Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Little Book of Verse by Claire Buss Little Book of Verse (Little Book Series, #1) A collection of both humorous and sincerely heartfelt poems from award-winning author Claire Buss. Her poetry is simple yet beautiful as she touches the heart of family life and deals with difficult emotions. She offers insight into motherhood from being tired to having sore feet, having time fly and chasing those summer ghosts. This charming little book of poetry is the first in the Little Book Series. “Claire’s poetry has both tenderness and heartache – a little book of substance.” Leo McBride, Inklings Press. Little Book of Autumn (Little Book Series, #7) Autumn is a poetic marvel - all those beautiful colour changes, the weather morphing from summer to winter and a sense of an ending approaching. Join Claire Buss on this seasonal journey through pumpkin spice and crunchy leaves, hibernating hedgehogs and hot chocolate by the bonfire. Take a moment to appreciate the warmth of fall with this collection of twenty-five autumnal poems. Little Book of Autumn is the seventh poetry collection in the Little Book Series. New Release - Little Book of Autumn. Even though the sun isn't keen on relinquishing it's grip here in the UK, officially we are in our first autumnal month. I am delighted to release Little Book of Autumn , the seventh book in the Little Book poetry collection. The Blurb: Autumn is a poetic marvel - all those beautiful colour changes, the weather morphing from summer to winter and a sense of an ending approaching. Join Claire Buss on this seasonal journey through pumpkin spice and crunchy leaves, hibernating hedgehogs and hot chocolate by the bonfire. Take a moment to appreciate the warmth of fall with this collection of twenty-five autumnal poems. I will be sharing a couple of poems on my Little Book of Verse Facebook page so be sure to check them out and get a taste of these new poems. As always, if you read one of my books - please write a review on Amazon and Goodreads (if you have it). It means so much and it helps other readers find my books. But I Don't Like Salad. It may not quite be December yet but I know lots of us are already turning to the festive qualities of that month to brighten our days so with that in mind I am delighted to announce the release of Little Book of Christmas , the eighth and final book in the Little Book poetry collection. Deck the halls with poems about holly, fa la la la la la la la la! Tis the season to read things jolly, fa la la la la la la la la! At this time of celebration, curl up by the fire and your twinkly tree to enjoy a sprinkling of Christmas magic. From stockings on the mantle to kissing under mistletoe, unexpected presents and the joy of mince pies - Christmas truly is a special time of year. Have yourself a merry little book of festive poetry. Little Book of Christmas is the eighth poetry collection in the Little Book Series. The other books in the series are Little Book of Verse , Little Book of Spring , Little Book of Summer , Spooky Little Book , Little Book of Winter , Little Book of Love and Little Book of Autumn . All the Little Book poetry books are available in paperback and ebook on Amazon. . Guy de Maupassant was probably born at the Ch�teau de Miromesniel, Dieppe on August 5, 1850. In 1869 Maupassant started to study law in Paris, but soon, at the age of 20, he volunteered to serve in the army during the Franco-Prussian War. Between the years 1872 and 1880 Maupassant was a civil servant, first at the ministry of maritime affairs, then at the ministry of education. As a poet Maupassant made his debut with Des Vers (1880). In the same year he published in the anthology Soir�es de Medan (1880), edited by E. Zola, his masterpiece, "" ("Ball of Fat", 1880). During the 1880s Maupassant created some 300 short stories, six novels, three travel books, and one volume of verse. In tone, his tales were marked by objectivity, highly controlled style, and sometimes by sheer comedy. Usually they were built around simple episodes from everyday life, which revealed the hidden sides of people. Among Maupassant's best-known books are ( A Woman's Life , 1883), about the frustrating existence of a Norman wife and Bel-Ami (1885), which depicts an unscrupulous journalist. (1888) was a psychological study of two brothers. Maupassant's most upsetting horror story, Le Horla (1887), was about madness and suicide. Maupassant had suffered from his 20s from syphilis. The disease later caused increasing mental disorder - also seen in his nightmarish stories, which have much in common with Edgar Allan Poe's supernatural visions. Critics have charted Maupassant's developing illness through his semi- autobiographical stories of abnormal psychology, but the theme of mental disorder is present even in his first collection, La Maison Tellier (1881), published at the height of his health. On January 2, in 1892, Maupassant tried to commit suicide by cutting his throat and was committed to the celebrated private asylum of Dr. Esprit Blanche at Passy, in Paris, where he died on July 6, 1893. The above biography is copyrighted. Do not republish it without permission. Forum Discussions on Guy de Maupassant. Recent Forum Posts on Guy de Maupassant. Poem/Quote original text. Hi everyone, I am searching for the original text of a quote or poem (I don't know to categorize) he wrote. It's this one: To love very much is to love inadequately; we love-that is all. Love cannot be modified without being nullified. Love is a short word but it contains everything. Love means the body, the soul, the life, the entire being. We feel love as we feel the warmth of our blood, we breathe love as we breathe the air, we hold it in ourselves as we hold our thoughts. Nothing more exists for us. Love is not a word; it is a wordless state