The Republican Journal.


by the governor's council March 5d. Hawaii His in Government. Sup- Thursday. arraignment, City the districts arc worn out and unfit for ser- or or devoted < ould of ALL ONE WAY. loving friends, parent.*. Ur rublican journal. erintendent Saniiuni says at the beginning the closing portions of the speech, vice, as many of them have been in use four The of do was of no avail. His death did not « ome <>t the year, Dec. 1, lSOiy there were resi- Paramount, Commissioner Blount was a closing meeting the City Council years. > MOKNINU BY TI1K of the without it was hunl to h in til) li-l'A\ dent in the hospital (>S5 patients, 557 men, striking piece of oratory, and will stand as for 189J-4 was held Monday evening with Many outlying districts are small, warning, yet give up but few scholars in and even the 5js women. Two hundred and eighty- an indictment which the Administration full boards except Councilweu Bradbury attendance, hope that his life might he spared, and with the best of teachers, it. is impossible to ! seven have l»een admitted since, 170 men, will never be able to answer.In the and who have moved from the the knowledge that his life had ended in tlie Gurney, city. secure such good results as can he obtained ! 117 women, the whole number House (lalusha A. of his with making Friday ox-Speaker Roll of accounts No. 12 was read and passed. by centralization. Grading the schools and opening years manhood, all the j under treatment 075;557 445 women, unanimous consent, was sworn in men, (irow, by The of the placing them under the care of experienced qualities which seemed to fit him for useful- (Art ,, at ion in and reports City Treasurer, City City County, I >1 these there hav** been discharged 501; as a member at large for Pennsylvania in teachers, lias been found in instance Physician, Board of Health, Chief Engineer, every ness andhappiness to his parents brought with I 17S men and 155, women, at the advance of the of bis creden- to give more results.' '“r M nr s>a- leaving receipt City Solicitor, Trustees of Free Li- satisfactory Already v-\vku Library, the law has it a feeling of suddenness, which heightened close of the \ cai 071: 5.50 men and 551 tials. The motion was made by Mr. Hol- brarian. City Marshal, City Sexton, S.S. Com- gone into effect abolishing tin* school and the of their sorrow and made tlmm aware o‘ the women. The pci -cut. of recoveries for man, Democrat, of Indiana, the father mittee were read and referred to the next districts, taking power Council. school superintendence from three men and the past \ear. based upon the number of the House, who mentioned that it was City Report of Committee on Lights depth of their affection for him. His habits 1" ,■ i■: 5*. by tlieii own means, excited by a remark made by Funk, walk- certificate to Ceme- and the was essury amount of time to secure the sun css j Xb h\ the State, and 55S have re- ed toward him his hands, tery lot, report accepted. Bill found of friends in n i:• entirely wildly waving fnl of the T; •• plenty : of Insane for care of read working schools. visiting a oi\, towns Hospital patients 1j State aid ot s!.5U per week, members crowded around the school the niimbri of Nci;. I•.hors and I i- mis h -v .!.>.y u and ordered paid. Ordered that the Sur- times cm-!; term p s \ ! I ml i io a 1 pa in;:, the rest. T ho net, two in the scene and law is far from r., priri'-ipal participants veyor of City Him ru t have charge of tin quired by being sut'ima-nt, th /et 1 with ami glad iy helped t n iur.i.g oii t fi p. io t am w a> Mr. of New \ a k. stood the pi department j Payin'. lYpubiiean, mooring ol vessels at the lower bridge and kc.-p up requisite interest both !<•.,- h- j cr and s. lunar. A -nut t bp ho oarden. *5 n> i.:'.5: tlie ha\, \ between them. Mr. Funk responded, as I «ol!e»tthe bids at the rate ot .-aih. In iblr pc -.on. a pra< j. j •' d teacher, witll 11; I; Sll!'' u-ut to 1 mgs. lint- Jie wli'i watelu-.*. i-v.-i nearK as could be made out in the hub- ! t lie Board of Municipal officers the reports qn teach m of on; schools and with land h dling Mills * o, lias suspended op- bub and mfiisioii, and shook bis on. j of the .Judge of Police Court, were read ac- any grade cepted and ordered on li le. oiadotis temporarily on ace milt of the The upioai1 was now at. its height and the i li not said ■•II- '.•>•: 1 ass 1 successfully should devote Ins whole time a n-sMi'n d: ; lie iron tiade..... s < r ices the i> is an a Its tract of the of 1 V: 1i■ ;I>ii. i v- }-taw iliiie dej of sergeatit-at-arms were Foiiowitig reports to the interests of the schools ot Belfast. away, ait n.y words s!,;di m ; ui ied ; st the riot.It is 11 d tin- various 'Ac la oj) repoi city oliicers, with the ex. option lievo, if our citizens w "iild once adopt this that 1110 Democrats of the Senate hnaiiee ! of City Treasurer, which will he found in plan, That they would never v. .sli to »/, : in •'■'5 was 757. 1 5,' a s< s.I n tin- ! nil«*d committee have to and iron turn to the old system. ''eatra itu.n, ] voted put coal j our columns : ]!y advertising or the small NPnsrii 'lit coin ;; t i’o -timid Mar: h 5d ore hack on the dutiable list, combining disirmis, enough > H ^ s- U.l« 1 I ok. money could hi •saved to a wav to- Boinimm S. F; !-■- ,i y1. > : ■ iso of John Ik 'ill! kins vs. the j go oug j ward the a ■. dames S. Ilarriiuan, Cit\ S.^ieitor. ;<■- paying salary .if ilrst-class su- i 'in, ism|, 7 -;1, i t,,| A up p.p, lee < nnpany. w h h obi, e at I’ol.l rn M. Po MS. j the of I>. W'd ami l'crinticmh-nt. W ith these me..sums ports appeal Dyi-r proper■- \ ■ _• ’i an at on < 11 e reeei vi d a *m sed. ami II;.! houses pe- De111oera11e National ■ 1 Hampden, on,( others from 11 auaid of damages .-n t In* .V carried <»ut, as we believe they will he ic. t it ion of 1:, ,• i•;\er .!• hh the re- > ( was dill Mason, in Was! 1 March 1st, ask extension ol !• rout st I'. t will at our new school hoard, we can s» <■ a alm-ation and 1 lien !.. g.m a- an m he \! iiigtoii. he'argued iuug ceiver was to lease the a Democratic member in the next term >1 Law «’• wrl future fur the sclioois of l ■« l«'ai v. i: !i hi- given permission | ed by prominent in dune. On the Belfast, years of ige, r I i \\ lug ’in •!••>'. of 1 be of Parks y? V> the onsiderahle wiiat it will application m-eler ami ethers v< u t (t b.-x! for to run this fail. Tin \aiion- abatement of taxes on >.on-resident hold- j him j W. A. Ai. 11 i< ■ '-.n'\ T;i«* Trii. ! ers of pelfast Water Co. Kimball, City si.,ii, ; .-rt»*»i as w as a mason h\ tr d. i ;i : m ng e the ■ maim: .\ m> owns Ii<>;.i i- Stock, derided hy mMih1 miser ant who lias defaced tin* ; al hi mil Uriiian is .1 man of large mini- j nks i: i:i• );i.i- hy fol I* >ws the Commissi no decree lias Mi 1,1, I* S -1 I t ( a t lux h. AN M A.IoUlTIKS. l'KAi'Tlf'A I.L\ V I.HAN' County mers, Id,:. holi. eh i'll, nni a deep pocket, and he lias been watch men s SW I 1 hern Ii letl, and further is Night l,ills.-I.. ■ ■ >!'-i ll.l' \ 1,1, ALONG Till*: N K litigation expected studi-m* keen ami hi- a a a « :• free, and contrib- Special Mils... r.s *.»4 iiiiud, i.g very frequent willing of the live eases in which the is as police j city cited .... ■ of the Maine cities ami towns held bills ... ..4 < utor to Democratic success. answer Many Sunday police Iris of m, n am; in- -. ;* 1 v Hi:11 r, inn ra! Harrism on ids “My trustee, one has been sett led, three default- judgment *■ is." lie said to bis “take tin* elections last Monday ami there is m> dis- ed and one is still has been ( f his count r\ am its w.-,; t;ip westward was met b\ a c ldiai l- |» inquirer, pell ling;t,he city >1 .1 71: 04 tory j served with a notice of claim- v among the Democrats in tin- fact tliat it is a £2,000«lamages ‘Ml at y station, and at Lamar, Col., simple platform counting lo-piiblican The total number of arrests was .'>7, as fid- llilil subject.- of :lbs..r' ;ng mtere-1 I i district of to the Cleve- ed by Mrs. Sarah A. Voting for re- i said: 'In tin the nations of your opposition in tin* Rim* Tree State. The fTI injuries lows: For assault drunkenness the e;.use opinion year lowing eei\ ed on the 1!, _’l, vag- (‘Spoused anti-slavery land Administration: need not highway. will he d »itlilii a t > you be | rants lb, anil v\ > Oh I III Y\ \ \A\ liiirop.' o.aapelli year ret urns tel! the story defaulting, breaking entering, titled himself with the moral pm r; ... as to details—that broad 1 errv i*i vsn ian. and 1 tisfiii to a re of a silvei eoii- specific deelara- larceny each. Number ared for in assembling RoHTL.ANi). Rax ter was re-elected incuts of the and e\ er ad\ o, a a tion is I do not know of oth- Mayor d. C. M I).. the males dj, females : number day, u?eg v — ! ! v i terenee with a view o we a enough. any Ham, City Physician, reports lock-up, '.! ! ; Toi tiling larger j and 1 1 •• E\I by .1-1'.mi over ai!, taken ;tnd sent :n ;.o;• plurality majority the of to Insane Amount of the er which a Democrat can 1 whole number patients treated 2b: at Asylum!. police rity good govern ■ v- ft 'in* use of silver .is mom At otlu-i platform upon :; M bin b*ass ninth':-. ! places Tim largest that lias been thrown in late office at fees to : 12, their homes 17, number of visits paid City Treasurer, .'S'-'.i.L’s. ehureh and nation as f< a- ■ ■ w to stand this fall with school, .. ,iin inns! 11 m 11:in• 11; I a tnlaiLid s air ha t oil this topie, but hope any possible years The elected liv e out of Republicans made 55, amount of medicines furnished At the close of Dunton in- chance of success. And it is no means seven and lb of ‘.'1 business Mayor of and lie uj it a w .>! Ii 'n.'v t-i al it. !;is eiu:: ks were generally confined to an by the ablenneii, out ouncil- £58.00. happiness prospt rity. ■ certain that that will do him uieii. The vote for was as follows: vited the. members and officials to \\ : in a thanks for the any mayor present, the Free ehur, t; of Thon.a ■, :.i j’lnatimi«»i‘ am.. expression kindly good. FIK K I K L A K T M !•. N T. liaptist 'I he is dames R jOpo; Charles *' Administration gone, The R-axter, Republican, him a a a1 a >' ’ll lnr in ■! i wad-•■•me ■_ i I 11. Moore iV Co. only accompany to Inn, where sup- 40 For ae ;'<••• I L ‘Jon 1 Francis II. Chief Crosby years ago. man;, y, ars in is whether it has car- A. Cushing. ino,-rat, (Jeorge N. IT Wedeh, Engineer, re- i' u iv. Mi. ..i -1 Pane. Vt havo lendved a eolitraet to point doubt yet had been that if it did ! 1 I lTohihit 10. mini her of fires 2. Mar. 14 house per prepared equalled, tlie burdens of ill heail h ua omm a agi\ ried the Democratic down with it. Kimball, urn, Jdb; seattering ports, of Si. ■. '. Mass. 7-1 o Soldiers’ Monument to be party Stetson not. \V ks ilhook. '1'lie Re | in hi ha ns re-elected West ; Nov. 24, sited in rear of Geo. surpass, any similar spread ever laid in lie wjis one of a of mm hroti,,rs .a ! I much f< ai that it has." famiiy .< ...... Vs of Personally. very Wells’ 1 Monas, la., the value ! their mayor by the billowing vote: Albert store, damage slight. The city ap- this Messrs. Edwards Co. is an actual conversation winch took city. Haugh, sisters, five of whom -ur\iv* him H, a.: i,. be it is the This A. Too. d Clark was £2,500; expenses for in in- i.ns> »f brass i >l,.U.nou. hlggest Cordweli, Republican, propriation hydrant their rental and new caterer, Mr. James W. Pick- ried Adeline N. Whitm-v, ,| Stand a in and will re- between two vci.v Demo- Seales, I mmorrat. bsp; daeu’n S. R.ragdeu, £2,048, other hills £41*7.IS; total >2,- .; i. Is k S\ Ii. Hi' \\ as I •t placed Marie, place prominent overdrawn showed to the and his 1 5 crats who for have been eminent in Rrolii lution, J. The Republieans also ele. 545.1s; £45.18. ard, mayor guests that survives him :u the r,"tl! > ur of j, ■ b" '1 ’1 m Lai inn t .Inn oOi'.iKKi pounds of rough stock, and years of S. tia- city clerk, 11 out of the R; aldermen ami CF.METKRY. Inn ran a r in va- make.ldo earloads witch the councils their party_Michael Crosby give sup] which, ried life He lea'. < s tiiiae da u gl -r- M completed_ OUT of t be 10 SI bool eommitree tiled. election in the 1'dth New eigilt Ib O. and of as as Si;, V< ! \V< d< Mo.-ton and Maine railroad lias be- Fay. inspector Norton, Sexton Grove re- riety quality tin- viands well in If. In S a;,: V.- i ot tile !>i:1'.uim: .Mayor Sawyer, Democrat, was Cemetery, NeWeli, A; M. Fiu !: eiit'oreenumt of the York election district of the second As- ported 70 deaths. ;!ie rule probibit- re-el", Ted Dx bb The. lb -pa micaus elegance of the spread and attentive and D Tasker. district, convicted of violation of plurality. .■ or- :,me language on trains. A man sembly j ele b'd meiaiiers •: the city ••outieii in all HOARD OF HEALTH. cheerful ser\ice, cannot be excelled. court on was arrested at Malden on In the election laws in Wednesday. seven wards, them a solid gov- Saturday. giving city Tile Board of Health been Mrs. A»'i.line If. Crow: -t was sentenced to live in the State tin The reports having j •! Pi :in-■■■ iik -ii it the tiimie intoxicated persons w;.i not be years j ernment, xeept mayor. mayor's '•ailed upon to abate 1<> nuisances, which if I of her Mrs A. V Saw p is \- ! vi a e Wis as lol lows d dm IT Deic mother, ail aved on trains. Tin- in the rase prison by Judge Barrett, Friday.. Sawyer, nut Obituary. | -try promptly attended to would have ht-en V \\ iew St ! 1 -;. 1 to Ills own account of himself. 1 rat, bis y i-r Id Ayi-r, Republican, Is:.. reet Mar ot .i a nit s •! u'bett. < iiai geu with violat- cording dangerous to life and health. Scarlet fever, 1 i'.'A !M Nollie. ■ J.obo (Ja to the warden of sing. John '1 ,Rep iabau, from 1>. a- d w as ing the laws of Florida by imaging: in a given sing diphtheria, typhoid fever ami measles have Jason < Jordon of this died at Ip- ennsumption j 0 toe.; ..... Ala; 1 bn; l.bjn. The Kc- city home, M. is a builder a Methodist been Board m O' ii ell! lit Si i'ei ut ned tiie follow ing vei lvane by trade, quite prevalent. The approves Northport,hui has ved in-o' plli/ tight, pu d a ,i: i- :Oel Cit:>.-ns’ ticket sweeps live No. I'nion street, aftevm on after a from tin- work thus far done on the sewer Saturday 1: t W v. hv and total abstain-.-: ( system time lire 1 1:i i< e -a: j e. tin j.ii find the fondant piofcssioii 01 I < sev. n wards. 1 h•. d A and recMinm-mds be a and illness from a 111 and toba< eo His how- 1 that the good work con- long weary complica- IK-:. I t OS < is! !'••'. ! j!;.m practice. A ia un. Smith Rep.; 1,047 Km 1, I bum started in t.he »: 'hri.-t.r.n aad id: tinned Tb* y also recommended that (dr- tion of lb was a native of Thorn- hi*' e diseases, •' •--e.i : i-■ maim ('liaries Mileiiel. i evci1, hardly squared with profession, j bib. D rgiii Id, .Id' K:, k ■*.•: "ii b-".o. 1 11 ur No. r»l of the State Board of Health sile had Hot roll fleet e-1 1 1 s?at ut c and was born Ma\ 1' ... hi earh i < He show cd little regno 1 for either 1 dike, 1.7, !' i!r by pi evioii.- ap}• •:ht men- ami ; ■ i. tlie of tuberculosis be dis- e d ''ruing spread eh up h •■•!.. v a m it i ■ ! W A id. VII.; 1- The d in-. !.•< ; the ..1 >ch< •* *1 organs/a? her da” a A* in ases a.;aiitst f }••■ Du ai t uh ami 01a! law win'll interl'ej ed with lb-pa n i Fed wlmre\ t-r there is an actual or su.s- life be followed occupation ; O IP c K .1.;' M.. or d'S ipr p. ll.l mark, d h\ miM 11 : f pia ns. ;>ori ,-d i-asc. The danger * if mtagion iomi teacher in which In- w s»< liigi.i;- successlul. j sc!:■ n11 !*• -I §Jis is ;•'■ 11• rr* 1 to ami a ivc. mim.n- In is.'.7 lie married M.-s Amu S. Mail ; Idle Soehll Se;i>OM. 1 iii"< W ,v efi: 1. Ida ib ii. '*.!•. \V lb ; an, | Thorndike, w ho, w ith «-ne u. W. A. < >< ;- j lb n Of Mi Mass., ami *w is. i'li.- Piaiusta (Muh c m .' 1; 11!. I.IHRAHV. Ills, danglu. lih-nl tin- C. M set 1 o m 1 i;c am,' dip. ing I:* Ji.on. | ; 11. •; ■!,. Tin* ; !au oi

■. S 1 .> ni |'t M" 1 bt ■' '1

e i he ( i;. atm if" T-.j L> b> cd I I'd e 11 1; mv,!. | ! '■ l, :j of Mm IS-- "1 The Vwi: •’ nr P :b: 1 M. 1 ’o-'d, T. or:.! ;M, )*■ V' "vi. i:! B m T '■ B- |

w c 'll.;* a< lirht. ’ll; l.i if Lie b < vd. AikaU w d d.

>■’»' !a Ch q.-l.i r ol Mas* 1 a oh .• .,b» \V j r | ‘i lie M ••. 'lit 'I

Tie n a- 11. M a r>ha! < A in di i M< I'• B ;- j II Al.L' AVI'U B. a.HIT, 1111 liefioii, id ju\ --mi' Bl'T’.i; hisPua id!: «• the w aiks i' lii, J a (.. r.;!.;i >; .»i \\i.•; I 1 t'. am! description. i»|n: p- riodu is. j ;, I 1 m.t .- ; >;j. a !r! >j .UtioV id 1 ue », M-r ii u ihdiduti a > n miring cvcnmg. Admission ruts. I and 1': l.!_- bmgr 11 v 11 m,,ou and art, Mb; vv ith his fellow i-m n. 111 11;«* f;.!i;; 1; !..• w.■ >' ».. j > Hi:;. <,1 \ j.r A illl pods mpia*ed ladies fret it .a -jst in;,. j < K ilas K-.m h 'S(• J> .it 11 m:t.. .- 11- i.i i i' 11 -a! A. K died dAlllilNti:. 1! "M. B I!. lB ! J b s i m read \.n If! lay room, l.bTd. making •• a VV < ,(■! ■ after whieh he w is h:S Wold n t ll'1 1 A irg.- w.'iit teams n Bel- an, u as e t•-«i -r it -..mi I n a total dcliv' >i J J 1 The list of new t;imm.;■ ism acli-i i»Hici r. ist I d 1:iy night in Y lm ma., I ke l’op< inn> opp ,.a! l.i-. NSWli k Bl'lllf v\ nd-. a tid I or I fraternal he was e\. r a w i: was ,,!,s. -V, (i > fast t" the ha. a! hooks for !.y»b ba- bees ritten at the organizations .mi-! si an w as a e-'lebra red his ! it ho t1 a t ty Frid tv and the attend masquerade typew ley -11 !•'. I' L \ V'1 a \V S, B. l i bran, foi'd, making a saving of >r>0 ..p more. A active and *ii n ut vvorke; wbib- \r~ 'Hie .M* 11 n <• 1 U mui \ ■•! -ay ■!' hi- muation.1 )r. moiit. F. I* 2*1 h. Tim Belfast L,very 1 ing, j lIulBi'ook all IB-1 >ii Id nan-. type Written Motion i; s t \v itleU il ofSbeios.-ly were as hist as life No >m I IS.- lueet Ilia- I, • i! t- ma a:, xcclleni: erord. la image has changed to-- mind arid de ad the 1. n- was Ala ill in friendships ing Pu>' u* big sleigh, formerly “Jenny C A I’K I'l.UAllKTII. Ida Bln ami pages as boon completed, being the begin- 1 1 > ■ m! a -hi !111 dai made ehiain oi the Taber- tail'll w as i-d t.-d V r tin- first time 1 n our commit u i1 \s as more uni versa! i v ijoeiii pastor Mrooklyn used, with several single teams, ilaveiirr of side* ning of a oinplete catalogue. mine 11a< le. i- 1\ i bn;H'U is a siin 1SC7. honeyed and r. for true worth liiau Wei I a-, elilli orchestra t Belfast furnished the a,; >; St Huul. COMMITTEE. spe ted !ieStia\ J 'Id..- n. B1 i -. a ns elected M '. II. 1;. I ’a deli >t Fox- 1 iA.M.1 kisi otta IB-1 lie. The funeral was held at the lie V j Tin.- town has hei et-ofore Been Muring the past, year tiie schools have been llaptist S. E. II.,:. .a .IS]" ill Paeitie are W A-ii No «>\ Wiiisri.ui no.-. The House The Kim City Club will entertain the every officer, people to their usual standard ami, with Church vestci lav au- 1 tender.i1 aa kept up afternoon, under the tin Metll"«i:si -a, | a n ... event tb« new I A' spent 111• Feh Jstti in a useless en- Canibas Cluh of Waterville and Cue \j ,- }o ;aiip,r day IfEi.nUAiii'. For llie first tiim- in few exceptions, we believe the terms have nearly of the Odd Collovv Id--. (ice !. ■ •: ■ « s, -el!. Ke\. A.he:: la::s w\ ils. 'ad li.nii the dea\ oi i« get a ouorunu There wane of been in all the districts spices apturiny hunt (.dun Skowliegan to-niorn >w, F-i- 20 years Belgrade 1ms elected a straight profitable, nearly '■-mess between and i several scenes, -me of which was t here have been three terms the Tufts officiating, with music by a male <-f Bepuhlieau ortieers. One of the tinriug year, da.v, evening. guests thus to km lively •uini'etitioii in this between the speak- and Mr. Meed oil the heaviest ever ;>.st at a March elect ion giving each student the usual amount 'piartctfe from tin* lodge. The gout!e;ia-11 of the Putt -tu ( evening trains. A hot supper wiil "t The attendance of the < '.o' I d*- senate has om correctness of the <-011111. was turkey was schooling. average Nothing polled. tertaine.l the >. at v -a .ah l!a sell*nils in tile districts has e nat m!> i;i, and the was forced to he served in the Masonic hail, and several kept pa< hard \V. accomplished body banquet (>. a weli known liardvva c with that of previous years, ami in this re- George liailey. Thurs,lav evening Th*- ev-ama w •K at A UU list a. The the House the the remainder of the evening devoted t Transfers in Ileal Estate. adjourn. Thursday passed « t spect. much credit is dm* to the faithfulness nierehant this city, died Momiav aid" n ai ■ i;. d k v ih an < iub Miami hill a vote of ins to [•!-asant passed jhay .ng. -public **! port- srigimnagc by musie, ranis, billiards, etc. Belfast Baud of the truant ot'tieer. Tin* selection of a noon a transfers m real estate were after and illness, the tieii and ref res 1>. meut -. an. 1 a •., > iiai i.ii t 1 •jo Nineteen .“southern and Western The following Aug trying uinne! at he Pr*-b:e will he in attendance at the supper and dur- proper oftboal in this capacity is a great help suit of a of la On Christina-* n y h t. alioiit .'•(» in 1 no aim voted with the Democrats reeordi-d in Waldo county Begistr\ of Deeds to Uie M acher in the at- relapse grippe. dan v\ it 1» inusn h\ Sana" i; pres- j Mepubii. Ug the evening. keeping up average d, ii *: President I! i_yi ns call- \ and I’opulists in favor of the bill, and -4’A for the week ending March 7. 181*4: John tendance. Some money has been expended day he was taken with la grippe and was Presiding Elder I. II \V. Whir ■ ilooK A l.AODKK Belfast II.•; u in of school m iu dei and w eie eastern Deni » la n S- a.- ka otli* eis were elected Pjvsi aiie\ a as 1 .St h h a ■ n> >• a M.-nt ! oi'f.s on the bill, Joseph Lamb, Frost, 1.. hvci. .. M iss FI i/a j •empt to get together tariff and smne other school rooms have re- meiit “supper’s ready" w as made at iiioii of principal of the i tee with instructions ‘*t.o shape it in ac- to Ahhy J. Atkinson, Burnham. Edith hi. 1 1 11 P"i\ .; J. do. JL B. to >tudy High School has been changed Morrill, partner Hour, k.m months, .she was and differences, and when members a list of Neaiiey, Bobbins, Morrill, born in | flatly in every way. In fifteen dances the and hi order to do efficient ■ rhoma.s do. Herbert E. Brier et .somewhat, work, b.-rt Gammans ill a store at City Poin! Hi S. S p_' M Ja. ol. u Ida lived her*'- toi .'.ii declared Fiat we,old not he bound Storer, al., years_ | they by lioor was well rilled every time and the it was thought advisable to secure, the ser- 1 Belfast, to Fred B. Downes, Boston. Ar- was afterwards in the husinc.-e- n .1 Hiller \ P < 1 i M. 1 < onfereiiee will In. held the caucus decisions it was of course of \ ices of a second assistant. In the South Pri- grocery "ms as s al- thur] Blow Belfast. to Wm. A. evening thoroughly enjoyed, n, Mason, M ota s. h K in mu us<- to otlieial Mrs. Florence her Main street. Sixteen ago lie entered Beatitude, p April 1> A.! and prepar- ittle go further.The Montvilh-. \V. S. to mary Maynard resigned years the case when Sanborn's or- hest-ra IVittcrsoii, Waldo, 1 j ways ms assistant at the of the e >«. Servi. n \ a 1 to: m >M(.n he bee'll11 for the meeting. statement of treasury receipts and ex- Ada M 1’attersoii, Waldo. Mmerva (Jray, position beginning the hardware business, which he has sin. w o• and Mis- 1 furnishes the music. I. T. as ! r year Alberta Wadsworth was nieisii tow n autl.iorii ies are penses rssiw-i Maieli 1st slmws in round Clough Balmyra, t<> J. W. Mason, Bit t.sli >ld. Lilia hdlowed, with the addition ol dealing in T!ie annual in.'. 11 ng- a a. Ban- elected her successor. Miss K1 Folsom of din' tor and M. C. March M. to Arthur 1. do. la 11s u la. liave not figures tliat for the cigh' months of the j prompter. Two Mixer, Belfast, Brown, tinl: En< 1"iuent have cx-'eedeiii, di >. j dent rein m m ■ in this section. As a man .Mr. liatlev was Miss Eh ge rm_ are in-au l:- S l'.*!'.o* IIy <-x sj*17,oHO,- ! Central intermediate and Miss Lena 1’er- payment, lx-iny eipts (UKy penst sj Clark b W. A. Kimball: ham from C. B m kius eieeted lew successor. Miss a Mr ’’h Ii. ! a .■ d. Tr. ! I U i.; w h V I ,a m j ;n !»"i. 1! ;i 1 tla 1 at e -i >7 < KM h' >00 loi the j Liberty. The hist s.m rites over the re- Mary War- kind and generous to fault, the poor u 11 azeltii e, bought, at auction b\ ii .race r. n was sick the lati term and her -. ’he a a: A III .1 a ill ]S I lie during ci i : •tin Is eh 1 are Miv o' P alloyed -mipli.-e „! y minus, mains oI our esteemed citizen, Il’-m. ing much benchi at his hand vv inch Sma!. j highly phee taken by Mrs. Mary I* Y*u/.ie. In the \ »• •* iasci mu "ii a ley. ■ i1 arid t uf I'n 11 :iji in A ai- ipt gohl-headed. polished the mvei leail'd. 11 vv a> ai c :c dent Mi.-- Plain la P ho \ Wm. 11. Hunt, were In hi at the Hunt, resi- Lpper (iraniuar School Mr. Frederick \Y. ptildii get ;>m Mi t esi ali ia;. 1-aiic > rvseuted Feb. 2Sth I *» ex J j 1 -p-'iial }.,e of the l.:*k"iy ] s a > ,. e. M. l’row n has beta sm eroded ic and shrewd 1 itsuiess mail, and I ad la a d.-nt Miss Pd Ni'ws of the < * Vii lidice Mai l'll dil, .n Rr\ (;«••». E. principal by | •'\ > I I'l iiiii is. w a an ai n*-« ih-.•. senator | u >;.M\ikei by ! Mr ibrbert, L. Lliis. .At the beginmng .f Mast r rank 1 v 1 Tails t Reliant ofii. di d, assisted l»\ Rev. ! number of pi .sit --ns ■! rust. Cor the p..-t > -I mi jc < '1 audlei a llie lb .v -"ii iii w ..hi 1 m 11;« 1L' of several ! t he spring tern Mr L L. Ilsle\ was eie< ted j four v ears hi has he< i; trustee of t h- Maim The lit i e 111 n •! tin t1 mt'am-d tin* ;>t amis.■■■- c: j ... in nicipal .•"Ui 1. aa a K-luity ration Mr. Packard yl this \ blag- in compliance j | neipal ol tie High School', Mr. F. W. j s. i■,• Cli'se n is> State S. ami la. ; ■> > • "\ in lie- e i v ■••nri mid < 1 *• aj• s on t.\v ami tin- t:i•:. 1 signed. M Jennie A. Me ! a I' i. a \ t u ■; 1111!. i. 11 i t j: b. ystli. deeliii- .amlidatns I with tin- reijiiest "f the ista.ul wo terms in tlie < unci I. ! (a a -•ve.iiii- ami l'mirtii four last rfatimia;. rvaay. .ces were conducted ;n an u in *st i-ntatious dly i the commencement of tiie hi.l term she was j .»*11 "!! e. lit UU --n ."lie 11 '"I 1VU | I « 'dei'ed >\ .lit. !;;v I i; !!< j si ueillg lie ummher ol Tim- f iy. I Mge ••. M >-ms. Tim del rat rd sidr ill tin i;it* i:ti*ra.-y ■< m- | manner, hut the lh-rai u -mug* wen noted chosen last assistant :n place of M ms Lilian i:i ti !isi"u j. .1...... In !es 1). ot I •. in* siiia of >b. )i t«. ;i w ;; [ t, j.M img !'. Bobbins, and Miss .Addle \Yes- His \\ Me a a: one >. !..< \ dad.a I 1 ... test in iSnasnln (1 will tin- for their number and « ieganee. 'i'lie entire | resigned, j •• i ■ 11 111. i 1 .III I s■" U :! I!!" ? 1t ! 1. Ill j ratiji'- givt* l'alyyv nan t. lie A1 colt w as e !ei a ■(! second ass is a i. supreme I (o-ohwork cify, survive loin The dunum vv e da! i' .• a ami damn- at’tln' a1 hail tu-m--:t< >w of the ask. 1 was i.• d with b i.l amressi;;■ ia id Iteih: h;n | hi> i i' i?- j >; i. V. li w i, -1 great length supju-r j t««|* lovely has been done in (.'eiitrai lbstr'i t, this being ins late residence on Chuieh st r- .t >t.i- ■ ’1 ■ ms a m i e t rvrmna. with a siieaf ot wheat. muiecahle of ■ i.i-r life • *i.i i« m .n M ian«l riled unmet ui ies. Judge Friday, ! dmvers, together j in the higher grades. Many d a v .!. 'oil rile-:-. Vi .... li, ! > Mir •* the had ears m aftonioci.. ldv. M I.. iih-iat- 1' •• i.. N -it i< ! < '||\ decided e\ »i lit I wreaths were also distributed teachers have y !g aiai ('emetery <>n cry j against .ling's IJy ,i recent vote of \S alda i.\»unt> Grange, Reautiful j the work and have given \ cry satisfac- ■ i ’.-i.ii. .1, Iin I'a J W K ■belli .»t (.-a t \ -I an but b.ul a : Commissioner J.oi hien March about tin- room. that 1 were well j good pension. meetings which e in not he heal ..i. tin -lay (Would tion. Our has ■ experience heciijiow ever, that *'V. < a .a mi at to 1st sent ot the lined i' S r a •!' deliver the address Judge lamg. Michigan versed m the matter of flowers to | j si t on am ount of the weather are postponed enough normal trained students, other things being on : < ourt. a second notification that \Y llobi nsuii <>t Mom Mai Tin -'lit > n I M i'S.. that day.\ t |’ai is Supreme far better satistaetioii and show Arthur _ p, j t n M. tin ■«! -t to t he next lair hut the ommued give a fuller description.; Aiming the pieces equal, give ni.anine »•• I unless within :’><• he establishes day, long the 11 rt senteneed days by better results than those who have received •Jnu after «i severe ami painful illness, aged «■ ‘•rn.ti: /e.l an I n t ir I i a! I' and storms about the middle of was a tlora! harp iroiu the Liberty choir. I .loll Thorne t«i confinement at additional videnrt his light to his pres frequent no special training for purposes. j teaching 17 years, 11 months, He was tie- I Wit: 1 lie |. n.w pn .fljn.-j S Mr. Hunt been its chorister for more days. najjlle, j),.;-;. a dm iny life in the State prison cut pension rating, his pension will he February, with the consequent ilrilted roads having Free Text hooks are accounted for as fol- lows only child of Mr. ami Mrs. I.«*ren llobinson, I'.ranihali, president Minna nmrdci of ilairison A. Whitman, reduced to SbO a month. This is in ;ir made a month's postponement nce»ssar\, than twenty-five years. It is presumed that No. of hooks in the thus them childless. The 1 amt i»t t he will of .lames (i. Jilaine eorihinee with Judge Cox' s decision. another and aider than mine will write several districts March leaving depths president merry help department/ i»% and the meeting will be held with Morning pen b. slid. .r>,242 their sorrow those can know who hum- Frank llansn re 11er 11 \ \ a shiny ton, I). ( March 1st. The public debt statement shows the gen- bis of »nly in, presi.ient Light Grange, Monroe, on Tuesday, March of life and character; but to those who No books in the hands of committee. doe to each of liis children > *o. eral balance slightly less ban siSS,00<),000, No. of hooks purchased the year. Hb2 followed their loved ones down the silent en’ertainnient Sadu M.i> lbtli. The will include discus- knew Mr. Hunt best no encomiums are during department*. as t lie programme his *-•“>, and leaves against, ss4,000,000, Feb. 1st last, and will river. The funeral was eomlueted Rev. seeretars ilattn 1 t reasun grandchildren needed. I only say that throughout a f>'.< hy >eerii.o, I s sion of the topics, “Shall the State Grange b,f> st to his wile without Treasury gohl at 100.tint).000, against of Lincoln and Idavid of am absolutely large portion Waldo, Knox, No. of hooks in the several districts March Brackett Brooks, a quartette ness meet inns are held the tirst Mom. was s'bhO.ttoo Fell. I_In the Mouse Thurs- pay the of one from each Kennebec counties, business relations have It necessary to have the will expenses delegate 1. selections. Beautiful dow- 181*4.5,1*1'4 sang appropriate each month, prayer imatinp-s the last tm. it because Mrs. Ulaine day the hill sF"),000 tan* the subordinate Grange ?’’ to be opened h\ Pro. been interrupted, pleasures saddened, and No. of books in the hands of committee.. 21*7 Washington appropriating ers were sent Mr. T. hearts troubled the out of so well- No of hooks returned as worn hy A. Elliott of Brooks, at n oYlork m. The erst S n r. "d t<> make some real (‘state trans- ot the wreck ot the was G. method can by going out. 151* Sundays p. raising Kearsarge J. Harding; and, “Py what, I known and respected a citizen as No. of looks sold to residents.. fun Mrs. ( A. M( Mrs. II. \Y. a is A!ix-i t ( ( art of hast called up by Mr. Cummings, Democrat, highly Kenney, Mayo, union meeting held with tin m Winthrop the order of Patrons of Husbandry best for- Hon. Wm. H. Hunt. He is survived by from heart fail- of New York, and by unanimous Mrs. Kdvvm l.ufkin, Everett (irant, (ieo. league. addenly Saturday passed ward the cause of tax reform ?” to he three children, Miss Elb-n E. Hunt, Miss Calusha A. Crow takes opened lie was a man of middle aye and consent.When Grace Hunt and Mrs. -L .T. Walker, wife of Copy hooks on hand March, 1.81*8. 1.84 (touhl and oilier friends. The attendance H. P. Farrow. Remainder oi programme hooks the 51*1* Vastink. Mrs. Iazzie Lo\. i..\ has i ’■ ih*' his seat in the House he will find there by his business men from Copy purchased during year. best known in western Maine, only partner... Railroad was large, show ing the este« in in which the is "hat known as the 1'unLar p: ■•p. i-i "Uiinent in town and af- two members wit h w hom he served before to be furnished by Morning Light Grange. Hiii klaml and Augusta were in town last county 788 deceased and familv wore held. 11 is sick- the orner of Main and lYrkius streets, nmi of Sickles of Week into the of extend- j llis official business be- Holman Indiana, and looking feasibility Copy hooks distributed to the several dis- will tear down the capacity K. Pramhall of lias be- ness was a peculiar one. lie was taken with 1 hir$»e tenement New V<»rk- and one man in either (.'apt.. H. ('amden ing the Georges Valley Railroad to Augusta trict.'.. b!>7 'videly known as sheriff at the l'a- only known as the Mullet hluek.ofle t tin sr come thoroughly aroused at the frightful via. Liberty. Hv the way these gentlemen Copy books iu hands of committee, March, a pain ii. his shoulder early in the winter. It A im hank He was Senate or House who was serving when houses in town and wliieli was hrop robbery. condition ol this and much it looks 18114 8b oeeiif-a-d country, spemls expressed themselves very favor- was not considered •mu.tied the his first term began in lsbl Senator Har- dangerous at lirst, hut the British in 1MI, On the same s.fn Apple Kiuy of the State. of his time in teaching the system "i the co- able for us. They expressed a desire to in showed "ill a iiood-sized hoi;.. I he annual of the of ris, who was the House.Senator Frye the doctrine us and we are aiarining symptoms later. The best put up hoarding t report officers operative republic, taught, by reach by rail, ready to give all i>r his 1 number kept op. n for either permanent or t; ,u- ‘laitie Insane was received concluded remarkable speech upon Christ. [Poekland Opinion. tlie aid in our power. A large of books now charged L. physicians were had, but all that medical aid hospital sient hoarders all the year. Letter from Ohio. An Oh! Time School. Rev. tl. A. Ross in New Hampshire, j Prohibition Day, March 20, 1S?)4. j Decline of Whalini*. >'! We have received a neat eon- 1 N -I1 A"! K. UK!- IN Hi!. W* A M !•:!; \ CAIIUACK !■■ I>TI V A I.. pamphbd The whale lishor\ was at one time an 1 A s the exercises enormous in \ : \ U > I 1 i. \ ('I 1) T«' in. !-. >! mi; 01 Ini: .bn u \ \ i.: tabling a report, of dedicatory industry the I'nited States, of ill.- Wchst.-r Meinot d of The Con- li reached its heiyht in l.SVJ. when 00.; ! t ! 'hr .lout -Ml. Withill a \\ v ears# 1 have had in \ »!, M*. Im ■:!: a \M l s-‘!. I isit mu- •»!’ the many islands I‘assa- ers, with a total toimayc of were Jar. JJ. 1SPI. The e\ -r. is.-- have a heal in- in it. the had be or h. ii nti iva.* wmll as Victoria. The island ha* about -00 in- ; p Church hi 15,-;fast, and who has an\ warm troduction of Ueiosetic. and the incr- a>-

