TOP 100 ALBUMS 1 ' '®Jho^Vl;Riit!PN

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TOP 100 ALBUMS 1 ' '®Jho^Vl;Riit!PN TOP 100 ALBUMS " ■11 ' '®Jho^vl;riiCliffPRIVATECOUECTION*** Richard (Various)T!P N*** &TCCRTV3I1/CD;CDC(!TV30EMICIiTV30(E) fi!®»El «44.. V9 T'Pou?5RAGE*GE (Roy* Thomas. Baker)„ , , CrSRNMCSirnn/VirginSRNLP201E) 2fl/CD:CDS8N 20 ■«5>* VanousNOW 13]'*,*** (Various) EMl/Virgin/Pol^CromCiICNOW13/CD:CDNOW13 NOW 13(E) 52 rTtVI L-LASSIC LOVE SONGS Tnliter STAR2352 (BMG| i 1 Ot 53 5 GREATESTFIcatwoodMaclVorioos) HITS ** WarnerCrWX221C/CD;92i83S-2 flfothcn WX221 (W) 53 57 3 AiYGIdTT0'N0|L(' j m/T L "j Taba463152.1(Cl M ,3 j0 VonousTHE PREMIERE (Vonous) COUECTION ** * SndiyUmM/Poi^orAiwrvilfiCiAlWTC l/COi8372«2-2 BA no,a59,9 Womack&Womack(ChrisBlockwell)CONSCIENCE* J 41hie'«ay/lilondBRlP519(E)C,BRCASI9/C0tBRCD519 i SfC 4-5 KylioKTLIE***** Minogue (Slock/A'tken/Watcnnan) C:HFC3/CD;HFC03PWIHF31P) |H| 99EE nor.58,4 BonJovi(BruceFairboim)NEWJERSEY* Veriigo/PhonogromVERH62(F)CtVERHC62/00:834345-2 wJL 4 J Various(Vorious),THE HITS ALBUM Cfls/WEA/BMGC;HIISC9/CDiHIIS9CO HITS 9(BMG) ®0EAn, 53 7, Shakin'StevensA WHOLE LOTTASHAKY (Various) CrMOODC5/00:4629232EpicMOOD5(C) , «f THERoy Orbison LEGENDARY (Various) ROY ORBISON • C:STAC233(I/CD:TC0233IIW,ia,STAIi2330(BMG) Bt noon68 »2 WhitneyWHITNEY Houston ****** (Various) 0:108141/00:2581414mla208 14I|BMG| / ® „ .THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION* ECFVirgin EGTV2(£) BCt nn,o18 SO GOOD* 4|S + B'woy/lslondBRIP525(F| W ' ' Bryan Feny/Rony Music (Ferry/Punlar) fcEGMIV2/CD:tGC7V2 ®0 550 5 Mica Paris (L'Equipe) C.BRCA 525/CO:BRCD 525 *0 71""„M0NEYF0RN0TH1NG*** Diro Straits (Various) Vertigo/PhonogramC:VERHCM/COi834419-2 VERH 64(F) 9TfEA bnn.n' A(beProdaimers(PeterWingfield)SUNSHINE ON LEITH • C:ZCHR1668/CO:CCD1668ChiysolbCHR 1668(0) 1AIV isno,:,6V MichoalBAD******** Jackson (Qoincy Jonas/Michaol Jackson) C:45029IW/CD:450290-2Epic«029tM(C| OwA A no52 on22 Sob SALT 'N Pepa WITH (ffurby A DEADLY Luv Bug/lnvincibles) PEPA • C:FFRMCBrr/london 3/00:828102-2 FFRLP 3|F) H THE GREATEST HITS COLLECTION ** ^^ndonMMASIF) Mm u 7 THE QUEEN ALBUM* Slrn„/Vi>glnSRNLP22m 8|] THE ,NN0CENTS Vi 54 / ANYL0VEEloinePoige (Mike Moron) C:SRNMC 22/CD;CDSRN 22 12 2234 * MainSTUMMSSfl/RT/SP) mSm ^2 6910 * Epic462908-1(01 