indicated by four letters. Can anyone provide me the original French text? Kind regards, Judith. Posted By Judith in Maupassant, Guy de || 0 Replies. Realism in "" With his writing, Guy de Maupassant�s goal is to duplicate reality by combining his observations and reflections; however, he duplicates with such subtlety that the outcome is a surprise to the reader. De Maupassant wants readers to understand how people change depending on circumstances, while helping us see his perspective of life. I believe de Maupassant faithfully duplicates reality, because Cinderella is a fairy tale, but �The Necklace� is the story of what happens to a beautiful woman in the real world. Fairy tales have happy endings, but life �is brutal, inconsequential, and disconnected, full of inexplicable, illogical catastrophes� (Charters 1472). There are many examples of how the. Posted By Flavory in Maupassant, Guy de || 10 Replies. First Read of Maupassant Short Stories - Unimpressed. Let me first just say that I'm quite passed the stage in my life where I in any way think my opinion is an accurate judgement of the actual worth of a piece of art. That being said, I can't change what I like and what I don't like, and after reading a collection of short stories by Guy de Maupassant, I have to say I didn't really like them. Here's the list of stories I read (from the Wordsworth Classics edition): Boule de Suif Two Friends Madame Tellier's Establishment Madamoiselle Fifi Claire de Lune Miss Harriet The Necklace Madammoiselle Pearl Madame Husson's 'Rosier' That Pig of a Morin The Other Orchard A Sale Love Two Litt. Posted By Mutatis-Mutandis in Maupassant, Guy de || 19 Replies. De Maupassant Collection Recommendation. Okay, so if I were to buy just one collection of De Mauppasant's short stories, what should it be? I can get them all free on my Kindle, but I really like getting actual book forms of classics (and I'm on a actual-book kick at the moment). The choice of what to get is kind of divisive going by Amazon reviews. Posted By Mutatis-Mutandis in Maupassant, Guy de || 7 Replies. Help with a De Maupassant story. I have been looking for this story, which unfortunately is out of print in the sole greek edition it appears to have been part of. Its title should be something like "Little Rok" which is the name of one of the characters. I tried searching for it, both in english and french, but didnt find anything. Perhaps someone knows of the story (is the title different in the original version?) and can direct me to an etext of it? Anyway thanks for the help :). Posted By Kyriakos in Maupassant, Guy de || 4 Replies. Little Rok. Does anyone know where i could find an etext in english of the story "Little Rok" by Guy De Maupassant? Unfortunately the only edition i know of in greek which had it has been out of print for years. But i would love to read the story :). Posted By Kyriakos in Maupassant, Guy de || 0 Replies. Short story about statues? I remember reading a story about a man who is going mad and believes statues are flying over his bed at night. I think it's Guy de Maupassant, but it could be somebody like Zola or even Kafka. Does this sound familiar. Posted By voraciouskate in Maupassant, Guy de || 4 Replies. at sea, help. i just read the short story "at sea" and im a little confused about it. im told that there is irony in the story but i dont seem to see it. what is the irony and what was guy trying to say when he wrote this? can anyone give me a short analysis of the story? so i have a total of three questions: 1) what is the irony 2)what was he trying to get accross when he wrote "at sea" 3)if anyone can write a short analysis of the story thank you. Posted By worksux in Maupassant, Guy de || 1 Reply. In The Wood. I just finished reading this story and I really enjoyed it. I rather like Maupassant's writing and it seems in many ways we are of a same mind in our views about human society and the human psychology. Out of what little I have read so far In The Wood was a bit more upbeat than his other works though it was still a touch bittersweet in nature. It was quite a charming little story while still touched in sadness. Like his other works (from what I have read) it seems to have an important message to impart to us. How indeed sometimes we get too caught up in the things that appear important, the materialism, that we neglect the things that are truly important until it passes us by before . Posted By Dark Muse in Maupassant, Guy de || 0 Replies. Short Story Recomendations. Someone recomended the works of Guy de Maupassant to me but I have no idea where I should begin. So I am open to suggestions and recomendations. Posted By Dark Muse in Maupassant, Guy de || 2 Replies. help finding story about man who pays wife for sex. I remember reading a story where the husband is kind of a prick and mistreats his wife by cheating on her. She eventually won't spend anytime unless he pays for it. Can someone please, if you know, tell me the story's name. I have been randomly guessing the title and opening various stories. With over 300, this hasn't worked. Thanks, mramon. Posted By mramon in Maupassant, Guy de || 4 Replies. Maupassant: Best Editions/Translations? I need suggestions from those of you who have read him more than I have. I had the older Selected Stories Penguin edition translated by Colet. The swooshy arrow logo bookseller lists various translations of selected works, but I am after Collected stories. It does not look like any larger contemporary literary publisher has tried to re-issue his collected works or his novels. I am after all his stories and his novel, Bel Ami I have a VERY old tattered 1905 ed NY books hardcover of what appears to be most of his stories. I am not sure of the quality of the english translation. I am picky about translation versions. To you experts out there, do older, eng.