> m ,.f whom flicit ■ ■ w !. ,ii'. a \\ a \ t'iv-m !•• <■1*1 habitants, ad living frauds here, is the pastor of t. Hampton iny scarcity of whales, seem to be the causes of this and lislduia. are >.-!- decline. a in;. m•_ eomparilive sum:.; s. by small wrmiuq they ... and prcaeiied the dedicatory Sonic remarkable vox ayes were made in Emulsion •• Scott’s < ..i\ iI. i <•!' iliter-■'-1 ami ifs a mini boriv ami mipuhit ion. m "ii on tin- above occasion. The hospitable chapel the old “The Pioneer" of \ew 1 days. an 1 v s have made was sc. u red the unsol nil .-d in h la>t it yeai mainly through l.ondoii sailed in .lime, lshl. for Davis “I s l.ioo lion. Claudius Tin hanan T > > social as well as in gilt i.y Vv ;i ,m i 1-s eV'-iyi h;uu !> -lia ppe»i pi-.ores' in customs Strait and Hudson's l’>a\. returniny in of Cod-liver ()il, with of lime \\ i-bsier of t oneonl, N. II a native of IN HONOR OK Till-, H | I RIKTHOAY \ \ M \ K. R- I <<*».'►. with I1 hypo phosphites '■* the conveniences of life. Time in September baml>nf oil : -x. m t!:« lamiC!. while at was, where from June s. I Si is, until his SARY Ol •• K \ I. HOW. and ''..Mi of bone, valued at when there was but Hampton, pounds and soda, cures all Blood Diseases, -la a mil re junr is m;. remembrance, including every pace w death Oil .Mar.-I. -J7. Is.IT, his rcvei.d lather, TI Neal Dow lives hi 11! the 2<>t.h of this 1 ‘O.coo. In IS !T the ‘T’.nvoy," of N one sma oil and v r:u: i have to see 1 lie d schoollioiist* the island, m-Mith In* liedtord. was sold 1i> he broken but Scrofula and Anaemia. It makes yi lb v. Josiah W.-hster, niimstered to the will he the most honored lean m up: the blood her iii w l.h l: a a ahea-l »f i. lie this was foi a ehai< li as well. It the purchaser rclitted her and she made occupied town and t-> its Cuiigregat loual Chinch. world,” said Grand Secretary I'rnketr .i voyaye worth •>U’.J. 4.",'i. On the othm rich and Physicians, the world I- ! s V' e |i I-, a l»l,_llt was a r,.uuli wooden affair, but a "t the Maine (mol “It is mn nourishing. having The society, with tin* aid of a building com- Templars. hand, a vessel made a live years vo\:*ye. -'•< •!t! 1 in he journalist ic liehl. narrow spare ol level t!«»«»i in the. center, mittee, Ke\ J. A. Koss.chairman, raised t he local affair,” lie continued, “the day will he over, endorse it. and on her return he captain > i.. wa.- a observed Goi-.l all >.ver i;sM 'el- i \\ 11 lie some of the tie- sides bein_i sharply “faded it]' by additional money net dt-d. The chapel lias by Templars the only eiyhty-live dollars. Put. a> tin Nan about and was dedi- world and will he sen; to Gen ticket whose vessel ,-.-H I >1,1" .US'. "Ills Ill I sm ci'S': ve rows a permanent wooden cost, equipped, >_\J00. I greetings 'aptain, returned Persons troubled with skin eruptions and all who are thin or cated free from debt. With of i Dow, the father of the Maim- Law I hr; from a three v. eje as I■ ■:m :is -h" emaciated should take SCOTT'S EMULSION. Cures benches, with a narrow cross aisle be- the proceeds year** Coughs, Colds, reeeivi-d letters from the t. and I. went out. Muunrked: *Shi ain't y •: a and Weak an ciiterta innu-nl tic young people of the just, .dges Lungs* >t> "die 1 tween them, much like an oidinan stair- !1 •>' o,i-i avails’' ol and tin har'l ih but she's had a mP.jsty line hv Scott A N. Y. parish bought tic platform furniture, whirl, Kngland of Scotland, and interest Prepared Sown®, Druggists sell it. is.m lilt ie i.U t ’a w a v T! master had a hiub es ; I lie\ are not Mui »]ip»*sii»• the do-u. and here he sat Tin* Good have chairs of tjuartered oak. Thr tin-* Table, j Templars prepared two .. •, : \ a: as the < a-iei n and w at memled and feruled e tiaud tiled, pells, w !::•!» the of programs for the ohservam of the I rests upon desk, was tin* gift day, ...... V W 11, i' V. i New Kne- i lie seln -lars when it became for tin* lodges, ami the other he union me. necessary, Mr. I'• *ss. Tin-chapel is a story am! a half ’o < and these wen- in h |'erV 1: K •!' a h' Use without which vvr often. As be was a < mgs, tin- Mai quite j huddltlg, ;;<> hy 55 feel, -! 1 ,11 -11 •, 1 Wit 1 the j piu.lished nmnher -,! the l.Veord. din he-*| re-sses. nr at most eiipjde. when then* w as a brei-h of dis- eini'.eli hy passage way, and with the old | 1 i>\ See ret an llraekett. The w h V ;hd is ill.- axe in the cipline i: was 1-is habit occasional! v to siiv vest v, w hich will new h,-us<‘d ]»ri11« ipally j programs, the odt* < e < and sketch of jell I*o\«. y1 1; : a >:s, s ;.i \ iie>. An his he i\ : ulei at a dn liiuiueiil. as a e | as a dining hall. The hape! proper is an he low. of he h\ pi f, with il. •< j odmdei ai >ome* hiim mole diendful ! apartment ,t. -i of hireli I.olHJi- 1’■ i: \ u This :s to ’.*• e pr.»gran. land w. i n > • in s oil, < 'un-dna dt one of pine, 1; ■ uiinld injn udiny. When the given Oil i( gu i 11 ! y m e t i n g I I ;. 1 with of a ! aitetaiat.t.g styics tinisii that ... -| in, ; ■ m e i do\ t ra !iso reused he (the nder, w-.-k unrig- M ;o diyye' culprit) 1 M ■ vev, p;i•,, :t, t. V.’ilis did it, iing an vi da- M:n. !i ! Satur ! 'j. Wound dr .'aid'd up ill front of till' Idyll finished ,n \\ lute and fr< m tie’ .’idle o' the T 1 I !•'!'•'!: t1. v r■ 11• re ue(• >, '.' -1-. to tad a ’|S, ,| IV, li id' d a alii’: 111 i r> i;e" t!

•• a: ■ !■ v. i> r< si,.I' s', in:; r. and W as 1 i leading ! -\ t. !:• See etarv or T-, e- 1 o ., •• ex. : fW" ’" h I 11n i n- :: u ; * Dow : M < M a "I •••■ j i'- !i •• 1!.' man MU'. The oil o *1 Uhl or

4 ! 1 i- 1 1 ;i! III ! y>. iiei ail\ ordered ; '1 ••• < 1 into a lade s' •.r !.i- i■. f nr o 1 pa ] j11''t: Ur a io-n : o;i sueli < m .laions. J-d r 1. Gein-ra: The ded at ory e.\en i>es v. n v.-rv ;!.t,• r ; di 11 i o'nei dd. a yood s!a ppiny wii h p.iteli or ictt* 11• < e 1 > •• •.■ i i.-o v: ; ■1 v. as d» !>»• ( »m• da\ rud'i sullied-ill. ■ ■’ •' .a 1 IH n I'm ooo j I lie .o\ ]; on ;• nal ion. iini I i <• all 1. :.n :n a. m.ode-1 and 1 riy j oil* Us a S'. U agog Me." W. ;M lethe I low neet inn \\ it h » goe. t O’ |. inid; ■_ i r: is d up to ex plain eas tig lilt rodll’ 1 .• lions. I ’T: ; 1 i’ »ia«l Uron- o' a Td.' u •• 111■ a sal in a /15 i Id-pm ay. oiu.u y f 22 ULSTERS. i, : o .v ar.d wa- pass dy 1 In' .mm: no w el’ a \\ ■' d m p'.-n a -lu- swim.; a oa ad t s:,_ ;.j nr -n miy ri t if > ■ 1.i- 29 OVERCOATS t, When V. :■ he n; m.'i s tin "• T i ; -: e e !- o ...... 18 SUITS. M I-' m .... •! ■■ v, ''iir1 i that t liei a- rov, el nails a 1 1 1 •! •; .. | .: m N • -, ! I *. | •; \1 1. RII

'■ Ba-i C sid, 47 ;-1711.;; FT., SjJJTS,

•• !• t ■ •. fit t-en, |t:.... f»

Avar's i'h. r ;- I om. ;: v eT o, o, y, n • Mo,:

\ ■'

■ 111;iii■ V .M'S,' 'a ■ i. !;. *';i i 1 ; x k<.‘' ■ is -i N :: D y j"-v.a tie- fori-iyn maid. ia-u ■ ;• ••••’■ .-r m. infsa.S]»t--iul lias led 'In- gg.y i 1 d. I. He Hi U'-"- ’! I hi lit I. 1 / ! ii e was no ii.,,1-: ! pe st M a a 1 tin- h, 1,.: il-uvl. •!--i 1 ••in' r!.. .•.•a,.|ti>iu«i hunting l-'o; ik,, ur -rim ! mind a without a m ia t most A> I a ih} jar ; ni'l In amiable _i: d- .n that e'. (. ei lie dllUghi !! 'A ’hi il >.U J I,. -a •• ! *•' I,-. .Hi t sirii k- }'"■ r'-r mtali* .s' >\ :• hev rimhol Id s.'d ■d.o Is, n suflerer of { ■. at id 11,, I All honor ; ;. j> rt ie. name. > i" Oiirlm: .mg Tin.- 3: *■; 1 t. : r. Joke ale D n j 1 o e. iumng ? .i: 3* N .f. ; t !.<• in a m r Wi odd all ii is pipe. ami ;: n h < ’v!:oh earth is," And that a nd n,.-, no u •. ,, we use kilo: a a a ; punk ii. lie- howl would at r> Ayer’s Pectoral "I th altar of the nn.heu i. -i a,- mds Cherry Uk- use m V 1 a hi M -T. *. A v w. it .lid >it li y ia-> w i ieU die siuid- "file il 1! to "f the S p, .! a.: tie,;.:, j,H>. n,-, 1 f ■■ ”.,f Pm d ;iw:i U‘ wa A .» 11.•* w _■ Ut is a a ii Mien* .iaiile n : o' i i.e at true ted thr."! all Me \\ m j ,■ i- h, Premat to act. sure to cure i on g eiuds ol s|.,i. v and runo.’ •; ai> ki ><• treat i-ajv is do", at Id.- dark. otli •: *]i •- ••I'.si.-.iis Amoiiy v :d st ti! t he local habitat ion is a ,->si- • > M r.ltle 1 y in el 1 f" jie; •. 5 i I’liristinmt i. \ ml o ; -1:. a a- i ant it. k■■) *seiie is a!i- a,"! w oad-1 happen in ..e: asi• naliy a hand religion.-,, ini led. As the wat.a iron, the ! i i»» n ,-g ha\ es ‘o —- M:u-d (!<■ t nam it, .mod old de.u ,i.e of whom u aid tS ill K S hetw 111) wilieii to, ; ,j is t. j 1' i ■\ -. a a. a e U a! n t i 11 I v • I tank, green he iields ”1 tie h, •!:: >!, |*i dmissdui i<. j11a\ ; after whied thi and ''I !. 1>U" | y 5 -• e’t. 1 he W I eis O’ tile fact .j-\ J e ■ 1 in i ">r ■'! 1: Hi 11'! 1 ■a "I t .U >. a •• } ,d aid 1. o

-h 1 .f nn: n die .J. mud : s, •’ Mam! M>l. ii :• if n m •'i. M- i- !■' •! 1 !;•••• ! .«•- :v.!i !- T’., firs \\ -f Fi

... = mi! lii f' w !. ; I, .• ; t, e a. a i: a;au v *ii:Viaia m j.btee*.. ;

1> iaii.-n ‘i-'n-. in. m..i. ■ !/• ;s dll. Tim! With ! We j i in' llie■'1 «‘l I:ii> u»l \\ i- :in ex el- i< >> in t;i< tin.r. 1 ,i ■n 11:... i. .•'it. 'I 1 1: 11 S'. «*! ; i m a ts •; • i. lit •!'«".-is of ill- r! -1 \ iiiiil :i j;.-. I i is :« a ■. V a mailer u >• -km k«- j > iwi i,u|u the whole yeai ^ Z'SZ \ !».'! \ hink i:i> s;il;i ry r--ac-ii• ii' “I' 'i >;• :>«"iu-k i' of : lie i';nm»ii: :• lit

s. : ; •!! -h 1..WU ; al •mi w tin- t,.rv, [ mu given way t.i a new ami imn-ii iargej " a.-re li at k -■!• «*r,s w .shin ;.s is !.. .frMis SJ-.alvS Ih .;n»l 11! ,k. I 11; -1 | f m tur< w i '■ ii .lern -m >1 m mriii s. ami \: a] know n ill ie 1 • r 11\ i i' g broad. Me,! r It had been er< eted a small leu iiami- < M e.ii rsc flii’ i u! iu ng for u rsliip, .-kareh «'iiap'-i is 11.u to be ill. r< ••• at a si.i'ni' ; spirit- elmivli. The building w as ab mt u..'! j ia/im-ss. win re we sing and pray’ and aaiits addition \ id; _' > w ! i.e ill J Vn us\ i- was the mg u'n !. a ! bni-hed. and to rais*. means to furnish it niter holy sentiments. and then go ..pj j I'.mii'-is t !.< fid the ': h ..I. i; j w hat. w .• iia v.- \ <-«l a ; iiViT.alli! .a •; ai>. a,i miles, ami forg.-i pra for, ,d ni deed I:fty ••i'estival" had been Then law of .Marne tliiis hut lam: appointed. and life pontradi. t w .• have said. Jt is j originating. ft h e in\ w as "H the a in. aided and w a- a i. t. span were no grand concerts. ini oratory. m j in to b*; like the Church f 11:.■ t/apin-eini j strengthened, |. "1 Rom. where useless monks eonsi aation it*- si.,t. .n :,-si ,\ ,. THE REPUBLICAN JOURNAL » .at *li ■•••Miilet Ileauiil'ui s -eu i make a relies PUBLISHING 00MILAN i lotteries, no punted doogers to draw in 1 lire. O. and candelabra and ghast.iy .!<•.■<.rations out ••nil an le astern »S i •. I n md 7". In Mt.-d laud md i'Vit] I the multitude. but in lieu thereof it wa.- ; ..f .try bones of dead saints. It is rather to is.-,7S Fug made man\ addresses in Ia\ -a t r !• v ! he the shrine where the j*»i i >i \ i -\ » aiMi ha vim:' is> lakes ! understood that each in knight watches and pr-dd vsr, family the parish lath -n of r ie i if i.i a- t rain In >n wa- prays that In- may b< strengthened-for w.-ar- j i- v, •>; 11. mem ienint. The war n j nt the w at i-! tin- rei.el,nai as th-h n I w me to provide a big panful not of guess- I ing The eonseerated armor, and fighting val- mil PURI:’ DRUGS1 ion and slieaius is of tin- same and tin-re w< n l.-,s title ..f (o-n.-ra! w as t w i.-e ; cake, not of not even of beaim; hut I iantly successfully tip battles of the 5--—: turkey, wounded and a ill tin- 1 warfare, needs the Church prisoner .-nemyS t ;m a mud 1 holy ('hristianity puddle. of f>oi!i t( | was | hands tor a jdain riihhfujr.' invited, and and but the Chiiivh and mug time. Chapel: Chapel A * !'!-;< I V i.T \ •. iv d.-i raets ti<*m the of Sim e th. 1- i.Se of the w at < I >• w : .is beauty attended: admission, T, cents, in- must not he the retreat of an imbecile sen- supper ■ lived int i s -. or the theatre of a -in and unnrr!.-nr at ins ■ •! a timentalism, blatant hy- cluded: and 1 can that I licvei holm- :n ! a say enjoyed It must not 1 e For! land, In -i.-d m P'-erisy. the phut- where we "ping COAL! ami alaa-ast -a I .- e' COAL! .•tv eats called a t-he times ami eonnnonly more n-lishahle meal. The main dish meet to have a spiritual good time, and j by mg leave behind us all the j eorrespond -nee. and always I- the alert f. r i" unknown hero. and no one was but it fervor of devotion i t in )(in to t! tti eahhage. seemed that nevei ree. ami " h. n we go out from tin-room. It must not aidaig, mmeudiiig arding !i, ha\ •• o! them has I was s<> tender forts tor tin- advam einent .it s -* r. ngt in-n- ! >;»oken eahhage and well prepared be tie* escape from the urgent and often | of th. laws ins State] « VC *ee hard duties of the Christian life ling prohiititory *; = «■. 1 h.i 1 11 aiixiolis to before. This, with coffee and a little cake, amid the t In- as pleasurable glow of sympathetic emotion } tigamst of inio\i. ai_- a j o ccimen. hut it set-ms made a c and a sj apital supper, great crowd Tie- that e m burn within the beverage. SWAM & | light only pro 5!BLEY COMP’Y II-' lias a '. h .- ; in ting wails of tlie sanetuarv hah the ..m. m ;• -i ).uss\ to 11avel was there to it. The con- is mu the enjoy quantity 1 St ate ba ! roa. ,u<- -a : la -st ami laud's The oi :l„- Lord's ag.-d U ■. ms r < j kindling. lamp iii'ii in' » ; nave ne'. r > t attempted to sumed was but a sum most, to ,.ne oj tie ... enormous, goodie kindling is lighted in tin- sanctuary: but it | drunken. nip--rate j n V ! he a 1 \ shines before a ami tin.'iin-i;:! we;, i: tie- nn’on. .e- Sliel: eurinsj was raised for the church, and at a most men, ml leads the'u'f. ginn- j ly i.y ■ all' I t.b- -' at lit' s if ,: •: n 1\ lie In C ither. li w.- paid e, | a\eiil.v Aml win sep- i:i*:k 1 s! mil endeavor to ! w w to of the ab- ■• ll leil oil I 1.1 s I i;t .. I )' trail.- expense, say nothing i rat < uristuau worship from Chimb-a. 1 of the many modern tricks and work : wb.-n v.c use the sam-iuarv :r.• 1 it- Celebrated Haddock's Vein bah- old \V• t v h spi n i«-e> To kindle w it bin us t'.lie age, h ill t!: ;g 'ore. | re >ea! | pbgi- ruble Plymouth h expressions lua ud mb ii cents iolks on Vanlcce soil | glow o| an ill'-tii. l.'llt Sent •': i: 1 \\ «• 1 ALSO ’i t ;•*. >• »niei itues at the of no ! "ii mi it sa. : 1 -ge. We . at .* t i;e expense building 1 i w hi- h We profess fo (led i aa e !.ah. is. On;'. .t g f little eons as w« ii a.» much hard II.• niavti ami m-r v t,, bdioi a11*i us> generally.

> a ; -: e II 1 1H ! his v a> i « j Ii*- >i and only aM>age ft s-

... v. nil'- a no an \ \\ lieu i’ or 'ii *'-d bat 1 v. he erd of: I i‘l but. hope flu* ! ,.U.-u Im-.-i .1. hi l!w mil 1.1 .1 ":| J S ] i:' of near!' half a -an I'l t! w ■ tied t i.e yooii exac:c.e is been continued, and i ! >Ug ,;;,) Ills I — -. v. .; > sale. \ ■ t., nn et, i>chv.-:v.i I hand ")' We.a [..a. i. e> | II- r 1 b n ven't hmebv rceoinmend i: for in t .11 'f liter* "i s is i‘'bh aii.l ,;:t adoption he iltedagain-T him riien And so he, w hom ly ;|vm r><> :,n ,;; e ! W here \\ e “hunt Mates, ’■'iiij.tat mil, pi. rsii''. u h >i!i tf‘*n bn- beats ■1 ♦ ; r,«» d \v i.. w lien ies and trial- v. i A> I!’ -n \ .■> si \ -being the morsels in | a! III ad ..ill.- e.,i -. Me re-t Ins <> :;o pt i]tie mpl juicy my i T n p ami entrap, should t; ml in this ehat-.d a j peel ly ooaey : in-art for a Im tinn nih.t a ami ten »; :$o \ !nie i: i- a lit d a “piece, plate* a dashing Irish widow who was hiding place m-m the .storm, a refuge w here -p1 ; h) \\ 1,1*1: -• no.' o ltd ;. h< may lie kept and cheered and st I peranre, he If- he*, wot :. iia is termed side, a rewgthen- als my blight plume waving in her am' t-a '. h;.-i: ... .s rd for The burdens and the w.-rk .•!' life. The eessfuiiy championed, IN VIA orii AM- i.I a y u lise eliildnm where was Church and must lie to-day s< gem ie ;md w.m t h;! lioiiored. TIm hat, introduced, and almost her iirst Cliapei :1 secure and usly j SWAN «£ SIBLEY COMPANY n treat for the the I ■ ami them in- sentence, after some helpful tempted, tried, 'hem up. '•smack"’ allusions to the past. Auunst 2! s-.i.t 1i:; ? the weary, the ..\erbnrden.-d, the broken- Don't Put It on. : «»■ t• in-_i ihem. was: "Well, Mr. F-. don't you think hearted. Tlit ncessit \ of :< spring modi- m- is 11111- lint it, must he more this. is not as this is a than It must is in.- Poor&Son. '( he standard of mojalitv hit'll progressive age'.'” ! versally .nlmittfil. This ;,.-m rime <.j he the where a re place sharpened the weap- year in which to purify flu- hit od, to restore i tr> iii !. east, which is due to And without hesitation 1 em- ons of our probably replied spiritual warfare: the place the lost, ami to biuhl t.lm entire where appetite, up j « of the the soul is fed with the bread of 1 ;.•. t that the ureater part jmpu- phatically that I thought it was. life, system, as the body is now peculiarly sus-] OPTICIAN. that it may be strengthened for the of to e extraction. The mar- doing eept.ihie benefit from nn «1 i«me. Tin great n >s of foreign .1. W. Emi;i:y. all of the Christian life: the things place popularly attained hy Hood’s Sarsaparilla, 1 ,.e(* is here, a of North where are t hat are 1 -hie youiift #irl port, Feb., lStM. prayers offered, answered owing t< its real merit anti it* remarkable made the delects of the eve and their in the bestowal of the M Counnoiiwonltli Avc., Having correct!, tw.-n’v-one »r two thought almost spiritual graces: success, has established it as the verv i.est, beinji where are place hymns sung, that v express 'medicine to take in tin- spring. It cures MM'osi ri: !'i in ic (', i:hfn a studv with one of fine best oculists m "old maid.*' Larue families are the The Waldoboro News hears of a the love and that have more glasses special Hoston, young gratitude per- ; scrofula, rlieiim.and all humors, hilioiis- manent expression in godly deeds and 1 BOSTON. ... MASS iV and ei«*ht and ten children of the man employed in a drygoods store, whose holy ness, dys|»rpsia, heada< lu-. kidney and liver 1 shall make a ol this work, and with the living; the place where the lessons are special!\ best nwt; nt s. and a!! a MV t:ons mused ■ seen. attention to eon.piai catarrh, Hour.-. V_' (Hher Inn;i> !<\ -inimetit sari.- family. an- often I business causes him to be rest- learned, that guide aright in life's aj‘• daily or promoted hy low state of the system or only. I> •* merits and methods shail endea\or to less in bis < hie be sat in bed walk; the where the is gi\v satisiactmn m all ea e\ 'J farmine- methods are quite diliercnt sleep. night up pine, light kindled, impure blood hm't put ii off, !»u: take | and said: “Will take ten or the that shall shine into and scatter the have to you yards spiritu- Hood's S.usapaiilia now h will do you of Maine, but 1 shall al without ; whole piece’.*" and then he tore the sheet darkness the place in whose Marcellus J. Dow, as I have sacred quiet We hear more di.-t reserve them f"i another letter, | from top to bottom. may im-tl.v he .-all of the Lord, so that we follow In view of effects on i:a 1:1; s may the the lumber ah* uv > r < sinned »n the editor patience, | __- j that t*iil 1 more faithfully and obey it more business tariff or this iettei* will Knglish Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, produced by threatening and must close. appear wisely in tin* world. For these purposes the DKWV FAINCn GOODS, bofl or Calloused and Blemishes from legislation, manufacturers of spruce lum- WATCH, CLOCK AND .)niin the Journal wastebasket. ! Lumps Church and are an JEWELRY ('impel indispensable — > horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Swee- ber in Bangor have decided that it will be A s. i thank my Swanville friend for lie.i j necessity. The services, the sympathy of ! ney, King-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all swollen to make reduction of of and will “tell kindred spirits, the influences of holy mem- necessary a-general Boots, Shoes, words appreciation, Throats, etc. Save S“»0 use of one Rubbers, Gloves, Watches, RKl’AI ICING DON M I’lJOJll’TI.V. Coughs, by ories and associations, and above all the wages of employes in this about Ohio pics' to the best of my ability bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blem- industry Jewelry, &c. presence of Him who is in the assemblies of to cent. 1'his de- au»l in next letter. ish Cure ever known. Sold A. A. Howes amounting twenty per Millinery Dressmaking. Lillies' Furnish- my by His us to I'oi & disciples, enable live better everv cision will affect between and ing store. Agent The KejmMiean Journal. Dl N< II-; Ml IM.KTTK IiOYNTON. Co., Druggists, Belfast. day. G. R. men. BROOKS, MAINE. til POOR, Phoenix Row, Belfast. ..I.mics in the Re- ments to be made Argentine out of the crops, ex- over the grain, and the winds of heaven Pittsfield Paragraphs.; public. from einplioii taxation lor live years, etc. do the winnowing. The plow most com- A line was n- M ! I.o > VM> \VH A 1 rilKV i'liat the works entertainment given ;ii l system well is proved b\ monly used consists of a heavy block of ! II ANYI ." Ol lM HA V. the i<>n Hal! In the teachers and students of statisties, wliieli certify that within hard wood that runs in the 1 ground, point- I \ \ N V \ K lot’s M. C. 1. Friday night, February bth, which the lit si live \u a s an average of sSOO per ed at one cud to serve as a ‘‘share." a W \ \ IH. U N railed out a large audience notwithstand- Pure, capita liad a> mutilated to \ he red it of long bram morticed into this at obliquely ing the. severe storm of the day previous. * man. woman « ! ii.-c Ml ry and hud in the eolo- one ml, the other tied to a rude TIm- lined., ox-yoke, The object of the entertainment, was to raise BELOW COST! nies. aftei their debts to the la ml while a handle from a new > : ,1 ;m. b. Is'.' i. Although I paying, short, upright arising money to purchase piano for the Ii Harmless, !, ,iin:u ! allotments ot laud can still be had from wheels of solid wood. the m in. dist rift. iinmedi lly to the memory of a beloved brother. The and a raw-hide tire ly easily,— loir as can be IX I’- tic- with limg rich soil in the way, is by no j remains were taken to Dexter for they purchased ! tiic province f Hueno* S unpanies something interment, makes w’o.u means to be sneered at. in a like escorted Oramel Murry, N. and Pros. clothes ll HERE. Ii I b > in.* : he capital growing dist-iets; but there arc country by CL, b this where the soil is destitute of Preston Hersey, T. K. 1C Knowles and Fred die id\ a eign ‘Ionics. we: tiian in the past, the aver- entirely whiter,—tinware lie can satisfy yon in reyord to P.uxton of Phlentoma. Mr. Drake was a iee or stones am! gritty and it has the ad- •Ii told, about L’n.nOn »mi!> pi being HO.71 per heetara, sand; j and and man In all who knew him dishes bright- ynality />ricc. uid a acres vantage of and with highly respected •’> wa- c>: ihlish.-d in 1 half To small farmers. shrinking swelling and will be missed in this oho*. the t<> the or greatly p« s- ms wit 1 deteimiliat ion and wood, according absence er,—hearts lighter, He lea v< s a wife and one daughter, who have <>f moisture. ; Mears & w*. '.han «m'li ra i. I lie col uni za- presence than else pita the sympathy of a large circle of friends.... anything Pitcher, v t• ni u; mas be recommended with As may !>»• imagined, tlu- colonists have m- my sii.

