
Archbishop Buechlein ...... 4, 5 Editorial...... 4 Faith Alive ...... 9 From the Archives ...... 7 TheCriterion Question Corner ...... 11 Criterion Sunday & Daily Readings. . . . 11 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Since 1960 September 24, 1999 Vol. XXXVIII, No. 50 50¢ Respect Life Sunday events Indianapolis parishioners set for Oct. 3 rededicate window in By Mary Ann Wyand Respect Life Sunday events in the spirit of ethnic unity archdiocese on Oct. 3 include a Mass for Life at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis, pro-life liturgies at parishes By Margaret Nelson the apostles of the Slavs. and four Life Chains in central and south- In two ways, Sept. 19 was special The inscription is believed to have ern Indiana. for Slovenian Catholics in the been removed nearly a century ago by Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein will Indianapolis area. then-pastor Father Joseph Byrne, after celebrate the archdiocesan Mass for Life They gathered at St. Anthony Church a disagreement with some Slovenian at 1 p.m. in the cathedral. The public is in Indianapolis as Pope John Paul II vis- parishioners. invited to attend this liturgy. ited their homeland for the first beatifi- On Sunday, Msgr. John Ryan, pas- The archbishop also will present the cation of a native son—Bishop Anton tor of St. Anthony, called for a cele- 1999 Archbishop Edward T. O’Meara Martin Slomšek, who was known for bration of unity, focusing on the faith Respect for Life Award to a long-time pro- his efforts to preserve Slovenian culture they all have in common. life volunteer. The recipient of this distin- when his country came under Austrian Of four large stained-glass win- guished service award will be announced in rule in the mid-1800s. dows dedicated at St. Anthony in the Oct. 1 issue of The Criterion. “He showed that it is possible to be 1904, one depicts St. Patrick, with an The ecumenical Central Indiana Life sincere patriots inscription hon- Chain begins at 2:30 p.m. and continues and, with equal oring the area’s until 3:30 p.m. on North Meridian Street sincerity, to live Irish Catholic and 38th Street in downtown Indianapolis. together and community. “Thousands of people will come cooperate with A second win- together from central Indiana churches of people of other dow shows all denominations to affirm their belief in nationalities, cul- St. Elizabeth with the sanctity of human life and the need for tures and reli- wording below a peaceful pro-life stand,” explained Life gions,” the pope that honors the Chain committee member Paul Clarke of said at a Mass last Sunday in Slovenia. local Hungarian Catholics. Another is Indianapolis. As the pope beatified Bishop of St. Boniface honoring the Germans. During the one-hour observance, he Slomšek, Indianapolis Slovenians cele- A fourth window bears the images of said, Life Chain participants will stand in brated something more local—what SS. Cyril and Methodius, donated by silence, offer prayers for life and hold signs they considered the righting of a 93- the Slovenian lodge of St. Aloysius and that read “Adoption: The Loving Option,” year-old wrong. St. Joseph. “Jesus Forgives and Heals,” “Abortion In an effort to “restore the good According to the 75th anniversary Hurts Women” and other pro-life messages. will and fraternity that once existed history of Holy Trinity Parish, Slaves Royce Dunn, director of Please Let Me here,” the Slovenian Catholics gath- to No One, by Marian College histo- Live, organized the first Life Chain in ered at St. Anthony for the rededica- rian Dr. James J. Divita, “Hard feel- California, Clarke said. “He stipulated tion of a stained-glass window to ings arose in early 1905 when the that it be ‘a church event, not a rally or SS. Cyril and Methodius, known as Slovenes decided to sponsor a dance See LIFE, page 2 to raise money for St. Anthony’s with- out [Father] Byrne’s approval. … Msgr. John Ryan, pastor “When word spread that an Irish Fr. Buckel begins of St. Anthony Parish, girl who attended the Slovene dance rededicates St. Anthony’s had become intoxicated, relations series on Book of window of SS. Cyril and between [Father] Byrne and his Methodius donated by Slovene parishioners deteriorated Revelation the Slovenian Catholic rapidly,” says the history. Beginning with this issue, Father community 95 years ago. The following year, the dedicating John Buckel begins a 10-part series on After a disagreement, the inscription was removed from below the Book of Revelation in his column original inscription was the SS. Cyril and Methodius window. “Journey of Faith.” The series, which removed. Father Kenneth That same year, 1906, Bishop will run until Nov. 26, is accompanied Taylor, pastor of Holy Trinity, Francis Silas Chatard granted permis- by discussion questions and suggestions originally a national sion for the establishment of the for further reading and study and may Slovenian parish, stands Slovenian national church at Holy

be used as a faith formation resource for Photos by Margaret Nelson to Msgr. Ryan’s left. See WINDOW, page 2 youth, young adults and adults. As the year winds down to the popu- lar observance of the end of the millen- nium on Dec. 31, 1999, readers may Indiana parishes to celebrate expect to hear dire predictions of impending catastrophes, including the end of the world. Many of the doom- relationship with Haiti sayers will be basing their predictions on the Book of Revelation, also known By Mary Ann Wyand as the Apocalypse. Father Buckel’s series is meant to “O Lespri Sen, desann sou nou; nou help readers come to an authentic gen yon misyon pou Ayiti.” understanding of the Bible’s most mis- This Creole hymn translates as “O understood—and misused—book. Holy Spirit, descend on us; we have a The column will be found each week mission for Haiti.” on page 5. Professor James Davidson, It is sung by members of the base whose semimonthly column, “Research communities of the in for the Church,” usually appears on Haiti and also by American Catholics page 5, may be found on the “Perspect- who belong to parishes that participate in ives” page in the “Faith Alive!” section. the Haiti Parish Twinning Program. Father Buckel is an associate pro- “Celebrating 20 Years of Building fessor of Scripture at Saint Meinrad Relationships” is the theme for an Oct. 3 School of Theology and a popular Haitian liturgy and banquet at Our Lady columnist with The Criterion.† of Grace Parish in Noblesville, in the Photo by Mary Ann Wyand Photo by Mary —William R. Bruns, Executive Editor Lafayette Diocese, that will mark two Father Kesner Cadet concelebrates Mass Sept. 19 See HAITI, page 2 at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Indianapolis. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999

read “Love in Deed and in Truth—Pro- vention,” Tucker said. “We’re also pray- The bishops encourage parishes LIFE life Means Love.” ing that God will forgive our nation for throughout the U.S. to plan liturgies for continued from page 1 “It’s extremely important that people the sin of abortion.” Respect Life Sunday that draw attention support this event,” said Dolores Tucker The Catholic Church’s national to the sanctity of all human life from the political extravaganza.’ By 1991, about of Columbus, president of the Central Respect Life effort is coordinated by the moment of conception until natural death. 170 Life Chains had been established in Indiana Life Chain. “This is the one occa- U.S. bishops’ Secretariat for Pro-Life The national Respect Life program over 40 states and in other nations.” sion where we have people coming Activities in Washington, D.C. urges Catholics to promote Church teach- This year, Clarke said, more than 360 together across denominations with unity “Neither Do I Condemn You” is the ings on the value and dignity of life to the U.S. cities, including 16 cities in Indiana, of heart, with a focus on prayer, as a visi- theme chosen by the National Conference public through prayer, pastoral services, will sponsor Life Chains. In addition to ble stand to the community.” of Catholic Bishops for the observance of advocacy and education. Indianapolis, Line Chains are scheduled Life Chain participants will pray for Respect Life Sunday in the 193 Catholic within the archdiocesan boundaries in “any woman who has had an abortion, dioceses in the United States. The after- (For information about Life Chains or to Columbus, Connersville and Richmond. that she knows God’s healing and forgive- math of abortion, with emphasis on com- order T-shirts, call the Central Indiana Central Indiana Life Chain organizers ness, and any woman who is facing a cri- passion and reconciliation, is the primary Life Chain office in Indianapolis at 317- are selling T-shirts for the event, which sis pregnancy, that she knows God’s inter- focus for the 1999 observance. 971-2685. The Life Chain T-shirt is $7.) †

relationships with Haitian parishes will “It is a spiritual connection, but one has During his homily in Creole, Father attend the gathering to celebrate the joys to be very careful to maintain it,” Father Cadet emphasized that “God calls upon HAITI of their shared prayer, cultural exchange Kesner Cadet, the new pastor of St. Jean every one of us right now to work with continued from page 1 and material assistance. Marie Parish in Belle Riviere, Haiti, him.” Addressing “those of you who are decades of collaboration between U.S. The event also will recognize the Haiti explained in Creole after concelebrating a benefactors,” the Haitian priest said, Catholics and parishes in this impover- Parish Twinning Program’s recent expan- liturgy on Sept. 19 at St. Thomas Aquinas “Should the work that you weave fall 20 ished Third World country. Haiti, located sion of services to parish twinning activity Church in Indianapolis. The two parishes times to the ground, 20 times place it back on the island of Hispaniola, is the poorest in other Central American and South have supported each other through prayer on the loom to resume your work. We nation in the Western Hemisphere. American countries and the creation of an and friendship for 10 years. must continue on the path of goodness and The anniversary celebration will begin at oversight organization to be known as the “The material connection has become take the Lord as our compass, as our 2 p.m. with a social hour and continue with Parish Twinning Program of the Americas. very important,” Father Cadet said, “but we guide.” Mass at 3 p.m. concelebrated by visiting Based in Nashville, Tenn., the Haiti also have to work at maintaining the spiri- clergy from Haiti. Father Valery Rebecca, Parish Twinning Program is the organiza- tual connection. The [Haitian] people work (For information about the 20th anniversary pastor of St. Joseph Parish in L’Asile and tional and administrative body coordinat- even harder when they are being helped.” celebration, contact St. Thomas Aquinas former pastor of St. Jean Marie Parish in ing the Haiti twinning process with more The twinning program has given parishioner Joe Zelenka of Indianapolis at Belle Riviere, will be the homilist. than 300 U.S. parishes. Haitians a new understanding of Ameri- 317-283-7061; Dave Kuk, a member of Our “Sharing the Blessings” will be the In the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, cans, Father Cadet said. “My prayer is that Lady of Grace Parish at Noblesville, at 317- theme for a Haitian banquet at 4:30 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Indianapolis, Haiti and the United States may always 843-2199; or St. Malachy parishioner Jack Theresa Patterson, executive director of the St. Malachy Parish in Brownsburg, pray together.” Yaggy of Brownsburg at 317-852-9316.) † Haiti Parish Twinning Program, will dis- St. Bartholomew Parish in Columbus and cuss the history of this ministry and a new St. Ambrose Parish in Seymour have estab- completed the inscription in time for the hospital building project. Three Haitian lished twinning relationships with Haitian WINDOW Sept. 19 rededication after the 11 a.m. priests will share their experiences with parishes. In the Lafayette Diocese, Our continued from page 1 Mass at St. Anthony. members of sister parishes in Indiana. Lady of Grace Parish in Noblesville and In Slovenian, “Dar Društva Sv. Aloijzija Laity and clergy from 48 Indiana St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Carmel Trinity, just a few blocks north and east of K.S.K.J.,” the inscription is translated to parishes that have established twinning also have sister parishes in Haiti. St. Anthony. read: “Gift from the Society of St. Aloysius, To prepare for the 100th anniversary American Slovenian Catholic Union Peacekeepers arrive in East Timor; of the guild, officers of the American (Kranjnasko Slovensko Katoliske Jednote).” Slovenian Catholic Union determined After the Sunday Mass and rededication that the inscription at St. Anthony of the window, both St. Anthony and Holy priests, nuns discovered alive should be replaced. Trinity parishioners gathered for a party at NEW YORK (CNS)—When the first alive. Msgr. Ryan agreed to the removal of Ryan Hall. The beverages were coffee and ship of U.N. peacekeeping troops arrived Mother Matilde, who worked for Bishop the window. Fox Studios of Indianapolis milk, doughnuts and potica. † in Dili, East Timor, at 4:15 a.m., it wak- Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, told the ened nuns and refugees residing at a Salesian nuns that she was residing alone Salesian convent. in a portion of Bishop Belo’s house that “It’s earlier than we normally get up, but was not destroyed when militias attacked everybody in the house woke up smiling. the residence in early September. Bringing Home & Health Together Our lives have been saved,” said Salesian Bishop Belo, apostolic administrator of Sister Marlene Bautista, the only U.S. nun Dili, said in Portugal Sept. 19 he would who remained in Timor throughout several return to Dili “when the U.N. force is in all weeks of anarchy and violence. towns and cities (of East Timor) and when The first batch of international troops Dili is calm.” landed at dawn Sept 20. The peacekeeping Bishop Belo was evacuated to Australia force, led by Australia, will eventually in early September following a militia number about 7,500 troops from more than attack on his residence. 20 nations. The force was created with a Priests and dozens of pastoral workers U.N. mandate to use “all necessary means” were killed in what Vatican officials to assist distribution of humanitarian aid described as deliberate attacks against the and to end the killing that began after Catholic Church. 78 percent of voters in East Timor favored Of the 10 priests reported missing, six independence from Indonesia. priests, including Father Barreto, were As the troops moved in, new details believed to be residing in the hills outside emerged on the number of casualties suf- Dili. Father Francisco Tavares dos Reis fered among the clergy and church work- was said to be alive, while a Father ers. Father Francisco Barreto, the head of Francisco Soares was believed dead, said a Caritas East Timor, reported dead Sept. 9, church official. is alive and residing in the hills surround- Bishop Basilio do Nascimento, apos- ing Dili, said Sister Bautista. The tolic administrator of Baukau, East Timor, announcement reduces the number of was also in hiding in the mountains sur- confirmed killings of clergy to four. rounding Baukau, said Father Reinaldo Sister Bautista said Mother Matilde, the Cardoso of Providence, R.I., a priest from INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED LIVING 80-year-old mother superior of the the Azores who served in East Timor prior • American Senior Communities bring you the best in independent living, assisted living, Canossian Daughters of Charity, also is to the 1975 Indonesian invasion. † and health care options. • Offering affordable garden homes, spacious studios, and one bedroom apartments. • Valued services and amenities designed to meet today’s active seniors. The Criterion (ISSN 0574- • Call the community of your choice and find out why more people are choosing an 4350) is published weekly American Senior Community. except the last week of EAST NORTH December and the first TheCriterion 9/24/99 week of January. Clearwater Moving? 1400 N. Meridian St. Box 1717 Commons Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717 Independent & Assisted Living Apartments Independent & Assisted Living Community We’ll be there waiting if you give us two weeks’ 1301 North Ritter Ave. 4519 East 82nd St. advance notice! 317-236-1570 Indianapolis, IN 46219 Indianapolis, IN 46250 800-382-9836 ext. 1570 317-356-2760 317-849-2244 Name [email protected] Periodical Postage Paid at SOUTH New Address______SOUTH Indianapolis, IN. City ______Copyright © 1999 Criterion State/Zip ______Press, Inc. New Parish ______POSTMASTER: Opening Send address changes to: Garden Homes, Independent Garden Homes, Independent Effective Date ______and Assisted Living Apartments and Assisted Living Apartments 1999 Criterion Press, Inc. 6510 U.S. 31 South 7525 Rosegate Dr. Note: If you are receiving duplicate copies please send both labels. 1400 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46227 Indianapolis, IN 46237 EQUAL HOUSING Box 1717 317-783-4663 OPPORTUNITY 317-889-0100 The Criterion • P.O. Box 1717 • Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717 Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717. The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999 Page 3 Pilgrims to travel to New York in December New York By Mary Ann Wyand This year will be their first concert at the Lincoln Center. Cardinal John The final day of the pilgrimage begins with Mass at the J. O’Connor, A four-day Advent pilgrimage to New York City, led by Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and a visit to the Shrine who recently Msgr. Joseph F. Schaedel, vicar general of the archdiocese, of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in New York. This American saint had a tumor will include a variety of spiritual and cultural experiences. founded the parochial school system in the United States. removed from “Christmas in New York—the Journey of Hope 2001 Also on Monday morning, the pilgrims will board the his brain, is Holiday Pilgrimage” from Dec. 10–13 combines a sea- ferry for a brief trip to Ellis Island for lunch and a tour of scheduled to sonal theme with prayer, music and visits to historic sites, the museum. Historical exhibits there describe the largest celebrate Mass according to Carolyn Noone, associate director of special human migration in modern history. at St. Patrick’s events for the archdiocese. Free time during the four-day pilgrimage will enable Cathedral for “The pilgrimage will be a wonderful preparation for our participants to tour other sites in Manhattan and shop at the pilgrims. Christmas at home,” Noone said, “and it is very affordable.” some of New York’s famous department stores. On Friday, archdiocesan pilgrims will tour New York (“Christmas in New York—the Journey of Hope 2001 City by bus, including Rockefeller Center to see the Holiday Pilgrimage” is $869 per person based on double famous Christmas tree on the plaza. occupancy and $1,069 per person for a single room. The Also that day, they will attend a matinee performance fee includes airfare, hotel, most meals, entrance fees, tips of the Radio City Music Hall’s Christmas Spectacular. and taxes. For reservation information, call Carolyn More than 1 million people view the traditional holiday Noone at 317-236-1428 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1428.) † CNS file photo show during its eight-week run each year. Other activities include Mass on Saturday at St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in the Little Italy neighborhood followed by an authentic Italian lunch at a nearby restaurant. Sunday Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, a historic Gothic church, is scheduled to be celebrated by Cardinal John J. O’Connor, who is retiring in January. That afternoon, the pilgrims will attend a performance of “Silent Night, Holy Night: Celebrating the First Christmas,” presented by the Jubilate Deo Chorale and Orchestra at the Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. Directed by Msgr. Carl J. Marucci, the concert is spon- sored under the patronage of the Vatican delegation to the United Nations and the Path to Peace Foundation. “People come from all over the world to attend this con- cert,” Noone said. “Msgr. Schaedel attended this perfor- mance last year and enjoyed it very much. Later he sug- gested a pilgrimage to New York for the holiday concert.” Last year’s performance was at Carnegie Hall, she said.

