Wisconsin LaborerFall 2019 District Council Business Manager’s Report: John Schmitt

Brothers & Sisters,

As I write this, construction season continues to go strong, and I am hopeful that we have a mild fall to continue work on projects before winter arrives.

We are gearing up for another busy training season this upcoming winter. You recently should have received the 2019-2020 Training Schedule. Please do not hesitate to register for classes! You have the ability to use this resource to further your career and employment opportunities by expanding your skills and certifications, making you much more marketable to contractors. And remember, if you are laid off this winter, please make sure to contact your local union to be placed on your local’s out-of-work list.

On July 22, 2019, we formally opened our expanded Training Center by holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Thank you to Governor , Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, U.S. Representative , and State Treasurer for speaking at our dedication ceremony, and where we honored former Laborers’ District Council President/Business Manager Mike Ryan. Mike’s wife Julie, his sons, and many members of the Ryan family were also in attendance to help open our expanded Training Center.

Thank you to all members who took the time to send in comments to the Department of Labor on the proposed rule related to Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs). If these IRAPs are allowed in the construction industry, it would undermine our already existing and successful registered apprenticeship programs, and result in lower wages and benefits. We are still waiting to hear on the final DOL rule, but thanks to you and your fellow LiUNA brothers and sisters, over 88,000 comments were sent to the Department of Labor from LiUNA members saying “no” to IRAPs in the construction industry.

Finally, the recently enacted 2019-21 Wisconsin State Budget had some good news for Wisconsin Laborers, in particular by seeing significant increases in funding the state’s transportation projects as well as building and construction projects through the state’s capital budget. While we did not see every proposal that we supported in the budget get signed into law, this budget was a good down payment which will result in improvements to our state’s infrastructure while providing a significant amount of work hours for members.

I’m a proud LiUNA member, and I look forward to waking up every day to work with members to improve our wages, benefits and working conditions. Our union is strong because of the strength and pride that we have combined as members of this great union.

Stay safe on the job, and I look forward to seeing you at the Training Center this winter. Training Center Report Craig Ziegler - Training Director Thanksandbesafe. We arealllookingforwardtoseeingyou fortraining thisyear. instructingScaffoldandMasonTending. Reading.BobNeisisournewWelding Instructor, andGerald Heimwillbe instructorsthisyear. Barry DownswillbeinstructingBasicTransit andBlueprint ThestaffattheWisconsinLaborers’Training Centerhas addedafewnew hands-onexperience inthegaspipeindustry. offeracertificationthroughthe Training Center, butthisisagreatway toget fusion.Thisclassisforpreparation intothefieldofgaspipefusion. We cannot PipeFusion Prep,andisatwo-day coursecovering 2-inchupto6-inchofpipe willbedoingspotchecksofflaggersmakingsurethat you arecertified. Certificationcardon you atalltimes,becausetheDepartmentof Transportation you areincomplianceAlso,you willberequiredtohave your Flagging Pleasecontactusifyou areneartheendoftwo-year period,orover it,sothat wewerepreviously goingwithafive-year cycle. aFlaggingCertificationthroughus, you willdisregardtherefresherdateonitas your refresherdate ofrenewal.TheWisconsinDepartmentTransportation is Ifyou areacurrent FlaggingCertificationholder, therearegoingtobechanges goingonlinetoournewwebsiteathttps://training.wislaborers.org. You canregisterby fillingouttheformintrainer thatwassentto you, or by thinkingoftakingclasses,pleasesignupearlyasthey fillupfast. upforthenext training season,andIwouldlike toremindyou thatifyou are Ihopeeveryone hasenjoyed abusyandproductive workseason.We areramping HelloBrothersandSisters! We have alsoaddedanewclassforgasfusionweldingthisyear. Theclassiscalled now changingthelengthdowntoatwo-year timeframe asof2020.Soifyou have Local 113 Business Manager: Tony Neira Highway Utility Traffic &Restoration-Statewide Heavy awarded workinoursix-countyarea. we continuetosignnewcontractors thatare With thehelpofOrganizingDepartment and SistersofLocal 113. and greattomeetthefamiliesofourBrothers our LaborDay parade. Itwasagoodturnout I wouldlike tothankeveryone whoattended similar. It hasbeenagoodoneand2020shouldbe be nearingtheendofconstructionseason. By thetimeyou receive thisnewsletterwewill Brothers andSisters, 18th attheAmerican SerbHall. and ourDecembermeeting willbeonDecember meeting willbeonWednesday, November 20, Finally, justareminder thatourNovember the Local 113. to ourcontractors andimprove your careerwith enroll inclasses.You willbecomemorevaluable Fall/Winter, utilizetheTraining Centerand Brothers andSistersifyou areoffofworkthis make surethatyou areif you arelaidoff. claimants areontheout-of-worklist,soplease with thelocaluniontoseeifunemployment The unemployment officeregularlychecksin good standingcurrentwithyour monthlydues. the out-of-worklistyou mustbeamemberin remain ontheout-of-worklist.Inordertobe collecting Unemployment Benefits you must If you anticipatealayoff andyou planon SWS Services,LLC-WUCA (Sewer& Water) Building Premier Environmental Services-113 A-1 Excavating Inc.-WUCA (Sewer&Water) Kenosha BLDG) Capelle Brothers&DiedrichInc.-TCCA (Racine/ Building Taylor Bros.Construction-113Milwaukee (Sewer &Water) Soper Sewer&Water-Highway andWUCA Building) Superior Paving-TCCA (Racine/Kenosha Pipe ViewAmerica-WUCA(Sewer&Water) Wilson Excavating, Inc.-WUCA (Sewer&Water) Kantex Subsurface,Inc.-WUCA (Sewer&Water) (Racine/Kenosha Building) H&S ConcreteConstructionInc.-TCCA

