Map 1. Guatemala Oil Infrastructure
72817 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA Public Disclosure Authorized Preliminary Scoping Report of the Reconciliation of Mining and Hydrocarbon Sector Payments and Revenues Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized EITI-Guatemala Executive Secretariat September 11th 2011 Public Disclosure Authorized 1 FOREWORD This report has been prepared by Ms Hilda Harnack, Oil, as and Mining Unit consultant at the Sustainable Energy Department at the World Bank. The report does not compromise the Government official version, nor that of the sector companies’ or of the World Bank, , that financed it. The author thanks the following people for the information supplied for the preparation of this report and for their patience in answering her many questions: Ministry of Energy and Mines: Engineer Oscar Rosal, Coordinator, Mining Development Department Engineer Fernando Arevalo, Advisor, International Cooperation Area Engineer Mario Rene Godinez Ortiz, Coordinator, Economic Development Analysis, Hydrocarbon General Directorate Superintendency of Tax Administration: Ms. Delia Castillo Elias, head, Management Department, Collection and Management Intendance Banco de Guatemala: Mr. Byron Leopoldo Sagastume Hernandez, Director, Accounting Department Ministry of Public Finances: Mr. Donald Eduardo Cuevas Cerezo, Director, Fiscal Analysis and Evaluation Directorate Mr. Jorge Guillermo escobar Paz, Technical Advisor, Fiscal Analysis and Evaluation Directorate Mr. Alvaro Enrique Samayoa Arana, Principal Expert in the SIAF-SAG Project Implementation, Accounts Comptroller’s Office Mr Juan Manuel López, National Treasurer Companies: Ms. Regina Rivera de Cerezo, Corporate Relations Manager, Compañía Guatemalteca de Niquel Mr. Mario marroquin Rivera, Executive Director, Goldcorp Guatemala Mr. Fredy Misael Gudiel Samayoa, Legal Department Manager, Perenco Guatemala Limited Ms. Evelyn Vanessa Rodas Molina, Legal Assistant, Perenco Guatemala Limited The author is especially thankful to Mr.
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