apparatus for regulation of encoding the Dot/Icm apparatus and a subset virulence, the replicative niches of Legionella and C. burnetii are of effectors, induced expression of a virulence-associated transcrip- quite divergent. Legionella species actively evade the endocytic tome in response to degradative products of the lysosome. Lucifer- pathway, with the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) acquiring ase reporter strains, and subsequent RNA-sequencing analysis, markers of the endoplasmic reticulum and secretory pathway demonstrated that particular amino acids activate the C. burnetii rapidly following phagocytosis (16). The distinct vacuolar destina- PmrA/B two-component system. This study has further enhanced tions of these closely related pathogens are mediated by the unique our understanding of C. burnetii pathogenesis, the host–pathogen interactions that contribute to bacterial virulence, and the different Significance environmental triggers pathogens can sense to facilitate virulence. Coxiella burnetii is a unique bacterial pathogen that replicates Coxiella burnetii | Dot/Icm secretion system | virulence regulation | to high numbers in a lysosome-like intracellular niche. This siRNA screen | amino acid sensing study identified host proteins that contribute to the patho- gen’s capacity to establish this niche and activate the Dot/Icm oxiella burnetii, the causative agent of human Q fever, is an secretion system required for intracellular replication. Many Cimportant zoonotic pathogen. Inhalation of contaminated host proteins were found to contribute to the establishment of aerosols, commonly through exposure to infected animals, can C. burnetii virulence by aiding trafficking of the pathogen to cause an acute systemic infection frequently involving pneumo- the lysosome and creating the degradative lysosome environ- nia or hepatitis (1). A small proportion of infected individuals ment. Pathogenic bacteria are able to sense and adapt to their will develop persistent chronic Q fever with life-threatening com- environment by altering their expression profile. Here we plications such as endocarditis. demonstrated that C. burnetii detects specific amino acids Following inhalation, the bacteria infect alveolar macrophages present in the lysosome using a two-component system that and replicate to high numbers within these cells (2, 3). The in- up-regulates expression of genes required for Dot/Icm activity. tracellular niche of C. burnetii is a unique, spacious vacuole termed the Coxiella-containing vacuole (CCV). The C. burnetii-containing Author contributions: P.N., S.C.O.R., S.Y.O., L.E.E.-M., K.J.S., C.R.R., and H.J.N. designed research; P.N., D.R.T., S.C.O.R., N.L., B.X., and H.J.N. performed research; P.N., D.R.T., K.J.S., phagosome undergoes endocytic trafficking to mature into the and H.J.N. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; P.N., S.C.O.R., N.L., S.P., P.B.M., and normally bactericidal lysosome where conditions stimulate C. H.J.N. analyzed data; and P.N. and H.J.N. wrote the paper. burnetii metabolism and biogenesis of the CCV (4). The CCV The authors declare no competing interest. retains the low pH and hydrolytic features of a lysosome but is This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. also modified by the pathogen to facilitate replication. Key fea- This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- tures of the mature CCV include significant expansion, through NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). interaction with intracellular vesicles including autophagosomes, 1Present address: Department of Biomedical Sciences, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT clathrin-coated vesicles, and endocytic vesicles, and a strong 06518. antiapoptotic influence on the host cell (5, 6). 2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected]. Recently, the development of methods to axenically cultivate This article contains supporting information online at and genetically manipulate C. burnetii has led to a revolution in doi:10.1073/pnas.1921344117/-/DCSupplemental. the capacity to explore the molecular details of the host–pathogen PNAS Latest Articles | 1of10 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 repertoires of Dot/Icm effectors and the exquisite control each globally elucidate the host genes required for C. burnetii effector pathogen has over Dot/Icm activation. The Legionella Dot/Icm translocation, and therefore virulence, a high-throughput genome- system must be active immediately upon contact with a eukaryotic wide small interfering RNA (siRNA) screen was performed (Fig. cell to prevent endocytic maturation of the LCV. Indeed, 1A). Effector translocation was examined using a reporter C. Legionella pneumophila effector translocation occurs upon in- burnetii Nine Mile phase II (NMII) strain constitutively expressing timate contact with the host plasma membrane even when entry is the known effector protein MceA (10, 23) with an N-terminal blocked (17). In contrast, C. burnetii effector translocation is BlaM fusion and the fluorescent BlaM substrate CCF2-AM. delayed until the pathogen reaches the acidic confines of the ly- Following excitation at 410 nm, cleavage of CCF2-AM by BlaM sosome (18). Silencing expression of endocytic Rab GTPases Rab5 leads to a shift in fluorescence emission from 520 nm (green) to or Rab7 or chemically disrupting lysosome acidification with the 450 nm (blue). The 450:520-nm ratio was used to assess BlaM– vacuolar ATPase inhibitor Bafilomycin A leads to a significant MceA translocation into the host cytosol. reduction in C. burnetii effector translocation (18, 19). This has HeLa cells were transfected with an siRNA SMARTpool li- been demonstrated using a reporter assay where C. burnetii has brary targeting 18,120 individual protein-coding genes in a 96-well been engineered to constitutively express β-lactamase (BlaM) plate-arrayed format for 72 h and then infected with C. burnetii transcriptionally fused to an effector and BlaM activity in the host NMII pBlaM–MceA. Effector translocation was measured 24 h cytosol is measured as a proxy for effector translocation (19). Ex- postinfection using the fluorescent substrate CCF2-AM prior to pression of Dot/Icm apparatus genes and a cohort of Dot/Icm fixation and high-content imaging quantification of cell viability effectors is controlled by the PmrA/B two-component regulatory within individual wells using the nuclear stain DRAQ5. Controls system in both C. burnetii and L. pneumophila (20, 21). This system were used on each 96-well plate to assess transfection efficiency is essential for C. burnetii intracellular replication, indicating that and assay robustness. Both mock-transfected cells, delivered lipid transcriptional control is integral to Dot/Icm activation (13, 14, 21). but no siRNA, and ON-TARGET plus-nontargeting control Here the robust β-lactamase reporter assay and delayed effector (siOTP-NT) SMARTpool were used as negative controls (24). translocation by C. burnetii have been harnessed as a tool to define Cells transfected with the siRab7A SMARTpool were used as a human host factors that contribute to both bacterial transport to a positive control for the reduction of effector translocation, and lysosome in general and the specific environmental conditions cells transfected with the siPLK1 (polo-like kinase 1) SMART- within the lysosome that signal C. burnetii, through PmrA/B, to pool were used as a transfection control since depletion of PLK1 trigger virulence. This study has significantly advanced under- results in cell death (25). standing of C. burnetii pathogenesis and the importance of various The standard hit-identification approach for siRNA screens is host systems in developing its intracellular niche. the application of a robust Z-score normalization across all screen plates (26, 27). Z-score normalization to siOTP-NT revealed 82 Results and 968 genes for which the translocation ratio was significantly Genome-Wide Small Interfering RNA Screen of Host Genes Necessary decreased or increased, respectively (Dataset S1). The decrease in for Efficient C. burnetii Dot/Icm Effector Translocation. Previous translocation ratio observed within the 82 genes ranged from 76 to work established the importance of the host endocytic pathway 62% compared with siOTP-NT. The average translocation ratio for efficient effector translocation by C. burnetii (18, 22). To reduction across all screened plates for the siRab7A SMARTpool

