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November 16, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 12 17677 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS STRUTHERS PRESBYTERIAN Through ROTC, he received a Regular Army The Ohio State Marching Band remains one CHURCH CENTENNIAL commission and went to Ft. Benning, GA, for of the most well-recognized college bands in parachute training and instructors’ schools. the country. Its artistry, accuracy and sound HON. TIM RYAN Shortly after, he married Anita Pierce in 1952, has earned the band the informal title of ‘‘The OF OHIO his surviving wife of over 50 years. Best Damn Band in the Land.’’ Observing the That summer, Mayor Folmar deployed to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES band in action fills Buckeye fans with immense Korea, where he later received the Silver Star, pride and captivates an audience in a way un- Wednesday, November 16, 2011 the Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart for his like any other live event. Most Ohio State sup- Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today heroic service. Additionally, at the rank of porters credit much of the band’s success and to congratulate Struthers Presbyterian Church Lieutenant, he received the French Croix de acclaim today to the efforts of Dr. Woods. for celebrating its 100th anniversary this past Guerre, an award bestowed to individuals who Since his arrival, Jon has upheld the band’s Sunday, November 13, 2011. distinguish themselves by acts of heroism in- traditions, while also employing new and inno- In 1804, the Struthers Presbyterian Church volving combat with enemy forces. vative techniques that have helped the band was formed in the log cabin home of Richard After Korea, Mayor Folmar was assigned to sustain so many years of unrivaled superiority. McConnell. In 1910, construction of the cur- Ft. Campbell, KY, as an Airborne Jump Mas- After several decades, the Ohio State rent Struthers Presbyterian Church began in ter until 1954. He then returned to Mont- Marching Band and the entire university has order to accommodate a growing congrega- gomery, joining his brother in construction and benefitted from the supreme expertise and vi- tion. sales for a government-issue loan funded sionary leadership of Dr. Woods. He has be- Harold Milligan Sr. became a member of the housing in the Cloverland neighborhood. The come a cornerstone of Ohio State, and, church in 1922 and has watched the church Folmar brothers’ business eventually grew to through his legendary work, has etched his grow over his lifetime. One of his fondest include large commercial shopping center con- name into the school’s storied history. I along memories of the church was during World War struction throughout the Southeast. with Congressman STIVERS and the entirety of In 1975, Mayor Folmar entered the political II when the church held ‘‘Bonds for Building’’ the Ohio State community will greatly miss his arena by running for city council in 1975, dinners to support the war effort. The church presence. His passion for our beloved school where he was elected President of the Mont- continues to help the community grow and and his years of commitment to the band have gomery City Council and eventually became prosper. It has acted as a meeting place for left him with an enduring legacy. Mayor from 1977 until 1999. Among his many many local organizations including Alcoholics f Anonymous, Boy and Girl Scout Troops, and other political accomplishments, he ran for the Rotary Club. The congregation puts to- governor in 1982; served as campaign chair- PERSONAL EXPLANATION gether welcome baskets for new city resi- man for Ronald Reagan’s finance committee in 1980; state chairman for Reagan in 1984; dents, they give hand-made fleece blankets to and chairman for Bush-Quayle in 1988 and HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART the Akron Children’s Hospital, they coordinate 1992. After retiring from politics, he worked as OF FLORIDA food banks for those in need, and they orga- a business consultant and was appointed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nize clothing drives during the holidays. Commissioner to the Alabama Beverage Con- Wednesday, November 16, 2011 I wish the church 100 more bountiful years trol Board by Governor Bob Riley in 2003. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall of service to our community and thank the Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues rise congregation for their generosity and commit- No. 842, I was unable to make the vote. Had today to join me in remembrance of Mayor I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ ment to the residents of Struthers. Emory Folmar. I personally am blessed and f honored to call Mayor Folmar a role model f IN RECOGNITION OF THE LIFE OF and dear friend. The citizens of Montgomery HONORING MAYOR ROBERT HISON FORMER MAYOR EMORY FOLMAR will forever remember the Mayor for many years to come and the influential legacy he left HON. SANDER M. LEVIN behind. HON. MARTHA ROBY OF MICHIGAN f OF ALABAMA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN HONOR OF THE OHIO STATE Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Wednesday, November 16, 2011 UNIVERSITY MARCHING BAND DIRECTOR DR. JON WOODS UPON Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in re- HIS RETIREMENT ognize my friend and colleague in public serv- membrance of a former Montgomery, Alabama ice, Mayor Robert Hison of Saint Clair Shores, Mayor, Emory Folmar, for his selfless dedica- Michigan, as he retires after 27 years of de- tion and commitment to our Alabama commu- HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI voted and talented service on the City Council. OF OHIO nity. An elected official, decorated war vet- I have deeply enjoyed working with Mr. Hison IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eran, successful business owner, and loving on a number of significant issues to help serve husband and father, Mayor Folmar lived a Wednesday, November 16, 2011 our mutual constituents. long and fruitful life filled with many accom- Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, I along with Con- Mr. Hison had a lengthy and successful ca- plishments. Not only did I have the privilege to gressman STEVE STIVERS rise today to honor reer at Detroit Diesel Corp, retiring in 2004 know him as the Mayor of my hometown, but and recognize the Ohio State University after 38 years of service. He was appointed to also personally as an elder within Trinity Pres- Marching Band director Dr. Jon Woods upon Saint Clair Shores City Council in 1984, was byterian Church, and as a close friend of my his retirement. reelected several times and ran for mayor in family. As a former member of the marching band, 2004, and has served the last 7 years in that Mayor Folmar was born in Troy, AL, and I had the extraordinary opportunity of learning capacity. moved to Montgomery when he was fourteen from and getting to know Dr. Woods. To this Although the position of mayor is part-time years old. While earning a degree in business day, I am honored and blessed to call Jon a in St. Clair Shores, Mr. Hison believed it was at the University of Alabama, Mayor Folmar good friend. Issuing remarks about a man that a full-time responsibility. He devoted himself to also served as Cadet Colonel of the Army Re- has meant so much to me and every Buckeye the work and was visible everywhere through- serve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). around the world gives me great pleasure. out the city. He made it his goal to improve ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:10 Mar 25, 2015 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E16NO1.000 E16NO1 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.