January 2011
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® VOLUME 20, NO. 1 — JANUARY 2011 NATIONAL CATHOLIC COMMITTEE ON SCOUTING ® Bishop Robert Guglielmone named as new Bishop Liaison to the National Catholic Committee on Scouting replacing Bishop Gerald A. Gettelfinger At the NCCS sponsored breakfast during the bi-annual Bishop’s meeting in Balti- more last November 15, 2010, it was an- nounced that Bishop Robert E. Gugliel- mone, Bishop of the Diocese of Charleston, S.C. has been appointed the new Bishop Liaison to the NCCS, replacing Bishop (Padre) Gerald A. Gettelfinger, Bishop of Evansville, Ind. Bishop Guglielmone was born on De- cember 30, 1945. He graduated from St. John's University, Jamaica, New York, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education. He then earned a Master of Divinity degree in Theology from Immaculate Conception Seminary, in Huntington, New York. He was ordained to the priesthood for the Dio- cese of Rockville Centre on April 8, 1978. He was named a Prelate of Honor in 1996. NCCS Chaplain Rev. Steven Salvador, Bishop Gerald (Padre) Gettelfinger, Bishop Robert Assignments after ordination included (Bob) Guglielmone, new Bishop Liaison to NCCS, and John Halloran, NCCS Chairman. Parochial Vicar, St. Martin of Tours Parish, Amityville, New York, 1978-1986; Dioce- san Chaplain to the Scouts, part-time, 1983- tigious Philmont Scout Ranch for nearly a son for nearly 13 years, and we look for- 1990; Director of Pastoral Formation and decade. He has also served in several ca- ward to a long and fruitful relationship with Dean of Students, Immaculate Conception pacities on the National Catholic Com- Bishop Bob,” said John Halloran, NCCS Seminary, 1986-1993; Pastor, St. Frances mittee on Scouting and is currently an Chairman. He went on to congratulate and de Chantal Parish, Wantagh, New York, Executive Board Member. In November thank both Bishops for what they have 1993-2004; Director for Clergy Personnel, 2000, Bishop Guglielmone was appointed done, and will continue to do, on behalf of Diocese of Rockville Centre, 2004-2007; World Chaplain to Catholic Scouting by Scouting, especially Catholic Scouting. and Rector, St. Agnes Cathedral, 2007 until the Holy See for a four-year term and was his appointment as the 13th Bishop of re-appointed in 2004. Charleston in March 2009. “Our beloved Padre has passed the Since his seminarian days Bishop Gug- mantle of Bishop Liaison on to Bishop lielmone has been actively involved in Bob Guglielmone, who is also near and Catholic Scouting, earning numerous dear to us. We are delighted that Padre awards, including the St. George Emblem will remain active with us and Bishop and Brother Barnabas Founder's Award. He Bob, who has been a past National and has served in various chaplain capacities World Chaplain, knows NCCS and its locally, nationally, and internationally and workings very well. We have been directed the chaplain's training for the pres- blessed to have Padre as our Bishop Liai- Bishop Guglielmone’s Coat of Arms Charleston Diocese Catholic Chairman’s Corner camporee hosts 3 Seminarians to discuss vocations with Scouts As we begin this new year, we tend to let the hustle and bustle get in our way. Fr. Stephen Salvador and I are con- By James Weiskircher cerned that during hectic times like these we fail to slow down, enjoy, relax and be there for those that need us most, At the sixth annual Diocese of our loved ones. Charleston Catholic Camporee, held October 15-17th at Fort Jackson, SC, Work will one day disappear and your health may de- more than 500 Scouts and their parents cline. These could impact the time, talents and treasures you had the opportunity to interact with give the Church, your leisure time activities and even the three young seminarians enjoying their Catholic Committee on Scouting. All you may have left af- vocations and sharing their experiences ter all is said and done is your family, loved ones and with the Scouts. Seminarians Stephen friends. Beach (4th year at the minor seminary at So, during this time of renewal and resolutions, make sure that those near and Seton Hall), Andrew Fryml (Eagle rd dear to you come first. Don’t let work, activities or anything else push them away. Scout and 3 year at the minor seminary Spend as much quality, not quantity, time with them and let them know how impor- at Seton Hall) and Adorno Brother Gio- tant they are to you. Remember that without Jesus as the center of all relationships, vanni Nunez from the Clerics Regular all you are left with is quantity time. Minor (in his pastoral year being or- dained a deacon next month) led the The final concern in this issue I would like to discuss is communication. Com- Scouts in morning and evening prayer. munication