Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment February 2017



In relation to the information contained within this report (and any other report relating to the findings of the Cheshire West and Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)), the W est council makes the following disclaimer without prejudice: and

The HELAA methodology follows the key stages set out in the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) Chester to provide a robust assessment of land availability. It will identify a broad range of sites to provide an audit of available land for both housing and economic development. Council

The inclusion of a site, building or area of land in the completed HELAA does not imply that the

Council will allocate the site(s) for development in the Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Housing Detailed Policies. Further assessment of sites will be undertaken, taking account of relevant plans/programmes, evidence base studies and technical reports, informed by outcomes of the Habitats Regulations Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the requirements of and

the Strategic Environmental Assessment) process. Economic

The identification of potential sites within the final report of the HELAA, does not imply that the

Council would necessarily grant planning permission for development on those sites. Sites are not Land assessed in terms of Local Plan policies and all planning applications for development will continue A to be assessed on their merits against the appropriate development plan and material planning vailability considerations. Assessment The inclusion of potential sites for a specific use type within the HELAA does not preclude them from being developed for other purposes, subject to relevant development plan policies and material considerations. (2017)

The boundaries that will be attached to sites, buildings and areas are based on the information available at the time/provided during consultation. The HELAA will not limit an extension or contraction of these boundaries for the purposes of a planning application.

The exclusion of a site from the study (either because it was not identified or has been discounted in line with the methodology) does not preclude the possibility of planning permission for development being granted.

The assessment of delivery time frames; short (1 to 5 years), medium (6 to 10 years) or long term (11 years +), is based on the Council's assessment at the time of the study, and on information provided throughout the process of preparing the HELAA. Circumstances or assumptions may change which may mean that sites could come forward sooner or later than originally envisaged.

Each site assessment is based on information that was available/provided at the time of the study. There may be some omissions and/or factual inaccuracies which the Council does not take liability for, therefore users of the HELAA findings will need to appreciate that there may be additional constraints on some sites that were not identified at the time of the survey and that planning applications will continue to be treated on their own merits, rather than on the information Disclaimer 2

Cheshire contained within the assessment. Likewise, some of the identified constraints may have been removed since the information was compiled. Issues may arise during the course of a detailed planning application that could not / were not foreseen at the time of the study. Applicants are

W therefore advised to carry out their own analysis of sites to identify any constraints or other est information for the purposes of submitting a planning application and not rely solely on the findings and of the HELAA. Chester The site capacity identified relates to the number of dwellings/hectares/floorspace granted planning permission (where applicable) or is an estimate based on an appropriate density for the specific Council site. The capacities are only estimates and do not preclude densities being increased or decreased on sites, subject to site specific considerations on a case by case basis. Housing The study has a base date of 1 April 2016, incorporating the latest monitoring data. The findings are only a ‘snap-shot’ of information held at that time. Some of the information held on the HELAA and database will be subject to change, for example, sites that are identified as not having planning

Economic permission may have secured permission since the information was compiled, whilst planning permissions may have lapsed on other sites. Land A vailability Assessment (2017) 3 Cheshire Part A - Introduction and methodology West 1 Introduction 7

2 Methodology 10 and Chester Stage One: Site Identification 10

Stage Two: Assessment of Sites 16 Council Stage Three: Assessment of windfall sites 28

Stage Four: Review of the Assessment 29 Housing Stage Five: Assessment Results 29

and Economic Part B - Assessment and Findings

Land 3 Site identification and survey 33

Availability 4 Residential Land Supply Assessment 34 5 Employment land potential 40

Assessment 6 Other economic/commercial uses 45

Appendices (2017)

Appendix A - Housing and Economic Partnership Group 49 Appendix B - Methodology flow chart 52 Appendix C - Housing land assessment 53

Appendix D - Employment land assessment 113 Appendix E - Other commercial uses 131 Contents 4 Cheshire West and Chester

Council Housing and Economic



Assessment (2017) Part A - Introduction and methodology 5 Cheshire W est and Chester Council Housing and Economic Land A vailability Assessment (2017)

1 Introduction 7

Cheshire 1 Introduction

1.1 The Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) is an evidence base document West to inform the preparation of Local Plans. Local Planning Authorities are required under the National Planning Policy Framework(i) (NPPF) to demonstrate a sufficient supply of land for residential and and economic development to meet Local Plan housing and employment land requirements. In addition Chester the NPPF identifies the advantages of carrying out land assessments for housing and economic development as part of the same exercise, in order that sites may be allocated for the most appropriate

Council use.

(ii) 1.2 Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) recommends the preparation of joint land availability

Housing assessments, supported by the publication of practice guidance entitled "Housing and economic land availability assessment " (as revised 06/03/2014). This replaces the previous Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment : Practice Guidance (CLG, 2007) and the Employment land reviews: guidance

and Economic (ODPM, December 2004).

1.3 The aims of a joint land availability assessment are to:

Land Identify sites with potential for development;

Availability Assess their development potential;

Assess their deliverability (suitability, availability and achievability)


1.4 A joint approach to a land availability assessment (the HELAA for the purpose of this report) ensures that all land is assessed together to provide a robust evidence base as part of the plan making (2017) process. The final report will identify which sites are the most suitable and deliverable for a specific use.

1.5 This assessment will update the information contained in the Council's Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2013) and part of the Employment Land Study Update (2013). Any undeveloped sites that have already been submitted to the Council as part of these studies are automatically carried forward into the new assessment.

1.6 The base date of the study is 1 April 2016 for monitoring residential and employment land completions, and 1 October 2016 for residential and employment land planning permissions.

Local Development Plan

1.7 The Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies document was adopted by Cheshire West and Chester Council on 29th January 2015. This sets out the spatial strategy for the sustainable development of the Borough to 2030, including the level and location of new development. Key components of the strategy are meeting objectively assessed future housing needs and supporting economic growth in

i https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework--2 ii http://planningguidance.planningportal.gov.uk/ 8

the borough. Policy STRAT 2 Strategic Development, identifies a requirement for at least 22,000 (net) Cheshire new dwellings and 365 hectares of employment land (to meet a range of types and sizes of business borough wide) for the period 2010-2030. West 1.8 Policies STRAT 2 to STRAT 8 of the Local Plan (Part One) ensure that new development in the

Borough is brought forward in line with the settlement hierarchy focusing the majority of new development and

within or on the edge of the main urban centres of Chester, , and to Chester maximise the use of previously developed land, existing infrastructure and resources. The plan also makes provision for a specific levels of development to be brought forward in identified Key Service

Centres and the rural area. Some limited new development will also be accommodated in Local Service Council Centres which reflects the scale and character of the settlement and the services, facilities and public

transport available. These centres are identified in the Local Plan (Part Two.) Housing

1.9 The HELAA is an important evidence base document which informs the preparation of the Council's

Local Plan (Part Two). It identifies sites and broad locations as an audit of available land and is not and

constrained by the level of need identified through the Local Plan (Part One). Whilst the assessment Economic will provide information on the range of sites available to meet the future needs for housing and employment land, it is the role of the Local Plan (Part Two) to determine which of those sites are the most suitable allocations to take forward. The allocation of land for development is beyond the scope Land of this assessment, however it will inform the options to be examined alongside the range of other evidence base studies being undertaken by the Council. Availability

Minerals and waste sites

Assessment 1.10 The Local Plan (Part One) makes provision for waste management facilities through the identification of safeguarded sites, and the identification of replacement Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) in Chester, and . The Local Plan (Part Two) will also identify specific sites and/or preferred areas for the future extraction of aggregate sand and gravel to ensure (2017) an adequate and steady supply over the plan period. It should be noted that due to the specific nature of minerals and waste sites the potential for these uses will not be assessed through the HELAA and will be subject to separate technical assessments. The site search for HWRCs may include sites identified within the HELAA (e.g. existing/potential employment sites or previously developed land) and where relevant will consider the HELAA assessment of suitability, availability and achievability.

Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpersons sites

1.11 The Local Plan (Part One) aims to ensure that appropriate provision is made in the borough to meet the identified needs for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpersons. The Council is committed to ensuring that suitable sites are provided for at least the level of need identified in the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) March 2014. The criteria in policy SOC 4 'Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpersons accommodation' will be used to inform the allocation of sites to ensure that proposed sites are suitable and capable of providing an appropriate living environment, whilst protecting the amenity and character of the surrounding area. Separate work is being undertaken to inform the process of site allocation in the Local Plan (Part Two). 1 Introduction 9

Cheshire Engagement and consultation

1.12 The Local Plan (Part One) and accompanying evidence base has been prepared in consultation

West with a wide range of individuals, groups and organisations in line with the Council's Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The HELAA follows a similar process of engagement and this includes, and but is not limited to, landowners, developers, land promoters, agents, businesses and business

Chester representatives, stakeholders and community groups.

1.13 In addition to engagement with external bodies, the HELAA has been prepared in consultation

Council with other Council service areas who have provided input in relation to specific areas of expertise including heritage, natural environment and transport for example. Other technical evidence base studies

Housing that have been prepared by external consultants to inform the Local Plan (Part Two) have also been integral to the site assessment work, for example, the recommendations published in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) for the borough.

and Economic 1.14 As an evidence base document there is no formal requirement for consultation on the HELAA, however it is important that the site assessments are robust and a partnership approach towards this study has been adopted. A stakeholder group was established (Housing and Economic Partnership

Land Group) utilising existing networks and groups that worked with the Council to prepare earlier iterations of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and the Employment Land Study.

Availability The partnership group (see Appendix A for a detailed list of membership) is a representative cross-section of developers, agents, house-builders, businesses and landowners that provide advice and feedback at key stages in the assessment. A total of 75 organisations / businesses make up the partnership group

Assessment with an equal representation of businesses, house builders and planning consultants; developers and landowners.

1.15 The key stages of engagement and feedback are: (2017) Local Plan (Part Two) call for sites exercise Draft methodology consultation Housing assumptions workshop / survey Site assessments and draft HELAA report

1.16 For further information on the public engagement and consultation that has been carried out during the preparation of this document please refer to the HELAA Consultation Statement. 10

2 Methodology Cheshire

2.1 The PPG sets out the suggested methodology for a robust assessment of land availability. Plan

makers should "have regard" to the guidance in preparing their assessments and should have clear West reasons for departing from this methodology.(iii) The process of assessing land for housing and economic development is undertaken in a number of stages as set out in the flow chart at Appendix B. The Council and

has followed the main stages of the methodology as set out in the PPG; providing tailored and Chester proportionate information necessary to inform and prepare the assessment results.

Stage One: Site Identification Council

2.2 The HELAA covers the geographical area of the borough of Cheshire West and Chester as identified in the Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies. The area covers approximately 916 square Housing kilometres and borders North to the west, Wirral and Merseyside to the north and and Shropshire to the east and south. and

Economic 2.3 Paragraph 009 of the PPG recommends that "the assessment should identify all sites and broad locations regardless of the amount of land needed to provide an audit of available land. The process

of the assessment will, however, provide the information to enable an identification of sites and locations Land suitable for the required development in the Local Plan".

Availability 2.4 To mirror the approach established in the preparation of the Local Plan (Part One) and the supporting monitoring framework, the assessment includes all sites that fall within the following size thresholds: Assessment

Residential development: sites of 0.25ha and above (or capable of delivering five or more dwellings) Economic development: sites/broad locations of 0.25ha and above (or 500sqm floorspace). (2017) 2.5 These thresholds are consistent with the approach in the PPG, the emerging Housing and Planning Bill 2015 Technical Guidance, and the Employment Land Study Update 2013. The emerging Housing and Planning Bill suggests a threshold of greater than 0.25ha in relation to the inclusion of sites on a proposed brownfield list. The proposed type of use for each site (residential or economic development uses) has been identified at this stage based upon the original data source, or representation put forward for the site.

2.6 In line with the PPG the Council has been proactive in identifying as wide a range of sites as possible. The types of sites included in the assessment are identified in Table 2.1 below, along with the specific data sources available for use in Cheshire West and Chester.

iii Planning Practice Guidance paragraph 005 2 Methodology 11 Table 2.1 Types of site and sources of data Cheshire

Type of site Potential data source Cheshire West and Chester Data Source

West (PPG para 012) and Existing housing and economic Local and Neighbourhood plans Annual Monitoring Reports Chester development allocations and site development briefs not yet with Planning application records SHLAA (2013)

Council planning permission Development briefs Employment Land Study Update (2013)

Retail Study Housing

Review of 'retained' plan policies.

and Review of Development Briefs in the North East

Economic Urban Action Area (Chester)

Planning permissions for housing Planning applications records Annual Monitoring Reports Land and economic development that

Availability are unimplemented or under Development starts and Housing Land Monitor report construction completion records Employment Land Studies

Assessment Retail Studies

Planning applications that have Planning application records Annual monitoring data sets (where information been refused or withdrawn is collected) - considered on a site by site basis (2017) and in accordance with the methodology criteria.

Land in local authority's ownership Local authority records Due to the size of the Borough, the extent of land ownerships and commercial sensitivity of information, this will be limited to land within the Council's ownership that has been identified as surplus; is actively marketed; or is potentially available for development at the current time.

Surplus and likely to become National register of public sector 'Call for sites' for Local Plan (Part Two) surplus public sector land land Data from the National Register of Public Sector Engagement with strategic plans Land for the Borough of other public sector bodies such as County Councils, Central Government, National Health Service, Policy, Fire Services, utilities providers, statutory undertakers 1 2

Type of site Potential data source Cheshire West and Chester Data Source Cheshire

(PPG para 012) West Vacant and derelict land and Local authority empty property NLUD (2013) buildings including empty homes, register and

redundant and disused agricultural Local Brownfield Study (June 2012) Chester buildings, potential permitted English House Condition Survey development changes e.g. offices Employment Land Study Update (2013)

to residential National Land Use Database Council Commercial property databases SHLAA (2013) e.g. estate agents and property agents Empty homes will not be included as they form Housing part of the existing housing stock Valuation Office database

Potential permitted development changes will and Active engagement with sector not be included unless identified as a

commitment in annual monitoring. Economic

Stanlow Special Policy Area Review (August

2016) Land

Availability Additional opportunities in Ordnance Survey maps SHLAA (2013) established uses e.g. making productive use of under-utilised Aerial photography Desktop Survey

facilities such as garage blocks Assessment Planning applications Ellesmere Port Garage Sites Survey (2015)

Site surveys Stanlow Special Policy Area Review (August

2016) (2017) Business requirements and Enquiries received by Local Employment Land Studies aspirations Planning Authority Retail Studies Active Engagement with Sector Local Economic Assessments

Local Regeneration Strategies

'Call for sites' representations(iv)

Sites in rural locations Local and neighbourhood plans SHLAA (2013)

Planning applications Employment Land Study Update

iv Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies - site submissions; Local Plan (Part Two) Land allocations and detailed policies - call for sites, May-June 2014; Sites Services and Facilities consultation, March - April 2015 2 Methodology 1 3

Cheshire Type of site Potential data source Cheshire West and Chester Data Source

(PPG para 012) West Ordnance Survey maps 'Call for sites' representations (see footnote) and

Chester Aerial photography 'Made' Neighbourhood Plans

Site surveys Sites identified during consultation on Local

Council Service Centres (2015)

Large scale redevelopment and As above 'Call for sites' representations (see footnote) Housing redesign of existing residential or economic areas Employment Land Study Update (2013)

and 'Made' Neighbourhood Plans where relevant

Economic CWAC Retail Study - city centre redevelopment opportunities

Land CWAC Regeneration Strategies

Availability SHLAA (2013)

Stanlow Special Policy Area Review (August

Assessment 2016)

Sites in and adjoining villages or As above SHLAA (2013) rural settlements and rural (2017) exception sites Employment Land Study Update (2013)

'Call for sites' representations (see footnote)

'Made' Neighbourhood Plans

Potential urban extensions and As above SHLAA (2013) new free standing settlements 'Call for sites' representations (see footnote)

Regeneration schemes N/a Sites identified in local Regeneration Strategies where relevant.

2.7 A desktop review has also been undertaken to identify where possible, any additional sites that may not have been identified through the sources listed above. 1 4 Stage One (a) - Survey areas Cheshire

2.8 The assessment of all of the sites initially identified (with the exception of sites with an extant planning commitment) reflects the over-arching principles of sustainable development in the NPPF. The West NPPF protects the general extent of the Green Belt; encourages development in sustainable locations; and highlights the redevelopment of brownfield land (which includes sites located in the Green Belt). and Chester 2.9 The following sites have been selected for assessment in Stage 1b as follows:

For potential residential development : sites of 0.25 ha and above, or capable of delivering five or Council more dwellings; For potential economic uses: sites/broad locations of 0.25ha and above (or 500sqm floorspace); Sites located outside of the North Cheshire Green Belt (with the exception of brownfield sites); Housing

2.10 Sites with extant planning permission for residential or economic uses have been reviewed and and considered through the relevant monitoring report. The annual monitoring process has been completed for the period 1 April 2015 - 31 March 2016 and has been used to inform the HELAA. A six monthly Economic review of planning permissions has been undertaken from April 2016-October 2016. This ensures that

the most up-to-date information on planning permissions is used in the calculation of supply and Land preparation of both the employment and the housing trajectories. A breakdown of all sites with an extant planning permission, including the status of the development and the contribution towards supply, can Availability be found in the respective monitoring reports and supplementary data sets.

2.11 Due to the scale and complexity of employment land in the Stanlow area, the Council Assessment commissioned the Stanlow Special Policy Area Review (August 2016). The majority of the Stanlow site is owned by Essar Oil UK (formerly Shell) and is occupied by the UK’s second largest oil refinery and other privately-owned petro-chemical industries. Given the nature of existing land uses, hazardous constraints/restrictions and other constraints, any available land/sites would be considered for economic (2017) use only. The Stanlow Study provides a desktop analysis of constraints and land availability in Stanlow and was prepared alongside the HELAA (2016), stages one and two. It includes consultation with major landowner, a review of the property market and economic information, to inform potential site identification. An initial sieve identified a long list of sites that were then assessed for their suitability, availability and achievability (including viability) for employment use (HELAA stage two), to produce a short list of sites with development potential. This Stanlow Special Policy Area Review (2016) should therefore be read alongside stages one and two of the HELAA; sites identified through this Study will not be re-assessed in the HELAA although they will be referenced.

Stage One (b) - Site survey

2.12 A desktop site survey was carried out for all of the sites identified in Stage One, and the following characteristics recorded:

Site location, Boundary and size; Current land use(s); 2 Methodology 1 5 Land use(s) and character of surrounding area; Cheshire Physical and potential environmental constraints (e.g. access, flooding, natural features); and Where relevant, planning history. West 2.13 The output from this information is a fact based assessment on a site by site basis. At this stage,

and the factual constraints analysis does not consider the likelihood of an effect arising from the proposed use type. Chester

2.14 Where relevant, independent expertise was sought on specific constraints such as flood risk.

(v) Council The NPPF requires a sequential, risk based approach to the location of new development to avoid flood risk to people and property. New development should be steered to areas with the lowest probability of flooding. Consultants JBA were commissioned by the Council to undertake a Strategic Flood Risk Housing Assessment Update (SFRA) to inform the Local Plan (Part Two), working jointly with the Environment Agency. The outputs from the SFRA Update is a site by site high level analysis of flood risk and a

and number of recommendations applicable to specific sites. The recommendations have been considered

in the Stage One survey. Sites considered for residential development that have been identified for Economic potential flood storage, at risk of surface water flooding, and/or have a recommendation A or B(vi), have not been taken forward to Stage Two of the assessment. Sites considered for employment development

Land that are recommendation A or potential flood storage areas are not taken forward to the stage 2 assessment. Other employment sites at risk of flooding are carried forward, but reference should be

Availability made to the SFRA recommendations with regard to the vulnerability of the proposed use.

2.15 It is considered that formal sports and school fields are vital to the well-being and amenity of

Assessment Cheshire West and Chester residents as well as helping to improve the borough's image. In addition, allotments are a protected land use and therefore unless it has been demonstrated that such sites no longer meet the needs of the local population or are to be relocated and improved as part of a development proposal, they have not been considered suitable for development for the purpose of this (2017) assessment. Where local communities have designated protected Local Green Space in a 'made' Neighbourhood Plan, development would only be allowed in very special circumstances. These sites are therefore excluded at this stage of the assessment.

2.16 The following policy filters were applied to identify which sites are then subject to the Stage Two assessment of suitability, availability and achievability:

Sites identified in the SFRA; Sports and school fields; and Allotments Protected Local Green Space in made Neighbourhood Plans

v National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 100 vi Recommendation A: consider withdrawing site. Recommendation B: application of the exception test would be required 1 6 Stage One outputs Cheshire

2.17 All of the sites that have been filtered out of the assessment in line with the overall Stage One (a and b) assessment criteria are set out in the corresponding appendices for residential and employment West development. Each site is identified by a unique reference number, and the tables set out the the location

/ address, site size and reason why the site has been filtered out. and Chester 2.18 All of the sites that have not been filtered out after Stage One are subject to the Stage Two assessment in relation to availability and achievability (a "policy off" assessment).

Council Stage Two: Assessment of Sites

2.19 Stage Two of the HELAA is an assessment of developability and deliverability (for housing) Housing which includes consideration of a sites suitability, availability and achievability. This provides the basis

for calculating the indicative development potential of a site. For potential employment uses, the and assessment of a site's suitability, availability and achievability also takes account of the findings of the

Councils Employment Land Study Update where relevant. Economic

2.20 Sites with planning permission are detailed in the Council's annual monitoring information and their contribution towards deliverable and developable supply are considered in the relevant monitoring Land

report(s). Availability

Estimating development potential

Assessment 2.21 The Planning Practice Guidance, at paragraph 017 states "The estimation of the development potential of each site should be guided by the existing or emerging plan policy including locally determined policies on density". This is dependant on the type of use being proposed. (2017) For residential development the housing potential is based on assumptions applied to developable area and housing density as set out in tables 2.2 and 2.3 below. The calculation of potential capacity is indicative and is not a set level for each site. For employment uses development potential is based on information included in a site submission or estimated in line with the ELSU (2013) and the Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies as shown in table 2.4. The Local Plan (Part One) employment requirement is based on gross site areas, therefore in line with existing development plan policy the gross site area will be included in the employment trajectory in Stage Four of the assessment. The estimation of development potential is a guide to determine the level of floorspace that could be accommodated on specific sites, although this will be dependant on the mix/type of uses proposed.

2.22 Where additional site specific information is available, this will be used to inform the development potential of particular sites. In some instances, relevant existing development schemes can be used as the basis for assessment, adjusted for any individual site characteristics and physical constraints.

2.23 Individual sites with extant planning permission are included in the supply based on the capacity of the permitted development (number of dwellings) unless intelligence suggests deviation from these figures for example a development is no longer achievable or realistic. 2 Methodology 1 7 2.24 The assumptions for residential development detailed in the tables below have been subject to Cheshire consultation with the HEPG as part of the overall methodology consultation in September 2015. In addition, a further specific consultation based on the housing delivery assumptions was carried out in the form of a tailored survey which suggested a number of amendments to the original assumptions. West The changes made to the assumptions were based on comments received through the consultation

and and further information from the Council's monitoring data to support the assumptions. The Housing

Chester Economic Partnership were invited, in January 2016, to respond to the survey and the amended assumptions.

Council 2.25 The assumptions set out below are the conclusion of two rounds of engagement and evidence gathering. A number of key issues were addressed in response to the consultation including amending the categories of sites to reflect different locations and land types (previously developed land and Housing greenfield).

and Table 2.2 Developable area assumptions for residential development

Economic Gross Site area Developable area < 1 hectare 90%

Land 1 - 4.9 hectares 80%

Availability 5 - 9.9 hectares 75% 10 - 14.9 hectares 70%

Assessment 15+ hectares 60% (2017) 1 8 Table 2.3 Housing density assumptions for residential development Cheshire

Spatial area Density Notes (dwellings per hectare) West and Chester city centre 40-50 Chester Chester urban area 35

Chester edge of settlement 30 Council Ellesmere Port urban area 35-40 Higher range density within town centre and lower range in suburban areas Housing Ellesmere Port edge of settlement 30

Northwich urban area 35-40 Higher range density within town centre and lower range and

in suburban areas Economic Northwich edge of settlement 30

Winsford urban area 35-40 Higher range density within town centre and lower range Land in suburban areas

Availability Winsford edge of settlement 30 Key Service Centres 25-30 Higher range density on appropriate greenfield sites and

lower range on appropriate brownfield sites Assessment

2.26 The density assumptions applied to the assessment of economic development sites (specifically for employment uses) are set out in shown in Table 2.4 below. They are based on the approach taken in preparation of Local Plan (Part One). (2017)

Table 2.4 Employment density assumptions

Local Plan (Part One) area Plot ratio / density guidelines(vii) Chester city centre office 100% Northwich town centre office 100% Ellesmere Port town centre office 60% Winsford town centre office 60% Key Service Centres office 60% Offices outside of town centres and 40% other industrial / warehouse uses

vii i.e. This is the percentage of floorspace anticipated from the overall land area 2 Methodology 1 9 Assessing suitability Cheshire

2.27 Suitability is assessed in relation to the proposed type / mix of uses proposed. Each site that has been brought forward from Stage One has been assessed on the basis of whether it is currently West suitable for development; has the potential to be suitable through mitigation measures; or is unsuitable

and for the intended use type. Chester 2.28 The assessment is guided by development plan and national planning policy in so far as the following factors have been considered;

Council Retained undeveloped Local Plan allocations - the suitability of such sites has been reconsidered and reviewed against the most up-to-date evidence base; Housing Physical attributes and/or limitations such as access, infrastructure, ground conditions, hazardous risks, pollution and contamination.

and Potential development impacts including effect on landscape features, nature and heritage

conservation; Economic Neighbouring land uses and their compatibility; and Whether the site is already identified as suitable for a specific use in a made Neighbourhood Plan

Land 2.29 An assessment of hazardous constraints considers the general opinion from the HSE on

Availability development compatibility housing and workplaces within the inner, middle and outer consultation zones for major hazard establishments and major accident hazard pipelines. For residential sites, land located within the inner consultation zone not compatible. The only exception is developments of 1 or 2 dwelling

Assessment units where there is a minimal increase in people at risk. For economic uses, the inner HSE consultation zone would be compatible for workplaces (predominantly non-retail) providing for less than 100 occupants in each building and less than 3 occupied storeys are compatible.

(2017) 2.30 The HELAA identifies historic assets/designations that may affect the suitability of a site. In most cases, it is assumed that there would be scope for mitigation to minimise potential impacts. A cultural heritage assessment would be required for sites in Areas of Archaeological Potential, for those containing a Scheduled Monument, or sites greater than 10ha. However, in some instances the identification of a scheduled monument could result in the site being unsuitable for development and in these instances advice will be sought from the Council's Historic Environment Officer. The Council will also undertake an assessment considering the methodology and guidance set out in Historic Advice Note 3 ‘The Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans (October 2015). This is a separate evidence report that should be considered alongside the HELAA where relevant.

2.31 In summary, Table 2.5 indicates how the assessment of development suitability has been considered.

Table 2.5 Assessment of suitability by type of use

Housing A site offers a suitable location for residential development (contributing towards the creation of sustainable, mixed communities) 20

Extant residential planning permissions that have been granted are assumed suitable Cheshire unless evidence suggests circumstances have changed.

Where a permission has lapsed, the site is reassessed to confirm if there are any changes West to policy or site characteristics that would affect permission being granted in the future. and

Employment Extant planning permissions for employment use are assumed suitable, unless evidence Chester suggests circumstances have changed

Takes account of the findings of the Employment Land Study Update 2013 Council

The site is in an existing employment area, or regeneration area Housing Where relevant, would allow for the expansion of an existing employment site.


Retail and town Takes account of NPPF sequential approach to town centre development Economic centre uses Assess sites if they are located in-centre, edge of centre or out of centre


2.32 Sites that were not considered to be suitable for the specified type of development have been Availability filtered out of the assessment at this stage in the process and are listed in Appendix C and D which also include the reason / justification for being removed.

Assessment Assessing availability

2.33 A site has been considered to be available when, based on the best information available (confirmed by the call for sites and information from land owners and legal searches where appropriate), (2017) there is confidence that there are no legal or ownership problems, such as unresolved multiple ownerships, ransom strip tenancies or operational requirements of landowners(viii). Often the land is controlled by a developer or landowner who has expressed an intention to develop, or the landowner has expressed an intention to sell.

2.34 For residential development the availability of a site has been assessed in relation to:

Whether the site is in active use Whether the site could be built on in the short to medium term; Whether the site is affected by ransom strips or multiple ownership issues.

2.35 For economic development uses a site has been assessed in relation to:

Whether it is capable of being developed within the plan period for employment use; If the site is actively marketed and/or available for employment; viii Planning Practice Guidance paragraph 020 2 Methodology 2 1 the future development intentions of the landowner/agent, including the need for expansion land Cheshire for a specific occupier/business Whether the site is affected by ransom strips or multiple ownership issues;

West Sites with planning permission for alternative uses are not considered available for employment use, unless circumstance since the original grant of permission has changed; and

and Where relevant, considers the findings of the Employment Land Study Update 2013 Chester 2.36 Sites that were not considered to be available for a specific development type within the plan period have been filtered out of the assessment at this stage in the process and are listed in Appendix

Council D which also includes the reason / justification for being removed.

Assessing achievability Housing

2.37 A site has been considered to be achievable when there is a reasonable prospect that the

and particular type of development will be completed on the site at a particular point in time e.g 1 to 5 years,

Economic 6 to 10 years or 11 to 15 years. This is informed by a judgement about economic viability of a site, the capacity of a developer to complete units.

2.38 For employment uses the assessment has considered whether there is a reasonable prospect Land of employment development in the Plan period (in line with paragraph 22 of the NPPF) and the

Availability Employment Land Study Update (2013) where relevant. The findings of the ELSU (2013) have been considered, together with any other relevant technical/feasibility studies undertaken on specific sites.

Assessment 2.39 For residential development, the assessment of achievability of a site should be in line with the requirements of the NPPF in relation to planned housing supply.(ix)

For a site to be considered 'deliverable', NPPF states that: "sites should be available now, offer a

(2017) suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable"(x). To be considered developable, in line with NPPF, sites should be in a suitable location for housing development and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site is available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged. (xi)

2.40 The basis for testing the viability of a site (for all use types) is key information provided by the Partnership Group and through site submissions, together with the intelligence and expertise from within the Council's Property Team, with regard to land values, contamination and knowledge of market conditions. Sites that were not considered to be achievable within the plan period have been filtered out of the assessment at this stage in the process.

ix Planning Practice Guidance paragraph 029 x National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 47, footnote 11 xi National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 47, footnote 12 2 Assessing delivery timescales of development Cheshire

2.41 For housing, the assessment of suitability, availability and achievability is used to assess the developability of a site i.e. within the plan period; and the deliverability of a site i.e within years 1 to 5. West Delivery time scales and delivery rates are integral to this assessment and take into consideration indicative lead-in times and build-out rates for development of different scales of sites. The advice of and

developers and local agents, and the outcomes of the methodology consultation are important in Chester assessing lead-in times and build-out rates by year(xii).

2.42 Consideration is given to developer or landowner delivery rates, information provided through Council the call for sites and consultation exercises, and the planning background of sites, such as whether there is a history of unimplemented permissions. Housing 2.43 For residential development the assumptions are only applied to a site where no other information

is available through other sources such as site submissions or planning permission details. Where a and site is included in the housing land monitor, the latest forecasting information will be used.

Economic 2.44 For sites with planning permission, Table 2.6 sets out how delivery has been forecast as part of the annual monitoring process. These assumptions are applied to site delivery when no further evidence or information has been identified during site visits and through correspondence. Table 2.7 details the Land

delivery assumptions for sites that do not have an extant planning permission, and are adopted for the Availability purpose of forecasting an indicative trajectory for housing development.

Table 2.6 Delivery timescale assumptions for sites with planning permission for residential Assessment development(xiii)

Planning Year one (12 months) Year two (24 months) Year three (36 Year 4+ (48+

permission / site months) months) (2017) status Site under Full year of delivery / Full year of delivery / Full year of delivery / Full year of construction completions completions completions delivery / completions Full permission Sites <100 dwellings: Full year of delivery / Full year of delivery / Full year of granted (site not completions completions delivery / started) Site preparation and completions infrastructure works. First dwellings completed e.g. half year.

Sites >100 dwellings

xii Planning Practice Guidance paragraph 023 xiii Applied to the assessment of sites where no additional monitoring information was available 2 Methodology 2 3

Cheshire Planning Year one (12 months) Year two (24 months) Year three (36 Year 4+ (48+ permission / site months) months) status

West Site preparation and infrastructure works and

Chester Outline permission Reserved matters Sites <100 dwellings: Full year of delivery / Full year of granted submitted and determined completions delivery /

Site preparation and

Council completions infrastructure works. First dwellings completed e.g. half Housing year.

and Sites >100 dwellings

Economic Site preparation and infrastructure works

Land Outline permission Legal agreement Full / reserved matters Sites <100 dwellings: Full year of

Availability subject to S106 completed and signed. submitted and delivery / legal agreement Permission issued. determined Site preparation and completions infrastructure works. First dwellings

Assessment completed e.g. half year.

Sites >100 dwellings (2017)

Site preparation and infrastructure works

Full permission Legal agreement Sites <100 dwellings: Full year of delivery / Full year of subject to S106 completed and signed. completions delivery / legal agreement Permission issued. Site preparation and completions infrastructure works. First dwellings completed e.g. half year.

Sites >100 dwellings

Site preparation and infrastructure works

2.45 Sites without planning permission 2 4 Table 2.7 Housing delivery timeframe assumptions - sites without planning permission Cheshire

Site status Years 1 - 5 Years 6 - 10 Years 11 - 15 Years 16+

Application Determination of Annual delivery of Annual delivery of Annual delivery of West pending application. Preparation of dwellings dependant on dwellings dwellings

decision site and infrastructure scheme, location and dependant on dependant on and

works. Completion of market scheme, location scheme, location Chester dwellings by year 5 and market and market

Pre-application Pre-application discussions Site works and Annual delivery of Annual delivery of Council discussions / advice sought. Application infrastructure. dwellings dwellings with the Local prepared and determined Completion of first dependant on dependant on Planning by Local Authority. dwellings from year 6 scheme, location scheme, location Housing Authority (1) onwards. and market and market Commencement on site -

preparation works. and

Economic Local Plan Master planning work Annual delivery of Annual delivery of Annual delivery of allocation / completed. Application dwellings dependant on dwellings dwellings

Strategic Site prepared and determined scheme, location and dependant on dependant on Land (without by Local Authority. market scheme, location scheme, location

permission) and market and market Availability Site preparation and infrastructure works.

Completion of first Assessment dwellings by year 5 (dependant on scheme, location and market). (2017) Site submission Initial contact with Local Application prepared Annual delivery of Annual delivery of / expression of Authority. and submitted to Local dwellings dwellings interest Authority. dependant on dependant on Pre-application scheme, location scheme, location discussions. Application determined. and market and market

Site preparation and infrastructure works.

Completion of first dwellings by year 10 (dependant on scheme, location and market)

1. NPPF Footnote 11 considers that sites without planning permission may be included in deliverable housing land supply where evidence supports inclusion 2 Methodology 2 5 2.46 The assessment of delivery for sites without planning permission will take into account the size Cheshire and location of the site. Large sites will generally be considered developable over a longer period, and smaller sites e.g <100 dwellings developable in the shorter term. Previously developed land may require pre-commencement works such as remediation, therefore these sites will be forecast in the latter half West of the plan period. Greenfield sites, unless specific delivery issues have been identified, are forecast to

and begin delivery earlier in the plan period. The time frames and the capacity specified do not preclude

Chester development of a different scale, or over a different time period from coming forward on a site as each planning application is assessed on its own merits.

Council 2.47 For employment/commercial uses, the development of sites typically takes place over longer timescales. A balanced employment portfolio over the plan period is required to provide for a range of sizes and types of site and premises for commercial development, local company growth, accommodate Housing inward investment and cater for emerging industries and specific sectors of the economy.

and 2.48 An employment site will be expected to have commenced development within the plan period and have a reasonable prospect of delivery. This considers the findings of the ELSU (2013) including

Economic whether the site is being retained for the expansion of an existing company; whether it is part of a wider mixed use/regeneration scheme; the market attractiveness of the site; if the site is serviced; any specific

constraints; and whether the site is being actively marketed. Table 3.8 'Delivery timescale assumptions Land for economic land' illustrate the estimated time scales by use type.

