The of the Eungella massif has long been recognised as biologically unique: a centre of local endemism and an overlap zone with biota from both the tropical of north and sub-tropical elements from further south. We set out to study the rainforest biodiversity of , and to collect data which would allow us to make predictions on how the fauna and flora of this area may respond to future climate change. Along an elevational gradient, a number of abiotic factors shift, including temperature, humidity and soil chemical properties. The Eungella Biodiversity Project was predicated on the use of an elevational gradient to understand how bio­logical communities shift currently with climate, across elevation, in order to predict how this rainforest will respond to future climate change. We established permanent study plots along this elevational gradient and col- lected data on a range of groups including plants, moths, dragonflies, ants, snails and . Here, we give some background on the project and describe the botanic and environmental characteristics of the Eungella National Park elevational gradient.

Keywords: elevational gradient, microclimate, soils, vegetation

1 School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong 2 Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, , Queensland, 3 Queensland Herbarium, Mt Coot-tha Road, Toowong, Queensland, Australia 4 Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha Road, Toowong, Queensland, Australia

INTRODUCTION agricultural land, and climate change (Mittermeier The rainforests of the Eungella region are truly sp­ ecial. et al., 1998; Sodhi et al., 2010; Corlett, 2012). Over This is the largest area of rainforest between the Wet the course of the next century, climate change may Tropics to the north and the subtropical ­forests of the well exceed the ability of many species to adapt in Queensland/NSW Border Ranges to the south. Despite situ (Mantyka-Pringle et al., 2012). Eungella’s unique characteristics, long recognised by In the Australian context, multi-species, broad- ecologists, botanists and geologists, there have been leaved rainforests are scattered in moist pockets along few (if any) large-scale inventories of the region’s the eastern seaboard from Tasmania to the tip of Cape biodiversity. Most of the area’s uniqueness has been York (Webb & Tracey, 1981; ABARES, 2016). These inferred from opportunistic, taxonomically inspired rainforest patches represent post-glacial remnants collecting, often, ironically, as a waypoint as scientists and, at the time of European invasion of Australia, based further south head for the biological riches of the covered about 43,500 km2 (Stork et al., 2008). About Wet Tropics further north. Only one short article has 70% (ca. 30,000 km2) of this modest area remains discussed the special nature of the Eungella biota in after clearing for agriculture (Stork et al., 2008; general (Winter & McDonald, 1986). ABARES, 2016). Nevertheless, this small remain- Understanding the driving forces that shape bio- ing area may well hold more than 50% of Australia’s diversity is imperative if we are to make informed terres­trial biodiversity (Stork et al., 2008). management decisions, especially in a time of rapid During the 20th century, from 1914 onwards, ecological change. Much of the world’s bio­diversity is increasing areas of remnant rainforests have been pro- held in rainforests which cover only 7% of the world’s tected. Currently, nationally, an estimated 1.749 million land surface but contain half the world’s biodiversity hectares is located in national parks (48.5% of the total (Myers, 1984; Wilson, 1988). Many ­rainforests are rainforest estate). A further 26% remains in private ­experiencing rapid diversity loss, driven by anthro- hands and 8% is leasehold. The remaining 17.5% is pogenic forces including logging, conversion to located in various ‘minor’ tenures (ABARES, 2016).

