685 Is it pain if it does not hurt? On the unlikelihood of pain Shelley A. Adamo

Abstract—Whether (Insecta) have the subjective experience of pain is difficult to answer. Recent work in humans demonstrated that the experience of pain occurs due to the activation of a “pain network” that integrates nociceptive sensory information, memory, emotion, , and self-awareness. In humans, the processing of nociceptive sensory information alone does not produce the subjective experience of pain. Insect nociception is processed largely in parallel in two higher- order areas in the brain: the and the central complex. There is little evidence of a coordinated pain network that would integrate these two areas with each other along with other traits thought to be important for a pain experience in humans. However, it is difficult to exclude the possibility that insects could have a modest pain experience using a less integrated neural circuit. This possibility seems unlikely, however, because even a modest experience would require some neuronal investment. It is unclear whether insects would benefit from such an investment. Recent work in artificial intelligence suggests that relatively simple, cost-efficient circuits can produce adaptive behaviours without subjective experience. Given our current understanding of insect behaviour, neurobiology, and evolution, the likelihood that insects experience pain is low.

Introduction People with complete spinal transection still ex- hibit nociceptive reflexes below the level of the Recent debate over whether lobsters (Decapoda: injury (e.g., flexion of the ankle in response to an Nephropidae) feel pain has heightened interest electric shock of the foot), but these reflexes occur in the question of whether insects (Insecta) feel without pain (Andersen et al. 2004). Therefore, pain. Concerns about lobsters have resulted in exhibiting short-term or long-term behavioural new regulations about their transport and con- responses to harmful stimuli does not mean that tainment, on the assumption that they experience an animal feels pain. The behavioural change distress (Browman et al. 2018). Should we have could be part of a response to nociception. the same concerns about insects? Although all Because pain is a private, subjective experi- animals (Animalia) deserve our respect (e.g., see ence, it is difficult to determine which animal Mather 2011;Adamo2016), not all animals may species experience pain. Some philosophers experience pain. suggest using the “argument by analogy” to Pain is a negative subjective experience (Allen answer this question (e.g., Allen et al. 2005). et al. 2005) that is complex and multifaceted This method compares the behaviour and (Garcia-Larrea and Jackson 2016). It encom- neurobiology of the animal in question with passes feelings such as discomfort and despair. that of humans, who are known to feel pain. It differs from nociception, which is the ability to If the behaviour of an animal is consistent with sense damaging stimuli (Allen et al. 2005). All how humans behave when in pain, and the organisms have some form of nociception, even animal has the appropriate neuroanatomical Bacteria (Berg 1975). It is possible to have areas, then it is concluded that the animal would nociception without pain (Hardcastle 1997).

Received 20 March 2019. Accepted 21 May 2019. First published online 20 August 2019.

S.A. Adamo, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3X5, Canada

Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]) Subject editor: Hervé Colinet doi:10.4039/tce.2019.49

Can. Entomol. 151: 685–695 (2019) © Entomological Society of Canada 2019 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 07 May 2021 at 18:25:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.4039/tce.2019.49 686 Can. Entomol. Vol. 151, 2019