A 18,120 siGenome siRNA B SMARTpools Did not High-confidence (screened in duplicate) validate validation (1/4 or 0/4) 149 117 (3/4 or 4/4) Primary screen 134 ~ 6,500 hits Moderate-confidence validation (2/4) translocation decreased > 20% C receptor-mediated endocytosis protein targeting Hit vesicle fusion to plasma membrane regulation of gene expression selection inorganic cation transmembrane transport response to metal ion 400 siGenome siRNA synaptic transmission, glutamatergic lipid transport SMARTpools regulation of exocytosis (de-convoluted) Ras protein signal transduction cellular metal ion homeostasis Validation organelle localization by membrane tethering synaptic vesicle exocytosis screen ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport transition metal ion homeostasis 251 confirmed targets retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi transition metal ion transport Functional cellular divalent inorganic cation homeostasis divalent metal ion transport analysis activation of MAPKK activity activation of JUN kinase activity intra-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport LRP1, M6PR, TPP1 C-terminal protein amino acid modification 020406080 Fold enrichment

Fig. 1. Genome-wide siRNA screen of host genes necessary for efficient C. burnetii Dot/Icm effector translocation. (A) Summary of the overall siRNA screen including hit selection and confirmed targets. (B) Pie chart displaying the overall outcome from the deconvoluted validation screen of the selected 400 targets. (C) Enrichment analysis of the biological process categories that were overrepresented in the 251 validated targets using the PANTHER over- representation test against the Homo sapiens genome reference list.

2of10 | Newton et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 control was 56.5 ± 7.5% compared with siOTP-NT. Since the which has an integral role in the autophagic process within the focus of this study was the identification of host proteins that host (40), highlights the importance of autophagy during estab- adversely affected effector translocation, the majority of the 400 lishment of C. burnetii infection. genes selected for the secondary validation screen demonstrated at least a 25% reduction in translocation relative to siOTP-NT. Lysosomal Proteins Are Necessary for Efficient Effector Translocation Included in this cohort were 53 out of the possible 82 genes that by C. burnetii. The C. burnetii replicative niche is a bacterially had demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in trans- modified lysosome that maintains an acidic pH and the presence location (Dataset S2). The impact of individual siRNA treatment of lysosomal enzymes and membrane proteins (41, 42). Given on cell viability was also considered during target selection for the this lysosomal niche, primary screen results for proteins pre- secondary screen. More than 50% cell viability was considered viously confirmed as resident lysosomal proteins (43) were ana- acceptable. Since the assay readout is ratiometric, results were lyzed (SI Appendix, Table S2). Of the 184 lysosomal proteins minimally affected by changing cell numbers. Targets with >50% assessed, silencing of 72 led to a decrease in effector trans- toxicity following the secondary screen were not considered for location of at least 20% compared with siOTP-NT–treated cells, any follow-up analysis. demonstrating the significance of the lysosomal environment in The validation screen of 400 selected targets was performed triggering C. burnetii virulence. using the same assay format as the primary screen; however, the A subset of 23 lysosomal targets were tested in the validation siRNA SMARTpools were deconvoluted and the four individual screen, of which 13 validated with either high or moderate confi- duplex siRNAs were screened separately. Defining the level of dence (S1 Appendix,TableS2). These included vacuolar ATPase confidence in validation of selected targets was determined by subunits (ATP6V0C and ATP6V1E1) responsible for acidification approximate reproduction of the translocation ratio observed of the lysosome (44), and several lysosomal enzymes, including the during the primary screen and a minimum decrease in effector cathepsin B (CTSB) and cathepsin C (CTSC), sialidase-1 translocation of 20% compared with siOTP-NT (Fig. 1B and (NEU1), and beta- (MANBA). Additionally, lysosomal Dataset S3). Using this classification, 117 genes validated with transportersconfirmedinthevalidationscreentobeimportantfor high confidence (3/4 or 4/4 siRNAs), 134 genes with moderate bacterial effector translocation included the cholesterol transporters confidence (2/4 siRNAs), and 149 genes did not validate (1/4 or 0/4 Niemann–Pick C1 (NPC1) and Niemann–Pick C2 (NPC2), a siRNAs) (Dataset S3). Enrichment analysis of the validated 251 sodium-independent sulfate anion transporter (SLC26A11), using the PANTHER classification system (28) revealed biological and the lysosomal cysteine transporter cystinosin (CTNS). process categories that were statistically overrepresented (Fig. 1C Given that gene silencing of so many lysosomal proteins led to and SI Appendix,TableS1). reduced Dot/Icm protein translocation, the ability of the cell to MICROBIOLOGY deliver these proteins to the lysosome should also be required. Genome-Wide Screen Validates the Importance of the Host Endocytic The majority of these proteins acquire mannose-6-phosphate Trafficking Pathway for C. burnetii Infection. This screen demon- (Man-6-P) moieties that are recognized by either cation-dependent strated that host proteins involved in the endocytic pathway, or cation-independent Man-6-P receptors (M6PRs) enabling including the Rab and SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein transport to the lysosome (45), although several alternative re- receptor) protein families and vacuolar protein-sorting (VPS) ceptors that enable the sorting of lysosomal enzymes indepen- proteins, are required for efficient effector translocation by C. dent of Man-6-P have also been identified (46). Thus, the burnetii. Validated targets included key regulators of membrane dependence of effector translocation on a subset of recognized transport (including RAB5A and RAB7A) and the Rab protein lysosomal trafficking receptors identified in the primary siRNA modifier RABGGTA (29, 30). The strongest hit from the pri- screen was investigated further (Fig. 2A). A decrease in effector mary screen, NAPA (alpha-soluble NSF attachment protein, also translocation was consistently observed for low-density lipopro- known as SNAP-α), validated with high confidence together with tein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) and cation-dependent NAPB (beta-soluble NSF attachment protein; SNAP-β) and NSF M6PR (Fig. 2A). Simultaneous depletion of LRP1 and M6PR (N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive factor), which act together to ma- resulted in a significant reduction of effector translocation compared nipulate SNARE proteins during vesicle-mediated transport with siOTP-NT–treated cells (Fig. 2B). Importantly, no toxic effects (31–33). Components of the eukaryotic retromer complex also due to siRNA treatment were observed for all selected targets (SI validated strongly, including those of the core complex (VPS29 Appendix,Fig.S1A and B). These data reiterate the importance of a and VPS35) and the cargo adapters, also known as sorting nexins functional lysosomal environment for C. burnetii virulence. (SNX1, SNX3, and SNX6) (34, 35). These components were previously identified in the siRNA screen by McDonough et al. The Role of Lysosomal Receptors LRP1 and M6PR during C. burnetii (22), who investigated the impact of silencing gene expression of Infection. Given the integral role of receptors LRP1 and M6PR in host proteins on C. burnetii replication. Our data confirm that lysosomal biogenesis (46) and the impact silencing expression of the retromer complex plays an important role in establishment of these receptors had on C. burnetii effector translocation (Fig. 2 A C. burnetii infection. Proteins involved in the ESCRT (endo- and B), further examination of LRP1 and M6PR depletion was somal sorting complexes required for transport) complexes were undertaken. Initially, the degradative capacity of in important, including VPS4B and VPS25 (36, 37), and SNARE siRNA-treated cells was determined using the DQ Green BSA proteins whose functions have not been fully elucidated were reporter. The DQ-BSA (Dye Quenched-BSA) reporter is labeled also identified, such as SNX22 and SNX24, suggesting a poten- with the fluorophore BODIPY FL, resulting in self-quenching of tial role for these proteins in endocytic trafficking. the dye. The molecule is endocytosed and accumulates in the ly- In addition to a requirement for endocytic trafficking, C. sosome, where proteases hydrolyze DQ Green BSA into smaller burnetii also exploits the eukaryotic autophagy pathway to es- peptides, dequenching the dye and increasing fluorescence that tablish its replicative niche (38, 39). The importance of this host can be detected using a fluorescence plate reader (47). The ac- pathway was confirmed in the primary screen since a third of the tivity of lysosomal proteases is proportional to the rate of fluores- known autophagy family members (11 out of 33) produced an cence increase. Individually silencing LRP1 and M6PR demonstrated observable translocation defect when silenced (Dataset S1). Five a trend toward decreased hydrolytic activity and silencing expression of these members were further examined in the validation screen, of both led to a significant reduction in the degradative capacity of of which three were validated (ATG4B and ATG5 [moderate the lysosome compared with siOTP-NT–treated cells (Fig. 2C). This confidence] and ATG12 [high confidence]; Dataset S3). The decrease was not as severe as siRab7A-treated cells (in which lyso- identification of two members of the Atg5–Atg12–Atg16 complex, somal biogenesis is inhibited) or in siOTP-NT cells treated with the

