WOODLANDS Grays Ferry Crescent CEMETERY is located along the banks fairmount of the in relative park proximity to major activity areas in SW CEDAR Waterplay l River PARK lkil uy . center ch university S city city reconnecting to the schuylkill

Historically, the A dynamic urban space connected to the surrounding grays river was an important ferry transportation corridor neighborhoods and the city as a whole which crescent and the water offers potential to CENTER CITY to link Grays Ferry directly with stimulates spatial, social and environmental awareness THE FORGOTTEN Center City, the educational institutions BOTTOM of University City, and tourist areas like by providing a catalytic point of interest, while Bartram’s Garden and . bartram s GRAYS celebrating local memories and heritage. ’ Many areas of Philadelphia have little or no access FERRY garden to the waterfront and the redevelopment of Grays Ferry Crescent offers a significant opportunity to give the Schuylkill River back to the people of Philadelphia. Highways, railways, bridge ramps, fences and the riverfront all act as barriers that restrict pedestrian access to the site. Grays Ferry Crescent and the Forgotten Bottom form an island in the middle of the city. The intersection of Grays Ferry Avenue and South 34th Street become the gateway into the island. Future Extension The remaining area will have completed the phytoextraction remediation process and is River lkill to be developed with more ne-grain huy Sc housing and neighborhood services. As the site increases in density, more services can A ludic pole is a center be provided for new residents on site and for reminiscence existing residents of the Forgotten Bottom.

of attraction that relates to PHASE amusement, participation Riverscape 4 and invokes images of playfulness. Residential Inll Long-term senses remediation The ne-grain built form is drawn in from Ludic the Forgotten Bottom. A higher-grain Pole residential form between the ludic pole and Ludic activities can be ne-grain buildings will act as a buffer and

recreational, educational, S 34th St will increase the density. A constructed Grays Ferry Ave wetland will lter stormwater runoff from the or cultural opportunities that entire site before being released into the Schuylkill River. The wetland will honor the contribute to the immediate Schuylkill River’s pre-industrial heritage PHASE while providing valuable wildlife areas and neighbourhood, but Residential 3 encouraging a sustainable future. sensation also provide amenities Fabric eness

S Grove St

Schuylkill Ave

S Harmony St Wharton St for the wider region of S 35th St play Philadelphia. intrigue contact inspiration S 36th St Ludic Pole inclusion reection transition

Selected industrial buildings of heritage value respiration serenity This design for Grays Ferry will: • Incorporate water to promote interaction

An elevated connection from the will be retro tted. New buildings in the ludic a w a r recognition This plan will create animation texture South 34th Street bridge directly onto • Create a bold, yet functional point awareness and encourage zone will complement the industrial history of excitement education

the site while drawing attention and activity. dynamic

a ludic pole in interaction memory reminiscense

the roof of the ludic building enhances recreation

of interest that will generate activity elevation views, sensations and movements Mixed-use and streetscape improvements are • Preserve and enhance historical amusement erance Grays Ferry Crescent. • Extend the fine-grain residential to be implemented along Grays Ferry elation celebration through the site. and industrial memories of the fabric of Forgotten Bottom to PHASE Avenue and 34th Street. joy identi cation respect local built forms site entertainment

The roof is also easily accessible 2 participation • Remediate environmental cohesion from the ground level and the • Increase connections and rememberance Schuylkill River . By blending interactions within the site and contaminants in a sustainable, adaptable and cost-effective

horizontal and vertical transitions, along the riverscape e x u b the theme of playfulness and • Establish an axis leading to the water’s manner Site Remediation awareness is heightened. edge from the intersection of Grays • Stimulate the senses Excavation and phytoextraction are to be Ferry Avenue and South 34th Street used. Conventional excavation is faster and will allow the initial phases of the site to be constructed while the rest of the site is being The gateway to Grays Falling water heightens the Pedestrians are drawn remediated. The process of phytoextraction Ferry Crescent showcases senses of sight and sound into the neighbourhood will be used to remediate land in a more how water can be and reminds people of the to activity areas, to the sustainable and cost-effective manner. Phytoextraction is a recognition that urban integrated into site design proximity of the river. wetland and finally to the to stimulate the senses. river itself. PHASE development projects should grow at an 1 organic pace that allows for plans to adapt over time.

iver lkill R huy Sc


S 34th St Grays Ferry Ave The Forgotten Bottom Grays Ferry Ave

Ludic Mixed Use Residential Greenspace Ongoing Phytoextraction

S Grove St

S Harmony St

S 35th St

S 36th St The dock serves to A walkway over the water’s directly connect Grays edge is a bold gesture Ferry Crescent to major designed to reconnect activity areas along the Philadelphians directly to Schuylkill River. the Schuylkill River. Water transportation It curves over open water offers a new and offering new perspectives exciting mode of transit that blur the lines between in Philadelphia. land and water.

An integrated water network incorporates bioswales and constructed wetlands to naturally filter stormwater before its release recreation into the Schyulkill.

Bioswale • Stormwater from streets is collected into bioswales that absorb the water into the ground

dynamic or release it into the wetland • Stormwater is separated from household water waste which carried separately under streets and sidewalks

Cu Pb Ni cohesion Cd

As Zn Constructed Wetland • Contaminants and sediment are Phytoextraction filtered • Provides critical wildlife habitat • Metal uptake through the roots • Bacteria break down • Transfer of metals to stem and leaves contaminants • Harvest of plants including the roots • Water slowly released into the • Deposit biomass in a landfill or ground and river incinerate for energy respiration serenity Flexible live-work and mixed-use building designs provide space for innovative businesses, services and residents.

The retrofitted industrial building is Upon entering the shell one experiences Boardwalks through the wetland offer showcased by a semi-transparent shell the feeling of being connected to both recreation potential for residents and that evokes the image of water and the past and future. Public art at the end reconnect people with a vital component integrates the heritage building with the of the street uses water and recycled of the water cycle. Indigenous species are new ludic pole to the right. metal from previous structures on the site. preserved and enhanced. Ludic Pole Heritage Building

Fine-Grain Residential Mixed-Use Buffer Water Network River Trail Schuylkill River