experience some form of pain. However, insect experience, dogs have difficulty learning that a behaviour and neurobiology differ substantially flashing light warns them of a shock that they can from that of humans, making it difficult to use avoid by jumping over a barrier. A dog that has the argument by analogy. Nevertheless, it is never been shocked learns this lesson quickly. possible to consider more broadly what beha- Insects also exhibit learned helplessness (e.g., vioural and neurobiological attributes we would Batsching et al. 2016). In learned helplessness expect in an organism that experiences pain studies on insects, one group of insects is able to (Sneddon et al. 2014). escape an electric shock, while the other group cannot. The group that cannot escape the shock Behaviour shows a reduced ability to learn to avoid subse- quent shocks (e.g., Batsching et al., 2016). How- Insects respond to damaging stimuli with a ever, in insects (e.g., variety of avoidant behaviours (Eisemann et al. Meigen (Diptera: Drosophilidae)), learned help- 1984). Moreover, noxious stimuli, such as elec- lessness is very context-specific and does not tric shock, promote learning (e.g., Waddell and appear to generalise to other behaviours (Batsching Quinn 2001), demonstrating that nociception is et al. 2016). In mammals, learned helplessness motivating in insects. Insects can also inhibit leads to a reduction in a range of motivated nociceptive behaviour, depending on the context. behaviours (Maier and Watkins 1998), which is For example, some insects exhibit sexual canni- why it has been considered an animal model balism; the male allows the female to eat him for depression. In insects, even a cockroach during mating (e.g., Cyphoderris strepitans Morris (Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus) (Blattodea: and Gwynne (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae); Blattidae) leg attached to a thoracic ganglion can Sakaluk et al. 1995). Noxious stimuli (e.g., a show plasticity operationally similar to learned pinch) can have long-lasting effects on behaviour helplessness (Eisenstein and Carlson 1997). Either (e.g., McMackin et al. 2016). Therefore, the a ganglion of about 1000 is capable of insect response to damaging stimuli is far more depression, or learned helplessness can occur complex than a reflex. Additionally, behavioural without a psychological experience in insects. studies have shown that insects have impressive In another example, male courtship behaviour in learning abilities (Perry et al. 2017). Social D. melanogaster is modulated by both internal and insects, for example, show sophisticated forms external cues (Ellendersen and von Philipsborn of behavioural plasticity that appear similar to 2017). However, neural stochasticity plays a role (Alem et al. 2016), nu- in producing variable male courtship behaviour meracy (Skorupski et al. 2018), and having (Zhang et al. 2018), preventing D. melanogaster complex emotional states (Perry and Baciadonna from becoming a “reflex machine” without using 2017). Social insects are also rightly famous for complex neural processes. their communication abilities (e.g., Dyer et al. Other aspects of insect behaviour are incongru- 2002). These phenomena raise the possibility that ent with mammalian pain behaviour. Although insects may have neural circuits that are capable larval insects show sensitisation of nociception of subjective experience. after damage that resembles both hyperalgesia However, some behaviour that denote ad- (Walters et al., 2001; Babcock et al. 2009)and vanced cognitive or emotional capacity in humans allodynia (Babcock et al. 2009; McMackin et al. are mediated by simpler mechanisms in insects 2016), adult insects of a number of species will (e.g., Alem et al. 2016). For example, a phenom- walk on damaged limbs (Eisemann et al. 1984). enon known as “learned helplessness” has been Some insects will continue to feed while being used in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris Linnaeus eaten themselves (Eisemann et al. 1984). Damaged (Carnivora: Canidae) and other Mammalia; cockroaches (S.A.A., personal observation) and Maier and Watkins 1998) as an animal model of Mormon crickets (Anabrus simplex Haldeman depression (Seligman and Maier 1967). Learned (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) (Lockwood 2012)will helplessness is induced by exposing dogs to un- consume their own internal organs. They appear avoidable shocks in a training cage. After this to respond to the protein stimulus of their

