Wednesday 13th June 2018 at the Parish Room, Road, Great Blakenham at 7.00pm.

PRESENT: Cllr. Steve Plume (Chairman), Cllr. Andrew Mussett, Cllr. David Jones, Cllr. Widge Bowman. County and District Councillor John Field Clerk to the Council – Janet Gobey. One member of the public.

The Chairman opened the Meeting at 7.00 pm.

1.To receive and approve any apologies for absence. None. The Chairman reported the resignation of Cllr. Peters and Councillors noted this with regret.

2. Declaration of any pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests. a. Councillors declaration of interest appropriate to any item on the agenda. None. b. To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interest (if any). None. c. To grant any requests for dispensations as appropriate. None.

3. Public Forum a. To receive the report of the County Councillor Cllr. Field delivered his report. School transport consultation – this will be introduced in a phased manner. There is concern about the impact on some schools in the county. Cllr. Field has not received any complaints about the consultation paper from residents of Great Blakenham. Cllr Field has complained to Highways about the number of roadworks and diversion routes in the area and the difficulties that these are causing. Chapel Lane – there has been no progress on getting Highways to pay for the new dropped kerbs that will be required if the proposed double yellow lines are installed. Approved contractors have to be used and the cost can reach four figures. Councillors agreed that it was unacceptable to expect residents to bear this sort of cost. The new 30 mph speed limit at Hackneys Corner has not been extended up to the SITA site as the Council had pressed for. Councillors noted that this was very disappointing, as this is the busiest road in the parish with many turnings off it. The volume of traffic will only increase in the future and Councillors asked Cllr Field to take their disappointment back to Highways, as the parish should have its views taken into account in Highways matters. b. To receive the reports of the District Councillors Cllr. Welsby was not present. c. To receive questions from members of the public (allow 15 minutes). The issue of floodlighting at Bolton brothers was raised. Cllr. Field asked the member of public to forward to him the emails that he has already sent to BMSDC about it. The area of bare earth that was left opposite the Parish Room after the roadworks was queried. Cllr Field will find out if there is due to be any planting there. Otherwise, the Parish Council may consider some planting or installing a planter. Cllr. Field was asked if he had been able to obtain the detailed breakdown of where the S106 earned by previous developments in the parish had actually been spent. Cllr. Field reported that he had had no response to this, but the information should be available online


later in the year. Councillors agreed that they would consider a Freedom of Information request if the online information was not sufficiently detailed. Problems caused by on road parking at the Stowmarket Road end of Mill Lane were raised. Councillors agreed that the Clerk should write to the Old Rectory to highlight the problems this was causing and ask that if their staff or visitors were parking on Mill Lane, they could park elsewhere. The use of residents' parking spaces by patrons of the Chequers was also discussed and Councillors agreed that the Clerk would also write to the Chequers about this. ACTION: Clerk.

4. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th May 2018. The Draft Minutes were unanimously approved and signed as a true and correct record of the Meeting by the Chairman.

5. To note the Clerk’s update from previous Meetings. The Vehicle Activated speeding sign on Road is unrepairable and will be removed. The application for form to join the Temporary Speed Activated Device scheme at a location near the SITA plant had been made. There had been a problem with the application form for the Business Debit Card. Barclays had sent an application form for this, which had been signed and returned. However, Barclays were claiming that the form they had received back was actually the form to apply for telephone/internet banking. The Chairman had contacted them and had been unable to convince them that the right form had been completed, so they were sending a new one out. The missing bus stop sign outside the Parish room has been reported and should be replaced within a week. All other action points to be covered under agenda items.

6. Planning a. To consider the following planning applications. DC/18/02066 Retail Unit, Moses Walk, Application under Section 73 of the Town Great Blakenham, and Country Planning Act - 'Retail unit built IP6 0GT with 6 flats above' - Variation of Condition 11 planning permission 3310/14 (Restriction of Operation Times). DC/18/02386 9 Blueleighs Park, Chalk Notification of works to trees protected Hill Lane, Great Blakenham, under Tree Preservation Order MS141 - Ipswich Suffolk IP6 0ND. T1 (Ash) - Fell due to limited life span. DC/18/02210 41A Blueleighs Park, Chalk TPO MS141 - Tree Preservation Order - Hill Lane, Great Blakenham, Removal of 1 No. Ash Tree. Ipswich Suffolk IP6 0ND

Councillors agreed unanimously that they had no objection to Application DC/18/02066. Councillors resolved unanimously to object to Planning Applications DC/18/02386 and DC/18/02210 and expressed their concern about the number of planning applications for tree felling at the Blueleighs Park and the long term effects that this could have on Great Wood. They felt that any applications for tree removal should be accompanied by an arboriculturist’s report confirming that removal was the only option and that replacement trees should be planted on the site. b. To note any planning determinations. DC/18/01144 Blakenham Baptist Chapel, Erection of extension to existing side Chapel Lane, Great entrance lobby to form improved, Blakenham, Suffolk. wheelchair accessible main entrance.


