Amazon Affiliate Niches (2019) The Ultimate Guide to 68 Low-Competition, Evergreen Amazon Affiliate Niches OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER

This free report will not make you money.

This report is meant to guide you to some of the best low-competition (at the time of writing), evergreen niches that you can promote as an Amazon Associates affiliate.

But in no way am I guaranteeing that by simply reading this report you’ll become rich and be able to hire a harem of buxom wenches to feed you grapes all day.

Bummed out? You shouldn’t be.

Online business – just like the bricks-and-mortar kind – weeds out people who are lazy and give up easily. If you’re a hustler and you take a long-term view of making money online, then you too can experience the magic of turning your keyboard into a monthly income.

I know a lot of sales pages in the make-money-online niche promise “push-button riches”. I’m telling you the opposite is the case.

Making money online requires persistence, perseverance, patience, and other words that begin with the letter “p”.

With that in mind, this report gives you information that you can act upon. But you need to act - and persevere - to get results.

Amazon Disclaimer: I don’t work for Amazon, and I don’t claim to speak for them. This report presents information related to products and product categories on that I researched on my own, without any input by Amazon staff (although in my dreams Jeff Bezos often whispers sweet business wisdom in my ear).

Bottom line: this report is in no way affiliated with Amazon, the company.


2 Table of Contents

What This Report is All About ……………………………… 4 How I Found These Niches ……………………………… 8 What to Do After Reading This Report …………………………… 9 68 Amazon Affiliate Niches for 2019 (and Beyond…) ……………13


ARTS & CRAFTS ……………………………… 14 BABIES ……………………………… 16 BEAUTY & PERSONAL CARE ……………………………… 19 CAMERAS ……………………………… 22 ELECTRONICS ……………………………… 25 HEALTH ……………………………… 29 HOME & KITCHEN ……………………………… 32 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS …………………………….... 36 PETS ……………………………… 38 SPORTS & OUTDOORS ……………………………… 40

Final Thoughts ……………………………… 47

3 What This Report Is All About

The Amazon Niche Site Opportunity…

Everyone knows that Amazon is a huge online retailer...

But did you know that nearly 50% of all online sales in the US are made through Amazon, which works out to an insane 5% of all retail spend in the country?

Check out this pie chart that shows Amazon’s percentage of US e-commerce sales versus puny competitors like Walmart and Ebay:

Source: Chart: Amazon’s Dominance in Ecommerce

4 Here’s another interesting graphic by Emarketer that shows how Amazon stacks up against the other top 10 U.S. ecommerce sites:

What makes this sales gusher great (for you and me), is that Amazon also has a huge affiliate program.

In fact, the Amazon Associates program (as their affiliate program is called), was the first major brand to offer an online affiliate program when it was started back in prehistoric 1996!

It’s estimated that Amazon has up to 1 million sites in its Associates program. Not all of those sites are “making it rain”, but there are still lots of online entrepreneurs who are killing it with Amazon affiliate sites in a short amount of time (and many others making modest sums – and rising).

There are a few things that I find exciting about Amazon affiliate sites in particular:

● Hundreds of product categories that niche sites can be built around. (Note: I don’t recommend you build a niche site that just reviews products. When you build a site, it should be “topical”, i.e. an authoritative resource on a topic, not a product category.

5 For example: instead of your site being about “barbecues”, it should be about “barbecuing” – or even better, “the art of backyard grilling”).

P.S. There are actually more than 50,000 product categories in the Amazon directory. I counted.

● Thousands of low-competition “buyer” keywords (and even more informational keywords) that can be targeted.

● Great conversion rates (because many consumers are already buying from Amazon).

● Ravenous market for Amazon affiliate sites. We’re currently going through a “gold rush” era in the website flipping market. Investors are hungry to buy niche affiliate sites, and Amazon sites are apparently the most popular. In fact, I was told by a person who works in the industry that demand for good-quality Amazon affiliate sites currently exceeds supply.

But Finding a Niche is Hard…

A number of years ago I ran a survey of my readers asking what their biggest problem was finding a niche.