•' nt.dei. .• is air of avenues to introduced in the the n* m ■ \ 11in.• or :uv the tew p'eal improvements public busy shoveling snow ami break- j struyir ! •» > 1' 1 ■ : ii> : Ie of tannine. witli their foreign mails. Tin- S. vV M. il 1.. ii.i- 64 & 06 I t \ 1 of. V, !!•<• I 1 e a'|»ing world which --•/ plows iiig When High Street, Belfast. ■ iii'd Tim. en n11 oi tin- M.- k :« n u; iiuieli money to ravel se. and steam threshers and horse-powei o.iii'it my sin s. A im•! •• a i". lu- t it;■ of i-- .on thn-dn's. and steam mills ami iittle than week ;i._ 11 a"1 Slid: is n ally sa •;• Santa Ft\ reapers hi' t he 11 ami want o\et an > a v. He! i > 11 11 o>. vies. ms WATCH THIS SPACE FOR .ml rd a i ln>m llm aho‘, A ami ! and f«*nr wheeled wap Put Paradise mem w it !i a ear mad of call h hel-m .my to w t. •: ?«* >• fouml in.all this \\ear> world, 1 ’• W. Than sen a 11 ait la ml, !*.m a me > U more ]• .!'! ieil'|a.l-ly 1 this pi O' life j \ < u kimw an mi t his pleasant ph-tlire riglit. side mi. md ne da may. was ■ me \, h'wi \v nil jst*vs 1 ; to he hfi' on c.ivit, posted f: m The ed. i u- iiq l ]'■ wio eight |M- engim Ivor hlrkrrlnjr Nijuan- .pi. iyl 1 « * n d o■ 11*i that then a n i ! onl\ i draw l»a« ks t.oai?yrkmi- Mali A Non i" liihrjMmhiri'! je.ysi ii' the y; ei:ml s that it did not tip over. Nquarr Piano -• WASHING : in n ine a i r1 e e M 1 \ loCn, !l«;ir Modi'!. .■ i:_ cut niohi loi •- '• v. n :: : inn he \ m 'I mu r danp-r ran he greatly dimin- I’d Sli 'I'i, about t i ret (il- i'i, ill- il,. |. md Is 1 ..fill s a i i. •. a. used no cholera or d o. in in a: a ai: ami the possibility of j ’mn dam A ; in other dicase germs 1 li \ iarinci 2 ;a.:> .0 I 11. i.i \\ a! Ac a ml an! a few i'". rs m l :• irin- d11_ tin* liehis anew the moment the can I'-'j'iiia ill. The exist, its work is i K 2 Otv d.:\s t. was on t he t rack and ready thorough, quick, lo, are Lome, remit is tlm occasional engim I I) i- lull1 Ivor* Head tor he- lies'- ayam .The l >oks ion pests Ay | a of its nmehiner\ so u a ny part U I liiti. Hi rn, I'rssori. Kras'*, '.vMli e--. more a re contain one a .Lraider m h< Ills if r IS. an-! ; hr oider .lima! Pa serious Packages and half il:n ;iii'l the Walker, or Map!- a.;: pounds. asr .,(mo> am m aal drawbacks found in the iiis'a UM.mrhs ihm virM. .1 h;;e iw • .. :' You in Pair Turkish m !.• pi w t ''aha. tor running on tul; time, hut at redm-.-d gain quantity, quality, and save t} balls. |:{ in f* a ■ 1 i' 1 .> \s of loeaa uovernmems. dan- Hus* :»(* > _a 1 .it :m Band rarii MIS Ii I'll "■ rli aiu ni ger of of life and i: *\v as m all other hasniess Paps, jiiiotl cundUfon, mj-i -■ ’: vi c. in. j,, iu-etaif. or ! wo revolutions, insecurity I’uit, phua-s, j m tin* rural districts, want dull and some wlm to .■ s iir 'in t hr si Hit* property of hr;ny hour his •m i ot !«•; es. In >i"! a it averages ! helped state .1' an* t- 1 piod faith of the natives toward foreign- things heginn.ny yet their From April 1893, The J, B. W :rrs m. ( ala aia a, 71 <*eiits; 1st, every j Co,, ers < > some others ar* so stubborn contai ns a G a ,!c C*. TAX PAYERS! ran- ri ran hr in fulfilling, and the y* open,while package splendid nryry, [>; "pirn any *j> n ~>i i; and with contracts, pmeral 15 anywhere cake cf Clive Oil Toilet For 50 low that lliev will not see nor hear h-st they pure years the makers of imich ifi .tinr-si ;• ny na.m h state of border society. However, I -lial! In* at ii-votl'u .• 11, M. mm ml >iu.i«1 i!._ ’: mi mi tie 1 ’arana or 1 .a 1 ’lata it is Soap- Yankee siiould I. me oiiverted. amt will plod 5b^vipg Soap. I 'lays I'iviii in to ji., t 4 r. v ,ir!i aas is imi :i rai liars tins will be remedied b\ tin-slow but sure :p SMK) the The colo- further it<»tirr. All u;:.. w;*h •• a ••square.’* ah ny A the same "id ruts. limns Hums person* elevation of the now on: and themselves of the iliseoilUt !«o per (i s’lull hi hr aulu'J'tnl l" ns the (.ran Chaco—ihat vast people, piiiiii' has been quite siek with la ynpp .The their taxes must pav h\ .Jauuars !. ls.-l. is '!'f 1:: !_! ail! s to tilts o I lit ! 'i the Government doinjj its best toward H F M VS' .v ; (M unexplored region north kaie ey House is d"!ny quite a good business lying llelfast. Aujru*: -jj. is:*:; -utf r,a •, ? loin >•* t. that end t»\ the of free educational uhrt liumpr ’•’.otuina between I’aramwn and Itolj- spicad at present. One hundred ami twenty three facilities. Fa.wik 1>. Waimi. in iirsai ii> hi. ilia air ymi '■•m. aas lately attiaeled considerable at- trails,ruts were registered there last week. ’! 1 re F. W. is relatives mm are sf era i eolonies ai From over the Sea. Haney, Fs.p, visiting in 11 on it on .Miss ( !.. Haskell was at 1’ riii h. .‘7 ! •an" >]‘aiiish V Ilf ( lia. o ; olle of Fl em llllu-li, at *iu I <>\ er 1 4 i:\tr;-. 11' Mis- '.rlr\11.-me l.rtmrs. bom- from Auburn .Sunday histw.-ek. '■S'A :-■> M-r at",- ; all "t hrl's. 4 i »• -a ib-.l 1 ’a jaio. (4 white bird ‘) o\|-. i:n Kuo. ]•>!.. I, dear S111 e ant A llaseltin.e are to a hath ■ My put ai Tta-si1 ]}■ asaills as«|lies tMie at San An- friend. Miss Winnie Stone, arrived int- II. F. I. hi > new house < ■ u :-s f" r>. m "i v iiuin aim 0: 'Cl the Saiado riser, tile otlier oil the safely, [-ri iVrkins law .u .A W, Mauson’s after a I am r-M,«;i:y 4 pleasant voyage. enjovinj.;' a S S; a ■. 1 ! a slat I s I i. .Jo S-'U x.r river; a < -ei man i' colony. (W'H oikce. M -.A St John of I >o\ er, Kan these much. Miss Stone i>\ ri-m. k a ni i. d;.y- very ery h." ih i oi tin* li'-. miles nort h of Santa !•. writes us that i!ie\ had a lay snow storm FURNITURE and ii is niee t-> have her • s\ •••■ pie.e-.ant. very n. e ah ami i: that 74 a ! car ; t a a >

lime. She takes her meals with me 1 v < and f.'ei w m> had a sled imm-oved the Ih all "Ii s. ami t 1 hr uati' nal 1 am; \ ankee colons on the !

am faelino at hoim in and Slew .... cheaper n :d t > »piite Oxford. my he last ed M ■nt ai a ii;n i mar San A.istei \ \\ ■!. lie lattei was ornan- man any cllnr House m the Stale, ana wed it. wish I c mid longer. I had W A k. M .. the late \ I Md. h m "i ■ aiv stay planned tin.* rni.Hr 'imhrr n i with a of fa rule: >. uupany Ol 1* i t ..f ..,ir !■■ .. ti 1 A. os re. n n OBJ1XT 1...M all .m-i si-'« ttiL M. id through this leim riho.o hve •!.. d ton cut iv ■( m pt em. 1 sniy < h< i\i and i ildrt n. lrom 'alifornia. ! ST' \W sell Din- s< « !i« a]» :h;it \v<* aiiri*> (H V I. \ \- \ \ : w rt ks 1s Stole- I hav- had day and die 1 m's n mn ,. •• ord- ■ I « r. LIFE-SIZE r CRAYON PORTRAIT i.i< ii iiM.ri rr -ai- : 1 1 oils. Ti.ey ivpoit 1 ill 111- >dd 1- an \; ei -m e. \\ e h. aid \ ; r Hir jiim !: I. i: i; i: a a i: ..m,i u, ■ 1 ■ 1 ■. i.; 1 i:!) i in ti.i> ; i-1 -i : aii‘e| lea y w as :- \s M AN !' visl VHS< >JL,X TKLY FliKK. \\ I he d it y hap. I le.r ini •. s•.;. •»-ed it -

mu '1 in hnn .vnirmi.. ■■ :n i, IH-il KI \ 1 .. \ W A V n ■: f,.| v, .1 n •: -n, n m ... U id to heal- d j ill. Fit m w e, ■' \V' iv.nil .. ; r:n i i!i• i \vr :i IV I. ■: .|'1 1 ,.. I m | !• r ’i:t!• elnml,Ii to :_,t i1 the j• it e •: o m -1.-.1 hy a d. o.-kvepe; , j >■'''■ 51 "!i i 1 !f ■' -' h nn lias !» on p, i.4 Cameras an cl Photog rap hie S u pi 11 e&

'll-- A :ot 1 ii 1 '>!' 1 \! : n;„ ....

•M* r%kix ttgsmeMXHL.. '.xme-xAX^r. aa

:I' ill F"! dm; i ■- oI : a a 1 ■:1 ;• w a tud Menu

h i;- e|. a !1: i \ .•>. old eodn'. a*, ie IV I in .. s. N\hi-ii w •• s« •!! -'in-.u«v. MU ;ni !•:■••! :!•*. •••-' w '< urn e it> oie,t>ai.* il.ivor. thou -hi tilled w A 'll *w i'_. the people stared, ll I. u a u < to wam-s : : ;j t!. Fiance and and i »\\ was e land; the a>mn ! \\ t» it -a •> e,.needed li.. |(> i-l ! •-'■■■' : a, id a, >!•: te ot ad iie * < ■: a iv\vai is that we w re er ! .>: tunai e. ti am ma jo \ \\ ()j t if a ate an;! should if !• -I n me h :.i three in alwmys -■ « to o'h : on ;, >s •,. stimulate i aih'Wcd oioaiii/e lfd\. and ; !ia: o;- this ill llek. » i.. I'. R H. COOMBS & & 72 Mara St. notliin- a:. tie- 11.« ■ ju>til\ attempt ; SON,,70 h; am h -t mi an r; the i 11 p *, t at ions ,| i ■! >1 Argentine. I)em7.. »(«*..'.<>•.». one colons in I W aterloo, you :■•■!! ; m ;i to ] :it!ii■ land to w bite as s! •»\\ : it st rayed one summer day lleyond a W aterloo loom dimly the sini~ s':|n;a !• e that .1 San » 'arios. is devotim; ■ " ini >s ter ltius of a M lit !eua .(1 rou's !: .s oi 1 l.-i-: exile, and of hi-if la slionld 1'iever go. Tiieu Mai y j>!•;- j ; it s*■ it to siik eulluie, with fair results. is stili -rowdne. '! he " a >at down, teais on rality Philadelphia j STAPLES us sprinkling of streaming li her eyes; ( "tton is mown in seseral jdaces. and cx- Led-’er reports that official returns from' 1 •she ln vei loutid hat Mss oi end*:iants her lamb because sins in the Male with : client tohaeeos in Tueuman. Salta. (Ta- every county except six, didn't met in idl je-w puntlies, who are advertise. And Mary had a broth- the latest estimates from those counties, tamarea and ( ordova. Susans j-rodueed el John show a lead of ms.o utied and iorevei moving on. who kept a village store. And as Pepuhlican j OlttaM m in ( IlillllT? 1 ,:man. On ientes .J \\ viKi.i ink Santiago, and u- Hie and did not ..Senator Hill has written a letter to 1'repan l>y the t•»».. .Norway, Me. ai!> i'_:ms 1 a'1! us, know people passed along stop j they a New York editor -mu- 1! not Mi; uy. hut iitloes not compare with that of to buy, holm sat still, smoked his pipe that lie shall YOUR !V2OMr.Y REPUNDED, ; ,-aii sr h\ 1 in maiwi'u wete at trite ted not he a candidate If it tails lob- ;i* tit you when used ri- tlv as directed. n I and blinked his And so the gubernatorial in New the niteh) States, ' coarse and dark. sleepy eye. tiie inside wrapper, 'i: i>. la 1 all dealers. I « Vork next "|ai;hr >y heap lauds to he had >herill closed him out, but still helingei- year, and exjuessin- the belief I.a-', sear sl,2Ss tons of linseed were rx- ed near, that Governor Flower will lie reiioniinat Leander 1 and came to with him a -. u hi.hi will oduee almost Mary drop Staples' Harness Sicre. jn 1 from the two of ed. JOHN W. & 1">rt,ei provinces Santa a sympathetic tear. How is it, sister, ran PERKINS CO. v.: i. a mi !-l and healthful eli- 'ION KOI-:, MAIM Fe and 15m res Ayres you tell, ‘‘why all the merchants sell '■ ie is m• douht that Fisii \ 11 (Ia.mi-;. I he salmon on the usual their and thrive from to pool \\ « Ihe goods year year.’- STATE FACTS. Whole \ i.' !iml a i; o ,.f farming, so-called, of the native the Aroostook river at ( arihou, is be-ia- 1 of e\il, l •mini it expedient to Remembering hei own bad lin k -the little Argentinian does not amount to much. one “These other fellows mn- tii attract sportsmen from outside READ WHAT THEY SAY. "" n "u-iti v replies: get ‘between two the It is the of the fish both bi the sers best estambas only small there, John, baeause they advertise." county. opinion Harnesses, Single and U'i'-i tiled na tnes, Durant (Hid. commissioners, both of Canada and the ijiiantities of erain. !;uit and vegetables Ter.) Kagle. A Sale. e '.a ■ I’nited Mates, that Aroostook river waters Large ilL'o ellliLtrams r;ilely Double, from $7 to $30 are o'rosvi: :<«r I»■ > *' 11 'Mminiption. A are. for the propagation of -alimm, The ssi\o of P.rown’s Instant lie icf" has "i msi the rivers, equal ending inueli much exceeded ALSO s-steiu small is carried on to waters oil the continent.In our expcctal ions, and it lias SECOND HAND ■ '.arniinp any spite 't in', i: •. o the ACCIDENTAL DEATHS. interior: lmt <11 the close time law and the came war given uni\ fi>ai >:i'isfartion wl.crewr intro- after a fashion in the immediate neiph ■ i!;. pi vinee of !’mein>s ileus, hunters are now ehasine direr in the duced. \\\* lx In- it is (h'^tineii to have a horho.u the cities, hut Caused barely suiti by Carelessness. vicinit \ of with large sale. JtHIN W. I*KI: a i NS A C< iihl m i t lit-1 e he- aim searee and Kllswortii hounds.\t " M0» nt r the local maikets* and so inade- The majority of die sooner than ikiULioi Will Havis ami Frank L. Wholesale* Druggists, Port lai.'l, -• people Thursday ii.,: he itujoitai e of distrih out.*. tic they -dmuld. i.videnee ot this fact is Havis wen lined *40 and costs for houks, cij.pis that it fret j u en t ly grow- doe-inn j m m, u rat ion li> ron:* lion t the min- iiiLr \\ aring s 1 >isea:-c is nor a deer. In is daily say default of jiayment they were* A GRAND O FFER I uaj p« '.lose arti* es most in demand ■ by mu-, of life it is ed wi iimmi! ;ei »pted ;ii: eiiereeti, jurn.-r dm* to unnatural committed to jail.An important test j l'l|! esident s ami * .>- MME. A. RUPPERT’S perfectly \ of “inii’ions of living neglect, nhu-c. want. ease was heloie the STDEC •• id: nal emi ■ Mipienu judicial in r\\. A .*jji « subject, coma at Paris Feb. iMili cone.•mine’ the Pit EX FACE BLEACH •ioi >; i mmiM rat ion u is idveti almost Man is horn to health and life dis- 1 mi MME. A. RUPPERT Film 'ill. *ii p Mato •< the size of In n's long leyal ivs]msi *11 uiv■» settiny traps on | a is Pays: appreciate the f >.... d eis. and i *ea! death, in m old wild mi j»<>••% r.mnnitter.-, unnatural, except abandoned land-, tin* lirst of tin*! that there are time- LI: > ky !c m the do/eii. Fniits many Wl>LL I \ I I > -\1 1 ry was* eta led b\ * ••cut. human fl lus is aim- st mvari- i:h* agencies.'’ Male. "I'll is is tin* *'! \l»l>Mtt vs. I inv V. or'il-lteiiutviied loAdt; true re b\ urn c of death In in heait dis- Hi .\( ll: hut have tie. r, M" cun- wh Jo,. 1 j. is >t1 a w resulting Whitney. Maisiiall !'. Whitm-\ set a hear I o; t hr muiiisM, .,n and re kept 111 t.; d. int: so on .n- to set t} ‘a less o>\ r-e.\eit i< n. iuieii ate J mi: a’ :'i -s .-1 v, pci la]» alh ynl abandon'd land c« be! i 1 ioi i oi s* cents the d* >zen Hymn | tint ! [ ri» >■," he h is.ft;.no WE LEAD '.se THEM el t tie or 1> Mottles t a i-en Papa Says 1 rauylit hnmuyhhred J 'Mr- h\ I’m lust* a. he, tin* tu-mlanis are the causes o! t«»;retlier, $; (Id, Jn u ,r; ! by generally this outside 1:11• Tin* court ruled in ron mr. money •• I- passage w a.- not pasture. ; that all t't esc !!.:•>• have Mamma Makes lity !*• 1 and ii-dii Ira.ud ed. >t uc is 1 iie small !'• nils >dty, ereiici to its progress re- •'lllist ,iu»*e 111:it tin* o\\ n s of su.ei; •’ ■ ilanyer- : I in- m > tin- i: m i e-1 a 111 s. mu 1 's ; in sudden or to ■ iiI*1 Wli.VT ■ ■ '• sickness tnd- '•iis o'.'eri r, absolutely VlH III-; V If ll’ip'-■ ted !■ Mu J o j„- o, p a 2l death, long 11' ips aiv not msp •nsihlt* tor a- relents ! The Most m iroe. :i viu.ple L it can !. 11 I iu usual i- !i> am used. pmaut Tin* \V V ... I,. n j itfht, lute. Ik {?rea*!, that many inuit d midribs < V’ lain ; was : ''Mill !).•'. pron for In ••aii.iiif. 1 reclaud ! •' liiiat'i'M kotl.s ;in- «. )i C might tt 1 w I m’ih! it sab 1 .!•» m.I in ‘t.-( !?oli > nuc i*r>o\ 11 ■ n ons >■ j>:;»« ••.•nr in tli.-n \vti ciinti \ in life die irem lieai t dis A 1 A»ui l.-clieiou^ S.n private id hhott. wild s7:;:, nan ... I 11 1 ■ s'- .• *i«t :• v• >,- si r'.i'.r> I;. U tin* live yes_Cal',ini ltaiy«“» I»ri‘i>;i i, amn. ■ dav. >|or | .‘-Ml in*'1 : and .u*t a.111 pea lies 1»: < 11ht cry I *;ake. < .. M. ami A lin liurtou of !n every c.'i'ie ol t*i .»«•:; i«t, ; n -•. ns nil. xsl- 1 I.alley "HI-: CAN I iUT W lit.- V\ Citinci-s j n 'Mi i"V. tilack In-ads. a M i,i> '••!—• P !T *■; li'M-ily wll’lelook- have any of tin- fo.j< wmg II a'; ’and v. cm taken T Neafy's ?•-jiKisn, Brooks, Wo.. If.Mil tin t'nited States symp- ■;> Warden raft on t, or tij>.■•ilnvat nr i.-« :i in tin are in j :uiy i.-n >yi1> 1 1 1 b c liJ.CAl SI: SHI Sl.S ni hortnoss of flout! n. in* ■ 'hviiliMg <11•*>i abiding | palpitate g- New p.i! ! heft lisi ,rc Hukel l'oi* ii- | Mai \viillkl(*s (lint Oil li:nl by !;: 1 i, .:-i,( .■•'••ate!- <«♦ n a 11< 1 and no dear a In r ami }•' !•: Hi.: a(1I removes uhs.'iii; '.. ;i n..t 1111 juice | ulso, tainting lishiny mi Indie land a few <•!!ig'Uirc imuc< s connected | numbering spoils, h*yai days nvi as eusmviu s {>uL i.- a >.i sa.tio in up. tin, .. ii*irt.*s: : •ban the luscious of Argentina. ; shoulder, side, or ami, swollen dur.-. but bad to I i v peaches j 1'liey appealed pay M Aimii: A. nmiisj -u ion Inirea ii I urni>hed •■'I- .Kl’IMT.l*'li\n.,.|u.iy> !*•*(<■., begin treatn out for •ms’s ‘'nine "I the estate ias have peach immediately mi tin* trial before h-aviny. They No. 6 Ea8tl4tnSt., NEW YOfii, CITY. ‘'e :n t If Ui.iK. a i. i■ formation, found disease. you the s _a\i' bonds for at 1 ! employ- niai it•• »k likt delay, cousei|Ueiict appearanee the next I’owlO young forests, and tlnm- lie I am. ci n-s| | n! s'll’ mm bank s and j i.iay serious. term ot court ...The Maine laborers and dis- Sportsmen's ■ !• \ 1. \ I 1' 1 i ''■tinis oi \ bushels waste on the ground F<»r over 20 years F>r. Franklin Miles, Fish and (dune Association is c'd i. : lei s and remittances to reeeiviny Till*; WOKLIVS Kuropc eminent has made a ; every year foi want of a ; yet there specialist, profound new members almost every day, and a '•c of in In ijarkct udv <*f charge; id. took good care heart disease, its causes and erne, alass of men that mid is no exportation of them to those other strenyth to any or- *< | "id of the of Belfast. i> immigrant until he was aide to many leading discoveries in that ganization— (dime Warden Freneh is said Ciity countries of South America where the direction are to due him. 11 is New Heart to on names Stjutoj Rgrts mi' tor himselt. In have tin* list the of men every province a-! fi:it- i! wan peach does not llonrish. the < nre is the reliable «ai Though absolutely only remedy Miaryed with deer in close time. lam > 111 in. •" ,d authorities with killiny | •H-.i. a lla war.’ n- p co-operated tiie !"«• the cure of heart as is d of bread in the interior disease, prov* ilpir <"-| «*<-i i\( waia.*.. Van h 12. '"■ral consumption is VomIu) but each had varia- thousands of testimonials from ®lllgp> I MM, ul 11 i'.'cIim k In ihr I' rniimii, r.. -n. ;1 Mai go\■•rninent, small, it is by grateful A stubborn lire, causing three alarms, R.H. CJoombi>& Son, vcjy only within the last few rsons M:t> «*r -.1 >aid «-it\.an Aldn :u., > ..| its own of the p- who have used it. in scheme of eoloniza- occurred Feb. 'J7111 lloston in the four- < ominon < "uncilint w.. n 1 \eaj' that •lames A rain, editor of the ii. n r> ,.| •: >, wheat to the de- Corry, Pa Loath r, THE ( 1 enough satisfy brick at 7(* Pearl oc BEST FLOUR ON EARTH. " r, a onMaldr. a \\ i.len ,,i In Santa Fe it is carried on 'tales: “Alter an apparent recovery from three* story building street, by cap- mand has lyr4:5 < Irik for i;h li ward. heen raised in the u: on ills'of la 1 fell on the street uneon- on the lloor the Oaks Your (inner will £et it if you insist "i country. erippe, cupied ground by ’1 ht- who secure < mils will .-lost' at loin "t i.nk ii. :. companies, choice mis from hear; disease In one month from Accept no imitation. i The Manufac and on the other >!"<•" profitable exportation of a small sur- turing company I II Ml lit II. ( i-\ t .1 k ;,|ds from the l' i; time 1 was unable to walk across my room. Government on favorable floors C. IF Fanciers, mail- HollaM. l ns, isi. jwa plus gave a boom to wheat and a:»r. Miles’ New Heart Cure, anti at ing office; Charles .J. 1 nclerwood, dr., novv it out-values all became After othercropscombined. stronger. using six bottles 1 of the 1 mber of families publisher Engineering Kecord and real estate on street, in Belfast agricultural thereon as able to work as usual and walk a mile every Bridge for Sale. The present prices of wheat be- Host on Incandescent known a> the \N ILEIAM O. AEDEX 1 yrT Mortgage thin a range v. my pmse ranging from 68 to R<». Dr. Miles’ Sanitary Engineer: THE property given time. To these families of the t.w«» is not a but a cure. New Eire and consisting lar^e story Imnsc, with ell tween and s:;.;,0 HX> ivniedy only preventive Lamp company; England for sale a ■ S2,()0 per and barn, with orchard and mortgage fot i. \t ir agents oiler pounds: 1 r. Miles’ New Heart Cure is sold all jrood garden grounds wnj extraordinary induce- by drug- Heat company; Fan This II:avere;il estate in Iteltast wort li note corn from to s-j.oO ids on a or Harney Ventilating propertx is well located and in ^ood condi- ’>4,nun. sl.r.O per 100 positive guarantee, by Dr. Miles ; ..i besides those furnished the gen- Medical Co.. on of company; Fred Hates, book and tion hoarding; house, and will be sold at a by Elkhart. Ind., receipt price. £1 pamphlet PANTS MAKERS cent., which lias been The native mode of cultivation is sim- six reasonable lij^ure. If desired, one-half the per prompt l\ jaiit everv ii per bottle, for £5. express prepaid. It is posi- publisher; Fred Eels A- Co., pur- voir. Government, such as the advance- bookbinders; chase can remain on Nothing but the present hat'd tunes and tively free from or I >r. money mortgage a reasonable itself. I fitches and opiates dangerous drugs and F. d. Scott, machinists’ hardware. WANTED the need tnoliev would id of plicity hedges serve Miles’ 25 cents. time. For terms, applv to oj teady induce i) ..wnei a certain sum of or its Pills, Free book at druggists, or to with this money, mail. Loss *100,000. ROBERT E. or AVM. O. ALDEX rortland To take the part valuable investment. Lot !::>■. to fence the small is ac- by work home. They are White Duck ther divalent, under conditions of reimburse- fields, threshing or at Belfast sam.ncs Bank. particulars address Belfast, .Tune and must he kept clean and white. 3w!> lOSLl’H WILLIAMSON. .IK., complished by driving a troop of horses For sale by K. II. MOODY, Belfast. Keelev Cure 15, 18iU.—25tf leads, (1 leering), Portland, Me. •ihdv* 184 Water St.. Augusta. Maine. S. L. DODGE. 39 Northport Ave. j licyublican Journal. CITY OF BELFAST.

•. II AS! r'Ml KSh \\ M \ lull S, 1.' OL List of coadulates to be voted for in the several wards of the city of lielfast, March 12, IS'U. Floor Down! 6E0. W. BURKETT’S Vi!-' i' r.VKKV nil AlOUMNii HV UK

L Journal Pub. Co. in over the name •publican In vote a straight ticket, mark across [XI the square party at the top of the ticket. In consfi/iience of the loir eon < m: i> x I' kx ;' 'h:".,;... Domestic Print ilition the TIIRKK. of V.AHO ON K. WARD Wrappers i 1 i;d i. ,-i i- «>a deck tins New Stock Just Received. lir will appear apain in Sep- m I n \ m von dim. WHEAT MARKET, Eieg^nt Stock and Prices Low. 1 CITI/KNS. CITIZENS. n>- lias resum'd {In- premiership. For Em* -CALL, EXAMINE THEM •i'<*!- of his anf and intii inities. May,a-, Mayor. AND li e are enableil to inrif e 1»\ I. md h’osohory. 1’ar- Robert F. Dnnton. Robert V. Punt on. ■: a ■ 1m mi and Mr. A. Benton p: .lorunl. British For Alderman, For Alderman. Maine. ->• > a ft Fryebur^r. nr 11 rment. Jefferson F. Wilson. Custavus C. Kilgore. Ia;i i ndrpriidrnt t liinks that to For < ouneilmen, For Council men, Rheumatism < pif■ edmt «it uivin-j, 1 \v«* terms Horace F. McDonald, < reorge W. Boulter, ’! i nru ip -f the <; r,hri naiorinl ■ .lames F. McKeen. ; Francis II. Welch. In Hands and Arms—Helpless < o i a]! nr nseiif hut then ot hr s For School Committee, For School Committee. I I' k ! ii \. .ii/d llir Ilia jorit \ ] >1 0- Hood’s Sarsaparilla Proved the Best A. < nttei II. Albert Perkins, Sibley, Medicine Ever Taken. | James II. Howe:.. Charles F. (Jinn. *'C. I. Ilood & t'o., l.n'.x ell. Mass.: ; rh*. lion is to he a olio sided af- For < onstalde, For (Castable, ! “Dear Sirs: I had .• un»;;tisin in my right -i i> in .m to exhort i hand and for three months I could not \ xel W. Wiley. Alexander 1>. Smalley. arm; 1 •:iv the p«di>. Tiieiv is to ; put my hand to my head,. I have been taking is the 1 For ; Hood’s Sarsaparilla and know it ex. rpi in \\ a rd tvu. whore For Warden, Warden, best medicine t o my ease. My wife no ■ >s W. Waterman. < •; m .1 nd id a e> foi \ idor- Alzo M. al ter. John ; longer lias to !• -s end undress me, for now and arms and am For Ward < 'lerk. ForWard Clerk, I can use n:\ is writing this letter, ho! .ling ihe pen in my right Fdw 1:■ I'. < .iles. < )\ven h the of "fiaii;ilia epithet \YAKI> T\YO. \YAUI) TWO. treated me and ;i is 'Jit p«*,t budding up medi- > A,A, Howes & I have e i am almost T 'id i>i‘ a> appdrd 1" tin* d'sirihu- cine t;iU■ years Co., io « : .i pal i• niarv in Maim*. I'lio ■'a d t hr epithet it 11 tile seis- HoodV?>Cures MAINE. 1 BEL,FAST, ( lTl/l NS. old. 1 ean tr i!\ •. .y );.•>• : Sarsaparilla is the 1X1>KPKXT>KX I-. 1" best medicine f it. keeps me healthy _M l>;,| For Alderman. For Mayor, and well, so ! s;i t ike it and rec- i**t't II. < 'unant. ommend II t. o'i, is'.'1 '*n i e-lil \ I FUICI* v ! >imtun. 11am in s U io vi. sa\ s of the oiisi- Robert F, < ill s i. n. l'i y> '. o l.o\ i. Maine.

•*;. "M-ie w. ;ks ha a- '" For Alderman, Hood’s pills '»*•• ’U ■''!•. jaundice bil- 1 iousness. sick !;<■ .dn ! i- and constij aliwii. 25c. Eugene I; tinier. O' oppo-- i Mi red Ur.-d, Ip.t l:HU)ri F- ; < ounrilmen. dames 1 Y\ : •_ lit. Given j < 'bade- .lb Farrar. Away Foi >e!iool ( omniittee, is o jmi: te, at ,>IoM *• die that thr o. ill- 0 Slioots •! ‘‘.‘lIlMS hi I hr i HSU l'J.r 11! s i 1 F.lbndee >. Fiteln-r. ■o hruiii a 1 any niom-'id. A n hnr i. ! irown. 1 t hi '"in hi Maine rxdiai^o. w yp. Foi < iistable, ■. 11 Hr "" 3't‘spi i, Ills ) I V< j 1) i>t- d. ]>ai 1 e\ H •s o’ "3 e ! Minimi d- 10 of a For Warden. ;.ni\,,;.ise w ho »aidtb T< »• >t liakei. lirl I <: n itt! IC'ilI an,i swcl ml i"i. 1 Or W % ; »‘-T i'jirpMs, j Hi,- ltuwJ a in ,M dne and the F .r Ward Clerk. 1!<0> SO,. ! pas* hl.S u: i i ;.t ■> .1 i j i n Wibiam R. Ford. Ctl/lmrillll {Or. i. /T'. !'ir.:HIS, h > \\\KI> I OI K. \ V A 111) MVK. 1! nfi ir;: U {;, '!,/ On, n /7'/s. ) for. ■ !*l "3m ; now :e v«d v< upon •?* fh'ia rcLlT for- S' mifjtSi ■ i,. ,j fts’.r, /Or. J&s ns ,’:un miL-. FRESH. / i; M:W. ( ! n/KN riTI/.KNs. B ST V. '! i 1 I Km M a w Kor Mayor. Gi;oi>s lower than ever i: !'. DunDm. JloH.-rt F. Duntoii. before,

•\] lined that hr said, For AUk. ma::. ‘i it' For A him in a. 'in'; •:/. W, -!i |.!',! V *ni Nrioaska ■■ ho will -»• 1! :r :i r;ii• -i- n .i«• Willis s. 11 itr’l. Augustus A. iluro. pa rd. was ••fuller of W<- vi ;1 .il>'« : .1 k i: ii Paiisrns l' iM- < 'ouneilin.-i:. < ill of it Foi ounei;men, roniprehi 1 1 II > .7 si r,«i, 10a\ is.

i’<>i ,sdii.n•! onimitti 1 ]•'*>; S-ho. < omminec. ft Lowest Prices VERY LOW. Sucil'l jt*>. Fii 1 W liter I>. llaukin, Hat.-! A I .I- LOWfcST ODD Wail. F.i i "!;.l W. Kills.

