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The Ledger & Times, October 25, 1929

The Ledger & Times

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1 tnt» • ' "^SfTiP ) ••i'*^> - - • - mt* -:- < -Bir ^P^^aMi • * <-#* >* ' ~— ~ ifilfc*** mm : lard Oil plant* bathtown Har- Calloway Can Be The Fifth County In America to Abolish The Scrub Sire. LET'S DO IT! **. Central Cl- Jowllag Green. ». Hopkln»»llle. • will be mark- is for the bene- Si 00 * i T Maiahall. tlnw, Umm- 1 sad Strait —T —*T- ADS *2- zezzj?- THE LEDGER & TIMES Icely furnished eplng. hot wa- "Kentuckya Moat Progressive Weekly Newspaper" e entrance, tfc > 8. Sixth. Mrs. Ntunn xcvm MURRAY, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY MORNING, ui*. fl- « stock ways rains in Murray on circus The circus was about up to ex- of ffcJT Dealsexplicit as to names, places, dates amd 1 water; on day and Monday was no exception. pectations for an organisation of ANNUAL MEET ughes, Murray. 99, IS CALLED The chilly day, however, failed to its size. There Is one groat im- State Society Honors Murray AMOUNTSO*, SVEAYTJUMd. "•"•»• p keep a large number at their fire- provement in circuses in the past Woman; City Loses 1930 Hip Last Week I* sides and when the street parade few years however, that may well Mora Than 1,000 Hear Pro- LLY KNOWN Convention. was due at twelve o'clock the be mentioned, and (hat is that will atart you Fatal to Mrs. John Law- gram Thursday at Salem 1 court square was packed with _a the people uncrating they seem yourself We rence of Kirkaey. Church ia County. jostling mass of humanity strug- to be much fairer and squarer In Mrs E B. Houston wire of Dr irylhlng Many gling for advantageous positions. their dealings with the public than E. It Houston, waa honored In weekly profits, I.oalavllie Tuesday with ejection NINE CHILDREN SURVIVE But cars parked In every availa- not so many years ago. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED ilneaa Writ* to the office of President of the ONE OF OLDEST WOMEN ble inch of space, two columns The circus folks were kindly WEDNESDAY MORNING Woman's Auxiliary of the Stat* deep in many places, matte the re- and courteous, as well as evidently 0 COMPANY Medical Association. maining avenues too narrow for honest and above board in their Committee ititou, ill. gjgo Remarkable Family History the huge parade wagons and the public relations. Of course, prices Mrs. Houston attended the Heard and Discussed R» cflvnpletWy Is Made; All Reside in parade was compelled to re-trace for popcorn and peanuts, cracker- meeting as a delegate from the u expert lUullo Calloway County. Its steps to the grounds after j^cks and candy^and toy balloons Calloway county Woman's Auxil- Thursday and Friday. siring. IMcea reaching fourth street. Only those were higher than a cat's back but iary. She lias been active in •a tUdlo Shop. A broken hip in an accidental on the east side of the square got when one goes to a circus he ex- Auxiliary work for several years The annual meeting of the Plume tut fall on the hearth at her homo to Bee the attraction. petes to pay sky-high prices for and her election Is a just tribute Blood River Association of. Baptist near Klrksey brought death last Somehow or other, the crowd evsjyt ii i n i to her splendid work In the churches of Western Kentucky Mir Huiiaahuld week to one of Calloway county's melted away after the noon hour. Murray wa sthe last stop for organisation. and Tennessee, which includes ap- oldest matrons. Mrs . John Law The tent at the afternoon per- Gentry Bros, before the circus In addition to being prominent proximately seventy-five churches, John Water* rence, of Kirksey. Mrs. Lawrence formance was not more than half goes into winter quarters in the In local civic club work. Mrs is in session this week at the Sa- ldg.. PbuneSa. was in good health and indlca filled and the evening performance north. Houston la district leader for the lem church about eight miles second hand lions were strong that she would Woodmen Circle, woman's auxil JsnX it Rinny /u>w cJair oxes /rundis times, - northwest of Murray. Mrs E H. have reached t lie age of ltk» had lary to the Woodmen of thi More than 500 attended Wed- ltc. not the fatal accident occurred World, and Is a member of th. nesday's session, at which time She would have been 100 years RUFE LASSITER IS B. V. ANDRUS OF National Council of the Woodmen the meeting was opened, officeis !e. see H D. old on January 24. 1930. Circle. elected and letters frem the rnton's Drug Mrs. Lawrence fell on October Murray lost the 193f) conven- churches read. More than 1,0**0 Hp. 10 at her home in Kirksey and SUMMONED FRIDAY DEXTER IS CALLED tion of the state's doctors by only were expected at Thursday's'meet- —Weigh front passed away on October 15. Tin six votes, according IQ a telegram ing when reports from commiti^eS See Otley Far- hip bone was crushed by the fall received Thursday morning by I>r and their discussions will b^gln. Up. and, on account of her extreme Prominent Farmer Succumbs Popular Railroad Man, 58, Ben B. Keys from Dr E. B The introductory sermqn was age, recovery was impossible preached Wednesday morning by grade Jersey al Home on East Side; Succumbs Friday After Houston. Who is attending the A remarkable family history Elder R F. Gregory, of Murray. In spring and Was 62 Years Old. Eight Months Illness* meeting as delegate from the Cal- was enjoyed by -Airs. Lawrence, Officers elected tor the meet- r bull, 2 years loway County Medical Society who's eldest son, John DeeHLaw- ing were: R. F Gregory. Modera- enton, Ky ltp Bowling Green won the conven- rence, is now 82 years of age Rufus H. Lasslter, aged 62, one B. V Andrus, 58 years old, one erator; L. V. Hanson, clerk, aud newly papered tion. Nine children were born to her of Calloway county's most popu- of Dexter's best known and most tor; J. J. Cough, assistant uiod- water, lights, „ and her husband, and all living lar and prominent farmers, died liked citizens, succumbed last J. H. Thurman, treasurer. J. Rv tween 9th and today. Wayne Lawrence, th Saturday morning at his hom* Friday at his home In Dexter after Ledger of 24 Years Brandon. R H Falwell snd Roy !ar. See Mrs. youngest. is_ 53 years^ old. All of four miles east of Murray. Mr. an eight months illness of com- IV-Lee. ~~""the,.. chlldr en have continued aUuflUgr had been In a critical • pltcatlons."~Mr. "Andrus hart bf*pn —Afo k~Good Paper trier missions board to serve with live in Calloway county all their condition for the past three weeks connected with the N. C & St. L tbe Moderator, Clerk and Treas- lives. Her oldest son lives near with leakage of the heart and Railorad for a number of years. J W. Cole has presented th* urer. Elder N. S. Castleberry was Kirksey. where he wax born. complications of asthma. He had' He was a man of quiet disposi- Ledger h Times with a copy of moderator of the 1928 meeting. been In failing health for the pact Mice The surviving sons and daugh- tion .indiisirioMs. firm in It 15 be- Ihe Murray Ledger, doted October The following committees will eight months. ters are John Dee Lawrence. Kufe liefs ahd honest 4n TTls undertak- 26. 1905. which is just -exactly report Thursday and Friday: IIS Lawrence. Jim Lawrence and He is survived by his widow, ings. The members of the M. B twenty four years ago thlx i»m,< Missions-'—H. B Taylor and W. Wayne Lawrence; Mrs. Martha one daughter, Mrs. T. O. Shelton, W. E.. railway union, of which At that time the present editor ot T. Sledd Edwards. Mrs. Monroe Edwards. of Paducah; two sisters, Mrs. Sant Mr. Andrus was a member, sent the Ledger A Times was wearln-. -And how s/uffish Ajict befbf&d it-CAn become. itoiJterS Budget—R. F. Gregory and J. Mrs. John Robihsojk and Mrs. Ma t'nderwood. of Murray, and Mrs. large delegation-to represent them dresses and had never heard ot R. Gregory. Agent ry I>oores. Mrs. John Shelton, of W T. Brandon, of Fullbrlght, at the last rites. such a thing as a newpaper' Education—J. J. Gough and^ Texas, and one brother, N. M. Las- (sometimes he wishes never hadi. Murray, is a granddaughter. Mrs. Mr. Andrus Is survived by his James McGregor. latrorta slter, near Murray. The best sheet was six columns H. C. Futrell Sells Fine Lawrence had scores of grandchil widow. Mrs. Relia -Andrus, three Literature—Roy Beaman and Mr. I .a aslter was one of the wide and twenty Inches deep and dren and great-grandchildren. daughters. Mrs. Jesse Hale and MRS. MARBERRY IS MRS. JONES, 74, IS W. W. Dickenson 3 than highest regarded men In his com- was a typical paper of that age Calf To Fulton Farmers - She was a faithful member of the Misses Ruby and Sarah Andrus; Obituary—A. E. Cross and J. munity and had a large Circle of It waa liberally patronised with loway * Did Asberry Methodist Church two son*. Mitchell ahd Murr tell; H. Thurman. friends who mourn his death. He advertising, especially the patent JFuneral and burial services one sister. Mra, Dee Jeffrey, of CALLED IN TEXAS H. (5. Futrell,-qne of Calloway CALLED AT HAZE Children's Home—J. F. Futrell was simple and unassuming in his medicine ads with which newsp.i adver- were held there October lo by Detroit, and one borther, John county's leading breeders sold, and B. B. Boaz. manner but faithful and loyal to pers of that day and time were Rev. Sqtith, the pastor, and burial Andrus. of Dexter. He was last week an exceptionally fiun- Prayer Meeting—R. H. Falwell his friends and his obligations a* heavy. ty-five was In tije church cemetery. The member of the Beach Grove Cum- Sister of J. D. Rowlett, Mrs. blooded Jersey bull calf to Brbw- Beloved Woman Succumbs and Jake York. X. a citizen. He was a life-long services were attended by a large berland Presbyterian church. The only news Hems on the Jennie Kirkland Dies in der Brothers, large farm .Opera- at Home of Sister Thursday Sunday School—A. E. Cross, J. i home member of Cherry Corner Baptist' crowd of friends who joined the front page are: announcement ot Henrietta October 15. tors near Fulton. ^ R. Brandon and E. B. Holland. church and one of its stsjULDchest Funeral services were conduc- the nomination of James M Cole After Long Illaess. relatives in paying tribute to her The youngster* Mustard Flor- Public Morals—C. A Smith, >rotec- members. 'He was born and rear- ted Sunday afternoon at one o'- as Republican nominee for the remarkable life and character. ence, 13, months oitL carries the Roy Tatum. ed qn the farm "Where he died. clock in the Cumberland Presbyr legislature, a story of prises won Miss Rennie Rowlett received a .Mrs. Lucretia Jones, one of the :mnity L- Mrs. 1 w rence wa£*bnrn in tbe blood of four of the leading sirets Visiting ministers filled the pul- teriau. church by Rev. Sam Ru- by E. E Haley at the Paducah letter Monday from relatives in best known and most beloved ma- first year of Andrew Jackson's Funeral services were conduct- of, the isuntr^. Fauvlc's F'rlnce, pits in surrounding Baptist dolph tn the presence of a large Horse Show and resolutions on Henrietta Texas announcing thr tron- of the Hazel community, administration and vHhily re- ed at Cherry Corner Sunday af- Imported Ttolrten Farn's Nobote. churches Wednesday and Thurs- crowd. Burial was in ths Stew- the death of Charles Jetton, sign- death o"f her sister. MrsT Elvira succumbed Thursday night of last , w mejnbered unto .her death tbe ternoon at two o'clock - by .Elder Imported/ Combination Premier day nights. Elder J Edd Skin- arts ce mattery. ed (>y W O. Wear and Zeb A. week at tfie home of her sister, • memdrtos of those pioneer day* of N. S. Castleberry. of Benton, and Marberry of that cltv. on Tuesday -and thoTamous Alligator rff Meri ner, of Tennessee, a native of Cal- >1 Elder J. Jtt., Thurman. of Murray, Stewart. October. 15. 1929 Mias Rowlett Mrs. Felix Denham. Mrs. Jones loway county, preached to a large ™ American ^histor~bistorvy . She reeaRed dale^Farms. New York State,' 'ipentags'qjt "SUf111*1 aspects were paid by a The editorial masthead Into-m. has recently returned to Wurray v.iu> waa 71 yeum. of uga. tuul congregation in the Murray Bap- clearly man y Ji apji At the recent Calloway County be« n ill or complications for sev- tl and discussed crowd. the public that E. P. Phillip* i»- from a month's visit .to the Mar- tist church. Elder Skinner was Mexican War days MISS HOLLAND, 44, "jetkey Show, Mustard Florence ers| months. v Burial wa»-in the Lasslter cem- buslne&s manager of the paper marking his 4 3rd wedding anni- tl Bldg. fluently the history of events that berry family in Texas. - won -the junior grand champion- etery. and gives the Ilfst of Democratic Sh« was the widow of the late versary. happened before l&Kl, arid the Mrs. Marberry is the ^Step- ship, d*fearin>f all bulls two yearsj nominees as follows: Fir State J. T. Jo«e»7 a well known rarm- The Association met at Salem civil war. x mother of W. E Marberry. and a and und^r. SUCCUMBS SUNDAY Senator. Cnnn Linn; ltepyeai-nu- Calloway county, and had church forty-three vears ago. November Jury List Ure. Zeb A. Stewatr; ' Countv sister or- J. D. Rowlett and Mrs. made "her home w'ith her .sister Jennie Kirkland of Murray. Dr. Hugh McElrath. M. C. Wal- Announced by Hart Heart Trouble Brings Death Judge. A Jr O. Wells; Counlv sinee his death, near South Pleas- 118 and Ajbert Lassiter are mes- 27 ARE ADDED TO Clerk. J N. William*; Countv At- She was 82 yeat's of age; n ant Grove several years ago. Mrs. sengers from the Murray church. to Popular Woman at torney. N. B. Barnett, Sheriff. 1 daughter of P. M, Rowlett. well LYNN GROVE FAIR Jones was a devoted Christian " The petit and grand jury panels Home in Murray. A Edwards; Jailer. Wert Alder- known tobacco 'manufacturer who woman and had been a member for the November term Of Cal- son; Assessor. W R. Brodcli: came with^hfs wife frbtn Virginia of the South Pleasant •Grove N CHRISTIAN CHURCH loway -circuit court, Nwhich will School Superintendent, L. A. L. to Calloway County in the year TO OPEN SATURDAY Methodist Church ror more than open Monday, November-si 1. have Mtw Willie Holland. 44 years CHARGES AGAINST old, died Sunday at the home of Langston. and Surveyor. J A 18 45. and Mrs. Rowlett; and^the fifty years. been drawn find announced this wife of T. J. Marberry. a pioneer Successful Meeting at Mur- her sister. Miss Frankie Holland, Parker. She is survived by one son, week by Circuit. Clerk George A. merchant of Calloway County Mr. $100 in Prizes, Ribbons To here, following a^ long illness of Among the hfiore prominent ad. Will H. Jones, of Tampa, Florida, JUDGE DISMISSED ray First Christian Church Hart. Marberry fought in the war be- heart trouble. vertlsements were rhose of K. Be Awarded; Features tne step-son, K. A. Jones, of De- |s Closed Sunday. tween states, true and Loyal to Those on the grh-Qd jury list Robertaon, Stubblefleld> store. J Are Announced. troit, and three sisters, Mrs. Den- She is survlv&p by two sisters. the Southern cause, and at the will report the first day of the M Thurman * Sons, of Brandon, 1 ,-. Mm Fronts Dunn, of Cross- Judge Ira Smith Exhoner- Mrs. John Jones, of Centralis,...Il- end of the war located at New- From every ancle the revival term while those on the petit jury- ^tnd Phillips Brothers, at Shiloh lantk and- Mrs. Lina Hart. Cir- ated Tuesday by Kentucky linois, and Miss Frankie Holland; Concord where he sold merchan- Lynn Grove, Ky.. Oet."