
PAGE 3-B THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1934 TORRANCB< HERALD. Torrance, California Janet and Lew Are Will Rogers In "" Ballet Program Whoopla! Here Comeg Mae West "Girl of the Limberlost" Is Sweethearts Again Starts Sunday At Fox Redondo Opens Oct. 26 In the "Belle of the Nineties' Picture For the Whole Family Reunited for 'the first time slni-ri" With the cry being raised all overt the country for the At Auditorium in motion pictures, Janet (iiiyn d L Ayr \yilf abolition of smut and salaclouaness be n again ns the Ri Hollywood has definitely turned its attention to the pro­ Three Spectacular Number that the public Is clamoring HWi'ethearts of "Serva Will Feature First of duction of the simple classics trance" when this newes Winter Series for. portant Fox pictures rotiK'x The change had to conic. I'lc the honilta Theatre, Tuesday rlsqui Wednesday, October 23 and 21. George' Ger8hwln1s"~"Amcrlcan I lures were Browing1 more every day, and realizing that thlc As ii companion picture on th Paris," Conrad Seller's "Chines nlxhlH. the l.nmltn will alsn H| Wilde' typn of entertainment was f "Take a Bow" ? n n t a s y" and Oscar put Itlrnrdo Cortez and ll'irl>ara Il three spectacular ballot vhole "family il not for one Salome," nber of It, Monograi bins In "Hut, Coat atirl Glove." featuring . notml soloists and ticula msemble of 100 dancers, will Lily Attract* Attentio program o ductlon proKrnm on tills th tlvon on the opening some year* he California Ballet at the Shrln over Hlnce Its Inception night, Octobo ago. AUSTIN, ex. (U.I'.) A Illy In' ludltorium, Friday pools on IB, under the direction of Leste In opening Its production schcd biological wl nle (or the new 1934-35 season University o Texas' campus has Horton. Three new ballets of xonlu- presented at suhsequen Monogram selected "A Girl of th attrac|e«i tin attention rfornmnces on Novembe Ijlmbcrlost," tlio famous novc gists bec-aiiH.' of Us slue. A blossom written l>y r.cne Stratton-Portei measured 62 iber 28, January 25. Feb sup­ 29, the las with tin? >ii^i]ili! home-lire of th One of Its rioatliig leaves runry 22 and March weiKhing 50 pounds. lay night of each month. Hcttlcrn in the Indiana swamp ported a child lands as Its ImchKround. The Illy IH a Victoria Uegla. said Following closely the story n: to be a native to the Aijiazbti ... Owl Drus Company, Sixth an. River. Coll recorded liy Mrs. Porter. ChrlHt> Broadway; nt the Southern brings ou Music Company, 737 South Cnbanne, who directed, fornla thn tender emotions of a young HIM street; ami at the 'Shrine -bo) i ' girl of the swamps who has iff Ice, Jefferson; just hands to' gain ai I'Mgueroa. street. Reservntl flKfit on her rife Mutual 3770 cdiicntlon despite the overwhelm >e made by phoning her. or PRospect 3912 Here she is, the one features Louise 'Dresser, Ralph MIINNOND Will Rogers' newest starring' vehicle, "Judge Priest, vlll be its flret showing here 1 and Saturday of next week, October 25, 26 and 27,,to the rgan and Murlan Marsh in Redondo Theatre mllet form. It reveals the ad leading roles, supported by an ex- "Baby. Take a Bow." coming to which starts a five-day run at the Fox a "young Broad Theatre, with Waoier Oland in "Charlie Chan In Is said to be the bes ;ntures of Torrance eiit cast, the Ii/omtta . Theatre Friday and next Sunday evening, October 21, ipender on tour "of the Mont- London, as the companion picture. A great hill for the fans ils Asther and Gloria St Saturday, October 19 and 20, In­ picture the versatile Will has ever appeased ih,-and presents nnrtr abarcts. The honking o "The Lo Capttv will be troduces 5-year-qid Shirlcy Tem­ -*iiim in a role that.is made to order. On the same bill tnxlcabs, the rumble of buses, th the sai ne bill. ple In her first title role. After George Brent and Jean Mu'ir in "Desirable." shrill rhlstlcs of gendarm her overnight success In "Stand ler street noises are reprodu Coming to Plaza, Hawthorne, Up and Cheer!" little Shirlcy has a prelude to a colorful composl- Gershwin Ballet become one of the outstanding per­ n which Introduces the apachi At Shrine Aud. sonalities on the screen. She lias Rothschild Meets Julie's Beau ice of th« Monlin do la Galette Friday and Saturday This Week an Important part in the .picture sensuous rumba of La Cubana On October 26 and Is responsible for much of th'c :hc! c:cancan of 'the Bal Tabarin, thi imedy. Casanova and :ango of the Cluli James Dunn and' Claire Trcvor, the "Caressa" of Le' Fetiche An- n team in three Paris" has been Shrine Auditorium, Los lean In open Friday ' night, togethe again in lulled as Gershwin's greatest solos. Octobi vith gala perform- 'Ilaby, Take Bow," Shirlcy's "Chinese Fantasy" is a now bal- inc of George Ge "Amer- parents. - Seller's et adapted from Conrad n In Purls." "William Brow Also at the Lomita Theatre Fri­ :omedy drama, "Lady In th "Chinese . Fantasy" and Oscar be shown of day and' Saturday, will Sack," It is