Plant Checklist for San Dieguito Watershed

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Plant Checklist for San Dieguito Watershed Plant Checklist for San Dieguito Watershed Family Scientific Name Common Name Google Images Agavaceae Yucca schidigera Mohave Yucca Mohave Yucca Images Aizoaceae Carpobrotus edulis Hottentot-Fig Hottentot-Fig Images Malephora crocea var. Aizoaceae Purple Malephora Purple Malephora Images purpureocrocea Mesembryanthemum Aizoaceae Crystalline Iceplant Crystalline Iceplant Images crystallinum Mesembryanthemum Aizoaceae Slender-Leaf Iceplant Slender-Leaf Iceplant Images nodiflorum Alismataceae Alisma plantago-aquatica Water-Plantain Water-Plantain Images Alismataceae Echinodorus berteroi Burhead Burhead Images Alliaceae Allium haematochiton Red-Skin Onion Red-Skin Onion Images Allium peninsulare var. Alliaceae Red-Flower Onion Red-Flower Onion Images peninsulare Alliaceae Allium praecox Early Onion Early Onion Images Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus White Tumbleweed White Tumbleweed Images Amaranthaceae Amaranthus blitoides Prostrate Amaranth Prostrate Amaranth Images Amaranthaceae Amaranthus californicus California Amaranth California Amaranth Images Amaranthaceae Amaranthus deflexus Low Amaranth Low Amaranth Images Amaranthaceae Amaranthus fimbriatus Fringe Amaranth Fringe Amaranth Images Amaranthaceae Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima Sea Beet Sea Beet Images Amaranthaceae Chenopodium album Lamb's Quarters Lamb's Quarters Images Amaranthaceae Chenopodium californicum California Goosefoot California Goosefoot Images Amaranthaceae Dysphania ambrosioides Mexican Tea Mexican Tea Images Prickly Russian-Thistle, Prickly Russian-Thistle, Amaranthaceae Salsola tragus Tumbleweed Tumbleweed Images Anacardiaceae Malosma laurina Laurel Sumac Laurel Sumac Images Anacardiaceae Rhus integrifolia Lemonadeberry Lemonadeberry Images Anacardiaceae Rhus ovata Sugar Bush Sugar Bush Images Anacardiaceae Rhus trilobata Skunkbrush Skunkbrush Images Anacardiaceae Schinus molle Peruvian Pepper Tree Peruvian Pepper Tree Images Anacardiaceae Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper Tree Brazilian Pepper Tree Images Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron diversilobum Western Poison-Oak Western Poison-Oak Images Apiaceae Angelica tomentosa California Angelica California Angelica Images Apiaceae Anthriscus caucalis Bur Chervil Bur Chervil Images Apiaceae Apiastrum angustifolium Mock-Parsley Mock-Parsley Images Apiaceae Apium graveolens Common Celery Common Celery Images Apiaceae Berula erecta Cut-Leaf Water-parsnip Cut-Leaf Water-parsnip Images Apiaceae Bowlesia incana American Bowlesia American Bowlesia Images Common Poison Hemlock Apiaceae Conium maculatum Common Poison Hemlock Images Apiaceae Daucus pusillus Rattlesnake Weed Rattlesnake Weed Images Apiaceae Foeniculum vulgare Sweet Fennel Sweet Fennel Images Floating Marsh-Pennywort Apiaceae Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Floating Marsh-Pennywort Images Whorled Marsh-Pennywort Apiaceae Hydrocotyle verticillata Whorled Marsh-Pennywort Images Apiaceae Lomatium lucidum Shiny Lomatium Shiny Lomatium Images Apiaceae Lomatium mohavense Mohave Lomatium Mohave Lomatium Images Apiaceae Oenanthe sarmentosa Pacific