~tl—The at the First Chritsian church was panel will not be required to re- The pajier Is well printed, cuit Court Clerk George A. Hart, and three brothers, Ott Holland, dise until he died about 30 yefcrs Lynn Grove Community and A^, Court of Appeals. a success. The attendance and port until Tuesday, November 12. newsy and much belter typograph- of Murray, was a nephffw of Mrs. of the county: Pierce G. Holland, ago. After his death his family ricultural^Fair will be held Sat- interest were evcojrtlonalb: good (•rand Jury ically than one would' expect. Jones. from the very first service to the Charlie Williams, Swann; G. of Del roir\ and Bert Holland, of moved to Texas. urday, October 26, at the high Frankfort, i Ky.. Oct. 22— Paris, TennX Kmnkly, after looking K over school build int. Approximately Charges against wrongful conduct closing -service la#t» Sunday night. W. Xawson; Noel Webb. Swann; 1 Funeral and burial services we don't know whether we've Of the four children born to Mr. $100 will be given in prises for were conducted at South Pleasant brought against Circuit Judge Ira N The spirit of co-operation on the J. P. stone, Swann; Tieman L. Fufreral services were conduct- made so darn much improvement and Mrs. Marberry. two survive. 'part of the membership ahd on the Barnes, Ait-bur FliweU. Brink- ed Monthly afternoon from the displays in the different depart- Grove church In the presence of a D. Smith. Hopklnsvllle. Ky . by since then or not. They, are Miss Virginia Hughes ments. An educational program, large crowd. Rev. R. H. Pigue. Millard D. Grubbs. and for other pa^t of members of all churches ley; Will Bvpiiin. Murray: J. N. residence By^the Rev. E. B. Mot- Marberry of Henrietta Texas, and a livestock and agricultural show, Mrs. Jones" pastor, preacher the Christian County defeated primary In the community was most grati- ftaasdale. Liberty; W. V. Giggles. ley and the Rev. Bennfe/Brown Mrs. Roy Stubblefleld of Bloom- fying. * .Murray; Joe W. Paschall, Swann; and-burial, was in the family cem- exhibits in all phases of home and funeral sermon and conducted candidates, were held groundless ington, Texas. Mary Marberry, a today bjr the Court of Appeals. r. T W. Fain. MiixrayTTr^f. Miller. etery In the ©ounty^K school work, and many oth services at the grave. Bro. Allen Wilson's sermons SCOUT CAMP TO BE daughter, died at New Concord in Murray; LeslU£*llii$. Hazel; rrh) forms of entertalnment_have bee The remains~were laid to rest The decision, handed down from were plaw^positive, scriptural, Miss Holland had many friends 1903; and James Woodson, a son, Kuykendall, Swann;'Sam Crislen- planned for the-occasion. In the church cemetery. the bench by Chief Justice David convincing, and were preached In who join the family in mourning died five years ago"at Henrietta. =f berry, MPlhkley; J Hoik Robin A. McCandiess. announced the Christian love.s her death. OPENED THURSDAY Tsxss. The program Is as follows: son, Murray; 1. B. Griffin, Mur- —r—7 -SloHiirtg Program findings of the court in its inves- Bro C. E. MaKin proved him- ray; Chas. H. Morris, E. Murray; tigation of the charges. 4th Quarterly Conference I IILST CHRISTIAN CHl'ItCH 9:il0 A. M.—Track meet. self to he an effnaient, affable J H Farrls, Murray ; Ollle Smo Program Planned for Dedi- 10:30 A. M.—Judging of exhi- LOCAL PHYSICIANS The charges agaiinst Judge song leader .and his solos were an therman, Swann; Arthur Todd. Smith were brought by Grubbs. a Dates Are Announced cation Next Thursday at Will next Sunday find you at bits begins.* outstanding feature of Nthe meet- Fayette Lee. Liberty; R. J Owen, defeated candidate for the Demo- 4:30 O'clock. you r post of dqty and privilege Z 11:00 A. M.—Baby show. in|^ They-were soul-enriching. Liberty ;~TT K. Buttefwortn, Murr I2:WM w:— pisT? Trmcn TO ATTEND SESSION cratic nomination for County At- —•."Bid— pianist—ahd •cholc-v-.werc ray. The ai}jf?nrne P. MT— Plantation saddle First District Meeting Will nation for jailer; R. H. Croft, de- Oscar Holland. Murray; Charles the following dates and places, the community has experienceacb day at 11 A. Mr, spiritual enrichment. Shall we ftorse nation for Representative, and H. Singers from other churches were invited and in which community 2:hrr P. . M.-—Murray State ray;. A. J. Adams, Swann; W, T. lunch at the noon hourr ~At 1 P. conserve these rich blessings or Next Tuesday. C. Myers, defeated for the Repub- m6st generous in helping with the leaders will participate, have been Teachers College Band. Chester, Brink ley; John H. Mootv, M. tin- transacting the business of Will we lapse into negligence, in- lican nomination for Sheriff. music. planned for.the dedication, of. the 3:00 P. M.—Adrees-^Or; Chas. Hazel: C. P. PasChaTT. Swann; Ed the Conference. 2 P. M. Rev. J. Boy Scout Camp Thursday ."after- difference, inactivity and absent Several Calloway county phy- ^The unsuccsesful candidates The boys and gitls. had la defi- Hire. 11ead '»t science department S.- Rogers, Swann: C. D. Br win. N JoHey, "5ur Conference Sunday- noon of next week. " The exercises ourselves from Sunjlay school and sicians are planning to attend tl\e brought contest proceedings nite place in the meeting and did Murray Stale Teachers College. Swann: Brown Ross. Klrksey; R. School Superintendent, will have will be held at~4:3Q o'clock, ac- church and the Lord's Supper? annjnl meeting of the South- against their successful oppon- their part with credit. HveninK Program K. Miller, Swam; Bert Purdom. charge of the program. The night cording to an announcement by Are you going to still be a wewe.rn Kentucky Medical As- ents. Judge Smith dismissed the Some very thoughtful and 7:'00_P. M.—Yo-Yo contest. Murray; Tpm Oathey. Murray; J. services will be in charge of Rev.- -Scoutmaster Edd Filbeck "onc^-in Twhile-er" or JH regu- sociation, which will be held next contests. Grubbs acted as attor- prayerful personal work was done 7:30 P. M.—-Basket ball — Rdgar Armstrong 1^. P. Hughes, J. D. Canada, our Rural Exten- The commodious cabin for the lar "t^Why not begin next Sunday Tuesday at Princeton. ney for the group. by the yonn'g peftple and oldej Brlnkley; W. C Orutcher. Cos- opening game—Almo YS Lynn sion Secretary. His subjpet will boys has just been completed an 1 to be a regular' in Sunday school At th-> afternoon session, Dr. E. "Wrongful Conduct Charged menjhe^s of the church. This al- cord; J. O. Robinsoh Murray: Grove. be "The Story of the Bibleus- will be ready for use after the ami at churHj. D. Covington will read a paper on Grubbs appealed from the de- ways blesses both the workers Jas. y. Thompson.' Hazel; Jof ing "some selected stereoptlcan dedication. It is located on Chronic Si imperative Otitis Media cision of Judge Siiiith. and filed aqd those won . Jackson. Murray; Win. F. Clark. The pastor wilj preach a! JO: 45 Statement hv views. Make your arrangements the Paris road, just south of Mur- from Standpoint of General Prac- with the Appelate Court an affi- S. X- O Winchester, Rarnn My A. M\ .and 7:15 P. M. (Henry Stiin^on, Secretary of Thr members were generous to attend as many of these ser- ray, and has about ten acres of ticioner". ^ davit charging the Circuit Jud^e »rs. Willie Hateher. E M . t*has. Junior Christ-Ian Endeavor will Slate of the I'nited States) gracious'in financing ihe meeting. rices^. as possible. We want to land with it. Dr. Ben B. Keys is a member with wrongful conduct in niakirrg Graham. W .VI.; Joe C. Futrell, J**«"f In the Sfudy at 6 So. Senior Not a single public offering was* make each day n red letter day. Scoutmaster Filbeck l« prepare When the American Red Cross of ihe program committee and Dr. and approving the bill of excep- John 1. Ross, J. A. Jones; Jesse Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30 taken. Members were also Hazel Circuit at Ms*on Chapel ing a dedicatory program which extends help to a forelen country J. V Outland'Is serving on th» fi- tions t&ajtBfe case. gracious In "having the preachers Johnson. David Thompson. Mur- on the first floor. N'overubor 4. at 11 A. will be announced. stricken by a great calamity .-Tit nancejcommittee for this year. Dr. One of :.he specific char pes was and singer In their homes and at ray; Clint Stewart. Liberty, R E M W C. E. Norman. Hazel art 7 Why not have 3t#n in Sundajr speaks for the mind and heart of J. Vernon" Pace, of F*aducah, is that Judge Smith caused the offi- ths church and Rotary club for Clayton, Murray; L. E. Lock hart. P. M. school next Sunday? We can If the American people. Such bene- pn .-ident of the association, suc- cial stenographer. C> E. Ritter, to meals This hospttaHfv and fel- Kirksey, A. T. Thomas. Swann; Government Men at Work fy*nce, with the Red Cross rep- Murra>vCircuit at Martin Chap- each one will do his or her best ceeding Dr. E. B Houston, of have inserted in the record a com- lowship was greatly enjoyed and Walter Kelly. Hazel; Elbert Las- el, November 6. Sermon at 11 ALL ALWAYS WELCOME' resenting the American public, Murray, who headed the organisa- plete copy of the proceedings of i appreciated slter. Murray; H L. Ford, Lynn on Imes Store Robbery A. M. by L. O. Ilartman. Murray E. B. Motley. Pastor. ha? made for our country-wide- tion for 1927-2*. the County Election Commission- Grove. - ' The meeting has not only great- Station at 7 P. M spread good will over the world ers showing the, vole by precincts ly blessed and strengthened the Ki/kaey Circuit at Cole's Camp Government postal Inspectors among peoples who lvave suffered. I of all candidates in the primary*. First Christian church, but it has Coldwaters News There are monuments and huild-T Fred Holland, Wife Visit Ground. NovemWr x Sermon by are working on the robbery of the Judge Smith demanded an im- been a blesisng to thj^jshole com- Circus Rouster Loses Arm Ings and names of streets lo' cojn | Murray on Way to Europe R. H Pigue at 11 A>M. KirkseA Imes store at Almo last summer mediate investigation by the Ap- munity. Ws are having nice weather memorate this good will in many | From Gun Shot Here at 7 P M. but as yet no arrests have been pellate Court and a hearing was now. . parts of the world. Mr. and Mrs Fred Y Holland. The First Methodiet church and Hardin Circuit at Palestine. No- made. The thieves took a few held September 28. Grubbs. Mr. Trrmon Cloys and Miss the Church of t hrl^t took In their vember 8. Sermon by W. T .Paf stamps, while rifling the p*or*» of During the last year, there -were I of Denver Colorado, spent the through tiis attorneys, challenged Daisy .Hopkins wefe united In appointments at different times George Anderson, a ne«ro m mfm a large quantity of clothing. a number of instances of this sin-, week end here with Mr. Holland's the jurisdiction of the court in a 1 marriage last Saturday at Hop- snd attended the revival in largp roustaboii' with tb* Gentry Broth- Almo Circuit at Temple Httk The loot wns accldently dt»- cer* and and generous help to 1 father. O. H Holland They sre brief filed ia his behair. numbers. This expression of ers circus, had to have His left November 8th. Sermon by G S. kcovered cached . in a deep ditch kln„-. lie. Mrs. Cloys is the daugh- count-riea prostrated bv disaster- i enroutf to France on an indefi- Christian courtesy and fellowship arm removed above the elbow at Fiijlih at fV A., y. ^ , .. j it Crr ob H - - * ter o' tr Carl Hopkins, and Mr. Foi ' his t! NUK ' K-dCQ||Ll n 1 Jg^y** . of a bsence a nd jwill ts 'tU"^ HtHiifwiftdhlp flP^jitt tir* WlioR" • TTo«p1Ca» Renin now tr> maie your pfans • tV- "Paducah 'rav-'u g sa »« ^J'TTr- CT^Trfr. ha» received waTm WVRTr CnerTJoui g. rfanc^». on Oc' District Governor ~ Cloys Tne marriage came *% « appreciated. Monday Mh ihe resn'l of a mm shot ] 1o atrend tfiese tings and lend man. several weeks ago but -the gratitude from the sufferers. ]<,tpb* r 31. They left Tuesday The meeting resulted in twenty- wound Stinday night. Jielpmg hand to push the Old robbers'^have not .vet been appre- great' surprise to their manv To continue and expahd th«-se nins for New Y k# the Visits Murray Club seven additions to the church, Joe Pitman Murray negro. w?7| Paris Dislrict to a plSiie and place hended. friends good "deeds rind to cnlais* the fifteen by conversion and twelve arrested In c«inectlon wfth thei (hat has never attained l>e- It In a tradition that when the A blc Hollnwe en plav will be fi«ld to tisefnlness in our home i Mr. Holland'^ has mada his home J. Murray Hill. of Rowlinr held at the Coldwa'er Bftptist by transfer of membership. shooting hut denied charge. | ft,re government ©Iterator* eet on the • >nd. the Am*riem people should | in I'eikr^r for the past several Greep. governor of the eighteenth church. A ver> unjoA-able ^ E B Xlotlej. Pastor. Pltmsn was rjeflred"Jn th« Aprili W P. Pnchard trail th«y alwayS^'gei their man." ••on*i4cu it a privil«g» and an tie-fs, where he has been state II- district or Rotary International. t«rm ot circuit eotrri on charge*] cahion" i« expected —' Old Glory oertueltv for sprvleA tn -bsJonf-<•*'] brarlas tor. the past eevsrsJ years. at..'-nt Thursday with the Murray Prof and Mrs Tubus Cham- of killing Frank Hajas. »4»ri col- Auxiliary •heir national Re.d Cross He has also, received his Jaw Rotaiy Club.. Qf Ctarsnca Eldrids^, so* of Ed her* and ored, here last f • Mr* Rr.herr Rrwtfr has re- ' Mrs. Robert Broseh returned t^irnod) Hjnr- 17^-lmior 1 gtea aniTls a Tfcen»»d attorney st Xlr Hill W-M r^cesttv TlTived Wdrl-'*^ i-emairvs quit* sick, at ton,-spent Hfe w^ek end here with Accordinft to the Aftderson | turned to her home aft or filia- from SsshviiU 8m nd^^ snd i* f fv^ Den\ hy the sure** to nit em the . ths clinic. •n While Prof. Chambers negro's mory? he .and anothei tion at St Thomas WolpTTaV MVS. d^ifis n»e#|v —— ^TY^lrtT?! V. A Church held - Its regular Jm proved / \ The business house on . North ytatttfig Mr. Phillips' parents. Dr Mr. Holland. served overseas dur- guet George s. Hart. Cttnt Drlnitrd, laier made up. He asserted he meeting Tuesday • Mrs C. J Fox si quits ilfst hef^ Fourth, just south of the Jail, wyj- tihd Mrs J. R PhiUlps at A'nio ing the World War k The entire program foi the day W. D. MrKsel. E C. Jon»* and I< dlff not know why he was *hft Dr and Mrs. Hugh McElrath home, soon be ready for occupancy ' It left Saturday morning' for a visit was turned over to Mr Hill "H. Falwell- - trtfceeded » district Circus cJffcUW-irsftnhar^Tiil "Witt attend the dinner of the Mr. Poke Oaboum or Haxel. Ky. is being built by Holland-jTHart ia Indianapolis, Indiana be tore re- Mr and Mrs T H Stokes Miss meeting of FedertO Farm Loan son had been employed by them S^jthwestern Dental Society at remains in a critical condition. »nd srlll Y leased t^- the Murray Floy Bobbins. Miss Dixie Pelluet. Mrs IVyton " Richardson ia ' Asfeoolallop members at Madlsea- forfiv« years aad waa ef mmUVTH the Irvan Cobb ber«l la Hadueali Mr. J»ka \Ukaa rmuai quite Bo'tlihc Compuar aad J4urrav Mr. Tbompaon adama—.was ii.d Mias lv«%itnca Fry utevered suite siak at Sar k»a« waat af tUTs Tawday "nramdsy rrtght »tiU«i • 4- tb« »MIHf ptW >*4nder aftsrweea. •e

