A THESIS Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

RANTI ANDELA 11150260000085



Ranti Andela. Impoliteness Strategy Towards Entertainer’s Life in MailOnline’s Comment Section. Thesis: English Literature Department. Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019. This research discusses the impoliteness strategies that occur in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section by using the theory of impoliteness by Jonathan Culpeper. This research uses a qualitative method with a pragmatics approach. It aims to describe the types and functions of impoliteness strategies that occur in 10 MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. It uses 50 utterances to analyze that taken from 10 articles in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section which published from March 2019 until April 2019. Research findings show that, first, only 4 types of impoliteness strategies occur, those are: bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock politeness. Second, each type of impoliteness strategy does not always appear in every article’s comment section. Third, the frequently used strategy to attack someone’s face through online media is bald on record impoliteness. Fourth, most people are used impoliteness strategy to deliver their heightened emotion, thus affective function appears as the dominant function in this research. Last, according to the topic that chooses randomly, whether the article is talking about controversial entertainer or not, there will always be a negative comment towards the entertainer. As a conclusion, people who use online media are more likely spreading hatred or anger straightforwardly since there is no face- to-face interaction and they can hide their real identity by using a fake account. Moreover, no matter how good the reputation of the entertainer is, there are always be negative comments towards them.

Keywords: Pragmatics, Impoliteness Strategy, Impoliteness Function, MailOnline.




A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

RANTI ANDELA NIM. 11150260000085

Approved by:


Hilmi Akmal, M.Hum NIP. 19760918 200801 1 009




Name: Ranti Andela NIM: 1115020000085 Title: Impoliteness Strategy Towards Entertainer’s life in MailOnline’s Comment Section. The thesis entitled above has been defended before the Adab and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on October 9th, 2019. It has already been accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, October 9th, 2019

Ranti Andela

Examination Committees

Signature Date

1. Hasnul Insani, M.Pd., Ph.D. (Chairperson) NIP. 1976050 1 200801 2 010 18th /11/19

2. M. Agus Suriadi, M. Hum. (Secretary) NIP. 1978080 1 201411 1 001 18th /11/19

3. Hilmi Akmal, M. Hum. (Advisor) NIP. 19760918 200801 1 009 11th /11/19

4. Dr. Frans Sayogie, S.H., M.H., M.Pd. (Examiner I) NIP. 19700310 200003 1002 11th /11/19

5. Maria Ulfa, MA., M.Hum. (Examiner II) NIP. 19821218 201503 2 002 11th /11/19



I hereby declare that this submission is my work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institutes of higher education, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the thesis.

Jakarta, September 2019

Ranti Andela



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, my greatest gratitude delivered to Allah SWT for everything that He gives in my life. With his blessing and mercy, finally, I could accomplish this thesis entitled Impoliteness Strategy Towards Entertainer’s Life in MailOnline’s Comment Section. Shalawat and Salam praise to our prophet Muhammad SAW who guides us from the darkness to the brightness path. First of all, this thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents, Mrs. Holila and Mr. Dedy Reviantoro (Alm). I would like to thank my parent especially my mother, for her endless guidance, patience, hard work, advice, and never-ending support. A thousand words would never be enough to pay for everything that she gave for me. May Allah gives me enough time and chances to make her happy in this Dunya and may Allah gives her a reward in the hereafter, aamiin. To my sister, Larasati – the one with kindhearted, a caring person, a good listener and yet a good adviser. Thank you for always pushing me to be a better version of mine and support me morally nor materially. To my younger brother, Dio Daffa. Thank you for always be the one who cheers me up during the time of making this thesis. The supports, jokes, attention are meant the world for me. To my brother, Arifin Rochmawan thank you for the support morally nor materially especially the device you gave to me in which helpful for me to accomplish this thesis. I cannot say anything except I am beyond grateful to have such a supportive family. I also want to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis advisor, Hilmi M.Hum for his endless guidance during this thesis making. For me, the way he guides his students during the thesis making is portrayed how responsible and good is he as an advisor, I appreciated that. May Allah always bless him and his family, aamiin. Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude to: 1. Saiful Umam, Ph.D. as the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 2. Hasnul Insani, M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Head of English Literature Department. 3. M. Agus Suriadi, M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Literature Department.


4. Dr. Frans Sayogie, S.H., M.H., M.Pd. and Maria Ulfa, MA., M.Hum. as the examiners. 5. All lecturer of English Literature Department who have taught me from the first semester until the last semester. 6. Aldilah, Tata, Tifah, Nindy, Adit who always support, motivate me to finish my study. 7. My junior high school mates: Sishi, Meti, Ola, Sasha, and Finsa. 8. Ninit, Chai, Watun, Zhia, Silva, Ghina who shared the laughter during my study in English Literature Department. 9. My beloved classmates: ELD Class C 2015.

Jakarta, September 2019

Ranti Andela



ABSTRACT ...... i APPROVAL SHEET ...... ii LEGALIZATION ...... iii DECLARATION ...... iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT...... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... vii LIST OF TABLE...... ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. The Focus of the Research ...... 4 C. Research Questions ...... 4 D. The Objective of the Research ...... 4 E. Significance of the Research ...... 4 F. Research Methodology...... 5 1. Research Method ...... 5 2. Research Instrument ...... 5 3. The technique of Data Collection and Data Analysis ...... 5 4. Unit Analysis ...... 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...... 8 A. Previous Research ...... 8 B. Theory ...... 10 1. Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics...... 11 2. Face...... 12 3. The Notion of Impoliteness ...... 13 4. Impoliteness Strategies ...... 14 5. The Function of Impoliteness Strategy...... 18 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS ...... 22 A. Data Description...... 22 Table 1...... 22 B. Data Analysis ...... 26 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...... 57 A. Conclusion...... 57


B. Suggestion ...... 58 WORK CITED ...... 59 APPENDIXES ...... 63



Table 1...... 22



A. Background of the Study As a social creature, people cannot be separated from language (Chaer 53). People need language to communicate their thought, feelings, or emotion. Language could be delivered through face to face interaction or other media such as telephone, letter, text message, email, online chat or comment on social media. In interaction, people not only found a polite utterance but also could found an impoliteness utterance. In line with that, Locher argues that there is an enormous imbalance that exists between academic interests in politeness phenomena as opposed to impoliteness phenomena. Kunjana also added that the study about impoliteness is still rarely conducted rather than the study of politeness. Meanwhile, according to Culpeper (6), impoliteness and conflictive interaction, far from being anomalous behavior, are commonplace in a variety of different discourses. Here, impoliteness actually could be found in daily life both in face to face interaction or other media. Therefore this research aims to analyze the impolite utterances in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. At first, impoliteness considered as not worthy to study since researchers such as Leech and B&L (Brown and Levinson) only focused on politeness study rather than impoliteness (Culpeper 6). Later Culpeper argued that statement by developing the research about impoliteness (6). He conducted the theory of impoliteness strategy through his first article entitled “Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness” (1996). The theory cannot be separated from the notion of face by Goffman (1967). Thus face refers to “reputation” and “good name” (Thomas 168). Face also defined as public self-image which can be lost, maintained, or enhanced in an interaction (Brown and Levinson 61). Typically, in an interaction people cooperate or support each other to protect each other face and keep the harmony in communication by using the politeness strategy. For instance: Hey, buddy, I’d appreciate it if you’d let me use your pen (Yule 64). Asking someone to lend a thing by using a polite utterance as the previous example will maintain the interlocutor’s face and minimizing the social conflict.



However, the face could be lost or damage too by using the face-threatening acts (FTAs). A contrast from the politeness strategy, Culpeper defined impoliteness strategies as, communicative strategies designed to attack face, and thereby cause social conflict and disharmony (349). Mills (267) gives an example, e.g. when a man (who had a big belly) is trying to park his car next to a pedestrian crossing and a woman was trying to cross the road. They argued about who had right of way: Woman: Oh, shut up, you fat pig! Man: Go fuck yourself. Woman: Go on a diet! Man: Go fuck yourself! From the example above, the taboo word fuck is damaging the interlocutor's face, therefore it is considered as an impoliteness strategy. Thus strategy divided into five types: bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, sarcasm or mock politeness, and withhold politeness (Culpeper 356- 357). Related to that, people can communicate by using the internet and it allows them to communicate without restricted by time and place. This is called as computer-mediated communication or CMC. Computer-mediated communication is a way to communicate through the internet with a computer, mobile phones, and other high-tech devices (Locher 1). People use any kind of online media to interact with others, participate in an online discussion, or to express their feeling and attitude toward some events (Zhong 35). Since the language used for communication via the internet, it also can be examined about how people use language to communicate through online media. In this case, MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section used for the data to analyze. MailOnline is an online newspaper of the DailyMail, a newspaper in the United Kingdom ( It is one of the most visited English- language online newspaper in the world. This online newspaper contains various topics such as sport, entertainment news, world news, sci-tech, health, economic, property, and travel. It also provides the comment section in which people used to comment on it as the respond of the article’s content. People are allowed to post a comment as long as they have already registered as a user. Moreover, it allows


people to share, reply, like or even dislike the comment made by others. In this way, the comment section in MailOnline is one place where linguistic exchanges occur. It cannot be denied that entertainer's life becomes a spotlight and an interesting topic to discuss. Starting from their glamorous lifestyle, their achievements, clothes that they wore until their private life. Take a look at the Kardashian family, for instance. Kylie Jenner which expecting at a young age, plastic surgery that she did to her face and body until Bruce Jenner who decided to become a transgender and many more. That lifestyle becomes a spotlight by the media and it also triggered pros and contra among people. It is proven by many users of online news magazine such as MailOnline which used impolite comments intentionally to damage the targeted entertainer’s public-self-image. Moreover, since it is not a face to face communication, the chance to say everything that people intended to say is bigger rather than face to face communication. As Culpeper stated (19) if the speaker communicates face-attack intentionally, it considered as impoliteness. Related to this research, it could be analyzed its impoliteness strategy in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section since people are intentionally damaging the other person’s public-self-image. However, this research only focuses on the types and functions of impoliteness strategies used by people in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. It is also interesting to study because there is a mass of impolite utterances found in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. Lastly, this research is important to study considered that the research of impoliteness strategy is still rarely conducted in linguistics rather than politeness. Moreover, in this department, the study of impoliteness usually using a corpus such as a film and debate. Hence, it is expected to influence the next researcher to conduct the research by using other kinds of data such as data from online media. Since the data which is analyzed is an impolite utterance from the MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section, therefore this research is considered as a discourse analysis with pragmatics approach. Both discourse analysis and pragmatics focus on the meaning of words in interaction and how each person in an interaction communicates more information than the words they use (Cutting 2).


B. The Focus of the Research This research focused on the types and functions of the impoliteness strategies that occur in the MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. The utterances which contain the impoliteness strategies were observed using Jonathan Culpeper’s impoliteness theory.

C. Research Questions Based on the background and the focus of the study above, the question of this research concerning the utterances which contain impoliteness strategies in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section formulated as follows: How are the types and functions of impoliteness strategies occur in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section?

D. The Objective of the Research The purpose of this research based on the research question above formulated as follows: To describe the types and functions of impoliteness strategies occur in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section.

E. Significance of the Research This research about impoliteness in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section is expected to give benefits both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this research expected to enrich and intensify the reader's knowledge about impoliteness and also enrich the previous research in the impoliteness field. Practically, this research is expected to: (1) Become a reference for the next researcher who wants to conduct the same topic about impoliteness; (2) Encourage the next researcher specifically in this department to establish the research about impoliteness since the topic about impoliteness is still rarely studied; and (3) Become a reminder for internet users to use the online media wisely, considering that there are many internet users who easily using an impolite utterance in online media towards stranger.


F. Research Methodology

1. Research Method This research used a qualitative method. Qualitative research involves description and analysis rather than, for instance, the counting features (Wray and Bloomer 97), in other words, this research is not designed using statistical procedures (Subroto 5). The data in qualitative research is descriptive such as words, sentences, utterances, images, photos, and memos (Subroto 7). In this case, the utterances used as the data. Qualitative research is also descriptive because the data is described as it is (Nawawi and Hadari 67).

2. Research Instrument The instrument of the research is a data card. Data cards are pieces of paper with equal size depend on the research need (Nawawi and Hadari 172). In this case, the citation card and summary card used as the instrument of the research. Those data cards are used to note the data that had been found or any information relevant to the research.

3. The technique of Data Collection and Data Analysis This research used a document technique to gather the data. According to Subroto (42), document technique means using the written sources to gather the data. Lincoln and Guba (277) also added that the term “document” refers to any written material such as letters, diaries, speeches, newspaper editorials, case studies, television scripts, photographs, medical histories, epitaphs, and suicide notes. Meanwhile, the data of this research gathered through a few steps as follow: (1) Read ten chosen articles about entertainment news which was taken from (in this case, only ten articles which less than 250 comments that are used for the analysis); (2) Read each chosen article comment section; (3) Find the utterances that might contain impoliteness strategy; (4) Writing down those utterances in the data card; (5) Processing the data by using simple random sampling technique. However, to limit the research, only 50 data are used as a sample. The random sampling technique is repeated ten times to get five impolite utterances from each article. According to Wasito (54), a step for collecting the sample is running as


follow: (1) each datum is listed and given a code; (2) each code of the datum are written in the paper with equal size; (3) rolled up the papers and put it into the box; (4) shake the box and collect the sample as much as it needed. Furthermore, each code collected from simple random sampling is listed and the datum is used as a corpus for analyzing its impoliteness. After the data gathered, the next step is data analysis. The steps run as follows: (1) Classifying the data according to the type of impoliteness; (2) Use impoliteness theory of Jonathan Culpeper’s to describe the type of impoliteness strategy; (3) Describe the function of its impoliteness; (4) Make a conclusion.

