Here's the Scoop
GAZINE OF THE APCC® January 2008 Volume 16 Number 1 **************** ***AUTO**SCH 3- DIGIT 100 I.. ,I Ill,,,,,, II I,, I,, I, I, II,,,,,, Ill,, I,,,, II I,, I,, .. II, II,, I MR MARK THOMAS PO BOX 181 S4 NEW YORK NY 10185-0181 Pl UmR1 s Po stages1o I PAID Permit 133 ISenatobia, MS Here's the scoop ... on opportunities in the inmate phone market 1,ocsa 111aes th Are yo u aware that x~Year!S! . e average count . 'I* cl Vil fl\ll-,continue to offer iinportant educational ills over $7 50 y 1a1 11 b per pho ~ opportnnities at AJ_>CC 2008 per month . ne il 1 in collect & ...· , \ 1 1 I r:-J Vil fl\ll.. , continue to pro"ide our custoiners , ...•••• ! .... , j credit card call s.? ~ith the latest fl~l 70 and dispute 1 j ~ . ·;l resolution updates Vil fl\ll,-continue to ensur~ carriers coinply *C"ity and county · -1 cl ~a~ work-release facirti Ja~ s, haH-way houses ~ with their 'f0\\gate respons1b1hues I es and Juvenile detention ~enters. cl Vil fl\ll.-continue ~ur aggr~ssive collection efforts NCIC has developed a proprietary inmate platform that allows payphone providers to easily become inmate telephone providers. By simply placing a coinless payphone into ~ . against ~ non-paying carriers the local jails or allowing NCIC to provide you with VOiP equipment you can tap into the inmate telephone market with no investment. r:-J Vil fl\ll... continue to offer the inost ~ kno~led.geable custoiner support in the industrY NCIC provides: Features & Benefits: • The best web presence and obtains the leads for our customers • No expensive on-site equipment
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