ICaD 2013 6–10 july, 2013, Łódź, Poland international Conference on auditory Display The 19th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2013) July 6-10, 2013, Lodz, Poland UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDING THE NEED FOR MICRO -THEGESTURAL NEED INFLECTIONS IN FOR MICRO-GESTURALPARAMETER-MAPPING SONIFICATION INFLECTIONS IN PARAMETER-MAPPINGDavid Worrall SONIFICATION School of Music, David Worrall SchoolAustralian of Music, Australian National National University, University, BuildingBuilding 100, 100, The The Australian Australian National University, University, CanberraCanberra ACT ACT 0200, Australia. Australia.
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT results. It is useful to distinguish data sonifications made for the purposes of facilitating communication or interpretation of Most of the software tools used for data sonification have been relational information in the data, and data-driven music adopted or adapted from those designed to compose computer composition, ambient soundscapes and the likeÑthe primary music, which in turn, adopted them from abstractly notated purpose of which is artistic expression and other broader scores. Such adoptions are not value-free; by using them, the cultural considerations, whatever they may be. The current use cultural paradigms underlying the music for which the tools of the term ÒsonificationÓ to include such cultural concerns is were made have influenced the conceptualization and, it is unfortunate because it blurs purposeful distinctions. argued, the effectiveness of data sonifications. Maintaining these distinctions is not to suggest that there are Recent research in cognition supports studies in empirical not commonalitiesÐthe two activities can provide insights that musicology that suggest that listening is not a passive ingestion are mutually beneficial. However, because the purposes of the of organised sounds but is an embodied activity that invisibly activities are different, so will be their epistemological enacts gestures of what is heard.