4. Unit Analysis The unit analysis of this research is 50 utterances taken from ten articles in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section which published from March 2019 until April 2019. From the total 50 utterances, five utterances are taken from each article. The articles have a various topics, such as about and Zayn Malik break up rumors, the Avenger cast appearance in premiere movie, Adele’s divorce announcement, Kyle and Travis impolite behaviour at Sunday Service, Kristen Steward and her girlfriend appearance, Taylor Lautner celebrate her sister engagement, Kyle and Kim business collaboration, Ed Sheeran’s bullied experience, LV Fashion Show, and Emma Stone sold her house. The articles are taken from: 1. posts-love-tweet-Gigi-Hadid-despite-rumors-couple-split-January.html. 2. Hemsworth-Chris-Evans-look-handsome-Avengers-Endgame-premiere- Shanghai.html. 3. Konecki-SPLIT-Singer-husband-living-separate-lives-years.html. 4. Travis-Scott-share-kiss-watch-Kanyes-Sunday-service.html 5. stylist-girlfriend-Sara-Dinkin-bundled-depart-salon-LA.html.


6. shares-heartfelt-post-celebrating-sister-Makenas-engagement.html. 7. shares-selfie-sister-Kim-Kardashian-reveals-fragrance-collaboration- delayed.html. 8. bullied-school-having-ginger-hair-glasses.html. 9. joins-stylish-Alicia-Vikander-Karlie-Kloss-glittering-Louis-Vuitton- PFW-show.html. 10. puts-plush-Beverly-Hills-home-owned-Dudley-Moore-market-3-9m.html.


This chapter divided into two parts, which are the previous research and theories. Previous research section consists of five previous research related to the study of impoliteness. The theories section explains the concept of discourse analysis, pragmatics, face, the notion of impoliteness, impoliteness strategies and the function of impoliteness strategies.

A. Previous Research Several related kinds of research concerning the study of impoliteness have been done before. Each research has its main issue and used a different perspective to discuss it. This chapter shows some of the research related to the study of impoliteness. The first research is an article titled Linguistic Impoliteness Strategies in Sina Weibo Comments by Wenjun Zhong (2018). The purpose of this research is to explore types of impoliteness strategies used by Chinese in a computer-mediated communication context Sina Weibo. It used the comments under the Weibo feed in Fan Bingbing studio’s account as the data and the data were analyzed by Jonathan Culpeper’s impoliteness theory. The result of the research shows that four strategies are employed in Sina Weibo context which is bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock impoliteness. Among the strategies employed, the most frequent strategy is positive impoliteness while the least frequent type is sarcasm or mock impoliteness strategy. Withhold politeness strategy does not exist in the data. The research also shows that among the output strategies of positive impoliteness strategy, "call the other names" is the favorite output strategy while, "condescend, scorn or ridicule" is the most frequent of negative impoliteness output strategy used by Weibo users. The second related research is “YOU’RE ORANGE, YOU MORON!” The use of impoliteness strategies in the American TV-Series House M.D. written by Melina Laitinen (2010). The purpose of the research was to find out what impoliteness strategies performed by Dr. House in American American TV- series House M.D.



and how the patient reacts to the impoliteness strategy performed by Dr. House. This research used nine short conversations between Dr. House and his clinic patients taken from the six-episode from the first season of House M.D (2005). The research used the theory of impoliteness by Jonathan Culpeper to analyze the data. The result of the research shows that bald on record strategies and sarcasm are the most frequent impoliteness strategies that Dr. House used in the series. It also shows that most of the patients completely ignore House's impolite utterances. The third research entitled Impoliteness Strategies and Power Performed by President Donald Trump on Twitter was written by Dony Cahyono (2018). The research aims to find out how are the impoliteness strategies performed by President Donald Trump in his tweets and also to explain how the impoliteness performed in President Donald Trump tweets is related to power. The researcher used President Donald Trump's tweets about international politics collected from January 21, 2017 to March 20, 2018. There were 20 data in the form of tweets which contained 55 impolite remarks posted on his tweets to attack other countries. Further, Culpeper's impoliteness strategies (1996) were used to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that only four strategies of impoliteness which occur in the data (positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, bald on record and sarcasm or mock impoliteness). The result also showed that people with more power tend to be impolite to those with less power, and with the development of social media, power has been shifted into a bigger scale of international politics. The result confirms that Donald Trump used his power as a president to deliberately attack some countries which seemed to disturb him and his country. In other word, it could be inferred that impoliteness is likely to occur in situations where the speaker has more power. Next research entitled Impoliteness and Gender in Computer-Mediated Communication: A Study of Insults on Tumblr conducted by Sara Tahire Hairetdin (2018). This study examines the characteristics of impolite language on Tumblr. It also discusses the most frequently used impoliteness strategies by men and women and the gender differences in their use. Moreover, it considers whether the topic of conversation affects the impoliteness strategies which performed or not. The data were collected from mixed-gender interactions on Tumblr on the five topics of feminism, politics, racism, religion and social justice. The data consist of 404


separate utterances that were collected from 304 individual speakers and marked for gender and topic as well as categorized under specific impoliteness strategies. The results show that while there are differences between the genders in the use of impoliteness, this has little to do with who is more impolite as both men and women have strategies that they tend to use more often. The most visible differences in impoliteness between men and women emerge from the use of specific words or abbreviations, for instance. The topic of discussion does have some effect on the type of insults used. Last, the article entitled Impoliteness Strategies in English and Arabic Facebook Comments by Najla Majeed Hammod (2017). The purpose of the research are to describe the types of impoliteness strategies used by facebookers in online contexts and to find out what factors may affect the use of the strategies. The data were taken from six chosen Facebook pages: three pages in English and three pages in the Arabic Language. It used the theory of impoliteness by Culpeper to analyze the data. The result showed that there are four strategies found in the Facebook pages which are bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock impoliteness. Positive and negative impoliteness are the most frequent types, whereas, withhold politeness does not exist in online contexts. The finding also shows great similarity between English and Arabic data in the most used strategies, but the topics that cause the use of impoliteness were different. Referring to the previous researches above, this research used the same theory from Jonathan Culpeper about impoliteness strategies to analyze the data. However, this research also has differences with the mentioned research above in terms of the issue that will be analyzed. Different from the other previous research above, the purpose of this research is to describe how the types and functions of impoliteness strategies occur in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section.

B. Theory This part explained the theory that use to analyze the data. It consists not only the main theory to analyze the data such as the theory of impoliteness strategy and impoliteness function but also other theories that support the analysis such as discourse analysis, pragmatics, context, and face.


1. Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics Shriffin (39) defined the notion of discourse as utterances. Discourse is used for communication: people use utterances to convey information and to lead each other towards an interpretation of meanings and intentions. The field which studied discourse is discourse analysis. Discourse analysis itself can be concluded as a study about language's relation to the contextual background features (Cutting 1). In line with that, according to Mey (39), context is a surrounding, in the widest sense, that enable the participants in the communication process to interact, and that makes the linguistic expression of their interaction intelligible. There are three kinds of context, those are the situational context, the background knowledge context and the co-textual context (Cutting 3). The situational context is the situation where the interaction is taking place at the moment of the language used (4), or it could mean the physical environment in which a word is used (Yule 128). The background knowledge context is the shared knowledge that most people carry in their minds or private knowledge about the history of a speaker themselves (5). The co-textual context or known as co-text is the context of the text itself – in a conversation, for example, each person in interaction can refer the use of personal pronouns which uttered by the speaker (8). However, there are six different approaches of discourse analysis (Shriffin 4), those are speech act theory, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communications, pragmatics, conversation analysis, and variation analysis. Among those approaches, pragmatics approach is used for this research. Pragmatics approach itself deals with three concepts which are meaning, context, and communication (Shriffin 190). Moreover, discourse and pragmatics are related to each other. Both discourse analysis and pragmatics study the meaning of words in context. Cook (1) argued that both discourse analysis and pragmatics look at discourse, or the use of language, and text or pieces of spoken or written discourse concentrating on how stretches of language become meaningful and unified for their users. Related to this research, the data which used to analyze is an impolite utterance from the comment section in MailOnline, therefore this research is considered as a discourse analysis with pragmatics approach.


2. Face The meaning of face itself cannot be taken literally. Culpeper (24) stated that in English, the term face is commonly used in the idiom ‘losing face’, meaning that one’s public image suffers some damage, often resulting in emotional reactions, such as embarrassment (Culpeper 24). Similarly, Indonesian people often say “Mukaku mau ditaruh mana; dia kehilangan muka” (Fauziati 13) to refer the term of a face which later will be explained in this section. To begin with, the term face was introduced by Erving Goffman in 1960s. Goffman (5) defined the notion of a face as positive social value a person effectively claims for himself by the line others assume he has taken during a particular contact. Face also associated with personal, relational, or social value, and is concerned with people’s sense of worth, dignity, honor, reputation, competence and so on (Spencer-Oatey 14). Later, the well-known figures in the field of pragmatics, Brown and Levinson derived the concept of face in their politeness theory. According to Brown and Levinson (61), face is a public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself. In short, the term of face can be known as a reputation, prestige, or a good name which everyone has. Brown and Levinson (61) elaborate on two types of face, those are negative face and positive face. Negative face refers to the want of every person to be freedom of action and freedom from imposition; not to be warned, ordered by other people. The positive face is the want of every person to be appreciated and approved by others; to be liked, loved, and respected by the other. Thus face also can be lost, maintained, or enhanced (Brown and Levinson 61). The act utilized for threatening that self-image called face-threatening acts (FTAs) (Brown and Levinson 65). The acts that threaten negative face are: expressions of orders, request, suggestions, advice, reminding threats, warnings, dares, offers, promises, compliments and expression of hatred and anger (Brown and Levinson 66). While the acts that threaten positive face are: expression of disapproval, criticism, contempt or ridicule, complaints, accusations, insult, disagreement, challenges, dangerously emotional or divisive topics, expression of irreverence, and mention taboo topics (Brown and Levinson 66).


Besides that, there is certain strategy to minimize the FTAs or maintain the face – politeness strategies which developed by Brown and Levinson (1987). Brown and Levinson formulated the strategies into 1) Bald on record; 2) Positive politeness; 3) Negative Politeness; 4) Off-record; 5) Withhold the FTA (Culpeper 356). By contrast, impoliteness strategies emerge as the opposite strategies, it is a strategy to attacking face (Culpeper 356). To sum up, face cannot be distinguished from the study of politeness and impoliteness. Both of them are opposite in terms of orientation to face (Culpeper 356). While the politeness strategy functions to maintain the harmony in interaction by maintaining or supporting face, the impoliteness strategy on the contrary designed to attack face which causes social conflict and disharmony (Culpeper 355).

3. The Notion of Impoliteness The study about impoliteness in language has not gained much attention as politeness. Scholars such as Brown and Levinson and Leech who developed the theory of politeness only focused on harmonious interactions, and ignored the concept of impoliteness. They tend to give an impression that impoliteness is anomalous behavior or not worthy of consideration (Culpeper 6). On the other hand, Culpeper argued that impoliteness is far from being anomalous behavior, moreover, it could occur in a different situation in everyday activities. Later, he conducted the theory of impoliteness through his article entitled "Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness" (1996). Jonathan Culpeper was the first scholar who conducted the theory of impoliteness. He defined impoliteness as communicative strategies designed to attack face, and thereby cause social conflict and disharmony (1546). Since the study of impoliteness is increased, there are many definitions related to the notion of impoliteness. One of the definition comes from Locher and Bousfield (3), they stated that impoliteness is behavior that is face-aggravating in a particular context. Impoliteness happens when: (1) the speaker communicates face-attack intentionally, or (2) the hearer perceives and/or constructs behavior as intentionally face-attacking or a combination of (1) and (2) (Culpeper 38). In line with those statements, it is necessary to highlight the word ‘intentionally' as the key to the


impoliteness. Thus, every utterance which intentionally attacks the other self-image could be considered as an impoliteness. Furthermore, in Culpeper's recent work, he points out that impoliteness is a negative attitude towards specific behaviors occurring in specific contexts (23). In short, impoliteness is a contrast strategy to politeness. While politeness purpose to support each other face, here impoliteness works to create a conflict or disharmony in interaction by intentionally attacking people’s self-image.