W. T. W 1 'ii ! \ .i’ll! ;• V, 11 u; ii, .;■!* f }• onsiaFF'. COLBURN, 1 FELLOES < For 'onstable. ►•’il"’. hi, \.: J111 ’i »'• : v.1. KimiM-ns. DRUGS ‘• ;< vs .! ;eml»ri:1.1. Kno\vi1".n One of the ph as FINEST LINE IT Till! rli'Y. 1 o* i: fast Til — \]. a r. ;: -I: a !'s ! !•];.«■ a.lay. \] I:'! -1: .••In* •[--!•■ 1 ■; all nntest wedding parties of the as.-n was < ileid it : I a,.lie Ml Mr and Mr-. -e •. 1 M. Til- a i*- t.-mi’v- are .! !■•. :• ;..v ns; -aima I- * i T m v. .- « 1 i;,n Km :•'!! at >bwti port a. C mug will e Cl : i\ i.i F. 1 -1S M F. :u;ii Mil;, win n their duitglii Miss j,. r},, ,ir, Plain relit \\ t ! ? t 1 \ soil v. ftp's Ann:- F. K 1 n t■. w■ n •; Suits i aiHEJ). I (iAt.MJ- '! ar.-.i and r- nor in tt.-d .a iy cr.'ng M : Boys' Mi Arthur 1..

: Id' s ai ai: and \\ ard ! i 'i •<» : ft ft i 111 up. was ■ * !*•: ■: d ! ib u S L. 11.,: 1 .- t OUR '• ai .sT y, i, i iir (t ra u at i Head f iT ; SUIT ml ;. ;. j, ‘•I ibufu-L tie a-aht Gold 1 $l(i!oO Olle pb te.i' .; : Brooches, Beads, Lack Chains, ,• .1 7 (• s a i F* *. ('' .. 11 .■ U h'g. W lid (a d •! n..;, i' j:., W i the occasion was the i'art that t lie i.niy w no Pins, Hair Pins. Stick Pins. Pelf--, Finlay even:ii. Vim i'll 1! 1 i*'Ivi•! in oar. e«i as bridesmaid, Aim. Limy a. Km-wl- 1'ea.PP. lii- Garters -* '• -Everything. F u Mai a Mi |■:. V'. :;d !S pi sled .1: if ;. d \ l't i! g d ton, served in a similar rap e ity at tin- mar- :.m Id r. S !.U1 {i. ]<»-! J, 1 j„ lie id riage of the bride's grandparents, Mi and « \.-e]-t ,i: Warn w ! iaiii'p .ft j S < m.i M form 1- _i« w ■.•.mil Nathalie-1 Km-wlt.«m. After tia COLD BfNCK?. W in 3 W a ■ > 13 ;!> H a. F :C. :!i s i• rnn as independ.nt candidate for liemy the company it down to a wedding w .. ,i. r !.■ ioiit ill "t II me-;em a. n •. w« -■ 11 n F I.f \ .d. ■::i■..:i «. rust Ki ge .<• !;. ('••im-r. the |• d.m. feast, to which all did ample and deserved o' I! t ! i'rnni ijp.' trnii •. .1 S 1 'its debility,! 1 T11 a 1 s! n PI l >1 1 >! -rue wall'!.man. 1- rank Electro Plated til'ic to to t \ 1 justice. The happy c„ ipie were Wared mukf or«ii-t in !i« I's V.<\" i s'] tln-reeipi- III w. ok. 1 Ittaati to ; a e F -. M F "an- -- a ,Tt T! \ 1'.■• t loan hill.'! law not malms --.-.M w v. j only ent.s of a number of valuable and use- large < M ad kinds -• and d«‘>rn]i Lions. .M Sa. F a l.idhail liange in tin nialiner of but, voting, ful presents from their host- of friends. TIua 9WMU details of an dr •tion. As a ::i all the “rin- urt-ed the next day for their home in North- | ann’c -WOVELTIES- /. ii'-' .aliens is uni tii-' ram us of Leon Odd a > .... any Sad NtKV£ L 1-'. ;;- was in party boro, where Mr (loodell has a p >sition as an TONIC In i under tin law its nominations i.mi both Sterling and Silver Plate. !’•• asai.i gat lit-r, ng Monday reeogni/.ed o::h ial in the State Lcfnrm School. Ami ir 111r* da\ I teb ] must lie made “nomination so- tinned s use. v 1 -11 *'\ -i by papers," ami after lakimj. I :iia. 1 Miri og j,,. ;if,,.r_ Silver! or more fniiml ihai ii had Sterling .. .v,-' i, li ailed. Twenty-live voters of the I.i 11 was gi- n uj> to tla- » unit-Staxtiai.. Miss Adra A. Stautial of ■ ! ward or t must to the lionii’ Table and .w tin- mini ..{ sevmty-ti \. preein. eertify Tea, Dessert, Fancy Spoons one of number i’.rooks was united in to 1 nations, their must make holy matrimony Cured >iniM i an<; nlayrd therein to 1 heir j Entirely Me. A I !. K INI >s. CLiARK, Mr Herbert L. Cobb of Yarmouth. ut ! oath that the statement is correct, the Me., The Cloth if r ii!* in. A! oYlock a which City I am old. and />"■ />■;,,! ,n! tn<( f tih- v> 1/ .•, supper, forty years Kin,Is of -WALK Clerk must certify that at least twenty-live the reside nee of Alderman Lewis H. Lover- I N ■ EECH .- signatures legal r, 7 ,! WORK v d >s s.-r d in ae l.aiH|iu-r hall, and at rr In j; in, and t lie on I one 1 >u Id ever take ^f/'KEl’AlK 5 ini»{i tin* ward or and each nominee must m.. March tith. Some forty relatives <■ precinct, people, with '•omfort i". k ! in- lit ;ar\ programme oft he even- £.Jr*Cill lid 111,- O, sign a written acceptance. The Clerk and trieuds, were present. The ceremony as organ. The 1 itt ir folks rack and all City Sold by all i:\ “s:.. parts lming thoroughly j»n- •• The Hoard of llegist.rat ion is in session this tired in a light brown bengcleue silk, trim- Tom i- :i!; 1,, I t<- reiurn >.»• mniev. if, POST M wr ., \ YOURSELF del: e| rd. F< a a -wing tin after lakine three-lourth* f i.n- ..nleiits, med w ith you" week t make the rinai revision of the lists. gold passomentarie. and in her are not satisfied with the le-uii. On tlio Tin* sr.-si-.ns are from P a. m. t«• 1 i*. .m.. from hand -he rarried a bunch of white roses. BANGOR Best r*lace to Li.o\’s sak* \i*.\i;n.i..v ( .• i’.eii.isi. m,.. Buy K.iti:n.-r. to ,"i and 7 to p i>. m. No changes ran be Tin- bride entered the parlor upon the arm i! TiMen<. ( -.• !.i vki{ (i i; a m !.r- f dhe.c-vs < the made after u. \i. Friday, and imw voters of the groom, to the sweet strains ol Men- I ver. siojtia' h. i,j\er and Huwi 1- in k -if M M;i l"i a. m t-t appear person The voter's residence delssohn's Wedding March. They will make Genera! wauls m any election is determined ,in extended tour ami oi- their return will HKiMMiT >i l.iV.-l by by OK i HI. (oNMilON OK I Hi Hospital, A tiin, .Muid'. ins residence on the Silast day of the previous reside in West Medlord. ST A II s i li AN<;<)i:, A! • II. if ! >u > ids.,;:. BELFAST ft.ATiOseAL April, but in aailge of fawn tile Ad law of BA»K, < >]>• -111■ i! -I i: in- ", 11i*• ‘; mm I■. 1 s' lesalmi e At Ucliast. In the Mate of Value, a! I In «!<»-( of ii.rty da;, appli--.-. South vim.;:. Hattie 1 mumls re- \ f ('A! l.euiii.t A• ■!>• m'!i. ATS, Imvincss i chruuri 2s, I Mt I. The !; si la gisjaturc made a change ill the j turned t;.i her home, in Lynn last week. She Tin ms modi; ha 7 r- < was sent for In r unde, Davul Ciiiiiinr, i;i:s, ■; in ;* .1 ; He.. in j11 u voting, but fin. instructions will by Dish.xsr.s or a I .i,! iJinii. wiio has seenr» d a p< sition for her. IJertha I.- .,11- an aiseo nits. ..1; j• * *£“11. U '*? *2 be go. ii in eirrulars wbieli the'Citv Clerk it G fi O S3 S Mi k, fin'. Adams has gone to Camden to keep house < Kind 1 a t -. -I-, ill-, and n 2 ■ li. Hint. will p- •>! at t! a ward r< ins. F-wing is a for her sister. Modie Fuller, who has gone to EYE AMD 3HR Mild', it lark, Slocks. seen fit If*., etc l-<1110 L< were, t.b visit le-r sister Mr.-. a, ■1! the instructions : Mass., Leighr. •• and will a :d ilu M;A A .t-i. , ropy i'.ankiiie-!i,.ii-.-.i un.i:un- hh.uh'i U ^ yon .annivi amine Messrs. ...I in arrived home irmn Ccstine THKATi: !>Y MdClAUM. f>ea\ey < •• •. u HOW •]•( > .M \ K Ii Y"l U J*. \ 1.1.< >1 M her real -1:1 ami 1:11,; a 1 1 "otiil.s i111• 1 last Friday. Samuel Adams c.\- (’ll A i: 1.1. H V M N ■ 1 I M.-iU'- '! cross X) ill till? over tin* 1;. V 1; I 1.1. •••*% f'.Ji A ’• square 1»111■ ! loin Nat i<-11:11 Hank- .na n -- JM c-Tn -"-"T ;trid»• ! st-r. ! *I't*si d'-n I Sr v r j.t:e..n views, mime omr i»ari \ at 'li-!;. i i t r\ »i nf The top of tin ticket. agents .,7;) ox 4L 4 C" f K "A I 1 ews ul‘ 1 ■ Ameihan and foreign No other voting muni is to be made. 4*1 fOF. WiaLLS. l>ue ir<-in 1 ,-d a--., nts no 77 ^7 'L’linimunii-.t; i-'ii" -ii«' 1-e addressed ai Ii you are not satisfied with your ticket, il> I dial. j.» | uiais, idea! sc.-m-ry, ami '.a a name. The French Note- ol other .Vo iolial Ranks 8.224 00 ll YOU lire d HI know v\ Sell tile i .... M rai 1 at la." ,i| menders »f the < 1-V1- you may mark out Oculist-Optician, P'.»U I.VA |,. i )dd Kraei ional paper eurreu- uieio d and You may write in a name in or tin* tlii'ii" eiuldifn. Tu say that place OF NEW YORK, and cent- 1 :‘,r, 7:’, more than linn in w if any the eltv. \\A b j,- :dm. < .die: w.-re one you marked you wish to. leave t>> liis the delighted d'*es nd state it out, Begs inform patrons citizens L.t 11-i'll! Mum /;,,, N. B. Ail must he done in of i< now at II i\ km strongly. your voting Belfast. tliat lie stopping the Crosby and in ordvi 1o do ihis have inauiAuated a j one column. Inn, and will lie there until Monday noon, March Specie.1 4,870 84 12th. All those weak or defective vision l.eital tender notes. ('■ Itooo 2>.t»S() 84 ( onciTiling Local liKlustries. 1 f you spoil a ballot, return it to the ballot having ! should not fail in on the Professor and he Redemption fund with S. Treasur- i clerk and another. You cannot nave calling get titled to some of his well known and er,8 per eeiit. 4 Cireulat ion *2.27*0 00 more than three in ami one at a accurately :: j Jill, only celebrated and eve CLEAR DOWN ! Kiiner Small started Monday for a two spectacles glasses. Ladies pre- PRICE FOR SIXTY DAYS. j time. ferring to he attended at their homes will please Total.*443.807 7*8 Belfast. Maine. weeks to Boston and New York in the ! trip After marking your ballot, fold it as it was send word to Prof. Weills, Crosby Inn, or notify r. 1 a i5i 1.11 n.s. nterest of Dalton's Co. : folded when you received it, and keep it so his agent, who will call to take orders. Itio*' Sarsaparilla Stock in. 81 .',0,000 00 \\ i I! folded until you place it in the ballot box. Capital ]*;»id \\ I A HUi. I i.M (IF Bros, are at Surplus tund. .‘58,000 Oo Hutchings work on some Do not show any one how to mark his bal- ITulivided profits, less expenses and handsome or granite monuments for Searsport lot how you have marked yours. taxi's pain.. 28,1 .”>8 81 '■‘d (io to the ballot box and give your name National Hank notes 44,280 00 Montvilie parties, besides a number of ; Carriage outstanding.. Trimming 1 tin* to to the warden. State Ranks ami hankers 1 88 n.~» A CPPriAT TV rders for etc. Dividends fences, eurhing, Deposit your ballot in the ballot box, with unpaid. 1,840 00 Individual to the name of the clerk deposits subject cheek. 11*0,881 28 F. A. bobbins &. have city uppermost. Co. lately finished UPHOLSTERY & MATTRESS Demand certificates of deposit .. 20,414 44 from 9 to 12 A, M. From No assistance shall he given to any voter Open number of of line work for 1 jobs upholstery unless he declares (under oath, if required) WORK BY Total.8 143.807 88 1 to 4 P. M. fastute parties, and have on hand a good that he cannot read, or is physically unable and warrant them. Al to mark his ballot.. amount of work in that line and in carriage Si ati: op M aim:, Cm m v up AVai.oo ss. OKPOSITS SOUriTKl). 14tf Applications for assistance must be made F. A. Robbins & Co., C. W < I___ trimming. They have, also lately shipped to to the warden, ami, if granted, the warden I. AV. l,S(M >TT, kishier of the above named liELEAST, MAI HE. bank, do -wear that the above state- Hobes & parties in Massachusetts a number of shall direct two of the election clerks to as- solemnly ITight Laundered Shirts. high ment i- true t<> the best of mv knowledge and be- sist him. Such clerks shall not both Jan. 11, 18!U.—2tf grade single and double harnesses. repre- lief. C. AV. AVKSCOTT. Cashier. WANTED! sent the same ; political party. fill'll ol Tliiiiilcw. Subscribed and sworn t<> before me thi- C*th Mathews Bros, are making at their mill a dav of March. 1 so f. STAPLES & COTTRELL. | JENTLEM A N a having few hours unoccupied Mrs. Lois Mr. A. V. .!(‘Sill’ll AVU.UAMSON. large and elaborate staircase for a summer Mrs. Gilkey, and Mrs. Sawtelle, Att iiuo durinir the to a well known Arabella day. represent > Cunningham Next .1 e < A M h 1 I i«• 11 and Wm. G. Sawtelle wish tt. extend their heart- Noiarv Public. New York SkAKsVIoNT. Mollda.V \\ t'» have ! 'list' ( >, i1.111 V<' 11' I»‘ in' residence at liar illustrated weekly paper in Belfast, Harbor. It is of and her son Charlie of Belfast were in town felt to Correct Attest: another mail via I w 1 di t" !>' I>. mahogany thanks their many kind friends for sym- Me. This is an opportunity for an enterprising daily nion, will K 1 I IIS*', !i. 1 ;; J i,1' and oak and will one shown and acts of kindness done •JOHN (1. us a mail ston (• 1 “11 be of the finest pieces the last of the week visiting-There are pathy during llllOOKS.) man loadd very materially t'ohis ineome for a few pro daily direct from 1*. J'.v Sanfonl, was Irst r.»\aal I,y lire their late affliction. T. AV. PITCHKlI, ; Directors weeks. Circulation The revival I of wood work ever made in Dept., Truth, 203 Broadway, meetings will continue through ut-sila\ c\t'liiiijj. l. 'ss. ’lisiuaii. .* Belfast. a number on the sick list this week. Belfast, March 0, 1894.-1 wl<>* AV. IS. SWAN. 1 New York j quite City. lwio this week. The interest is good. >-( K *■__ M s OK liKLKASl. Hiekuell & W T. : Hopkins moved to their Hail- Some of our eounty correspondence was Personal. in ing grounds Northport, Monday morning, received loo late for this issue and quite an and \s i 1,.«- held next Rheumatism Tuesday, and have set a Indigestion large number ot lobster pots. amount of other matter is necessarily de- S. J. (iusliee of Appleton visited Augusta My neighbors think that a miracle has been -i -v t ••art t lie 14th. 1 intend in M* bey to have their salmon weirs in ferred. Friday. performed my case, and I wish all the world to know what Dana's has done for me. u_ 1' m land experts to readiness when time open arrives, April 1st. A circular giving the law passed by the .John If. tiardner of (\imden has Item a l-'r:day evening and Satur- The CEO. W. l| Spiritualists are to be held last Legislature for the of granted a pension. BURKETT'S meetings protection Maivli ‘.Mh and 10th. sheep for awhile from every Wednesday evening at the dogs has been posted in public and Mr. F. Sw ift left for Boston 11 IV >,ii d I 1 > st net by Tuesday -auding residence of John N. Stewart on Main street c7 | lewis having been terday with the compliments of Mrs. James ■ a li> a |*ri\ ati heard- from a business trip t>' New York. ■ ed served 1 lie sales amounted to Tin* W. Frederick, a dainty bunch of crocus and M-t v. ..1 tli* Mrs \V (' ,■in r< ord oi Sal unlays'sales and tickets shows snow-drops, which blossomed March bth. Yose and son Walter returned Dress !' m \\ i in Ules- i re. rons S” ’.0 from a visit to friends in Goods, preaeh put and in sales. Sonic pansies in full bloom were to Saturday Boekland Domestics, brought ‘Mli t.. and at same the oflice and CK Thomas II. Marshall I’osl, (i. A. 11.. has yesterday. vjeinity. !1 IV ■ T• 11 will In'Id serviee.-. at made for the observ- Mrs. Lizzie who 1 as .jj partial arrangements The of Mr. Charles (Ireen of Brooks- I.ovejoy, been visit- l'• ;• l-.lders K. II. and .1. body in' o M e He* a I 1 >ay. The memorial ser- ing Miss Myra C. returned to ('as ville arrived in Belfast and was Dullie, "in a t-d nna t Saturday ^ prutrai mmi on Sunday, May _’7lli, will be at the tine forwarded to Castine. Mr. (Ireen was em- Monday. " "•>' s 11 ■" n. >. no ■: .an < ieirch. hv llev. J. M. in Leighton, ployed in the (Iloueester fisheries and died Mrs. Amanda Hilt of Warren is spending and tin- Memorial Ma\ address llev. S. L. few by Feb. b, oil hoard of a fishing vessel on the a weeks with her daughter, Mrs. K. .1. 1 1 a Il>. ore. i»n,! Sai'sa [ !: d ia (\ hanks. Hills of Belfast. -UNDERWEAR,^ *-i i. 1 Mint. ii. 1 he lock of the H in the I .el- s, re-proof vault The of the \V. C. Messrs. W. L. Hanson and Walter II. •■ •' general monthly meeting I I., *11 to sat isl'y jilti*;-»*- fast g National Hank refused to open last Kiehards have into tin* t T Alliance will he held with Mrs. Elmer moved Burkett For more than I was a sufferer K i Hans.-n vs. (I.'ii, thirty years and an ^ Thursday moruiug expert from Port- Small, Miller street, to-morrow. Friday, at tages o'n Main street. fro n Indigestion, Constipation, and Rheuma- ..’’ !|y* a laud was sent lor. The door was tism. Was also troubled with flatulency and opened •Jb’.o j). m. Two original papers, on Teaching Mr. Fred I,. Davis of Boston arrived in 1 every few weeks ha 1 Lr.da\ and the trouble was found to be a and Shall girls he educated fur business? Belfast Tuesday, his mother, Mrs. Fii/.a Da- ,>■**'■■' v Pin which had worked loose in the lock. A Terrible :: will be read and discussed. A large attend- vis, being eritieally ill. Vomiting Spells new lock has been the last few 1 lived on i > sold a valu- ordered. ance is During years gluten desired. Mr and Mrs. A. F. Bigby have, gone to bread and baby foods, as 1 «mld eat nothing i"’ p <' 1 !'■' *usins Peoples’ Party State Convention of ami wen that distressed me. 1 had nut ai Nonrii i’.Ki.i \sr. The all-absorbing ijue.s- housekeeping on Court street, next door to else, •1 eaten fruit or for 1 — i.. 1.. .rut iu-r Maine \vi.I lie held at often rrtwrn- Holden Cross Hall in tion to be set t led is: be vegetables 15 years. q' “Who shall High- the Methodist parsonage. 'ii- H**st..f Sat nr A a gust a March T.’. 1NM4 at ten ..'clock a. € way Surveyor .' Tins hydra-beaded mon- for Death Kev. Myra leet.lire on tlie Yel- Longed !u a\ w a k iiorscs ;•••■, r the ..f a Kingsbury's iy nominating ster has been an annual “bone me ^ of contention'’ lowstone 1‘ark is making a hit in Fasten) to relieve from my sufferings. 1 spent p W i a’! ! ,i or-/ i >al. for g. >\ --rile 1' a 11.1 to 1 loose a St at e eoiil- < i hundreds of dollars ami have been under the I, in oui .immunity for many years. Its sub- Maine. | os pel Banner. of wlv* no -PtuP' k'-rsr wn-r \ amici hrtv unitcc and Inrion la'., for id tr-atment eight doctors gave me of plans campaign ti< iniliienee is felt m our cam-uses and elec- p. Charles M. (irilVm of Shelter Island. N Y., relief, and often said there was no The Prices permanent Qress '■.. Goods K,l- lv,4 One lan for the round has been a; j trip tions for ward ohm <-rs. times it has s in B-dfast tor me. I'owardsthe last heart and Many to superintend loading a argo hope my ! .IS J Vi (V ,] seen re. 1 mi t he railroads. troubled me a g >od deal. While vis- „ l>> aused discordant feelings to arise which ol i.-e lor Shelter Island. kidneys iat: i< / !hands iting friends in New Hampshire my friends (: Tin*, h e went "111 n| tile river fr» :n in me eases have taken many months to Friday Mr C. F. (linn went to me to try have been marked down to i1,,un,is Bangor lest, week urged attractive h I. nek -pi >rt to Fort Point, ami the IYiiobse..t heal. We would hail with delight, and figures* i" attend a meeting of the Wesleyan ■ right, pains j t belli !'• i! t e t 1 New 7' -rk.W he 1 e A e \\ i 1 } and sa \V -s i all gone and I feed that life is worth living, days h 'wine! ..rigmao-d ii a he goverm-d, t bus doing aw a with district visit h nds. ! ( amdeii ! lei aid. misunderstand-! "llus is the of Mrs. L. B Hill f New- y llchi-s ami 1 ia story •J ng a'a- at a >’ pa\ a net it in a !n tr :.!•■. surveyors and the evils therefrom. arising Mr- !. F. I.ban w as M .1 roll g’n ! app-diit ark. X. J. A III* -III:: of snow J ...Mr Neil Mason has •• nearly completed ed mast. at Hall Onarry, II n ,,,-k “The Kind That Cures.” c ‘‘tii. :S irifla*s. 1 i>••■. i; ,a 1. which one was struck i. engagement witii I >ick Mart/and is m-w ■ on nt.;. \ iee i-i. !.. Warr.-n, resign--. =. DANA’S PILI\\ .-d. at i n 1 u witii Ills fain !\ lie a .n reports V < bles. They act especially with the Sarsaparilla. W Wiid.-S the s. .... deiendanl was lined SIM and csts •osMai w inter s work. .T! > Ladies Am Mass .I"Ur11 11. has been : : win■ spending sen:, > h't* 'hid damages as het a So 1 iid witli Mr. and Mis. Fn d Dmwiis d 1 >1. 11;;- i, 1!t w.-nt i■ ■ Boeklam.i and all other brands a: LOW PRICES. iast W e. lues* lay at I'm* n Hall. About 1111 y selling M -n 1;. v A- boat p :! -/ "’a- m -• •' I't .11 t ie- e\el el.-M S ■ I «i: Old h‘ a: m v ith. r of hast .nrk sett led p'-rsol';- pa l-'lpated tiie Mr -I .U'" Mile: i! of Borland as •• e \ w : a i a an extmil t ian 1 here was mug, wet-'- "ti joy hie, and !.-• ium is !'• 1 -'t e.-k. II. g: Hi t l'i W el e ,, hi re gr< mad -a; s. mie r. .ads IS 11" nl'caSi d ip, t i,r ad- i.e *' irioii o| o.. raveling :s v.-r> uneven. \\ it h i iA (. nrn.w and nv.v imiimids. mm w hod. In geie rai manage.- i*i'* *• roads into Ids lumber lot Mon* 1\

■' .- Mr m Mm. A. 1- I -a of gf. mid in ot In rs. 'I hank i'!:e,. !••:•■ ri ti snow t*. be from hive to g S.-ars;.. '■'1 iii B a-; 11 i: 1 a 'V! m 1 ti n i. ill t ie v ."-is. w dll 1.0 Lost 'll died p.-i r at I'e I a t i V :•>- i: > U ere oil 1 C. low ices. ! be g 1 o i| 11. i TP-.V •; w;,y specially p dome from N ■- \\ ‘1 ork win-re !,, y Pa \.■ ■ N eiiiii ’! i:oy The!. is to 1 *. x so.-.-: 1 ''fee; oj lie I We will not i e e. :ng !<•!fast ilia mmai mg able at Ml- 1 L. <' a. %’s !. r the b leht i quote in this adveriivniew inn c 1 < mi \v K e aid .1 1, e..g,e/.. and isi Satan .- my tiny. N I'd i.'i i'.. ti and son Mar.*’*, b'.t mu h. and you that we are inauqur itineq tile GRIhATiWl SAIL ,u M-.mi iy. lh -! md Th -. W. u.., ... y pc f i'a • w eat her O W •: a,. ,|, Sa "dn r-•• to ; :-s tii; vacate I M I'Vi'ii .1 I A I I 1: n e Ig, '1 H'-'li 17th. M r. an W 'a it in v AIDS RAC TIY prices ever know ihi- he '• 1. ling ,di a ng.iage, ( Kam-

M; s.o !. in;. M-st -*mmauds t a.- I>url< M..iif..\ a. i State. Call and we will vou. We in end tli.rt .-.i. a '• surprise Mr. Iv! in < l ire- !• m ami if" .-nt? a u- 1 o- :e. 'A 1 d tor and treasure; < \Y. \\ -- ;. :I i. .-n d !i;s tun in ■-i a an r i party of fri-uids u t heir pa a- on ... i,, ! chasei shall be advertisement I us. All we w u »ito Isahm ( >. v. a- -den. .1 re .- rer. and W ;. !o" k i.ilid i si w...... in :s full Ii .us.- The d-s.-ph last Fri'!..\ *■ vi-ni tig. * it, >.• ■■■. to their d Mon :id a •muj-aai-o. haais.-i: r -; in m plan- of dose:.j: \Y Com. sa; far Mr Fulb show purchases, qu.jte our prices e.j we !eei e mat o. S' K'C. N Si'KINGS. Mr. Fh is. N ■ 1\ has ham-..a ..ha. a- 1 resigned. concerned 1,.- "}■■:■] ! without honor our store return*-*! from a two weeks' •* i DYSPEPSIA, will be crowded. lamp. ai. !, iTTeo-d IF a .i- '• h \i ; i,• v a r \ -in .11•..»>. \\ ipiy’ sple'i- del: A 'apt. Fljarles F 1 'ark ! *s n •IimI S 11 It'S ; i: >. a St\ 1« '! in- !•!■ ds n I •11 ■ t r;i>i I y ?, ho.'! ,1 Mil T y W s \. 111 < A m v < Threatened Heart Failure "ie. i. ii Sup.Tint*-mh'iil of tin- Vnm-rai ti-rtaima.-nts >pi mg F.-F. is g; >t it. !-_> *• •• r'!,y Ass.. ;111 :i, !•.-.•! In-art.iy and- Bangor F.' M.'S lamnia lln-hh >rn is at home from 1 ><-!iriit at till* orlii I;:>\N d « is \ *t; :•«.:«I a Clmuiuu- .Judge Feo. F.. John- i: lias naimied l'foIII lie! last f*»r a long Visit. .John M udget.t is LIVER TROUBLE, a < •1*1 ll \sset a ! 1 lie •. e.- I’estmi. where !,•• a 11. .;: He- W. ■ of GEO. Ip.imd, meeting u again after a long illness... Fliftou K. t'lire'I *»v One ««•!' 'A !*»•: v and BURKETT, Ai a mrct hay of tda- -.fut in >ii sc veil the Fraud I.odge. A.<>. I \Y He tig May.i.d 1-lagoi was in town last week.. reports SKODA’S DISCOVERY. Indsay of th«- attend in. e and t. u nus sessions i'ortiand, Spas Tin: *i' am! vo; 1 m v ui to Frank- large ■ Odd •11 111 led 11*. assenihh -1; t husiustie. Tin- Fraud id. W p. nr^on by neeupai ion a Fellows’ Bloelv. .- r last, w.-.-k i. m.r Ids ag.-d ; .1 la AY. Lodge was • ami PuiiMer. He i- the ■ r- ! list II u tied Feb. ST'. Old tile arpenter A. M' K t\ a,. M A J.~>, progress j.,-,- ably known in Waldo ('o. lie >a\■ f W ■: a; tu 11!e lias heell very •Me at T: ii:.! M :ss Mab Simmons are both raging. •••For years 1 base sullered from have just takenam'Hin! i! sbKk and ihm !• ha net b\ the Fraud !. a !inJ Ji • t be:-,- ir. ( a-T:;:• K np given -dg-- was !•’ Staples g. e.s Indiiiesthm. Heart and Fix m Troii Me. V •• v- ej ell e\ ellt. the season lias Iwn an d.d! 1 V. rk this w ... ,,( py;ili|l‘ >o past 1 Main |• At time- my Heart ‘would beat ms.I" I :it >1.11" j.,I- ■ IK a weld: 111 A h ter has 11 'en t'e.-.-i ,-d i; an M 1 woii'al to eea>e a mm Sear-ji -t, i n ^' i a T Fapt. feebly. obliged have done almost quarter EiiM'iv."- ;h.u: ; P:ai t a- i" day. ► s a < a t ime. '• ( w <1. I w alar-- "| learful as >rk f> das M- ,s 1.11 giving parti, fall 1'his wv tend m i tried -deinns ami remedies, any previous year. pi. •mi l-'ard t Me hark Hen v A. pips Litri.fieid, in ■ a- without number, bin m >! no pi niianent few firms in th. Slate dm;m- ,L thinq q > > >U' T ! 1 a i I a l s 1 ... 11 j..;. Fat I’-i .inswii k, (i IF a is :11 a 11rk on 1 tint i « n e. ema d I he use >! hr p- / mid relief, 1 I ■ •Aid sm.w Uo-.s shrink and li.e ie.- WEhave r r >n\ ■! been able d< i".e >.v:t !>!,l)ly 11 *re-t pniast os—t r. n s. .et lung sisiHA'S. ;p: i: S !Vti ;n a]‘paa j.- " a* ha: .it gr,-n and M e i...| ga \v; v a ud e Ml, st: a ?«g the f<»n- l has e taken < eo.i-i -e :ud am si> sueeesslul a;e : l-'lc". I! Id III i Ml. lil'irli S |; a 1 I ■ to-U ad- H,'- Mi 44 I; ivn 1. '1' feet 1\ SS ■: i. My is i fe 11.1 a!-. n c. -.‘ill |' i'-; i a i 11 nub. and ii ihe ah in .A. fee' His left o d b ! arm were •' > < s -o > m : I- .1 -r-s S' ■, S i\ '! i 1; i F !■'Y and HK‘. I A First. We the stock li.-ag am seems -> broken, im: vm oat ni, h a carry largest id 1"1 u: d All d !m" '• 1 n |,:,| 1 lu-1: si,.- IS to be terra e did l. hid him at loo* i 1 1 u ': I S f ,-r, .j plunge right-, aptivai'ain rile; e are l > i; T. I Went t. •: o a ‘s V-t'i Vc .a.: 11,,■ mar fu -a I f1 w stated t! it gelt ng .gong Second. O ar a re mv? .•••- are ■ expenses *’• •S.'-s a 1 "in i a w; day burial .1S \\ el as roll III he e\j.. .p. | >1 o||d. ut- SKODA DISCOVERY CO,, BELFAST. ME we one to undersel. &r a ryn it ile wiii be abm-.i in froti \t eg hi weeks. defy any •' 1 '■ '• •• 1 'V We. l-.s ay. F.