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Seeking the Face of the Lord Official Weekly Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler TheCriterion 1915 - 1994 Criterion Founding Editor Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B., Publisher William R. Bruns, Executive Editor Greg A. Otolski, Managing Editor John F. Fink, Editor Emeritus Conditions Editorial listed for jubilee The embargo against Cuba indulgence

his is the third in my series 1. The first condition for receiving ast April 28, President Clinton embargo has closed so many windows of explanations concerning the indulgence is the individual announced that he would allow that in some cases Cuban physicians the Great Jubilee 2000 and and complete celebration of sacra- LU.S. companies to sell food and have found it impossible to obtain life- the jubilee indulgence, which mental confession. After a good medicine to Iran, Sudan and Libya. But saving medicines from any source, T is offered by the Church during the confession one can receive the not to Cuba. under any circumstances.” year. This week, I will describe the plenary indulgence even daily for The embargo imposed by the United Two pieces of legislation passed this manner in which we can avail our- a suitable period of time although States against Cuba is now in its 38th decade have increased Cubans’ suffer- selves of the opportunity to receive frequent confession is encouraged year. It is aimed at destabilizing the ing: the 1992 Torricelli Act that pro- the Great Jubilee indulgence as it has for spiritual growth. regime of Fidel Castro, but it obviously hibits foreign subsidiaries of U.S. com- been specified by the Holy See. 2. The second condition is participa- has failed to affect him. Instead, it con- panies from trading with Cuba; and the Recall that an indulgence is a kind tion in the Eucharist which, prop- tinues to hurt the Cuban people. At Helms-Burton Act, which prohibits of amnesty from the effects of our erly, should take place on the first, the embargo didn’t hurt too much foreign companies from “trafficking” same day as the indulgence is because the Soviet Union imported in American property nationalized by turning away from God in sin. “The food and medical supplies, estimated Cuba. Jubilee indulgence smoothes the way sought. between $4 billion–$6 billion annually, Our embargo has regularly been for anyone who wants to rekindle his 3. Confession and participation in to its ally. But with the collapse of the condemned by the rest of the world. or her love for God,” writes one the Eucharist are to be accompa- Soviet Union, the embargo suddenly Since 1992, the United Nations author. “It is a way to ‘burn away sin’ nied by prayers for the intention became very effective. General Assembly has consistently and leave the past behind. It is possi- of our Holy Father as a sign of The Aug. 13 issue of Commonweal condemned the U.S. blockade against ble to set out again for a new season communion with the Church. carried an article by Brian Brown, who Cuba as a violation of both the UN of grace which prepares and antici- 4. Visits to the cathedral church or to was part of a delegation that spent two charter and international law. Last pates the final liberation.” (E. Dal other churches or places desig- weeks in Cuba to assess the impact of November the vote against the United Covolo, Osservatore Romano, N. nated by the ordinary and there the U.S. embargo on the Cuban people. States was 157 to 2; the two were the 20—19 May 1999) assist devoutly at a liturgical cele- During a tour of a hospital in Havana, United States and Israel. The Holy See’s document bration—the Eucharist or lauds he learned that almost all modern med- There was hope, after Pope John announcing the conditions for the [Morning Prayer] or vespers ical equipment is in short supply: incu- Paul II visited Cuba and spoke out jubilee indulgence, “Incarnationis [Evening Prayer]—or other pious bators and parts for incubators (made against the embargo, that something Mysterium” (“The Mystery of the exercise (e.g., the Stations of the more serious by nutritional deficits would be done about it. The president Incarnation”) states as follows: “All Cross, the rosary) whether visiting among pregnant women leading to an announced moves to streamline the the faithful, properly prepared, can in a group or individually, ending increase in low-birth-weight babies), sale and donation of medicines to fully enjoy, throughout the Jubilee, with the “Our Father,” the profes- inhalers for asthmatics, parts for kidney Cuba. But the AAWH says, “It’s a cha- sion of faith in any of the dialysis machines, mammogram equip- rade. Donations from U.S. nongovern- the gift of the indulgence, in accord ment, defibrillators for heart conditions, mental organizations and international with the following norms. … It approved forms and prayer to the film for x-ray machines, and diagnostic agencies do not begin to compensate should be noted that the jubilee indul- Blessed Virgin Mary. equipment of all sorts. for the hardships inflicted by the gence also can be applied in suffrage 5. The indulgence may also be gained Brown reported that in 1994 and embargo on the Cuban public-health to the souls of the deceased: such an if one makes a visit to their broth- 1995, the lack of x-ray film halted all system which is being systematically offering constitutes an outstanding act ers or sisters in need or in difficulty mammograms in Havana. A shortage of stripped of essential resources.” of supernatural charity, in virtue of (e.g., the sick, the imprisoned, the anesthetics, IVs, surgical materials, and There is a bill in both the U.S. the bond which in the Mystical Body elderly living alone, the disabled) even oxygen forced the number of surg- Senate and House of Representatives to of Christ, unites the faithful on pil- as if making a pilgrimage to Christ eries to drop from 885,790 in 1990 to end the embargo on the sale of food grimage here below and those who present in them. 536,547 in 1995, and it is surely still and medicine to Cuba (S. 926 and have already ended their earthly jour- The Holy See’s document goes on lower in 1999. New medications for HR 1644, respectively). It seems ney. Then too, the rule that a plenary to say that there are some other childhood leukemia and breast cancer, unlikely, though, that the bill can be indulgence can be gained only once a actions which merit the plenary nonprescription drugs such as aspirin, approved by committees. Sen. Jesse day remains in force during the entire indulgence. The example is given of and disposable needles are unavailable. Helms, whose Foreign Relations Jubilee year.” abstaining for at least one whole day The American Association for World Committee would have to approve the A plenary indulgence means full from unnecessary consumption (e.g., Health (AAWH)—the U.S. committee bill in the Senate, remains convinced amnesty or complete remission of any from tobacco or alcohol, or fasting or of the World Health Organization— that the embargo must be continued “to temporal punishment we may have practicing abstinence from foods and says that death rates from water-borne keep up pressure for change on the accrued because of our turning away donating a proportionate sum of diseases have doubled since 1989 island.” because Cuba has been unable to buy Meanwhile, the Cuban people must from God in past sins. This indul- money to the poor or to social or reli- parts for the chlorinating system that keep suffering, despite the fact that the gence may be gained either for “a gious programs that benefit poor or treats 70 percent of the country’s drink- embargo probably has zero chance of soul in purgatory” as we are accus- abandoned children, young people in ing water. It also says that “the forcing Castro from office. † tomed to say, or it may be gained for trouble, the elderly in need, foreign- ourselves. (See my two previous ers in need). The document also men- — John F. Fink columns to learn why the Church can tions volunteering a suitable amount offer this plenary indulgence.) of personal free time to activities that What are the conditions for receiv- benefit the community or other simi- ing the jubilee indulgence? lar forms of personal sacrifice. The document from the Holy See Prayer and good works are the states that the jubilee has as its starting manner in which the plenary jubilee point and its conclusion the celebra- indulgence may be gained. Thus, the tion of the sacraments of penance and Great Jubilee offers us the occasion of the Eucharist, “the paschal mystery to renew the vitality of our conver- of Christ, our peace and reconciliation: sion to Christ and the expression of Published weekly except the last week of December and the first week of January. Mailing this is the transforming encounter our love for our sisters and brothers. I Address: 1400 N. Meridian Street, Box 1717, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717. Periodical which opens us to the gift of indul- urge all of us to begin now to plan Postage Paid at Indianapolis, IN. Copyright © 1999 Criterion Press, Inc. ISSN 0574-4350. gence for ourselves and for others.” how we can make the most of this Phone Numbers: Postmaster: The conditions specifically named Great Jubilee, which is a rare gift of a Main office: ...... 317-236-1570 Send address changes to The Criterion, are as follows: lifetime. † Advertising ...... 317-236-1572 P.O. Box 1717, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Toll Free: ...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1570 Archbishop Buechlein’s intention for vocations for September Circulation: ...... 317-236-1573 World Wide Web Page: Toll Free: ...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1573 Teachers/Religious Education Directors: that they may rely on the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit as they hand on the Catholic faith to our youth and Price: E-mail: encourage them to consider vocations to the priesthood and religious life. $20.00 per year 50 cents per copy [email protected] The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999 Page 5