4. Impoliteness Strategies Through "Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness", Culpeper builds up an impoliteness strategy that encompasses five strategies of impoliteness as well as its sub-strategies. Below are the impoliteness strategies: a) Bald on record impoliteness Bald on record impoliteness is a strategy which the face-threatening acts (FTA) – a threat to someone's face is performed in a direct, clear, and unambiguously delivered by the speaker to attack the addressee's face. The intention of face-attacking by the speaker to the addressee is done in a straightway (Culpeper 356). For instance: Kyra: Hi Andrea! Look! What do you think about my make up? Andrea: Your make up looks terrible. b) Positive impoliteness This strategy designed to damage the addressee's positive face wants; the desire to be liked, or respected by the other. Simply, the speaker dislikes the addressee (Culpeper 356). This can be done by following ways: a. Ignore, snub the other – fail to acknowledge the other's presence (Culpeper 357). For instance: there is a son who wants to ask for apologies but instead of giving apologize, her mother interrupts and ignore what he is about to say. Son: I just want to say that I am very sorr – Mother: No, thank you. b. Exclude the other from an activity – here the speaker attack the addresse’s face by exclude him or her from an activity (Culpeper 357). For instance: there is a study group, contains four people (Kathrine, Jenny, Leia, and Amirah). Kathrine


thinks that Amirah is not capable to join the discussion. The utterance below shows that Kathrine excluding Amirah in joining the discussion. Kathrine: Listen. Guys we need to finish this task as soon as possible. Any suggestion to divide our jobdesk? Amirah: I think we should divide the jobdesk based on each member ability. Kathrine: You don’t need to join the discussion, Amirah. c. Disassociate from the other – the speaker deny association or common ground with the other; avoid sitting together (Culpeper 357). For instance: Alex, an artist, involved in a scandal. His fans, Andrea, she disappoint to hear the rumors about Alex’s scandal. Alex: Andrea, I know you’ll believe me more than the rumors that spreading out. Andrea: I am no longer your fan, now I am your hater. d. Be disinterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic – for instance: Jessie’s mother: Jessie, sorry I called you this early morning. Your dad is hospitalized this morning. Jessie: I don't care about him and everything that you said to me. e. Use inappropriate identity markers – using title and surname when having a close relation, or use a nickname when speaker and addressee have a distant relationship (Culpeper 357). For instance: Clara and Richard is a best friend. One day, they are fighting. Richard: No, it wasn’t my fault. It’s yours! Clara: You always did this to me, Richard Smith. f. Use obscure or secretive language – use a code known to others in the group, but not the target (Culpeper 357). For instance: Jane, Jonathan, Andrea, Clara, and Tyna are joining the addition class for the literature subject. Without Tyna’s recognition, her friends usually named her as "Rosie" because her face can turn as red as a red rose if she panics. One day, the teacher asks Tyna and Clara to answer the question in front of the class. Tyna looks panic. While the teacher asked both of them, one of her friend shout: Tyna: So, I’ll explain the plot....(hesitate to say the answer) Jonathan: You don’t have to panic, Rosie.


g. Seek disagreement – the speaker select to discuss a sensitive topic. For instance: Ramadhan is joining the discussion which topics is about culture. Ramadhan: Hello everyone, let me introduce myself in this discussion. I am Ramadhan and you can call me Rama. I came from Indonesia. I am a Muslim. Jacob: That’s a good introduction, but I wanna ask you something more important. What makes you so sure that your religion is right? h. Make the other feel uncomfortable - use small talk (Culpeper 358). For instance. Karina’s father does not allow her to attend her friend’s 17th birthday party. Instead of allowing his daughter to the party, He suggest Karina to stay at home. Karina’s father: I cannot allow you to go to the party tonight. What’s the point in joining the party, it’s more pleasing to stay at our home. Karina: Of course dad, It would be pleased if you provide a luxurious stuff in our house such as home theatre, Apple TV, Macbook, and Playstation 4. i. Use taboo words - swear, or use abusive or profane language (Culpeper 358). The speaker swearing or using a profane language such as: fuck, shit, damn, bitch, asshole, hell, pussy, mother fucker and so forth. For instance: Amber and Jasmine are in the same event, their friend’s birthday party. Jasmine wears a short dress and walk across the crowd. Amber: Fucking slutty! Jasmine: Just mind your own business. j. Call the other names - use derogatory nominations (Culpeper 358). For instance: Bob: You’re ugly, you moron. Christian: Can you just saying another good words to others? c) Negative impoliteness It designed to damage the addressee’s negative face wants. Simply, the speaker warns or orders the addressee. To lose the negative face wants of the addressee, the strategy can be done by following ways: a. Frighten - The speaker instill a belief that something worst will occur to the addressee (Culpeper 358). For instance: Tom finds out that Ben using his laptop without permission. Tom warns Ben by frightening him.


Ben: Tom, I really need that laptop at that time so I just used it and planning to tell you later. Tom: Seriously, if you dare to use my laptop again without permission, I’ll kill you. b. Condescend, scorn or ridicule - the speaker emphasizes his or her power; be contemptuous; do not treat the other seriously. Belittle the other (e.g. use diminutives) (Culpeper 358). For instance: Adam: I believe I could take care of my son even though we’re divorced. Shakira: You could take care of your son? Nonsense! c. Invade the other’s space - the speaker positions himself or herself close to the addressee more than the relationship permit, or the speaker asks for or speaks about information which is too intimate (Culpeper 358). Makena (20) are going to engage with his boyfriend, Jacob. Makena is in the printing house in order to print her engagement invitation card. She meet a stranger and having a conversation. Stranger: Are these your engagement invitation card? Makena: Yes, of course. I am going to throw an engagement party on Tuesday. Stranger: 20 is very young to be engaged. You barely know yourself, never mind what you want in a life partner. d. Explicitly associate the other with a negative aspect – the speaker personalize the addressee, use the pronouns 'I' and 'you' (Culpeper 358). For instance: Deny: I just can’t stand to accompany our father when he still hospitalized. He’s too arrogant. Deny’s brother: You should treat your parents in a good way, shouldn't you be a good son? e. Put the other’s indebtedness on record – the speaker makes the addresse feels have to do something for him or her (Culpeper 358). for instance: Akbar: I just bought a new parfume, Its smells so good. Don’t you think the same? Barry: Do me a favor, don’t use that perfume again.


d) Sarcasm or mock politeness This strategy seems to be polite but insincere or cause an offence (Culpeper 356). For instance: Anne and Nancy are not close to each other since high school. Unexpectedly, they accepted in the same university and have to live in the same dorm. Nancy: Tomorrow, I’ll be living here too Anne: Oh, what a good news. e) Withhold politeness Withhold politeness is a strategy where the politeness is expected and needed, but the speaker does not do it. For instance, Jessie is throwing a birthday party. Her not-so- close-friend, Mia come to the party and handed the present for Jessie: Mia: Here I give you some stuff inside it (handed a box) Jessie: (Silent) (accepting the gift) Mia: I hope you like it! Jessie: (Silent) (Walk away to the other guests)

5. The Function of Impoliteness Strategy According to Culpeper in his book Using Language to Cause Offence, there are three functions of impoliteness strategy (221), those are: a) Affective Impoliteness Culpeper (252) stated that Affective impoliteness may involve the unrestrained expression of emotion in contexts where it is not normal or it is prohibited. Affective impoliteness is the targeted display of heightened emotion, typically anger, with the implication that the target is to blame for producing that negative emotional state (Culpeper 223). Below the example of affective impoliteness: Alec Baldwin was disappointed with Ireland, his 11-year-old daughter with Kim Basinger, from whom he had now split. They live separately, and every time Baldwin calls her, he did not get any responses. He conveys his disappointment through an answerphone message. You have insulted me for the last time. You have insulted me, you don’t even have the brains or the decency as a human being. By repeating the words you have insulted me, it means Baldwin disappoint about what his daughter did to him (did not answer the phone, every time he reaches


her). This kind of impoliteness has an affective function. Simply, this function can be interpreted as a function to convey anger towards someone's behavior or action which makes the speaker angry or disappointed. b) Coercive Impoliteness Coercive impoliteness is impoliteness that seeks a realignment of values between the speaker and the addressee (Culpeper 225). Culpeper also argues that coercive impoliteness is more likely to do occur in situations where there is an imbalance of power in which the speaker with higher status has more freedom to be impolite (Culpeper 277). However, it can also be used in equal power between the speaker and the addressee. The example below taken from Culpeper (230), it showed the conversation between Carr (the police) and Hadis (the taxi driver). Carr stopped Hadis because the wheels of his taxi touched the white lines of a pedestrian crossing. Take a look at the example below: Carr: This your cab? Hadis: Yes, sir. Carr: It says here it’s expired. What else you got? Hadis: My insurance is expired? I didn’t get change, but I think I left it at my house. Carr: You didn’t get it, or you left it at home? Hadis: I got it . . . Carr: Which lie are you telling me? Hadis: I’m not lying, sir, I’m just . . . Carr: Yes you are. Ran red light, no insurance and not wearing a seat belt. Sign right there. Court date’s on the top. Hadis: I did not pass the red light. I was holding the brake. Carr: Let me tell you something, (expletive). You cross that white line out there, that’s running the red light. You want to argue with me or you want to go to jail? Hadis: No. The highlighted words above showed the function of impoliteness is coercive. Here, the police seem more impolite because he uses his power (as police) to do the coercion. In other words, coercive impoliteness can be interpreted as the function


used by the speaker (more likely who have more power) to do the coercion to reach the agreement. c) Entertaining Impoliteness The speakers who use impoliteness obviously have a target or victim to perform their impoliteness. In this function, the utterance said by speaker can be considered as impolite not only because the target is aware that he or she become a target of impoliteness but the important thing is the other person aside from the target can understand the effect of impoliteness (Culpeper 234). Impoliteness can entertain the other if it could emerge the pleasure. People can found the pleasure while: 1) observing the impoliteness emerge a state of arousal which can be pleasurable; 2) the speaker uses creative words in an utterance; 3) feeling superior when seeing someone in a worse state than oneself (Culpeper 234). Simply, the other person can be entertained by the use of impoliteness which performed towards the target if it can gives a pleasure, no matter if the target is aware of the impoliteness or not. Culpeper (236) gives an example of the entertain function as the following complain letter (by the customer of NTL company): Dear Cretins, My initial installation was cancelled without warning, resulting in my spending an entire Saturday sitting on my fat arse waiting for your technician to arrive. When he did not arrive, I spent a further 57 minutes listening to your infuriating hold music, and the even more annoying Scottish robot woman telling me to look at your helpful website. . . . HOW? I alleviated the boredom by playing with my testicles for a few minutes – an activity at which you are no-doubt both familiar and highly adept. The rescheduled installation then took place some two weeks later, although the technician did forget to bring a number of vital tools – such as a drill-bit, and his cerebrum. Two weeks later, my cable modem had still not arrived. This example can function for entertaining because it can make the person who sees this impolite letter is entertained and feeling pleasurable. The sender also creatively playing with the chosen words to deliver his message such as the highlighted words above.


To sum up, the theory of Impoliteness from Jonathan Culpeper and other supporting theories which explain above are used to answer the research question. Furthermore, the complete analysis of the types of impoliteness and functions are present in the next chapter.


A. Data Description This research used document technique to gather the data. 50 comments which contain impoliteness strategies from ten chosen articles in MailOnline use as a corpus of this research. First, all of the comments in ten chosen article from the MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section are classify to find the utterance which contains the impoliteness strategy. From 953 comments it is found that 322 data contain the impoliteness strategy. However, to limit the research only 50 data are used as a sample by conducting a simple random technique. The technique is repeated ten times to get five impolite utterances from each article. Furthermore, each code collected from simple random sampling is listed and the datum is used as a corpus to analyze its impoliteness. Besides, below is information related to the codes that given for each datum: • A1.1; A2.1: first article; second article; and etc. • A1.1, A2. 2: first comment; second comment; and etc. • A1.2: the datum is taken from the first article and the second comment.

Table 1. Data Description of Impoliteness comments

Datum Impoliteness No. Function Code Type or Strategy Sub-strategy Sarcasm or mock 1 A1.5 - Entertaining politeness Bald on record 2 A1.8 - Affective impoliteness 3 A1.9 Positive impoliteness Call the other names Affective Negative Condescend, scorn or 4 A1.13 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule



Bald on record 5 A1.19 - Affective impoliteness Bald on record 6 A2.3 - Entertaining impoliteness 7 A2.5 Positive impoliteness Call the other names Entertaining Bald on record 8 A2.6 - Entertaining impoliteness Bald on record 9 A2.7 - Affective impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 10 A2.8 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Be disinterested, 11 A3.6 Positive impoliteness unconcerned, Entertaining unsympathetic Explicitly associate the Negative 12 A3.8 other with negative Affective impoliteness aspect Negative Condescend, scorn or 13 A3.10 Affective impoliteness ridicule Negative Condescend, scorn or 14 A3.11 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Sarcasm or mock 15 A3.22 - Entertaining politeness Sarcasm or mock 16 A4.2 - Affective politeness 17 A4.4 Positive impoliteness Use taboo words Affective 18 A4.14 Positive impoliteness Call the other names Affective Negative Put the other’s 19 A4.37 Entertaining impoliteness indebtedness on record Bald on record 20 A4.58 - Affective impoliteness


Negative Condescend, scorn or 21 A5.1 Affective impoliteness ridicule Bald on record 22 A5.2 - Affective impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 23 A5.4 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Negative Condescend, scorn or 24 A5.5 Affective impoliteness ridicule Bald on record 25 A5.8 - Affective impoliteness Be disinterested, 26 A6.6 Positive impoliteness unconcerned, Affective unsympathetic Bald on record 27 A6.8 - Affective impoliteness Negative 28 A6.11 Invade the other space Affective impoliteness Bald on record 29 A6.12 - Affective impoliteness Sarcasm or mock 30 A6.14 - Entertaining politeness Negative Condescend, scorn or 31 A7.33 Affective impoliteness ridicule Bald on record 32 A7.48 - Entertaining impoliteness Negative 33 A7.54 Invade the other space Affective impoliteness Bald on record 34 A7.71 - Entertaining impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 35 A7.73 Affective impoliteness ridicule


Bald on record 36 A8.2 - Affective impoliteness Bald on record 37 A8.9 - Affective impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 38 A8.12 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Negative Condescend, scorn or 39 A8.15 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Call the other names, use 40 A8.16 Positive impoliteness Entertaining taboo words Bald on record 41 A9.8 - Affective impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 42 A9.12 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Bald on record 43 A9.20 - Affective impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 44 A9.31 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Bald on record 45 A9.36 - Affective impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 46 A10.2 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule Bald on record 47 A10.4 - Affective impoliteness Bald on record 48 A10.13 - Affective impoliteness Bald on record 49 A10.14 - Affective impoliteness Negative Condescend, scorn or 50 A10.15 Entertaining impoliteness ridicule


B. Data Analysis This part divided into four parts according to the types of impoliteness that appear in the table above, namely bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock politeness. To begin with, first, each analysis consists of the datum (a comment) and its author’s name (the author of the comment). Second, there is a description of the context of the article. Lastly, the result of the analysis. Here are the analysis of impolite comment in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section:

1. Bald on Record Impoliteness Bald on record impoliteness appears in a comment section from nine articles, those are: (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). Meanwhile, it does not appears in article (3) comment section. Below are 20 data which consist of bald on record impoliteness.