Nearly 700 people completed the survey (a pretty good sample), and the top two answers (by far) were:

→ How to find a profitable niche → How to find a low-competition niche

My interpretation of those results was this: because most people recognize that niche selection is crucially important (in getting traffic and making money) they want to reduce the risk in finding a niche.

And that’s one of the reasons why I created this guide: to use my ten years of experience making money online to help separate the wheat from the chaff and pick out the niches with the best chance of success.

So that’s why I created this guide for you. But rational human beings usually aren’t selfless, are they…

What’s in It for Me…

Some people have asked me: “Why give away these niche ideas? Why not just keep them for yourself?”

6 Beyond the fact that I don’t have the time or interest in building hundreds of niche sites (I currently have a small portfolio and am happy to slowly add to it), I have one selfish reason:

My goal is to turn my passion for niche research into a business.

I spend hours every day doing niche research inside my go-to tools (especially Ahrefs) and writing up findings. I come across new niche opportunities literally hourly.

I could just save those opportunities to my hard drive and call it a day. But why do that when I can provide services that help others realize their dream of making money online?

So if you’d like to help me help you, please go to my Services page and let me know how I can help you accelerate your dream of building and growing one (or many!) profitable niche sites.

Moe Muise, M.A. Researcher-In-Chief

7 How I Found These Niches

My team and I followed these steps to find the 68 low-competition, evergreen niches in this guide:

1. Scraped the Amazon directory of 50,000+ product categories

2. Sorted the resulting product categories by need.

3. Did keyword research for each product category to find the lowest-competition commercial (aka “buyer”) keywords.

To do that, we did the following:

● Brainstormed the best “topical” keyword for each product category ● Entered the topical keyword into Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer ● Zeroed in on commercial keywords by entering the keyword qualifiers “best” and “review” ● Set the KD (Keyword Difficulty) score to “4”

4. Confirmed that the SERP for each keyword had at least two “weak” pages.

We arbitrarily set the criteria for a weak page as follows:

● DR (Domain Rating) of 10 or less ● Zero backlinks to the page

5. Confirmed that products are actually selling in each category by using the Amazon sellers tool Viral Launch (because people can be searching Google for products but not buying on Amazon).

That’s the process, in nutshell.

Now, before jumping into the specific niches, please read the next section to learn exactly what you should do after reading this guide…

8 What to Do After Reading This Report

Let me start with what you should not do after reading this guide…

You shouldn’t pick one niche that seems lucrative, then whip up a “review” website that consists of 10 pages, each page a review of a product on Amazon.

Why is that a bad idea?

Because you’ll likely fail. Fail to get traffic and fail to make money.

That’s because Google (and other traffic sources) wants to see new sites that are useful and make a contribution to the web.

That means doing more than simply reviewing products.

If you know anything about SEO, you’ve probably heard that Google is all about “EAT” these days…

EAT is an acronym that stands for:

● Expertise ● Authority ● Trust

So Google wants to see content that is thorough, well-researched, and shows that the site is a trusted source of information (put another way: a topical authority).

Which is why I’d like you to make a subtle mind-shift when reviewing the product categories this guide…

Instead of thinking “I’m going to review X number of products and make a killing!”, start with this question:

“How can I cover this niche in a way that’s valuable to my audience?”

So I’m asking you to shift from “How can I quickly make a buck?” to “How can I serve my audience?”.

9 That means creating a site that:

→ Covers the most important angles of your niche thoroughly (i.e. is a “one-stop shop”) → Looks professional → Is organized in a simple, intuitive way → Has some informational content that is not selling anything, and is intended to provide useful, educational, actionable information…

As well as having content that helps your audience make informed buying decisions (i.e. product reviews and lists of the “best” products for various needs).

Alright, I’ll get off my high horse now!

So here’s how I suggest you proceed after reading this guide:

a) Pick a few niches. ALL of the niches in this guide can be profitable and are currently making money for some affiliate marketers, so don’t worry about whether or not the niche can make you money.

