Since the mid-20th century, Cwm Cwm Rhaeadr is named after Rhaeadr has been a forestry the spectacular waterfall plantation. Some deciduous that tumbles off the edge of woodland survives and the area is a . haven for wildlife. Since the mid-20th century, Cwm Cwm Rhaeadr is named Rhaeadr has been a forestry after the spectacular plantation. Some deciduous waterfall (rhaeadr in Welsh) woodland survives and the area is a that tumbles off the edge haven for wildlife. of Mynydd Mallaen.

The trails and paths of Cwm Rhaeadr visit areas of gi outstanding beauty and Ffyngau - Fun offer breathtaking views of the Vans to the east.

The trails and paths of Cwm Rhaeadr visit areas of outstanding beauty and Blodau gwyllt Wildflowers offer breathtaking views of the Carmarthenshire Vans to the east.

Bele - Pine Marten If you visit Cwm Rhaeadr, always remember to follow the Country Code so that everyone can enjoy the countryside in safety. Always The forestry hides the ruins of many old make sure you have appropriate clothing and footwear for your visit. farmhouses, reminding us that just 100 Cwm Rhaeadr is covered by Ordnance Survey Map Sheets years ago Cwm Rhaeadr was a lively XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. farming community. The shepherding tradition remains strong in the area. If you visit Cwm Rhaeadr, always remember to follow the Country Code so that everyone can enjoy the countryside in safety. Always The forestry hides the ruins of many old make sure you have appropriate clothing and footwear for your visit. farmhouses, reminding us that just 100 years ago Cwm Rhaeadr was a lively farming Cwm Rhaeadr is covered by Ordnance Survey Map Sheets community. Times have changed, but the XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. shepherding tradition remains strong in the area.

This project was funded by Cydcoed - Woods For All, a Forestry Commission programme funded by the European Union and the Welsh Assembly Government. This project was funded by Cydcoed - Woods For All, a Forestry Commission Wales programme funded by the European Union and the Welsh Assembly Government.


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Sir Gaerfyrddin Gaerfyrddin Sir

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y-cwm - Cil

Cwm Rhaeadr is a haven for many species of wildlife wildlife of species many for haven a is Rhaeadr Cwm wildlife of species many for haven a is Rhaeadr Cwm

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Cwm Rhaeadr. Cwm Rhaeadr. Cwm above mountain

farmers can still be seen on the open mountain above above mountain open the on seen be still can farmers open the on seen be still can farmers medieval

of medieval houses and the ploughlands of medieval medieval of ploughlands the and houses medieval of of ploughlands the and houses medieval of remains

Mynydd Mallaen was settled and farmed. The remains remains The farmed. and settled was Mallaen Mynydd The farmed. and settled was Mallaen Mynydd

Cwmrhaeadr were favoured for pig-rearing and and pig-rearing for favoured were Cwmrhaeadr and pig-rearing for favoured were Cwmrhaeadr

In more peaceful times, the ancient oakwoods of of oakwoods ancient the times, peaceful more In of oakwoods ancient the times, peaceful more In

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mountain above Cwm Rhaeadr. Mallaen was held by by held was Mallaen Rhaeadr. Cwm above mountain by held was Mallaen Rhaeadr. Cwm above mountain

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prehistoric burial cairns, dating back over 3000 years to to years 3000 over back dating cairns, burial prehistoric years 3000 over back dating cairns, burial prehistoric

Cyfrinach gorau Sir Gâr Sir gorau Cyfrinach Cwm Rhaeadr is steeped in history. The remains of of remains The history. in steeped is Rhaeadr Cwm of remains The history. in steeped is Rhaeadr Cwm

Cwm Rhaeadr Cwm History & Wildlife & History Natur Byd a Hanes

Cwm Rhaeadr is one of Carmarthenshire’s best kept secrets. Rhywbeth i bawb Something for everyone Hidden away between the upper Tywi valley and the striking mountains of north Carmarthenshire, this is the perfect place for quiet contemplation or more adventurous At Cwm Rhaeadr there’s ample parking and trails outdoor activities. Whatever your taste, there is something suited to users of all abilities and interests. for everyone in Cwm Rhaeadr.

The Waterfall Trail runs for 3.8km and there 2km of other Cwm Rhaeadr is one of Carmarthenshire’s best kept secrets. public footpaths to explore. There is also an orienteering Hidden away between the upper Tywi valley and the course. striking mountains of north Carmarthenshire, this is the perfect place for quiet contemplation or more adventurous Information panels and seats have been provided along the outdoor activities. Whatever your taste, there is something way. for everyone in Cwm Rhaeadr. A circular cycle trail, 6.7km long, for the keen mountain biker

A purpose built all-ability access trail, 1.2km long, connects the car park with 2 ponds.

At Cwm Rhaeadr there’s ample parking and trails suited to users of all abilities and interests.

The Waterfall Trail runs for 3.8km and there 2km of other public footpaths to explore. There is also an orienteering course.

Information panels and seats have been provided along the way.

A circular cycle trail, 6.7km long, for the keen mountain biker

A purpose built all-ability access trail, 1.2km long, connects the car park with 2 ponds.

The Cwm Rhaeadr project is a joint collaboration between Cil-y-cwm Community Association and Forestry Commission Wales, supported by the Scout Location Map Assocation and Carmarthenshire County Council. The Cwm Rhaeadr project is a joint collaboration between Cil-y-cwm Community Association and Forestry Commission Wales, supported by the Scout Assocation and Carmarthenshire County Council.