1) Datum A1.8 Lalitha Lothus: He could send her a text message on her phone. But he does it on twitter. This is so pathetic. The context is Zayn post a tweet saying “Love you” and mention it to Gigi in March while the rumors of their break up appear to the public. Here, the type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker does not agree with Zayn's action and express her heightened emotion as a reaction to Zayn's action. She thought that Zayn is wrong by doing that things (saying love you) in public while Zayn could directly send Gigi a message. Here, the speaker intentionally attacks Zayn's face clearly, directly and unambiguously. (See appendix 1).

2) Datum A1.18 Judescott1: That's not heartwarming. The context is Zayn and Gigi are rumored had a split in January but in March, Zayn mentioned Gigi on his Twitter saying Love you. In this case, MailOnline released an article about that tweet and giving a title as Zayn Malik posts heartwarming 'love you' tweet at Gigi Hadid... despite rumors the couple split in January.” (See appendix 1).


The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since Zayn’s action (posting his feeling towards Gigi even though the rumors said that they had split in January) is provoke the anger and disagreement from the speaker. Thus it considered as affective impoliteness. Here, the speaker attacks Zayn's face clearly, directly and unambiguously. The speaker performed the impoliteness strategy to convey his or her disagreement with the title given by MailOnline and considered the tweets as not a heartwarming post.

3) Datum A2.3 Anyonesguess: It's his giraffe-like neck with that shirt. Terrible. The context is some of Avenger Endgame cast: Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, and Jeremy Renner were attending Endgame premiere in Shanghai, China. All of them were using a suit with a different color. Evans, Rudd, and Renner using a suit worn over a shirt with the closed buttons and tie. Meanwhile, Hemsworth – the tallest guy compared to the other cast, wore a navy blue suit worn over a white shirt with the top few buttons undone and no tie. His style (few undone buttons and no tie) makes his neck even longer like a giraffe. (See appendix 2). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the speaker uses creative words such as giraffe-like neck to tell Hemsworth that his neck is similar to giraffe neck, therefore it entertained people. Here, the speaker is attacking Chris Hemsworth's face clearly, directly and unambiguously. Since, the picture shows that the tallest one is Chris Hemsworth and the way he undone the button also makes his neck is quite long, therefore he looks like a giraffe.

4) Datum A2.6 Rapture2: I don't understand the appeal of Chris Hemsworth. He looks older than his age. Liam is hotter. The context is Chris Hemsworth (35 years old) having two brothers. They are Liam Hemsworth (the youngest) and Luke Hemsworth (the oldest) while Chris


Hemsworth is a middle brother. All of them is an actor. Compared two his brothers, Chris Hemsworth is the one who succeeded in a career as an actor. His well-known acting is when he starred in Thor and Avenger movie. On April, he attended the premiere of Avenger Endgame movie in Shanghai, China but he dressed differently compared to the other cast. For some people, his appearance makes him looks older than his age. (See appendix 2). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is entertaining impoliteness. The utterance above gives pleasure to the others who read the comment because the speaker uses his or her creativity while uttered the impolite utterance by comparing Chirs Hemsworth with his brother even though, refer to the article, the author of the article did not mention anything about his brother. Here, the speaker is attacking Chris Hemsworth's face clearly, directly and unambiguously. According to his style showed in the picture from the article, the speaker does not like his appearance and ended up comparing him with Hemsworth's brother straightforwardly.

5) Datum A2.7 Anyonesguess: He's only 35 yet looks middle-aged. The context is Chris Hemsworth attended the premiere of Avenger Endgame movie in Shanghai, China but he dressed differently compared with three other casts. He used a navy blue suit worn over a white shirt with the top of few buttons undone and no tie. Opposite with Hemsworth, the other cast who also attend the event were using a suit with a shirt and the closed button. To sum up, Hemsworth is the one who dressed differently than others. For some people, his appearance makes him looks older than his age. (See appendix 2). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker convey the unrestrained expression of emotion towards Hemsworth’s appearance (which make him look older). Here, the speaker is attacking Chris Hemsworth’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously. According to his style showed in the picture of the article, the


speaker does not like his appearance and directly said to him that he looks older than his actual age.

6) Datum A4.58 SouthernGal03: It looks nasty. The context is Kanye West (Kim's Kardashians husband) is conducted a Sunday service at Coachella. It is a weekly service that focuses heavily on music whose purpose is for worshipping to a certain religion. Here, Kardashian family are gathering in this event. Kyle and Travis (Kyle's boyfriend) are also attending the event. On the other hand, Kyle and Travis Scott are making out in the public and frequently kissing one another during the event. (See appendix 4). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker conveys the unrestrained expression of emotion towards Kyle and Travis in which making out in public especially in a Sunday service. Here, the speaker is attacking Kyle's and Travis' face clearly, directly and unambiguously. The speaker conveys his or her response towards the entertainer behavior in public which looks nasty.

7) Datum A5.2 Plymouthjanner: Looks a right mess. The context is a Twilight main actress, Kristen Steward is heading to a Salon in Southern California with her stylist girlfriend, Sara Dinkin. Both of them spotted crossing the street using a casual outfit. Steward wears a long black-sleeved top, grey sweatpants, and white sneakers. While for the accessory, she uses a silver necklace with the lock on it along with a green beanie which written Ambitious Individuals on it. She also uses round sunglasses on that day. Meanwhile, Dinkin appears by using a long-sleeved white sweater and red sweatpants along with black slip-on and sunglasses. (See appendix 5). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which prohibited (everyone is having a right to wear every kind of outfit).


Here, the speaker attacking Steward’s and Dinkin’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously because the speaker does not like the outfit that used by the couple.

8) Datum A5.8 Meow.Meow: She looks dreadful now. The context is a Twilight main actress, Kristen Steward is heading to a Salon in Southern California with her stylist girlfriend, Sara Dinkin. Both of them spotted crossing the street using a casual outfit. Steward wears a long black-sleeved top, grey sweatpants, and white sneakers. While for the accessory, she uses a silver necklace with the lock on it along with a green beanie which written Ambitious Individuals on it. She also uses round sunglasses on that day. Meanwhile, Dinkin appears by using a long-sleeved white sweater and red sweatpants along with black slip-on and sunglasses. (See appendix 5). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which is prohibited because everyone is having a right to wear every kind of outfit. Here, the speaker attacking Steward’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously by uttered dreadful in which delivered to Steward.

9) Datum A6.8 AmericanMade: His hot body is long gone. He looks like he never lifted a weight in his life now. The context is Makena Lautner, 21 and Jacob Moore 20 are engaged on April 5. To celebrate the day, Taylor Lautner, Makena’s brother posted some photos during the engagement day. He posted some photo with heartwarming caption to congratulate her sister. On the other hand, the photo shows that Taylor Lautner’s body seems way too fat rather than his body back then he was acting as Jacob in the Twilight movie. (See appendix 6). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards someone’s appearance which is prohibited. Moreover, here the speaker attacking Taylor’s face clearly, directly and


unambiguously by uttered his hot body is gone and assuming that Taylor never lifted a weight lately.

10) Datum A6.12 Ethereal M: Fat! The context is Makena Lautner, 21 and Jacob Moore 20 are engaged on April 5. To celebrate the day, Taylor Lautner, Makena’s brother posted some photos during the engagement day. He posted some photo with heartwarming caption to congratulate her sister. On the other hand, the photo shows that Taylor Lautner’s body seems way too fat rather than his body back then when he was acting as Jacob in the Twilight movie. (See appendix 6). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards someone’s appearance. Here the speaker attacking Taylor’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously by body-shaming – uttered fat.

11) Datum A7.48 AndylovesRuby: She looks like an alien with all the surgery done to her face. The context is Kyle, the youngest clan of Kardashian and also the owner of Kylie Cosmetics teased her upcoming project on social media. Kyle in which popular after did many surgeries to her body, recorded herself with her favorite dog Snapchat filter and post it to Instagram stories. At the same day, she also posted a bare face photo on her Instagram account. In line with that, MailOnline published and titled the article as Kylie Jenner reveals stunning makeup-free selfie as she teases the arrival of a secret project: 'I can't wait to finally share my new child'. (Appendix 7). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the utterance above gives pleasure to the others who read the comment because of the use of a creative word such as alien to tell that Kyle's face is similar with it. Here the speaker is attacking Kyle's face clearly, directly and unambiguously by saying that she looks like an alien with that post-surgery face.


12) Datum A7.71 Lesperancee: Her chin is waaay bigger in real life. The context is Kyle, the youngest clan of Kardashian and also the owner of Kylie Cosmetics teased her upcoming project on social media. Kyle in which popular after did many surgeries to her body, recorded herself with her favorite dog Snapchat filter and post it to Instagram stories. At the same day, she also posted a bare face photo on her Instagram account. The photo and stories showed that Kyle having a proportional face: round eyes, thick lips, pointed nose, small chin, and nice eyebrows. (Appendix 7). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is entertaining impoliteness, since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target and become entertained from it. Here the speaker is attacking Kyle’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously by saying that Kyle’s chin is big.

13) Datum A8.2 Zbc123: Still is! The context is Ed Sheeran revealed his experience about bullying in an interview with DJ Nihal and Dave. Since primary school, he was bullied by his fellow peers for his ginger hair, big glasses, and a stutter. He admitted that he looked weird and quirky back then. Moreover, He would cry every time he comes back home from school. He also added that finally, music brought him to have confidence and lead him to popularity. Later, in high school, Ed Sheeran joined a band and started playing guitar. While he performed in high school, people are easily remembered him because of his appearance. Since that, he started to accept himself and being popularized because of his quirky appearance. (See appendix 8). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which prohibited. Here, the speaker attacking Ed Sheeran’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously. By uttered the utterance above, the speaker means that Ed is still looking weird and quirky.


14) Datum A8.9 Rorschach: Still crap. The context is Ed Sheeran revealed his experience about bullying in an interview with DJ Nihal and Dave. Since primary school, he was bullied by his fellow peers for his ginger hair, big glasses, and a stutter. He admitted that he looked weird and quirky back then. Moreover, He would cry every time he comes back home from school. He also added that finally, music brought him to have confidence and lead him to popularity. Later, in high school, Ed Sheeran joined a band and started playing guitar. While he performed in high school, people are easily remembered him because of his appearance. Since that, he started to accept himself and being popularized because of his quirky appearance. (See appendix 8). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which prohibited. Here, the speaker attacking Ed Sheeran’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously. In this case, the speaker thought that Ed is still unappreciated by others, therefore he or she convey the hatred straightforwardly.

15) Datum A9.8 Ms. B: The contrast between her fully made-up face and her bare legs against a thick coat makes her look pathetic. The context is Emma Stone was attending a Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week. She showed up wearing a white polo top covered with a coat dress in monochrome pattern. The coat made for a preppy chic look, with her toned legs and a pair of leather Mary-Jane style heels. While, for the makeup, she combines the smokey eyes look with a touch of coral lipstick. (See appendix 9). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which prohibited. Here, the speaker attacking Emma's face clearly, directly and unambiguously. In this case, the speaker thought that it is unsuitable to use bold makeup in while her pale legs are exposed, therefore the speaker straightforwardly uttered that Emma's look is pathetic.


16) Datum A9.20 Maryanne1992: Alicia dress looks trashy!! The context is Alicia Vikander was attending a Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week. She showed up wearing a Louis Vuitton monochrome dress with white flowers pattern and a touch of shimmering pearls on it. (Appendix 9). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which prohibited. Here, the speaker attacking Alicia’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously. In this case, the speaker straightforwardly uttered that Alicia’s dress is trashy.

17) Datum A9.36 Whistle Stop London: Alicia looks boring. The context is Alicia Vikander was attending a Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week. She showed up wearing a Louis Vuitton monochrome dress with white flowers pattern and a touch of shimmering pearls on it. (See appendix 9). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which prohibited. Here, the speaker attacking Alicia’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously. In this case, the speaker straightforwardly uttered that Alicia’s look boring by using that dress.

18) Datum A10.4 Mailgirl: Awful wallpaper. The context is Emma Stone is selling her plush house located in Beverly Hills. It provides four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a pool. The house stands behind big walls with a sophisticated security system. At first, the visitor might found a stone pathway that leads them from the wall to the front door. It outside looks was covered with white paint and a dark grey roof while the front door was colored with red paint. Inside the house was colored with different color and pattern wallpaper (e.g. pink and white pattern, green pattern, black, yellow, and blue wallpaper). For the floor, it uses oak-colored wood floors.


The house is also styled as an open space in (e.g. there are many windows; the living room and the kitchen are not separated by any walls). Besides that, most of the stuff is made of wood. Moreover, it also provides some fireplaces in which make the environment seems warm. (See appendix 10). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering her unrestrained emotion towards Emma preference of her house's look. Here, the speaker attacking Emma’s face clearly, directly and unambiguously. In this case, Emma using many colors for her rooms, in line with that, the speaker thought that Emma’s chosen wallpapers are not good. Therefore the speaker straightforwardly uttered that Emma’s wallpaper is awful.

19) Datum A10.13 GAGirlUSA: It is kind of a hot mess to be honest. The context is Emma Stone is selling her plush house located in Beverly Hills. It provides four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a pool. The house stands behind big walls with a sophisticated security system. At first, the visitor might found a stone pathway that leads them from the wall to the front door. It outside looks was covered with white paint and a dark grey roof while the front door was colored with red paint. Inside the house was colored with different color and pattern wallpaper (e.g. pink and white pattern, green pattern, black, yellow, and blue wallpaper). For the floor, it uses oak-colored wood floors. The house is also styled as an open space in (e.g. there are many windows; the living room and the kitchen are not separated by any walls). Besides that, most of the stuff is made of wood. Moreover, it also provides some fireplaces in which make the environment seems warm. (See appendix 10). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness, since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards Emma preference of her house’s look. Here, the speaker attacking Emma's face clearly, directly and unambiguously. Nowadays most of the entertainers are tend to decorate their house with a minimalist style in which it makes the house look plush, in contrary Emma does not style her house with the minimalist look and stuff (she tend to choose a different


color wallpaper, patterned kinds of stuff, wooden stuff, etc.) Therefore, the speaker thought that it is messy and uttered the impolite utterance straightforwardly.