11 12 Proceedings of The Royal Society of Queensland

In Queensland, designation of ‘rainforest’ national parks are only possible if there is higher eleva­tion habitat began in 1908 when Witches’ Falls National Park on available. In addition, there are several other threats Mount Tamborine was declared. This was followed in to the biodiversity of Eungella, including the effects of 1915 by declaration of the very much larger Lamington fragmentation, encroaching forest fires (Hines et al., National Park (Jarrott, 1990). Most of the southern sub- this issue) and introduced species, which may act syner­ tropical rainforests achieved World Heritage status in gistically to increase further the vulnerability and 1986 (extended in 1994) (Cavanaugh et al., 2010). The functioning of the Eungella ecosystems. northern ‘wet ­tropical’ rain­forest was awarded similar In 2004, a multidisciplinary biodiversity survey status in 1988 (Valentine & Hill, 2008). was carried out along an elevational gradient in the The reserve now known as Eungella National Park subtropical rainforests of was established in a piecemeal fashon from 1936 in South East Queensland. Insects and their relatives onwards, being amalgamated into a single-named (the ‘arthropods’) and plants were the primary focus of park in 1961 (Ogilvie, this volume). It currently this research. The IBISCA-Queensland (Investigating comprises 59,865 hectares and includes extensive Biodiversity of Soil and Canopy Arthro­pods) Project areas of rainforest. The name translates as ‘Land of involved a diverse group of about 40 arthropod special­ Cloud’, and the area is the traditional home of the ists from 15 countries. Each participant collected data Wirri Aboriginal people (Birri Gubbi Aboriginal on their taxa of choice along the elevational gradient, Corporation, 1996). The rainforests of Eungella are which consisted of 20 sites spanning the full eleva- not included in either of the two rainforest-defined tional distribution of rainforest in the region (Burwell, World Heritage Areas. Nakamura & Kitching, 2011). Over the next five years, Eungella is one of the largest remaining areas comparable surveys were carried out in the nearby of rainforest in Australia and is an intriguing mix Border Ranges National Park, and at Mt Lewis in far of subtropical and tropical elements. The National northern Queensland. Once these surveys were well Park is located on the edge of the , on advanced, it became apparent that the absence of a a plateau including Mt Dalrymple and Mt William. similar survey within the Eungella region – more or Biogeographically, Eungella is bracketed by the Wet less midway between the extensive rainforests of South Tropics in the north and the Lamington/Border Ranges East Queensland and those of the Wet Tropics – rep- (and other) sub-tropical rainforests further south. There resented a major gap in our knowledge of rainforests is, however, no connectivity among these patches, and of Queensland. Funding from the Mackay Regional extended areas of scleromorphic forests occur to both Council allowed this omission to be rectified and the the north and the south. The flora and fauna of Eungella subsequent incorporation of information from Eungella are mixtures of southern and ­northern elements, and National Park into a larger data-set of elevational gradi- often represents the southernmost or northernmost dis- ents across the eastern coast of Australia (Ashton et al., tribution limits for particular rainforest species. 2016a; Ashton et al., 2016b). Several features make Eungella a particularly The Lamington, Mt Lewis and Eungella studies important area of rainforest. The Eungella rainforests are all predicated on the idea that adjacent elevational are surrounded by the semi-arid Brigalow, and now bands can be used as a surrogate for changes in ­climate. can be imagined as an island of rainforest surrounded Along an elevational gradient, a 200 m increase in by eucalypt woodlands, cattle grazing and sugar cane eleva­tion corresponds to an average drop of 1.2°C farming. This isolation may, over evolutionary time, (Strong et al., 2011). The under­lying philos­ophy of the have produced Eungella’s several well known, endemic project has been that we can only predict the likely species of vertebrates, such as the Eungella results of global warming on bio­diversity by studying, (Bolemoreus hindwoodi) and the Eungella torrent in the here-and-now, how selected groups of ­ (Taudactylus eungellensis). and plants have responded to ­adjacent climates at The forests of Eungella include a steep range from increasing elevation. Further, only by establishing low to high elevations, adding to their vulnerability to baseline data on current ­elevational ­distributions will climate change. Mountainous ecosystems are predicted we be able to detect future responses to change. to be particularly sensitive to climate change (Nogués- During the Eungella Biodiversity Study (here­after Bravo et al., 2007). Climatically sensitive species are EBS), 20 × 20 m plots were established, ranging from known to be shifting to higher elevations elsewhere 200 m above sea level (asl). The approach of this study (Chen et al., 2011). Such compensatory shifts, however, was similar to the original IBISCA project, gathering The Eungella Biodiversity Study: filling the knowledge gap 13

