Product Index
Product Index Fail-Safe . .759-760 Gas Discharge Tubes . .550-554 MicroTCA . 1227, 1363, 1372 Feedthru . .765-766 Metal Oxide Varistors . .547-549 PC/104 and PC/104-Plus . 1353, 1448 A Floating-Electrode . .759-760 ESD Devices . 517, 523-525, 527, 542-543, 567 PCI-Express . 1351, 1364, 1369 Adapters Flexible Termination . .757-761, 738, 763-764 Resettable Fuses . .558, 562-567, 576 Power . .1227, 1355, 1361, 1363, AC Adapters . 1104 Flexicap . 761, 738, 763 Surface Mount . .522, 527, 529, 531, 533, . .1366-1367, 1372 Bluetooth . 6, 17, 41 Flexiterm . .757, 760-761, 738 . 536-538,. 542, 553, 555, 559, 561-563, Banana Plugs and Jacks . .1082, D-Sub . 1273, 1281, 1284 General Purpose . 782-791, 796-798, 809-812 . .565-571, 576, 582 . 1130-1132, 1968 Modular . 1203, 1234, 1281, 1971 Half-Turn . 892 Surge Protectors . 520-525,. 527-531, 533, Barrier Blocks . .1541, 1546-1547, 1550 Phono (RCA) . 1145, 1175 High Capacitance . 758, 763, 765-766, . 536-539, 541-542, 550-551, BergStik™ . 1438 RF . 6, 17, 1144, 1150, 1152, 1154, 1156, . 773,. 780, 790-796, 799, 809-810, . .553-554, 566, 1951 Binding Posts . 1130-1131, 1145, 1968 . 1158-1159, 1164, 1166-1170, 1172-1173, . 816, 818-825, 830-831 Thermistors . .555-559, 561 Bluetooth . 1221 . .1175-1176, 1179-1180, 1184-1185, 1187-1188 High Q . .769, 778, 789-791, 804 Thyristors . 517, 566 Broadcast . 1127, 1144 Socket . .199, 1156, 1515-1516 High Temperature . 758, 763-764, 766, Varistors . 541-543, 547-549, 552 C-Grid® . 1474 XLR . 1141, 1145 . 769-771, 773-776, 780-791, 796-801, Voltage Suppressors .
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