Having said that, once you’ve identified a handful of niches that interest you, make sure you consider what type of need is motivating members of the niche’s audience:

❏ Physical need – do people need solutions in order to live? ❏ Emotional need – are people lying awake at night trying to think of solutions to their problem(s)? ❏ Passion need – are there people who are passionate about the niche (for example, with some sports or hobbies)? ❏ Utility need – do people need the product on a day-to-day basis? (E.g. pillows)

(Tip: if you can’t strongly associate one of those types of needs with the niche, scratch it from your list.)

b) Find the lowest-competition keywords for those niches. That means finding both informational and commercial (aka “buyer”) keywords, because, as mentioned above, you want to create a balanced site that Google and your users find helpful.

You can follow my guide to find the lowest-competition keywords from the niches you’ve chosen.

10 Note: this step can MAKE or BREAK your online business. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve been doing research in Ahrefs and come across a niche site that’s getting a pitiful amount of traffic because it’s targeting the wrong keywords.

a) Find offers to promote that are related to the low-competition commercial keywords you’ve identified. You can use this module from my guide to learn how to find offers to promote.

b) Decide how to “position” your site. You want to focus narrowly enough that you can cover your niche comprehensively and become an authority in your niche.

c) Choose a domain name that best reflects the positioning of your site.

d) Set up your website to make sales. This is another crucial step, because even with low-competition keywords, the best content, and good affiliate products to promote, if your website is not structured in a way that turns visitors into customers, you’ll be missing out on a lot of money.

e) Create compelling website content focused on the low-competition keywords. This ties in with the keyword research step above. You want your website to have content that speaks directly to your visitors’ needs and conveys empathy. Empathy builds trust – and leads to sales!

f) Do a little search engine optimization to start getting organic traffic to your site.

The beauty of targeting low-competition keywords is that you don’t have to do much (or any) SEO in order to get traffic to your site.

(With most of my sites, I just set up a couple of social media accounts that are linked to the new site and start posting from those accounts. That’s usually enough to get things going…). But there are a handful of SEO steps you can follow if you want to give your new site an added boost (check out Matt Diggity’s backlink blueprint, or Authority Hacker’s linkbuilding technique).

11 Doing it yourself is great if you have the knowledge, confidence, and time to get all of the necessary steps done.

But if you’re new to internet marketing, or if you find all of the “moving parts” to be a bit overwhelming, or if you just don’t have much free time, you might want to consider one of the following options:

➔ Let me know what you need help with by checking out my Services page

➔ Learn how to set up an Amazon niche site yourself from one of the popular courses:

◆ Five Figure Niche Site, by Doug Cunnington

◆ Human Proof Method, by Dom Wells

◆ Trung Tan’s AMZ Affiliate Bootcamp

12 68 Amazon Niches for 2019 (and Beyond…)

Market Niche Market Niche

Arts & Crafts Scrapbooking Home & Kitchen Smart homes Painting Indoor cleaning Embroidery Home security Sewing HVAC/indoor air Coffee Backyard

Babies Baby safety Musical Guitars Baby transport Instruments Ukuleles Baby sleep Drums Baby health Piano keyboards Baby exercise Digital pianos Flutes Trombones Trumpets

Beauty Hair care Pets Dogs Hair removal Cats Skin care Fishes

Cameras Action cameras Sports Scooters Body cameras Skateboarding Spy cameras Snowboarding “Best camera for…” Paintball Camcorders Bikes (outdoor) Binoculars Exercise bikes Telescopes Elliptical machines machines Golf Fishing Hunting Bow Hunting Crossbows Archery Backpacks Baseball Boxing

Electronics Biometrics Health Supplements Headphones Stress relief Headsets Sleep Microphones Pain relief Amplifiers Hearing aids Record players Speakers Sub-woofers


If you’ve ever hung out at a sewing supplies shop (and who hasn’t?) you know that arts & crafts is certainly a market with many “passion” niches.

One of my sons is a passionate sewer (tip: apparently they call themselves “sewists”) because he’s really interested in fashion design.

One time we were at a sewing supplies shop and a lady who worked there said “Once you get into sewing, you’re in for life!”

And even though that lady looked 170 years old, Millennials are getting into crafting in a big way. In fact, a study by the Association for Creative Industries found this:

“Today, crafters are the youngest they’ve ever been” and “the largest percentage of crafters (41%)…are between the ages of 18- and 34-years old”.