-• d At k so>. o| ...!!• and NV1 d a d- >k a h itiT an.- Another Ige ! highly *' 'a 1 '■! nal bum ! rmuii ,\■ n ink Third. Our are new at:a of latest n e eit I n -w n. Aid 111: 11 Ii nldork's 1 n-spe.-h-d t/.ens, d.rd very Chase & Sanborn’s goods B!> month cal. 'la Hi.g. M o’. 1 _:!:, w itu niusb o\

A ,1! ■ of heart fan Man a lass "k-k u as sin Med at 1 a la suddenly ire. 1st., iged piny stra 'll; fast-, u it !i live j, i •. >. : e, mi a. o t. ■ .st l,... Mr< \v ,|. > To s, niont lis. 11 t he ’-am .-I ;av >1 \ \!.. y b- a- 1 1!'Tinian is uairmaii oi •• uiimittei “SEAS. BRAND” design. 1 -' ^ b\ a,.; 1 a short 11 an oefore In- •: I.- ami ii oast 1 w I ■■' in ni -. got the A 41.. n< i t i it«- is antic ijiat- It' tw •) a it V id. i aitain J...V, ami •'ini ii 1 In si. papers that his son had just brought trim •Ill j i. II. Till- ll:iKr Wl 1 be ighillg holds out... COFFEE Fourth. That in our advertisements -• ■" *■ res »e> -1 i \ the o)i;ee and was in ii i'i'-ces | ei \ Fi.a.nders I a- -1 .s ! ./.o, post engaged reading aie | a It Mr having lie.-I ell- began -v.-r, bill. f he lee is very din a one of while seated lie fort Servc-d to the iy A If a d nia nner M-uida \ and s Last. them, the lire, Exclusively -ting* Tile ■••id look for the SI" iigy dang. Saturday the in our with customers we make no ts e >i when his head hark ids chair 'V IS > b«vigl fn-Mi Belfast er tlie rail- br- »ks 1 k. t iii* th.-ii s dropped upon dealings in-11 1 ball Ii. »U ^. r- gli hea\y a..\v Over Txventy^One Million People and In almost r. -ad i! 1 .lit Ille !e a\ V and 1 :S Vers for he first expired instantly. 11 is death it* j-av• t,|m build and neeessa- 1 time, but. the gradual admitted u/.Vorld's Fair Grounds will he s:m mourned u r> 1“ AM, Sund.:\ trains to \V. melting oi tin- snow has made no endy by barge circle statement that we cannot fulfil. i kmg .-I r* ngl of buy i tig keep up. A. appearance of friends. Funeral from his b ;nibad is •I freshets as late residence tl Ml.'. getting read;, to put a :i,o0<) yet. Water is low in the weds forenoon. The services were p.a'.nd iron ke.; ,'it ins ya.lit the F (.id uml some ej.sterns have failed. 'The roads Sunday con- '• Id*:, ii i.i> the Among li.jimr 1 ducted Lev. F. S. Sanborn is t new lot of watered- are bare in so t...., are the ant by Inulcl'f, pastor of the 1 < "tinting spots: iieids, i’ Ia>t >.* term < >1 S d. ! 1 of which the, deceased was rs, including landscapes md flower pieces. many of the fem es are still covered with CongM church, a b t ee»t in which tile verdit t UNDERTAKING 1 OUR department Jl" a s »• sm*\\. member-iJied Feb. “J.sth, .Jos« \Y. I Jeer- | bad on isel this week a tine portrait ph |’t e>ns 1; i. 1 and on motion ! in o:!s of ae ioneat owned Mrs. i ing, at the home of his pan ids, M r. and M rs. < by IinooKs. Mr. who for \ f t M' 11 e v r\rr| itiolitt Ira|M. Male, many years adjudged! Cobe of C. NY. 1 LMJ The deceased Boston. Sant. Bird of the Belfast has lived at the Jeering, aged years. -—is and our the lowest m the and intended for This a.*- Hose House, died Feb. L’Ttli. complete prices cilv.-— delay. j was an industrious man: a N> ater Co. receiving a,any He bad been upright, young I* of .f the (’mint applications j blind for a long time and for Attorney 1 *i;i» \' as 1 ksmith by trade, lmt forced to i**r new services. Abmit "Op faucets are now several had give i mg before tb*- Law Court, years gradually failed until lie m use.. A up his business about one \ear ago on ae- liarbinger o| spring is a became as as a as the ad I i'.-ing he'd until tl..- dune ; twig helpless child,--i)oth physical- Universally accepted a eoiint of ill health which resulted in con- & troin SPENCER Ida bush well WILSON. having and Hose Ibaiigor the e;is«-s have been s<*nt developed ly mentally. Tim sisters eared i and muled his life. Funeral from Leading Fine Coffee of the World buds, handed to n> Tuesday Mr. 1 II f-T him sumption 'if no! 1 h.-ir i< .11 lias by faithfully and lie had a good home. .hinges the sr 1 io<>1 house If you can I'm 1 a grocer in .Ww Fujglaml that •Jackson I'lte Belfast Humane village Saturday afternoon, •• . soeietv is Mrs. Charles Holds has been Ini not .-•«•!! S< al liran«I <’« Her. an.; « ill semi 47 Main St C -liseum •.1 [ n 11 j t!rases the e\. < p- Key danger- | Building. 1 lo-v. F. S. l»ol 1 off the service. ... ;,,,v;iss tig t be Tow :i for ami 1 oiis!\ but is conducting the information to us. we will semi you no half < 1 membership is ill, somewhat better_Hannah mile i. wit dgment for the U.-e views of Tile WnrliFs Fai free. meet; v, til e.v Fevi Kiel, ha." be»*n Sick for Several ug client SUeeeSs. II usse•>, mother of Friend Umar (I. quite n< h sustains the ■ rde t «.f guilty Hussey 1 weeks, but is now able to go out -n S1111 i• n.. I bis. Sell. A wbo oiiicnres at the Friends pleasant ar- !'• d low- 1 t Brown- \V. FI |is, m eliap.d here, Chase tir Sanboiv1, Boston Mass. days, although he. is still in a very low con- ! tan ling a< a ms t ie- Saturn h;ts i.i-.-n sick for several weeks and >u.- .• imi IV morn- has i.g drinking tippling dition s.f health. Ills Miss K. M. w daughter, ing, as P.: 1 h\ a cake of float a-,- S|i!l: rod vei\ but is said to be more 0 srl h r. 1 ml ■ eu ne m nuisama ing mt" much, Ku li, who was stricken u'tli an m w 1 ('nas II. Wo "J'ii.m lain. Charles 1. Austin has I.. apoph.t.j• Id 1 “•: a 'ini".11 seller. 1st on at tit several weeks ago, :s lewv able to be l*ei war e >i(-k with fever and has a >11 fee's if. 'I of he fever mui- on In- "id 1 i-. drinking jiltbo KSlis i' ai"ait tin- house a portion -I the M. "'as ic kei! on ,i tie- 4- II ,s wif.*. Lizzie Austin, I.-!.- been dan-, day.. j ■ I "is K N is drink up ami the Wolstmi | ■•••(.ing S. Stiles has been routined to tin- bouse for ! b*st 1 at am! gel oils! i!| with lira 1 Ii fever. lid oUilli Ui 1 I, saner \Y i- head sud iaoI other slight Alls Several weeks with la but' tin and wife of China hav. been grippe, gets -• is e-iniUfi) >- i 1 e I.e\ das11ag■ ah .at the st rrb..ard h >s >. h. .I,,bn helping to around out of doors some m-w in tin.- 1 •' ■ e lor ill*- siek om-S... Women V- S':!'.':, s a P e I l..| S in 1 > ij:i Siiii.|;i\ Lilli.’ll, wife of w eat her.. The 1 nit F. W 1 haiif'S L. Sma y bapt ist quar- S.m ( C. Mm,!. I: s. i,a i!, the burlier, has been mi- .fOUX f!. liltOOi: S'. -i 'll-' Is. 1 •• rg, .[ irgu 1 «./>., nt, \V. IJurki U, t* >' meet belt 1 at tin* < J : !:l to the house with ! iy ing was ange bal! at I'.T L. K il. ;; la j Id" ad' rtises phosphati |,MU Ill ! week grippe.\|jss I'.eilaM, a sale K:isl .larks,m Mi.itIi rial ! .Mims:, rs S.-i:. •N!'\ ..I 111 Hist. No. | ! l*e!i. J.I L>, ,/OIIX : d S.-uator made a «jut. k i.. 11 who n.oil.ymv, i'tn«r/r. mesti. pr:ii! '- a j" rs. 11- trip x-kport ill : "•C; 151 ‘lit attendance were Mien lira kett .if "‘d return, iast week with tor F. (,. ('It a ! moellt 1 na t ner noois are Hosed. The n rw, all. State \, ami l- '-h' ol arrived at 1 ut iam! asf|uerade ^ " 1 and oil cloths Bangor noai'lv a \ oar ao, ainl ana- i! lias a lii a as is- ”is, ugs The burton of Thorndike. Tie were! bake is ;■ oio' a iasil m .-a .a a a v. March 1 bill .Monday Feb. L'bth was a success. meetings 1 with her jildiooni The Bos- evening always I •. leg 1 Use. 1. ’ha l'1-S < > foil lied gone fawned with a attcinlanee >u t is a 1 A number of rs u good throughout 1 lino tival moiit la- Imsinoss mail is ii.«m hi, ih mi a. a ! *nn packet .lames Holmes, (Jen. F. large the dan.- ere masked ko|.i ni to forced to move, and about (’apt. the nml in and mm li interest was manifested. It was best. Il\an. has been 1 costume and the hail was crowded. j liis busiuoss ,uv a- am- !" e t ile New gut in readiness for the sea- rooiilarlv. riirn- :tnis from 1 ho aiaout py White Store, \oteil t" the next Session of tins Milh r N* have been iiold meet- son s business and will sail this week for very successful in bread '•'r-et. Meanwhile j is harniloss great bargains' their ing at. the Centre met ting bouse in Thorn-! ami tlio iiationl limlsiinpi noil lioalili. It ins lipatalit i.n- :ha'i.lraits of Boston.. Sih. entertain men t-s thus far tins seas* >u. na tor men, and children ’harlotte T. Sibley is now hoys may dike, commencing the first Friday in June :m» oft« n in tlio llonr 0,1 Bert Pelt is at home from disappointed homos. it lirinos to l.lio iuohi'ialo. ami la lian it ,1ns ai ora.: ai, r " ! 1 street. the passage from Cuba to Boston with a ingill Watcrvilie, ho[>o ail i.k.s. Jligh Latest styles in I they use. It’s exactly the same load of ; "here lie has been at work for several "id e. s' suits received at. sugar at >2 ton. The vessel will Thokmukk. Several farmers su- brand that I had before.” one woman just Clark's, per owning | H. II- months. Lot dunes still his said, but 1 can’t do a\ i t! JOIIXSON, >1. I)., I>l.v-si« i;iu i.. C " d tailor, s:» Main street. Custom next proceed to Hurricane Island and load keeps delivery gar on-hards have begun the work of anything tap- it. The tirst barrel was team on the road and is a as- good enough.” ■ us it >lSof stone for Sabine Pass carrying good | tine woolen. A >10 suit at si.hi) per ton. .. ping trees and reporta run of sortment of eatahles.\. P>. Stantial is good sap.... 'is t!.e Sell, in The trouble dear world.. Poor & Soil are ira/.clle, Dyer's dock, will undergo still teaching at East Thorndike. business at the Station is picking up, and is, Madam, your IMiring j “brand” is not a i"a\ three and tit out the brand. Your grocer sheets of elegant court repairs for bay coasting.... drifting .-forms he lias had to make the several carloads of farm are (’apt. j produce being does it with his little brush and stencil See advt. for Another (b o T. Osborn to journey on snow shoes part of the time_ particulars. expects leave for New shipped away.. Fertilizer agents are re- plate. The Hour comes from Miss .Julia Penney, who has heen absent ‘‘here, v aseline. Lowest prices on all York next Monday to take cciimiand of his of there and anywhere.” drugs some months, has returned home. She spent ceiving large quantities superphosphate da National im-s See statement Belfast Na- the Flora most of the time Bank. schooner, Condon, which has been | with her cousin, Mrs. and find in of tin1 hard if. ready buyers spite Ts not worth white to pay a trifle Peoples in lkmk....A New York illus- laid at that Ophelia Kieli, Bangor and later visited more a L. A, weekly up port Seh. A. W. Ellis tin- times... .Tin* town fathers are ac- for guaranteed brand, like KNUWLTON, President. FRANK R. WIGtrIN, Cashier. j her sister, Mrs. Ehen Littlefield of Belfast. settling a|“-i' wants a representative in Bel- ished loading ice at Peirce’s for New York | March the train counts with the treasurer and preparing their ! ....Saturday, :»d, freight hn P. Massey, Waco, Texas, has and hauled into tin stream out of for INTEREST Tuesday, and j pulled Brooks Belfast with a train annual report. Town meeting is the lPtli. DEPARTMENT. 1 a 1 hank of fifteen which is on stock for sale.... See in- the sell. Hubert. Durham, Dunn, hauled in tu ears, a large train for our j finite a number from the Center church I'liis bank lias established an IXTEItEHT /> E/* I KT *//•: V/' for the '''■ crooked branch road.. Mrs. Ia/.zie Bi.slice purpose statements. .. .House for sale. Kn* fur Il. 1. II. B. Dillsbury’s (Ireenport, Brig Hussey j fit attended at Jackson last Waltham, Mass., has been visiting her quarterly meeting | of receivin'' of individuals, linns and societies in onic '* A. K. has arrived from 1 deposits seeking from money Pierce, Main street ..See Boston to load ice for brother, Frank Sargent. Her sister Ethel week.\ farmers' institute under the di- BEST? ill abeyance or at rest, and to furnish a S' I I E ami ti: dile in of Charleston. S. lias been in health this so pr, pi... deposit for tlic Searsport National Bank....A. C-Seh. A. i Jay ford is in very poor winter, rection of Mr. It. \'ralker Melveen, Secretary that she has not heen able to return to savings and accumulations of all elasses of woman wanted as housekeeper. A. Carter's dock for repairs. .Sell. Fannie A. Maine State of depositors. Waltham where she has worked in the Hoard Agriculture, will lie These are not received tin a Masonic card ('apt. <). W French of has w deposits bv hank in trust »i iiv, h it constitute a ^lield, Temple....See Durham, Belfast, atch fac’ory for some years... .There is to held at Harmon’s Hall Thursday of this WANTED. ■ the French oculist of New rescued the crew of the abandoned sell. .1. he a literary and musical entertainment at loan by flic to tie' bank on DEM ! V/>. and Weills, week. Several an* ex- depositor payable hc.iriuj' IXTEIt- Memorial Hall prominent speakers 4 K 171.1 A IU,h WOMAN as Ii.mim*- 'ho B. to-night (Thursday). It is) CAI’Alil.K, will he at Crosby Inn until March Atkinson, from Darien for to he »'\ of EST at a STIEVhATKIi HATE. Philadelphia, gotten up by the Christian Endeavorcrs and pected present and an interesting ses- keeper. impure and A. IV M ANSI IKU>, .Mas,,air carried them into Brunswick, CJa. there will he an admittance fee of ten cents. sion is Temple. J anticipated. Belfast, March 7. 1804. tflO Snie Llepcsit Hoars Per Yenr. b l.esson the Snow Hakes. News and Notes. Human Nature in Atchison. Tin* of Literary WOMAN’S TRIALS. Register of Deep \\ a ter Vessels. It aim i. ■ earth, a my gem, T!.c New Moon for February lias some THK WIT, WISDOM AND I’lll I .o- o 1111 Y * F A SHTi’S. S-- sparkling, pure, ami lair. bright short stories and entertaining mis- SOME LIUIIT ON THE SUBJECT. j KANSAS i; D1 1 OK. As h orn seim «la. nig diadem Mass. Aimer Cohurn, J 1’ Kutman, sailed from cellany. Lowell. Then- is in this weaiv world The shining angels wear. New York Oct _’l for Hong K"ng; spoken nothing Holden tor Mareh So Many Suffer Without nunc unsat Days (monthly part) Knowing Why. 1 >ee 1U, Hit _’.s s. ion UP W. i>factory and discouraging >.< ! n .i gem /«■ p 11\ r stirred What is is fully illustrated as usual. The serials Much Can He Avoided. A (. 1111 jM’S, Havid Kivcrs, sailed from than to give a present that cost >■' that T« ■ e | leek ns ea 1T h \\ 1 I'd flight are exeitine. thi* short stories and miseei- New Y«>rU dan IP for Kong looks as if it didn't cost more than s-J. u o| >:u m a Hong No i-,.ng disturbed ; SIM < 1. I'-i OCK I. V HI MM Ks. lain and instructive, dames A .1 Full. ], Walnut, sailed Irom Tacoma It is a had when a Or soiled its spot 1* ss w inte. interesting sign young husband So fVel tin* lit*- flushed out ; Nov 11 for I Iverson, l’hiladeljdiia. many very Queenstown. begins to go to see bis folks without his jmhlisher, from New York June Its home a tpiiet, simia m-ok, ut them, wake ehrntul and Alameda, Chapman, hi idc. tor March is an and up happy, | tor 1 ts oiiel: bl e\ .-i f.-ii. Outing interesting San Fram isi o, sailed from Kio Janeiro lgl gl Vou arc too old to lineiv illustrated number. The eoutents determined to do so Dee UP. getting flirt and j Where sang the imnnl. darning bn-ok, as C from Astoria danee if you can take a in a chair. Ami bat m -1 tiie seem-. are follows: The Pa^liaeeio's (’ourt much before be Kellenf Kuril, Curt is, sailed nap beauty day 1 ship. by dean Porter Pudd: “Lenz’s Nov UP for Qneeiistow u. When a man discovers that his wife he I'm. when tie '.Heath of fell ends, and yet: C C row arrived at lieves springtime World 'Modern Canoe Chapman, K nr ski, Phil- everything he tells her, lie tells hei ! l i• Tour;" Pudding poll eart h's snow y rest, lb-fore the morn- Oct 7 from Port Camhle. t lor Amateurs." by Hy. L. Strobrid^e; adelphia lungs t hat are not true. A g. Men sunbeam ‘neath the deli K F Colcord.sailed from llong 1 “The Pise of Jno. ! i-> old. tbe Centennial, It depends entirely upon how much she Th« snowtiake laid to rest the bottom Pail," by ing very Nov IP for New York; Kong passed Atijier has whether or not it embarrasses a wo- A. Williams, dr.: A Leopard Hunt in fearful haekaehe or I )ef 7. It was mit lost, for from its tomb j man to have her baek hair come down. Ceylon," by F. Fitzroy Dixon: “Duck Charger, D S Cnndell, at Kio Janeiro ,Jan Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s for Infants The e\ort:,t i( Ml g;\ ell n feel- It prescription in a lleiman I for New doesn’t take more than three months j ! s. Shooting City," by Pave; York. A Ives I'-oin earth in wealth and bloom, attacks to and Children. It contains neither at Yale and Harvard." d. Ibearinyr-dowin u‘ liein, Daniel Karnes, () C New York. take away the triumphant aii a young Opium, Morphine nor \ mi sinning .lew from hea\ ell “Powiny; by (io\ Koine, Nichols, arrived at Manila Feb married woman wears in the of Palpli Finlay : “111 Aztec Land Awheel," In- lna\e>oirii 'inks presence ! oilier Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute Ag.t I: A hell w ’• I lie ast W '.ml blew II fr'»m Sliangha--. unmarried ones. by T. Philip Terry: “The post on Terrier," back in a ft riub» : no A le lie !' >!. A llak" fell Cleat Admiral. Imweli, at Sydney, NSW, \ ninmed woman s for and Castor by Charles F. Leland: “Climbinj* in the description ot an Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, Oil. No ,•■!!;>■ rest ing place It klleW matter bow bard Jan _j fc,r 1 .melon is “The ideal man the picture of the kind she ; It is Its :• Alps," Charles F. Thomson: as clear- Pleasant. is use in ST. held o', .toil. hy — llenn !*> 11 de Phim Pendleton, guarantee thirty years’ stn ic. tin* dicin' t fei. by Ai they li 0 sen. First Corps Cadets. M. Y. M..' by ed >m N.-v \ ,v 1- 77 hw San Flam o e Millions of Mothers. is the 1 •»» d and *A 1 lied. e W to bet that tbede\d is a Castoria Children’s Panacea pe-' thur 1, >juiiui': The History of Cros>- C 1 11! 11 I' Upon Jlenr.rii;i, \ M, sailed frmn Singa- arwilling \ it ho;. 11 is lied. Punniim' in America." b\ I., il. pore De. up |m N* York ; Ar r married man. —the Motl ler’s friend. o Country them, and -ink passed I p -A as id;;- S 11i ;-■ * 1. they the b\ W il- Jan 7. Tlie tumble with pr.-pl.- brine iieious Payne-. "Hiainiuy Tarpon." a clia ir. cr mu. | into y I < I' I sai led 1 rein N< \\ ; ii> P. Hobbs. ,md the usual editorials. '...a, is that f. ware too conceited t.o imagine j *• < *li! w sic •< 11 ! \ ..rk Fo! 77 V .. and I have to Castoria. poems. records. etc. by the; a: \ t! bny lopent ot. I p ii. I \ -v; do. !■' m No1-. ••. : n-k.-F. t 1 N ad mi tei a man lids m< u nine. I'he M a la■ 11 inimliiT of t lie \ t In nt a- \ r k N > >\ 1 ; .. San Frames -1 -ken ! >- “Castoria r.i -turiu : in* a d iat tvo M : 1 ui;li the h 11«: instalment •*n 1«.I N, W I in'ni'Tid it its -aju-i n •• »• 'i.i': '. »•a, hr; -t n j. -pen- ■ >n% nn but he a a .u\ nun s tic- k nd .) 1: M ! -• a ! F ( a. m d at of ot Mis i 1 1' s- l *! i! i J» ::! i«i ill- Mill. known J i. v. ar, :vt- it:«*1 <1> -.■ *11 promotes Nov. \ u .i ": *.*1 I, t I !■!•••. i'C d i i »• < Hi- rt Taddoek’s \*i I 1 d. .So !■!";•>. i u < .liv'd .it i';.,.- has itei n or.i w : a ,. V 1 r r St .ii t s ic me 1 >« i‘« >re i: e>:periem pea 11 last i d i.. .ur i:- ’writr;.. navli aiiou. ■ d• ;.!• I-, ; ;.. ■: k I uid s e n iionI'd. Mini :t ii i- i>i' !•* :' N--w Y v*kon f“iui\e a ;md d::a k::e. id. II is S. !. ;• ; w 11 ii.* —. ■ ■ :■■! i! i. : !(.- id M i; M i in I w<. lift i; a:i«i p;-M: i. s. r. > ■'> { i'poi i.oj.i. ■ y ^oiii" people a• a if b. its iiM it.- so wi ll kn> •'.« u 1 ti.•: it. ■; ■. is U. it; its •• j Mlil'Mn ills l;.-w hied y. /*•„/;•',v.-_. -aH.* 1 aie t ired of brine i n b■. ■ .- >•; v:a;. *. :• -' ■ -mi pa rt. T!!.■ c niai niin. = ii pjee«. ’m o.\ ai oi man h o o u I, I-o' :• i-'. pi perpn shill" i"ii is a 1 a a.-i! a pal ladie .ale <*i \ w I"i 1 v. within (... t.. VOlll- 1*01! \ 1 I V '!' is./. .. v i ... Vod ;•! N> a:a, iial. "The I Bo* >«;.u. b\ M s, i o'. w M tie n-.s 1-1 ie Hum-, I Vei ion: it b \ oil heat Oi a Ki< Wiu'ein. (a iinnuiiiiN a di'rnifl i!<>r v. e Dniipias nd d >. i’l >1. rmug n Mann. i |- Sinaia womat.i .uivinu. a fa;ni 1 \ diim. r to w i.• 1* :• si ■' (,> students of modern Kuropean It is ill. i• M l-.r Ta.-.tnn, 11 1 III ! h iiusl ,ad‘s lati ve are itr. -led ii; d s is ! *: 1. ss..i ; di V ; dele': \V. Jeliks >1 i n. u « a states- it 1 III. ... \ Ji<; son. -... lo.| ! an Sal. Tri'oupi-. j als es have all ■ v-' .. ridiell lolls I||!(|(;.|. ■ >• i« n A \ hi l-.\ ;t:i-: i. ! Frames. d •; do'.\ eipiallx 1 t: .-■«■!i i-o n ■:i. ! in- i.-lid n an m i' whose recent teiuiti to power has ; Y. 'ion to man 11 iris b. We ail malo t«• W? mat m- m n-s :)tni tin h.-and •• it I: Tlo u: j-: I •dam Iiurd sn i.-d f'r* m. ; hroia.Mii him conspicuous/. to the aileti- A- I h;i .!—! I 111111\ i. i.;.‘ | Now N ■ k i »*••• ! r S W :: t w much ot our ronbl. s. h a : d 1 i ll (. eeee. ill t lit- en t dot op, I < «■ !»-■ V* Hj.» I a »l« 'om ml. ami lur- lit M. Sun Fi nn. ;s ■ poll l: ij.lia- W r'Vod at Tin- most a It. eti-a.a;. Iambs v.. \l)Mra<( (;[ ihr >nniiii mi d of hei life, is esciin d in Maurice I i.vs reja O N >'. l|..||; I. 'V nt 1.' S conic i'll! :ivi\ well. 7i i. knew was .-omposed of nine ditieren; 1 i;::--pn St u “Tlie Secret/' a I 1 n S I' ! 1 t.,i'am v at San ■ T in 1 In W : i. 1 11 n ! riioinpsnii's Sapphic members, an h 1 am lvcoinmcml- t! li.ediunim di Keren t. ot the charm of Fra noi>, .. I '. •. 11 l'; mi N v \ a-U jETNA study peculiar Sappiu-'sj tow ns INSURANCE CO., bun Insurance Off! • li< /ion. Mill farther into the Ka.M and iiu all S;.n .1" hi. ! ..,i .HIM.! at N'.-w j my holy ■ \\ tifii ai 11 s', ants to ma p a ma n a. r Of LONDON, LN01 AND. < ■ k;, nk '.*• iiis.-l the Y>i 'ami. y in^s, pa-t e'oes Sii' i/1 ward Stvae]ie\'>j t’ricmls it* *l. I HARTFORD, CONN i.isr tut lie a she ti nds .( ha m .. St No -. i' F ar\. r. si,d-d from N- w opposes pioii ”’j “Talk at a < ountr\ House on Assyrian] Hi I hr -1st rk rlau dm i-'ram is. ■ her mot her. A ns*t ls-r v\ il 1 a! w a\ s o«.e d liy. \ new'heads and Jewish Books. But lifl]t .pi Mate of Maine, the, St at. !|. i I rt ion rod Isa Ain: ;d and id tin- lisln-i- >;n^s> tiicm in all f;c-t‘> | M | | is. fl'oln jiidonsm to her husbands m a .-;im- I ^ and the ncar-at-nand forth i piesent speak S1 ... N'o\\ Y"i i< 1 "oil 7- lai a tig i me. of this kind. I-’.'-, i, ... \ t*t‘ 11«*ii a<:ain de!iu 111fi111 in Miss Kdith Brown' : womb 1»1«*. rii<»in.;s i 'ana. «' N Mo\ as. sailed fr-'in W lirii a nan is a lit tie a~ o ijm-er W < 1 Is the Musical idea Masculine'/' and Mr. N.-w \ -In 1 [or China M. \ ii K j ltmctti-rb't-a. irr.-u- he i> as a }! S: l; a. ;• U •: tin h.-tinn-s awful!; ijiieer mairied man. W Ii KIN'. y. s{intlj{ Bradford Torrey's “<>n the I'pper St. Ti I iio J-; st ii :-m U. Ki-« n Curtis, sai Wln-n inrd> an and lt-av.-s an ] nlar or painful An 1mmole lover makes a verv boue- mai:iin' John’s.' To the women and the men ir. m A>ton in t«»r cm-- nst.*w n. ** liec-i Capital 1‘ald up In CaMi, vI .000,000.1 0. monthly oor- 1 > sai.« .1 inu husband, Atchison (Lube who have come to think womankind 1 Wat idoi ing dt-w V Nuimis. from j il.* of .air d.,s> in n eapa- i. siilit having rnyim-s J N- da N• w York v -1:1 IT- Nun n .1. bit* ement joa\s rumen ! '_'J .111,11 *:i tin- -• n f.*\ i- a i".>t or of women writing inony in music will be panieularh s' -rk Foi. v I-: \ ..naiiain 1.. Ml' "I: 1 am so thankful to Mrs. Pink ham tor i h«- 1 .ilioukalani is the same food woman she And and tna! ••ur lum* tunn-o j lie ns). .. Jn’riwi .... fikn |•*•!*«*: suecvstive. A ve: \ striking poem is A r W m II t ni;> da in's N 1'oiidloii.n, nr- T- tin- n-> wa- -ut iu-ar llit- good she has done me. that 1 wish ewry ! always was. Lieut. V omif of t lie tiosion, SI' k .ili'l I 1.1 shelving tdiibald haiiipmaii's “The City of the Jmd rived at I ». tr.-ni Now York. in his testin' before the senate om- I',ii,,. mm < woman in writ*- to ! W d I dm a. s. wad sailed from my 1 of Uouuhton Mithin a o.. sick America would Lam-ast.-i, 1.. >a ij' sei 1 ft‘i1 ■ A •: U u k k i: nk Kl".k tin hist-i Things/' s;ss same rings, d mitirr. this was verv ’< ■ Boston, lloiig I\ ,i. i:. n.r New \ ork. «|Ueen ;!.'! 111 till- < | 1 ;|. Ai.-i ns and her at Mass., and her advice." ■-eh 'wnukif dash and Lynn, get j di ink at the time slm 111 V .1 'l. prorogued parb.t the names : ■. rly. A mole notable magazine in uitnt. iust prior to the revolution, while! Imh-ivM oic i, 1 “i its the March Me- A Kemlul Huron Come to .histlee. Adam W ■ t N Mo;.. rs, sailed from I »•! 1.1 :!: •- i: contributors than | Sj Mi'i'-lri W illis reported that she insisted ! n I la- «n N.-w York No- II K• me sumhim- a’nu/un- • lias come trout the mg line's, lately press, “ii cut tine oit the heads of the ., t .i; 11,. j o members .MeKane lias tlu* <»f A Ii. id m. i: F-.i d. .-ms rod I nmi ! Herbert Hohert reputation th of the ,11 i' 1.. 1 Kipling, Spencer. Louis; never; I ‘id iadtc veil son, Conan and t Clave Tha- l'»hhinp his people. lie has made. d Doyle, | I'.oat no. II. ■ H if Id- an. at < 'anfm-- s!i“u 1 furnish the public with his “pinion e III I 1 net make a list that it is hard to Money, and lent it on mnrtpapes in ti 1 certainly ] ;..s I-. 1 ; what eotisfit utes a food woman. Iii»/ Saints. Above. town, [ill his holdings now cover a \ am- 011 ■, j equal. And, what is mor< t" the point, j pleat I’.oilm nt. •in. am > d at I '-an- id- >-s

deal of the not va liable on Suit’ •• ! the eont t ihutions are quin- as distinguish- j propeity .Ian ••'. fr.-n I ■; ’'.a.d A despatch fi“iu Pemiios vres .mli rms soiim a- s ;. i' an Now e ••d as the -h-wt A\enue, atul ot the build- Carr I. i I.-d Y k M -: contributors. The story j principal the icport Ot tile explosion of the niaea-- l'l t-T -1i!': 1 but lie is nmreiiul as :i am! 1 oi 7 I.o il ana Lv Mr. Kipling is one ot Ids 'nest: the j inps, landlord. :dne of le Insurgent st.- liner Y-mus ai slow t o tui'eeh >se h In- had lived in the short story by ()e;.i'e Thane: is one of her L'io d am- r.•. The coinmandcr. two ot ion natii .. Id r N.-a Y«•: k. Middle hi- name would have h« a Lest Conan s contribat i. m. Apes lead's and thins saibus wen killed and T-.*l inik 1.1 II. -i Doyle “The; Cal o 1. T\ I 11 a it a a. Now • la molt is a it is an account of Arctic whaling. lint then* noth side the picture. es. Id I. I Cm, w rit ten w it h Dr. 1 b>\ h. >t g1 nee. from M< Kane has repaid tot American law. Fdv. K a. il I'.::. -.

and sie\ into U w a > »- N w Yo d fin_ 1\- g ami Wii •; ids own ; sot ;d Vj- -it i,.-.- t if t hi- HrV- ajiy pr j I ..-a -V. :l. i. N. nm 7> W t II Im II. Ill I *, tu ii M* "• 'i 1 " F.i ;• I \i. C, said-.i u >ne-( it in m> '• Le u ne\ out in I hat !* on. not know hei e as a u\ j- •! opened fully N Y. ! N A11 < o I». H.t.'m : w Orient liifm iiM v Fi u d A S !Va i ton. m. r .-!