z 13 1410 NEW LIGHT THROUGH OLD WINDOWS * WEAWX200IW1 ARTISTS' A-Z V*»At 48io 6. JamesDANCE Lost DANCE (James DANCE* Lost) CriLTVCPol,do,jnvi(F) 1/00:837453-2 14 ion introspective*USH | cicpcsjMvcDCDPanK 62,, THE CLASSIC EXPERIENCE • EMI EMTVD 45|E) lieIP rn,o'J39 BrosP (Nicky*** Graham) 0460629CBS4604291(C) 4/CDi46<1629 2 65 6712 WOYOWN IN MOTION* K-TclNE14l01K) Iv '2,, 4, Rial,Aslloy(Various)HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMS* C:PK71932/C0:PD7I932I!CAP171932(BMG| 7 TOGETHER AGAIN* ^ ^ TelslorST4E2333(8MG) IX 17 55 inksKICK** (Chris Thomas) Mereury/PhonagramMERHOME«HC114/CDiB32 114(F) 7212 v#At «nn„■'7 RobertHEAVY Palmer NOVA* (Robert Palmer) C:TCEMD 1007/CD:CDE(ADEMIEMD 1007(E) 1007 18 1915 EUSTER^OST) * VirginV2544(E| 68 70 6 HIT MIXbS * stylus SMR 86S(SI10 lO am1 RATTLE AND HUM ** |londU27(Fl 7298 HANT 0F lar 2"5 U2 (Jimmy lovina) C:UC27/CDiCIDU27i 69 75 3 E 0^d THFOPEW * * * ^ ^ ^PnlydnrJODV^in 20AA ",A , JoeTHE Longlhorne JOE LONGTHORNE (longlhorne/James) SONGBOOK • C:STAC2353/CD:TCD2353Tditar STAR 2353[BMG) 70 r*K V ONE2424/CO^NE3424 ' m ,.,,l 11 SOFT METAL * Stylus SMR862 (STY) ™ ■ a ^1 20" 8 Various (Vorious) CiSMC862/CD;SMD862 71 537312 3 Guns "hpRoses (Guns 'N' Roses) 0:WX 2?BD'cD«4i9r2 AA „ „ HumanGREATEST League HITS (Various) * CrHlMCVirgin l/CDiHLCD HLTV 1(E) 1 e XAVA DonielO'DonnellFROMTHEHEART* (John Ryan) C:STAC2327/CD:TCD2327T«taorSTAR2327|SMGl 23 23 7 ™E GREATEST HITS OF 1988 * ^ STAC2334^00 TCD'TS?! ^|G^IU5VFZ;| XVtt 84n. 5n ARichard LITTLE Clayderman NIGHT MUSIC (De Senneville/Touissant Oocco/O.lphino828125)|f|0:8281254/00:8281252 a"#A* ■„3 17 WATERMARK•Enya (Nicky Ryan) C:WX199C/CD;24387S-2WEAWX199(W) X"TA■# 7,1,7814 JulioNONSTOP* Iglesias (Various) 0:4609904/00:16099020854609901(0) A®A/E no29 s6 NotCHRISTMAS King Cole WITH(Various) NAT KING COLE# CrSMCStyl.sSMR 868/CD:SMD 868(377) 868 •wmXV o,„91 21 KimCLOSE* Wilde (Ricki Wilde/Tony Swoin) C:MCGC 6030/CD:DMCGMCAMCG6030(F) 6030 ■ AWA* 2512nrrn a,,;;f LYING j COLOURS*( (p | Hardiman/chris de Burgh) CiAMC 5224/CDiCDAA&MAMA52241F) 5224 x6tA 7-jm,92' VoriousUNFORGETTABLE (Various) C:TCEMTV44/CD:CDEMTV44EMt EMTV 441E) 2724 6 gp*,e Burg 1 ag CiYmSSST XXu^v 55„ 5 VariousHELLO (Various)CHILDREN-EVERYWHERE • C:TCEM1307/CO:CDEM1307EMI EM 1307|E| aa „ 7 ANYTHING FOR