Newton et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 3of10 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 1.5 p = 0.0002 A 1.5 B p = 0.0070 C 10 Primary screen p = 0.0238 Tertiary screen p = 0.0011 p = 0.0006 1.0 1.0 * **** 5 **** 0.5 0.5 hydrolysis relative to OTP relative to OTP Rate of DQ-BSA Translocation ratio Translocation Translocation ratio Translocation 0.0 0.0 0

siLDLR siLRP1 siLRP2 siM6PR siRab7A siLRP1 siOTP-NT siRab7A siRab7A siM6PR siOTP-NT siOTP-NT

siLRP1/siM6PR siLRP1/siM6PRsiOTP-NT + CQ

DEF α-Coxiella α-LAMP-1 Merge 100 siOTP-NT * ) siM6PR siM6PR siM6PR si-OTP si-OTP si-OTP si-LRP1/ si-LRP1/ si-LRP1/ 2 * anti-LRP1 p = 0.0001

85 kDa μ m * anti-M6PR 46 kDa 50 anti-β Actin siLRP1/siM6PR 42 kDa *

24 hr 72 hr 96 hr CCV area ( * Post siRNA Post siRNA Post siRNA * Treatment Treatment Treatment 0 siOTP-NT siLRP1/ * siM6PR

LRP1 G HeLa H I KO 1.5 p = 0.0030 1.5 p = 0.0025 anti-LRP1 85 kDa p = 0.0006 p = 0.0181 anti-β Actin 42 kDa 1.0 1.0 M6PR HeLa KO anti-M6PR 46 kDa 0.5 0.5 of BlaM-Cig2

anti-β Actin of BlaM-MceA 42 kDa Translocation ratio Translocation Translocation ratio Translocation TPP1 0.0 0.0 HeLa KO HeLa LRP1 M6PR TPP1 HeLa LRP1 M6PR TPP1 anti-TPP1 KO KO KO KO KO KO 48 kDa anti-β Actin 42 kDa

Fig. 2. Examination of the role of the lysosomal receptors LRP1 and M6PR and lysosomal protease TPP1 during C. burnetii infection. (A and B) Effector translocation was determined using CCF2-AM in HeLa cells infected with C. burnetii pBlaM–MceA following transfection with siRNA SMARTpools for 72 h. Results are expressed relative to the nontargeting control (siOTP-NT), with error bars indicating SEM from at least three independent experiments. Statistical difference between tested siRNA and siOTP-NT was determined using one-way ANOVA, followed by Dunnett’s multiple-comparison posttest on raw data. ****P = 0.0001, *P < 0.05. The dotted lines indicate a translocation ratio of 0.8 relative to siOTP-NT. The outcome from the automated primary screen (circle) is shown for comparison in A.(C) Lysosomal protease activity of HeLa cells transfected with siRNA SMARTpools for 72 h was determined using DQ Green BSA. Results are expressed as the average linear rate of DQ-BSA hydrolysis for each condition (12 wells in a 96-well plate) over 2 h from at least three independent experiments. Error bars denote SEM. Statistical difference between tested siRNA and siOTP-NT was determined using an unpaired, two-tailed t test on raw data. CQ, chloroquine. (D) Immunoblot analysis of cell lysates from HeLa cells treated with siRNA SMARTpools collected at 24, 72, and 96 h post siRNA treatment. The absence of protein expression in siRNA-treated cells compared with siOTP-NT–treated cells was confirmed using anti-LRP1 (Top) and anti-M6PR (Middle) antibodies. Anti–β-actin was used as a loading control (Bottom). (E) Intracellular replication of C. burnetii in HeLa cells treated with siRNA SMARTpools and subsequently infected with C. burnetii at an MOI of 50 for 3 d. Results are expressed as the average CCV area (μm2) from four experiments with at least 50 CCVs measured per experiment. Error bars represent SEM. Statistical difference between siOTP-NT and tested siRNA was determined using an unpaired, two-tailed t test on raw data. (F) Representative confocal micrograph images of siRNA-treated HeLa cells infected for 3 d with C. burnetii used to quantify CCV area in E. Cells were stained with anti-Coxiella antibody (red), anti–LAMP-1 antibody (green), and DAPI (blue). (Scale bars, 10 μm.) Asterisks indicate CCV. (G) Immunoblot analysis of cell lysates from HeLa parent cells and LRP1 KO cells (Top), M6PR KO cells (Middle), and TPP1 KO cells (Bottom) illustrating the absence of protein expression in the KO cells using anti-LRP1, anti-M6PR, and anti-TPP1 antibodies, respectively. Anti–β-actin was used as a loading control. (H and I) Effector translocation was measured in KO cell lines infected with either C. burnetii pBlaM–MceA (H)orC. burnetii pBlaM–Cig2 (I). Results are expressed relative to HeLa cells, with error bars denoting SEM from three independent experiments. Statistical difference between HeLa and KO cell lines was determined using one-way ANOVA, followed by Dunnett’s multiple-comparison posttest on raw data.

