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Lutheran Education Lutheran Education Puhljshed Since 1g6.') by the Faculty or Concordia University, River Fores1, Illinois Volume 140; Number 3 Publisher: Dr. John F Johnson, President Concordia University, River Forest, 1JL Editor: 0, John Zillman, Department of Psychology Contributing Editor: Ed Grube, Lutheran Education Association Associate Editors: II. Robert Hayes, Department of History and Political Science William Duel', Department of Hnman Performance General Editor: Peler E. Pohihallllller Regular Departments: AdlllilliJlmlilie ']tllk Glen Kuck, St. Paul Lutheran School, Chicago, Ill, Dcn EXjJreJJiollJ Wilham Cullen, Department of Leadership, CU!\[i Mlillip/J'il(Z lvIillir/l7es Rich Bimh, President, Wheat Ridge Ministries Se<'OIir/(/I)' Seqllell'" Craig Parrot, Lutheran High, Denver, Colo. 'le(/tblilg the lOIll(Z Shirley Morgenthaler, Early Childhood Education, CURl' 'Jor/(/)':r tlltbemll hdllclltor Jon Laabs, Executive Director, Lutheran Education Association Cover Design: Del Klaustermcier l-111hm1ll Fir/limlioll/llIIl'Ila/ (ISSN 0024(7488) is published four times pcr year .. Subscriptions are $10 a year, and arc available from LJIt/l(:mJJ hrlll({]/ioll .1(}IfFlltll, 7400 Augusta St., River Forest, IL 60305-1499. Periodical postage paid at Nappanee, IN. POST.i\.t1ASTER: Scnd address changes to J JtI/)f.J,(1Il ErlNC(!/iofl.10H"'/(f~ 7400 Augusta St., River Forest, lL 60405-1499. L.Jrlbc!'a!l ndIlCrJliol1.lollJ'JJa/ is available on microfilm. \Xlritc to University Microfilms, North Zceb Road, Ann Arbor, IvlI 48103. Printed in USA LJII/Jr:1(1Il hdll(({/ioJJ JOllmal has been selected as the professional journal of the ] ,uthcran Education Association (LEA). j\1embers of the ] J"<~A receive the journal as part of membership benefits. Inquiries rcgarding membership may be addressed to LEA, 7400 Augusta St., River Forest, IL 60305-1499. The journal and LE;\ remain independent entities. L,lItberan EdllCrlliolJ lotlmal· I/ol/(JJ1{f 140, No. 3-PaQ:c 153 In This Issue: Focus on: The Teaching of Religion, Professional Growth and the Reformation in Historical Context 160 James Michael Lee: A Social Science Approach to Religious Instruction Bill Cullen offers an in depth explication of the wotk of James Michael Lcc, specifically approaching the teaching of religion from the standpoint of the social sciences. There is much to consider here for the Lutheran educatot in this, the crux of Christian educa­ tion. We present this as a perspective frol11 which religion currku­ lUlll might be cxan1incd, whether for use in the school classrooll1 or parish education programs. by William Cullen 186 Teaching the Familiar in a New Way: Strategies for Teaching Daniel in a Lutheran High School Setting Andrew Stcinnlann presents in his essay a nuanced look at the Book of Daniel fot benefit of those who teach religion at the Lutheran secondary school level. His scholarly expertise here gives teachers valuable insight into not only this portion of the Old Testament, but also a model of the depth at which high school stu­ dents might be challenged to encounter it. by Andrew Steinmann 200 Effort, Improvement, and Using Time Wisely LI:ric IY1aln1 offers an essay [ton1 the vic\vpoint: of a classroom teacher on the balancing act that schools, teachers and adn1inistra­ tors pcrforn1 when weighing the priorities of day-tn-day duties and the long-term professional development of faculty 111embers. by Eric Maim 204 New Prominence for the Protestants: A Review of Three Recently Released HistoriesOn the Reformation llistorian Kurt Stadtwaldt returns to these pages with reviews of three works that center on the historical background of the Reformation. by Kurt Stadtwaldt Llftherall Edlfratioll Tal/mal· l/olllllle 140} _No. 3~Pa.!!;c 154 Departments 156 Here I ... Sit! Stay! O. John Zit/man 216 Administrative Talk: Forging Memories Glen Kuck 220 Multiplying Ministries: "E" Is For Easter Rich Bimler 222 A Final Word: Presidential Perspectives on Teaching John F. Johnson Correction John E, Schult;;. authored the article, ".iVIusings on the Role of Lutheran Schools" in Lutheran Education Journal, Vol. 140, No. L His name was mis­ spelled in the Table of Contents and in the by-line of the article itself. 'the COf­ rect spelling appears here and in the biographical information following that article. The Journal regrets the error. Lllthe)"ml EdNcatioJ1 lOl/rlM!