- Mark Hill, CEO, Association for Creative Industries

Evergreen market!

Here are some supporting statistics by Forbes:

14 ● 62% of U.S. households participate in one crafting hobby ● 90% of industry sales are currently made at brick-and-mortar retailers – but that’s changing as an increasing amount of sales are made online (see an opportunity?) ● The top creative hobbies are: edible arts (17%); painting and drawing (16%); kids crafts (16%); sewing and fabric (11%) and paper crafts (11%) ● Younger millennial crafters are into painting and drawing, paper crafts, wood crafts and home décor crafting

Now let’s get into some Arts & Crafts niches that are popular on Amazon:


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Die cutting machine 3,290

Note: The most popular product in this category – the Cricut cutting machine – has huge search volume. The seed keyword “Cricut” has 219,675 related keywords!

PAINTING Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

airbrush kit 4,900

art easel 4,829


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

embroidery machine 66,847


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

sewing machine 311,798

sewing table 13,265 15

How to Make More Money from the Arts & Crafts Niche:

● Niche-specific affiliate programs. E commerce sites like Fabric offer higher commission rates than Amazon, and probably get higher average order values.

Justine Grey has an awesome list of art affiliate programs.

● Education. In addition to physical products, there’s a big opportunity in Arts & Crafts niches to sell educational courses/tutorials


“I’m gonna take every single dollar they have...”

Baby products are an awesome online market for a bunch of reasons:

● Baby products are the largest category of “consumer packaged goods” sold online

● Parenting young children is a highly emotional topic. What parent doesn’t want the best for their child? That means converting site visitors to a high-priced product can be easier than in other markets.

16 ● There are tons of complementary offers that you can promote on your site: information products, services (if you’re really into the niche), etc.

Below I’ve grouped the most popular Amazon baby products into niches based on needs. You could start a niche site around one of those needs, or go micro-niche and target just one product category:


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

car seat 442,197

baby monitor 53,360


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

baby carrier 35,363

stroller 258,663

stroller board 1,321

diaper bag 41,627


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

bassinet 43,225

crib mattress 17,890

baby lounger 582

baby swing 19,952


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs


high chair 71,033

bottle warmer 8,864 BABY HEALTH

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

baby monitor 53,462

nasal aspirator 2,599


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

play pen 5,335

play yard 10,628

baby activity center 866

How to Make More Money from the Baby Niche:

● Niche-specific affiliate programs. Check out this list of baby products affiliate programs.

● Promote related Clickbank offers, like potty training and learning to read.


IMO, the beauty market is one of the best online markets to enter for an affiliate marketer.

Consider these points:

● Beauty is a highly emotional need, related to identity, ego, self-esteem, and a host of other emotional triggers (human traits that are not going away)

● Physical appearance always been one way that human beings compete with each other (not going away)

● High margins! (Uh…not going away?)

What’s even better, Amazon appears to be making aggressive moves into the market:

19 “With the June acquisition of PillPack and quieter forays into beauty, Amazon has demonstrated its intent to move into the online pharmacy business as well as the space dominated by Sephora and Ulta Beauty”

Emarketer, “Amazon's Health and Beauty Sales Soar”

Emarketer estimates that US sales of health, personal care and beauty products totaled $16.00 billion in 2018, with those combined categories being the third fastest-growing (after Food & Beverage, and Apparel & Accessories).

I’ve grouped the top evergreen Amazon product categories into niches (again, you could target an entire niche, or just one product category):


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Shampoo 693,763

Hair dryer 90,019

Hair clipper 15,368

Curling iron 47,368

Flat iron/Hair straightener 65,273 and 33,364


Popular Product Category Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Electric shavers (face, for men) electric shaver 19,280

electric razor 25,050

Body hair removal (women and men) epilator 17,587

home hair removal 4,779


Popular Product Category Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Makeup makeup mirror 16,321

makeup brush 44,935

makeup airbrush kit 705


How to Make More Money from the Beauty Niche

● Niche-specific affiliate programs. Justine Grey has a great list of 91+ beauty affiliate programs. ● Promote related Clickbank offers, like anti-aging info products.


