BUQC DAU IXIGHIEI^J CIJU Biglvh MAIU THUY IVII TREIM CA LOC [Channa Striata] GIOIVG Ts Tilmh DOIMG THAP Ph?Im Minh Y)Uc\ Nguyin Thi Thiiy Hdng^

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BUQC DAU IXIGHIEI^J CIJU Biglvh MAIU THUY IVII TREIM CA LOC [Channa Striata] GIOIVG Ts Tilmh DOIMG THAP Ph?Im Minh Y)Uc\ Nguyin Thi Thiiy Hdng^ KHOA HOC CbNG NGHfi BUQC DAU IXIGHIEI^J CIJU BiglVH MAIU THUY IVII TREIM CA LOC [Channa striata] GIOIVG tS TilMH DOIMG THAP Ph?im Minh Y)uc\ Nguyin Thi Thiiy Hdng^ T6MTAT Tong sd mdu bfnh phdm thu dupe o 68 cd bfnh V(M ddu hifu nhu ck boi \b db trdn m^t nuoc, da xuat hifn vimg trdng \km voi nhfmg spi nam t^o thanh nhung bui trdng trong gidng nhu bong g6n trdn than ca. Thu mSu b ao uong nuoi t^i Tam Ndng tinh Ddng lliap tir thang 1-4 nAm 2011. Tdt ca cA bfnh diu dupe ldy mdu quan sdt mdu Udu ban tiroi va phdn ldp ndm tai Bf mon Sinh hpc va Bfnh Thuy san, Klioa Thuy san, Trudng Dai hoc Can tho. Ndm dupe nuoi tren mAi tnrong GYA ii b 28"C. CAc chiing ndm thuan dupe djnh danh dua trdn dAc diim hinh thai nhir d$c diim khudn I^c, spi ndm, tiii bao tir, hinh dang dfng bao tir, qua trinh hinh thanh va sinh san vo tinh vk cin cir theo khod phAn loai cua Coker (1923) vA Johnson (1956). Kit qua nghidn cim cho thdy 100% mdu cd 16c gidng bj bfnh khi quan sdt tidu ban tuoi diu c6 sp hifn difn cua nam thuy mi. Kit qua phdn ldp vd djnh danh xdc djnh ndm Achlya sp. nhiim trdn cd 16c bj bfnh. Tlii nghifm gdy cam nhifm cho thd'y cd 16c gidng co Udm dfng bdo tir c6 ddu hifu bfnh ly gidng nhu cd bj nhidm ndm ngodi ao uong. Tirkh6a: Achlya ^i;^., binh nim thiiy mi, c.ildc gidng. L DAT VAN D^ tiiuong phdm tAng (Lu Tri Tai, 2010). Nuoi thuong phdm ca ldc hifn nay d DBSCL dang phdt triin Ca ldc (Channa striata) la ddi tugng dupe nu6i manh, nhu cdu con gidng khde thd nuoi rat ldn do do phd biin va quan tipng dang phdt triin manh d ddng day manh khau san xudt gidng cd ldc de phue vu cho bAng s6ng Cim Long (DBSCL). Day la loai cd dl nghi nu6i Id can thiet. Chat lugng ca ldc gidng Id van nu6i, mau ldn, thit ngon va la ngudn dinh duong tdt dl cdn phai quan tam bdi con gidng khoe. sach bfnh cho con ngudi. Hinh thirc nu6i da dang vd phii hgp la mdt frong nhimg yiu td quan frpng gdp phdn sir cho quy m6 hp gia duih gdp phdn tAng thu nhap cho thanh c6ng ciia ngudi nu6i (Nguyin Thi Difp Thiiy, n6ng hp. Tuy nhien, hien nay tinh hinh bfnh xay ra 2010). Ngoai ra, mpt nghifn cim vl hifn frang va tiiudng xuyen lam anh hudng den hifu qua kinh tl thdeh thiie ciia nghi nu6i cd ldc or DBSCL cho tiiay ciia ngudi nudi. Bi cd