Milwaukee, WI53219 5101W. Oklahoma Avenue AmericanSerbHall DecemberMeetingLocation Milwaukee, WI53210 6310W. AppletonAvenue Local 113UnionHall February 26,2020 January22,2020 December18,2019 November 20,2019 UpcomingMeetings/Events Meeting Location: John Hawley- RecordingSecretary Richard Pusa-Secretary/Treasurer Olig, Dave Goodwin,JohnHawley, Anthony Neira-Business Manager Richard Pusa,JohnSwanIII,Chris Executive Board:Anthony Neira, Dave Goodwin-Vice President Daniel Guetzow-Sgt-at-Arms 6130 W. AppletonAve. Milwaukee, WI53210 Dispatcher: LuisGuevera Joseph Vincent-Auditor John SwanIII-President Laborers’ Local 113 and EduardoMarquez Local 113Officers www.liuna113.org Administrative Staff: Sean Maher-Auditor (414) 873-4520 Eric Iseli-Auditor Mabel Planter Denise Meyer

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Local 140 Business Manager: Clark Jensen Local 140 apparel. and your e-mailformoreinformation tocomeonour purchase inthemiddleofOctober. Watch Facebook have sweatshirtsandlong sleeved shirtsavailable for welcome tostopintheoffice andgrab one. We will We recently gotnewbaseballcapsandmembersare numbers, wagerates, andimportantdocumentsonhere. www.liunalocal140.org. You canfindmany phone and achancetowinuniongearaccessories. Like usonFacebooktoreceive importantreminders would love toseeyou attend! beverages, andgive away $500worthofgifts.We December meeting(12/3/19)wewillhave anicemeal, fifty $20.00giftcardsto Festival Foods and atour November meeting(11/5/19)wewillbegivingaway 7:30pm fortheregularmembermeeting.Atour La Crosse.7:00pmfortheE-Boardonlymeeting,and first Tuesday ofeachmonthattheBootHillPubin monthly unionmeetings.They aretypicallyonthe All membersareencouraged toattendoneofour the job. meet membersandhave themsignwhilethey areon stop intheofficeandfilloneout. Wearealsotryingto yellow authorizationcard.Ifyou areintheareaplease All Laborersstatewidearegoingtohave tosign a new YOU gainatnocosttoyou. especially ifyou knowthatyou willbelaidoff. WEtrain, Laborers Training CenterandregisterforclassesASAP, Remember totake advantageofourWisconsin opportunities andunemployment reasons. in andregisterontheout-of-worklistforotherjob Remember thatwhenyou getlaidoffyou NEEDtocall the upcomingwinterseason. and thatwillkeep many Laborersemployed throughout very largeschoolprojectsthatarejustbreakingground that you have recentlybeenawarded. Therearesome congratulate ourbuildingcontractors onthegreatjobs know thatworkhasbeenvery steady. Iwouldlike to Those ofyou thatworkundertheBuildingAgreement, size jobscomingoutforbidnext year’s work. continue untilfreeze-up.Therearealsoplentyofnice very busyyear withplentyofroadworkthatwill different typesofconditions.Onceagain,ithasbeena you forallofthehardworkyou doday afterday inall I, alongwiththeLocal 140staff, wouldlike tothank Dear BrothersandSisters, Check out our recently updated website: Check outourrecentlyupdatedwebsite: office andgrab themfor your doctortofillout. waived. Findtheformsonourwebsiteorstopin have halfor100%ofyour healthinsurance deductible Take advantageofthe“Get Healthy Screening,” and www.facebook.com/laborers140

LaCrosse,WI54603 1501St.AndrewStreet BootHillPub MeetingLocation: February 4,2019 January7,2019 December3,2019 November 5,2019 UpcomingMeetings/Events Administrative Staff:SamanthaJensen Clark Jensen-Secretary/Treasurer Mark Clements-RecordingSecretary Justin Woodward-Vice President Clark Jensen-BusinessManager Executive Board: Corey Starr,Corey Board: Executive www.liunalocal140.org Kai Rodgers,RandyLarson Don Hansen-Sgt-at-Arms Katie Baumbach-Auditor LaCrosse, WI54603 Laborers’ Local 140 Local 140Officers Michael Steele-Auditor Pete Arentz-President Matt Johnson-Auditor (608) 788-1095 2771 GeorgeSt