a range of experts on a variety of taxonomic groups is an isolated island of rainforest, a remnant after (plants, insects, molluscs, birds) to concentrate their ­climatic instability led to the retraction of rainforest efforts on examining the same ecological questions extent over the last five million years (Weber et al., using the same study sites, producing robust results 2014). It includes high-elevation, complex notophyll in a relatively short time period. Data was collected in vine forests, and meso­phyll forests at the lower ele- three main field trips (in October 2012, November 2013 vations. Average annual rainfall is 2240 mm, which and March 2014, respectively) led by Professor Roger mostly falls during a short wet season from December Kitching of Griffith University. Local, regional and to March, with major drainage through the Pioneer international scientists and volun­teers col­laborated to and Finch-Hatton Gorges. Eungella is charac­terised collect data on the distribution and community com- by well-drained, granite soils, kept moist by high oro- position of a range of vertebrate, invertebrate and plant graphic rainfall. groups. Here, we describe the physical environment of The elevational gradient was established between the EBS elevational ­gradient and present the results 200 m and 1200 m asl, running from Owens Creek of the vegetation surveys across the plots. up to 1200 m asl on Mt Dalrymple, Mt Henry and Mt Williams in Eungella National Park and the adja- Materials and Methods cent Pelion State Forest (Figure 1). We established Study Sites four 20 × 20 m plots at each of six elevational bands Eungella National Park (21°01′S 148°37′E) is located at (200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 m asl) (Figure 1). the head of the Pioneer Valley, 80 km west of Mackay. Plots were placed at least 400 m apart and within Eungella forms part of the Clarke Range, and Mt ±50 m elevation of the designated bands. A full list of Dalrymple is the highest peak at 1259 m asl. Eungella GPS coordinates is in Table 1.

FIGURE 1. Map of the 20 × 20 m sites established during the Eungella Biodiversity Project 14 Proceedings of The Royal Society of Queensland

Environmental Measurements by Rayment and Higginson (1992). Soil chemical We deployed Thermochron™ temperature-recording properties included percent organic matter, cation iButtons across the elevational gradient at three plots exchange capacity, pH, salinity, and concentrations of per elevation; iButtons were placed in the understory elements including potassium, magnesium, calcium (1.5 m) and in the upper canopy. A compound bow and sodium. was used to shoot canopy lines, and iButtons were attached and pulled into the upper canopy; iButtons Vegetation were deployed from November 2013 until July 2014, Within each quadrat, all living woody plant stems and temperature measurements were recorded every (excluding lianas) of greater than 5 cm diameter at 3 hours. breast height (dbh) were marked with individually numbered aluminium tags and their diameters meas- TABLE 1. Latitude, longitude and elevation of the Eungella ured. At two elevations, an additional one (400 m asl) Biodiversity Study Plots or two (800 m asl) plots were also surveyed in order to better characterise these elevations. In total, over 1700 Plot Latitude Longitude Elevation stems were tagged across the 20 survey plots. Species 200 – 1 –21.076628 148.687773 194 identification of the tagged trees was carried out by 200 – 2 –21.074601 148.684886 181 Bill McDonald, Dale Arvidsson and Irene Champion. 200 – 3 –21.076414 148.679269 224 Analysis 200 – 4 –21.067292 148.635147 244 We generated non-metric multidimensional scaling 400 – 1 –21.06185 148.635779 371 (NMDS) plots to illustrate the turnover in vegeta- 400 – 4 –21.060532 148.63755 386 tion assemblages with elevation using the software package PRIMER. We used a square-root transfor- 400 – 6 –21.070207 148.686483 391 mation on vegetation data to produce a Bray-Curtis 400 – 7 –21.065521 148.683299 426 dissimilarity matrix, and an NMDS ordination was 600 – 1 –21.056426 148.635307 568 created from this using 1000 permutations. Using the 600 – 4 –21.054829 148.635533 606 a priori elevational groupings of sites, we carried out PERMANOVA tests of similarity between pairs of 600 – 6 –21.063384 148.679164 569 elevational bands with 1000 permutations of the data. 600 – 7 –21.06231 148.677169 621 800 – 1 –21.14472 148.498148 760 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 800 – 3 –21.142879 148.494652 755 By sampling across an elevational gradient, the dis- tribution and diversity of the rainforest flora and 800 – 6 –21.121806 148.503333 808 fauna of Eungella National Park were described. 800 – 7 –21.143806 148.489083 816 Together, we collected and identified 1720 tree stems, 1000 – 1 –21.058907 148.581798 1028 over 50,000+ moths belonging to over 1000 species, 8300 ants belonging to 120 species, 30 hours of 1000 – 2 –21.051234 148.580556 973 observations and 240 hours of bird recordings. The 1000 – 3 –21.035762 148.597016 1001 overall moth fauna has already been described by 1000 – 4 –21.03502 148.600345 972 Odell et al. (2016). Other papers in this volume cover 1200 – 1 –21.016928 148.597991 1234 snails, dragonflies, ants, birds and , as well as a more detailed treatment of one superfamily of moths. 1200 – 2 –21.015093 148.608385 1164 1200 – 3 –21.026253 148.627429 1145 Temperature & Soil Properties 1200 – 4 –21.025577 148.63838 1225 Understorey temperature dropped with increasing ele­ va­tion by an average of 0.6°C per 100 m (Figure 2), and We collected five 6 × 6 × 15 cm soil cores randomly the canopy was on average 1.35°C hotter than the from each of the four plots at each elevation, which understorey, but there was variation across elevations were combined and homogenised. These were then (Figure 3). Some soil chemical properties shifted with analysed for soil chemical properties by Phosyn elevation. Organic matter increased with increasing Analytical Pty Ltd, following protocols established elevation, as did levels of aluminium and sodium The Eungella Biodiversity Study: filling the knowledge gap 15