20) Datum A10.14 LoveMyGrands: Doesn't look plush! Looks ordinary for a celeb house. The context is Emma Stone is selling her plush house located in Beverly Hills. It provides four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a pool. The house stands behind big walls with a sophisticated security system. At first, the visitor might found a stone pathway that leads them from the wall to the front door. It outside looks was covered with white paint and a dark grey roof while the front door was colored with red paint. Inside the house was colored with different color and pattern wallpaper (e.g. pink and white pattern, green pattern, black, yellow, and blue wallpaper). For the floor, it uses oak-colored wood floors. The house is also styled as an open space in (e.g. there are many windows; the living room and the kitchen are not separated by any walls). Besides that, most of the stuff is made of wood. Moreover, it also provides some fireplaces in which make the environment seems warm. (See appendix 10). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is bald on record impoliteness. Its function is affective impoliteness, since the speaker is delivering his or her unrestrained emotion towards Emma preference of her house’s look. Here, the speaker attacking Emma's face clearly, directly and unambiguously. Nowadays most of the entertainers are tend to decorate their house with a minimalist style in which it makes the house look plush, in contrary Emma does not style her house with the minimalist look and stuff (she tend to choose a different color wallpaper, patterned stuff, wooden stuff, etc.) Therefore, the speaker is straightforwardly uttered that the house does not look plush. The data analysis above shows that, 9 from 10 articles show that there are bald on record impoliteness strategy used by people in its comment section. From those articles, 20 datum indicate with bald on record impoliteness. Furthermore, it is found that, 16 datum indicate with affective function and 4 datum are function as entertaining. From that number, it can be sum up that most of people tend to use bald on record impoliteness in order to deliver their anger towards the entertainers rather than to entertain the other people who read the comment.


2. Positive Impoliteness Positive impoliteness appears in a comment section from six articles, those are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (8). Below are 7 data which consist of positive impoliteness.

1) Datum A1.9 Colflower: Could he not have said that to her face? Attention seeking from the miserable Zayn. The context is beside say it face to face, Zayn chooses to convey his feeling towards Gigi by mentioned her on twitter. He posts it on social media where everyone could see it. (See appendix 1). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is positive impoliteness. The utterance above is delivered to attack Zayn's positive face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker conveys the anger as a reaction to Zayn's action. By doing his action, the speaker thought that Zayn is seeking attention from the public because everyone could see his tweets easily on social media. Here, the speaker is attacking Zayn positive face by using impoliteness sub- strategy: calling the other names. The speaker uses a derogatory nomination which is Attention seeking and miserable Zayn as a respond of what Zayn did.

2) Datum A2.5 Anyonesguess: Giraffe neck lol. The context is Hemsworth attending the premiere of Endgame movie. He showed up with a navy blue suit and a white shirt with the top of a few buttons undone. Opposite with Hemsworth, the other cast who also attend the event were using a suit with a shirt and the closed button. To sum up, Hemsworth is the one who dresses differently than others, and his neck also becomes attention since he is the one who uses the shirt with the top few buttons undone. (See appendix 2) The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is positive impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Hemsworth's positive face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since it gives pleasure to the others who read the comment. The speaker also uses creative words such as giraffe neck to tell Hemsworth that his neck is similar to giraffe's neck. Moreover, the speaker also added word lol (laughing out loud) which indicates that the speaker is enjoyed or


entertained to associate Hemsworth's neck with a giraffe. In spite of the pleasure that others feel when reading the comment, it considered as entertaining impoliteness. Here, the speaker is attacking Hemsworth positive face by using impoliteness sub-strategy: calling the other names. The speaker uses a derogatory nomination which is giraffe neck to compare Hemsworth’s neck (which seems long by using the undone button) with a giraffe neck.

3) Datum A3.6 ThatFullBatteryFeeling: I hate to see any non-abusive relationship end but I'm also looking forward to some more excellent breakup music. Sorry, Simon. The context is Adele's spoke person has confirmed the rumor about Adele and her husband divorced in April 2019. Adele (a singer and songwriter) and his husband Simon Konecki (charity CEO) married in 2016. Even though the pair is decided to split up, both of them agreed to raise their child, Angelo together. (See appendix 3). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is positive impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Adele's and Simon's positive face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since it gives pleasure for other people who read the comment: the speaker is creatively using an utterance that seems sympathy towards the condition but later the speaker seems to support the divorce. Here the speaker is attacking Adele’s and Simon’s face by using impoliteness sub-strategy: be disinterested, unconcerned, and unsympathetic. Refer to the context, the news that spread out can be considered as bad news: divorce news. If it happens, people usually sympathy with others. Instead of giving a sympathy comment, the speaker even wishes to Adele about a new break up or sad song. Moreover, the speaker also said sorry to Simon because he chooses to support the divorce. In line with that, it can be considered as being disinterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic strategy of impoliteness.

4) Datum A4.4 Michael: I'm no model but that guy is one u g l y m.... f...


The context is the article showing about Kyle Jenner and Travis Scott spending time together at Coachella. This article also posts some pictures of a couple: Kyle Jenner and Travis Scott. Travis showed up in a white T-shirt and using chain around his neck. Physically, Travis is having round eyes, thick lips, flat nose, and his skin tone is dark. He frequently gets a body shaming. (See appendix 4) The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is positive impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Travis's positive face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker are convey his unrestrained expression of emotion where it is prohibited: criticize someone’s physics. Here, the speaker is using an impoliteness sub-strategy: use taboo words. In the datum above, the speaker is intended to attack Travis’ face by using an abusive or profane language: m… f… which means mother fucker. Even though the speaker is not using a full word, but it still considered as impoliteness utterance.

5) Datum A4.14 CurrentlyAlive: Oh the irony, the seemingly satanic materialistic self obsorbed family 'visit' a church. This is sacrilege! The context is Kardashian family in which usually associated with their money and glamorous life, are attending Kanye Sunday service at Coachella. It is a weekly service that focuses heavily on music whose purpose is for worshipping to a certain religion. In the second week of Coachella, Kanye held this event at Coachella. (See appendix 4). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is positive impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Kardashians' positive face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker conveys his unrestrained emotion towards Kardashians family's behavior. Here, the speaker is using an impoliteness sub-strategy: call the other names. Since the Kardashians usually associated with money, the speaker is giving a derogatory nomination to all of the Kardashians which is satanic materialistic self obsorbed family.

6) Datum A6.6 RaqC: He seems awfully happy for his VERY young sister to be getting engaged...Don't think I'd feel the same way.


The context is Makena Lautner, 21 and Jacob Moore 20 are engaged on April 5. To celebrate the day, Taylor Lautner, Makena’s brother posted some photos during the engagement day. He posted some photo with heartwarming caption to congratulate her sister. Despite that, Taylor is often posted a photo of him and his sister to show the love and support between them. For example, while Makena having her second heart surgery, Taylor is also posted a photo and write a caption to congratulate her as the surgery is completely successful. (Appendix 6). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is positive impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Taylor's positive face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is conveying his or her emotion as the reaction of what Taylor did (accepting his sister to be engaged at the young age). Here the speaker is attacking Taylor’s face by using impoliteness sub- strategy: be disinterested, unconcerned, and unsympathetic. Refer to the context, some people should be happy and interested to hear about the good news. But the speaker is disinterested to see the engagement day since the speaker thought that Makena and Jacob are still at the young age in which it is too early to commit.

7) Datum A8.16 Glemy: The guy is a bonehead who writes S###ty songs. The context is Ed Sheeran (an English singer-songwriter, guitarist, record producer, and actor) revealed his experience about bullying in an interview with DJ Nihal and Dave. Since primary school, he was bullied by his fellow peers for his ginger hair, big glasses, and a stutter. He admitted that he looked weird and quirky back then. He also added that finally, music brought him to have confidence and lead him to popularity. Later, in high school, Ed Sheeran joined a band and started playing guitar. While he performed in high school, people are easily remembered him because of his appearance. Since that, he started to accept himself and being popularized because of his quirky appearance. (See appendix 8). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is positive impoliteness. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target and become entertained.


Here, the speaker is compiling two sub-strategy in an utterance, those are: call the other names and use the taboo word. In this case, the speaker is trying to attack Ed Sheeran’s face by giving a derogatory nomination: bonehead and using abusive language: s###ty which means shitty. The data analysis above shows that, 6 from 10 articles show that there is a positive impoliteness strategy used by people in its comment section. From those articles, 7 data indicate with positive impoliteness, in which the speaker calling the other names and uttering taboo words to attack someone’s face. Furthermore, it is found that, 4 data indicate with affective function and 3 datum are function as entertaining. From that number, it can be summed up that most of people tend to use positive impoliteness in order to deliver their anger towards the entertainers rather than to entertain the other people who read the comment.

3. Negative Impoliteness Negative impoliteness appears in a comment section from all articles in another words appears in ten articles, those are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). Below are 19 data which consist of negative impoliteness.

1) Datum A1.13 Caz1310: Drugs aren't Ok. Even if you're young and rich. He mucked up his post 1D career big time. The context is Zayn decided to leave his bandmates in One Direction after five years together. Now he chooses to be a solo career. After resigning from his boy band, media frequently associate him with negative news: starting from his on- off relationship until the using of drugs. (See appendix 1). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Zayn's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since it gives pleasure not only for the speaker but also for the other person who read the comment. It considered as an entertaining function because: 1) the speaker uses creative words by merging words big time (frequently related to positive things) and mucked up (frequently associated with negative things); 2) he or she feels superior while scorning Zayn’s behavior.


Here, the speaker is attacking Zayn’s negative face by using impoliteness sub- strategy: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, the speaker scorns him as an expression of hatred because lately, Zayn becomes a drug user and related to scandals.

2) Datum A2.8 Hc15: Did their mums buy the dated ill-fitting suits... The context is some of Avenger Endgame cast: Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, and Jeremy Renner were attending Endgame premiere in Shanghai, China. All of them were using a suit with a different color. Hemsworth showed up with a navy blue suit worn over a white shirt with the top few buttons undone and no tie. Evans, used a red suit with a brown tie and orange shirt which the color is quite unsuitable with his usual appearance. Renner used a navy suit with a white shirt and navy tie. Meanwhile, Rudd used a motive green suit with a navy shirt and tie. (See appendix 2). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Hemsworth's, Evans', Rudd's and Renner's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since it gives pleasure not only for the speaker but also for the other person who read the comment. Despite saying it directly that the suits are not good on them, the speaker creatively bringing up the words mum. The speaker used that word as if the casts' mum is bought their suit. In fact, they are international actors in which usually having a stylist (which not come from their family specially their mothers). Here the speaker is attacking Hemsworth, Evans, Rudd, and Renner negative face by using impoliteness sub-strategy: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, the speaker scorns them to express the distaste towards how the casts dressed in the event.

3) Datum A3.8 Seriouslyok: Not surprised. She is so superior, acts like she's the Madonna and the first person to ever have a child. The context is Adele's spoke person has confirmed the rumor about Adele and her husband divorced in April 2019. Adele (a singer and songwriter) and his husband Simon Konecki (charity CEO) have married in 2016. Here, both Adele


and Simon does not come from the same industry. One from the entertainment industry and the other is an entrepreneur. The pair having a child named Angelo, a six years old child. They committed to raising their son together. (See appendix 3). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Adele's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering the unrestrained emotion towards Adele’s divorce. Here, the speaker explicitly associates Adele with a negative aspect. According to the different social status between Adele and Simon, the speaker directly associates Adele with a negative aspect by using a word such as superior. To assert the negative aspect: superior, the writer also compared Adele with Madonna in which Madonna is known as a Queen of Pop. Simply the speaker wants to say that Adele is acting like a Queen – better than the other person.

4) Datum A3.10 FinallyThe truth : He married her for the money! Nothing else! The context is Adele is an international singer and songwriter has achieved her popularity in the music industry. She hits the popularity by making good songs such as Someone Like You, Make You Feel My Love, Rolling in The Deep, Chasing Pavements, All I Ask and many more. She also received many awards. As an international singer, Adele gains so much money from that. Instead of having a spouse from the same industry, she tends to marry Simon Kenocki who not came from the entertainment industry. Later after years of marriage, Adele and Simon are choosing to divorce. (See appendix 3). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Simon's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his or her heightened emotion towards Simon. Here the speaker also uses the punctuation such as "!" or exclamation mark to show the strong emotion. Here, the speaker is attacking the addressee’s face by condescending, scorn or ridicule. The speaker contemptuously the target's social status since the target is married to a popular singer.


5) Datum A3.11 Lifeinthebuslane: Wow, think of all the great music ahead! The context is Adele is an international singer and songwriter has achieved her popularity in the music industry. She usually writes and sings a song about heartbreak and relationship. These are some of the song which popularized by Adele: Someone Like You, Make You Feel My Love, Don’t you Remember, Rolling in The Deep, Chasing Pavements, and All I Ask. In April, Adele's spoke person confirm the rumor about Adele's divorce. (See appendix 3). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Adele's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target. The speaker also creatively scorn the target without directly talking about the divorce, in the other hand the speaker even mentioned about great music which soon might write by Adele as an impact or "product" of the divorce. Here, the speaker is attacking the target’s face by condescending, scorn or ridicule. The speaker seems giving a compliment as he or she cannot wait for the great song from Adele but actually, the speaker is indirectly scorn or make fun about Adele's divorce.

