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National Institute of Genetics Japan ISSN 0077-4995 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GENETICS JAPAN ANNUAL REPORT No.50 1999 Published by THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GENETICS Mlshlma, Shizuoka-Ken, Japan Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics No. 50, 1999 Published by The National Institute of Genetics, Japan CONTENTS General statement . 1 Staff . 3 Council and advisory committee .. 8 Research activities in 1999 .. 10 A. Department of Molecular Genetics A-a. Division of Molecular Genetics Mapping ofProtein'protein Contact Network Involving the {3 and {3' Subunits of Escherichia coliRNA Polymerase. NOMURA, T., KATAYAMA, A, FUJITA, N. and ISHIHAMA, A . 10 Structural Organization of the a Subunit of Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase. FUJITA, N., ENDO, S. and ISHIHAMA. A.. 11 Functional Organization of the a Subunit of Escherichia coli RNA Polymerase. OZOUNE, O.N., FuJITA, N. and ISIDHAMA,A 13 Competition among Seven E. coli a Subunits: Intracellular Concentrations and Binding Affinity to the Core Enzyme. MAEDA, H., JISHAGE, M., NOMURA, T., KATAYAMA, A., FUJITA, N. and ISHIHAMA, A . 14 Control of the Activities of a Subunits by Anti, a Factors. JISHAGE, M., DASGUPTA, D. and ISIDHAMA, A .. 16 Contact Site Mapping of a Subunits and Transcription Factors on the RNA Polymerase Core Enzyme Subunits Using FeBABE. WIGNESHWERARAJ, S.R., COLLAND, F., FUJITA, N., MEARES, C.F. and ISHIHAMA, A .. 17 Growth Phase'dependent Variation in the Protein Composition of Escherichia coli Nucleoid. TALUKDER, A.A., IWATA, A., UEDA, S. and ISHIHAMA, A . 18 Functional Organization of Two Large Subunits of the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe RNA Polymerase II. II WLASOFF, W.A., KIMURA, M. and ISHIHAMA, A. 19 Twelve Subunits ofthe Fission Yeast RNA Polymerase II: Intra­ cellular Contents, Transcription Organization and mRNA Levels. SAKURAI, H., KIMURA, M., IWATA, A., UEDA, S. and ISHIHAMA, A. 20 Involvement of Multiple Subunit-Subunit Contacts in the As' sembly ofRNA Polymerase II. KIMURA, M., SUZUKI, H. and ISHIHAMA, A. 22 Mutant Studies of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe RNA Poly­ merase II: Rpb3 and Rpb6 Mutants. MITOBE, J., ISHIGURO, A., MITSUZAWA, H., NOG!, T. and ISHIHAMA, A. 23 Two WD Repeat'Containing TAFs in Fission Yeast that Suppress Cell Cycle Arrest in Mitosis. MITSUZAWA, H., SEINO, H., YAMAO, F. and ISHIHAMA, A. 25 Identification of the RNA Cap'Binding Site on Influenza Virus RNA Polymerase. HONDA, A., MIZUMOTO, K. and ISHIHAMA, A 26 Functional Modulation of Influenza Virus RNA Polymerase by Viral RNA: Differential Roles of vRNA and cRNA. HONDA, A., ENDO, A. and ISHIHAMA, A. 27 Expression of Functional Influenza Viral RNA Polymerase in the Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris. HWANG, J.-S., YAMADA, K., HONDA, A., NAKADE, K. and ISHIHAMA, A. ......... 