THIDAY. OCTOBER 25. i92$ FRIDAY, THE LEDGER & Tistftif CTAKD OF THANKS— W. elae. These uualiUe* are shown express our thauks to- each and HOSPITAL NEWS by good depth of body, especially everyone who BO kindly helped us iu iny way during the lllnesa and at the front and rfear of the breaat death of our dear mother and pray bone The head also should be God's richest blessings may rest TOM TYIaKI broad, deep and rather short. on the« in hour* of trouble.—Mra PECIAXfl! Never a crow headed, beefy or D. F Weit. Mra. Irvln Cochran. masculine headed hen In the Tom Tyler, Member of Firtt Faculty A livestock and poultry show ta .picture "Prid Succumbs Tuesday at breediug^ pen. Meade county stimulated interest Capitol theat Lawrenceburg, Ky. In plans for a county fair next day is holde, year, titty-one Jerseys ;o head titles. Amon of beef cattle, 25 sheep and many and field cha chickens were axhlbted. the amateur pionsiiip pf Tyler was

CHUCK ROAST Friday BEEF RIB ROAST PICNIC HAMS SAUSAGE BACON Armours Star or Swifts Premium The Home of Good Meats CREAMERY BUTTER RBNOIXTIONS OF IUM1KT Jackson Earned Place Whole CURED HAMS Amon( America's Great TOM In all American history, says a writer in Thritt Magazine, there never lived a more Interesting char- OYSTERS acter than Andrew Jackson, lie possessed a fierce temper and loved Hamburger lb. \2\c a fight. But he took up his cudgels always In defense of what seemed to him a Jilst cause. He fought CAT FISH the battle* of the weak anil the poor and was relentless in opposing Fresh Pk Neck Bones lb. 7jc Select Breeding those who sought to take unfair Bid Ing. Hens in the Fall advantage of other*. Uuimgh PORK NECK BONES Almo High School Nomrlthstanafng- his ttoku!titnn« life, Jackson early became Imbued By the light of the moon at the Fall is the time to select the special breeding pen of poultry with the principles of thritt. Be WEINIES lb. 18c 2 pounds sign of the Owl we invite you to ginning life in poverty, he began hear the Witch Cats howl, ^ou'll to be used next spring, suggesta J. LIVER saving money ag soon as he had an see spooks and witches and hear E. Humphrey, of the College of Income. In the rugged districts funny moans. There'B be clanking Agriculture of the University of Kentucky. ! ' where his, young manhood of irons and rattling of-tJtmesarBut spent, money was a scarce object the fun you will have will rid you If this Job Is put off until next BEEF STEAK sprint; it is more difficult to'dis- anij Incomes were exceedingly of fright. So celebrate with us small, but Jackson, realizing ever on Hallowe'en night. tinguish the good lasers and those that are worthless as breeders. the great value of thrift, managed The above Invitation Is to you,| to, save modest sums. He proved Pork Chop and Steak lb. 19c so come and "make whoopee" with Place a leg band on the shanks of the birds selected, so they may to" be successful In business and by us Thursday night. Oct. 31. We the time he had reached middle are having "a carnival ahd Fall be recognized in the spring When the breeding season begins.. age had acquired what was con- Festival featuring - Hallowe'en sidered in his day a very comfort- The birds selected now should stunts and pranks. For only a few able fortune. cents you will be allowed to visit be laying, which would mean that FREE DELIVERY only, late mouIters afe used. Oc- casionally a good hen may be Twenty carloads of limestone dropping a few feathers at this will be used in Ohio county, as a Hush season of the year. As a rule, however, the best hens will not result of a campaign to encourage CHUCK ROAST lb. 14c moult until the latter part of Oc- soil improvement, made cooper- Mondi WHERE MURRAY BUYS ITS GROCERIES tober or in November. atively by the county agent and A breeding hen should possess representatives of the Illionis vigor and vitality above everything Central railroad. MUTTON Roast lb. 11c SOAP PALM OLIVE Specials For P &G SOAP FRIDAY and SATURDAY LIVER, fresh lb 3 Bars 10c 3 Bars 19c SUGAR FREE ONE MORE TIME You have given us a nice business Five pounds of Best Granulat- or which we thank you very much. ed Sugar Navy or Great FREE Northern With each purchase of a 3 pound can of AMERICAN iluHj.nl ACE COFFEE NEW PACK PRICE $1 49 No. 2 Size Cans COFFEE GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR MONEY REFUNDED LARD Pure Hog Pound 13 3-4c GROCERY BIG CANS DRY SALT BUTTS Pound Call 34 We Deliver SUGAR The fltajfe SUGAR has come PURE CANE The "irfSt SALT JUSTICE PEANUT BUTTER out a Klie 10 lb. Cloth Bag The fine* MEAT Pound 1 pint j«t SOAP, Quick Naptha 7 bars FLOUR Take Me Home for One Joseph Also N< CAMPBELLS TOMATO SLICE BACON SALMON SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION DEL MONTE PEACHES KELLOG PRODUCTS No. 2 1-2 Can SODA OR GRAHAM DIXIE SATURDAY 2 LB BO 1 I'ep BAR-B-Q SAUCE CRACKERS * HOMINY 1 Corn Make. 12c 1 All Bran 8 ounce jar 1 ISOc cake pan a»c ' Total We HENARD'S DRESSING All for 38c 7 ounces All MEAL GROUND COFFEE A good Brands Carton Per pound SWANS DOWN SALMON CAKE FLOUR CORN FLAKES 2 boxes BEST PURE Package O^c ORANGES WHITE LARD 2 lbs. 25c Per dozen SOAP Dona Caatila 10c siae. 6 bars for 24c BREADTarker' SUGAR Half or Whole L HOMINY Van Camps. 2 cans for 2 loaves oss. 50c size 24c BACON FURNITURE POLISH WHITE HOUSE BROWN RICE CURED Side b m on Per package

PALMOLIVE SOAP SOLID 4 cakes CELERY HEADS Betwean First National Bank and Postoflice Per bunch ~~~ * - TV X .••


wlah lo of th© U. 3. jeam for the recent Faxon High School Notes Kentucky Farm ®»ch aad Olympic games, but was unable A LITTLE OF.THIS ANlXPk BIT 0F THAT baltwd ua to compete, owing to. motion pic- Mr. O. Ivan Barnes. State Di- fiadio Program 'linen, and MOVIES ture engagements. . > rector of Vocational Agriculture, —, WHEN YOU NEED r and pray and Miss Ethel Parker, from the •nay r«u The College of Agriculture will TOM TYUCR Hull*. \ MAN'S M \ V \i I OHM Extension Department of the hie.—Mra give the following radio program ATHLHTIC TITLES CIAJSE-UP OF HOlJiYWOOD State University, were visitors at Cochran over the University of Kentucky A Htdloyweod play, without a Faxon High Kehool, Thursday remote control station of WHAS Tom Tyler, atar of the western slnglp studio scene in it. morning. Mr. Barnes was acting the week of Oct. 28. Each pro- PURE SWEET MILK ry ahow la .picture -l'rlde o( Hiwnwi," at the ^This is the unique distinction of in the capacity of High School gram will begin at 12:45 central Intereat Capitol theatre Flrday and Satur- " A Man's Man." William Haines' Supervisor. He recommended our standard time. day la holder of wveral athletic '•lr next new Metro Goldwvn-Mayer pic- school very highly. Oct. 28—Is The Poultry House tltlea. AmonK a number of track >. 20 head .u re, coming Monday to the Capi- Mr. O. W Barker, principal and Heady for Winter?, C. E. Harris. YOU NEED THE and field chaiuplonahliiB. he holds and many tol Theatre for a two days run. agriculture teacher, and Miss Hatlons for Beef Cattle, Way- the amateur weight-lifting cham- Directed by James Cruze from the Elizabeth Oliver, home'economics land Khoada. pionship pf the country. Patrick K«-arney stage hit, and teacher of F. H. S., attended the Oct. 30—The County Agent and Tyler was selected as a member laid entirely in Hollywood, it gives banquet at Wells Hall Friday How He Works. P. It. Watlinglon CITY DAIRY intimate glimpses of the film evening. They were also present The Home Demonstration Agent culafcv, Jt.s sua a. its social ot ^ntp, at- the-tneeiing. a£ haute economics J-!«••<'IK- &LLJJTITT .S. * Jfc'jg, ^i-TriiaCics id .ittV^W ti-^KL. .. J?AViJ> THOMPSON t , , scenes. day. Nov' t—What Karnt Folk*. Are The affair 1| a hilarious comedy, The Faxon basketball, boys were Asking, N. R. Elliott. Tel. 3005 Owner and Operator (j^prro^ a satire ou all Hollywood life,; defeated in. the first g*be of tlie with a -love romance running season by the Aurora team. The Former Murray Man through It. Josephine Dunn plays game ended wltb^a score of 16 to Improves of Paralysis Friday & Saturday the girl, a movies.ruck bride, who 8. It was a sluggish fought game hinks she resembles Greta Garbo, in a cloud "hf dust. The Faxon yvma o/fbyedtic rad/o pleasant meeting. ind movie stunt man. His motion Van Sk ikes' 0T Venice, California, who ceSebewted her tfcrttHtajrbT i: Th.! largest number of students 14c picture success Hf only one of the a deep sea swim of fifteen mllea against strong t*te« aod wtoda, that has ever assembled at F. H LOOK! highlights of h^s career, for his covering the distance In twelve^nd one-hall hours. The big gun S. met in front of the building life has been packed with thrill is one that guards the harbor, of New York City, ft spits out a I want to buy hogs, Thursday afternoon to have their Ing experiences, making him an 12inch shell with a roar that is heard for miles, and throws that pictures taken. The students deal type to fill Zane Grey char- shell at a target placed twenty miles away. The young man on grown cattle, lambs, being transported from Sedge Hill 'With acters. the right is the Nawab of Sachln and the ruler of ths smallest and veal calves of any 2Jc were delighted in having their pic- state in the district of the Bombay presidency. He Is credited witn DARRO Holt is now content to sit d'own tures made in the school truck. by a crackling fire in his beautl being not only the handsomest native ruler In the world, but ne kind Friday and Sat- The girls of F. H. S.^ under the is also a multi-millionaire. Hia.state has an area of only 49 square Fknver ful home in Beverely Hills in be- supervision of Miss Audte Folwell tween pictures, and wait for the tnlles, but its population numbers 60,000. At the left, wo see Wil- urday of this week.— ftideiii« jn some location to film another and are practicing by girls' rules. Zane. Grey story; pays little attention to the traffic directed by Arnold. What Kis- Detection through their finest show sick thinka of Arnold's ability ln directing traffic ia *jaallsed At the end of al* -ftionlhs of here. At the right is shown-an enlarge* pfcotogvapfc ort^ most Al jM ) "Z Cattle Wanted.—Will testing, one McCracken county destructible .fly in America. So destructive is this |pesL B*t la 18c STARTING cow had returned lta owndr Ills said to have been brought into this countryfrom ^ with buy hogs, cows and veal ..bove feed coat, wkile ' another by bootleggers that the fruit growera of FlorWa hare asked the GVO. LEWIS" and a Coll**.- Full calves any time at highest cow ln the same association had Farm Board to come to their relief The g » at YOITH and BEAUTY returned Its owner $18. Another market prices.—Shroat's cow purchased at a cost of 1110 science for a hundred years, it ta <^ 19c - iwnirnrtl a profit ol $8&-in lour in the photograph, but It has left millions of doDsjjawth of Meat Market. months. property'damage in its wake. The Department ^^^^ aiding the growers by instructing them how to spray toe ennts plant! tS avoid Invasion by .the fly. All1 these' . 19c uting their share to the new events of the day. (Herbert i-noroej

Kelly. Hazel News Mrs. Wm. Hull, and children John Ed, Barbara, and Martha 12c A wave of sorrow swept over thfe Ann, of Paris .are here to visit her town a-nd country side last Thurs- father, J, T. Turnbow who Is Mini Omedy— •lay when il was learned that Mrs. patlen^ In the Mason Hospital. "Husbands Must Pay" Lucretia tsobelle Jones had pass^ Mr ahd Mrs. H. I. Neely at ed away at the home of her sister The First Thing Model 92 14c tended the funeral of Dr. C. N Mrs. Felix Denham. Tyree. In Murray last Friday. Monday & Tuesday Many had not heard that this D^., Will Mason, of Murray, was in the Morning $167™ (less lubes) oerouwt good woman was a'ny worse. She In town Friday. had- been in ill-health for several Power detection and the new -45 tubes plus four tuned stages of 'Miss Pearl Thompson spent last . MONDAY MATINEE months. radio frequency enable Majestic to produce the most powerful He week ln Paris, the guest of her and selective radio set ever built. Absolutely no him and no Hosts ©f friends attended the sister, Mrs. Bowman St. John and oscillation at any w ive length. Automatic sensitivity control gives funeral services et South Pleasant Mr. St. John. Call Grove, where she was a fnember. uniform SCJ «. :•/ AND amplification in both high and low wave Mrs. Eva Thompson and Miss, lengths. In oved Mf.jcstic Super-Dynamic Speaker. Extra Her pastor. R. H. Pigue, conduc- Margie Hankens, were In Murray heav . irdy Majestic Power-Pack, with positive voltage-ballast, 23c ted the services. Thursday. r ui ic r.g life iina Mfety. Jacobean'period cabinet of American' ' • " ; Serving ,as pall bearerB were Little Miss Martha Elizabeth 'i t. Dc -r- ' natched'butt walnut with overlays on doors Screen Bob Hicks, Meltpn Marshall, Dac- White, who has been quite sick interior' po-iel cf genuine imported Australian Laccwood. 23c wln-_White, Sam Garrett. Tom is much improved at this writing. utrV- -j, vjg iff, kooc.ii and door pulls finished in genuine silver. 1 Clanton. and Lucian Gumpton. Bert Wilson was ln St. Louis 138 Last Mrs. JoneB is survived by one last week on a business trip. feon Willie Jones, of Tampa, Fla.. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hollfteld, and II;. PEMCIISUUTIOA and one step-son, Kiney Jones of daughter, Miss Annie, and grand- 9c Detroit and three sisters, Mrs. son, Jewel of Mayfleld, were Haze! Felix Denham, Mrs. Frossie JDunn, visitors Saturday. Taxi and Mrs. Lina Hart. Will Jones, of Tampa, Fla. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dar- Johnson Music Co Maeon Miller of -Illinois and lit- win White Friday night. u sines* e daughter, Mary Margie, of Pa> Charlie Allbrltten, was In Mur- ducah, and Miss Rozelle Miller, ray Friday on bliSlness. much. who Is teaching in Paducah, were Mis* Lu la Pa scha I I who i;- u? here Saturday and Sunday to viist tending school in Murray, was their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. here last week-end to visit home- Miller. folks. MtsrWyrtle Osbourn spent last Mrs. Lois Warterfleld, who Is Friday in Murray, the guest of her teaching In the Murray High L. 71 School was here Saturday and sister, Mrs. Amanda White. Sunday to visit her parent^ Mr. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Herron and and Mrs, John Burton." daughter. Miss Annie Lee, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Spencer, relatives in McKenzie last week: and son, of Detroit, are here on a end. short visit to their parents Mr. and A Statement Mrs. H. I. Neely, Mrs. J. D. Nix. Mr? Bill Harmon. Misses Stella Perry, Pollye Den- -Mr .and Mrs. Less Wilson and ham, and PaschaU Kelly, were daughters were ln Murray Mon- Mayfield visitors last Thursday. day shopping. To The Public Concerning Our Plan to Mrs. Rhoda Marshall was in Murray Wednesday visit iter CHAINS MADE TO ORDER daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carl >Iar- Sell Pasteurized Milk! IS NEWEST AUTO WRINK1JC shall, who is a patient in the Mason Hospital. Parker Bros. Garage claims the In announcing to the public that we shall Mrs. O. B. Turnbow. Mr* R.- R. newest wrinkle in the automobile With Thrilling shortly begin selling at retail PASTEURIZED Hicks and Mtes Eva Perry,-were service game, that of making SOUND In Murray Monday shopping. chains to order. MILK we feel that some statement should be Mr^. Grace Wilson, Misses Lue The hit everyone raved about By making the chain to fit the and Dealie Overcast, were Murray has come to the screen at last! made concerning the reasons behind this move tire, clanking and slipping are en visitors Monday. *" The "inside" of Hollywood, with- tirely eliminated, enabling the and our attitude toward those now engaged in Mrs W. E. WrTfffl and little out a Kli«g light! tires to give much longer and daughter, Rosemary, . spent last The finest and most moving ro- supplying Calloway county people with milk more efficient service. week fn Murray, the guest of Mr. mance of the year? •- '---• andotherdairy products. ; i n d M r s. W, S, Swann. Nature Thought of A Miss Annie Smotherman. spenT Is Your Home Half Dark? J AMISS CRUZE last week-end near Almo, Ky. the Everything It has been apparent for some time that gue'st of relatives and friends. production with Nature thought erff everything when Josephine Ihinn, Mae Busch PASTEURIZATION of milk would not only Qarl Marshall spent last Sun the human body wass made. When the Why spoil the appearance of an otherwise Also News Reel & Comedy— be required but DEMANDED everywhere. It day with his wife,'who Is a patient body is about to become ul, nature in the. Mason Hospital. planned danger signals to warn us. "FOLLOW TEACHER" has been proved beyond all doubt that clean Mf. and Mrs. Sam Garrett, Tom Thus, if our children gind their teeth attractive room with empty lamp sockets Clanton and Jim—White spent a milk is bv no means pure milk and that no- whi n they sleen, or la appetite, or why keep a handsome floor lamp half Wed. ¥ Thurs. few days last week in St. LouiSj suffer from abdominal pains, cr ftch visiting relatives and friends. about the noee and fingers, we should OCTOBER .30-31 thing short of PASTEURIZATION can abso- Mrs. J. E. Edwards. Bts. J R. know that they may have contracted dark? How often this happens even in the lutely GUARANTEE to the consumer that the Miller, Mra, T*. S.'Herron and Miss 8 T A M P E D K ! worms. Then, if we ai* wtsa, we buy » milk he drinks does not carry disease germs. Llbbie James were In Paris Thurs- bottle at White's Cnmn Vannffugs and best offeomes—that when a lamp burns Hair-raising! Heart-thrllUngt day. safely and surely e*pd the worms. Ttras Bool stirring! Action Drama Mrs. Olgo F rem on and baby we avoid the danger of "vwy seri out—it is seldom replaced immediately— Romance and danger where men We are glad to say that those now in the left for their home In Nashville, trouble. White's Cream Venxntuae oosta fight for love! Friday, arter a two weeks visit fo only 35e a bottle, and can be bought from sometimes not for months. dairy business in Murr'ay understand our atti- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I> Dale, Stubblefleld & Co. tude thoroughly, that we are not trying to put \ them or anyone else out of business but are Beautify Your .With Light simply anticipating a need that is bound to be Fill all your empty lanipksockets, replace compulsory in a very short time. It is prob- ^iiisft- able that "they will sell their milk to us for C LzaLih (Tlrcten t burned-out lamps—it brightens dark cor- pasteurization because the cost of machinery ners and adds a note of for this work is highly expensive and usually • ' }> •eporolton* beyond the reach of a small dairy. A Package of Light JACK HOLT assure clearlovaltnes* Now you can buy six Mazda lamps In We feel that we are making a forward-look- CL Qaramounl