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own guts and eat them, even if they are not food- et al. 2016) in which patients with intracranial deprived. electrodes were given nociceptive-specificstimuli (e.g., laser pulses). The exact timing of activity in Neurobiology of nociception different brain regions was recorded and compared and pain with the timing of a voluntary muscle movement that patients were asked to make as soon as they felt Differentiating between nociception and pain pain. The time required to make the movement was requires human subjects, because humans can taken into account to determine the time when pain communicate their subjective experience. Humans was perceived (Bastuji et al. 2016). Activity in the have sensory neurons (nociceptors) that respond insula cortex and the amygdala occurred more than to damaging stimuli (Purves et al. 2012). Noci- 120 ms before the earliest motor reaction, suggest- ceptive sensory information follows well-studied ing that this brain activity was occurring prior to tracts through the spinal cord and into the brain conscious awareness (Bastuji et al. 2016). These (Purves et al. 2012). Intracranial electrical record- results suggest that the subjective experience of pain ings and noninvasive imaging studies demonstrate is the product of a complex and dynamic neural that there is a difference between nociception and network, although a definitive pain “connectome” is pain (Chatelle et al. 2016). Humans initially pro- still missing (see Mouraux and Iannetti 2018). cess incoming nociceptive stimuli preconsciously Nevertheless, the evidence in humans shows that in two parallel pathways that assess the sensory pain is not created by activity in a single brain area and emotional aspects of pain (Bastuji et al. 2018; (Bastuji and Lavigne 2016; Chatelle et al. 2016; Hagiwara et al. 2018). These pathways consist Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji 2018),andthisislikely primarily of subcortical regions; the thalamus is a true in other mammals as well (e.g., laboratory mice key area in the sensory pathway, while the amyg- (Mus musculus Linnaeus; Rodentia: Muridae); dala is important for the emotional processing Corder et al. 2019). pathway (Bastuji et al. 2018). From the thalamus, Human studies show that pain experience nociceptive stimuli are transferred to a cortical requires the combination of different inputs nociceptive network consisting of primary and (e.g., emotional, sensory, cognitive), and that this secondary somatosensory cortices, as well as the combination occurs in cortical structures (Garcia- posterior insula (Lu et al. 2016;Bastujiet al. Larrea and Bastuji 2018). However, other animals 2018; Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji 2018). The acti- could use different neural structures to create a vation of this nociceptive network, which includes subjective experience of pain. Could insect brains both cortical and subcortical structures, is not support a pain network? Insects clearly have the sufficient for the subjective experience of pain neural machinery for nociception. They have (Bastuji et al. 2016; Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji multimodal nociceptors (Guo et al. 2014) that 2018). Nevertheless, the activation of the nocicep- tile the body wall (Grueber et al. 2001). Just as tive network can produce long-lasting effects on mammalian nociceptors send information to the behaviour (Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji 2018). The brain via dorsal horn neurons in the spinal cord perception of pain occurs a fraction of a second (Purves et al. 2012), insect nociceptors synapse after activation of the nociceptive network with onto neurons that reach the brain (e.g., larval the activation of a “pain network”; i.e., circuits D. melanogaster; Gerhard et al. 2017). Although that combine the sensory and emotional aspects of the entire nociceptive pathway has not yet been nociception along with other factors such as delineated in any insect, it is known that nocicep- memory (Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji 2018). This tive information is processed in two higher-order network includes the activation of sensorimotor and integratory areas, the mushroom bodies (Waddell fronto-parieto-insular cortical areas (Garcia-Larrea 2013; Konig et al. 2018) and the central complex and Bastuji 2018). The full sensation of pain occurs (Hu et al. 2018). These two areas are among when these regions are joined by activity in the the most complex in the insect brain, and are posterior cingulate and medial temporal cortical key for navigation, learning, memory, and other areas (Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji 2018). These complex cognitive tasks (Barron and Klein 2016; conclusions were based on studies (e.g., Bastuji Kinoshita and Homberg 2017). A peripheral