This picture isn’t related to the cameras covered in this section, but I find it hilarious.


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

action camera 50,440

gopro accessories 3,965


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

body camera 27,096


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

spy camera 37,130


Many of the keywords in this niche can be grouped into related themes.

For example, there are ~30 low-competition keywords containing the words “best camera for sports”, including “best camera for indoor sports”, “best camera for youth sports”, etc.

Focusing on any of these thematic clusters would be a great angle for a niche site.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

best camera for 65,378


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

camcorder 94,440


This niche would lend itself really well to any nature activity that involves watching things. Some ideas:

● Bird-watching ● Hunting ● Astronomy/stargazing ● Safari

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

binoculars 95,680


This niche would be a great tie-in with the binoculars niche. Lots of low-competition keywords.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

best telescope 7,376


Electronics are massive on Amazon, with computers and consumer electronics being the leading product category in the Marketplace (2018 sales: $65.82 billion).

You could guess that from the Google search volume. Type “headphones” or “speakers” into any keyword research tool and you’ll see that there are millions of searches per month.

Here are some excellent niches to check out in Electronics:


This is another great “emotional needs” niche that ties in safety.

Popular product categories on Amazon: ● Biometrics safes (especially biometrics gun safe) ● Biometric door locks

25 Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

biometric safe 3,358

biometric lock 1,689

biometric clock 790


I couldn’t find any studies to back up this claim, but eyeballing the keywords in this niche tells me that it must be one of the biggest product categories on Amazon.

There are literally millions of different keywords that people are typing into Google to find headphones to buy.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

bluetooth headphones 125,205

wireless headphones 119,856

noise cancelling headphones 25,314

HEADSETS Some interesting sub-niches here. For example:

● Virtual reality headsets are huge on Amazon ● Same with gaming headsets ● One low-competition micro-niche (at the time this was written) is “aviation headsets”, i.e. headsets for pilots). Even better, the products tend to be expensive (= high affiliate commission). Interested in flying? Here’s an idea: start a niche site on the “must-have” gear for pilots.

26 Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

wireless headset 64,396

VR headset 48,786

noise cancelling headset 8,544

gaming headset 61,297

aviation headset 3,323


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

condenser microphone 13,034

computer microphone 12,397


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

stereo amplifier 13,165

car amplifier 11,390

headphone amplifier 6,307


Like headphones, this is another niche where there’s literally millions of different keywords searched every month on Google. Tons of opportunity here.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

bluetooth speakers 53,500

computer speakers 34,459

outdoor speakers 10,978

bookshelf speakers 12,547


If you’re like me (i.e. not an “electronics guy”), you might think a subwoofer is an inferior breed of dog. It’s not.

Apparently a subwoofer is a speaker that’s used specifically to play “low-pitched audio frequencies”, aka “bass” sounds. So there you go.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

subwoofer for car 1,554

12 inch subwoofer 276


The health market is a relatively small one on Amazon, but it’s HUGE on the internets.

In their Ecommerce Insights Survey, eMarketer found that:

“…medicine, vitamins, minerals or supplements was the second most digitally purchased product category by US internet users in the past 30 days.

It also had the distinction of being the only category where internet users ages 60 and older had higher levels of purchasing than all other age groups (31.7%).”

Did you get the two key points there?

● Vitamins/supplements are a huge niche online ● Old people are buying them

And old people have the most money.

Keep those points in mind when thinking about the angle you would take with a health niche site.


Google doesn’t seem to like (i.e. won’t rank) niche sites that should be offering advice only from a credentialed professional. That includes medical (and in some cases, general health) advice.

If you’ve been following SEO news over the past year, you’ve no doubt heard about the “Medic” update to Google’s ranking algorithms.

Google stated that that update was a “broad” algorithm update and didn’t target specific markets or niches, but an analysis by Moz found that health sites were disproportionately affected.

So before you venture into a health niche, check out the sites that are already ranking for the keywords/topics you want to target. Are there any niche sites ranking, or are the SERPs dominated by behemoths like WebMD? If it’s the latter, you should think of a unique angle, or stay away.


There are a bunch of supplement niches that have low-competition keywords.