of raw milk. v. ^ Jlf, I,^r Kxlie, ihould be clem, fed Mid eiertwedl And ThM m whM •Ulut^lb.Ariipnj Venetian Toilff PrcpM-iriom will do fof yCTi. Buy enough to fill all empty sockets—and

Ki is [taper for announcements Cleanse >Our skin with Eliifheth laxed, pat with Special Aatringem. ftm handy carton contain* an extra carton for thfcffcupboard. When concerning this new field of endeavor which Arden's Venetian Cleansing (.ream For hollows and lines that need to be three 40-watt, two 60 watt, that Wn into the pores and rids filled out use Orange Skin Pood Foil and one 75-watt Mazda lamps you need lamps it will be there right haody. we are entering. - them of dust and impurities Quickrn faces should be smoothed with tbe your circulation with ArSena Skin non-fat-forming Velva Cream Tooic. If musclcs are unusuaJly re- KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE LIGHT & Elr^sbttk todtnt Vtmuan TmUt Prr}~*ti**J mn tm mU * atsttitcntic Murray Milk WEARS DRUG STORE POWER COMPANY OF THK UMCUIKD HYSTEM Also < «-• - T

"2* FRIDAY, OCTOBER gfr, Tflfcg THE LEDGER ft TIMES FRIDA" economics at ths University of the big fortunes for public use, at Calloway county people have long Missouri; R. B: Tom. specialist in Letter To Editor the death of their .legitimate own- "Beta taken pride in thia local institu- rural sociology at Ohio State; M JUST JOTS ers. It may be a good idea. In THE LEDGER & TIMES tion and will be glad, though not C. Wilson, senior agriculturist for NOTMS ON (lOVKRNOR KAMP- one small town thirty-three rich Gli surprised, to learn that it is again the United State* Department of By flOVfcl HKItYKTOt TO THK widows, not one of whom has ever given full approval. Agriculture, and President Frank Consolidation of The Murray L«d»er, The Calloway Times and The ••JOE" BOYH AND UllUJi OF KKX- sr ENA OWE legitimately earned a penny, were "Before The Mason Hoepltal represents L M. MeVey and Dean Thomas p Timae Herald, October 20, 1928. TVCKY. Or ^OfWTP * counted. Ih some way* tt is rlftrtr Bftlt" la 1 the realization of his dream to Dr. Cooper of the University of Ken- in more ways It is wrong. Let by Paul de Published By The Calloway County Publishinf Oo„ Inc. William H Mason and his friends The seventh inning of the World tuckyr~ NO MOlfK SlaAVKS the Septen North Fourth Street, Morcay, Ky. Join with him in natural pride Series game .in which the Athletic Recently In his campaign to the people vote on It. POLITICIANS Home Jot over the splendid achievements scored 10 runs, almost brought elect a majority of Republicans In Editor NO WORK. NO DIN.Milt- responsible Joe T. Lorett of this institution heart failure to some of the local both branches of the Legislature. ' Would You Know One the greate Cub supporters. Governor Sampson has been go- There was a time when slavery Agricultural Workers ing about over the state dedicat- // You Saw it? ject of ml Entered at the Postoffice, Murray, Ky.. as second class mail matter. •••••••••• was widespread, and slaves almost in Annual Convention Milk U Money ing parks that were dedicated helpless. Now tbe Emancipation If you ever came fans tOf-n^ % That forward pass that Carbon some years ago. Parks to which germ, woukl you laoocm/e itf X" Subscription Kates:—In First Congressional District and Henry Proclamation la world-wide in McKenzie is anolher-corumuni- dale tossed In tbe last minute of he has added not a single acre scope. There are no longer slaves County agents, county home course it is not iikajvltu** ymi ever and Stewart Counties. Tenn., $1.00 a year; elsewhere, $1.50. Ihal w discovering _lhat th that football game dULu l/tfrlormed iho+t- ot bad habits UNIEE YWI TWO » oters. ********* r ^^'S^S^a^ wiTffi- furnished upon application. returnrut11mas »varevervy daHiyv iIn ththte> VMyearr . lOCal rool caslons the opportunity to deliver known as the Jews were once numbering about y one over In the three-month period erod- his own peculiar brand of politi- slaves of the Babylonians, but their annual conference at the » K as big as The Ledger ft Times is dedicated to fair, impartial and con- ing Sept. 1, McKenxie farmers re- Judging from our last trek on cal propaganda were able to overcome their mas- Experiment Station pf the Uni- a pin head. But you should recogn re versity of Kentucky on October 30 scientious service to Calloway county; subservient to no master but ceived $41,540 for their milk. one of 'em, It didn't take those On these occasions he dwelt ters; not by revolution, but by In- the fact that these tiny germs can gi.t robbers very lotkg to catch that to Nov. 2. into your blood streams through tho the progress and well-)f in* of this community and seeking patro- The supply is increasing *> rapid- without exception on his services dustry, efficiency, reliability, sav- that a $100.00ikaddition to tbe Paducah street car they held up to the poor boys andxlrls of Ken ing. Such information as their Among the prominent speakers smallest .cut and'give vou typhoid nage solely upon merit. plant -already is being planned. last Saturday. tucky. He has not missed an op masters had. the Jews 94 will be M. F. Winder, secretary of fever, tuberculosis, lockjaw, blood Tennessee is rapidly becoming portunlty to say how much Jie has and improved. And It was the the American Farm Bureau Fed- [xjisomnt and many mure dangerous eration. Chicago; Tom Wallace, and perhaps fatal diseases. There « of the poorest economies than an great dairy state. Dairying is No logger can it be said that done for them, whatever It may patient wdrkers who survived; We Must Have a editor of the Mbuisvllle Times; H. one sure safeguard against these agricultural county can effect. business of quick ' turnover. Mussolini ia a mere politician; he be, or what he seeks to do for the rowdy Babylonians disappear- R. Tolley, assistant chief of ,the iangen — washing every cut, no Let's don't make that serious Grass in the pastore yesterday is resigned sevap jobs the other day. them. These pathetic appeals. ed from the face of the earth, and County Agent ~ bureau of agricultural economics. matter bow small, thoroughly with wiiii ia the bucket today and mon- <«X«»MM Wl h deliv« red to small, audi tbe JeWh an t.M.u •!,,.• ; • .. United States Department of Ag- liquid Borostmr, the nfe antfewp- ey in the bank tomorrow. ence» have been broadcast over pie. Calloway county has been with- The Deans of Women in recent riculture; .Miss Mabel V. Campbell, 'ic. You can get Liquid Borosuoe »t The above article was publish- the state by his , newspaper in out a Tarm agent for atmoat two Making the Grade sessions at Murray okehed self- head of the departmprft of home Dale. Stubblefleld & Co. ed in Saturday s Memphis Press- government for Women in school. Louisville. Politics is the finest piece of months. The longer we go with- Scimitar. While it is hardly like- The Paducah Sun-Democrat ex- But what we are Interested In Is As a matter of fact this Is sentiment in human affairs, and out a good man in this -capacity ly that more can be added. It Is what Governor Sampson has done, the worst roguery. Every politi- presses editorial elation over tbe thtir attitude on the women's th^ more we wiU jslow tip our ag Indeed gratifying to the stock- government of their husbands. for the poor boys and girls of cian is too great a friend of hu- holders ajftd patrons of the tri- Kentucky and the only thing he 1I1F _ manity when a Candidate, and it will be to get back into our proVaJ. of Riverside Hospital by counties, who are really Interest- The Upper Mud* Springs School has done. The following state- too great an enemy when elected, stride. ^Progress Is very much like the American College of Surgeons. ed in the development and pro- news In the Liningstop Enterprise ments are a matter of record and in attempts to carry put promises ft'steam locomotive. You can coast The full approval of Riverside cul- gress of this community, to know, reminds the boys not to forget the cannot be denied. They consti- he knew In the first place were a while on yotfr momentum after minates .many years of efforts in that this plant, still In its first pie supper. That's another ex- tute the only record of his ser- ridiculous. This is 'in the very shutting off the steam but tht. completing all the requirements year, is attracting attention of the ample of foolish waste of news- vices to the children of Kentucky nature of things, and^ I know of longef-JO«i delay getting under made by this bodyv even- though daily papers of the state. paper space. Governor Sampson vetoed and no remedy, except endeavor to im - way a train the more effort and the hospital has been recognixed The Cow Path Trail is the one struck from the budget an appro prove the intelligence of voter^ power it will take to attain your as a first-class institution during sure road to prosperity. Dairy- An eMort is now- being made to priation of $47,000.00 for infan With voters, as they are, there Is former speed. this time. ing can be built up wittiin the next make the buyer of liquor equallv cy, maternity and child health no otBer way for politicians to op- Thia. does not mean that we Murray and Calloway county five or ten years by any hard guilty with the seller. I,ooks like work in Kentucky. This money erate than as they do. should necessarily take the first takes general pride In the fact working party, without handicap- drinking the stuff should be was for those most distressing iiean who comes along for he might that it has a hospital which has ping his other farming dutiea.— punishment enough. cases where parents were unable -ife is like an automobile. We not be the right one. But we cer- been~nmy approved by the Col- McKenxie tTenn.) Banner. to care fox Infants or to secure ow4i one without knowing much - tainly should get busy immediately lege of Surgeons for seven conse- proper and necessary medical aid about the intricate construction and fill this highly important po- cutive years, the William Mason armers Report In maternity cases or where they under the hood. sition with the ablest man that Memorial Hospital. As the Sun- Retributive Justice eould not even furnish necessary our limitations, will enable us to Democrat remraks, "this is the Drainage Pays medical attention for their suck Every nian who earns a fortune ohtavp. highest tribute that the profession (Keen Johnson in Richmond Dai- children. It was one case above under rutea men'have agreed up- •i ly Ttegister) Reports received by the College all olhers where help is • most Th*1 value of good county agent can pay a hospital." » on, is entitled to not only respec*., Albert B. Fall, disgraced, con- of Agriculture of the University of needed. It is the-dne case that __a^ork. is—too well-known to be Privately owned, the- Mason but to^distinction. victed before the bar of public Kentucky indicate that farmers unless help is provided -fry- the argued here. It.has long since Hospital has not required the But I am not so certain as to opinion for perfidy in connection in many counties have Jound tile State these future citiiens of Ken proved that it is highly profitable combined efforts of a city admin- his heirs, who, early in life, come with oil leases that constituted drainage profitable. In some In- tucky are left without help, per- to a county and no loncer an ex- istration tresi Clyde Bolt, of Boyd county, tbe purpose of building a Junior drawing money out of the bank, rather than merely d?nt should he removed from of drained 10 acres In March at an Department structure for the him fairer, broader, easier to get Mm because of physical incompe- paying for it out of your pocket. Special average cost of $45 an acre. The blind trirls of Kentucky. What along with. tency. Like vultures the commit- Kid produced two tons of soy- has h>H declined to per and healthful work under natural land. those from whom they can right mit the doctor examine him to conditions which, in the opinion fully expect them. However, they ascertain whether he is in physi- of competent authorities, would are not the only ones to whom cal condition to continue the trial. When asked if She had anything have resulted in many absolute FIRST NATIONAL BANK A tlie Governor has rendered such The parallel is so striking, a? A° to- say at her trial for drunken- cures. puts any Frigidaire service. indicate that there niay. be such a ness, Miss Ella Morris of Chica'- One Who Loves Kentucky's thihg as retributive Justice. go. said: "Yes. your honor, please He also vetoed $5,000.00 ap- Children. Pre me another drink." propriated to provide beds for in in your home . . balance digent tubercular patients at the business men will be glad to join. home of the incurables in Louis- We Can Be Fifth This newspaper would be glad ville. He vetoed an Item in the to suit your convenience to see the Calloway County Jer- budget providing $15,000.00 for Taylor county, Kentucky, cele- sey Club and the community Bull kitchen equipment for the home brated recently the complete abol Clubs clea*; the decks for imme of the Incurables in Louisville, and ishmeOT of the scrub Jersey sire diate aetoin\ It believes that they he also vetoed^ st "similar item for within its borders and was the will find theNsame generous splr necessary equipment inj-the treat- fourth county ifi America to at it of co-operamjtr that they have ment room in the same Institu- tain this goal. had In staging their annual showB. tion. By prompt action, Cafloway What about it, boys? Also the Governor vetoed $50^ county can be fifth. Less than half a dozen unregistered sires are how in service in the county and in view of the fact that their owners have been extremely rea- sonable In their atitudes, the at TURNER'S BASEMENT tainment of nothing but register- ed and purebred sires .should be speedily reached. THE COOLEST SPOT IN The Ledger & Times has offer ed