DC/1308/17 Land at Plummers Dell, Station a portacabin & a metal container Gipping Road, Great for storage use Blakenham IP6 0JG, IP6 0JG Councillors noted that these applications had been approved. Councillors agreed that they were dismayed that the concerns of both residents and the Council about the activities of the companies at the end of Plummers Dell are being ignored. c. Any other planning matters to note. None d. To consider the Council’s response to MSDC Development Control Committee B agenda and the invitation to speak at the meeting to be held on Wednesday 20 June 2018 at 9:30am in the King Edmund Chamber, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich. Cllr. Plume offered to attend to take up the invitation to speak and Cllr. Mussett also offered to attend if he was able to rearrange work appointments.

7. Growth, Highways and Infrastructure a. To note progress on the Joint Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr. Mussett reported that progress on this was very slow. There have been two meetings and the group has only just received confirmation that a three-parish joint Plan can be developed. Councillors noted their concern about the rate of progress with this, as it will reduce the amount of money available to the Council under Community Infrastructure Levy funding from future developments in the parish if there is no Neighbourhood Plan in place. ACTION; Chairman to write to the Chairs of Claydon and Whitton and Barham Parish Councils. b. To consider collaboration with Orbit Homes and Bellway on developing sustainable travel opportunities for the Blakenham Fields development. Councillors agreed that this was an offer that they wished to explore. ACTION: Clerk to reply and invite Orbit Housing to a future meeting and to copy the email to Cllr. Field.

8. Governance a. To note the Clerk’s mileage and expenses. Noted. b. To consider the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations. The Chairman informed Councillors that there had been no new major developments on GDPR and that the Council would continue to work steadily towards full compliance. c. To approve the privacy notices for the Council’s emails and website. Councillors agreed that credit reference agencies should be removed from the list and the police added. d. To consider the list of the Council’s contractors who will require a contract under the GDPR regarding management of personal information. Councillors approved these unanimously. e. To note the removal of the requirement to appoint an independent Data Protection Officer. Councillors noted this. f. To approve the Council’s Draft Financial Regulations. Councillors approved these unanimously. g. To approve the Council’s Draft Standing Orders. Councillors approved these unanimously. h. To appoint a new representative for the Council as Custodian Trustee on the Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr. Mussett volunteered to take this role on. Councillors noted their appreciation of this. ACTION: Clerk to contact the VHMC to inform them that Cllr. Mussett is the new representative.


i.To appoint a new cheque signatory for the Council’s bank account. Councillors agreed that it would be prudent to increase the number of cheque signatories from three to four, so Cllrs. Bowman and Mussett will apply to be cheque signatories. ACTION: Clerk to obtain the necessary mandate forms.

9. Allotments a. To note any update on the new licence for the allotment land. None ACTION: Clerk to write to the land agents again to express the Council’s discontent about the delay. b. To receive a report on the occupancy of the allotments. Councillors noted that a long standing plot holder has recently died. The Clerk reported that there had been two more queries about plots.

10. Village Maintenance a. To consider the responses to the tender for village litter picking. Councillors considered the two tenders and agreed that the contract should be awarded to Shades Home Maintenance. ACTION: Clerk to contact previous contract holder to thank them for all the work they have done. b. To receive a progress report on the possible installation of an ANPR device. None. c. To note the progress on the installation of the defibrillator. The Clerk reported that she had heard back from the East of Anglian Ambulance Service that the defibrillator had been registered., so was now operational. Councillors agreed that the Village Hall Management Committee should be asked to provide a list of regular users to be trained in the use of the defibrillator. ACTION: Clerk to contact the Chairman of the VHMC and contact the supplier of the defibrillator to see how many people could be trained.