Availability Table 2.8 Delivery timescale assumptions for economic land(xiv)

Assessment Type of planning permission Timescale assumptions (employment/commercial development) Sites with extant outline planning permission Dependant on site specific characteristics. Full permission/reserved matters and commencement of development (2017) expected in years 1-5. Sites with extant full planning permission (not Forecast commencement of development within years 1-5. started) Sites with full planning permission (under Depends on site specific characteristics. Floorspace under construction) construction in the previous monitoring period is expected to complete the following year. However completion of the whole site will depend on the number of development plots and overall phasing of development. Sites awaiting S106 Legal Agreement (full or Forecast commencement of development in years 6-10. outline permission) Pending applications Depends on site specific characteristics. Assuming a decision in year 1, development could commence within years 1-5. Allocated sites (no current permission) Depends on site specific characteristics, likely to be developed in the medium to long term (6-10, or 10-15 years, or 15+ years).

xiv Forecasting as at 1 April 2016. 2 6

Type of planning permission Timescale assumptions (employment/commercial Cheshire development) Sites without planning permission Depends on site specific characteristics, likely to be developed in the medium to long term (6-10, or 10-15 years, or 15+ years), West unless located in an existing employment area. and

Estimating delivery rates Chester

2.49 Delivery rates (number of dwellings or amount of land or floorspace completed per year) is highly Council dependant upon the size of a development, the location of the site e.g urban or rural, and nature of the site i.e greenfield or PDL. The delivery forecasts on individual sites should reflect the most up to date information, and where delivery information is not available assumptions should be applied on a site by Housing site basis.

2.50 For residential development sites, the rate of delivery will be site specific where there is an extant and planning permission. The Council's Housing Land Monitor reports inform the five year housing land Economic supply and forecasting for the subsequent 6 to 10, and 11 to 15 year time periods. Developers,house builders and agents were contacted as part of the onitoring process to advise on possible timescales for the delivery of a development and possible phasing schedules on a site. This is updated annually Land

and takes account of any changes in market conditions. In addition, where clear evidence of delivery Availability has been provided e.g positive pre-application discussions, forecasts have been informed by this information.

2.51 For sites without planning permission for residential development, general delivery assumptions Assessment are applied to inform the housing trajectory, based on Table 2.9 below. These assumptions have considered information on sites monitored through the annual monitoring process, correspondence on

site delivery and forecasting, and the responses received during consultation on the HELAA methodology. (2017) The assumptions were subject to consultation with the Partnership Group in January 2016 and have been based on an assessment of actual delivery rates across a range of site types and sizes in the borough.

Table 2.9 Delivery rate assumptions - residential development

Type of site Delivery rate Greenfield extension - Up to 3 per month (up to 36 per year) edge of settlement Uplift where multiple house builders are on site and delivering units simultaneously (to include delivery by RP's). Total annual forecast based on, site characteristics / identified delivery constraints.

Greenfield - urban area Up to 2 per month (up to 24 per year).

Uplift where multiple house builders are on site and delivering units simultaneously (to include delivery by RP's). Total annual forecast based on site characteristics / identified delivery constraints. 2 Methodology 2 7

Cheshire Type of site Delivery rate Previously developed Up to 2 per month (up to 24 per year). land - urban area

West Uplift where multiple house builders are on site and delivering units simultaneously (to include delivery by RP's). Total annual forecast based on, site characteristics, identified and delivery constraints. Chester

Large scale / strategic Up to 3 per month.

site Council Uplift where multiple house builders are on site and delivering units simultaneously (to include delivery by RP's). Total annual forecast based on site characteristics / identified delivery constraints. Housing

Flatted / apartment Units are delivered / completed in blocks and the annual delivery forecast should reflect

and developments the configuration of the development.

Economic Annual delivery rates are likely to be high in a single year as opposed to aggregated across several years.


Small site - less than 10 Up to 1 per month - to be informed by annual monitoring visits and delivery evidence Availability units

2.52 For potential economic development sites the delivery rate assumptions on sites with planning

Assessment permission will be dependant on the scale and complexity of the proposed schemes, and any funding arrangements where relevant. As a general guide, sites with planning permission will commence development in years 1 to 5. If permission is pending subject to a legal agreement, commencement is

(2017) forecast between years 6 to 10. And, undeveloped allocations / sites without planning permission are forecast to commence between years 6-10 or 10-15 depending on the site attributes and information. These assumptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Overcoming constraints

2.53 Where constraints have been identified at Stage Two of the assessment the potential action required to overcome / remove them has been noted. Actions include the need for investment in new infrastructure, dealing with fragmented ownership, and environmental improvement. Each site has been assessed in line with the SFRA. The general principle is that development should be located away from flood risk areas. Where part of a site is at risk of flooding, the recommendations from the SFRA have been considered. The calculation of development potential has been completed after the review of constraints and potential mitigation measures, and is based on revised developable areas where appropriate. 2 8 Stage Two outputs Cheshire

2.54 Each site that was retained through Stage One of the HELAA process is assessed in terms of their suitability, availability and achievability to determine whether a site can realistically be included in West the overall land availability and resultant trajectories for housing land and employment land respectively.

The assessment of sites that are considered to be either unsuitable, unavailable or unachievable for and

either residential development or employment land at the the current time are set out in the corresponding Chester sections of Part B of this report. Further details are set out in Appendix C and Appendix D.

2.55 Sites that have been assessed as being potentially developable i.e. suitable, available and Council achievable, for housing or employment development inform the development potential trajectory and are also set out in Appendix C and Appendix D respectively. The tables provide details on the site location, characteristics, developability assessment (suitable, available, achievable) and include potential Housing capacity / supply information. The sites are cross referenced to location plans and site maps available alongside the main HELAA report. and

2.56 The HELAA is a high level appraisal of potential development sites. Any sites identified within Economic the final list of sites in Appendix C and Appendix D will require further detailed assessment to justify

any potential land allocation in the development plan, or as part of a planning application process. Land

Stage Three: Assessment of windfall sites Availability

2.57 The PPG states that the inclusion of a windfall allowance as part of the five year supply may be

justified if there is compelling evidence as set out in NPPF, which states: "Local planning authorities Assessment may make an allowance for windfall sites in the five-year supply if they have compelling evidence that such sites have consistently become available in the local area and will continue to provide a reliable source of supply. Any allowance should be realistic having regard to the Strategic Housing Land

Availability Assessment, historic windfall delivery rates and expected future trends, and should not (2017) include residential gardens".(xv)

2.58 The Council does not include a large site windfall allowance for residential development in the HELAA. This follows the guidance in the NPPF and PPG, and is also consistent with the approach adopted in previous SHLAA reports. However, based on housing monitor evidence of the delivery of housing on small sites, the Council's housing land supply position does include a small sites windfall allowance. This takes into account sites that deliver less than five units which have not been assessed for housing potential as they are below the size threshold.

2.59 Historical completion rates, and future supply of residential small sites are considered when calculating the small sites windfall allowance to ensure that the inclusion is justified and based on robust evidence. It should be noted that this allowance is not included in the first three years of the housing supply in order to avoid double counting as small site housing permissions are included in the forecasts.

xv NPPF paragraph 48 2 Methodology 2 9 2.60 The PPG advice only relates to the inclusion of a windfall allowance for housing and no additional Cheshire guidance is provided for economic development uses. The inclusion of a windfall allowance for economic uses will be considered based on the Council's employment land monitoring evidence from previous years. West

and Stage Three outputs Chester 2.61 The small site windfall allowance is recalculated in Part B (Residential land supply assessment) to take into account the amendment to the size threshold, and to include the latest housing delivery

Council information from the Council's 2015-2016 housing land monitor exercise.

Stage Four: Review of the Assessment Housing 2.62 Using the outcomes of the site assessments and the calculation of potential development capacity

and and delivery forecasts, all of the data has been collated by use type to formulate two indicative housing and economic land trajectories. These set out how much housing and economic development land

Economic could possibly be provided, and at what point in the future. In line with the Local Plan (Part One), the economic land trajectory is based on a gross site area.

Land 2.63 The housing and economic development trajectories are set against the established objectively

Availability assessed needs identified through the Local Plan (Part One) and is reviewed at Stage Five of the HELAA process. If it is identified that there are insufficient sites to meet the level of need, previous stages of the assessment will be revisited to review the development potential assumptions on particular sites.

Assessment 2.64 All site assessments and subsequent potential supply capacity and forecasts are subject to fact-checking to ensure a robust supply is included in the calculations of land supply. Site status is subject to change and the indicative overall supply calculations is correct at the date base date of the

(2017) study.

Stage Four outputs

2.65 Two separate indicative trajectories of potential housing capacity and potential economic land provision over the plan period to illustrate the potential supply and delivery of land against the overall requirements of the Local Plan (Part One).

Stage Five: Assessment Results

2.66 The findings of the HELAA are detailed in Part B of this document and form part of the evidence base for the Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies which in turn will inform policies and site allocations, including the identification of settlement boundaries. This assessment and its findings should be read alongside other technical studies and evidence base reports.

Stage Five outputs

2.67 The core outputs from the study reflect the requirements as set out in paragraph 028 of the PPG. The outputs from each stage of the assessment include; 30 Table of sites filtered out of the assessment (with reasons) Cheshire Schedule of sites assessed for development potential (by type), cross referenced to locations on a map.

Site assessment and development potential information for the sites taken forward; the potential West type/quantity of development that could be delivered on each site, with reasonably estimated build

out rates, identifying any barriers to delivery that could be overcome and when. and

Recommendations for additional site specific work where relevant. Chester An indicative housing trajectory and employment land trajectory, with associated risks identified

Assessment of level of potential development land (by type) against the level of requirement in the Council Local Plan (Part One)

Monitoring and review Housing

2.68 The NPPF requires that Local Planning Authority's "identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of housing". The supply of land for housing and

and economic development are monitored and kept up to date on an annual basis. The housing land Economic supply is published in the Council's Housing Land Monitor report, and the Annual Monitoring Report sets out both the housing and economic development land supply. A full re-survey of sites will only be necessary when the Local Plan is reviewed or there are other significant changes that would make a Land review necessary.


Assessment (2017) Part B - Assessment and Findings 31 Cheshire W est and Chester Council Housing and Economic Land A vailability Assessment (2017)

3 Site identification and survey 3

Cheshire 3 Site identification and survey

3.1 Stage One of the HELAA identified a total of 2,806 sites without planning permission, were initially

West identified from a range of sources, with the potential for either residential or economic development uses. Each site was identified by proposed or potential use (employment, residential, retail, other) and and the assessment against the criteria set out in the methodology was carried out. All sites were assessed

Chester using the same methodology irrespective of the proposed type of use to be accommodated on site.

3.2 226 sites were assessed for employment land potential, and 1,201 sites were assessed for

Council residential development potential. The outcomes of the assessments are set out in the following sections of the report.

Housing 3.3 Sites with an extant planning permission for housing or economic development uses are identified through the Council's Annual Monitoring Reports and Housing Land Monitor. These sites are assessed

and in terms of delivery and forecasts through the monitoring process, and are fed in to the land supply

calculations at the end of Stage Two of the HELAA. For further information about the Council's monitoring Economic processes and reports please refer to the Cheshire West and Chester Planning Policy monitoring reports web page.



Assessment (2017) 3 4

4 Residential Land Supply Assessment Cheshire

Stage One outputs - site identification West 4.1 Stage One identified 1,201 sites to be considered in the assessment for residential development.

This includes 71 sites that are to be considered for mixed use development potential, and 35 sites that and

are also to be considered independently for employment or retail uses. Chester

4.2 At Stage One (a) a total of 611 sites were filtered out on the basis of size / capacity threshold, or

Green Belt location. 56 sites that are located in the Green Belt, but are previously developed land, were Council kept in the assessment in line with national planning guidance.

4.3 Stage One (b) of the assessment removed a further 88 sites due to an identified level of constraints Housing that could prevent development. These constraints were:

and Level 1 SFRA high flood risk/flood storage area. Sites that were subject to recommendation A (xvi),

recommendation B (xvii) or had been identified as a potential area to safeguard for flood storage, Economic were filtered out of the HELAA at this stage (44 sites); existing allotments (12 sites);

Land Neighbourhood Plan protected green spaces (3 sites) and

Formal sports pitches (34 sites). Availability

4.4 Table 1 of Appendix C (Housing land assessment) lists the 699 sites that were filtered out of the process through the Stage One assessment. Assessment

Stage Two outputs - assessment of sites

4.5 After Stage One (parts a and b) 502 sites were subject to Stage Two of the assessment. This (2017) included more detailed survey work and data collection to identify specific characteristics and / or constraints applicable to the assessment of suitability, availability and achievability. Sites were filtered out for a number of reasons, and these are set out in Table 2 of Appendix C. Significant characteristics and constraints include:

Sites identified as high risk due to either land contamination or stability by the Council's Environmental Protection department; Environmental assets including SSSIs, Ramsar sites, Local Nature Reserves (LNR), Local Wildlife Sites (LWS), Ancient Woodland Historic assets Sites located within the HSE Inner zone; Education facilities and buildings; Designations in 'made' Neighbourhood Development Plans; and Ownership and/or ransom strip issues xvi SFRA recommendation A: consider withdrawing site xvii SFRA recommendation B: Application of the exception test would be required. 4 Residential Land Supply Assessment 3 5 4.6 The assessment resulted in 173 sites being removed due to suitability; 73 sites being removed Cheshire due to availability; and 2 sites being removed due to achievability. It is important to note that these assessments do not consider local policies and are based on information at a point in time. The availability or achievability of a site is dynamic and subject to change. The inclusion or omission of a site in this West final stage of the HELAA does not imply that planning permission would, or would not be granted by

and the Local Planning Authority. Further information on sites will be necessary to understand the specific

Chester nature of constraints and the resultant impact on development viability.

4.7 In total, 254 sites have been identified as potentially being suitable, available and achievable for

Council residential development within the plan period. The summary of each site is set out in Table 3 of Appendix C. The potential housing capacity and delivery forecasts were subsequently calculated and this is set out in Table 4 of Appendix C. Housing 4.8 The estimation of development potential has taken into account the suitability, availability and

and achievability of each site for residential use. Specific factors that have informed the appraisal include; identified constraints that could be resolved through mitigation, landowner aspirations and development

Economic intentions, if the site is vacant and available, if the site is marketed, the likely mix and type of uses that could be accommodated on the site (where mixed use development has been proposed). Sites that

have been proposed for mixed use development, were also considered on a site by site basis depending Land on the anticipated uses on the scheme. The development potential of these sites have been adjusted

Availability to take account of the proposed mixed uses where appropriate.

Stage Three outputs - windfall assessment

Assessment 4.9 The SHLAA (2013) and the Council's published calculations of housing land supply included a small sites windfall allowance of 150 dwellings per annum, excluding the first three years of any set period, based on past completions. The inclusion of the small sites windfall allowance was subject to

(2017) examination in public, and has been debated through S78 planning appeals. The level of the small site windfall allowance in the Local Plan (Part One) was based on a site threshold of 10 dwellings.

4.10 The small site threshold has subsequently been adjusted and reduced to align with the PPG, and the data has also been reviewed and updated to include sites that yield fewer than five dwellings. Table 4.1 below shows the net number of dwellings completed on small sites, excluding sites classed as garden land, since the base date of the Local Plan (Part One), and this data has been used to estimate an average future small site windfall allowance.

4.11 The average level of delivery of housing on small sites over the Plan period (2010 to 2016) is 107 dwellings per annum. A small site windfall allowance of 100 dwellings per annum is to be applied to future five year housing land supply calculations, and reviewed on an annual basis as part of the Council's monitoring processes.

Table 4.1 Net dwellings completions on small sites (excluding garden land)

Year 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 No of net dwellings 70 79 116 114 137 124 3 6 4.12 A total of 343 potential residential sites were filtered out of the HELAA through Stage One as they were below the site threshold of 0.25 hectares / 5 dwellings. The inclusion of a small sites windfall Cheshire allowance recognises the contribution that these sites can make towards future residential land supply, and are included in the calculation of land supply. West

4.13 The identification of these sites on a filtered out list of sites does not automatically mean that and they are not suitable for residential development. Each site will be considered on its own merits against Chester the relevant planning policies if a planning application is submitted for consideration.

Residential land trajectory Council

4.14 The outputs from the HELAA are used to inform the future residential land provision to meet the borough wide housing land requirement as established in Local Plan (Part One). Housing land to meet Housing a requirement of at least 22,000 new dwellings by 2030 should be identified in the HELAA and informed

by the latest monitoring information. and

4.15 The HELAA has taken account of the Housing Land Monitor 2015 - 2016, and the SHLAA (2013) Economic in reassessing the suitability, availability and achievability of potential sites for residential development. It also takes into consideration other evidence base studies prepared for Local Plan (Part Two) where available which includes the findings from the Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2016). Land

Availability 4.16 The output from Stage Two of the HELAA is a list of sites that are potentially suitable, available and achievable for residential development. An indicative housing capacity and delivery forecast for

each site (without planning permission) is set out in Table 4 of Appendix C. These forecasts, along with Assessment the supply and forecasts detailed in the Council's Housing Land Monitor 2015-2016 (with planning permissions updated as at 1 October 2016) have been combined to produce an overall housing land supply and potential capacity and subsequently produce a housing land trajectory. (2017) 4.17 The indicative housing land trajectory is shown at the end of this section and includes the following levels of housing completions and extant planning permissions;

Net housing completions 2010-2016 = 6,433 Net housing commitments as at 1 October 2016 = 13,967 (excludes sites with a resolution to grant permission)

4.18 Sites with a resolution to grant planning permission subject to a legal agreement, and those applications with an officer recommendation to approve a residential development are not included within the set of figures set out above, and have been included in the HELAA assessment.

4.19 The outputs from the HELAA indicate that there are potentially 254 sites that could be suitable, available and achievable to deliver new housing within the plan period. There are considerable limitations and uncertainties with this assessment that need to be taken into account;

The site assessments in the HELAA are 'policy off' and do not take account of any relevant development plan policies. These sites will be subject to a separate policy appraisal to inform any 4 Residential Land Supply Assessment 3 7 potential land allocations in the Local Plan (Part Two). It is likely that further sites will be discounted Cheshire as a result of this policy assessment process.

There is the risk that any development sites could not come forward as anticipated and/or additional West land may be available. The potential mix and type of employment/other uses on sites could vary

and and the HELAA assessment is based on generalised assumptions.

Chester It will also be necessary to consider the findings of the HELAA alongside other relevant evidence base reports for Local Plan (Part Two).


4.20 A summary of the potential supply from commitments, small sites and HELAA is set out in Table

Housing 4.2 below.

4.21 PPG states that where there are insufficient sites identified to meet requirements, plan makers

and will need to revisit earlier stages of the HELAA assessment. This could involve changing the assumptions

Economic on the development potential on particular sites (including physical and policy constraints). This should also be considered on an area basis within the borough (Chester, Ellesmere Port, Northwich, Winsford and the rural area) , to ensure a range and choice across the whole borough.

Land 4.22 The Local Plan (Part Two) Site Allocations Background Paper will set out the policy appraisal

Availability of sites where required, together with any potential implications for the indicative residential land trajectory.

Potential housing land capacity

Assessment 4.23 The housing land potential / capacity of sites without planning permission (including sites identified in made Neighbourhood Plans and Strategic Sites) identified in this assessment is 15,365 dwellings. The level of housing land supply that benefits from having a planning permission (excluding applications (2017) with a resolution to grant permission subject to a legal agreement) equates to 13,967 dwellings as at 1 October 2016.

Table 4.2 Potential housing land capacity by source

Source of supply 1 to 5 yrs 6 to 10 yrs 11 to 15+ Total yrs Housing commitments 8,517 3,469 1,981 13,967 Local Plan strategic sites and Neighbourhood Plan 174 1,119 1,705 2,998 allocations (without planning permission) HELAA sites (without planning permission) (excl. 201 2,307 2,548 5056 greenfield extension)

HELAA greenfield extension sites (without planning 12 3,173 4,126 7,311 permission) Small site windfall allowance (100 per annum) 200 500 500 1,200 3 8

Source of supply 1 to 5 yrs 6 to 10 yrs 11 to 15+ Total Cheshire yrs

Total 9,104 10,568 10,860 30,532 West

4.24 Table 4.3 sets out the cumulative potential housing land capacity as at 1 April 2016. and

Table 4.3 Cumulative potential housing land capacity (net dwellings) Chester

Net dwellings 1 to 5 yrs 1 to 10 yrs 1 to 15+ yrs Council Total potential capacity 9,104 19,672 30,532 Housing 4.25 The Local Plan (Part One) housing requirement of at least 22,000 new dwellings between 2010 and 2030 equates to a net annual requirement of 1,100 dwellings per annum. The potential housing capacity is illustrated in the graph below as a cumulative capacity compared against the cumulative and

Local Plan (Part One) housing requirement. The total potential capacity meets and significantly exceeds Economic the minimum Local Plan requirement.

4.26 The figures set out in the tables above for the supply from HELAA sites includes land that is Land located adjacent to settlements i.e. greenfield extensions. A breakdown of the HELAA supply by land type is set out below. This table does not include sites that are allocated in made Neighbourhood Plans Availability or Local Plan strategic sites.

Table 4.4 Land category of HELAA sites Assessment

Category of land Number of dwellings

HELAA greenfield land within settlements 1,670 (2017) HELAA previously developed or mixed use land 3,386 HELAA greenfield extensions adjacent to settlement boundary 7,311

TOTAL 12,367 4 Residential Land Supply Assessment 3 9 Cheshire Figure 4.1 Housing trajectory West and Chester

Council Housing





Assessment (2017) 40

5 Employment land potential Cheshire

Stage One outputs - site identification West 5.1 At Stage One of the assessment a total of 226 sites were identified that may have the potential for employment development; 54 of these sites were assessed as having potential for mixed use and

development. Chester

5.2 The initial review of sites at stage one (a) filtered out a total of 73 sites on the basis of size/capacity threshold, or green belt (green field) locations. Stage one (b) of the assessment removed a further 4 Council sites due to constraints that could prevent development; 1 site was identified as a potential flood storage area, 3 sites were identified as sports/school fields. Appendix D (Table 1) provides details of the sites removed from the assessment at this stage. Housing

5.3 After stage one, 153 sites were carried forward to stage two of the assessment. These sites were and subject to more detailed survey work and data collection to identify any characteristics or constraints that would affect the suitability of the site for employment development. Economic

Stage Two outputs - assessment of potential employment sites


5.4 The sites that were not filtered out as above (Stage One) were subject to more detailed survey Availability work and data collection to identify any characteristics or constraints. An assessment of the suitability, availability and achievability of each site for its potential to deliver employment development was carried

out. Sites were filtered out for a number of reasons and are set out in Appendix D (Table 2) and include; Assessment

Sites identified as high risk due to environmental constraints (e.g. land contamination) based on advice from the Council's environmental protection team.

Sites not within or adjacent to a recognised settlement or existing employment location (2017) Sites where employment development could be incompatible with adjacent uses (e.g. residential)

5.5 Specific factors that have informed the appraisal include; identified constraints that could be resolved through mitigation, landowner aspirations and development intentions, if the site meets the expansion needs of a specific occupier, if the site is vacant and available, if the site is marketed, the likely mix and type of uses that could be accommodated on the site.

5.6 Whilst development constraints were identified on many sites, it was considered that there could be the potential for mitigation subject to further detailed assessment either through the local plan process or alongside any planning application:

Historic assets (on site) are identified. Further assessment of these sites may be required in line with Heritage England Advice. Environmental Assets (on site) are identified on some sites including Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) and Ancient Woodland. Where appropriate, the site area has been adjusted to exclude these parcels of land from the developable area. Hazardous zones - where sites are within a hazardous zone, general HSE recommendations are identified for workplaces and should be considered further. 5 Employment land potential 4 1 Pipeline routes are identified on sites and will require further consultation with HSE/pipeline operators. Cheshire Flood risk - employment use is identified as less vulnerable development in line with national guidance. Further assessment would be required in line with SFRA recommendations or at planning

West application stage. Environmental constraints and associated level of risk (contaminated land, stability, noise, air

and quality, AQMA) are identified for specific sites. Further detailed assessment and mitigation measures

Chester would be required. HS2 safeguarded route and property compensation zone. The preferred route for Phase 2b of the proposed High Speed 2 (HS2) railway was announced November 2016. Further information on the

Council route and the implications for future development/achievability and access are required. Where appropriate, site areas are adjusted to exclude safeguarded land from the developable area.

Housing Other site characteristics are identified and further assessment would be required to inform the potential design and layout of a site (e.g. landscape character, ecological network, agricultural land classification).


Economic 5.7 Appendix D (Table 3) shows that following further assessment of suitability, availability and achievability of employment sites a further 38 sites were filtered out as not available, then 12 sites filtered out as not achievable.

Land 5.8 In total, 70 sites are identified as potentially being suitable, available and achievable for employment

Availability development in Appendix D (Table 4). This includes 13 sites within the Stanlow area (assessed separately through the Stanlow Special Policy Area Review) and 11 sites allocated through 'made' Neighbourhood Plans for employment use.

Assessment 5.9 Further information on sites will be necessary to understand the specific nature of constraints and the resultant impact on development viability. The information from the site assessments has been used to assess the development potential and timescale within which each site is capable of development (2017) in line with the methodology. The resultant employment floorspace will be dependant on the developable area and the mix and type of employment uses proposed. Whilst development potential has been assessed, the employment land trajectory is based on a gross site requirement in line with Local Plan (Part One) requirements.

5.10 Sites that have been proposed for mixed use development, have been considered on a site by site basis depending on the anticipated uses on the scheme. The development potential of these sites have been adjusted to take account of the proposed mixed uses where appropriate.

Stage Three outputs - assessment of windfall sites for employment

5.11 The Council's employment monitoring information relates to large sites greater than 0.25 ha (or 500sqm). Where large windfall sites for employment development have been granted planning permission since 2010, they will be included in the Council's employment monitoring information and contribute towards the borough wide employment requirement. There is no published information to support a 'small sites' windfall allowance for employment development at the present time. 4 2 Employment land trajectory Cheshire

5.12 The outputs from the HELAA are used to inform the future employment land provision (use classes B1, B2 and B8) to meet the borough wide employment land requirement established in Local West Plan (Part One). and 5.13 The HELAA has taken account of the suitability, availability and achievability of potential Chester employment sites for development. It also takes account of more up to date employment monitoring information (April 2013-2016) and other evidence base studies prepared for Local Plan (Part Two) where available. This includes the findings from the level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2016) and aims Council to take a sequential risk based approach to the location of new development to minimise flood risk to people and property and the Stanlow Special Policy Area Review (August 2016). Housing 5.14 The output from Stage Two is a long list of sites that are potentially suitable, available and

achievable for employment development (Appendix D Table 4). In some instances the achievability of and specific sites is identified as uncertain, dependant on additional information. This is particularly the case around Northwich and sites with the potential to be affected by the proposed high speed rail (HS2) route. Economic The HELAA outputs include some sites already allocated through Neighbourhood Plans and sites

identified through the Stanlow Review. These sites, together with employment land completions since Land 2010 and extant planning permissions, are used to produce an indicative trajectory for employment development over the plan period. The trajectory relates to employment land (falling within the B use Availability classes only) in line with Local Plan (Part One) policy STRAT2. This makes provision for at least 365ha employment land during 2010-2030 to meet a range of sizes and types of employment site.

Assessment 5.15 The table below sets out the assumptions for the indicative employment land trajectory:

Table 5.1 Source of potential employment land (2017) Source Area (Ha)

Employment land completions 2010-2016 101

Extant planning commitments, as at 1st October 2016 76

Total HELAA sites, of which; 451 Neighbourhood Plan allocations 44

Stanlow Review sites 69

HELAA sites (suitable, available, achievable) 338

5.16 The indicative employment land trajectory, showing estimated timescales for development, is illustrated in figure 5.1 overleaf: 43 Figure 5.1 Employment trajectory (Ha) Cheshire West and Chester

Council Housing





Assessment (2017)

5.17 The HELAA indicates that there is approximately 451ha employment land that could be suitable, available and achievable in the plan period. This includes around 69ha of employment land within the Stanlow area and 44ha of employment land already identified in 'made' Neighbourhood Plans. There is approximately 338ha employment land identified on remaining HELAA sites.

Risks / limitations

5.18 The indicative trajectory shows that there are potentially sufficient sites to meet the borough wide requirement. However, there are several limitations and uncertainties with this assessment that need to be taken into account;

The sites in the HELAA are 'policy off' and do not take account of other relevant overarching planning policies. These sites will be subject to a separate policy appraisal to inform any potential land allocations in the Local Plan (Part Two). It is likely that further sites will be discounted as a result 4 of this policy assessment process. This could result in the need to revisit earlier stages/sites identified in the HELAA and the assumptions made.(xviii) Cheshire There is the risk that any development sites could not come forward as anticipated and/or additional

land may be available. The potential mix and type of employment/other uses on sites could vary West and the HELAA assessment is based on generalised assumptions. and It will also be necessary to consider the findings of the HELAA alongside other relevant evidence Chester base reports for Local Plan (Part Two).

Sites have been assessed through the HELAA as having the potential for both employment and/or Council housing development. Further detailed assessment of these sites will be required through the local plan process to identify the preferred use for such sites and to inform any potential land allocations. Housing

5.19 The Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations Background Paper will set out the policy appraisal and of sites, together with the revised implications for the indicative employment trajectory. It is likely that some assumptions on specific sites will need to be revisited as part of this assessment. Planning Practice Economic Guidance states that where there are insufficient sites identified to meet requirements, plan makers will need to revisit earlier stages of the HELAA assessment. This could involve changing the assumptions on the development potential on particular sites (including physical and policy constraints). This should Land also be considered on an area basis within the borough (Chester, Ellesmere Port, Northwich, Winsford Availability and the rural area), to ensure a range and choice of sites borough wide.

Assessment (2017)

xviii Planning Practice Guidance paragraph 026 45

6 Other economic/commercial uses Cheshire

6.1 The majority of sites identified within the site identification (stage 1) were assessed for either

housing development or employment development (falling within the B use classes). This includes W potential sites for mixed use (housing / employment / other). As stated in the methodology, the type of est use for each site is based on the original data source or the site representation that was made for the and

site during the Council's call for sites exercise. Chester

6.2 Various sites were put forward and assessed for other commercial / economic development uses. The HELAA is a key component of the evidence base to underpin policies in development plans for Council housing and economic development. A broad assessment of the suitability, availability and achievability of other non-residential/retail sites has been undertaken and is included in Appendix E Tables 1-4. Housing These sites do not form part of the trajectory for housing or employment land supply, but may provide scope for additional supply dependant on the mix and type of uses proposed. The HELAA should be read in conjunction with separate guidance on the application of town centre planning policy, which and

includes the sequential test for locating town centre uses. Further consideration of these sites will be Economic required through the Local Plan process taking account of national and local town centre policies and other relevant evidence (i.e. Cheshire Retail Study 2016) and local regeneration priorities. Land 6.3 Additional sites were proposed for other uses and have not been assessed within the HELAA as A

listed in Appendix E Table 5. These sites need to be considered alongside other Local Plan (Part One) vailability policies, other evidence base reports and regeneration priorities for the borough for their respective uses (e.g. minerals, waste, recreation). Assessment (2017) 6 Other economic/commercial uses 46 Cheshire W est and Chester Council Housing and Economic Land A vailability Assessment (2017) Appendices 47 Cheshire W est and Chester Council Housing and Economic Land A vailability Assessment (2017)

Appendix A - Housing and Economic Partnership Group 4 9

Cheshire Appendix A - Housing and Economic Partnership Group

Company name Type of organisation West Adams Planning + Development Ltd Planning consultant and Anwyl Construction House builder Chester Bank of America Business

Barnston Estate Landowner Council Barratt Homes House builder

Housing Barton Willmore Planning consultant Barwood Developments Developer and Bell Developments Developer / Agent

Economic Bellway Homes House builder Bloor Homes North West House builder

Land Bolesworth Estate Company Ltd Landowner

Availability Chamber of Commerce Business Chester Zoo Business

Assessment Church Commissioners Landowner Commercial Development Projects Developer

(2017) Countryside Properties Ltd House builder Dane Housing Registered Provider David Wilson Homes House builder Denton Clark Agent DPP Planning consultant Dickman Associates Planning consultant EA Technologies Business Emerson Group Developer Emery Planning Partnership Planning consultant Encirc Business Entec UK Ltd Planning consultant Equity Housing Registered Provider 50

Company name Type of organisation Cheshire Essar Oil UK Ltd Business

F Roberts Bakery Business West Fifield Glyn Agent and

First Investments Developer Chester Fisher German Agent

GL Hearn Planning consultant Council Gladedale House builder Housing Gladman Agent

Goodwin Planning Planning consultant and

Grosvenor Estate Landowner Economic Grow How UK Business

Hallam Land Management Ltd Agent Land

Harrow Estates Landowner Availability Home Builders Federation Representative body

HOW Planning Planning consultant Assessment Indigo Planning Planning consultant Ineos Enterprises Business (2017) J10 Planning Planning consultant McDyre & Co. Planning consultant Macbryde Homes Ltd House builder Morris Homes House builder Muir Group Housing Registered Provider Muse Developments Developer NPL Estates Developer NHS Property Services Infrastructure provider Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Planning consultant

Peel (xix) Business / Landowner / Developer xix Including Peel Holdings Ltd; Peel Land and Property Ltd; Peel Ports; and Ince Park LLP Appendix A - Housing and Economic Partnership Group 5 1

Cheshire Company name Type of organisation Persimmon Homes House builder

West Pochin Developments / Pochin Property Developer / House builder Prospects (GB) Ltd Developer and

Chester Redrow Homes / Redrow Group Services House builder

Sainsburys Business

Council Sanctuary Registered provider Savills Agent Housing Seddon Homes House builder

and Taylor Wimpey House builder

Economic Tesco Stores Ltd Business Turley Associates Planning consultant

Land United Utilities Business / Infrastructure provider

Availability University of Chester Infrastructure / Landowner Urenco Business

Assessment Vauxhall Motors Business Wain Homes House builder Watkin Jones Group House builder (2017) Weaver Vale Housing Trust Registered Provider White Young Green Planning consultant Wright Marshall Agent Your Housing Registered Provider 5 2

Appendix B - Methodology flow chart Cheshire West and Chester

Council Housing





Assessment (2017) 53

Appendix C - Housing land assessment Cheshire

Appendix C sets out the assessment of sites that were considered for potential housing land development

as follows: W est

Table 1: Stage One (a and b) - sites that are outside of the assessment parameters and thresholds and

in respect of site size, location and significant constraints (see methodology). Chester

Table 2: Stage Two - sites filtered out of the assessment as considered to be either not suitable;

not available; or not achievable. Council

Table 3: assessment of sites considered to be potentially suitable, available and achievable for housing development within the plan period. Housing

Table 4: Stage Two - assessment of potential housing capacity and delivery forecasting. and Economic Land A vailability Assessment (2017) Appendix C - Housing land assessment 54 Cheshire W est and Chester Council Housing and Economic Land A vailability Assessment (2017) APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) Outdoorassessment Sport (pitches) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Park and Recreation BLA/0001 Chester King George Playing Field, Blacon Avenue, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA OutdoorGround Sport (pitches) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Park and Recreation BLA/0002 Chester Graham Road (playing field), Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Ground r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0003 Chester Land fronting 17 - 29 Graham Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0005 Chester Meyrell Place (recreation area), Blacon Chester Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Outdoor Sport (pitches) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Play Space (children) BLA/0007 Chester Land adjacent Clare House, Shelley Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Park and Recreation r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0008 Chester Social Club car park, Blacon Avenue, Blacon PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0009 Chester Kipling Road (school playing field), Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) Education r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0011 Chester Land off Mansfield Drive, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0013 Chester Land off Road / Saxon Way, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0014 Chester Land off Willow Drive, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0015 Chester Grassed area to rear of United Reform Church, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0016 Chester Land off Blacon Avenue, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0017 Chester Land to west of The Glen, Saughall Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0018 Chester JH Goodwin Primary School, Melbourne Road, Blacon PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Education a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0019 Chester Blacon High, Auckland Road PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Education a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0020 Chester Blacon Youth Football Club, Cairns Crescent, Blacon, Chester PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Outdoor Sport (private) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0021 Chester Garage court off Cairns Crescent, Blacon PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0022 Chester Land off Adalaide Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0023 Chester Land off Western Avenue, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0024 Chester Land west of Wyndham Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0025 Chester Land to east of Wyndham Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0028 Chester Land off Fowler Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0029 Chester Blacon Medical Centre Car Park, Fowler Road, Blacon PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0030 Chester Garage court off Carmel Close, Blacon PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0031 Chester Land off Philips Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0032 Chester Land off Cyman Close, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0033 Chester Land off Blacon Point Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s)