Buscando la Cara del Señor Letter to the Editor Arzobispo Daniel M. Buechlein, O.S.B. Suit’s aim is to use There are really no words to adequate- ly describe the monstrously diabolical tax dollars for abortions nature of this argument. The latest wave of lunatic—evil would Unfortunately, the Center for be a better word—arguments in support Reproductive Law and Policy has hardly Condiciones of the murder of unborn infants seems to cornered the market in twisted logic sup- have descended on us. Just a few weeks porting the murder of unborn infants. As ago, the Center for Reproductive Law and Bud Moody noted in a recent letter, a ter- Policy filed a suit to force several states ribly flawed recent study released by two (including Indiana) to use state funds to scholars from Stanford and the University para obtener la of Chicago suggests some sort of causal pay for abortions considered to be “med- ically necessary.” link between the legalization of abortion Incredibly, one of the arguments in in 1973 and the decrease in crime rate support of the suit is that women with over the subsequent period. Again, herein indulgencia jubilar such conditions as hypertension, heart lies the incredible suggestion that “selec- disease, cancer, and diabetes may pose a tive” abortion (murder) may prevent health risk to their unborn child. future murder (or other mayhem). Presumably then, the unborn child is It is truly time to get on our knees and sta es mi tercera columna en mi vidual e íntegra. Después de una shielded from this risk if he or she is ask God to withhold his wrath. serie de explicaciones acerca del buena confesión se puede recibir, killed first! Gran Júbilo del año 2000 y la durante un prudente período de tiem- Dr. David A. Nealy, Greenwood indulgencia jubilar que ofrece la po, el don de la indulgencia plenaria, E incluso cotidianamente. No obstante, Journey of Faith/ Iglesia durante el año. Esta semana Fr. John Buckel describiré la manera como podemos conviene confesar frecuentemente aprovechar la oportunidad para obtener la para el crecimiento espiritual. indulgencia del Gran Júbilo tal como ha 2. La segunda condición es la partici- sido especificado por el Sumo Pontífice. pación en la Eucaristía que debida- The Apocalypse: All’s Tengan presente que la indulgencia es mente debería tener lugar el mismo una clase de amnistía por nuestra caída día en que se busca la indulgencia. en el pecado de los efectos de nuestro 3. La confesión y participación en la well that ends well rechazo a Dios.“La indulgencia jubilar Eucaristía han de estar acompañadas allana el camino a todo el que quiera rea- de oraciones manifestando la inten- (First of a series) broaden their perspective. With its spec- vivar su amor por Dios”, escribió un ción de nuestro Santo Padre, esto Where will you be when the tacular imagery and colorful descriptions, autor. “Es una manera de ‘quemar el como testimonio de la comunión con Apocalypse comes? this fascinating book compels us to pecado’ y olvidar el pasado. Es posible la Iglesia. Alive? Dead? In expand the very limits of our imagination. intentar comenzar una nueva temporada 4. Hacer una peregrinación a la Catedral heaven? Someplace One who reads Revelation enters the de gracia que prepara y anticipa la lib- o a otras iglesias o a otros lugares des- else? world of John and takes part in an incred- eración final”. (E. Dal Covolo, ignados por el Ordinario y asistiendo When will the ible unfolding of events. In doing so, the Osservatore Romano, N. 20—19 de allí con devoción a la celebración world come to an end? reader is challenged to look at the world mayo de 1999) litúrgica (la Eucaristía o Laudes Today? Tomorrow? In in an entirely different way. El documento del Sumo Pontífice que [Oración matinal] o Vísperas [Oración the year 2000? Properly understood, the Book of anuncia las condiciones para la indulgen- nocturna]), o ejerciendo otra acción Will there be any Revelation can be as meaningful for cia jubilar, “Incarnationis Mysterium” de piedad (por ej., el Vía Crucis, el signs to indicate that Christians today as it was when it was (“El misterio de la encarnación”) declara Rosario) visitando en grupo o individ- the end of the world first written almost 20 centuries ago. In lo siguiente: “Todos los fieles debida- ualmente los sitios de peregrinación, is near? If so, what fact, I believe that this book is more mente preparados pueden beneficiarse concluyendo finalmente con el “Padre are they? applicable to the modern-day Christian copiosamente del don de la indulgencia a Nuestro” y profesando la fe en The Book of Revelation seems to be than any other book of the Bible. An través del Júbilo, según las disposiciones cualquiera de sus formas legítimas y concerned with such questions. As the examination of the last book of the Bible especificadas a continuación… Hay que con la invocación a la Santísima seconds of the 20th century tick away, reveals that John composed Revelation to tener presente que la Indulgencia Jubilar Virgen María. there is an increasingly greater interest comfort, console and challenge those who puede ser aplicada también como votos 5. La indulgencia podrá obtenerse tam- about the end of the world. struggle with the hardships of life, feel por las almas de los difuntos. Con esta bién mediante visitas a los hermanos At first sight, one might be tempted to trapped, powerless, out of control and in práctica se hace un acto de caridad sobre- necesitados o con dificultades (por ej., ignore the last book of the Bible. After seemingly hopeless situations. What a natural, en el Cuerpo místico de Cristo, los enfermos, encarcelados, ancianos all, can a book that was composed by a paradox that a book that was written to por el vínculo mediante el cual, los fieles que viven solos, o a los minusválidos) person who lived some 2,000 years ago, give hope and encouragement has caused todavía peregrinos en este mundo están como haciendo una peregrinación on the other side of the world, under so much anxiety and confusion. † unidos a los que ya han terminado su hacia el Cristo presente en ellos. very different circumstances, have rele- existencia terrena. Durante el año jubilar El documento del Santo Padre dice vance for contemporary Christians? queda también en vigor la norma según que existen algunas otras acciones que Moreover, the imagery and symbolism in la cual la indulgencia plenaria podrá merecen la indulgencia plenaria. Se da el Revelation is so strange and so bizarre Questions for obtenerse solamente una vez al día”. ejemplo de abstenerse al menos por un that it seems beyond comprehension. Una indulgencia plenaria significa la día del consumo de cosas innecesarias Furthermore, the last book of the Bible consideration: amnistía íntegra o remisión completa de (por ej., tabaco o alcohol), o prácticar el has been the source of great controversy cualquier castigo temporal que hayamos ayuno (abstenerse de la comida), y donar and misunderstanding, sometimes with 1. What comes to mind when you acumulado debido a nuestro rechazo a dinero a los pobres o a los programas tragic results. This was surely the case in think of the Book of Revelation? Dios por los pecados anteriores. Esta sociales o religiosos que benefician a los Waco, Texas. 2. How do you envision God? How indulgencia podrá obtenerse por “un niños pobres o abandonados, o a los Controversy over the interpretation of would you describe God? alma en purgatorio” como estamos acos- jóvenes con problemas, o a las personas Revelation continues. In view of the anxi- 3. If the world ended today, where tumbrado a decir, o podrá obtenerse para necesitadas de edad avanzada, o a los ety, confusion and tragic events that have would you like to be and who nosotros mismos. (Véase mis dos colum- extranjeros necesitados. El documento been associated with this puzzling book, would you like to be with? nas anteriores para aprender por que la menciona también los beneficios de ofre- one may well ask: “Is the Book of 4. If Jesus were to return today in all Iglesia puede ofrecer esta indulgencia cer tiempo libre u otras formas de sacrifi- Revelation worthy of our attention?” of his power and glory, would you plenaria.) cio personal, realizando actividades que Absolutely and unequivocally yes. be prepared to meet him face to ¿Cuáles son las condiciones para beneficien a la comunidad. La oración y The Book of Revelation is “must read- face and be judged? recibir la indulgencia jubilar? las buenas obras son la maneras como la ing” for every Christian. First of all, it is 5. Why do you think there has been El documento del Santo Padre declara indulgencia plenaria jubilar puede obten- part of the Bible and therefore considered so much controversy about the que el júbilo tiene como punto de partida erse. Por eso, el Gran Júbilo nos ofrece “inspired writing.” By including Book of Revelation? y de llegada la celebración del sacramen- la ocasión de renovar la vitalidad de Revelation into sacred Scripture, the 6. How do you think the world will to de la Penitencia y de la Eucaristía, nuestra conversión a Cristo y la expre- Church has officially recognized that it— end? When do you think the world “misterio pascual de Cristo, nuestra paz y sión de nuestro amor por nuestras her- understood in conjunction with the other will end? nuestra reconciliación: éste es el encuen- manas y hermanos. Yo los incito a todos books of the Bible—contains everything 7. If you knew for a fact that the end tro transformador que abre al don de la a comenzar a planear,ahora, la manera that one needs to know about salvation. of the world would take place very indulgencia para uno mismo y para los en la cual podremos aprovechar este Secondly, Christians have a lifelong soon, would you change the way demás”. Gran Júbilo, que es un don poco común task to deepen their relationship with the you live? What would you do dif- Las disposiciones indicadas son las existente en una vida. † Lord. In order to achieve this lofty goal, ferently? siguientes: they must learn more about him. To know 1. La primera condición para obtener la Traducido por: Language Training is to love. Inasmuch as Scripture reveals For further study: indulgencia es la celebración de la Center, Indianapolis more about Jesus than any other book, Read chapters 1, 5, 12, 13, 21–22 of confesión sacramental en forma indi- reading and reflecting upon Revelation Revelation. and all the other books of the Bible is of Read #s 1020–1029 of the Catechism La intención del Arzobispo Buechlein para vocaciones en septiembre vital importance to anyone who desires to of the Catholic Church. † grow in the love of the Lord. In the Maestros/Directores de Educación Religiosa: ¡que ellos puedan contar con process of learning more about Jesus, la fuerza y dirección del Espíritu Santo cuando pasen la fe Católica a los Christians also learn more about the bene- (Father John J. Buckel, a priest of the jóvenes y les den ánimo a ellos a considerar las vocaciones al sacerdocio y la fits and the responsibilities of being a fol- Archdiocese of Indianapolis, is associate vida religiosa! lower of Jesus. professor of Scripture at Saint Meinrad Revelation challenges Christians to School of Theology.) † Page 6 The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999 Archbishop to honor golden jubilarians Seventy couples married in 1949 will Sunday, Sept. 26, at SS. Peter and Paul ans in the renewal of their marriage vows. St. Anthony Parish in Indianapolis. join others married in the 1920s and Cathedral. The archbishop will also give the couples More than 11,000 years of married life 1930s for the annual Golden Wedding Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein will a special marriage blessing. are represented by the jubilarians, accord- Anniversary celebration at 2 p.m. on preside at the liturgy and lead the jubilari- Nearly 200 couples from throughout ing to David Bethuram, executive director the 39-county archdiocese will be hon- of the archdiocesan Office for Youth and ored at the Mass. Family Ministries, which coordinates the Daily prayer intentions for Twenty couples have been married 60 annual event. or more years. At the close of the liturgy, “These couples view their marriages archdiocesan pilgrimage to the shrines of France the archbishop will present each couple as sacred,” Bethuram said. “They recog- ✛ ✛ ✛ with a special memento. nize that marriage is as demanding and Those married the longest include Merle challenging as it is rewarding and plea- Sept. 29 – Oct. 9, 1999 and Gladys Cassidy of St. Christopher in surable. Their commitment to one Indianapolis, 68 years; Charles and another throughout the years has deep- • Wednesday, Sept. 29 • Saturday, Oct. 2 Margaret Murphy of Our Lady of Mount ened and developed into a love that Feast of SS. Michael, Gabriel, Feast of the Guardian Angels Carmel in Carmel (Lafayette Diocese), 68 moves beyond themselves, and gives Raphael, archangels Paris, at the shrines of St. Catherine years; and Frank and Angela Bozich of St. society a wonderful model of the love For safe travel for ourselves and for all Labouré, St. Vincent de Paul, Shrine of Christopher in Indianapolis, 66 years. and care that God has for all of us.” pilgrims throughout the world celebrat- the Miraculous Medal Several parents of priests have indi- Following the anniversary Mass, a ing the Great Jubilee 2000. For all members of the worldwide cated their plans to attend. They include reception to honor the couples will be • Thursday, Sept. 30 Society of St. Vincent de Paul and for Robert and Margaret Bonke, parents of held at the Archbishop Edward T. the poor they serve throughout our arch- Father James Bonke of the Metropolitan O'Meara Catholic Center. Feast of St. Jerome, doctor of the diocese and throughout the world. Tribunal, and Walter and Pauline Witte, Those attending will receive personal- Church parents of Msgr. John T. Ryan, pastor of ized certificates. † For a greater appreciation and under- • Sunday, Oct. 3 standing of the Word of God as pilgrims Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary approach the holy places in France and in Time and Feast of Blessed Mother other places throughout the world during Theodore Guérin the millennium celebration. Paris and Nevers, burial place of Weaver’s Lawn & Garden • Friday, Oct. 1 St. Bernadette For all women religious who so gener- Feast of St. Therese of the Child ously serve the Church in our archdio- Jesus (The Little Flower) cese; for their needs and their inten- Lisieux, home of St. Therese, and Paris tions; for an increase in vocations to the For all missionaries throughout the religious life. world, that God will prosper their work through the intercession of St. Therese, (The prayer intentions for Oct. 4–9 will • Mums • Shade patroness of the missions. appear in the next issue of The Criterion. • Asters • Flowering Coming Soon • Evergreens Pansies, flowering • Shrubs cabbage, kale, bulbs • Hardwood Bark Mulch GET READY FOR FALL! OVER 40 YEARS IN BUSINESS 1316 Broad Ripple Avenue • 317-255-9635 Over 35 Years in Same Location 1 Mile West 62nd & Keystone • next to Broad Ripple Park

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From the Archives Late ’40s celebration at St. Joan of Arc This is believed to be a first Communion or confirmation population peaked at 5,100 persons in 1942. Today the celebration at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Indianapolis in parish claims about 1,000 members. † 1947. (This feature is based on information currently in the archdiocesan archives and is as Can readers supply more information? accurate as possible. The archives would appreciate receiving additional information St. Joan of Arc Parish was founded in 1921, when it was or, if necessary, corrected information from readers. Also, the archives is attempting to expand its collection. If you have photographs or other materials, please send them to the city’s most northern parish. Father Alphonse Smith, the Associate Archivist Janet Newland, Archives, P.O. Box 1410, Indianapolis, Indiana parish’s first pastor, had to leave the pastorate when he was 46206-1410. Newland, may be reached at 317-236-1429, or 800-382-9836, ext.1429, appointed Bishop of Nashville, Tenn., in 1924. The parish’s or by e-mail at [email protected].)

