Beachampton Parish Council – Minutes Wednesday 20th May 2020 – via Zoom

Present Councillors Chris Porter George Djuric Sasha Lousada Graham Vinall Sir Beville Stanier – Councillor John Chilver – Councillor Absent Joe Gurney Clerk Rosie Corlett

1. Election of Officers; a. Graham Vinall was nominated by Chris and seconded by George to act as Chairman for the following year and Sasha Lousada will be vice-chair b. George volunteered to continue as chair of finance c. George and Sasha offered to carry on as representatives on the village hall committee

2. The minutes had previously been agreed by email

3. Matters arising a. Fly tipping – there have been no reported incidences within the village b. The creation of the new Council but elections being postponed means that there are technically currently 6 councillors covering as part of the Winslow Ward. (There will be 3 once elections take place and the current 202 councillors for will reduce to 150) Committees are starting to meet with planning due on 12th June c. Dog poo bins – clerk has made a request

4. MK50 – Comments sent by NBPPC

5. Planning There has been a change in the guidelines – Parish Councils used to have the right to refer planning to committee, there is now no longer an automatic right – we should contact John if we want anything referred. Sasha asked if outstanding requests would still be honoured, e.g. The Old Sawmill, John confirmed they would be a. 20/01563/APP Conversion of existing Dutch barn into a dwelling and construction of new stables. Grange Farm Watery Lane. (Application received after agenda issued). George offered to show anyone of the councillors round the plans. Comments are required back by 17th June, clerk will chase for comments w/c 8th June b. 20/00567/AAD Erection of 2 fascia advertisements and 1 hanging sign (retrospective) Bell Inn PH Main Street. General agreement that lighting proposal is not in keeping with the village. Clerk to send round suggested

wording to put in objection to the lights (but not the signs themselves) and confirming wish to the support the enterprise.

Everything else is still pending, most dating from 2018. With regards to 18/04007/APP Erection of four (now three) new residential dwellings and associated works. Land At Main Street Beachampton, there has been a strong objection received from the sustainable drainage team (March 2020)

Sir Billy reported that he had received emails from Nash and Thornborough regarding the length of time that is being taken to get planning decided. He feels that parishes have been let down on planning and has written to Warren White to insist that the council get more up to date John reported that there will be more focus on enforcement and monitoring actual ‘builds’ compared to permissions granted. Hope was expressed that as there is now one council, other districts have capacity to assist.

Graham expressed a hope that this would help in ensuring the solar park conditions are met.

Following refusal of 19/01182/ACL Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for existing use of land as a garden area Waterside House Watery Lane due to The evidence submitted is insufficient to demonstrate that, on the test of the balance of probability, the use of the land as gardens has taken place continuously over the last ten years, there has been a lot of activity in the making the area looking like a garden. Whilst there was no objection to what is currently visible, concern was expressed that there might be future development. John cited a similar case from Little Horwood and would send details.

6. Speeding Sasha met with Ian Whipp and has marked up 4 locations where the ‘sentinel speedwatch’ can take place. Once restrictions are relaxed then this will be moved forward. This is a ‘low cost’ option to see if there is really a problem with speeding through the village (when normal activities resume) and if so the council would look at a more substantial (and expensive) alternative, e.g. the smiley/sad face

7. Finances Invoices approved for • e.on £14.66 (the street light is currently not working, clerk to send Graham a copy of the invoice to see if we can replace with a low energy light) • NBPPC £20 • Church £850 for grounds upkeep Suggestions for spending • As part of replacing the village sign, Graham will contact Glasdon next week regarding ‘gates’ for entrances to the village (though probably not suitable for Thornton Road) • Defibrillator. George will speak to Jim to get Diocese contact (as village hall is owned by Diocese) and Chris will pass all paperwork to Graham to follow up purchase. (It was noted that whilst contacting the diocese, George will also see if he can find the appropriate contact / department that we will need to contact to start the renewal of the lease for the village hall, due for renewal 2025) Audit • Summary was sent a few weeks back to all councillors. There was a deficit last year due to engaging a planning consultant for The Old Sawmill application 8. Other matters

Hedges – Joe to be asked who owns the land that Tim Lever uses as allotments as the hedge is encroaching onto the road Graham has spoken to Raymond Young who said he will cut other hedges at the end of September.

9. Next meeting Wednesday August 19th at 7.30pm. If we still have to conduct meetings via Zoom the village will be invited for this.

Meeting closed at 20.50