■ Sj 1 ! vi r .-s = s' 11 n u buy is. Li. L :* -so i ■. -.:

Hal d « a e.o-.-d‘ !! -m B Fel- ios A' os. I In mu 1. -.o .dir ii n »' 7" '■'i • Iu rit ■. da' Now \ r:1.;.! ul ’\iitl iff* i« ;»«.?!. '!*>.«'*!-- the iaw Mica :it m-t :: Up, but i! iso hi 11 i*• r:« ■ a ..... Fol. 1 7 ! I i ui. i! o. s|.. L \ai ; u hi .- api.i ai and ir j. i am-' :. W 1 rna O ; ; -• s i! rat >■ mm >C < ,\ II i: n b M Ii. S; u 1- ed with id !i:- mph

u. I' .::k I'- :\ a: r: ml :,t to i! 11 a o! j, iskiu ,0.0 li• 11u!> 1 i 11p-!iei 1 ! -lin- him : t!\e man d e port;., |o'lir<- I d an -am F-m id front Sev Y .rk. of bis In uue <•• -i i inter* st to tied his' I tpe! M e K, •!, ■ '; s, d w tlli'tl uii'l d. a, a M:.| s’e. ll F VV i: C a an o,| U t *• went to l he -i! di : i>- : an iei• ■. There b a profusion ot ilitts pamhiimp-h and aimed t w .. ■ < keri iii iron, a uionp lot no. red t' .1 \\ 1 n s,. |; | "a a r■. .. -.a 1 ;t F»; ; H * ■*- tin ; "U^iiesi eliaiaetei- in this part of tie a r-.iii Now rk. "T" < I ,i 1'J i* " i* .Vi -i -'fit"! I M N i.'i.t !-. C M N 11 d 7a at oi two. ,u; 11n- artist, as well as t he an 'to Ha. at: to scientific method of criminals who was a pieat refused d ! identify ing bully, obey. Id j. ; a Now York. Pimply Bey ilh ot the >1 ail-I5a MM hi AIL gs. in must MeKane with two oi three men arm*.: W S N in Is. sail, d f: m 1'iatiee be pronounced the leading Mar;. \. Ifnssoii, liililis themselves and went to Hauer's Rnlidri-, .1 an Id fol' M a il'.lde > ■ article ot the number, it is illustrated place, and And Person \i:i,:Mui! *-»*tjvs*r« -i >t- i. .• .. -■ < d from Sa- Every 'Junes went In' hnalg < ineinnati. and from photographs especially provided, by MeKane clubbed Hauer in the presence ,,t Mm An.os. C.... 1. Then he a nt m t hroiigh Sa!' The of the ‘Human Documents" Both these art ions, t unwarranted ; subjects | hou^h Foi .idiot Cii r:st must ad. ,.. lrom wrie ('-dir'oi!1 ■,*. and there are .1. 1. law. enough. hut then* > portraits Andrew Lang. Trow- hy equitable on a.-o. (; i- Oi d a od ! r. n N \\ 1 >t F Fa. k ii‘i'i !..*■: -.ui e \ a '. \.eo a Mexi- were others- were tmt it aide. T<- Torturing fills M in >1« hung and Henan. that equ \ ;t tra's.. ta. they bii*!ge, j V.'ik I >*•« I Id. i i .ml ’ill'll ii »<': i; i ■. jf ii- of .n ~ in !*■!<:mr tie* s.-i an... !: i. \Y .’nmisu olearod fr mi 1 0 !. it, 1 i! ;. a ne ij. tiiiiuigii the South, reach- presence of a meant to he cauui,*; I a.'g Kong ! N-o is j. Mm a Disfiguring dually j Defeat With Dishonor. policeman 1 St sailo.l from N-w ■\ l'l: n.'kit!' Mi, Ml! g \Y isidjigi- n. Ills collar was hy the eollar and hauled to police head Janios. I-' P» ifford, hanging ciu'lin^ ••iiiM SEWING MACHINES < York < )ot Ji tor Deo. '1 iat Humors t tags .-mi te eks. and WHAT A I > K M * M 1: A Tit I'Al’l 11 'AYS »l IT. quarters, and the. justices would iind the Siiatiglim- spoker. Humiliating pool >wney s j 0 u 77 W. A ft In 'la III i' (')Unij, I M ME ;';»m a is >1 in- load about ills man and send him to for a iff weary hea.y for Presi- guilty, jail s .u;Hi .«•> il". Cjovci Cleveland's plurality | ST Ian o. ,1 T Krskttun dd:u :. W S III idili, sai d-d ed ij;in "fit one and had a harness • •ouhl h« procured t«> show that the \ietim Iro Now York dan i"» F.-t Natal And Cure day. ago was :a»b,21 i. The plurality on 1'ues- ; Speedy .an -.j him: then he took the badges \n as really guilty of the offence charged. Willard Mmlgett. A C

/i/# \ fit rftt tfn sylvania, one state out of the forty-four. ! i,u id H n, Cuticura Remedies ft/a Mexican dollai and also a this when dared to him. King’s l)augh- Such is the verdict from Pennsylvania. anyone oppose Boston Fel. 17 from i urks Island. whnii some one to! He himself tells a of how, when he Ii B H ol.arod fi'.-m B> s- Sold the world. tlKMKt.l IK' »U it! badge presented The verdict from New York a fortnight story j assoy. iloitg.lon, throughout Potts *; Drpj was a widow, Mrs. from t-m Maroh 1 lor Boil and t Inn lost,on, S ( AMH'IIKM.' '-.itr Busi-.I: to*- ■■ A! v p. i: vi;: i. ! was the same. It will he the same ejecting Morey, ago (! W Hi id...ri, loar.-d from nhuut trie Blood, Skin. and H...:." did not in her house, after he had had trouble with )| C Sil.ley. Seaip ‘Jwney tarry long Wasington. wherever the a chance to vote. people get 1 '.-ns a nd a Fol. 77 n>. I v ma wa> new j her. a tall of a New York GEC. T. READ. so..n op again with hi.s liar- i reporter paper ■ I Political disaster and new humiliation* j 1 .\wi« N K KS Pimple*. '. e k h e a ■; -, A skm ainl tali : ss. I in* farther lie went the mole cheeks ! stood by protesting: “I'd like to see them S< mg ; are closing in upon the Democracy from [ hair prevented and ::1 ('utirura Soap. ■ I do that to me. Fd tell McKanc what 1 K < (' !• t*I sailed from Mr h.e; to eairy. and the heavier grew his The condemn.!- (Mara olmrJ.. eveiy quarter. popular 1 44 Main SI.. Bellas -ad At last the attachments thought "f him." I a i: i" I-Vh HI for 1 h; a« h-1 phia. alone;! lion of the anti-Democratic >:< U> :ii: '1 dishonest, Kdward Johnson. Warn-n. < a-an-il from v- e i g i a over two pounds, and poor () wney McKane, standing close hy, heard the W ilson hi!!, the insane income-tax-pro- Fob !'■ bn Ti n dad. •' j IMola.lflpIna was tiled eiiirying t he dangling things 1 stranger's comments, and motioned to a ; jeet. and the infamous monarchical plot ,(•■>!'o:a (ill k»*y. AN H '.iiUrv arriv.-d at ah.> ;! with him. who knocked the in- n / ns / / /, ! which the present administration has! policeman, instantly llo^ario Nov 17 from I'.n land \ li'-st.-n saw him an«l cautious Hat. When he not In* postal-clerk | made its distinctive feature, takes an ! youth up II all n Mil, lim k. il 1- Sprowi, arris <-d at set IS Tl'Ji XA TIPS "a .n aim a- Mr. Wananiakei had !1 I was upon and beaten till the ehiet N. w Yoi k No\ H7 iron Fa-nor. pity form whenever and wherevci 1 impressive < mV...1; ... i in.-: In a i e • !dm home to his house, told his followers to let him alone, Har- Unit s lausmi, J< l- aml fvnn »'/ '-j • ■ j the ballot boxes are j Apph-hs ni< ;■ v opened. 1- n < inis «>tni. and w,.Ut a iM'er to the at 1; a i t i 11. Kt*l Ho 4 ...» postmastei This is the time to tell the I pers' Weekly, i | plain truth; • i, 11 :1t; ma n, airiso! at .wham, him <»! the diltieni- III i; i. Mn>,-. telling dog’s and is in its nakedness. i here the truth M'tilth- ; from < i H I \\ u d c.tme hack t" take ott tin* Some Statistics. Defeat does not necessarily bring dis- John '' Snii 111, Kin < ami, at Ih-ltast for ,: lies- ist a- ii w as. and t’.»rw ard it io j;« .. y of a honor. Defeat in defence rs — principle, There are 4:1,4:11, 1:1b in the F tut >*d ,‘pai \ 11 :; 11; l1 ieun. This was done, and the harness sheep ■ to a sunvil i I., s i. ■! A law,-. Jim sa-hni lrn,i I »a 1- orjn an honest attempt, redeem States. will, its attaeumeh'.s e a lie seen at any iinoiv Frh 17 for .la-'k sons': i" pledge, or for the right, or for the tlag, ; •, me in lie- *s t (. li i e. In biding at I .iuah (' Kamiiml S A\ sa:!«*.l p. Albany, can never he dishonorable. That is not In l.s'.'J this imported j.-'74 -dhury, »• in a ease with < j from 1‘Vniami ii:a I- a I m train. preserved glass Jvvtiey’s the sort of defeat t<» which Drover Clove- : tons of coal. l.maa 1 ’o-1, r. (i ri mi n h-d Iron; dial !«■*- j.h t uie. land has led the in the eleven 1 Democracy laud is sold at l.o11 l'i-n 7 toi N< ss Y rk one- in his travels reached In Turkes good fanning Owiiey months since lie entered into olin e with a s N -V n i H .an > 'ai Mat A Hail, M Montrea1. and. to loilow the 1 per acre. happening commission written, and a J n 1! from \ns A n ; plainly straight j /j .. ; mail- begs t o tin lie w as taken non A an o > »m a u i'Vh and b ar way benue idm. The world annually raises 1 < too. M !. Mi li,-n. i ,-r. -e a, ..I a ml i' ii whi le a ie! ter po~ >eked ja Promises and bushels of main. from Sas aimai;. repudiated insolently j A ['•••_ -• in..* 'i in .i. as -. tin* ofmh.ns ■ m, i1' ! Vns;. i: Albany telling ignored. underfoot, 1; !•' ] Vi imrosv. M Democracy trampled 1, -■ W M 1 .ah. 'Ill S. ea!!:e 1 The world annualh Tnuo.onn ,! o. a^1 w tin'll ol ids A reply snonsihiiit shirked, and pieduees lying cowardly Sa i! w > A >u on 1 ’as k let take ■ 1 tarns of huttei and ‘out vr. Hi, I ■( Ml. W H !:. Ml i.l>, l.i m g> ami he would rare evasions for the : substituted unqualified r. h i..i Hi n m• i n s. i. Tin.- 'lie auadian postmaster let a mouths Amei iean I, a C,rations of few ago, 4 in* sp< ed oi t Ik* nc'M's: rapid- lite gin us Tola. A S Wii-ou. a! fro 1:.'.-'. i for •;ii. I.. do t ill : in- cost of feeding BEST sre lisstarartCL- Co si-iniiuent outiageil ami deli.-i. of ! bbs- mi les an I. STOKERS Hartford personal is at 1 Ik* rate boil and urn w t- in all amount- ; ai rivnil at j.;n_ paid, whims oi made ; lie » < j personal spile parly's II.i ! i'i' }•'(.)HI>. CO A A «?j. ing '■<> ■ dollars and cents. A col- 4 In- heel of <■' ntianx a\erases nine ck. f/!. titty law: have in words the ids crop > .! I < her*-we forty 1 Oi M iin ">» lect ion was (allied for atnong his old ! tons .ere: that oi Bussia. live tons. \\ Him 1, Ni• wt.oi■. ! < •■oil.; >. nJ, ,1 lirir ot the tirst year *>1 a Democratic per ; lory v\ in n-.. k. : bends, the money forvv an led and < »w my N• A a k !'.-!■ administration that began with golden I lias .:7d'Uo,oo() horses. Mil01in ,1U: »• .. -••• urope lillM. I. I'll \>1 * t; prospects: eatih, 1'.'7.7-H',(too, and -FTTo.Oin* the Iribune. 1 * IP < I in in the*j sheep the Journal ami lAeryhody the postal-service Defeat with dishonor, that is the bit- Patent Flour lions. f. •» < i Tilled Mates knows him, and perhaps! I I'al.l in in nisii. %! i- '»0tt m i terness of it; and the dishonor li\ special -nil rue? w an- enabled to of- tpiial lie x! time he visits (amnia he will not -V’.". the than the defeat. What will the Senate The cotton area of this, country is great- j fer to new suhsevihers tr«*: 11 tins date tin- :.e a M. I. in March of 11 oil a ami 1 ten- stranger. ingersoll. j do? New York Sun. er than that mi, Belgium | York Wecklv Tribune and Tin 1 M. Nndn.las. mark. N.-W lb-pub- mil lie mil be im; ‘ft f-v and to Slate Hoard off Trade. lican Journal for one year s“, old 1LITHE HIGHER IN PRICE. BUT yjrm-, The area of anti America crop Europe m the adva-rtise- in- ■' Kellef In si\ Hours. subscribers on terms stated ! Slocks amt t• •.n. 4- o\v m-il in ls40 was acres: in ISSKit was will be a of the State 4112,000,000 no u ma* km value I. I1" I Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases, There meeting ment elsewhere, There ran be dev iatioii pa y, st >7,000,000. Loans ir« <1 •> "Hater.: relieved in six hours h\ the ‘‘NewGukatI Hoard of Trade in Portland, in Reception our from these terms under contract, with BEST ( ash in 1 In < *mi pa n\ s in* j... oih e in Ami:i:i• ax Kidney Ci iik." This new on at 2 The of the I'nited j >'* Sol Hall, building, March, agricultural capital ami in Hank and r.t*h leu*' ... city Tribune. Tlie N* w \ <>rk Weekly Trib- is a on account of its of all the ■•-! a m remedy great surprise p. m. This is the program: States is £12,000,000,000; that Europe i WHITEST Kents and am rued mlei in in une is a national and gives all MAKES BREAD. I 're mi mil' m due c.*io >< *t *i‘>eel mu, --L ; «-x<■*•*•*.ting promptness relieving pain ami Commercial Value of £t>S,;lSO,000,000. family paper, hack and of Location, Horse-power SWEETEST Tie- bladder, kidneys, every part the Water Powers of Maine. news ot the t inted States and the general re ! .ill the admit ted asset s the in male or female, it H. M. Heath. The I'nited States has two- ! \*rii irate urinary passages Hon. Augusta, produced J -* 1 1 the world. It gives the events of foreign MOST j "f t he T‘mipanv at t heir aei mil va lm-.,s. relie,ves retention of water and pain in pas- I How can the Summer Resort Interests of Maine tbirds of the cotton consumed by the 1.1AI II 11' Hi > Mia i; Isa.;. sing it almost, immediately. It you want I he Promoted? world for the last 07 lands in a nutshell. It has separate depart- Col. r. L. Portland. years. relief and cure this is your remedy. Roothbay, for “The Familv Circle, and “Our Net amount "1 unpaid losses and quirk ] Dismission Relation of Mural Societies to ments INSIST ON GETTING THIS BRAND. .! Sold hv A. A. Howes & Co.. Bel- Agrimt The amount as on coal j etaiins ■'!".• Druggists, of the State. paid royalties “Home and the Industrial lnteiests Young Folks.” Its Society'' A mount re*pii red to >a 1 e!y re itisu fast. Dr. C. M. Sec. Maine State So- and metals in 1NS1> in the I'nited Kingdom ... "I W;iM Twitehcli, Agr'l admiration of wives all on; standing isks. Ha a t columns command the > KI>\V 1! A I • \ M ciety. was estimated at nearly £5,000,000. ! AH other demands against the eoni The relatives of the late Bow Its general nows, vi/ ■•oniinissions. ete. ’H.coune Benjamin Wv, is 0000 feet :.bove the and daughters. political panv, months have been one of Cheyenne, N. S. I of Gloucester state that they thoroughly The past three editorials and discussions are LORD, is ll>ls miles from New York. BUS j comprehen- Total auioiiut *t lial-ilit ies. e\* of the deceas- most in the sea, I •*.>• H INSURAITCE. New re ed from the time he reached York of the Gloucester fisheries, and surpasses in a* lualh in eii'h. 1 •.nun veston. lb are recognized authority all Capita! paid up ports'' He\olid .n '1. until within an hour of his and any record for the same length .of of the land. Of the 1 Jour- Sail Surplus capital..." death, previous b-publieaii Maker, c. 'in n- >' parts urn-ir r.iii" \n «• H Known p.jn Life death of vessels Two counties in California have over as it were convinced that, time. The number reported nal it is not. for its to speak, n.-w no '■' thoroughly necessary Ami maker of tents, awnings, carpets, etc.., at the Ajrfl'ivirate amount of liabilities in \i eldenl in-m »m in .ui loi .mm a beehives, and n«-«i was line to natural causes, and that there lost, is is, with total tonnage of 1411*, 50,000 export 0,000,000 for itself, Subscriptions may begin net su; x < om->i-mnlrin e "f!l« speaks Indi on Swan & Co.'s wharf, formerly injj; surplus. |irri«inc I besides and cash must the ting Sibley | > A l’\\ OOl». W intei Mi is no reason for sus- valued at over and on which was pounds of honey, 1100,000 pounds at any time, accompany : KAUAI, tiAKDKN AND HOI'SKIIOLD. j I iiity, >laine. Speaks for Itoriolf UK L FAST D1KKCTOKV. PROBATE NOTICES «■ : l!r Kvsrp.irl oi tin- past summer 1 was feeling days and Thnrsda\ s. For Searsport, Bm-ks- Waldo, deceased, basing been pre-eiite-l f..r pi Arran<^eiiien t. »<1. pramvd >01, mound in t lie air or . Connerts muice be uiseii to all in- ;• at Bm ks- ir. sh mi\ si• ’iiia- h. No terested eau-inu a tfc‘- appetite, and what- wnil tram for B by copy this order to be pub- ! w port mixor. del it-a; or,. a ij.• ai « xhansted lished three wetdxs stn ces-i\.d\ in the Two a Week to -.■••• 1 a u sed tile 'listless Republican Boston. great and eoii- Steaun-r VikiiiLT i-aws Belfast f->r Isl.s- Journal, Trips " H: lilt- >liul v an alt bed printed .u Pelfa-;. :ha- th.-s u:.,\ n £ ;r: ! boo ami C is: an- at 2."'» m. Yiuuv t a >ea. ! also had a t umi-m >’ii lay left p. about at a Probate <'•■•:. to be held P.dfa-'t. sv nhi- 1''11;t I mi’:! a t-x« a’detit stimulant. fb | lo.oo a. m. and !.a- -aid County..m the sec.c,,i Tue-da\ •! n !• r i’iade .is large ov« as a * and ter' il up. th- sii in .-r Kmuieline h-avrs Belfast for March next, at t.m the .-l... P t•«'..T-« n.’-.m. ll a.1,0. to kt‘( ;• tie list from >i i t- tic 4 you e\t• !: the i and show a use. 11 s hast*. '. the same pit ding up large ligaments of the eoit, 1 :«•. Camden and lb-, kland. Tin s-lays, any Ililh'I i :u in < ei air < >t manilla >b“Wld not be and iff > j'ifHii ronir s prosed. appr-o.e.j uc-sv.-d. sho idler >o niueh ;1s ;■> in:, rt'eto with the Thu: sd in-* .2 it unlays ibont pi a. :u a j C F- ). f.. JOHNS- »N. m •mtavor- l'-U'ei ami p M a m ih.* i-a< k>. lor Sears]...!? m.l Ba. W.-i- ,li„i.e. n * nts of' arm. Tins atised me a ksport M--inlays. A t rue ,p\ At test re< i < a 2.0 m-sdays and F: lavs a a p a. m. J KitCii 1>. ! ; ln..\\ aw .. j,, i.iis -a string. PviiM'i;, Register. al' i:T gr- i* deal anxiety ami at times was very < m in hks. t- M ikt 1 a 1 :: ala a an .1 ill box At a Probate C mn held at w leap nf d 'harp stinging, smarting pains were Baptist. 11: -a Ib-v. .lolm F. Tilton, Pad fast. it Inn and f. >r iie *. v U4‘v :n in-- kitfiieii. mi i i> \\a\s re- Waldo, on the iiu al in pastor. Bn i• 11iuii- ser\,t 10.45 ;t. in., tin.utityot see-.mi of ed freifilillt. 1 flu A 1». IS*.*;{. | i.4 n-i".. --.1 tpiireuu n: and seldom at h tnd. Sunday. Sunday S.lioo! at 12. Christian nary .. •. i: I !w Kodoifs renteiiies were q® 41 a reeonmiended in, tiiej at tip. in. l‘ra> .-r meet- ertaii; instrument, purj.ortiim be the Iasi by ’in M tin* « I disint'eetiliii' V-will and te-tament \.:.,:. 'iiiipwsi \v.t> to mi ami sunn- three months ago i .an- itiLi at 7 p. ’ll. Tint.-s la\ evening prayer Commencing Monday, January 1, 1894, .... ■ in said ..| Waldo. ba i- :s a ! t. : ;: ii.a. i,m -u two of Mil- at ,2 ■ F. Searspoft C.unity deceased, ; im-m r>l to lake im-.umj- .luni C. Soeiety Sun- tin llodolfs New Medieal lias iuc been presente-1 for probate. >; f.iniiM'* will it*,* *1 IVltast. wnatlmr ly 1; < s ]rnnit- i1 i id a a;; >l alt. set it in day at 5. p ni. ordered. That notice he ar Dis- After a few 1 uiseu to all net's..ns r 1 :i_i, a* I •,!• i\v■* ■. i! overy. doses began to feel < at <• >r11» r of '.la i; •'11’_i”. i'’i!a 11>t Market ami inn a "1 * — mnido f room, tlm fumes do the j Tested hy eausum --opy of this order be l' '•*1, *!»•:>. IFh k!an ainl II M at,lays better, ami after one bottle 1 Hijh MlVrK K. V p. T. ilbl lied three sveeks in the I 4 n d} HMlltet no. taking began Hunk, pastn-. p successively Rcpub liurs*la\ ,t r •%].,- ,ir- si li- -n Jot rua 1. at n\ ,i! .1 '• at I'M:. a. in. Stsmlav S. at printed Pel fa sithat th.-s mas stra nit*i I n an ! i:.«• k~ •. 11' to ra\ food, my appetite S” lmirli improved I’rmmhiny a. 1 appear at a Piohate ( <>urt. to he held at 1 '•»' It*|. -r ,••■...■ 1 iiv w> man who keep their silver 1- 'a pra\ nr i!innt; n_r nr in. t mv at 7 p. in. Pcltn-t. ii'sj>,,r-. k>j. .«t».; if ino ■ that 1 at- 1 nausea had svithiu Of ] ; I .; anything drsired. my and for said .unity,-m the -ee-rnd Tues- |,*'I'n111 *■, \\ <• •! 11,1 ,i a11,1 S.,:1: r -ia\ it ,• w a and w inler wh\ it tar- Wnnkl.v prav.-r nm-tiny; TPursila.v tv.-ninty i.mj ra | day >! Mai eh next, at ten ot the clock lie!,.re '• M., ,*r am al ,,| .st ♦ litirt-i\ left me. ami my f. .>.] did not distress at n' iipoi: stt-amer fr-• 11. at. m ,-s it that the noon, and -less muse, it base, the to _\ ipposfd sulphur j any they why ui". I gained in and ilesh and was M*■ 1111 I ini. i’i a v. r nmnt at u. a. CFO. I- aide t iit--nd t" household duries. my tn. ; F. »H NS- >N. Jud-e. ’in I'o'toi > a oaus i; hast toi silver. my T'<« I* la vs in Ft i- m servim- at |n.:;n a. ui Smnla\ A true cops \ttest I.’' t*lay> prnanlmpn I' ’"in Honk lam i. W ,, nr ia > in, I *s t..> :,i»sat my 1 found the tumor reduced i.cre 1 > Pa i:k i:. surplus. Sclnml at 11■ m.-n l ratt *11:l:«m Register. 1 " l'J limijn ““ v- a .,,, Nee. At- n e on lop. lie plane to Epwauiii ,'liinu at l.itniiny- in n '! 1 11 1: than on.*-halt si/e. win. (although the Pmiyim prayer nmetiny at n.-k. uusiimss F-i». »rt, !,iui_ i; -• \t,,u- is-- 11 when hard coal is j a e Court, held at Belfast. within and for p-'kei. espeeia y 'i-iys. a ml rinirs,|;t\ sat'.. \. *.*. nmetiny tirst M"tnla.\ mmli nunit!i at 7 p. m. » -e• least of my tr.-uldes. afforded me great satis- The Minty of Waldo, on t he second Tues.lavoi i. i> ai tiie h.'tiom oi the urate, where ! C'lmral pray.-r nieetiny Sainlay at 7 p m ei n".a r\ A 1 P 1 s'.t;:. FKI I» w roll;, \ .f,i; .lU-ltasr eih;keis and ohsti -t faeti.-n tnd relieved my iuind from a great <■ ashes the free Class Tlmrstl v fwiiiiiy \I.V1N A I S I' 1 \ \. ,• .l; .r,,n meetings certain instrument. purport iim p, p,. p.■ The lo-dolf Remedies have done C < 'linn I- 1.1 WILLIAM i 1. II11 J., ;| P;a i. 11 N more f.u m.- than doctors’ esc ri a ions, and ! Fiuyhtnn, past-T. hiny at in. p-, d I 15 \\ AlU.lVlate .d lie! f.i- t, iu -a id (’«>,.i.t v w ieks i: e as .nt rarv as na- pr | “I was Lain) human Suinlay seimnl 1J ni. of \\ deceased, ha\ in_ Peen presented p 1 am sun ao-tlmr medicine could have af- I ture. 11id one a mi n *, 11aT •'sinks'' is nnisuiiee Clli sa'lst. 11 tin au.’i Sp: 114 Probate. < h'dered. l'hat eii to mi- ■ ford.-d' me >o h st notice he pi' all in- ii« :'at < 1 ;■» make a man sweat or a mm relief. 1 shall never he rents. Pnv M K:uyslutr\, pastor. per- Maine terested P\ eansimr ,1 «d ; his ..pier P> i*«* imiP Central R. R. P.a si 1. copy wmna: r\ lf\.>u w'iltakea W't ■•!;] the I: inet anlmiLT if. 11 in,}:. in. Sun.lav “siiekiuu" dolt's Id 1 ies in my family lished tliret* weeks -u. res-iv.dv in the lb S, at 's Kepi; v. i- on’ imnl 1J V-uiny P- .pit nmntmy at on .I• »nru;t:. a: k'-ut and •lire."! next the ■ printed l*,el last. ’that the\ ma\ ap- pull ng ..s 1 am aid. t• ]nu>• nr.- t i.ein. Raised I1, in. let um at m. a.t a IToP.m, •oi;r.. p. he TIMK-TA UlA Z. it will oti.-n mak- it woik heauti- p. peal held a't Id el v- ! v ■ Y rillv .•UV>, Catimlic ! i\\ r < -a. rt St r- t. P, 1 AitP. it hi 11 and for .id <' i: i. t > ..n the- -e. a. I Tm- If s; ks m-.-uus.- it is a ■ On and ufh r \nv. >. usually t a W u da d Mare); lle\t at of the eh., K >0, ,,.nn Mi-. 1.. \Y. H.v.mi:. ro.v. larrity, m r- :1, p:i**t< S. w u-es l> >, ,lu :. « 'do el or ; wo too w i. 1.-. noon, and show ean-e. it u lull tr.i l,,i hunt n s .• u" at have, hv ■g «'i:| from Sr.uuay i, ur in *They fv Mellin’s -a me -In pi Id nor be prove 1. a'i-proved and ai'owed. !;.,,* n. w{0 nit» Chri.-' •-:!!. AS A -t m.-s am in St! at \ m pu; ranl'i-t ies •; win be (i I'M I t\ .! any 1 •> ert if'- th u iie d c_ mg stat. Met;in; II, US f« ■' TV-: : | 'Inlay. \ rie \ •: u ru it r;. t! kin. ,t« .»■!;, thiow s> im.S ;i 1 ui. :ir nt : m v. :d :- it md d. g to add that Saiula;, p pr-a--!Any J .'.n. d i; 11 IP r \i:k i.i;. K, -p-r. t in- waft a t- aspo.miui oi hakitiu pma. i.' u y s. uai urn,tiny at 7. v\ as « nt.i'e.v •:: a s.-v.-re d •!' nigh « 'oiia. Id- instant fin water hods up .-nee, MAIL \ N I * l'\ 1 1; l-ss LINKS. Food.” IT- P te --art he' it. t a-:. w i: h 11: -m m i;e>s t •!' i:t V f Wahl.the -e- -n T; m ail t! a t wafer ..f' and .f ]'••>!« lung- standing. Can, i. n. 'I Pi'. in vil !«• lie \ rt u- ,.| •* I n trv A. 1 >. Pd. V C. The sti!» t it mo f< >r m b.rn ilk nut^ei .1- Iig >m ottle of Cl-, am K'n'll- Jtort mil Ea>t X. iltpnrt F. Fiv.-n \ only ; vliinh Infants w ill strorm. WIKI K II Will d 1 S' II r. a A .'. s a ! J n ... upon I \ tile- t P—1 ni ! 1 d« v :. i u s a n •. > -: t y li-'aitll.v and V ii’Ofous. Tia* In-'-t fond 1 I Will. N. .!■! ... im s at J p. j tot* ln\n',ds. Cnii\:, w v \. rv »:i.:i\ an sh.iti lake -•■ i-si-riits, l>yspop-i alb -. i-e-i. ! i, m.. pie-. mP o a -... great piea-ui < it nittv Pin vt'1 <.range it;-; P i-t ! ties and I lit- .\imd. (Jur book fo» tilt‘I --m them t friends. .- mliug my Pi. W'.uii, pfnpi j instnn-tion ot mul!mt>, f ed may !»■ :ranted p- him t-s I A A it a tu In:l J.:;i • h ■ ie ;ei 1 That the ;; ;■ w ;i. Id-sp. Uiiik yours, •• -aid pe' Ipe. new-pan- ■ The Care and IS a S' M--UI i'n, Sn Iia ■; I Feeding tm- to I person- inter. d Pv Wll.I.lAM 11 V V! 11 -\. ■ this or,:, be d ree w — v. .* i- 1C l-'rank l!v n. tunpta. t, uu ,v: :• .-s ot Infants,” pttPli-'u P h- ^ ■ ■\ ill tl: I »f e.l 11 :: r .M -nv. in = pll Pi! do il. ir.-ed He 'Ml, 11 a 11 at 11 a u i. A > t Pi' •. a p •id bo mail'd fro*' to any add iv.-s I p, — : .r .. r. -'■' f ■ hat ma> 1 Pam .::. l-e VI, is is when Sit s 5 \. is w a:-'., ,;ird u ;:! a r« he> app. ! I'm. .in K: P Ku..\. M- A. upon iiiesf. I ’. y.u ai v I 1 >H\ | lleifa-T .within ml p,I■ i- t o d h e i e •• h ■ i: 1»l a 11 d 1 e a n i l'n 'A M I S M r■ \\ l». 1 u • n Crippe Its Inatimnt and Cilia*. j DOLIBER-GOODALE the 'M nd In, -da' ... M.,r h neV. on; o s CO., li ''at an !if "• n .. It will h ,m- Arm ns 11.i .: 1 m a,. Mass. ; ■ a Sm :' A- F-n ! Boston, -kel au fix and 1 t > :«i*M».i» s .d t lit- n. >\\ v r\ font d is- j j p. Ki pr. 1 P. ml Pt rt- >: At > .1 itlv at iJ m n, r, 111. 1 * no '-la' I d«»ll.\Si»N : n mm,.- .. T:,'v 1e\\ :i<• s :I by r.v Kp'it ip Id 1.1 it. > t t .-m a m *i-i! .‘ wint.-r m.n 11.< in id. ese hem. -,\\y w w * rl". -V- i It !!' !' i! as u\n' t i; \V 11 i swept i !« iV'i.;':'b 'cVd" v;,] 'n >d d w su- h v '• m •• I • < at > ;!i uni rap'dity as v.'l. 1.1 11 f. M< livSK, A.. ! M —; e a n a i: i, i;> w f w 11 * i; ! 1< £ C ;; -1 .!' u 1 ■' s ■1 ll ; ; i : v,11 t ■■ :a pel I at Iteil.i-!. oil Me 1 v- * ■ > t Sic t ihulS all wt. ’! < I

■ a !i n a 'a. n lm ■ a! Sp. Uy- »• \ ..pv. A' Tin-,,'. \V v, ,hf. j On*' \ i"' f, k \v \ rt|,_ k i: ,V S. M \

1 \\ V 1 I M.i I, ,•[' >> •, ■, I I F. I.. F, '.,i .' ••!..- \: ; t :a N-. 7. ... : i.api. lf. « .'. i: 1 l»i:\ Kill'd \ \ I .a Pi. ..f (ii\s it i»i:\ i:i ; \. 1 { S v. 1,4 P; a ■; p. O' S' S y U m t-y'S i Diamond ;■—. b"";> a. a ad -\ <■‘" a < I a. 11. Crystal ! \P ‘ui may

i':»! Sp.-. t -. of .ii >e. is n. u lieaitu '■ -! gi I; .-ill -d a nr. tie- > •• Salt prr.i’*.. t. lie. fa-:. in mm :m>. a p •; •. d at a« n Dairy i. 11 e re -1. :. m.I li tend a' Kr-.p p, C .... st limit lie t k and n inn ,-«•* is !uis •!('• c ,i>! o! mts. T!u !••• no so.-ret he!,! Ite'fa-t Ml 'h. o; d T.e- !.!'• M.iP 5 WINTER k tehen laid, is a 1 !i b-: >• rai.-.i, i! :,' "ui i! W ir ij:.i ARRANGEMEN: l'-:ia.i\ l.e start, 1 > |•.ii talibirj*. tihiek-l!pp« i1 '■ i- > i;;, i; op]) 1 ;.t.>■ w -. 1,0,1- t -ter -dmi 1 ! ma kes a in :ii l m -aid a. e should ie I-- aih-wed d. '- a J >1 I 1 :-111; u h\ uu Should > d (n r!h'« f "h : than an h-m dis'h > itbat .. '•la I 1 N S' >\. Un nntorr I i v .. tap. >• -. l' M .. No. I < >. < > "It. ;. roubles. i! ■. i.'.-m 4. ha..- d.' Hn hait. Lie I• ? l ook tu n,\ and. \ Mo MV. \ t te-' a aiaanm-meets whim, ■ Jd 1 voiimy o; h t lie s f« We. ks after the dppi IP I A i: K 1 11 IP e o ■ t----d i'm tlur ) i: ;-m- aie all adorn: j. ; 'v M; a.; -•*.. :i; t‘di!S d:-.;ppeare i. 11 -w = i.: be | M-i'! ! uriiT'. ihroueh our hairy Belfast and uastine :• "i eat •••! 111 1 lie start and ue lightest >> I’: "'i; •! I Line. •'.•'•i.aue. huu ned (•*.*:*t.e- hi:s o’ I i -1 a *! -; i», i. [or yoolMto1. and ill t• 11 mold — \ y11 !• IN.;si:i i:\ mi .:■ i-■ tiietl -'doll. l.{ -'it'.: -t *1 j; t! 1 < 1 lie like, ad:;e-ir,t .*di <-| dallge; slndi hi 11i!i n• j I table u>u aisi). Write about it. ; ;lm ,*>:.. e \\ AY ild J.od_m. N 1J id y ilar ting VICTIM 1C SAW \ IK. a in I a hat h 1 mei Ut rated and I ! i" lye el.'Se: tile h" ISe atld deep ill I DIAMOND CRYST AL SALT CO.. K u« *x. 1*1 'a.*! **11 nrv, •;.-*. «*;i'»*il. !,.*.. m |.1 m. VIKIS^G, i,J" a Heat be, ,.• s. r'di» up< yuktr me.-! nigs !,»■,i\ t• h .\ ,i.i * St. Mich. I '..i*.l f't .tie 1«* 1 >s\ .1 .1* ! I:V' : ar, d! n n \! ■ -tel alii .e Clair, •> mb] Kept as "11 ! le- Jd ail'i It ll 'i a, la ■ O a Iiys of raeli i'. t. 'v a _■ i: 1 p- rsp. ration :ip by Rod oil's .r H. !' ;; •.. ! ,ji ... ■ Iv V.\: i;, Tie- kept j K ll. ll 11 I'.. !U>\ '. ,, e, !;• '■!.•' eVei hoi',i I •: an ad1,1 ,t. The [ K Ml. HI 111- 1’VTHIA- A I i. s -i ids prim cl 111 !'.*•!:.!'!. '.ml «■.•am;.. n 11 .*.! .. 1 be I glit and the i.ewels 1 niriV'!. .!. al ;.-ml .11 IT.ihar. m n. !,. ... ?•’i: L'LL'Lwv.vt v:1;v : i' 1 ■ kept may _1 .li'i I*. .! i. n (