7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Local 268 Business Manager: Brian Dehnhoff Labor Hall/Wausau LaborTemple. – 11:00amEauClaireLabor Temple/WI Rapids Retiree CouncilMeetings –November 20,2019 November: Finally, wewillhave retireecouncilmeetingsin regular meetingdate. changed duetoNewYear’s Day fallingonour be takingplaceonJanuary2,2020,whichwas Also, pleasenotethatourJanuarymeetingwill assist uswithorderingfood. Please plantoattendandRSVPby November 22to December 4,2019general membershipmeeting. Local 268willbehaving adinnerandprizesforthe skills form. taking classes,pleasemake sureyou updateyour the Training Centerthiswinter, andagain,after Please make sureyou aresigningupforclassesat for your unemployment benefits. the listsoyou canavoid having todoaworksearch please make sureyou calltheofficetobeplacedon Speaking oftheout-of-worklist,ifyou arelaid-off, make sureyou have anup-to-dateformonfile. base whowecalloffofthatinformation,soplease contact the office tohave that formsentto you. We when you areontheout-of-worklist,please If you have notcompletedaskillsformforreferrals Herbert Schneider. Ronald Dickman,JohnHelgeson,DarwinRice,and James Baumgart,MichaelBautch,Cooley, receiving their50Years ofServiceGoldCard: Congratulations tothefollowingmembersfor every 5years ofcontinuedserviceafterthat. for years ofservicestartingat10years, andfor office tohave apinmailedto you. Pinsaregiven they canbemailedtoyou. You mustcontact the received atalocalunionmeeting,theoffice,or have apincomingattheendof2019.Pinscanbe Years ofservicepinletterswillbemailedtoallwho please contactouroffice. the endofSeptember. Ifyou have any questions, with instructionswasmailedouttoallmembersat on ourwebsite–www.liunalocal268.org. Aletter at www.268members.org oryou canfindthelink You willnowneedtousetheonlinepayment link the phone,in-personorwithrecurringpayments. accepting creditcardordebitpayments over As ofOctober15,2019,Local 268willnolongerbe $8/month forretiredmembers. same at$38/month foractive membersand Looking aheadto2020,uniondueswillremainthe construction season. I hopeyou have hadasafeandproductive Brothers &Sisters, Avenue, Wausau, WI54401 November 12,2019-6pm318 S. 3rd Wausau Informational Meeting Street,WIRapids,54495 November 11,2019-6pm220Johnson WIRapidsInformationalMeeting EauClaire,WI54703 2233BirchStreet EauClaireLaborTemple February 5,2019 January2,2019 December4,2019 November 6,2019 UpcomingMeetings/Events Meeting Location: Brian Dehnhoff-Secretary/Treasurer Brian Dehnhoff-BusinessManager Allen Bradford, andDave Prueher Mike Shafer-RecordingSecretary Administrative Staff:DebHeath Executive Board:ScottGeissler, www.liunalocal268.org Eau Claire,WI54703 Josh Garr-Vice President Scott Johnson-President Eric Deprey-Sgt-at-Arms Roger Lewallen-Auditor Laborers’ Local 268 Local 268Officers 2233 BirchStreet Trina Pierce-Auditor Daniel Patz-Auditor (715) 835-5001

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Local 330 Business Manager Tony Marcelle conference willbeopentoallactive members active members (sorryretirees),andthis conference inMarch2020Kimberly, WIforall Finally, LaborersLocal 330willbehaving a 2020. will startinJanuary2020andgothroughMarch starting inthespringof2020.Rampupforthat Nuclear Power Plantthatwillbehaving anoutage this year thatwillhelp,includingthePoint Beach Wisconsin, andthereareafewwinterprojects Work continuestobevery stronginNortheast necessary training andcertifications. example ofhowimportantitistohave the this training andisnowworking.Thisjustone This individualtookthetimetogothroughallof Certification, aswelltheircompany training. to receive OSHA30,FirstAid/CPR, Forklift and beforethey couldgotowork,they needed Recently weplacedaLaborerwithcontractor, employers. skills neededtoperformtheworkforour as membersandauniontoprovide therequired important tomake surethatwecontinuetogrow are themostdiverse trade handsdown,anditis that requireamultitudeofskillsets.TheLaborers This hasbeenachallengingyear forustofilljobs your employer. Trainer andsignupforclassestohelpyourself and haven’t donesoalready, pleaselookthroughthe improve your skillsthroughtraining. Ifyou As you readthis,nowisthetimetoactand all ofus. profitable. Itisapartnershipthatbeneficialfor training andskillsnecessary tobesuccessfuland in findingconstructioncraft laborerswiththe contractors willneed helpnowmorethanever economy continuestocreatejobs.Oursignatory Talent isthelifebloodofourindustryas To my fellowLaborers: Laborers to attend! attending, it willbebeneficialforall Wisconsin same healthplanandmany ofourvendors willbe this conferenceon,and since weallhave the local unions.Alotofwork willbeputintoputting again itwillbeopentoall active members ofour details onhowtosignup forthisconference,and In theJanuary2020newsletter, wewillhave and covering topicsaroundourpension. prescription drugbenefits,EyeMed, AnthemPPO, use themforyou andyour family, aswell We willcover issueslike healthbenefits,howto members. of ourlocalunions,andnotjustforLocal 330

November 6,2019 Fond duLac-50E.BankStreet February 19,2019 December18,2019 GreenBay -1570ElizabethStreet February 11,2019 January14,2019 December10,2019 November 12,2019 Appleton-2828NorthBallardRoad UpcomingMeetings/Events Lenz, RyanYoung, andMarkLinsmeier Daugherty, Gerald Schomaker, James Gerald Schomaker-Recording Secretary Tony Marcelle-BusinessManager www.laborerslocal330.org Kelly Buss-Secretary/Treasurer Tony Marcelle,Kelly Buss,Paul James Lenz-Vice President Paul Daugherty-President 886 W. AirportRoad Milana Robinson-Auditor Menasha, WI54952 Laborers’ Local 330 Local 330Officers Tim Miller-Sgt-at-Arms Brian Hubers-Auditor Adminitrative Staff: (866) 340-0330 Brian Lee-Auditor Executive Board: Lisa Peterson Kerri Guseck