dupe 1 kg cd Idc thuang pham khd khAn hifn nay cho nghi nu6i ca ldc la 6 nhiim can tieu tdn 4 - 4,5 kg cd tap, frong dd lupng cd t^p d khu vyc nu6i vd khd tii bfnh, d$c bift la vifc xac bien la chu yeu, chilm 56,7% vd cd tap d nude ngpt djnh mdm bfnh, frong dd cd mdm bfnh nam tiiiiy mi chiem 37,8% (Le Xudn Sinh vd Dd Minh Chung, OLe Xudn Sinh va Dd Minh Chung, 2010). DAy Id mft 2010). Thirc An tuoi sdng duge su dung nhilu lam frong nhimg van dl cdn duge quan tam nghien ciru m6i trudng nude ao nu6i dl bj 6 nhiim, dan din tinh nhdm phdt friln nghi nudi cd ldc or DBSCL hifu qua. frang siic khde cd nudi bi giam siit, kha nAng khdng bfnh kem. Do dd, mam bfnh tu ao nu6i dl dang xdm L VAT LfU VA PHUONG PHAP NGWBV CUU nhap vdo ca thi cd. Mft sd man bfnh chu yiu xudt 1. Mdu cd hifn fren cd ldc nudi nhu mdm bfnh vi khudn, ky Mdu cd ldc giai do^ gidng (10 -15 g) dupe thu sinh triing vd nam (Lu Tri Tai, 2010). Bfnh do vi true tilp tir 4 ao uong va 2 veo uong or huyfn Tam khuan va ky sinh triing dA nghifn cuu nhilu, nhung Ndng, tinh Ddng Thap tii tiiang 1 din tiiang 4 nAm bfnh do nam van chua duge quan tam. Miic dp 2011 vdi 2 dgt thu mau (giai do?m uang gidng). Ca c6 nhiim nam lay lan nhanh va ti If chit cua cd ldc giai ddu hifu bfnh ly lor loet phdn dudi ho$c cd nhirng biii doan gidng vd thdng ddu tiln cua giai doan nudi mdu frdng frdng gidng nhu bdng gdn frln tiidn ca. Tdng sd mdu cd bfnh thu la 68 va ca khde la 10 ' Bp mon Sinh hpc va Bfnh Thuy san, Khoa Thuy san, (khdng cd dau hifu bfnh). DHCT. ^ Bp mon Thuy san, Khoa NN va Tai nguyen Thien nhien, Truong Dai hpc An Giang 72 NONG NGHlfP VA PHAT TRIEN NONG THON - KY 1 - THANG 11/2011 KHOA HOC CbNG NGHfi 2. Phtrong phdp nghien cuu curu nay vifc dinh danh nam chi du ca sd dl xac dinh a. Phin lip nam din gidng. Mau cd dugc phan lap tai hifn trudng vd phdng c. Phuong phip giy cam nhiim tiii nghifm Bp m6n Sinh hpc va Bfnh Thuy san, CAn cir theo phuang phdp thuc hifn trong Khoa Thuy san, Trudng Dai hpc Cdn Tha. Quan sdt nghien cim cua Due and Hatai (2009) va Hussein and mau tieu ban tuoi cho thay cd nhilu sgi nam hifn Hatiii (2002), chung nam Achlya sp. VNllOl thuan difn, sau dd tien hanh phan lap, rira mau 2 lan bdng dupe nu6i cay fren m6i trudng thach GY, ii 28"C, sau nudc mudi sinh ly v6 triing, lay mpt phan mau bfnh dd cAt mep ngoai khuan lac (5 mm^ chuyen sang pham cay vao dia m6i trudng thach GYA (Glucoza m6i frudng nuoc vdi vo triing, ii 28"C. Sau 24 gio, 1%, cao men bia 0,25%, aga (tiiach) 1,5%) (Hatai and dpng bao tir dupe phong thich ra nhilu, tien hanh loc Egusa, 