The Ftigidairs fURNER «Cold Control" TKe "Cold Control" enables Catch Up With Your Reading yot to control the te-mprrature Mi thr fi tmiH| comlNirtmral, tprrA the frer;mg of ice cube* Clean Child's Bowels and make a great variety of del kcunti deiteru. / EW books For modern cooks! Ever wonder why * "California Fig Syrup" CAR TO DETROIT End the risks of uncertain refrigeration. End the N it is that some women find time to read all the V dangers of tainted food* A special small cash payment Dependable Laxative tor Leaving Each Week During Last Part latest books—to be with their friends—to enjoy puts Frigidaire in your home—now. And Frigidaire the companiorfehip of their children—while you are brings you a combination of essential features found s Sick Children . / $10 EACH WAY Y on no other refrigerator in the world. > \\lchen bound ? See E. C. Jones for Day of Leaving The Frigidaire "Cold Control" for example, is one McCAGE & BAUCUM ' Electric cooking has brought these extra leisure of the greatest developments in electric refrigeration* hours to manywomen. No longer must they stay at It is offered only by Frigidaire. W. J. Baucum, Drivfer Furthermore, the Fritjidaire mechanism is built into home to-start dinner cooking and to the bottom of ;hc cabinet. It is accessible. Inspections watch over It to see that it is prop- Or adjustment > cairbc made easily and quickly with no erly cooked. For the modern Elec interruption in service. All of the food shelves are in the upper part of the cabinet. Stooping is eliminated* trie Range cooks the whole dinner The top of the i Strict can be used for shelf space. ST. LOUIS without watching. Winter as in Summer vou need Frigidaire. ^fid now, today, you cafi buy this truly modern refrigerator Arid now the low tost of thj^ —with all the features that cmly-Frigidaire coffer on convenience brings jt within the' remarkablvliHeral terms. j/ c reach of niarly every family. Come Come in and let us tell you about our deferred in today and let us tell you how payment plan—>» plan that makes'rrigidaire easier to A conveniently located hotel that meets - buy than eve»- bew»re. Call at our display room or With the retftt tremmtsoj the entire family. —~ little it will cost- {wrr rrmrtth to' TTT- phone for our representative today. _ Exceptional parking facilities—garage joy the conveniences of automatic jrnst across the street electric cookery. Bnrr M tWI A toaapoasfil rf *C»lifo«Tlii "U hni' BOW wfll mno Wl. .torn** .fed thoroughly •ku tli. littl. bomb ud is » f.w MORE Til. IV A At I LI. I OX /.V VSB hoar, jva h.r. . —11, pUrfal child IT.D if c IrrtrUL, billoiM, •onrtt Ud or fun of cold, ekildraa Kentucky-Tennessee Light & Power Kentucky-Tennessee Light & Power C plMunt tut. It MTN «BP. or IFTFTMU. ConUta. MIUl Company •otic or .ootMn# drag*. T.n jt drugvirt too rut only Company MURRAY KENTUCKY tli. swau . "CwlfornV TV Prnjir wtich ku direction, for Ubk. .id obi. '.r.c of .11 I^M printed am.bottW of the Associated System * too Bra.1 mj "California." •Af tmiuuoa. Murray, Kentucky


Jnlv.rsity of ovner of the Coca-Cola Bottling Plneville business men are I. specUllnt In .Company by which Mr. Bridges Is See Noted Hen at raising funds for an industrial hlo State; M employed, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Poultry Meeting survey- of the city, the Sun re- rieulturlst for Yarbro of Cairo, were among ports. Information available to >®partment of those from out of town who at- manufacturers seeking new loca- A six-year-old hen that laid 314 raident Prank tended the funeral. tions will be complied. an Thomas |» eggs in her pullet year and over iraity of Ken-

now Oris to coostipaUan, doctors my. Coristq*. w ItI tkm throws into the system points » to f- re wits , which tsani and weaken every organ ttf >(' sI His body and make them easy .11— yuu ever victims for any germe which attack •SB wn » than. Psmmut nrnatipalMsi aad vou ctssAfc, •gniiy job over There Is An Art fo with their ooosequeat pain and fi- lake it as big u nancial losses. Hrrtine, ihe good old ihould recogri:ie vegniaH.' cathartic, will piwvent con- J germs can Modern Dry Cleaning stipation in s natural, easy and rus through il10 pleasant way. Get a bottle today from » you typhoid You can't expect to get the beat dry cleaning at a plant Dale, stuuoiefield ft Co. lockjaw, bioud that h^gp*t the most' modern equipment and craftsmen who more dangerwua are not trained In modern dry cleaning methods. LYON BARBER SHOP •asss. There is At the Owen plant the most modern machinery known to —BARBBR8— against these the industry and the most skilled operators are always at DARKKI.I. « St'MHADEIt every cut. no your command. And at no higher price to you. borough! y with Your humssg.. A|i|irvristMl ! safr antisrp. The delivered prices are: Wash suits, 75c; Miss Hicks, Beautician lid Borosune ,1 Suits, dry cleaned and pressed, $1; Plain Permanent Wave $5.0 lid ft Co. Dresses, $1; Men's Straw or Felt Hats, $1; Women's Hats, 50c. Parcel Post service at delivery prices. Add 10c extra for packing. * Cash and Carry: Men's Wash Suits. 60c; Men's Straw or Felt Hats. JUfc; Suit*. 75c; Plain Die****, 80c.

Main Plant 10th ami Bwadwy. Convenient Cash and Car- ry Stations in Hotel Irvin Cobb and at Bridge and Clements streets.

Cook Book ^v_^containingmore than 90 excel- lent recipes—bread, muffins, cakes and pastry—will be mailed on request PADUCAH, KENTUCKY to users of K C Baking Powder. The recipes have been prepared especially for

Artist Suffered Four Years- New Medicine Brought Glorious Health. SmeThmfir om3S^rs\ 25 ounces for Millions of Pounds ^ *** City Taxes Used by Our ^dp* Government NOW DUE The malicious microbe that causes undulant fever is rampant In the great majority of-oiir dairy ntain their herds today. In the same-article he states: "And you won t be abje to make yourself secure from it by paying extra for the supposed- ly super-Certified milk—unless 10 per cent Penalty your dairyman can guarantee that his herds are free from this germ." Further Quoting: "For the indulant fever of humans is none other than the long-known con- tagious abortion of cows, widely prevalent in certified as well as After November 1st Mil. ALFRED It giyes high compression performance in ^H digestion; everything ^SB I ate gave me heart- your engine—and keeps the knocks out! It rC] burn," aays Mrs. Mat- tie Mullins, of Pound, positively stops power-wasUng. pleasure-ruining Account! t \ Va. "For months, I knocks —even on a tough grade! P . J did not'see s well day. I worried along, hot It betters the power and perforaaancc of any never felt well. "I got a package ofThsd- type of engine, new or old—in any weather. The owner of the smallest savings account in the ford's Black Draught st the Bank of Murray receives the same hearty service and ap- store and began taking it— H-C b all gasoline — nothing added. It will a dose every night before never disappoint yon—try it wherever you see the preciation as the holder of the largest checking account. going, to bed 1 had beo having an awful pain. Sinclair H-C pumps and go over the hill in high, After I bad taken Black- We &re anxious to serve you, to assist you in building Draught, this pain entirely stopped. I began to gain in up a nest egg for education, for a home, for a rainy day, weight, and rested wall St • Pesssylvssls MOBILISE Motor Oil £pr investment, or for any other worthy purpose. night. In a few months'I 1 Ri. V. S. em. Of. JM Ra ml was feeling fine. My hwlth For those who prefer a Pure Pennsylvania Grade Motor Chi waa bstter than it had bsso Particularly do we welcome the children. The little- in years. "T keep Black-Draught hi folks will find an informal welcoming atmosphere here our home, and we all tak* that they will like. it for conatipation and up. set stomach." Insist on Thsdfbnfa THE OLD RELIABLE