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electric shock activates neurons in both the complex, also demonstrate a similar dimension fan-shaped body of the central complex, and the reduction (Fiore et al. 2015). However, this de- mushroom bodies in D. melanogaster (Hu et al. gree of dimension reduction is not a prominent 2018). The fan-shaped body is necessary for both feature of the cortical areas important for produc- innate and conditioned escape behaviours in ing the pain network (e.g., prefrontal cortex; response to nociceptive stimuli (Hu et al. Fuster 2001). In humans, white matter tracts 2018). Unfortunately, the details of how nocicep- comprise 47% of total cortical mass (grey + white tive sensory information reaches the fan-shaped matter), demonstrating considerable investment body, and how the fan-shaped body activates its in network capacity (Herculano-Houzel et al. motor targets, remain unknown (Hu et al. 2018). 2010). Data from laboratory mouse (Oh et al. Nociceptive information (i.e., electric shock) also 2014), macaque (Simia inuus Linnaeus (Primates: activates dopaminergic cells in the protocereb- Cercopithecidae)) (Markov et al. 2014), and rum, and these neurons encode the saliency of a human (Yeh et al. 2018) suggest that cortical sensory input, i.e., whether it is rewarding or areas are well connected in mammals. aversive (Waddell 2013). These dopaminergic Not only do mushroom bodies and the fan- neurons innervate both the mushroom bodies and shaped body have few output neurons, there are the central complex (Galili et al. 2014). The no direct connections between them (Pfeiffer and dopaminergic input to the mushroom bodies is Homberg 2014; Collett and Collett 2018;Huet al. critical for nociception to have reinforcing effects 2018), and they are not in the same hub of and stimulate learning (Waddell 2013). interconnected neuropils (Chiang et al. 2011; The most striking difference between the cen- Shih et al. 2015). The lack of direct connections tral processing of nociception in insects com- between these two important information integra- pared with that in mammals is the apparent lack tion centres in the insect brain raises question of a higher-order network combining brain about how insects perform cognitive tasks regions involved in nociception (e.g., the mush- (Collett and Collett 2018). For example, during room bodies and central complex). Both the navigation, the lack of a major connecting path- mushroom bodies (Aso et al. 2014a, 2014b) and way between these two areas suggests that the the central complex (Franconville et al. 2018) mushroom bodies and central complex work in have few output neurons, restricting the type of parallel, as opposed to working together as part of information they can transmit (Collett and Collett an integrated network (Collett and Collett 2018). 2018; Franconville et al., 2018). For example, In ants (: Formicidae), this organi- although the mushroom bodies can have 170 000 sation suggests that during navigation, ants switch intrinsic neurons (e.g., in honey – Apis back and forth between using landscape memo- mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae)) and ries (stored in the mushroom bodies) and celestial have a complex neural architecture (Aso et al. cues (stored in the central complex) to find their 2014a, 2014b), the number of output neurons is way home (Collett and Collett 2018). Collett and three orders of magnitude lower, about a few Collett (2018) postulate that the mushroom bodies hundreds in honey bees (Peng and Chittka 2017) transfer an attraction signal only to the central to < 100 in other insects (Aso et al. 2014a, complex via a still unknown indirect pathway; 2014b). Similarly, the central complex is a dense- this organisation reduces the amount of integra- ly recurrent sensorimotor hub, but it has few tion required between the two areas for accurate output neurons (Franconville et al. 2018). The navigation. Nociception appears to be analysed central complex is connected to a limited number in the same way, with parallel sensory inputs of other brain regions (Franconville et al. 2018), processed separately by the mushroom bodies while the mushroom bodies are connected to and central complex (Hu et al. 2018). neuropils across the brain (Aso et al. 2014a, In humans, pain perception requires the integra- 2014b). This reduction in dimensionality (i.e., tion of the parallel sensory and emotional path- few neuronal outputs) is also observed in some ways that process nociceptive information, as well mammalian subcortical brain structures. For ex- as the integration of this combined input with other ample, the mammalian basal ganglia, which carry inputs, such as from areas important for memory out some of the same tasks as the insect central and cognition (Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji 2018).

