Recent Leader Editorial
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The Board of Chosen Freeholders A Union resident is motivated Former Springfield, resident haye decided on the driving range as she takes on chairperson role Dave Hetzel is an umpire at at Galloping Hill, Page 3. of Jewish festival, Page B2. the LL World Series, Page B1. VOL65 NO.46—THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1094—2* SPRINGFIELD, N.J., Home of Elizabeth Frltzen TWO SECTIONS — Qorhmunity Working on the highway recent Leader editorial By Ray Lehmann She also made il clear that, while she TV-36 starts season Mnnnglng Editor had not stopped looking into the mat- September traditionally is the Allhdugh not an agenda item, much ter, she would not take it as a personal start of tho television season. of the discussion at the Springfield failure if the land is not acquired. This is no exception at TV-36, Township Committee meeting Tues- "We need to look for other alterna- the community access station day night in both tho public and tives. We do need the land. We do that serves Springfield, Berkeley executive sessions revolved around an need another Public Works facility. Heights, Millbum, Now Provi- editorial published in the July 18 issue The present one is shabby, it's falling dence and Summit. But this sea- of the Springfield Leader titled "A apart, and it's not modernized and we son is special. raw deal." The editorial focused on a truly need to upgrade il," Holmes "This September marks the perceived lack of action by the Town- said. "I don't mind help from any beginning of our 15th season, ship Committee in further pursuing an member of tho Township Committee. and we're busier than ever," agreement with the county to obtain a I don't care if this is my big glory, but remarked TV-36 President Beth parcel of land for the construction of a if it is still possible, I'd like it to get Pincus. Public Works garage as part of the done." Over the lust year and a half, deal for the county's use of the Hou- Committee member Herb Slotc, there has been renewed interest daillc Quarry composting facility. who introduced tho issue of the editor- in TV-36 from several different The editorial drew a response from • ial to the committee at the previous sectors of the community. As a all of the Township Committee mem- evening's executive council meeting, result, programming is at an all- bers, including two from the commit- felt that Pappas was off-base in push- time high, with more than 20 tee members it most strongly criti- ing tho responsibility onto the Demo- scries produced on a regular IP cized — Jo Ann Holmes and Mayor cratic members of the board. basis. ' Pholo Ily Mark Ocvanoy Marcia Forman. "As far as Mr. Pappas being 'a Traffic along Rogte 22 In Springfield came to a halt last week as workers replaced Committee member Harry Pappas, voice in the woods,' il has to be "Our shows' topics range a pipeline under the highway. from local news and events to fresh from his five-week vacation to pointed out that his no longer serving health and legal information Greece, was most aggressive in on the Public Works Committee docs shows to independently produced addressing the issue. In his comments not slop him from taking further films by community membors," to tho committee, Pappas outlined his steps," Slolc said. "Certainly, this is said station Manager David involvement with tho. history of the an issue where something could be! 1 Hawksworth: parcel and admonished tho commit- done this year if the subject had been TV-36 is truly a community By Ray T^ehmann lines. Assistant Superintendent Al "It is possible that we can enter into tee's Democratic majority for not brought up." •'•'••' television station. All producers, Managing Editor LaMorgcso summarized (he range of agreements with other districts for further pursuing an agreement with The committee agreed that the as well as the directors, camera^ Summer is rapidly slipping over tho possibilities this initiative might renting the satellite dish, as this may the county, claiming that, as a minori-. issue would be brought up again al people, audio technicians, and horizon and tho cool winds of autumn entail. end up actually benefiting the district ly party member, he was "just a voice their next oxcculivc session. graphic artists, are volunteers, have drifted into the area, which can "It can be something as simple as a financially," Fricdland said. in the woods." ' In other business, tho committee only moan one thing — it's limo to go history teacher asking an English many of whom had no prior Another of the goals laid out in the "I would have to say that, in a accepted a petition from several back to school. teacher to leach some historical fic- experience in TV before joining superintendent's report is to further sense, I agree with the editorial. Little hundred patroas of the Springfield Tho nnmo is true for the Springfield tion from the period they arc studying TV-36. study the possibility of acquirinR has been heard on the Houdaillc Quar- Municipal Pool to bring more shady Board of Education. After their sum- to something dscbinplox as an intri- Pincus said, "Wo have tried Jonathan Dayton High School as a ry issue Miicd Septcinbtr of 1992," jro..-. :ojlia poui. -TJie poiiiicui :iug mer hiatus, tho board reconvened this cate restructuring of curricula, such as to let the community know that part of the prc-kindergartcn to grade Pappas said. "There is a public file of gcslcd planting more trees and install- week, Tho lime off allowed the dis- absolutely combining math and sci- anybody can produce their own 12 Springfield School District. This is the correspondence on the issue; it is ing a canopy to protect pool-goers trict to formulate its official goals for ence," LaMorgcsc said. "We have yet programming on TV-36, on a response to the talks of a possible about 3 inches thick with letters to the from undue exposure to the sun. Two tho 1994-95 school year, a final copy to choose the model, but at this point whatever topic they choose. We dissolution of the Union County Reg- county. Those letters slop after 1992. large, healthy, shade-producing trees of which was presented this week to we'd be leaning much more toward fulfill a vital link in local com- ional High School District, currently There was nothing done in 1993, and at tho pool wcro brought down by the board by Superintendent of the Idwer end of the scale." munications, which is extremely tho most cx|iensivc-pcr-studcnt dis- there has been nothing done in 1994. heavy storms earlier in the summer. Schools Gary Fricdlond. In terms of technology, ono of the important to maintain as the trict in the county. "I hope that something can still be On a sadder note, all the committee information superhighway There were scvon goals established, primary areas of exploration will be done to recoup this, because I think members gave their condolences to becomes a reality." primary of which was the finalization expansion of the use of the district's Under tho proposed "rcrcgionaliza- that it is gone," Pappas said. "This is tho family of the recently deceased There are also opportunities of .the district's five-year Action Plan • satellite dish for educational pur- lion," the smaller municipalities that not the fault of the county. They wcro Harold Licbeskind, former chief of for people to get involved in all in tho fields of tcchrtology, curriculum poses. Right now, there are a number currently comprise the regional dis- willing to negotiate. At one point, the Springfield Auxiliary Police. areas of TV production. TV-36 and communication. The , "master of services, including "video field trict would bargain their own agree- they even offered to bring in utilities "We used to say that if you died and offers, training courses in TV plan" was presented to the board as a trips," which are being reviewed for ments with one another as to the geo- at the site. But I think that lime has woke up next to Harold Licbeskind, production on a regular basis. five-part program. possible ordering. Fricdland also graphic makeup of their individual passed because we waited loo long." you must be in heaven," reflected ."Being a volunteer at TV-36 Ono of tho curriculum-based initia- brought up the point that the dish may districts. The possible plans aro cur- Defending herself against what she committee member Jeff Katz, who is a great way to get involved tives deals with a greater integration have possibilities as a money-making rently being reviewed by the consult- fell was unfair criticism, Holmes read served under Licbeskind in the auxili- in your community and to meet' of curriculum across departmental venture for the district. ing firm of Deloittc-Touche.- aloud from her "letter to the editor." ary force for many years. others who work to make the five-town area a belter place'in which to live," said Pincus. "Volunteers have made TV-36 the success that it has been for By Rny Lchmnnn . odor but to the amendment and stric- out what a mammoth project he Was litter on the front lawn. The cleanup tee mooting had complained about nearly 15 years." Managing Editor ter enforcement of the township's dog gcuing into. also revealed that rats had been living building code violations on Briggs' TV-36 programming schedules Locals who drive along Soulh and cat ordinances.