lysosomotropic agent chloroquine (Fig. 2C), suggesting that the this possibility, siRNA-treated HeLa cells were infected with C. degradative capacity of lysosomes in LRP1/M6PR-deficient cells is burnetii for 6 h and the association of at least 150 internalized not completely abolished. bacteria with the lysosomal marker LAMP-1 was quantified per Since simultaneous depletion of both LRP1 and M6PR sig- experiment using fluorescence microscopy (SI Appendix, Fig. nificantly impacted the lysosomal degradative capacity of treated S1H). No difference in LAMP-1 association was observed during cells, the impact on C. burnetii virulence was investigated further. simultaneous silencing of LRP1 and M6PR. To ascertain whether Western blot analysis confirmed almost complete abolishment of silencing LRP1 and M6PR influenced C. burnetii replication, the protein expression of both LRP1 and M6PR in siLRP1/siM6PR- CCV area was measured in siRNA-treated HeLa cells infected treated cells (Fig. 2D). To eliminate a role for bacterial entry, with C. burnetii for 3 d (Fig. 2E). Micrograph images (Fig. 2F) differential intracellular/extracellular staining of C. burnetii was captured 3 d postinfection were used to determine the area of performed and no decrease in bacterial ingress was observed CCVs (Fig. 2E). Surprisingly, a significant reduction in CCV size compared with siOTP-NT–treated cells (SI Appendix, Fig. S1F). was observed (mean CCV area, 38.25 ± 1.56 μm2) in siLRP1/ Similarly, the capacity of C. burnetii to traffic through the host siM6PR-treated cells compared with siOTP-NT treatment endocytic pathway to the lysosome-like compartment required (58.25 ± 1.62 μm2) (Fig. 2E). This decrease did not translate to a for effector translocation may have been compromised. To assess defect in bacterial replication, quantified by measuring the C.

4of10 | Newton et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 + + + burnetii genome equivalents (SI Appendix, Fig. S1J). Collectively, Mg2 ,Fe3 ,orAl3 cations (50). However, the activating signal these data suggest that while progression to the lysosome-like for the C. burnetii PmrA/B two-component system has not been compartment and bacterial replication are not impacted during previously identified. In order to determine specific activators simultaneous silencing of LRP1 and M6PR, expansion of the of PmrA/B-dependent gene expression, bacterial luciferase re- spacious replicative vacuole is significantly affected by the absence porter strains (12, 21) were constructed using the strong consti- of both of these proteins. Importantly, analysis following a single tutive promoter from cbu0311 (12) and the PmrA-regulated siRNA treatment did not recapitulate this smaller CCV pheno- icmW and cig2 promoters (21). Light production from the type (SI Appendix,Fig.S1K and L). This provides further evi- cbu0311, icmW, and cig2 promoters was measured in axenic C. dence uncoupling the reduced translocation phenotype from CCV burnetii cultures grown in complete ACCM-2 medium and then expansion, indicating that the overall degradative capacity of the transferred into medium where the pH was adjusted or the CCV influences vacuole size independent of Dot/Icm efficiency. medium composition had been altered as indicated (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). Modifications to pH resulted in similar changes among The M6PR-Dependent Lysosomal Protease TPP1 Is Required for all promoters tested, indicating that transcriptional changes were Efficient Dot/Icm Effector Translocation. Similar translocation de- not PmrA/B-specific. Similarly, no PmrA/B-dependent changes fects were observed following depletion of LRP1, M6PR, or both were observed with removal of specific components of ACCM-2, receptors (Fig. 2 A and B), despite differential impact on overall substitution with spent culture medium at various ratios, nor lysosomal degradative capacity (Fig. 2C). This suggested that changes to cation concentration (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). This in- translocation efficiency is influenced by delivery and subsequent dicated that the lysosomal PmrB-activating signal was unlike that activity of specific lysosomal proteins rather than the overall lyso- of related two-component systems. somal environment. Indeed, this hypothesis is supported by the Given the link between C. burnetii effector translocation and genome-wide siRNA screen, where silencing expression of 39% of lysosomal protease activity (Figs. 2 H and I and 3A), a possible lysosomal proteins caused a significant drop in C. burnetii effector PmrA/B activation signal could be small peptides and/or amino translocation (SI Appendix,TableS2). To further validate the role acids within the lysosome. To investigate this, the same luciferase- of individual lysosomal enzymes in effector translocation, the ly- expressing strains were grown axenically for 72 h and spiked with sosomal serine protease TPP1 was also investigated. individual amino acids (10 mM diluted in H2O) and light pro- TPP1 (tripeptidyl peptidase 1, also known as CLN2) is selec- duction was monitored at 0 min (to establish a baseline level) and tively transported to the lysosome by the lysosomal receptor 20 min postspike. Following normalization to C. burnetii P311-lux, a M6PR (48), where it generates tripeptides from degraded pro- significant increase in light production was observed for C. burnetii teins within the lysosome (49). The generation of HeLa cell lines PicmW-lux and C. burnetii Pcig2-lux in the presence of cysteine and MICROBIOLOGY completely devoid of either LRP1, M6PR, or TPP1 was pursued serine (Fig. 3B). Furthermore, an upward trend for many amino using the CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing system. HeLa cells acids was observed, including alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, transfected with constructs that expressed guide RNA targeting glycine, phenylalanine, and proline (Fig. 3B). The addition of some LRP1, M6PR,orTPP1 resulted in LRP1, M6PR, and TPP1 of these amino acids to ACCM-2 further decreased the pH of this knockout (KO) cell lines with verified loss of each protein (Fig. acidic medium. To eliminate this variable, the same experiments 2G). Using the BlaM reporter fused to MceA, we observed a were performed using this subset of amino acids in Hepes buffer, reduction in effector translocation in both M6PR and TPP1 KO which mitigated the substantial acidification of ACCM-2 after amino cell lines of 60 and 55%, respectively, compared with the parent acid addition. The impact of several amino acids was diminished in cell line (Fig. 2H). The LRP1 KO cell line did not reproduce the Hepesbuffer(SI Appendix,Fig.S2F), especially cysteine, glutamic phenotype observed during siRNA treatment, indicating possible acid, and glycine; however, a luciferase signal was still observed with adaptation to loss of this receptor (Fig. 2H). To verify that the the addition of phenylalanine and aspartic acid (SI Appendix,Fig. changes in translocation were not effector-specific, we also S2F). Given that addition of aspartic acid further acidified the media tested another known effector of the Dot/Icm secretion system and also severely impacted the total light produced, additional ex- (Cig2) (13), which produced similar results (40% reduction in periments were performed in H2O with the nonpolar amino acid M6PR KO and 30% reduction in TPP1 KO) (Fig. 2I). phenylalanine to ensure signal transduction was not impacted by altered pH beyond physiological levels (4.5 < pH > 8.0) (51). Lysosomal Breakdown of Cellular Material Is Required for Effector A small but statistically robust signal increase was observed in Translocation and Virulence of C. burnetii. The siRNA screen in- the presence of phenylalanine (Fig. 3C). Importantly, no increased dicated that gene silencing of several lysosomal proteases led to luciferase signal was observed in the C. burnetii pmrA::Tn strain reduced effector translocation and the importance of this pro- expressing the same luciferase reporters, indicating a direct link teolysis was validated by the TPP1 KO cell line. This led to the between phenylalanine and PmrA/B activation (Fig. 3C). A hypothesis that protein degradation, and the subsequent prod- number of different amino acid combinations were attempted and ucts of this breakdown, may act as a signal to C. burnetii that the the most consistent, PmrA-dependent response was observed by environment is appropriate for Dot/Icm activity. To test this spiking media with phenylalanine, proline, and serine (Fig. 3C). hypothesis, effector translocation was examined following in- Finally, the impact of these three amino acids in vivo was con- duction of autophagy to increase the amount of cellular material firmed. Translocation of BlaM–MceA was measured in HeLa cells delivered to the lysosome. HeLa cells were infected with C. infected with C. burnetii pBlaM–MceA and simultaneously treated burnetii pBlaM–MceA for 20 h and then starved in Hank’s bal- with either phenylalanine alone or in combination with proline anced salt solution (HBSS) for 4 h or left untreated. Under and serine. An observable increase in effector translocation was starvation conditions, with increased autophagy, effector trans- detected in the presence of these amino acids when compared = location was significantly increased (P 0.0067) compared with with H2Oalone(Fig.3D). This critical experiment highlights that untreated cells (Fig. 3A). This difference was abolished in the the characterization of the in vitro response to amino acids by C. M6PR KO cell line (Fig. 3A). These data support the hypothesis burnetii translates to a physiologically relevant increase in effector that C. burnetii Dot/Icm effector translocation relies on delivery translocation during infection. of the pathogen to a fully functional degradative compartment. Expression of the Dot/Icm secretion apparatus genes as well as RNA-Sequencing Analysis Reveals a Role for Amino Acids in Controlling a subset of effector genes is regulated by the PmrA/B two- the PmrA/B Regulon. To elucidate the impact of amino acids on component system (20, 21). In other bacteria, the PmrB response gene regulation by the PmrA/B two-component system, tran- regulator is activated by changes in pH or the concentration of scriptional profiling was performed. The amino acid combination