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It is this integrative step that seems to be cortical areas is required for the subjective expe- missing in insects. Insects have something like rience of pain in humans (Garcia-Larrea and a nociceptive network, with nociception integrated Bastuji 2018). in parallel in different brain regions, but they do not appear to have a pain network that integrates Evolutionary perspective nociception processing across brain areas with higher-order functions. A similar conclusion Insects are unlikely to invest in the neural has been suggested for Mollusca (Key and Brown machinery required to feel pain unless there is 2018). an evolutionary advantage in doing so (Adamo However, there is a great deal we do not know 2016). Whether pain would be an advantage about nociception, even in the best studied insect, depends on whether the fitness benefits would D. melanogaster (Hu et al. 2018). For example, outweigh the costs. both the mushroom bodies and the fan-shaped bodies are strongly connected to neuropils in the Costs of having the subjective experience superior protocerebrum. The function of the of pain superior protocerebrum is poorly understood Brains of all animals appear to be organised to (Strausfeld 2012). Although there is no evidence minimise wiring costs (Arnatkeviciute et al. 2018; that nociceptive information is integrated in this Liang et al. 2018). Large-scale integration of in- brain region, it has not been well studied, and formation across a brain is not cheap (Collin et al. may play a larger role in nociception than is 2014; Liang et al. 2018). High interconnectedness currently appreciated. There are also other areas results in high levels of wiring volume, leading to of convergence (see van Swinderen 2005); for high metabolic energy use (Collin et al. 2014). The example, some mushroom body output neurons pain network identified by Garcia-Larrea and have axon terminals in the same region that Bastuji (2018) requires extensive (i.e., expensive) contain the dendrites of neurons projecting to wiring. Insects have modest connections across the fan-shaped body (Aso et al. 2014b). Although brain regions, possibly because of the high cost of the central complex has few direct connections to large neurons (Chittka and Niven 2009). More- other brain areas, it is indirectly connected to over, small insect brains may not provide the room many of them (Hanesch et al. 1989). Therefore, required for the parallel and serial processing path- there are connections between the mushroom ways (Chittka and Niven 2009) needed for a pain bodies and the central complex, but they are network. Given the current hypotheses of what is indirect and mediated by few neurons. Studies required for the subjective experience of pain on whole-brain networks in the insect (e.g., (Garcia-Larrea and Bastuji 2018), the sparser inter- Yap et al. 2017) should help clarify our under- connections within the insect brain may be unable standing of nociceptive processing. Such studies to support pain perception. may demonstrate that there is more integration of In humans, subjective experience appears to nociceptive processing in insects than is currently require the investment of both additional neurons thought. as well as additional wiring (Garcia-Larrea and Given the growth in our understanding of the Bastuji 2018). But how many neurons are needed neurobiology of pain in humans (e.g., Garcia- for a minimal subjective experience of pain? Larrea and Bastuji 2018) and nociception in Would 100 neurons be sufficient? In the lobster, insects (e.g., Hu et al. 2018) in the last two years, Homarus americanus Milne-Edwards (Decapoda: it is not surprising that an earlier paper (Barron Nephropidae), approximately 30 neurons are dedi- and Klein 2016) was more optimistic about cated to maintaining two rhythms in the digestive insects having subjective experiences such as tract (i.e., the stomatogastric ganglion; Marder and pain. Their conclusion was based, in part, on an Bucher 2007). It is possible that subjective experi- earlier paper (Merker 2007) that argued that ence requires only two or three times as many subcortical areas in humans were both necessary neurons as stomach churning, but this seems and sufficient for subjective experience. How- unlikely. Even if subjective experience requires ever, a decade later, the consensus appears to be only 100 additional neurons, this would increase that a complex neural ensemble that includes the cost of the brain by 0.1% in insects such as