The key with this niche (and any other) is to “niche down” until you’re tightly focused

Some of the low-competition sub-niches I’ve seen include supplements for:

● Crossfit training ● Sprinters ● Men over 40 ● Chronic fatigue

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

crossfit supplements 416

sprinter supplements 104

supplements for over 40 886

fatigue supplements 1,290


Popular Product Category Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Massagers massage chair 39,276

scalp massager 1,686

prostate massager 4,775

massage table 22,473

Light therapy sun lamp 4,472


Popular Product Category Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Mattresses best mattress 50,682

Pillows best pillow 24,576


In addition to Amazon products, this is a great niche to promote (or create your own) exercise programs. There are tons of keywords related to exercises, yoga, and “relief”.

31 Popular Product Category Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Heating pads heating pad 38,490

Knee pain shoes for knee pain 1,145

Neck pain Neck pain pillow 2,362


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

hearing amplifier 3,353


32 Some of the biggest product categories on Amazon fall into this market.

In fact, the Amazon directory has an entire “Smart Home” section at the top of the Directory page – and the company sold 24 million smart speakers in 2018.

Here’s an eye-opening quote that underscores the importance of smart devices:

“It’s safe to say Amazon’s future seems to rely on the success of its smart home devices.”

With that said, here are some top Home & Kitchen niches on Amazon:

“SMART” HOMES (surprise!)

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

smart plug 21,934

smart bulb 10,736

smart thermostat 9,984

smart speaker 8,114

smart doorbell 3,244

smart light switch 3,677

home hub 2,440

smart garage door opener 1,037


I put this niche after smart homes because robotic vacuum cleaners could be considered a smart product.

Popular Product Category Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

Vacuum cleaners (especially robotic) robot vacuum 22,502


I put this niche after smart homes because robotic vacuum cleaners could be considered a smart product.

This is an absolutely awesome niche, because it addresses a problem that’s both a physical need and emotional need: personal safety.

There’s also a strong tie-in between this niche and the smart home niche.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

home security system 28,719

home security camera 23,820


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

air purifier 90,600

humidifier 191,372

water heater 557,715


There are tons of affiliate sites ranking in “backyard entertaining” niches.

Here’s one example: is less than two years old and gets over 13,000 visits per month according to Ahrefs (again, Ahrefs tends to underestimate traffic, so it’s probably getting much more than that). The site is also ranking for almost 17,000 keywords. Pure affiliate site.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

electric smoker 34,889

charcoal grill 48,739

electric grill 17,899


Musical instruments is a market that’s great for new online entrepreneurs who are already interested in a particular instrument.

Pick a niche, brainstorm an angle that you can position your site around (see the Guitars niche below for one idea), then jump into your keyword research.

Here are the top-selling product categories:


Interesting fact: 50% of new guitarists today are women.

How about starting a site that targets one type of guitar and women (e.g.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

acoustic guitar 185,383

electric guitar 155,760

jazz guitar 20,581

guitar amplifier 14,819


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

best ukulele/ukuleles 4,585


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

drum set 44,862


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

piano keyboard 29,075


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

digital piano 26,088


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

best flute 3,393


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

best trombone 1,117

* If you’ve seen the Simpsons’ episode, you get it.


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

best trumpet 3,397


38 Here’s an insane stat: Amazon sold $1 billion worth of pet food in 2018 - just pet food!

If you follow any “make money online” blogs, you’ve probably seen case studies of dog niche sites. I used to think that’s because of the herd mentality (in other words, once one blogger wrote a case study of a dog site, other bloggers followed suit).

But then I looked into the search volume in the dog market. Huge search volume!

And where there’s huge search volume, there are typically thousands and thousands of different keywords – including low-competition keywords. That’s certainly true of the pets market.

There are three niches to concentrate on, per my research. The first two niches (dogs and cats) have a ton of opportunity. In the third niche (fish), there’s some opportunity, but not as much as dogs and cats, because there’s simply not as much search volume.


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

dog bed 79,793

dog house 85,568

dog gate 10,669

dog fence 29,284

dog carrier 12,597


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

cat carrier 9,032

cat box 25,700


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

fish aquarium or fish tank* 42,315 or 215,454

* Interestingly, fish tank keywords are less competitive than fish aquarium keywords.