(Table 2). Cation exchange capacity, pH, calcium and out at Lamington National Park (Strong et al., 2011) the calcium:magnesium ratio all declined with increas- except for cation (particularly sodium) exchange ing elevation. These patterns were generally the same capacity which Strong et al. (2011) found to increase as those found in the comparable survey we carried with elevation.

FIGURE 2. Frequency of average temperatures recorded at ground level across the elevational gradient. Temperatures were recorded between December 2013 and July 2014.

FIGURE 3. Frequency of mean temperatures measured in the understorey and canopy across elevational bands. 16 Proceedings of The Royal Society of Queensland

TABLE 2. Mean soil chemical and physical properties across elevations at Eungella

Direction of change with Soil physical property 200 m 400 m 600 m 800 m 1000 m 1200 m increasing elevation Organic matter (%) 9.925(1.35) 10.12(1.39) 11.95(2.57) 12.2(0.5) 16.62(1.48) 15.65(4.47) Increasing Cation exchange 11.73(2.93) 8.46(2.89) 5.58(0.77) 11.4(1.85) 4.37(0.86) 3.65(0.43) Decreasing capacity (meq/100 g) Ca:Mg ratio 3.5525(0.86) 3.15(0.86) 1.73(0.71) 3.33(0.14) 1.98(0.28) 1.16(0.42) Decreasing K base saturation (%) 3.45(1.29) 4.47(1.3) 6.7(0.87) 4.27(0.77) 7.05(0.69) 6.62(1.28) NA Mg base saturation (%) 20.95(3.07) 17.8(0.72) 24.65(3.95) 21.15(0.39) 23.9(1.26) 18.17(1.62) NA Ca base saturation (%) 66.52(10.57) 54.7(13.72) 40.92(13.34) 70.32(1.78) 47(6.22) 22(9.58) Decreasing Na base saturation (%) 1.3(0.27) 1.6(0.41) 1.97(0.41) 1.65(0.14) 2.47(0.23) 3.02(0.5) Increasing

pH [1:5 CaCl2] 5.6(0.21) 4.85(0.41) 4.12(0.4) 5.17(0.15) 4.25(0.13) 3.70.18) Decreasing

pH [1:5 H2O] 6.1(0.1) 5.65(0.35) 5.05(0.36) 5.85(0.12) 5.1(0.15) 4.55(0.24) Decreasing