55 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0034 Chester Car park off Blacon Point Road, Blacon PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0035 Chester Car park off Blacon Point Road, Blacon PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0036 Chester Land off Aberdaron Drive, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0040 Chester Western Avenue (allotments), Blacon, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Yes Land to south-east of Deva Link, bound by Finchetts Gutter, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of BLA/0043 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) site Land to west of Clifton Drive, rear of 174-300 Sealand Road, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of BLA/0045 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) site a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0047 Chester Mulberry Centre, Sealand Road, Chester PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test Land between Parkgate Road / Blacon Avenue, Blacon, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0048 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land to north-west of Deva Link, bound by Saughall Road, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of BLA/0049 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a BLA/0050 Chester The Lodge, 299 Parkgate Road, Blacon PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0051 Chester Land at Bank Farm, Sealand Road, Chester PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of BLA/0052 Chester Caledonian Garage, Parkgate Road, Chester PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. site Land at Abbots Mead, east of canal / south of Blacon Avenue, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and BLA/0055 Chester Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0056 Chester Land at Bumpers Lane municipal tip, Chester PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of BLA/0057 Chester Land at Sealand Meadows, east of Finchetts Gutter Greenfield threshold(s) site Yes a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0058 Chester Land to west of Chaser Court, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of BLA/0059 Chester Land west of Chaser Court, north of Finchetts Gutter, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0061 Chester Land adjacent 39 Oakfield Road, Blacon, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted BLA/0064 Chester Land off Kipling Road / rear of 11 - 25 Shelley Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Education r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0065 Chester Land between 1 Cedar Mews and 85 Saughall Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0066 Chester Land to rear of 33-41 Cadnant Close, Blacon, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0068 Chester Land between 29 and 31 Cranleigh Crescent, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0072 Chester Garage site, Adelaide Road, Blacon PDL threshold(s) Land at Western Avenue / Sealand Road junction, Blacon, a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0074 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0075 Chester 52A Blacon Hall Road, Blacon, Chester PDL threshold(s) Land to east of Clifton Drive, rear of 100-174 Sealand Road, a Above site size / capacity r BLA/0092 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test Education r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0095 Chester Land to rear of 9-23 Cadnant Close, Blacon PDL threshold(s)

56 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0001 Chester Land at Queen's Avenue / Queens Road, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0002 Chester Steam Mill Car Park, Boughton, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0005 Chester Land at Milton Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0008 Chester Land to rear of 9-21 Filkins Lane, Boughton, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r BOU/0009 Chester Boughton Sports Ground,Boughton Hall Ave Greenfield threshold(s) Outdoor Sport (private) r Below site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of BOU/0013 Chester Sandy Lane (car park), Chester PDL threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0015 Chester Lane,(adj Resevoir) Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0019 Chester 97A Road, Boughton, Chester CH3 5UQ PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0022 Chester Newton Bakery, 85a Brook Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0026 Chester Garage site, Francis Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0029 Chester Mill House, Steam Mill Street, Boughton, Chester, CH3 5AL PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a BOU/0031 Chester Car Garage, Road, PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0001 Chester St Annes Place, Delamere Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0012 Chester Land to rear of Abbey Sqaure, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Car park to rear of The Boat House PH, Grosvenor Park r Below site size / capacity r CHC/0013 Chester Terrace, Chester PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHC/0014 Chester RBS land and buildings, Union Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0016 Chester Car park off Pepper Street / Park Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0019 Chester Car park off Sens Close / St Martins Way, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0020 Chester Land to the rear of Friars, Weaver Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0023 Chester Former service station, Grosvenor Park Road, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0026 Chester Land at Albion Street / Volunteer Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0028 Chester Land to rear of Rufus Court, Northgate Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0031 Chester Land at Steele Street / Albion Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0036 Chester St. Marys Community Centre, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0041 Chester 18 Queen Street, Chester CH1 3LG PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0042 Chester The Old School House, 1 The Kaleyards, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0049 Chester 4 Grosvenor Place, Chester PDL threshold(s)

57 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Garden Lane Medical Centre and land to rear of 11 - 17 r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0057 Chester Garden Lane, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0065 Chester Hotel Roma, 49-51 Lower Bridge Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0079 Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0094 Chester 98 Foregate St, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0109 Chester 23 King Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0128 Chester Site of former Homeguard club, Canal Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0153 Chester Loves Garage, Off Garden Lane, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0035 Chester Land south-east of Mannings Lane, bound by M53 and A56 Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0036 Chester Hoole Hall (wooded area to front), , Road, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0038 Chester Land to south of Pear Lane, east of railway line, Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0051 Chester Land at Palm Valley, Greenfield Lane, PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. Hoole Gate (land to east and south of Hoole Hall, adjacent r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0072 Chester Lane, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and CHV/0103 Chester Manor Farm White Lane Chester CH3 6AH Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design a Above site size / capacity r DOH/0006 Chester Land at Caldy Brook/ Caldy Valley Road, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of DOH/0013 Chester Land at Green Lane / Boundary Lane, Lache Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. site r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. r DOH/0014 Chester Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Marslton Cum Lache, Chester, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Former playing fields opposite Camp, Chester Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted DOH/0030 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted DOH/0031 Chester Oakfield Nursery, Road, Huntington, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and DOH/0032 Chester Land to north of Crown Fields, Chester Road, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted DOH/0034 Chester Land east of Wrexham Road, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land to west of Dee Banks Road, adjacent to Butter Bache r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of DOH/0036 Chester Bridge, Huntington, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. site r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r DOH/0040 Chester Land west of Wrexham Road, Lache Eyes, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r GAQ/0009 Chester Land off Parkgate Road,south-east of Finchetts Gutter, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r GAQ/0010 Chester Land at Arthur Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test Allotments and garage off Saughall Road/ Cheyney Road, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of GAQ/0011 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) site Yes a Above site size / capacity r GAQ/0014 Chester Land adjacent 48 Sealand Road, Chester PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a GAQ/0015 Chester Land to rear of 2-14 Leonard Street, Chester PDL threshold(s)

58 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Land at Woodbine Cottage, Louise Street / Garden Terrace, r Below site size / capacity a GAQ/0016 Chester Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GAQ/0022 Chester Land to west of Deva Link, east of canal, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r GRB/0005 Chester Allotments off Holkham Lane, Vicars cross, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Yes Park and Recreation a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Ground GRB/0006 Chester Thackeray Drive playing field, Vicars Cross, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Outdoor Sport (pitches) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted GRB/0008 Chester Garage and car park, Vicars Cross Road, Vicars Cross, Chester PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a GRB/0009 Chester Garage block to the rear of 25-31 Melrose Avenue, Chester PDL threshold(s) Land adjacent to Thackeray Drive Youth Centre, Vicars Cross, r Below site size / capacity a GRB/0010 Chester Chester PDL threshold(s) Land south of Hare Lane, north of Green Lane, Piper's Ash, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GRB/0011 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GRB/0013 Chester Land west of Hare Lane, south of Green Lane, Piper's Ash Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GRB/0014 Chester Land at Abbots Well, Whitchurch Road, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a GRB/0017 Chester Land at Bachelors Lane, , Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GRB/0021 Chester Land at Tarvin Lock / The Holkham, Tarvin Road, Vicars Cross PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GRB/0024 Chester Land off Hare Lane /A41 Ring Road, Piper's Ash, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GRB/0025 Chester Land to rear of 10-18 Hare Lane, Piper's Ash, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity r HAP/0003 Chester Land at Meadows Lane / St George's Crescent. Handbridge Greenfield threshold(s) Education r Below site size / capacity a HAP/0007 Chester Garden Gate Guest House, 8 Chester Street, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r HAP/0015 Chester Land off Appleyards Lane, Handbridge, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Land behind 4-12 The Cobbles, off Overleigh Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAP/0016 Chester Handbridge, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAP/0017 Chester Land off Mount Pleasant, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a HAP/0022 Chester Land to rear of 6 Cliveden Road, Lache Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation C - Consider layout and HAP/0023 Chester Land adjacent 5 Dingle Bank, Curzon park Greenfield threshold(s) design Land adjacent The Lodge, Overleigh Road, Handbridge, r Below site size / capacity a HAP/0024 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a HAP/0025 Chester Land adj 16 Victoria Crescent, Queens Park PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity r HAP/0026 Chester Boat House off Lower Park Road, Queens Park, Chester PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a HAP/0035 Chester Land off Five Ashes Road, Overleigh PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted HAP/0036 Chester Land to rear of 29 - 35 Hough Green, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Sports fields and pitches a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Outdoor Sport (pitches) HAP/0040 Chester Land off Mount Pleasent, Curzon Park Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Amenity Green Space

59 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Below site size / capacity a HAP/0041 Chester Land at Westminster Green, Handbridge Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted HOO/0003 Chester Land at Hoole Park, Lightfoot Street, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity r HOO/0008 Chester Allotments to rear of Bellard Drive / Lindon Grove, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Yes r Below site size / capacity a HOO/0009 Chester Land at Linden Grove, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted HOO/0010 Chester Hoole Lane (allotments), Hoole, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Yes Land at Panton Road / Canadian Avenue (bowling green), r Below site size / capacity a HOO/0011 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted HOO/0012 Chester Coronation Playing field Hoole Road Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Outdoor Sport (pitches) r Below site size / capacity a HOO/0039 Chester Land to rear of 1-19 Linden Grove, Hoole Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a LAC/0002 Chester 56 St Marks Road, Chester, CH4 8DQ PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r LAC/0005 Chester Land off Boundary Lane/Green Lane, Lache, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a LAC/0007 Chester Land at Sunbury Crescent, Lache Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a LAC/0011 Chester Land to rear of 2 - 34 Oxford Road, Lache PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r LAC/0014 Chester Land off Green Lane, Lache Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of NEW/0001 Chester Land to rear of 23-33 Dicksons Drive, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity a NEW/0002 Chester Land to rear of Dicksons Drive, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted NEW/0009 Chester Land adjacent The New Church, Brook Lane, Chester PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of NEW/0010 Chester Land at The Bear's Paw, Dicksons Drive, Bache PDL threshold(s) site a Above site size / capacity r NEW/0012 Chester Land adjacent Newton Hall, Newton Hall Drive, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Education r Below site size / capacity a NEW/0013 Chester Lime Wood Close (land at), Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a NEW/0015 Chester Kingsway Opposite Dee Miller, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted NEW/0016 Chester Land to rear of 39 Newton Lane, Newton, Chester PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Land adjacent Dee Miller PH, Coniston Road, Kingsway, r Below site size / capacity a NEW/0020 Chester Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a NEW/0029 Chester Rockmount, 13 Liverpool Road, Chester PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity Part of site within Green Belt. r SAM/0022 Chester Land at Sealand Road, Blacon (adjoining Welsh border) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0023 Chester Land to rear of 256 - 306 Saughall Road, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0026 Chester Land to north of Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and SAM/0045 Chester Land off Melverly Drive, Blacon Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design

60 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Land off Roman Drive (behind Cleves Close and Palatine r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0046 Chester Close), Blacon, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0051 Chester Land off Parkgate Road, south of Mollington Banastre Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0001 Chester Hanford Road / Road (land at), Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0003 Chester Chirk Close (garage court), Chester PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0004 Chester Halton Road / Newhall Road (land at), Chester Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0006 Chester Western Grove (garage court), Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0007 Chester Land at Gatesheath Drive, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Below site size / capacity r a UPT/0008 Chester Land off Ivor Close, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0013 Chester Upton High School, (land adjacent), Upton, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Land off Liverpool Road, rear of Kingsmead and Daleside, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0014 Chester Upton, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0015 Chester Land at Upton Lane, Upton, Chester PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a UPT/0016 Chester Land off Dulas Court, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a UPT/0017 Chester Land to rear of Brook Avenue, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a UPT/0020 Chester Bache Hall Court (garage court), Bache, Chester PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. Mixed r UPT/0028 Chester Dale Camp, Liverpool Road, Chester Mix threshold(s) use land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0029 Chester Land off Demage Lane / Moston Road, Upton, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a UPT/0030 Chester Land to rear of Greenacres Court, Acres Lane, Upton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0032 Chester Land adjacent 1 Upton Lane, Upton, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0034 Chester Land adjacent 17 Upton Lane, Upton, Chester CH2 1EB Greenfield threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0035 Chester Land at Upton Grange, Long Lane, Upton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0036 Chester Garage site, Aldford Road, Upton, Chester PDL threshold(s) Land off Liverpool Road, north of The Bridleway, Upton, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0039 Chester Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0044 Chester Hillcrest, Moston Road, Moston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a UPT/0045 Chester 20 Heath Road, Chester, CH2 1HX PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0046 Chester Land west of Liverpool Road, south of Percival Close, Upton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted UPT/0049 Chester Land adjacent 16 Road, Upton, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Cuddington and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0007 Sandiway Land at Smithy Lane / Road, Sandiway Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

61 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Cuddington and Land adjacent Bryn Bank House, Smithy Lane, Gorstage, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a WEC/0023 Sandiway Sandiway, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Cuddington and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0056 Sandiway Land at Greenacres, Forest Road, Cuddington Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted ELT/0011 Ellesmere Port Land at Lawnswood, Ring Road, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted ELT/0012 Ellesmere Port Land to east of M53, Junction 11, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted ELT/0013 Ellesmere Port Land south of A5117, west of M53 Junction 11, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0007 Ellesmere Port Land and garage off Conway Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0010 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 103 Milton Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0012 Ellesmere Port Land off West Road, rear of The Oval, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0016 Ellesmere Port 34 Cambridge Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0018 Ellesmere Port Retail unit off York Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0019 Ellesmere Port Surgery, York Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0044 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Stoke Gardens (1), Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted EPT/0045 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Stoke Gardens (2), Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0046 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Harlech Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted EPT/0047 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Denbigh Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted EPT/0048 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Chirk Gardens, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0049 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Maiden Gardens, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0050 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Stokesay Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0051 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Croft Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0052 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Bamburgh Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0053 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Warkworth Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0054 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Arundel Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0055 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Warwick Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0056 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Rhuddlan Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0057 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Bodiam Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0066 Ellesmere Port Garage court off St. Andrews Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0001 Ellesmere Port Land between 14-40 Sutton Way Service Road, Greenfield threshold(s)

62 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Land adjacent 36 Luton Road (former garage site), Ellesmere r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0003 Ellesmere Port Port PDL threshold(s) Outdoor Sport (pitches) Land between Road / Festival Road, Great Sutton, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Play Space (children) GRA/0004 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Park and Recreation r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0007 Ellesmere Port Garage court off Princes Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0008 Ellesmere Port Garage court off Atherton Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0009 Ellesmere Port Land between 81 - 83 Faraday Road, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0011 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 41 - 45 Cavell Drive, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0013 Ellesmere Port Garage site - The Boulevard, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a GRA/0014 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Stamford Street, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a LEM/0003 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 22-26 Glen Road, Great Sutton PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a LEM/0009 Ellesmere Port Land between 5 and 6 Wicklow Close, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted LEM/0016 Ellesmere Port Land between 13 and 23 Foxall Way, Great Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Land between 35 Foxall Way and Swan Close, Ellesmere Port r Below site size / capacity Part of site within Green Belt. a LEM/0017 Ellesmere Port Land between 35 Foxall Way and Swan Close Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land at Haycroft and Farmers Heath, Great Sutton, Ellesmere a Above site size / capacity r LEM/0018 Ellesmere Port Port Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r LEM/0020 Ellesmere Port Rear of 932 to 936 Chester Road, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a NET/0015 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Seymour Drive, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a NET/0016 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Woodend Road, Rivacre, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a NET/0017 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Croughton Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a NET/0018 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Huxley Court, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted ROS/0004 Ellesmere Port The Longbar, 123 Station Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a ROS/0005 Ellesmere Port Dock Street (former car garage), by J9 of M53, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a ROS/0024 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Percival Road, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r ROS/0033 Ellesmere Port Allotments to rear of 35-73 Crescent Road, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) Yes r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and SAM/0011 Ellesmere Port Land at Lane, Capenhurst Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0027 Ellesmere Port Field parcel adjacent Dunkirk Villa East, A5117, Backford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0028 Ellesmere Port Land south of A5117, opposite The Crossing, Backford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land at Strawberry Roundabout, A5117 / Liverpool Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0029 Ellesmere Port Backford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land at Strawberry Roundabout, off A5117 / Liverpool Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0030 Ellesmere Port Backford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

63 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0049 Ellesmere Port Land at Dunkirk Farm, Backford, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a STP/0001 Ellesmere Port 347a Chester Road (Former Rainbow nurseries), Little Sutton PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a STP/0004 Ellesmere Port Station Road (garage court), Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) Land to rear of Royal British Legion, Chester Road / Fulwood a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted STP/0008 Ellesmere Port Road, Little Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Yes a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted STP/0009 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 1-43 Valley View, Great Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Yes Land to rear of Great Sutton Village Hall, Chester Road, Great a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Outdoor Sport (pitches) STP/0010 Ellesmere Port Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Amenity Green Space Land to rear of Parklands Community Centre, Parklands, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Education STP/0011 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Amenity Green Space r Below site size / capacity a STP/0012 Ellesmere Port 65-69 Old Chester Road, Great Sutton. PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted STP/0013 Ellesmere Port Land off Heath Lane. Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a STP/0015 Ellesmere Port Heath Lane, north of Heath Grove, Childer Thronton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land to rear of 25-37 Heath Grove, Little Sutton, Ellesmere a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted STP/0016 Ellesmere Port port Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Yes r Below site size / capacity a STP/0018 Ellesmere Port 59 Mill Lane, (land adjacent) Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a STP/0020 Ellesmere Port 1 Station Road (Little Reading Rooms), Little Sutton PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted STP/0029 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Hargrave Road, Rivacre, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted STP/0030 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Green, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a STP/0031 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Woodvale Road (1), Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a STP/0032 Ellesmere Port Garage site - Woodvale Road (2), Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) Land south west of Honeysuckle Cottage, Margaret's Lane, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted STP/0036 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a STR/0002 Ellesmere Port Land off Ash Close / Juniper Grove, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) Land to rear of 2-8 Baytree Close, off Vine Road, Ellesmere r Below site size / capacity a STR/0003 Ellesmere Port Port Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a SUT/0002 Ellesmere Port Land adjacent 9 Spinney Drive, Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r SUT/0005 Ellesmere Port Allotment Gardens, Dolphin Crescent Greenfield threshold(s) Yes Garage block to rear of Northern Rise/ Bracken Road and r Below site size / capacity a SUT/0007 Ellesmere Port Heather Close PDL threshold(s) Garage Block to the rear of Greasby Drive, Great Sutton r Below site size / capacity a SUT/0008 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) Garages to rear of 1-11 Caldy Drive, Great Sutton, Ellesmere r Below site size / capacity a SUT/0009 Ellesmere Port Port PDL threshold(s) Garage block to rear of 1-9 Ringway and 2-16 Carlyle Crescent r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted SUT/0010 Ellesmere Port Great Sutton Ellesmere Port PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted WHI/0002 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 106-110 Woodland Road, Whitby Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA

64 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Land adjacent Fieldgate, Frodsham Road, Ellesmere r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a WHI/0005 Ellesmere Port Port Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land west of Welsh Road, Little Sutton / Ledsham, Wirral, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r WIT/0022 Ellesmere Port Cheshire Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of FAR/0052 Farndon Land adjacent 27 Townfield Lane, Farndon Greenfield threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity r FAR/0059 Farndon The Boat House, Farndon PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r FAR/0062 Farndon Allotments off Ince Drive, Farndon Greenfield threshold(s) Yes r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0063 Farndon Land at Speeds Way, Farndon Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0064 Farndon Telephone Exchange, off Quarry Hill Farndon PDL threshold(s) Outdoor Sport (private) a Above site size / capacity r Outdoor Sport (Fixed) FAR/0068 Farndon The Toll Bar, Barton Road, Farndon PDL threshold(s) Park and Recreation r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0074 Farndon Land between Nightingale Close / Lime Tree Drive, Farndon PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0075 Farndon Brewery House and Brewery Motors, Churton Road, Farndon PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and FRO/0003 Frodsham Land east of Weaver Lane, Ship Street, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design Land to rear of 63-65 Bellemonte Road, off Penkeymans Lane, r Below site size / capacity a FRO/0004 Frodsham Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a FRO/0005 Frodsham Brereton House, Bradley Lane, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Land at Bradley Lane, rear of 1 - 17 Greenside Avenue, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted FRO/0009 Frodsham Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a FRO/0010 Frodsham 64 Main Street, Frodsham PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FRO/0014 Frodsham Land at Dunsdale Orchard, Carriage Road, Netherton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity a FRO/0015 Frodsham 13 Pinmill Close, Pinmill Brow, Frodsham PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted FRO/0029 Frodsham Land at Dig Lane Farm, Dig Lane / Main Street, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a FRO/0039 Frodsham Land to rear of 15-23 St Hildas Drive, Frodsham PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a FRO/0040 Frodsham 29 Main Street Frodsham Mix threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r FRO/0041 Frodsham Land at Frodsham Leisure Centre, Princeway, Frodsham PDL threshold(s) Outdoor Sport (Private) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FRO/0042 Frodsham Land off Royleen Drive, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted FRO/0043 Frodsham Land off Ship Street, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FRO/0021 Land adjacent Brooklyn, Chester Road, Helsby, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. a Above site size / capacity r GOW/0056 Helsby Former BICC Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r GOW/0058 Helsby Chester Road, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0061 Helsby Rock Farm, Road, Helsby, Cheshire, WA6 9BN Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

65 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0083 Helsby Land off Alvanley Road, north of Ivy Dene, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HEL/0002 Helsby Land east of Plover Lane, north of Chester Road, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity HEL/0012 Helsby Sherwood Court, Lower Robin Hood Lane, Helsby PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a HEL/0014 Helsby Land at corner of Proffits Lane / Chester Road, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HEL/0015 Helsby Land at Proffits Lane and Bates Lane, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HEL/0024 Helsby Land to the south of Robin Hood Lane and The Rock, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a HEL/0028 Helsby Land at Holly Villa, 293 Chester Road, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HEL/0030 Helsby Land adjacent Helsby High School, North of A56, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a TAK/0009 Land at Hollands Lane, north of Watling Cottage, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0016 Kelsall Land at Chester Road / Yeld Lane, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a TAK/0018 Kelsall Land to rear of Royal Oak PH, Dog Lane, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Hollands Lane, land to the rear of Corn Riggs / High Knoll, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0029 Kelsall Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a TAK/0030 Kelsall Land at Hollands Lane, south of Corn Riggs, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of TAK/0042 Kelsall Garage site, The Wynd, Kelsall PDL threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a TAK/0055 Kelsall Land to rear of 11-13 Hillcrest Road, off Dingle Lane, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0069 Kelsall Land west of Hollands Lane, south of the A54, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0110 Kelsall Land at Chester Road, north east of Egerton Court, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0118 Kelsall Land east and west of Hall Lane, Kelsall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0014 Malpas Red Lion (Stores to the rear), Well Street, Malpas SY14 8NE PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0026 Malpas Former garage, Oldhall Street, Malpas PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0027 Malpas Land adjacent The Cottage, Parbutts Lane, Malpas PDL threshold(s) Land adjacent The Cottages, Dobson Court, High Street, r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0086 Malpas Malpas Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0087 Malpas Dobson Court (car park), High Street, Malpas PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0088 Malpas Land adjacent Malpas Fire Station, Chester Road, Malpas Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0089 Malpas Land adjacent Red Lion PH, Malpas PDL threshold(s) and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a LNB/0006 Parkgate Land to rear of 5-11 Hill Close, Little Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Neston and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted LNB/0007 Parkgate Land at Hill Top Lane / Flashes Lane, Little Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

66 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Neston and r Below site size / capacity a LNB/0015 Parkgate Land adjacent 6 Badgers Park, Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Neston and r Below site size / capacity a LNB/0030 Parkgate Garage site - Rose Gardens, Little Neston, Neston PDL threshold(s) Neston and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted NES/0017 Parkgate Land at Raby Park Road, Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Neston and Land off Boathouse Lane (Marsh Nurseries and Pony r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted PAR/0006 Parkgate Sanctuary), Parkgate, Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Neston and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted PAR/0011 Parkgate Land adjacent to Leighton Road, Neston, CH64 3SH Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Neston and Land at The Coppice / Hartford Hey, Manorial Road South, r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted PAR/0024 Parkgate Parkgate Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Neston and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and PAR/0027 Parkgate Land adjacent 7 Old Quay Close, Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design Neston and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a PAR/0028 Parkgate Land to rear of 5 and 6 Old Quay Close, Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Neston and r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted PAR/0031 Parkgate Land betweem 5 and 10 Moorside Lane, Neston Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted DAM/0002 Northwich Land to rear of 42 & 44 Firthfields, Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity r DAM/0011 Northwich Land off London Road, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test Mount Pleasant Road (garage court to rear of 9 -13), r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted DAM/0017 Northwich Davenham PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Land south of , east of Withington Close, Dane a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of DAM/0029 Northwich Valley, Langley Road, Leftwich Greenfield threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity a DAM/0031 Northwich Land to rear of 252 London Road, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Land to east of Hollands Road / London Road, Leftwich, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of DAM/0034 Northwich Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) site r Below site size / capacity a DAM/0057 Northwich Land at Firth Fields, Davenham, Northwich, CW9 8JB PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a HAG/0001 Northwich Land at Rookery Cottages, Chester Road, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAG/0005 Northwich Hartford House Yard, School Lane, Hartford PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAG/0007 Northwich Land between 74 Beech Road / Beechwood Avenue, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a HAG/0008 Northwich Land at The Hollies, 79 School Lane, Hartford PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAG/0016 Northwich Land off Hodge Lane / Northwich Road, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAG/0018 Northwich Land at Burrows Hill, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAG/0019 Northwich Land to south of Hodge Lane, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land to rear of 6 Beach Road (off Sydney Street), Hartford, r Below site size / capacity a HAG/0020 Northwich Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAG/0025 Northwich Land at Beech Hill Farm, Northwich Road, Weaverham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity r HAG/0026 Northwich Land at Hartford High School, off Carriage Drive, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) Education Land at Hartford High School, north of Eton Court, Carriage a Above site size / capacity r HAG/0027 Northwich Drive, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) Education

67 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HAG/0042 Northwich Land off Chester Road, rear of Speedwell Cottages, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a HAG/0046 Northwich 70 Hatton Lane, Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAR/0003 Northwich Building Adjacent to No. 6, The Avenue, Marston, Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and MAR/0009 Northwich Land off Road, Barnton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0014 Northwich Land off Blackcroft Avenue, Barnton, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation C - Consider layout and MAR/0037 Northwich Land at Weaver Navigation / Runcorn Road, Barnton PDL threshold(s) design r Below site size / capacity a MAR/0063 Northwich Townfield Lane (garage court), Barnton PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0067 Northwich Land off Ollershaw Lane, Marston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0084 Northwich Land off Linnards Lane, Higher Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land north of Manchester Road, south of Winnington Wood, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SHA/0025 Northwich Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a SHA/0064 Northwich Land to rear of 20-22 School Lane, PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and SHA/0065 Northwich Land to north of Landford Road, Wincham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0001 Northwich High School playing fields, Forest Street, Weaverham Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Education r Below site size / capacity a WEC/0003 Northwich Northwich Road (garage court), Weaverham PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WEC/0004 Northwich Russet Road (garage court), Weaverham PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WEC/0005 Northwich Cherry Lane, (garage court), Weaverham PDL threshold(s) Weaverham (land to the south), off Walnut Avenue, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0011 Northwich Weaverham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0027 Northwich Land to rear of 24-46 West Road, Weaverham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a WEC/0033 Northwich Land adjacent 1 Court Lane, West Road, Weaverham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0053 Northwich Wallerscote Road, Weaverham, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity r WIC/0009 Northwich Land at Lock Street, Northwich Mix threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r WIC/0010 Northwich British Waterways Site, Navigation Road, Northwich PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0012 Northwich Land to west of Castle Annex, Chester Road, Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0020 Northwich 225 Manchester Road, Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0022 Northwich Land fronting 14 Castle Bank, Spencer Street, Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0026 Northwich 71 - 75 Chester Road, Northwich PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted WIC/0043 Northwich Land at Weir Engineering, Winnington Avenue, Northwich PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Football pitches

68 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0061 Northwich Former Northern Dairies Ltd, Tabley Street, Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and WIC/0065 Northwich Land off Warrington New Road / Manchester Road. Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0080 Northwich Plaza Bingo Hall Venables Road, Northwich PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r WIC/0081 Northwich Northwich Market, Watling Street, Northwich PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r WIC/0082 Northwich Land to west of Queen Street, Northwich PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0085 Northwich Land adjacent 16 Brook Street, Northwich PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation C - Consider layout and WIC/0088 Northwich Dane House Chester Way, Northwich PDL threshold(s) design r Below site size / capacity a WIR/0004 Northwich 110 Road, Northwich, CW9 7DP PDL threshold(s) Land to south of Vickers Way Park, west of Carlton Road, a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of WIR/0007 Northwich Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) site a Above site size / capacity r WIR/0025 Northwich Land to the north of A556, , Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted WIR/0026 Northwich Bowden Drive (garge court), Northwich PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a WIR/0028 Northwich Laburnham Road (garage court), Rudheath PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIR/0029 Northwich Farm Road (former coalyard), Rudheath PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIR/0031 Northwich School Road North (former coal yard), Rudheath PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of CHV/0003 Rural Land to rear of The Orchard, Warrington Road, Greenfield threshold(s) land. site Land to east of Hare Lane, north of Manor House, Piper's Ash, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0004 Rural Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land south of Guilden Sutton Lane, east of Willow Cottage, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0005 Rural Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0006 Rural Land at Guy Lane, to the rear of Ringway, Waverton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0007 Rural Land at Ridgway Farm, Saighton Lane, Saighton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land between Grange Villas and Netherwood House, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0008 Rural Whitchurch Road, Christleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land off Pepper Street, bound by Shropshire Union Canal / r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0009 Rural Faulkners Lane, Christleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0010 Rural Land off Plough Lane, Christleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0012 Rural Guilden Sutton Lane (Field No's 2678/2872), Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0014 Rural Land adjacent The Wood, School Lane, Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0015 Rural Land at Hilltop Road / Summerfield Road, Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0016 Rural Land between 41 - 43 Oaklands, Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0017 Rural Former Littleton Nursery, adj 21 Tarvin Road, Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land.

69 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Land to north of School Lane, adjacent Newhall Rise, Guilden r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0018 Rural Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Field Parcels (south of Oaklands and east of Wicker Lane), r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and CHV/0019 Rural Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design Land to south of Pearl Lane, west of Little Heath Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0020 Rural Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0021 Rural Land north of Birch Heath Lane, Christleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land at Pitts Cottage, Bricky Lane, off Little Heath Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0022 Rural Christleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0023 Rural Land south of Belle Vue Lane, east of A55, Piper's Ash Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0024 Rural Land to east of Manor Farm, Piper's Ash Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land to north-east of Hare Lane, east of A55, south of Manor r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0025 Rural Farm, Piper's Ash Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0026 Rural Land north of Belle Vue Lane, west of A55, Piper's Ash Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0027 Rural Land south of Belle Vue Lane, east of Claremont, Piper's Ash Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0028 Rural Land at FirTree Lane, Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0029 Rural Land at Lane, rear of 4-6 Bridgend, Mickle Trafford PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0030 Rural Land to north of 46 Wells Close, Mickle Tarfford PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0031 Rural Land to rear of 2-8 Weaver Grove, Mickle Trafford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0032 Rural BT Building and adj land, Wells Close, Mickle Trafford PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0033 Rural Land south of Saw Mill, Warrington Road, Mickle Trafford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r CHV/0034 Rural Gowy Landfill Site, PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0037 Rural Land north-east of Field House, Mannings Lane, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden a CHV/0039 Rural Land to rear of 29-39 Eggbridge Lane, Waverton Greenfield threshold(s) land. Land south of Guilden Sutton Lane, west of properties on r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0040 Rural Belle Vue Lane, Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land west of Station Lane, north of The Stables, Guilden r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0041 Rural Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land to west of Manor Cottages, Warrington Road, Mickle r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden a CHV/0042 Rural Trafford Greenfield threshold(s) land. Warrington Road, land north of The Green, (M53 junction) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0043 Rural Hoole Village Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0044 Rural Land to rear of 57-91Tarvin Road, Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0045 Rural Land east of 37 Fir Tree Lane, Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden a CHV/0046 Rural Land at Wicker House, Wicker Lane, Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0053 Rural Land to west of Wicker Lane, Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

70 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0054 Rural Land to north of Pearl Lane, south of Tarvin Road, Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land adjacent former Fildes Builders Merchants, Warrington r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0055 Rural Road, Mickle Trafford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0056 Rural Land at Oak Bank Lane / Mannings Lane, Hoole Bank Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0059 Rural Land off Church Walks / The Square, Christleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land surrounding the Cheshire Cat, Whitchurch Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0061 Rural Christleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0062 Rural Land at Brickfield House, Hare Lane, Pipers Ash, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0063 Rural Land to rear of 43-49 Guy Lane, Waverton PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. Land adjacent to Avalon, Mannings Lane, Hoole Villages, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0065 Rural Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land south of Hill Crest, Wicker Lane, Guilden Suitton / Great r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0066 Rural Barrow (donkey field) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land off Heath Lane, north of Bricky Lane, Christleton / r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0067 Rural Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0068 Rural Land north of The Wood, School Lane, Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land adjacent Langdale House, Warrington Road, Mickle r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0069 Rural Trafford PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. Land north of Heather Cott and Woodside, Wicker Lane, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0070 Rural Guilden Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0073 Rural Land east of Hoole Hall, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Plot between 2 & 3 New Cottages, Village Road, Waverton r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0093 Rural (W1) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land adjacent New Smallholdings, Village Road, Waverton r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0094 Rural (W2) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land between 2 & 3 Church Cottages, Village Road, Waverton r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a CHV/0096 Rural (W4) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0098 Rural Land to the south of School Lane, Mickle Trafford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0101 Rural Vicars Cross Nursery Site, Tarvin Road, Littleton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0104 Rural Land adjoining Station Lane Mickle Trafford Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0105 Rural Brown Heath Lane, Waverton Greenfield threshold(s) Green Belt location. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0106 Rural Moor Lane, Rowton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0107 Rural Garage Site, Hawthorn Road, Christleton PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0110 Rural Land north of Belle Vue Lane, east of Hare Lane, Piper's Ash Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted CHV/0117 Rural Land off School Lane, Guilden Sutton, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a DAM/0005 Rural Land adjacent 65 Main Street, Moulton, Northwich CW9 9PE Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden a Recommendation D - Development permitted DOH/0001 Rural Land to south-west of Cobblestones, Church Road, Greenfield threshold(s) land. subject to FRA

71 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden a DOH/0002 Rural Land east of Church Farm House, Dodleston Greenfield threshold(s) land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a DOH/0004 Rural Land to rear of The Square, off Croft Lane, Dodleston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden a DOH/0008 Rural Land to west of 1 School Cottage, Kinnerton Road, Dodleston Greenfield threshold(s) land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a DOH/0028 Rural Land to south of Smithy Farm, Hill Road, Eccleston (E1) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. r DOH/0029 Rural Land to north of Dee View, off Church Road, Eccleston (E2) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0001 Rural Dairy Bank (garage court), School Lane, Elton PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0002 Rural Land at Ivy Farm, Orchard Park caravan Park, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0003 Rural Land off Parklands Drive / Ince Lane, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0004 Rural Land between Ash Road / Parklands Drive, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted ELT/0005 Rural Land south of Parklands Drive, east of School Lane, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0006 Rural Land south of Parklands Drive, west of School Lane, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land at Ince Orchards, between Rough Shoot and Cartref, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0007 Rural Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0008 Rural Garage court off Manley View, Elton PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0010 Rural Land at Poplar Grove / Willow Grove, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0014 Rural Land off Whitefields, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. Mixed r ELT/0015 Rural Land at Marsh Lane, Ince, Ellesmere Port Mix threshold(s) use land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Thornton Green Farm, Thornton Green Lane, Thornton le r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0017 Rural Moors, CH2 4JQ Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0020 Rural Land off Sorbus Close / Oslter Close, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0021 Rural Land to rear of Rock Cottage, Ince Lane, Elton, CH2 4LU PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. Garden a ELT/0024 Rural Land to rear of Ivy Farm, Orchard Park caravan Park, Elton Greenfield threshold(s) land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a ELT/0032 Rural 10 Chapel Court, , Chester PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. Land adjacent to Thornley Green Lane and Park Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted ELT/0040 Rural Thornton-le-Moors Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0039 Rural Infill plot to south of Church View, Church Lane, Aldford (A5) Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0044 Rural Land to rear of the Village Hall, Stannge Lane, Churton (CH4) Greenfield threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FAR/0045 Rural Land to east of Sandy Lane, Saighton (S1) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FAR/0046 Rural Old Post Office garden plot, Saighton Lane, Saighton (S2) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FAR/0047 Rural Yew Tree Farm and garden plot, Saighton Lane, Saighton (S3) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land.