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D. melanogaster that have about 100 000 neurons Robots can now be designed with “emotional in their brain (Zheng et al. 2018). Neurons are architecture” that allows them to adapt their behav- energetically expensive cells (Niven 2016). In iour to changing environments (Dominguez et al. both vertebrates and invertebrates, the nervous 2017). Negative emotions can be programmed to system consumes a significant portion of the have long-lasting effects on the behaviour of a energy budget of the animal (Niven and Laughlin robot (Lee-Johnson and Carnegie 2010). These 2008). Therefore, the increase in neural invest- robots display the same or similar behaviours as ment needed to produce the subjective experience those that have been used as evidence that insects of pain in insects would probably lead to a have subjective experiences. For example, honey reduction in other traits such as reproduction. bees become less sensitive to positive stimuli and However, neurons do not act alone, but as part more sensitive to negative stimuli after shaking of neural circuits. These circuits are dynamic, and (i.e., ambiguous stimuli are more likely to be an individual can participate in more than rejected;Batesonetal.2011).Althoughinterpreted one circuit (Marder et al. 2015). Insect nervous as an emotional response in honey bees, “emotion- systems share neurons across circuits (Niven and al” robots show a similar phenomenon. For exam- Chittka 2010). If the neurons needed to experi- ple, when programmed to have both feeding and ence pain were shared with other circuits, then survival goals, “food” became motivationally am- the costs could be reduced. However, they would biguous in the presence of an artificial predator not be zero. The insect brain squeezes a wide (Parisi and Petrosino 2010). When predator cues range of cognitive tasks out of a small number of were present, the robot would accept only high- neurons, and neurons are already “multitasking” quality food, avoiding the low-quality food that it (Chittka and Niven 2009; Vogt et al. 2014). would normally accept when predator stress was Computational models suggest that as neurons absent. A robotic rat has been programmed to feel participate in more tasks, the performance of the “discomfort” when wet, providing it with a moti- network eventually degrades (Caruana 1997). vational drive (Ames et al. 2012). This robotic rat Moreover, regardless of the number of neurons can learn to solve a Morris water maze, just like a required for subjective experience, there would reallaboratory rat(Rodentia: Muridae)(Amesetal. be additional costs due to the neuronal wiring 2012). The robot rat is “rewarded” by the lack needed to create the appropriate network. There- of discomfort, similar to pain relief learning in fore, although the subjective experience of pain is D. melanogaster (Yarali et al. 2008). Robots can an emergent property of a neural network, the also exhibit pain-like behaviour that is more ability to experience pain is not cost-free. like our own than any insect (Stiehl et al. 2004). Even if only a few additional neurons are needed Robots can have flexible responses to damaging for a very modest pain experience, every neuron an stimuli (i.e., modifiable pain responses; Matsunaga insect adds to its brain is proportionately more et al. 2005). Artificial intelligence-generated expensive than the cost of adding an additional characters can respond to simulated damage neuron to the human brain (about one million with limps and wound guarding (e.g., Fallout 4; times more expensive for D. melanogaster). www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znn1EwpfOgA). Nevertheless, a high cost does not prevent a trait Robots are also capable of observational learn- from evolving if the benefits outweigh the costs. ing (Reggia et al. 2018). These abilities suggest that subjective experience is not required for com- plex, motivated behaviour. Robots and computer Benefits of having the subjective simulations show that relatively simple, cost- experience of pain efficient circuits can produce adaptive behaviours The standard argument for the value of pain is (e.g., Parisi and Petrosino 2010). Moreover, our that it aids animals in making adaptive behavioural partial understanding of the central neural circuits choices (Sneddon et al. 2014). In other words, it mediatingnociceptivebehaviourinD.melanogaster prevents insects from becoming mere “reflex (e.g., Hu et al. 2018) suggests that subjective expe- machines”. However, recent advances in artificial rience is not required to explain the adaptive behav- intelligence suggest that the subjective experience iour of D. melanogaster to damaging stimuli (also of pain is not necessary to achieve these benefits. see Gutfreund 2017). In other words,present models