6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Local 464 Business Manager: Jim Foye Finally, weareexcited thatafewofourmembers important milestones. Congratulations toeveryone forreachingthese we alsohad8newGoldCardmembersthisyear. Our localhad22apprenticesgraduate in2019,and diagnose andtreatcancerotherdiseases. house theproductionofmedicalisotopesusedto Medical Technologies projectinJanesville. Thiswill Local 464membersstartto workonistheSHINE One projectthatweareexcited aboutseeing and ourfellowbrotherssisters. collective powerasauniontosupportourselves engage inthefuture,andwewillneedour political campaignsthatwewillbeneedingto We willcontinuetohave legislative and 325,000 fromthedifferentbuildingtrades unions. LiUNA memberssubmittedcommentsoutofthe industry. Throughoutthecountryover 88,000 commitment tofightingIRAPsintheconstruction Thank you toeveryone inthelocalunionforyour get recertifiedon your skillsif needed. sign upforclassestoeitherlearnnewskillsor coming up,pleasemake sureyou take thetimeto skills sheet,andwiththewintertraining season Please make sureyou areregularlyupdatingyour sure wearefillingjobsforourcontractors. the out-of-worklist,andwestrive dailytomake currently have approximately 50-60 memberson on thejobsiteifyou have acceptedthejob.We phone whenwecall,andmake sureyou showup and buildingconstruction.Pleaseansweryour experienced withflagging,bridgebuilding,pipeline, contractor partners askingforlaborerswhoare We areregularlyreceivingphonecallsfromour local union. continue tobuildourstrengthandpowerof membership meetings.Thisisvery exciting aswe seeing morenewmembersattendingourmonthly As membershipcontinuestogrow, weare 250 newmemberstoourlocalunion. membership, andin2019wehave alreadysigned Our localunioniscontinuingtogrowits Greetings tomy Brothers&SistersofLocal 464. local unionmeetings andevents. change. Ilookforwardto seeingyou atupcoming Please stay safeasweatherconditionsareaboutto careers andintheirinvolvement withtheirunion. opportunities forourmembers togrowintheir join ourunion,thisconference provided learning the differentbuildingtrades, andasmorewomen conference hadover 3,000womenmembersfrom the firsttimethat Local 464participated. This Tradeswomen BuildNationsconference,itwas Minneapolis. Althoughthiswastheninth Nations Conferencethattookplacein attended theNABTU2019Tradeswomen Build

Madison,WI53714 1438StoughtonRoad Local 464UnionHall February 5,2019 January8,2019 December4,2019 November 6,2019 UpcomingMeetings/Events Jim Foye, DeanHackl,Kevin Roth, Meeting Location: Charlie Schuett,BenMau,Robert Dean Hackl-Secretary/Treasurer Johnny Rupprecht-Sgt-at-Arms Office Staff:DianaKirkpatrick, Ben Mau-RecordingSecretary Jim Foye-Business Manager Kevin Roth-Vice President Charlie Schuett-President 1438 N.StoughtonRoad Kati Koss &JanaHerron Jeff Semmens-Auditor Ron Niebuhr-Auditor www.union464.com Madison, WI53714 Laborers’ Local 464 Local 464Officers Jim Staskal-Auditor Dixon, NeilGrman Executive Board (608) 244-6400

6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Local 1091 Business Manager: Dan Olson started late.TheHuskyRefineryjustreceived their very active winterwithsomelargeprojectsgetting After anormalbusysummer, wearelookingfora and stillamillionthingstodo. Another springandsummerhave comeandgone Laborers’ Local 1091. use thepower, andfeelthepowerofLiUNA and season toeveryone, andasalways, bethepower, I wouldlike toextend asafeandhappy holiday Party atourDecembermeeting. Party atourNovember meeting, andourChristmas meetings, wherewewill be having our Thanksgiving Here areafewremindersforupcomingunion activist. your privilegeofbeingagoodunionmemberand union member, your rightsasaunionmember, and get alloftheupdatesthataffectyour choicetobea and your family, attendyour localunionmeetingsto ahead inbadweather, besafe,getflushotsfor you Just afewremindersmoving intothewinter. Plan shelves inSuperiorandDuluth. food donationswillbedistributedtothelocal November 21throughDecember20.Allcashand Local 1091willhostourannual fooddrive from programs asweknowthem. action togutandcutourregisteredapprenticeship construction industryinoppositiontothisproposed Program rule.Ourunion,LIUNA,leadthe proposed IndustryRecognizedApprenticeship comment totheDepartmentofLaboron Thank you toallthattookthetimesenda elections matter! you getouttovote. Your vote isyour voice, and once thatissetIencourage you topleasemake sure air whenthespecialelectionwillbein2020,but resigned hisseatinSeptember. Itisstillupinthe As everyone knows,U.S. Representative SeanDuffy Wisconsin. several otherprojectsthroughoutNorthwest Memorial MedicalCenterinAshlandCountyand addition, wehave goodworkattheAshland with theNorthernWisconsinBuildingTrades. In and hascommittedtoaProjectLaborAgreement gas powerplantisintheinitialpermittingprocess The NemadjiTrail EnergyCenter(NTEC)natural million. mixed-use housingandretailindowntownfor$23 Superior willalsobeaddinganother136-unitsof 3-year projectwitha$1billionpricetag. The EssentiaNorthlandVisionfacilitywillbea of itsSuperiorRefinery. immediately witha20to24monthcompleterebuild last regulatorypermit,andplantostartwork

