Excellent Designers
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Excellent designers PDEng trainees all have a university engineering degree (MSc level) before they enroll The 4TU.School for Technological in one of our two-year designer programmes. Selection for these programmes is tough: Design, Stan Ackermans Institute offers typically candidates are from the top 25% graduates of technological universities. two-year postmaster technological designer programmes (PDEng programmes). The institute is a joint initiative of the universities of First year: special curriculum A good investment technology in the Netherlands: Delft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- University of Technology, Eindhoven During their programme the trainees spend their first year following a For around 5,300 euros per month your company can have the benefits University of Technology, University of dedicated curriculum, which involves courses, interactive workshops and of a highly qualified employee in-house for a whole year. On average Twente and Wageningen University. group and practical assignments, often in close cooperation with industrial assignments carried out by our PDENg trainees last 12 months. During partners. System architecture and design are at the core of this first year. this time the trainee develops complex new products and processes and The designer programmes have been In addition to topics of a more technological content, the participants offers innovative solutions to your technological design issues. Secondly, around for more than 30 years and to acquire professional skills such as project management, communications you get to know the person well and at the end of the project you are University date the TU’s have already trained more and conflict handling. There are programmes where trainees start with the in the perfect position to decide whether to offer him or her a position of Twente design project during the first year. In that case the design project runs within your company. than 3,900 technological designers. Most designers have joined the companies parallel with the curriculum. Delft Wageningen where they carried out their design University of assignments and many now fulfill a Personalised options University Second year: design assignment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technology management position. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With several programmes your company has the possibility to select the In the second year the trainees carry out an in-company design trainee for your assignment already before the programme commences [email protected] assignment. Their prior engineering education and the supplementary and define the curriculum in mutual agreement with the trainee. This Eindhoven +31 40 247 2452 design schooling puts them in an excellent position to take on this ensures a seamless fit of the trainee’s profile with the requirements of the University of assignment in consultation with the client. University experts act as end assignment. In this case your company invests in the first year of the Technology supervisors, providing state-of-the-art technology, advising on the trainee’s programme and the design project may already start during the www.4tu.nl/sai structure and execution of the project and monitoring that the goals first year. Furthermore your company’s employees can follow a personalised of the project are realised. Once the assignment has been completed, designer’s programme. These options can be discussed with the concerning The Association of Engineering Doctorates (AEngD) 4TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute Our PDEng trainees will it is assessed by a committee of university and company experts. programme. is an affiliate member of the Association of Engineering A positive assessment leads to the award of the degree Professional Doctorates (AEngD) – the UK-based organisation which Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng). promotes the value of the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) to government, industry and commerce. The affiliation between Dutch subsidies Stan Ackermans Institute and AEngD establishes a wider and offer your organisation an more strategic industrial research collaboration and builds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- international links across the engineering research community. Companies may be eligible for specific subsidies when their business focusses on innovation, research and development. On our website we have listed these subsidies. For more information visit: innovative solution http://www.4tu.nl/sai/en/valorisation/subsidies/ 4TU. School for Technological Design STAN ACKERMANS INSTITUTE 4TU. School for Technological Design STAN ACKERMANS INSTITUTE Location develop in-depth understanding of the technical Process and Product Design (PPD) Systems, and learn how to use these to solve the Healthcare Logistics (HL) Programmes Eindhoven University of Technology and user requirements in the health domain so that The chemical, food and polymer producing actual industrial problems that our industry partners The PDEng programme Healthcare Logistics they are able to bridge the gap between high-tech industry demand for an integrated approach of the present to us. educates trainees to create highend and innovative Innovative solutions technology and the health area. disciplines chemical engineering, applied physics, designs for complex multidisciplinary logistics Automotive Systems Design (ASD) mechanical engineering and technology management. User System Interaction (USI) problems in healthcare. Graduates are capable of and tracks ASD focuses on systems architecture and design Track: Information and Communication PPD focuses not only on process design, but also on USI professionals are trained in trans-disciplinary creating designs for complex healthcare logistics for modern high tech automotive systems in the Technology (ICT) the design of novel products. The relationship science and techniques for the design and interventions, contribute to larger interventions, Is your company facing a technological problem that needs context of Smart Mobility. The programme aims at The ICT programme trains designers in specifying, between the production process and product evalua tion of user interaction with products and and are capable to direct the realization of solving or a challenging design issue that needs unraveling? a systems approach to problems around mobility designing, building, testing and evaluating properties like e.g. functionality and microstructure services. The programme focuses on technologically interventions in a team. The programme trains and fuel efficient automotive systems, including complex multidisciplinary systems in the domain is the connec ting thread in the PPD programme. complex systems with high interactivity and high professionals to bridge theory to actual implemen - A PDEng trainee of the 4TU.School for Technological Design, The Stan Ackermans Institute offers the communi cation systems and electrical driving, with of information and communication technology. concen tra tions of information. The user-experience tation of Operations Research and Operations Stan ACkermans Institute may be an attractive option. All following programmes and tracks (more emphasis on the multidisciplinary design aspects The design of innovative consumer products and is at the heart of each product design. Technical Management in healthcare, so as to increase the programmes are in development, for more professional systems that communicate with their Qualified Medical Engineer (QME) of project-based research and engineering and the The Qualified Medical Engineer programme trains options related to information and communication efficiency of logistics. our two-year programmes and tracks offer you the possibility information visit www.4TU.nl/programmes): challenges that are faced by the automotive industry. (global) environment (e.g. wireless and electro- techno logy, cognitive and social psychology and optical communication) is extremely challenging. engineers to become effective designers in the to hire a young professional who can design and develop clinical environment. Of course, engineering skills design methodology of user-centered design are key Maintenance (M) This leads to many new solutions, for example concepts of the programme. complex new products and processes and offer innovative Location Clinical Informatics (CI) embedded software, monolithic integrated (opto-) and knowledge of physiology are relevant. But also The PDEng programme Maintenance educates The Clinical Informatics programme is geared communication with health care professionals (and designers who create efficient and effective solutions to your technological design issues. Delft University of Technology electronic circuits in the field of telecommunication, towards the design of information systems in medical applications and consumer products. patients) is crucial to really get clear what their mainte nance processes from a multidisciplinary health care. IT knowledge, but also knowledge of needs are and to determine how technology can Location perspective. The design has to comply to Bioprocess Engineering (BPE) clinical and business processes are crucial to the Design and Technology of improve patient care. The programme is carried out University of Twente technical,