the Mountaineer 1958 COPYRIGHT 1958 BY THE MOUNTAINEERS Entered as second,class matter, April 18, 1922, at Post Office in Seattle, Wash., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly and semi-monthly during March and December by THE MOUNTAINEERS, P. 0. Box 122, Seattle 11, Wash. Clubroom is at 523 Pike Street in Seattle. Subscription price of the current Annual is $2.00 per copy. To be considered for publication in the 1959 Annual articles must be sub, mitted to the Annual Committee before Oct. 1, 1958. Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. For further information address The MOUNTAINEERS, P. 0. Box 122, Seattle, Washington. The Mountaineers THE PURPOSE: to explore and study the mountains, forest and water courses of the Northwest; to gather into permanent form the history and traditions of this region; to preserve by the encouragement of protective legislation or otherwise, the natural beauty of Northwest America; to make expeditions into these regions in fulfillment of the above purposes; to encourage a spirit of good fellowship among all lovers of outdoor life. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES Paul W. Wiseman, President Don Page, Secretary Roy A. Snider, Vice-president Richard G. Merritt, Treasurer Dean Parkins Herbert H. Denny William Brockman Peggy Stark (Junior Observer) Stella Degenhardt Janet Caldwell Arthur Winder John M. Hansen Leo Gallagher Virginia Bratsberg Clarence A. Garner Harriet Walker OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES: TACOMA BRANCH Keith Goodman, Chairman Val Renando, Secretary Bob Rice, Joe Pullen, LeRoy Ritchie, Winifred Smith OFFICERS: EVERETT BRANCH Frederick L. Spencer, Chairman Mrs. Florence Rogers, Secretary EDITORIAL STAFF Nancy Bickford, Editor, Marjorie Wilson, Betty Manning, Joy Spurr, Mary Kay Tarver, Polly Dyer, Peter Mclellan.
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