expressed some of his ideas of ture will ent^r a new era of pros- Harold Smotherman and Mayrelle •in court. What can you do to Our Poultry Column what he thinks of the woman who perity. TO SCRAP DEWEY'S FAMOUS FLAGSHIP Dexter Newt Joauo. her? You can't send a mother to v uvV into uu Seven or hers »n>> ©»c*»C Jaki ."*<» tv.Uw-4 V » Mr and Mrs. Rea Harnharf of ( He still likes to believe that In this conneetlon J with rest A,' and B's. These were dren go without care. Detroit arrived Thursday for an they are ladies riding behind their (Prof. Frederic H. Hirmebarn) prophetic remark dropped some Hobble Lee Jones, Willie B. Mil- Another woman wanted more indefinite rWt with his sisters, kuights on milk white pajfreya, years ago by Mr Reese V Hicks, ler, Aughleta Jackson, Louise money and said she wasn't work- So During recent years the com- Mrs. Totsy Lancaster, and Miss eager to be rescued from the dra- Mm. Wilaof now managing Director qt the In- K*Uey. Opal MHIer, Inez Hoge%| ing. Our investigator knew she mensal poultry industry has made Bessie Barnhart and other rela- gons and grateful tf they are,— To lie (li ternational Baby Chick - Associa- and Opha Rogers. was. * ^ more rapid growth in the South- tives. Exchange. Mrs. Am ern Stales tjian In any other sec- tion. In effect he said. "If Ameri- MISM Howard Talk* In Ch.qx l Oh, -well." she admitted, "I Mrs. Alice Cfream and family tod Mra. M tion of America. This is logical ca poultrymen generally come to "Everyday Manners" was the knew I'd get some money if you came in Saturday to spend the a dinner S because the Southland i*«"natural a realization of the advantages subject of the talk given by Miss thought I was dependent on hint.' Stella Gossip week-end and attend Andrus' National H chicken country". The wonder is | and opportunities offered poultry Sal lie Howard, the English teach- And when I threatened her producers by .the Southern States, funeral. Margaret W that asuch general expansion did er, in chapel Thursday morning, with prosecution, for perjury she Lightning struck Ervln Forests' Mtaa Verm. not" occur years ago. there will be a complete readjust- Mr and Mrs Will Smith, October 17. The importance of Just laughed and said, 'I don't stock barn Sufiday afternoon; ment of our great poultry inffus- daughter and her girl friend Close students of the subject good manners, (he value to the in- care-' n killed a mule, burned the "big barn Character I Trr. The birds will move Soutfi! motored here from Paris. Tenti. quiet -generally hold the opinion dividual who posses them, what AU Have Soiue Old Clothes and 10 loads of hay. Iaincheoti 5555 Saturday, spending the day with are good manners, and how a per- that ultimately—and in the not "They have all got old clothes The Char relatives. son may obtain them were dis- Fred Bazzel of Faxon visited very distant future—^thls section One outstanding advantage en- to wear Intourt. Thd/ all dress the Flrat C cussed by the speaker. his grandfather, John Morgan and will be the great poultry yard of Joyed by Southern poultrymen is Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jones spent to look seedy whfen asking mon- W S. Svrai America, the center of our na- this matter of mild climate, es- this week with her parents, Mr. A pep club was organized -Mon- ey. Usually they accuse the hus- C. A. Morgan's family last, week. delightful li tional poultry production. WVn pecially during that season of the and Mrs, Ivey of Benton. day and the following cheer band of going around with other Flrat Chrlat uen. I figure the absolute Mrs. Alice Hughes of Browns that tim^ comes, when the egg- year when prices are highest and Mr Ralph Cleaver and Mrs. leaders, Aughleta Jackson. Hettle tbe occaalot minimum for a man to-itve on Li rove visited Mrs. Ida Cochran cken needs of oitr.pwn heavy production Is particularly Milton Downing o£ Brook port, Jones, and Paul Boyd, and song «tr> V V- ty jgiji ^r^- k. fn/'ZX r - C- ' VvJ^ ^ deaiiafcUf. doiUtMlc lowIs vTart'-^^cr ^ I:»% ftx Cv * V. vXr-sr- X"' ; nt"« Poo! A Avplns tv tataltUw -fc^-*..-**- • Prkchett. elected. The yell leaders and. the Is paying $15 to her our tfr October 21 and no killing frost Mra T. E. club ai*e now busy learning yells wages, there isn't much left for . bringing in a steady stream jungle-fowl of India; many of our Mr. Burnett Jones has re-en- yet; we feel so thankful unto Him Crawford, ish to our farthers and poul- most popular .laying breeds came preparatory to helping the Wild other women. Mra. Lou G tered school at Almo after a trial who knows best. Cats in the game against Alriio 'Usually they try to say their specialists. Southern agricul- to us from the shores of the Medi- at living 1ft Detroit. He doBen't were Mrs. husband's wages are much high- » This was written on a postal terranean. Both sections have like the "road-lice" state. Saturday night. ^fra. Boyd warm climates, so the .hens are er than they really are. ^ by old—"Eagle" M^eg Miller Miss "Hazel TeiYy, of Hardin, Former Students Returns right at home in our Southern "They feel that the courts.must spent tbe week-end with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Miller have States. give them everything -.they wa'nC Three Jersey bulls from high 3 Generations Mrs. Mac Mizel|. returned from Detroit to' make Other advantages are an abun- -They know all about their rights, production cows were purchased Mrs. Lee Ernestberger remains their home in Calloway. Mrs. . of dance of sunshine, which we know but they recognize no responsi- by Madison county farmers last quiet ill at this time. Miller, who is the daughter of Mr. has such beneficial effect upon bilities." . • month. The county agent Is con- Mrs. Telly Peters and daugh- and Mrs. Scuttler Galloway, was a poultry flocks, ydunj.- and old Having relieved himself of ducting a campaign for more clo- Public Service I'nless' Congress passes a measure to preserve It, theihlstorlc .stHla 1 "HI '1 of Cent raliu member of the graduating class of great quantities of feed materials MSaisItjtfp llPitiish ver -growing-.-^ *-— Olympia, Dewey's flagship in the Baule of Manila BayAwili be were Saturday nfgh^Tguests of Mr. tstsr . r . of various kinds, especially of and Mrs. O. F. Curd. Mr Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnett, who 1852 fresh succulent greens easily pro- scrapped and sold for Junk. Thla Is the signlflcanco of a recom mendatioh to the Secretary of the Navy by a board of Inspection. Collins was their guest Saturday. are making their home In Detroit 28 gas customers In duced during most of the year; are visiting relatives and friends relatively low" over-head-costs be The board found the Olympia of no value. (Herbert Photos. N.tY.) Mr .and Mrs. Frank Starks risked in the home of their of this section. Bill is a graduate one community cause the necessary Investment In of Lynn-Grove, and a brother, ef the poultry plant is less than, in daughter, Mrs. Lois Ernestberger, and Mrs. Ernestberger of-Padu- T- C. Arnett,. pripcipal of our A DOLLAR SAVED IS TWO 1929 sections that have more rigorous production of our layers can be hens in the flock, making a cor- school. Mrs. Arnett, who is the ^i^onslderabfy Increased and Prof. cah, several days last week. •mters; and close proximity responding increase itfvthe pro- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mrs. James Hardesty of Padu- tin' great jponsuming centers In the "Wood shows what even a relatively Humphreys near Sedalia, is also a EARNED 1,200,000 electric and portion of pullets. This th.sound cah with her little daughter visi- north-eastern jjart of our country. small additional output per bird graduate of Lynn Grove. would mean by saying "you can poultry practice. v ted her sister, Mrs. Eunice Jef- gas customers jch considerations will 'sooner Cbrd Cochrap, Voris Piekard, increase Georgia's income a mil- S 9 § 9 -V frey and family, also father. COME AND BE SHOWN in 2,200 communities ' or later have their effect, to the Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Reevga Clifford Rogers, and Robert x\d-i lion dollars r year) by in- lt ia not wisdom, however, tos advantage ofc the Southern farm- Vrs. Will Reeves. Misess Bertha ams, former students of Lynn creasing the Georgia hen's pro- permit the developing pullets to To Invest In Asndssed 6% ing. and Vera Thorn. Claude and Ray- Cjrove are home frojn Detroit for duction five eggs!" What is true begin laying too early in life. We can save you money on Shoes and Hose for Convertible Debentures, sub- - ~ sm mon&xThorn, Mr. Burnett Jones. short visit8 to relatives and. of Georgia is true of all other Where Stock of bred-to-lay blood In a recent publication Prof. J. Mr arid Mrs. Dallas Elkins. Mr. friends. the entire family scribe at the office of the Southern States. is grown and when faulty (forc- H Wood, of the I'niversity of and Mrsfc, John Garlin, West! S. E. Wrather, vocational agri- Illl ing) feeding methods are used, Georgia, graphically illustrates Brown, Bfeunie and Burnice; cultural teacher of Kirksey High In the last analysis the develop- there is always a tendency for the company •erring you. the difference in the earning ca- Brown, Warn Pritchett. Rea ^School and Prln. W. A. Warren, CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, etc. ment of iffe poultry industry pullet to start laying.too early In pacity of individual hens. He Barnhart and "Vife .and Hamlet formerly of Lynn Grove, now at be influenced by the profits S€*- life. The watchful poultry grower Ky.-ienn. L.ignt and points oift that the average Curd were visitors in Murray and Lone Oak. we're visitors of the, cured by the average poultryman. will prevent this, because he Georgia Hens has an annual pro- attended the circus Monday. school for a short time Friday-, We pay cash and sell for cash which saves you And if our Suthrn poultry -pro- knows that his pullets must, if Power Co. duction of only 54 eggs, scarcely October 18. Ray Pogue, Misses Murray, Ky. ducers are to obtain the rich prof- they are to stand the strain of Mr. and tyrs. Eunice Curd at least one third. New goods in each week. enough,to pay her keep; In tbe Dulcie Mae Swann. Hattie Kath- its which may be theirs, they must continuous laying, be well grown, motored here from Memphis one Second Georgia National Esrg Lay- ryne Parks. Luia Mae Miller and adopt a forward-looking program. fully developed physically, with a day this week for a nights visit ing Contest the 1.000 pullets en- Mesdame C. H. Jones and Hardy They, must use birds of superior reserve of flesh and fat upon with his parents. Mrs. Celia Jones tered therein averaged 206 eggs Rogers were other visitors. quality; they.must follow the most which to draw during the hard Miss Alpha Shoemaker were their during the year and,the highest DORON & ARNOLD Poo modern methods of breeding, campaign which they will be called guests Sunday. individual produced 339 eggs. feeding, —housing, and general upon to ,..CAdiiJ:ti...tf>artialT!^de- Mr. Jesse Mathis was dinner (WES) (SHORTY) Here is convincing proof that the Finds Women Liars appea management; they must consist- veloped jfejllets will usually lay guest of his sister, Mrs. John An- ntly turn out products of su^ small eggs for a time and then drus and Mr. Andrus Sunday. And Real Pursuers all dr< perior quality and then market^ prod use-they can- Mr and Mrs. Frank;, Erneat- — Upstairs over Lee fk EUiott's-Grooery these ln.-«uch manner as to secure not stand thdstrain. The^ are not berger and family spen^WJhturday * New York—Lovely . woman night and Sunday tiefre, from East Side Square v for themselves a fair proportion profit-producers. would be shocked to know how Mai of the consumer's dollar. All the^el Jackson. she appears -to Magistrate Ale.v a dog Tfems'are within the control"of the Mr and Mrs. James Lowery of ander Brpugh, who has been peer- The Rocks wad Reds hatched in poultrymen themselves. Murray were here Sunday. ing at her with judicial and un- _ ance. The - April and the May-hatched Leg- Many out of town people from biased mind during six years he ^ Si s s horns should come into good pro- Graves, Marshall, and C^dloway, has presided over the New York f Just now greatest interest is duction very shortly. In fact they were here to pay last respects to family court. concentrated on the flocks of pul- should even now be dropping their friend and old neighbor, Mr. The Magistrate Brough learned about For BEAUTY that is EVERLASTING and lets from which we may expect to quite a few eggs. Examine yopr Bonnie Andrus. secure a good output of the high women in court and he tells some CLEA flock. See to it that the average 1 Blue Bird priced fall and winter eggs. Dur- of the things he said he learned, CHARM that NEVER FADES, build with individual is fu|l grown, with a ped oi ing much of the period when-egg- "Kg. slrgng frame covered with Lynn Grove Hi Notes though he makes the statement quotations rule high tjie adult flesh and a moderate supply of the he. does hot meatn all the wo- DIXIE FACE BRICK hens are moulting, buiiding new fat. If this condition is not gener- men. He's talking ol' the type of coats of feathers instead of manu- al throughout the flock .take in- As a climax to tfe school fair, women that come into court. Here —IT PAYS- Shoppe facturing eggs. So tbe com- stant steps to correct the situa the Lynn Grove Wildcats will open are some of his conclusions: mercial poultry flock may well tion. Reduce the daily allowance their basketball Reason. Saturday Women are liars. contain a high proportion of early^ ^f growing mash and increase the evening, October 26. at 7:30. They They have no sense of law and DIXIE BRICK & TILE CO. hatched pullets which have bpeh amount of flesh-forminp: scratch will meet the Almo quintet on the order. Puryear, Tenn. - New Distinctive Hand-made Hats. carefully developed to the end grains. Or add rich fattening Lynn Grove floor. Finds Them I'nfalr, Too that they may lay steadily when mash to the gr.owlng mash, in Although this is the first game They have no consideration of eggs bring real money. equal proportions. Don't let the for the Wildcats, the-Lynn GrOve fairness toward their husbands. New styles every week. Every hat a. -Year by year the tendency has pullets lay unjil they are ready fans are looking forwaf-d to an Instead of being the pursued, been toward a relatively hfgh egg for ft. (CopyrUr^t. International outstanding contest. Almo has they are the pursuers, often seek- different style. market from September until Sugar Feed Co.. M>«phis.) played two games already, win- ing a wedding ring simply to after the turn of the year. when< nlngone over Hazel, and loosing avoid the. social stigma (among egg quotations may be expected to one to Kirksey. women) of appearing undesirable. Keep your home cozy and ADVANCE WINTER MODELS NOW ON rapidly decrease. To meet this, OI TLAND HOMEMAKEltsaU IL' Many new members have joined They marry a $2f> a week flian warm thi» winter by burn- situation, cbmmercfsI poultrymen MEETS WITH MILS. MCDONI^I. the Lynn Grove squad, making and yell because they can't liv* ing good coal. Highly com- DISPLAY. ..r.ia^T.^ = - have naturally set hatching dates about 20 candidates for the team, on a |60 a week scale. bustible with little soot or' " ~»-' - v forward in order to get their pul On Thursday afternoon, of last ^q^ie line-up for the Wild Cats will Given $15 a week as the max a s h—burns evenly— an d lets into production early in the week, Oct. 17 the Homemakers prbb^bly be: Pogue and Clark, imum for the family budget, thej graded for uniform >dae. SPECIAL GET-ACQUAINTED VALUES IN I season and so have eg**s to sell at of Outlahd community had a very forwamjsv Douglas center, C. will blow $10 on a permaneni Collegiate Hat* J lop quotatlbfls. They also discard interesting meeting at the home of Jones abd Jackson, guards, with wave.. $2.95 ^ $5 00 j a large proportion of the adult Mrs. Stanley McDougal. Miller, RogV*s, and Sims on side They are so lacking in senti- Grades For There were nine members, two line. ^S. ment that they don't remember Heating Plants visitors and the Home demonstra 25 On Honor Roll their own wedding day. They tion agent present. Twenty-five were on honor roll say, "I was married three or four Turbanettes || [JQ MOVII^^ VAv, N The roll call was answered by for first six weeks of Lynn Grove years ago," and that' does them Phone 64 for prompt jjWhat embroidery stitch. 1 like school. Charlie Arnett of eighth nicely, r _ - ——- deliveries * grade, with all A's had the high- "Why, a woman was In court After the business meeting was est standing. Charlotte Jordon. yesterday wanting me to increase adjourned and the Major Project Oretha Ford, and Corlnne Erwin, the payments her husband was Felt and Brushed Wool Beret* 69c & £ j QQ work was over, Miss Wifgus then hade one B and rest A s. The foi making for her support," said the MURRAY CONSUMERS COAL gave a very helpful lesson on com lowing had all A's and B's: Hattie judge. Notice: Daily freight ser- munlcable diseases. A*e Farmer. Eula Lee Rogers "Our social workers investigat The next meeting will be at the Elsie Rogers, Mildred Swann, Fara ed and found he couldn't pay her & ICE CO. vice from Murray to Pa- home of Mrs. M. A. Pool Nov. 21 Lee Morris, Hoyt Jones, Hollls any more. When I "denied her Children's Hats $1.00 ducah, except Saturday. All members are^r^quested^io Rogers, Ozell Atkins, Fay Rogers, request, she got so angry she -be present. Visitors welcome.— Elizabeth Swann, Clayton Hall, slapped her husband right thefe A. W. WILLARD Mrs. J. V. Ma^er, Sec y.

He is tyor ^Profitable Sw cWinter £gg Yield CJ

lUember of the for WINTER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DRIVING % Batiks .J Let Us Overhaul Your Automobile CT* RY feeding Atfocorn Egg Mash in A which buttermilk, pure meat scrap Winter driving makes additional strain on. and cod liver oil have been mixed with your car. If you will let us go over it and put For »ecurity and »ervice do your banking other necessary ingredients to form a it in first class condition, however, you will perfectly balanced ration. No mash on with our progre*tive bank. find winter motoring just as satisfactory as the market will put your hens in better summer driving. _ ^ ^ . We stand for the upbuilding of our commu- condition. No mash combines more scien- nity and the encouragement of business We HAVE THE EXPERIENCE, THE ME- tifically the proteins, vitamins and min- BIGHT HERE AT HOME. We are interested CHANICS AND THE EQUIPMENT erals that produce abundant winter eggs. in the prosperity of everyone and are here to Your best girl will We Carry Quaker State and Standard Oils- IAUOCOBN MILLING CO, ST. LOUIS help in every way consistent with oilr well never frogive you if Shell Gasoline Nash Cars known soui)d banking methods. vou fail to present her with a-lovely box of JOHNSTON'S Tire Chains Made To Order Hallowe'en Chocolates. Hand- We invite accounts of corporations, partner- somely wrapped in the spirit of the International Trucks Goodrich Tires ALPOCORM ships and individuals and offer every conven- occasion. * ' Wrecker Service ience and facility for the prompt and safe s ButtermiUn-^gg Mash handling of your financial business. —%\M"$3.00—— CALL 373 Storage by Day, Week, or Month