1979). Tiep tuc rdc mdt it moi loai khang sinh dung dich nay qua giay loc va xdc dinh mat sd dpng ampicilin va sfreptomicin xung quanh mau cay dl bdo tir bdng budng dim hdng cdu. Thi nghifm gay ban chl nhiim khuan, u cho nam phdt friln 4 ngay d cam nhiim nhdm xac djnh mire dp gay nhiim cua 28"C, cay truyin 3 ldn dl cd dugc nam thudn. Quan chiing nam Achlya sp. VNllOl dupe thuc hifn nhu sat qud trinh hmh thdnh tui bdo tir vd phdng thich sau: Nghifm tiiirc 1 cd mat sd dpng bdo tu Id 5x10^ ddng bdo tir dl dinh danh nam. Phuang phdp nay CFU, nghifm tiiirc 2 cd mat sd dpng bdo tir la 2,5x10^ dupe thue hien nhu sau: (0 chuan bi dung cu v6 CPU vd nghifm tiiuc ddi trimg tiem nudc mudi sinh triing gdm dia pefri, m6i trudng ldng GY (1% glucoza ly. Mdi nghifm thirc dupe lAp lai 2 lan. Cd ldc gidng va 0,25% cao men bia); (iO tao sinh khdi nam bdng tiii nghifm la cd khde, cd khdi lugng 7-10 g. Ca dugc each cdt 2-3 khdi aga nam (5 mm^ frong m6i trudng bd fri vao xo (50 lit), moi xo 10 cd ldc gidng. Ca dupe thach GYA cay vdo m6i frudng ldng GY, u 28"C, 2 tiem vao phan co duoi (Hinh 3B) vdi dung dich dpng ngdy; (iiO cAt 2-3 khdi sgi nam frong m6i trudng ldng bao tir la 0,1 ml vd 0,1 ml nude mudi sinh ly d nghifm GY, rua 3 ldn qua nude vdi v6 trimg, sau dd chuyen thuc ddi chimg. Cd dupe quan sat hang ngay, tiieo vdo dia petri cd nudc vdi v6 triing (25 ml/dia), u d doi ti If sdng, ghi nhan dau hifu bfnh ly vd tai phan 28°C, frong 18 gidr, (iv) sau dd quan sat hinh thai sinh lap, dinh danh nam. Thi nghifm dupe tiiuc hien san v6 tinh sau thdri gian u 18 gidr vd theo doi lien tuc frong 7 ngdy. qua trinh sinh san bAng kinh hien vi ddo chilu; ghi B. KET QUA VATHAO LUAN nhan kit qua vd chup hinh (Gam etal., 1980; Hatai et 1. Ddu hifu bfnh Iy a/, 2000). Cd ldc giai doan gidng nhiim nam cd dau hifu b. Dinh danh nam bfnh ly Id lolt phdn du6i vd cd nhirng biii mau frdng Phuong phdp dinh danh nam cAn cir vdo dAc fr6ng gidng nhu b6ng gdn tua tiia fren than cd, phdn diem hinh dang vd qud trinh sinh sdn v6 tinh cu thi gdc ciia sgi nam bdm vdo ca cd, phdn cdn lai la lihig dira vdo dAc diem mdu sdc khuan lac fren m6i trudng frong nude O^inh IB). Quan sdt mau tieu ban tuoi tiiach GY, dAc diim hinh dang sgi nam vd hii bdo tir, (mau bfnh pham) cho thay nhilu spi nam bae tiiap qud trinh phdng tiiich ddng bao tit. Djnh danh nam nghia Id spi nam kh6ng cd vdch ngAn ngang (Hinh dupe tiiue hifn tiieo hf tiidng phan loai ciia Coker IC vd D). DAc bift su nhiim nam thuy mi tiiudng xay (1923) va Johnson (1956).
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