28 Search for Host Factors Interacting with Influenza Virus RNA Polymerase. HONDA, A., OKAMOTO, T. and ISHIHAMA, A..... 30 A-b. Division of Mutagenesis Ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes in fission yeast. Park, J.H., SEINO, H. and YAMAO, F. 34 Destruction of S-phase cyclin, Cig2, in fission yeast. SEINO, H. and YAMAO, F. 34 Ubiquitin pathways functioning in mitotic regulatory mecha- nism. SEINO, H. and YAMAO, F. 35 Characterization of SCFGrrl that ubiquitinates G1 cyclins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. KISHI, T. and YAMAO, F. 36 CONTENTS iii A-c. Division of Nucleic Acid Chemistry Proteomic analysis of Escherichia coliproteins in the stationary phase by the RFHR 2-D PAGE. WADA, A. 37 B. Department of Cell Genetics B-a. Division of Cytogenetics Roles ofMre11 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Meiotic Recombi­ nation and Mitotic Repair Reactions. TATSUDA, D., OSHIUMI, H., OHTA, T., TOMIZAWA, J. and OGAWA, T. 38 Roles of Rad52, Rad55 and Rad57 Proteins in Rad51-mediated Homologous Recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. WATANABE, K, MATSUDA, S., OHTA, T. and OGAWA, T. 41 B-b. Division of Microbial Genetics Dpbll controls the association between DNA polymerases a and E and the autonomously replicating sequence region ofbud- ding yeast. MAsUMOTO, H. and AR.AKI, H. 44 Functional characterization of Sld3 and Sld4 that genetically interact with Dpbll. KAMIMURA, Y. and ARAKI, H. 45 Function of the Sld5/Psfl complex which interacts with DNA polymerase E and Dpbll in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. TAKAYAMA, Y., KAMIMURA, Y. and ARAKI, H. 46 Novel mutations of DPBll. MURAMATSU, S. and AR.AKI, H. 46 B·c. Division of Cytoplasmic Genetics Studies on behavioral disorders of knockout mice. NIKI, H. ..... 48 C. Department of Developmental Genetics C·a. Division of Developmental Genetics Regulation of neural induction by negative regulators of the raslMAPKsignalingpathway. IWANAMI, M., OKABE, M. and HIROMI, Y. 50 Positional information required for sensory organ identity in the peripheral nervous system. OKABE, M. and HIROMI, Y. ...... 51 Spatio-temporal constraints of organogenesis in Drosophila imaginal discs. NIWA, N., OKABE, M. and HIROMI, Y. ......... 52 Mechanism of action of a nuclear receptor Seven-up. IV MATSUNO, M., KOSE, H. and HIROMI, Y. 53 Hydra Peptide Project: Epitheliopeptides which are involved in Hydra morphogenesis. TAKAHASHI, T., HARAFUJI, N., YUM, S., HATTA, M., SHIMIZU, H., KOIZUMI, 0., KOBAYAKAWA, Yand FUJISAWA, T. 53 Expression of nanos related genes in Hydra. MOCHIZUKI, K, NISHIMIYA-FUJISAWA, C. and FUJISAWA, T. 54 Feeding and wounding responses of hydra: nervous system of tentacles show unidirectional conduction of stimulus. SHIMIZU, H. 55 Evolution ofreef-building corals. HATTA, M. 55 Differentiation mechanisms ofneurons and glia. SASAMURA, T., UMESONO, Y., TAKIZAWA, K and HOTTA, Y. 56 Axon guidance mechanisms. TAKIZAWA, K, HIRAMOTO, M. and HOTTA, Y 57 Function ofthe gcm'related transcriptional regulators. HOSOYA, T. and HOTTA, Y........................................................................ 58 C'b. Division of Gene Expression Functional dissection ofDNA supercoiling factor: EF-hand domains and C-terminal HDEF motif are essential for its activity. KOBAYASHI, M. and HIROSE, S. 60 The Role of Human MBF1 as a Transcriptional Coactivator. KABE, Y, GoTO, M., SHIMA, D., IMAI, T., WADA, T., MOROHASHI, K, SHIRAKAWA, M., HIROSE, S. and HANDA, H. 60 Identification of the core domain and the secondary structure of the transcriptional coactivator MBFl. OZAKI, J., TAKEMARU, K, IKEGAMI, T., MISHIMA, M., UEDA, H., HIROSE, S., KABE, Y., HANDA,H. and