• la I.. .i'll I NS* »N l 1 ■ ■ I .I 1: i; in. I S V *.j*s Mi.-: in.: 1 1* ! * nil 1: \rv";.r, vcn Rockland and B na v LL.-. 1 '■ M Aid A !: I "'ll ! \ N a ! lea ! i v. ! a, :■ i>KPi :• Aj; ■. T:|, ! W VI I II \\ t 1 >S !'! I.! I a,, is at K I- I: is ii **• ■ in m.i aim >. ■:.•*-••.. -ml. h ; •*• l < k:i m< i- 1 'IMI.i.IM;

1 « •'*' i! 1 m ! i.\ 1 die. .-.1 In- <. \. i: .. ; M- id. J..,,.-,. Tk .- il. Ala.- H ! N J. is ■ : ! el e. and r- y a I .... p. ;-. eU-, i- ■ b dk 1 !, l.iu nt 1 1 c It >V ! ! ..i,v .ale til. j 11. .as li. Id-, :ii.-.-t ! O'! 1 1,1 n- •: Ill'll lo>- 1 ^Marsi.all ■■ .ri!>>i*. < I li .1- ’ll Ns. *N. .1 *, ■ ; .-a:i iiau.i.i iijii V. ilh so. j 11e. [ S whieh b .j |. \\ C. "| :• '1 *'’ i’"d r li i:i 11 l> l'v is n Id-. 1-' '■ -1 V 1 ids ■' h iuii in 11.o>; ;: -a a !i>-es. i;n.\ vainaide live- i niioled

.i tuba. eo ds.ik-r nod a 1 i :m.1 1 t>m h'i M •'’*.■ I infill sickness, sii,.i t- ^ int some other On .: .. la 'Id. W 11 .1 '. — V| -, J | |; x \ N< 11 ( M:i»i a; l :m A ppip, K;, v; .1 1 \\ is as ■..-a as f L ■ V -1 ;t I’ulmcco jusi in :!k m -*i U 11 ...i~■ 1 I | L> V'cak an ! Delicate Females. l.ody, N a* Kn.yMs -I ■••v- -b' y- am •»- »i i I in the wait r in as iia w. 'lir.-.-i' in la 1 ■ •• i '• '..a- Hall -I! tin- >.-• i'd ae.{ f .a'Mj "■ s Ills S\ i 1 > .1 IV imi. ■•*;.• t ha! li y.i'i want to get io ■■ ev. eg etter from Mrs. Card- Tii -da \a-nitigs ;n i-a, i iiioii; ii at am: w w n«! ritikh »!. l'o'ib.w that « .* •• -, Ni.w Kmii.anp m:pki. I’imi k. i..\ aits 'l.miai I' I am. xhiou la- !■•■!. a 'A la word ;s as good as g«.id b a.ii \ :m mi- -aia line t'oi household lieifa-t Lodge No. 1 ill .. at od-l Fei 1 h umid him. W M W \h m I *s .e u !e s well and known in the a g. hilt it lit'Vei' was HlfU nt t.<» be fa-.-orahiy o\\ s Hall -ai tin- se. oiid and dairth Mondnx II ■"•••! t a n T Ikrtstiei.i, <-\ i a i-a.-li ne ait ii. fPIll' 'iil.'.-rilim s hri*1*' a '.*• •! ie not me 1. 'i The liesh, >,;i. Soda, or washing .Maine, where slie resides. eiii ngs pul I mm. 1 iit*'l. 1 hat 111 *• > l:a In*, it iliii.s app >' n .s it i> sometimes is « KN n.i'.MFx 1 write to inform A.MKKH AN l.KiiloN OF H'lNaK. l»a> <’it\ •• railed, mini) you that ami •— t h.* trust •*: I v* - K. "Inis, ai. Md F* Hows' Id k. tin- tirsl -ri-d .i (’{ust- ia. 1 < ha.-, is better t Iran eh her. hit, of eon rsc, ‘with a lir.KN I.I I 1>. hue e! Ih-ii I-... female trouble, the particulars o| and tliiial Mmidav ow ning "I a.-h month. *'1 •" Miss, slip I t*' v t s ; ."re. \• i' < :tv nstoria. | it want t*> see how ;im- Ill till' e'lii's li’ VV a I tie. !«•< ->**« I. I is pis in;; !>. a (photographs^ a' hich j will not here state. 1 was in such a Loyal Aihanim, Hellas. t’oiineil, No nr mia t as the I IU- ftircet' 1 lies thetvfeiv ill p*- •; ildren, she then, fVuria j reals things jeii a few diops on a T'.'d. meets .ai tile se.-.aid and fourth Thurs- n-'pie't' ondition that I was eontined to half sens svlte are imlehie*l i* «h*i-«*ai*'t:n. 1 ; ! hull and nth a goor: it will take myhed dav evenings of eaeh month at Johnson's ffoMCliy? painted man an axe of the time this That had to grind. make iimneiiiate payment, ami iltes.* •.slm It.. > 1l' a: during long term of sickness. Hall. Prices I'-iii \ in an instant. That to ans tlmremi, te exhihii I In* same fm -*«*: Reduced ought 1 Again. There's so as > w I several of the best '! F.MPKItAN. K So, I KI IKS. nothing good 1 t 1.* Si MN 11111.1.1 1111.1 | teach seiisi' ije 'ill* n that it Will dry out employed physicians lenient them. ilKI.KAsT Woman's AI.LIAM K .msi'.rii u i.i i' in u h and render the skin liable to eraek. | without any permanent relief. About six meets every '■ CABINET Aft Aft PER 1:: h I ii i\ •* "! iii-d a n other afternoon at the homes of months I the use Friday W hen \ "ii (•• -nn in- ago began of Rudolfs New OLD :■ said the editor, mi of the rain, don'; members. HONESTY. •' SIZE. WO.UU DOZEN, eov \ a nice silk Medical Ibseuvery. I continued to use it 1 K LF A ST AY < '. T. L Ill--1-1 s aw Wed lies- -‘W.-ii, !, -‘la- l'iniiih umbrella, ferrule Insist on having it. '• >• until 1 da\ at •J.J-d m at the rooms -ai i audit reads. l.e; d"W n. Hit'* the iiiii’"ila stand, unless you ; have taken three bottles, my female p. High street over H. 11. .loll son s store. 1 '' I" "St ■! ■ ■ ■-! ■ h "uni h nun it. J nut lets the water and I troubles disappeared and I gamed rapidly (loop Tk\il’l.AKS, I*c 1 iasl Lodge No. d.h ail'! a: :ii t- n■ a n. w ri. n ,. tor Ou*r till} years. : Tiny speck.- of "grit" run down into the in JNO. FINZER 4 health and strength. For several weeks im-ots i-iorv Mon«!a\ evening in their hall BROS., Louisville, Ky. \V l l. 1 1 » l; M 1.1) V M ’ning a ii* b the on nun that seem, s the j ! 1 have over tie- Sehooi room. 1 past been my housework for High Sv ;■ lilt- ! •ill list’ll fur aim it doing libs, slays there, making the silk .hivenile meet- '<> live :i the fann and the throe, Sunlight Ternple :" u.Jin'ms ”1 mothers tor tendei him rots i y, past weeks \ Neithei should you e.ieli Tuesday p. in. at -o in t i- .od Ternplars ■A i i- 1 eg. nth 1 have earn, .1 fair dollars in to perfe.-t have the mnhnila *>]m n 1<> as that addition my hall. f ’i! •• h;!d, ,1S the dry. 1^1. st re’. lies h. silk and iimkis i bo.isew, k I fee! fiivr nnir vxs, The ('ha ,a jiian Liter- 1 still, and it by finishing pants. very 1 i 1'iiMi. iu'is n :ml '. and ''ill soon ii;. ary and S. n-ntilie < dp-ie \v:'; meet -t the Is "hake ii well, then lose grateful f.-r the benefit I ha\ e received from Your In-nies a ,is m•milx rs ew r\ Moiidav after- and -• .'mi it handle down, where the n>- w. m. u l >;s.-. ,\cry, and will gladly noon during t in- winter m-ai: -he! 1 1 ..!* op. \ e ei Sri all ill'.! > 1( *1- ;v ansu, a .\ :u b\ IIP-. F i;ts. Sheriff’s Sale. 1 i’n’ enclosing stamp. Heart's Blood 1 a .1 a wav w tiulillv folded, i: ill The Su J mliri d < .1 I ;■ Waldo Y. ’'rs \ .-ry t |»i.-:11.- Is ’ll-':'. Oi h is ruly, the ;iI:t again. Leave the t p. ! :. id- hree --. s-a ,,s a l. i. n p A ai the part W Ks. oi M .M F. (1 a i: iiNi-1,, your '.-'••‘-lourths of M ! \ I. ■ ■ ■, !i si '!’■ A-sda ai Jamia ry ami la Ad r. Tiies- \ .• the coin :i .• id* h l’ittsiiehl. Vi. lay o! \ioil and < )oto!,,a the sys I •: l. i. U -i tun 't.: to idol 11 (.’oil t. .1 lldgo ( o o. L ok II 011 impur I ft mini Case of Heart Disease La «o, aid T -f -• k month. in-..|- ties in t.» i;i. tin. 11 j •' e a-sda.. J 'I (• a.-. am. ''■•!. I. ! -w •• w w-m-v < -iim ai t lie da\ t" : my. 1 ic. ieat .. •.'!! is 'o I i: ! 1 %!•:?■• U'lVli K!!i\i:v I. (i i' I' I K 1 l: i;!» \| j In-: la.-t I’olio,- (’.air. .'li, id NY ld-_.-> : i -l: :1 ’> d. am <1 a> fur- m:\\ i:u:ii. \i k. :• term, oil t iie I amid A|. d. s n Pure F<: Moo' nine-. " 1 Tha Old Standard iiy •*«■*» ■ o Keep :-1 1: ! i• \\ -oh m. ait il Id ;• •:.! M i:i*.»■ M-: <'*•.. 1 *ok>. Mi f» iv«;a!.if It li ;•..%» •!... 1 — i- <1 ia--: n«n. 1 < For which t ,.v- nop — < ’o.p.i ( .a-: niissi- ai.-rs >•!. Ot 1> ;>• •; eat « ls.»-» *i a ri-i ntr i'i "•'> **•- < I-N 1.1.i.\ \v I 1 ii.-i-ii s.i !i ag p < >1 ’ii !«• ii :i \\ 1 d a -ill- -M ai AI S. St ih-S. equal v. <. •... Ilviv onl**r»*il p.ition, :'ii i:4< >lmn, 3 ot 11 ! r. >n. h: ned u :t h ii\eraml U i«i .i:n ksoi!,, A i‘ i\ -a. 1 Mast Id-a- moves'*^-*-—;i 1 j s, impuriti; Appotilr, it. i-i < l«. at > im -ossi-ai If.-! fast nil.. nd I’m-- ■< 6 i vs’-iai a .-i disc a i.a' \cais, w hen "l' ihe cleanses tin* i >U thru >'n;: !• BEST REMEDY FCM* WORMS KNOWN. ay, is ait age in m '« he «»il "ii, wee lx to Hocus- : :,* how] .,| hearing ila\ s of a1 id thirJ Tn- : d\ ay ns! 50c.. and t, r:o .'i all 11 is Mian nit- m w Apr., and builds the health Price, 35c., draqqists, i>hvisanl hi i ilies It '■n«h-rl,ul results of medicine I up general 'r. input should hr carefully yotu pro- and 1 >. o, a h.-r. Or ot t1 ori.-t m -it n a •■•an a i i w Our Trc .’.be •■» )) !■ i.ii.' da., hut 1 A A BU iiih «! eaeli <1 a for win n the wirk has to cured a iM.rt le .if liodolfs New Medii-ii D-s. M Mi S. SJ F- TRUE CO M, M«ine- <'■ •' 1 gi VeM !• n f. fits To make ! dial w iioni too great a tin* is The 1 >eI fust mail closed .ii 7 m.. ami depth lamp "Ven about a year ago, from which 1 re- SWIFT Hi. ami m a l- arriv e SPECIFIC Atlanta. Ga. sure to smoke. The wick should he rilli- da p. m. Tlir on t lm CO.; I j.f. , Vcinouma j ceived and now after INOTK incut. great benefit, taking arrival of the trains ami -la^es, lor whirl: '• A !» med and the eare- 1 every morning lmrtier 1 .1 '• m a is i* n | live of M It 1 W M,iM. 1- I;I 1: \1 k ; 1 11 In i,, an- partial > > bottles tlie Piseovery m eonjnm t.ion time see under head of trains ami stages. I’|Ml Ull I ; treed lrom hiis <• t eharred mi'/i-rs in into I tully wick, apjilyimr liijuids with itodolf’s New Liver Fills I can say that It Ml. FAST KKKK I.IKKAKY, ■ 1 the hest oil. It Kebrnarv A I>. is:»4. issagi-s and t.n t in- I hroat for i-a- seonly tliese directions The l.ihrarx ami Kooin are j I am Heading open I’ll IS- i- five not iee ilia "ii tin ..’4t Ii I v •! * e completely cured of my liver and kid- Notice ol a'.-s. tin- are now oi- followed will have no trouble with from J to o standard on Foreclosure. proprietors you o'eloek, lime, 1 I'«■ 1 in a r\ A. I>. is: *4. a \\ arrant in hisolvem "i; net, and Halm in form, n Inch ; your troubles think your medicine the and after- ^ do. la- « ,.in ■ 111 .K I: liquid lamps. Monday, Wednesday Saturday | was issued 11y V Johns..a. Judged \ \ 1.1 >\ ,/i I H \ V \KS ■ >1 \|. V as s ('ream i»a 1 m. noons. and from d.‘>o to S.MO o'eloek "1 Insoivetnw tor said County "I \\aldo against in In* ■ ! \\ Fly Fiipnd s" t► *\\ eouks or seem greatest discovery I ever saw. Tuesday, UT ,|. ,.: | housekeepers to Id 1 form embodies the medicinal Thursday and Saturday evenings. The ii- elys the estate ot >1 I,INS M< AK I N -d It ia •> ill- III..i !-•;» 'i. | ||,..| ) -liIt \ I »' kn«*w that article of food should he Wakuk.v L. Nyk, Catarrh it 1 in solid t every free at jndued to be an Insolvent Debtor, on pet ion ...Ml if. '.I*, in w .,!■!.. ..I *i i;, preparation, ream South New hrary and reading room are to all in- Me. s said ii was n the 1 m \ ... ;m ■ kept covered until it on the burg, of Debtor, whieh petith tiled i> I*, \, ,[*?,, kly absorbed the membrane appears habitants of Pel fast over fourteen years of lit** lit by .’It !i of I'ehnta: v A D.’. I. !■' w hifh date in m- CREAM BALM da;, I. I'll.mi ! l.i. I I :i I >11,1 ill'll 1,1 net drv the secretions but table. Milk and , for instance, aoe. Persons in town | up residing temporarily ! on claims is to be t hat the mil Sick Headache. terest computed ; pa\ ..'ll!,'. ,111.1 -I. II..IV-. Ill, ii. ,1. '•tn to I. .ii ,1 a natural and eliar- should he in vessels and ma v use t he on the same conditions ! Cleanses the or healthy kept air-tight library ment of any debt to by said Debtor, and ilie n"’ J. Ii.'!'!. ii.. "I. Ill, limn \w Hi covered. both take as residents. t ransfei and deliv ot v b\ him are 1 I"'|.I ImIIiImi on,,. Si,n; kept They up every O. W. Lane of Brooks, Me., who has been ! Nanai Passages, ery any ptopert ,;n ,,M ;i,.. forbidden b\ law; tliat a of the Credit 1""1 odor living in the air. and are positively 1»1S1A\< K KII'IM IlKl.l'Asr TO mee'uiu. !11 -.! ... I i>1 in,in ..ii la,,.| j,, '"it ‘M Clerk of that town for seven consecutive 1 ors of sa io I »et tor to their debt s a ml choose —.,.-,-,1. ,,, 11: ;'!•••. \|, C.'l'l Itliamar Howe to recover barmln! to take into the stomach .III lies .>"11 < 111 ICS | Allay* Pain and prove N..||, l'l*il|M ;||,. : after one or more assium es of hi' estate will he held i, "ni.l A Inn. I lias nr- i. 'n tells how lie was cured of Palermo.i’."> |. r.-ha-.*, I ,| |;, | *,. from Isaac A. \V oodrulf years, sick head- Inflammation, id to he standing uncovered for an hour or two, a Com t insolvency holnen at the l'rohate '■"I'nlilllllU '• I: *••-. 111,.IV «.,*■ it's-. Imirnliaiu ..'to ... 14 All.I ilieitation of Prospect " 4''d Mrs. Howe's af- ache. Olliee in said liellast, on the Mill dav ot .Mart A InTra- I'M -n- ,| sii>l nn.i lor not only odors, but the animaleulae Heals the Sores. t _■ .. Frankfort la Scarsinonr .10 is; o'clock in *«*«*it In New D i-l, at two the afternoon. >>k.'H. n III.:.-! ,|V I. v ,, York jury has in are (Ik.vtlemkn :—For over i-ra-.n' 11,,. Inought that till the air attracted to milk and thirty years I have l’'r e 1 on i.IS O I"i Scarsporl.ti iv en under mv hand theilale tirst above writ t> n j the defendant. This is tin* '■ ! butter. 1 in *ivcred jelly is a menace to suffered with sick headache: hate hail at- Isiesl.oro_111 Stuck t'*.i.10 Restores tb© J. It 1.1 m.ld- ll.LD, Sheri!!. the "King Megalith Fish and S w a r\ i 11 c \s oj the Court ol Insolvent .\ foi t.d " W \\ \ Mi family health. It is in that tacks which me •Fteksuli. la Senses of Taste .Messenger |. \. il A i.. | gelatine jelly every spring would contine » i!'. a in foil 111;. lit Waldo. .’W.t I "•••! -It I’m*] la- I .* ,| nai\ •.*■., \. |._ 1- .| having preserve Maine, ! expert bacteriologists of Kllo\.17 Tliorinlikc. ,.jo and Smell. imprison germs to the house for l!4 hours as often as twice a •* 'u steward and Woodruff presi- disease to \\atKri-. the pantries in the city will lie found half- Morrill. 0 \-'l A |<:11 i«■ I• is applied into each nostril and is 1 scheme to I*i*i«r»* at Life &. extort money from used dishes or glasses of most effective and valuable of all headache agreeable .tij cents I>ru^jiists; by mail, Laud and Fire, Accident Insurance Lffecte jelly standing *Tost otiice. Turtle Head, is about 7 miles. Surveyor Conveyancer, h. who is a rich | registered, r.o ts. lmT druggist. uncovered. cures. Wanvn St | | 'Saturday Cove. Camp (I round. 4 miles. liLY liKOTIiKltS, ijb ., New York. P. 0. ADDRESS BROOKS, MAINE. LIBERTY. MAINE, Locals. »eais|>orl Town Elections. Flynt; Collector, William (). Luce: School liaised by Central Dist.. 2,<>00 00 committee, T. S. Bowden, Y\ illis F. Deerimr, ADVANCES IN SCIENCE. line. 1 loin K. S. Pitcher, Br< kscort. Isaac W. William Mjo*nt Cer.tral District. 40 25 The spool faetofN is a few small Town clerk, Wm. A. Rem- Johnson, Iv’Overh -k, JI. The tilling Natural Function of Digestion at lice, t run. .1. M. t*r«lers. ick : selectmen, assessors ami overseers of E. Ov erlock : Auditor, T. S. Bowden. Fletcher, last Imitated. a^ent Central District. Jo 25 the poor, Ceorge \V. Ahhott, ,los. L. Tilioek, Perfectly Mai k W an! lias the bought Mosman jilaee l.uther '1'. Rich: treasurer, John J. Lee; I v KUsiiiK. Eugene Blanchard has had at ((intstandin^ order, the harhor. (). 1’. ; Chas. C. a hard over snow agent, Cunningham auditor, quite job climbing banks We cannot go beyond a certain point in imita- 2»,. 14,243 Ou Rice. to deliver his milk.\t the annual meet- Paid orders. T1 ie annual town will lake tion of nature’s handiwork. We have never been Mayor’s 1.2,048 77 meeting place Balance due March Belmont. At the. annual meeting March ing of Riverside cemetery the following of- districts 2.105 18 Monday, Pdth. able to give lift to artificial eyes, limbs, etc. b, the following officers were elected: Mod- ficer were elected for the ensuing year: E. We can I>av:d lvaue ami Miss Kate Kane arrived erator, N. B. Allenwood; O. C. Cain- clerk and treasurer; Robert Ers- imitate processes—when we understand 14,242 05 Clerk, Partridge, Sewer Fund. b\ st.» amer Saturday. mett ; Selectmen, assessors and overseers kine, sexton; ('apt. O. |\VT. Dow, Ferd F. them, rill a short time ago scientists thought Appropriation for 1803. 00 of the poor, A. J. Donnell, Miles Pease and Iiarrimau, Eugene Blanchard, trustees_ that the stomach digested nil our food. Under 2,000 A. B. Ferguson and wife arrived home liee. from Sewer pipe re- Belfast Janies N. Meats; Treasurer, N. B. Allen- The river is all clear of ice up as far this erroneous House. from New York again impression pepsin was always pre- turned. 42 40 Tuesday. Collector and F. A. Marri- as \V is Clothing the wood; constable, interport-Spring coming, scribed for indigestion. Overdrawn. 1,027 70 M. F. \Yhitcomh lias resumed Ins duties ner; School Committee, Miles Pease, N. It. pussy willows are opening their buds and Now we know positively that the stomach di as superintendent ot lights. Allenwood, A. J. Donnell, W. A. Morrill the crows have made their appearance with 2,071 22 gests alhmnenous foods Paid and (ieo. W. Knight. The meeting passed their caw s.. .. Rhodua Haswell is visiting at only (meats, eggs, , Mayor’s orders. 2,071 22 Peter Ward and Nicholas Parse are at off very quietly and everyone was happy. I. II. Shiite’s. etc.), and that pepsin only attacks albumens. FOR w ork on new 1 THE NEXT the ark at Belfast Brooks. The annual town was ((>ntstaiidiiij4 order, 20 meeting Scientists discovered the ferments and the pro- 40 do. 3.071 22 DAY! held March nth and it was one of the best, is to mate of hark SHIP NEWS. cess which lialpli Meyers go second by starch (our most important food) is Discount on w ithin our memory. While there were sharp Tales. wi: SHALL OFFKU-— Mahci 1. Me\ ers, and ielt Monday for Boston. digested, and Paskola was the result of their dis- debates and cutting criticisms it was eon- Appropriation for 1802. 1.500 00 PORT coveries. No orders drawn. (.corge A. P.owiu left Tuesday morning dm ted with the best of feeling and with an OF BELFAST. for San < abm-l. w here he will evident honest desire to do the best that To aid a weak standi food must be Ta\ Account. baliforma, AKH1VKD. digestion iocat« could be done for the interest, of the town. cooked and digested before it enters the mouth. 1H5W. Mart-lit; John H. Cordon, as moderator, Feh. 2S, sell. ('. C. Meader, Booth- The best Taxes of is;*]. l.alanee Mr- Hattie N ieh. is atul Miss I'thel Nieli- impartial- Meader, way of doing this is embodied in 1'ask.da ly performed his duties and conducted the in hands of II 1-. Ma- sit inends in Boston liay. The free ferments m 1‘askola aid M- day with skill vegetabh in son. collector ;?.r.U -jjj business and The town March ... seh. Turner. Great in dispatch. Senator, Rockport. amt \ i> n :t t Me of other foods and relieve till Taxes .'! 1 .Si >2. ha lama- officers are as follows. John II seh. (1. digestion symp- Moderator. March f>. R. 1 Mum. Peirce, Portland. m hands of H. I Ma Bargains 1 toms of almost Mini W. f< )i; on!- W Far\ < r and w ife •! i’ovington. Cordon; Clerk, Otis Lane; Selectmen, March b, hrig II. P>. Hussey, Hodtrdon. indigestion immediately. son. rollfctor. 1 <;.'.t;;ti s*j Paskola a i\ -a ng h;> natciiis. (.‘apt. and Mrs F. W. Brown. Jr., Walter lVnney. Roseoe Boston. is me lm-diciue but simply a ure Taxosol I Slid oninnnt-'i «. H. a Jones : M .1. 1 >..\v ; 1 ax natural t m I M soil, -oil., r.thiVJ'l !,‘{ .! A. Ann Treasurer, Collector, SAM ip. standi naturally pte dipesti d. It Isaac I.eaihers: Constables, Isaac Leathers, permanently m-rcs im •i• ine i\r- ,iu!v ! M Ml- i.! him v. ks tlie tldcd rh give Daniel Dickey, 1! F. Robert*. A radical Mu h J. scii. Senator, Turner Rockport. March sei. C C. temporary lxdirl. Ut <-. i•f !i r M..- to,. was made n the matter of the Meader, Meader, RiR MEN. BOVS & change r••pair It a- ..! ISO! CHILDREN'S s-„> ’< h a Sl.llfS, 1 111111, \ "I tic I a g 11 \\ a > and t inn- wi! 1 test its merit s. A haU-nit-a! s ,ts t-t-i *. mu s M :1,• .1.1 Ma-tci appointed, I b> I 1 a lie soul a and (‘iiarb s L lb w ell nuiiingo. mas-tiuirit in -and »va*d it oi-<-a-i v. •:. ,,j A M ", KIM< A N I’oK'lS. -■Ad I S'.I J.\ IjIj lor t a Th ot tin- town, and tin* mad i'. a '.1 a H i |: vv i1 .. ...: \ at « i:*i: 11- •. i. 'i * 1 n t. -I. pai; lull; p. f cost, >; «\ is II. !\ M. .. f., >' c\ bus ness was ab .lished. \ fund New York. Feh '27. Sailed i; an be. Shy. •- >i s'.i-j oi i,i\. ; .. ■« » W .iS r.ll -rtl I. ■] W I ••![!!— i'l I Hr •_*>. arrive.! >e*i. 1’arrh I W. d j wiim ; «.T(M(i; «*i lllgl! Sepo. Sliangiiae Non '< -i.liMil ia\f< iv- m„i, I < "1 !:• H;i w. !V sc 11 ■ I. •« 1, >1H f IV II, hi: y\ it r\ a ut Ma uas'eh :a v< >-j i11.1 3U H. iub H. Y. \ !. < M lb lh'l.crls No. *J. il. 111". i;.-\- i. T\ I. pol i'd’/. iliei Ii sai (I. ic Si., siup M I: u -ills. N .. 1. .1 hui C. Lam-. N A. Charles B. H > San Fra ne imn I \ IIOWI ■ A CO., IH I KISl, IIIINK. W o !i '! M good 111 \e-t liH-li! lor as !. 1■ a- ii \.. W n.. N. C; :•>•••. N-.. 7. Honrs i':. —\ Stull! ... Me i> I’m :1 an, to a j h w retilal... H!a:o" Ih .- ..I II. .. pm A *s.• j11 I Pis No s. Samm I l oss A m-u I h. minis: I. arr.ved Wand, r- Sarg.Ui slop i. 1. «.;s .ot In ml was .-stahlishe.l to the next huik Carrie © I' < Pit.. d I, ; will Mi O to liking pa\ ing -lew, Singapore; 1L-. k'e. ]!. !l -! \\ 1 'it! Clothing 'UtyiA ssc? i'll. "! town w h- n t rr. <1 St. -I rt. ik. M. Wl.. 11 Mr. ikio n :i. lilio argt lux mat al I’ll : iirig didos. Corns, dag..; h-a- *'.. Voir Ml ■ 'I’lit'i I fa; ■ 'A 1; I Mr. Sli.iW ! !;<•;, n. ,!s. 1 i. Prim-. a'mi Chari. 1' -ii-. d •; 111;. A. siuhhs. 1 >orr. Ma. ..rB 1 511 Hi P,\ sT. M a ri .1, I SH H / A I'.iii-ini-iits .tv ri-ri itn-'i HI I'.I S'. wen e left ed t r list. t-s. 15 ivo ks In h Is vvaii'I. ak, B 'We s.m i >< inmg... Co. a a: High street. 3 e! fast. /vie. I i:p \sI i; i;l! s (11-1 11 i; hi ;ts to iv r\ ■ air >1 its own --Aon tw.-nt \ r:\od s, ii. Isaiah Hart, \\ Mi.ams, II is m d 1111- « < M II M \\ l. mo ! v ..... Si, ad ! \. o Ho ai Is is 11 would without < I on 1 a '«• ex- b. 1 ea ed Sell. LlUUa I 'or! el Port a ll I' ice >• V :« ill ! i\ 1!,. eil\ eha riot 1 ■, T. .w a Sa; mom ind A t i, M lor om of the short term v*nes n-.w Boston. March L \ rri vd s N changed herew it h -iilnni; •. n :* na I <: It i h it a> ( i liva- O'00iT E L » ! r- ,i -M ,-ii d !.o a ns lor r:: L, p h< *.«•!, itst eas.-et! Mars W ! Ill b. a. ed Proprie' Hiding. Fli/a, U'pHla IIITr, ill.; till' 1111 a 11 I ;-.i\ infill-s'III:- ||ic 1' kA X K 1 < >k 1 T< w II meeting as heel lit l‘c seii S. M Bird. Ml a Cardenas. M1 u11i« \I-.|| •hm: ihi- tia\. lor a-lniiuistet ill I’xui ol' mi. omii i m\ oi i ii "li tin 11 -1 i.; 11 11, Ha v Mai at h, and resulted in the election ot the Matvli 1. \rrivedsii; •...•mg iu.u sehools. 1111 1111-1 _ .. S* I.. I .ii. !• has a. arr.ved ha; k Liz/!** pa hi ! ia ii text hooks, inter .. Is'1-' 'a! -1 : a 0 •. o following M I f si t the m ... National !g. ■ «■>! "ii the i* oi. an I ,r General innni. I tax Searsport Ban! 1st, 1'ien .■ ‘Jd. F. I,, dd. das. t a rt r, Ds» r, Cai ha a ri. ipal l nit on h t■ Hayward Tyler •• Frid.iN vt na.g an i 1 tin purpose-.. a l> ■ p nieiii •>! the Slate ami min- traveling JI u11.-\ .losiaii A>tli ; F L. -js. Aniveii seh. Thomas \i in Hit Stun- W 1th. Kingsbury Baltimore, Feh. <■< searsport. ;>l Vnim at Hit’ l.i tjUlle .1 ill" ‘gal :. 11 Wili OVfl'. ty taxes, ami i!n i.ulion ot the trust Inn i- AH go clerk. I.. W. Dr. Fiskim- W. Me.; Mar-di business 2s, l s<# f. Hopkins. Hadley,' Hyde, Sherman, Koekpoir, <•1 \x 11i• 1 is re-pfi 1 uily -iihmi11ml jot \.»tir up rebruur} ;• b ,: .< am! Mrs. F. school .oninuttee: T. a rri '■«*< W i i Franklin d. I u-, wla as ion ill ly vis- Larrahee, 1. 1 sell. .Jennie F. ley Susannah. provai 77.i*7 » 1 s led -a i!.. iii. r. s!> of lnsuraii.-e, F. town agent; Fd. Parker and Geo. : Portland. Feh. nv Arrived sell. I.. 11. rsport Tyler, City of Belfast hi iUTnuni Him N. F. Houston. Mammies. « * V i\.ii and In. 1. Id Kim- eonstables ; F. L. auditor ; foi New York; e!«11 it t S« iiivl :»!■•! M.S <• Suiniay Clark, Oreen’s 1 Hopkins, Hopkins, Lauding Treasurer. d. pel cut l"Mi iiic in niieA a-- ii. Clij S. Ii II.i- to 11!>• ir. irjo -I>]. -it. w !i;s snn-in- Page, collector. Mary F. Corson, lb Hast for Oyster Bay 4, I SI IS t bS.7< l(M >( > i-. 1 S'.tit. March a:lv-. j; j,--. ,-r. .... Ja* kso\. Moderator. K. E. Morton : clerk. sailed seh. Robert Oraham Imuui, Belfast 4 pci fell! bonds due ill Kalancc ca-h in t: Min 11;is mate... 1 4 .•♦ J7 Ml ■> I r!••• 'iM .1 .1 ull ii <• :11.t: n t I .• II. Gatchell: selectmen, et. ., F. A. Car- and R. 1. ‘.'‘2*2 ■!'' ls‘d2>. .. 117.Inn no (In-eiiport. lire 1 1 Mason, collector I'ilr In in Nat ii .na Haul- a »• At idlitg to an vt «.f iegisbit lire on ti er mm.llowar-i ..*r, d 11 M.Kinlev F. IF Frown treas- 2S. Arrived seh. so •• pent Brunswick, Feb Fannie! lax --I' | | 2.372 S2 Vy * it' ... i. a o ion. 1 »r. J mb rms us that he dll ,s< a • nn ‘argin urer. C. H. school o Gatchell; committee, F. A Baltimore; March Kec. from sann o\ -•{ I >2 7.2;:.". M] I’M- I Olio (m| a a i; > •' C.orham, French, 2, .t|>|>i ! 1>! 1 1 IliS w i 1 a. it,ate free of j o].k S. F. (>. S tax -•< SM3. r.ala'.e .• '.ue -'1,"'il dists. 2. ‘.'7 1 s -1• Doiloff. Fogg, M. Hatch, M. S. uriveii sell. F. C. Pendleton. Hodge, N>\v Kee from -.iiu. 1 33.42S 4.7 I <•; hr* ;;, in-.. harg- .id nners .-flier lit urs until on am taxes Ull.-'a'idli.f "Hlers 4 11' d.4 N t •' !!••! durd.g Stiles, .1 G. Hamlin, * Ii Catrliell, A. York; Willie L. Newton, do; s, arrived sdi. Kee. mini non-iesiMeiit Na I of IS M2 23 S I; I; Ilf accounts \". ! 2. Croxfurd ; collector and constable, A. ,1. pi lioliseot. Hodge, New York. .7.7 on :.i x sale.- fm mix ot allowed Ins na\.. 27'S7 :>7 Wei h. '-.d Kec ace. .>t w All llepublicail the lector Feh. 2s, Sailed seh. Jessie Id, l.rv.-rluii Sears]‘ort ;il preach at except Paseagoida, 1 SMI am! ••• j.■ .742 70 and .-ojistable, liaised for the of Havana: Mandi arrived sell. d> tii- t dgl. tirch next sumlay n.** ruing support Lena, Hodge, 4. Kee from .'•;! alr-i at ■|i']ii.Ml |a|' Tot a. assets of total Da- from I. S. aren't < entrai S. ie and evening meetings unt ii Mr. Har- town, s:‘vH'7..s7; Charleston, March 1. Arrived seh. Sarah Ifee. I'ilein » ash m tre;tsun. 277 12 hiiita ; School ]ii-t id .. 4'i 3.7 'd- s return, as usual. s, Sl',l’ss.S7 assets exceed liabilities, H .7. Lawson, French, New York. I Hie o'l are. "I 1 S'd I taxes. from .! M l'h audit ( en S1,1 11 •. t MI. .Jaeksom ilie, March 1. Arrived sell. Les- Kee. teller, II I Ma-i'ii. ■ idle' t"i. dS2 7 I tral School 1 -i-t rici. 10 2.7 ilia' "I 1 S'd2 f axes. *-lr. o F. Sin it i. lei! for Fay immi. V 11.. Fiukuty. At a town meeting held in this ter A Lew is, Baltimore. I »-.!«• Kee. from 1, 11 March. City Clerk, H I Mason.collector. ‘d,nd4 44 to be at tiu- dedieat«w\ ser- town March a, the officers were Feh 2b. Arrived sell Tuesday, present following lVusaiola, Horace .. on for license- 17 I Hie li a" id IS'db tllM'S, •> i"es "f tbf new Chun h eleded; \Y. H. C. Moderator. Miuse. .... Congregational Moody, clerk, Mobile. Kec. from -amc. |..J «!ou license- 302 oil H. I Mason, collector, r.'.dS.s 04 < ! ere. tell t i. 1 i. C. M. F. W on a] 11a k :r ill.We 11> tiepin W, FeV. A. il. Cargill; selectmen, Howes, Kee. from K. l; ucr.-. .Imlim. I Hie "ii sewer asse>-- i-ai" KOUKIi.N roHTS. Su I •: 11.; is tlie ,isi-ir. P. Prescott, dohn Sherman: S. S. commit- are. of fee- >! o!im- 'nirt. 2< '4 M< nieu; "f 1 44 nn rj‘i'1- Timm|'S.m, | Si*2. V isrim-M i< W < stliout tee. A. d Skidmore ; t reusurer, S. T. ; Feh. 2b. Chare-1 Kei from m A Kimi ail. it> Mar I>ue In n State "t Maine Young Caiharien, hark Li/z.n* ■1 <1' i*\t• r\ i.i ntvrtH a M-«- < It. \V F.-w-.i ft for New V- rk shall on acc. .,i urs. j'.. lit. p! by collector and A. P. After I (;o!ice 32M 2S l"M' ree lll^h School. eonstah.e. Cargill. Carter, )y< r. M»!|>l|lolll lliciilcillf .lil'l Vtl ioMa I om. a •. warn ■ m sda\ im-ni net' "it board Philaihdphia Kee. I oin sah a 4 ill < !’o\ e t dne- keep ship the recess at noon an informal was to i* ballot j Matanzas, Feh. 2S. Armed seh. A hide ( .7n rrRES I Mir lir r Nali-.nai I tanks tile AN i*’ tiu: 1». C. tery. 37 I >u I r. ii' .-state f Maine Cup!. \nitois, taken in relation to tin- credit of New York: Feh. nrri ved '•••- Hi', .niri .Is t.r.i .mi. loaning Stuhhs, Coonihs, 2J, Kee from -a'*- it1 Son, h Keitasl J"! oldiets' Initial ex at.-;\ t: u Singapore lb w as a« •'’ili-i : it IS in.. 1I1I-.if' !: the town f'-r the of a n purpose building rail-' sell, lleh-n (i. M< seley. Holt, l’aseagolila Cemetery .. 1 no :t n d » !;. 1 n Nniiois. !t.j y w as "i i.! a -- n C roM (7m- ad, and the result a7 for and lull St. Thomas, Feh l!1 Saileil seh. Moral v Kc. 7.!mn -hares |Y .x M. | ■ in is M2 .. 7 ■ nst. for Pom e tii load etery R lbs:., k ire ; .i\. t d 11; .o i ni.*n agai lor North of Hatteras. par FAMILY \ ll.kl'. ! Kee. 1 !'• mi -I io 11 on fi j.c 24 20 I bo uml w n Mo.M Selectmen. Tholnii- Fob. lo. Sailed hark WiLu.i l! nr. ;.-i J ,y -in. Manil l'ili. Music Yolney Cienfm-gtis. n- "it: M \ix. 11 (» Kc -i ioaVA? S son. Wm. I i 15. i. A i-ert .town < l. k M A I <■ W'iie^T ;a. :■":>! .-d IivClrtlies Gra> udgett, New Yo> k. o > c j 1 Kec. from '.v. | |... iiiriml ... 47: 0 -' Chas. N. A: .li, sch"i'l committee: (ieo F. tins' r J.•;!-!>' I H '• l'f '!a>: It is Havana. F.-n. ’V. Saileil s.h. Hanoi B io.. .. at understood that Kee. from ;-.; -sel In Clue,.. ilaiaii'-e of asn rtaiiied Nash. Fr.-d Hahn, Ned P. St- 15. V K.d!«• Sabilie Pass. I -.d Ot wart, Fearing, y, Kec. loin Maine, Idilm 11 a 1 i! i! !.' —. S7 74 7 ''7 1 P. F. 1 ,ow e D. C. ami I ... di i;• \. .•••nor* Mi. | f e\- o w lii be welo-im- as F-ist.-r. 11, \. Pams. y, T iomnl 4.347 has i i.‘. -in.. n i I ;• re w ii 1 he credited _« 11a ndai 1. Kee 1 mm M.nm- I'.alik ami al" .: '•7"" "h t lie Stall NEEDS M'-MU'K. At the lliilllai t-'W j! ue BORN. < II \ HI tin et-iag la\ "t 1 S'4. dahlia o "! Mail e, lot Tii- -.1 • it:- n tb« 1 uTennediai e the w 10 I'm St giver, by March Ath. follow ing ni.-ers «*r< d' <:* -« ii.-e n.oiie\ u -. .0.1 ...... 70S n ! it:.*! •' ? 1 on 1 >ist ra at >■!i"S.■ j; Fd v.n ■ t Moderator, d.-nkius: ei.-rh. hi \ 1: K In ... .. r, !>. i. Mr am Mr- ^l.on.-i. ^ I I. I' \ I I 1 I.~>( .N T' I Painn r scled iie'ii and overs.-. rs .a A !\:ili I ( lark, a so j kil'.eii y m. .‘ 77 40 Tr«.t Funds. <• M-;v. i;j,l:l A I.?’. «». 'i f r• Chari' P .-. del,u F Tasker, Ill I iV. to All ami Ke'' | ,-on I. S I It* S .-- (oil 4 M •- S Mr-, l;.— \i win it. •• treasurer. A. II M.-v- Ken. I,..-.. -. c, ., mem 4 -M2 44 -» < t>>hi s'Y V ! I!» M ’• I N -\. In \ .-n I ... is M: '.st- It Silt, ( 0} ,1, P. Daws, n audit' r, (i,-.. M -. I.m. *'!.'* .. a :Ji:m mm d t.-e. C. C. W h.t- -mill, SMI I II in it, I:.!-; Man a Mi. ami \| Misljiirxemnitx. . id Patt.- Kan u Gra ! 1. \ a I. m a! t: MuciMi.’ ] ilSU I'iUa c s Old Vi K! N ! ■: h: It Mail 1. Mi ,, I OK NE N .) Mm \\ iiliani ll. -mv .. ... ="''.j WARK, K.o-l' m ’. r- els uni bridges. > loo !. s J I Nio V, -. it" id -lit ii .■ \pi• ns.• -. MARRIED Id;. M ; N\ and a, A! pi.- u -• j -i"o. 11; g 11 w .• i. ’.I io break ;ng i-S. I > I I i I >\ ! I':. I Ml | j ;•