Swann, Miss Ruth Cutchln. Misalilre W. U Mi Mra. Joe Loves!,1 members of the Masa'iina . thc-its tn JftveJL .)?) poles to ac&pt ."tortv ^r^ aaJd three let Juts ay Deed boon />age B l'urdoiu. Mrs. Kavbelle 3c-*T. A ladsl, Jiaa Oss. I Sis a rock, thence East forty-eight (41 3-10) acres more or l Calloway County Clerk's' office." «r John Wade, Mrs Arthur dolyn Haynes. Miss Mildred Beale, Dr. J W. Carr will talk on "The COMMISSIONER'S (48) poles to a white oak, t&MMW which Is heretofore been convey- For the purchase pri?e the pur- Farmer, Mr. and Mra. Delvln Miss Margaret Bailey. Dr. Dixie Southern Association of Colleges". North eighteen (18) poles to a ed by said grantor to grantee, chaser must execute bond with ap- Sodefy Langston. Mra T. K. Jones, Mrs. I'elluet and Mrs. E. J. Beale. rock with black oak and post oa]^ herein W. A. Patterson by deed proved securities, bearing legal in- Cleo Hester. Mr. Hulett Clark, B. * P. W. To Enjoy pointers, thence East thirty-seven Mm. WltaHi, Mix WUKOO Delloloua refreshments were SALE recorded" in deed book 38, page terest from Jhe day of sale, until Miss Erie Keys, Mr Marvin Ful- Hallowe'en P%rty Friday <37) poles to a rock with elm and To Bo (iuerta of friends served^ 566, in the office of the Clerk of paid, and having the force and ef- ton. Miss Tresaa Awlsman, Miss The Business and Professional Calloway Circuit (toart maple pointers, thence North sev- Mra. Annla Henderson young tbe Calloway County Court, and fect of a Judgment, Bidders will . Sadie Wilgus, Mrs. Hampton Woman's Club will have an infor- Bank of Murray. Plaintiff en (7) poles to a post oak with and Mrs. Mary Gardner will give Woman's Bible Claw* Its boundary to said deed is here- be prepared to comply promptly Irvan, Mrs. John Jtyan, Mrs. Har- mal Hallowe'en party in their club Vs Judgment white oak pointers thence East a dinner Sunday evening at the Meets Wednesday Afternoon by referred to. Also, except about with these terms. C. W. Drinkard, ry Jenkins. Kev. Motley, Rev. rooms Friday evening. W. A Patterson ft Wife, twenty-eight (28) poles to a rock National Hotel in honor of Mrs. The Woman's Bible Class of the one acre, where the old Htjnry Master Commissioner. * Nortnan, Rev. Wilson, and Mr. Hettle A. Patterson, and with black oak and black gum Margaret Wilson, of Memphis, and Method tdt ctrurch enjoyed a de- Step house stands title to the Martin. C. E Owen. Administrator of J. pointers, thence North seventy Misa Vermonta Wilson. lightful social meeting Weduesday Master John Daniel Lovett above land was obtained by spe- Mr. and Mrs. Luster.Burk and afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. (Vleb rated Third Birthday Owen, Deceased. Dfeendatns. (70) degrees East seven (7) poles cial deed by Rhod. J. Schroader son, Ronald, returned fronr»De- Mra. Scott, Misa Holton Master John Daniel Lovett By virtue of a Judgment and to a sasafrass wnth hickory and 9th day of July, 1921, as shown Character Builders H. Stokea. The home was beauti- troit Wednesday. Entertain Music Department celebrated his third birthday order of sale of the Calloway Cir- elm pointers on the north bank lainchmn Friday fully decorated with dahlias. Mrs. N. P. Hutson presided over Thursday October 24 th f^pm 2 to cuit Court rendered at the Au- of Shannon Creek, thence down The Character Builders Class of Mrs. 0 B. Scott and Miss the program which included De- 4 at the home of his parents, Mr. gust term thereof, 19 29, In the the creek with its meanderings to the First Christian Church. Mrs Juliet Holton were hosts to the votional by MVs. C. A. Bishop, and Mrs. Joe Lovett. above cause for the purpose of the beginning. W S. Swann teacher, en)oyed a Music Department of the Woman's talk by Mrs. J. W. Carr on ' Wo- Games were played after which payment of lien and debts, and In delightful luncheon Friday at the Club at the home of Mrs. Scott on "Tract No. 2. the North Ea^l men of the Orient' 'and a reading refreshments were served. The favor of the Bank of Mur- First Christian church. Hosts for last Thursday] evening. and North West Quarter of Section., by Mrs. Hutson. table held a birthday cake holding ray, C. E. Owen, admlnlstra MOTH IMG QUITE the occasion were: Miss Mlldrled Owens presided township T* \ ? * - r MH •Hr> V* A -J'.. W* .-ta-j; "T-^- "ST -W-. Milks' In the sum of $2,136.73. with In served. motifs were used and Hallowe'en South East and South, West Quar VfcKwe- Pool Mrs R. M. Pollard, Mildred Beale was elected secre- horng given as fayors. terest at the rate of six per cent /> so Mrs. T. E. Williams. Mrs. Oatlln tary to fill a vacancy. ters of Section twenty-three (23). MIMM Wilson To Honor The gueBt list Included: - from the 17th day of August, Crawford. Mrs. Marvin Fulton, Miss Mary Evelyn Eaves gave Township one (1), Range six (6). Mother With Tea. Thursday Pat Crawford, Rosemary Jef- 1929, and costs herein expended, Mrs. Lou Gregory Others present an able discussion .of Johan , 8, East, this tract containing six Miss Vermonta Wilson Is enter- frey, Dan Johnson, J. D. Houston, 1 shall proceed to offer for sale were Mrs. E. J. Beale. Mr and Bach. hundred forty (640) acres more taining at tea this afternoon at Frances Sledd. Barbara Diuguid, at the court house door In Mur- or less, said two tracts are here Boyd Ollbert, Mr and Mrs Others present were. Mrs. Fran- the home of Mrs. John Keys In Jeanette Farmer, Minnie Lee ray, Kentucky to the highest bid- conveyed except the following des- keg Miller, Mr. and Mrs W S ces McLean, Mrs. Ted Sanford, honor of her mother, Mrs. Marga- Churchill, Jlmmie Whltnell, Sara der at public auction, on Monday, cribed tract which has been here- Ruth Rhodes, Blllle Jo Caudill, the 11th day of November, 1929, uood re Wilson, of Nashville, Approxi- tofore conveyed from Viz: that mately thirty guests have been in- Hugh Parker, Naomi Lee Whlt- at 1 o"clock or thereabout (same part of said land which has been vited to call during the afternoon. nell, Mary Jo Pentecost, Richard being the first day of Calloway heretofore conveyed to Jeff Hodge Hood, Winifred Ely of Benton; Circuit Court) upon a credit of to Schroader to wit: Beginning Hwft'rn Panne nt Nadonnl Charlotte Wear, Charles Lassiter, six months, the following describ- at an ash tree at the South East Hotel is U HI Attended Eleanor HlrnT J D. Hamilton, ed property, being and lying In corner of the North East Quarter Calloway County, Kentucky, to- The East'rn Dance, given at the Frances GatUn, Martha Churchill, of Section twenty-six (26). Town- wit, - National Hotel Friday evening in Martha Belle Hood, Wells Thomas ship one (1), Range six (6) East, honor of members of the Lovett, and Miss Mineola Norman. "A part of the E. Ratterre "tract thence Sduth eighty-four (84) de- Thoroughbred and Eastern State of land and that part beginning grees West 191 poles to a rock Teachers College football teams Mrs. Joe Baker Honors at Elm. on the West bank of the with black oak pointers eight and was well attended and much en- Mrs. Cecil ma with Party Tennessee river, thence south one half (8% ) feet Tsorth East, Joyed. Music was furnished by Mrs. Joe- Baker entertained eighty-five and one half (85%) thence North' three (3) degrees the Kentucky Stompers. Delight- Friday afternoon from three to degrees West three hundred and fifty (50 minutes. East one hun- ful favors and refreshments five at the Business and Pro- thirty-six poles (336*—to. a red dred-slxty (160) poles to a rock, rounded out the evening's enter/ fessional Women's club rooms in oak, with red oak and hickory with red oak fourteen and one- talnment. honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. pointers thence North thirty (30) half (14%) feet North East with degrees west forty-one (4l) poles Chaperons were Dean Susan Cecil Stitt. of Clarksdale, Miss., a pointers thence South eighty-four to a sasafrass on the west bank Peffer, Miss Naomi Maple and bride of the week. (8 4) degrees East thirty-four of Shannon creek with hickory Miss Margaret Bailey. Lovely late garden flowers (34) poles to a rock with post and elm pointers^ thence down oak and three and three-fourths. artistically arranged and softly said creek with its meanders to a Home Department Holds (3 3-4) feet South East as point- shaded lights with a number of sycamore on the west bank of October Meeting, ers thence South three (3) de- Hallowe'en decorations were used. said creek, thence north eighty- Mrs. J. W. Carr. Mrs. Joe grees and fifty (50) minutes, Don't Be Shaggy on the An interesting musical program five and one-half (85%) degrees Lovett, Mrs. R. A. Johnson, and West twenty-seven and six tenths was given by Mrs. W. S. Swann, east two hundred and twenty- Mrs. S. F. Holcomb wer^ hosts to (27.6) poles to a rock with white Miss Mildred Graves and Mrs. T. three (223) poles to a red oak the Home Department on last oak twenty-eight and one half Outside—-Be Neat and R. Jones, and a delicious ice on the west bank of the Tennes- Thursday afternoon at the home (28%) feet East as pointers course was served by Mrs. Baker see river, thence up said river of Mrs. Johnson. assisted by Mrs. Roberts. About thence South fifty-one (51) de- with its meanderings to the be- grees East eighty-four (84) poles Orange topers, Jack o' lanterns thirty ladles enjoyed the hospi- ginning, containing two hundred to a rock in the toad with hick- on the Inside! and large dahlias were used in the tality. thirty-six (236) acres more or ory thirty (30) feet North East three rooms thrown together for Those present were: less. This being the place I now as pointers, thence South sixty- the occasion. Miss Mildred (Jraves, Miss live on. two (62) poles East ninety-three Mrfi. Annie Young and Dr. Ora Poor Tige! He slinks outside because his Margaret Graves, Mrs. W. S (93) poles to a rock, with per- K. Mason gave very Instructive "Also another tract described Swann. Mrs. T. R. Jones. Miss sintHion tree sixteen and* one-half appearance is against him, while Little Fido, and Interesting talks on "Three as follows: Beginning at a rock Louise Baker. Mrs. G. Robinson. (16%) feet North West with rfteals a Day" and "The Health of sfci^h east corner" Dudley Wilson Mrs. Boyd Norman, Miss Mlnneola pointers thence North seventy-six all dressed up, is at the party. _ jl Our .Children" respectively. land, thence North «ighty-six (86) Norman. Mrs. Ronald Churchill, (76) degrees East twenty-two and A salad course carrying out the degrees East fifty-three and one Mrs. B; 0. Langstoh, Mrs. Harry twelve one hundredths (22.12) Hallowe'en colors was served. Sledd, Mrs. Ed Diuguid. Jr., Miss half (53%) poles to a rock with -poles * to ^roeK7"Vinr"persini m0n Many a may trying to get somewhere "leads ^Thirty-five werfi creseal pointers,, thence. North tbrea-and Mary Wtflisnwr; Mrs: Karl FTaseeV ^ree eighteen and one-half (18%) Mrs. Roy Farmer, Mrs. Jack Far- one half (3%) degrees west one a dog's life" o!Tacc6unt~6TTiis seedy appear- hundred fifty and three-fifths feet North West three (3) degrees Mr. and Mrs. (hunhlll Honor mer, Mrs. Stella Gatlin, Mrs. O (150 3-5) poles to a hickory on and fifty (50) minutes, West Anniversary of Mrs. D. Wear J. Jennings. Mrs. W. H Mason. ance. the north bank of Shannon Creek, nineteen and twenty-eight one Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Churchill Mrs. Marvin Whltnell and Mrs thence up said creek two and one hundredths (19.28) poles to the entertained at dinner Sunday at Ted Sanford. fifth (2 1-5) poles to a sasafress, beginning. Also except the fol- their home in honor of the birth- The wise ones send their suits to the MODEL thence south eighty-six (86) de- lowing tract conveyed by said day of Mrs. Daniel Wear. Mrs. May Belle Scoby was hosl grees west thirty-six and th John Schroader to John Q. Oliver Covers were laid for: Mr and CLEANERS and look like they had just step- to a dinner party Tuesday evening fifths (36 3-5) poles to a rock on the I3th day of-August,/1908, Mrs. S. J. Burnett and children, at the Collegiate Inn compliment- with pointers, thence south three viz: Beginning at a sycamore tree ped out qf a band box. Mrs. Oneida Mitchell. Mrs. W. A. ing Mr. Cobert Wade of Chicago, and one-half (3%) degrees east on the bank of Shannon Creek, in As Bread and Pastry Lawrence and Daniel Wear all of III., who was the guest of his fath- seven (7) poles-to a rock with Section twenty-five (25), Town- Paducah; Mr. and Mrs. Elliott er. John W. Wade. sweet gum-pointers, thence twen- ship one (1), Range six (6) East, We^r, Miss Emily Wear. John Covers were laid -for six. ty-eight (28 3-5) poles to a rock thence North ninety-four and one- Wear, Miss Oneida Wear, Mr. and from Parker's Bakery with pointers, thence South six half (94%) poles to a rock, with Mrs. Churchill and little daugh- Alpha Department to Meet* hickory pointers, thence South (6) degrees west one- hundred ters, Minnie Lee and Martha. Mrs. G. C. Ashcraft. Miss Verna eighty-five (85) degrees West one forty-three and one half (143%) Goode, Miss Em±a Helm, and hundred an! sixty-one (161$ poles POl§p to the beginning contain- Always Glad to Fill Special Or- Oil Company Stockholders Mrs. R. T. Wells will be Joint to a rock, with Elm, Mulberry and ing sixty-two (62) acres And six- Enjoy Pine Bluff Outing hosts to the Alpha Department on Red Bud tree pointers, thence ty-two (62) poles more or less The stockholders and employees Saturday Oct. 26 at 2:30 at South one hundred seven (107) ders for Special Occasions and being off the West part of the of the Jackson Purchase 'Edgewood'. poles and nine (9) links to a rock, Ed Brown place. Oil Company with their families The subject Is "Romantic and thence North eighty-five (85) de- "Also another tract described 4 had a delightful outing at Pine Realistic Plays' and Mrs. Hugh grees one hundred rfifty-seven as follows: Being the middle third Bluff on last Thursday evening. Mc El rath, Mcs. Ed Diuguid, and (157) poles to a slippery elm and Of the following described land In Ruben Falwell Introduced El Miss Donnye Clopton will take hickory on- the North bank of "Township one (1) Range seven BIGGEST—QUICKEST—BEST tnus Beale who in his usual man- part on the program. Shannon Creek, thence down ner entertained the guests.. (7) East and on the west bank Shannon Creek with its meander- Parker's Bakery of the Tennessee river, containing A fish supper was served. Miss Manor ami Misei Hark lews ings about twenty (20) poles to WELLS PURDOM, Manager 330 aores and bounded as fol- its beginning and containing one A MODERN PLANT FOR A H