- r/O/lflJle 140, J\To, 3~Pae-c 155 ne of the ,."embers .of our bOllseb.ol'.1 is ge.tting on in years. She's slowing down a hit, has to rest O more often but still enjoys a brisk walk around the neighborhood whenever she has S0111conc to aCC0111- pany her. Her health and appetite are good, vision dear and her hearing as sharp as when she was half her age. l-lef forn1al education wasn't 111uch, having dropped out of school after a short time. She has a number of friends in the neighbol"hood with Wh0111 she C0111111Unicatcs on a regular basis - age doesn't seenl to be a barrier there as sbe seems to be able to cross generations easily. Although she depends on us for her daily Gll'e, at this point in her life she seems to be living for the here and now, enjoying a good 111cal, cOll1panionship and tegular, favorite activ1·­ ties, stretching a clay long into the evening if the mood -.>- strikes her - and the raccoons are out in the garbage cans C .c agaIn. 0 ~_. E Life is good if all you have to do all day is to be a ..... N dog. .¢;')- C For being an English Springer Spaniel, Libby doesn't • .c • .,...,0 understand much of it. A few key words such as "Frisbee" or "Bad dog" will send her, alternately, either -Q) 0 r.;. & into paroxysms of joy, blasting across the yard to catch a Q) plastic disk and then dmp it at my feet, full of dog-slob·· :::r::: ber, or wi1J leave her prone but not quite contrite, with that eyes that say, "1 have no idea what I just did wrong - let's get this over with", 'rhe back yard is absolutely safe ... for us. Intruders are to be challenged immediately whether they arrive on two legs or four, She knows who belongs at the neigh­ bors' house and who doesn't and 111fo1'1118 thein in no uncertain terms. She seems to exhibit a perverse delight in waiting while someone walks down the sidewalk out of sight but not smell on the opposite side of the stockade fence, then launching herself off the porch in a frenzied, noi80111C dash to the fence, scaring the bejcezus out of anyone who doesn't know she's cOll1ing. We have no need of an alann SYStC111. As one would expect of an Obedience School L,lIt/J{!rtm Er/JICtlli01! 1(J1Irl/aI- I/O/lillIe 140, No. }~Pa rc 156 dropout, stories of IDisbehavior are legcndary, fr01D gnawing a large hole in the drywall of our bascment faIDil)' roon1 when she was just a few months old to lapping up an unattended cocktail then eating a pack of cigarettes late onc sum111er afternoon ._ ... with no apparent ill effect - \vhile we and our guests were otherwise occupied in conversation in another part of the yard. (Ever the attentive host, I quickly refilled Dave's glass before he noticed; the cigarettes were his problem.) Never one to be ignored, L.ibby discovered that, while leashed up in the kitchen, she could get our attention while we \vere downstairs watching television by biting holes in full soda cans in the pantry, then rolling the ruptured, goo-spraying, Pepsi-bombs down the basement stairs while barking at them. Or, joining us on the back porch for pre··dinner bever·· ages and snacks with her own ho1's d'oeuvre, a rancid and dirt-encrusted bone, carefully stored for such a social occasion somewbere beneath my wife's carefully tended flowers. As a Springer, there is more "Jerry" than "EnglishH in her character. She knows the differences between us. Somewhere between those hairy cars, there is an understanding tbat I think that I am ''Alpha Male" and she dare not jump on me. My wife, on the other hand, is likely known as "The One To Whom I Can Give Dog Kisses Nof\1atter Where My Nose Has Been". T'he Daughters are, "Libby, Let's Go For A Run" and "Speaker of Strange Baby Talk". Why, on earth, clo we keep her around? After having fallen for the for the "Can we please havc a dog? Please, please, puh-·leecasc?? ," the children who rnadc those in1passioncd entreaties a decade ago afe now in college and we thus lack conscripts for Poop Patrol or other clog·· related chores wbich we must now assume. The dog needs to be kept in ber kennel when unfamiliar people are in the house as her circle of human friends is ratber select. Bred as a bunting clog - actually with a rather good pedigree - her potential in the field seems wasted in chasing squirrels in the yard. She's 1110re trouble than she's worth. But, son1chow we bccan1c "dog people". No, not radical dog people, the kind who drive their cars with a pooch in their lap or who spend a lot of money "accessorizing" their pet, brush their teeth for then1, etc. (Can canine orthodontia be far off?) but nonetheless attuned to and patient with dog-likc behaviors, willing to absorb inconvenience, even 111ino1' property loss on occasion. r'01: what? Well, once in a wbile, I can sit on that back porch because 1 need to be by n1yscJf and Libby \von't hug me. Shc'.ll sit in front" of 111C, looking LlltheraJl r... ·rllltatioll/ollmal· J>O/IIIJI{! 140, ]\]0.
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