72 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FAR/0048 Rural Paddock Plot, Millfield Lane, Saighton (S4) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FAR/0049 Rural Dairy Farm, Saighton Lane, Saighton (S5) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted FAR/0050 Rural Mount Farm, Saighton (S6) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted FAR/0067 Rural Land east of Carden Ridge, Broxton Road, Clutton Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Outdoor Sport (private) r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0072 Rural Land at Holywell Lane, Clutton Greenfield threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a FRO/0019 Rural Land to north of Kingsley Green, Kingsley Road, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0004 Rural Land at Duck Lane / Frodsham Street, Ashton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0005 Rural Land north-east of Church Court, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0006 Rural Land at Ashton Lane / Whitegate Lane, Ashton Hayes Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0007 Rural Woodside Farm, Grange Road, Ashton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land south of Main Street, rear of White Horse Cottage, Great r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0008 Rural Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. 'Nursery Field', junction of Main Street / Barrow Lane, Great r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0009 Rural Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land to south of Heath Lane, east of Manor Close, Great r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and GOW/0010 Rural Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design Land north-west of Barrowmore House, Barnhouse Lane, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0011 Rural Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land off Barnhouse Lane, rear of 2 - 24 Lampitts Lane, Great r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0012 Rural Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land north-west of House, Chapel Lane, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0013 Rural Mouldsworth Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0014 Rural Land at Stable Lane / Station Road, Mouldsworth Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Stable Lane, land between Fernlea and Birchfield, r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0015 Rural Mouldsworth Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Stable Lane, land between Oakleigh and Spy Hill, r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0016 Rural Mouldsworth Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0017 Rural Land rear of 3-39 Talbot Road, Dunham on the Hill Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0018 Rural Chester Road, land to north of Bellochantuy Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Village Road, land north of Holly Bank Farm, Dunham Hill, r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0019 Rural Dunham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Village Road, land to the south of Dunham Hall, Dunham Hill, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0020 Rural Dunham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0021 Rural Land rear of 1-5 Booth Lane, Ashton Hayes Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0022 Rural Land to the west of Barrow Lane, Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0023 Rural Ferma Lane, land to the north of Greenfields, Great Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0024 Rural Land to rear of 27 - 31 Talbot Road, Dunham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land.

73 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0025 Rural Land north of The Pines, Ashton Lane, Ashton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and GOW/0026 Rural Land to rear of Ashton House, Pentre Lane, Ashton Hayes Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r GOW/0027 Rural Land south of Heath Lane, east of Manor Close, Great Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0033 Rural Land adjacent 56 Talbot Road, Dunham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of GOW/0034 Rural Land to rear of 41-47 Peel Crescent, Ashton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. site r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0035 Rural Land at Ferma Lane / Barrow Lane, Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0038 Rural Walnut Tree Cottages, Primrose Lane, Alvanley, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land adjacent Renley, Chester Road, Dunham on The Hill, r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0039 Rural WA6 0JQ Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0044 Rural Land at Manor Farm, Moor Lane, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0045 Rural Land to south of Ferma Lane, Great Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted GOW/0047 Rural Land between Manley Road and Commonside, Alvanley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land adjacent to Lower Hapsford Hall, Moor Lane, Hapsford, r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0062 Rural WA6 0JY PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0064 Rural Land behind Jessamine Farm, Hapsford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0065 Rural Hollymount Cottage, Moor Lane, Hapsford, WA6 0JY Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0066 Rural Land at Rose Cottage, Moor Lane, Hapsford, WA6 0JY Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0068 Rural Land adjacent to Gable Cottage, Low Hill, Dunham on the Hill PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0069 Rural Kingswood Lodge, Waterloo Lane, Kingsley PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. Mixed r GOW/0070 Rural Towers Lane Farm, Dunham-on-the-Hill Mix threshold(s) use land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0072 Rural Land at Dunham Hill Garage, Chester Road, Helsby PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0077 Rural A56 - S/W of A5117/A56 Junction, east side of the road Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land adjacent to Methodist Church, Ashton Lane, Ashton r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0079 Rural Hayes Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GOW/0081 Rural Dalecroft waste water station, Dalecroft, Hapsford PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. r GOW/0082 Rural Land at Irons Lane, Hollowmoor Heath, Great Barrow Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r GOW/0092 Rural Land off Church Road / Gingar Lane, Ashton Hayes Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Land east of Hare Lane, west of Manor House, Piper's Ash, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a GRB/0012 Rural Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a HEL/0016 Rural Land to rear of 110A Bates Lane, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HEL/0017 Rural Oak Mount Farm, rear Bates Lane, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

74 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted HEL/0018 Rural Land south of Sheldon, Bates Lane, Helsby Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0001 Rural BT Telephone Exchange off Hollow LAne, Kingsley PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0002 Rural Land off High Bank Road, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0005 Rural Land at Well Lane, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0006 Rural Land adjacent 56 Top Road, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0008 Rural Low Farm, Post Office Lane, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0010 Rural Land at Chapel Lane Avenue / Lane, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0013 Rural Land adjacent to Rose Mount, Blakemere Lane, Norley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0014 Rural Land at Marsh Lane / Stanneybrook Close, Norley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0015 Rural Land at Dark Lane / Depmore Lane, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation C - Consider layout and KIN/0016 Rural Land south of Mill Lane, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. design r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0017 Rural Land at Bratts Bank, Bratts Lane, Norley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land adjacent Pump House, Netwon Hollow, Newton Hollows r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0022 Rural Road, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land north of Maddocks Hill, south of Pytcheley Hollow and r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0023 Rural Hambletts Hollow, Norley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land to north of Sutton Causeway, south-west of Weaver r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r KIN/0024 Rural Navigation, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Land south-east of Sutton Causeway, north of Frodsham r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r KIN/0025 Rural Bridge, Frodsham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0028 Rural Home Farm, Norley Lane, Norley, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0031 Rural Land off High Heyes Drive / Top Road, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of KIN/0051 Rural Acton Cliff Pumping Station Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. site r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0057 Rural Land south of Hollow Lane, Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land at Wanlows Well Cottage, Newton Hollows Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0058 Rural Kingsley Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0059 Rural Land to west of Sycamore Drive, Sutton Weaver Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0060 Rural Land at Park Farm, Station Road, Sutton Weaver Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0061 Rural Land east of Station Road, Sutton Weaver Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0062 Rural Land east of 100 Chester Road, Sutton Weaver Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted KIN/0063 Rural Land to rear of 15 - 59 Chester Road, Sutton Weaver Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Club House, Kingsley Cricket Club, Brook House Farm and Mill a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. Mixed r KIN/0070 Rural Brook bungalow, Mill Lane, Kingsley Mix threshold(s) use land. Recommendation B - Exception Test

75 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a KIN/0077 Rural Land off Bent Lane, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a LNB/0012 Rural Land adjacent Patterdale, Dunstan Lane, Burton, Neston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted LNB/0031 Rural Land to the west of Stub Lane, Ness Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a LNB/0032 Rural Land south east of Stub Lane, Ness Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a LNB/0033 Rural Leawood, Mudhouse Lane, Burton, Neston, Cheshire Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted LNB/0035 Rural Agricultural Land adj Pillar Croft, Mudhouse Lane Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted LNB/0036 Rural Agricultural Land adj Pillar Croft, Mudhouse Lane Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land off Mudhouse Lane, adjacent Pheasant Field Cottage, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted LNB/0037 Rural Burton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0005 Rural Ashcroft,Ash Grove, Chorlton Witney Lane,Lane, Cuddington,Nr Malpas Malpas, SY14 7EN Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0036 Rural PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0072 Rural Land at Bell Farm, Bell O Th'Hill Road, Malpas Greenfield threshold(s) Land to south-west of Ivy Cottage, Wileymoor Lane, r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAL/0080 Rural , Whitchurch Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Land adjacent Tushingham Hall, Cooks Lane, Tushingham, r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0081 Rural Whitchurch Greenfield threshold(s) Land adjacent Moorfields, Moorside Farm, Willeymoor Lane, r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0082 Rural Tushingham Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0091 Rural Wallgrove Farm (agricultural barns), Tushingham Greenfield threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a MAR/0008 Rural Land at Wayside, Northwich Road, Antrobus, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a MAR/0012 Rural Land at Rosebank Farm, Stone Heyes Lane, Barnton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0015 Rural Land off Barber's Lane, Antrobus Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0017 Rural Land to rear of 2 - 86 Church Street, Higher Wincham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land adjacent to Shrubbery Cottage, Cogshall Lane, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0022 Rural , Cheshire, CW9 6BS Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0036 Rural Land to the rear of 68-76 Church Street, Wincham Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land north of Road and west of Barbers Lane, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0054 Rural Marbury Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0055 Rural Land at Ollershaw Lane, Marston, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a MAR/0057 Rural Heath Lane , Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0058 Rural Land at Greenhills Lane, Lower Whitely, Stretton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a MAR/0060 Rural Former telephone exchange, Senna Lane, Comberbach PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted MAR/0066 Rural Land at Barrymore Crescent, Comberbach Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

76 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0001 Rural Land adjacent 50 Hermitage Road, Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0002 Rural Land at Seahill Road, bound by Crofters Way, Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0003 Rural Land at Darlington Crescent, Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0004 Rural Land at Fiddlers Lane / Meadowscroft, off New Croft, Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r SAM/0006 Rural Land south of The Brambles, Parkgate Road, Mollington Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0007 Rural Land to south of Mollington Grange Business Park Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land at Parkgate Road, Mollington (to north of Mollington r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0008 Rural Grange Business Park) Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0009 Rural Church Farm, Capenhurst Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0012 Rural Land at , Church Road, Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0013 Rural Land at Ledsham Estate Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land at Pear Tree Farm, Green Lane / Hermitage Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0014 Rural Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0017 Rural Saughall Nurseries, Parkgate Road, Saughall, Chester CH1 6JS Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of SAM/0018 Rural BW Tip at Mollington, east of Shropshire Union Canal PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. site Land at Backford Bridge, north of Shropshire Union Canal, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r SAM/0019 Rural Birkenhead Road, Backford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0020 Rural Station Road, land to the north, Lea Hall, Mollington Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0024 Rural Land at Parkway, Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land between Poplar Hall Lane and Little Rake Lane, Chorlton- r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0031 Rural by-Backford, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0032 Rural Land adjacent 100 Hermitage Road, Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Land remaining at Backford Hall, Gordon Lane, Backford, CH1 r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0048 Rural 6PE Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0054 Rural Church Road (land to the rear of 59-69), Saughall Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted SAM/0055 Rural Land adjacent The Dovecote, Capenhurst Lane, Chester Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a SAM/0056 Rural Pasture field, Northbrook Farm Capenhurst Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. Mixed a SAM/0066 Rural The Beeches, Saughall Mix threshold(s) use land. r Below site size / capacity a SHA/0044 Rural Land at Park Farm, Birches Lane, Lostock Green Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a SHA/0056 Rural Clive House Farm PDL threshold(s) Land and buildings opposite Fox Covert Lane, Middlewich r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted SHA/0081 Rural Road, Nether Peover Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a STP/0014 Rural Land at Margarets Lane / Heath Lane, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land.

77 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0028 Rural The Mount, Kelsall Road, Tarvin Sands, Tarvin Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0034 Rural Land off Barrow Lane, Tarvin Sands Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a TAK/0056 Rural Land at Rectory Farm, Chester Road, Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. a Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r TAK/0067 Rural Cheshire Brick and Slate, Kelsall Road, Tarvin PDL threshold(s) Previously developed land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Land west of Stoney Lane and north of Watling Drive, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a TAK/0119 Rural Delamere Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a TAK/0124 Rural Agricultural land At A556 Adj St Peters Church Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity a TAR/0006 Rural Land west of Well House, Edgewell Lane, Eaton Greenfield threshold(s) Land to the rear of Pool House, Oulton Mill Lane, Cotebrook, a Above site size / capacity r TAR/0014 Rural Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test Land at Foxbank Cottage, Foxbank, Cotebrook, Tarporley, r Below site size / capacity r TAR/0044 Rural CW6 9DZ PDL threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test a Above site size / capacity r TAR/0051 Rural Land adjacent Portal Business Park, Tarporley Greenfield threshold(s) Outdoor Sport (private) r Below site size / capacity a TAR/0064 Rural Lower House Farm, Lower Lane, Rushton, Tarporley PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a TAR/0071 Rural Sunnyside Cottage, Moss Hall Lane, Rushton PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0006 Rural Land at Horsley Lane, West of Horsley Lane Farm, Beeston Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0014 Rural Land at Woodfield, PDL threshold(s) Land between Wayside and Red Cottages, Road, r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0017 Rural Broxton Greenfield threshold(s) Land between Salter's Lane and Smithy Lane, Fuller's Moor, r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0022 Rural Broxton Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0051 Rural Grange Farm Chester Road Hatton Chester Cheshire CH3 9AH PDL threshold(s) Harthill Primary School (land to the north-east of school r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0075 Rural buildings), Harthill Lane, Harthill PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0080 Rural Land to west of Oak Cottage, off Horsley Lane Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0087 Rural Beeston Castle Garage, Beeston, Tattenhall PDL threshold(s) Land at Beeston Bridge, south of Shropshire Union Canal, a Above site size / capacity r TAT/0088 Rural Beeston Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r WEC/0015 Rural Land off Sandy Lane, Weaverham, Northwich Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Land at Hill Top Road / Strawberry Lane, , r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0017 Rural Northwich. CW8 3QE Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0035 Rural Land off Chester Road, Hartford Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WEC/0062 Rural Land at Moss Farm, Littledales Lane, Cuddington Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendationsubject to FRA E - Development permitted r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a on flood risk grounds subject to consultation WEC/0076 Rural Land at Wall Hill Farm, Acton Lane, Acton Bridge Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. with LPA / LLFA r Below site size / capacity a WIT/0001 Rural Land at Old Hall,Hadlow Road, Willaston Neston Greenfield threshold(s)

78 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment Land to rear of 26-34 Hooton Road / Pemberton Close / r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WIT/0002 Rural Bennett Close, Willaston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a WIT/0003 Rural Land to rear of Briardale House, Briardale Road, Willaston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a WIT/0005 Rural Land at Orchard Lane, Childer Thornton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Below site size / capacity a WIT/0020 Rural Garage site - Elm Green, Willaston, Neston PDL threshold(s) r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r WIT/0025 Rural Land north of Hooton Road, Hooton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r WIT/0026 Rural Brooklea Meadows, Welsh Road, Little Sutton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation B - Exception Test Land east of Welsh Road and north of Springfield Farm, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WIT/0027 Rural Thornton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation A - Consider withdrawal of WIT/0028 Rural Land south of Neston Road, Willaston Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. site Park Farm (land and buildings) off Hooton Lane, Childer r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted WIT/0029 Rural Thronton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a WIT/0030 Rural Land south of Hooton Green, Hooton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a WIT/0031 Rural Land south of 155 Chester Road, Childer Thornton Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. Land to the west of Foxwist Green Farm, and to the east of r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0054 Rural Foxes Bank, Whitegate Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WSD/0006 Rural Land adjacent Mill Farm House Cottages, Hall Lane, Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted TAR/0001 Tarporley Primary School Park Road, Tarporley Mix threshold(s) subject to FRA Education a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted TAR/0053 Tarporley Arderne Golf Course, Tarporley (area 1) Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Outdoor Sport (private) a Above site size / capacity r a Recommendation D - Development permitted Outdoor Sport (private) TAR/0066b Tarporley Bowling green, High Street, Tarporley, CW6 0D2 Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA NDP site 5 a Above site size / capacity r a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAR/0066c Tarporley Allotments off High Street, Tarporley, CW6 0D2 Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Yes r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAR/0075 Tarporley Quarry Cottage, 1 Burton Square, Ukington Lane, Tarporley PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA a Above site size / capacity r a TAR/0092 Tarporley Land at High Street, Tarporley Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation E - Development permitted on flood risk grounds subject to consultation with LPA / LLFA r Below site size / capacity a TAK/0014 Tarvin 41 Holme Street / By-Pass Road (land adjacent), Tarvin PDL threshold(s) Land to north of Tarvin By Pass, west of Lane, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0032 Tarvin Tarvin Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a TAK/0068 Tarvin Land adjacent 73 By Pass Road, Tarvin Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Recommendation D - Development permitted TAK/0099 Tarvin Land west of Townfield Lane, off Holme Street, Tarvin Greenfield threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0002 Tattenhall Land adjacent 60 Tattenhall Road, Tattenhall Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r TAT/0037 Tattenhall Land to rear of 15 - 45 Greenlands, Tattenhall Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0066 Tattenhall Lion House / Melrose (land to the rear), Tattenhall Greenfield threshold(s) Land at Chester Road / Tattenhall Road (play area and field), a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted TAT/0085 Tattenhall Tattenhall Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA School pitches

79 APPENDIX C - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt STAGE NDP protected local Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Sports pitches Reference area Site address / location Land_Type 1A assessment assessment 1B green space Flood Risk recommendation Allotment(s) assessment a Above site size / capacity r TAT/0089 Tattenhall Land to rear of 30-84 Castlefields, Tattenhall Greenfield threshold(s) Recommendation B - Exception Test Land at the rear of 6 Wharton Green, Road, Bostock, r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0006 Winsford Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0015 Winsford Land to rear of 254 - 290 Station Road, Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0039 Winsford 29 Middlewich Road, Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0049 Winsford Land at Wharton Road/ Shaw Lane, Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0051 Winsford Land to east of Brighton Belle PH, Station Road, Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0054 Winsford Garage court off Lodge Drive, Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0055 Winsford Home Farm, Rockery Rise, Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0057 Winsford Garage court off Crook Lane / School Road, Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WIW/0058 Winsford Garage court off Esk Road, Winsford PDL threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted WIW/0060 Winsford Barton Stadium, Winsford Utd FC, Wharton Road, Winsford PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA Sports pitch / stadium r Below site size / capacity a Recommendation D - Development permitted WIW/0062 Winsford Garage court and land off Bradbury Road, Winsford PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0017 Winsford Land between 6 / 7 Chirk Place, Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0018 Winsford Land off Grove Close, Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted WOV/0048 Winsford Land off Mount Pleasant Drive/Dover Drive, Winsford PDL threshold(s) subject to FRA OutdoorEducation Sport (fixed) a Above site size / capacity r Recommendation D - Development permitted Park and Recreation WOV/0049 Winsford Knights Grange, Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) subject to FRA Ground The Edge, Winsford Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Cheviot Square, r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0053 Winsford Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0090 Winsford Land adjacent 19 St Johns Drive, Winsford Greenfield threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0091 Winsford Car park, White Lion Public House, Delamere Street Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WSD/0009 Winsford Garage court adjacent 46 Russell Road, Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WSD/0029 Winsford Health Centre, High Street, Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WSD/0033 Winsford St Johns Ambulance, Upper Haigh Street, Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WSD/0035 Winsford Upper High Street (land and buildings), Winsford PDL threshold(s) r Below site size / capacity a WSD/0036 Winsford Dene Drive (garage court), Winsford PDL threshold(s)

80 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Blacon Community nature park, Blacon Point Road, r Open space designation / typology. BLA/0038 Chester Blacon Greenfield Land use not suitable for redevelopment Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Land at Abbots Mead, west of canal / south of Blacon Site affected by pipeline buffer. r BLA/0053 Chester Avenue, Blacon Greenfield Land use not suitable for redevelopment Open space designation / typology. Watersmeet, land adjoining Chester West Employment Park and land to south of River Dee, eastern side of r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location BLA/0090 Chester Saltney Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Site in active use for infrastructure provision. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r BOU/0003 Chester Boughton Water Works Site, Bulkeley Street, Boughton PDL No known intentions to relocate facility. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site BOU/0004 Chester West Car Park, Railway Station, Chester PDL from assessment. Environmental protection Garage and land to rear of Christleton Road, Boughton, Mixed use brownfield and greenfield site a r BOU/0007 Chester Chester PDL Multiple ownership issues. Multiple ownership Site in active use for infrastructure provision. a r BOU/0016 Chester Covered Reservoir, Reservoir Terrace, Chester PDL No known intentions to relocate facility. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Site inaccessible (land locked). a r BOU/0055 Chester Chemistry Lock Tarvin Road, Chester PDL Ownership unknown. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Site in active use for infrastructure provision. a r BOU/0056 Chester Water works site end of Brassey Street Boughton PDL No known intentions to relocate facility. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Site in active use for sport and leisure privision. a r CHC/0002 Chester Northgate Arena and Car Park, Chester PDL No known intentions to reloccte facility. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Site has been redeveloped for leisure / hotel a r accommodation. CHC/0021 Chester Norroy House / Watergate House, Nuns Road, Chester PDL Site not available. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area a r Site is active use. CHC/0033 Chester P.O. Sorting Office, Hoole Bridge, Chester PDL No known intentions to relocate services Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

a r Site has been redeveloped for leisure accommodation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. CHC/0035 Chester St Martin's Lodge, Nicholas street PDL Site not available Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. A range of existing use(s) on site that would require a r relocation / alternative provision. CHC/0038 Chester The Brookdale Centre Union Terrace / Brookdale Place PDL Multiple ownership issues. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r CHC/0046 Chester Car park to rear of 21 - 55 Frodsham Street, Chester PDL City centre car parking including provision of disabled bays. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Southern Tail development (remaining part of Housing development not comaptible within HSE inner Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r GAQ/0006 Chester allocation), New crane street PDL consultation zone. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

Land off New Crane Street, adjacent 2-12 Kitchen Street, r Housing development not comaptible within HSE inner GAQ/0012 Chester Chester (Old Port) PDL consultation zone. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

Mixed sources including vacant greenfield and garden land. Land to rear of 82 - 94 Vicars Cross Road, Vicars Cross, a r Multiple ownerships across site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. GRB/0007 Chester Chester Greenfield No access. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

r GRB/0022 Chester Retail units, Caldy Valley Road, Great Boughton, Chester PDL Existing retail centre. No redevelopment opportunity identified. Retail centre

a a r Constraints and /or issues identified that could result in site Greenfield site. being unachievable GRB/0023 Chester Land to rear of 35 - 41 Manor Drive, Boughton, Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues Site is land locked with no identifiable access into site. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Education land and buildings. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r HAP/0027 Chester West Cheshire College, Handbridge Campus PDL No known intentions to replace / reloate facility policy change. Open space designation / typology.

r Land unsuitable for development - heavily wooded / Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. HAP/0037 Chester Lache Lane (land at roundabout), Chester Greenfield topography Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

r Land unsuitable for development - heavily wooded / HAP/0038 Chester Land east of 2 Hough Green, Overleigh Greenfield topography Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area r HOO/0002 Chester Land off Hoole Lane / Homesteads Drive, Hoole, Chester PDL Ancient burial ground - unsuitable for redevelopment. Ancient burial ground Garden land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r HOO/0004 Chester Land adjacent 20-35 Hoole Gardens, Hoole, Chester Greenfield Multiple ownership issiues. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Garden land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r HOO/0005 Chester Land to rear of 1-6 Hoole Gardens, Hoole, Chester Greenfield Multiple ownership issues. policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Open space designation / typology. HOO/0007 Chester Land off Hoole Road, Willow Crescent, Hoole, Chester Greenfield Site configuration / topography not suitable Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Environmental protection recommendation to discount site r HOO/0015 Chester Land off Brookside Terrace, Hoole, Chester PDL from assessment. Environmental protection Land off Westbury Way, rear of St Marks Road, Lache, Garden land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r LAC/0003 Chester Chester Greenfield Multiple ownership issiues. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Environmental protection r LAC/0008 Chester Lapperfield, off Barnwood Drive, Lache Greenfield from assessment. Open space designation / typology.

r Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or LAC/0009 Chester Land adjacent railway line, Green Lane, Lache Greenfield Railway land. Safeguarded land policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield site. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land to rear of Churchwood Close, (adjacent railway a r No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Open space designation / typology. NEW/0003 Chester line), Upton, Chester Greenfield No access. Land locked policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Land unsuitable for development - topography / physical r NEW/0007 Chester Land north of Garth Drive, Bache, Chester Greenfield constraints Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. 81 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes r Greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Open space designation / typology. NEW/0014 Chester Land off Plas Newton Lane, Newton, Chester Greenfield Topology removes site from assessment EdgeNo known of city ownership centre retail / ransom location. strip issues. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. No known intentions to relocate or redevelop site in short to a r NEW/0018 Chester 1-5 Centurion Point Victoria Road PDL medium term. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. In active use. Community facility. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r UPT/0012 Chester The Wheatsheaf Inn, Liverpool Road PDL No known intentions to move / relocate. policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land unsuitable for development - topography / physical r UPT/0021 Chester Land adjacent Bache Station, Bache, Chester Greenfield constraints Moston Garage and land to the south, Liverpool Road, Environmental protection recommendation to discount site r UPT/0031 Chester Moston PDL from assessment. Environmental protection Residential and adjacent greenfield land. Cuddington and a r Ownership unknown. WEC/0009 Sandiway Golden Nook Bungalow, Forest Road PDL No known development intentions

Land adjacent The Gunners PH, Thornton Road, a r Brownfield land in active use associated with public house. EPT/0011 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port Mix No known intentions to relocate / redevelop site. Site affected by pipeline buffer. HSE middle consultation zone restricts residential development to max 30 dw, r with density no greater than 40 dw/ha. Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Site affected by pipeline buffer. EPT/0062 Ellesmere Port Gas works site, Cromwell Road, Ellesmere Port PDL from assessment. Environmental protection r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Environmental protection LEM/0008 Ellesmere Port Land off Foxall Way, Ledsham, Ellesmere Port Greenfield from assessment. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Brownfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r NET/0004 Ellesmere Port Units 1-35 Westminster Industrial Park, Ellesmere Port PDL Possible multiple ownership issues. policy change. Open space designation / typology. The Sutton Way Public House, Sutton Way, Ellesmere r STP/0005 Ellesmere Port Port PDL Site redeveloped for retail use. Education land and buildings. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r STP/0006 Ellesmere Port Sutton High School, Mill Lane, Ellesmere Port PDL No known intention to cease current use. Open space designation / typology. Land off Linden Close/Vine Road/Juniper Road, Greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or r STR/0001 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port Greenfield Land use and topography not suitable No known ownership / ransom strip issues. policy change. Open space designation / typology. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. SFRA recommendation. Ellesmere Port Sports Village, Stanney Lane, Ellesmere a r Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Site affected by pipeline buffer.Open space designation / typology. WHI/0001 Ellesmere Port Port PDL In active use - new community / leisure facility policy change. Open space designation / typology. Mixed brownfield / greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or In active employment use. policy change. Cheshire Oaks 5C West, Longlooms Lane, and land at a r No known intentions to move / relocate from employment Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be SFRA recommendation. WHI/0012 Ellesmere Port Lloyd Drive, Ellesmere Port Mix location. achievable. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site WHI/0017 Ellesmere Port Land west of Queens Avenue, off Chester Road, Whitby Mix from assessment. Environmental protection Mixed brownfield / greenfield site. a r In active community / employment use. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or WHI/0018 Ellesmere Port Masonic Hall and Grounds, Chester Road, Ellesmere Port PDL No known intentions to move / relocate. policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Land adjacent 'Farthings', Hooton Park Lane, Ellesmere r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site WIT/0013 Ellesmere Port Port Mix from assessment. Environmental protection

Greenfield r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0066 Farndon Land at The Hollows, Townfield Lane, Farndon extension suitable for proposed use. Site in active multiple uses including household waste site Environmental protection and railway station car parking. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r FRO/0030 Frodsham Church Street Depot, Frodsham PDL No known intentions to relocate existing facilities. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

a r Greenfield and garden land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or TAK/0013 Kelsall Land rear of 91-99 Quarry Lane, Kelsall Greenfield Multiple ownership issues policy change. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r MAL/0007 Malpas Land at Chester Road / Logan's Lane, Malpas extension suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land off Church Walk, to rear of The Tithe Barn / a r Garden land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or MAL/0028 Malpas Hawthorn Cottages, Malpas Greenfield GreenfieldMultiple ownership agricultural issues. land. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area No known ownership issues. a r MAL/0074 Malpas Land adjacent Cockfight Field, Malpas Greenfield No access. Land locked Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield agricultural land. a r No known ownership issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or MAL/0078 Malpas Land to north of Hayside Walk, Malpas Greenfield No access. Land locked policy change. Access Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r MAL/0093 Malpas Land at The Cedars, Oldhall Street, Malpas Greenfield No access identified. Land locked. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Land to north of Malpas Alport Primary School, High St/ Greenfield agricultural land. a r MAL/0098 Malpas Rd, Malpas Greenfield No access identified. Land locked. Access Greenfield agricultural land. a r MAL/0115 Malpas Land Adjacent 6 Smithy Lane, Malpas Greenfield No access identified. Land locked. Access

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Neston and a r NDP employment designation policy change. NES/0007 Parkgate Clayhill 1, Water Tower Road, Neston PDL Brownfield land within existing employment location. NDP employment designation Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Neston and a r policy change. NES/0011 Parkgate Morgans Land, Water Tower Road, Neston PDL Neighbourhood Development Plan employment designation. NDP employment designation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r Greenfield garden land site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Open space designation / typology. DAM/0001 Northwich Land to rear of 73 Hartford Road, Davenham PDL Land locked. No access policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Gardens and land to rear of 2-38 Grainage, Dobells Road, a r Garden land. DAM/0009 Northwich Northwich Greenfield Multiple ownership issues. Multiple ownership 82 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Housing development not comaptible within HSE inner r HAG/0002 Northwich Wallerscote Road (former gas works), Northwich PDL consultation zone. Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Environmental protection r MAR/0010 Northwich 6 and 6A Ollershaw Lane, Marston, Northwich PDL from assessment. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Active employment uses on site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r MAR/0019 Northwich Land at Chapel Street, Wincham PDL No known intentions to move / reloate businesses policy change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or r MAR/0047 Northwich Bandshed Wood, off Lydyett Lane, Barnton Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. policy change. Open space designation / typology. a r Vacant greenfield land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or MAR/0051 Northwich land to rear of Lion Salt Works, Weaverham Greenfield No direct road access. Land locked. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Brown Owl Public House (car park), Church Road, a r Site in active use (community facility). MAR/0061 Northwich Barnton PDL No known intention to relocate / move Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SHA/0041 Northwich Land to south/west of Lostock Gralam Greenfield r suitable for proposed use. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. policy change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. In active employment use. SFRA recommendation. a r No known intentions to reloacte. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Site affected by pipeline buffer. SHA/0042 Northwich Former depot site, Griffiths Road, Northwich PDL No direct road access policy change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be Within proposed compensation of HS2 route. SHA/0055 Northwich East of King Street, Rudheath, Northwich CW9 7RX Greenfield Within proposed safeguarded route of HS2. achievable. EnvironmentalSite affected by constraints pipeline buffer. identifed that may require mitigation. In active employment use. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. a r SHA/0071 Northwich Haulage Yard, Griffiths Road, Northwich PDL No known intentions to reloacte. policy change. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

Brownfield site. a r In active employment use within employment location. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. WIC/0007 Northwich Land east of Winnington Avenue, Northwich PDL No known intentions to move / relocate facility. policy change. Open space designation / typology.

a r Brownfield land to rear of residential / retail premises. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or WIC/0011 Northwich Winnington Lane (garage court), Northwich PDL Multiple ownership and access issues policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. In active use. No known intentions to move / relocate. a r Residential permission not implemented - superceded by Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or WIC/0024 Northwich Research Laboratories, Winnington Lane, Northwich PDL leisure permission. policy change. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r policy change. Existing / long term employment use on site. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WIC/0045 Northwich Land at Winnington Avenue, Northwich PDL No known intention to relocate / move. achievable. SFRA recommendation. Environmental protection r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIC/0059 Northwich Leicester Street Depot, Northwich PDL from assessment. Open space designation / typology.

Charles Barber and Sons LTD, 1-13 Station Road, r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Environmental protection WIC/0060 Northwich Northwich, CW9 5LR PDL from assessment. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

r Housing development not comaptible within HSE inner WIC/0070 Northwich North of Wallerscote Road, Weaverham Greenfield consultation zone. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land to north of Manchester Road, east of Cranage Lane, Vacant greenfield land. Constraints and /or issues identified that could result in site a a r WIC/0071 Northwich Northwich PDL No known ownership / randsom strip issues. being unachievable Site affected by pipeline buffer and overhead pylons. r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Environmental protection WIC/0072 Northwich Land at Station Road, Northwich PDL from assessment. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

Land between 61 Manchester Road and Chester Way, a r Exisiting employment uses on site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. WIC/0119 Northwich Northwich PDL No known intentions to reloate or redevelop site. policy change. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

r Housing development not comaptible within HSE inner Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIR/0010 Northwich Land north of Farm Road, Rudheath Greenfield consultation zone. Open space designation / typology. Exiting employment and community uses on site. a r Within existing emplpoymnet location. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. WIR/0027 Northwich Land at Lostock Works House, Works Lane, Northwich PDL ExistingNo known use(s) intentions on site tothat relocate would /require redevelop. relocation / Constraintspolicy change. / issues identified that may require mitigation or Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Land to rear of the Farmers Arms and 181 - 237 alternative provision. policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r WIR/0033 Northwich Middlewich Road, Northwich PDL Multiple ownerships across the site. Residential redevelopment previously promoted. SFRA recommendation. Fildes Builders Merchants, Warrington Road, Mickle Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r CHV/0052 Rural Trafford PDL suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r CHV/0097 Rural Guy Lane Farm buildings, Guy Lane, Waverton (W5) Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental protection recommendation to discount site Environmental protection r CHV/0108 Rural Former garage, Whitchurch Road, Christleton PDL from assessment. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land north of Shipbrook Road, east of Davenham By- Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r DAM/0021 Rural Pass, Davenham Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r DAM/0045 Rural Land to east of Jack Lane, Moulton Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location DAM/0046 Rural Land off Brick Kiln Lane/north east of Jack Lane, Moulton Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r DAM/0047 Rural Land to west of A533 / off Brick Kiln Lane, Moulton Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r DAM/0049 Rural Land east of A533, Brick Kiln Lane, Moulton Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location DAM/0064 Rural Land south of Shipbrook Road, west of A553 Davenham Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. 83 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location DAM/0069 Rural Land at Shipbrook Road Farm, Shipbrook Road, DavenhamGreenfield suitable for proposed use.

a r Brownfield land in active use associated with public house. DOH/0003 Rural Land to rear of Rose Cottages, Dodleston PDL No known intentions to relocate / redevelop site. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location DOH/0009 Rural Two Mile House Farm, Dodleston PDL suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location DOH/0010 Rural Rough Hill, Marlston cum Lache, Dodleston PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r suitable for proposed use. ELT/0029 Rural Ince Caravan Site, Station Road, Ince, Ellesmere Port PDL NotHousing within development or adjacent isto not a recognised compatible sustainable within HSE location inner suitable for proposed use. r Housing development is not compatible within HSE inner ELT/0033 Rural Land at Bunbury Croft, , Chester Mix consultation zone Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0030 Rural Former Stretton Dairy, Stretton Mill Lane PDL suitable for proposed use.

Old Smithy, Paddocks and back gardens, New Lane / r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0041 Rural Pump Lane, Churton (CH1) Mix suitable for proposed use.