Oenanthe Pacific Oenanthe Images California Sweet-Cicely Apiaceae Osmorhiza brachypoda California Sweet-Cicely Images Apiaceae Osmorhiza chilensis Mountain Sweet-Cicely Mountain Sweet-Cicely Images Apiaceae Sanicula arguta Sharp-Tooth Sanicle Sharp-Tooth Sanicle Images Apiaceae Sanicula bipinnatifida Purple Sanicle Purple Sanicle Images Apiaceae Sanicula crassicaulis Pacific Sanicle Pacific Sanicle Images Apiaceae Sanicula tuberosa Turkey Pea Sanicle Turkey Pea Sanicle Images Venus's / Weedy Shepherd's Venus's / Weedy Shepherd's Apiaceae Scandix pecten-veneris Needle Needle Images Apiaceae Tauschia arguta Southern Tauschia Southern Tauschia Images Japanese Hedge-Parsley Apiaceae Torilis arvensis Japanese Hedge-Parsley Images Apiaceae Torilis nodosa Knot Hedge-Parsley Knot Hedge-Parsley Images California Hedge-Parsley Apiaceae Yabea microcarpa California Hedge-Parsley Images Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum Indian-Hemp Indian-Hemp Images Kotolo, Indian Milkweed Apocynaceae Asclepias eriocarpa Kotolo, Indian Milkweed Images Apocynaceae Asclepias fascicularis Narrow-Leaf Milkweed Narrow-Leaf Milkweed Images Araceae Lemna gibba Swollen Duckweed Swollen Duckweed Images Araceae Lemna minor Common Duckweed Common Duckweed Images Araceae Lemna minuta Least Duckweed Least Duckweed Images Araceae Lemna turionifera Turion Duckweed Turion Duckweed Images Araceae Wolffia arrhiza Images Araceae Wolffia borealis Northern Water-Meal Northern Water-Meal Images Araceae Wolffia columbiana Columbian Water-Meal Columbian Water-Meal Images Araceae Wolffia globosa Asian Water-Meal Asian Water-Meal Images California/Round-Hood California/Round-Hood Asclepiadaceae Asclepias californica Milkweed Milkweed Images Kotolo, Indian Milkweed Asclepiadaceae Asclepias eriocarpa Kotolo, Indian Milkweed Images Asclepiadaceae Asclepias erosa Desert Milkweed Desert Milkweed Images Sarcostemma cynanchoides Asclepiadaceae Climbing Milkweed Climbing Milkweed Images ssp. hartwegii Asparagaceae Asparagus asparagoides Florist's-Smilax Florist's-Smilax Images Asparagaceae Asparagus officinalis Garden Asparagus Garden Asparagus Images Asphodelaceae Asphodelus fistulosus Hollow-Stem Asphodel Hollow-Stem Asphodel Images Asteraceae Achillea millefolium Yarrow, Milfoil Yarrow, Milfoil Images Achillea millefolium var. Asteraceae Images millefolium Asteraceae Acourtia microcephala Sacapellote Sacapellote Images Adenophyllum Asteraceae San Felipe Dyssodia San Felipe Dyssodia Images porophylloides Asteraceae Agnorhiza ovata Southern Mule's Ear Southern Mule's Ear Images Asteraceae Agoseris grandiflora Large-Flower Agoseris Large-Flower Agoseris Images Asteraceae Agoseris retrorsa Spear-Leaf Agoseris Spear-Leaf Agoseris Images Asteraceae Amblyopappus pusillus Pineapple Weed Pineapple Weed Images Asteraceae Ambrosia acanthicarpa Annual Bur-Sage Annual Bur-Sage Images Asteraceae Ambrosia confertiflora Weak-Leaf Bur-Sage Weak-Leaf Bur-Sage Images Asteraceae Ambrosia psilostachya Western Ragweed Western Ragweed Images Asteraceae Ambrosia pumila San Diego Ambrosia San Diego Ambrosia Images Cheesebush, Burrobrush Asteraceae Ambrosia salsola var. salsola Cheesebush, Burrobrush Images Mayweed, Stinkweed, Dog- Mayweed, Stinkweed, Dog- Asteraceae Anthemis cotula Fennel Fennel Images Asteraceae Artemisia