6) Datum A4.37 Milko5: Do us a favor Kim, just fart and blow the lot away. The context is Kanye West (Kim Kardashian's husband) is conducted a Sunday service at Coachella. It is a weekly service that focuses heavily on music whose purpose is for worshipping to a certain religion. Here, Kardashian family are gathering in this event. Kyle and Travis (Kyle's boyfriend) are also attending the event. On the other hand, Kyle and Travis Scott are making out in the public and frequently kissing one another during the event. (See appendix 4) The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance above is delivered to attack Kim's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who observed the impoliteness utterance can be entertained and understand the effect of impoliteness. Moreover, people can be entertained as the use of creative utterance whereas the


speaker is not directly said that he or she disagrees with the things that Kyle and Travis did in Sunday service but implicitly performed impoliteness by request Kim to end the event. Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: put the other’s indebtedness on record. Since the speaker does not agree with the things that Kyle and Travis do in the event of worshipping, the speaker tends to give a request for Kim (Kanye's wife) by using the utterance do us a favor. It implicitly makes Kim as having a responsibility to doing something as the speaker wish or simply, the utterance is incurring debt for Kim.

7) Datum A5.1 HowardTheDuck: Which one is the stylist? Hard to tell. The context is a Twilight main actress, Kristen Steward is heading to a Salon in Southern California with her stylist girlfriend, Sara Dinkin. Both of them spotted crossing the street using a casual outfit. Steward wears a long black-sleeved top, grey sweatpants, and white sneakers. While for the accessory, she uses a silver necklace with the lock on it along with a green beanie which written Ambitious Individuals on it. She also uses round sunglasses on that day. Meanwhile, Dinkin appears by using a long-sleeved white sweater and red sweatpants along with black slip-on and sunglasses. (See appendix 5). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The speaker uses the utterance above to attack Steward's and Dinkin's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is delivering his unrestrained emotion towards someone's appearance which is prohibited (everyone is having a right to wear every kind of outfit). Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. From the utterance, it can be seen that the speaker trying to scorn Dinkin and Steward which using that outfit, moreover the speaker also try to scorn Dinkin as a stylist. Here he or she thought that why such a stylist could dress up that casual. That is why it considered as negative impoliteness by condescending, scorn or ridicule.

8) Datum A5.4


Whoopiedoopie: Stylist? Well if she styles Kristen then words should be had. The context is a Twilight main actress, Kristen Steward is heading to a Salon in Southern California with her stylist girlfriend, Sara Dinkin. Both of them spotted crossing the street using a casual outfit. Steward wears a long black-sleeved top, grey sweatpants, and white sneakers. While for the accessory, she uses a silver necklace with the lock on it along with a green beanie which written Ambitious Individuals on it. She also uses round sunglasses on that day. Meanwhile, Dinkin appears by using a long-sleeved white sweater and red sweatpants along with black slip-on and sunglasses. (See appendix 5). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The speaker uses the utterance above to attack Steward's and Dinkin's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person aside from the target can understand the effect of impoliteness and become entertained. Here, the speaker is attacking the couple’s face by scorning Dinkin. The speaker thought that Dinkin as a stylist is failed to style her girlfriend. Therefore it considered as negative impoliteness by condescending, scorn or ridicule.

9) Datum A5.5 Toniimarie: She's worth millions, why does she insist on making herself look homeless?! The context is a Twilight main actress, Kristen Steward is heading to a Salon in Southern California with her stylist girlfriend, Sara Dinkin. Both of them spotted crossing the street using a casual outfit. Steward wears a long black-sleeved top, grey sweatpants, and white sneakers. While for the accessory, she uses a silver necklace with the lock on it along with a green beanie which written Ambitious Individuals on it. She also uses round sunglasses on that day. Meanwhile, Dinkin appears by using a long-sleeved white sweater and red sweatpants along with black slip-on and sunglasses. (See appendix 5). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The speaker uses the utterance above to attack Steward's and Dinkin's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness. Through the impolite utterance above, the speaker is delivering his unrestrained emotion towards someone’s


appearance which is prohibited (everyone is having a right to wear every kind of outfit). Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. From the utterance, it can be seen that the speaker is trying to scorn Steward, a Hollywood actress in which she only uses a casual outfit that makes her does not look good. That is why it considered as negative impoliteness by condescending, scorn or ridicule.

10) Datum A6.11 ItsNotMe1: 20 is very young to be engaged. You barely know yourself, never mind what you want in a life partner. The context is Makena Lautner, 21 and Jacob Moore 20 are engaged on April 5. To celebrate the day, Taylor Lautner, Makena's brother posted some photos during the engagement day. He posted some photo with heartwarming caption to congratulate her sister. In line with that, for some people, they are too early to committing at a young age since Makena is still 21 years old and his boyfriend 20 years old. (See appendix 6). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Makena's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is conveying his or her emotion as the reaction of what Makena’s did (engaged in her young age). Here the speaker is using an impoliteness sub-strategy: Invade the other’s space. The utterance shows that the speaker is positioning himself or herself more than the relationship permit by suggesting Makena. Therefore it considered as invading the other's space.

11) Datum A7.33 GossipLuvr: No Kylie photo is makeup-free. The context is Kyle, the youngest clan of Kardashian and also the owner of Kylie Cosmetics teased her upcoming project on social media. Kyle in which popular after did many surgeries to her body, recorded herself with her favorite dog Snapchat filter and post it to Instagram stories. At the same day, she also posted a bare face photo on her Instagram account. In line with that, MailOnline published and titled the article as Kylie Jenner reveals stunning makeup-free selfie as she


teases the arrival of a secret project: 'I can't wait to finally share my new child'. (Appendix 7). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Kyle's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is conveying his or her emotion as the reaction of Kyle's behavior (frequently show up with makeup on, did surgery and filtered her photos). Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. Since Kyle did surgery to her face and also she usually having a make up on, the speaker being contemptuous towards Kyle's photo which seems not using any makeup. The speaker thought that every time Kyle posted a photo, it must be filtered or she has makeup on.

12) Datum A7.54 LoveGemina: Girl stop lying to yourself, be natural without all the blush and fake eyelashes. The context is Kyle, the youngest clan of Kardashian and also the owner of Kylie Cosmetics teased her upcoming project on social media. Kyle in which popular after did much surgery to her body, recorded herself with her favorite dog Snapchat filter and post it to Instagram stories. At the same day, she also posted a bare face photo on her Instagram account. Even though she seems not used any makeup but she still using fake lashes. In line with that, MailOnline published and titled the article as Kylie Jenner reveals stunning makeup-free selfie as she teases the arrival of a secret project: 'I can't wait to finally share my new child'. (Appendix 7). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Kyle's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is conveying his or her emotion as the reaction of Kyle's behavior (frequently show up with makeup on, did surgery and filtered her photos). Here the speaker is using an impoliteness sub-strategy: Invade the other’s space. The utterance shows that the speaker is positioning herself more than the


relationship permit by suggesting Kyle. Therefore it considered as invading the other's space.

13) Datum A7.73 Newmom: Picture with no makeup but full of fillers. The context is Kyle, the youngest clan of Kardashian and also the owner of Kylie Cosmetics teased her upcoming project on social media. Kyle in which popular after did many surgeries to her body, recorded herself with her favorite dog Snapchat filter and post it to Instagram stories. At the same day, she also posted a bare face photo on her Instagram account. In line with that, MailOnline published and titled the article as Kylie Jenner reveals stunning makeup-free selfie as she teases the arrival of a secret project: 'I can't wait to finally share my new child'. (Appendix 7). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Kyle's negative face. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker is conveying his or her emotion as the reaction of Kyle's behavior (frequently show up with makeup on, did surgery and filtered her photos). Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. Since Kyle did surgeries to her face and body (e.g. lip filler, butt implants, and breast enlargement), the speaker does not agree with the article that showing Kyle flawless face. Therefore the speaker is contemptuous towards Kyle's appearance which appears in the article by uttered her face is full of fillers.

14) Datum A8.12 AlphaLima: Looks like nothing has changed here then, he's like some cheap washing machine bought in 1991 that's still going, difference is the machine is much better than Ed. The context is Ed Sheeran revealed his experience about bullying in an interview with DJ Nihal and Dave. Since primary school, he was bullied by his fellow peers for his ginger hair, big glasses, and a stutter. He admitted that he looked weird and quirky back then. Moreover, He would cry every time he comes back home from school. He also added that finally, music brought him to have confidence and lead him to popularity. Later, in high school, Ed Sheeran joined a


band and started playing guitar. While he performed in high school, people are easily remembered him because of his appearance. Since that, he started to accept himself and being popularized because of his quirky appearance. (See appendix 8). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Ed Sheeran's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target and become entertained. Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, the speaker is trying to make fun of the other and expressing his or her hatred by comparing the addressee with an old washing machine.

15) Datum A8.15 An Honest John: Look at the size of his head compared to his body, terrifying. The context is Ed Sheeran revealed his experience about bullying in an interview with DJ Nihal and Dave. Since primary school, he was bullied by his fellow peers for his ginger hair, big glasses, and a stutter. He admitted that he looked weird and quirky back then. Moreover, He would cry every time he comes back home from school. He also added that finally, music brought him to have confidence and lead him to popularity. Later, in high school, Ed Sheeran joined a band and started playing guitar. While he performed in high school, people are easily remembered him because of his appearance. Since that, he started to accept himself and being popularized because of his quirky appearance. (See appendix 8). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Ed Sheeran's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target and become entertained. Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, the speaker is trying to express hatred by scorning the addressee’s body size.

16) Datum A9.12


Dasdonkey: Those Smith kids. Little runt is carrying a purse that looks like a large children's spinning top. -Facepalm- The context is Jaden and Willow Smith is attending a Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week. Both of them look fierce as they used an outfit with a touch of white and black color. Willow used a white dress with a gold belt around her waist and also a thigh-high boots. Meanwhile, her brother used a Louis Vuitton Jacket with a white bottom and also white sneakers. Moreover, his expensive LV bag is become a spotlight because of its unique shape in which make it looks like a spinning top. (See appendix 9). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Jaden's and Willow's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since other people who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target and become entertained. Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, the speaker is trying to express hatred by using diminutives such as little runt. Moreover, the speaker also makes fun of the other by comparing Jaden's expensive bag with children spinning toy.

17) Datum A9.31 Srq: Emma needs to put some self-tanner on those legs. The context is Emma Stone was attending a Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week. She showed up wearing a white polo top covered with a coat dress in monochrome pattern. The coat made for a preppy chic look, with her toned legs and a pair of leather Mary-Jane style heels. While, for the makeup, she combines the smokey eyes look with a touch of coral lipstick. By using bold makeup and a monochrome coat dress, Emma's legs look pale. (See appendix 9). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Emma's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target and become entertained. Moreover, instead of directly uttered that Emma's legs are pale, the speaker chose to creatively suggest Emma tan her legs.


Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, the speaker thought that Emma's legs are too pale, therefore he or she is making fun of it by suggesting Emma.

18) Datum A10.2 BeachBlanketBingo: Unless you have a great extraction system I always think open-plan kitchens are a really bad idea, I don't want my whole house smelling of dinner. The context is Emma Stone is selling her plush house located in Beverly Hills. It provides four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a pool. The house stands behind big walls with a sophisticated security system. At first, the visitor might found a stone pathway that leads them from the wall to the front door. It outside looks was covered with white paint and a dark grey roof while the front door was colored with red paint. Inside the house was colored with different color and pattern wallpaper (e.g. pink and white pattern, green pattern, black, yellow, and blue wallpaper). For the floor, it uses oak-colored wood floors. The house is also styled as an open space in (e.g. there are many windows; the living room and the kitchen are not separated by any walls). Besides that, most of the stuff is made of wood. Moreover, it also provides some fireplaces in which make the environment seems warm. (See appendix 10). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Emma's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target and become entertained. Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, the speaker makes fun of the other by saying that an open kitchen makes the house smelling like dinner.

19) Datum A10.15 Kelly: Looks like old Granny's house…No thanks. The context is Emma Stone is selling her plush house located in Beverly Hills. It provides four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a pool. The house stands behind big walls with a sophisticated security system.


At first, the visitor might found a stone pathway that leads them from the wall to the front door. It outside looks was covered with white paint and a dark grey roof while the front door was colored with red paint. Inside the house was colored with different color and pattern wallpaper (e.g. pink and white pattern, green pattern, black, yellow, and blue wallpaper). For the floor, it uses oak-colored wood floors. The house is also styled as an open space in (e.g. there are many windows; the living room and the kitchen are not separated by any walls). Besides that, most of the stuff is made of wood. Moreover, it also provides some fireplaces in which make the environment seems warm. (See appendix 10). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is negative impoliteness. The utterance is delivered to attack Emma's negative face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target. The speaker also creatively uttered granny’s house in which make the other who read the comment become entertained. Here, the speaker using a sub-strategy of impoliteness: condescend, scorn or ridicule. In this case, Emma does not use minimalist decoration and kinds of stuff. Therefore it makes the speaker make fun of Emma by uttered that her house looks like a granny's house or old fashioned. The data analysis above shows that, negative impoliteness strategy are appears in 10 chosen articles’ comment sections. From those articles, 19 data indicate with negative impoliteness, in which the speaker mostly attacks the target by condescending, scorn and ridicule. Furthermore, it is found that, 11 from 15 datum function as entertaining. Meanwhile, the rest is affective function. From that number, it can be summarized that most of the people who use a negative impoliteness are not only intentionally attack someone’s face but also to entertain the other who read the comment.

4. Sarcasm or Mock Politeness Sarcasm or mock politeness only appears in a comment section from four articles, those are: (1) (3) (4) (6). Below are 4 data which consist of sarcasm or mock politeness.

1) Datum A1.5


JMGP: Wow, how heartwarming. The context is, Zayn and Gigi are having an on-off relationship for two years. The rumor said that they already split in January 2019. In contrast with the rumor, on March 2, Zayn mentioned Gigi on his twitter, saying Love you. Although both of them never confirmed the rumors, later in March also, Zayn and Gigi are confirmed their break up on twitter. MailOnline made an article about this entitled Zayn Malik posts heartwarming 'love you' tweet at Gigi Hadid... despite rumors, the couple split in January. (See appendix 1). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is sarcasm or mock politeness. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since it gives pleasure to the other person who read the comment. It can be seen that the speaker also use his or her creativity to build up the comment by using the same words as the article's title which is heartwarming. Here, the utterance is a sarcasm respond to the article's title which mentioned that the tweet is a heartwarming. The tweet itself can be considered as heartwarming if they had a good relationship but in fact, people are not sure about their relationship status. People thought that why did Zayn he have to do things like that, while they are already break up. It might polite in surface but actually, it is not.