11. Churchyard and Cemetery. a. To note any update on the purchase of land for the extension of the Cemetery. None b. To note any progress on the proposed new surround for the War Memorial. It has been suggested that the Council could consider moving the war memorial to Hackneys Corner. Councillors agreed that it should be investigated whether this was legally possible and what the implications would be ACTION: Clerk to contact the War Memorials Trust for further information. c. To consider the quote for the screening around the excess soil storage area. Councillors considered this and agreed that the contractor should be asked for further quotes using plastic fencing for longer life and reduced maintenance. ACTION: Clerk d. To note progress on the installation of the new gates. The Chairman explained that the company who were making the gates were concerned that 12ft was too wide as there could be problems with adjusting the ground level and also with the water pipe. They had recommended a reduction to 11ft. Councillors agreed that this seemed sensible. ACTION: Clerk to obtain a revised quote.

12. Training and Development for Councillors and Clerk a. To note the following training already booked (if any). None. b. To consider any other training requests. None.


13. Finance a. To note the following cheques signed out of Meeting. None b. To consider approving and making the following payments: Shades Home Churchyard and cemetery LGA 1972 Maintenance maintenance for May 2018. £753.00 s214(6) Installation of dog waste bin and LGA 1972, s.215 post. Janet Gobey Mileage for May 2018 LGA 1972 s.111 Janet Gobey Clerk’s salary for May 2018 £442.40 LGA 1972 s.111 G Sillett Monthly street cleaning – March £262.50 LGA 1972 s.111 2018 M Sillett Monthly street cleaning – March £262.50 LGA 1972 s.111 2018 Great Blakenham Room hire (includes SPA hire) £40.00 LGA 1972 s.111 Parish Room SALC Two days Councillor training for Cllr. £60.00 LGA 1972 s.111 Hillyer Councillors approved all these payments. c. To note the Council’s Financial Report for May 2018. FINANCIAL REPORT 28/4/18 to 30/5/18 BANK BALANCES 30/5/2018 BUSINESS PREMIUM ACCOUNT - £15,732.46 COMMUNITY/CURRENT ACCOUNT – £71,710.18 TOTAL - £90,709.34 MONTHLY – MAY 2018 EXPENDITURE 28/4/18 to 30/5/18 £4317.20 payments (Cashed cheques and one Direct Debit payment for Clerk’s phone of £21.83. Plus uncleared cheques totalling £536.35 INCOME 28/4/18 to 30/5/18 £1050.00 (Quarterly Cleansing Grant and one Cemetery fee). FINANCIAL YEAR TO DATE EXPENDITURE 28/4/18 to 30/5/18 £6315.49. Plus uncleared cheques totalling £536.35 INCOME 28/4/18 to 30/5/18 £22050.00 RESERVES (approved at January 2018 Council Meeting) General Reserves £17500 Earmarked Reserves Purchase of land for Cemetery extension - £12500Landscaping, fencing for Cemetery extension - £3000 Legal fees for Cemetery extension - £3000. Cemetery gates - £2500 Election/referendum costs - £1750 (poll cards, election and count costs). Purchase of the allotment land - £10000 Work required under the General Data Protection Regulation - £3000 Purchase of speed monitoring equipment - £3000 Maintenance and improvement work on the village War Memorial - £10000. Ground penetrating radar survey of the Cemetery £4000 TOTAL: £52,750. TOTAL RESERVES - £70250


Councillors noted the report and Councillor Bowman checked the report against the paper bank balances.

14. Reports To receive reports from Councillors assigned to the following: a. SALC. None b. Village Hall Management Committee None. c. Viridor Liaison Committee None. d. Suez Liaison Group Report circulated. e. SnOasis Parish Alliance Responses had been received back from the developer to the questions and comments made by the SPA. However, these had been disappointing as there was still much information outstanding, including on crucial areas such as drainage and ecological mitigation. The SPA has written to both BMSDC Planning and the developer themselves expressing their frustration about the continual delays in important information being provided.

15. Correspondence To note the following items of correspondence and form a response where appropriate: Suffolk County Council The post16 travel policy statement 2018/19 (by email 17th May 2018). Final decision on SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL (PARISHES OF BRAMFORD, Suffolk County Council AND GREAT Highways (by email 8th BLAKENHAM) (B1113 BRAMFORD ROAD) (30 June 2018) MPH AND 50 MPH SPEED LIMIT AND REVOCATION) ORDER 2018 Councillors noted these.

16.To note the date of next the Ordinary Meeting (11th July 2018) and any items for the Agenda. To note the date of the Extraordinary Meeting (28th June 2018) to consider the 2017/18 Accounts. Councillors noted these.

The Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.10pm.

The above Minutes of the Great Blakenham Parish Council Meeting held on 13h June 2018 signed as a true and correct record of the Meeting.