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can explain how nociception can motivate learning Acknowledgements (Waddell 2013;Huet al. 2018) without requiring I thank T. Trappenberg for helpful discussions. the subjective experience of pain. If insects can produce complex, motivated behaviour without paying for the additional neuronal resources re- References quired for experiencing pain, then evolution should select this cheaper option. Adamo, S.A. 2016. Do insects feel pain? A question at the intersection of animal behaviour, philosophy and robotics. Animal Behaviour 118:75–79. https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.05.005. Caveats Alem, S., Perry, C.J., Zhu, X.F., Loukola, O.J., Ingraham, T., Sovik, E., and Chittka, L. 2016. An unfortunate side effect of using the human Associative mechanisms allow for social learning and brain as the gold standard for the neural require- cultural transmission of string pulling in an insect. ments for subjective experience means that all Public Library of Science Biology, 14: e1002564. other brains are likely to be found wanting https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002564. simply because they are different. It is possible Allen, C., Fuchs, P.N., Shriver, A., and Wilson, H.D. 2005. Deciphering animal pain. In Pain: new essays that insects have a more modest experience on its nature and the methodology of its study. using a relatively basic network, although, in Edited by M. Aydede. Massachusetts Institute of humans, a less complex network results in a Technology Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, nociceptive network that appears to be devoid of United States of America. Pp. 351–366. the subjective experience of pain. However, Ames, H., Mingolla, E., Sohail, A., Chandler, B., Gorchetchnikov, A., Leveille, J., et al. 2012. studies in humans do not illuminate the circuitry The animat new frontiers in whole brain required for a minimal subjective experience. modeling. Institute of Electrical and Electronics The subjective experience of pain is unlikely to Engineers Pulse, 3:47–50. https://doi.org/10.1109/ be an all-or-none phenomenon. But this issue mpul.2011.2175638. forces us to consider what we would accept as a Andersen, O.K., Finnerup, N.B., Spaich, E.G., Jensen, T.S., and Arendt-Nielsen, L. 2004. Expansion of subjective experience of pain. What if it was nociceptive withdrawal reflex receptive fields in devoid of emotional content? What if cognition spinal cord injured humans. Clinical Neurophysiol- is not involved? If insects have any type of ogy, 115: 2798–2810. https://doi.org/10.1016/ subjective experience of pain, it is likely to be j.clinph.2004.07.003. something that will be very different from our Arnatkeviciute, A., Fulcher, B., Pocock, R., and Fornito, A. 2018. Hub connectivity, neuronal diver- pain experience. It is likely to lack key features sity, and gene expression in the Caenorhabditis such as distress, sadness, and other states that elegans connectome. Public Library of Science require the synthesis of emotion, memory, and Computational Biology, 14: e1005989. https:// cognition. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005989. Aso, Y., Hattori, D., Yu, Y., Johnston, R.M., Iyer, N.A., Ngo, T.T.B., et al. 2014a. The neuronal Conclusion architecture of the mushroom body provides a logic for associative learning. Elife, 3: e04577. https:// We can never know with certainty whether doi.org/10.7554/eLife.04577. insects feel pain, but given our current under- Aso, Y., Sitaraman, D., Ichinose, T., Kaun, K.R., Vogt, K., standing of insect behaviour, neurobiology, and Belliart-Guerin, G., et al. 2014b. Mushroom body evolution, the likelihood is low. The main issue is output neurons encode valence and guide memory- not even the small number of neurons in insects based action selection in Drosophila. Elife, 3: e04580. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.04580. (several orders of magnitude less than in humans; Babcock, D.T., Landry, C., and Galko, M.J. 2009. Herculano-Houzel 2012). The more important Cytokine signaling mediates uv-induced nociceptive difference is the lack of connections between sensitization in Drosophila larvae. Current Biology, relevant brain areas. If the subjective experience 19: 799–806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2009. of pain is produced by a network composed of 03.062. Barron, A.B. and Klein, C. 2016. What insects can tell brain regions that integrate sensory information us about the origins of consciousness. Proceedings processing, emotions, cognition, and memory, of the National Academy of Sciences of the United then it does not appear that insects have their States of America, 113: 4900–4908. https://doi.org/ relevant areas wired up in this way. 10.1073/pnas.1520084113.

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