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IMPOLITENESS STRATEGIES TOWARDS ENTERTAINER’S LIFE IN MAILONLINE’S COMMENT SECTION A THESIS Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) RANTI ANDELA 11150260000085 ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2019 ABSTRACT Ranti Andela. Impoliteness Strategy Towards Entertainer’s Life in MailOnline’s Comment Section. Thesis: English Literature Department. Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019. This research discusses the impoliteness strategies that occur in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section by using the theory of impoliteness by Jonathan Culpeper. This research uses a qualitative method with a pragmatics approach. It aims to describe the types and functions of impoliteness strategies that occur in 10 MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. It uses 50 utterances to analyze that taken from 10 articles in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section which published from March 2019 until April 2019. Research findings show that, first, only 4 types of impoliteness strategies occur, those are: bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock politeness. Second, each type of impoliteness strategy does not always appear in every article’s comment section. Third, the frequently used strategy to attack someone’s face through online media is bald on record impoliteness. Fourth, most people are used impoliteness strategy to deliver their heightened emotion, thus affective function appears as the dominant function in this research. Last, according to the topic that chooses randomly, whether the article is talking about controversial entertainer or not, there will always be a negative comment towards the entertainer. As a conclusion, people who use online media are more likely spreading hatred or anger straightforwardly since there is no face- to-face interaction and they can hide their real identity by using a fake account. Moreover, no matter how good the reputation of the entertainer is, there are always be negative comments towards them. Keywords: Pragmatics, Impoliteness Strategy, Impoliteness Function, MailOnline. i APPROVAL SHEET IMPOLITENESS STRATEGY TOWARDS ENTERTAINER’S LIFE IN MAILONLINE’S COMMENT SECTION A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) RANTI ANDELA NIM. 11150260000085 Approved by: Advisor, Hilmi Akmal, M.Hum NIP. 19760918 200801 1 009 Day/ Date: Tuesday / September 24, 2019 ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2019 ii LEGALIZATION Name: Ranti Andela NIM: 1115020000085 Title: Impoliteness Strategy Towards Entertainer’s life in MailOnline’s Comment Section. The thesis entitled above has been defended before the Adab and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on October 9th, 2019. It has already been accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one. Jakarta, October 9th, 2019 Ranti Andela Examination Committees Signature Date 1. Hasnul Insani, M.Pd., Ph.D. (Chairperson) NIP. 1976050 1 200801 2 010 18th /11/19 2. M. Agus Suriadi, M. Hum. (Secretary) NIP. 1978080 1 201411 1 001 18th /11/19 3. Hilmi Akmal, M. Hum. (Advisor) NIP. 19760918 200801 1 009 11th /11/19 4. Dr. Frans Sayogie, S.H., M.H., M.Pd. (Examiner I) NIP. 19700310 200003 1002 11th /11/19 5. Maria Ulfa, MA., M.Hum. (Examiner II) NIP. 19821218 201503 2 002 11th /11/19 iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institutes of higher education, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the thesis. Jakarta, September 2019 Ranti Andela iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, my greatest gratitude delivered to Allah SWT for everything that He gives in my life. With his blessing and mercy, finally, I could accomplish this thesis entitled Impoliteness Strategy Towards Entertainer’s Life in MailOnline’s Comment Section. Shalawat and Salam praise to our prophet Muhammad SAW who guides us from the darkness to the brightness path. First of all, this thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents, Mrs. Holila and Mr. Dedy Reviantoro (Alm). I would like to thank my parent especially my mother, for her endless guidance, patience, hard work, advice, and never-ending support. A thousand words would never be enough to pay for everything that she gave for me. May Allah gives me enough time and chances to make her happy in this Dunya and may Allah gives her a reward in the hereafter, aamiin. To my sister, Larasati – the one with kindhearted, a caring person, a good listener and yet a good adviser. Thank you for always pushing me to be a better version of mine and support me morally nor materially. To my younger brother, Dio Daffa. Thank you for always be the one who cheers me up during the time of making this thesis. The supports, jokes, attention are meant the world for me. To my brother, Arifin Rochmawan thank you for the support morally nor materially especially the device you gave to me in which helpful for me to accomplish this thesis. I cannot say anything except I am beyond grateful to have such a supportive family. I also want to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis advisor, Hilmi M.Hum for his endless guidance during this thesis making. For me, the way he guides his students during the thesis making is portrayed how responsible and good is he as an advisor, I appreciated that. May Allah always bless him and his family, aamiin. Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude to: 1. Saiful Umam, Ph.D. as the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 2. Hasnul Insani, M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Head of English Literature Department. 3. M. Agus Suriadi, M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Literature Department. v 4. Dr. Frans Sayogie, S.H., M.H., M.Pd. and Maria Ulfa, MA., M.Hum. as the examiners. 5. All lecturer of English Literature Department who have taught me from the first semester until the last semester. 6. Aldilah, Tata, Tifah, Nindy, Adit who always support, motivate me to finish my study. 7. My junior high school mates: Sishi, Meti, Ola, Sasha, and Finsa. 8. Ninit, Chai, Watun, Zhia, Silva, Ghina who shared the laughter during my study in English Literature Department. 9. My beloved classmates: ELD Class C 2015. Jakarta, September 2019 Ranti Andela vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ i APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii LEGALIZATION ................................................................................................ iii DECLARATION .................................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT....................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... vii LIST OF TABLE.................................................................................................. ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study .............................................................................. 1 B. The Focus of the Research ........................................................................... 4 C. Research Questions ...................................................................................... 4 D. The Objective of the Research ..................................................................... 4 E. Significance of the Research ........................................................................ 4 F. Research Methodology................................................................................. 5 1. Research Method ...................................................................................... 5 2. Research Instrument ................................................................................. 5 3. The technique of Data Collection and Data Analysis .............................. 5 4. Unit Analysis ............................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 8 A. Previous Research ........................................................................................ 8 B. Theory ........................................................................................................ 10 1. Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics........................................................ 11 2. Face......................................................................................................... 12 3. The Notion of Impoliteness .................................................................... 13 4. Impoliteness Strategies ........................................................................... 14 5. The Function of Impoliteness Strategy..................................................