Newton et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 5of10 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 AB3.0 ** ** 0.0003 Untreated WT PicmW-lux p = 0.0067 2.5 WT Pcig2-lux Starved

0.0002 ns 2.0

1.5 0.0001

Translocation ratio Translocation 1.0

normalized to cell number 0.0000 (relative to untreated) HeLa M6PR KO 0.5 RLU normalized to WT P311-lux 0.0 Ala Arg AsnAspCys Gln Glu Gly His Ile Leu Lys Met Phe Pro Ser Thr Trp Tyr Val

CD2.0 p < 0.0001 p = 0.0368 p = 0.0002 2.0 p = 0.0040 p = 0.0048 p = 0.0284 1.5

O) 1.5 ns 2 WT PicmW-lux pmrA::Tn PicmW-lux 1.0 WT Pcig2-lux 1.0

-lux P 311 pmrA::Tn Pcig2-lux untreated

(relative to H 0.5 0.5 normalized to RLU normalized to Translocation ratio Translocation

0.0 0.0 Phe Phe Pro Ser H2O Phe H2O Phe H2O Phe Pro (10 μl) (1 mM) (20 μl) (2 mM) (30 μl) Ser (1 mM)

Fig. 3. Lysosomal breakdown of cellular material is required for effector translocation and virulence of C. burnetii.(A) HeLa parent and M6PR KO cell lines were starved in HBSS to induce autophagy, or left untreated for 4 h following 20 h infection with C. burnetii pBlaM–MceA. Results are presented as the average translocation ratio normalized to cell number, with error bars denoting SEM from eight independent experiments. Statistical difference between untreated and starved cells was determined using an unpaired, two-tailed t test. ns, not significant. (B)AxenicC. burnetii strains expressing a bacterial lu- ciferase reporter under the control of a C. burnetii promoter (P311,PicmW,orPcig2) were grown for 72 h prior to the addition of different amino acids (10 mM) for 20 min. Data are presented as RLUs (relative light units) relative to untreated and normalized to P311-lux, with error bars representing SEM from six independent experiments. Statistical difference between P311-lux and PicmW-lux (circle) or Pcig2-lux (square) was determined using two-way ANOVA, followed by Dunnett’s multiple-comparison posttest. *P < 0.0001. (C) Axenic C. burnetii WT and pmrA::Tn strains expressing bacterial luciferase reporters were grown for 72 h prior to the addition of either phenylalanine alone (10 mM) or a combination of amino acids (10 mM each phenylalanine, proline, and

serine) for 20 min. Data are presented as RLUs relative to addition of H2O alone and normalized to the respective WT or pmrA::Tn P311-lux strains, with error bars representing SEM from at least six independent experiments. Statistical difference between WT PicmW-lux (circle) and pmrA::Tn PicmW-lux (square) or WT Pcig2-lux (diamond) and pmrA::Tn Pcig2-lux (triangle) was determined using an unpaired, two-tailed t test. (D) HeLa cells were infected with C. burnetii

pBlaM–MceA and simultaneously treated with varying concentrations of amino acids or an equivalent volume of H2O. Results are presented as the average translocation ratio normalized to untreated, with error bars denoting SEM from four independent experiments. Statistical difference between H2O only and amino acid-treated cells was determined using an unpaired, two-tailed t test.