EC [1:5 H2O] (dS/m) 0.12(0.01) 0.08(0.01) 0.09(0.01) 0.14(0.02) 0.09(0.01) 0.11(0.01) NA Al base saturation (%) 7.77(6.08) 21.42(11.65) 25.75(13.65) 2.57(0.61) 19.6(5.76) 50.15(10.77) Increasing

Vegetation The total woody plant assemblages that we ­studied The coarse results of the vegetation studies are sum- showed strong elevational turnover, with a clear sepa- marised in Table 3. The 20 × 20 m plots established and ration in the assemblages into two broad categories: replicated at each elevation recorded between 51 and low (200–600 m asl) and high (800–1200 m asl) eleva­ 80 stems greater than 5ch dbh per plot. Average dbh tions (Figure 2). In addition, there were significant ranged from 14.9 to 18.7 cm per plot. Finally, total tree differences between the 600 m and 800 m plots, the basal area varied from 19,300 to 29,500 sq. cm per plot. 800 m and 1000 m plots, and the 1000 and 1200 m asl None of these statistics showed any obvious plots, whereas the 400 m and 600 m asl plots formed ­elevation-related trend. Table 3 lists the five com­ an overlapping vegetation assemblage (Figure 4 and monest tree species encountered at each elevation Table 4). Three environmental variables were iden- in descending order of frequency of occurrence. tified as significantly correlated with the turnover A number of patterns are noteworthy. The palms, of vegetation assemblages in the DistLM analysis: Archontophoenix spp. (Arecaceae), show partition­ Temperature (F = 4.21, P = 0.001), Organic matter ing by altitude. The widespread species A. alexandrae (%) (F = 3.99, P = 0.006), and Sodium base satura- was a dominant at our sites up to 800 m asl. At 800 m tion (%) (F = 3.4, P = 0.016); all DistLM results are and above, A. cunning­hamiana also appeared as a listed in Table 5. Temperature and sodium base satura- dominant. This is a subtropical ­species recorded from tion declined with elevation, whereas levels of organic southern NSW to Eungella, which is its no­ rthern dis- matter increased. Lower temperatures imply lower tributional limit. Several ‘tropical’ ­species in our list decomposition rates (and, accordingly, higher accu- of dominants reach their southern limits at Eungella. mulation of organic matter). Sodium base saturation is These include Cryptocarya murrayi (200 m asl), considered a correlate of soil fertility (Laidlaw et al., C. corrugata (1000 m asl) and C. densi­flora (1200 m 2011), and such a change with elevation may reflect the asl) (Lauraceae). In general, the Cryptocarya spp. history of erosion and leachng at the higher elevations. we encountered were dominant only at particular The results of the pyraloid moth, ant, odonate, ­eleva­tions (or two adjacent elevations in the case of snail and bird surveys are presented in this volume. C. glaucescens (1000–1200 m asl)). The mid-elevation In general, results for all taxa show a clear turn­over Syzy­­gium cryptophlebium (600–800 m asl)(Myrta­ in community composition across the elevational ceae) also reaches its southern limit at Eungella, as do ­gradient. Suites of indicator species – those which were Acmena resa (600 m asl)(Myrtaceae), Rockinghamia common, easy to identify and sensitive to elevation angustifolia (800 m asl)(Euphorbiaceae) and Syzygium (and by proxy, climate) – were identified. Odell et al. wesa (1200 m)(Myrtaceae). (2016) identified moth indicators which can be used The Eungella Biodiversity Study: filling the knowledge gap 17