Family Service Advisors Needed The Village Dove The Catholic Cemeteries Association of Indianapolis is looking for Family Service Celebrate the new millennium with Advisors to assist families with pre-need “Guardian Angel with Girl,” and at-need cemetery decisions at three a beautiful piece of the locations in Indianapolis. This position is “Valencia Collection.” salaried plus commission and offers Are You Serious major medical, dental, retirement and #44349 . . . $49.50 About Losing Weight? 7” glazed porcelain. other benefits. Book catalogue now available! Bilingual Spanish proficiency a plus. Choose presents to express For more information, call George your Christian/Catholic faith at 317-784-4439. EOE

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Check It Out . . .

Abbey Press Gift Shop, S.R. 545 in Care Center at South Campus. “Step, 317-782-8931. Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Center, St. Meinrad, will have its fall yard/tent Kick, and Turn—Cardiovascular Fitness 1400 N. Meridian St., in Indianapolis. sale Oct. 1–3. Hours on Oct. 1 and through Country Line Dancing” will be The Apostolate for Family The program is free because of grant Oct. 2 are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. On held on Sept. 29 from 5:30 p.m. to Consecration has scheduled a “God funding from a St. Vincent Charity Oct. 3, the hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 8:30 p.m. at Southport Presbyterian the Father” Family Conference, to be Caring Grant. The sessions will address For more information, call 812-357- Church, 7525 McFarland Blvd. To regis- held at Catholic Familyland in specific parenting issues and challenges 8290. ter, call 317-865-5865. “Seasons of a Bloomingdale, Ohio, Oct. 15–17. The that are unique to grandparents raising Woman’s Life,” understanding lifestyle conference, which addresses family val- their grandchildren. To pre-register, call The broadcast date of the video implications and nutritional aspects, will ues, will include a daily schedule of 317-236-1526. “Cardinal Ritter: A Man For All be held on Sept. 30 from 7 p.m. to prayer, speakers, entertainment, recre- Peoples,” is Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. on WFYI 9 p.m. at the Inn at St. Francis Atrium. ation, pony rides and music. The cost for Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College will Teleplex, Channel 20 in Indianapolis. The cost is free. Registration is required. the conference is $149 per family. Hotel host Mitchell Hebert for an acting The video is a joint project of Cardinal Call 317-865-5865. reservations are available at the Best workshop, public lecture and demon- Ritter and Bishop Chatard high schools Western Hotel. A tour bus will pick up stration Sept. 24–25. The workshop, in Indianapolis. Indiana Black Expo pro- An explanation of the “whys,” registrants in Clarksville and at the public lecture and demonstration at vided technical support for the project. “whats” and “hows” of the annulment Catholic Center in Indianapolis. For 7 p.m. on Sept. 24 will be held at Saint The video, which has been in production process will be the focus of a two-hour additional information regarding the Mary-of-the-Woods College, Cecilian for one year, surveys the life of Joseph session on Sept. 27 for men and women weekend, hotel reservations, and/or bus Auditorium, Conservatory of Music. The E. Ritter (1892–1967), the first Arch- interested in discovering more about transportation, call Bob and Phyllis Sept. 25 workshop will be from 10 a.m. bishop of Indianapolis and one of two requesting an investigation into the pos- Burkholder at 812-246-2252. to 1 p.m. at the Community Theatre of Indiana cardinals of the Catholic Church. sible nullity of a marriage. The program, Terre Haute, 1431 S. 25th St. Hebert is a presented by Katharine Lozano and Ann The Providence Center at Saint Mary- professional actor, acting coach and head St. Francis Hospital and Health Tully of the Metropolitan Tribunal, will of-the-Woods will host a youth gather- of the acting department at the Centers’ Cardiac Services will host a be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Wagner ing and liturgy on Sept. 26 from University of . series of health education and activi- Hall at Our Lady of Perpetual Help 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more infor- ties in September to introduce the Church, 1752 Scheller Lane, in New mation, call 812-535-3131, ext. 145. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is Cardiac Care Center at South Campus, Albany. The program is free. For more the site for the 1999 Susan G. Komen 8111 S. Emerson Ave., in Indianapolis, information, call Marilyn Hess at the The Family Growth Program of Breast Cancer Foundation Wabash and to celebrate “Spirit of Women” Office for Youth and Family Ministries Catholic Social Services, in cooperation Valley Race for the Cure at 10 a.m. on Week at St. Francis. The annual Fall at 800-382-9836, ext. 1586, or 317-236- with St. Francis Hospital, is offering Oct. 16. Refreshments and health and Health Festival, featuring more than 50 1586. parenting classes on the south side of wellness information will be available health information booths and assorted Indianapolis. The series will be six two- for all race participants after the race. health screenings for the public, will be Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis and-a-half-hour semi-structured sessions Awards will be given to the top male and Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. is in need of volunteers. Those interest- utilizing STEP (Systematic Training for female runners, walkers and breast can- “Community CPR Training” will be ed may call 317-929-8758. Effective Parenting) principles and cer survivors in the 5K run and the 5K Sept. 27 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in South emphasizing the development of positive walk. For more information, call the col- Campus classrooms one and two. The Scecina Memorial High School in and effective parent-child communica- lege public relations office at 812-535- cost is a $10 refundable deposit to hold Indianapolis is hosting a Holiday Gift tion and the enhancement of effective 5212. each reservation. To register for the CPR Bazaar on Oct. 24 from noon to 5 p.m. parental discipline skills. The St. Francis training, call 317-865-5865. “Listen to in the school gym. Admission is free. STEP parenting classes will meet six A Retrouvaille weekend, for couples Your Heart” will be held on Sept. 28, Booth space is available for vendors. Mondays, Oct. 4–Nov. 8, from 7 p.m. to with troubled marriages will be held from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Cardiac For booth rental, call Tracy Moran at 9:30 p.m. at St. Francis Hospital in Oct. 15–17 at Mount St. Francis Retreat Beech Grove. The classes are free. To Center in southern Indiana. For more register, call Diana Dass at 317-236- information, call 502-686-1967 or 800- 1526. 470-2230.

The Family Growth Program and Roncalli High School in Indianapolis Family Individual Counseling will host its holiday gift bazaar on Program of Catholic Social Services is Oct. 23 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the high offering a Nurturing Grandparent school, 3300 Prague Road, in Support Group for grandparents raising Indianapolis. Reservations for booth their grandchildren. The support group space are now being taken. To reserve a will run from Sept. 28–Nov. 2 on six booth or for more information, call In the past — you shared with the poor Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Tracy Moran at 317-782-8931. † In the present — you share with the poor VIPs . . . Providence Sisters Sophia Chen and ministered as a speech therapist and In the future — you can share with the Marialilia Pineda of Saint Mary-of-the- teacher at St. Theresa Opportunity Woods professed perpetual vows on Center in Yuching, Taiwan. She is the poor in your will Aug. 14 during a eucharistic liturgy in daughter of Yin-tao Chen-tseng. Sister the Church of the Immaculate Marialilia Peneda entered the Sisters of Conception at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Providence in 1990 from San Isidro Sister Sophia entered the Sisters of Parish in Valenzuela, Philippines. She is Providence in 1990 from Immaculate a pediatrician. Sister Marialilia is the Conception Parish in Taichung, Taiwan. daughter of Ruperto Pineda Sr. and Currently a student, Sister Sophia has Arsenia Parungao Daquiz. †

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By Fr. Richard Rice, S.J. The Spirit that Jesus reveals is the breath of God that inhales and exhales the rela- “No one knows the Father except the tionship of Father and Son, holding them in Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses dynamic union and us in union with them. to reveal him” (Mt 11:27). The Son that the Father reveals is the Five years ago, I sat before Andrei Word (Jn 1:l), the only word ever spo- Rublev’s icon of the Trinity with the hope ken that said all that its speaker intend- that it would prompt a homily for the feast ed. This is the bridge that unites all the of the Holy Trinity. The icon inspired me divisions within us and among us, the then, and it has inspired me ever since. design that manifests all that God is and At about the same time, I was given the all that we are invited to be. late Father Henri Nouwen’s book Praying For, as St. Irenaeus said of Jesus, “The With Icons, in which he reflects on his glory of God is the human fully alive.” experience before this icon. Intimacy—I observe how the three Father Nouwen’s words encouraged me, divine persons are one, yet each is dis- although my contemplation was inspired in tinct from the others. As the Catechism quite a different direction from his. For me, of the Catholic Church says, “They are the icon always speaks of three realities: distinct from one another in their rela- community, revelation and intimacy. It tions of origin” (#254). speaks of a community formed by self-rev- The catechism then quotes the Fourth elation and dynamic in its intimacy. Lateran Council, “It is the Father who gen- Community—The icon represents the erates, the Son who is begotten and the Son undertaking the mission of redemption Holy Spirit who proceeds.” at the Father’s request as well as the Spirit’s Each relates to the others in a mutuality pained inspiration. They are what a com- of equals. This shows especially in the munity is at best: persons loving together. economy of salvation. Succinctly, the And why? For the sake of a mission that Second Council of Constantinople con- fully engages each person. fessed “one God our Father from whom all We know the Trinity through this joint things are, and one Lord Jesus Christ, mission to redeem what they had created. through whom all things are, and one Holy Without the presence in our midst of Jesus Spirit in whom all things are.” the Christ, we would never have known the The icon portrays this intimacy as Trinity. In the shorthand of the Church person to person to person and, finally, fathers and mothers, the economy of salva- to us. Father Gerald Keefe of Minnesota tion reveals the theology of the Trinity’s captures the intimacy of the relation- inmost life. ships with his phrase “enclosed garden,” Revelation—I am slowly coming to in which is found: realize what Jesus meant when he spoke of “The Father agleam with love, revealing the Father to us. For us, the most “The Son tender with feeling

important space in the icon is the empty “The Spirit warm with embrace.” Andrei Rublev CNS photo of icon painted by space at the bottom, the fourth place at the I am amazed how quietly but definite- For us, the most important space in this icon of the Trinity is the empty space at the bottom, the fourth table. It is through this space that the Son ly, over five years, the Trinity has invit- place at the table. It is through this space that the Son descended, sent by the Father and Spirit. descended, sent by the Father and Spirit. ed me and us to be a community with Within the Trinity, the Son had what you them and with all others. And I am and I most want—the full loving gaze of amazed how the Trinity has revealed The Trinity inspires reflection on the Father—and the Son gave that up out of themselves to me as well as revealing love for us to descend into our necessarily me to myself, and how intimate each insecure, uncertain existence so that he and all of the Trinity has been with each marriage, diversity and equality could fully embrace human life even unto other and with me. death on a cross (Phil 2:6-11). Daily, weekly and monthly, I now end By David Gibson From the Trinity, we learn about Because he so fully became one of my contemplation before the icon with the God—and about ourselves. us, God has now exalted him and prayer of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity: Can we learn about marriage from the Ethical reflection on racism should returned him to the table of the Trinity, “O my God, Trinity whom I adore, help Trinity? look to the Trinity, said Father Bryan and the Son brings us with him to the me forget myself entirely so to establish Yes, according to Bishop John Massingale, a moral theologian from table if we also will have among our- myself in you, unmovable and peaceful as Kinney of St. Cloud, Minn. In a 1999 Milwaukee. selves “the same attitude that is also if my soul were already in eternity.” pastoral letter, he noted that as “a com- He noted that the persons of the Trinity ours in Christ Jesus” (Phil 2:5). I’m not there yet, but know I’m on the munion of love and life,” the Trinity is aren’t the same, “yet coexist without The Father that Jesus reveals is a God way home to my place at God’s table. I “a fitting symbol for marriage—a com- inequality,” thus “the Divine Mystery is a creating us out of love, redeeming us out of pray that we all will be companions there. munion of two people whose love finds loving embrace of diversity.” that same love, pouring out all that he is its highest expression in the creation of God the Trinity also is a reminder that and has in Jesus the Christ through the (Jesuit Father Richard Rice is a spiritual new life, in the creation of the family, we all are made in God’s image. Spirit. What a dear revelation for 1999, the director with Loyola, a spiritual renewal which is then yet another new commu- year of the Father! resource in St. Paul, Minn.) † nion of love and life.” (David Gibson edits Faith Alive!) † Discussion Point Christ calls us to help others

This Week’s Question “By supporting each other both in parish activities and on a personal level. That’s how they get to know How can parishioners give care to, and express each other and become more of a Christian family.” responsibility for, one another? (Sharon Olerich, Carroll, Iowa) “By smiling, then being there always with open arms. It starts with your face. Then follow it up with Lend Us Your Voice words and deeds.” (Susie Fox, Evansville, Ind.) An upcoming edition asks: What makes a liturgy “Volunteer to sit with people, to take them to both joyful and reverent? appointments or bring them to Mass. We have a tremendous outreach to the needy: a soup kitchen, To respond for possible publication, write to Faith food donations and a tenth of our collection each Alive! at 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C.