4 r r


TEACHERS DEFEAT Students* Parents Asked MRS. ROBERTSON Sugar HiD AG INSTRUCTORS COLLEGE PRESS OF TIGERS REST THIS JTo Call Coc Report* The iKoiAe ' ^ * - ^ : ' MEET Dt MURRAY STATE MEETS HEkE Locals WEEK AFTER LOSS FHSTS.LA.A. FOE T A. Sanford. principal of tbe tSCALLilDMONDAT The following Murray people al Murray High School, urge* par- MR Jtmm* Key Is hauliag IORS tended tbe revival meeting at the ent* of tiirh Scboel students to Succumbs Near Locust Grove to build a new bouse. Stale Leader. WelU, Broach Paducah Sun-Democrat Of- Mrst Christian church. Purls. Tilghman, of Paducah, Da- East) Is Easy for Cutch- Tennessee, Tuesday night Rev, call for report cards on the first at A«e of 64; AtMnu Catherine at feats Locals Hero Friday in's Mm Saturday; Play Miss Sal lie Orr spent the past fer* Trophy For Beat Jour- E B Motley MIM Ruth Cutehln. With 26-0 Victory. six w«x-k8 of school work which Held Wednesday. week with her sister Mrs. Sim Dinner Friday. nalistic Work. Miss Ethel Cutehln. Mrs. Y E. Cap« Girardeau Fir day. will end this* week. Mr. Sanford s Foster snd Mr. Fuater Willisms. Mra Myrlls Wslker. Smarting under four conference statement follows: Mra Joe- Rodertaon. 64 years Teachers of home economics Mrs. Dell Mnney. R. D Uangston, WMi Harlan Brwdie. fleet half Mr. and Mrs. Mat Paacfrall was Tbe Hon. BUlott Mitchell, gen defeats. Coach Jack Gardner ''"TJp next Monday morning re of age. died Monday at her home and agriculture of the first dis- Mrs It. D f-angston Itsy Maddox, fearu, running like Hwibwiif s the guest* of Mr. and Mra. Rupert eral manager , of the Sun-Demo- Mrs Rsy Maddox, Miss fhidle Wll- Murray high achool Tigers will jjort cards for the first six weeks near Locust GCove. She wra one Thursday night. trict heUT their meeting October shonr and the entire Murray team gus. Mrs W. .S. Swann, Bill real this week before resuming of school work In the current year of the most popular woiueo «f crat, Paducah, announced at the plgylng a superlative bran*- of that community. 18 and 1» at Murray State Tearh Swann. R M I'ollsrd, Tout Wll- their conference schedule next will he given Out in chaj>el All Mrs. Orell« Kelso and Mra El- Kentucky Inter Collegiate Press week vith the Pulton Bulldogs on fot'tjalU the Eastern State Teach She leaves her huaband, a well ers College. llsma Mrs Maynie Randolph. of tha membera Of the faculty of len Orr spent Tuesday with Mr. Association banqifet October. 19 the local lot. Murray will not era College. Richmond. WM'>M; koowu farmer, two daughters aud and Mra. Dock Orr. Mr,. Gatlin Clopton, Mra C H. the Murray High School urge par The first meeting opened with have a football game this week _ three sons to jnouru her death.' that hia paper would give to Mur- Moore. Mrs. Jlui Bsnks. Mrs. Kale meet for the T borough bred* here ent8 id-eaU--^or these cards and a dinner at Wells Hall FHday hut will again hsve two attrae-" Mrs. Robertson was a faithful Mr. aud Mra Sam Orr snd ray State Teachers College a sil- Kirk, Mrs U N. Oregory. Hslph last Saturday afternoon Th«- check up on the character of work tlons next week. The high school member pf'the Locust Grova Bap- dsughters were \ L.uor. ID Mhe evening at which Or. Rainey T Wear. Hardin Cols Williams. Mrs. count was <2 t«» 0 being done by their children ver trophy on which each year meets Fulton Fri.. November 1, tlst cburoh. home of Mr .aud Mr. Sim Vo WelU waa the .principal speaker Annie Wesr. Mrs. M. L. Wells. It was„ th.„.e first clas.....h. o..f. the Many times in the paat it has been will be inscribed the name of the and the College will entertain tho ftawii efrrte* ww* conJdct tar's Friday. Mrs Boyd Wear, Mlw Tress Att- AT*r / V «d4b-aa» the ^rograJn*, Trw ^ra^era the. y*r e A a to ifffe-t^an-.- > ^ tr-» v r.,-1.^ e-i. ^ V-" cr w111 enable them to get a linkup i^W CMfcH^r a day or r*3" Mr sua OWSMI' MrTVur. IU> V^JTA.TLAV L. L. Jones and burial was in the Journalism department. Mr. Mtt Mra. Ed KI1N, k Dl.Vf VU* on their relative strength with nally signing the names of .their snd children, J sitae, snd June ucatlon. for the respective groups, The Tilghman-Tiger game was Howling Green which will not play parents and returning t£e cards ) .ocuSt Grove cemetery. etielt also stated that the student ginU Dluguid. Miss Alice Out- more spectacular than the score . hj* guests af Mr. snd Mrs. Mack were given. la ad. the Thoroughbreds but to the office. This is--a practice MeClurv Sunday winning this disUnetlou will hs would indicate. The locals held Eastern ou Thanksgiving. very hard to stop, unless parents The freshman team of Murray Friday evening Miss Ethel Par- A number of teachers of the the visitors scoreless ln the first I awarded an Individual trophy. Murray State Teachers College Cutehln s juen face one of their co-operate, as U ia a long tedious State Teachers College waa held MT Berths! Waldrop snd wife ker, of the teacher training de- period and at the beginning of the Dean Carr, ln response, thanked will attend the annual Education- hardest gam.-* this Friday when process for the school to check up "txat Saturday night wtth Mr. and second half. Staafll Cutehln pull- to a scoreless tie by the Woodland partment of the University of Ken - al Conference sponsored by the, they Journev to Cape Girardeau on the validity-of hundreds of Mrs Corlla Kelso the donor for the offer. ed a pair of runs that almost car- Miss Wildcats at Woodland Mill* University of Kentucky Friday Missouri Walter Wells, smash signatures. It be our custom tucky spoke on the"Crlterla of jt ried tl\g spheroid over the line. Mr. Wiley Key. wife snd son of Oeorg«A>wn College. George- and Saturday. October 25-26. ing full back has a sprained ankle in the future to notify parents High School. Tenn.. Friday. Octo- Good Examination" and Q. Ivan Parts, Tenn., were the guests town, waa chosen a. the next Among those who ar# going from Tom Rowlett did excellent which will keep him out of th*- through the columns of this paper ber 18. The game waa doaely Barnes talked of "Making Home or Mr snd Mrs Bud Key Saturday Murray are: Prof and Mrs. J. W. punting and made several nice game and a weak knee will «fso just when to expect these cards meeting place of the Kentucky In- contested throughout, with a night snd Sunday. Economics More Vocational." Cotnpton. Miss Nellie Mae Wy- gains for the Tigers while Grimes keep ypatain Jiiaa_Haynea-^iut of and we urge for the good of the ter-collegiate Prsas Association, small auiount of punting. * Mr. Robert Orr snd wire wen? uian. Prof C. P. Poole. Prof, and played alt over the line to make the fray Buddy SchUh. fleet child and the school system that Mra L. A. Washburn. Jr , Pa visitors In the home of Mr. Emltt at the last meeting Saturdsv Mrs. C 8 Lowry. and Miss Beat- several startling plays. The Bluo barkfl«dd star, -has^tfiftout recover each parent examine carefully the ducah. was elected president of and White from Paducah kept a grades which have been tirade Erwln Saturday snd* Sunday morning, October 19. R. H. Ows rice Frye. ed from a dislocated arm and is Miss Lourell Bouriand spent the first district for the ensuing special watch over Captain Yar- expected to^st'art. which will be Only by co-bperation like this ca^fcthe week-end with her parents. Authur Fllppo and daughters, ley of Lexington, was elected as Bargains In shoes and clothing. Dorothy snd Jesse Spent Saturday year; Miss Epple Wilcox, Lone brough and did not give him a IWWte helji to the- crippled horse the Murray High School maintain Mr and M*s Edwin Bouriand in secretary to fill the position left l>oran M Arnold. Ei#U skh* "<"lourt fair opportunity to display his u»- alcht with Mr Sam Orr snd Oak, secretary, and Mrs. Ooldle Dr. Ora K Mason left for its"'place in the sun Memphis.* family. vacant by Al Welling of LCxlng ual prowess in the line. Dunn, Lynn Grove, was elected Louisville Monday night to attend Mr. Charlie Glower and wife ton, who was given an oppolnt the meeting of , the State MedlcaJ A strenuous scrimmage waa spent Saturday night and Sunday' treasurer at the business .meeting ment. to West Point. Association. She wHI have lunch- held in practice Wednesday after- with Mr snd Mrs Msck McClure. Saturday. eon with President and Mrs. noon with many of the players Banquet Enjoyed showing marked Improvement. The frost is on the pumpkin. Mr Rudy Orr snd fsmlly were Home economics teachers at- Hoover while there. rlsltoisln the home.of Mr. and A banquet wss arranged by tending the meeting were: Mrs; Mr. and Mrs. Lamer Farmer The fodder's in the shock. Mrs. Gus Adams Saturday aud Miss Annls Young, dietician st and daughter. Mary Kathryn. of Nottce—We are still repairing Sunday. Clara Royster, Paducah; Zltelle All of our different departments Wells Hall, ln honor of ths K I Detroit, Mich., are visiting friends ltadk;s anal all household electri- Mr, snd Mrs. Rupert Orr and Lockhart, Aurora High School, and relatives in this county. cal appliances. Call us now!. P "A. Are brim full of the newest winter stock. Mrs. Charles Glower went to Mur Hardin. Ruth Whitman. Ballard Mr and Mrs Dwight Boyd and Phone .VI. —John Mater* Radio ra> Monday to shop. Following the banquet, a mnsl Shop, Hyan lildg. County High School, La Centerr son, Johnnie Pat, of Detroit, are MENS SUTTS $12.50 to $30.00 Olrstell I'aschAll Is in from De- cal entertainment wss arranged viisting relatives in this county troit. —"Wild Cat Jane B. Harper, Benton; Mrs. Guy by Mrs. ItHty Conner, instructor Crawford Burnett, son of John Buell Houston o^ Paris. Tehn., Warren. Boas; Ethel Dishman, Barnett, Almo, Ky., was operated Overcoats and Topcoats $7.50 up In music, snd Mlas Ulllsn Clark spent the week-end with his par- Brewers High School, Hardin; on for Tin Inflamatlon and abcess ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Houston. instructor ln publle speaking. The Full stock of Leather, Naugatex and Sheep-lined Mrs. Cecil Thompson, Cuba'High of the knee Tuesday of thin week HOGS UP 20 CENTS; program carried out ths newspa- Dr. and Mrs. E. B Houston are School, Sedalia; Bessie Swann, / Coats per motif with, "Ths Beat. Dope attending the State Medical As- Fariuington; Audie Folwell, Fax sociations at Louisville this week Story. Play t'p, Ths Feature. Lo- WANT ADS • ' WINTER UNDERWEAR 90c up TOPS SELL AT $9. 80 on High School, Murray; Gladys Dr. Houston went as a delegatt cal Angle. Break Over, and Ths MeMinn, Fulton; Mrs. M, O. Wra for the county society, Mrs. Hous FOR SALE - Nice horse colt. Release." ton as a delegate for the Woman's LOllSHLLK LIVESTOCK ther, Hazel; Hontas Kelly, Lowes; Good size, color and form, has all See our prices before buying. We are featuring Mr. Clarence Jeffrey, who Cattle—Prime heavy steers. the ^gaits. Price $75.00 & M. Goldie Dunn, Lynn Grove; Eppie List of the delegates of ttie K works on the highway, received a "THREE SEASONS" uni'onsuits in 16 pound gar- $11 & 12.50; heavy shipping steers Wyatt. Murray. Ky.. R. 7. ltp. Wilcox. Lone Oak; Mary E. BOB- I. P. A. meeting at Murray: Fr»d wound ln the cheat when a graVel $9 @"11; medium and plainer FOR SALE—50 acre farm 1-4 ment. Silk and wool, all wool, wool mixed and truck was turned, over' near *Frl steers. $7© 9; far heifers. $7fc ley, Mayfleld; Ruth Sexton. Mur- Dial. Eastern; K. T. Marshall. tulle of Murray State Teachers City Tavern,, he was brought to highly mercerized Egyptian cotton garments in 10.50; good to choice cows. $6 50 ray; Mrs. Katherine Washington Eastern; Ransom Todd. Wesley- College; 4 room house, fl* e stock the clinic for treatment. & ts.25; medium to good. $5.75^f barn*, orchard and water; on our higher priced line. and M<*ry Futreli, Tilghman High an; A J Kertls, WesleyanT C. R \OTH B—IV party who took 6.50; cutters. $5.25 g15.75; hlghwav. L. E. Hughes. lUurray, School, Paducah; Roberta M House, Wesleyan; Luclan Robtn- rools roofinju fr<«n under tlie Best Boys Unionsuit on the market oers, $4.50 ©5.25; bulls. $6® Ky . n 8 kt^b.w. Pt'aT tteldland;- Marie^M^lton, Se son. Wesleysn; C. E. Patterson, DOW\S shed, ns»y return mate nt . ' TTTeTargest'showing of Work "5fttn the ritv. , -E.*5t faedwra. &u, *ubfo> t aps Bernard Whitnell of Rockford. Stetson Hat*. % 20c higher on all grades. Besi Qkiet held at Wells Hall -Friday Ted Sealy. Transylvania; Allle G, ant. Murray, R. 2. N15c. I . S. KainuMtU HI., spent the week end with his hogs. 175 te 26P pounds. $9.80 evenihg. Others who spoke were st—- ^ Phoenix Sox Stacy -Adams Mason, Kentucky; Martha Kelly. family. heavies. 250 pounds up. $9.20; PIE SUPPER at Outland Him>en tiloxe* \nnp-Busb Miss Lida Muse, home economics Murray'; Duke Mayfleld, Murrsy. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Stilt have lights. 130 to. 175 pounds. $9.4u; School Saturday night, Oct. 26. Ki ien.il > Fixe instructor of the college, and Prof. been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruahy Sweatee pigs. 130 pounds down, $8; Everybody Invited., Benefit of Joe Baker Faultiest I'ajHiims SlMtes Mid "flxTorai Throwouts. $7.85; stags. T7 J. S. l*ullen, instructor of agrleul- school. down. ture of. the college. Preston Holland Wins Mrs Wlnnlfred Sheppard. Mr. Ball Bapd Boots, Over Shoes in new stock; No Sheep and lambs— Receipts, . _ and Mrs. Frank Beadles and FOR RENT—Two newly paperett" 100. Market active and steady. The program for .the meet was College Tennis Tourney George Beadle*, all of Fulton ancl painted rooms, water, lights, Carry-overs or Seconds Best ewe and wether lambs, as follows: ' S *ere guests of Mrs. Solon Higgle private entrance, between 9th and Sunday $11.50; best-bucTc lambs, $10.5-0; A. Agricultural Program Farm 10th, on West Poplar See Mrs. Preston T UF.\I f\G WITH Files to Far pi Practice Work— dent favorite, Thursday afternoon, visitor in Murrav Wednesdav. , The Famous BOYS HIITH Mrs. C. C. Hughes, of Little Murray, Ky Route 2", miles ' ST. LA>t'IS LIVEHTtMli- G. Ivan liarnes, Frankfort; Pro- » < RFT \Y \M' V\L- October 17, in the finals of the north of "Murray, ltp^ sHl>K>> an.I East St. Louis, Oct. 2^3—-V Rock, Arkansas, will arrive the iOVO <«>l N T I cedu're for Reducing Failures In Western Kentucky Tennis Tourna- latter part of this week to visit W. T. SLEDD & CO. (HKIKXMTS Dept. of Agrciulturel--Hogs—Re- WANTED -A home for small T ITVZI:\>. ceipts 12.U00; farily active; 10c Farm Practice Work—f. C. Burd ment. Bishop defeated Houston her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Piuguld, Sr. "driving hor$e, apply Ledger &. "If It". New, We Have it" o "50c higherpigs about steady; Frankfort. last week ln the semi-finals. ltp Mr and Mrs. Alfred Vahlkamp, Times office. sows steady to 10c higher, top B. Home Economics. Making The steadiness of Holland over- $9.85; bulk 160 to 250 pounds of Paducah, spent the week epd Home Economics More Vocation came the quick and hard serving FOR SALE—One sound, large log $9.75®9.8ft;' 130 to 160 pounds here with Mrs. Vahlkamp's broth- barn. Bargain If taken at ohce.— $9.25^9.75; 90 to 130 pounds ^al—G. Ivan Barnes; Develop!^ of Bishop to win the champion- er. Prof. C. S. Lowry and Mrs. rxti H. B. Keunedy. ltc $8.25 a 9.25; some down to $8.50; a Home Practice Program—Miss ship of the tournament at Murray. Lowry. They attended the Tllgh- man-Murray football game Satur- bulk sows $8.25 0 8.40. Ethel Parker, University of Ken Carman won the title last year. NOTICE day afternoon. Cattle Uecelpts 4.0o0; calves tucky; Adapting the Home Eco- 1,500/ packers acting bearish to- Several local people are plan- If you prefer giving your list to ward/ steeds;; narrow demand for nomics Course to Your Communi Bargain* in HIU*-* and clothing, ning to attend the Thorougbbred- me please come In before I place bulW; vealers 50c higher; indica- ty—Mary Lee Taylor, Bowling Doran it Arnold. B«st side Oourt -Cape Girardeau game at Cape a deputy tn your District. Coats For Every Occasion ; Square. tions steady on other classes; a Green; Criteria of a Good Exam- Girardeau Friday. C. A Hale tf fe>»' Western steers steady at ine tion—Miss Ethel Parker; Stat* Si0.25; good and choice vealers $15.50. Policies in the Development" of For Street... Sheep—Receipts 1,000; asking Home Economics Education—Ata 1 higher on fat iambs, or $12.25 l^ee. State Home Economics Su- down; indications on throwouts pervisor. ^Frankfort. For Sports... y and sheep steady. fr See the New Things FILBECK SPEAKER For Dress... i PLAN FOR F. D. E. A. TO COLLEGE GROUP —At— $49.75 To New models that are Al HERE IN NOVEMBER Smart and Individual W "These are the days of oppor $110 00 tuniti**r. young friends, but oppor ! 1500 Teachers Expected at tunities will not carry you far Annual Session on Thanks- mmm • withotfr inspiration" was the main giving, Friday. DUKE'S Contours Flare.. . Ripple and Dip to the More g theme of the words addressed to the Christian Association of the The Murray State Teachers Feminine Conceits of The M6de .Vfurray State Teachers College, College will be host for the second 9 Sunday evening, October 13, by Ed time to the First District Educa- There is an elegance - Filbeck, mayor-elect of Murray Ladies Ready tional Association Eciday, Novem- also in the use of fur . and cashier of the Bank of Mur- ber 29 and 30. The program in- and broadcloth. ray cludes addresses by some of the The speaker went on to i^olnt beat known educators ofThe couh- to Wear out that there are also the days of try.musical ente riainment, de- uncertainty. "Fresh from Some partmental nfief-flncs and other hfgh school you came, possibly featurea More than 1500 teach- L^" Black Silk Lined Coats, fur collars, Spe- wli^a medal on, but the-first f*«4--w-—are expected. President data of college took some of the Rainey T Wells of Murray will cially priced. $24.95, $29.75, sAr out of you. The same will be g|re~the welcome address. true whfn you go out into life The Smalim^n A Capella $39.95, $49.75 KNOX HATS "When I came from college", choir will present a prograipi. ot» said the speaker, "I thought I November 29. One of the oat- would lurn the whole world up- standing speakers will be Maurice for uxjmen slde down; at present I haven't HintHts. noted Russian author snd Other New Long Fur Collared Coats turned one^ corner. orator, who has traveled through "Were you born In a valley? out the world. Other speakers S9.95, $15.95, $19.95 Filled "vith'tT^spm^TrealgMic^ Have you ever wanted-4o look wttt-be Frank L. McVey, president ?his KNOX off the across and see what was"oft' the of th# University of Kentucky, other side? College days are gi .Lexington ; 'Bruce Payne, president Attractive New Slippers in Straps, face felt Ing a glimpse. It Is momentous of Peabody University. N'ashvilb-^ time. As you are today BO will H. L. Jones, superintendent of city Pumps and Oxfords, $3.50 to $6.50 yofr ttve and die. You are form schools at Memi«his. and Walter Trirnmrd with a perky bow of Ing habits, y6u are making associ- C. Jetton, president of the Ken- felt, framing th« face ations Are you building a so^ind tucky Educational Association and foundation? Ar« you training principal of Tilghrnan High School Our racks arc laden with Charming Silk for ths gam* of life? Padycab. Clyde D Lester, presi- Shown in Blark . . Beeauaa, frlands. you nae

* j Dr and Mrs. E, B Houaion lefi Mrs. Barber McElrath \1slted In Monday night for Louisville to ar Bardwejl last werk tend amrnal me^tinjj of the JSvate Medical Association Mrs Dee Houston. Mrs. Lula Rjaeahoaver aad Mr* H»»nr\ El- C. C. DUKE I xMit-—tihon drwible^mnd earl<* <»n Main ntreM IUw.r.1 ferenc* in Drwsdsn. T»nn Thurs- Mrs. W R WpM I k "A »• ^ M*^' W^IN" 'V 'V1' -V Iff