of phenylalanine, proline, and serine was selected since this Discussion combination demonstrated a robust PmrA-regulated response in Unlike other intracellular bacterial pathogens, C. burnetii, the the luciferase reporter strains (Fig. 3C) and the combination of causative agent of human Q fever, relies on the eukaryotic host these amino acids did not alter the pH of the media. The tran- to deliver it to a lysosomal environment. Once resident in this scriptional profiles of C. burnetii wild type (WT) and C. burnetii normally bactericidal compartment, the pathogen activates the pmrA::Tn, grown in axenic media for 3 d and spiked with either Dot/Icm secretion system to remodel the organelle into a H2O or the amino acid mixture for 20 min, were evaluated using replication-permissive environment. This study reports the global RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) (Datasets S4–S6). Comparison identification of the human proteins that contribute to C. burnetii between the transcriptome of the water-treated samples and the Dot/Icm effector translocation, uncovering important details RNA-seq analysis published by Beare et al. (21) revealed 62 regarding the initiation of C. burnetii virulence. Environmental common genes significantly up-regulated in C. burnetii WT adaptation, mediated by tight control of transcription, is central compared with C. burnetii pmrA::Tn (SI Appendix, Table S3), to the success of many bacterial pathogens. C. burnetii uses the suggesting that addition of water did not impact the PmrA/B PmrA/B two-component system to sense the degradative lyso- transcriptional profile. Furthermore, this dataset identified an somal environment and induce a transcriptional shift that me- additional 36 genes as PmrA-regulated, of which 10 have pre- diates virulence. The outcome of transcriptional up-regulation of viously been identified as Dot/Icm effectors (SI Appendix, Table both the Dot/Icm apparatus and effector repertoire, once in the S3). Of the 62 common genes, including genes encoding for lysosome, is the formation of the replicative CCV which expands components of the Dot/Icm secretion system and known ef- to occupy much of the host cell cytoplasm and support C. burnetii fectors, the log2 fold change of C. burnetii WT H2O compared replication. with C. burnetii pmrA::Tn H2O for this study is shown in Fig. The siRNA screen performed here has exploited the lysosomal 4A. To understand whether the presence of amino acids dependency of C. burnetii Dot/Icm activation to reveal many changed the transcriptional profile of these 62 genes, compar- features of the host–pathogen interaction during establishment ison between C. burnetii WT amino acids and C. burnetii WT of C. burnetii infection. Human proteins that facilitate transport H2O was performed (Fig. 4B). Of the 62 genes, 42 genes (68%) of microbes to the lysosome and proteins that create the deg- were up-regulated in the presence of amino acids. Importantly, radative environment sensed by C. burnetii were identified in this this up-regulation was not observed when comparing the water screen. In addition, this screen also identified host factors that and amino acid treatment of C. burnetii pmrA::Tn (Fig. 4B). may be involved in C. burnetii invasion of HeLa cells. The C. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the presence of phe- burnetii outer-membrane protein OmpA has a role in facilitating nylalanine, proline, and serine specifically induces expression of C. burnetii entry of nonphagocytic cells; however, the host re- PmrA-regulated genes. ceptor for this invasin remains unknown (14). Likely candidates

6of10 | Newton et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 O O 2 AB2 Log2 fold change Log2 fold change O vs O ::Tn H 2 2 0.0 8.0 -2.5 0.0 2.5 WT H WT AA vs WT AA ::Tn AA vs pmrA ::Tn AA pmrA WT H pmrA ::Tn H Gene identifier Gene name Gene identifier Gene name 7.9 CBU1649 icmV -0.5 CBU1649 icmV 7.6 CBU1634a CoxigA gene 0.4 CBU1634a CoxigA gene 6.8 CBU0021 cig2, cvpB 0.9 0.3 CBU0021 cig2, cvpB 6.8 CBU1651 0.6 CBU1651 6.8 CBU1634 icmQ 0.4 0.2 CBU1634 icmQ 6.4 CBU1228 pmrB 0.3 -0.6 CBU1228 pmrB 6.3 CBU1103 cig29 0.5 -0.2 CBU1103 cig29 6.2 CBU0508 1.1 0.5 CBU0508 6.2 CBU1652 icmX 1.1 CBU1652 icmX 6.0 CBU1650 icmW 0.2 CBU1650 icmW 5.3 CBU1648 dotA 0.9 0.3 CBU1648 dotA 5.0 CBU1623 icmJ 0.2 CBU1623 icmJ 5.0 CBU1614 -2.5 -0.6 CBU1614 4.9 CBU1624 icmD 0.3 -0.5 CBU1624 icmD 4.5 CBU1622 icmB -0.4 CBU1622 icmB 4.5 CBU1633 icmP 0.7 0.3 CBU1633 icmP 4.5 CBU0505 cig14 1.0 CBU0505 cig14 4.5 CBU1543 cig49 0.8 CBU1543 cig49 4.4 CBU0084 mdoB, cig3 -0.2 CBU0084 mdoB, cig3 4.2 CBU1366 cig40 -0.3 CBU1366 cig40 4.2 CBU1556 -1.1 -1.0 CBU1556 4.1 CBU1794 cig59 -0.7 CBU1794 cig59 4.1 CBU1631 icmN -0.1 -0.2 CBU1631 icmN 4.1 CBU1632 icmO 0.7 0.3 CBU1632 icmO 4.0 CBU1751 cig57 0.4 -0.3 CBU1751 cig57 3.9 CBU1752 1.0 CBU1752 3.8 CBU1628 icmK -0.5 CBU1628 icmK 3.8 CBU1630 icmL -0.3 CBU1630 icmL 3.8 CBU1369 0.3 CBU1369 3.7 CBU0665 cig18, cvpA 0.2 0.3 CBU0665 cig18, cvpA 3.6 CBU1629 icmL -0.1 -0.5 CBU1629 icmL 3.6 CBU1626 icmG -0.6 -0.9 CBU1626 icmG 3.5 CBU1644 dotC 0.8 -0.3 CBU1644 dotC

3.5 CBU1627 icmE -0.3 -0.8 CBU1627 icmE MICROBIOLOGY 3.5 CBU1643 dotD 0.6 CBU1643 dotD 3.4 CBU1625 icmC -0.8 -1.2 CBU1625 icmC 3.4 CBU1645 dotB 0.7 -0.3 CBU1645 dotB 3.4 CBU0410 cig12 0.2 CBU0410 cig12 3.4 CBU0409 0.6 CBU0409 3.4 CBU2052 cirD 1.1 0.2 CBU2052 cirD 3.3 CBU1646 -0.2 -0.5 CBU1646 3.0 CBU1063 1.2 0.2 CBU1063 3.0 CBU0388 -0.5 -0.4 CBU0388 2.9 CBU0436 cig13 -0.8 CBU0436 cig13 2.8 CBU0273 cig9 0.2 CBU0273 cig9 2.8 CBU0860 1.3 CBU0860 2.5 CBU0802 1.0 0.2 CBU0802 2.4 CBU1098 cig28 1.2 0.3 CBU1098 cig28 2.2 CBUA0015 -1.9 CBUA0015 2.2 CBU1314 0.6 -0.3 CBU1314 2.2 CBU1370 2.1 0.4 CBU1370 2.2 CBU1530 cig47 1.8 0.6 CBU1530 cig47 2.0 CBU0343 0.7 0.3 CBU0343 1.8 CBU1636 cig55 -0.2 CBU1636 cig55 1.8 CBU1387 1.3 0.3 CBU1387 1.8 CBU0560 1.0 0.8 CBU0560 1.6 CBU1457 1.3 0.3 CBU1457 1.4 CBU1863 0.6 0.7 CBU1863 1.4 CBU0786 0.7 0.7 CBU0786 1.3 CBU0049 -1.0 CBU0049 1.3 CBU0041 1.1 CBU0041 1.2 CBU1685 1.4 0.7 CBU1685

Fig. 4. RNA-seq analysis reveals a role for amino acids in controlling the PmrA/B regulon. (A) Heatmap of the comparison between C. burnetii WT H2Oand pmrA::Tn H2O from this study of the 62 genes shown by both RNA-seq studies. Genes are ranked highest to lowest according to log2 fold change values (shown within). (B) Heatmaps representing the log2 fold change (Padj < 0.05) of the 62 common genes after addition of the amino acid mixture composed of phenylalanine (10 mM), proline (10 mM), and serine (10 mM). Comparison between C. burnetii WT AA (amino acids) and C. burnetii WT H2O is shown on the Left and comparison between C. burnetii pmrA::Tn AA and C. burnetii pmrA::Tn H2O is displayed on the Right. The log2 fold change values are indicated within. Gray boxes represent genes with a log2 fold change (Padj > 0.05). Experimentally verified effectors are indicated in bold. Data are also presented in Datasets S4–S6.

