Celebrity Couple Katharine McPhee & Honeymoon in Italy After London Wedding

By Emily Green

In the latest celebrity news, celebrity couple Katharine McPhee and David Foster are loving life on their honeymoon in Italy, according to UsMagazine.com. McPhee and Foster were married this past Friday in London, and wasted no time heading to paradise to celebrate their love. This newlywed celebrity couple is headed to Italy for their honeymoon. What are three great spots to celebrate your love in Italy?

Cupid’s Advice:

Italy is a beautiful country full of amazing places, making it an absolutely perfect place for a honeymoon destination. Whether you want to spend your honeymoon relaxing or going on every adventure you can find, Italy has something for you. Here are three of Cupid’s favorite spots to celebrate your love in Italy:

1. Pienza, Tuscany: Full of beautiful pieces of architecture throughout the city, almost everywhere is a beautiful picturesque spot to enjoy. Though if you are a true romantic, perhaps the biggest interest in this location is that it is the site of one of the ultimate love stories of all time- Romeo and Juliet. Take your partner to Pienza and revel in the romance ingrained throughout the city, and start your own love story.

Related Link: Travel Tips: Indulge in a Romantic Getaway in Tuscany

2. Alassio, Liguria: Whether you are looking for peaceful areas of nature or a beautiful beach full of sunshine, Alassio is the perfect place for you. This seaside town is located at the foot of two capes: Capo Mele and S.Croce, making the area unspoiled and pure. Take a hike in the mountains and then relax on the beach and watch the sun set, you’ll be in pure bliss. Related Link: Love & Libations: Celebrity Reds To Turn You On

3. Chianti, Tuscany: If you want to have endless beautiful photos of your honeymoon to take back to your family and friends, Chianti is the PERFECT place to celebrate. Chianti is full of endless farmhouses and vineyards- nothing but exquisite nature all around! You can spend your time wine tasting and eating Chianti’s famous homemade penne pasta- it’s a food lover’s ultimate honeymoon!

What are some other great places to celebrate your love in Italy? Let us know in the comments below!

New Celebrity Couple? Katharine McPhee & David Foster Spark Romance Rumors By Noelle Downey

Craving some new romantic gossip when it comes to Hollywood relationships? Hold onto your hats, because there may just be a new celebrity couple in the works as we speak. According to EOnline.com, Katharine McPhee and David Foster were spotted on a potential date night getting cozy at a private table for two. A source claims, “David and Katharine were very intimate during their dinner,” the source spilled. “David was seen grabbing Katharine’s face and kissing her cheek several times. Katharine was doing the same to David’s face and they were acting as if they were a couple.” The couple shared a delicious feast of sushi and two bottles of red wine. Not only that, the source also shared by the end of the dinner, “Katharine sat on David’s side of the table and cuddled him with a blanket.”

There may be a new celebrity couple in town! What are some creative ways to make your crush notice you?

Cupid’s Advice:

If you’re trying to get that new cutie you’ve got your eye on to notice you exist, Cupid is here to help:

1. Find common ground: If you’re looking to make a connection with a crush, but you’re virtually strangers, find some common ground with them that you’re sure you share. This doesn’t have to be something super complicated or personal, in fact it’s way better if it isn’t. Focus on surface-level commonalities at first, even if there one’s that seem obvious, like the fact that you work at the same place or go to the same school. Think about what you have in common – classes, bosses, friends, hobbies – and go from there. The next time you see them at a party or on break at work, walk up and introduce yourself and find a fun conversational tidbit to break the ice that relies on your joint experiences. Remember, if you go blank and are stuck in a pinch, virtually every one loves to talk about themselves!

Related Link: David Foster Talks Life After Celebrity Divorce from Yolanda Hadid

2. Create an inside joke: Once you have common ground with the person you’re crushing on and are friendly with them, find an inside joke that you two can share. This can be based on something funny that happens in the office or a professor you both love to hate at school. This will bond you two together further and also be a great lead-in for more flirty teasing. Don’t be afraid to move from friendly and funny to actually flirty pretty soon though; after all you want to make sure your crush understands you want to be their partner, not just their buddy!