Duluth,MN55812 2002London Road Local 1091 MeetingLocation: February 20,2019 January16,2019 December19,2019 November 21,2019 UpcomingMeetings/Events Wendi Mattinen-OfficeManager Derek Pederson-Recording Secretary Dan Olson-BusinessManager& John Schneider, Jeremy Wehr, www.liunalocal1091.org Curt Davey-Vice President Tony Moselle-Sgt-at-Arms Chris Thacker-President Laborers’ Local 1091 Local 1091Officers 2002 London Road Duluth, MN55812 Herb Meyer-Auditor Secretary Treasurer Patrick Hill-Auditor Eric Miller-Auditor (218) 728-5151 Executive Board and ZacHanson

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Apprenticeship Ray Wiatt - Apprenticeship Coordinator Location: Milwaukee -Local113 Location: Eau Claire -Local268 Department ofLabortosay “no” tohaving IRAPsbeapartoftheconstructionindustry. benefits asthey starttheircareer. Iappreciate everyone whotookthetimetocontact apprenticeship program hastohelpourapprenticeslearncraft andearngoodwages Finally, astheStatewideApprenticeshipCoordinator, Iseedailythevaluethatourstateregistered our apprenticeshipprogram. site, talktothemandmake surethatwearehelpingeachotherouttofulfillourrequirementsfor Regardless ifyou areacurrentapprenticeorjourneyman, ifthereisanotherapprenticeonyour job Trainer course,alsoprovided atthe training center. per season.Neartheendofyour apprenticeshipyou arerequiredtoattendan8hourTransition to First aid/CPR, Flagging&anenvironmental course.Aminimumof144hourstraining isrequired text your selections.For first year apprentices’focuson your requiredtraining: OSHA30, training) cardsevery 2weeks.To schedule your training gotohttp://training.wislaborers.org ,callor scheduled foryou aswellmakingsurethatyou arefillingoutandremitting your OJT (on-the-job For ourcurrentapprentices,you areresponsibleforattendingyour training classesthatIhave work, lackofcommunication,etc. remit OJT(on-the-job training) cards,attendtraining, poorattendanceorperformanceat to becomeapprentices.Unfortunately, wehave canceled122apprenticesthisseasonforfailureto We currentlyhave 410totalapprentices,andhave 540candidatesthathave tested&areeligible graduated sofar. Over thecourseof2019,wetested850candidates,started250newapprentices,and63have date apprenticeshipdata. As wewrap upasuccessful2019constructionseason,Iwantedtoprovide you withsomeup-to- Brothers &Sisters,

Location: Dates: Menasha -Local330 Dates: Dates:

ebruary 11,2020;Marchebruary 10,2020; February 12,2020;March 11, 2020; 17,2020;February 7,2020 January

April14,2020;Ma Milwauk April 15,2020; Ma Menasha,WI54952 Ma Mar F 2233Birch Street 886W. Road Airport 6310W. Appleton Avenue Eau Claire, WI54703 y 8,2020 ch 6,2020;April3,

ee, WI53210

y 13,2020 y 12,2020

2020 Accuplacer Testing Dates

4633LIUN April2,2020;Ma Dates: Location: Madison -Local464 Dates: Location: Wausau -Local268 Dates: La Crosse -Local140

April16, 2020;Ma Location:

February 13,2020;March 12,2020 February 6, 2020; March 5, 2020 13, 2020; February 3, 2020; January 125Buo

De Forest, WI 53532 Mar W Wausau, WI 54401 WILaborers Training Center 318S.3 AmericInn Hotel&Suites ch 2,2020;April6,May 4,2020 est Salem,WI54669

rd l RoadRm.#100 Avenue A Way, Suite100 y 7,2020 y 14,2020

Hello Everyone – I hope you are enjoying the last of the warm weather. The Health Plan had a few changes this year along with updating our website to make it easier for you to access. Please visit the new website at: www.wilbenefits.com. Once you access the website, you will see the most popular forms available under the PDF File to download. You can find instructions on how to access your hours and benefit information through the MemberXG portal (Link also provided on the right side), submit an updated Enrollment form with beneficiary information, or access the Pension application. You also have access to upload completed forms to us with the Upload Button. There is also access to all Health, Pension, HRA documents and a FAQ section with contact information for Service Providers that provide services for the Laborers Fund.

Vision - The Fund now offers a benefit for Safety Glasses. Please watch your mailbox for more information. For benefits at an EyeMed provider, please be sure to present your EyeMed ID card to your vision provider. If you do not have an EyeMed ID card, simply tell the provider you have the benefit and they will use your name to access the benefits. Your bill should then come to us for reimbursement up to the annual maximum of $250. If you go to a vision provider that is not a member of EyeMed, please file your claim first for limited EyeMed discounts, using the form available on the BPA website (login information above). Then send the bill and the EyeMed EOB to the health fund for reimbursement up to the annual maximum of $250. As a reminder, do not use your HRA card for vision benefits until after the claim has been paid by the health fund benefit of $250.

Self-Payment Options – There is now an option to pay your Self-Payment online with a credit card. Once you log into the website, www.wilbenefits.com, you put in the member’s name and then click Pay Now. You have the option to use any card or login with PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account to pay your self-payment.

LiveHealthOnline – Remember you have access to an online physician 24 hours a day, seven days a week! There is NO cost to you if you utilize this service. The physicians can treat and prescribe medications for common illnesses as well as some behavioral health issues. Log onto livehealthonline.com and have your Anthem ID card available to complete the form. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Biometric Screening Events (Wellness) - Active Participants and their Spouses may participate in a Biometric Screening in Wellness Year 1 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020). Arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled screening to complete the health forms. You will be handed a gift card of $150 or you may choose to have your deductible waived under the Health Plan. Please note that if married, both the member and spouse must

Tracy Suber - Administrative Manager Suber - Administrative Tracy agree and sign to have their deductible waived rather than accept the gift card. Non-Medicare Early Retirees are not eligible for deductible waiver but are eligible for the $150 gift card.