include integrin proteins; indeed, gene silencing of several alpha into the human proteins that are involved in this process. Adaptor and beta integrins led to reduced effector translocation. Silenc- proteins, Rab GTPases, coatomer components, SNAREs, and ing integrin beta-8 (ITGB8) caused the most severe defect, with a VPS proteins were all validated as contributing to C. burnetii Dot/ 55% reduction in effector translocation. Similarly, gene silencing Icm effector translocation, many presumably by contributing to of either integrin alpha-2 or beta-1, which are known to form delivery of the pathogen to the lysosome. Most interestingly, this heterodimers in HeLa cells (52), demonstrated a 40% drop in siRNA screen demonstrated that many lysosomal proteins, in- effector translocation. cluding proteases such as TPP1, contribute to C. burnetii virulence. Transport of microbes through the endocytic pathway to the TMEM163, recently characterized as a lysosomal zinc transporter lysosome represents a fundamental innate immune process. The (53, 54), was validated as a high-confidence hit, with one of the siRNA screen performed here provides validation and insight most significant impacts on Dot/Icm effector translocation, likely

Newton et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 7of10 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 due to the importance of zinc as a cofactor for lysosomal en- in the lysosome compared with the rest of the human cell (55). zymes. Similarly, M6PR, responsible for the delivery of many Abu-Remaileh et al. (55) also demonstrated that vATPase inhi- lysosomal proteins to the correct compartment, is also required bition leads to a significant decrease in lysosomal cystine, sup- for appropriate Dot/Icm effector translocation and efficient in- porting our previous observations that low lysosomal pH is tracellular replication of C. burnetii. Overall, gene silencing 73 required for C. burnetii Dot/Icm function (18). Interestingly, our out of 185 known lysosomal proteins led to a reduction in Dot/ data indicate that Dot/Icm function may also be inhibited by un- Icm effector translocation. Given the overrepresentation of ly- usually high concentrations of particular amino acids as the sosomal proteins, the results from this screen may provide an siRNA screen demonstrated an effector translocation defect for opportunity to discover novel lysosomal proteins. several amino acid transporters including cystinosin, the lysosomal The requirement for specific lysosomal proteases, such as cystine transporter (CTNS) which exports cystine to the cytosol. TPP1, for efficient Dot/Icm effector translocation led to the Sensing and responding to amino acids is not restricted to C. hypothesis that C. burnetii induces the activation of the Dot/Icm burnetii. The recently characterized GluR-GluK two-component system in response to protein degradation in the lysosome. This system of Streptomyces coelicolor responds to extracellular glu- was supported by demonstration that increased autophagy, and tamate to increase expression of a glutamate uptake system (60). therefore increased delivery of protease substrate to the lyso- This response allows a transcriptional shift that can impact some, causes increased Dot/Icm effector translocation in a metabolic activity in response to nutrient availability. In contrast, manner that is dependent on M6PR. Importantly, analysis of the the PmrA/B response of C. burnetii is not linked to metabolic downstream progression of C. burnetii infection demonstrated changes but to transition to a virulent phenotype. Transcriptional that loss of these proteins, and subsequent reduced Dot/Icm virulence induction in response to amino acids also appears true translocation, does not necessarily impact CCV biogenesis and for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) as a recent re- pathogen replication. This likely indicates that infection can port indicated that exogenous cysteine can be sensed by the progress as long as Dot/Icm effector translocation reaches a EHEC cysteine utilization regulator CutR, leading to increased critical threshold level. It is plausible that this observation re- expression of genes within the virulence-associated locus of the flects the permissive nature of the host cell used in these studies. enterocyte effacement pathogenicity island (61). HeLa cells, with a less active lysosomal network, may still facil- Specific two-component systems can respond to more than itate replication of C. burnetii with suboptimal levels of effector one stimulus (50, 62). Thus, further investigation may demon- delivery. However, in the predominant natural host cell, alveolar strate that other lysosomal breakdown products also stimulate C. macrophages, a more developed lysosomal compartment, would burnetii PmrA/PmrB activity, particularly given that silencing of likely further promote effector delivery but perturbation of this MANBA and lysosomal sialidase (NEU1) both reduced C. bur- compartment may have a more significant impact on infection netii Dot/Icm effector translocation. This study has significantly progression. broadened our understanding of C. burnetii pathogenesis and the A series of luciferase reporter strains has allowed us to dem- intimate relationships between intracellular bacterial virulence onstrate that the C. burnetii PmrA/PmrB two-component system and their subcellular niche. responds to specific amino acids that are found at high concen- tration in the lysosome (55). The PmrA/PmrB two-component Materials and Methods system has been well-characterized in both L. pneumophila and Data Availability Statement. The complete siRNA screen data is available in C. burnetii as controlling the expression of genes encoding for Dataset S1. All RNA-seq data is available in Datasets S4–S6. structural components of the Dot/Icm apparatus and a large subset of Dot/Icm effectors (13, 20, 21, 56, 57). Given this tran- Cell Culture. HeLa cells were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s scriptional influence, it is not surprising that this two-component medium (GlutaMAX; Gibco) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated FBS at system is required for intracellular growth of both pathogens (13, 37 °C in 5% CO2. 20, 21). The PmrB sensor histidine kinases of L. pneumophila and C. burnetii share 50% identity across the entire protein and are Bacterial Strains. C. burnetii Nine Mile phase II (RSA439, clone 4) strains were cultured axenically in ACCM-2 at 37 °C in 5% CO2 and 2.5% O2 (63). Chlor- highly conserved within the histidine kinase domain. Importantly, amphenicol and kanamycin were added to ACCM-2 at 3 and 350 μg/mL, the predicted extracellular component of PmrB that recognizes en- respectively, when required. E. coli DH5α, E. coli PIR1, or E. coli PIR2 strains vironmental signals is the least conserved region, supporting the hy- were grown in Luria-Bertani (LB) broth or on LB agar plates containing pothesis that these proteins respond to different extracellular stimuli. ampicillin (100 μg/mL), chloramphenicol (12.5 μg/mL), or kanamycin (100 μg/mL) Homologous PmrA/PmrB two-component systems have been as necessary. well-characterized in a range of bacterial species and have been shown to contribute to virulence of several pathogens including High-Throughput siRNA Screening. HeLa cells (3,920 cells per well) were Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Pseudomonas reverse-transfected in black-walled clear-bottom 96-well plates (Corning) aeruginosa (reviewed in ref. 50). In these bacteria, environmental with siGENOME SMARTpool siRNAs (final concentration 40 nM) using + + μ stimuli such as low Mg2 or high Fe3 are recognized by PmrB, DharmaFECT 1 lipid transfection reagent (0.1 L per well) (Dharmacon RNAi Technologies). Genome-wide siRNA libraries (catalog numbers in Dataset S1) leading to activation of the response regulator PmrA and tran- were screened at the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics at the Peter scriptional changes that promote LPS alterations to facilitate MacCallum Cancer Centre. Each well in the siGENOME SMARTpool siRNA resistance to antibiotics such as polymyxin B and to toxic metals library contained 4 siRNAs targeting different sequences of the target 3+ such as Fe (58, 59). transcript. A deconvolution validation screen was performed using the in- Initial characterization of the C. burnetii luciferase reporters dividual siRNA duplexes, all four on the same library plate (catalog numbers used here demonstrated that the C. burnetii PmrA/PmrB system in Dataset S2) at 25 nM with the same assay conditions as above. does not respond to these stimuli. Rather, we have demonstrated Cells were reverse-transfected using the SciClone ALH3000 lab automation that C. burnetii PmrB can sense amino acids, particularly phe- liquid handler (Caliper Life Sciences) and EL406 microplate washer dispenser nylalanine, proline, and serine, to induce activation of PmrA. (BioTek). Cells were transfected in duplicate and media were changed 24 h The recent first comprehensive analysis of metabolites in the after transfection using the EL406 microplane washer dispenser (BioTek). Seventy-two hours posttransfection, cells were infected with C. burnetii lysosome demonstrates the presence of these amino acids used pBlaM–MceA at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 300 for 24 h. Infected here to induce a PmrA-dependent transcriptional response (55). cells were loaded with CCF2-AM using the LiveBLAzer FRET B/G Loading Kit Characterization of the lysosome metabolome has also demonstrated (Invitrogen) and 0.1 M probenecid. The CLARIOstar microplate reader (BMG that the oxidized form of cysteine, cystine, represents a defining LABTECH) was used to quantify translocation. The ratio of 450 nm (blue; characteristic of the lysosome, with a 28-fold higher concentration product in Dataset S1) to 520 nm (green; substrate in Dataset S1) was