week.” (Wanda Litalien, Hayden, Idaho) 20017-1100. † CNS photo of illustration from Crosiers Page 10 The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999 Perspectives From the Editor Emeritus/John F. Fink Research for the Church/ Council affirms primacy of pope, tries to reunite Church James D. Davidson Last week I wrote about the way the 1437, and tried to depose Pope Eugene The eastern emperor and the Orthodox Church has big Council of Constance (1414-1418) IV, the pope demanded that the council prelates had an incentive for coming to solved the Great move to Ferrara, Italy and he excommu- an agreement with the pope: The economic impact Western Schism by nicated all delegates who refused to go. Ottoman Turks were menacing deposing, or com- The Council of Basel continued to Constantinople and the Byzantines badly You’ve probably read newspaper stories pelling to resign, all meet until 1449. It even elected an needed assistance from the West. touting the vast amounts of money busi- three men who antipope. But in the end it was a failure In 1439 an agreement was reached. nesses, state fairs, air- claimed to be pope. and conciliarism declined. (It was con- The Eastern Church agreed to the basic ports, conventions, This was the high demned by the in tenets of Western doctrine, including the Super Bowls and other point of conciliarism, 1870.) Filioque—that the Holy Spirit proceeded sporting events pump the theory that a gen- Having condemned the Council of from the Father and the Son and not just into the economy. But eral council pos- Basel, Pope Eugene then convened the the Father. The Greeks also accepted have you ever thought sessed more authority than the pope and 17th ecumenical council in Ferrara in papal primacy. about the Catholic could depose him. 1438. Plague broke out in Ferrara in After the Greeks returned home, the Church’s economic It was a theory that arose in the 12th 1439, so Pope Eugene moved the council council stayed in session to work on impact? Two recent and 13th centuries among theologians to Florence. From 1443 to 1445, it met reunion with other schismatic Churches studies indicate that it and grew in popularity when means were in Rome. of the East. Reunion was achieved with is enormous. being sought to end the Western Schism. The council affirmed the primacy of the Armenians and the Copts, and a little Margaret Cole, Father Anthony The theory was never accepted by a the pope against the claims that an ecu- later with the Syrians and the Chaldeans. Pogorelc and I recently studied the pope. After the Council of Constance, menical council is superior to the pope. Unfortunately, the agreement with the Church’s economic impact in Tippecanoe debates over conciliarism grew in inten- However, the main business of the Orthodox Church didn’t hold. Unpopular County, Ind. There were 23 Catholic orga- sity. 17th ecumenical council was not concil- with the people of Constantinople, it was nizations in the county, including the The Council of Constance also passed iarism, but an attempt to reunite the repudiated by many of the Eastern bish- Lafayette Diocese chancery and a diocesan a resolution that councils should be held Eastern (Orthodox) and Western ops. Furthermore, it soon became clear office of pastoral ministry; six parishes; at regular intervals. Therefore, a council Churches, much as the Council of Lyons that no military aid was coming from the five parochial schools; five social service was convened in Basel (also spelled had tried to do in 1274. The council was West. groups; four fraternal and prayer groups; Basle) in 1431 to discuss the Hussite attended by Emperor John VIII In 1453, Constantinople fell to the and until a year ago a hospital owned by a heresy, but mainly to settle the contro- Palaeologus, Patriarch Joseph of Ottoman Turks, and with it fell any religious order of Catholic sisters. versy over conciliarism. When the coun- Constantinople, and 700 other Greek immediate chances of reuniting We collected information on organiza- cil passed an antipapal declaration in theologians and prelates. Christendom. † tional expenditures, and using standard economic practices, we multiplied the Stories, Good News, Fire/Fr. Joe Folzenlogen, S.J. Church’s total direct expenditures by a regional factor of 2.3 to take into account the indirect effect resulting from the recy- Parishes reaching out, skills for seeing, doing cling of money that the Church spends. The Church’s direct economic impact Paulist Father Frank DeSiano has pub- And yet this basic ministry of invitation Before talking about them, however, he was $82.5 million. With the multiplier lished a book entitled The Evangelizing is one that both individuals and parishes can underlines the importance of the evange- effect, its total impact was $191.5 million. Catholic: A Practical find challenging. Father DeSiano talks lizing resources that are already present That amounted to $10.6 million per organi- Guide for Reaching about two of the reasons for this difficulty. in ordinary parish life. What we have zation; $131,000 per employee; $8,300 per Out. After some pre- First, it takes significant time, energy, and been doing with all levels of faith forma- parishioner; and $18,600 per Mass liminary considera- resources to keep a parish and its ministries tion, the care we take with liturgy, our attendee. Not counting the hospital, these tions, he takes up going. As one pastor said at a deanery sacramental preparation programs, the figures were $1.1 million per organization; personal evangeliza- meeting, “Evangelization deals with mis- variety of spiritual renewal programs, the $107,000 per employee; $840 per parish- tion, parish evange- sion, and most of our time is consumed by broad range of service ministries—all of ioner; and $1,900 per Mass attendee. lization, evangeliza- maintenance.” these are signs of a community of disci- The Church’s impact is even greater in tion teams, and the Second, Father DeSiano notes that the pleship. We have a lot going for us. larger dioceses. When Archbishop perspective of the people envisioned by the outward looking But we can grow. Just take one of his Rembert Weakland recently studied the larger context. goal of evangelization are not easy to see. considerations—welcoming. Here again Church’s economic impact in the I want to share a few of his reflections How often do we hear us say, “We offered perspective is important. We feel at home in Milwaukee area, he described the results as from the chapter on parish evangelization. a program for inactive Catholics, but our parishes and find them warm and “staggering.” He begins by exploring the Eucharist as nobody came.” Right now we are prepar- friendly places. But what is it like for some- The Archdiocese of Milwaukee covers central to personal life, parish life and ing for major archdiocesan-wide outreach one who just moved into the area? What is 10 counties, includes 620,000 Catholics, evangelization. Evangelization springs efforts to inactive Catholics and those it like for somebody in town for a visit who and operates 284 parishes. These parishes from the Eucharist because it asks us to without a Church family. But we realize shows up at Sunday liturgy? What is it like employ more than 3,000 people. The arch- be disciples, to live, like Jesus, for each that if all we do is put notices in parish for people in the neighborhood who have diocese contains 147 Catholic schools other and for the world. Even if a person bulletins and articles in The Criterion, the never set foot in our church? Seeing our- (which enroll more than 33,000 students); evangelizes one-to-one, he or she always people we want to reach will never see selves through their eyes may help us learn 12 parochial high schools (which serve has the table of the Lord as a referent. We them. We need to look beyond our usual a few other things we could do to help peo- more than 7,000 students); and four go forth from the table to share what we boundaries and find ways to communicate ple feel more welcome. Catholic colleges and one university have received around the table in word in different environments. (which enroll more than 23,000 students). and sacrament, and we invite others to Father DeSiano observes that parishes (Jesuit Father Joseph Folzenlogen is It also has 22 religious orders and two join us around the table so they can will need to learn some new behaviors and coordinator of evangelization for the major seminaries. It claims 25 health care receive these gifts as well. make them part of ordinary parish life. Archdiocese of Indianapolis.) † centers and homes for the aged, along with 15 Catholic hospitals, all of which are run Cornucopia/Cynthia Dewes by religious orders. These health care facilities serve more than 1.5 million peo- ple a year. The archdiocese lists 35 social Maybe Hillary Rodham is right and community service organizations, such as Catholic Social Services and the St. We used to have this dentist who was will never tell you this, but you have a knows what destruction he’d wrought in Vincent de Paul Society. so much fun we actually looked forward really small mouth.” that storage room. The Milwaukee Archdiocese employs to our dental appoint- The dentist’s staff was equally engag- We had wonderful milkmen, too, back about 30,000 people, making it the second ments. He played ing. The receptionist came to know our when milk was still home-delivered. One largest employer in the area (second only to music tapes while he family quite well, from the mouth out, of them lit the pilot light on my gas fur- the government). Its total expenditures are worked, and after you you might say. One year, during the usual nace for me one winter day when it was $1.25 billion. Factoring in the regional were seated in the melee of annual dental appointments for below zero. Another used to tell me three multiplier of 2.5, the archdiocese has a total chair he’d ask you the eight of us, it was she who discovered or four jokes every time he came. But economic impact of $3.1 billion. Its impact what you wanted to that Peter had not been seen at all for two one time the joke was on him when my amounts to $2.1 million per Catholic orga- hear that day. Maybe or three years. Lost in the shuffle, she mother and her identical twin sister took nization; $41,666 per employee; and Frank Sinatra? the said, and we all laughed, especially Peter. turns answering the door and confusing $20,161 per Catholic parishioner. Beatles? Vivaldi? We also had some good laughs with him totally. If Church leaders in other dioceses were Considering the the dental hygienist, who served us well There were a couple of checkout to conduct similar economic impact stud- elevator music we got everywhere else, from right out of dental school until the ladies at the grocery store whom I num- ies, they too would learn how big a contri- this was a distinct pleasure. I mean, after practice closed. We had many a fine dis- bered among my pals as well. And hair- bution Catholic organizations make to the you’ve heard “Brown Sugar” played like cussion about life. No small talk here. dressers and the mailman and even the economy in their area. Appreciation of the Mantovani, silence definitely begins to We knew a shoe store owner who also UPS driver. We told each other life stories Church’s economic impact almost cer- seem golden. was fun to visit. He knew all our kids, and commiserated about teen-agers and tainly would increase Church leaders’ Not only that, this dentist would sing from the feet up this time, and was nice the Colts. It was a pleasure doing busi- opportunities to participate in civic plan- along, punctuating his tenor solos with to them all. This was something we ness with them, as they say. ning processes and public policy discus- emphatic delivery on words or notes he appreciated, since their number often Hillary Rodham Clinton has said it sions. These new forms of civic particularly liked. His performance was intimidated sales people who then takes an entire village to raise a child. participation would give clergy and lay always accompanied by loud drilling, reacted badly. Personally, I think it takes a whole com- leaders even more opportunities to con- water squirting, fiddling with instruments, Once, Andy disappeared into the back munity to raise our spirits and make us tribute to the quality of life in their dioce- and occasionally a gurgle when his storage room during the shoe selection fully human. ses and communities. patient had to swallow. ruckus, and we didn’t notice he was gone He was pretty funny, too. Once he told until we were halfway down the street. (Cynthia Dewes, a member of St. Paul (James D. Davidson is professor of sociol- me, as he was trying to reach a particu- But here came Mr. Herschel, kindly the Apostle Parish in Greencastle, is a ogy at Purdue University, West Lafayette, larly inaccessible tooth, “Your husband escorting Andy out to meet us. God alone regular columnist for The Criterion.) † Ind.) †