Holiday Inn Hotel, 4601 Calumet Ave, Manitowoc - Monday, October 21, 2019, Ballroom East, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Health and Pension Health and Wisconsin Laborers Training Center, 4633 Liuna Way, Classroom 5, DeForest

Tuesday, November 19, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Wednesday, November 20, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Tuesday, December 10, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.; and Wednesday, December 11, 2019, from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Laborers Local 330, 886 W Airport Rd, Menasha - Tuesday, December 17, 2019, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Labor Temple, 50 E Bank St, Fond du Lac - Thursday, December 19, 2019, from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. LECET Keith Saeger - Wisconsin LECET Director [email protected]. andifyou have any ideas,pleasecontact meat(608)846-8242or Ilookforwardtoworkingwithourlocalunions andwithourcontractor partners, branded. several morethroughout thestatetoensurethatLiUNAisfullyrepresentedand Ihave joinedonelargeNetworkinggroupinMadison(DMI,Inc.)andlooktojoin contractors aswellcontinuebranding ofLiUNA. Ihave alsobeentasked tomeetwithdevelopers tointroduceLiUNAandour outinfrontofany potentialissuesthatmightarise. theprojectinformationthey needwhichhasaffordedthemtheopportunitytoget localunions.Bybeingproactive inourresearch,we’ve beenabletogetthelocals TheotherimportanttaskI’ve beenperformingisthatofprojectresearchforour tasksrelatedtotheseevents. upcomingjobandcareerfairs.Bothlabormanagementhave beenvery withourmarketing representatives toensurewearefullypreparedforthe Thelastfewmonthshave beenbothchallengingandfulfilling.Icontinuetowork industryanditscontractors. aswellforgenewrelationshipswiththeeducatorsthataffectandinfluenceour maintainandbuildnewrelationshipswithourlocalstateofficialsoffices LiUNAanditscontractors blazenewtrails withintheindustry. Ihave worked to Sincetakingover forDiane,Ihave picked upwheresheleftoffworkingtohelp DianeNewby. WisconsinLECETtrusteesdecidedthatIwouldbetherightcandidatetoreplace experience withthetrade unionsinWIandmorespecificallyLiUNA,the Local 113,aswellworked withotherunionsthroughoutthestate.Knowingmy oftheWisconsinLaborers,ImaintainedarelationshipwithLiUNAasmember Imoved withmy familytoWisconsinin2005,andalthoughIwasnotaformalpart remainingthreeyears. OfficerandthenwentontoworkasaLiaisontheBenefit Fundsforthe capacities.For thefirst12 years, Iworked asaPrevailing Wage Compliance Ispent15years working fortheSouthernCaliforniaLaborersintwodifferent Icametothispositionwithpriorexperience oftheLECETprogram andLiUNA. timewithherlearningthespecificsandrequirementsforposition. greatlymissed.Iwashiredinmid-May whichgave meachanceto spendsome For thosethatarenotaware, DianeNewby retiredinJuneof2019andwillbe supportive inbringingmeuptospeedandhelpingnavigate thelargevolume of Raffle willhave giftcardsmailedtothe addressprovided. Winnermustbe aLaboreringoodstanding.Prize winners WinnerwillbenotifiedonNovember 13,2019. Oneentrypermember. EmailAddress,andCellPhoneNumber messagewithyour Name,Local UnionNumber, Address, DistrictCouncilFacebookpage,and sendusaprivate OrTo EnterviaFacebook: Address,andCellPhoneNumberto To EnterviaEmail: offtwo$250Cabela’s GiftCards! have twogrand prizewinners,wherewewillberaffling TheNovember 2019newsletter raffle prizewillactually Brewersmadetheplayoffs. Butonthebrightside,atleast totheCubsthatday. UnfortunatelytheBrewerslost11-4 Brewersvs.Cubsgame. onwinningthetickets totheJuly28 OldenburgfromLaborers’Local 140 Newsletterraffle winner Troy Congratulations toSpring2019 November 2019NewsletterGrand Prize Two $250Cabela’s Gift Cards Sendyour Name,Local UnionNumber, Like theWisconsinLaborers’ [email protected] Political & Legislative Action Wisconsin Laborers. will resultinsignificantworkfor to ourtransportation projects,which Wisconsin hasdedicatednewfunding This isthefirsttimeinadecade $465 millionintransportation funds. registration thereis anincreasein increases includingvehicle titleand However, duetodifferentfee by theRepublican-ledlegislature. these provisions wereeliminated minimum markuplaw forgasoline, have beenoffsetby areductioninthe the state’s gasolinetaxthatwould called foraneight-centincreaseon Governor Evers’ proposedbudget Transportation Funding brothers andsisters. impact you andyour fellowunion following isasummaryofissuesthat biennial statebudgetprocess.The items thatweredebatedduringthe participated in many issues and budget Council closelymonitoredand The WisconsinLaborers’District Legislature. changes by theRepublican-ledState 2019, makingmany significant Governor introducedinFebruary budget proposalthatthe was significantlydifferentthanthe budget thatwasenactedasstatelaw Wisconsin statebudget.Thefinal completed thepassageof2019 issued hispartialvetoes, which On July3,2019,Governor Evers 2019-21 WisconsinStateBudget Legislative Report –While into statelaw. these pro-worker policiestobere-enacted forward, wewillcontinue toadvocate for of thebudgetonparty-line votes. Moving legislature strippedthese provisions out public projects,theRepublican-led implement projectlaboragreementson prevailing wagelaws and abilityto Work law, andreinstatedthestate’s repealing thestate’s so-calledRight-to- Evers’ originalbudgetproposalincluded that didnotchange.WhileGovernor Wisconsin budget,thereweresomethings significant goodthatcameoutofthe Agreements Right-to-Work/Prevailing Wage/Project Labor the comingyears. that thiswilladdworkforourmembersin Administration, andagainweareexcited occurred duringtheprevious Walker increase over any capitalbudgetthat to $1.9billion,thiswasstillasignificant state. Whilethiswaseventually reduced pay forbuildingprojectsthroughoutthe requested a$2.5billioncapitalbudgetto Capital Budget –Despitesome –Governor Evers originally Political & Legislative Action Congress, State Legislature, StateSupreme be planningto meetwithcandidates for Wisconsin Laborers’District Councilwillalso receive themajorityof headlines, the while the2020Presidential electionwill The 2020electionsareon thehorizon,and 2020 Elections country. building trades membersthroughoutthe 325,000 totalcommentssubmittedby members submittedcommentsoutofthe IRAPs inthefinalrule.Over 88,000LiUNA their voices heardtotheDOLnotinclude and sistersthroughoutthecountrymade Wisconsin LaborersandourLiUNAbrothers IRAPs fromtheconstructionindustry, the While theproposedDOLruleexempted construction industry. Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs)inthe Labor opposingIndustryRecognized submit acommenttotheU.S. Departmentof and familymemberswhotookthetimeto Thank you toallactive members,retirees, IRAPs this billworksthroughthelegislative process. & UtilitiesCommittee,andwewillcontinuetomonitorexpress ourunion’s supportas of theMilwaukee AreaLaborCounciltestifiedourunion’s supporttotheAssemblyEnergy Laborers’ DistrictCouncilandPam Fendt, member ofLaborers’Local 113andPresident On September26,2019,Kent Miller, AssistantBusinessManageroftheWisconsin as wellprovides significant labor protections. In addition,thisbillexplicitly protectspeople’s constitutionalrighttoassembleprotest, have hadtheirsafetyphysically threatenedby peopleopposinginfrastructure projects. Unfortunately, therehave beenoccurrencesover thelastfewyears whereourmembers we strive toensurethatourmembershave asafejobsitewhenthey gotowork. is dangerousworkanddependsonaskilled,safe,productive workforce. Asaunion, Wisconsin andsomeeven travel aroundtheUnitedStatesworkingontheseprojects.This Many WisconsinLaborersworkonimportantinfrastructure projectsthroughout leased, oroperated by energyproviders. additional piecesofinfrastructure, suchaswater, aswellinfrastructure thatisowned, cause damagetothepropertyofanenergyprovider. Thislegislationexpands thelaw to legislation wouldexpand uponexisting statelaw, whereitisalreadyillegaltotrespassor The WisconsinLaborers’DistrictCouncilsupportsAB426/SB386.Thisimportant Critical Infrastructure Legislation Legislative Report register tovote! instructions onthewebsite onhowto Vote, andifnot,you canfollowthe https://myvote.wi.gov/en-US/RegisterTo- see ifyou areregisteredtovote by visiting One thingthatyou candonowischeckto working people. who supporttheWisconsinLaborersand recommendations tosupportcandidates on them.We willthenmake endorsement our issuesandwherethecandidatesstand Court, andlocalelectedofficestodiscuss AB426/SB386. Sinicki(D-Milwaukee), whoisoneofthecosponsors Above: WILaborers with StateRepresentative Chris

