The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine
fyfJ> j> i The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine INDEX Volume 49 1966 Published quarterly by THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 4338 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A Allentown Turner Hall, community center "A Springboard on Saw Mill Run," by for Germans, 259 Stanton C. Crawford, 97-110 Alt, Michael, South Side saloon keeper, 258 A. W. Educational and Altenburger, Christine, "The Pittsburgh Bu- Mellon Charitable reau of Police: Some Historical High- Trust, architecture survey grant (1965), lights," 19-37 375 Altoona, Pa. (1863), impressions, 112-126 Adams, Michael, house burned (1801), 53 passim Advertisement by HSWP, of A Guide to Altoona machine shops (1863), 125 the Old Stone Blast Furnaces in Western Ambulance work, police function (c.1886), Pennsylvania by Myron B. Sharp and 31 William H. Thomas (1966), 182 American Bridge Company, buys land from Agnew, Sir Andrew, publishes (1864) A Harmony Society, 313 History of the Hereditary Sheriffs of Gal- American Iron Association (1869), 194 loway, 322, 326 American State Archives, by Ernst Posner Al-Sirat, Muslim bridge, 342 (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1964), rev., 159-160 Albree, Joseph (1836-1917), friend of Mat- Amherst, Sir Jeffrey (1763), 134 thew Brown Riddle, letter to (1850), 171 Amherst College (i869),(J869), 219 Alcuin, Warren County, Pa. religious com- Amoskeag Company, fire engine makers munity, better known as Alcuin Commu- (1861), 48 nity, Roman Catholic founder, 314-316; Anderson, Niles, and Edward G. Williams, eleven rigid rules, 314-315 article co-authors, 1-18, 141-154 Alexander, Eugene, Vigilant Fire Company Andrews, J. Cutler, rev. of McPherson's (1861), 48 The Struggle for Equality, Abolitionists Alexander, Mary, m.m, Robert Crawford and the Negro in the Civil War and Re- (c.1825), </.(1830), 102 construction, 155-157 Annapolis Junction, railroad station (1863), Allegheny Arsenal, Pgh.
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