Paddock and former Quarry, Stannage Lane, Churton r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0042 Rural (CH2) Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0043 Rural Land at Stannage Farm, Stannage Lane, Churton (C3) Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0056 Rural Land south of Church Cottages, Chapel Lane, Bruera Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0057 Rural Land off Platts Lane, east of St Mary's Church, Bruera Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0058 Rural Land east of Newbold Cottages, Platts Lane, Bruera Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0081 Rural Land to north of 1 Chapel Lane, Bruera Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location GOW/0071 Rural Hob Lane Farm, Gowy PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location GOW/0073 Rural A56 Park Homes, Dunham-on-the-Hill PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location GOW/0075 Rural Square House Farm, Dunham-on-the-Hill Mix suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location GOW/0076 Rural Wood Bank Farm, Dunham-on-the-Hill PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location KIN/0011 Rural School, Blakemere Lane, Norley PDL suitable for proposed use.

Haulage yard (tank store), Town Farm, Town Farm Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location KIN/0012 Rural Norley PDL suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location KIN/0026 Rural Hatchmere car park, Delamere Road, Norley, WA6 6NL Mix suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Land west of Whitchurch Road, off Witney Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0003 Rural Hampton Heath Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0004 Rural Land south of Witney Lane, Hampton Heath Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0006 Rural Land at Logan's Lane, Malpas Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0017 Rural Former builders yard, Oldhall Street, Malpas PDL suitable for proposed use. Land to west of Passedena, Chester Road, No Man's r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or MAL/0021 Rural Heath Greenfield suitable for proposed use. policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0039 Rural New Farm Court, Tilston Road, Overton, Malpas PDL suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land between Brookside and Yew Tree Cottage, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0040 Rural Chorlton Lane, Cuddington Heath, Malpas Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0055 Rural Land at Clock House, Whitchurch Road, Malpas Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land to rear of Hampton Industrial Estate, Witney Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0064 Rural Hampton Heath, Malpas Mix suitable for proposed use. 84 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0069 Rural Land at Barnmore House, Bickley PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0070 Rural Land at Pool Lane, Cuddington Heath, Malpas PDL suitable for proposed use. Land at Milestone Fram, Wrexham Road, Cuddington r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0073 Rural Heath, Malpas Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0083 Rural Land at Tileyard, Tushingham, Whitchurch Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0084 Rural Land to east of Whitchurch Road, Bell O'th Hill, Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0096 Rural Land adjacent Firs Farm, Chorlton Lane, Malpas Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0102 Rural Land at Wobbs Plantation, Tushingham Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be MAL/0117 Rural Bickley Community Project (Cholmondeley Estate) Greenfield suitable for proposed use. achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAR/0056 Rural Land at Brakeley Lodge, Church Road, PDL Notsuitable within for or proposed adjacent use. to a recognised sustainable location Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. suitable for proposed use. Within proposed compensation of HS2 route. r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site r Site affected by pipeline buffer. SHA/0003 Rural Land to east of Griffiths Road, Northwich Greenfield from assessment. Within proposed safeguarded route of HS2 Open space designation / typology. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0004 Rural Moss Lane ( Warehouse Co), Byley PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land south of Yew Tree Farm, Middlewich Road, Lower r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0006 Rural Peover Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Quince Cottage and Victoria Cottage, Brick Back Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0014 Rural , Northwich PDL suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0027 Rural Land East of Chapel Lane, Allostock Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0037 Rural Birches Lane, Lostock Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land at Egerton Terrace, adjacent 16 r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0038 Rural Road, Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r Within proposed compensation of HS2 route. SHA/0039 Rural Springbank Farm, Birches Lane, Lostock Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Within proposed safeguarded route of HS2 Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land adjacent Snig Hall, Holmes Chapel Road, Lach r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0046 Rural Dennis Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r Within proposed compensation of HS2 route. SHA/0052 Rural Land at Crookes Lane, Rudheath Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Within proposed safeguarded route of HS2 Site affected by pipeline buffer. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Within proposed compensation of HS2 route. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Site affected by pipeline buffer. SHA/0068 Rural Land to east of Lostock Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Open space designation / typology.

Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at Birches Lane, adjacent to Polar Grove, Lostock r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Within proposed compensation of HS2 route. SHA/0069 Rural Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r SHA/0070 Rural Land at Hill's Garden Centre, off London Road, Allostock Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r SHA/0072 Rural Land west of Middlewich Road, Swan Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r TAK/0024 Rural Hockenhull Hall, Hockenhull Lane, Tarvin PDL suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAK/0035 Rural Fourways Quarry, Chester Road, Oakmere PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAK/0060 Rural Land at Water Farm, Middlewich Road, Oakmere Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAK/0061 Rural The Quarry, Abbey Wood, Chester Road, Delamare Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAK/0066 Rural Land at Grove House, Titley Lane, Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land at Cherry Orchard Farm, Abbey Lane, Delamere, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAK/0113 Rural Cheshire Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAK/0114 Rural Willow Run, Barrow Lane, Tarvin, Chester, CH3 8JF Mix suitable for proposed use. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or r policy change. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Greenfield agricultural land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAK/0149 Rural Brooklea, Road, Duddon Greenfield suitable for proposed use. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. achievable. SFRA recommendation.

85 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or r policy change. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Greenfield agricultural land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAK/0150 Rural Land to rear of Brooklea, Duddon Road, Duddon Greenfield suitable for proposed use. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. achievable. SFRA recommendation.

a r Mixed use residential and agricultural land and buildings. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAR/0013 Rural Oak Tree Farm, Edgewell Lane, Eaton PDL Multiple ownership issues. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Greenfield agricultural land. Land to rear of Park Farm, Vicarage Lane, Little a r No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. TAR/0022 Rural Budworth Greenfield No access policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land between Hickhurst Lane and Winterford Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. TAR/0029 Rural Eaton Greenfield suitable for proposed use. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0030 Rural Land at Salterswell House, Tarporley Mix suitable for proposed use. Land off High Street, opposite Salterswell House, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0031 Rural Tarporley Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0054 Rural Arderne Golf Course, Tarporley Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0055 Rural Club House Site (zone A), Portal, Tarporley Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0056 Rural The academy site (zone B), Portal Golf Club, Tarporley Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0057 Rural Hotel Site, Portal Golf Club, Tarporley PDL suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0058 Rural Rode Street Works / Buffer Depot, Rode St, Tarporley PDL suitable for proposed use.

Land at the corner of Utkinton Lane / A49 opposite r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Greenfield agricultural land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be TAR/0070 Rural Cotebrook Church Greenfield suitable for proposed use. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. achievable.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0076 Rural Land at Utkinton Road, south east of A49, Tarporley Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land to west of Red Lane, north of Crows Nest Cottage, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0003 Rural Newton-by-Tattenhall Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

Land south of The Laurels, Whitchurch Road, Milton r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0005 Rural Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0008 Rural Land at The Firs, Frog Lane, Milton Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r suitable for proposed use. Land adjacent Station House, Tattenhall Road, Newton- Housing development is not compatible within HSE inner TAT/0011 Rural by-Tattenhall Mix consultation zone Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Broxton Hall Country House Hotel, Whitchurch Road, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0013 Rural Broxton, CH3 9JS PDL suitable for proposed use.

Land east of Whitchurch Road, rear of Sunnyside, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0018 Rural Handley Mix suitable for proposed use. Land at Smithy Green, Chester Road, Gatesheath, nr r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0019 Rural Tattenhall Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0023 Rural Church Farm, The Green, Harthill, CH3 9LQ PDL suitable for proposed use. Land adjacent The Sandstone Inn (PH), Nantwich Road, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0024 Rural Brown Knowl, CH3 9JH Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0025 Rural Land off Red Lane, Huxley, Tattenhall Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0026 Rural Beeston Cattle Auction, A49, Beeston, CW6 9NZ PDL suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land adjacent to Milton Green Farm, Chapel Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0030 Rural Milton Green, Chester Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

Land to rear of The Cottage, Whitchurch Road, Milton r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0035 Rural Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land adjacent Milton Green Farm, Chapel Lane, Milton r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0036 Rural Green Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0040 Rural Land south of Brown Knowl Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0046 Rural Woodend Farm, Park Wood, Harthill Mix suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0056 Rural Gatesheath Farm, Tattenhall Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. 86 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Land south of Horsley Lane, east of Castle View r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0058 Rural (Peckforton Estate) Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land at The Moat House, Horsley Lane, (Peckforton r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0060 Rural Estate) Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land at Smithy Corner, Tattenhall Lane, Beeston r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0061 Rural (Peckforton Estate) Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Peckforton Road, land to the west of Beeston Old Farm, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0062 Rural Beeston Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Moss Lane, land to the south of Wheelwrights Cottage, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0063 Rural Beeston Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0064 Rural Platts Lane (land at), west of Rose Cottage, Bruera Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0065 Rural Land south of Platts Lane, junction with A41, Bruera Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Beeston Outdoor Education Centre, Peckforton Road, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0072 Rural Beeston Mix suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Outdoor Education Centre, School Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0073 Rural Burwardsley Mix suitable for proposed use. Within a candidate key settlement gap. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0074 Rural Land at Garden Lane, Harthill Lane, Harthill Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0076 Rural Harthill Primary School, Harthill Lane, Harthill PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Highways Depot and adjacent land, Chapel Lane, Milton r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0077 Rural Green Mix suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0081 Rural Land east of Oak Cottage, Off Horsley Lane Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0082 Rural Former Sand Quarry, Deanbank, Beeston Mix suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAT/0083 Rural North West of Mill Farm / Spring Meadow, A49, Beeston Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0084 Rural Former oil depot (A49), Beeston PDL suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0092 Rural Land off Church Lane / Chapel Lane, Hargrave Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be TAT/0109 Rural Land at Tilstone Lodge, Greenfield suitable for proposed use. achievable. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0117 Rural Land off Chester Road, Tattenhall Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

Bryn Farmhouse, Warrington Road, Cuddington, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WEC/0034 Rural Northwich PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land between Chester Road, Dalefords Lane and Cockpit r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WEC/0052 Rural Lane, Sandiway Greenfield suitable for proposed use.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WEC/0055 Rural Land at Acton Bridge Mix suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WEC/0060 Rural Land at Hill Farm, Northwich Road, Dutton PDL suitable for proposed use. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Depot, land north of Northwich Road and west of r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WEC/0063 Rural Tarporley Road, Weaver and Cuddington PDL suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r suitable for proposed use. r Housing development is not compatible within HSE inner Within proposed compensation of HS2 route. WIR/0012 Rural Land at Cooke's Lane, Rudheath Greenfield consultation zone. Within proposed safeguarded route of HS2 Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land rear of The Chapel/ The Cedars, Brooklea Meadow, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WIT/0012 Rural Welsh Road, Little Sutton PDL suitable for proposed use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WOV/0002 Rural Land off Cassia Green Lane, Whitgate, Winsford Greenfield suitable for proposed use. r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WOV/0007 Rural Darland Croft, Dalefords Lane, Whitegate Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land between The Whitehouse and Kingswood, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WOV/0011 Rural Dalefords Lane, Whitegate Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land adjacent The Beeches, Byrn Farm, Dalefords Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WOV/0019 Rural Whitegate Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Land off Cinder HIll / Foxwist Green, Whitegate, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WOV/0020 Rural Northwich Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location r WOV/0082 Rural Land at Grange Lane, Catsclough, Winsford Greenfield suitable for proposed use. Open space designation / typology.

87 APPENDIX C - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment) Local Plan STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference spatial area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location WSD/0005 Rural Estate Yard (Lodge Wood), Hall Lane, Darnhall PDL suitable for proposed use.

a r Mixed brownfield and greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or No access. policy change. TAR/0011 Tarporley Rear of The Bakery, High Street, Tarporley Mix Planning application for residential development withdrawn. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Tarvin By-Pass (land to the north),east of Hockenhull r Greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. TAK/0012 Tarvin Lane, Tarvin Greenfield Protected community woodland No known ownership / ransom strip issues. policy change. Open space designation / typology.

a r Greenfield land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or TAK/0123 Tarvin Land at Church Street, south of The Old Vicarage, Tarvin Greenfield No current access. Land locked policy change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. r Housing development not comaptible within HSE inner Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAK/0158 Tarvin Land at Church Street, Tarvin Greenfield consultation zone. Within a candidate key settlement gap. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. SFRA recommendation. r Open space designation / typology. The Rookery / Chester Road (paddock adjacent), Land unsuitable for development - topography / physical Environmental constraints / issues identified that result in Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. TAT/0067 Tattenhall Tattenhall Greenfield constraints site being unachievable NDP open space designation Tattenhall Outdoor Education Centre, High Street, a r Education land and buildings. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAT/0078 Tattenhall Tattenhall Mix No known intention to cease current use. achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

a r In active employment use. Recent improvements to site approved. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or WIW/0008 Winsford Ford Garage, 297-317 Station Road, Winsford PDL No known intention to move / relocate policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Garden land to rear of residential street. a r WIW/0014 Winsford Land to rear of 80 - 98 Station Road, Winsford Greenfield Multiple ownership issues

a r Site in active use with no known intentions to redevelop or WIW/0019 Winsford Caravan Park, Rilshaw Lane, Winsford PDL expand. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r Greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Open space designation / typology. WIW/0052 Winsford Land to rear of Red Lion Pub, High Street, Winsford Greenfield Possible access issues. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

a r In active employment use. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or WIW/0056 Winsford Barry Wilkinson Tyres Wharton Road, Winsford PDL No known intentions to move / relocate from premises. policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Brownfield site. In active use for storage. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. a r WIW/0059 Winsford Meadow Island, Bradford Road, Winsford Greenfield No known intentions to move / relocate. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Winsford High Street Primary School, Winsford High Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r WOV/0001 Winsford Street, Winsford Mix In active use for employment and education. policy change. SFRA recommendation. Land at junction of Littler Lane / Blakeden Lane, r Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location Greenfield agricultural land. WOV/0005 Winsford Winsford Greenfield suitable for proposed use. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Land south of sewage works, off Whitegate Way, r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site WOV/0006 Winsford Winsford Greenfield from assessment. Environmental protection

Land north of Wades Lane, west of Bradford Road, r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site WOV/0035 Winsford Winsford Greenfield from assessment. Environmental protection a r Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WOV/0046 Winsford Land to North of Woodford Lane West, Winsford PDL In active use policy change. SFRA recommendation. West Works Winsford Rocksalt Mine, Bradford Road, r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site WOV/0076 Winsford Winsford PDL from assessment. Environmental protection a r Education land and buildings. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WOV/0077 Winsford Verdin High School, Grange Lane, Winsford Mix No known intention to cease current use. Open space designation / typology. Existing use(s) on site. No known intentiosn to move / a r relocate, Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. WOV/0080 Winsford Bradford Road (Overworks stocking area) Greenfield Potential multiple ownership issues. policy change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site WOV/0081 Winsford Land at Shepherds Fold, off Willow Close, Winsford Greenfield from assessment. Environmental protection Education land and buildings. a r WOV/0087 Winsford Oaklands school, off Montgomery Way, Winsford PDL No known intention to cease current use. Open space designation / typology. Brownfield site in active use. Multiple users. a r No known intentions to move / relocate in short / medium WOV/0106 Winsford Verdin Exchange, High Street, Winsford PDL term Residential land and buildings. The Old Vicarage and Coach House, Darnhall School a r Possible multiple ownership issues. WSD/0024 Winsford Lane, Winsford PDL No known intentions to redevelop Land to rear of Weaver Street, off Winington Street, Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or a r WSD/0034 Winsford Winsford PDL Heavily wooded area policy change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a r Greenfield community space (Improved open space in Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or SFRA recommendation. WSD/0037 Winsford Town Park, Off Dingle Lane, Winsford Greenfield BrownfieldNeighbourhood site in Plan). active use. policy change. Open space designation / typology. Council owned land and buildings. Phoenix House and depot, rear of Weaver Street, a r No known intentions to move / relocate in short / medium Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or WSD/0048 Winsford Winsford PDL term policy change.

88 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0004 Chester Land off Meyrell Place / Downe Place, Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0006 Chester Land off Shelley Road / Milton Road, Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land off Shelley Road, adjacent to Florence Grogan a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area BLA/0010 Chester House, Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Land off Burns Way / Boleyn Close (play area), a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. BLA/0012 Chester Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a a Open space designation / typology. Land between Wemyss Road and Willan Road, Greenfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0026 Chester Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Open space designation / typology. Land between Wemyss Road and Willan Road, a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0027 Chester Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Open space designation / typology. Land to south west of Blacon Point Road / Dalton a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0037 Chester Close, Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0039 Chester Land to rear of 21-33 Western Avenue, Blacon PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Vacant land and buildings. change. a a Site acquired by registered provider. a Planning application by registered provider for residential redevelopment Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area BLA/0041 Chester Land to south of Highfield, Western Avenue, Blacon Mix Potential short to medium term redevelopment opportunity. pending decision. Ecology Site affected by pipeline buffer. Open space designation / typology. Land to north of Cranleigh Crescent / Highcliffe Road, a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0044 Chester Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a Greenfield site in single ownership. a Open space designation / typology. Land off Blacon Avenue, adjacent to Police Potential long term development opportunity if facility became Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0063 Chester Headquarters, Blacon Greenfield surplus. change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0067 Chester Land to rear of 60-74 Durham Road, Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BLA/0089 Chester Land at Blacon Hall Road/Blacon Avenue, Blacon Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. King Edward Buildings/ Bensons site and surrounding a a provision. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. BOU/0010 Chester land, Christleton PDL Potential long term redevelopment opportunity. Adjacent site recently redevloped for residential use. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site of former Boughton St Pauls Infant School, a a Vacant brownfield site, buildings demolished. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. BOU/0017 Chester Boughton, Chester PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Site within canal corridor redevelopment / regeneration area. Ecology

a a Vacant land and buildings. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in No known ownership / ransom strip issues. site being unachievable. BOU/0020 Chester City House, 36 City Road, Chester CH1 3AE PDL Potential short / medium term redevelopment potential. Planning application for residential redevelopment pending decision. Ecology

a a a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy change. Vacant brownfield land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. CHC/0004 Chester Black Diamond Street and Hoole Way, Chester PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Pre application consultation by developer regarding redevelopment. SFRA recommendations

Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative a a provision. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Potential multiple ownership issues. change. CHC/0005 Chester Trafford Street Area, Chester PDL Potential medium to long term redevelopment opportunity.. Site identified in existing develoment briefs for mixed use regeneration. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Brownfield site currently in use for car parking. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative St Anne Street car park, Black Diamond Street, a a provision. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy CHC/0006 Chester Chester PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

89 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Brownfield site currently in use for car parking. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative a a provision. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in CHC/0008 Chester Browns Yard Car Park PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. site being unachievable. Ecology Brownfield site currently in use for car parking. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a provision. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. CHC/0027 Chester New Crane Street Car Park, Chester PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Vacant land and buildings in single ownership. a change. CHC/0029 Chester Former car garage, Lower Bridge Street, Chester PDL Short term redevelopment opportunity. Developer intentions to redevelop site. Ecology Brownfield site currently in use for car parking. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. provision. Expired permission for office redevelopment. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. CHC/0030 Chester Garden Lane Car Park, Chester PDL Potential medium term redevelopment opportunity. Undeveloped allocation. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. BT Building and Newgate House, St John's Street, a a Vacant redeveloped city centre buildings. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. CHC/0032 Chester Chester PDL Potential short to medium term development opportunity change. Ecology

Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation / alternative a a provision. a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in CHC/0034 Chester Loves Garage, Off Garden Lane, Chester PDL Potential medium to long term redevelopment opportunity. site being unachievable. Ecology City centre mixed use site. Potential redevelopment as part of wider strategic site a a redevelopment. a Planning application submitted fro residentail development No constraints / issues initially identified that would result in site being Mixed use redevelopment propsals within Northgate strategic site CHC/0120 Chester 14 to 20 Watergate Street, Chester PDL pending decision. unachievable. Ecology a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. DOH/0005 Chester Land at Gorse Way / Speedwell Close, Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a Vacant greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. DOH/0007 Chester Land at Orchid Road, Chester Greenfield Formal use unkown. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a a change. Greenfield site, deallocated from Green Belt. Site allocated as a strategic housing site. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Site controlled by developers. Controlled and promoted for development by house builder consortium. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. DOH/0017 Chester Wrexham Road, Chester (Local Plan allocation) Greenfield Potential to commence delievry in short to medium term. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

a a Vacant land and buildings. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in 93-99 Chester Road (Hartwell Garage),Huntington Short / medium term redevelopment opportunity. site being unachievable. DOH/0037 Chester Road, Huntington PDL Promoted for residential development. Planning permission previously granted for residential development. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. HSE middle consultation zone restricts residential development to max 30 dw, a a Brownfield site. a with density no greater than 40 dw/ha. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. GAQ/0005 Chester Land to rear of Crane Bank Garage, Chester PDL Possible medium / long term redevelopment opportunity change. Ecology Open space designation / typology. Land off Coopers Croft, Whires Meadow, Boughton a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. GRB/0002 Chester Heath Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. GRB/0003 Chester Land off Robinsons Croft, Boughton Heath Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Land to rear of 51 - 81 Queens Road, off Sutherland a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. GRB/0004 Chester Way, Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative provision. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Beechmoor Garden Centre / Shed sales, Whitchurch a a No known ownership/ransom strip issues. a change. GRB/0034 Chester Road, Chester, Cheshire, CH3 5QD PDL Possible long term redevelopment opportunity. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Land off Dulverton Avenue / Oldfield Drive, Vicars a a Greenfield land to rear of residential properties. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. GRB/0037 Chester Cross Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

Vacant greenfield land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a No known ownership issues. Access may be required through a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area HAP/0019 Chester Land off Lache Lane / Winkwell Drive, Chester Greenfield existing property. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

90 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. HAP/0028 Chester Land off Styelane Croft, Handbridge Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Vacant land to rear of residential properties. Land to rear of 45-51 Percy Road / 15-17 Eaton Road, a a Possible multiple ownership - medium to long term development a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area HAP/0030 Chester Handbridge PDL potential. change. Ecology Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. HAP/0031 Chester Watling Crescent / Greenwood Avenue, Handbridge Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Brownfield site. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. HAP/0033 Chester Watertower off Eaton Mews, Handbridge PDL Possible medium / long term redevelopment opportunity change. Ecology

a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. HAP/0034 Chester Land at Claypit Lane / Castlecroft Road, Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. HAP/0039 Chester Land off Greensway / Northway, Handbridge Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. HOO/0006 Chester Land adjacent 60 Maple Grove, Hoole, Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

Vacant land and buildings. a a In Council ownership. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area HOO/0017 Chester Hoole Road Enterprise Centre, Chester PDL Promoted for redevelopment in short to medium term. change. Ecology Brownfield site. Land between Lightfoot Street/ Thomas Brassery a a In active use with various units across the site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendations HOO/0018 Chester Court / railway line, Hoole, Chester PDL Possible long term redevelopment opportunity change. Ecology No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative site being unachievable. Former car sales garage and public house, Hoole a a provision. a Wider are promoted for redevelopment through Chester Growth HOO/0028 Chester Bridge, Hoole Road, Hoole, Chester PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Partnership.

Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative a a provision. a Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Great Western House, The Sidings, Chester St, No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. LAC/0006 Chester Saltney PDL Possible medium / long term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation / alternative provision. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. LAC/0012 Chester Red Hill House, Hope Street, Saltney PDL Possible long term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Open space designation / typology. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. LAC/0013 Chester Sycamore field, Cliveden Road, Lache Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Site in active employment use. a a No known short term intentions to relocate. a Constraints / issues identified that would require mitigation or policy NEW/0004 Chester Garage off Grange Road, Upton, Chester PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a Vacant land and buildings. No longer in use by NHS. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. NEW/0006 Chester Land off Liverpool Road, Chester PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Site in active employment use. a a No short term intentions to relocate. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy NEW/0008 Chester Liverpool Road (Bus depot), Chester PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

a a Vacant greenfield land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy NEW/0011 Chester Land off Plas Newton Lane, Newton, Chester Greenfield No known onwership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy UPT/0002 Chester Dunham Way, (land adjacent), Chester PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Open space designation / typology. a a Vacant greenfield land within residential area. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. UPT/0010 Chester Land to rear of Marl Heys, Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Ivor Road / Marina Drive (recreation ground), a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. UPT/0011 Chester Chester Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology SFRA recommendation. Land between Handford Road / Newhall Road, a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. UPT/0025 Chester Upton Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

91 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

a a a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Vacant brownfield site. Part of wider redevelopment of surplus change. Land at Countess of Chester Health Park, Liverpool NHS land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation. UPT/0047 Chester Road, Chester Mix No ownership / ransom strip issues. Planning application for residential development pending decision. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Cuddington and Land between Chester Road / Kennel Lane and Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. WEC/0026 Sandiway Dalefords Lane, Sandiway extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Greenfield agricultural land. No known ownership / ransom strip issues - Site actively Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Cuddington and Greenfield a a promoted by agent / landowner. a change. Local wildlife site WEC/0057 Sandiway Land at Blakemere Hall, Chester Road, Cuddington extension Existing uses on wider site proposed for expansion Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable Ecology

Land to rear of Brancepeth Court / Langley Court, a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. EPT/0004 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land to rear of 91-127 Wolverham Road, Ellesmere a a Greenfield site a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. EPT/0005 Ellesmere Port Port PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. EPT/0006 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 59-97 Park Road, Ellesmere Port Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. EPT/0014 Ellesmere Port Land off Colwyn Close, Ellesmere Port PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Land at corner of Somerville Crescent / Harrow Road, a a Vacant greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. EPT/0015 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

a a Exisiting retail centre. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. EPT/0017 Ellesmere Port Land at Marina Drive (retail centre), Ellesmere Port PDL Potential long term mixed use redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology Brownfield site currently in use for car parking. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative a a provision. a HSE middle consultation zone restricts residential development to max 30 dw, Potential medium / long term redevelopment opportunity Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy with density no greater than 40 dw/ha. EPT/0041 Ellesmere Port Wellington Road Car Park, Ellesmere Port PDL associated with adjacent developments. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

a a Vacant brownfield site within town centre. Buildings demolished. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy EPT/0059 Ellesmere Port The Knot PH, Whitby Road, Ellesmere Port Mix No known ownership / ransom strip isses change.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a a change. Brownfield regeneration area within town centre. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Land at Wellington Road/Stanney Lane/Coronation Multiple ownership across site area. Regeneartion of town centre supported through Local Authority EPT/0063 Ellesmere Port Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Potentail medium term redevelopment opportunity. regeneration team. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

a a Greenfield vacant land. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in GRA/0002 Ellesmere Port Land at 42-60 Luton Road, Ellesmere port Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. site being unachievable. Brownfield site. In Council ownership. a a Existing use(s) on siote that may require relocation / alternative a Council depot and garage court off Sutton Way, provision. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy GRA/0010 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Possible medium term redevelopment opportunity change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Vacant land and buildings. In Council ownership. Acorns Primary and Nursery, Pooltown Road / a a Available for disposal and redevelopment in short / medium a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in GRA/0012 Ellesmere Port Regent Street, Ellesmere Port PDL term. site being unachievable.

Land at 9-21 Armthrop Drive, Little Sutton, Ellesmere a a Vacant greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy LEM/0004 Ellesmere Port Port Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Open space designation / typology. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation / alternative provision. a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy LEM/0015 Ellesmere Port 726 Chester Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Possible long term redevelopment opportunity. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Greenfield site. a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. NET/0005 Ellesmere Port Land off Netherpool Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Potential medium / long term development opportunity. change. Ecology Vacant brownfield site. Site of former Foxfields Public House, Poole Hall a a In Council ownership. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental protection recommendation - review NET/0013 Ellesmere Port Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Potential short / medium redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology

92 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes HSE middle consultation zone restricts residential development to max 30 dw, with density no greater than 40 dw/ha. a a a Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Site in active employment use. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land at Crescent Road, off Meadow Lane, Ellesmere No known short term intentions to relocate. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. ROS/0010 Ellesmere Port Port PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology Vacant land and buildings. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Rossfield Park Development (Phase 5: Land at a a Land owner intensions to redevelop site as part of wider a Planning application for residential development pending decision - ROS/0027 Ellesmere Port Rossbank Road / Rosscliffe Road), Ellesmere Port PDL regeneration area. application approved subject to legal agreement Site affected by pipeline buffer. Vacant land and buildings. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land between Rosswood Road / Rossfield Road, a a Land owner intensions to redevelope site as part of wider a change. ROS/0028 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL regeneration area. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental protection recommendation - review Vacant land and buildings. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Rossmore Road East / Rossfield Road North (land at), a a Land owner intensions to redevelope site as part of wider a change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. ROS/0029 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL regeneration area. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy change. Rear of 70-88 Grace Road, New Grosvenor Road, a a Brownfield site in active use which would require relocation. a Planning application for residential development pending decision - ROS/0032 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL No known land ownership / ransom strip issues. applciation approved subject to legal agreement Ecology

a a Vacant former garage site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy STP/0002 Ellesmere Port Eccleston Avenue (garage court), Ellesmere Port PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Derelict brownfield garage site. a a In Council ownership. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in STP/0003 Ellesmere Port Overpool Road (garage court), Ellesmere Port PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. site being unachievable. Ecology Site in active employment use. a a No known short term intentions to relocate. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental protection recommendation - review STP/0007 Ellesmere Port Land off Station Road (car garage), Ellesmere Port PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology

Land to rear of 6-12 Heathlands Road, Little Sutton, a a Vacant greenfield land to rear of residential properties. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Access - highway width STP/0017 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in a a Existing use on site surplus to requirement(s) of the RBL. a site being unachievable. STP/0034 Ellesmere Port Land at Chester Road, Ellesmere Port, CH66 3RJ PDL Site in single ownership with no legal / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Vacant brownfield site (buildings demolished) Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Rivacre Business Centre Mill Lane Great Sutton a a In Council ownership. a change. STP/0040 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Available for development in shor term. Site actively promoted by Local Authority for redevelopment. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Site affected by pipeline buffer. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. STR/0004 Ellesmere Port Land at Ely Close / Norwich Drive, Ellesmere Port Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Open space designation / typology.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a a change. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at Backford Cross, off Dunkirk Way, Ellesmere Greenfield agricultural land. Planning application for residential development pending decision. SFRA recommendation. STR/0006 Ellesmere Port Port Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Undeveloped allocation. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

Site in active employment use. Chester Road (Garden centre), Great Sutton, a a No known short term intentions to relocate. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. STR/0007 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Potential long term redevelopment opportunity. change. SFRA recommendation.

a a Brownfield former garage site (buildings demolished). a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. SUT/0004 Ellesmere Port Garage Court, Carlyle Crescent, Ellesmere Port PDL In Council ownership. change. SFRA recommendation.

SFRA recommendation. a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. SUT/0006 Ellesmere Port Rear of Halton Road, Ellesmere Port Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. WHI/0010 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 250 Chester Road, Ellesmere Port PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. Royal British Legion building and land to rear, a a Brownfield site. Surplus to requirement(s) of Royal British Legion. a change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. WHI/0016 Ellesmere Port Stanney Lane, Whitby, Ellesmere Port Mix No ownership issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

93 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

Land off Stanney Lane / Shotwick - Frodsham Road, a a Greenfield vacant land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WHI/0020 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port (remaining part of SHLAA site) Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

Constraints / issues identified that would require mitigation or policy a a Greenfield site. a change. Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. FAR/0053 Farndon Land off Lane, Farndon extension Option agreement secured by development company. Option agreement secured by development company Ecology Mixed use land within site boundary. a a Possible multiple ownerships across site. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in FRO/0037 Frodsham 3 - 15 Bridge Lane, Frodsham PDL Potential long term redevelopment opportunity. site being unachievable. Ecology

Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative a a provision. a No known ownership/ransom strip issues. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area FRO/0038 Frodsham Land off Greenfield Lane, Frodsham PDL Possible medium / long term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Vacant building and adjacent land. a change. FRO/0057 Frodsham Former Frodsham Library, High Street, Frodsham PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Planning application for residential development pening decision. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Greenfield vacant land. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. FRO/0060 Frodsham Land off Ship Street, Frodsham Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAK/0002 Kelsall Rookery Farm, Flat Lane, Kelsall Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

Greenfield a a Vacant greenfield land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0004 Kelsall Land at Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Kelsall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. Greenfield agricultural land. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Greenfield a a Land locked. Adjacent land required to extend road from existing a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0007 Kelsall Land off Flat Lane, south of Rookery Farm, Kelsall (1) extension residential area. change. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. TAK/0010 Kelsall Land at Quarry Lane / Waste Lane, Kelsall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0017 Kelsall Land to west of Hollies Croft, Chester Road, Kelsall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Greenfield a a Vacant greenfield land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0019 Kelsall Land at Fir Tree Farm, bound by Quarry Lane, Kelsall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. Land to rear of Kelsborrow House, Quarry Lane, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0043 Kelsall Kelsall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Within a candidate key settlement gap.

Land between Bank Cottage and Watling Heyes, Flat a a Vacant greenfield land, adjacent to new residential development. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0108 Kelsall Lane/Chester Road, Kelsall Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. SFRA recommendation.

Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0121 Kelsall Land at Flat Lane, Hallowsgate, Kelsall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. SFRA recommendation.

Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Promoted for a change. TAK/0151 Kelsall Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Kelsall extension development by land owners agent. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation.

Residential and adjacent greenfield land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a No known ownership / ramsom strip issues. a change. MAL/0008 Malpas The Hollies, Old Hall Street, Malpas extension Development of iste being persued through planning application. Planning application for residential development pending decision. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land to the rear of Brock Bank Cottages, Tilston a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. MAL/0032 Malpas Road, Malpas Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendations

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a a change. Greenfield agricultural land. Planning permission refused at appeal. MAL/0047 Malpas Broselake Farm Buildings, Logans Lane, Malpas Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy MAL/0079 Malpas Land to north of Wrexham Road, Malpas extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. SFRA recommendations

94 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a a change. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable Greenfield Greenfield agricultural land. (greenfield urban extension). Site affected by pipeline buffer. SHA/0053 Middlewich Land at junction of A54 and B5309, Middlewich extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Planning application for mixed use development pending decision. SFRA recommendation.

Neston and a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendations LNB/0019 Parkgate Brook Meadow, Church Lane, Neston Mix No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a a change. Neston and Romney Close garage site, Little Neston, Neston (rear Brownfield under used garage site. Residential development being persued by Local Authority LNB/0028 Parkgate of 3-13 Cottage Close) PDL In Council ownership. Planning application for residential development pending decision. SFRA recommendations Greenfield agricultural land. Land to rear of 31-51 Church Street, Davenham, Greenfield a a No known ownership issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy DAM/0020 Northwich Northwich extension Access could be required through neighbouring land. change. Within a candidate key settlement gap.

Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy EA recommendation - consider site layout. Land at Peckmill Farm, London Road, Davenham, Greenfield a a Site in single ownership. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. DAM/0026 Northwich Northwich extension House builder has option agreement on the land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. DAM/0033 Northwich Land at Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Davenham extension No known ownership issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area DAM/0037 Northwich Land to rear of 485 - 501 London Road, Davenham extension No known ownership issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land south of Shipbrook Road, east of A553, a a Existing residential use, and adjacent greenfield land. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. DAM/0038 Northwich Davenham Mix No known ownership / ramson strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land at Davenham By Pass (Church Street / Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. DAM/0039 Northwich Shipbrook Road), Davenham extension No known ownership issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Within a candidate key settlement gap.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Vacant greenfield land. a change. DAM/0040 Northwich Land to rear of 14 - 30 Church Street, Davenham Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site as DAM/0043 Northwich Land to south east of Jack Lane, Moulton extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. unachievable Within a candidate key settlement gap.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. DAM/0044 Northwich Land to south of Rayleigh Avenue, Davenham extension No known ownership issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Within a candidate key settlement gap. Brownfield site, part in use for car parking. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land to the rear of the Salt Museum, London Road, a a provision. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. DAM/0054 Northwich Northwich PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area DAM/0055 Northwich Land at London Road, Davenham, CW9 8HN extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield a a Vacant greenfield site. Formerly in agricultural use. a change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. DAM/0062 Northwich Land to rear of 62 - 80 Green Avenue, Davenham extension Site actively promoted for redevelopment. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Mixed use land within site boundary. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area DAM/0072 Northwich Land at 618 London Road, Davenham Mix No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Greenfield agricultural land. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at Model Farm, Hartford Bridge, Hartford, Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. HAG/0024 Northwich Northwich extension Large scale greenfield extension. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land between High Acre and Quaintways, School Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. HAG/0041 Northwich Lane, Hartford extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

95 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. HAG/0044 Northwich Land north west of Fullerton Road, Hartford extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. HSE middle consultation zone restricts residential development to max 30 dw, Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy with density no greater than 40 dw/ha. a a a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at New Warrington Road, north of Wincham Mixed use vacant land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Site affected by pipeline buffer. MAR/0035 Northwich Brook, Winchm, Northwich Mix Multiple ownerships - majority control by developer Residential permission granted across wider site. Ecology

Brownfield site. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Potential multiple ownership issues. a change. MAR/0059 Northwich Land at Tunnel Road, Barnton PDL Expired residential planning permission for 13 dwellings. Planning permission lapsed. Ecology Site in active employment use. a a No known short term intentions to relocate. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. SHA/0002 Northwich 413 Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam PDL Potential longer term redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology

Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land to rear of 226-250 Manchester Road, Lostock Greenfield site. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Within a candidate key settlement gap. SHA/0005 Northwich Gralam Mix No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Planning permission for residential development refused at appeal . EnvironmentalEcology constraints identifed that may require mitigation. SFRA recommendation. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. Land at Manchester Road (Mount Batten Fields), Greenfield a a Vacant greenfield agricultural land. a change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. SHA/0049 Northwich Lostock Gralam, Northwich extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. EnvironmentalEcology constraints identifed that may require mitigation. SFRA recommendation. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Within a candidate key settlement gap. SHA/0054 Northwich Land at Station Road, Lostock Green extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

a a Brownfield garage site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WEC/0006 Northwich Briar Lane (garage court), Weaverham PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. a a Vacant greenfield land. a change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIC/0008 Northwich Land south of Northway, Winnington Cistern Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Brownfield site. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative SFRA recommendation. a a provision. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. WIC/0032 Northwich Land at Weaver Shipyard, Saxons Lane, Northwich PDL Possible medium / long term redevelopment. change. Ecology SFRA recommendation. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. a a Greenfield site. a change. Open space designation / typology. WIC/0039 Northwich Land North of Leicester Street, Northwich Mix No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. EnvironmentalEcology constraints identifed that may require mitigation. SFRA recommendation. Existing employment uses and vacant derelict land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. a a Site has been marketed for comprehensive large scale a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. WIC/0049 Northwich Land at Winnington Works, Northwich PDL redevelopment. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Brownfield site with some existing uses. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Potential medium / long term mixed use redevelopment. a change. SFRA recommendation. WIC/0050 Northwich Winnington Bus' Park, Winnington Ave, Northwich PDL No ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates the site could be achievable Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a In Coucnil ownership. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. WIC/0058 Northwich Castleleigh Centre, David Street, Northwich PDL Identified for potentail residential development change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Mixed use town centre uses. a change. Demolition / redevelopment of buildings would be required. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation. WIC/0062 Northwich Land to the north of Watling Street, Northwich PDL Multiple ownerships issues may prevent short term development. Undeveloped allocation. Ecology Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Mixed uses including vacant / derelict land, car parking and scrub change. SFRA recommendation. Land to south of Chester Road, off Peter Street, a a land. a Site promoted as part of wider comprehensive town centre regeneration Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIC/0073 Northwich Northwich PDL No known onwership / ransom strip issues. by Local Authority. Ecology Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy provision. change. SFRA recommendation. a a No known ownership/ransom strip issues. a Site promoted as part of wider comprehensive town centre regeneration Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area WIC/0075 Northwich Watling Street (Council offices), Northwich PDL Site promoted for redevelopment by Local Authority. Ecology Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. change. SFRA recommendation.SFRA recommendation. Weaver Shopping extension, Chester Way, a a Potential mixed use redevelopment of town centre site. a Site promoted as part of wider comprehensive town centre regeneration Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. WIC/0076 Northwich Northwich PDL Existing uses on site may require relocation. by Local Authority. Ecology 96 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. Mixed use town centre redevelopment opportunity site. change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. a a Existing uses on site may require relocation. a Site promoted as part of wider comprehensive town centre regeneration Open space designation / typology. Possible multiple ownership issues to resolve for comprehensive by Local Authority. Ecology WIC/0077 Northwich Land to west of Warrington Street, Northwich PDL redevelopment of the area. Undeveloped allocation. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative change. SFRA recommendation. a a provision. a Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable - Site affected by pipeline buffer. Multiple ownerships that would have to be resolved. Site promoted as part of wider comprehensive town centre regeneration Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. WIC/0078 Northwich Land at Leicester Street, Northwich PDL Site promoted for development. by Local Authority. Ecology SFRA recommendation. Vacant land. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land adjacent to Dane County, Manchester Road, a a Potential multiple ownerships across site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIC/0079 Northwich Northwich PDL Possible medium to long term redevelopment oppportiunity. change. Ecology SFRA recommendation. a a Vacant greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIR/0032 Northwich Land off Griffiths Road, Rudheath Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Vacant greenfield land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a change. Land at Hargreaves Road / Middlewich Road, Planning application for residential development pending Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIR/0034 Northwich Northwich Greenfield decision Planning applciation subject to legal agreement Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. a a Vacant derelict land. a change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. WIR/0035 Northwich Middlewich Road, Wade Works (Phase I) Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Brownfield site in active use. Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a provision. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. CHV/0013 Rural White Lane Depot, White Lane, Christleton PDL Potential medium / longer term redevelopment opportunity. Expired permission for office redevelopment. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Within a candidate key settlement gap. DAM/0024 Rural Land at Mere Heath, Jack Lane, Davenham extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Controlled by a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. DAM/0070 Rural Land off Niddries Lane, Moulton extension developer. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendations FAR/0014 Rural Land to rear of 41-67 Wynter Lane, Tilston extension No known ownership issues. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Residential garden land. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area FAR/0035 Rural Walled garden off School Lane, Aldford (A1) PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Old Ley Fields, Green Lake Lane/Rushmere Lane/Mil Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area FAR/0036 Rural Lane, Aldford (A2) extension No known ownership issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. provision. Constraints / issues identified that would require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. Grosvenor Estate Yard and field to rear, Green Lake a a No known ownership/ransom strip issues. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. FAR/0037 Rural Lane/Middle Lane, Aldford (A3) PDL Site promoted for development. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that would require mitigation or policy Orchard and paddock adj. Stone Cottage, School a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area FAR/0038 Rural Lane, Aldford (A4) Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Vacant land and buildings. Constraints / issues identified that would require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Buildings and land to south of Woodhouse Farm, a a Potential medium / long term redevelopment opportunity. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. FAR/0040 Rural Church Lane, Aldford (A6) Greenfield Promoted for residential development. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. FAR/0061 Rural Land at Church Road, Tilston extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in FAR/0073 Rural Land at Hobb Hill, Tilston extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. site being unachievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area FAR/0083 Rural Land off Church Road, Tilston extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. KIN/0018 Rural Haulage Yard, High Street, Norley PDL Brownfield land. Site marketed for residential redevelopment opportunity Ecology

97 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

Land to rear of The Firs, Chester Road, No Man's Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendations MAL/0022 Rural Heath, Malpas extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land south of Holly Bushes, Coach Road, No Mans Greenfield a a Vacant greenfield site. a change. MAL/0033 Rural Heath extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

a a a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy change. Greenfield Greenfield agricultural land. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. MAL/0118 Rural Land south of Bickly Lane, No Mans Heath extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Application for residential development pending consideration. Ecology Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAK/0058 Rural Land off Back Lane, Duddon extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. SFRA recommendation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land at Meadow Bank Farm, Tarporley Road, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAK/0112 Rural Duddon extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. TAK/0116 Rural Land at Back Lane, Duddon extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield agricultural land. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Land north of Well Lane, off Mill Lane, Little Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. TAR/0008 Rural Budworth extension Greenfield extension. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. TAR/0009 Rural Land at John Street (north of Village Hall), Utkinton extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in TAR/0010 Rural Land at John Street (opposite Quarry Bank), Utkinton extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. site being unachievable.

Land at Edgewell Lane, east of Well House Farm, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land and associated structures. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAR/0012 Rural Eaton extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Land adj Church Cottage, Royal Lane, Eaton, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAR/0018 Rural Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land at John Street and Northgate, Utkinton, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. TAR/0019 Rural Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield agricultural land. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Ecology TAR/0021 Rural Land at Mill Lane, extension Greenfield extension change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area Land to rear of 1 - 19 Edgewell Lane and 18 - 24 Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy TAR/0023 Rural Winterford Lane, Eaton, Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. TAR/0065 Rural Land at Quarry Bank/John Street, Utkinton extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land west of Eaton Lane and south of Oak House Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. TAR/0072 Rural Farm, Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area TAR/0077 Rural Land to west of Booth Avenue, Little Budworth extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAR/0097 Rural Land adjacent Spinney Cottage, Lower Lane, Eaton extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

a a Brownfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Surplus to requirement(s) of Royal British Legion. change. WIT/0023 Rural Land at Hooton Road, Willaston, Neston, CH64 1SJ PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Open space designation / typology. Land at Hadlow Road, south of Cherry Brow Farm, a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WIT/0033 Rural Willaston. Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural and residential land. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAR/0004 Tarporley Land at Brickfield Farm, Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. 98 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a Sporting facility in active use. a change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area TAR/0052 Tarporley Arderne Golf Course, Tarporley (area 2) extension Potential long term large scale development. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Brownfield land and buildings. a change. No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation. TAR/0066a Tarporley RBL land, High Street, Tarporley, CW6 0D2 Mix Relocation / alternative provision may be required NDP designation for potential redevelopment Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAR/0067 Tarporley Land east of Brook Road, Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy change. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable - TAR/0068 Tarporley Land south of Heath Green, Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. mixed use greenfield extension. SFRA recommendation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. a a Agricultural land and buildings. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAR/0069 Tarporley Arderne Hall Farm, Walkers Lane, Tarporley Mix No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. TAR/0073 Tarporley Land adjacent Brook House, Brook Lane, Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at Utkinton Road, adjacent Salterswell, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. TAR/0078 Tarporley Tarporley extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy NB: Assessment applies to land adjacent to settlement boundary only a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. TAR/0096 Tarporley Land at Arderne Hall Farm, Walkers Lane, Tarporley Mix Single ownership. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. TAT/0052 Tarporley Land opposite Tiresford House, Tarporley, Cheshire. extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Within a candidate key settlement gap. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield agricultural land. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Tarporley Road, opposite Broomheath Lane junction, Greenfield a a In Council ownership. a Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable - SFRA recommendation. TAK/0011 Tarvin Tarvin extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. mixed use development. Within a candidate key settlement gap.

No significant constraints / issues initially identified that would result in Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a site being unachievable. TAK/0109 Tarvin Land at junction of Tarporley Road/A51, Tarvin extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAK/0111 Tarvin Land east of Church Street, Tarvin extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Within a candidate key settlement gap.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Mixed use residential and garden land. a change. TAK/0122 Tarvin Land off Church Street / Arden Close, Tarvin Mix Possible multiple ownership. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAT/0042 Tattenhall Land west of Ravensholme, Chester Road, Tattenhall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. TAT/0068 Tattenhall Covert Rise (land at), Tattenhall Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. NDP open space designation

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land to rear of Adari, Chester Road, rear of Rookery Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAT/0071 Tattenhall Drive and south of Keys Brook, Tattenhall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land adjacent Mill Bank Cottages, Burwardsley Lane, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. TAT/0079 Tattenhall Tattenhall, Chester extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Application for residential development submitted and withdrawn. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Access in to site TAT/0108 Tattenhall Land north of Frog Hall Farm, Tattenhall extension In single ownership. Promoted for development by land owner. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Conservation area Land adjacent Tattenhall Centre, High Street, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Ecology TAT/0118 Tattenhall Tattenhall extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Environmental constraints 99 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. Ecology WIW/0005 Winsford Land at Bostock Road, Wharton Green, Winsford extension No known constraints / ransom strip issues Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable SFRA recommendation.

a a Residential property and curtilage. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WIW/0020 Winsford 476 Rookery Rise, Station Road, Winsford PDL Single ownership - No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Part vacant / part industrial land. Land at Brighton Belle Public House, Station Road, a a Possible multiple ownership. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WIW/0026 Winsford Winsford PDL Potential medium / long term redevelopment potential. change. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield agricultural land. Land to South of Middlewich Road (rear of Doncaster Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WIW/0036 Winsford Cottages), Winsford extension New access may be required. change. SFRA recommendation. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield site. Formerly associated with adjacent school (under SFRA recommendation. a a redevelopment). a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. WIW/0037 Winsford Playing field to North of Leaf Lane Infants School Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WIW/0040 Winsford Land at Clive Farm, off Middlewich Road, Winsford extension Site being promoted for development Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation. NDP development site Land to south-east of A54, Winsford Bypass, adjacent a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WIW/0044 Winsford to Winsford Railway Station Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. SFRA recommendation. NDP development site Land to South of Middlewich Road, adj. Winsford a a Greenfield agricultural and paddock land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WIW/0045 Winsford Railway Station Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. NDP development site. Greenfield agricultural land. Development Brief prepared for Station Quarter. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield a a Medium / long term residential led development potential a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WIW/0047 Winsford Land south of Rilshaw Lane, Winsford (NP site S1) extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology

Mixed land types - brownfield and greenfield. NDP development site Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at Wharton Green, Deakins Road / Bostock a a Part of site remains in active use - unknown ownership. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WIW/0048 Winsford Road, Winsford Mix Possible medium / long term redevelopment. change. Ecology Vacant brownfield land. Used for parking and vehicular access to a a properties. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WIW/0050 Winsford Former coal yard site, Station Road, Winsford PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Land off Middlewich Road (rear of 107-155), a a a change. WIW/0061 Winsford Winsford Mix Vacant / derelict land to rear of residential properties. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation.

Land to west of Clive Lane, south of Lyndene, Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WIW/0063 Winsford Winsford extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. NDP development site Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a change. SFRA recommendation. WIW/0071 Winsford Land north of Rilshaw Lane, Winsford extension Part of wider Local Plan strategic site Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Vacant land and buildings. NDP development site a a Buildings surplus to requirement and potential short / medium a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WOV/0045 Winsford Handley Hill Primary School, Handley Hill, Winsford PDL term redevelopment opportunity change. Ecology Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Greenfield agricultural land. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. WOV/0050 Winsford Land off Littler Lane / Oakmere Road (W), Winsford extension Greenfield extension. change. Ecology

Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at Westholme Farm / Salterswell, north of Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a change. SFRA recommendation. WOV/0055 Winsford Chester Road, Winsford extension Greenfield extension. NDPExpression development of interest site / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield agricultural land. change. a a Part of wider residential designation in Neighbourhood Plan. a Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. WOV/0056 Winsford Land at Oakmere Road / Chester Road, Winsford Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Planning application for residential development pending decision. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation.

Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a change. Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WOV/0057 Winsford Land at Oakmere Road / Chester Road, Winsford extension Greenfield extension. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation.

Brownfield site within urban area. NDP development site - mixed uses a a Possible multiple ownerships. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WOV/0066 Winsford Land and buildings off Sadler Road, Winsford PDL Potential long term mixed use redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology

100 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes NDP development site Land north of Winsford Police Station, Sadler Close, a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WOV/0067 Winsford Winsford Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology NDP development site a a Vacant greenfield land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WOV/0068 Winsford Land east of Hawkshead Way, Winsford Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology NDP development site SFRA recommendation. Verdin playing fields, Roehurst Lane / Bradford Road, a a Greenfield site (informal open space) a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. WOV/0069 Winsford Winsford Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology Vacant land and buildings. Adjacent to new residential NDP development site North of former Richmond Packaging site, New Road, a a development. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WOV/0070 Winsford Winsford PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues change. Ecology NDP development site Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. a a a change. Open space designation / typology. Mixed land types - brownfield and greenfield. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology WOV/0071 Winsford Car park off Church Street, Winsford Mix In Council ownership. Undeveloped allocation. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area. Existing use(s) on site. NDP development site Land at Manchester House Carpets, 56 High Street, a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WOV/0072 Winsford Winsford PDL Possible medium / long term redevelopment change. Ecology NDP development site a a Vacant land and former employment site a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendations WOV/0073 Winsford British Waterways site off Bradford Road, Winsford PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues change. Ecology NDP development site. Pimletts and adj car park, Church Street / High a a Vacant land and buildings. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WOV/0078 Winsford Street, Winsford Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues change. Ecology NDP development site. Previous permission expired. Winsford Clio Centre, Sadler Road, Winsford, CW7 a a Brownfield land. Existing use on site would require relocation. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WOV/0084 Winsford 2NB PDL No known ownership / ransom strip issues change. Ecology Existing use(s) on site that may require relocation/alternative provision. a a No known ownership/ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. WOV/0089 Winsford Delamere Nurseries, Delamere Street Greenfield Site promoted for development. change. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area.

a a Greenfield site. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WOV/0092 Winsford Land adjacent St John's Drive, Winsford Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Open space designation / typology. Greenfield land. Playing fields and land adjacent Verdin Exchange, a a Identified in Neighbourhood Plan as residential development a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Open space designation / typology. WOV/0107 Winsford Winsford Greenfield opportunity change. Ecology Greenfield agricultural land. Land at Beech House Farm and Hebden Green Farm , Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WSD/0001 Winsford Winsford extension Greenfield extension. change. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield agricultural land. SFRA recommendation. Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Site affected by pipeline buffer. WSD/0002 Winsford Land at Moors Lane / Hall Lane, Winsford. extension Greenfield extension. change. Ecology NDP development site Environmental constraints identifed that may require mitigation. Land at Cow Lane / Stocks Lane, Ways Green, a a Greenfield agricultural land. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WSD/0008 Winsford Winsford Greenfield No known ownership / ransom strip issues. change. Ecology NDP development site Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a Brownfield town centre regeneration site. a change. SFRA recommendation. WSD/0014 Winsford Winsford Shopping Centre, Dene's Drive, Winsford PDL Possible multiple ownerships - long term redevelopment Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Ecology

Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a Greenfield agricultural land. a change. SFRA recommendation. WSD/0019 Winsford Land to the east of Swanlow Lane, Winsford extension No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area

Greenfield agricultural land. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. In single ownership. a change. SFRA recommendation. WSD/0022 Winsford Land at Beech House Farm, Winsford extension Greenfield extension Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Site affected by pipeline buffer. NDP development site Town centre car park in active use - would require relocation Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a change. WSD/0027 Winsford Car park off Dene Street, Winsford (NP site TC1) PDL Potential long term mixed use redevelopment Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. Open space designation / typology. Vacant brownfield land. In Council ownership. a a Potential medium / long term mixed use town centre a NDP development site WSD/0028 Winsford Site of former Civic Hall, High Street, Winsford PDL redevelopment Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable.

101 APPENDIX C - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment)

Local Plan spatial STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference area Site address / location Land type SUITABLE AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Summary of key constraints / site attributes

Brownfield site within urban area. NDP development site Winsford Library and Dingle Recreation Centre, High a a In Council ownership. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy WSD/0030 Winsford Street, Winsford PDL Potential long term mixed use redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology NDP development site Land at the corner of High Street / Dingle Lane, a a Brownfield site within urban area. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Historic environment asset(s) / conservation area WSD/0031 Winsford Winsford PDL Potential long term mixed use redevelopment opportunity. change. Ecology Greenfield agricultural land. Land to east of Moors Lane Farm, Moors Lane, Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. a Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy SFRA recommendation. WSD/0039 Winsford Winsford extension Greenfield extension. change. Site affected by pipeline buffer. Constraints / issues identified that may require mitigation or policy Greenfield agricultural land. change. Greenfield a a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. In single ownership a Expression of interest / submission indicates site could be achievable. SFRA recommendation. WSD/0047 Winsford Land at Beech House Farm, Winsford extension Greenfield extension. Application for residential development refused permission. Site affected by pipeline buffer.