40 The Sports & Outdoors department on Amazon consists of some classic “passion” niches, like golf and fishing. There’s a huge volume of searches in those niches, as well as a ton of low-competition keywords.

(Bonus: none of those niches are going away any time soon.)

And here’s an interesting related stat: in a 2018 study, Sourcify found that of the top 200 best-selling products on Amazon, Sports & Outdoors had the most products (12%).

Here are some niches to consider building your niche site on:


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

electric scooter 57,949

This image is from an article entitled “How Electric Scooters are Reshaping Cities”


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

electric 12,759


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

goggles 2,410


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

paintball gun 7,600


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

electric bike 73,028

EXERCISE BIKES (air bikes – “exercise bike with resistance”)

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

recumbent exercise 5,481 bike

air bike 11,930


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

elliptical machine 9,593


This is one of the granddaddies of affiliate marketing. There are a ton of affiliate sites in this niche, and lots of sub-niches that still have room for competition.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

golf rangefinder 5,129

golf shoes 47,060

golf clubs 344,334


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

fishing reel 47,352

fishing backpack 1,475

fishing 1,805

* Believe it or not, for fishing – and fishing kayaks – sell well on Amazon (see the niche below).


One of the low-competition sub-niches in this niche is fishing kayaks. You could fold that sub-niche into a broader fishing site (see previous item) or add fishing content to a targeted site on fishing kayaks.

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

fishing 27,308


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

hunting scope 7,265

hunting backpack 2,895

hunting GPS 1,631

hunting binoculars 1,401

See the next two product categories for great ways to niche down within the hunting niche… BOW HUNTING

Apparently bow hunters use a bow and arrow to hunt, instead of a gun (you learn something new every day).

For this one I’ve really niched things down and mapped out some of the main product categories that are making sales on Amazon. All of the topical keywords below have low-competition variations (at the time this guide was published), and all are “buyer” keywords.

Want an example of a crappy affiliate site that’s doing well in this niche? Here you go:

According to Ahrefs, this site is getting almost 11k visitors per month (which means it’s probably double that amount), and the site is ranking for a ton of “best” keywords.

The owner of this site hasn’t even bothered to use proper English grammar! (See the top menu item “Hunting Gears”, which should be “Hunting Gear”.)

44 Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

bow hunting blind 372

bow hunting stand 298

bow hunting rangefinder 170

bow hunting backpack 166

bow hunting gloves 88

bow hunting camera 66

bow hunting harness 46

Mini pep talk:

This is a great example of a micro-niche that has a passionate audience, an audience that is willing to spend money on their hobby, and a niche that’s low-competition.

I’ve personally seen hundreds of niches like these.

CROSSBOWS Great tie-in with the previous niche. A crossbow is a cross between a gun and a bow and arrow

(Why don’t the hunters just use a bow and arrow? They have the arms of a girly man, I guess.)

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

crossbow Lots (but some are associated with games like Minecraft)


More bows and arrows! But the audience in this niche doesn’t shoot animals, they shoot targets with circles on them…

45 Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

archery bow 12,732

archery target 7,610


Many (but not all) of the low-competition keywords in this niche are related to backpacks for outdoor sports (e.g. “best backcountry hunting backpack”, “best backpack for bike commuting”, etc.)

Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

boxing gloves 34,603

boxing shoes 3,525

boxing heavy bag 1,276


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

baseball glove 32,746

batting tee 1,635


Topical Keyword Keywords in Ahrefs

hunting backpack 2,895

fishing backpack 1,475

travel backpack 17,213


In this report I’ve shown you 68 evergreen Amazon niches that all have popular products and low-competition keywords that you can build a niche site around.

When considering the niches in this report, remember that you don’t need to stick with only Amazon products on your site.

Nor should you. Your users – and Google - want a site that’s a “one-stop-shop” on a topic. In other words, you should be building a niche site that’s an authority.

So after choosing your niche, make sure to do deep keyword research and create excellent content that targets both informational and commercial keywords.

(And if you need a hand with any of the research, make sure to check out my Services.)