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Northwestern Mutual Northwestern Mutual is the marketing name for The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (NM) and its subsidiaries. Stacy L Calkins Sullivan is an Insurance Agent of NM and a Registered Representative of Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC (NMIS) (securities), a subsidiary of 500 Elm Grove Rd, Ste 201 NM, broker-dealer, registered investment adviser and member FINRA and SIPC. Representative of Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company®, a subsidiary of NM and federal savings bank.The products and services Elm Grove, WI 53122 referenced are offered and sold only by appropriately appointed and licensed entities and Financial Representatives. 262-439-6075 Upcoming Red Cross Blood Drives

Save the Date for Upcoming Blood Drives!

What: American Red Cross Blood Drives When: October 30, 2019 - 12pm to 5pm December 5, 2019 - 8am to 1pm January 30, 2020 - 8am to 1pm February 27, 2020 - 8am to 1pm March 17, 2020 - 8am to 1pm

Where: Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council & Training Center 4633 LIUNA Way DeForest, WI 53532 Help save a life! For more information, please contact Rob Dixon at: [email protected] 2019 Labor Day

Throughout Wisconsin, Laborers celebrated Labor Day with their families taking the time to reflect the work and sacrifice that we collectively make to raise wages, have quality benefits, and safe working conditions so when we go to work, we come home at the end of the day to our families.

Below are photos from the Labor Day parades in Milwaukee and La Crosse represented by members from Local 113 and Local 140. July 22 Training Center Dedication Ceremony

On July 22, 2019 the expansion of the Wisconsin Laborers’ Training Center was officially dedicated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Attending this dedication included Governor Tony Evers, Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, U.S. Representative Mark Pocan, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, LiUNA Vice President & Regional Manager Terry Healy, family members of former Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council President/Business Manager Mike Ryan, and various other guests.