californica Coastal Sagebrush Coastal Sagebrush Images Asteraceae Artemisia douglasiana Douglas Mugwort Douglas Mugwort Images Tarragon, Dragon Sagewort Asteraceae Artemisia dracunculus Tarragon, Dragon Sagewort Images Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. Asteraceae Mountain Sagewort Mountain Sagewort Images incompta Asteraceae Artemisia palmeri Palmer's Sagewort Palmer's Sagewort Images Chaparral Broom, Coyote Chaparral Broom, Coyote Asteraceae Baccharis pilularis Brush Brush Images Baccharis pilularis ssp. Asteraceae Images consanguinea Asteraceae Baccharis salicifolia Mule-Fat, Seep-Willow Mule-Fat, Seep-Willow Images Asteraceae Baccharis sarothroides Broom Baccharis Broom Baccharis Images Asteraceae Baccharis vanessae Encinitas Baccharis Encinitas Baccharis Images Asteraceae Bahiopsis laciniata Images Asteraceae Bahiopsis parishii Images Asteraceae Bebbia juncea Images Asteraceae Bebbia juncea var. aspera Rush Sweetbush Rush Sweetbush Images Asteraceae Brickellia californica California Brickellbush California Brickellbush Images Asteraceae Carduus pycnocephalus Italian Thistle Italian Thistle Images Asteraceae Centaurea melitensis Tocalote Tocalote Images Centromadia parryi ssp. Asteraceae Southern Tarplant Southern Tarplant Images australis Asteraceae Chaenactis artemisiaefolia Images Asteraceae Chaenactis artemisiifolia White Pincushion White Pincushion Images Asteraceae Chaenactis fremontii Desert Pincushion Desert Pincushion Images Chaenactis glabriuscula var. Asteraceae Yellow Pincushion Yellow Pincushion Images glabriuscula Cirsium occidentale var. Asteraceae California Thistle California Thistle Images californicum Cirsium occidentale var. Asteraceae Cobwebby Thistle Cobwebby Thistle Images occidentale Asteraceae Cirsium scariosum Images Cirsium scariosum var. Asteraceae Images americanum Cirsium scariosum var. Bird's-Nest Thistle, Elk Bird's-Nest Thistle, Elk Thistle Asteraceae americanum Thistle Images Asteraceae Cirsium vulgare Bull Thistle Bull Thistle Images Asteraceae Cnicus benedictus Blessed Thistle Blessed Thistle Images Asteraceae Conyza bonariensis Flax-Leaf Fleabane Flax-Leaf Fleabane Images Asteraceae Conyza canadensis Horseweed Horseweed Images Asteraceae Conyza coulteri Coulter's Fleabane Coulter's Fleabane Images Asteraceae Conyza floribunda Asthmaweed Asthmaweed Images Asteraceae Coreopsis maritima San Diego Sea-Dahlia San Diego Sea-Dahlia Images Corethrogyne filaginifolia Asteraceae Common Sand-Aster Common Sand-Aster Images var. filaginifolia Australian Brass-Buttons Asteraceae Cotula australis Australian Brass-Buttons Images Asteraceae Cotula coronopifolia African Brass-Buttons African Brass-Buttons Images Asteraceae Deinandra fasciculata Fascicled Tarweed Fascicled Tarweed Images Asteraceae Delairea odorata German-Ivy German-Ivy Images Blue-Eye Cape-Marigold Asteraceae Dimorphotheca sinuata Blue-Eye Cape-Marigold Images Dyssodia tenuiloba var. Asteraceae Dahlberg Daisy Dahlberg Daisy Images tenuiloba Asteraceae Eclipta prostrata False-Daisy False-Daisy Images Asteraceae Encelia actoni Acton's Encelia Acton's Encelia Images Asteraceae Encelia actonii Images Asteraceae Encelia californica California Encelia California Encelia Images Asteraceae Ericameria linearifolia
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