to monitor future climate-driven distribution shifts. a broad range of climatically sensitive species that have These may be combined with species from other taxo­ the potential to be used to monitor distribution shifts nomic groups that were studied (ants, birds, snails) to with future climate warming (Ashton et al., 2016b; form a ‘predictor set’ (sensu Kitching & Ashton 2013), Nakamura et al., 2016; Odell et al., 2016). – – a Blume 25.00 1200.00 17 stems 17 stems 52 stems52 35 stems35 26 stems B.Hyland – Cryptocarya Cryptocarya glaucescens – Syzygium wesa 29,437 ± 2507.08 29,437 Archontophoenix cunninghamiana densiflor (F.Muell.) F.Muell. – – F.Muell. (F.Muell.) Niemeyera prunifera a – R.Br – C.T.White 43.00 F.M.Bailey – 1000.00 17 stems 18 stems 33 stems 12 stems 46 stems 46 15.64 ± 0.615.64 ± 1.54 18.67 Steganthera Steganthera Cryptocarya Cryptocarya & Foreman – Cinnamomum Cinnamomum (Benth.) Whiffin & W.D.Francis – & W.D.Francis Archontophoenix laxiflora laxiflorlaxiflora 99,841.13 ± 8919.7 99,841.13 cunninghamiana glaucescens corrugata olivieri – – a (Benth.) 32.00 800.00 18 stems 19 stems 30 stems 24 stems Syzygium 138 stems L.B.Sm. – & Drude – 79.75 ± 7.3679.75 ± 3.35 64.75 ± 8.28 60.75 Airy – Shaw diversifolium alexandrae actinophyllum Rockinghamia Argyrodendron cunninghamiana cunninghamiana Archontophoenix Archontophoenix cryptophlebium (H.Wendl.) H.Wendl angustifoli

– B.Hyland – 46.00 600.00 71 ± 9.3 71 21 stems 22 stems 23 stems23 24 stems 20 stems Syzygium Polyscias Polyscias (F.Muell.) discolor & Biffin – & Biffin – Endiandra Endiandra Philipson – australiana 16.07 ± 0.8216.07 ± 0.6 14.99 Cryptocarya Acmena resa cryptophlebium (F.Muell.) Craven (B.Hyland) Craven vulgaris EVATION BAND mean (metres) above EVATION sea level EL –

– Vesque Benth. – – 13 stems – 13 39.00 400.00 11 stems 14 stems 12 stems 25 stems Pleioluma Pleioluma Endiandra Endiandra 51.5 ± 7.64 51.5 17.68 ± 1.65 17.68 Calophyllum alexandrae australianum queenslandicana queenslandicana discolor discolor Archontophoenix Myristica globosa muelleri F.Muell. ex (P.Royen) Swenson – (P.Royen)

F.Muell. – – F.Muell. 49.00 200.00 16 stems 15 stems15 15 stems15 32 stems 30 stems F.Muell. – F.Muell. 14.9 ± 1.14 & Drude – cowleyana Endiandra Endiandra 63.5 ± 8.31 63.5 alexandrae hypospodia Cryptocarya Cryptocarya F.M.Bailey – W.J.deWilde – W.J.deWilde muelleri (Warb.) Archontophoenix Myristica globosa Myristica murrayi 19,367.37 ± 3401.52 ± 569.61 20,010.762 29,204.49 ± 4549.45 ± 193.88 21,385.42 (F.Muell.) H. Wendl Wendl H. (F.Muell.) ) cm


er plot MEASURE Average numberAverage of stems >5 p Dominant 4 Dominant 3

Average dbh Average (cm) per plot Total basal area per plot (sq. Dominant 2 Species richness richness Species across elevation (all 5 plots) Dominant 5 Dominant 1 TABLE 3. Summary 3. TABLE the of plot-based vegetation analyses 18 Proceedings of The Royal Society of Queensland

FIGURE 4. NMDS of tree communities across elevation

TABLE 4. PERMANOVA tests of plant community composition between adjacent pairs of elevational bands. Significant results are in bold.