Related Link: Katharine McPhee Calls It Quits on Affair with Michael Morris

3. Give them a compliment: If you’ve developed a fun, flirty teasing relationship, don’t get so wrapped up in giving your crush a hard time that you forget that you’re trying to sweep them off their feet. Throw in a compliment every so often to remind them that you genuinely like and admire them. Remember to keep it light but also personal, something that not every one would notice or that you think they’d really appreciate hearing. And when they blushingly accept the compliment? Give the a smile and a long, soft look to take things from merely flirty to truly romantic.

Have you ever tried to seduce a crush? What tactics did you use to woo them? Let us know in the comments!

David Foster Talks Life After Celebrity Divorce from Yolanda Hadid By Whitney Johnson

Music producer David Foster recently opened up about his celebrity divorce from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum Yolanda Hadid and revealed that being single in his sixties is better than expected. According to UsMagazine.com, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Foster candidly said, “I tend to go from marriage to marriage — leaving one wife for another. This is the first time in my adult life that I’ve been single. It’s a very powerful feeling, but I’m not used to it.” The former celebrity couple first announced their split in December 2015, and Hadid officially filed for divorce the next month.

This celebrity divorce proves that being single is a “powerful feeling.” What are some ways to embrace being single?

Cupid’s Advice: For many people, it’s tempting to jump from relationship to relationship, but sometimes, the best thing is just to focus on yourself. Take time to get to know who you are and what you want out of life. Whether you’re recovering from heartbreak or happily enjoying your alone time, check out this love advice for three ways to embrace being single:

1. Be selfish: When you’re in a relationship, it’s important to compromise, but when you’re single, it’s okay to make it all about you. Watch your favorite movies. Read your favorite books. Spend your time however you want to spend it — and don’t feel bad about it! Do whatever makes you happy.

Related Link: Yolanda Foster Files for Celebrity Divorce from David Foster

2. Focus on your non-romantic relationships: It’s easy to let your friendships fall to the wayside when you’re in love and wanting to be with your boyfriend 24/7. Now is the time to rebuild those relationships. Make an effort to grab coffee with an old college friend or throw a dinner party for your best girlfriends.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Yolanda Foster Says Ex David Foster ‘Probably Saved My Life’

3. Set new goals: Instead of wallowing in self-pity and loneliness, use this opportunity to better yourself. Professionally, go after that promotion at work, or if you’re unhappy in your current job, look for a new one. Personally, train for a half-marathon, paint your bedroom a cheery yellow, or start writing that book. Just because you don’t have someone by your side doesn’t mean your life can’t be happy and fulfilled.

How do you embrace being single? Share your love advice in the comments below! Celebrity Couple Predictions: Ariel Winter, Bradley Cooper and David Foster

By Shoshi

In the latest celebrity news, three famous couples have caught the public’s attention. One of which is new celebrity couple is stepping out in young Hollywood, while a more seasoned couple is prepping for a celebrity baby, and another is just getting things started. . But who’s stepping out this time around hand in hand? Join me as I look into the crystal ball of relationships and love. Below, I share my predictions for these celebrity couples.

Celebrity Couple Predictions: Celebrity Relationships That May or May Not Last

Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden: Looks like there’s a hot young couple alert, because Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden have stepped out on the red carpet together making their celebrity relationship official after months of speculation. Winter is very smitten with Meadan, though it’s not hard to blame her. He’s cute, tall, and he’s quite charming. She’s a great catch as well. Both of them want to experience a fun, yet respectful relationship. Winter has no time for childish men. Being wise beyond her years makes it a bit difficult for her to find man that she connects with. That’s where Meaden comes in. He has no problem with a smart woman whose fiery so they are a good match. Fun is the theme of this celebrity couple and they may even learn a thing or two about love. After Meaden, Winter will end up dating an older man.