The expanded Training Center doubled the number of our classrooms available for instruction, and also added a fourth training bay focused on environmental work.

Top (L-R): Wisconsin DOT Secretary Craig Thompson, Wisconsin DWD Secretary Caleb Frostman, Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council President/Business Manager John Schmitt, Governor Tony Evers, LiUNA Vice President & Regional Manager Terry Healy, Julie Ryan, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes, Wisconsin State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, and U.S. Representative Mark Pocan cutting the ribbon to the expanded Wisconsin Laborers’ Training Center. Bottom Left: Governor Tony Evers speaking at the Training Center Dedication Ceremony. Bottom Right: Mike Ryan’s family members with the Training Center’s commemorative plaque for the former President/Business Manager. Member Events

On September 14, 2019, Local 140 Business Manager Clark Jensen accompanied William Arentz - U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran & Local 140 Retiree - and other veterans on a Freedom Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. Thank you William for your service to our country!

Middle Left: Local 268 President Scott Johnson presenting James Cooley with his Gold Card for 50 years of service. Congratulations James! Middle Center & Middle Right: Members of Local 464 donated their time to the 5th Annual Take Kids Fishing event sponsored by the South Central Wisconsin Building & Construction Trades Council. Bottom Left & Bottom Right: Members of Local 113 volunteered at the Hope Center, Inc. in Waukesha cooking meals for those in need. Local 464 Night at the Races

Laborers Local 464 had another succesful membership event with their annual Night at the Races at the Madison Speedway. Over 430 people attended the local event, and through the generous donations from our contractors, vendors and affiliates, approximately $3,000 was raised to purchase 43 bicycles that were given away at the event. LiUNA Member IRAP Comments

Wisconsin Laborers made sure that the Department of Labor heard their collective voices by submitting thousands of comments opposing including Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) in the construction industry.

Thank you to all of the members who took the time, whether it was during your breaks at work, by attending your local union meetings, or simply doing it from home on your computer, to have your voices be heard! LiUNA Members at Work

Top: Local 464 members working on the Zenith Tech project for the I-90 & Highway O bridge demolition in Janesville. Bottom: Members of Local 464 working on the I-90 & Highway 14 bridge project for Zenith Tech. LiUNA Members at Work

Top Left & Top Right: Members from Local 140 and Local 268 working for Chippewa Concrete in Sauk County. Bottom Left: Members from Local 113 working for Zenith Tech in Madison. Bottom Right: Members from Local 140 installing pipe in Baraboo. LiUNA Members at Work

Top Left & Top Right: Members from Local 330 working for Lunda on the Highway 82 bridge reconstruction in Adams County. Bottom: RG Huston and Local 464 working in Madison. LiUNA Members at Work

Top: Terra Construction and Local 464 rebuilding Dayton Street on the UW-Madison campus. Bottom Left & Bottom Right: Local 113 Members Jacoby Spicer, Tyrus Thompson, Christopher Cummings, and Lorenzo Gonzalez working on a project for Sirrah Construction on Morgan Avenue in Milwaukee. LiUNA Members at Work

Top: Homburg Local 464 members installing hardscape pavers. Bottom: Local 268 Business Manager Brian Dehnhoff (3rd from the right) joined the Western WI Building & Construction Trades Council to support and cook food for the striking UAW GM workers in Hudson, WI. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 300 Madison, WI Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council 4633 LIUNA Way, Suite 101 DeForest, WI 53532 www.wilaborers.org Facebook: @WILaborers Twitter: @WILaborers

District Council and Local Union Directory

Wisconsin Laborers’ Laborers’ Local 268 Laborers’ Health and Pension District Council Brian Dehnhoff, Business Manager Funds John Schmitt 2233 Birch Street Benefit Plan Admin. of WI President & Business Manager Eau Claire, WI 54703 4633 LIUNA Way 4633 LIUNA Way, Suite 101 Phone: (715) 835-5001 Suite 201 DeForest, WI 53532 Fax: (715) 835-4098 DeForest, WI 53532 Phone: (608) 846-8242 Web: www.liunalocal268.org Phone: (608) 846-1742 Fax: (608) 846-5460 Claims: (608) 842-9101 Web: www.wilaborers.org Laborers’ Local 330 Eligibility: (608) 842-9102 Tony Marcelle, Business Manager Pension: (608) 842-9103 Laborers’ Local 113 886 W. Airport Road Fax: (608) 846-3192 Tony Neira, Business Manager Menasha, WI 54952 Web: www.bpalja.com 6310 W. Appleton Avenue Phone: (920) 722-2104 Milwaukee, WI 53210 Fax: (920) 722-2105 Building Trades United Phone: (414) 873-4520 Web: www.laborerslocal330.org Pension Fund Fax: (414) 873-5155 (Milwaukee Pension Fund) Web: www.liuna113.org Laborers’ Local 464 500 Elm Grove Road Jim Foye, Business Manager Elm Grove, WI 53122 Laborers’ Local 140 1438 N. Stoughton Road Phone: (800) 433-8570 Clark Jensen, Business Manager Madison, WI 53714 Fax: (262) 784-8598 2771 George Street Phone: (608) 244-6400 Web: www.thepensionfund.org La Crosse, WI 54603 Fax: (608) 244-6540 Phone: (608) 788-1095 Web: www.union464.com Fax: (608) 788-6082 Web: www.liunalocal140.org