8of10 | Newton et al. Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 calculated. Cell viability was determined by fixing (4% paraformaldehyde DQ-BSA Assay. DQ Green BSA (Life Technologies) was used to measure ly- for 15 min) and staining cells with DRAQ5 fluorescent probe solution sosomal protease activity in cells as described previously (67), with slight (Thermo Scientific; 1:4,000 in PBS). A CellInsight High-Content Screening modifications described in SI Appendix, Materials and Methods. microscope (Thermo Scientific) was used to quantify the number of nuclei per well for nine fields using a 5× objective alongside the Target Activation RNA-Seq Analysis. C. burnetii WT and C. burnetii pmrA::Tn were grown bioapplication of HCS Studio cell analysis software (iDev workflow). Details axenically for 7 d in quadruplicate and subsequently inoculated in duplicate of the bioinformatic analysis of siRNA screen data are described in SI Ap- into 30 mL ACCM-2 at a concentration of 1 × 106 GE per mL. Bacteria were pendix, Materials and Methods. grown in ACCM-2 for 72 h, after which each strain was treated with either

dH2O or an amino acid mixture consisting of 10 mM phenylalanine, 10 mM Generation of CRISPR Cell Lines. CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing was performed proline, and 10 mM serine and incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 and 2.5% O2 for using pX459 v2.0, a gift from Feng Zhang (Addgene plasmid 62988). Guide a further 20 min. Cultures were harvested at 3,250 × g for 15 min at 4 °C and RNA specific for LRP1 (64), M6PR, and TPP1 (designed using RNA was extracted using TRIsure (Bioline) according to the manufacturer’s guide-design-resources; SI Appendix, Table S4) was cloned into pX459 (65). instructions. Samples were treated for DNA contamination using an RNase- HeLa cells were seeded at 3.75 × 105 per well in six-well tissue-culture plates Free DNase Set (QIAGEN) and cleaned using the RNease Mini Kit (QIAGEN) as and cotransfected using Lipofectamine 3000 and a total of 2,500 ng DNA per the manufacturer’s instructions. specific to either one exon (LRP1) or two exons (M6PR and TPP1). Cells were selected with puromycin (2.5 μg/mL) and clonally isolated in 96-well tissue- High-quality RNA samples, as assessed on an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, culture plates. were submitted to the Australian Genome Research Facility for ribosomal RNA depletion using Ribo-Zero bacteria (Illumina) and high-throughput 100-bp Generation of Luciferase-Expressing C. burnetii Strains. Integration plasmids single-end sequencing on the Illumina HiSeq 2500. Transcripts were analyzed as [pMiniTn7T-Kan and pMiniTn7T-CAT::luxCDABE (21)] were a gift from described in SI Appendix, Materials and Methods. P. Beare (Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIH, Hamilton, MT). The luxCDABE Please refer to SI Appendix, Materials and Methods for more information operon, T0T1 terminator, and promoters amplified from C. burnetii genomic regarding siRNA transfections, translocation assays, real-time quantification, DNA were added to pMiniTn7T as described in SI Appendix, Table S4. The Western blot analysis, C. burnetii infections, immunofluorescence staining, integration of the luciferase-expressing plasmids into C. burnetii WT and C. microscopy, and statistical analysis. burnetii pmrA::Tn was achieved by electroporation and selection as de- scribed previously (10, 66). Luciferase-expressing C. burnetii were analyzed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Confocal microscopy was performed at the Biological for a response to pH or altered medium composition as described in SI Ap- Optical Microscopy Platform, The University of Melbourne (https://microscopy. pendix, Materials and Methods. We thank Dan Thomas and Jennii Luu from the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics for expert technical help during the screen. We acknowledge use of the services and facilities of the Australian Genome Amino Acid Analysis. The 20 essential amino acids were diluted in either dH2O or 1 M Hepes buffer to a final concentration of 100 mM. Axenically grown C. Research Facility. Single-copy integration plasmids were a gift from P. A. Beare MICROBIOLOGY and R. A. Heinzen, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIH. This research was sup- burnetii strains were added to white-bottomed 96-well tissue-culture plates ported by Australian National Health and Medical Research Council APP1063646 at 1 × 105 GE (genome equivalent) per well and incubated at 37 °C with 5% and APP1120344. The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics (K.J.S.) is funded CO and 2.5% O for 72 h. Amino acids were added at a final concentration 2 2 by the Australian Cancer Research Foundation, the Australian Phenomics Net- of 10 mM (or equal volume of carrier) to individual wells in duplicate. The work through funding from the Australian Government’s National Collabora- plates were then incubated at 37 °C for 20 min using the CLARIOstar tive Research Infrastructure Strategy Program, and the Peter MacCallum Cancer microplate reader in which light production was measured at 0 min (to Centre Foundation. L.E.E.-M. is funded by the Grimwade Fellowship from the provide a baseline measurement) and 20 min after the addition of amino Russell and Mab Grimwade Miegunyah Fund at The University of Melbourne acids. Light production values of PicmW and Pcig2 strains were adjusted and a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Fellowship from the Australian relative to P311 following normalization to carrier-treated samples. Research Council (DE180100418).

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