102 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS a a a BLA/0004 Chester Land off Meyrell Place / Downe Place, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.29 35 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a BLA/0006 Chester Land off Shelley Road / Milton Road, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.89 35 53 6-10 yrs 0 53 0 0 Land off Shelley Road, adjacent to Florence Grogan a a a BLA/0010 Chester House, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.67 35 21 6-10 yrs 0 21 0 0 a a a BLA/0012 Chester Land off Burns Way / Boleyn Close (play area), Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.00 35 28 6-10 yrs 0 28 0 0 a a a BLA/0026 Chester Land between Wemyss Road and Willan Road, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.56 35 18 6-10 yrs 0 18 0 0 a a a BLA/0027 Chester Land between Wemyss Road and Willan Road, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.30 35 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 Land to south west of Blacon Point Road / Dalton Close, a a a BLA/0037 Chester Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.40 35 13 6-10 yrs 0 13 0 0 a a a BLA/0039 Chester Land to rear of 21-33 Western Avenue, Blacon PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.51 35 16 11-15 yrs 0 0 16 0 a a a BLA/0041 Chester Land to south of Highfield, Western Avenue, Blacon Mix Residential 1 0.9 0.40 57 21 1-5 yrs 21 0 0 0 Land to north of Cranleigh Crescent / Highcliffe Road, a a a BLA/0044 Chester Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.54 35 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 Land off Blacon Avenue, adjacent to Police a a a BLA/0063 Chester Headquarters, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 3.46 35 97 11-15 yrs 0 0 60 37 a a a BLA/0067 Chester Land to rear of 60-74 Durham Road, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.31 35 10 6-10 yrs 0 10 0 0 a a a BLA/0089 Chester Land at Blacon Hall Road/Blacon Avenue, Blacon Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.51 35 42 6-10 yrs 0 42 0 0 King Edward Buildings/ Bensons site and surrounding a a a BOU/0010 Chester land, Christleton PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.36 35 11 11-15 yrs 0 0 7 4 Site of former Boughton St Pauls Infant School, Mixed a a a BOU/0017 Chester Boughton, Chester PDL (Residential) 1 0.9 0.58 50 26 11-15 yrs 0 0 26 0 a a a BOU/0020 Chester City House, 36 City Road, Chester CH1 3AE PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.32 80 23 1-5 yrs 23 0 0 0 a a a CHC/0004 Chester Black Diamond Street and Hoole Way, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.30 75 20 6-10 yrs 0 20 0 0 a a a CHC/0005 Chester Trafford Street Area, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.8 1.50 35 42 11-15 yrs 0 0 42 0 a a a CHC/0006 Chester St Anne Street car park, Black Diamond Street, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.34 35 11 11-15 yrs 0 0 11 0 a a a CHC/0008 Chester Browns Yard Car Park PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.28 50 13 11-15 yrs 0 0 13 0 a a a CHC/0027 Chester New Crane Street Car Park, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.33 50 15 11-15 yrs 0 0 15 0 a a a CHC/0029 Chester Former car garage, Lower Bridge Street, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.22 100 20 1-5 yrs 12 8 0 0 Mixed a a a CHC/0030 Chester Garden Lane Car Park, Chester PDL (Residential) 0.5 0.9 0.17 75 6 6-10 yrs 0 6 0 0 BT Building and Newgate House, St John's Street, a a a CHC/0032 Chester Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.32 100 29 6-10 yrs 0 29 0 0 a a a CHC/0034 Chester Loves Garage, Off Garden Lane, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.14 50 6 11-15 yrs 0 0 6 0 Mixed a a a CHC/0120 Chester 14 to 20 Watergate Street, Chester PDL (Residential) 1 1 0.25 100 25 6-10 yrs 0 25 0 0 a a a DOH/0005 Chester Land at Gorse Way / Speedwell Close, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.51 35 16 6-10 yrs 0 16 0 0 a a a DOH/0007 Chester Land at Orchid Road, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.25 30 7 6-10 yrs 0 7 0 0 a a a DOH/0017 Chester Wrexham Road, Chester (Local Plan allocation) Greenfield Residential 1 0.6 63.06 35 1324 1-5 yrs 138 480 480 226 103 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS 93-99 Chester Road (Hartwell Garage),Huntington Road, a a a DOH/0037 Chester Huntington PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.44 30 12 1-5 yrs 12 0 0 0 a a a GAQ/0005 Chester Land to rear of Crane Bank Garage, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.18 75 12 11-15 yrs 0 0 12 0 Land off Coopers Croft, Whires Meadow, Boughton a a a GRB/0002 Chester Heath Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.67 30 18 6-10 yrs 0 18 0 0 a a a GRB/0003 Chester Land off Robinsons Croft, Boughton Heath Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.35 30 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 Land to rear of 51 - 81 Queens Road, off Sutherland a a a GRB/0004 Chester Way, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 2.48 35 69 6-10 yrs 0 69 0 0 Beechmoor Garden Centre / Shed sales, Whitchurch a a a GRB/0034 Chester Road, Chester, Cheshire, CH3 5QD PDL Residential 1 0.8 0.93 30 22 16+ yrs 0 0 0 22 a a a GRB/0037 Chester Land off Dulverton Avenue / Oldfield Drive, Vicars Cross Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.51 30 14 6-10 yrs 0 14 0 0 a a a HAP/0019 Chester Land off Lache Lane / Winkwell Drive, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.05 30 25 11-15 yrs 0 0 25 0 a a a HAP/0028 Chester Land off Styelane Croft, Handbridge Greenfield Residential 1 0.7 0.96 25 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 Land to rear of 45-51 Percy Road / 15-17 Eaton Road, a a a HAP/0030 Chester Handbridge PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.29 30 8 11-15 yrs 0 0 8 0 a a a HAP/0031 Chester Watling Crescent / Greenwood Avenue, Handbridge Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.30 35 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a HAP/0033 Chester Watertower off Eaton Mews, Handbridge PDL Residential 1 0.7 0.33 30 7 11-15 yrs 0 0 7 0 a a a HAP/0034 Chester Land at Claypit Lane / Castlecroft Road, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.31 35 10 6-10 yrs 0 10 0 0 a a a HAP/0039 Chester Land off Greensway / Northway, Handbridge Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.54 35 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 a a a HOO/0006 Chester Land adjacent 60 Maple Grove, Hoole, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.30 35 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a HOO/0017 Chester Hoole Road Enterprise Centre, Chester PDL Residential* 1 0.9 0.71 50 32 6-10 yrs 0 32 0 0 Land between Lightfoot Street/ Thomas Brassery Court a a a HOO/0018 Chester / railway line, Hoole, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.40 50 18 11-15 yrs 0 0 18 0 Former car sales garage and public house, Hoole Bridge, Mixed a a a HOO/0028 Chester Hoole Road, Hoole, Chester PDL (Residential) 0.6 0.9 0.28 50 7 11-15 yrs 0 0 7 0 a a a LAC/0006 Chester Great Western House, The Sidings, Chester St, Saltney PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.50 35 16 11-15 yrs 0 0 16 0 a a a LAC/0012 Chester Red Hill House, Hope Street, Saltney PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.96 35 30 16+ yrs 0 0 0 30 a a a LAC/0013 Chester Sycamore field, Cliveden Road, Lache Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.54 35 43 11-16 yrs 0 0 43 0 a a a NEW/0004 Chester Garage off Grange Road, Upton, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.31 35 10 11-15 yrs 0 0 6 4 a a a NEW/0006 Chester Land off Liverpool Road, Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.35 30 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a NEW/0008 Chester Liverpool Road (Bus depot), Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.42 50 19 16+ yrs 0 0 0 19 a a a NEW/0011 Chester Land off Plas Newton Lane, Newton, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.32 30 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a UPT/0002 Chester Dunham Way, (land adjacent), Chester PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.30 35 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a UPT/0010 Chester Land to rear of Marl Heys, Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.42 35 13 6-10 yrs 0 13 0 0 a a a UPT/0011 Chester Ivor Road / Marina Drive (recreation ground), Chester Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.82 35 26 6-10 yrs 0 26 0 0 a a a UPT/0025 Chester Land between Handford Road / Newhall Road, Upton Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.05 30 25 6-10 yrs 0 25 0 0 104 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS Land at Countess of Chester Health Park, Liverpool a a a UPT/0047 Chester Road, Chester Mix Residential 1 0.75 3.00 40 90 1-5 yrs 36 54 0 0 Cuddington and Land between Chester Road / Kennel Lane and Greenfield a a a WEC/0026 Sandiway Dalefords Lane, Sandiway extension Residential 1 0.75 5.21 25 98 11-15 yrs 0 0 98 0 Cuddington and Greenfield Mixed a a a WEC/0057 Sandiway Land at Blakemere Hall, Chester Road, Cuddington extension (Residential) 1 0.75 4.71 30 106 11-15 yrs 0 0 72 34 Land to rear of Brancepeth Court / Langley Court, a a a EPT/0004 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.8 2.69 35 75 6-10 yrs 0 75 0 0 a a a EPT/0005 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 91-127 Wolverham Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.8 1.07 35 30 6-10 yrs 0 30 0 0 a a a EPT/0006 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 59-97 Park Road, Ellesmere Port Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.77 35 24 6-10 yrs 0 24 0 0 a a a EPT/0014 Ellesmere Port Land off Colwyn Close, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.63 35 20 6-10 yrs 0 20 0 0 Land at corner of Somerville Crescent / Harrow Road, a a a EPT/0015 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.74 35 23 6-10 yrs 0 23 0 0 a a a EPT/0017 Ellesmere Port Land at Marina Drive (retail centre), Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.8 1.18 100 94 11-15 yrs 0 0 60 34 a a a EPT/0041 Ellesmere Port Wellington Road Car Park, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.82 35 26 11-15 yrs 0 0 26 0 a a a EPT/0059 Ellesmere Port The Knot PH, Whitby Road, Ellesmere Port Mix Residential 1 0.9 0.24 40 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 Land at Wellington Road/Stanney Lane/Coronation a a a EPT/0063 Ellesmere Port Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.8 3.02 35 85 6-10 yrs 0 85 0 0 a a a GRA/0002 Ellesmere Port Land at 42-60 Luton Road, Ellesmere port Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.26 35 8 6-10 yrs 0 8 0 0 Council depot and garage court off Sutton Way, a a a GRA/0010 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.38 35 12 11-15 yrs 0 0 12 0 Acorns Primary and Nursery, Pooltown Road / Regent a a a GRA/0012 Ellesmere Port Street, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.8 1.44 35 40 6-10 yrs 0 40 0 0 Land at 9-21 Armthrop Drive, Little Sutton, Ellesmere a a a LEM/0004 Ellesmere Port Port Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.28 35 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a LEM/0015 Ellesmere Port 726 Chester Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.31 35 10 11-15 yrs 0 0 6 4 a a a NET/0005 Ellesmere Port Land off Netherpool Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.75 5.58 30 126 11-15 yrs 0 0 126 0 Site of former Foxfields Public House, Poole Hall Road, a a a NET/0013 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.71 30 19 6-10 yrs 0 19 0 0 Land at Crescent Road, off Meadow Lane, Ellesmere a a a ROS/0010 Ellesmere Port Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.70 35 22 16+ yrs 0 0 0 22 Rossfield Park Development (Phase 5: Land at Rossbank a a a ROS/0027 Ellesmere Port Road / Rosscliffe Road), Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.8 4.87 40 156 1-5 yrs 36 120 0 0 Land between Rosswood Road / Rossfield Road, a a a ROS/0028 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.65 35 20 11-15 yrs 0 0 20 0 Rossmore Road East / Rossfield Road North (land at), a a a ROS/0029 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential* 1 0.8 1.39 30 33 6-10 yrs 0 33 0 0 Rear of 70-88 Grace Road, New Grosvenor Road, a a a ROS/0032 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential* 1 0.9 0.42 35 13 11-15 yrs 0 0 13 0 a a a STP/0002 Ellesmere Port Eccleston Avenue (garage court), Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.24 40 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a STP/0003 Ellesmere Port Overpool Road (garage court), Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.23 40 8 6-10 yrs 0 8 0 0 a a a STP/0007 Ellesmere Port Land off Station Road (car garage), Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.26 35 8 11-15 yrs 0 0 8 0 Land to rear of 6-12 Heathlands Road, Little Sutton, a a a STP/0017 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.69 30 19 6-10 yrs 0 19 0 0 a a a STP/0034 Ellesmere Port Land at Chester Road, Ellesmere Port, CH66 3RJ PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.26 35 8 6-10 yrs 0 8 0 0 105 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS Rivacre Business Centre Mill Lane Great Sutton a a a STP/0040 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port PDL Residential* 1 0.8 1.37 35 38 1-5 yrs 38 0 0 0 a a a STR/0004 Ellesmere Port Land at Ely Close / Norwich Drive, Ellesmere Port Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.53 30 14 6-10 yrs 0 14 0 0 a a a STR/0006 Ellesmere Port Land at Backford Cross, off Dunkirk Way, Ellesmere Port Greenfield Residential 1 0.6 17.86 25 268 6-10 yrs 0 108 160 0 Chester Road (Garden centre), Great Sutton, Ellesmere a a a STR/0007 Ellesmere Port Port PDL Residential 1 0.8 1.17 30 28 11-15 yrs 0 0 28 0 a a a SUT/0004 Ellesmere Port Garage Court, Carlyle Crescent, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.28 40 10 6-10 yrs 0 10 0 0 a a a SUT/0006 Ellesmere Port Rear of Halton Road, Ellesmere Port Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 2.37 30 57 6-10 yrs 0 57 0 0 a a a WHI/0010 Ellesmere Port Land to rear of 250 Chester Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.51 35 16 6-10 yrs 0 16 0 0 Royal British Legion building and land to rear, Stanney a a a WHI/0016 Ellesmere Port Lane, Whitby, Ellesmere Port Mix Residential 1 0.8 1.27 30 30 6-10 yrs 0 30 0 0 Land off Stanney Lane / Shotwick - Frodsham Road, a a a WHI/0020 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port (remaining part of SHLAA site) Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.27 30 7 6-10 yrs 0 7 0 0 Greenfield a a a FAR/0053 Farndon Land off Crewe Lane, Farndon extension Residential 1 0.8 1.38 30 33 6-10 yrs 0 33 0 0 a a a FRO/0037 Frodsham 3 - 15 Bridge Lane, Frodsham PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.20 35 6 16+ yrs 0 0 0 6 a a a FRO/0038 Frodsham Land off Greenfield Lane, Frodsham PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.37 30 10 11-15 yrs 0 0 10 0 a a a FRO/0057 Frodsham Former Frodsham Library, High Street, Frodsham PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.08 100 7 1-5 yrs 7 0 0 0 a a a FRO/0060 Frodsham Land off Ship Street, Frodsham Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.43 30 12 6-10 yrs 0 12 0 0 a a a TAK/0002 Kelsall Rookery Farm, Flat Lane, Kelsall Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.80 30 22 6-10 yrs 0 21 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0004 Kelsall Land at Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Kelsall extension Residential 1 0.9 0.37 30 10 6-10 yrs 0 10 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0007 Kelsall Land off Flat Lane, south of Rookery Farm, Kelsall (1) extension Residential 1 0.8 1.00 30 24 6-10 yrs 0 24 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0010 Kelsall Land at Quarry Lane / Waste Lane, Kelsall extension Residential 1 0.8 3.30 25 66 6-10 yrs 0 66 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0017 Kelsall Land to west of Hollies Croft, Chester Road, Kelsall extension Residential 1 0.9 0.66 25 15 6-10 yrs 0 15 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0019 Kelsall Land at Fir Tree Farm, bound by Quarry Lane, Kelsall extension Residential 1 0.9 0.90 25 20 6-10 yrs 0 20 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0043 Kelsall Land to rear of Kelsborrow House, Quarry Lane, Kelsall extension Residential 1 0.9 0.91 25 20 6-10 yrs 0 20 0 0 Land between Bank Cottage and Watling Heyes, Flat a a a TAK/0108 Kelsall Lane/Chester Road, Kelsall Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 2.05 30 49 6-10 yrs 0 49 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0121 Kelsall Land at Flat Lane, Hallowsgate, Kelsall extension Residential 1 0.8 3.01 30 72 6-10 yrs 0 72 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0151 Kelsall Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Kelsall extension Residential 1 0.6 1.00 10 6 6-10 yrs 0 6 0 0 Greenfield a a a MAL/0008 Malpas The Hollies, Old Hall Street, Malpas extension Residential 1 0.75 1.06 25 20 1-5 yrs 12 8 0 0 Land to the rear of Brock Bank Cottages, Tilston Road, a a a MAL/0032 Malpas Malpas Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.69 30 41 6-10 yrs 0 41 0 0 a a a MAL/0047 Malpas Broselake Farm Buildings, Logans Lane, Malpas Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 1.64 30 39 6-10 yrs 0 39 0 0 Greenfield a a a MAL/0079 Malpas Land to north of Wrexham Road, Malpas extension Residential 1 0.8 1.77 25 35 6-10 yrs 0 35 0 0 Greenfield Mixed a a a SHA/0053 Middlewich Land at junction of A54 and B5309, Middlewich extension (Residential) 0.8 0.6 22.63 30 326 6-10 yrs 0 182 144 0 106 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS Neston and a a a LNB/0019 Parkgate Brook Meadow, Church Lane, Neston Mix Residential 1 0.9 0.65 30 18 6-10 yrs 0 18 0 0 Neston and Romney Close garage site, Little Neston, Neston (rear of a a a LNB/0028 Parkgate 3-13 Cottage Close) PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.18 50 8 1-5 yrs 8 0 0 0 Land to rear of 31-51 Church Street, Davenham, Greenfield a a a DAM/0020 Northwich Northwich extension Residential 1 0.8 1.21 30 29 6-10 yrs 0 29 0 0 Land at Peckmill Farm, London Road, Davenham, Greenfield a a a DAM/0026 Northwich Northwich extension Residential 1 0.75 7.13 25 134 6-10 yrs 0 134 0 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0033 Northwich Land at Green Lane Farm, Green Lane, Davenham extension Residential 1 0.8 3.57 30 86 6-10 yrs 0 86 0 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0037 Northwich Land to rear of 485 - 501 London Road, Davenham extension Residential 1 0.8 2.94 30 71 6-10 yrs 0 71 0 0 a a a DAM/0038 Northwich Land south of Shipbrook Road, east of A553, Davenham Mix Residential 1 0.8 1.11 30 27 6-10 yrs 0 27 0 0 Land at Davenham By Pass (Church Street / Shipbrook Greenfield a a a DAM/0039 Northwich Road), Davenham extension Residential 1 0.8 1.79 30 43 6-10 yrs 0 43 0 0 a a a DAM/0040 Northwich Land to rear of 14 - 30 Church Street, Davenham Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.49 30 13 6-10 yrs 0 13 0 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0043 Northwich Land to south east of Jack Lane, Moulton extension Residential 1 0.8 3.17 30 76 6-10 yrs 0 76 0 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0044 Northwich Land to south of Rayleigh Avenue, Davenham extension Residential 1 0.75 5.81 30 131 6-10 yrs 0 131 0 0 Land to the rear of the Salt Museum, London Road, a a a DAM/0054 Northwich Northwich PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.79 25 18 11-15 yrs 0 0 18 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0055 Northwich Land at London Road, Davenham, CW9 8HN extension Residential 1 0.8 2.23 30 54 6-10 yrs 0 54 0 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0062 Northwich Land to rear of 62 - 80 Green Avenue, Davenham extension Residential 1 0.8 2.04 30 49 6-10 yrs 0 49 0 0 a a a DAM/0072 Northwich Land at 618 London Road, Davenham Mix Residential 1 0.8 2.21 30 53 6-10 yrs 0 53 0 0 Land at Model Farm, Hartford Bridge, Hartford, Greenfield a a a HAG/0024 Northwich Northwich extension Residential 1 0.6 20.84 35 438 11-16 yrs 0 0 156 282 Land between High Acre and Quaintways, School Lane, Greenfield a a a HAG/0041 Northwich Hartford extension Residential 1 0.8 1.21 30 29 6-10 yrs 0 29 0 0 Greenfield a a a HAG/0044 Northwich Land north west of Fullerton Road, Hartford extension Residential 1 0.8 1.31 35 37 6-10 yrs 0 37 0 0 Land at New Warrington Road, north of Wincham a a a MAR/0035 Northwich Brook, Winchm, Northwich Mix Residential 1 0.6 14.60 30 263 6-10 yrs 0 108 155 0 a a a MAR/0059 Northwich Land at Tunnel Road, Barnton PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.40 35 13 11-15 yrs 0 0 8 5 a a a SHA/0002 Northwich 413 Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.53 30 14 11-15 yrs 0 0 14 0 Land to rear of 226-250 Manchester Road, Lostock a a a SHA/0005 Northwich Gralam Mix Residential 1 0.8 1.07 30 26 11-15 yrs 0 26 0 0 Land at Manchester Road (Mount Batten Fields), Greenfield a a a SHA/0049 Northwich Lostock Gralam, Northwich extension Residential 1 0.8 2.38 30 57 6-10 yrs 0 57 0 0 Greenfield a a a SHA/0054 Northwich Land at Station Road, Lostock Green extension Residential 1 0.8 3.67 30 88 6-10 yrs 0 88 0 0 a a a WEC/0006 Northwich Briar Lane (garage court), Weaverham PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.26 40 9 11-15 yrs 0 0 9 0 a a a WIC/0008 Northwich Land south of Northway, Winnington Cistern Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 2.23 30 54 6-10 yrs 0 54 0 0 a a a WIC/0032 Northwich Land at Weaver Shipyard, Saxons Lane, Northwich PDL Residential 1 0.8 2.98 30 72 11-15 yrs 0 0 72 0 Mixed a a a WIC/0039 Northwich Land North of Leicester Street, Northwich Mix (Residential) 0.2 0.8 0.31 100 5 6-10 yrs 0 5 0 0 Mixed a a a WIC/0049 Northwich Land at Winnington Works, Northwich PDL (Residential) 0.7 0.6 40.98 35 602 11-15 yrs 0 0 192 410 107 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS a a a WIC/0050 Northwich Winnington Bus' Park, Winnington Ave, Northwich PDL Residential* 1 0.75 3.99 35 105 11-15 yrs 0 0 105 0 a a a WIC/0058 Northwich Castleleigh Centre, David Street, Northwich PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.62 40 22 6-10yrs 0 22 0 0 Mixed a a a WIC/0062 Northwich Land to the north of Watling Street, Northwich PDL (Residential) 1 0.8 2.28 40 73 11-15 yrs 0 0 36 37 Land to south of Chester Road, off Peter Street, a a a WIC/0073 Northwich Northwich PDL Residential 1 0.8 1.57 35 44 11-15 yrs 0 0 44 0 a a a WIC/0075 Northwich Watling Street (Council offices), Northwich PDL Residential* 1 0.9 0.70 40 25 11-15 yrs 0 0 25 0 Mixed a a a WIC/0076 Northwich Weaver Shopping extension, Chester Way, Northwich PDL (Residential) 1 0.9 0.72 40 26 11-15 yrs 0 0 26 0 a a a WIC/0077 Northwich Land to west of Warrington Street, Northwich PDL Residential 1 0.8 3.17 35 89 11-15 yrs 0 0 89 0 a a a WIC/0078 Northwich Land at Leicester Street, Northwich PDL Residential 1 0.8 1.81 35 51 11-15 yrs 0 0 51 0 Land adjacent to Dane County, Manchester Road, a a a WIC/0079 Northwich Northwich PDL Residential 1 0.8 3.17 30 76 11-15 yrs 0 0 76 0 a a a WIR/0032 Northwich Land off Griffiths Road, Rudheath Greenfield Residential* 1 0.8 1.60 25 32 11-15 yrs 0 0 32 0 Mixed a a a WIR/0034 Northwich Land at Hargreaves Road / Middlewich Road, Northwich Greenfield (Residential) 0.5 0.8 4.18 35 59 6-10 yrs 0 58 0 0 a a a WIR/0035 Northwich Middlewich Road, Wade Works (Phase I) Greenfield Residential 1 0.75 8.27 35 217 6-10 yrs 0 108 109 0 a a a CHV/0013 Rural White Lane Depot, White Lane, Christleton PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.26 30 7 11-15 yrs 0 0 7 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0024 Rural Land at Mere Heath, Jack Lane, Davenham extension Residential 1 0.8 2.61 30 63 6-10 yrs 0 63 0 0 Greenfield a a a DAM/0070 Rural Land off Niddries Lane, Moulton extension Residential 1 0.75 5.39 30 121 6-10 yrs 0 121 0 0 Greenfield a a a FAR/0014 Rural Land to rear of 41-67 Wynter Lane, Tilston extension Residential 1 0.8 1.82 25 36 6-10 yrs 0 36 0 0 Mixed a a a FAR/0035 Rural Walled garden off School Lane, Aldford (A1) PDL (Residential) 1 0.9 0.92 25 21 6-10 yrs 0 21 0 0 Old Ley Fields, Green Lake Lane/Rushmere Lane/Mil Greenfield a a a FAR/0036 Rural Lane, Aldford (A2) extension Residential 1 0.9 0.71 25 16 6-10 yrs 0 16 0 0 Grosvenor Estate Yard and field to rear, Green Lake a a a FAR/0037 Rural Lane/Middle Lane, Aldford (A3) PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.64 25 14 6-10 yrs 0 14 0 0 Orchard and paddock adj. Stone Cottage, School Lane, a a a FAR/0038 Rural Aldford (A4) Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.35 25 8 6-10 yrs 0 8 0 0 Buildings and land to south of Woodhouse Farm, Mixed a a a FAR/0040 Rural Church Lane, Aldford (A6) Greenfield (Residential) 1 0.9 0.59 25 13 11-15 yrs 0 0 13 0 Greenfield a a a FAR/0061 Rural Land at Church Road, Tilston extension Residential 1 0.8 1.03 25 21 6-10 yrs 0 21 0 0 Greenfield a a a FAR/0073 Rural Land at Hobb Hill, Tilston extension Residential 1 0.9 0.56 25 13 6-10 yrs 0 13 0 0 Greenfield a a a FAR/0083 Rural Land off Church Road, Tilston extension Residential 1 0.8 2.37 25 47 6-10 yrs 0 47 0 0 a a a KIN/0018 Rural Haulage Yard, High Street, Norley PDL Residential* 1 0.9 0.30 30 8 1-5 yrs 8 0 0 0 Land to rear of The Firs, Chester Road, No Man's Heath, Greenfield a a a MAL/0022 Rural Malpas extension Residential 1 0.7 10.19 25 178 11-15 yrs 0 0 144 34 Land south of Holly Bushes, Coach Road, No Mans Greenfield a a a MAL/0033 Rural Heath extension Residential 1 0.8 1.27 25 25 6-10 yrs 0 25 0 0 Greenfield a a a MAL/0118 Rural Land south of Bickly Lane, No Mans Heath extension Residential 1 0.8 2.75 25 55 6-10 yrs 0 55 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0058 Rural Land off Back Lane, Duddon extension Residential 1 0.8 0.88 25 18 6-10 yrs 0 18 0 0 108 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS Greenfield a a a TAK/0112 Rural Land at Meadow Bank Farm, Tarporley Road, Duddon extension Residential 1 0.8 4.53 25 91 11-15 yrs 0 0 91 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0116 Rural Land at Back Lane, Duddon extension Residential 1 0.9 0.79 25 18 6-10 yrs 0 18 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0008 Rural Land north of Well Lane, off Mill Lane, Little Budworth extension Residential 1 0.8 2.29 30 55 11-15 yrs 0 0 55 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0009 Rural Land at John Street (north of Village Hall), Utkinton extension Residential 1 0.9 0.30 30 8 6-10 yrs 0 8 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0010 Rural Land at John Street (opposite Quarry Bank), Utkinton extension Residential 1 0.9 0.77 25 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0012 Rural Land at Edgewell Lane, east of Well House Farm, Eaton extension Residential 1 0.9 0.76 25 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0018 Rural Land adj Church Cottage, Royal Lane, Eaton, Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.9 0.27 25 6 6-10 yrs 0 6 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0019 Rural Land at John Street and Northgate, Utkinton, Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.9 0.99 25 22 6-10 yrs 0 22 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0021 Rural Land at Mill Lane, Little Budworth extension Residential 1 0.8 1.70 25 34 6-10 yrs 0 34 0 0 Land to rear of 1 - 19 Edgewell Lane and 18 - 24 Greenfield a a a TAR/0023 Rural Winterford Lane, Eaton, Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.9 1.00 25 23 6-10 yrs 0 23 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0065 Rural Land at Quarry Bank/John Street, Utkinton extension Residential* 1 0.8 3.35 25 67 6-10 yrs 0 67 0 0 Land west of Eaton Lane and south of Oak House Farm, Greenfield a a a TAR/0072 Rural Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.9 0.76 25 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0077 Rural Land to west of Booth Avenue, Little Budworth extension Residential 1 0.8 1.11 25 22 6-10 yrs 0 22 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0097 Rural Land adjacent Spinney Cottage, Lower Lane, Eaton extension Residential 1 0.9 0.69 25 16 6-10 yrs 0 16 0 0 a a a WIT/0023 Rural Land at Hooton Road, Willaston, Neston, CH64 1SJ PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.25 30 7 6-10 yrs 0 7 0 0 Land at Hadlow Road, south of Cherry Brow Farm, a a a WIT/0033 Rural Willaston. Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.26 25 6 6-10 yrs 0 6 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0004 Tarporley Land at Brickfield Farm, Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.8 2.16 30 52 6-10 yrs 0 52 0 0 Greenfield Mixed a a a TAR/0052 Tarporley Arderne Golf Course, Tarporley (area 2) extension (Residential) 0.8 0.75 6.50 30 117 11-15 yrs 0 0 72 45 a a a TAR/0066a Tarporley RBL land, High Street, Tarporley, CW6 0D2 Mix Residential 1 0.9 0.26 30 7 11-15 yrs 0 0 7 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0067 Tarporley Land east of Brook Road, Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.8 2.22 30 53 6-10 yrs 0 53 0 0 Greenfield Mixed a a a TAR/0068 Tarporley Land south of Heath Green, Tarporley extension (Residential) 0.5 0.6 9.58 30 86 11-15 yrs 0 0 86 0 a a a TAR/0069 Tarporley Arderne Hall Farm, Walkers Lane, Tarporley Mix Residential 1 0.8 2.00 25 40 6-10 yrs 0 40 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0073 Tarporley Land adjacent Brook House, Brook Lane, Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.8 1.28 25 26 6-10 yrs 0 26 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAR/0078 Tarporley Land at Utkinton Road, adjacent Salterswell, Tarporley extension Residential 1 0.8 2.27 30 54 6-10 yrs 0 54 0 0 a a a TAR/0096 Tarporley Land at Arderne Hall Farm, Walkers Lane, Tarporley Mix Residential 1 0.75 0.54 25 10 6-10 yrs 0 10 0 0 Greenfield Mixed a a a TAT/0052 Tarporley Land opposite Tiresford House, Tarporley, Cheshire. extension (Residential) 0.8 0.75 6.06 30 109 6-10 yrs 0 109 0 0 Tarporley Road, opposite Broomheath Lane junction, Greenfield Mixed a a a TAK/0011 Tarvin Tarvin extension (Residential) 0.2 0.75 1.04 30 5 6-10 yrs 0 5 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0109 Tarvin Land at junction of Tarporley Road/A51, Tarvin extension Residential 1 0.9 0.55 30 15 6-10 yrs 0 15 0 0 Greenfield a a a TAK/0111 Tarvin Land east of Church Street, Tarvin extension Residential 1 0.7 4.50 30 95 6-10 yrs 0 95 0 0 109 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS a a a TAK/0122 Tarvin Land off Church Street / Arden Close, Tarvin Mix Residential 1 0.9 0.29 30 8 11-15 yrs 0 0 8 0 Greenfield a a a TAT/0042 Tattenhall Land west of Ravensholme, Chester Road, Tattenhall extension Residential 1 0.8 3.45 30 83 6-10 yrs 0 83 0 0 a a a TAT/0068 Tattenhall Covert Rise (land at), Tattenhall Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.34 30 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 Land to rear of Adari, Chester Road, rear of Rookery Greenfield a a a TAT/0071 Tattenhall Drive and south of Keys Brook, Tattenhall extension Residential 1 0.75 5.55 30 125 6-10 yrs 0 125 0 0 Land adjacent Mill Bank Cottages, Burwardsley Lane, Greenfield a a a TAT/0079 Tattenhall Tattenhall, Chester extension Residential 1 0.8 1.20 30 29 11-15 yrs 0 0 29 0 Greenfield a a a TAT/0108 Tattenhall Land north of Frog Hall Farm, Tattenhall extension Residential 1 0.75 5.54 30 125 6-10 yrs 0 108 17 0 Greenfield a a a TAT/0118 Tattenhall Land adjacent Tattenhall Centre, High Street, Tattenhall extension Residential 1 0.9 0.79 30 21 6-10 yrs 0 21 0 0 Greenfield a a a WIW/0005 Winsford Land at Bostock Road, Wharton Green, Winsford extension Residential 1 0.75 6.11 30 137 6-10 yrs 0 137 0 0 a a a WIW/0020 Winsford 476 Rookery Rise, Station Road, Winsford PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.49 30 13 11-15 yrs 0 0 13 0 Land at Brighton Belle Public House, Station Road, Mixed a a a WIW/0026 Winsford Winsford PDL (Residential) 0.2 0.8 1.05 30 5 11-15 yrs 0 0 5 0 Land to South of Middlewich Road (rear of Doncaster Greenfield a a a WIW/0036 Winsford Cottages), Winsford extension Residential 1 0.8 3.68 30 88 11-15 yrs 0 0 88 0 a a a WIW/0037 Winsford Playing field to North of Leaf Lane Infants School Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.69 35 22 6-10 yrs 0 22 0 0 Greenfield a a a WIW/0040 Winsford Land at Clive Farm, off Middlewich Road, Winsford extension Residential 1 0.75 5.49 30 124 6-10 yrs 0 124 0 0 Land to south-east of A54, Winsford Bypass, adjacent to Mixed a a a WIW/0044 Winsford Winsford Railway Station Greenfield (Residential) 0.8 0.8 1.75 35 39 6-10 yrs 0 39 0 0 Land to South of Middlewich Road, adj. Winsford Mixed a a a WIW/0045 Winsford Railway Station Greenfield (Residential) 0.8 0.9 0.68 35 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 Greenfield Mixed a a a WIW/0047 Winsford Land south of Rilshaw Lane, Winsford (NP site S1) extension (Residential) 0.8 0.6 45.32 25 544 6-10 yrs 0 216 240 88 Land at Wharton Green, Deakins Road / Bostock Road, a a a WIW/0048 Winsford Winsford Mix Residential* 1 0.8 4.07 35 114 11-15 yrs 0 0 114 0 a a a WIW/0050 Winsford Former coal yard site, Station Road, Winsford PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.28 25 6 6-10 yrs 0 6 0 0 a a a WIW/0061 Winsford Land off Middlewich Road (rear of 107-155), Winsford Mix Residential 1 0.8 1.51 30 36 6-10 yrs 0 36 0 0 Greenfield a a a WIW/0063 Winsford Land to west of Clive Lane, south of Lyndene, Winsford extension Residential 1 0.9 0.64 30 17 6-10 yrs 0 17 0 0 Greenfield Mixed a a a WIW/0071 Winsford Land north of Rilshaw Lane, Winsford extension (Residential) 0.5 0.8 1.09 35 15 6-10 yrs 0 15 0 0 a a a WOV/0045 Winsford Handley Hill Primary School, Handley Hill, Winsford PDL Residential 1 0.8 2.52 35 71 1-5 yrs 36 35 0 0 Greenfield a a a WOV/0050 Winsford Land off Littler Lane / Oakmere Road (W), Winsford extension Residential 1 0.6 35.77 30 644 11-15 yrs 0 0 168 476 Land at Westholme Farm / Salterswell, north of Chester Greenfield a a a WOV/0055 Winsford Road, Winsford extension Residential 1 0.6 37.92 30 683 11-15 yrs 0 0 168 515 a a a WOV/0056 Winsford Land at Oakmere Road / Chester Road, Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.70 35 22 6-10 yrs 0 22 0 0 Greenfield a a a WOV/0057 Winsford Land at Oakmere Road / Chester Road, Winsford extension Residential 1 0.7 14.09 30 296 11-15 yrs 0 0 168 128 a a a WOV/0066 Winsford Land and buildings off Sadler Road, Winsford PDL Residential* 1 0.9 0.57 50 26 11-15 yrs 0 0 26 0 Land north of Winsford Police Station, Sadler Close, a a a WOV/0067 Winsford Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.41 30 11 6-10 yrs 0 11 0 0 a a a WOV/0068 Winsford Land east of Hawkshead Way, Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.8 3.10 35 87 6-10 yrs 0 87 0 0 110 APPENDIX C - TABLE 4 (Development potential)

STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Estimated Local Plan spatial Summary - % split by use Site area ratio Amended gross site Density (dw Delivery SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE development Reference area Site address / location Land type development type (resi:emp) assumption area (ha) / ha) potential timescales 1-5 YRS 6-10 YRS 11-15YRS 16+ YRS Verdin playing fields, Roehurst Lane / Bradford Road, a a a WOV/0069 Winsford Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.75 7.58 30 171 11-15 yrs 0 0 144 27 North of former Richmond Packaging site, New Road, a a a WOV/0070 Winsford Winsford PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.83 35 26 6-10 yrs 0 26 0 0 Mixed a a a WOV/0071 Winsford Car park off Church Street, Winsford Mix (Residential) 1 0.9 0.83 35 26 6-10 yrs 0 26 0 0 Land at Manchester House Carpets, 56 High Street, a a a WOV/0072 Winsford Winsford PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.13 40 5 11-16 yrs 0 0 5 0 Mixed a a a WOV/0073 Winsford British Waterways site off Bradford Road, Winsford PDL (Residential) 0.2 0.8 1.36 35 8 11-15 yrs 0 0 8 0 Pimletts and adj car park, Church Street / High Street, a a a WOV/0078 Winsford Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.18 35 6 6-10 yrs 0 6 0 0 a a a WOV/0084 Winsford Winsford Clio Centre, Sadler Road, Winsford, CW7 2NB PDL Residential 1 0.9 0.12 50 5 6-10 yrs 0 5 0 0 a a a WOV/0089 Winsford Delamere Nurseries, Delamere Street Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.28 35 9 6-10 yrs 0 9 0 0 a a a WOV/0092 Winsford Land adjacent St John's Drive, Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.9 0.41 35 13 6-10 yrs 0 13 0 0 Playing fields and land adjacent Verdin Exchange, a a a WOV/0107 Winsford Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.7 7.80 30 164 11-15 yrs 0 0 164 0 Land at Beech House Farm and Hebden Green Farm , Greenfield a a a WSD/0001 Winsford Winsford extension Residential 1 0.7 14.69 30 308 11-15 yrs 0 0 168 140 Greenfield a a a WSD/0002 Winsford Land at Moors Lane / Hall Lane, Winsford. extension Residential 1 0.6 18.72 30 337 11-15 yrs 0 0 168 169 a a a WSD/0008 Winsford Land at Cow Lane / Stocks Lane, Ways Green, Winsford Greenfield Residential 1 0.75 5.54 30 125 6-10 yrs 0 125 0 0 Mixed a a a WSD/0014 Winsford Winsford Shopping Centre, Dene's Drive, Winsford PDL (Residential) 1 0.8 3.15 45 113 11-15 yrs 0 0 72 41 Greenfield a a a WSD/0019 Winsford Land to the east of Swanlow Lane, Winsford extension Residential 1 0.8 2.35 30 56 6-10 yrs 0 56 0 0 Greenfield Mixed a a a WSD/0022 Winsford Land at Beech House Farm, Winsford extension (Residential) 0.5 0.75 3.19 30 36 6-10 yrs 0 36 0 0 Mixed a a a WSD/0027 Winsford Car park off Dene Street, Winsford (NP site TC1) PDL (Residential) 1 0.9 0.79 45 32 11-15 yrs 0 0 32 0 Mixed a a a WSD/0028 Winsford Site of former Civic Hall, High Street, Winsford PDL (Residential) 1 0.9 0.25 45 10 11-15 yrs 0 0 10 0 Winsford Library and Dingle Recreation Centre, High Mixed a a a WSD/0030 Winsford Street, Winsford PDL (Residential) 1 0.9 0.26 45 11 11-15 yrs 0 0 11 0 Land at the corner of High Street / Dingle Lane, Mixed a a a WSD/0031 Winsford Winsford PDL (Residential) 1 0.9 0.27 40 10 11-15 yrs 0 0 10 0 Greenfield a a a WSD/0039 Winsford Land to east of Moors Lane Farm, Moors Lane, Winsford extension Residential 1 0.7 11.92 30 250 11-15 yrs 0 0 168 82 Greenfield Mixed a a a WSD/0047 Winsford Land at Beech House Farm, Winsford extension (Residential) 0.5 0.6 17.94 30 161 11-15 yrs 0 0 144 17


11 3 Appendix D - Employment land assessment Cheshire

Appendix D sets out the assessment sites that were considered for potential employment land development as follows: West Table 1: Stage One (a and b) - sites that are outside of the assessment parameters and thresholds

and in respect of site size, location and significant constraints (see methodology). Chester Table 2: Stage Two - sites filtered out of the assessment as considered to be not suitable for

employment land within the plan period. Council

Table 3: Stage Two - assessment of sites considered to be not available and achievable for

employment land within the plan period. Housing

Table 4: Stage Two - assessment of potential employment land, delivery forecasting and identified and Economic constraints identified constraints Land Availability

Assessment (2017) Appendix D - Employment land assessment 11 4 Cheshire West and Chester


Housing and Economic Land Availability

Assessment (2017) APPENDIX D - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment) Summary - Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location development Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt NDP protected Flood Risk Stage 1b: Sports December 2016 STAGE 1A assessment assessment STAGE 1B local green space recommendation Allotment(s) fields and

r Below site size / capacity a BLA/0083 Chester 7 Knutsford Way, Chester, CH1 4NS Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity a Development permitted BLA/0086 Chester 9, Bumpers Lane, Chester, CH1 4LT Employment threshold(s) subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a CHC/0083 Chester 120-122 Foregate Street, Chester Employment threshold(s) Below site size / capacity CHC/0120 Chester 14 to 20 Watergate Street, Chester Mixed (Employment) r threshold(s) a Recommendation D - Land south-east of Mannings Lane, bound by r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted CHV/0035 Chester M53 and A56 Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Recommendation D - Former playing fields opposite Saighton Camp, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted DOH/0030 Chester Chester Road, Chester Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Recommendation D - Oakfield Nursery, Aldford Road, Huntington, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted DOH/0031 Chester Chester Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Recommendation C - Land to north of Crown Fields, Chester Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Consider layout and DOH/0032 Chester Chester Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. design Recommendation D - r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted DOH/0034 Chester Land east of Wrexham Road, Chester Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a GAQ/0019 Chester Maintenance Compound, U of C, Parkgate Rd Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a NEW/0031 Chester 67 Liverpool Road, Chester Employment threshold(s) Potential to safeguard a Above site size / capacity r for flood storage; ELT/0028 Ellesmere Port Kemira, Ince Marshes, Ince Employment threshold(s) Recommendation B -

Land And Building Adjacent To Dial House, r Below site size / capacity a ELT/0035 Ellesmere Port Dutton Green Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity a Development permitted EPT/0031 Ellesmere Port Bridges Road, Ellesmere Port Employment threshold(s) subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a EPT/0037 Ellesmere Port Stanney Mill Road Ellesmere Port Employment threshold(s)

Land Adj to Unit 25, Meadow Lane Industrial r Below site size / capacity a ROS/0016 Ellesmere Port Park Employment threshold(s)

115 APPENDIX D - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment) Summary - Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location development Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt NDP protected Flood Risk Stage 1b: Sports December 2016 STAGE 1A assessment assessment STAGE 1B local green space recommendation Allotment(s) fields and Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity a Development permitted STP/0026 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Arms, Windways, Little Sutton Employment threshold(s) subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a STP/0027 Ellesmere Port 369 Chester Road, Ellesmere Port Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a STP/0028 Ellesmere Port 369 Chester Road, Little Sutton, Ellesmere Port Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity a Development permitted HAG/0037 Northwich 174 Chester Road, Northwich Employment threshold(s) subject to FRA

Willows Veterinary Group, 267 Chester Rd, r Below site size / capacity a HAG/0038 Northwich Hartford Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - Land off Chester Road, rear of Speedwell r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted HAG/0042 Northwich Cottages, Hartford Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a MAR/0045 Northwich Land opposite 19 Wincham Lane, Northwich Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - Land north of Manchester Road, south of r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted SHA/0025 Northwich Winnington Wood, Northwich Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Recommendation C - r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Consider layout and SHA/0065 Northwich Land to north of Landford Road, Wincham Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. design

r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0026 Northwich 71 - 75 Chester Road, Northwich Mixed (Employment) threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0046 Northwich Ellis Welding Ltd, 5 Denton Drive, Northwich Employment threshold(s)

The Unit, Land and Buildings, Denton Dr, r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0047 Northwich Northwich Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0048 Northwich Texkimp Ltd, Northwich Employment threshold(s)

Land adj Winnington Leisure Park, Winnington r Below site size / capacity a WIC/0052 Northwich Lane Employment threshold(s) Recommendation C - Land off Warrington New Road / Manchester r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Consider layout and WIC/0065 Northwich Road. Northwich Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. design

116 APPENDIX D - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment) Summary - Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location development Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt NDP protected Flood Risk Stage 1b: Sports December 2016 STAGE 1A assessment assessment STAGE 1B local green space recommendation Allotment(s) fields and

Morrisons Distribution Centre, King St, r Below site size / capacity a WIR/0024 Northwich Rudheath Employment threshold(s) Green Belt location. r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a CHV/0088 Rural Depot, The Old Station, Station Lane Employment threshold(s) land. Green Belt location. r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a CHV/0089 Rural Hoole Bank Cottage, Mannings Lane Employment threshold(s) land.

r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a DOH/0024 Rural Lower Paddocks Building, Eccleston Employment threshold(s) Greenfield land. Green Belt location. r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a ELT/0032 Rural 10 Chapel Court, Wervin, Chester Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) land. Green Belt location. Recommendation D - WWTW, Shotwick-Frodsham Rd, Thornton Le r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a Development permitted ELT/0039 Rural Moors Employment threshold(s) land. subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0029 Rural Lea Hall Farm, Lea Lane Employment threshold(s)

Woodhouse Farm, Church Lane, Aldford, r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0032 Rural Chester Employment threshold(s)

Buildings and land to south of Woodhouse r Below site size / capacity a FAR/0040 Rural Farm, Church Lane, Aldford (A6) Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Recommendation D - r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted GOW/0057 Rural Off Junction 14, M56/A5117, Hapsford Employment threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

Land at corner of Proffits Lane / Chester Road, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a HEL/0014 Rural Helsby Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land.

r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a HEL/0016 Rural Land to rear of 110A Bates Lane, Helsby Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. Recommendation D - r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted HEL/0017 Rural Oak Mount Farm, rear Bates Lane, Helsby Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a HEL/0022 Rural District Garage, 203-205 Chester Rd, Helsby Employment threshold(s) Green Belt location. Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a Development permitted HEL/0023 Rural Lower Rake Lane, Helsby Employment threshold(s) land. subject to FRA

117 APPENDIX D - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment) Summary - Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location development Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt NDP protected Flood Risk Stage 1b: Sports December 2016 STAGE 1A assessment assessment STAGE 1B local green space recommendation Allotment(s) fields and Recommendation D - Land north of Maddocks Hill, south of Pytcheley r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted KIN/0023 Rural Hollow and Hambletts Hollow, Norley Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Green Belt location. Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a Development permitted KIN/0049 Rural Trout Fishing Pools, Hollow Lane, Kingsley Employment threshold(s) land. subject to FRA Recommendation D - Sutton Wewaver Swing Bridge, A557/A56, r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted KIN/0052 Rural Frodsham Employment threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA Recommendation D - Former WDA Barn, Puddington Lane, Burton, r Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted LNB/0029 Rural Neston Employment threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a LNB/0032 Rural Land south east of Stub Lane, Ness Employment* threshold(s) Greenfield land.

r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0057 Rural Willeymoor Lane, Tushingham Cum Grindley Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0058 Rural Manor Farm, Lower Wych Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0059 Rural Co-op, Malpas Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0061 Rural Parish Hall, Church Street, Malpas Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a MAL/0063 Rural Industrial Estate Road, Edge, Malpas Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity a Development permitted MAL/0066 Rural Farm Shop, Parkfield, Millmore Drive, Macefan Employment threshold(s) subject to FRA Green Belt location. Former telephone exchange, Senna Lane, r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a MAR/0038 Rural Comberbach Employment threshold(s) land. Recommendation D - Phillip Myers Web Long Acres Road Neston r Below site size / capacity a Development permitted NES/0015 Rural Cheshire Employment threshold(s) subject to FRA Recommendation D - Land north of the dismantled railway/ south of r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted PAR/0019 Rural Church Lane, Neston Employment threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

Land south of dismantled railway/adjacent r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. r Recommendation B - PAR/0020 Rural Neston Sewage Works Employment threshold(s) Greenfield land. Exception Test

118 APPENDIX D - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment) Summary - Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location development Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt NDP protected Flood Risk Stage 1b: Sports December 2016 STAGE 1A assessment assessment STAGE 1B local green space recommendation Allotment(s) fields and Green Belt location. Oakwood Farm, Parkgate Road, Saughall r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a SAM/0041 Rural Chester Employment threshold(s) land. Green Belt location. r Below site size / capacity Previously developed a TAK/0098 Rural Applecross Farm, Kelsall Employment threshold(s) land. Recommendation D - r Below site size / capacity a Development permitted TAK/0100 Rural Town House Farm, High Street, Clotton, Chester Employment threshold(s) subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a TAR/0050 Rural 1 Portal Bus Park, Eaton Lane, Rushton Employment threshold(s) Recommendation E - Outdoor a Above site size / capacity r Development permitted Sport TAR/0051 Rural Land adjacent Portal Business Park, Tarporley Employment* threshold(s) on flood risk grounds (private) Recommendation D - Outdoor a Above site size / capacity r Development permitted Sport TAR/0053 Rural Arderne Golf Course, Tarporley (area 1) Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) subject to FRA (private)

Lower House Farm, Lower Lane, Rushton, r Below site size / capacity a TAR/0064 Rural Tarporley Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) Recommendation D - Parsley Woods and land to west of The Oak r a Development permitted TAT/0004 Rural Rooms, Tattenhall Road, Newton-by-Tattenhal Employment location subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0043 Rural Burwardsley Road, Tattenhall Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a TAT/0048 Rural Huxley Lane, Tiverton, CW6 9NF Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - r Above site size / capacity Green Belt location. a Development permitted WIT/0025 Rural Land north of Hooton Road, Hooton Employment* threshold(s) Greenfield land. subject to FRA

r Below site size / capacity a TAR/0049 Tarporley 32A High Street, Tarporley Employment threshold(s)

r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0038 Winsford Astbury House, Bradford Road, Winsford Employment threshold(s)

135 Delamere Street Winsford Cheshire CW7 r Below site size / capacity a WOV/0042 Winsford 2LY Employment threshold(s) Recommendation D - Education Land off Mount Pleasant Drive/Dover Drive, a Above site size / capacity r Development permitted WOV/0048 Winsford Winsford Mixed (Employment) threshold(s) subject to FRA

119 APPENDIX D - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment)

Summary - Stage 1b: Stage 1b: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location development Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt NDP protected Flood Risk Stage 1b: Sports December 2016 STAGE 1A assessment assessment STAGE 1B local green space recommendation Allotment(s) fields and

r Below site size / capacity a WSD/0029 Winsford Mixed (Employment) threshold(s)

120 APPENDIX D - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment)

STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location SUITABLE Suitability assessment Land at Bumpers Lane municipal tip, BLA/0056 Chester Chester r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site. Watersmeet, land adjoining Chester West Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location BLA/0090 Chester Employment Park and land to south of r suitable for proposed use.

NET/0010 Ellesmere Port North Road, Ellesmere Port r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site. r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site. WIC/0059 Northwich Leicester Street Depot, Northwich Amenity green space Charles Barber and Sons LTD, 1-13 Station Environmental protection recommendation to discount site. WIC/0060 Northwich Road, Northwich, CW9 5LR r r Significant constraints prevent development (lime beds / open WIC/0070 Northwich North of Wallerscote Road, Weaverham space) Land to south of Chester Road, off Peter r Existing residential area, unlikely to be suitable for WIC/0118 Northwich Street, Northwich employment development Land to west of Bostock Green / east of Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location DAM/0071 Rural A533 r suitable for proposed use.

ELT/0015 Rural Land at Marsh Lane, Ince, Ellesmere Port r Environmental protection recommendation to discount site. Walled garden off School Lane, Aldford Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0035 Rural (A1) r suitable for proposed use. Old Smithy, Paddocks and back gardens, Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0041 Rural New Lane / Pump Lane, Churton (CH1) r suitable for proposed use. Land at Stannage Farm, Stannage Lane, Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0043 Rural Churton (C3) r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0045 Rural Land to east of Sandy Lane, Saighton (S1) r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0050 Rural Mount Farm, Saighton (S6) r suitable for proposed use. Grosvenor Estate Yard, Middle Lane, Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location FAR/0054 Rural Aldford, Chester, CH3 6JA r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location GOW/0076 Rural Wood Bank Farm, Dunham-on-the-Hill r suitable for proposed use.