is the life-blood of any organization. We are concerned that we do not During the rotation program, Brother know all the current Diocesan Chairs and Chaplains. When a new Chair and / or Gio helped the Scouts earn their Rosary Chaplain is elected and approved or appointed by the Bishop, that information, in patch, while Andrew and Stephen led many cases, does not get to Nancy Watts, our Program Assistant. So, if you are the workshops on the saints and the four Chair or Chaplain and are not getting material or information from us, this might steps to becoming a saint. During the be the reason. If you are trying to order medals or supplies and have been rejected, again this may be the reason. If you are not getting the opportunity to vote for Re- weekend, Blessed Andre Bessette was gional and National Leadership, now you may know the reason. canonized and Stephen dressed up as Saint Andre Bessette and talked about In order that we have the right tools, materials and information to send to those his life. Before lunch, the three met in the trenches, we are concerned that you are not voicing your needs and require- with the older Scouts and discussed their ments to us for consideration and review. This organization is not a one-way street. vocations and allowed the Scouts to ask Information has to flow up and horizontally, as well as down. We even have a place questions. Before the Exalt Adoration on our web called ‘Catholic Scouting News’ for articles from all levels of this great service, the young men talked to the organization to be shared. Scouts about the meaning of the Eucha- rist for Catholics. Finally in regards to communication, we are concerned that this is a very under- For some of these Scouts the cam- utilized skill at all levels. If we cannot communicate effectively, then we will con- poree is an opportunity to experience tinue our shrinking trend until the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) ceases to be a positive and forceful influence in the Scouting community. something new in their faith. It may be the first time that they have ever said the On behalf of NCCS, Fr. Stephen Salvador and I wish you a very joyous and Rosary, said morning or evening prosperous New Year. Take care and God Bless. prayers, or have ever experienced Ado- ration. COL (Ret.) John J. Halloran, Jr. According to Father Jeff Kirby, Vicar of Vocations and an Eagle Scout, “Scouting, as a form of youth ministry, can be an effective way to promote vo- The Bridge is an authorized publication of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS). cations by helping young men to live It is published quarterly to provide news and information to members of the NCCS, Diocesan their faith more fully.” Of the priests Catholic committees, youth ministry personnel and Boy Scout councils. ordained this year in the United States, 38% of them were involved in Scouting NCCS Chairman John Halloran NCCS Chaplain Rev. Stephen Salvador as a youth. The opportunity for the Chairman, Marketing and Public Relations Dr. Thomas Sisk seminarians to interact with the Scouts Advisor, Marketing and Public Relations Rev. Donald Hummel is as important for the scouts as it is for Editor Mike Gannon them. They get the opportunity to talk NCCS Webmaster Tony Madonia about their faith to young people and are To submit items for future editions of The Bridge please contact Mike Gannon at scout- excited to see the reaction of the Scouts. train@aol. com Photos are acceptable and should be in a jpeg format. Please ensure all This helps them to understand that they people in photos are identified and the subject matter is fully described. are making a difference in the diocese today as seminarians. 2 Annual board meeting set for April 26-29 in Scottsdale, Ariz. Did You Know . .? By Bob Oldowski The NCCS annual board and standing …That the NCCS offers a unique, special, ten-day adventure at the Phil- committees meeting will be held April mont Scout Ranch in New Mexico? 26 - 29, 2011, at the Radisson Fort This trek is designed to develop organizational and relational skills for McDowell Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz. leadership, as well as nourish the youth’s spirituality. It brings together The meeting with be hosted in collabo- senior youth from around the country together with selected young priests ration with the Diocese of Phoenix and seminarians for seven days of backpacking on the trail in Philmont’s Catholic Committee on Scouting. beautiful high country, along with three days of intensive leadership train- Room rates will be $79.00 per night. ing. Go to the NCCS website http:// Held July 7-22, this is an ideal experience for a youth who is consider- www.nccs-bsa.org/ for more details and ing a church vocation.