2) Datum A3.22 Difta white: Great news. Bring on the great SAD and heartbreaking songs yey The context is Adele is an international singer and songwriter has achieved her popularity in the music industry. She usually writes and sings a song which mostly described heartbreak and relationship. These are some of the song which popularized by Adele: Someone Like You, Make You Feel My Love, Don’t you Remember, Rolling in The Deep, Chasing Pavements, and All I Ask. In April, Adele's spoke person confirm the rumor about Adele's divorce. (See appendix 3). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is sarcasm or mock politeness. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target. The speaker also creatively scorn the target without directly talking about the divorce,


but in the other hand, the speaker mentioned about a great music which soon might write by Adele as an impact or "product" of the divorce. Here, the speaker uttered great news in which divorce is not great news. Also at glance, the utterance might seem polite (as the writer mentioned about the great song come from Adele) but it is not. Therefore it considered as sarcasm or mock impoliteness.

3) Datum A4.2 Luvgingers2244: Making out with your baby daddy really shows how serious you are about worshipping God. (Eye roll.) The context is Kardashian family are attending Kanye Sunday service at Coachella. Coachella itself is an annual music festival. In line with that, Kanye Sunday service is conducted by Kanye West (Kylie Jenner's brother-in-law). It is a weekly service that focuses heavily on music whose purpose is for worshipping to a certain religion. In the second week of Coachella, Kanye held this event in Coachella. Here, Kyle and Travis Scott (Kyle's boyfriend or her daughter's dad) also join the event. Instead of worshipping to God, both of them are making out in the public and frequently kissing one another. (See appendix 4). The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is sarcasm or mock politeness. Its function is affective impoliteness since the speaker conveys his or her heightened emotion or anger towards what the couple did in a Sunday service which can be categorized as impolite behavior. Here, the speaker stated an utterance as if the couple is doing a serious worshipping in Sunday service but in fact, they are not. The utterance: really show how serious you are about worshipping God is indicates that the fact and the utterance is opposite with one another. This utterance only seems polite in surface but actually, the speaker tries to be sarcastic in respond of what the couple did.

4) Datum A6.14 Chad: Hey, he used to be in movies. The context is Taylor Lautner’s career is not as bright as the old days. Back in 2008 until 2012, he gained his popularity by acting as Jacob in Twilight movie. Nowadays, he rarely shows up in a movie. (See appendix 6).


The type of impoliteness strategy in the datum above is sarcasm or mock politeness. The utterance above is uttered to attack Taylor's face. Its function is entertaining impoliteness since the other person who read the comment can understand the effect of impoliteness towards the target. The speaker also creatively scorn the target without directly uttered that Jacob rarely appears in a movie, but on the other hand, the speaker tends to mentioned that he used to be in movies. Here, the speaker might seem polite by saying Taylor frequently shows up in movie back than the old days, but he is being sarcastic to Taylor since Taylor is rarely starred as a cast in a movie these days. The data analysis above shows that only 4 from 10 articles contain sarcasm or mock politeness in its comment section. From those articles, only 4 data indicate with sarcasm or mock politeness. Furthermore, it is found that, 3 from 4 data function as entertaining meanwhile the rest is function as affective. From that number, it can be summarized that most of people who use a sarcasm or mock politeness are not only intentionally attack someone’s face but also to entertain the other who read the comment. Lastly, after classify and analyze the data, it can be concluded that from 5 types of impoliteness, only 4 types of impoliteness that found in the research – bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock politeness. Meanwhile, the total number of each impoliteness type that occurs is mention as follow: 20 data of bald on record impoliteness; 7 data of positive impoliteness; 19 data of negative impoliteness and 4 data of sarcasm or mock politeness. Furthermore, it is found that only 2 functions that appear in this research – affective and entertaining function. In line with that, 29 data indicate of affective function and 21 data indicate with entertaining function. Last, all of the comments above show that, people who commenting on MailOnline’s entertainment news are not using their real name, instead, they tend to use a fake account.


This chapter divided into two parts, those are conclusion and suggestion. In conclusion, it provides the conclusion of the data findings in chapter three meanwhile in the suggestion part, it provides a suggestion for the reader especially the next researcher who wants to conduct the same topic of the research.

A. Conclusion This research discusses the impoliteness strategies that occur in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. This research uses a qualitative method with pragmatics approach. This research aims to describe the types and functions of impoliteness strategies that occur in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section. To analyze the data, it uses the theory of impoliteness strategy (1996) and the theory of impoliteness function (2011) from Jonathan Culpeper. It uses 50 utterances that taken from ten articles in MailOnline’s entertainment news comment section which published from March 2019 until April 2019. From the total 50 utterances, 5 utterances are taken from each article. After analyzing the data, the result shows that, first, only 4 types of impoliteness strategy appear in this research (bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock politeness). While there is no instance of withhold politeness since withhold politeness strategy only occurs in face-to-face interaction. Second, each type of impoliteness is not always appeared in every article’s comment section. Here, only negative impoliteness that use by people in 10 articles’ comment section. Third, the frequently used strategy to attack someone’s face through online media is bald on record impoliteness. Considering that people are not communicating by face-to-face interaction, therefore, it easier for people to say everything that they want to say and they also can hide their real identity by using a fake account.



Fourth, most people are used impoliteness strategy to deliver their heightened emotion: typically anger. Therefore affective function appears as the dominant function in this research. Last, according to the topic that chooses randomly, whether the article is talking about controversial entertainer or not, there will always be a negative comment towards the entertainer. To sum up, people who use an online media are more likely spreading hatred or anger straightforwardly since there is no face-to-face interaction and they can hide their real identity by using a fake account. Moreover, no matter how good the reputation of the entertainer is, there are always be negative comments towards them.

B. Suggestion After conducting the research about impoliteness, below are suggestions to the reader especially for the next researcher: First, since the research about impoliteness is rarely to conduct rather than politeness, it is suggested that the next researcher specifically who wants to conduct research in pragmatics could consider impoliteness as a topic of the research. Second, there are many impoliteness utterances in social media or the other online media, therefore it could be great if the next researcher could use social media or another online platform to be a corpus instead of debates or movies. Third, it is suggested that the next researcher who wants to conduct the research with a similar topic and corpus could explore more about the use of punctuation and emoticon that used in an impolite utterance. Last, since people easily convey their hatred towards another person in social media it does not mean we are free to offense the others, therefore be wise while using social media or another online platform.


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Article 1. Zayn Malik post heartwarming ‘love you’ tweet at Gigi Hadid… despite rumors the couple split in January.

Zayn Malik tweeted: 'love you' on Friday at Gigi Hadid. The 26-year-old former One Direction bandmate and the 23-year-old supermodel were reported to have split up by Us Weekly this January. Gigi and Zayn have had an on-off romance over the years, but neither of them confirmed the breakup rumors that surfaced two months ago. The model and the singer dated for roughly two years before they announced their breakup on Twitter within minutes of each other last March. Shortly after Gigi and Zayn publicly revealed their split, he had multiple tattoos applied in the span of a week, including the number 25 - his age then - on his neck. As early as that January, Zayn could be spotted on Gigi's Instagram page sporting a chest tattoo of what uncannily appeared to be her eyes. At the end of April, exclusively obtained photos of Gigi and Zayn sharing a kiss on a New York City sidewalk - she holding a bag from her own line. Gigi is the elder sister of fellow supermodel and lesser-known model Anwar Hadid - as well as the daughter of ex-Real Housewife Yolanda Hadid. Yolanda shares her three children with real estate man , and has since become the fourth ex- wife of music mogul . David, 69, is now engaged to singer and actress Katharine McPhee, who at the age of 34 is younger than her future stepdaughters Erin and Sara Foster. Bella is currently still with her own on-off musician flame The Weeknd, ne Abel Tesfaye, who has also dated his fellow pop act Selena Gomez. Gigi lately has been flitting from Fashion Week to Fashion Week, walking for Prada in Milan, Tom Ford in New York and Burberry in London before alighting in Paris, where she has been hitting the runway for such names as Isabel Marant and Off-White.



Article 2. Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans look handsome in colorful suits as they lead male cast at Avengers: Endgame premiere in Shanghai.

They may have ditched their superhero costumes. But Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans looked amazing in suits of a different kind. The two A-list actors were joined by co-stars Paul Rudd and Jeremy Renner for the Avengers: Endgame premiere in Shanghai, China on Thursday. Hemsworth, 35, looked hunky in a navy blue suit worn over a white shirt with the top few buttons undone and no tie. Evans, 37, countered ice with fire as he sported a red suit over an orange shirt with a brown tie and matching dress shoes. Rudd, 50, looked handsome in a dark navy checked suit while 48-year-old Renner wore a blue suit over a crisp white dress shirt and black tie. The foursome seemed to have a blast at the event together as they hammed it up for the crowd as Evans and Hemsworth even stopped to take a selfie. The event comes just days after directors of the film Anthony and Joe Russo penned a note to fans - urging fans to not spoil the ending for others. The letter comes after the ending of Avengers: Endgame was leaked featuring spoilers, according to the LA Times. The newspaper reported that the leak appears to be footage filmed off a large screen inside a screening room - but the origin of the leak is still unknown. The Russo brothers addressed the letter 'To the greatest fans in the world': 'This is it. This is the end. The end of an unprecedented narrative mosaic spanning eleven years and eleven franchises.' They continued: 'For all of you who have been on this journey with us since the very beginning, sharing every high and low with your family, your friends, your classmates, your co-workers.' Adding: 'Investing so deeply in every character and storyline. Laughing. Cheering. Shedding tears. Giving so freely of your thoughts and emotions in spirited dialogue, theories, fan art and fan fiction. The letter continued: 'Please know that the two of us, along with everyone involved in Endgame, have worked tirelessly for the last three years with the sole intention of delivering a surprising and emotionally powerful conclusion to the Infinity Saga.' They added: 'Because so many of you have invested your time, your hearts, and your souls into these stories, we're once again asking for you help.' The brothers concluded with: 'When you see Endgame in the coming weeks, please don't spoil it for others, the same way you wouldn't want it spoiled for you. 'Writing: 'Remember,


Thanos still demands your silence,' referring to the character played Josh Brolin. They finished off their letter with: 'As always, good luck and happy viewing... The Russo brothers. 'They used a hashtag to round out the letter: '#DontSpoilTheEndgame.' Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 26.

Article 3. Adele and Simon Konecki SPLIT: Singer, 30, and husband, 45, had been 'living separate lives for years'.

Adele and Simon Konecki had reportedly been 'living separate lives for years' after news of their shock split emerged. The singer, 30, and her estranged husband, 45, confirmed their separation on Friday night after an eight-year relationship and three-year marriage. And now it has been reported that Adele and Simon had been 'living separate lives for years' and accepted that something just isn’t going to work'. A source told The Sun: 'This is a very sad situation - Adele and Simon had been living separate lives for some time. 'It was well known amongst their friends that this time they simply were not going to sort it out. 'They had been trying for years but eventually you have to accept that something just isn't going to work.' MailOnline has contacted Adele's representatives for comment. Adele, who met the charity entrepreneur in 2011 and married him in secret in 2016, said the pair were committed to raising their six-year-old son Angelo together 'lovingly'. The singer's representatives said on Friday night: 'Adele and her partner have separated. 'They are committed to raising their son together lovingly. As always they ask for privacy.' Her spokespeople added that the star would be making no further comment on the matter. Adele and Simon tied the knot sometime in 2016, though they managed to keep the secret wedding under wraps until the following year. The singer confirmed the union on-stage as she picked up a Best Album Award at the 2017 Grammys. During an emotional acceptance speech, she said: 'I'm married! My husband, my son, you're the only reason I do it.' Simon is a charity CEO who was born on April 1974 in New York but moved with his family to London when he was 10-years-old. Adele, known for her chart-topping albums 19, 21 and 25, is one of the best-selling artists in the world and has won a string of awards.


Article 4. Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott cosy up to one another before sharing a VERY passionate kiss as they watch Kanye's Sunday service at Coachella.