121 APPENDIX D - TABLE 2 (Stage 2 assessment)

STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location SUITABLE Suitability assessment Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location GOW/0098 Rural Council Depot, Junction 14, M56, Hapsford r suitable for proposed use. Whitchurch Road, Tushingham Cum Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0065 Rural Grindley r suitable for proposed use. Land adjacent Hampton Heath Industrial Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0067 Rural Estate r suitable for proposed use. Bickley Community Project (Cholmondeley Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAL/0117 Rural Estate) r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location SHA/0052 Rural Land at Crookes Lane, Rudheath r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0054 Rural Arderne Golf Course, Tarporley r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0055 Rural Club House Site (zone A), Portal, Tarporley r suitable for proposed use. The academy site (zone B), Portal Golf Club, Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0056 Rural Tarporley r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0057 Rural Hotel Site, Portal Golf Club, Tarporley r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAR/0065 Rural Land at Quarry Bank/John Street, Utkinton r suitable for proposed use. Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location TAT/0023 Rural Church Farm, The Green, Harthill, CH3 9LQ r suitable for proposed use. Land at Beeston Bridge, south of r Significant constraints - could prevent employment TAT/0088 Rural Shropshire Union Canal, Beeston development r Proposed rolling stock depot location for HS2 (consultation WIW/0082 Rural HS2 - Proposed Winsford depot Nov 2016). Countryside location.

122 APPENDIX D - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment) Summary - STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location Land_Type development Stage 2: Stage 2: AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE December 2016 Availability assessment Achievability assessment Initial Citylink Dutton Green Chester Cheshire Expansion land for a specific employer Site occupied by a specific employer, unlikely to be achievable. ELT/0034 Ellesmere Port CH2 PDL Employment r r Air Products Ltd New Bridge Road Ellesmere Site occupied by a specific employer, unlikely to be achievable. ELT/0036 Ellesmere Port Port PDL Employment r Expansion land for a specific employer r

ELT/0049 Ellesmere Port Shellway Road South, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

ELT/0051 Ellesmere Port Stanney Green South, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

ELT/0052 Ellesmere Port Stanney Mill Lane, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

ELT/0053 Ellesmere Port Mill Brook 1, Ellsmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

ELT/0054 Ellesmere Port Mill Brook 2, Ellsmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

ELT/0055 Ellesmere Port Mill Brook 3, Ellsmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

ELT/0056 Ellesmere Port Little Stanney Woods, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0097 Ellesmere Port Cloister Way 3, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016); r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0098 Ellesmere Port Land adjacent to Hitex, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0099 Ellesmere Port Shellway Road West 1, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0100 Ellesmere Port Shellway Road West 2, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0101 Ellesmere Port Shellway Road West 3, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0102 Ellesmere Port Shellway Road Gowy 1, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0103 Ellesmere Port Shellway Road Gowy 2, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0104 Ellesmere Port Shellway Road Gowy, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0106 Ellesmere Port Moto Park site, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment a See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016)

EPT/0107 Ellesmere Port Bridges Road, Gowy PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016) r Site in use by a specific employer (operational land and r Constraints identified that could result in the site being NET/0008 Ellesmere Port Land adj to Vauxhalls, North Road PDL Employment landscaping) unachievable Portside North 2, Merseyton Road, Ellesmere r Existing use on site - no known intention to move/relocate r Constraints and /or issues identified that result in site being ROS/0013 Ellesmere Port Port PDL Employment unachievable; Unlikely to be developable without adjoining Portside South, Merseyton Road, Ellesmere a Site vacant and available for development; r Unlikely to be achievable (ELSU recommendation) ROS/0014 Ellesmere Port Port PDL Employment Possible expansion land for a specific employer r Existing uses on site (docklands / port-related use); r Owner/developer aspirations for alternative use / continuation ROS/0030 Ellesmere Port Ellesmere Port Docks and hinterland PDL Employment Not available of existing uses

ROS/0041 Ellesmere Port Innospec Depot Site, Stanlow PDL Employment r See Stanlow Review (2016) r See Stanlow Review (2016) Site promoted for alternative mix of uses; SHA/0053 Middlewich Land at junction of A54 and B5309, Middlewich Greenfield Mixed (Employment) r Greenfield agricultural land. r Owner aspirations for alternative uses r Existing / long term use on site - no known intention to r Site occupied by a specific employer, unlikely to be achievable. MAR/0019 Northwich Land at Chapel Street, Wincham PDL Employment* relocate / move Land at Weir Engineering, Winnington Avenue, Expansion land for a specific employer; Planning permission on r Constraints and /or issues identified that result in site being WIC/0043 Northwich Northwich PDL Employment* a adjacent site for alternative uses unachievable; r Existing / long term use on site - no known intention to WIC/0045 Northwich Land at Winnington Avenue, Northwich PDL Employment* relocate / move

123 APPENDIX D - TABLE 3 (Stage 2 assessment) Summary - STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Reference LocalPlan_Area Location Land_Type development Stage 2: Stage 2: AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE December 2016 Availability assessment Achievability assessment r Existing employment premises; Marketed and available for development; No land available for expansion WIC/0088 Northwich Dane House Chester Way, Northwich PDL Mixed (Employment) Land at Hargreaves Road / Middlewich Road, Owner/developer aspirations for alternative use; Vacant greenfield land WIR/0034 Northwich Northwich Greenfield Mixed (Employment) a r Unlikely to be achievable Existing use on site - no known intention to relocate Site occupied by a specific employer, unlikely to be achievable. r r HEL/0025 Rural Honeywell Unit 1, Chester Road, Helsby, WA6 PDL Employment Owner/developer aspirations for alternative use KIN/0018 Rural Haulage Yard, High Street, Norley PDL Employment* r Site being promoted for alternative mix of uses (planning application pending)r Former Octel, south of railway line, Moss Lane, a Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; r Constraints and / or issues identified that could result in the SHA/0063 Rural Lostock Gralam PDL Employment / Waste Site vacant and available for development; site being unachievable Greenfield agricultural land; Site promoted for alternative mix of uses TAK/0158 Rural Land at Church Street, Tarvin Greenfield Employment* r Site promoted for alternative mix of uses r Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; TAR/0052 Rural Arderne Golf Course, Tarporley (area 2) Greenfield Mixed (Employment) r Mix and type of uses unknown; Rode Street Works / Buffer Depot, Rode St, r Existing / long term use on site - no known intention to TAR/0058 Rural Tarporley PDL Employment* relocate / move r Agricultural greenfield land; TAT/0001 Rural Land at 3 Huxley Cottages, Red Lane, Huxley Greenfield Employment Not available Beeston Cattle Auction, A49, Beeston, CW6 r Existing / long term use on site; TAT/0026 Rural 9NZ PDL Employment* Developer / landowner aspirations for alternative uses on site r Greenfield agricultural land; TAT/0045 Rural Oak Lane, Tattenhall, Chester Mix Employment Landowner advice no longer available Crows Nest Bridge Employment site, Newton r Existing use on site - no intention to relocate / move r Site occupied by a specific employer, unlikely to be achievable. TAT/0049 Rural By Tattenahll PDL Employment Land opposite Tiresford House, Tarporley, Greenfield agricultural land; r Owner/developer aspirations for alternative use TAT/0052 Rural Cheshire. Greenfield Mixed (Employment) a Landowner / developer aspirations for alternative uses Constraints and /or issues identified that result in site being r Existing uses on site - no known intention to relocate / move r TAT/0084 Rural Former oil depot (A49), Beeston PDL Employment* unachievable Expansion land for a specific employer; r Unlikely to be achievable, owner intentions unknown WIW/0029 Winsford Road Five, Winsford CW7 3RB PDL Employment a Existing use on site; r Existing / long term use on site - no known intention to WIW/0031 Winsford Smee Holdings Ltd, Smokehall Lane, Winsford PDL Employment relocate / move Land at Wharton Green, Deakins Road / Long term undeveloped employment allocation; Site designated in made NDP r WIW/0048 Winsford Bostock Road, Winsford Mix Employment* a Site identified in NDP for alternative use; Site occupied by a specific employer: r Site in use by occupier, unlikely to be achievable WOV/0036 Winsford Dragtone Building, Browning Way, Winsford PDL Employment a Potential expansion land for a specific employer Site occupied by a specific employer: r Site in use by occupier, unlikely to be achievable WOV/0039 Winsford Dragtone Building, Browning Way, Winsford PDL Employment a Potential expansion land for a specific employer Land at Woodford Park Business Centre, r Site in existing employment use WOV/0047 Winsford Winsford PDL Employment Greenfield agricultural land. r Owner/developer aspirations for alternative use WSD/0022 Winsford Land at Beech House Farm, Winsford Greenfield Mixed (Employment) a No known ownership / ransom strip issues. Greenfield agricultural land. r Owner/developer aspirations for alternative use WSD/0047 Winsford Land at Beech House Farm, Winsford Greenfield Mixed (Employment) a No known ownership / ransom strip issues.

124 APPENDIX D - TABLE 4 (Development Potential)

Summary - Delivery STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Development Summary of key constraints Reference LocalPlan_Area Location Land_Type development Stage 2: Stage 2: Stage 2: timescales (1- SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE potential / site attributes December 2016 Suitability assessment Availability assessment Achievability assessment 5yrs, 6-10yrs, 11- Flood risk; Former Livestock Market, Bumpers Lane, BLA/0082 Chester PDL Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved 1.07 6-10 noise; Chester a a a air quality

Historic assets; Site vacant and available for development; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; noise; BLA/0084 Chester Chester West, Sovereign Way, Chester PDL Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation 0.7 6-10 a a Marketed for development a Long term allocation air quality; flood risk

Historic assets; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; BOU/0046 Chester Hoole Lane, Boughton PDL Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site vacant and available for development 0.4 6-10 noise; a a a Long term allocation air quality Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; Historic assets: CHC/0030 Chester Garden Lane Car Park, Chester PDL Mixed (Employment) Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site vacant and available for development 0.17 6-10 a a a Long term allocation Air / noise

No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site Hazard zone; Land off New Crane Street, adjacent 2-12 GAQ/0012 Chester PDL Employment* No significant constraints identified Site vacant and available for development as unachievable; 0.35 6-10 pipeline; Kitchen Street, Chester (Old Port) a a a Long term allocation flood risk

Historic assets; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved: HOO/0017 Chester Hoole Road Enterprise Centre, Chester PDL Employment* Site vacant and available for development; 0.71 6-10 land contamination; a Previous employment uses on site a a Long term allocation noise

Historic assets; Constraints and /or issues identified that result in site being land contamination; HOO/0036 Chester Hoole Road, North East Urban Action Area PDL Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Site in operational use by Network Rail unachievable; 1.78 6-10 a ? ? noise; Long term allocation air quality

Hazards; Ecology; Ince Caravan Site, Station Road, Ince, Ellesmere Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; ELT/0029 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment Marketed for development 5.50 6-10 land contamination; Port a Existing employment area a a Long term allocation noise; air quality

Hazards; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; Flood risk; Existing employment area; Marketed for development; ELT/0030 Ellesmere Port Site of Former Ince A and B Power Stations PDL Employment Potential expansion land; 34.83 6-10 land contamination; a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a Site actively promoted by agent / landowner a Long term allocation noise; air quality

land contamination; noise; See Stanlow Review (2016); See Stanlow Review (2016); air quality; See Stanlow Review (2016); ELT/0031 Ellesmere Port Dutton Green, Little Stanney PDL Employment Marketed for development; Enterprise Zone Status; 0.65 0-5 hazard zone; a Existing employment area a a Site vacant and available for development Long term allocation pipeline; flood risk; green space

Shell Lubricants Centre Oil Sites Road Ellesmere ELT/0042 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) 13.15 10-15 Port a a a

ELT/0048 Ellesmere Port Pool Lane, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) 3.94 11-15

ELT/0050 Ellesmere Port Stanney Green North, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) 5.9 11-15

ELT/0057 Ellesmere Port Thornton Science Park Development Zone 1-3, PDL Employment a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) 9.31 6-10

Historic assets; land contamination; See Stanlow Review (2016); See Stanlow Review (2016); noise; EPT/0028 Ellesmere Port Rushtons, Newbridge Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) 0.88 6-10 a a Site vacant and available for development a Long term allocation air quality; hazard zone; pipeline

land contamination; noise; Cabot Carbon, New Bridge Road, Ellesmere air quality; EPT/0030 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) 18.96 6-10 Port a a a hazard zone; pipeline; flood risk

Hazard zone; EPT/0032 Ellesmere Port South Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) 1.57 0-5 a a a flood risk

EPT/0105 Ellesmere Port Land at Newport Business Park, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) a See Stanlow Review (2016) 6.47 0-5

125 APPENDIX D - TABLE 4 (Development Potential)

Summary - Delivery STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Development Summary of key constraints Reference LocalPlan_Area Location Land_Type development Stage 2: Stage 2: Stage 2: timescales (1- SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE potential / site attributes December 2016 Suitability assessment Availability assessment Achievability assessment 5yrs, 6-10yrs, 11- Land off Stanney Mill Lane (north), Ellesmere Existing employment area; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; EPT/0108 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment Site vacant and available for development 0.95 6-10 Historic assets Port a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a Long term allocation

Cloister Way 1, off New Bridge Road, Ellesmere EPT/0109 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) 0.97 0-5 Port a a a

See Stanlow Review (2016); EPT/0110 Ellesmere Port South Road / Bridge Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) 4.58 0-5 a a a Enterprise Zone Status

Helix Business Park, Redsum Site, Ellesmere See Stanlow Review (2016); EPT/0111 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) 1.3 0-5 Port a a a Enterprise Zone Status

Environmental asset; land contamination; Site is vacant and available for development; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site Existing employment area; noise; NET/0009 Ellesmere Port Hooton Park, South Road, Ellesmere Port PDL Employment Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; as unachievable; 23.66 0-5 a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a air quality; LDO designated area Long term allocation hazard zone; pipeline

Former Booston Oil Depot (part of Port Wirral) Existing employment area; Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site Pipelines, NET/0019 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment 4.67 6-10 North Road, Ellesmere Port a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a Site vacant and available for development a as unachievable environmental asset Site vacant and available for development; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site NET/0023 Ellesmere Port Hooton Park (Plot 2), Ellesmere Port PDL Employment a Existing employment area a LDO designated area a as unachievable; 3.16 0-5 Long term allocation Site vacant and available for development; Existing employment area; ROS/0015 Ellesmere Port Former Gulf Oil Refinery, Poole Hall Road PDL Employment Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; Issues identified that could through mitigation be resolved 4.10 6-10 Pipelines a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a No known landownership issues Historic assets; land contamination; Site rear of canal site 5, Oil Sites Road, ROS/0025 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) See Stanlow Review (2016) 1.64 0-5 noise; Ellesmere Port a a a air quality; hazard zone

Site vacant and available for development; Pipeline; Rossmore Road East / Rossfield Road North Existing employment area; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; ROS/0029 Ellesmere Port PDL Employment* No known ownership issues; 1.39 6-10 Land contamination; noise; (land at), Ellesmere Port a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a Landowner / agent aspirations for alternative uses Marketed for employment development air quality

Rivacre Business Centre Mill Lane Great Sutton No significant constraints identified; No constraints identified that would result in the site being STP/0040 Ellesmere Port Employment* Site vacant and available for development 1.37 6-10 Ellesmere Port a Previous employment uses on site a a unachievable

Land contamination; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site Land stability; Cheshire Oaks 5C West, Longlooms Lane, and No initial constraints identified; Actively marketed and available for development; as unachievable; WHI/0012 Ellesmere Port Mix Employment* 1.71 6-10 noise; land at Lloyd Drive, Ellesmere Port a Existing employment area a Owner aspirations for alternative mix of uses on site ? Owner/developer aspirations for alternative use; air quality; Long term undeveloped allocation pipeline

Access/infrastructure; Environmental asset; Pipeline; Constraints and /or issues identified that result in site being Land to the south of A556, Rudheath, land contamination; DAM/0058 Northwich Greenfield Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site actively promoted by agent/landowner unachievable; 30.49 11-15 Northwich (south west Gadbrook Park) a a ? noise; Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable air quality; hazard zone; flood risk

Hazard Zones; Wallerscote Road (former gas works), land contamination; HAG/0002 Northwich PDL Employment* Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved 1.15 11-15 Northwich a a a noise; air quality

Land at Weaver Navigation / Runcorn Road, Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Flood risk; MAR/0037 Northwich PDL Mixed (Employment) Site partly vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved 0.77 6-10 Barnton a Existing storage use on part of site a a land contamination

Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; Hazard zone; Land at Chapel Street, Wincham, Northwich Existing employment area; Expansion land for a specific employer; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; MAR/0039 Northwich PDL Employment 18.00 6-10 pipeline; (Thor) a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a Existing employment uses on site a Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable flood risk

Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; Issues identified that could through mitiation be resolved; HS2, Longwood, East of Shurlach Road / Chester Some constraints and /or issues identified that could result in SHA/0026 Northwich Greenfield Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation 25.33 11-15 Environmental asset; Road, Lostock Gralam a a ? site being unachievable (HS2); pipeline Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable

Land contamination; SHA/0041 Northwich Land to south/west of Lostock Gralam Greenfield Employment* a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a Site is vacant and available for development a Long term undeveloped employment allocation 0.66 6-10 Noise; candidtate key gap

126 APPENDIX D - TABLE 4 (Development Potential)

Summary - Delivery STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Development Summary of key constraints Reference LocalPlan_Area Location Land_Type development Stage 2: Stage 2: Stage 2: timescales (1- SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE potential / site attributes December 2016 Suitability assessment Availability assessment Achievability assessment 5yrs, 6-10yrs, 11- land contamination; Long term undeveloped employment allocation; Site is vacant and available for development; Noise; SHA/0042 Northwich Redundant Depot Griffiths Road PDL Employment* Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Constraints identified that could result in the site being 1.38 6-10 a a Potential expansion land for existing employer / landlocked ? pipeline; unachievable candidate key gap

Hazard zones; pipeline; HS2; Planning permission for alternative uses (underground gas underground gas storage Constraints identified - potential for mitigation, although may Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; storage) could result in the site being unachievable - further SHA/0050 Northwich Land east of King Street, Northwich Greenfield Employment 82.38 11-15 potential; a be sufficient to prevent development a Site vacant and available for development ? information required; historic asset; Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable land contamination; noise; air quality Historic asset; land contamination; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; WIC/0009 Northwich Land at Lock Street, Northwich Mix Mixed (Employment) Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site vacant and available for development 0.36 6-10 land stability; a a ? Long term undeveloped allocation pipeline; flood risk

land contamination; Constraints and /or issues identified that result in site being land stability; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; WIC/0039 Northwich Land North of Leicester Street, Northwich Mix Mixed (Employment) Site actively promoted by agent / landowner unachievable; 1.24 6-10 pipeline; a Amenity green space a ? Expression of interest indicates the site is achievable flood risk; green space

Land contamination; Land stability; Existing employment area; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; WIC/0044 Northwich Land on Denton Drive Industrial Estate Greenfield Employment Site vacant and available for development 0.60 11-15 noise; a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a Long term undeveloped allocation air quality; pipeline

Historic asset ; environmental asset; Existing employment use(s) and vacant / derelict Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; land stability; WIC/0049 Northwich Land at Winnington Works, Northwich PDL Mixed (Employment) land; Expression of interest / submission indicates the site could be 17.56 11-15 a Existing employment area a a noise; Comprensive redevelopment of site is proposed. achievable pipeline; flood risk

Existing employment area; Expansion land for a specific employer; Winnington Bus' Park, Winnington Ave, Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; WIC/0050 Northwich PDL Employment* Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site being promoted for alternative mix of uses (including 6.15 6-10 Hazard zone Northwich a a a Long term allocation employment)

land contamination; noise; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; WIR/0010 Northwich Land north of Farm Road, Rudheath Greenfield Employment* Site vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved 2.08 6-10 hazard zone; a Existing employment area a a pipeline; green space

HS2; Hazard zones; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Constraints and /or issues identified that could result in site pipelines; WIR/0013 Northwich Land South East of Gadbrook Park, Northwich Greenfield Employment a Employment development would not conflict with existing a Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; ? being unachievable (HS2); 15.40 11-15 land stability; surrounding uses Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable noise; air quality; flood risk

Environmental asset; land stability; noise; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; WIR/0016 Northwich Land on Gadbrook Employment Park, Rudheath Greenfield Employment Site vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved 4.24 6-10 air quality; a Existing employment area a a hazard zone; pipeline; flood risk

Historic asset; land stability; Land at Lostock Works House, Works Lane, Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Issues identified that could through mitigation be resolved; noise; WIR/0027 Northwich PDL Employment* Expansion land for a specific employer 1.70 6-10 Northwich a Existing employment area a a Long term undeveloped allocation air quality; hazard zone; flood risk

land contamination; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; WIR/0032 Northwich Land off Griffiths Road, Rudheath Greenfield Employment* Site vacant and available for development Issues identified that through mitigation could be resolved 1.82 6-10 noise; a Existing employment area a a pipeline

land contamination; Extension to Monument Farm Industrial Estate, Existing employment area; FAR/0034 Rural Greenfield Employment Site actively promoted by agent/landowner for employment Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved 1.36 6-10 noise; Churton Road, Farndon, Chester a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a air quality

127 APPENDIX D - TABLE 4 (Development Potential)

Summary - Delivery STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Development Summary of key constraints Reference LocalPlan_Area Location Land_Type development Stage 2: Stage 2: Stage 2: timescales (1- SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE potential / site attributes December 2016 Suitability assessment Availability assessment Achievability assessment 5yrs, 6-10yrs, 11- Site vacant and available for development; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; pipeline; GOW/0056 Rural Former BICC Helsby Greenfield Mixed (Employment) Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; 2.32 6-10 a a a Access to be resolved flood risk No known landownership issues

Adj Hampton Heath Ind Estate, Field OS 5412, No significant constraints identified; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site MAL/0056 Rural Greenfield Employment Site vacant and available for development 2.68 6-10 Edge a Existing employment area a a as unachievable No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site Existing employment area; NES/0007 Rural Clayhill 1, Water Tower Road, Neston PDL Employment* Site is vacant and available for development as unachievable; 0.46 6-10 land contamination a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a Long term allocation

No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site land contamination; Existing employment area; Site is vacant and available for development; NES/0008 Rural Clayhill 2, Builwas Road, Neston PDL Employment as unachievable; 0.53 6-10 noise; a No significant constraints identified a Expansion land for a specific employer a Long term allocation air quality

No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site land contamination; Existing employment area; NES/0009 Rural Clayhill 3, Long Acres Road, Neston PDL Employment Site is vacant and available for development as unachievable; 0.92 6-10 noise; a No significant constraints identified a a Long term allocation air quality No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site land contamination; Existing employment area; NES/0010 Rural Clayhill 4, Long Acres Road, Neston PDL Employment Site is vacant and available for development as unachievable; 0.65 11-15 noise; a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a Long term allocation air quality No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site Existing employment area; NES/0011 Rural Morgans Land, Water Tower Road, Neston PDL Employment* Site is vacant and available for development as unachievable; 1.14 6-10 Adjacent contaminated land a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a Long term allocation land contamination; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site noise; SHA/0047 Rural Middlewich Road Industrial Estate, Cranage PDL Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Expansion land for a specific employer 2.88 6-10 a a a as unachievable air quality; hazard zone

Planning permission for alternative uses; Adjacent existing employment location (Midpoint 18, Cheshire Site actively promoted by agent / landowner: Expression of interest / submission indicates the site is SHA/0073 Rural Land off Holmes Chapel Road Middlewich Greenfield Employment East); 19.14 6-10 pipeline a a Vacant greenfield site a achievable Constraints identified - potential for mitigation

Town House Farm, High Street, Clotton, Adjacent existing employment location; Greenfield agricultural land; TAK/0162 Rural Greenfield Employment Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable 0.60 6-10 Historic assets Chester a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a Site actively promoted by agent / landowner a

land contamination; Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; Existing employment area; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site land stability; TAT/0055 Rural Chowley Oak, Dog Lane Greenfield Employment Greenfield agricultural land; 2.25 6-10 a No constraints initially identified a a as unachievable noise; Single landownership air quality

Highways Depot and adjacent land, Chapel Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site land contamination; TAT/0077 Rural Mix Employment* Site vacant and available for development 2.66 6-10 Lane, Milton Green a Adjacent residential area a a as unachievable noise

Existing employment area; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site WIT/0049 Rural Oaklands Office Park, Phase 3 PDL Employment Site vacant and available for development 1.17 6-10 a No significant constraints identified a a as unachievable

Site vacant and available for development; land stability; Land at Brighton Belle Public House, Station Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Issues identified that could through mitigation be resolved; WIW/0026 Winsford PDL Mixed (Employment) Possibly landlocked, may require comprehensive 0.84 6-10 noise; Road, Winsford a Existing employment area a a Long term undeveloped allocation redevelopment with the adjacent public house air quality land contamination; land stability; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site noise; WIW/0027 Winsford Land West of Road One (South Bostock Road) Greenfield Employment Existing employment area; Site vacant and available for development as unachievable; 9.30 6-10 a a a air quality; Winsford NDP (Part) Long term allocation pipeline; green space

land contamination; land stability; Existing employment area; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site noise; WIW/0043 Winsford Land east of Road One, Winsford Greenfield Employment Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Greenfield site available for development as unachievable; 24.18 6-10 a a a air quality; NDP allocation Long term allocation hazard zone; pipeline

Land to South of Middlewich Road, adj. Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Owner intention for mix and type of use uncertain; WIW/0045 Winsford Greenfield Mixed (Employment) Mix and type of use uncertain 0.43 6-10 Noise Winsford Railway Station a Winsord NDP mixed use allocation a a Identified as achievable in Winsford NDP

land contamination; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; land stability; WOV/0041 Winsford Land on Woodford Park Industrial Estate Greenfield Employment Site vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved 1.50 6-10 a Existing employment area a a noise; air quality

land contamination; No constraints initially identified; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site land stability; WOV/0044 Winsford Land at Littler Lane / Oakemere Road, Winsford Greenfield Employment Adjacent existing employment area: Site vacant and available for development as unachievable; 6.00 6-10 a a a noise; Winsford NDP allocation Long term allocation air quality Site is vacant and available for development; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site land contamination; WOV/0066 Winsford Land and buildings off Sadler Road, Winsford PDL Employment* Allocated for mixed use in NDP 0.57 6-10 a Winsford NDP allocation a a as unachievable noise Mix and type of uses uncertain

128 AAPPENDIX D - TABLE 4 (Development Potential)

Summary - Delivery STAGE 2: STAGE 2: STAGE 2: Development Summary of key constraints Reference LocalPlan_Area Location Land_Type development Stage 2: Stage 2: Stage 2: timescales (1- SUITABLE AVAILABLE ACHIEVABLE potential / site attributes December 2016 Suitability assessment Availability assessment Achievability assessment 5yrs, 6-10yrs, 11- Historic asset; British Waterways site off Bradford Road, No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site WOV/0073 Winsford PDL Mixed (Employment) Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Site designated in made NDP 1.09 11-15 land contamination; Winsford a a a as unachievable land stability;


1 31 Appendix E - Other commercial uses Cheshire West and Chester


Housing and Economic

Land Availability

Assessment (2017) Appendix E - Other commercial uses 1 32 Cheshire West and Chester


Housing and Economic

Land Availability

Assessment (2017) APPENDIX E - TABLE 1 (Stage 1 assessment) Summary - NDP protected development Stage 1a: Site threshold Stage 1a: Green Belt local green Reference Local Plan Area Location December 2016 STAGE 1A assessment assessment STAGE 1B space Below site size / capacity Green Belt location. DOH/0023 Rural The Shippon, Church Road, Dodleston Retail r threshold(s) Previously developed a Unit 5, Newport Business Park, Ellesmere Below site size / capacity EPT/0040 Ellesmere Port Port Retail r threshold(s) a Below site size / capacity HAG/0053 Northwich Chester Road, Hartford, Northwich Retail r threshold(s) a Unit 7 Windle Court, Clayhill Ind Estate, Below site size / capacity NES/0012 Neston and Parkgate Neston Mixed (non resi) r threshold(s) a Above site size / capacity TAR/0092 Tarporley Land at High Street, Tarporley Mixed (non resi) a threshold(s) r a 211-215 Manchester Road, Northwich, Below site size / capacity WIC/0064 Northwich CW9 7NB Retail r threshold(s) a Old Whitegate Station for future use as a Below site size / capacity WOV/0063 Rural community shop and other facilities Retail r threshold(s) a

133 APPENDIX E - TABLE 2 (Suitability) Summary - development STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference Local Plan Area Location December 2016 SUITABLE Suitability assessment Not within or adjacent to a recognised sustainable location MAR/0040 Rural Uplands Marina, Mixed (non resi) r suitable for proposed use. Winsford High Street Primary School, WOV/0001 Winsford Winsford High Street, Winsford Mixed (non resi) r Significant constraints prevent development

134 APPENDIX E - TABLE 3 (Availability) Summary - development STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference Local Plan Area Location December 2016 SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment Rear of 70-88 Grace Road, New Grosvenor a r Not available; ROS/0032 Ellesmere Port Road, Ellesmere Port Mixed (non resi) No significant constraints identified Multiple ownership / ransom strip issues likely Corner of B5445 / Dodleston Lane on the Site in existing community use; no known intention to relocate STP/0035 Ellesmere Port Rossett side Retail a No significant constraints identified r

135 APPENDIX E - TABLE 4 (Achievability) Summary - development STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: STAGE 2: Stage 2: Reference Local Plan Area Location December 2016 SUITABLE Suitability assessment AVAILABLE Availability assessment ACHIEVABLE Achievability assessment Land off Junction 6 (M53), Vauxhall Motors Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; Site is vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved NET/0006 Ellesmere Port Plant, Rivacre Road, Ellesmere Port Mixed (non resi) a Existing employment area a a a a Site actively promoted by agent/landowner; ? Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable; TAR/0068 Tarporley Land south of Heath Green, Tarporley Mixed (non resi) Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Greenfield agricultural land Further information required on mix and type of uses Land at Blakemere Hall, Chester Road, a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation; a Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; a Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; WEC/0057 Cuddington and SandiwayCuddington Mixed (non resi) Existing retail uses on part of site Existing uses on site proposed for expansion Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable Lime Tree Farmhouse Paddock, Stanney Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable WHI/0021 Ellesmere Port Lane, Ellesmere Port Mixed (non resi) a No significant constraints identified a a Land to the north of Watling Street, Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable WIC/0062 Northwich Northwich Mixed (non resi) a No significant constraints identified a a Existing use on site that could be relocated; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; Constraints identified - potential for mitigation WIC/0075 Northwich Watling Street (Council offices), Northwich Non-residential* a a Site actively promoted for development; a Town centre regeneration potential; Weaver Shopping extension, Chester Way, a a Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; a Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; WIC/0076 Northwich Northwich Mixed (Retail) Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Mix and type of uses uncertain Mix and type of uses uncertain Site actively promoted by agent / landowner; Expression of interest / submission indicates site is achievable WIC/0104 Northwich Land off Chester Way, Northwich Retail a No significant constraints identified a a Owner intention for mix and type of use uncertain; Land to south-east of A54, Winsford Site vacant and available for development Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved WIW/0044 Winsford Bypass, adjacent to Winsford Railway Mixed (non resi) a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a a Land south of Rilshaw Lane, Winsford (NP Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved WIW/0047 Winsford site S1) Mixed (non resi) a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a Site is vacant and available for development a a a a No constraints and / or issues identified that could deem site WIW/0071 Winsford Land north of Rilshaw Lane, Winsford Mixed (non resi) No significant constraints identified Greenfield site - agricultural use as unachievable a a Greenfield site; a Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; WOV/0071 Winsford Car park off Church Street, Winsford Mixed (non resi) Constraints identified - potential for mitigation Part Amenity green space. Expression of interest / submission indicates the site could be Site vacant and available for development; Issues identified that could, through mitigation be resolved; WOV/0074 Winsford Greedy Pig, New Road, Winsford Mixed (non resi) a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a No known ownership issues a Winsford Shopping Centre, Dene's Drive, Existing retail uses on site; No constraints / issues identified that would result in the site a No significant constraints identified a a WSD/0014 Winsford Winsford Mixed (Retail) No known ownership issues being unachievable Car park off Dene Street, Winsford (NP site a Constraints identified - potential for mitigation a Greenfield site; a No constraints / issues identified that would result in the site WSD/0027 Winsford TC1) Mixed (non resi) Part amenity green space being unachievable; Site of former Civic Hall, High Street, a No significant constraints identified a No ownership issues identified a No constraints / issues identified that would result in the site WSD/0028 Winsford Winsford Mixed (non resi) being unachievable Winsford Library and Dingle Recreation a No significant constraints identified a No ownership issues identified a No constraints / issues identified that would result in the site WSD/0030 Winsford Centre, High Street, Winsford Mixed (non resi) being unachievable a No significant constraints identified a No ownership issues identified a No constraints / issues identified that would result in the site WSD/0031 Winsford Mixed (non resi) being unachievable

136 APPENDIX E - TABLE 5 (Additional sites)

Summary - development December Reference Local Plan Area Location 2016

BOU/0047 Chester Steam Mill Street, Chester Leisure / Other Richard House, 80-84 Lower Bridge Street, CHC/0084 Chester Chester Leisure / Other

CHC/0097 Chester 7 Stanley Place, Chester Leisure / Other Land at Little St John Street (incl CHC/0103 Chester amphitheatre/Dee House) Chester Leisure / Other Little Roodee, The Castle, County Hall, CHC/0104 Chester Castle Drive, Chester Leisure / Other Land to south west of St Peter's Church, CHV/0095 Rural Village Road, Waverton (W3) Leisure / Other Rose Manor Farm Site A, Warrington Road, CHV/0100 Rural Mickle Trafford Leisure / Other Land at Rose Manor Farm, Warrington CHV/0109 Rural Road, Mickle Trafford Leisure / Other Unit 4c Bridgegate Pavilion Chester DOH/0026 Chester Business Park Leisure / Other Land to south east of Abbey Gate College, FAR/0051 Rural Saighton (S7) Leisure / Other

GOW/0074 Rural Old Dunham Hill Railway Station Leisure / Other

GOW/0078 Rural Old Vicarage Garden Centre Nursery Leisure / Other

HOO/0037 Chester 43 Hoole Road, Chester Leisure / Other Marbury Country Park, Comberbach, MAR/0052 Rural Northwich Cheshire CW9 6AT Mixed (leisure)

NES/0013 Neston and Parkgate Clayhill Industrial Estate, Neston Leisure / Other

NET/0012 Ellesmere Port 17 Westminster Ind Park, Rossfield Road Leisure / Other

ROS/0022 Ellesmere Port 69 Merseyton Road, Ellesmere Port Leisure / Other Rudheath Lodge Farm, Knutsford Road, SHA/0062 Rural Cranage, CW4 8HJ (majority in Cheshire Minerals and Waste Tarporley Road, opposite Broomheath TAK/0011 Tarvin Lane junction, Tarvin Mixed (Recreation)

TAK/0035 Rural Fourways Quarry, Chester Road, Oakmere Leisure / Other Land rear of Glebe Cottage, Church Street, TAK/0117 Tarvin Tarvin Leisure / Other Tattoo Studio, 23A Chester Road, Ellesmere WHI/0013 Ellesmere Port Port Leisure / Other Unit One Winnington Hall, Winnington WIC/0056 Northwich Lane Leisure / Other

WIC/0057 Northwich 17-19 Winnington Street, Northwich Leisure / Other

WIR/0019 Northwich Griffiths Road, Lostock Gralam, CW9 7NU Minerals and Waste

WIR/0020 Northwich Griffiths Road, Lostock Gralam, CW9 7NU Minerals and Waste

WIR/0021 Northwich Griffiths Road, Lostock Gralam, CW9 7XU Minerals and Waste

WIR/0022 Northwich Griffiths Road, Lostock Gralam, CW9 7XU Minerals and Waste Several sites at Winsford and the WIW/0042 Ellesmere Port surrounding areas Minerals and Waste

137 APPENDIX E - TABLE 5 (Additional sites)

Summary - development December Reference Local Plan Area Location 2016 Nunsmere Lakes, land between Tarporley WOV/0051 Rural Road and Kennel Lane, nr Delamere Leisure / Other Whitegate Primary School: Community WOV/0062 Rural Green Space next to Whitegate School Leisure / Other

138 139