hA VIS I \ i.. In i, a. 1. 1' '• i.i; J .. J til I 2 IM1 Ml 11: i’illti at* in fu>h. * I1HI.II: M [: I I s■ —. !!. 1. <■ 11 :I' ■ I'm;IINil ii M a ! Mr >. nnn!rrat. \v ! i ,i -a u. :-*-vn cnu k ; ... la. a I' in, m ks ... ,71.7 \ \ !.- Mi \ lit 1 In. mi-l.i I .. Id V V. < on It I. I Imini -a. | har!n* It. I >a'\ I- ot i.-im S >1. n !'• s;, ! M A*! «: J-d.u I Cad 'Id. M H \ < I'.\ : ■. |\ N. I' !:•■ oh ,\ 2i'< .'.'V •,• t 7 '• »!.!.; h h I -- ■ ■' h < S \Y. K a-!,. i *. L w u. .1. i ! r W k la x. > I. I.,.: -. Mi, A hi. I -. \ 1, .am,! l’l'- -Vi', n KclVa'.-V ry. in. ,1. L Mea.s \ -'ll! M a .. Mis- A I.m u'n 'll,S" t.j>i>i;. < ■ K it. JV X Il.i. MASoN i l, aimli-n, I Is, «'It;; A; \ 'f1 M-. o.'_- r *-. ami Ala r\ !. Man.n. ..| am. m. j onatrd vliic's.v bet tie- law Co.' llcl V M !. Ii.'ll'i V, MIMA \ i. < I A-1 J« i'I" and ■!| i>■ g. s print i a.,;, Text j V.'d.d C t-k |.:n I?t*11on’- Kamil) Pills Attempt', n. \\ n ek Ma. I rain, hi 1-worth \\ _• I I .mil Iliac. A M a ■•! a .a it. !•■ •! [demur fir (lie Year. \ ,://.■• ■ II ; / l-igi.w a\s, >:.««!. j I p..d tc 70S nn •>' lb dl 1 'ends 111- S Vs. ■-. Alai, g. Attempts We,, made ; No1 Dm !l t ;.»!! Man h -A I cusion-:/ DIED. I‘. K ulr-nd ! 4> l iras M. F Hi: 1 lain. l*.r Mare, dim Selectmen, ! SMC.. I «t ■ '* : .o.T.J Pa! Hail 1 >• 'lids SSi 1 ( R«>\\ 1.1.1 In Bell a >1, Maieh 1. Mi- Aioli; .■ '•*>. ami lii. '.d In ight trams N. .17. I- | ani >ta ot Main.. Reo. lie I'es [ di\l.lends B. t ow ell. \c;ii>. 7 in-on hs ami lb da s. ! a -e at 7. at t lie Stan- lb. is.- a i 1 i N, Civ.. II. I ’;:' i: del A. Packard: aged in, si*:mi;, h, ; 1:. i 1 BAli.KN A m_ u-ia. Mi.nli (i, m-ge n.'Bai i '• the ■ •! t A of of iron T.IW'II A :■ !:!. o.-.. ar 11 Is: Collector of I y. pile looks i--y ol Bella.-:. aged c. \ears ami 7 month-. !-■ strm k tie- taxes and .lame* W. I 1 by pa", nger engine ami constable, Knight: CORDON. In Beil;.-!. Male); ... .Jason j,. si .:»si*71 i .:\s: *;;i -1*t* n-d \\ it! j.. A was F-diei tor's J cent. aged r.n ears, a mom 1 is ami go dax danmg* t-p, percentage per Money Hata in reasurx. 277 1 2 1 o1' k b\ lie beeame raised to town debts dofrav town III <. II l-.H In Kmukfort. MnrrIU. NVIHr.. | /■<».'// /!■<: /■ a,. /. freight engine am! pa\ autli- Men's | ft in t; lil/lthi —, n 1j Self- ler id .1 ohn and ( a lie line 11 a i> '• '■'do,,! irai ’la* e,,w .atelier but was | charges, SLi.'KM>; schocls, >*>oo. School F«.m- glies, aged 27 yi M" 277 M2 I Ii< interest di\ blend- i11om 111.- ami 2 dax -. Men’s li libber.s, .'iadt" tie depot ,\ 11 n it The. mittc. Hudson J’.rown, M. I. St. etis, L. H. I'ontlngent Fund. on Savinns ihiuk I'... liu/ft damage. KKi'.M-: In "' .I'll Ilf' Mi k. Tli. (leo Rockland. Mareli 2. Charles A. N“. -*'l 2S •. Jri.’f- eiitin- .listam of a mile, is rut in- Ibincan, F. A. Hickey, II. Patch. Vot- A fur IS',*’;. 1 ,• m n11 ui Men's Panel/ rs. ,7 | Keelie, aged y ears. months, g.: May -. ppi"jiri.ttion lb interest di\ideals Shn/n .1 iiiiilV M.tirl lif U| asll ... 1 ke er l>ank tor sixt or ed to lie n labor on the IP c. fr«>i.■ inm-resident feet "l.aiMi expended k.Mdiri In 2I'<. al ... ,j, .1 seventy Boeklami, lei-. tin re-i ill aee.mniila ted *»»•« r;<.- 2t1 d.7 /.adds' / ed * *M taxes >•! 1 i.aee. 'r tin- water. A horrible aernient F. F < s',»2 2MS 7f> highways. Highwav surveyors, Dickey. ilem-e of Ins .laughter, Mrs. c. Cross. .John Ree. from Librarian t"i lit from real estate tax id be erta.n if a train should leave tin A. F Klwell, Matthew Drinkw aTer, F. F. Knight, a native ol s< 7 or., iro lb > f .Oil Norihport, aged years, sales sale id' eataloaiies, lists I liiont hs. 1 da vs. 7.42 7«1 1 net .- ’■ Woodbury, P. (L Hurd, Fiats. T. Knight. and cards. 2~ ’.I'lihu mii'i• I;;is ! lit from Belfast 1' di< /.at/ies’ / ft So/" I.aee. < l’o.ND In* March J. William Herbert .1 cssc T Priest, b A. Mark Men- Bangor, • Ree. from I.idiariau t"i B i 7 MOV Belfast. >{♦ Dickey, Rond. oii.-t .... 2<»4 | tries collected 77 2d Toe,, tt ,n th »n, s A ANVII.,.K. II*.I! A. K dell. Adoniram (Irant. M. I Hills. S. S. B< < trom and C. I: N.ek- SIMMONS. In I i. 17. 1 City Marshal, .John Crockett. Fhas. A. Hurd. Appleton, Priscilla, Rei I.iluarian for t oMlKWh ST A Tl >1 F> I Of j Hi Lane. Sur- widow ol the late .ledediah poliee. tees M2B 2S Indies' ( wen i• last week on business. ! Simmons, '.*2 ! d.">ks, etc ...... 27 24 ordaroi/ Bangor of wood A. F. nged Be. from < itx ( lei k. !l- sold, SUppers, veyors lumber, and bark, Kl- years, 4 months. Mn des-ie returned to .1. P. eenses. 47 <»0 4 de, n arth S / 7■» M-gqisier her well, Hurd. Lewis Pitcher. For school sTAl I.Ks. In Koeklaml. Feb. 24. infant son ol American, Boston, tvs a? j lie from ( ( It k. doe 111 47 1 7Si1 wd 1 books sHoard .1 William and ity m< :n C.-rinth Feb. L’Stl.Mr. Howard of Health, 1L Hurd, F. Mary Staples. j Ladies' Patent front Inn >■ licenses .. .. MB2 *»U L>j> SMITH In W Disbursement*. > Ill Mil I'. A. Dickey, F. A Pleiades. Fh repairs of Bangor, March 4, Maria wo- la- !|--!..!»"! ISIS r. It,Ctrl 11 I. Hmd o| is ..j l(ec from mo< rine- \< !'11ity tin- guest Hon. A. F. ol Ruel Smith Amount Mamrh or- Panel/ Patent /mnion school in >use, ST". For repairs on school- He! a: hritlee f> MU paid •x ‘’kerson Miss Mamie Tol.MAN In Boeklami. Feb .7. Susan I., win- der- id> 7 1 7.S i; \n< is ii >r.* on r..- o. w in Nickerson went house iu Disf. No. s, >;.«), Sexton, Bee from sal* of iois r. f .■{ 7. #/•«* *•»/* v. / 7./ j Finery low of Isaac Tolman. aged 74 year-, a uioni h-, 7 Hakim e to credit aeci- $ K 1 u-i nth last Brown. drove Cemetery M77 Mo Tuesday. Mr. and j la\s. mulated ima-me act 1«»*.» ill I.ados' Patent /Lofton, * upl'at raid up in ash. .Cino.pou Si aksmont. town officers elected Mon- Bee, from sale of lots in Ptj> '•1 rs (> I. The toRRFY. in Boeklami Deacon j 1 d'd Merrill gave their i Joseph So Belfast Cemetery la* Torrey, a nutixe of Hanson. 7. IS‘.'4. meth i V■> day Mass., age-1 Bee from sale of mass $1.00. fi i. last. Wednesday .veiling at A. L Mtuldocks : selectmen,etc.. O. D. Wil- years, 1* months, is days. Man li 7. Cunning- | (irove Cemetery.. fi mm Ladies' /land listt ff l ast m Hall.. -L L. L. (boss; town ifbrni/ .Mr. August Arab ■rson has j son, riiompson, agent, Be< from sale of old inn, ( audition ol the Funds. >. D. Wilson; .1. L. Ht an : S. S.. ami ma.-hine M 2*1 Ha/ton Ptirent "‘-lit a new hors- whirh treasurer, Boston Produce Market. pipe road \ift Un a ill II i/s lip may well he W. II'".- from ommittee, A. L. Maddocks, A. .Jewett, J. State for pen- Aecrcdlt- n-orfh I'-a.-k < >ur sions for ISAM. V' S M() $J.OO. $\*.dO Beauty. sleighing is W Farrar, ( S. Adams, F. H. Hurgess; col- March ISIM The paid Boston. following are to Bee. from Slate for B. B 1 ’*’■1 .L W. He shares Portsmouth, /.add s s, LL r ‘11J < "Hint is lector and Farrar. s 1011s of isioiis. etc S/i/»pe> pt pair. (iraiifte having constable, Appro- lay quota! pr«<\ produce, and tax lm | a I tclemaph Sa- A Port laud Hail- -• >_’,o*h), >1*hi, Butter 2.~e 2b»e for the best fresh made cream- v*'»'y priations' highways bridges ISAM. 4 M l7 ! interesting meetings. About i ami fresh dairies at road stork .> S.foooo schools, >‘.*14, Free High school, >l.~>o, con- •ry 20m22c, as to qualm Bee from :’v uieiii i Spite forshee,. I’li bonds Memorial Hall eis were entertained hist- town lit-1 d at 1 7 1<)<>, poor >"»oo, charges >K*o, killed By iio^s 77 4m •" lat ion, 1 b> n 1 Sr. Association. 1P2.<•<' N* -inlay night repairs on school house >7b. Uesources over K« from sewer assess- Hi at Helfast Sa Cheese Northern at 12 a 1 fie ; sage. 12 1 -2 a 1 deposit >■_’.'»'.**'• l*k Politics did ict enter lie-lits -it 1 S'.»2. 44 MM ina' Hank. Hook N<> CUBE YOU R CORNS liabilities, Kg u s Kastern. fanrx near In -toek. 2<»e; oe-» M-m n.i, < *v eidrawn 1 .'.‘27 * 7 Mrs. Sarah Mes-rvey of Lih- into the meeting. At a meeting of the school Faster-., 1 7«-. f.TKO.. [•ommittee .1. W. Farrar was elected BeallS Pea. >1 Sllri 1 So; Miediillii at SI 7<»a ! Pan’ /:. IIr/ti,.- Fun I. -.'has I.eeji visiting in town the past week. super- 1 hitstandin-j. rdt rs. WITH Ol'R visor of 1 So; eyes, si '.Ml <#2 0.",. schools. yellow Ml 2 mM ... Amount on it He! Mr. and wife of Knox were l-'.MOl 7(> deposit Balph Wiggin Best. S 1 7 o s 1 S Oil; fair to Slid1 a ! A\ kn. A very large number at- May good raid Ma\ niel-. S.B.71 r.»; tas; Sa ino-s Hank. le s 1 b, 10; to at sio-, Straw, s IP sts at Silas Storer's last Friday .Mr. tended ‘Hi annual town here Mon- poor ordinary, Bye F’aid Stale 7BS mm Hook No 7l’7x. .-4:. s., •, meeting — pension- j Potatoes Hebrons at* b-S a 7< >e ; Bose at b,‘Jd < •iiin-i. of Boston has been ! and a very and interesting J l'a id St ait- of Main*- ami principal CORN CURE. Ins day pleasant Burbanks, j.'ie Dakota at 7>oe. > visiting |*bu-b. Beds ree. t < i ibrat Fund... 7 was the result. little excite- •.? dn»' lie. ;;*'»2 *U -t J. meeting Very Apples No. 1 sf> 00 ,t C, 00 No. 2s hThomas Connell, the past fort- I 1 Transferred to hiyhw.u Accumulated Income. ment took place except at on.- linn when it s;i mil.:! 7>ii; Bussets, choice, at ,$4tiou4 .’ii, ni-lit. Christian Fnd.-avor I uml.. 7*mm MM Soriety lu-ld Fhas. Lynch, the man who shot at tin- en- A moil111 "ii deposit at Hei- last Sa v'ma' Hank.Ib k *.-ieeti<111 last Wednesday .-ning, gineer on the steamer (.Jov. Hodwell Iasi fall. | 1 o.MMl lielfast Criee Current, ‘.'.l*:;! r.» bo. sine Miss Ne;!;e attempted to make Some remark when he Interest on Bonded Debt. Thompson for | ] Fund for «are of t Lots. pn-sU S. > Trust einelec) was hooted down very F. WaIN ! !i>i i-m for 1 Si'.". 1 7,so on i'-nT 1 A vice ijuiekly. ('OUHr.rTKP WI-.K.U i.Y I-’oR J 111 u N A 1 Appropriat it m i r MUM vs. \-rni, Krll a- v I’earsoii, ,|. j» e ls-.i;*, Shoe <> fr. m Francis' president was elected moderator P. clerk ! IP It.B dix idem!.- 1S,B] 1 Lyons, rmtiiirr r" "/ IT,..',,,; r. Store, Murhri. V. :.■ ie. Sei rotary and treasurer Mr. C F. K. P.oman, F. S. Walls and S. L. ash-.| ()\erdi aw ii Ml Bl ST.YTWYlh.Sl L>f I > >epos11ed IH- \>av selei assessors and overseers of til'' A I |1 lill, 7.". a I'M. Hav. 1 Hank lb,ok No. W. S. treasurer; D. II * Hid- p )!.. ! I ii'le.s, p 1 j.. J„\\ ! IVEcVtri St. !.. Carver, >• a •i A Chun it s-.- idle : «»»» ill Bella-1 «.» •> at lie- Hall S. Ilrans. lira 2 a 2 27. l.amh. p Hi, 7 as Deposited American ;n New \ den. auditor; F. Walls, John L-mv, | lional tor Surety mri ,1 Mill .Skill-. a Bank p.u 1 sday e e 11 i u _r e 11 • *d over .•!< en James C. (L F. Jones and T. '‘"I N. F HOUSTON, Treasurer i.r tvtw >ork Falderwood, *• i-vrs I 77. , Mutton, It.. 7,u yrlluw p 1 Western Assurance s (i. School committee; \' T. Follet-t 1 A lie. 1 ... 1 SUM i 7.22.'5 Jia Mr. Seiivm 'iTompson •: i*. Hast Libby I'.ilttrr, | II.. 1 S a 2' >aip Im. ;’.L‘ I!. 411 a 4 4 G:mpany i| e .1 d .1 1-M coiiMabics. raised a * Bel THE h m ■■ and'.! A. Davis, Money IVrl II.. 7. 7 1*> .rat .us, 11 a 47, i Depo-il' STATEMENT OB’ OF TOROMO. CA \ ADA. a- *; v one last \\. k to \ j »: 1: ’.,! L day ;.;s > i-.nai Bank I |»:m- I be tow u eliarges, 1 ,000: lor schools, >.'k.Y»o liarl<-\. p Inca. 7.7. a in >; Uouml II. u. I -I’./ 7 K nr*'t ii.-r. Mrs. Allen I niggett is eon-' i" school >4**'*: for t• xi ('il«T>r. II'. 1 1 1 2 Si ru v.. itm. S HI a I>'1 repair biiibiings, p p '1 1 1 t 1 Isp ! 7 22M mm W i. Till m i-..- S Cliirkr!!. Ik. 12a !'u rkn It.. S o -< '/. Lancashire Insurance Co, a a-sei ug from an at 1 a.-k of (a A i- : books, >do»l; tor i'"ads and bridges, > L.’iOO; p p grippe. Call Skins. -!<»#/ » T.iHou. Jo 1 | \ 'i sm; rn. i’! of lire '_'.'»*>. ior M. 1.4 tS '' MANCHESTER, ■ pal:! I :i in I a>h. .. «h en .v a> u t e a k last and 1 N !.‘k ill. I 2 all V-.H. il.. 7a s < C. I «>S 1 1 1; s. apt!ii! ; Saturday Sunday lor >joU: Me- p p paitmcnt, vibo: sidewalks, | lV22>. I' 7”*. \oted to pay lir.-meii * I 12 \\ 4 ""a r> nu A inn |..r 1 (’aid * .MNt.unii 1 .\vl. I!., .oil. hard, ppmpriat iij) a«lc 5 I « sUltr Mvnnl In ’!«• impmc e for a< t.ual at tires. \ I I a « m m I, I IT! I III 1.1*. Mei at New \ --: k alige'ists mentioned last We*-k are <•>;- cents per hour serviees C.-ns.-.V II,. 12a Wood, soil. .4 OO 4 ;.t I r.iu-dn red I mm don no t<> bu\ a lot, pro', id.-d L. (’. lirhii! ”»■!*; Iii';.!. I ..I ii < ■: -l ••• ted i. about March goth. proposition //(•/./// /'rirr. asni:is i-i Mi-.t i. i. is-.*;;. ( base of p.oston. Mass., would erect and n.i'plnun :: 1 -II | Hr,!. ■ ■ >i nru. | II.. 7 Lime, p hl>L I one 1 ]'• j Ile«! estate owtiec by the « --mpam .Uii a net was left with In*- Fi;i I I“ -1 .Mr. Austin an 1 rate factory hen-, j >n! I!,. 1 I « Foster Miss S. op. i'.iillrr-ali ,|.> box Meal. J:» 4 ! im-inulieiV'l eost s 7x7.7sS to all taxes not 7,Sir, selectmen Voted place : < «>i n. luisli. ■'•I I Onions, 11., 2 I -2 r, Storks and boi d- ,aed !>\ be mu "V.. "I Filsworth isited at Mr. C. H. i- I p Paid Ma\ "i .ntii r- 7.SI 11 I ■;i- ,i l.i U i‘ < at tins date in the bands of the shenil, ! < ranked I'olli I’ll. el, in,, ] 2 mat ket \alio- 1si r, r- '• paid I] >il,kerosene, Pam (iO ] •":i r- > ; >V\ las! 1'r• ti'iHii ; in -m | an> s I'J li -ip., Week. .Tile \ i f iri >ro Ve ueilt ">4 tl. 4 hu, Polloek, p 7.Sill 4 1 ( ash in tlo- in pa } prim-ipa oilier 14«li; ICO/ I 1 ! *'->:* ■ el in this Cheese, II., Pork. p 11., and in hunk ...... 4-1 :v.* ! y Im-1-1 t heir annual with Mrs. ; W asiiix4.'I os'. The spring eie» tion p Fund, meeting 14" 0(0/ I Pauper s,- ('otton Seed, rvvi. Plaster, 1 Pr< miums in due < 'in ,,t ,-ilcci mn, Jld.V'j 7.' ; ri i1 Mi. t w n was a to phi, t' I.:;:: t 0 ••■ •1 n < i -u Ies old-time Democratic surprise rial i<.n lor I -‘.‘d. >on mi \. ► 111 i 111.. Hi Ir •mi Sampson Wednesday afternoon and I < odlisli. lb. '' << -4 live Meal, p 11.. 3 12-/4 Appro] as dry. |d ** i■ 1 >M i: it did, in a hand- " 1.1 i" I everybody, resulting, Cranberries. «ji. * <• I Shorts p ewt.l 1 1" i A e-” ol all the admitted assets Ted tin- officers for the ! f inn rebate .1 11 nil following ensuing some n The 0,1 OO "• 1' < ■1 Pi-publican lory. following « i.orr Seed, t lb. 17 « is Siiear, p !»•. 4 1-2,/.'. | ol the coin |-a n v at t heir art dal a Itic.S J. JS.., 7*'- 07 NYi ;iiim '.mi \ ••ar: Mrs. Paid nrdei s 'follOiio | Charles Pres.: Mrs. officers were elected: Selectnu-li, L. A. | Flour. bid. » .'.(»11111 ’••i'll' 'IH" *■ l.l AIM 1 1 HI 1 't Hi 1- Urodman iianton, viee Pres.: Miss Fannie Low, Hryant, j mi 1 !5« 4 Net amount <>l losses and :i I'i' •" Town .Joel Lard. lt>. llalttlU ! Wheat Meal unpaid all iniin- •■■ ur.T, P. (L Ingalls; Agent, j i» Fire Fund. Nt t ;uii.'imi nii] •'->«•> .»n.i \\ liliams. See and Treas. The eommittees Department elailns ..jjjt 707. l»d On All oilier > Id' :i 111 -. 'i i" •: 111 !> -I'' y <■ la mis ... !• Amount najuired safel\ reinsure H were re-ele< ted The Ladies’ Circle held Appropriation for 1808. 2,5oo oo A UK hi! 11 :il 1" ir I. —1. all risks. .. 1 .J.7K.773 00 amount it 11>»111 i. — outstanding Total al! •!!! -l .l! 111:_ i.-U-. demands the com ’• * VIS their annual with Mrs. All other >to. k ami i.! r, meeting Ahhy Lam- 2,f>oo no against capital All mliri •:• man .main*.! *. m pany, vi/.; coniinissidhs, etc 40,000 00 act uall\ up m > h sou t Paid Mayor's orders.... li.4• 1 i* 1 <'aptia! p.inl "V_.0’ vi/ a u 1111 >s r! last Thursday afternoon and eleeted the of all in Power.— Latest U. S. Gov Report j "I T-t:. IP pany. Highest Leavening t'nex pended..... S oil Surplus heyonil capital Total amount of liabilities, following officers; Mrs. P \V. except T* iai aim.. ii:ii*:litu‘s.r\n t> Ayer, Pres.; '■ pt stock ami net 1 1 amomil ■>! I mi ••> ■' capital surplus > Mrs. F. io on Au^rcmitc ital si •• iv ,.,i! A. Fuller, viee Pres.; Mrs. ] >. R. be\oiui U'_\r>,.xxo 7J net k 1 Free Text Rooks Fund. Surplus capita!. clmlin*; siirplu < a 1. lT a I a- 11> 1 a n I up m a-Ii McCray, See'y ; Mrs. .James Libby, Treas. oo Sin lir\• 11< 1 il A ion for 1808. 400 amount of in PH AS :i. HHtuM, Am lit. plus 4-apn ppmpriat Ac^repnte liabilities, :iu i“ Mrs. Charles Bellows will visit Mrs Ceo. F. Pee. d i: s. Pitelier. S. eluding net surplus.sJ.JS7.77d 07 S. Committee t'.» 88 V i:t. 11< an mm! i»f> it n-s White of Belfast the coming week.... Mrs. iuu nr; Mirpias < do 42 Will Rand will return to Freedom for the tverdrawn. House for Sale. present.... Miss Lucy Ayer has gone t o Ban- 5 1 f» 8<» The two story lemse. with ell, paid Mayor's orders.... 515 80 stable, hen lime-e and six aeres «*f gor for a visit of two weeks. ..Mr. Bennett Stock rood laud.on Miller si reet, known National Bank of Boston arrived at Beaver Hid last Satur- 515 80 as the Hoar is offered for plaee. FOK SALF School Fund. sale at ;i The house is in day night- Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris and bargain. rood eondition, in an exeellenl Ap]»ropriation for so:;. 5,00000 neijihl.orh-md. c« 111 i' v at i vo tttifl tl utioii, ^uat.M-' Hudson of New and but one-half a mile from the other l-\*r daughter (Hazel Harris) Balance due (list rifts post I i> a\nlftici ‘>1 11• >t if" than mv |>n York are at Mrs. titan Hanlon's. 52 finther of visiting Boy from 181)2. 2,8l*B particulars inquire finished rooms. on tin i*. t In jtft