Kylie Jenner and boyfriend Travis Scott put on a smitten display at Coachella on Sunday. The 21-year-old makeup mogul smooched her rapper beau as the couple stood in the crowd at Kanye West's Sunday service at the festival. Kylie - who is mom to daughter Stormi, one, with the Astroworld hitmaker - gazed lovingly at her man while wearing a cream mid-length dress. The brunette beauty wore her hair extensions tied back in a plaited ponytail and donned some stylish sunglasses. Travis, 27, kept cool in a white T-shirt and displayed multiple pricey-looking chains around his neck. They were joined by the rest of the famous family as they watched Kanye's latest performance. On the day, the Kardashian/Jenner family all wore white and lilac for the special concert. Kylie and Travis cosied up to one another, with him standing behind her and tenderly wrapping their hands over one another's. Mother-of-one Kylie wore a big smile on her face as she cosied up to her man, hiding her eyes behind designer shades. Meanwhile, the couple had a very saucy interaction on social media on Saturday. Just a few days after his new song Power Is Power from For the Throne, an album full of music inspired by the hit HBO series Game of Thrones, Travis shared a new Thrones-inspired costume. The 26-year-old rapper (real name Jacques Berman Webster) paid homage to the hit series, and the show's lengthy titles for characters from noble houses. The pics lead to his longtime girlfriend Kylie leaving some saucy comments for her boyfriend on Instagram. 'House of Flame Son of lord Jacques B Webster the 1st Husband of the Goddess K Protector of the Seven Kingdoms Blatt,' Scott said. While there have been rumors for the past few months that Scott and Jenner are actually married, it isn't known if they have actually tied the knot yet. Jenner responded shortly thereafter, stating, 'Protect my realm' and 'Oh Lord Webster!!!'. While Scott didn't comment on exactly why he was in this Thrones-inspired costume, he was wearing a thick breastplate with an elaborate crest of arrows on it, under a layer of chain mail. He completed the outfit wearing a pair of black leather pants and a pair of black combat boots. The rapper was seen in this costume posing next to a pristine grey Bentley vehicle. Scott's Game of


Thrones song Power is Power, where he's featured with The Weeknd and Sia, feature lyrics that include numerous references to the hit series. The Weeknd's lyric, 'A knife in my heart couldn’t slow me down,' is a reference to the resurrected Jon Snow (Kit Harington), who was brought back to life by the red priestess Melisandre (Carice Van Houten). The title itself, Power is Power, is a reference to a Season 2 line by Cersei Lannister, who tells Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish (Aidan Gillen) that 'Power is power,' after he tells her that 'Knowledge is power.' Power is Power is one of 14 tracks on the For the Throne compilation album, including Maren Morris' Kingdom of One, The Lumineers' Nightshade and Ellie Goulding's Hollow Crown. Other tracks include X Ambassadors feat. Jacob Banks' Baptize Me, A$AP Rocky & Joey Bada$' Too Many Gods, The National's Turn On Me, James Arthur's From the Grave, ROSALÍA feat. A.CHAL's Me Traicionast and Lil Peep and Ty Dolla Sign's When I Lie. The album concludes with Lennon Stella's Love Can Kill, Chloe X Halle's Wolf At Your Door, Mumford & Sons' Devil In Your Eye and Matt Bellamy's Pray (High Valyrian). The full album will be released April 26 from Columbia Records.

Article 5. Kristen Stewart and Stylist Girlfriend Sara Dinkin Bundled up as ‘Head over heels’ duo departs salon in LA.

Kristen Stewart and her girlfriend Sara Dinkin were snapped in Los Angeles heading to a salon, staying bundled up on a chilly Saturday in Southern California amid a recent report they're 'head over heels' for one another. The 29-year-old actress donned a long-sleeved black top with ash grey sweatpants and off white shoes. She rounded things out with a necklace that had a lock on it, round sunglasses and a kelly green beanie that read 'Ambitious Individual.' The Los Angeles native toted a water bottle under her arm as she walked alongside Dinkin, 28, who wore a long-sleeved white sweater with the STP motor oil logo on it. The Twilight stunner and Dinkin have been romantically-linked since the end of last year, and were seen holding and kissing at Coachella last week taking in The 1975. A source told Life & Style Friday that the two are 'head over heels' in love with one another. 'Those two are inseparable, and most importantly, they’re happy,' the source told the publication. Stewart has previously been in relationships with model Stella


Maxwell, producer Alicia Cargyle, singers Soko (whose real name is Stephanie Sokolinski) and St. Vincent (whose real name Annie Clark), and her Twilight co- star, Robert Pattinson. Pattinson and Stewart became media darlings around 10 years ago amid the massive success of the breakout film, which racked up more than $393 million worldwide off a budget of $37 million, according to Box Office Mojo. The motion picture spawned a series of sequels including 2009's New Moon, 2010's Eclipse, 2011's Breaking Dawn - Part 1 and 2012's Breaking Dawn - Part 1. Pattinson and Stewart subsequently split after she was revealed to be cheating on him with married director Rupert Sanders, with whom she worked on the film Snow White And The Huntsman. Sanders' marriage to model Liberty Ross collapsed in the weight of the public affair, as they divorced in 2014 and she subsequently married music producer Jimmy Iovine two years later.

Article 6. Taylor Lautner shares heartfelt post celebrating sister Makena's engagement.

He regularly shares photos with his best friend and younger sister, Makena Lautner. And Taylor Lautner couldn't have been more thrilled for his sister on Friday, being there to witness her engagement and proposal from boyfriend Jacob Moore, 20. The 27-year-old took to social media on Saturday morning to congratulate his sibling and share his love. 'Last night was one of the biggest moments of my life,' he began the lengthy heartfelt post. 'My best friend, also known as my baby sister, got engaged to the love of her life. I could not be more proud of the woman that you have grown to become and I don’t know where in this world I would be without you.' And it appeared as though Taylor approved of the engagement, sending his love to the young happy couple. The love that you two have is truly one of a kind and I cannot wait to watch the rest of your guys love story play out. Congratulations Jake and Makena! I love you both more than you know. ❤ #MOOREthemarryher.' Taylor also shared a series of photos to celebrate the day. One picture saw the Twilight star hug Makena while she flashed her hand and new diamond accessory. The proposal appeared to have taken place in a barnyard style enclosure with various candles displayed around the love birds. Makena also shared a series of shots on her social media for her 171K


followers. 'Easiest YES I've ever said in my entire life!! I will say yes to you today, tomorrow, & forever. I LOVE YOU FOREVER, FIANCÉ,' she captioned. Taylor has continued to show support for his younger sibling online for a long time. Taking to his account last August, he posted a photo with Makena following her second heart surgery. '2nd heart procedure is finally a MASSIVE success,' he wrote at the time. 'Couldn't possibly look up to this little/not so little girl any more. You are much braver than I @makenalautner.. Love you so.

Article 7. Kylie Jenner reveals stunning makeup free selfie as she teases arrival of a secret project: 'I can't wait to finally share my new child'.

Kylie Jenner shared a makeup free selfie to social media on Wednesday. The 21-year-old cosmetics mogul looked fresh faced and stunning as she rocked a simple white tee with her trademark raven tresses left long and loose. And the beauty took to her Instagram stories to tease the arrival of her year-long secret project: 'I can't wait to finally share my new child. Working the ubiquitous and hilarious dog filter, the youngest of the Kardashian clan laid out her plans for the upcoming project reveal. 'It's been almost a year since I started working on it AND.. I just can't wait cause... it's around the f**king corner. 'This project is completely separate from Kylie Cosmetics. But yea.. it's a new project. I can't wait to finally share my new child. Now I have three kids.. Stormi, Kylie Cosmetics, and my new project,' she ended with a smile. Meanwhile, Kylie has another project to promote, but this one is ready to be unveiled: KKW Fragrance X Kylie perfume launch with her sister Kim Kardashian. Kim, 38, and Kylie first teased the fragrance collaboration on the season 16 premiere of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Just days earlier, Kim posted a promotional photo of herself and Kylie with the new perfume in their hands. The siblings teased about the new line - which will be in lip-shaped fragrance bottles retailing for $40 each - just days prior. However, an issue with the durability of the fragrance bottle has caused a delay as Kim posted a lengthy note to provide an explanation. Kim finished it off with: 'We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we have a new launch date! Thank you for your understanding and support always. Love Kim & Kylie.'


Article 8 Ed Sheeran reveals he was bullied at school for having ginger hair, glasses and a stutter... but says being 'weird' has brought him success.

He is now a four-time Grammy Award winner, but there was once a time when the superstar singer Ed Sheeran was bullied for having ginger hair. The 28- year-old singer, who recently married his childhood sweetheart Cherry Seaborn, 26, has revealed would cry every day after school after being taunted by his fellow peers for his ginger hair, glasses and a stutter. In spite of his 'odd' and 'quirky' appearance, the musician said it was his differences that finally led to his musical success. During an interview with DJ Nihal and rapper Dave for campaign group Love Music Hate Racism, the singer also revealed that it was music that finally brought him confidence and allowed him to fit in. When asked if he felt he was different at school Ed replied: 'Well yeah because I was ginger so I was instantly ripped into from the day I started school. 'Ginger, had a stutter, wore huge glasses, just a bit odd, but then as I got older I kind of loved it. I have always looked a little bit quirky and I never had much luck with girls it was always like I looked a bit weird and then when I started playing music every time I would do a gig everyone was like ''oh it's the ginger guy with the small guitar'' and you get remembered for that. 'And then suddenly you start gaining a bit of attraction because you are memorable. The thing I always say to kids now is it's great to be weird.' Now topping the charts with his global success, Ed described how there was once a time he would cry every day after returning home from primary school. He said: 'I hated primary school with a passion. I would cry every single day. 'And then I got to high school and started playing guitar, I joined a band and music is just one of these things which gives you confidence and you're suddenly like ''wow I can actually do something well''. 'Before I picked up a guitar I literally did nothing. 'I went to a primary school that was quite sporty and I couldn't play sport and that was it. That was how you were cool. 'If you are good at football you are cool and I wasn't good at football but then when I started high school it was such a melting pot of different things that I started playing the guitar and started fitting in.' The Perfect hitmaker married partner Cherry just before Christmas last year after the pair began dating in 2015. Almost a year before their engagement was announced, the


musician had hinted he was ready to pop the question in an interview on Australia's KIIS FM Kyle and Jackie O show.

Article 9. Emma Stone exudes elegance in tailored dress coat as she joins a stylish Alicia Vikander and Karlie Kloss at glittering Louis Vuitton Paris Fashion Week Show.

They are leading lights in the worlds of fashion and film. And Emma Stone, Alicia Vikander and Karlie Kloss oozed elegance as they led the glamour at the star-studded Louis Vuitton show during Paris Fashion Week on Tuesday. Oscar winning actress Emma, 30, showed off her lithe legs in a tailored dress coat in a monochrome pattern, which was layered over a white polo neck. The gorgeous coat made for a preppy chic look, with her toned legs lengthened with a pair of patent leather Mary-Jane style heels. Her auburn tresses were styled in a sleek side-parting while her pretty features were enhanced with smoky shadow, fluttery lashes and a coral lipstick. The Danish Girl actress Alicia, 30, looked sensational in a monochrome Victoriana inspired gown, with sparkling silver ribbon adorning her slender waist. The high neck and flared sleeves of the glamorous gown were patterned with white flowers and shimmering pearls. The brunette beauty boosted her height with cross-strap heels and accessorised with a floral handbag. Her locks were pulled back into a stylish chignon, with wavy strands framing her radiant visage. Supermodel Karlie, 26, flaunted her envy-inducing legs in a sapphire mini dress, with statement shoulder pads as she made a catwalk worthy appearance at the fashion show. The stunning dress featured a sparkling gold belt around her honed midsection, while revealing her pert derriere as she strutted in. Boosting her 6ft1 frame further, the newlywed Vogue coverstar slipped on black snakeskin stiletto boots and accessorised with a colourful handbag. The former Victoria's Secret Angel wore her blonde locks in beachy waves and accentuated her pretty features with a radiant dusting of make-up. Emma recently discussed the pros of turning 30 in an honest new interview conducted by her friend Jennifer Lawrence in the September issue of Elle. Posing for a high-fashion shoot with the magazine, the actress admitted the milestone has 'crystallised' her life and made her


more aware of her life goals, despite her already-successful acting career. Hinting at some 'not so positive' times in her 20s, Emma added that friendship is now one of the most important things in her life - gushing her best pals have become more like her 'family' in recent years. Despite the youthful shoot, Emma discussed turning 30 in her interview - revealing she feels more settled and sure of herself now she is older. Looking back at her early career, she said: 'My twenties were a really interesting time, and there's been a lot that has happened in these past 10 years, both positive and not as positive. 'It's weird how much turning 30 crystallizes your life. Instead of just living the dreams that I had in my youth and getting to do the job that I love to do and making friends and going through all of that, it's like, Now what do I actively want as an adult?'' While she is looking forward to new adventures in her 30s, she admitted her friends are still her number one priority, having supported her for many years. 'I think friendship is pretty much everything,' she went on. 'Here's another turning-30 thing I've realized: You pick your family. 'You realise that your friendships, the people who go with you into these next phases of your life- you're choosing your family.' Emma is now thought to be dating Dave McCary, a director on hit show Saturday Night Live. The Favorite actress was recently confirmed to star in Disney's live action Cruella de Vill punk-themed movie.

Article 10. Emma Stone puts her plush Beverly Hills home once owned by Dudley Moore on the market for $3.9m.

She has been nominated for three Academy Awards in the last five years. And Emma Stone might be looking to upgrade her residence after all the recent success, as evidenced by the her decision to put her current abode on the market. The 30-year-old actress is selling her four 4 bed, 4.5 bath, Beverly Hills-home for $3.899 million, according to Page Six. Set in the lush greenery of Coldwater Canyon, the home sits down a quiet lane behind large walls and has an imposing security system, complete with cameras. The house was previously owned by late actor, and star of the original Arthur, Dudley Moore and spans 3,862 square feet. The property has a longstanding silver screen legacy, with Stone purchasing the


property for $2.477million back in 2012 from David Fincher's longtime editor Kirk Baxter - he has who has two Academy Awards of his own. After entering through the bright red front door, visitors find themselves stepping onto dark oak-colored wood floors as they move through the white and pastel pink-painted foyer. Ceilings elevate as one steps down into the combination living room/dining room which breathes of light released by a high window. A white brick fireplace delivers warmth to the soft lounging area, while French doors lookout into the yard behind the dining room. With light-welcoming French doors and nestled next to a small living room, the kitchen provides more airy space for would-be inhabitants to luxuriate. It's filled with white cabinetry, black countertops, and all appliances are top-hole, to no one's surprise. A large islands sits in the middle of the cooking area, while, on the opposite end, an informal dining area rests, bathing in light allowed in by more French doors. The resplendent master bedroom comes complete with a white brick fireplace and has its own French doors that open into the backyard. Complete with a deep soaking tub and separate, glass-door shower, the attached, Tiffany blue-painted bathroom would be hard to call anything except sumptuous. Three other bedrooms provide plenty of space for family or guests, while a large media room is perfect for private viewings or football Sundays. In back, a partially covered patio looks out onto a large stone-surrounded swimming pool. High hedges surround the property, which features a variety of trees and shrubs throughout the outdoor areas. The front yard has a lovely stone pathway that leads from the wall to the front door. It is unknown why Stone is selling the beautiful Beverly Hills home, and remains unclear where she will head to next.