YOU* Epit463125.1(q XOto 84onn, 54 GeorgeFAITH ** Michael (George Michael) 0:4600004/00:4600002Epic 4600001(0) ' JtTFAA „27 Q9 TheTHE Traveling TRAVELING Wilburys WILBURYS* (Otis & Nelson Wilbury)Wllb.ry/Warn.rBrolh.r.Wl(224(W) C:WX 224C/CDi92S796-2 XtA t 78nnnn 20 JamesTHE BEST Brown OF (Various) JAMES BROWN • C:CE 2376/CD:NCOK-T.i NE 1376(K) 3376 A A ,,26 6, BrotherGET EVEN* Beyond (Vorious) C:TCPCS7327/CDParlophoneCDPCS7327 PCS 7327(E) OW 8866 Wei Wot Wet (Baker/Kroll/JWWWL'Smartles) C:JWWWM 1/00:832 724-2 ' 31A1 3311 TOPasadenas WHOM (Various) IT MAY CONCERN* C;462877.4/COi442677-2CB5; 462877-1(C) M hihv TANGOFfeetwood IN Mac THE (Buckingham/McVio) NIGHT ***** WarnerC:W*65C/CD:92547I-2 Brother WX6S(W) ' OAAA 3574 AlexanderHEARSAY** O'Neal (Jimmy Jam/Terry Lewis) C:45093M/CD;450936-2Tabu450936.1(C) OAOt «,81 n9 MarvinLOVE SONGS* Gaye&Smokey Robinson (Various) C:STAC2331/CD:TCD2331TelilorSTAR2331|BMGl OOIt 30in 3a VariousTHE GREATEST (Various) HITS OF HOUSE* C:SNC867/CD;SND867Stylus SMR867(STy| 74 g JHE LOVE ALBUM '88 • ^ T^^WRTM^mO) tA 31ur V7 THE MEMPHIS SESSIONS * Prn<iauiOrg/PbanaJWWWl2(F) OA,,71 4, THE THIEVING MAGPIE* EMI MARL 1(E) O** 41 5 Wet Wei Wet (Willie Mitchell) CJWWWM 2/CDi8364l!3-2 Ot theMarillionlMarillion/PrivelHedge) CrTCMARL 1/CD:CDMARL 1 7 te „ , TILLBarbra 1 LOVED Streisand YOU (Various) • C:4629434/CD;4629432CBS4629431 (C) O®AB *-4**T* Fairground FIRST AttractionOF A MILLION (F. Attrodion/Moloney) KISSES * C:PK71496/CD:P071696RCA PL7I696(BMG) ,*,0 THE GREATEST LOVE * Tclstar STAR 2316(BMG) 5 a^Sar^btnnd on.7 aSn, of tP., Can OA en82 ,7 ABSOLUTE ABBA* TelslurSTAR2329(BMG) OO 3439 Various(VQrious) C:STAC2316/CD;TCD2316 6 A°^»'ibS.'aataS; sxs. OV 77 Abba (Andereon/Ulvaeus) 0: STAC 2329/00: TOD2329 VW 39,o 7 BEST OF HOUSE '88 • Telstar STAR 2347(BMG] 8W77 , HOLD AN OLD FRIEND'S HANDO MCAMCF3437|P) W# 4 7 Various (Various) C:STAC2347i7C02347 STATISTICS (Wk) This Week Year To Dole OX 83 Tiffany (George E. Tobin) C:MCFC3437/CO:DMCF3437 00 dOid214 THEFOSJer& WORLDS Allen (Eamonn OF FOSTER Campbell) & ALLEN# C:SMC861/CD:SMD861Stylus SMR 861 (STY) ; Panel Sales Percentage * 44% OO 'u AniloBokerGIVING YOU (Michael THE BEST J Powell) THAT 1 GOT* CiEXT490/00:960827-2Eloktra EXT 49(W) 4033dn-n TracyTRACY Cbapmon CHAPMAN (David *★ Kersbenbaum)* C:Eia44aCD:960774-2ElolclraEKT44(W) vtOA oo99 n2 VariousTHE BEIDERBECKE (Brian Hoinsworth/Keilh COLLECTION Morgan) C:DMC20/CD:DMCD20Dormouse DM 20|H) L, A A DO88 n RAPPIN'UP THE HOUSE* K-TELNE1428|K| 40 3610 SMASH HITS PARTY '88 ♦ Dov*rA^n« ApD^Q W 90 6 Vorious (Various) C:CE 2428/00:00 3428 /t „9 NEGOTIATIONS AND LOVE SONGS 1971-1986 * Wamn,iM»oWX223(W) m „„ £ RENAISSANCE Stylus SMR 846|STT) , " Paul Simon (Paul Simon/Various) OWX223C/CO;9257892 VI 87 45 Aswad(Aswad) C;SHC866/CD:SM0864 ■aatA 37„ e PinkDELICATE Floyd (David SOUND Gitmour) OF THUNDER* CtTCEQ 5009/CD;CDEQEMI EQ 5009(E) 5009 VAAt „ . HueREMOTE And Cry (Goldberg/Biondolillo/Kone) Circa/VIpginC:CIRC 6/00:01800 CIRCA 6(E) 6 43 8 At ODD,9882 THE CIRCUS* Mute STUMM 3511/RT/SF) / At « a KoolTHE SINGLESAnd The Gang COLLECTION* (Vorious) D.-Ut«/Pbonog,omKGTVl(FlC:KGTVCl/CO;8366362 VV Erasure (Flood) C;CS1UMM35/CO;COSTUMM3S MM 4962 VoriousDIRTY DANCING (Jimmy lenner/BobFeiden) (OST)** 0:8X RCABL84408|BMG)86408/00,80 86408 AA on85 5n INSTRUMENTAL GREATS T.l.torSTAR2341|BMG| AE na„2822 NOW THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM**** EMI/Virgin NO* 1(E) AB o.nn9462 THEVorioos CHRISTIANS** (Vorious) C:STAC 2341/00:700Island HPS 9874|F) 2341 , 5023 Various (Vorious) CTCNOX 1/CDiCDNOXt W 93 88 The Christians (taurio Lothom) C;ICT9S74/CD;CID9a76 ■AArW com MichaelLOVE SONGS Jackson/Diana * Ross (Various) C:ST*C2298/CD:TCD2298Telsfar STAR 2298(BMG] Vw 94 4 Dire Straits (Mark Knopfler/Neil Dorfsman) C:VERHC25/CD;824 499-2 i 1 5 BACKTOTHESIXTIES* TelilarSTAR2348|BMG| VXA-v _, , VorioosTHE PHIL (Phil SPECTOR Spoctor) CHRISTMAS ALBUM 0:2001142S/CD:CCDChysaliiCOL 1625(0) 1425 , 56 ;= AOmNOJACKETREQUIRED***** V,rginV234S|E| •M»AO r, 43u DeaconRAINTOWN Blue (Jon * Kelly) C;450549^/CD:450549.2085450549-1(0] ' VO "A* Phil Collins (Phil Collins/Hugh Podgbara) C:TCV234S/CO:CDV2345 ' AO 38,= 8 VariousTHE HIT (Stock/Ailken/Woterman) FACTORY VOL 2* cF=nla,./PvyLHF4|P|;HfC4/CD:HECD4 ; WA A "d*VT* THEU2 (Daniel JOSHUA lanois/Brion TREE * * Eno) * * * C;Ua6/CD;CIDIslund U26|F| U26 ^, ®WEA 5" 5 TonitaTikaramANCIENT HEART* (PeterVon Hooke/Rod Argent) C;W*210aCD:W*2t0CDWEAWX2I0(W1 lAAmSRACELAND*****1WU Paul Simon (Paul Simon) Wam.r8rud,.C:WX52C/CO:925447-2nWX52|W| ', .
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