The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999 Page 11

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Msgr. Owen F. Campion The Sunday Readings Daily Readings Monday, Sept. 27 Nehemiah 8:1–4a, 5–6, 7b–12 Sunday, Sept. 26, 1999 Vincent de Paul, priest and Psalm 19:8–11 religious founder Luke 10:1–12 • Ezekiel 18:25-28 the Philippians, which is the second les- Zechariah 8:1–8 son for this weekend. • Philippians 2:1-11 Psalm 102:16–23, 29 Friday, Oct. 1 • Matthew 21:28-32 The section is one of the great, expres- sive, majestic salutes to Jesus. In the genre Luke 9:46–50 Thérèse of the Child Jesus, of poetry, it proclaims Jesus of Nazareth virgin, religious and doctor The prophecy of Ezekiel supplies the Lord and God. Its very words soar, giving Tuesday, Sept. 28 of the Church first Scriptural reading for this weekend. testimony in themselves and in their spirit Wenceslaus, ruler and martyr Baruch 1:15–22 Although the to Paul’s great faith in the Redeemer. Hebrew tradition has St. Matthew’s Gospel supplies the third Lawrence Ruiz, married man Psalm 79:1–5, 8–9 endured for many reading this weekend. As was the case a and martyr Luke 10:13–16 centuries and has week ago, the story is a parable taught to and his companions, martyrs made magnificent the disciples by Jesus. Zechariah 8:20–23 Saturday, Oct. 2 contributions to The parable for this Liturgy of the Psalm 87:1–7 The Guardian Angels Western civilization, it Word is found in Matthew. It is the first of Luke 9:51–56 Baruch 4:5–12, 27–29 proceeds from a polit- three parables all having to do with final ical circumstance in judgment. Psalm 69:33–37 which only a rela- Considering the tension between Jews Wednesday, Sept. 29 Matthew 18:1–5, 10 tively brief period can and Gentiles many see in the New Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, be counted as years of glory. These years Testament, it is tempting to see in these archangels Sunday, Oct. 3 were those when David and Solomon two sons models of the Jew and of the Daniel 7:9–10, 13–14 Twenty-seventh Sunday in presided over the unified kingdom of Gentile. This, however, is not correct. The Israel. two sons represent a faithful child and an or Revelation 12:7–12a Ordinary Time The rest of Jewish history often has unfaithful child. Psalm 138:1–5 Isaiah 5:1–7 been filled with very distressing times. Faithfulness to God, and unfaithful- John 1:47–51 Psalm 80:9, 12–16, 19–20 Powerful, hostile neighbors have swept ness, are realities that are quite blind to Philippians 4:6–9 across the Holy Land on many occasions. ethnicity, place or time. Thursday, Sept. 30 Matthew 21:33–43 They brought terror, want and humilia- For Matthew, the great test of life Jerome, priest and doctor tion. always was obedience to God. This It is not surprising under these circum- Gospel was composed in a time when of the Church stances that people questioned the power men and women had to confirm their faith of God or the faithfulness of God or both. in deeds. After all, God had promised the Hebrew For that matter, the time of Jesus, their contrition, will win God’s favor the reading from Matthew, we may even people that they would never be aban- which the Gospel recalls, also was a time before those who outwardly display holi- voice our allegiance to God but live other- doned. of decision. Differences between the ness but, in fact, are disloyal to God. wise. Prophets such as Ezekiel continually devout and the wayward were pronounced The tendency to think first of self had to call people away from questioning and stark. Reflection always haunts us. It is the great effect of God or dismissing God in anger. A great lesson here is that humility is For several weeks, the Church has used original sin. We always may possibly hesi- In this weekend’s reading, the prophet an essential characteristic of the sincere these lessons at Sunday Mass to teach us tate in a demand from God, just as did the reminds his audience that the ways of God and true follower of God. the fundamentals of Christian life. It has second son. However, even if at once slug- are not the ways of humans. God is per- It is not just that the first son attempted stressed for us the need for God that we all gish, we still have the right to enter God’s fect and all wise. Humans, by contrast, are to deceive the father. He deceived himself experience. vineyard if we honestly and frankly recog- imperfect and shortsighted. by thinking that he had no need of the One of the greatest failures of human nize our need and God’s love. Trust in God, the prophets counseled. father. He thought that he could trick his beings is the inability to see life and reality For its part, the reading from Ezekiel In the end God and righteousness will be father and scorn his father’s invitation to as they actually are. We elevate ourselves, reminds us of our shortcomings and limi- victorious. work in the vineyard. outrageously trust ourselves against all tations. The lesson from Philippians tells Few other passages in the New The contrast drawn by the Gospel is odds, and think only for the present. us in very moving words that in Jesus, Testament are as familiar, or as beloved, dramatic, and deliberately so. Prostitutes Thus, in our narrow and myopic vision, God has given us eternal life itself, truth as this reading from St. Paul’s Epistle to and great sinners, if humble and earnest in we exalt ourselves. As did the first son in itself, for Jesus is Lord! † Question Corner/ My Journey to God Fr. John Dietzen Church has official ritual Mother’s First Day of School for Communion services That first day of school clothes still had their new shine Our pastor’s poor health precludes function as baptized Christians to do so. and softness Q some morning Masses. A Even when a layperson presides, he or socks stayed up Communion service is she is always to be assisted by other minis- shoes were unscuffed substituted, conducted ters to proclaim the Scriptures, help distrib- hair just right. by a layperson. It has ute Communion, provide music, etc. become customary for At the reading of the word of God, there Cracking open a book for the first time. the presider to deliver should always be some explanation of the The pop of the cover as it gave. a homily, of his own readings or a period of silent reflection on Fresh black letters making, after the read- what has been heard. Since only an a blank page awaiting my own name. ings. ordained minister may give the homily as The smell of ink and paper Aren’t homilies to such, the pastor may prepare one for the pencils ready to be sharpened be delivered only by leader to read, or the lay leader may give a erasers square and stiff ordained deacons or brief explanation of the Scripture text, if

notebooks neat and empty. CNS photo priests? (Ohio) permitted to do so by the bishop (#41). An obvious peril in permitting this sort I loved the classroom that little girl There is an official Catholic ritual for of liturgy, as many bishops have noted, is learning new words who didn’t fit in, Athese ceremonies titled “Sunday that it may seem to minimize the crucial how to slant my letters into cursive whose hair wasn’t straight Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest.” importance of the Sunday celebration of realizing suddenly I knew how to whose dress wasn’t store-bought While specifically designated for Sunday, the Eucharist in Catholic Christian life. multiply. and brand-new. the same principles would apply to other The Mass as a liturgical sacrifice, in the It was recess that was hard. days of the week as well. Liturgy of the Eucharist, can never be ade- Will they run away or let me play? I want to snatch the cross he might be Generally, these celebrations take the quately substituted for by any other rite. asked to carry form of either morning or evening prayer Thus, the service we are discussing here is Now my son I let go on that first full day right off his shoulder. (the Liturgy of the Hours), or a Liturgy of intended for use only when the full celebra- into halls with shiny floors, No, God, it hurt too much for me, the Word with Holy Communion. tion of the paschal mystery, with the litur- neat rooms with scrubbed-clean desks. not my baby, too. When a priest is not available for the cel- gies of word and Eucharist, is impossible I’ve watched him stand at the edge My tears of goodbye ebration of the Mass, at the recommenda- because no priest is available. of a crowd. become a prayer: tion of the pastor the bishop is to appoint As the introduction to this ritual indi- Ready to say: Not my will, but Thine. someone, lay or religious, to lead these cates, pastoral teaching must always “Go ahead. Say hi. Play. Don’t be afraid.” But, please, don’t let it hurt so much liturgies, including the prayers and ministry “emphasize that the sacrifice of the Mass is But when I have, I’ve seen his fear. this time. of the word, and administer Communion the only true actualization of the Lord’s (#21, document listed above). paschal mystery, and is the most complete And then I felt again By Christa R. Hoyland The ritual points out, incidentally, that manifestation of the Church” (#4). these ministers carry out their responsibili- The Liturgical Press in Collegeville, (Christa Hoyland is a member of Sacred Heart Parish in Jeffersonville.) ties in virtue of their baptism and confirma- Minn., publishes a detailed Spanish- tion. It is, in other words, part of their proper English edition of this ritual. † Page 12 The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999

The Active List

The Criterion welcomes announcements for “The Active Ethnic African, Irish, Italian, Information: 812-282-6747. games, raffles, country store, September 28 List” of parish and church-related activities open to the Mexican, German and American ◆ ◆ ◆ turkey or roast beef dinners. Bishop Chatard High School, foods, face painting, music, Information: 812-663-6225. public. Please keep them brief, listing event, sponsor, date, St. Louis de Montfort, Indianapolis, 5885 N. Critten- Mexican dancers, child and time and location. No announcements can be taken by tele- Ocktoberfest and craft fair, ◆ ◆ ◆ den, Archdiocesan Special adult games, health screenings, Education Task Force informa- phone. No pictures, please. Notices must be in our offices 11441 Hague Road, Fishers. St. Michael Parish, Bradford, 3 p.m.–9 p.m. Free admission. 11400 Farmers Lane, annual tion night for parents, teachers, by 10 a.m. on Monday of the week of publication. Hand ◆ ◆ ◆ Sept. 26 picnic, 10:30 a.m.–5 p.m., learning disabled students, deliver or mail to: The Criterion, “The Active List,” 1400 Ladies, Peter Claver Court #109 New Catholic Community, home-cooked chicken dinners “Surviving with Special Needs,” N. Meridian St., P.O. Box 1717, Indianapolis, Ind., 46206. St. Catherine of Sienna, Dearborn County, Harrison, with dumplings, silent auction 6 p.m.–9 p.m. Information 317- Indianapolis, Archbishop 10490 N. State St., Parish Fest- and booths. Information: 236-1441. closing 50th Anniversary Mass Sept. 24 O’Meara Catholic Center, ival. Mass, 10:30 a.m.; pig Darlene Cole, 812-364-6646. ◆ ◆ ◆ at 5 p.m., Archbishop Daniel M. St. Nicholas Parish, Sunman, Golden jubillee annual card roast, noon; raffle, booths, fam- ◆ ◆ ◆ Marriage Tribunal session with Buechlein presiding. Present and Turtle Soup Supper, 5 p.m.– party, 11 a.m–3 p.m., salads, ily activities, festivities last Mary’s Rexville Schoenstatt, RCIA ministers, Our Lady of former members, welcome. 9 p.m. fish, roast beef, chicken desserts. $8 donation. until 7 p.m. 2:30 p.m., “Child Mary and the Greenwood Parish, sandwiches, raffle, games and ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Mary Our Mother,” Father Madonna Hall, 9 a.m.—3 p.m. music. St. Patrick Parish, Indianapolis, K of C #1348, Jeffersonville, St. Lawrence Auxiliary and Elmer Burwinkel presides at Msgr. Fred Easton, Jean Galanti. at Central Catholic School, 1155 221 Market St., Adult Street Knights of St. John, Greensburg, Mass, 3:30 p.m. Information: Registration: $10. Information: Sept. 25 Cameron, second annual Dance. Admission $6 day of 312 S. Wilder St., annual fall 812-689-3551 or eburwink@sei- 317-236-1448. St. Paul Parish, Sellersburg, Multicultural Parish Festival. dance, open to public. festival, 10:30 a.m.–3 p.m., Sept. 30 Ave Maria Guild card party to benefit St. Paul Hermitage, Holy Family Church, Oldenburg, Indiana 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m., Benedict Inn gymnasium, 1402 Southern Introducing your Ave., Beech Grove. Salads, Companion for Life! desserts and beverages available. Sunday, October 3, 1999 October 3 Manufactured in the USA by Golden Technologies, the GOLDEN CAFETERIA STYLE DINNERS St. Joe Hill Parish, Sellersburg, COMPANION™ offers the exceptional styling you’ve been 2809 St. Joe Road West, Turkey asking for, coupled with outstanding performance and Country Fried Chicken Shoot and Fall Festival fund- dependability. Featuring a modern, sleek appearance, it is a raiser from 11 a.m., turkey prototype for the compact, indoor/outdoor scooter of the future. and Roast Beef shoot, booths, raffles, quilts and Serving from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Slow time) children’s games. Chicken din- The Easiest Assembly and Disassembly Ever! ners, $6 per person. Supper in Cafeteria Information: Joyce Hagest, 812- • Compact • Maneuverable Beginning at 4:00 PM 246-2512. • Lightweight • A Joy to Drive Plate Lunches & Homemade Recurring Call today Turtle Soup Daily 317-895-7987 SERVED OUTSIDE ALL DAY Our Lady of the Greenwood Sandwich and Snack Stand Church, Greenwood, 335 S. or toll free Carry Outs Available Meridian St., perpetual adora- 1-888-641-9846 Crafts and Baked Goods tion in the parish center. The Mobility Superstore Raffles and Games ◆ ◆ ◆ Largest selection of scooters Located in of all kinds for Holy Rosary Church, Larry McCoy Washington Square adults and children Indianapolis, 520 Stevens St., and lift chairs in Indiana (next to L.S. Ayres) Owner License #99FE71335405-01 Tridentine (Latin) Mass. Times and other information: 317-636-4478. Abbey Press Gift Shop Weekly Sundays Central Indiana Life Chain Holy Rosary Church, Indian- apolis, 520 Stevens St., Triden- October 3, 1999 Fall Yard tine (Latin) Mass, 10 a.m. and ◆ ◆ ◆ St. Anthony of Padua Church, Clarksville, “Be Not Afraid” People from Central Indiana churches of all denomina- holy hour, 6 p.m. Tent Sale! ◆ ◆ ◆ tions are invited to gather and affirm their belief in the Christ the King Church, *Sale will be under tents and in the back room! Indianapolis, 5884 N. sanctity of human life. Crittenden Ave., exposition of Great Bargains! the Blessed Sacrament, 7:30 p.m.–9 p.m. Rosary for Oct. 1 . . . Friday . . . 10am to 5pm world peace at 8 p.m. Respect Life Sunday, October 3, 1999 Oct. 2 . . . Saturday . . . 10am to 5pm ◆ ◆ ◆ St. Anthony Church, 379 N. 1:00 p.m. Archbishop Daniel Buechlein, O.S.B., will celebrate a Mass Oct. 3 . . . Sunday . . . 11am to 4pm Warman, rosary and Bene- diction for vocations, 2 p.m. for Life at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral downtown. Visit inside the Gift Shop for your gift giving needs. Mondays 2:30-3:30 p.m. 1999 Central Indiana Life Chain, a peaceful public Our Lady of the Greenwood Pro-Life display. Participants line both sides of St. Meinrad, IN 47577 Parish, Greenwood, 335 S. 812-357-8290 Meridian St., prayer group, Meridian Street downtown while holding signs with 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. Pro-Life messages and silently praying. Tuesdays St. Joseph Church, Sellersburg, 2605 St. Joe Rd. West, 1999 Life Chain T-shirts are now available for $7 each. Shirts are medium-gray with black print on the TRI-COUNTY Shepherds of Christ Associates, back. On the back, “Love in Deed and in Truth” (1 John 3:18) is printed in black letters above a heart. rosary and other prayers follow- Inside the blue and red heart is a drawing of a mother enfolding her baby in her arms. “Pro-Life Means ing 7 p.m. Mass. Love” is printed in the heart. The front of the shirt has a cross inside a heart, along with the words Life ASPHALT ◆ ◆ ◆ Chain, Central Indiana, 1999. T-shirts are available from your parish Pro-Life chairperson. You can call in St. Louis de Montfort Parish, t-shirt orders to our voice mail at 317-971-2685. Serving Indiana Since 1948 Fishers, 11441 Hague Rd., adult religious education classes from To order by mail, please fill out this form and mail it to: Central Indiana Life Chain, Inc., P.O. Box 531164, — FREE ESTIMATES — 7 p.m.–9:30 p.m. with small fee. Indianapolis, IN 46253. Please include payment of $7 per shirt and make checks payable to Central Information: 317-842-5869. Indiana Life Chain. • RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS ◆ ◆ ◆ Holy Name Parish, Beech Number of shirts requested: • SEALCOATING Grove, 89 N. 17th St., prayer Youth Medium (size 34) ____ Adult Small (36) ____ Adult Medium (40) ____ Adult Large (44) ____ group from 2:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Adult XLarge (48) ____ Adult XXLarge (52) ____ Adult XXXL (56) ____ Discounts for senior citizens ◆ ◆ ◆ Name of Church ______Our Lady of the Greenwood and non-profit organizations Marian Prayer group at Our Zip Code of Church ______LICENSED & BONDED BY THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS Lady of the Greenwood Chapel, Greenwood, 335 S. Meridian Name and Address of Coordinator ______St., 7 p.m. for rosary and ______CALL: 317-849-9901 Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Phone (_____) ______317-356-1334 Wednesdays All remaining T-shirts that have not been picked up will be distributed along with your Life Chain signs 317-862-2967 Marian prayers for priests from at a preselected site. 3 p.m.–4 p.m. at 3354 W. 30th —See ACTIVE LIST, page 13 The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999 Page 13