Related Link: New Celebrity Couple Ariel Winter & Boyfriend Levi Meaden Make Red Carpet Debut

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk: With a baby on the way and rumors swirling, Cooper and Shayk have everyone wondering if they are engaged. Shayk has a new mystery ring on her finger. But since she hasn’t had the baby yet, it’s safe to say that it’s probably not a push gift. My psychic senses say that they plan to have a secret celebrity wedding to seal the deal. Cooper is all about family and he thinks it’s time for him to settle down now that a baby is on the way. He wants to give married life a try since he’s seen it work for other longtime Hollywood bachelors. Babies bring about happiness and emotions so it’s a wonderful time for Cooper and Shayk. While I would love to say it will be all unicorns and rainbows for these two, that’s not the case. They are a bit like a roller coaster. There’s a lot of up and down. Right now things are up due to the excitement of the baby. There needs to be a discussion about that each one of them wants in a marriage or they will last about three years tops.

Related Link: Celebrity Baby: Bradley Cooper Is Spotted on a Run Post Girlfriend’s Pregnancy Reveal

David Foster and Christie Brinkley: Looks like David Foster and Christie Brinkley are spending some quality time together. Actually it’s more like there’s been one date or two. However with celebrities, one date could mean an engagement in two months. It’s safe to say that Foster has a thing for models since some of his ex-wives were models or beauty queens. While Brinkley seems to like a man with some musical talent since her longest marriage was to singer Billy Joel. This isn’t Foster or Brinkley’s first time at the rodeo, both of them have a lot of relationships under their belt. If they get married it will be the fifth wedding between each. Maybe the fifth time’s the charm? Hold up on the celebrity wedding invitations. This relationship is simply two good looking, age-appropriate people enjoying each other. Marriage does not look like it’s in the cards. That is not to say that this romance won’t last. It’s always nice to have a “maintenance person” on speed dial when one is looking for love. I predict that we won’t ever know all the details of their romance, they will keep us guessing.

Related Link: Yolanda Foster Files for Celebrity Divorce from David Foster

For more information on Shoshi click here.

What celebrity couples do you want to see predictions for next? Tell us in the comments below! Yolanda Foster Files for Celebrity Divorce from David Foster

By Abbi Comphel

Longtime celebrity couple Yolanda Foster and David Foster are finally calling it quits. According to UsMagazine.com, Yolanda has officially filed for celebrity divorce from her husband. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star was very sad to announce her celebrity relationship is coming to an end after 9 years together. This celebrity divorce was just a matter of time, given the couple’s split. How do you know when you’re ready to get a divorce?

Cupid’s Advice:

Some people just aren’t meant to be. Some people marry too fast or they just realize they don’t truly know the person they are with. Cupid has some advice on how to know when you’re ready to get a divorce:

1. Arguing: If you can hardly talk to each other without it ending in a fight, then it is time to call it quits. It is normal and healthy to argue, but not if it is every single day.

Related Link: Ex Celebrity Couple: Jennifer Lawrence & Nicholas Hoult Reunite at Golden Globes

2. Not happy: You just aren’t happy with yourself or your partner. You feel as if you have lost who you are. In order to find yourself, you must let go and find that happiness again.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Kylie Jenner Posts Instagram Photos Amid Tyga’s Teen Mom Scandal

3. Freedom: When you think of being alone, it sounds like heaven. Freedom is so close, and you can smell it. You don’t feel the need to be with your partner every day. That is when you know it is time to let go of them.

When do you think it is time to call it quits in a relationship? Comment below! Celebrity News: Yolanda Foster Says Ex David Foster ‘Probably Saved My Life’

By Kyanah Murphy

The holiday season can really bring gratitude to people, celebrities included. Though they recently went through a celebrity break-up, the latestcelebrity news from UsMagazine.com reveals that Yolanda Foster and her now ex David Foster are still on good terms as Yolanda commented that her ex probably saved her life in a recent blog post. As Yolanda reminisced about the holidays spent with her family, she shared that David Foster made her do a full body scan before continuing treatment for her Lyme disease. Yolanda notes that the full body scan results really helped her make progress in her battle of her chronic illness. Though this celebrity couple is no more, it’s wonderful to see that both Yolanda and David still care for one another.

In latest celebrity news, these exes aren’t throwing punches. What are some ways to throw anger away in the midst of divorce or a break- up?