Elevational groups (m asl) t P value (Monte Carlo) 200 and 400 1.10 0.29 400 and 600 1.06 0.33 600 and 800 2.11 0.006 800 and 1000 2.19 0.009 1000 and 1200 2.41 0.004

TABLE 5. Results of DistLM analysis testing the correlation of environmental variables and vegetation assemblages across elevation. Significant results are in bold.

Environmental variable F P Temperature 4.21 0.001 Organic matter (%) 3.99 0.006 CEC (meg/100 g) 2.15 0.111 Ca:Mg ratio 2.28 0.115 K base saturation (%) 2.15 0.146 Mg base saturation (%) 0.52 0.761 Ca base saturation (%) 1.91 0.127 Na base saturation (%) 3.40 0.016 Al base saturation (%) 1.64 0.137

pH (1:5 CaC12) 2.16 0.117

pH (1:5 H20) 2.39 0.095

EC (1:5 H20) 0.79 0.533 The Eungella Biodiversity Study: filling the knowledge gap 19

The Eungella Biodiversity Study has generated but they also provide essential ecosystem services such large volumes of information, and several scientific as carbon storage, clean water and air, all of which papers from this work have now been published. will help mitigate the impacts of climate change. These include the study of the elevational turnover of Conservation management ­strategies that include plan- moths in Eungella (Odell et al., 2016), cross-­latitudinal ning for the future of Eungella National Park under ­studies of elevational patterns of moth (Ashton et al., climate change are needed for this region. The inclu- 2016b) and ant diversity (Burwell and Nakamura, sion of Eungella National Park as a world heritage area 2016) and an assessment of the effectiveness of tradi­ is being discussed by govern­ment, and would help tional bird surveys in comparison with automated meet conservation goals, as well as enhance the profile acoustic recordings (Leach et al., 2016). In addi- and local economy of nature-based tourism. Including tion, new species of snails identified as part of the Traditional Owners, local communities and local con- Eungella Biodiversity Study are listed by Stanisic & servation groups in planning for the future of Eungella Window, this volume. Other results are elsewhere in is essential. this volume. Extinction has already occurred in Eungella, with Climate change is predicted to increase the fre- the last sighting of the northern gastric brooding frog quency and severity of droughts and extreme weather (Rheobatrachus vitellinus) occurring in 1985. If the events (Dai, 2013; Cai et al., 2014). Eungella has been rainforest at Eungella is lost, a large portion of the identified as a bioregion at risk, and it is important that biodiversity of Queensland is also lost. Understanding the conservation value of this area is recognised and the multiple threats to this area, including climate prioritised when developing management ­strategies. change and habitat loss, is essential for the conser- In November 2018, during a prolonged heatwave, vation of Eungella. The Eungella Biodiversity Study Eungella suffered severe bush fires, which affected establishes benchmark datasets on the current eleva- 110,000 hectares of forest (Hines et al., this volume) tional distributions of plants and animals, all of which which detroyed substantial areas of rain­forest as well are publicly available, and can be used to monitor the as surrounding brigalow (although not the research impacts of climate change in the future. sites described here). Protected areas like Eungella A full list of species and their abundances in each National Park are not only important for conservation, of the plots is available online at:

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The results of the EBS represent thousands of hours of fieldwork, laboratory sorting and identification by col- laborators from Griffith University, the Queensland Herbarium, the Mackay Regional Botanic Garden, the Queensland Museum and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This project was made possible by the efforts of many volunteers from Eungella and Mackay, including community groups such as the Mackay Bushwalking Club, Birdlife Mackay and Reef Catchments. The Eungella Biodiversity Project was generously funded by the Mackay Regional Council. We thank, in particular, the Mayor, Councillor Commerford, their Chief Executive Officer Dan McKinlay, and other officers of the Council who gave us their support. The Survey also formed part of the work schedule of the Queensland State Government/Chinese Academy of Science Joint Biotechnology Project (part of the ‘Smart State’ initiative) which funded much of the prelimi- nary work before the Survey actually took place. We are most grateful for this support. 20 Proceedings of The Royal Society of Queensland

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