◆ ◆ ◆ Martin Luther King Jr. St., Second Mondays Our Lady of the Greenwood The Active List, continued from page 12 exposition of the Blessed Mount St. Francis, holy hour, Church, Greenwood, 335 S. 7 p.m.–8 p.m. for vocations to Meridian St., first Saturday Sacrament, 11 a.m.–noon. St., Indianapolis (behind apolis, 1530 Union St., exposi- gathering in the school. priesthood and religious life. devotions and sacrament of ◆ ◆ ◆ St. Michael Church). tion of the Blessed Sacrament ◆ ◆ ◆ reconciliation after 8 a.m. Information: 317-271-8016. after 8 a.m. Mass, closing with St. Mary Church, New Albany, Second Thursdays Apostolate of Fatima holy hour Mass. noon communion service. Eucharistic adoration and con- Focolare Movement at 7:30 p.m. at 2 p.m. in Little Flower ◆ ◆ ◆ Thursdays ◆ ◆ ◆ at Indianapolis home of Millie Chapel, Indianapolis, 13th and Holy Angels Church, fessions, after 9 p.m. Mass St. Lawrence Church, St. Vincent de Paul Church, and Jim Komro. Information: Bosart. Indianapolis, 28th St. and Dr. after Benediction at noon. Indianapolis, adoration of the Bedford, exposition of the 317-257-1073 or 317-845-8133. Blessed Sacrament in chapel, Blessed Sacrament after 8:30 7 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mass. a.m. Mass until 9 p.m. ◆ ◆ ◆ Sacrament of reconciliation, A-1 Glass Block, Inc. St. Mary Church, New Albany, 4 p.m.–6 p.m. JENNIFER L. BALHON Shepherds of Christ Associates, ◆ ◆ ◆ ATTORNEY AT LAW 7 p.m. prayer for lay and reli- St. Joseph University Church, Replacement gious vocations. Terre Haute, eucharistic adora- ◆ ◆ ◆ Basement tion after 9 a.m. Mass to 5 p.m. Serving the legal needs of individuals, St. Patrick Church, Salem, Shel- Rosary at noon. Windows by St., prayer service, 7 p.m. ◆ ◆ ◆ families and small businesses in the areas of: ◆ ◆ ◆ St. Mary Church, New Albany, Installed With St. Malachy Church, Browns- eucharistic adoration and con- • Wills, Probate and Trust Administration burg, Liturgy of the Hours, fessions, after 9 p.m. Mass Air Vents evening prayer at 7 p.m. after Benediction at noon. • Estate and Trust Planning Information: 317-852-3195. ◆ ◆ ◆ Best quality work • Family Law and Domestic Relations ◆ ◆ ◆ Christ the King Church, Christ the King Chapel, Indianapolis, 5884 N. Professional • Guardianships Indianapolis, 5884 N. Crittenden Crittenden Ave., exposition of Installation Ave. Marian prayers for priests, • Powers of Attorney the Blessed Sacrament after Call for free 5:30 a.m.–6:30 a.m. 7:15 a.m. Mass, closing with • Criminal Defense Benediction and 5:30 p.m. estimates Fridays • Personal Injury communion service. Distributor For 10-year limited warranty St. Susanna Church, Plainfield, • General Civil Litigation in All Courts 1210 E. Main St., adoration of First Saturdays Fully insured the Blessed Sacrament, Licensed contractor St. Nicholas Church, Sunman, 6500 Westfield Boulevard • Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 8 a.m.–6:30 p.m. 8 a.m. Mass, praise and wor- Telephone: 317-259-4259 • Facsimile: 317-475-4516 ◆ ◆ ◆ ship music and the Fatima 6111 E. Washington St. St. Lawrence Church, rosary, followed by SACRED 317-359-9072 • Fax 317-359-9075 E-mail: [email protected] Indianapolis, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in chapel, 7 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Benediction and Mass. ◆ ◆ ◆ A pro-life rosary at 10 a.m. in front of Affiliated Women’s Services, Inc., 2215 Distributors Dr., Indianapolis. ◆ ◆ ◆ St. Joseph Church, Sellersburg, 2605 St. Joe Road West, eucharistic adoration for one hour after 8 a.m. Mass. ◆ ◆ ◆ Christ the King Chapel, Indianapolis, 5884 N. Crittenden Ave. Marian prayers for priests, 5:30 a.m.–6:30 a.m. Saturdays A pro-life rosary at 9:30 a.m. in front of the Clinic for Women, E. 38th St. and Parker Ave., Indianapolis. Monthly First Sundays St. Paul Church, Sellersburg, prayer group, 7 p.m.–8:15 p.m. Information: 812-246-4555 or This Ad Is 812-246-9735. First Mondays Camera Ready! The Guardian Angel Guild board meeting, Archbishop St. Francis O’Meara Catholic Center, Indianapolis, 1400 N. Meridian St., 9:30 a.m. 1844 First Tuesdays 5x10 Divine Mercy Chapel, Indianapolis, 3354 W. 30th St., Benediction of the Blessed Neg Sacrament, 7:30 p.m.; confes- sion, 6:45 p.m. ◆ ◆ ◆ St. Joseph Hill Parish, Sellersburg, 2605 St. Joe Rd. W., holy hour for religious voca- tions, Benediction and exposi- tion of Blessed Sacrament after 7 p.m. Mass. First Fridays Holy Guardian Angels Church, Cedar Grove, 405 U.S. 52, eucharistic adoration after 8 a.m. Mass to 5 p.m. ◆ ◆ ◆ Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Indianapolis, 5333 E. Washington St., adoration and prayer service at 7 p.m. ◆ ◆ ◆ St. Joseph Church, Sellersburg, 2605 St. Joe Rd. West, eucharis- tic adoration after 8 a.m. Mass until noon. ◆ ◆ ◆ Sacred Heart Church, Indian- Page 14 The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999

Child Care Positions Available Services Offered Classified Directory BUDDY LANE, Camby, IN. ARE YOU chained to a desk? GRANDFATHER CLOCKS For information about rates for classified advertising, call (317) 236-1572. Ages 2 to 5. 317-831-1460. Work from home, F/T or P/T, service and repair. Call 317- $25-$75/hr. Will train. Call 1- 781-6901. Positions Available Novena A QUALIFIED, preschool 888-368-2380. teacher and mother of two, Garage Sale offering quality Christian child THANKS TO Sacred Heart, Communication/ SEPT. 24 and 25, 9am–4pm. care for 2 years and up. North Blessed Lady, St. Joseph and 810 S. Rybolt Ave. (in back). side location. CPR certified. St. Jude for prayers answered. Development Preschool centers curriculum Collectibles: Coke, Hallmark, – D. C. L. offered. Call Michelle, 317- Director Barbie, McDonald’s, Cabbage 251-2611. Patch; doll house furniture; THANK YOU St. Jude for inten- Bachelor’s degree in journal- craft supplies; games; cook tions granted. – J. A. B. ism or related field, master’s LITTLE FLOWER and Holy desirable, good communica- books; fishing tackle; lamps; Spirit before school. Safe sit- THANKS TO St. Jude, Blessed tion skills, working knowl- furniture; lots of miscellaneous. ter. Transportation and part- Mother and the Sacred Heart for edge of development, interest time weekends. 317-263-3702. For Sale favors granted. – A. M. S. in spirituality. Vacation Rentals Send résumé to: Carmelite DOUBLE GRAVE lot in Masonic THANK YOU St. Joseph, Gardens, Lincoln Memory Blessed Mother for prayers Monastery, 2500 Cold Spring FT. MYERS, Fla., on the beach. Cemetery. Two for the price of answered. – E. T. Road, Indianapolis, IN 46222. Great view, $300/wk. till Dec. 15 one. $750. 317-253-9861. THANKS ST. Jude, Blessed 317-823-9880. Attn: Sr. Teresa M. Boersig. Mother, Infant of Prague. – M. C. B. E-mail: [email protected] See your ad DESTIN, FL. Reduced fall and here next week! MY THANKS to Almighty God winter rates. Beach front, 1 and 2 and St. Anthony for prayers bedrooms, pool, gorgeous view, 317-236-1572 answered. – A. O. N. WORK AT HOME fully equipped. 812-246-3792. $500 to $6,500 PT/FT Miscellaneous Asphalt Paving PANAMA CITY Beach condo, Full Training Provided rent from owner Aug., Sept., Oct. CATHOLIC CHOIR $350/$400 a week. 502-491- 317-272-0975 ROWE PAVING CO. 4599. • Residential Driveways OF INDIANAPOLIS • Commercial Parking Lots Traditional music Auto Mechanics PRIVATE R.V. site on 5-acre for your next celebration and Technicians Call 852-0102, 844-2922, lake near Cataract Falls. 765- Great benefits • Paid vacation 299-7885, 898-3373 CALL 317-216-5588 795-3343. 5 days per week • 8 a.m.–5 p.m. or 882-0285 Marsh Garage 1368 So. Belmont St., Indianapolis, IN Are you tired of paying taxes? DESTIN, FL. beach condo. 2BR, Home Improvement Would you like help from a highly-trained 2BA, Sept.–Dec. Heated pool. 317-631-9328, Ask for Curt Marsh Parish Music Director former IRS agent with 24 years experience? $450/week. 812-338-3684. I can reduce your tax liability legally and Ponds, Patios, Retaining Walls ethically. Make an appointment to find out how. S&R HOME Full-time position for suburban parish of Anyone who receives income without Wanted Growing a W-2 at year-end is eligible. IMPROVEMENT 2,400+ families. Opportunity for talented Call Scott now @ 317-877-3410. YOUR OLD guitar, tube amp, Connection pastoral musician to continue solid liturgical mandolins, banjos, effects and Licensed • Bonded • Insured keyboards. Please call 317- “Your connection to beautiful landscapes” music program. (Adult and children’s choirs, ______General Contractors Free Pre-Need 824-0574. HELP WANTED contemporary ensemble, cantors, Wicks Landscape workers wanted for fall work. • Roofing • Kitchen & Rare Offering Experience in landscape maintenance • Siding Bath Remodel pipe organ). Cemetery, and installation necessary. Must be able • Guttering • Flooring of Funeral and IN CALVARY Cemetery: to function independently, be a self-starter • Soffits all types Responsibilities include: planning, coordinat- Enclosed chapel bldg. 1, tier C, and be detail-oriented. Male or female. Cremation two companion crypts, 106 and Starting wage depends on experience. *All insurance claims welcome ing and providing music for weekend liturgies, 108. Two side-by-side spaces Please call Growing Connection sacramental celebrations and school liturgies. Information. in each crypt. $10,000 per at 317-351-8918. 317-786-9309 Supportive pastoral staff working in the spirit crypt. 317-283-7771. of Vatican II. Competitive salary, full benefits, Call Classified Coupon job description available. 317-576-1483 2 Lines • 2 Weeks for $10.00 Send résumé and three references to: Rev. Accommodations/Retreats 83 agencies, ($1.00 for each additional line George Kunkel, St. Martin of Tours Church, or fraction thereof) 3720 St. Martin Place, Cincinnati, OH 45211. 200 programs, Speedway Bed Write your classified ad on this coupon and send it to us with pay- 513-661-2000. Fax: 513-661-1432. and Breakfast One United Way. ment. This special rate applies to advertisements which are mailed Retreat Facility in or brought in, but not to phoned-in ads. This coupon DOES NOT 1829 Cunningham Road . . . Helping hundreds of APPLY to ANY Business ads. The coupon is for use by individuals Indianapolis, IN thousands of people in ONLY. Business advertisers may place ads at commercial rates by For Sale 317-487-6531 • 1-800-975-3412 Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, calling (317) 236-1575, or Fax: (317) 236-1434. Write your ad Hendricks, Marion and below with ONE WORD PER SPACE, including the phone number you want in your ad. Complete set 1970 blond wood Home Repair Morgan counties. A family of agencies helping families Classification: (for sale, etc.)______sanctuary furnishings. HOUSEHOLD HANDYMAN in central Indiana Painting, Kitchen & Bath Space for this advertisement was donated by this publication. Excellent design and fine craftsmanship. Remodeling, Residential Roofing Ad: (four words per line) All Types General Home Repair Call or write Fr. Funk for list Dependable/Insured/Family Man Flooring ______FREE of pieces and further information. ESTIMATES 317-357-8955 ______St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Carpet Cleaning Fall Specials! ______425 W. Hickory St., Union City, IN 47390. Carpet 765-964-4202. Carpet Cleaning Done ______10x12 room–$18 • Chairs–$20 Vinyl Loveseats–$30 • Sofas–$40 FOR SALE: Tile ______Ph# 317-862-5236 1155 McDougal... $104,800 Advertise in Pager# 317-756-2801 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ______Awesome interior updates in Ask for Gene FLOORING OF ALL TYPES 2,600 sq. ft. Cape Cod with 3BR, this space! 2BA, LR, FR, DR and more. Call Deadline: Thursday, noon, 8 days in advance Nancy Vittorio, Tomlin Realtors, 317-236-1572 Electrical S&R FLOOR COVERING 317-329-4849. 1054 E. Troy 317-786-9309 of Friday publication date. HAMMANS ELECTRIC, INC. • Licensed • Bonded • Insured – Complete Electrical – Name ______Stained Glass Installations, Service & Repairs. For Rent Licensed-Bonded-Insured. Address ______Phone ______Emergency Service. GEORGETOWN WOODS GLASERMEISTER STUDIOS Senior Citizens Discount. 55 & older • utilities included FINE ART GLASS . . . the German way. 317-351-3670 Mail this coupon with payment to: • Scheduled van service Classified Ads, The Criterion, P.O. 1717, Trained and schooled in Europe • Community rooms Indianapolis, IN 46206-1717 4th generation German “Glasermeister” • Minutes from shopping/restaurants Over 15 years experience • On-site beauty salon Custom designed stained glass • 24-hr. emergency system Or charge my: ❏VISA ❏MasterCard In-house custom beveling • Elevator • Laundry facilities Beveled glass windows and entries Rock Bottom Prices Church restorations and repairs Old and New Wiring • Wall Outlets • Blown Fuses Overloaded Circuits • Appliance Wiring GEORGETOWN WOODS Card #______Exp. Date ______Markus G. Strobl & Martha Hiti Strobl 100 and 200 Amp Service • Y2K Backup Systems SENIOR APARTMENTS 331 N. Harrison St., Rushville, IN 46173 Split Circuits • Repair Service 317-388-9513 1-888-670-GLAS EMERGENCY SERVICE 5360 N. Georgetown Rd. Signature ______ 317-787-5367 FREE ESTIMATES Equal Housing Opportunity The Criterion Friday, September 24, 1999 Page 15