SHIRAKAWA, M 61 Upstream element ofthe sea urchin arylsulfatase gene serves as an insulator. AKASAKA, K, NISHIMURA, A., TAKATA, K, MITSUNAGA, K, MIBUKA, F., UEDA, H., HIROSE, S., TSUTSUI, K. and SHIMADA, H. 63 C'c. Division ofEarly Embryogenesis Mesoderm induction and its dorsoventral specification in CONTENTS v zebrafish. MIZUNO, T., YAMAHA, E. and TAKEDA, H. 64 Cell'cell interaction in zebrafish floor'plate development. SHINYA, M. and TAKEDA, H. 65 Roles of mesp gene family in zebrafish segmentation. SAWADA, A., FRITZ, A., JIANG, Y. 'J., SAGA, Y. and TAKEDA, H. 66 Cod. Division of Physiological Genetics Codon usage diversity of bacterial genes: An application of self-organization mapping for investigating origin of hori' zontal transfer genes. KANAYA, S. and IKEMURA, T. 68 D. Department of Population Genetics D·a. Division of Population Genetics Causes ofthe irregular synonymous substitution rates in Droso- phila lineages. TAKANO'SHIMIZU, T. 69 Study of species difference as observed as interspecific hybrid anomaly in Drosophila: genetic screens for genes involved in the bristle loss of hybrids. TAKANO-SHIMIZU, T. 70 D·b. Division ofEvolutionary Genetics Fine replication'timing map ofthe entire human chromosome llq at a genome sequence level: genome-wide approach to put landmarks with biological significance along the human genome sequence by defining transition zones for the repli' cation·timing during S phase and GC% level. WATANABE, Y., FUJIYAMA, A., HATTORI, M., SAKAKI, Y. and IKEMURA, T. ....... 72 Triplex·forming sticky DNAs in human interphase nuclei; with special emphasis on trinucleotide repeat (GAA/TTC)n. IKEMURA, T., OHNO, M. and FUKAGAWA, T. 72 Distribution of polypurine/polypyrimidine tract sequences in the human MHC region and their possible functions. KANAYA, S., FuKAGAWA, T., ANno, A., INOKO, H., KUDO, Y. and IKEMURA, T. 73 Functional analyses ofcentromere proteins ofhigher vertebrate cells. FUKAGAWA, T., OKAMURA, A. and IKEMURA, T. 74 Development ofmammalian artificial chromosomes. FUKAGAWA, vi T. and IKEMURA, T. 75 Molecular genetic analysis ofremains of a 2, QQQ-year-old human population in China'and its relevance for the origin of the modern Japanese population. OOTA, H., SAITOU, N. and DEDA, S. 76 Phylogenetic relationship of muscle tissues deduced from super- imposition of gene trees. OOTA, S. and SAITOU, N. 77 Alpha1, 3-fucosyltransferase IX (Fuc'TIX) is very highly conserved between human and mouse; molecular cloning, characteriza- tion and tissue distribution ofhuman Fuc-TIX. KANEKO, M., NISHIHARA, S., INOKO, H., SAlTOU, N. and NARIMATSU, H..... 77 Population Genetic Studies on Nine Aboriginal Ethnic Groups of Taiwan. I. Red Cell Enzyme Systems. JIN, F., SAITOU, N., ISHIDA, T., SUN, C.-S., PAN. I.-H. and HORAI, S. 78 Evolution ofRh Blood Group Genes Have Experienced Gene Con­ versions and Positive Selection. KITANO, T. and SAlTOU, N. .................................................................................................. 78 Phylogenetic Analysis ofPseudomonas syringae Pathovars Sug' gests the Horizontal Gene Transfer of argK and the Evolu' tionary Stability of hrp Gene Cluster. SAWADA, H. and SAITOU, N. 79 D-c. Division ofTheoretical Genetics Effect ofgene
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