Cupid’s Advice:

This celebrity news reminds us that just because we may be going through a split does not mean we have to be angry at our now ex partners. If you’re struggling with getting rid of your anger, Cupid has three tips on how to help you see less red:

1. Remember the good times: The relationship wasn’t all bad, as you were once with your ex and happy. Think back on those times and appreciate the good times and happiness that you both shared.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Have ‘Cordial Relationship’

2. Forgive: You’ve made mistakes and your ex has made mistakes. It’s important to forgive yourself and your ex for the mistakes you’ve both made and learn from them. It’ll help give you peace and help you be a better partner in the future.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Madonna Sticks Up for Ex-Husband Sean Penn 3. Look inside: Ask yourself why you are angry. Assess it. Ask yourself how does being angry benefit you? Ask yourself what you hope to gain out of your anger. Why can’t you let go? Though hard to do, by looking inward, we can help find peace and forgiveness which will ultimately help you accept what has happened and move on.

How did you put aside your anger regarding your split from your partner? What did you focus on instead? Comment below!

Celebrity Divorce: Yolanda Foster Addresses Pain of Divorce in Instagram Post By Jessica DeRubbo

Yolanda Foster recently spoke out about the pain of her celebrity divorce from David Foster via an Instagram post on Sunday, Dec. 13. According to UsMagazine.com, the caption of the photo is, “Note to self. Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.” A source said, “It didn’t make sense to stay together,” adding that David is the one who pushed for the divorce because he felt that the union “wasn’t a marriage.” Despite the formercelebrity couple‘s split, Yolanda still looks back on the relationship positively. “We had a beautiful love story that I will treasure forever,” she said.

Celebrity divorce or not, a marriage dissolving is painful business. What are some ways to cope with heartbreak in the wake of a divorce?

Cupid’s Advice:

When marriage ends, there’s no getting around the pain. That being said, there are certainly different ways to cope with it. Cupid has some relationship advice:

1. Know you’re not alone: The worst thing you can do is hole up at home with a tub of ice cream with no one you love around you. Okay, maybe it’s okay for the first day or two, but then consider inviting some friends or family over to hang out! They know you well, and just their presence will remind you there are other people out there who care. Plus, you’re not the only only who has gone through a divorce. If they can get through it, so can you.

Related Link: 5 Lessons to Learn from Celebrity Divorce

2. Maintain your normal routine: Getting on with life, even if you don’t feel like it, is one of the best ways to cope with a broken heart. Going to work, working out at the gym, cooking dinner, etc. will help you realize that life truly does go on.

Related Link: Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams File for Celebrity Divorce

3. Believe: You may be tempted to think, “I’m never going to get through this.” Try your best to believe the opposite. You’ll get through the pain of heartbreak and emerge on the other side a stronger person.

What are some other ways to cope with the pain of heartbreak? Share your thoughts below. Celebrity Divorce: Yolanda Foster & David Foster Announce Split

By Kyanah Murphy

Sometimes relationships don’t work out, no matter how hard you try. According to UsMagazine.com, the latest celebrity news is that celebrity couple Yolanda Foster and David Foster are calling it quits. The celebrity divorce comes after four years of marriage. Busy schedules and Yolanda’s lyme disease contributed to the celebrity divorce. Despite it all, the former celebrity couple says they did their best to make their celebrity relationship work. This celebrity divorce comes after the couple “did their best.” What are some ways to nurture a failing relationship?

Cupid’s Advice:

Even celebrity divorce is inevitable, even if you do your best. It’s truly unfortunate. As you’re on the last leg of your relationship, here are three tips to help nurture your failing relationship:

1. Be honest: Be honest with your former partner. Share what you did not receive in the relationship and what kind of relationship you’re looking for. Be as clear as possible.

Related Link: Celebrity Divorce: Miranda Lambert Says There ‘Ain’t a Side’ to Pick

2. Make a gradual transition: Gradually transition from lovers to friends. You may want to cut all ties with your former partner but that may not be the right thing to do. Instead, slowly reduce contact until you reach a comfortable level. After all, not all relationships end on bad terms.

Related Link: Celebrity News: Katie Holmes Says She Has No Regrets

3. Take some deep breaths: You might be feeling a lot of negative emotions, but don’t let them get the better of you! Instead, take some deep breath and think things through. Definitely sleep on them. You don’t want to do something that you’ll end up regretting.

How have you nurtured your failing relationship? Comment below!