Stephanie Crawford, Stephen St. Barnabas, Indianapolis, Audrey Dillon and John Leahy. Velma Besece, Sarah and Shawn Ledford. Daughter Aug. 20. Brother of John and Grandmother of 12. Kruszewski and Robert of Mary O. Adams. Sister of Richard Riggin. STENGER, Dorothy E., 85, Ulcyznski. Grandfather of Janice Wells, Betty Winburn SCHUMACHER, Flora, 92, St. Gabriel, Connersville, Sept. three. Rest in peace and Vickie Divine. St. Roch, Indianapolis, Sept. 4. Wife of John Stenger. Mother WATERS, Rosemary, 69, Grandmother of three. 11. Aunt of several. of Catherine Anderson and St. Philip Neri, Indianapolis, Please submit in writing to our CORNWELL, Margaret LOYD, William V., 72, SCOTT, Joseph R., 72, Holy Judith Strothman. Grandmother Sept. 11. Wife of Hurley E. office by 10 a.m. Mon. the Mary (Gilmore), 81, Sacred St. Mary, Greensburg, Sept. 15. Trinity, Indianapolis, Aug. 31. of seven. Step-grandmother of Waters Sr. Mother of Cindy week of publication; be sure to Heart, Jeffersonville, April 12. Husband of Betty J. Loyd. Husband of Marva Scott. Father one. Great-grandmother. Great- McNeal, Linda Jones, Hurley E. state date of death. Obituaries Wife of James Cornwell. Father of Mary Miller, Suzanne, of Regina Maxey, Eric, Reggie great-grandmother of two. Waters II and Walter J. Waters Sr. Grandmother of six. Great- of archdiocesan priests and Mother of John, Michael and Douglas and John Loyd. and Jody Scott. Brother of STILES, John V., Jr., 77, Brother of Margaret Maudlin. grandmother of one. religious sisters serving our Patrick Cornwell. Grandmother Mary Hazel, Alberta Moore and Christ the King, Indianapolis, Grandfather of seven. Great- archdiocese are listed elsewhere of three. Great-grandmother of George Scott. Grandfather of Sept. 13. Father of Carol WELLING, Elmer, “Wimpy,” grandfather of two. Step-grand- in The Criterion. Order priests one. eight. Flanagan, Teresa Hall, Robert 74, St. Barnabas, Indianapolis, father of three. Great-step- and brothers are included here, DIETZ, J. Robert “Bob,” 78, SIMMERMEYER, Thomas J., and Frank Stiles. Grandfather Aug. 21. Husband of Doloris grandfather of one. unless they are natives of the St. Joan of Arc, Indianapolis, 67, St. Mary, Greensburg, Sept. of two. Haag Welling. Father of Dr. archdiocese or have other LOWER, Lawrence C., 83, Michael Welling. Brother of June 17. Brother of Providence 7. Husband of Ella Jean TERRY, Grace M., 89, connections to it. St. John the Baptist, Osgood, Wilma Koch. Sisters Anne Mary and Jeanne Simmermeyer. Father of Nancy St. Anthony, Indianapolis, Sept. 8. Brother of Leola AULL, James Charles, 77, Mary Dietz, Harry Dietz and Burns, Janet Dunkin, Pam Aug. 27. Aunt of two. WHITE, Roberta Mae Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, Mildred Harding. Holdcraft and Joseph Murphy and Thomas (Largent), 63, St. Lawrence, UBERTA, Viola C., 80, Little Sept. 5. Husband of Margaret DOAK, Mary, 83, St. Mary, Schneider. Simmermeyer. Brother of Gussie Indianapolis, Sept. 3. Mother of Flower, Indianapolis, Sept. 3. Meehan (Grannan) Aull. Father Richmond, Sept. 6. Sister of MARSHALL, Madeline, 80, Ertel, Mary Burks, Michael, Kim Zirrillo. Daughter of Helen Sister of Marie Schumann, of Larry, Gregory and Karl Patricia Seibold. St. Agnes, Nashville, Sept. 11. Robert and Leo Simmermeyer. Riddle Largent. Sister of Cathy Grandfather of 11. Florence Hall, Lucille Norris, Bannon, Elsie Swift, Louise Aull. Stepfather of Laura Zell, EVANS, Margaret Ann, 65, Mother of James and Daniel Ann Souders, Gretty, James and Keller, Robert, Pete and Buford Nancy Decker, Mary Gattens, St. Michael, Indianapolis, Marshall. Daughter of Grace SOUTHERN, Mary, 71, Patrick Uberta. Largent. Grandmother of three. Janet Tobin, Irene King and Sept. 11. Wife of Robert S. Perry. Sister of Wanda Duncan, St. Vincent de Paul, Bedford, Kathy McClain. Brother of Evans. Mother of Claire Abel, Jeanne Thomas, Betty Wilson, Sept. 10. Wife of Robert THORNTON, Vicki, 55, WIRTZ, Matthew J., 83, Roger and Jack Aull. Grand- Lisa Wiesehan and Robert G. Clifford Zimmerman, Don and Southern. Mother of Linda St. Mary, New Albany, Sept. St. Michael, Brookville, father of five. Step-grandfather Evans II. Grandmother of six. Charles Perry. Grandmother of Flanders, Teresa Hamilton, 11. Wife of Thomas Thornton. Sept. 10. Father of Theresa Faw of 18. Great-grandfather of one. Great-grandmother of two. three. Susan Rinne, C. Matthew, Mother of Candy Zurcher. and Diana Schuck. Grandfather Step-great-grandfather of two. Timothy, W. Thomas, M. Grandmother of two. GRIMES, Mary V., 78, NOBBE, Frieda B., 84, of four. BAXTER, Elizabeth M. St. Louis, Batesville, Sept. 16. Anthony and J. Eric Southern. ULCZYNSKI, Joseph, 81, WOOLERY, Mary Catherine St. Bartholomew, Columbus, Sister of Ruth Honowanski, (Gorman), 90, Sacred Heart of Sept. 11. Wife of Edward Mother of Evalena Kuntz, St. Bartholomew, Columbus, (McCammon), 79, St. Chris- Jesus, Indianapolis, July 29. Grimes. Mother of Sharon Rosina Forthofer, Mary Jo Sept. 7. Husband of Genevieve topher, Speedway, Sept. 3. Mother of Betty Grady, Dr. Sinclair and Larry Grimes. Wuestefeld, Edward and Providence (Suchta) Ulczynski. Father of Mother of Steven Woolery, Nick, John and Charles Baxter. Grandmother of two. Melvin Nobbe. Sister of Ida Charles and Ronald Ulczynski. Elaine Harrold and Kathleen Nobbe, William, Joseph, Harry, Sister Bernice Grandmother of 13. Great- GYGER, Mary, 80, Little Son of Pete Ulczynski and Vaagen. Grandmother of seven. Ed, Paul and Jim Lecher. grandmother of 18. Flower, Indianapolis, Sept. 9. Stephania Stapanski. Brother of Great-grandmother of seven. Grandmother of 18. Great- O’Neil was 76 BEVINGTON, William R., Mother of D. Gregory and grandmother of 13. 70, St. Joan of Arc, Indian- David Gyger. Sister of Ideane Providence Sister Bernice apolis, Sept. 11. Father of Julia Catterson, Chuck, Emil, Merle O’HAIR, Margaret Mary O’Neill died on Sept. 3 at Saint Fr. Theodore Brune Nicholas, Jean Hagberg, and Neal Callahan. Grand- (Kelly), 91, St. Paul the Mary-of-the-Woods. She was Christina Cotter and William mother of five. Great-grand- Apostle, Greencastle, Sept. 6. 76. Bevington. Grandfather of nine. mother of 15. Great-great- Wife of Durbin L. O’Hair. A funeral Mass was cele- dies in North Dakota Great-grandfather of one. grandmother of two. Mother of Shirley A. Cherry. brated at the Church of the Benedictine Father Theodore Brune, monk and priest of Saint Sister of Frances Kelly. BLUEHER, Lillian M., 91, KHACHI, Peliyos, 71, Immaculate Conception on Meinrad Archabbey, died in North Dakota on Sept. 16. He was 71. Grandmother of four. Great- Little Flower, Indianapolis, St. Michael, Indianapolis, Sept. 8. A funeral Mass was celebrated in the archabbey church on grandmother of nine. Sept. 11. Mother of Mary Ann Sept. 8. Husband of Melideh Born Bernice Eileen Sept. 21. Burial was in the archabbey Lantrip and Andy Blueher. Khachi. Father of Nancy PAYNE, Mary Gen, 72, O’Neill in Chicago, she cemetery. Sister of Mary Jenkins, Pauline Khachi. Brother of Namroud St. Anthony of Padua, entered the congregation of the Born in Indianapolis, he enrolled Royse, Ann Vising, Deloris Khachi. Clarksville, Sept. 1. Mother of Sisters of Providence in 1942, at St. Placid Hall, Saint Meinrad’s professed first vows in 1945 house of formation for brother candi- Oliver, Patricia Niehause, John KIESEL, Robert, 71, Little Donna Payne-McCallister, and final vows in 1950. dates, in 1942. He was invested as a and William Duffey Kramer. Flower, Indianapolis, Sept. 5. Sharon Seese, Kathleen Parish, Grandmother of eight. Great- Mary, Patrick and William Formerly known as Sister novice in 1946 and professed simple Father of Patricia Bennette. Mary Dominic, she taught at grandmother of 16. Payne, Jr. Grandmother of nine. vows in 1947. He was ordained to Stepfather of Steven and Dennis St. Philip Neri School in PICKLES, Elena, 86, the priesthood in 1975. BROOKS, Patricia Ann, 51, Colter. Brother of Fred Kiesel. Indianapolis and Holy Trinity St. Mary, New Albany, Sept. In his early years of monastic life, St. Mary, New Albany, Aug. 29. Grandfather of six. Great- School in New Albany, as well 10. Mother of Eugene Pickles. Brother Theodore served in the abbey Wife of Daryl Brooks. Mother grandfather of four. as schools in Lafayette and Ft. Sister of Concetta Cayedo. kitchen, as house brother, as valet to of Kelly Brooks, Anthony and LEDFORD, Laquita J., 54, Wayne and in Illinois, Grandmother of four. Great- the abbot, as sacristan and as guest Tonya Barber. Sister of Jeffery Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Maryland and Texas. master. grandmother of six. Swartz and Janice Smith. New Albany, Sept. 12. Wife of Sister Bernice is survived In 1965, he began a career as a Grandmother of three. Larry Ledford. Mother of REGAN, William L., 91, by nieces and nephews. † missionary at Saint Meinrad’s priory in Huaraz, Peru. After studying for the priesthood in Rome, Father Theodore Classified Directory, continued returned to Peru to serve for 15 years at the Parroquia San Juan Autista, Saint Meinrad’s parish in Lima. For the past several years, Father Theodore served the Diocese Gutter Landscaping Looking For Real Estate of Fargo, N. D. †

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